Reevaluating the Performance Appraisal for Software Engineers Reevaluating the Performance Appraisal for Software Engineers Lonnie S. Jones A Prospectus Presented to the Information Technology College Faculty of Western Governors University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Information Technology Management 12/14/16 1 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 2 Abstract The problem was producing a method that addressed objective and subjective perspectives that satisfied all major stakeholders, identified bottlenecks in performance, and demonstrated impact. The methodology ultimately improved the performance of the employee, supervisors, and the product. The plan separated the processes of termination, retention, and promotion from performance evaluation reviews. The departments utilized an innovative performance appraisal. It measured the employees’ impact on each major stakeholder. The appraisal method was dependent on the office emphasizing employee development and implementing office reform policies. After there was sufficient data, directors generated reports for determining performance bottlenecks. The primary stakeholders were the engineers and department directors. The project’s other stakeholders were customers, other employees, investors, and potential recruits. The process of implementation relied on seven major milestones. 1. Create and implement specific criteria for promotions and terminations. 2. Enforce new office policies to support the new appraisal method. 3. Allow directors to enforce the new appraisal process. 4. Provide the finance and accounting department with sufficient time to adjust compensation packages. 5. Allow the data scientist to create the reports for the supervisors and allow employees to capture impact moments of other engineers. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 6. Create a dashboard for directors, engineers, and other key stakeholders access to the reports. With the supplied performance data, supervisors can utilize the reports to create performance indexes on the departments. 7. Hold an impact conference to celebrate the victories of employees. The outcome aimed to provide employees and supervisors with explicit data and information regarding performance on a quick and regular basis. Engineers will have specific criteria for promotions and terminations. Provide supervisors a transparent environment to create strategies. 3 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 4 Table of Contents Reevaluating the Performance Appraisal for Software Engineers..................................................1 Abstract............................................................................................................................................2 Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................4 Capstone Highlights.........................................................................................................................8 Needs Analysis Summary...........................................................................................................10 Background Information.........................................................................................................10 Problem Statement..................................................................................................................15 Consequences.........................................................................................................................16 Problem Resolution Summary...................................................................................................17 Problem Resolution Summary...................................................................................................18 Project Plan Summary................................................................................................................23 Quality Assurance Summary......................................................................................................24 Post Implementation Summary..................................................................................................25 Needs Analysis...............................................................................................................................26 Need for the Solution Analysis...................................................................................................28 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................................30 Problem Causes..........................................................................................................................31 Consequences.............................................................................................................................33 Stakeholder Impacts...................................................................................................................34 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 5 Problem Analysis........................................................................................................................36 Cost.........................................................................................................................................36 Risk.........................................................................................................................................38 Problem Resolution........................................................................................................................43 Best Approach............................................................................................................................43 Approach Justification................................................................................................................53 Alternative Solutions..............................................................................................................54 Consequences.........................................................................................................................56 Risk Assessment.........................................................................................................................56 Cost/Benefit for each risk.......................................................................................................60 Risk Mitigation...........................................................................................................................62 Project Design and Requirements..................................................................................................63 Execution Requirements............................................................................................................63 Objectives...............................................................................................................................64 Existing Gaps.............................................................................................................................66 Project Plan....................................................................................................................................68 Project Development Plan..........................................................................................................69 Scope......................................................................................................................................69 Assumptions...........................................................................................................................71 Important Milestones..............................................................................................................72 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 6 Timelines................................................................................................................................73 PERT Analysis........................................................................................................................78 Resource Requirements..........................................................................................................80 Deliverables............................................................................................................................82 Project Implementation Plan......................................................................................................82 Strategy for the Implementation.............................................................................................82 Phases of the Rollout..............................................................................................................83 Dependencies..........................................................................................................................84 Deliverables............................................................................................................................84 Training plan for users............................................................................................................85 Quality Assurance..........................................................................................................................86 Quality Assurance Approach......................................................................................................87 Solution Testing..........................................................................................................................87 Revisions....................................................................................................................................91 Summative Evaluation Plan.......................................................................................................91 Disseminating Results................................................................................................................92 Post Implementation Support and Issues.......................................................................................93 Post Implementation Support.....................................................................................................93 Post Implementation Support Resources....................................................................................93 Maintenance Plan.......................................................................................................................94 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 7 Conclusion, Outcomes, and Reflection..........................................................................................95 Project Summary........................................................................................................................95 Deliverables................................................................................................................................96 Outcomes....................................................................................................................................97 Reflection...................................................................................................................................98 Post-Mortem Directions.............................................................................................................99 References....................................................................................................................................100 Appendix A: Employee Hierarchy...............................................................................................111 Appendix B: Organizational Alignment.......................................................................................112 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 8 Capstone Highlights is a startup company that opened company ago. The CEO had founded the with two programmers and an office administrator. The organization developed a mobile application (app) that specialized in localized alternative currency. The app was built on Blockchain technology, the same technology found in Bitcoin. The CEO had outsourced customer support to eastern Europeans, payroll and benefits to a local bookkeeping, legal department to several local companies as needed, and marketing to a friend. Over the organization had grown to a 40 person company that is primarily comprised of 10 types of software engineers and two directors. The development and evaluation methods for engineers had not remained consistent for each year. To accurately measure the engineers’ skill required a standard definition of engineering and metrics. The definition from ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and Software Engineering Vocabulary (SEVOCAB) defined software engineering as “the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software)” (IEEE Computer Society, 2014). Historically, there had not been enough managers with programming experience programming to quantifying their employees’ performance. The situation was challenging. Many managers had utilized a metric comparable to data entry. Specifically, the number of lines (of source code) per hour. The industry standard had historically been 10 lines of code per day (Brooks, 1995). “A study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2002 found that software developers spend approximately 80 percent of their development costs on identifying and correcting software defects or bugs, resulting in an estimated $59.5 billion loss to the U.S. economy. According to Carnegie Mellon University’s CyLab Sustainable Computing Consortium, released Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 9 commercial software typically has 20 to 30 bugs for every 1,000 lines of code. Even highly critical code such as operating system code follows a similar pattern. In Fig. 1, we show a Bugzilla bug report for the Fedora Core operating system, with bugs grouped by severity (Zaks, 2007).” Figure 1 Non-technical managers do not verify the work produced other than a screenshot, video, or user interface. The situation creates an environment where management ignores skilled programmers and rewards fast typists. An engineer could "game the system" since the supervisor would only notice bugs with visual (front end) or severe server (back end) issues. The implications of traditional performance appraisals hold data entry, minimum viable product results, and a popularity contest as the foundation of performance. Managers may delegate verification to testers or other engineers for some accountability but still neglects the actual metrics of the position. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 10 The purpose is not to criticize traditional management, but identify areas of improvement. Every engineer and supervisor has specific areas of improvement. Engineers often neglect soft skills in favor of technical elitism. Engineers could struggle to interact with employees outside of the development and QA departments. The general traits of professionalism often outnumber the required skills involved for software engineering. These areas are not usually discussed and addressed systematically within organizations. Needs Analysis Summary The problem was the organization needed to produce an innovative method that addressed objective and subjective perspectives that pleased directors and employees, identified bottlenecks in performance, and isolated and correlated performance to impact. The methodology would ultimately improve the performance of the employee, supervisors, and the product. The primary cause of the problem was most appraisal methods were designed nearly a century ago. They belonged to managing and maintaining industrial methodology such as railroads. These methods had no clear way to quantify or qualify software engineers’ performance and impact. Without a clear methodology to evaluate the employees’ performance, it was not feasible for directors to appraise the engineers’ performance. Without transparency in performance in the employees, it made it equally impossible to measure the performance of the supervisor. Background Information The company had anticipated a moderate success that would take years to develop, market, and release to the public. The organization met with extreme success within a short period. The first year’s downloads, profits, and total users were more than ten times the best Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 11 case scenario estimations. There were rapid changes that were required since the technology was designed to support 50,000 simultaneous users. needed to take shortcuts for hiring and promoting since many employees would work 14-18 hour days. The CEO was working more than 120 hours per week to maintain product performance. Many employees were showing signs of burnout and some started to question their purpose. Within the the organization grew from four employees to more than 40 employees. Development (Dev) and quality assurance (QA) were the two departments that had software engineers. There was a director and five employees for each department. Most of the employees had come from high-profile organizations. Since the organization was still small, the directors and the CEO also contributed to the source code. Employees were paid well compared to other large organizations, but the benefits package and amenities were lacking. The app utilized bleeding edge technology which can often result in a volatile (platform) environment. In a traditional environment it is difficult to assess how employees are performing. But in a highly volatile technology environment it is incredibly challenging. There were limited opportunities for training. The only option for many high performers was self-evaluation. So when a conference or training seminar was available, it was critical to take unless the organization opted to hire elite consultants or coaches. The team dedicated the first year to creating a stable app and marketing to locals within the greater area. Initially, the app was liked, but many customers felt uncertain about the security. Developing an alternative currency required the organization to exceed security compliances to ensure customer trust. A traditional model required a few compliances. The security analyst had developed a proprietary security standard that exceeded the compliances and was verified from a third party. Customers and businesses were requesting new features that fell Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 12 outside of the 1.0 release. After expanding the scope, the app performance decreased because of additional processes. The team improved the performance to load in less than 0.7 seconds. The performance improvement resulted in the app instability. It was after finishing the feature that the QA director eliminated all critical bugs that caused crashes. For the first year, the company used the BARS method to rate employee's performance. The BARS method focuses on the specific behavior as indicators of effective and ineffective performance (PerformanceAppraisal365, N.D.). It is based on identifying the most important dimensions of a particular job and then coming up with behavioral descriptions of the job to coincide with a rating scale. So if a director utilized a rating scale from 1 to 5 then, there would be five descriptions of performance. For example, if a customer service representative is rated a 5 (highest) if he “answered the phone on the first ring, spoke in a clear voice, gave the proper greeting, established rapport with the customer, and used a friendly tone.” At the other end of the scale, a 1 rating might be “answered the phone after three or more rings, mumbled, didn’t greet the customer, and was not friendly.” Ratings of 2– 4 are described in a similar fashion (CALDWELL, 2002). It was a basic form including a series of questions that quantified traits into numbers. The results of everyone were above average, but some criticized the performance appraisal since it did not include subjective information or details. Some people also were provided scores they felt were unjustified, both low and high numbers. Supervisors would explain their perspective, but not the view of others since the reviews were anonymous. Evaluators average each metric group and the overall metric average of the employee from the provided scores. The second year was about reviewing employees to ensure that the required work was completed to refine the product. 2014 was the year of the hack. Many large profile Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 13 organizations had their system penetrated causing billions of dollars in damages. Small businesses were no different. The security analyst, Lawls, developed a system to address most of the incoming attacks, the ops engineer assisted him by automating 27% of his workload, and the director of QA added fault-tolerance and high-availability with the disaster recovery system. The directors had requested the appraisal method change to a 360 review for the second year performance appraisal. Ward (1997) defined the 360-degree feedback as: ‘The systematic collection and feedback of performance data on an individual or group derived from some the stakeholders on their performance.’ Ward (1997) continues, “Personnel fed the data back into the form of ratings against various performance dimensions. 360-degree feedback is also referred to as multi-source assessment or multirater feedback. Performance data in a 360-degree feedback process can be generated for individuals (as shown in Figure 2) from the person to whom they report, their direct reports, their peers (who could be team members and/or colleagues in other parts of the organization) and their internal customers.” Figure 2 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 14 The range of feedback could be extended to include other stakeholders – external customers, clients or suppliers (this is sometimes known as 540- degree feedback). A selfassessment process may also be incorporated using for comparison purposes the same criteria as the other generators of feedback. Feedback can be initiated entirely by peers (in a team setting) or by both peers and the team leaders. It can also take the form of 180-degree or upward feedback where this is given by subordinates to their managers. Feedback may be presented directly to individuals, or to their managers, or both. Expert counseling and coaching for individuals as a result of the feedback may be provided by a member of the HR department or an outside consultant.” After the second meeting, the CEO trusted their decisions to run their departments their way. The company had utilized a 360 review with three peers and a supervisor. The 360 review form included the traits documenting performance, programming performance, communication, teamwork, professional etiquette, and adheres to policies & procedures. The reviewer would rate each trait from one to six with a brief description next to the rating. The reviews were anonymous except for the supervisors’ reviews. After the second review, it affected all the engineers harshly. Resentment soared, trust disappeared, and teamwork plummeted (Leviticus, N.D.). Many feared they were going to be terminated and felt the reviews coming from the director of development and the director of quality assurance (QA) were arbitrary. Three employees almost left the company as many of employees were regularly offered higher paying jobs. Employees who had lower performance scores were demoralized into almost quitting, and high performing employees had said they were unsatisfied with the work environment. Many subordinates considered the review process “Dilbertesque” and drastically contrary to the company culture. The review failed to Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 15 show personal development and recommend development. Others were also complaining since all of the business objectives were hit ahead of schedule with thorough documentation. The directors had justified their decisions with low performing employees because their communication came across as arrogant and confrontational to the directors and other employees. Employees countered the directors’ reviews by showing the CEO their work in private meetings. One employee asked the CEO three questions: What would he have to do to keep his job? What would he have to do to be fired? What would he need to be promoted? He showed that he was one of the best competitive programmers in the world, he had published papers, and had excellent reviews from his teammates. He did not understand why the director had given him a negative review. After the meetings with employees, the CEO had to reconsider the appraisal process. The organization had generated large amounts of money. The team had many famous and talented engineers. Problem Statement The problem is to produce an innovative method that addresses objective and subjective perspectives that will please management and employees, identifies bottlenecks in performance, and isolates and correlates performance to impact. The methodology will ultimately improve the performance of the employee, supervisors, and the product. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 16 Consequences The consequences to the appraisal were serious. For employees who were looking to advance their career had no references for promotions and employees who did not realize they were struggling did not know what would cause termination. In either of these cases, good employees could have left. There may be employees who received the wrong compensation package depending on the primary conditions and measurements. The effects of the metrics and compensation were demoralizing and frustrating. Without effective measurements, the supervisors had a very limited perspective of the team’s performance and development as well as the organization’s. The previous 360-degree appraisal method required eight hours to develop. The first four hours were two meetings from both directors to convince the CEO to change the appraisal method. It cost the company $236.85. The next two hours were two independent hours where both directors developed their 360-degree appraisal form. The last two hours was a meeting where they took portions of each other's form to develop a final form. The total development cost was $473.71. For implementation, each review peer and supervisor reviews took 15 minutes, and a self-review took 30 minutes. It would take each employee approx. 90 minutes for evaluations and another 30 minutes to go over the review. The review cost for the teams was $905.33. After the review, each engineer had a meeting with the directors to cover the results. The meetings took 30 which cost the company $235.77. The total cost of implementation was $1,141.10. After the review, the CEO had met with the AI, back-end, both full stack, and operations engineers. Each meeting took an hour to complete. The meetings cost $226.81. The CEO had a 15-minute meeting with both directors. It cost the organization $29.61. The total for the fallout Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 17 meetings cost was $256.42. If the negative morale reduced productivity by 6% over three months, then it may have cost the organization approx. $1.8 million dollars. The full cost of last year's appraisal was $1644. Problem Resolution Summary The first aspect to resolving the problem was separating the termination and promotion process from performance evaluations. Employees are terminated under the conditions that they had performed poorly* consistently for three months or four of the 12 months of the year. Performing poorly at was described as receiving less than an 80% for performance. The description was a bit contradictory, but employees were allowed three months to correct the performance with a month of leniency from the supervising director and fellow employees. While promotions were similar in that employees must meet consistency and the support from peers and a supervisor. The second aspect to resolving the problem was redefining performance. An employee’s performance was limited to his ability, motivation, and the environment. The engineer could only perform what he knows, what he was motivated to perform, and whether the environment supported his actions. measured knowledge, skill, response, and values as the foundation of ability. It followed a systematic path and each measure had its appraisal method. • Knowledge described what the engineer knew what to do and is measured with a skills matrix. • Skill described how well he knew what to do and is measured with coding KPI metrics. • The response was the appropriate time to utilize the skill and was measured with business relationship models. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers • 18 Values were whom to use the skills for and measured with objectives. Measuring engineers’ motivation was the most challenging aspect of the project. It was measured by perspective, autonomy, and mastery. Measuring motivation was more important to the CEO and directors. When the directors do not provide the engineers with the values, reasons, and direction to work, then the engineers can suffer from drudgery and early onset burnout. When employees have the reasons to work and exert significant effort, then the employee needs to be able to manage themselves to reach the objective. Engineers dislike being micromanaged (Garvin, 2013). Mastery discloses historical information that demonstrates competence, progress, and completion. When a person works on a task for a significant period without showing any improvement, it lowers their motivation. The environment was easier to measure. measured employees by the community, job design, resources, policies & procedures, and management support. Environmental issues were measured in checks & balances and percentages. Problem Resolution Summary The reason for the approach was that employees would understand what conduct and performance will result in termination. When people have certainty in what will cause termination, it helps them know the minimum standard and minimizes the stress of performance reviews. For employees who want to improve their career, employees will have an explicit understanding of their duties, expectations, and performance for the next level. To assess those who want to improve requires accountability. The office reforms will hold employees and supervisors accountable for office politics, hold supervisors accountable for employee development, and hold subordinates accountable for their performance. Facebook utilizes a similar code of conduct by offering a completely transparent work environment. If employee A Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 19 sends an email speaking poorly about a supervisor to employee B, then it is employee B’s obligation to inform employee A and the supervisor. The supervisor cannot retaliate against the employee, but it is required to resolve the conflict in a positive manner. Similarly, the supervisor is responsible for the development of employees in their department. It is the employees’ responsibility to meet performance and conduct standards. The policy will make employees consider how they interact with each other and how they are contributing to the team and the product. The bright side of transparency is in a positive environment is employees can see how they have contributed. At the end of the quarter, the teams celebrate employee contributions at an annual party. After the first quarter’s data, supervisors will be able to quickly and regularly identify bottlenecks in performance in the department and individuals. For the first year, the organization had implemented the BARS approach. The BARS approach had more objective data but failed to get subjective data. According to Šalková (2013), “The BARS Method (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales) assesses the behavior required for a successful work performance. It focuses on the approach to work, observation of the work procedure and performance efficiency. The BARS Method is based on creating rating scales for individual work behavior aspects and on the definition of the required work behavior at a specific working place as a prerequisite for efficient work performance”. According to Milkovich, Wigdor, & Broderick (1991), there is sufficient validity for the BARS approach to providing convergent and discriminant evidence. “Since other measures of the job performance construct has not been readily available in most settings, it has been necessary for researchers in performance appraisal to rely on agreement among raters or to develop special study designs that produce more than one measure of performance. Campbell and Fiske (1959) proposed the multimethod-multirater method for the purpose of determining the Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 20 construct validity of trait ratings. When evaluators are utilizing the approach, two or more groups of raters are asked to rate the performance of the same employees using two rating methods. Examples of methods include BARS, graphic scales, trait scales, and global evaluation. Convergent validity is demonstrated by the agreement among raters across rating methods; discriminant validity is demonstrated by the degree to which the rates can distinguish among the performance dimensions.” When it came to industrial or technical performance analysis, it was impeccable. The methodology included great strengths. The first advantage was the focus on the desired behaviors. The individual had an explicit understanding of his duties, requirements, and standards. The understanding derived from specific duties, responsibilities, and title. The scale was specific to the job. The BARS approach had many disadvantages as well. The most poignant are how timeconsuming it was to establish a quality survey that required a diverse parameter. The survey often left very little subjectivity. For some people, they disliked the format since it required people to quantify behavior or skill in numbers. The very process can be dehumanizing (Brynjarsdóttir & Sigvaldason, 2016). The BARS approach can cause problems if the evaluator discards the behavior descriptions. The approach also had issues with the complexity of behavior. Evaluators could grossly simplify elaborate situations. Regardless of how the quality of the survey, it required a high cost since it required significant participation from the supervisor and the necessity for training (Murphy, Grynoviki, & Kysor, 2001). For the second year, the organization implemented the 360-degree feedback. The advantages of the 360 approach are the improved social relations. Many people can talk about the reviews of others. There are more rounded profile of the employee which reduced Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 21 discrimination risk. The approach emphasizes team development and identifies negative behavior. It emphasizes personal and organizational performance development which provides the employee responsibility for career development. For many new employees, there was training needs assessment (Heathfield, 2016). There were many disadvantages the 360 approach that resonated with employees. The approach had considerable subjective data but failed to quantify each employees’ performance. The performance review failed to include accomplished objectives from employees. The process was improved but still proved ineffective since it focused on negatives and weaknesses. With the high amount of experience, that employees were providing there were exceptional expectations. For less experienced employees, the approach was ineffective. It led to the downfall of the design process and disconnecting the appraisal process. There was insufficient information to align behavior and objectives properly. For the short term, it had a negative impact on product development since many employees had disagreements about the performance review. The appraisals provided no reasons for employees to change. It had increased frustration and decreased morale (McQuerrey, N.D.). After the review, employees focused on contributing to the minimum applicable work since management did not rate additional qualities of work. When employees completed the reviews, it led to a data entry overload to personnel (Heathfield, 2016). The new approach was more appropriate for the team because it organized objective and subjective data. The organization needed a methodology that grasped the larger picture then analyzes the individual elements of employees’ conclusions. It included the business and technical objectives, impact of work, and relationships within the office. Maintaining 360-degree reviews existing process were not worth the cost to benefits. The process upset many people. It failed to scale for many enterprise organizations. Since Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 22 was still small, there was a limited margin of freedom to allow the organization to experiment with appraisals. The company needed to transition from startup phase to growth phase quickly because of massive workloads. The process needed to support additional tools/services that provided radical growth of the app. The lower performing employees were losing morale since the work was very difficult while high performing employees were unsatisfied with the work environment. There were rumors that three engineers may be leaving after receiving offers from large software firms. The previous system involved an annual 360 review consisted of three peers and a supervisor. Many people had issues with it. “Performance appraisals are very expensive, complex systems for making people unhappy,” Kevin Murphy (Zillman, 2016). It will take weeks or even months when the organization reaches 250,000 employees. For a vast majority of people, it has led to the “dreaded annual review.” Unlike traditional methods, utilized very bleeding edge methodologies, strategies, and techniques. The methodology the CEO was proposing involved quantifying emotions and qualifying objectives through internal and external measurements. Changing the review was not merely about peer and supervisor approval nor is it creating an evolutionary algorithm. The appraisal was about creating value for the customer, the team, and the organization. The 360 review failed in many aspects, particularly for software engineers. Supervisors had adjusted the analysis to compare to the market performance (impact of the app), programming performance over industry average (regarding the breadth of knowledge and objective performance), and the impact to the team. Further details of the analysis are available later in the document. Through a 5-minute interview and survey, we generated a critical performance appraisal. However, chiefs and directors can provide direction and evaluate the Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 23 progress of the employee. The reason it was significant was that the approach evaluated engineers how they wanted to be evaluated and managed. Project Plan Summary Since the organization utilized the latest technology, it was imperative to support employee development since there were few opportunities for training. As stated before, the only option for many high performers was self-evaluation. Peer and critic evaluations could also be useful, but limited. For it was critical to take conferences or training seminars. Many within the organization had no interest in hiring consultants or coaches. The implementation of the plan falls into seven milestones. 1. Implement policies for promotion and termination. 2. Reform office policies. 3. Revise the appraisal and change metrics for employees. Create a check-in report with accomplishments, relations and career goals. During the milestone the directors will refine measurements for competency, quantified skills that affect business objectives, qualified skills that affect scientific objectives, and convergent skills that affect engineering objectives. 4. Adjust compensation package to reflect changes in policies and performance. 5. Create supervisors reports for the needs of various stakeholders. 6. Utilize the team performance reviews to create a performance index. 7. Hold impact conference and celebrate victories. The reason it was carried out in this particular manner is that many tasks could not run in parallel. The PERT chart later in the chart provides further details of tasks. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 24 Quality Assurance Summary The first method for evaluating the performance appraisal was the improvement in the engineers' quality and quantity work over two quarters. When directors were evaluating employees over quarters and years, it would demonstrate the scorecard analysis benefits. With the temperature metrics, the report even identified the micro-fluctuations in performance. With enough provided data, it could even predict downturns. Utilizing specific indicators on an engineer when she gets in the “zone.” The next tested method for the solution was the app's improvement. There were several measurements to improve the app. The primary measurements for the app were explicitness, release rate, reliability, resource management, scalability, and user acceptance. Explicitness described how well a project could be managed and understood. When the team utilized the proper code organization, communication, readability, and source code version control, then the project was significantly easier to manage. It increased the app’s market availability when the app had excellent resource management. It included compressing assets, minifying source code, minimizing stress, providing strategies for the client and server side, and other optimization methods. When the team lowered the system requirements for the app, it allowed lower end devices to install the app. The release rate described how fast the team could provide a new update or version of the app. It did not necessarily mean quality, but rather producing the least viable product in the shortest period. Release rate only qualified the minimum standard. Reliability described how stable an app is. Historically, engineering software required very strict standards for a release. The standards often needed less than 1% errors or the app would not compile or could even damage hardware. Within the last 20 years, there were great strides that allowed developers, end users, and organizations to produce more fault-tolerant source code. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 25 The fault-tolerant code does not mean the software will work correctly. The device will tolerate the errors without producing fatal errors. Scalability described how well an app could scale from Nano to an enterprise. There could be apps that work very well on a small level, but when it scaled to 250 users, it would crash a server. The same could be true for reducing the scale of an app. The most important measurement was user acceptance. The measurement had several shades within it such as activity, acceptance, downloads, active users, and total users. Each measurement had a different major stakeholder, but every stakeholder cared about each measurement. Post Implementation Summary Sustaining the performance appraisal process was accomplished by providing check-ins with supervisors through the dashboard for individual support and regular meetings covered team performance. If an engineer felt he was struggling, then he could request coaching sessions on a monthly or quarterly basis. Finance, accounting, HR, and payroll & benefits were needed for additional support on a regular basis. There were aspects of integrating the HRM and FA software with the training and development software. There are manual aspects to integrating the data between systems. The AWS Cloud server was an existing purchase for the project at $800 per year. The appraisal metrics and methods started low incrementally improved over the two periods. The directors and employees ensured their duties were assigned in line with the requirements and specifications of the stakeholders and still within the employees’ job design. The maintenance plan is to maintain the conditions for termination, retention, promotion, and compensation packages processes. HR ensured the CEO and directors that the review processes were utilized and enforced. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 26 Needs Analysis The problem is to produce an innovative method that addresses objective and subjective perspectives that will please management and employees, identifies bottlenecks in performance, and isolates and correlates performance to impact. The methodology will ultimately improve the performance of the employee, supervisors, and the product. Most appraisal methods are more than 60 years old. They were designed to assess the organization's longevity and sustainability. Most operated under the premise of a simple quantification to determine a ratio. Specifically, what is the ratio of the employee's contributions to revenue and savings compared to the cost of the employee? Since many organizations do not last longer than five years it was in the employer's best interest to calculate the bottom line. The next aspect is how employees would perform over the year. There is an average of 2% inflation per year. The organization would need all employees to improve by 2% to maintain the same operations as last year. The majority of existing performance appraisal processes were not appropriate for We needed a solution that described the complex and dynamic environment of software engineering. During the industrial revolution, performance appraisals were linear with minimal variables. Software engineering is not similar to laying railroads. Software engineering requires several qualified skills that translate into quantifiable value. Even when programmers create an app that is correct according to engineering and science, the market and public may not understand the value; thus, their compensation package may not reflect required task complexity, difficulty, and effort. It was in interest to fulfill the needs of its customers. Providing features that customers did not need or understand would not improve commercial performance. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 27 The first year BARS was used. The organization used BARS because the team needed to focus on the development of the product. There were limited competitors for alternative currencies, but the government requires very strict rigorous testing. utilized know your customer (KYC) rules for auditing and a variety of security compliances. The BARS approach met with moderate success regarding business and technical objectives but failed to gather subjective data and information adequately. The BARS assessment provided a more objective assessment of the employees’ skills needed for establishing the app’s performance requirements. The second year 360 degree reviews were used. The team utilized the 360-degree reviews because the product was stable and performed very well. The directors felt that team members were not acting as a team within the organization. It was unable to determine whether there were conflicts and power struggles between employees and directors. Overall, the reviews interpreted as a moderate success for (in terms of) subjectivity but failed poor at gathering specific performance objectives. The 360-degree review provided more soft information but neglected much of the objective data. For the organization to emphasize long-term success, an assessment method that captured critical data associated with various stakeholders was required. There were three major types of evaluation values within computer science. The first value was scientific measurements. These aimed to create high impact models or simulations to (dis)prove an argument e.g. case studies, research, or simulations. Scientific values are implicit or theoretical. It was comparable to abstract potential currency. The next was engineering measurements. The developer created high-performance software with the least amount of resources. It has efficiency or productivity value. The last was economic measurements. These measurements created high (fiscal) value Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 28 software with the minimal amount of resources. For many engineers with traditional computer science backgrounds, the objectives are to create programs that are scientifically or technically accurate. They analyze the requirements, specifications, and documentation to determine the exact product they are going to create. When a client, customer, or manager alters the specifications or moves the scope just a bit during development, it can cause the product impossible to complete within the provided time. For we utilized all three value systems for internal and external customers to ensure success on all boundaries. had utilized an alternative currency model that had never existed. There was no scientific research for the duration the organization has achieved. There had been a few cases where scientists and a community tried it for a month with success then ended the project. The validity of the data needed to ensure the safety of all the customers. The engineering value must ensure that the app will run on all major operating systems and devices since customers come from different backgrounds. Some customers have used phones that are six years old. Optimizing the application for backward compatibility and performance is an issue. Lastly, without considering the fiscal implications, the organization would have to close its doors. Need for the Solution Analysis The need for the solution occurred from the massive amount of negativity and stress associated with appraisals. Most people hated appraisals (Wakefield, 2015). For the organization to maintain the bottom-line, we need to rely on data and less on opinions. To successful implement the strategy required having less biased information and leveraging objective data. According to Rummler and Branch (1990) “linking performance to strategy separates successful from unsuccessful firms.” If an employee destroyed the morale for a large Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 29 portion of employees and created a hostile work environment, then the person needs to be reprimanded, displaced, or removed. The team created their best method to generate the data and information to support the process was with a multimethod-multirater appraisal. The objective data was inadequate for management, and subjective data was insufficient to employees. The new appraisal method included the employees’ impacts to various stakeholders and more concrete work performance metrics. The most successful organizations such as Adobe, Facebook, Google, and SAP utilized similar methodologies. The organization needed to create an office environment that supported it. If the organization developed superior employees, then a superior product could be created. If supervisors had concrete and subjective data to identify micro and macro issues within their departments, then a strategy and solution can be created to address the issues. The primary stakeholders in the project were the various software engineers and the directors of development and quality assurance. The project was critical to employees and supervisors positions. The project also had secondary stakeholders such as customers, investors, and public opinion. A portion of customers and public opinion cared about the employees’ quality of life. The three investors were and The investors’ primary concerns were the health of the app, the public opinion regarding attracting high caliber talent, and the employees’ quality of life. The 360 review process had produced more problems than solutions. There were other methods for quantifying contributions from employees to market performance. The performance process had decreased the value of the employees even though many employees were long standing employees at large firms. The process had failed to show the objective performance between our team and the industry standard. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 30 There were high costs involved with hiring a new employee. The figure below were the costs associated with hiring a new employee. Fiscally, it was more advantageous to maintain employees for as long as possible. Figure 3 Problem Statement The problem was for the team to produce an innovative method that addressed objective and subjective perspectives that pleased major stakeholder perspectives, identified bottlenecks in performance, and isolated and correlated performance to impact. The methodology was required to improve the performance of the employee, supervisors, and the product. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 31 Different engineers have different requirements and specializations. Measuring a two different types of engineers with the same weight of work with the same metrics would be unfair for one of the engineers. Comparing a front end and security engineer is drastically different. Within there were several specializations. Artificial Intelligence Configuration Management Contemporary Business and Industry Systems Data modeling for Accounting, Economic, and Financial systems Geographic Information Systems Information Designs and Systems Interactive Designs and Systems Operation Systems (DevOps, SysOps, and SecOps) Quality Assurance Security Engineering* Security engineering did not include areas of expertise that were covered in a security analyst or a security technician position. Security engineering described the ability to construct the tools that a security analyst or technician would utilize. A full description of the skills are found in the skills matrix attachment. Problem Causes There were four causes that made the issue a serious problem. The first issue was the process of retention, promotion, and termination did not accommodate the 21st-century application development environment and development. The process implied the organization Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 32 consistently rewards employees who exhibit good behavior and performance. The combination (of behavior and performance) was proportionate to the compensation. An impressive objective performance might not even qualify a pay raise. At some organizations, an employee could earn an organization a significant profit without evening receiving any appreciation. The second cause was the current methods for determining employee performance and development were not effective in the situation. Each year stood alone with no correlation from one year to the next (Sullivan, 2011). Employees’ performance seemed to exist in a state of stasis. The third cause related to the second cause which was that no process was in place for quantifying and qualifying the employees’ contributions. From the previous the team inferred the organization's need for a method to gather objective and subjective information, analyze the information into the desired results, create actionable tasks based on the desired results, and provide high impact value to the employees, team, and customers. Another cause was the supervisors need more awareness of the app (objective, user acceptance, and market performance), the supervisors' themselves performance, and the team’s performance. Quantifying and qualifying employees’ performance was not the only purpose of the performance appraisal. It was to utilize the information into an actionable task and generate massive value. If the director of development and the director of QA possessed the additional tools for the app performance, it would have provided greater insights into the team’s performance. While technical app performance was important, it was more important for them to create features and build (a version of the app) based user acceptance reports. User acceptance was the interpreted anticipated market performance and estimated employee compensation. These reports were double edged swords to the supervisors as it was the leverage for the team, Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 33 but also part of the evaluation of the supervisors. It would provide the most visibility to impact value. From the previous reports, the team generated a derivative report of the team’s performance. Consequences There were dire consequences if the appraisal method did not change. The first was that employees would not know the conditions for promotion. Even good employees risked termination or leaving. There is the possibility that employees received the wrong compensation package because directors or peers poorly evaluated the employees’ abilities or relations. Without any concrete measurements, the supervisors limited knowledge how the team was performing, company development, or sustainable operations. The second issue was without utilizing a multimethod-multirater appraisal it would not identify the advantages, disadvantages, and needs of all of the stakeholders. Each method had only identified the issues for a specific portion of each group. The BARS appraisal worked well for the engineers. The 360 appraisal worked well for the directors. Neither method thoroughly addressed the customer. Without measuring the organization’s performance against the customer implied the organization might not maintain longevity. The third issue was that neither method emphasized employees’ accomplishments. Even an average performance appraisal came across as negative for the teams. Engineers had a tendency to avoid conflict and confrontation. The new solution addressed the issue by identifying individual’s accomplishments, providing others with understanding, recognizing the accomplishment, and validating it to all stakeholders. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 34 The work environment would have stayed the same without implementing office reform policies to support the procedural changes. Negativity was an infection that needed to be identified, addressed, treated, and removed. The last issue was the directors need performance data that is accurate and relevant. Neither method previously addressed it effectively. 360 reviews took time, and the BARS review was good for quick assessments but poor at in-depth data. Stakeholder Impacts The performance appraisals affected all the software engineers in the app development and QA departments. It directly measured the policies, procedures, and consequences of performance appraisals. It determined how the organization retains, promotes, and terminates employees. It also determined employee morale and the elements of a good work environment. Performance appraisals were such a far-reaching issue because it strongly affected the performance and longevity of the organization. Annual reviews were better than nothing, but it failed to create innovators or market leaders. A continual feedback loop between performance and market performance were required, otherwise; the company could have suffered from not identifying the market environment. Ultimately causing the business to let go of all employees and close the doors. The annual reviews from the 360-degree reviews included major goals for the year and audit checklist, but there was no (measured) improvement for technical abilities over the year. It was difficult to assess whether employees improved, worsened, or maintained performance. Their motivation drastically decreased. Employees were reconsidering utilizing their skills for social work and working at the organization in general. The employees were very frustrated with the directors. Employees requested to telecommute to avoid working physically with directors. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 35 Some started questioning the CEO's leadership by allowing them to utilize the 360 reviews. The employees who received lower performance scores had self-doubt, and many of the high performing employees were resentful toward the directors since it ruined the work environment. Trust among some employees even thinned, and teamwork plummeted. It took several months to repair the damage between employees and the directors. For the directors, they felt the BARS appraisal neglected many soft skills. The appraisal did not include attitudes, communication, ethics, paradigm, perspective, or teamwork. It included hard skills like data structures, documentation, and network security. Without soft data, it made it difficult for the directors to assess the impact on internal customers. The marketing department frequently complained about the communication style of some of the developers. The development team’s best engineer often exhibited a pessimistic attitude. The operations engineer held a drastically different paradigm compared to the directors and the CEO. The organization had strict JavaScript and TypeScript policy. The operations engineer had utilized Java to complete a few DevOps tasks. The problem was it created a huge security gap. The security analyst did not anticipate the server using Java and had to temporarily pause the sessions for all users without crashing the servers. For customers, it was about producing a better app. Most didn’t care who made it better. At the same time, it was difficult for them to describe what feature or experience is better until they see it. Other employees are not directly affected, but the improvement of the engineers does affect them. The data scientist, full stack developers, and operations engineer take requests from accounting, finance, and marketing when time permits. The soft skills affect internal customers much more than the hard skills. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers The three investors are 36 and The investors’ primary concerns are the health of the app, the public opinion regarding attracting high caliber talent, and lastly the employees’ quality of life. If the directors cannot manage the employees effectively, then they need to realign with the organization’s mission or be let go. From the risk perspective of the app, it is more important to keep the ten engineers than the two directors. It agitates them to hear how poorly the appraisal went particularly when two of the engineers have previous ties with is more fortunate than the regarding how fast rumors travel. If (in CA) or gains a reputation for having a poor leadership and works environment, it will take paying new engineers at least another 10% higher salary to get them on board. For potential recruits to see any bad reviews on Glassdoor, Indeed, or Payscale could have adverse effects considering the small size of the organization. No one wants to work in a negative work environment. If an employee released a review (of the company) that described appraisals as “Dilbertesque” and the environment paralleled IniTech, then the appeal of the organization would substantially decrease. Problem Analysis Cost The figure below are the various employees’ salaries. The salaries were the average of the reported salaries from Glassdoor, Indeed, and Payscale. has ten different types of developers including the director of development and the director of QA. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers QTY 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Position Front-End Developer Back-End Developer Data Scientist Cloud Systems Architect Full Stack Developer Director of Software Development Information Security Engineer Artificial Intelligence Developer Ops Engineer Director of QA Total Salary 37 Per Paycheck Per hour Per 30 min Per 15 min $90,024 $86,977 $71,172 $124,297 $105,658 $3,215.14 $3,106.32 $2,541.86 $4,439.17 $3,773.49 $40.19 $38.83 $31.77 $55.49 $47.17 $20.09 $19.41 $15.89 $27.74 $23.58 $10.05 $9.71 $7.94 $13.87 $11.79 $132,114 $4,718.36 $58.98 $29.49 $14.74 $103,078 $3,681.37 $46.02 $23.01 $11.50 $97,323 $112,441 $133,162 $1,056,246.00 $3,475.83 $4,015.76 $4,755.77 $37,723.07 $43.45 $50.20 $59.45 $471.54 $21.72 $25.10 $29.72 $235.77 $10.86 $12.55 $14.86 $117.88 The previous 360-degree appraisal method required eight hours to develop. The first four hours were two meetings from both directors to convince the CEO to change the appraisal method. It cost the company $236.85. The next two hours were two independent hours where both directors developed their 360-degree appraisal form. The last two hours was a meeting where they took portions of eachothers’ form to develop a final form. The total development cost was $473.71. For implementation, each review peer and supervisor reviews took 15 minutes, and a self-review that took 30 minutes. Each employee took approx. 90 minutes for evaluations and another 30 minutes to go over the review. The review cost for the team was $905.33. After the review, each engineer had a meeting with the directors to cover the results. The meetings took 30 which cost the company $235.77. The total cost of implementation was $1,141.10. After the review, the CEO had met with the AI, back-end, both full stack, and operations engineers. Each meeting took an hour to complete. The meetings cost $226.81. The CEO had a 15-minute meeting with both directors. It cost the organization $29.61. The total for the fallout Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 38 meetings cost was $256.42. If the negative morale reduced productivity by 6% over three months, then it may have cost the organization approx. $1.8 million dollars. Risk The risk registrar table is below. It contains the risks related to ability, motivation, and work environment. If the engineers had been developing skills over the last year that were not less relevant to their position, then their ability and effectiveness would naturally decrease. Motivation was one of the primary metrics for measuring performance. The motivation for many employees was low for almost a quarter after the second year appraisal. If employees were not passionate about their work, then they would only work minimum amount to keep from being terminated. With decreased productivity, it had the potential to cause delays in feature releases or the quality of the app. A decrease in the work environment quality could come in two ways in the office. The first was a consistently low motivated group of employees. The other was the management support for the employees. The most valuable aspect of the business was the vast amount of talent. “Human capital includes the skill sets of an organization’s workforce, the depth of expertise and breadth of experience.” The loss of top-tier talent is very difficult to qualify and quantify. A single talented engineer could produce a simple widget or app that could give the organization a million dollars (Spolsky, 2009). The engineers had created frameworks, libraries, and tools that produced massive morale or productivity. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Risk Decrease in ability Decrease in motivation Decrease in productivity Minor product quality decreases Major product quality decreases Severe product quality decreases Work environment quality decreases Source Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Impact Risk Controllabilit Factor y 0.4 0.12 High 0.5 0.125 High 0.3 0.06 High 0.2 0.036 Medium 0.09 0.4 0.036 High 0.0009 0.9 0.0008 High 0.1 0.2 0.02 Medium Performance evaluation is measuring less 0.3 relevant skills Employees receive negative or 0.25 contradictory reviews If ability or motivation decrease then the 0.2 productivity will decrease. If productivity decreases then the product 0.18 quality may decrease. If productivity decreases and seven or more employees quit then the product quality may decrease. If productivity decreases and seven or more employees quit then the product quality may decrease. If directors are incorrectly supporting employees and team work qualify decreases then the work environment quality would decrease 39 The second area of risk was the longevity of human resources. Under the assumption that all employees disliked the new evaluation system that they walk out and it required 30 days to find new employees. The company would stand to lose approximately $1.3 million at our current rate of growth. While the tangible loss in value is terrifying, the loss of the intangible loss is possibly more palpable. The three major aspects of the loss are the loss of human capital, relational capital, and structural capital (AICPA & CIMA, 2012). The other possibilities are whether the directors quit the organization or investors pressured the board of directors to terminate the department directors. Additional details about human resource loss are available in the table below. The asterisks indicate that the standard formula for calculating turnover was unavailable since there has yet to be an employee who has quit or terminated. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Risk Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Impact Risk Facto r Controllabilit y 0.1125 0.3 0.0338 Low 0.03375 0.5 0.0169 Medium 0.016875 0.7 0.0118 High 0.0084375 0.9 0.0076 High 0.0263 0.3 0.0079 Medium 0.01315 0.5 0.0066 Medium If the issue isn't resolved in an appropriate manner then investors could pressure the director(s) to be terminated 0.1 0.3 0.03 Low If the issue isn't resolved in an appropriate manner then investors could pressure the director(s) to be terminated 0.02 0.5 0.01 Low Source One engineer quits within a month* Three engineers quit within a month* Seven engineers quit within a month* Ten engineers quit within a month* One director quits within a month* Both directors quit within a month* Investors pressure the board to fire a director Investors pressure the board to fire both directors 40 If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. The third area was legal and reputational capital risks. The legal possibilities were whether an employee retaliated against their director or the organization. It was very unlikely with the attitudes and culture, but not impossible. The next aspect to consider was when the CEO met with directors and managers, if there were a code of conduct incidentally violates a law such as when employees are requested to work extended periods of time. An event happened to a large software firm that unknowingly violated a local ordinance. The HR manager and legal counsel must edit the code of conduct. If an employee finds the work environment hostile, then the employee could place a lawsuit against the organization. The last aspect was the relationship Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 41 capital from employees. “Relational capital includes all the relationships that exist between an organization and any outside person or organization. These included customers, intermediaries, employees, suppliers, alliance partners, regulators, pressure groups, communities, creditors, and investors.” Similarly, many of the employees had strong ties with the West Coast software scene. If an employee left a negative review of the organization on social media or networking site, then it had the potential to damage the public reputation of the company and take longer to obtain a quality employee. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Risk Source Likelihood of Occurrence 42 Severity of Impact Risk Controllability Factor If the employee is disgruntled then the HR violation individual could retaliate against the 0.005 0.4 0.002 Medium director(s). If the HR manager and legal counsel Code of don't properly analyze the code of conduct violates 0.015 0.7 0.0105 High conduct standards then there could be a a law legal violation. Lawsuit from If an employee's morale reaches too low an employee for and he can prove that the directors 0.005 0.7 0.0035 Medium a hostile work created a hostile work environment then environment the organization could have a lawsuit. Negative An employee with low motivation and reputation for work environment could leave a bad 0.6 0.2 0.12 Low poor leadership review for poor leadership. Negative An employee with low motivation and reputation for work environment could leave a bad 0.3 0.3 0.09 Low poor work review for bad work environment. environment A lawsuit for a hostile work environment had the potential for massive damages. Below is weighted decision tree analysis of the outcome of a trial. would be looking at a minimum of $50,000 in legal fees. At the bottom of each column is an estimation for each outcome. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 43 Problem Resolution The proposed solution had three major objectives. 1. A mixed qualitative and quantitative method to evaluate software engineers’ work 2. Utilizing and leveraging the evaluation data to improve the employees, supervisors, and customer experience 3. A process for termination, retention, promotion, and compensation packages It was designed to minimize and eliminate the stress of performance appraisals, evaluate employees in holistic and relevant manner, guide employees within a supportive and transparent work environment. Best Approach The first step was to separate the processes of termination, retention, promotion, and compensation packages from performance evaluation reviews. Employees needed to know the conditions for a termination. It was poor performance for three consecutive months or four months out of the year. The specific measurement was the average of the employee’s performance index is <= 80%. There may be extenuating circumstances for delaying a termination or even a gross violation of the code of conduct such as if an employee copied the organization’s files onto external hard drives then sold them to competitors. The organization would have no choice but to terminate the employee and pursue legal action. Employees also needed to understand what behavior was promoted within the organization. Establishing behavior helped develop the organization’s culture. It also provided employees warnings. The promotion process would be similar to the termination process. Employees are provided three months before the position being available to the public. The individual would need at least an 80% performance index, the knowledge and skill of the new Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 44 position near industry level standards, and the approval of his subordinates, peers, and a supervisor. The employee would submit an assessment and recommendation for the position. The assessment would ensure the employee’s abilities compared to the industry standard. The recommendations would be based on a voting system from the team. It would rank employees position from one to five. One being an entry level employee and five an executive level. If the employee earned 80% support, then the position would be theirs. If two employees both applied for the same position with the same score, then a three round competition is implemented. The employee would provide the most significant contributions to each stakeholder. The first round is for the organization, the second is the team, and the last is the public. The winner of two of the three rounds gets the position. The last process was to adjust compensation package to reflect changes in policies and performance. The organization’s compensation philosophy is committed to compensating employees that are fair, consistent, reflective of the market leaders, and provides recognition and validation for each’s achievement of personal goals, corporate objectives, and professional competency. Specifically, our objectives were internal equity, external equity, compliance with laws and regulations, and increased performance and productivity. The compensation package consisted of four types: new employee, quarterly, annually, and executive. The new employee compensation package includes base pay, benefits, and perquisites. The organization will provide dental, health, accidental and life, optical, and legal insurance. Employees are immediately provided two weeks of vacation with one week of sick time. The office offers several indirect incentives that would appeal to recruits. Carpooling and Transit programs Contests Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Dry cleaning and laundry services On-site gym On-site paid meals Optional 30 minute or 60 minute lunches Relocation & Office package Stress management package Telecommuting when needed 45 The quarterly incentive plan included access to conferences, performance bonus, profit sharing, and paid certification exams and materials. These would be fully-paid, relevant, and nearby conferences. Pay increases and bonuses would occur on a quarterly basis. The option for profit sharing would be after the first performance appraisal. Employees would also have paid certification, training, and an open library. For the annual incentive plan, the company hosted a party during the one week fully paid vacation with family members. During the party, the company released a video of employees’ greatest achievements over the year. After the vacation was over, a publication was released for the achievements (without disclosing confidential information). For the employee that had the best overall performance in either department over the year received an award. The best of the best (Bot B) award provided an employee an entire month to create their new feature or project with the boards of directors’ approval. The executive incentive plan was a four-year plan of the company’s objectives. For the executive incentive plan, the organization offered degree programs, equity, return on assets, and stock earnings. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 46 1. Reform office policies a. Remove anonymous reviews and provide a 100% transparent environment in the office between employees. If employee A negatively complained about their supervisor to employee B, then it was employee B’s responsibility to bring it to the supervisor’s attention. At the same time, if a supervisor complained about employee A then they must inform them. had a zero tolerance retaliation policy for either side. b. It was the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that the employee was continuing to meet expectations. A portion of the supervisor’s performance review was to demonstrate continual improvement to his employees. If the performance was 20% less than industry standard, then the supervisor is punished, and if it is higher than industry standard, then the supervisor is rewarded. The supervisor will ensure the employee has good morale as happy employees perform better (Revesencio, 2015). These meetings were designed to provide direction, feedback, and guidance to the employee. It had helped establish boundaries, objectives, and explicit goals. The system established standards and performance to compensation rewards. The performance modifications were altered to match the scrum project management style. The teams had two-week sprints to accomplish goals. Every six sprints, the directors performed in-depth reviews of employees’ performances. It functioned as a refinement process. The directors and employees determine the standards, establish the objectives for the sprint, and the supervisor coached the employee to match performance to the standards. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 47 After the submission, the supervisor measured the employee’s performance and compensated him appropriately. c. Employees were provided a three-month opportunity to apply for a new position before the position was released to the public. d. The company provided the employees with their personal choice of technology for computer, monitor, peripherals, and software. e. The organization provided any relevant and necessary training. When organization provided ongoing education, it increased employee retention (Florentine, 2015). The organization promoted extended certifications, training, and scholarships for school. f. New employees were provided an on-boarding program to get them up to speed as soon as possible. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 48 g. It shortened the required amount of time for the evaluation and increase the number of evaluations to four times per year. h. Evaluators were trained to identify, distinguish, and analyze contributions. i. Utilize proactive talent retention methods. The organization already provided benefits such as 401k, dental, life, medical, and optical insurance. It needed to provide superior recruiting and retention packages that included carpooling, office meals, laundry services, telecommuting, and relocation. Finally, HR regularly scheduled stay/satisfaction reviews to determine employee satisfaction. 2. It needed to create an employee performance review that analyzed the activities and behaviors. The guiding metric for the appraisal was: Performance = Ability * Motivation * Environment. The core of the formula was based on expectancy theory, Theory X, Theory Y, Theory Z, and Vroom’s equation. There are still other aspects within it that utilized additional theories such as Management by Objective, SMART theory, and Herzberg Two-Factor Theory. The CEO abhors micromanaging so he has left the discretion of the directors to manage their departments. Depending on the employee position, it could use different weights to each metric. Engineering objectives are less important to a front-end engineer than an operations engineer. The security engineer provides revenue in the form of customer trust and legal compliances that are mostly qualified objectives. It was the responsibility of the directors to decide the specific weights for each area. a. The first primary measurement was an engineer’s ability. It was measured as A=W 1∗K +W 2∗S+W 3∗R+W 4∗V Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 49 Where: A = Ability W = Weight K = Knowledge S = Skill R = Response V = Value When an evaluator fills each variable, the metric will measure a percentile. In most cases, an employee’s range is between 80-100%. For the organization and employee to produce the most value, the measurement can exceed 100% where the employee has performed beyond the required objectives. i. Knowledge of the engineer was represented with the skills matrix. It was a measure of several skills that a software engineer utilized. These included the knowledge, application, breadth, and depth of several skills. The skills matrix does not include the contributions of the employee. The evaluator measures an engineer with critical and relevant skills within the skills matrix. ii. Skill was based on coding metrics. Alexander (2011) provides many of the specific metrics designed for specific metrics. For the review, we utilized offensive skill metrics. ● Points-Measured the overall productivity of each coder on assigned tasks. ○ Points = Sum (Complexity for all completed tasks) ● Power-Measured the average complexity of the tasks that a coder completes. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 50 ○ Power = Points / Utility ● Utility-Measured how many assigned tasks each coder completes. ○ Utility = Number of tasks completed ● Temperature-Measured how “hot” or “cold” a coder is at any given time. ○ Starting Temperature = 72 at start of period measured (see Notes) ○ Current Points = Points in the most recently completed measured interval ○ Previous Points = Points in the prior measured interval ○ Heat Index = (Current Points / Previous Points) ○ Temperature = (Previous Temperature × Heat Index) ● O-Impact-Provided a single “Offensive Impact” number that summarized the contributions of a coder in moving projects along. ○ O-Impact = Points + Utility + Assists iii. Response described the various interactions between stakeholders. It included the team memebers, supervisors, subordinates, other employees, and customers. Many of the QA engineers had more interactions with internal customers. It utilized a mix between customer relations management and business relations management. In the appendix is a template Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 51 iv. Value had three major metrics. These were objectives based on business, engineering, and scientific contributions. Quantified skill contributions that affect business objectives. These are the skills that were measured according to the app’s revenue measurement and user acceptance metrics. Qualified skill contributions that affect scientific objectives. These are the skills that may not necessarily increase the revenue, but provide implicit value. Convergent skill contributions that affect engineering objectives. These are the skills that affect efficiency and productivity. b. Motivation is the second major factor for evaluating employees. There are some employees who are very intelligent but have no motivation to work. It is critical to management to understanding what motivates employees. The employee’s perspective, competency & mastery, and autonomy are foundations of motivation. c. The environment is a major factor when evaluating employees. People who are the best at their discipline are high maintenance. They have to be. When a person is running on all cylinders, every aspect needs to be in perfect order. The smallest miscalculation can have dire consequences. Elite software engineers are no different. Mark Zuckerberg only ate meat he killed and Aaron Swartz would only eat white food. For the organization to hire and retain the best and brightest, the organization must offer the minimum environment for elite employees to function; otherwise, they will leave. Job design, equipment & materials, policies & procedures, economic conditions, and management support are the five areas for measuring a work environment. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 52 d. Create specific measurements for relations. These are the relationships among subordinates, peers, supervisors, and the team. i. Organization ● Senior ● Peer ● Junior ● Client/Customer ● Self ii. Community ● Customers ● Open-source ● Local e. Produce a visible impact of the employee contributions. Employees will submit their contributions on a regular basis and marketing will pull customer content and reviews. 3. The employee will have a report where they started, their progress since the last check-in, and a course plan for accomplishments, relations, and career goals. 4. Create environmental changes to support employee growth. 5. The supervisors have a deeper understanding of the department and relevant metrics. a. Market performance and user acceptance. The supervisors will have information based on the app’s revenue and the user acceptance. b. Team’s performance vs. industry standard. The supervisors will have information based on the software engineers’ industry standard. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 53 c. Team’s performance vs. satisfaction. The supervisors will have information based on the employees’ satisfaction. d. The performance index to identify bottlenecks in performance within the department. Based on the team’s performance and the previous three reports, the supervisor will be able to identify any performance obstructions. Approach Justification The reason the organization should separate the processes of termination, retention, and promotion from performance evaluation reviews is that the event creates a lot of anxiety, depression, and distress around the time. It is not an accurate account of how the employee performed throughout the year. In most cases, a manager will only remember a few events throughout the year to make a decision. Human memory is prone to significant flaws (Arkowitz & Lilienfeld, 2010). Office reforms were required to gather necessary information for compensation packages. The first policy was the organization needed 100% transparency between employees to gather appropriate information. The supervisors were required to be responsible for the employees’ success otherwise; they were policing the employees and not providing leadership. Employees also needed to hold themselves accountable for personal management by meeting ability and relational goals. Supervisors needed to prepare employees for positions that were coming down the pipeline. It was in the company’s best interest for employees to provide opportunities to apply for new positions before they release were released to the public. New and existing employees required training to identify, distinguish, and analyze work contributions. The reason the employee performance review needed to include activities and behaviors is that engineering is a very technical position, but it hinges on many relationships. Stakeholder Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 54 requirements can be ambiguous or nuanced. All employees’ accomplishments and impact were measured as the performance. It was important for employees to see what impact they have had on the team and customers. The supervisors need a deeper understanding of how the app is performing in the marketplace and user acceptance because otherwise there is no correlation between team performance and market performance. The supervisor needs an understanding of how the team is performing compared to the industry standard. It helps keep our team in perspective within the industry and will answer many questions regarding recruiting. It is also important for a supervisor to know how satisfied they are in the workplace as employee retention is critical to development and operations. The combined performance appraisals generated an overal performance index (PI). The PI identified bottlenecks in performance within the department through abilities, motivation, and environmental causes. For the team to create an incredible work environment was more than just a sleek industrial design, state-of-the-art equipment, snacks, and an open door policy. It was about all the aspects that affected employees within the environment. For PI, it was about providing a job that the person was specifically designed for, creating a work environment that supported sustainability and growth, implementing policies and procedures to prevent negative elements, and utilizing management to promote positive elements. Alternative Solutions While there were many other approaches, the next most appropriate was the Management By Objectives (MBO) approach. According to Investopedia (2010), Management by Objectives (MBO) was a management model that aimed to improve the performance of an organization by clearly defining objectives that were agreed to by both management and employees. According Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 55 to the theory, having a say in goal setting and action plans would ensure better participation and commitment among employees, as well as the alignment of objectives across the organization. The term was first outlined by management guru Peter Drucker in 1954 in his book "The Practice of Management." Armstrong (2003) noted that performance management has risen from the old-established but somewhat discredited systems of merit rating and MBO. Many of the most recent developments in performance appraisal had been absorbed into the concept of performance management which aimed to be a wider, more comprehensive, and more natural process of management. Performance appraisal had too often operated as a top down and largely discredited bureaucratic system owned by the personnel department, and it limited its intended value (Akampurira, 2014). Investopedia continued with an implementation process, MBO called for five steps that organizations implemented management technique into practice. The first step was to either determine (or revise) organizational objectives for the entire company. mission and vision created the broad overview. The next step was translating the organizational objectives to employees. Drucker used the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-bound) to express the concept. It is important during this time to record and measure standard operations for engineers. Step three was stimulating the participation of employees in setting objectives. After the CEO and directors shared the organization's objectives with employees, from top to bottom, employees would be encouraged to help set their objectives to achieve these goals. The fourth step was to monitor the progress. In step 2, a key component of the objectives was that they are measurable for employees and managers to determine how well Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 56 these were met. Lastly, progress is evaluated and rewarded. The step included honest feedback on what went well and what did not. Consequences There were very critical issues that would occur if metrics and policies failed to change. The first was that employees would not know the conditions for promotion. There was the potential for good employees leaving or terminated from supervisors. The employees may have received the wrong compensation package because the directors may have incorrectly evaluated employees’ priorities. Without any measurements of the employees accomplishments, the supervisors will not know how they are performing or if the company development or operations are sustainable. Risk Assessment The risk assessment for the solution was very similar to the risk assessment of the problem. The risk impacts do not change, but the likelihood will decrease for the solution. The issues about the decrease in abilities will decrease since it includes a more rounded but more specific approach. The methodology systematically addressed the major areas of motivation by utilizing the most accepted theories in business management and psychology. An increased ability and motivation would lead to improved productivity and product quality. The compensation and indirect perquisites addressed many of the work environment quality issues. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Risk Source 57 Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Impact 0.1 0.4 Risk Factor Controllability Performance evaluation is Decrease in ability Decrease in motivation measuring less relevant skills Employees receive negative or contradictory reviews If ability or motivation High 0.04 0.042 0.5 0.021 High 0.03 0.3 0.009 High 0.006 0.2 0.0012 Medium 0.003 0.4 0.0012 High 0.0015 0.9 0.0014 High 0.005 0.2 0.001 Medium Decrease in decrease then the productivity productivity will decrease. If productivity decreases then Minor product quality the product quality may decreases decrease. If productivity decreases and Major product quality seven or more employees quit decreases then the product quality may decrease. If productivity decreases and Severe product seven or more employees quit quality decreases then the product quality may decrease. If directors are incorrectly supporting employees and Work environment team work qualify decreases quality decreases then the work environment quality would decrease Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 58 The organization needed to minimize the possibility of employees taking other opportunities, the organization ensured that they match industry salaries compared to the five market leaders Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. The organization also offered additional benefits that most of the other companies except for immediate stock options. Since is an LLC, stock was more limited compared to an IPO. After eliminating the risk of employees quitting, the next step was to address the needs of the stakeholder, but highlighting the impacts of employees. It also provided the organization with a platform for positive PR. The directors would perform better since the new methodology held both the employees and directors responsible for personally developing. Risk One engineer quits within a month* Three engineers quit within a month* Seven engineers quit within a month* Ten engineers quit within a month* One director quits within a month* Both directors quit within a month* Source If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. If morale exceeds threshold and/or employee(s) receive offers from other organizations then they may quit. Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Impact Risk Factor Controllability 0.0178 0.3 0.0053 Low 0.003 0.5 0.0015 Medium 0.0007 0.7 0.0005 High 0.0002 0.9 0.0002 High 0.0088 0.3 0.0026 Medium 0.0044 0.5 0.0022 Medium Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers If the issue isn't resolved in an Investors pressure the appropriate manner then board to fire a investors could pressure the director director(s) to be terminated If the issue isn't resolved in an Investors pressure the appropriate manner then board to fire both investors could pressure the directors director(s) to be terminated 59 0.008 0.3 0.0024 Low 0.0027 0.5 0.0013 Low There would not an issue for employee retaliation since it is in the directors’ best interest to effectively manage and develop employees. Since HR and legal were reviewing the changes, it was very unlikely that a code of conduct would violate a law. Since the work environment had changed, there would be very little chance of a lawsuit. The situation would be similar to receiving a negative review for leadership or work environment. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Risk Source HR violation for employee conduct or employee(s) retaliate against the directors If the employee is disgruntled then the individual could retaliate against the director(s). Code of conduct violates a law Lawsuit from an employee for a hostile work environment Negative reputation for poor leadership decreases recruiting appeal Negative reputation for poor work environment decreases recruiting appeal The project is a success, but other employees are jealous If the HR manager and legal counsel don't properly analyze the code of conduct standards then there could be a legal violation. If an employee's morale reaches too low and he can prove that the directors created a hostile work environment then the organization could have a lawsuit. 60 Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Impact Risk Factor Controllability 0.0005 0.4 0.0002 Medium 0.0015 0.7 0.0011 High 0.001 0.7 0.0007 Medium 0.03 0.2 0.006 Low 0.03 0.3 0.009 Low 0.2 0.2 0.04 High Employee motivation and work environment Employee motivation and work environment If employees from other departments find the appraisal method and compensation unfairly skewed toward the engineers then it could cause unrest. Cost/Benefit for each risk Because of limited spacing, the tables are in the solutions.xlsx file. The attached spreadsheet contains the cost analysis in the “Cost by Milestone” tab. The cost is the separated by milestone with stakeholders indicated. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 61 Within the “Benefit” tab describes the success of the previous analyses. The CEO provided assumptions for the benefits of the project. Departments that generate revenue Development & Quality Assurance 52% Finance & Accounting 15% Marketing 33% Departments that save spending Customer service 19% Development & Quality Assurance 17% Finance & Accounting 21% Legal 43% Departments that reduce liability Finance & Accounting 11% Legal 89% Based upon these assumptions are the conclusion of the benefits. The potential benefits of adopting the project could double the organization’s value. A quick summary is provided on the described tab. It shows the relationship between the costs and benefits of the project. For the provided document, a Direct Intellectual Capital models (DIC) method was used with fair use as described by the IRS. However, when reporting to investors a scorecard method must be utilized for the next round of funding. Finally, Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 62 calculating the fiscal value of specific improvements of the performance appraisal is highly speculative. The CEO had included the gross sales, estimated savings, and risk mitigation. Risk Mitigation Below describes the risks involved in the project. Each risk has a strategy, tactic, or method to manage the issue. Risk Decrease in ability Decrease in motivation Decrease in productivity Product quality decreases Work environment quality decreases Employees quitting within a month Investors pressure the board to fire a director HR violation Code of conduct violates a law Lawsuit from an employee for a hostile work environment Negative reputation for poor leadership Negative reputation for poor work environment Solution Provide additional training to employees and revise specific instructions to tasks. Implement a policy for engineers to not start on any work without requirements and specifications. Demonstrate commonality between work and values, provide meaning to tasks, demonstrate impact of work, show the value of opinions, demonstrate purpose to work, offer direction with autonomy Differentiate activity to productivity by refining metrics. Utilize objective measurements; provide standards for user-acceptance. Address each aspect of the work environment individually. Creating stronger relationships within the team, resources of choice, limited policies & procedures, leading economic benefits & pay, and management support. Address primary aspects of employee concerns. Reflect metric changes to revenue improvements. Provide code of conduct. Legal counsel reviews any modifications. Directors are penalized for creating hostile work environments. Directors are held responsible for not developing employees. The work environment is substantially improved. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 63 Project Design and Requirements The primary design revolved around the industry’s highest best practices. For to become one of the highest performing software studios, the teams needed to determine where their performance was and the goal. The highest performing software organizations are Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. Each organization has had drastic improvements. They had made incredible developments in their management policies, procedures, and strategies. Amazon had utilized a strategy to drop the bottom 1% of performers from the organization every year. Google had hired consultants over a five-year period to answer whether management was needed at all. The answer was, only if the management performed well (Garvin, 2013). Facebook had adopted a 100% transparency policy and impact only performance appraisals. Execution Requirements The first aspect of the execution requirements are the softer aspects. These include aligning the engineers’ metrics to vision. Aligning the metrics derives from the organization’s vision, mission, culture, strategy, standards, objectives, methodologies, tactics, and then metrics. The next was determining HR and legal requirements. These requirements were various federal, state, and local compliances. If the alignment and policies restricted the employees too much, then it could have hindered employee satisfaction. It was important to ensure employee satisfaction to a minimum of 90%. The HR department were required to determine employee satisfaction by providing regular stay interviews. The satisfaction requirement tied into the subjective metrics of the performance appraisal. Business relationship management was a major influence on the development and QA directors. With a more formalized business relationship management map, employees could guide the development of their relationship. Employees Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 64 were required to have a 5% improvement over the next three months. Each employee needed to meet a minimum of 70% between all regular stakeholders. The team had implemented a development program depending on the performance of the employees. The harder aspects of the execution requirements revolved around the physical deliverables. These were the metrics, dashboards, reports, and objective implementation of the appraisal. The metrics provided explicit measurements to performance. The requirement was to provide concrete measurements to performance. The performance metrics were transferred to the dashboards and reports that engineers and the directors will utilize. The objective implementation required a 5% improvement of the engineers and the directors within three months. Each employee was required to meet an 80% for overall performance. The directors and the CEO would determine a training program for incrementally improving employee performance. Objectives Each requirement had specification requirements. 1. A process for termination, retention, promotion, and compensation packages Termination-All engineers have 100% explicit understanding what behavior and performance will result in termination. Retention-All engineers have a minimum of 80% satisfaction, want to stay, and cannot see themselves work at anywhere else but in the foreseeable future. Promotion-Engineers are aware of the upcoming positions, provided training for current and future positions, and explicit understanding of the positions. Compensation packages- There are four compensation packages: new employee, quarter, annual, and executive. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 65 Compensation fairness-95% employee certainty that their compensation package approximately matched their contributions. 2. A mixed qualitative and quantitative method to evaluate software engineers’ work Employees and supervisors can accurately gauge standards, objectives based on requirements and specifications, and performance within a short period. Every engineer knows the methodology and techniques to produce the wow factor whether in business, engineering, and scientific environments. 90% of engineers want to keep working long after the “end of the day.” Employees are provided the standards and support to make independent choices. Employees have the ability and direction to accomplish the requirements and specifications. The organization instills passion, purpose, values, and vision into employees. Employees can see a measurable improvement with their contributions to customers and the organization. Each engineer has a minimum 78% job design match. Employees have the required and desired equipment to accomplish their job duties. The organization is committed to compensating employees that are fair, consistent, reflective of the market leaders, and provides recognition and validation for each person's achievement of personal goals, corporate objectives, and professional competency. Employees feel backed by management by providing a minimum of 80% of the management support measurements. 3. Utilizing and leveraging the evaluation data to improve the employees, supervisors, and customer experience Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 66 The supervisor can see the team’s performance against the market. The supervisor can see the team’s performance against the software engineering industry. The supervisor can see the team’s performance against the team’s satisfaction. The supervisor can identify bottlenecks in performance within individuals and the department. Existing Gaps The first gap that the performance appraisal fulfilled was gathering data from direct stakeholders and comparing it to market performance. Gathering information from the public, the organization, and team was part of the highest priority. Each stakeholder had specific needs that must be fulfilled for a fair performance appraisal. The next gap was the direction and focus of the performance appraisal. In the prior years, directors conducted performance appraisals on an annual basis. The directors did not take specific notes over the year. The performance evaluation was based on memory and near occurring events. The new standard compared objective and subjective standards. The performance of each created an impact on compensation and promotions. Since the CEO changed the direction and focus, the productivity for employees' metrics is adjusted. Since the metrics are changed, it affected the setting and measurement of goals. The upper management designed the goals for superior performance. Since each engineer had regular and specific goals that are measured against the stakeholders, it created a more fulfilling experience and product. The new workflow created more concrete measurements for promotion and termination. No supervisor had terminated an employee; there were employees who felt threatened after the last performance appraisal. Supervisors are going to measure promotions against specific skills Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 67 within the skills matrix. As an example, if a junior backend engineer wanted to be promoted then he would need to measure his skills against the future position requirements. The new methodology heavily impacted the compensation packages. It determined the compensation changes. It even provided employees the ability to invest in the company. The methodology validated the hiring decision for employees. If the program was successful, then different supervisors could extend the system to on-boarding and training process. Compared to the other appraisal, it provided legal defensibility for personnel decisions. The method created historical data for performance and decision making. It also allowed the organization to see the overall performance of the engineers’ performance. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 68 Project Plan The organization utilized Scrum, Kanban, and Pomodoro. Schwaber and Sutherland (2013) defined Scrum as “A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.” Since the changes to the app had the potential to cause harsh changes to the currency, the organization upgraded the app in four stages. The app started in the branch test, committed to the stage test environment, confirmed changes in the development environment, and finally pushed the changes to the live environment. The organization had pushed updates every two weeks since release. Therefore, all customers were required to update to the latest version to continue using the app. Kanban was based on the Lean principle of demand-based creation and replenishment (known as Just in Time or JIT). The philosophy to quickly develop and release new releases. Customer usage and demand dictated the provision forecasts for feature development and influences quality assurance. To effectively manage sprints, the organization used the Pomodoro time management technique. The technique broke-down work into 25-minute intervals with five-minute breaks. These intervals are called Pomodoros. After the first four consecutive Pomodoros, the employee took a 10-minute break. During the 10 minute break, the person could send their branch test source code commits to the stage test environment or start a build of their branch. After the first eight consecutive Pomodoros, the person took a 30-minute or 60-minute lunch break. The technique made it easier to correlate a work breakdown structure to Pomodoros, thus creating a more predictable schedule. The process of implementation relied on two phases with seven major milestones. The first was to create end implement the criteria for promotions, terminations, and compensation Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 69 packages. The CEO communicated to employees that the changes that would occur over next quarter. The next milestone was management enforced the new office policies. These created the foundation for the new appraisal method; otherwise, employees and supervisors could feel ambushed and measured unfairly. Afterward, the data scientist needed to create the reports for the supervisors to record the data. The next milestone was enforcing a multimethod-multirater appraisal process. During the first quarter of usage provided the finance and accounting department with sufficient time to adjust compensation packages. During the first quarter, employees could capture moments to show the impact of each other. After the first quarter, supervisors utilized the reports to create performance indexes on the departments. Project Development Plan The development plan utilized the organization’s existing project management style. The performance appraisal method was introduced to the directors for self-evaluation until upper management properly introduced the project to the team. During the test period, the directors could test many aspects of the appraisal method. After the specific aspects of the appraisal method passed then the directors developed it toward the teams. Directors and engineers came to the agreement for the weights on their position and different objectives. Scope The scope of the project included three major objectives. 1. A mixed qualitative and quantitative method to evaluate software engineers’ work 2. Utilizing and leveraging the evaluation data to improve the employees, supervisors, and customer experience 3. A process for termination, retention, promotion, and compensation packages Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 70 There were many aspects of the scope that fell outside of the project. There was not a Human Resources process or protocol around hiring employees based on the performance index. It was assumed that new hires submit a resume, file a skills matrix assessment, and undergo a software engineering interview test. There was not specific methods, tools, techniques, or utilities to improve software engineers’ performance index. Training and development advanced was designed by a different department and the directors. It was the employees’ and supervisors’ discretion for improving specific aspects on a case by case basis. Each director knew how to perform an appraisal. The project excluded the basic steps of an appraisal. Part of the appraisal included an alignment strategy for performance index. The broad concept was covered, but not details. There was currently no third party research or trial group for the solution. The CEO provided explicit business management, computer science, and psychology theories that comprised the solution. These were the readily accepted major theories within each field. It was the responsibility of the data scientist to create the report based on the provided metrics. The project details would not include how to create reports with tools such as Excel, Hadoop, Heidi, or NodeJS ETL. Additional details about how the data scientist and the operations engineer will automate report generation and the policies on confidentiality or distribution of the report would be disregarded. Disclosure of the reports are assumed to be internal to the specific individuals, departments, and directors. The project will not include a compensation package algorithm. Reallocating the compensation package was another project for the accounting, finance, and HR department. The Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 71 project would address compensation packages compared to the industry standard and skewed toward the organization’s success. Assumptions 1. The evaluation standards are critical and related factors to the organization and its customers (Wilson, 1998). 2. Evaluations will improve employee's performance. 3. The performance standards are specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable, and time bound. 4. Compensation will be increased in proportion to increase performance. 5. The employee was provided the necessary elements to complete the requirement or task. a. The employee has the necessary knowledge and skill or provided guidance and training. b. The employee has the required resources to complete the task(s) in time. c. The employee has a constructive work environment to complete the task(s). d. The employee has control over the results. e. The employee has connections with others within the team. 6. The employee’s individual contribution can be discerned from workers or supervisors. a. The employee's work has an evaluation method for internal stakeholders. b. The employee's work has an evaluation method for external stakeholders. 7. The evaluation covers performance the entire cycle of evaluation, not just the period recallable by accurate memory. 8. All evaluators are consistent with each other, and each evaluator is consistent from one employee to the next. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 72 a. Evaluators can determine environmental or time-based conditions 9. When all of the evaluations are complete, supervisors will have a better understanding of the employees. Important Milestones 1. Implement policies for promotion and termination. 2. Reform office policies. 3. Revise the appraisal and change metrics for employees. Create a check-in report with accomplishments, relations and career goals. o Create measurements for competency, quantified skills that affect business objectives, qualified skills that affect scientific objectives, and convergent skills that affect engineering objectives. o Create specific measurements for relations. 4. Adjust compensation package to reflect changes in policies and performance. 5. Create supervisors reports in the following areas: o Alter the current app report to include market performance and user acceptance. o Create a report of the team’s performance vs. industry standard. o Create a report of the team’s performance vs. satisfaction. 6. Utilize the team performance reviews to create a performance index. Reviews produce a visible impact of the employee contributions for the annual review. 7. Hold impact conference and to demonstrate employee impact. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers Timelines Figure 4. Timeline. Adapted from “Human Resource Management Archives,” Courtesy of AtmanCo, 2015, retrieved from In Figure 4 is each step the organization took for the plan. In the circled areas were the number of hours each step would take. Standard business days were Monday through Friday; however, the CEO would work over weekends to ensure that the necessary steps were taken to migrate the performance review over for the 2016 review. The project was completed before 2016, but the success of the project would not see the full breadth of success until the 2017 review. The first milestone on the timeline was creating criteria policies for promotion and termination. The reason it was the first milestone was that employees needed to know what 73 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 74 conduct and performance would cause promotion and termination. Working with the human resources and legal department took approximately eight hours. Reform office policies took approximately five hours to complete. These were the policies that provide employees with accountability to employees’ and supervisors’ development. Evaluators were trained to identify, distinguish, and analyze contributions. Employees were informed when a position is available. Supervisors would provide necessary and relevant training. Employees would have the opportunity for the technology of choice. The departments were provided a transparent office environment. The HR department would utilize proactive talent retention methods. HR will regularly use stay/satisfaction reviews to determine employee satisfaction. Revising the appraisal process took the longest amount of time. It took approximately 32 hours between the director of development and the director of QA. The implementation took over 10 business days to maintain normal operations of the app. The milestone implemented an employee performance review that analyzes the activities and behaviors. The process included: Create a check-in report with accomplishments, relations and career goals. Create ability measurements for competency, qualified skills that affect scientific contributions, quantified skills that affect business contributions, and convergent skills that affect engineering contributions. When implementing the milestone, the longest amount of time is deciding the weights associated with each employees’ objectives and skills. Create motivation measurements that analyze effort and support to the employee to determine which forces are pushing and pulling the employee. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 75 Implement work environment measurements to evaluate job design, equipment & materials, policies & procedures, economic conditions, and management support. o An employee may be hired for a specific position, but the position may gradually shift based on the business needs and the employee’s abilities. When a job design shifts too far out for the employee, then it decreases the work environment. The reason is that it places heavy stress on the employee by requiring them either to learn new responsibilities and/or skills. o For the employee to do their job well, they need the required (or desired) equipment and materials to do the job. For many software engineers selecting their computer, operating system, peripherals, and programs is more important than choosing a car. Ask any programmer whether he prefers Apple, Linux, or Windows? Emacs or Vi? Eclipse, Visual Studio, or Webstorm? Spaces or tabs for indentation? These kinds of disagreements can cause long arguments. Within our office, a developer can choose any tools they want since our app is device and operating system agnostic. o Policies and procedures are a work environmental measurement; however, these traits affect the employees' abilities and motivation. These are designed as safety precautions. o Economic conditions are the compensation packages we utilize to keep employees comfortable and retaining them. In most cases, an employee will not stay if it is not fiscally advantageous to work there. Everyone has bills he or she need to pay. We provide base pay, benefits, bonuses, equity, and perquisites. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 76 o Management supports employees with career and technical direction, objectives, and strategies. It is part of the employee development check-in program to keep employees with the best training. It includes ten major areas (Garvin, 2013): Consistently approach to performance and development Clear vision and strategy for the team Be a good coach Empower your team Refrain from micromanaging Utilize active listening with your employee and team Express interest in team members' success and well-being Be productive and results-oriented Provide career development Possess key technical skills to advise the team Create specific measurements for relations. These include peers, subordinate, supervisors, and team members and the traits associated with each relationship type. Adjust compensation package to reflect changes in policies and performance. Adjusting the compensation package will not be difficult, but maintaining it with HR, payroll, and benefits will require additional time. It will take seven hours to complete adjusting and implement into the system. Create supervisors report in the following areas: a current app report that includes market performance and user acceptance, create a report of the team’s performance vs. industry standard and create a report of the team’s performance vs. satisfaction. The directors Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 77 create the reports in the revised appraisal milestone, but the data scientist needs to create a front end form. It is utilized with business intelligence rather than an Excel spreadsheet. It will take approximately four hours to complete. One hour for each report and an hour to integrate each together. The data scientist starts working on the reports on the same day as the HR manager starts on the compensation package. Utilize the team performance reviews to create a performance index. It will take approximately 2 hours to create a performance index since each engineer and the directors take approximately 10 minutes. The directors can gather two months’ worth of data for the first review. Reviews produce a visible impact of the employee contributions for the annual review. To compile a piece from each employee into a presentation will require an hour. It will be a simple presentation describing the background, accomplishment, and impact. The last week of February will be vacation and compensation week for employees Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 78 PERT Analysis The PERT analysis included many of the steps for developing and implementing the project into practice. The CEO identified each of the milestones within the table below under the description. Many of the tasks were dependent on each other, so there was little room for parallel processes. Description Implement policies for promotion and termination. Reform office policies. Adjust compensation package to reflect changes in policies and performance. Create an employee performance review that analyzes the activities and behaviors. Create a check-in report with accomplishments, relations and career goals. Create supervisors reports. Utilize the team performance reviews to create a performance index. Node Pessimistic Optimistic Variance Expected Slack Time A B 10 7 6 3 0.444444444 0.444444444 8 5 0 0 C 40 24 7.111111111 32 0 D 10 4 1 7 0 E F 6 3 3 1 0.25 0.111111111 4.5 2 2.5 0 G 1.5 0.5 0.027777778 1 0 Z-Score σ(P) 4.176232687 3.023059525 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers The project was very straight forward except for the compensation packages and supervisors’ reports. For each of the tasks, there were not any overlap for the assigned team members. The compensation packages took longer, so the supervisors’ reports had slack for development within the analysis. The project's development needed to be deducted from the development and QA teams. There will be additional time available after the revised appraisal for the directors to gather information. There are additional details regarding specific dates in the timelines figure. 79 Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 80 Resource Requirements The most important aspect was utilizing a document editor, project manager, spreadsheets, and timer. The company currently used Google Docs for document editor and spreadsheets. Stakeholders were required to document most milestones. The team used Trello for task and phase planning. Stakeholders saw when a task was ready in Trello. had developed their proprietary Pomodoro timer for the organization. The organization used an existing Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud server and open source software. It had cost $800 per year to run the Ubuntu (Linux) server. The server was needed to view, store, and distribute reports through the dashboard. The team used Meteor framework for app development. The two major aspects of Meteor the team used were Node.js and MongoDB. For the team to access the server, they used Node.js for server software. Node.js runs on top of Ubuntu. It provided additional protocols and services. MongoDB was used for databases (DB) services. The engineers and directors used (their choice software) Heidi or RoboMongo to manipulate the database. Manipulating the databases was important in creating the supervisors’ reports and the performance index dashboard. The directors used Visual Studio Code and Emacs for editing source code of the PI dashboard. The HR manager used EasyERP for customer relations management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and Human Resource Management (HRM) on the server. The HR manager used the HRM for associating the compensation packages to employees, promotion and termination policies and procedures, and revising the appraisal process. For the impact conference, the company used Google Docs for text copying, Snipping Tool for image capture, Blender for video editing, and Prezi for the presentations. Employees’ content required different mediums to capture the accomplishment. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 81 Budget It had cost the organization approximately $1,780.93 for development. The estimated amount is based on the assumption that rating a peer took 15 minutes and 30 minutes for a selfreview. There were three peers and a supervisor. The implementation for changing the process had a lower cost but it required more time. Salaries for other employees were based on the same as engineers. It was the average reported cost between Glassdoor, Indeed, and Pay Scale. The average salary for a marketing manager was $76,544, the average salary for the HR manager was $74,515, and $126,398 for legal counsel. It required additional work from the director of development and the director of QA as described in the personnel section. The implementation plan would cost $1688.33. The figure was including the assistance hours from other employees. The total project cost was predicted at $3,469.26. Personnel It was critical for the director of development and the director of QA to know the required and desired information they would like and also the information that needs to be focused on to reach specific objectives. When the directors gathered the necessary information, it was assigned to the data scientist from the development department to create the necessary forms. For the data scientist to generate the report, the marketing manager needed to gather information for the individual. We needed the HR manager and legal department to ensure the legality of the change in operations. It was the responsibility of finance and accounting to ensure that the changes in the development department reflected the improvements. If there were significant improvements in the development department six months after the implementation, then we would consider an adoption of similar programs for each department. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 82 Deliverables The non-financial assets were the metrics, policies, and procedures surrounding the performance appraisal. Metrics and the weights related to the employees and their position is a cornerstone of the project. The core metrics were within the document, but details for the application needed to be further developed toward the development and QA departments. The policies and procedures around termination and promotion were radically simplified. provided employees with clear visibility of the goals and how to attain them. Project Implementation Plan The implementation plan followed the organization’s standard development path. The plan was proposed to address specific stakeholders because of a demand, align the design for a specific reaction and objective, test the option with the design, utilize specific measurements and values in development, and when 95% of the specifications were complete then the deliverable was released. Strategy for the Implementation The strategy was determining the needs of each stakeholder, measure each stakeholders’ contribution, create a solution based on priorities, and mitigate risk from social risk to financial risk since the organization utilized less than 20% of resources in the last The needs of the customer were determined through business analysis and market analysis. The employee needs were determined by the directors on a case by case basis. For the directors to measure the engineers’ performance, they were using the same (or similar) scorecard. The scorecard served as a template for engineers. Different positions had different focuses and value. The team considered it unfair to use the same metrics for a front-end engineer as a security analyst. The directors determine the weights for each employee during the revised appraisal. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 83 Phases of the Rollout Many of the aspects of the design had been completed in the capstone document. It was designed as a template for the directors. It was a foundation for specific directions toward each engineer. Operationally, the organization functioned on demand and supply through Scrum sprints. The sprints were aligned to match pay periods. Each team had enough time to adjust accordingly. The objectives, requirements, and specifications was determined in the project design and requirements. The stakeholders were already aware of the project. Disseminating the tasks was provided in a private Trello board available to the employees. The directors ensured the alignment between the organization’s vision to employee tasks. The specific alignment matched the vision, mission, culture, strategy, standards, objectives, methodology, tactics, metrics, and tasks. was lean organization. The 360-degree review was not necessarily incorrect, but the focus and significance may not have been measured correctly. Measuring skills that had little relevance or impact was a waste of time and money. Conflict management, communication, and teamwork are essential to all organizations. These skills were important for engineers to advance their careers and work with different types of people. Integrating the importance of each skill for employees was determined by the directors and the employee’s direction. The directors tested the scorecard metrics in their existing work to reduce time. Testing from the directors’ perspective allowed them to get ahead of employees for any questions they had. The testing period started before communicating the promotion and termination milestone. The CEO had utilized the scorecard metrics and improved his metrics by 9% and overall productivity by 17% in three months. The CEO was sponsoring the change for the appraisal. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 84 The directors' group was the focus group for the implementation. He conducted a trial for the directors’ trial and review the findings. The development process started with the reform office policies milestone. It provided employees with the necessary environment to generate greater change. It was necessary to create high employee loyalty to continue the team's success. Altering the office policies established a forum of disclosure for the employees. The development process ended at making the performance index dashboard (milestone 6). After the directors created the reports, the metrics were included in a weekly team meeting. The project launch was fully initiated after the supervisors’ reports. It was the time when employees had direction, focus, and metrics for their performance. The release process was quicker than normal since the density of the timeline was tighter on some milestones than others. The physical deliverables were the reports, dashboards, and employees’ impacts in the presentation. The non-financial deliverables were the metrics, policies, procedures, and scoreboards surrounding the performance appraisal. Dependencies The directors and marketing created additional content for the impact conference from customer feedback, stakeholders' comments, and the supervisors’ reports. Directors needed to see what employees and customers submited for engineers’ accomplishments. Engineers also submitted their accomplishments that they were proud of. Deliverables The project provided only a few assets to the organization but they were very valuable. The deliverable assets were the dashboards, documentation, reports, and employees’ impacts in the presentation. The documentation was finalized during implementation. It included Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 85 information from specific stakeholders. The reports were the developed versions of the metrics. A tangible report for the metrics to interact with. The dashboards made interacting with the reports more user-friendly. The (employees’) impact conference were several small deliverables for each employee. Training plan for users The directors provided framework training (for the appraisal) to the employees during the reform office policies in milestone 2. The training did not take long since it was in a group setting. Directors created specific weights and metrics for each position in the revised appraisal. Directors provided an email to each employee after the supervisors’ reports milestone was complete. Specific details for each area of the metrics were included and the expectations. Since a majority of the content evaluated technical aspects of their job, it was easy for engineers to understand. The challenging part was explaining the business relationship model. Engineers had both broad traits and specific traits for interacting with each major stakeholder. Since the engineers understood they could accomplish more by cooperating and both parties were evaluated against each others’ relationship. Further development in relationship modeling could provide the organization with a higher standard of life (Gladwell, 2013). Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 86 Quality Assurance Determining the quality of an appraisal method was a meta-analysis. The skill required many of the skills promoted. It addressed who were the stakeholders, what were their values, and what were their expectations? The four major stakeholder groups were the directors, engineers, customers, and employees. The primary stakeholders were the directors and the engineers. The meetings after the 360-degree performance reviews revealed a great deal about the different stakeholders’ values. The information below indicated the stakeholders’ primary values and priorities for the engineers. A. Directors 1. Fiscal success of the app 2. Balance between the departments and the organization 3. Science 4. Engineering B. Engineers 1. App popularity 2. Science 3. Engineering C. Customers 1. User experience 2. Additional rich feature options 3. Engineering 4. Treat employees fairly D. Employees Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 87 1. Smart 2. Cool There were communication and values disconnections between directors, engineers, and employees. Aligning the values of each major stakeholder created more focused and rounded engineers. The alignment addressed the communication skills of the engineers. It was challenging to determine the objective abilities since the organization had inconsistently utilized a different performance method each year. The team used code metrics analysis over the source code that has been submitted over the year. A broad idea of performance improvements were made. Quality Assurance Approach The quality assurance approach utilized specifications for compliance. It addressed the needs of each major stakeholder. It utilized specific measurement for each priority. The specifications were critical since it ensured the quality of the appraisal. The specifications comprised the project’s objective requirements. For the final check off, a consensus was required between each stakeholders’ needs. The directors checked each specification against the objective with incremental improvements. Solution Testing The simplest way of evaluating the performance appraisal was the difference in the quality and quantity of the work over time. It would be simple for directors to see evaluating employees over quarters and years demonstrated in the scorecard analysis. The scorecard even identified micro-fluctuations in performance. There were key characteristics when an engineer got in the “zone” and produced massive amounts of high-quality work. Each person had their Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 88 opinion of higher quality work, but a direct assessment by each stakeholder and group created a consensus. The next way of testing the solution was in the app performance. There were several ways the team will measure the improvements to the app. It was easier for the developers to identify performance enhancements during branch testing. A branch test is when a developer tests his individual contributions in an isolated build of the app. The primary measurements for the app were explicitness, release rate, reliability, resource management, scalability, and user acceptance. Each measurement had a different major stakeholder, but every stakeholder cared a certain amount about each measurement. Explicitness was how easily the source code was understandable. Customers overlooked explicitness, but it was critical to developers and other major stakeholders. An engineer could identify poor explicitness by lack documentation, poorly named variables, no comments in the source code, improper file structures (such as poor spacing or indents), disorganized filing, and branch disorderliness. When the code had poor explicitness, it could have made it difficult to understand for team members. Getting started, continuing work, and collaboration would have been challenging. These hurdles would slow releases. When the organization would slow releases it could result in decreased sales. The release rate was critical to a company as a release often implied product revenue. The release rate was determined by how fast an engineer could understand the objective, determine implied or communicated requirements, deconstruct the requirements into specifications and actionable tasks, turn tasks into code, leave code openings for the team to hook, and document the assignments. Programming can sound straight forward, but with every environment, there were required roundabout methods to achieving conventional functions. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 89 When analyzing a task, a programmer could estimate the task will take three days. It was an industry standard to multiply the time required of a task estimate by two, six days. The PERT technique is (optimistic time + pessimistic time + (4 * average))/6. If there were unpredictable events, then it would be exponentially longer for the engineer. There were several examples of similar situations that have occurred. Microsoft had abandoned frameworks such as Silverlight or XNA (Microsoft, n.d.). Google Chrome no longer supports SLA-1 encryption (Google, 2014). Apple had drastically altered their terms of service agreement for ad identifiers (Perez, 2014). Reliability was a critical performance metric. It directly measured how stable the app was. It included superficial bugs to system collapsing bugs. Within the last five years, there had been interesting strategies in managing reliability. Google had adopted a very traditional approach to reliability with very creative tactics. "The company uses arrays of small, cheap switches to provide some of the same capabilities as much more expensive hardware, then manages workload distribution in software"(Hruska, 2015). Netflix took the opposite approach. They expected every function, packet, or session to become lost or destroyed. The system was fault tolerance in a high volume, distributed system (Christensen, 2012). Part of reliability is test user acceptance rate for crashes. Almost 10 years ago Myspace was the leading social media site. At one point, the site would have outages for hours at a time. Users were outraged. These series of crashes led to the demise of Myspace and the rise of Facebook. Since 2004, Facebook's longest outage was 2.5 hours in 2010 (Facbook Engineering, 2010). Facebook had tested the limits of user acceptance by artificially crashing their new app to determine user loyalty. Resource management was defined as the allocation, optimization, and distribution of system resources. Poorly managed resources resulted in negative user experiences such as clipping, chopping, excessive caching, lag, overheating, massive RAM usage, and large data Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 90 storage. Resource management occurred on the client app, client browser, and server sides. Resource management affected the minimum system requirements for an app. Determining the minimum and recommended system requirements affected the competitive advantage. More people could purchase the software with lower minimum requirements. It allowed an organization to gain a significant competitive advantage, increase market segmentation, increase market share growth. Scalability affected the ability to manage larger resources and also affected the marketability to enterprise organizations. Scalability could affect the growth potential of the app. In the case of many people utilizing the app, they may use it in unexpected ways that would violate system resources. Microsoft Excel is a prime example. For a long period, an Excel table could only contain 65,536 rows. A large organization could work on a portfolio report and consume the limit in less than an hour. There were roundabout ways to generating the report. Both methods required separating the document into several files. The first method was separating the report into several documents, and the viewer would need to open each one. The second was to reference the desired cell in another report but required all the files to be in the same folder. Microsoft worked to patch the limitation and increased the limit to “more than a million” (Microsoft, n.d.). It took the company more than five years to fix the bug, but during that time it allowed the company to migrate firms over to SQL server. The most important and easiest to understand was user acceptance. Various metrics comprised the measurement within it such as activity, acceptance, downloads, active users, and total users. There were a required minimum of two user acceptance tests for every feature implemented into the app before release. The first was the specific app demographic and the second for the general market. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 91 Revisions The first aspect was ensuring employees were regularly reporting their progress. Reports were completed quarterly and audited. While all data was kept secret, the derived metrics from all employees was readily available. It was made possible by utilizing development operations (DevOps) and systems operations (sysOps) automation. If there had been any changes, they were updated daily. The reports demonstrated the team’s productivity and impact. Office administration, the director of QA, the director of development, and HR ensured that changes in office policy were enforced. When an employee left the company, HR had an exit interview and assessed the situation to ensure that it complied with office policy. Similarly, HR needed to audit when an employee title changed within the department. Payroll and benefits needed to perform regular auditing to make sure compensation packages matched the employees. Regardless of employee changes, the HR team implemented regular stay interviews to ensure employee retention was improved. Summative Evaluation Plan The individual summative evaluation was a scorecard that identified specific performance metrics. The various measurements created more complex metrics and group metrics. The metrics ensured the contribution to each stakeholders’ needs. The performance assessment provided a summary of performance and growth trajectory. The team scorecard was more important to the individual evaluation since it directly analysed the departments’ performance. Even though it was generated from the individual scorecards the formulated metrics guaranteed the fulfillment of the stakeholders’ needs and analyzed specific skills may be needed later. It allowed the directors to see which skills specific engineers needed. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 92 Disseminating Results The individual scorecards were available only to the HR manager, director, and the employees. The scores were readily available from the reports dashboard. Other aspects of the performance evaluation were available on a quarterly basis. For that reason, the employee needed to maintain regular feedback from other teammates. The department scorecards were available every week, but the full performance evaluation was available every quarter. The weekly scorecards were discussed during the one of the weekly meetings, but also posted on the company’s bulletin board system. The department scorecards were only available to internal employees. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 93 Post Implementation Support and Issues The post-implementation required some additional support. Some personnel outside of the development and QA departments needed to stay involved. The HR department needed to ensure the consistency in review quality and provided training. Post Implementation Support The first step sustaining the performance appraisal process was providing monthly checkins through the dashboard the data scientist created. The report was regularly filed by employees to ensure that they are staying on track. Employees requested coaching sessions on a monthly or quarterly period. Directors and employees were required to have a minimum of quarterly coaching. At the end of the year, the department will have an annual impact celebration. It will show the best stuff the employees made over the year. Finance, accounting, HR, and payroll & benefits were needed for additional support. Finance and accounting department had more invoices for the work environment benefits. The HR manager ensured the employee records were regularly recorded. There was a bit more paperwork for payroll & benefits. A formal compensation package needed to be completed for new hire employees to ensure salaries matched competitors. Recruiters also needed to familiarize themselves with salary ranges. Post Implementation Support Resources The only required resource was the server. It was the AWS Cloud server for $800 per year. The configuration needed to remain consistent in order for the data to be processed correctly and all of the stakeholders had access their software. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 94 Maintenance Plan The appraisal metrics and methods were stored and improved incrementally. The directors and employees needed to ensure that the duties they were assigned are in line with needs of the stakeholders and within the employee’s job design. If tasks fell outside the job design, then it needed to be assigned to another person, hire a new employee, or transition the employee to the new position. A primary objective of the maintenance plan was to maintain the termination, retention, promotion, and compensation packages processes. HR needed to ensure that the review processes were utilized and enforced. After each quarterly and annual review, the supervisors audited the reviews for consistency, progress, and quality. The reason was that part of the primary objective was ensuring directors and employees are utilizing the data effectively. The dashboards and reports were regularly accessed, and employees were continually improving. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 95 Conclusion, Outcomes, and Reflection Evaluating an engineer’s contributions was a complicated ordeal. There were many different facets to a high-quality developer. Within the last few years, it had become more challenging as there have been more roles that fuse others’ together. Business intelligence analyst, front-end developer, information systems analyst, maintenance integration engineer, secOps engineer, and sysOps engineer are just a few. Project Summary The initial design of the project was more complex than initially assessed. The difficulty in evaluating software engineers was comparable to measuring a hybrid architect, designer, engineer, and mathematician. Since the skill sets were different, a different approach was needed. Traditional psychometric properties, applied psychology, human resource development, human resource management, performance assessments, and performance measurements were not sufficient. Computer science and mathematics theories helped assess the activities, complexity, difficulty, and effort of software engineering but still lacked the substance for utilizing the theories in practical environments. Business administration and project management identified the particular skills into practical measurements. Information systems theories assisted in structuring the necessary data, priorities, and values to stakeholders for the appraisals’ effectiveness. The testing methodology met with positive results. When the CEO tested the appraisal method in the office, he had utilized most of the appraisal method with a heavy emphasis on the scorecard metrics. Within three months his overall ability improved by 9% and his productivity improved by 17%. Other firms had used the scorecard method that ranged between 7% to 30% improvement over three months. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 96 During development, the directors were initially apprehensive, but since it addressed their issues, they were relieved. The engineers also liked the appraisal method since it put their skills and contributions in ways they could relatable. The HR department was a bit surprised that the development and QA departments had their own evaluation methods and were being implemented so quickly. When the data scientist was working on the reports she had introduced a couple of metrics that fit well. Meta-objectives scale and the impact force ratio addressed two issues. The meta-objectives added specifications value weights to objectives. When the business objectives were rated in a 0 to 100% ration, the meta-business objectives might be 103/92. The metric shows that the team had not only achieved 100% of the objectives, but also had 11 specifications accomplished ahead of schedule. Impact force ratio is similar to meta-objective metrics. It suggested that a specifications the team created required minimum effort, but increased the revenue by 3%. Deliverables The deliverables included many financial and non-financial assets. The first are the policies and procedures for compensation packages, promotions, and terminations. These are the consequences of employee behavior and contributions. The next asset is the organizational alignment figure. Within a traditional environment, the software engineering teams are separated by development, operations, and quality assurance. Each team creates their strategies and tactics with a unifying coding standard. A part of the problem we encountered was the slight misalignment between directors and employees. utilizes best practices, strategies, and tactics challenges performance standards, and then distributes it within the teams. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 97 The knowledge aspect of employee performance is the skills matrix. The CEO included the modified skills matrix template based on primary design, engineering, and security skills. The particular weights for each position were outside the scope of the document. It is the directors’ individual decision for the employees’ position. The skill aspect of the performance appraisal is the scorecard. The template includes the best practices metrics. There are five sections in the scorecard. The CEO included a template as a spreadsheet to utilize. The spreadsheet includes the tasks that are completed, the power of the team, the utility of the team, offensive impact (o-impact), and the temperature of the team. The last deliverable is the relationship mapping template. It addresses the issues of employees’ relationships and traits. Traditional human resource development, cognitive psychology, social psychology provide the best support for relationships. Outcomes The outcomes for the project was outstanding. The average employee productivity had increased by 11%. The employee performance index had increased by 5%. Employee satisfaction is at 98%. People are working longer and loving it. The work environment and support for employees allow them to stay longer without worrying. Since the CEO and directors changed the metrics, the product quality had increased by 8%. The quarterly revenue increased 24% higher than the profit projections. The organization is headed for a consistent 250% revenue growth for the second year in a row. The first quarter resulted in a 54% revenue increase. The projected profit earned an estimated $10.8 million. The project saved an estimated $2.8 million. The organization received massive publicity for the reforms. The company was placed on four local magazines for best places to work. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers The project did come with some downsides. After the publications, 98 were receiving so many resumes they did not know how to manage them all. The implementation and support were more time consuming than anticipated. The dashboards required specialized visualization to express complexity. The reports required additional time to develop. When other departments had heard about the performance appraisal, they thought there was favoritism for the departments. An unexpected outcome was that engineers felt the system was “too fair.” Everything in the appraisals was accurate and considerate, but there were no surprises. All aspects of the financial compensation packages and incentives were very predictable. Reflection The most difficult aspect of the project was within the software engineering metrics. Evaluating complexity is the most complex aspect of the performance appraisal. Most of the aspects of complexity can be expressed mathematically, but there are other aspects that require a soft understanding of engineering. When planning a project there was no software repository or tool as a reference for complexity. Only programming several apps and breaking them down into Pomodoros or WBSs works for evaluation. After the programming was complete then there were tools for reviewing complexity. The largest aspect of the project was compensation packages. It was an entire discipline by itself. There were a substantial amount of information on models, non-financial incentives, risk analysis, and threshold management techniques that fell outside the scope of the project. It was challenging to quantify the correlation from engineering to fiscal worth. There were assessment and automated tools that would be excellent for potential and new hires. It may not work well with existing employees since employees already had familiarity with our app’s details. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 99 No engineer will write code without documentation that includes objectives, requirements, and specifications. Many American engineers are provided vague requirements and then utilize a waterfall project management style that wastes a significant amount of time. The impact of neglected documentation is massive. The supervisor or stakeholder must create the documentation for objectives, requirements, and specifications from user experiences. The purpose of making an app was for the consumers’ benefit. For many engineers, the technology was available before the demand. Scrum is based on the demand. Post-Mortem Directions The organization must move to the next stage. It was based on scaling our success for the future by determining how the organization needs to change. If continues its success then it must create a rapid onboarding program. It would be a training program that provides the new engineer with the knowledge and skills for the position. The other aspect that needs to be improved is to discover ways to make the reports more effectively. It starts with gathering the data faster and more effectively. The steps for gathering data and creating the reports needs to be more automated. Performance Appraisal Method for Software Engineers 100 References AICPA, & CIMA. (2012, November). How to Develop Non-Financial KPIs. Chartered Global Management Accountant. Retrieved from Akampurira, A. (2014). 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