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Reflective Write Up: Person Centred Therapy Group Presentation

Re ective Write Up
Student Number: 20006614
Student Name: Bobby Temps
Course Title: BA (Hons) in Counselling & Psychotherapy, Part-time
Lecturer Name: Brian Holohan
Module Title: Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy
Assignment Title: Person Centred Therapy Group Presentation
Working as part of this group I found to be a positive experience overall and I felt the
communication was strong. Laura started a WhatsApp group so we could easily keep in contact
and two Zoom calls took place to help us plan the presentation. Although for the most part we
worked on our own slides individually and then took suggestions from the others to make for a
more cohesive presentation.
I contributed to planning conversations and kept the others up to date on the progress of my
slides throughout. Although I do wish I’d spoken up more on the expectations of our slides as I
feel the format we were keeping to ended up inhibiting my presenting skills on the day. This is
because I operate better when talking around a subject rather than reading from slides due to
having Dyslexia. This means reading in front on people from a screen I’m not used to can easily
cause me to lose my place or mess up my words.
In not raising this I was attempting to challenge myself however I’m not confident it paid off and I
felt a lot more comfortable with how my Addiction presentation went. Although I’m aware taking
in front of others doesn’t bother me in the way some of our group members experience so
hopefully that helped pull me through. That being said I learned so much more in creating my
slides about the influences that helped shape the work of Carl Rodgers who remains my favourite
thought leader in our profession.
Generally the workload felt balanced with Mark taking a lead with some of the initial planning
before defecting to another group who needed another person. However we kept a similar
structure to what he had proposed and chose between us who would do each topic. From there
we got to work on our own slides and this part I found straightforward as PowerPoint is a software
I’m very used to.
Laura and I collated the slides on behalf of the group and checked that there wasn’t crossover in
what different people were talking about. There were a few instances of this that we raised with
the group and proposed alterations that were all agreed upon. This process was very seamless
and helped by Laura being so easy to work with. From there I sent over a final version of the
presentation that everyone agreed on before sending it to Brian in both PowerPoint and PDF
format just in case.
After presenting our work the group were happy with the end result and glad to have completed
another assignment. Particularly members of the group who were nervous about presenting in
front of the class. The main concern was if we had answered the questions put to us sufficiently
but this was more of a passing concern than something we have discussed since then. I certainly
feel like we learned a lot from both the group experience and in deepening our understanding of
person centred therapy.