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An Overview of the MTP Kit

An Overview of the
What is an MTP Kit?
 MTP Kit is an abbreviation for medical termination of pregnancy.
 The kit contains medications that help in concluding the pregnancy in the
initial stage.
 It has two compositions of supplements mifepristone and misoprostol that
aid in ending the pregnancy up to 1st trimester.
 Anybody under 12 weeks of pregnancy if willing to cease the gestation can
buy MTP Kit online for trouble-free medication abortion.
Is the medication abortion painful?
• The medication abortion has effects similar to periods which
include bleeding, cramping, muscular pain, nausea, etc.
• These symptoms may be mild to moderate and may not last for
too long.
• Since the procedure has little to no complications, patients buy
MTP Kit to execute the termination of early pregnancy.
How do the medicines work?
 Mifepristone is an antagonist to the progesterone hormone.
 Progesterone hormones are female hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle
and help in the growth of the embryo.
 The medicine stops the action of the progesterone hormone thus stopping the
pregnancy from growing.
 Misoprostol is a supplement that works as synthetic prostaglandin.
 Prostaglandin has hormone-like functions that are released in the body if there
is any illness, infection, or damage to the tissues of the body.
 It develops a contraction that helps in protruding the pregnancy out in the form
of clots and blood.
Does medication abortion affect the reproduction in future?
 The medication abortion is safe and effective.
 It is an FDA-approved medication prescribed by doctors.
 The medication does not have any adverse effects on the reproductive
system, women can easily conceive in the future.
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