School Of Education Department Of Teacher Education LESSON PLAN Name of Student School Date Topic Instructional Media 1 i. ii. Vimbayi Simari Purpose Finder Academy 16 April 2024 Understanding business activity Flash disc, hard drive, DVD Subject Class/Grade Time Sub-Topic No of Pupils Reference Business Studies Form 1 8.45am to 9.30am(45 Minutes) Division of labor and specialization pupils ( boys & girls) Business Studies IGCSE Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Distinguish between specialization and division of labour Identify the advantages and disadvantages of specialization and division of labour 2 Rationale Pupils will have initial Understanding and appreciation of the differences between division of labor and specialization 3. Starter Description (Introduction/Motivation) Getting Started: Motivational verse or saying 4 Key Words Specialization, Division of labour 5 Development Time 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 1 Activities / Tasks Step 1 Recap of yesterday’s lesson State today’s objectives Step 2 Def. of Storage devices Introduce topic for the day: Specialization and Division of Labor Define and give example Step 3 Types of storage devices With the use of a Bar Chart, students will show a comparison among the different types of storage devices as it relates to usage. a. Explain the importance of a bar chart and how to create it b. Present students with the data Step 4 Explain and do Numbered Heads. a. Teacher ask questions: i. What are the two types of storage devices? ii. Based on the list of storage devices presented in class, which would you say is the most reliable? Teacher calls time (discussion stops) Teacher Randomly calls group Differentiation Structures, Techniques and Strategies/Methods Have material persons collect handouts. Students will read handout on computer. Three-Minute Pause. Pause instruction, Turn-toYour-Neighbor and share. Please summarize what you have learnt so far After 3-minutes, with the use of Random Calls get some responses. All group members will be presented with the same material Each group presents this information to the class in a creative manner Have students create their chart. Team decides on answer Student whose number is selected stands. Group Jigsaw Turn-to-your-neighbour and share Numbered Heads (Literal, Bloom’s: Knowledge) (Critical, Bloom’s: Analysis & Evaluation) (Think-pair-share) Students in the groups will be given different segments of a handout on types of storage devices and data storage media 15 Minutes Step 5 Using a Question & Answer Pairs, students will classify the following devices as either secondary or primary storage devices Since primary storage is volatile, we need to store our data on secondary storage devices. The steps are: a. Steps are written on chart on wall i. Insert storage device ii. Click on File, Save As iii. Select the Save in Location iv. Type the required filename v. Click on Save. 6 Plenary (go through the content & emphasis that the 7 8 Demonstrate the process Point out common errors variations Practice schedules variations/ Class exercise Journaling Self-Evaluation (Self-Critique) This is a reflective look at your own performance. You should reflect on your preparation for and performance during the lesson. Talk about what you were happy about, what confused you or bothered you, etc. These are some questions that can be addressed. Other items may be addressed. You should not try to address all of these questions- just the ones that are most appropriate. 1) Remember that the focus is on your performance. 2) Were you well prepared? In what ways? 3) Were you nervous? Excited? Why? 4) Did you keep the lesson “moving”? Where did it bog down? What could you do about that? 5) Did you cover all of the phases adequately? Why not? 6) Where did you get the idea for the lesson and why did you like it? 7) What did you do particularly well or poorly? Did you let students do their own thinking? Was that difficult for you? 8) Other appropriate questions. Record Of Domains Of Instructional Objectives Cognitive Affective I, II, VI 2 a. Students read designated areas (#1’s & #2’s: Diskette, #3’s & #4’s: Hard Disk) b. Teach the most important point to their fellow group members Jigsaw Use Random Calls to get one thing that was learnt from material (Bloom’s: Comprehension) Question & Answer Pairs Procedural Knowledge Pupils List of devices: RAM, ROM, Floppy, CD, DVD, EPROM, Flash drive homework should be done) 20 Min Students to vote, with the Agree/Disagree card provided. IV, V Integration of Faith and Learning How the writings of the Bible has been stored to be used to date. ICT/Cross Curricular Links Printed chart of steps in storage of data. Use of computer on learning how to store data. Lesson Evaluation Your focus is on the lesson itself in relation to your goals and objectives. Be specific. Talk about how the directions or groupings of students worked, what should be changed, how different aspects of the lesson worked compared to how you thought they would work, etc. 1) Address each of your objectives and tell how you know it was or was not met. Use quotations where appropriate. 2) Did anything that happened surprise you? Did anything go just as you thought it would? 3) Other appropriate questions related to your goals and objectives. 4) Describe overall learner response. e.g. “One of my goals was for the students to get to know each other better while they were doing the interviews in the groups. All but three of the students spent all of the time allowed asking each other questions.”) Psychomotor III, IV, VI