German Jordanian University School of Applied Technical Sciences Tree Diagram - Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering 2020/2021 MATH99 Pre Math Calculus I MATH101 Physics I PHYS103 . Probability and Statistics IE0121 Statics CEE201 Done by: Rashad Barakeh Calculus II MATH102 Physics II PHYS104 # . . German I GERL101 English II ENGL099 Arabic 99 ARB099 Engineering Economics IE0361 Reliability and Quality Control MECH0551 Applied Mathematics for Engineers MATH203 Computing Fundamentals CS116 # German II GERL102 English III ENGL101 Arabic ARB100 Thermodynamics MECH0221 Thermofluids Lab MECH0321 (CO-Requisite with MECH0222) English IV ENGL102 Management of Maintenance Systems MECH0552 English V ENGL201 Instrumentation and Measurements ME0346 # Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) MECH0541 Applied Thermal Systems MECH0545 Numerical Methods for Engineers BM371 # Building Services MECH0544 Military Sciences for Jordanian Only MILS100 Theory of Machines MECH0331 Control Systems I ME0344 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design MECH0211 English VI ENGL202 # With lab (CO-Requisite) Thermal Systems Lab I MECH0342 Internal Combustion Engines MECH0543 University Electives II German VI GERL302 Heat Transfer ENE321 National Education NE101 University Electives I German V GERL301 Electrical Circuits and Machines ME0212 Computer Aided Mathematics For MECH MECH0361 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing ME0111 German IV GERL202 Mechanics of Materials MECH0213 # Differential Equations MATH205 Power and Refrigeration Cycles MECH0341 German III GERL201 Fluid Mechanics MECH0222 Dynamics MECH0215 Mechanical Vibrations MECH0531 # Thermal Systems Lab II MECH0542 *Students must choose one track. Technical Writing and Engineering Ethics IE0281 Field Training MECH0391 Graduation Project I MECH0591 This plan is for showing the major subjects only! You can find the official one on your MYGJU Machine Design MECH0332 # Engineering Workshop IE0141 General Chemsitry I CHEM103 (Pre-Requisite) Graduation Project II MECH0592 Applied Mechanical Design MECH0533 Materials and Manufacturing Engineering IE0348 Section Total Credit Hours: Section Required Credit Hours: University Requirements 27 27 School Requirements 43 43 Compulsory Courses 86 86 Applied Track Compulsory 6 6 Maintenance Track Compulsory 6 6 Department Approval - - Elective courses in Germany (12 Hours) * With Lab International Internship MECH0491 Classification Total Internship in Germany (12 Hours) - 174