FINALS April 26, 2021 A MANDATED TOPIC ON TAXATION Module 1 (Finals) LEARNING OBJECTIVES : 1 Describe the principles of taxation; 2 Articulate why taxes should be paid; 3 Establish the link between taxation and the concepts of justice and morality; 4 Summary and Action Items LEARNING OBJECTIVES : 5 Distinguish tax avoidance and tax evasion; 6 Point put moral issues; 7 Explain the bases of tax morale TAX Your facilitators Taxes are used to improve infrastructure Taxes without good governance and accountability is open to abuse and corruption. "Compulsory unrequited payments to general government" -(OECD) "A fee levied by a government or regional entity on a transaction, product or activity in order to finance government expenditure" -(TJNA) Life blood of a country Taxes are need to ensure general welfare TAX "Taxes are enforced proportional contribution, generally payable in money, levied by the law-making body of the State by virtue of its sovereignty upon the persons of property within its jurisdiction for the support of the government and all public needs Political Perspectives "The inherent power by which the sovereign state imposes financial burden upon persons and property as a means of raising revenue to defray the necesssary the necessary expensese of the government" Your facilitators Life blood of a country Taxes are need to ensure general welfare Why do we have to pay TAXES? Why do we have to pay TAXES ? 1 TAXATION AND ITS GOALS 2 TAXES, MORALITY AND JUSTICE 3 TAX AS MORAL OBLIGATION 4 TAX AVOIDANCE AND TAX EVASION TAXATION AND ITS GOALS BASIS OF TAXATION IN TWO FOLD 1. AS A NECESSITY 2. RECIPROCAL DUTIES OF PROTECTION AND SUPPORT BETWEEN THE STATE AND ITS INHABITANTS TAXATION AND ITS GOALS 5Rs to which good taxation should be characterized: 1. RAISE REVENUE 2. REPRICE GOODS AND SERVICES CONSIDERED TO BE INCORRECTLY PRICED BY THE MARKET SUCH AS TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, CARBON EMISSIONS, ETC. AND BY PROVIDING TAX RELIEFS. E.G. FOR CHILDCARE 3. REDISTRIBUTE INCOME AND WEALTH; 4. RAISE REPRESENTATION WITHIN THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN FOUND THAT ONLY WHEN AN ELECTORATE AND A GOVERNMENT ARE BOUND BY THE COMMON INTEREST OF TAX DOES DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTABILITY REALLY WORK; AND FINALLY FACILITATE. 5. REORGANIZATION OF THE ECONOMY THROUGH FISCAL POLICY ACTIVITY 1 List down 5 family members that are affected by tax. 1. Which of the following listed members is highly taxed? 2. Is the tax or the taxes being paid from an item necessary? 3. How can you help as a member of the family to avoid unnecessary items to save from paying taxes? Get a paper and pen or open google docs and list down your answers TWO ASPECTS OF TAXES: 1. Social Aspects 2. Moral Aspects THE PRINCIPLE OF THE COMMON GOOD (2008); the essential elements... 1. It recognizes the human person as a sacred and social being. 2. it is built upon the principle of human dignity and the equality of all people. 3. it recognizes that human beings realize their dignity and achieve their destiny in particular communities, not isolation. 4. it requires basic foundation of basic rights which are minimum standards for life in society. 5. it is a personal and communal. 6. It must be active at every level of life. 7. It is directed by a moral concern that each person must participate and share in the benefits of social advances. 8. It is needed to avoid the harmful forces of coercion, domination, or exploitation. 9. it is needed for the overall just functioning of a society. 10. It recognizes that governments and political institutions are necessary and have responsibility for achieving the common good. 11. It must be an increasingly transnational- or globalreality encompassing the entire human 12. it not utilitarian in nature. It's not the greatest good for the greatest number because this can allow for the exclusion of individuals. TAX AS A MORAL OBLIGATION " From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ." Acts 2:45 biblical interpretations of the common good Human being cannot live alone . We are directed to the other in the personal realm, recognizing the other as neighbors and in the wider context, social realm. 1. That the good of each human person is intimately related to the good of the whole community. 2. The human person, made in God's image, is both a sacred being and a social being. 3. The human person can only flourish in community. 4. The rights and duties of human persons are realized and carried out in community, which includes the community of the family along with the wider society and world. 5. The good of each individual in society is intimately connected to the good of the wider group or society 6. Participation peace, proper exercise of limited authority and the safeguarding of rights are necessary conditions for the principle of common good. Tax as a moral obligation is linked to our understanding of the common good as the end of taxation. It is always viewed that taxes are means to flourish society but it is not only a bad government that may hinder this objective but also the distorted values of an individual (taxpayer) that deters the achievement of this goal. We often complain of poverty and social inequality in perennial existence but we failed to look into the potential causes of social ills as our own wrongdoings. Taxes are believed to address social inequalities amid some other principles to be strictly observed such as transparency. democracy, social commitments and responsibilities, fair taxation scheme, and many others. "Businesses, like individuals, can only exist and flourish because of a wider environment of nurture and support. This generates reciprocal moral obligations. It means that businesses are parasitic if they make use of the resources and infrastructure of a country without contributing to it through taxation. TAX AVOIDANCE AND TAX EVASION Tax avoidance is the process whereby an individual uses tax planning so as to apply all exemptions and deductions provided by tax laws to reduce taxable income. Through tax avoidance, an individual takes advantage of all legal opportunities to minimize varied forms of taxes (income tax, gift tax, or estate tax). Tax avoidance lowers tax bill by structuring transactions so that the largest tax benefits are reaped. Tax avoidance is legal- and extremely wise. TAX AVOIDANCE AND TAX EVASION Tax evasion, on the other hand, is the illegal practice of not paying taxes, by not reporting income, reporting expenses not legally allowed, or by not paying taxes owed. Often, it entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability and includes dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than the amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions. As tax avoidance is encouraged, tax evasion is branded as a crime WHAT IS TAX MORALE? Tax morale is referred to as the motivation of a country's citizens to pay taxes, in addition to legal obligations that comes with it. It has impacts on the economy and perceptions on tax evasion. It has a strong correlation to tax compliance among developed and developing countries. Thus, under-standing the factors that drive tax morale is beneficial in understanding the reason for tax compliance. different perceptions on tax morale 1. Faith or religious identity 2. Age 3. Gender 4. Self-perceived economic situation 5. Labor status 6. Educational attainment 7. Employment status 8. Trust and satisfaction with government's services 9. Quality of public services: health, education, and social protection It is interesting to note that the above determinants generated significant correlation to tax morale in varied studies.