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Chip and package
routability checking
Chip and package
Voltage island design
Encounter RTL Compiler
Design for test
Encounter Test
Low-power synthesis: Voltage
island and fine-grain MTCMOS cell
Encounter RTL Compiler
Voltage island floorplan,
power plan
Enabled level shifter insertion
Voltage island placement, CTS, IPO,
fine-grain MTCMOS sleep net
SoC Encounter GPS
65nm route, wire spreading
Concurrent redundant via insertion
NanoRoute, Fire & Ice QXC
On-chip RC variation timing signoff
Voltage island timing signoff
MCTMOS HVt retention path check
Chip and package
static IR-Drop
SoC Encounter GPS
Encounter Automatic Power
CeltIC NDC, VoltageStorm Dynamic
Gate (DG)
Volatge island crosstalk, power, IR
Chip and package
dynamic IR-Drop
Hierarchical crosstalk analysis
Hierarchical dynamic IR analysis
VoltageStorm (DG)
Chip and package
Metal fill for balanced metal
density DRC/LVS
Physical verification
Reference flow 6.0 — Cadence track
As demands for increasing
functionality, performance, and
battery life drive the industry to
migrate to nanometer process nodes,
design teams face unprecedented
challenges. At 65nm, additional
challenges emerge in the areas of low
power, DFM-aware routing,
chip/package integration, and design
for test (DFT). Design teams creating
today's SoCs will require new solutions
to meet their design goals. The TSMC
Reference Flow 6.0 is the industry's
first IC implementation flow that
addresses these and many other key
issues involved in creating electronics
at 90nm and 65nm.
TSMC pioneered the concept of a
foundry-driven reference flow in 2001.
Four years and five major releases
later, the TSMC reference flow is the
standard for the industry. Each release
has anticipated new design challenges
and offered the design community
methodologies that instill increased
confidence in using Cadence's
products to design for TSMC's
manufacturing processes. This
systematic approach addresses the
varied implementation requirements
of leading-edge designs, minimizes
unnecessary risks and delays, and
improves your odds of achieving firstpass silicon success.
The latest release, the TSMC Reference
Flow 6.0, builds on previous versions.
Included in Reference Flow 5.0 were
TSMC-validated techniques for power
optimization, power analysis, DFM,
area reduction, chip and package
Power consumption
and integrity
Low power and DFM
Signal integrity
Design complexity
Power management
Design challenges
P&R iterations
Power closure flow
Power closure flow
SI closure flow
SI closure flow
SI closure flow
Hierarchical flow
Hierarchical flow
Hierarchical flow
Hierarchical flow
Synthesis &
P&R link
Timing-driven flow
Timing closure flow
Timing closure flow
Timing closure flow
Timing closure flow
Timing closure flow
Release 1.0
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 4.0
Release 5.0
Release 6.0
0.25 micron
TSMC Reference Flow 6.0, a comprehensive design flow portfolio
integration, and flip chip area I/O
design. These include key elements of
the Cadence Encounter™ digital IC
design platform—technologies that
deal with issues such as low-power
synthesis, multiple supply voltages and
power domains, leakage power
optimization, automatic power grid
generation, and IR (voltage) drop
Within the Encounter platform,
Encounter RTL Compiler synthesis
supplies the multiple threshold voltage
(multi-Vt) library synthesis needed for
low-power designs.
Cadence First Encounter® Global
Physical Synthesis (GPS) provides level
shifter insertion for employing
multiple power domains and
automated power grid generation.
Cadence First Encounter® Global
Physical Synthesis (GPS) is a highcapacity, hierarchical, RTL-to-placednetlist implementation system within
the Encounter platform. Complete
peripheral I/O flip-chip design
planning and 45 degree RDL routing is
also integrated in the Encounter
platform, which enables chip
implementation in the presence of
bump and RDL effects.
Meanwhile, Cadence VoltageStorm®
working together with the Cadence
Allegro® system interconnect platform
provides static and dynamic IR drop
analysis as well as key capabilities for
chip/package integration.
Reference Flow 6.0 is a comprehensive
new offering that uses advanced
Cadence technologies to meet critical
design and implementation challenges
at 65 nanometers and below. It is
ready now to handle today's most
advanced nanometer designs.
New in Reference Flow 6.0 are
technologies for power optimization;
power analysis with package effects;
additional capabilities for chip/
package integration; and support for
the 65nm process node, including
DFM, routing, parasitic extraction,
and DFT.
Along with driving the evolution of
process technologies, TSMC has
collaborated closely with Cadence
to meet design teams' increasingly
tight technical constraints and
advanced product requirements. TSMC
Reference Flow 6.0 pays particular
attention to these following technical
* Cadence First Encounter GPS is part of the Cadence SoC Encounter™ GPS offering.
Power optimization/Power Analysis
The TSMC Reference Flow 6.0 builds
on previously created Cadence
technologies for power optimization,
such as the multiple supply voltage
(MSV) features of First Encounter GPS
as well as the power-shutdown,
voltage-scaling, and leakage power
optimization solutions delivered by
Encounter RTL Compiler synthesis and
First Encounter GPS.
Further refinements to existing power
optimization techniques include
Cadence Encounter platform support
for fine-grain and coarse-grain powergating using multi-threshold CMOS
(MTCMOS) transistors, dynamic
voltage scaling, and automatic power
rail synthesis.
MTCMOS power-gating works to
reduce leakage currents by disconnecting the power supply from
specific portions of a circuit when
those portions are not needed.
Dynamic voltage scaling is a type of
hierarchical power optimization that
can switch whole circuits or blocks into
different power and, therefore,
performance modes. Encounter
enables designs to dynamically switch
the circuit or block between different
power supply voltages. Lowering the
voltage supply to non-critical blocks or
paths can significantly reduce dynamic
and leakage power.
Automatic power rail synthesis takes
advantage of the Automatic Power
Planner capability in the Encounter
platform to detect power grid issues
early in the design cycle through
power prototyping. This lowers the
cost of fixing problems and achieves a
close correlation with back-end results
due to a common power, IR drop, and
electromigration analysis engine.
Allegro platform in Reference
Flow 6.0.
The Allegro platform delivers a
number of new capabilities for
chip/package integration, including:
• Differential pair analysis: Eye diagram
inspection and timing extraction
• Package power/ground RLC model
• Cross-talk analysis from bump to
package to pin
• Broadband package parameter to STA
• TDR-like impedance profile checking
Power integrity sign-off
Reference Flow 6.0 includes Cadence
VoltageStorm, which enables designers
to perform analysis of static and
dynamic power with package effects,
MTCMOS paths, and dynamic voltage
scaling. Hierarchical dynamic IR
analysis can include RAM, soft block,
and MTCMOS modeling.
Design for Test
As part of the Reference Flow 6.0,
Cadence Encounter Test products—
including test insertion and ATPG—
were validated. This validation
demonstrates that Encounter Test
meets these TSMC requirements for
90nm and 65nm design.
Chip and package co-design
Today's highly complex nanometer
designs also often have very high I/O
and package pin counts coupled with
high-speed interfaces, which require
engineers to consider packagerelated physical and electrical
effects concurrently in their designs.
Integrated RDL design flow is also
qualified in TSMC Reference Flow 6.0.
Complete peripheral I/O flip-chip
design planning and 45 degree RDL
routing are integrated in the
Encounter platform, which enables
chip implementation in the presence
of bump and RDL routing effects. RDL
includes Cadence RC extraction, timing
and SI analysis and optimization to
provide an even more accurate
physical implementation flow.
To help customers optimize chip and
package design flows, TSMC
exclusively features the Cadence
• Static and dynamic IR with package
Using Allegro Package Designer,
customers can achieve collaborative
design of high-performance
interconnect across the IC, package,
and PCB domains. The Allegro
platform comprises a design flow that
includes extraction of package
parasitics for use in the IC-level timing
and IR drop modeling environment.
Within version 6.0, the Allegro
platform also helps customers to
address emerging chip I/O and flipchip challenges.
Routability, timing, and IR drop are
major concerns for chip and package
integration. In Reference Flow 6.0, the
Allegro platform gives design teams
the ability to analyze the impact of
crosstalk on timing-from bump to
package to pin. It also provides the
ability to extract a frequency domain
S-parameter AMS/RF package parasitic
for high-speed I/Os and translate it to
a time domain parasitic for timing for
STA. This advanced capability extends
to static and dynamic IR drop analysis
as well. Previous capabilities for
routability checks are augmented via
TDR (Timing Driven Routing)-like
impedance checks.
First Encounter GPS can automatically
insert metal fill into a placed and
routed design to achieve a metal
density within the range recommended by TSMC design rules. In
addition, First Encounter GPS improves
design quality by considering effects
from inserted metal fill on timing
First Encounter GPS also enables ECO
flows for double-cut (dual) via
insertion. The goal of ECO placement
and routing after metal fill and dual
via insertion is to prevent timing or
density jumps between before-andafter ECO actions. Dual via insertion
enhances yield by reducing the
likelihood of opened vias, which can
cause design failures.
Support for 65nm process
Cadence NanoRoute supports TSMC
65nm process rules with technologies
for concurrent routing and dual via
insertion. In addition, Cadence Fire &
Ice® QX and Assura™ RCX support
parasitic extraction for TSMC's
production Nexsys 65 nm process
For more detailed information,
the TSMC Reference Flow 6.0
documentation and test case/scripts
can be accessed via your TSMC-online
Design for manufacturability
Wire spreading, double-cut via
optimization, and metal fill are three
major Design for Manufacturability
(DFM) steps in placement and routing.
The TSMC Reference Flow 6.0 includes
the Cadence First Encounter GPS
system to bring these critical
manufacturing issues into the IC
design process.
© 2005 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cadence, the Cadence logo, Allegro, Fire & Ice, First
Encounter, and VoltageStorm are registered trademarks
and Assura, CeltIC, Encounter, SoC Encounter, and
NanoRoute are trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
All others are properties of their respective holders.
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