tsmc SECURITY Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., LTD B TSMC-RESTRICTED SECRET Ver. 2.6 Eff_Date 10-31-19 ECN No. E120201933134 Author M. H. Yang (PDS) Change Description Please refer to Appendix A.13 Revision History for the update from V2.5 to V2.6. 2.5_R 10-31-18 E120201842189 M. H. Yang (PDS) Correct attached seal ring gds file names. No any rule and gds content change. 2.5 09-19-18 E120201838097 M. H. Yang (PDS) Please refer to Appendix A.12 Revision History for the update from V2.4 to V2.5. 2.4 07-29-16 E120201631098 M. S. Hsieh (PDS) Please refer to Appendix A.11 Revision History for the update from V2.3 to V2.4. Approvals : Title Please refer to EDW workflow to see detail approval records TSMC 45/40 NM CMOS LOGIC AND MS_RF DESIGN RULE (CLN45LP/LPG, CLN40LP/LPG/LP+, CLN40G) Document No. : T-N45-CL-DR-001 Contents Attach. Total : 600 :0 : 600 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 1 of 600 tsmc SECURITY Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., LTD B TSMC-RESTRICTED SECRET Ver. 2.3 Eff_Date 08-03-15 ECN No. E120201531138 Author Y. L. Chen (PDS) Change Description Please refer to Appendix A.10 Revision History for the update from V2.2 to V2.3. 2.2 12-01-14 E120201436190 Y. L. Chen (PDS) Please refer to Appendix A.9 Revision History for the update from V2.1 to V2.2 2.1 06-28-13 E120201316032 Y. L. Chen (PDS) 1.Please refer to Appendix A.8 Revision History for the update from V2.0 to V2.1. 2.Change title 2.0 07-31-12 E120201231088 C. M. Kao (PDS) Please refer to Appendix A.7 Revision History for the update from V1.3_1 to V2.0. 1.3_1 12-15-10 E070201048072 C. M. Kao (PDS) Please refer to Appendix A.6 Revision History for the update from V1.3 to V1.3_1. 1.3 09-03-10 E070201036011 M. C. Lee (PDS) Please refer to Appendix A.5 Revision History for the update from V1.2 to V1.3. 1.2 09-30-09 E070200935010 Y. M. Chen Please refer to Appendix A.4 Revision History for the update from V1.1 to V1.2. 1.1 06-30-08 E120200826098 C. H. Lu Please refer to Appendix A.3 Revision History for the update from V1.0 to V1.1. 1.0 01-31-08 E120200802093 C. H. Lu Please refer to Appendix A.2 Revision History for the update from V0.2 to V1.0. 0.2 10-18-07 E120200742028 C. H. Lu Please refer to Appendix A.1 Revision History for the update from V0.1 to V0.2. 0.1 04-04-07 E120200713104 C. T. Tsai Provide the official N45GS design rule manual 0.04 01-05-07 E120200704034 C. T. Tsai Original Title TSMC 45/40 NM CMOS LOGIC AND MS_RF DESIGN RULE (CLN45LP/LPG, CLN40LP/LPG/LP+, CLN40G) Document No. : T-N45-CL-DR-001 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 2 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 TSMC 45/40 NM CMOS LOGIC AND MS_RF DESIGN RULE (CLN45LP/LPG, CLN40LP/LPG/LP+, CLN40G) Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 1.1 1.2 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 REFERENCE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 9 2 TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 12 2.1 SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESS ...................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Front-End Features ......................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.2 Back-End Features.......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2 DEVICES................................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3 POWER SUPPLY AND OPERATION TEMPERATURE RANGES.......................................................................................... 16 2.4 CROSS–SECTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.5 METALLIZATION OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 23 3 GENERAL LAYOUT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 27 3.1 MASK INFORMATION, KEY PROCESS SEQUENCE, AND CAD LAYERS............................................................................ 27 3.2 METAL/VIA CAD LAYER INFORMATION FOR METALLIZATION OPTIONS ......................................................................... 51 3.3 DUMMY PATTERN FILL CAD LAYERS ......................................................................................................................... 53 3.4 SPECIAL RECOGNITION CAD LAYER SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 54 3.5 DEVICE TRUTH TABLES ............................................................................................................................................. 58 3.5.1 N45/N40 Low Power (LP): 1.1V Core Design ................................................................................................. 59 3.5.2 N40 Low Power Plus (N40LP+): 1.1V Core and 2.5V I/O Design .................................................................. 61 3.5.3 N45LPG/N40LPG: 1.1V/0.9V Core Design ..................................................................................................... 62 3.5.4 N40G (N45GS) General Purpose Superb: 0.9V Core Design ........................................................................ 64 3.5.5 MOM ................................................................................................................................................................ 65 3.5.6 Inductor ........................................................................................................................................................... 67 3.6 MASK REQUIREMENT FOR DEVICE OPTIONS (HIGH/STD/LOW VT/ULTRA LOW VT PLUS).............................................. 69 3.7 DESIGN GEOMETRY RESTRICTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 70 3.7.1 Design Grid Rules ........................................................................................................................................... 70 3.7.2 OPC Recommendations and Guidelines ........................................................................................................ 71 3.8 DESIGN HIERARCHY GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................................... 73 3.9 CHIP IMPLEMENTATION AND TAPE OUT CHECKLIST ..................................................................................................... 74 4 LAYOUT RULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................... 75 4.1 LAYOUT RULE CONVENTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 75 4.2 DERIVED GEOMETRIES USED IN PHYSICAL DESIGN RULES.......................................................................................... 76 4.2.1 Derived Geometries ........................................................................................................................................ 76 4.2.2 Special Definition............................................................................................................................................. 77 4.3 DEFINITION OF LAYOUT GEOMETRICAL TERMINOLOGY ................................................................................................ 78 4.4 MINIMUM PITCHES .................................................................................................................................................... 86 4.5 LAYOUT RULES AND GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................................... 87 4.5.1 Gate Oxide and Diffusion (OD) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 120) ........................................................................ 87 4.5.2 Deep N-Well (DNW) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 119) [Optional] ........................................................................ 91 4.5.3 N-Well (NW) Layout Rules .............................................................................................................................. 94 4.5.4 N-Well Resistor Within OD (NWROD) Layout Rules ...................................................................................... 95 4.5.5 N-Well Resistor Under STI (NWRSTI) Layout Rules ...................................................................................... 97 4.5.6 Native Device (NT_N) Layout Rules ............................................................................................................... 98 4.5.7 Thick Oxide (OD2) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 152) .......................................................................................... 100 4.5.8 Dual Core Oxide (DCO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 153) ................................................................................. 102 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 3 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4.5.9 1.2V Core Oxide (OD_12) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 12A).............................................................................. 104 4.5.10 OD25_33 Layout Rules ................................................................................................................................. 106 4.5.11 OD25_18 Layout Rules ................................................................................................................................. 107 4.5.12 OD18_15 Layout Rules ................................................................................................................................. 108 4.5.13 Poly (PO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 130) ........................................................................................................ 109 4.5.14 High Vt NMOS (VTH_N) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 11H) ................................................................................ 116 4.5.15 High Vt PMOS (VTH_P) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 11G) ................................................................................ 117 4.5.16 Low Vt NMOS (VTL_N) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 118) .................................................................................. 118 4.5.17 Low Vt PMOS (VTL_P) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 117) .................................................................................. 119 4.5.18 Ultra Low Vt Plus Devices Layout Rules ....................................................................................................... 120 4.5.19 P+ Source/Drain Ion Implantation (PP) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 197) .......................................................... 124 4.5.20 N+ Source/Drain Ion Implantation (NP) Rules (Mask ID: 198) ..................................................................... 126 4.5.21 Layout Rules for LDD Mask Logical Operations ........................................................................................... 128 4.5.22 Resist Protection Oxide (RPO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 155) ...................................................................... 130 4.5.23 OD and Poly Resistor Layout Rules.............................................................................................................. 131 4.5.24 HVMOS_25 Layout Rules ............................................................................................................................. 133 4.5.25 HVMOS_18 Layout Rules ............................................................................................................................. 139 4.5.26 HVMOS Guard-Ring Rules and Guidelines for HVMOS_25 and HVMOS_18 ............................................. 145 4.5.27 MOS Varactor Layout Rules (VAR)............................................................................................................... 146 4.5.28 Contact (CO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 156) .................................................................................................. 149 4.5.29 Metal-1 (M1) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 360) ................................................................................................... 152 4.5.30 VIAx Layout Rules (Mask ID: 378, 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377) ................................................................ 159 4.5.31 Mx Layout Rules (Mask ID: 380, 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388) .................................................................. 165 4.5.32 LOWMEDN Layout Rules ............................................................................................................................. 172 4.5.33 VIAy Layout Rules (Mask ID: 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) ....................................................... 174 4.5.34 My Layout Rules (Mask ID: Second Inter-layer Metal (385, 386, 387, 388) and Top Metal (381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A)) ............................................................................................................................................ 179 4.5.35 Top VIAz Layout Rules (Mask ID: 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) ................................................ 182 4.5.36 Top Mz Layout Rules (Mask ID: 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A) ................................................... 186 4.5.37 Top VIAr Layout Rules (Mask ID: 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) ......................................................................... 188 4.5.38 Top Mr Layout Rules (Mask ID: 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A) ........................................................................... 191 4.5.39 RV Layout Rules (Mask ID: 306)................................................................................................................... 193 4.5.40 Al Redistributional Layer (AP RDL) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 309) ................................................................ 194 4.5.41 Via Layout Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 196 4.5.42 MOM Layout Rules........................................................................................................................................ 197 4.5.43 Top VIAu Layout Rules (Mask ID: 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) ........................................................ 203 4.5.44 Mu (Ultra Thick Metal) Layout Rules ............................................................................................................. 204 4.5.45 Inductor Layout Rules ................................................................................................................................... 206 4.5.46 Introduction of Inductor and Transmission Line ............................................................................................ 215 4.5.47 SRAM Rules .................................................................................................................................................. 219 4.5.48 NPreDOSRM (50;21) Layout Rules .............................................................................................................. 225 4.5.49 SRAM Periphery (Word Line Driver) Rules ................................................................................................... 227 4.5.50 SRAM CO2 (100;0) Layout Rule for Embedded DRAM (eDRAM) Process ................................................. 228 4.5.51 ROM Rules .................................................................................................................................................... 229 4.5.52 Antenna Effect Prevention (A) Layout Rules ................................................................................................ 230 4.5.53 Product Labels and Logo Rules .................................................................................................................... 235 4.5.54 Seal Ring Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 236 4.5.55 Resistor Warning Rules ................................................................................................................................ 276 4.5.56 DRM and DRC Completeness ...................................................................................................................... 277 5 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVICE GEOMETRY EFFECT ............................................................................... 278 5.1 LAYOUT RULES FOR THE WPE (W ELL PROXIMITY EFFECT)....................................................................................... 278 5.2 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR LOD (LENGTH OF THE OD REGION) EFFECT ...................................................................... 282 5.2.1 What is LOD? ................................................................................................................................................ 282 5.2.2 How to have a precise LOD Simulation ........................................................................................................ 282 5.3 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR OSE (OD SPACE EFFECT) ............................................................................................... 283 5.3.1 What is OSE? ................................................................................................................................................ 283 5.3.2 Id change on device due to OSE .................................................................................................................. 283 5.3.3 How to reduce the differences between pre-simulation and post-simulation ............................................... 284 5.4 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR PSE (POLY SPACE EFFECT) ............................................................................................. 287 5.4.1 What is PSE? ................................................................................................................................................ 287 5.4.2 Id change on device due to PSE ................................................................................................................... 287 5.4.3 How to reduce the differences between pre-simulation and post-simulation on N40G circuit? ................... 287 5.5 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR D-CESL EFFECT .............................................................................................................. 288 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 4 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 What is d-CESL effect? ................................................................................................................................. 288 Id change on the N40G device due to d-CESL ............................................................................................. 288 How to reduce the differences between pre-simulation and post-simulation on N40G circuit? ................... 289 6 N40LP/LPG DESIGN INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 291 6.1 NON-SHRINKABLE LAYOUT RULES ........................................................................................................................... 291 6.1.1 Purpose: ........................................................................................................................................................ 291 6.1.2 Non-shrinkable Rules .................................................................................................................................... 291 6.1.3 Stress Migration and Wide Metal Spacing Rules Adjustment (Rule Relaxing) ............................................. 292 6.1.4 Pad Rule for Wire Bond ................................................................................................................................ 294 6.1.5 Flip Chip Bump Rules ................................................................................................................................... 294 6.2 DESIGN FLOW FOR TAPE-OUT ................................................................................................................................ 295 6.2.1 How to design for CLN40LP/LPG shrink technology .................................................................................... 295 6.2.2 How to prepare a new design of CLN40LP/LPG .......................................................................................... 295 6.2.3 CLN45LP/LPG Design Migration to CLN40LP/LPG Technology .................................................................. 296 6.2.4 Layout check and post simulation ................................................................................................................. 297 7 LAYOUT RULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ANALOG CIRCUITS .................................................................. 301 7.1 USER GUIDES ......................................................................................................................................................... 301 7.2 LAYOUT RULES, RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR THE ANALOG DESIGNS ................................................... 302 7.2.1 General Guidelines........................................................................................................................................ 302 7.2.2 MOS Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 303 7.2.3 Bipolar Transistor (BJT) Rules and Recommendations ................................................................................ 304 7.2.4 Resistor Rules ............................................................................................................................................... 305 7.2.5 Capacitor Guidelines ..................................................................................................................................... 306 7.3 LAYOUT RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR DEVICE PLACEMENT ....................................................................................... 307 7.3.1 General Rules and Guidelines ...................................................................................................................... 307 7.3.2 Matching Rules and Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 308 7.3.3 Electrical Performance Rules and Guidelines ............................................................................................... 315 7.3.4 Noise ............................................................................................................................................................. 320 7.4 BURN-IN GUIDELINES FOR ANALOG CIRCUITS ........................................................................................................... 323 8 DUMMY PATTERN RULE AND FILLING GUIDELINE .................................................................................................. 325 8.1 DUMMY OD (DOD/SR_DOD) RULES AND GUIDELINES ............................................................................................ 325 8.1.1 DOD Layout Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 326 8.1.2 SR_DOD Layout Rules ................................................................................................................................. 328 8.2 DUMMY POLY (DPO/SR_DPO) RULES AND GUIDELINES ......................................................................................... 330 8.2.1 DPO Layout Rules......................................................................................................................................... 331 8.2.2 SR_DPO Layout Rules ................................................................................................................................. 332 8.3 DUMMY TCD RULE AND FILLING GUIDELINE ............................................................................................................. 334 8.3.1 Dummy TCD Rules ....................................................................................................................................... 334 8.3.2 Dummy TCD layout Summary ...................................................................................................................... 338 8.4 DUMMY TCD DESIGN INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 339 8.4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 339 8.4.2 Design Consideration of Dummy TCD Insertion ........................................................................................... 339 8.4.3 Dummy TCD Macro Placement .................................................................................................................... 340 8.4.4 P&R Dummy TCD Rule Check ..................................................................................................................... 341 8.4.5 Dummy TCD Macros Insertion Flow ............................................................................................................. 341 8.4.6 TCD Library Kits ............................................................................................................................................ 342 8.5 IN CHIP OVERLAY (ICOVL) RULE AND FILLING GUIDELINE........................................................................................ 343 8.5.1 In Chip Overlay (ICOVL) Rules ..................................................................................................................... 343 8.5.2 ICOVL layout Summary ................................................................................................................................ 349 8.5.3 N40 In-Chip OVL Marker Design Insertion Methodology .............................................................................. 350 8.6 DUMMY METAL (DM) RULES ................................................................................................................................... 353 8.7 DUMMY VIA (DVIAX) RULES ................................................................................................................................... 357 8.8 DUMMY PATTERN FILL USAGE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 359 8.8.1 Dummy Pattern Filling Requirements ........................................................................................................... 359 8.8.2 Recommended Flow for Dummy Pattern Filling ........................................................................................... 360 8.8.3 Blockage Layer (ODBLK/POBLK/DMxEXCL/ DVIAxEXCL) Requirements and Recommendations ........... 361 8.8.4 Dummy Pattern Filling Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 362 8.8.5 Mask Revision Guidelines ............................................................................................................................. 363 8.8.6 Dummy Pattern Re-fill Evaluation Flow Chart ............................................................................................... 364 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 5 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 9 DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING (DFM) ...................................................................................................................... 368 9.1 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR YIELD ENHANCEMENT....................................................................................................... 368 9.1.1 Layout Tips for Minimizing Critical Areas ...................................................................................................... 368 9.1.2 Guidelines for Optimal Electrical Model and Silicon Correlation ................................................................... 371 9.1.3 Electrical Wiring............................................................................................................................................. 378 9.1.4 Guidelines for Mask Making Efficiency ......................................................................................................... 378 9.2 DFM RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES SUMMARY............................................................................................. 379 9.2.1 Action-Required Rules .................................................................................................................................. 379 9.2.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 380 9.2.3 Guidelines ..................................................................................................................................................... 385 9.2.4 Grouping Table of Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 386 9.3 GDA DIE SIZE OPTIMIZATION KIT ............................................................................................................................ 389 9.3.1 What is MFU?................................................................................................................................................ 390 9.3.2 Design Guidelines for Higher MFU ............................................................................................................... 390 9.3.3 Recommended GDA criteria MFU > 80% ..................................................................................................... 390 9.3.4 MFU Reference Table for N45 ...................................................................................................................... 391 9.3.5 MFU Reference Table for N40 ...................................................................................................................... 392 10 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR LATCH-UP AND I/O ESD .............................................................................................. 393 10.1 LAYOUT RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LATCH-UP PREVENTION .................................................................................. 394 10.1.1 Latch-up Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 394 10.1.2 Layout Rules and Guidelines for Latch-up Prevention.................................................................................. 397 10.1.3 Test Specification and Requirements ........................................................................................................... 416 10.2 I/O ESD PROTECTION CIRCUIT DESIGN, LAYOUT RULES AND GUIDELINES ................................................................ 417 10.2.1 ESD introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 417 10.2.2 TSMC IO ESD layout style introduction ........................................................................................................ 420 10.2.3 ESD Implant (ESDIMP) Layout Rules (MASK ID: 111) ................................................................................ 422 10.2.4 SR_ESD device Layout Rules (N40G only) .................................................................................................. 423 10.2.5 ESD Dummy Layers Summary ..................................................................................................................... 424 10.2.6 ESD circuits Definition ................................................................................................................................... 425 10.2.7 Requirements for ESD Implant Masks .......................................................................................................... 426 10.2.8 DRC methodology for ESD guidelines .......................................................................................................... 426 10.2.9 ESD Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................. 431 10.3 ESD BACK-END RELIABILITY GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................ 456 10.3.1 Test Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 456 10.3.2 Failure Mechanism ........................................................................................................................................ 457 10.3.3 Maximum ESD Current Density for Resistor ................................................................................................. 457 10.3.4 Maximum ESD Current Density for Via and Metal ........................................................................................ 458 10.3.5 Minimum ESD Current for ESD Device......................................................................................................... 459 10.4 TIPS FOR THE ESD/LATCHUP DESIGN ...................................................................................................................... 460 10.4.1 Tips for General Latchup Design .................................................................................................................. 460 10.4.2 Tips for General ESD Design ........................................................................................................................ 460 10.4.3 Tips for Power-Ground ESD Protection ........................................................................................................ 462 10.4.4 Tips for MOS gate directly connected to power/ground/IO PAD .................................................................. 463 10.5 ESD TESTING METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 466 10.5.1 Stress condition and Measurement condition ............................................................................................... 466 10.5.2 Failure criteria................................................................................................................................................ 466 11 CLN45LP/LPG RELIABILITY RULES .......................................................................................................................... 467 11.1 TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................................ 467 11.2 FRONT-END PROCESS RELIABILITY RULES AND MODELS .......................................................................................... 467 11.2.1 I/O Over Drive Voltage .................................................................................................................................. 467 11.2.2 Gate Oxide Integrity ...................................................................................................................................... 467 11.2.3 Hot Carrier Injection Effect ............................................................................................................................ 470 11.2.4 Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) ............................................................................................... 473 11.2.5 N45 Poly Current Density .............................................................................................................................. 475 11.2.6 N45 Poly EM Joule heating ........................................................................................................................... 475 11.2.7 N45 OD Current Density ............................................................................................................................... 476 11.3 BACK-END PROCESS RELIABILITY RULES................................................................................................................. 477 11.3.1 Stress Migration (SM) ................................................................................................................................... 477 11.3.2 Low-k Dielectric Integrity ............................................................................................................................... 477 11.3.3 Cu Metal Current Density (EM) Specifications .............................................................................................. 478 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 6 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 AP RDL Current Density (EM) Specifications ............................................................................................... 484 Cu Metal AC Operation ................................................................................................................................. 485 AP RDL AC Operation .................................................................................................................................. 494 12 CLN40LP/LPG/45GS(=40G) RELIABILITY RULES .................................................................................................... 495 12.1 TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................................ 495 12.2 FRONT-END PROCESS RELIABILITY RULES AND MODELS .......................................................................................... 495 12.2.1 I/O Over Drive Voltage .................................................................................................................................. 495 12.2.2 Gate Oxide Integrity ...................................................................................................................................... 495 12.2.3 Hot Carrier Injection Effect ............................................................................................................................ 499 12.2.4 Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) ............................................................................................... 502 12.2.5 N40 Poly Current Density .............................................................................................................................. 504 12.2.6 N40 Poly EM Joule heating ........................................................................................................................... 504 12.2.7 N40 OD Current Density ............................................................................................................................... 505 12.3 BACK-END PROCESS RELIABILITY RULES................................................................................................................. 506 12.3.1 Stress Migration (SM) ................................................................................................................................... 506 12.3.2 Low-k Dielectric Integrity ............................................................................................................................... 506 12.3.3 Cu Metal Current Density (EM) Specifications .............................................................................................. 508 12.3.4 AP RDL Current Density (EM) Specifications ............................................................................................... 514 12.3.5 Cu Metal AC Operation ................................................................................................................................. 515 12.3.6 AP RDL AC Operation .................................................................................................................................. 526 13 APPENDIX A REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................................. 527 A.1 FROM VERSION 0.1 TO 0.2........................................................................................................................................... 527 A.2 FROM VERSION 0.2 TO 1.0........................................................................................................................................... 537 A.3 FROM VERSION 1.0 TO 1.1........................................................................................................................................... 539 A.4 FROM VERSION 1.1 TO 1.2........................................................................................................................................... 544 A.5 FROM VERSION 1.2 TO 1.3........................................................................................................................................... 563 A.6 FROM VERSION 1.3 TO 1.3_1....................................................................................................................................... 565 A.7 FROM VERSION 1.3_1 TO 2.0....................................................................................................................................... 567 A.8 FROM VERSION 2.0 TO 2.1........................................................................................................................................... 592 A.9 FROM VERSION 2.1 TO 2.2........................................................................................................................................... 595 A.10 FROM VERSION 2.2 TO 2.3......................................................................................................................................... 597 A.11 FROM VERSION 2.3 TO 2.4......................................................................................................................................... 599 A.12 FROM VERSION 2.4 TO 2.5......................................................................................................................................... 599 A.13 FROM VERSION 2.5 TO 2.6......................................................................................................................................... 600 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 7 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 1 Introduction This chapter has been divided into the following topics: 1.1 Overview 1.2 Reference document 1.1 Overview This document provides all the rules and reference information for the design and layout of integration circuits using the TSMC 45 nm CMOS LOGIC 1P10M (single poly, 10 metal layers), salicide, Cu technology. These rules and information about other specifications apply to TSMC semiconductor process: CLN45LP, CLN40LP, CLN40LP+, CLN45LPG, N40LPG, N40G (= N45GS), and N45/N40 MSRF. CLN45LP is a low-power product for applications with an 1.1V core design and with an 1.8V or a 2.5V capable I/O’s. CLN40LP is a low-power product which is 90% linear shrinkage from CLN45LP layout dimension for applications with an 1.1V core design, and with an 1.8V or a 2.5V capable I/O’s. CLN40LP+ (40nm low power plus) is a low-power product for applications with an 1.1V core design and with a 2.5V capable I/O’s by adding ultra low Vt plus devices into TSMC 40nm CMOS logic low power (CLN40LP) process. CLN45LPG is a low-power and low standby power product for applications with both 1.1V (LP) and 0.9V (G) core designs and with an 1.8V capable I/O’s. CLN40LPG is a low-power and low standby power product which is 90% linear shrinkage from CLN45 layout dimension for applications with both 1.1V (LP) and 0.9V (G) core designs and with a 3.3V capable I/O’s. If you want to shrink CLN45LPG to CLN40LPG, you must redesign 3.3V I/O since 1.8V I/O cannot be shrunk in LPG process. N40G (= N45GS) is a general-purpose product which is 90% linear shrinkage from 45nm layout dimension for applications with a 0.9V core design and with 1.8V, 2.5V capable I/O’s. N45/N40 MSRF process can adopt the regular logic processes (CLN45LP/ CLN40LP/ CLN45LPG/ CLN40LPG/ CLN40G (=CLN45GS)), or adopt an ultra thick metal (Mu: 34KÅ or 35KÅ ) as the most top metal layer (Mu layer only can be used as the most top metal layer). In this document, figures and tables are usually numbered with 3 digits. The first two digits indicate section number and the last one is sequence number. For example, Table 1.2.1 is the first table in the section 1.2 of Chapter 1. Warning: All tape-outs MUST be DRC clean. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 8 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 1.2 Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Reference Document Table 1.2.1 Reference Documents Content GDS layer usage DRC deck Wire bond and EU Flip Chip DRM Wire bond and EU Flip Chip DRC deck DENMOS DRM LF Flip Chip DRM LF Flip Chip DRC Dummy pattern generation utility DFM guideline DFM utility SPICE Confidential – Do Not Copy Reference Document T-N45-CL-LE-001 TSMC 45/40 NM GENERAL PURPOSE GDS LAYER USAGE DESCRIPTION FILE T-N45-CL-DR-001-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC AND 40NM CMOS LOGIC DRC COMMAND FILE (CLN45LP/LPG, CLN40LP/LPG, CLN40G) T-N45-CL-DR-003 TSMC 45NM/40NM WIRE BOND, EUTECTIC FLIP CHIP AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE T-N45-CL-DR-003-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45NM/40NM WIRE BOND, EUTECTIC FLIP CHIP AND INTERCONNECTION DRC COMMAND FILE T-N40-CM-DR-004 TSMC 40 NM RF HIGH VOLTAGE NMOS (DEMOS) DESIGN RULE T-N45-CL-DR-017 TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH BUILD UP SUBSTRATE (FCBGA, FLIP CHIP BALL GRID ARRAY) AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE T-N45-CL-DR-022 TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH LAMINATE SUBSTRATE (FCCSP, FLIP CHIP CHIP SCALE PACKAGE) AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE T-N45-CL-DR-017-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH BUILD UP SUBSTRATE (FCBGA, FLIP CHIP BALL GRID ARRAY) AND INTERCONNECTION DRC COMMAND FILE T-N45-CL-DR-022-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH LAMINATE SUBSTRATE (FCCSP, FLIP CHIP CHIP SCALE PACKAGE) AND INTERCONNECTION DRC COMMAND FILE T-N45-CL-DR-001-X2 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details) TSMC 45NM CMOS LOGIC DUMMY OD/PO GENERATION UTILITY T-N45-CL-DR-001-X3 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details) TSMC 45NM CMOS LOGIC DUMMY METAL GENERATION UTILITY T-N40-CL-RP-020 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE DFM ROLLOUT PACKAGE REPORT T-N40-CL-RP-016 TSMC N45/N40 LAYOUT GUIDELINES FOR LAYOUT ENVIRONMENT AND CO PLACEMENT T-N45-CL-DR-001-X4 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45NM DFM REDUNDANT VIA UTILITY T-N45-CL-SP-001 TSMC 45NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE Cu_ELK 1.1V/1.8V SPICE MODELS (CLN45LP) T-N45-CL-SP-012 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1V/2.5V SPICE MODELS (CLN45LP) T-N45-CL-SP-051 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HIGH VOLTAGE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 2.5V SPICE MODELS 45LP T-N40-CL-SP-040 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SALICIDE 1P10M_7X2Z+UT-ALRDL CU_ELK HD BEOL SPICE MODEL 40G T-N45-CE-SP-001 TSMC 45 NM CMOS EMBEDDED DRAM GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P8M_5X2R_UT-ALRDL SALICIDE CU_LOWK 0.9V&1.4V SPICE MODELS 40G (CLN45GS EDRAM) T-N40-CL-SP-038 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HIGH VOLTAGE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.8V SPICE MODELS 40LP T-N40-CL-SP-034 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HIGH VOLTAGE 1P10M+ AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 2.5V SPICE MODEL 40LP T-N40-CL-SP-041 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER SALICIDE 1P10M_7X2Z+UT-ALRDL CU_ELK HD BEOL SPICE MODEL 40LP T-N40-CL-SP-031-P1 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LP-BASED TRIPLE GATE OXIDE WITH DUAL CORE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE ELK CU 0.9/1.1/3.3V SPICE MODEL 40LPG (PRE-RELEASE) T-N40-CE-SP-001 TSMC 40 NM CMOS EMBEDDED DRAM LOW POWER 1P8MT2 (2XTM : M7-M8) SALICIDE CU_LOWK 1.1V&1.5V SPICE MODELS (CLN40LP EDRAM) T-N40-CL-SP-051 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER PLUS 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1/2.5V SPICE MODEL 40LE The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 9 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Content Device formation examples and LVS properties LVS Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Reference Document T-N40-CL-SP-038 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HIGH VOLTAGE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.8V SPICE MODELS 40LP T-N40-CL-SP-034 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HIGH VOLTAGE 1P10M+ AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 2.5V SPICE MODEL 40LP T-N40-CL-SP-032 TSMC 40NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1V/1.8V SPICE MODELS 40LP T-N40-CL-SP-004 TSMC 40NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1V/2.5V SPICE MODELS 40LP T-N45-CL-SP-012 TSMC 45NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE Cu_ELK 1.1V/2.5V SPICE MODELS (CLN45LP) T-N45-CL-SP-010 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9V/1.2V/1.8V SPICE MODELS 40G T-N45-CL-SP-011 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9/1.2V/2.5V SPICE MODEL 40G T-N45-CL-SP-053 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M+AL RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9/1.8V SPICE MODELS 40G T-N45-CM-SP-004 TSMC 45 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER 1P9M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&1.8V SPICE MODEL 45LP T-N40-CM-SP-004 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF GENERAL PURPOSE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9/1.8V SPICE MODEL 40G (45GS, TGO) T-N40-CM-SP-007 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF GENERAL PURPOSE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9/1.8V SPICE MODEL 40G (45GS, DGO) T-N40-CM-SP-003 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF GENERAL PURPOSE 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9/2.5V SPICE MODEL 40G (45GS) T-N40-CM-SP-002 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&1.8V SPICE MODEL 40LP T-N40-CM-SP-001 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&2.5V SPICE MODEL 40LP T-N45-CM-SP-003 TSMC 45 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER 1P9M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&2.5V SPICE MODEL 45LP T-N45-CL-LS-001 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE 1P10M SALICIDE DEVICE FORMATION EXAMPLES AND LVS PROPERTIES T-N45-CL-LS-002 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9&2.5V DEVICE FORMATION EXAMPLES AND LVS PROPERTIES T-N40-CL-LS-001 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOW POWER DEVICE FORMATION EXAMPLES AND LVS PROPERTIES (CLN40LP/CLN40LPG/CRN40LP) T-N45-CL-LS-001-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICE FORMATION EXAMPLES AND LVS PROPERTIES LVS COMMAND FILE T-N45-CL-LS-002-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9&2.5V DEVICE FORMATION EXAMPLES AND LVS PROPERTIES T-N40-CL-LS-001-X1 (X is the code of EDA tool. Please refer to TSMC-Online for the details.) TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOW POWER LVS COMMAND FILE (CLN40LP/CLN40LPG/CRN40LP) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 10 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Content PDK SRAM Qualification report Test Line Layout Automotive Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Reference Document T-N45-CL-SP-010-K1 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9V/1.8V PDK CLN45GS=CLN40G (INCLUDES: CLN45GS 0.9V/2.5V) T-N45-CM-SP-003-K1 TSMC 45 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER 1P9M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&2.5V PDK (CRN45LP) (INCLUDES: CRN45LP 1.1V/2.5V; CRN45LP 1.1V/1.8V) T-N40-CM-SP-001-K1 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER 1P9M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&2.5V PDK (INCLUDES: CRN40LP 1.1V/1.8V) T-N40-CL-SP-051-K1 TSMC 40 NM CMOS MIXED SIGNAL RF LOW POWER PLUS 1P10M+AL_RDL SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1&2.5V PDK (1.1V/1.8V) T-N45-CL-CL-010 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M SALICIDE CU_LOWK 1.1/1.8V 6T/8T SRAM CELL LAYOUT & MODEL T-N45-CL-CL-014 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9V 6T/8T SRAM CELL LAYOUT & MODEL (45GS (=40G), G SRAM) T-N45-CL-CL-015 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 0.9V (0.8V) 6T/8T SRAM CELL LAYOUT & MODEL (45GS (=40G), GL SRAM) T-N40-CL-CL-001 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 6T/8T SRAM CELL LAYOUT & SPICE MODEL (6T SINGLE PORT SRAM AND 8T DUAL PORT SRAM) T-000-CL-RP-002 TSMC EMBEDDED SRAM REDUNDANCY IMPLEMENTATION RULE AND ECC GUIDELINE T-N45-CL-QR-001 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P7M SALICIDE CU_LOWK 1.1/1.8V QUALIFICATION REPORTFAB12 T-N45-CL-QR-005 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P7M SALICIDE CU_LOWK 1.1/2.5V QUALIFICATION REPORTFAB12 T-N45-CL-QR-006 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P9M SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1/1.8V CUP WIRE BOND PBGA PACKAGE QUALIFICATION REPORT – 12 INCH FAB T-N45-CL-QR-010 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M SALICIDE CU ELK 0.9V/2.5V QUALIFICATION REPORT-FAB12 (45GS (=40G)) T-N45-CL-QR-011 TSMC 45 NM CMOS LOGIC GENERAL PURPOSE SUPERB 1P10M SALICIDE CU ELK 0.9/1.8V QUALIFICATION REPORT-FAB12 (45GS (=40G)) T-N40-CL-QR-004 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M SALICIDE CU_ELK 1.1/2.5V QUALIFICATION REPORT-FAB12 (40LP) T-N40-CL-QR-005 TSMC 45 NM / 40 NM CMOS LOGIC 1P9M CU_ELK CUP WIRE BOND PBGA PACKAGE QUALIFICATION REPORT-12 INCH FAB T-N40-CL-QR-027 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HVMOS 1P10M SALICIDE CU_LOW K 1.1&2.5V AND HVMOS (D5G2.5) PROCESS QUALIFICATION REPORT- FAB12 T-N40-CL-QR-031 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HVMOS 1P10M SALICIDE CU_LOW K 1.1&1.8V AND HVMOS (D5G1.8) PROCESS QUALIFICATION REPORT- FAB12 T-N40-CL-QR-043 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER HVMOS 1P10M SALICIDE CU_LOW K 1.1&2.5V and HVMOS (D5G2.5) PROCESS QUALIFICATION REPORT-FAB14 T-N40-CL-QR-049 TSMC 40 NM CMOS LOGIC LOW POWER 1P10M SALICIDE CU_LOWK 1.1/2.5V QUALIFICATION REPORTFAB14 (HVMOS, D5G2.5)- FAB14 E-MSS-02-02-024 TSMC TEST LINE LAYOUT USER GUIDELINE Q-QSM-05-03-221 TSMC AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE FOR WAFER MANUFACTURING The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 11 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 2 Technology Overview This chapter provides information about the following: 2.1 Semiconductor process (including front-end and back-end features) 2.2 Devices 2.3 Power supply and operation temperature ranges 2.4 Cross-section 2.5 Metallization options 2.1 Semiconductor Process The process consists of the front-end features and the back-end features. 2.1.1 Front-End Features Shallow trench isolation (STI) Used for active isolation to reduce active pitch (OD pitch) Retrograde twin well CMOS technology on <110> P- substrate (epitaxy wafer) (subtrate resistivity of 8-12 Ω-cm) for N40G, and on <100> P- substrate (epitaxy wafer) (subtrate resistivity of 8-12 Ωcm) for N45LP/N40LP. Retrograde twin well CMOS technology For a low well sheet resistance and enhancement of latch-up behavior (compared to conventionally diffused wells). Also provides for a good control of short parasitic field transistors. Triple well, Deep N-Well (optional) For isolating P-Well from the substrate Dual gate oxide process Dual gate oxide LP (1.1V/2.5V or 1.1V/1.8V), GS (0.9V/2.5V,or 0.9V/1.8V) Triple gate oxide process Dual core gate oxide and IO gate oxide N45LPG (0.9V/1.1V/1.8V(I/O)) and N40LPG(0.9V/1.1V/3.3V(I/O)) N+/P+ poly gate Allows symmetrical design of NMOS and PMOS devices Multiple Vt devices for low leakage or high performance requirements These devices may be mixed on the same die. Native devices with dual gate oxide The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 12 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SRAM cells offering (The cells described here are before shrinkage) Technology Cell Size N45LP/N45LPG-LP N40LP/N40LP+/N40LPG-LP HD = 0.299um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) HC = 0.374um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) HD = 0.299um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) HC (HP) = 0.374um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.0V - 1.1V) HDDP (HP) = 0.589um^2* (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) DP = 0.589um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) HCDP (HP) = 0.741um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) -DP = 0.589um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) HCDP = 0.741um^2 (Vcc_nom = 1.1V) *HDDP(HP) 0.589um^2 will replace DP 0.589um^2 and share the same implant mask 11N/11P with HC(HP) and HCDP(HP). Original DP will be kept supporting but not official offering any more. Please refer to SRAM cell doc TN40-CL-CL-001 for HDDP(HP) GDS and more information. Technology Process Option Cell Size N40G(=N45GS) G GL HD = 0.299um^2 (Vcc_nom = 0.9V - 1.0V) HC = 0.374um^2 (Vcc_nom = 0.9V - 1.0V) DP = 0.589um^2 (Vcc_nom = 0.9V - 1.0V) HCDP = 0.741um^2 (Vcc_nom = 0.9V - 1.0V) HD = 0.299um^2 (=G)* (Vcc_nom = 0.9V - 1.0V) HC = 0.374um^2 (Vcc_nom = 0.8V - 1.0V) DP = 0.589um^2 (=G)** (Vcc_nom = 0.9V - 1.0V) HCDP = 0.741um^2 (Vcc_nom = 0.8V - 1.0V) **D299 and D589 in N40GL process belong to N40G. Self-aligned Ni-silicided drain, source, and gate Silicide is necessary to short N+ and P+ gates; furthermore, it drastically reduces gate and S/D serial resistance. Self-aligned silicide on source/drain structures allows butting straps with only one minimally sized contact. Unsilicided poly and OD resistors Silicide protection (requires one additional mask, RPO) is used to prevent silicide formation over the active and poly area. Varactor MOS varactor provides 0.9V/1.1V/1.2V/1.8V/2.5V NMOS-in-NW capacitor structure and 0.9V/1.8V/2.5V PMOS-in-PW capacitor structure. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 13 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 2.1.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Back-End Features Tungsten contact connecting poly or OD to first metal level Three to ten Cu metal levels, plus last metal level in Al pad. Two kinds of inter-layer metal: Mx: First Inter-layer Metal, W/S=0.07μm/0.07μm. My: Second Inter-layer Metal, W/S=0.14μm/0.14μm. Four kinds of top-layer metal: Mz (TM): top metal pitch is 0.8μm (W/S=0.4μm/0.4μm). My (2XTM): top metal pitch is two times of Mx pitch (W/S=0.14μm/0.14μm). Mr: top metal pitch is 1.0μm (W/S=0.5μm/0.5μm) Mu: top metal pitch is 3.0μm (W/S=2μm/1μm) AlCu pad layer can be used as a redistribution layer (AP RDL) option. One or two thick last (top) Cu metal layers at a relaxed pitch for power, clock, busses, and major interconnect signal distribution Tight pitch levels for routing on thin Cu for the other metal levels below the thick level Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) for enhanced planarization (STI, contact, metals, vias, passivation) Dual damascene copper interconnection, for metal-2 to the last (top) metal ELK inter-metal dielectric for thin metal Metal oxide metal (MOM) capacitor Use metal lines to design metal capacitor. The device does not require any additional mask. High-Q copper inductor for RF process: Have Mz, Mu process for inductor metal. Wire bond or flip chip terminals T-N45-CL-DR-003: TSMC WIRE BOND, EUTECTUC FLIP CHIP, AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE For Lead-Free Flip Chip, please refer to section 1.2, Reference Document. Electrical fuse The IP of electrical fuse is provided. Please contact your account manager to get the related information. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 14 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 2.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Devices The technology provides multiple Vt devices, and optional thin and thick gate oxide native devices. Table 2.2.1 Available Vt in each technology Core Technology N45LP/N40LP N40LP+ N45LPG High Vt N/A STD Vt Low Vt Ultra Low Vt Plus N/A N/A Native N/A Varactor* MOM Inductor N40LPG (N40 LPG-LP only) (N40 LPG-G only) N/A (N40 LPG-LP only) N40G (0.9V) N/A * Please refer to section 4.5.26, MOS Varactor Layout Rules (VAR), in details. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 15 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 2.3 Power Supply and Operation Temperature Ranges Table 2.3.1 Power Supplies N45LP/N40LP Normal *Max power power supply supply Core (thin oxide) I/O (thick oxide) 2.5V overdrive to 3.3V 2.5V underdrive to 1.8V 1.8V underdrive to 1.5V N40LP+ Normal *Max power power supply supply Technology N45LPG/N40LPG Normal *Max power power supply supply 5.5V** 1.1V(LP), 0.9V(G) 1.8V (N45LPG) N/A 3.3V (N40LPG) N/A 1.26(LP), 1.05V(G) 1.98V (N45LPG) N/A 3.63V (N40LPG) N/A 3.3V 3.63V N/A 1.98V 1.8V 1.98V 1.65V (N40LP) NA NA 1.1V 1.26V 1.1V 1.26V 1.8V 1.98V N/A N/A 2.5V 2.75V 2.5V 2.75V N/A N/A N/A N/A 5V** 5.5V** 5V** 3.3V 3.63V 1.8V 1.5V (N40LP) N40G Normal power supply *Max power supply 0.9V, 1.1V, 1.2V(OD_12) 1.32V(OD_12) 1.8V 1.98V 2.5V 2.75V N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.3V 3.63V N/A N/A 1.8V 1.98V N/A N/A 1.5V 1.65V ** Only drain side can be applied to 5V. The other terminals can only be applied to 2.5V (HVMOS_25 for N45LP/N40LP/N40LP+) or 1.8V (HVMOS_18 for only N40LP). The operation temperature range is -40C to 125C (junction temperature). * Maximum power supply voltage means variation upper limit of product operation voltage. o p e r a ti o n M a x i m u m p o w e r s u p p ly v o lta g e v o lta g e N o m ina l p o w e r s u p p ly v o lta g e o p e r a ti o n ti m e The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 16 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 2.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross–section Cross section (1P10M as inter Mx, top Mz(TM)) P a s s iv a tio n - 2 A P P a s s iv a tio n - 1 M 1 0 (C u ) M 10 U S G M 1 0 W /S = 0 .4 /0 .4 V 9 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 V 9 M 9 (C u ) M 9 U S G M 9 W /S = 0 .4 /0 .4 V 8 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 V 8 M 8 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 8 ~ ~ E LK M 3 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 3 M 3 (C u ) V 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 (C u ) E LK V 2 M 2 E LK V 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 P O M 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 (C u ) W /S = 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 (o n S T I) 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4 (o n O D ) C O P o ly V 1 E LK M 1 W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 W - P lu g P o ly O D W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 S a lic id e S TI Figure 2.4.1 Cross-section for 1P10M_7x2z The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 17 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross section (1P10M as inter Mx, top My(2XTM)) P a s s iv a tio n - 2 AP P a s s iv a tio n - 1 M 1 0 (C u ) M 10 USG M 1 0 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V 9 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V9 M 9 (C u ) M 9 USG M 9 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V 8 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V8 M 8 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 8 ~ ~ ELK M 3 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 3 M 3 (C u ) ELK V2 V 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 (C u ) M 2 ELK V 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 (C u ) P O W /S = 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 (o n S T I) 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4 (o n O D ) M 1 C O W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 P o ly V1 ELK W - P lu g P o ly O D W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 S a lic id e STI Figure 2.4.2 Cross-section for 1P10M_7x2y The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 18 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross section (1P10M as inter Mx/My, top Mz(TM)) P a s s iv a tio n - 2 AP P a s s iv a tio n - 1 M 1 0 (C u ) M 10 M 1 0 W /S = 0 .4 /0 .4 V9 V 9 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 USG M 9 (C u ) M9 M 9 W /S = 0 .4 /0 .4 V 8 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 V8 M 8 (C u ) M8 M 8 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V 7 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V7 M 7 (C u ) M7 M 7 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V 6 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V6 LK M6 ELK M6 M 6 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 ~ ~ ------------------------------------- LK ------------------------------------- M 2 (C u ) M 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 USG M2 ELK V 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 (C u ) P O W /S = 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 (o n S T I) 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4 (o n O D ) P o ly V1 M1 C O W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 ELK W - P lu g P o ly O D W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 S a lic id e STI Figure 2.4.3 Cross-section for 1P10M_5x2y2z The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 19 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross section (1P10M as inter Mx, top Mr) P a s s iv a tio n - 2 A P P a s s iv a tio n - 1 M 1 0 (C u ) M 10 U S G M 1 0 W /S = 0 .5 /0 .5 V 9 W /S = 0 .4 6 /0 .4 4 V 9 M 9 (C u ) M 9 U S G M 9 W /S = 0 .5 /0 .5 V 8 W /S = 0 .4 6 /0 .4 4 V 8 M 8 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 8 ~ ~ E LK M 3 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 3 M 3 (C u ) M 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 (C u ) E LK V 2 V 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 E LK V 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 P O M 1 (C u ) W /S = 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 (o n S T I) 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4 (o n O D ) P o ly C O V 1 E LK M 1 W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 W - P lu g P o ly O D W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 S a lic id e S TI Figure 2.4.4 Cross-section for 1P10M_7x2r The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 20 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross section (1P10M as inter Mx, top Mz/Mu (TM)) P a s s iv a tio n - 2 A P P a s s iv a tio n M 1 0 (C u ) 1 M 10 U S G M 1 0 W /S = 2 .0 /1 .0 V 9 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 V 9 M 9 (C u ) M 9 U S G M 9 W /S = 0 .4 /0 .4 V 8 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 V 8 M 8 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 8 ~ ~ E LK M 3 M 3 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 3 (C u ) E LK V 2 V 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 M 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 (C u ) E LK V 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 M 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 P O W /S = 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 (o n S T I) 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4 (o n O D ) O D W /S = V 1 (C u ) C O P o ly E LK M 1 W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 W P lu g P o ly 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 S a lic id e S TI Figure 2.4.5 Cross-section for 1P10M_7x1z1u The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 21 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross section (1P10M as inter Mx, top My(2XTM)/Mu(TM)) P a s s iv a tio n - 2 AP P a s s iv a tio n M 1 0 (C u ) 1 M 10 USG M 1 0 W /S = 2 .0 /1 .0 V 9 W /S = 0 .3 6 /0 .3 4 V9 M 9 (C u ) M 9 USG M 9 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V 8 W /S = 0 .1 4 /0 .1 4 V8 M 8 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 8 ~ ~ ELK M 3 M 3 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 3 (C u ) ELK V2 V 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 M 2 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 2 (C u ) ELK V 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 M 1 M 1 W /S = 0 .0 7 /0 .0 7 P O W /S = 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 (o n S T I) 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4 (o n O D ) O D W /S = V1 P o ly (C u ) C O W /S = 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 ELK M 1 W P lu g P o ly 0 .0 6 /0 .0 8 S a lic id e Figure 2.4.6 STI Cross-section for 1P10M_7x1y1u The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 22 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 2.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options 1. The general 45 nm logic process is offered with a single poly and ten metal layers (1P10M). In addition to 1P10M, please refer to the following tables for the other metallization options. 2. CAD layer datatype of Mu metal is “60” (that of dummy Mu layer is “61”), and CAD layer datatype of its associated VIA (VIAu, the VIA under Mu) is “40” (the same as that of VIAz due to the same via size). 3. Follow VIAz rule for VIAu design. 4. For eddy current reduction to achieve better inductor RF performance, a special metal (and OD/PO) dummy block layer called "INDDMY" (CAD layer:144) is offered to allow very low metal density within an inductor. When "INDDMY" layer is used to construct inductors, one must follow the additional process-related design rules listed in INDDMY inductor section. 5. For the INDDMY layer identified low metal density inductor region, the inter-via (both Vx and Vy) and top via Vy (2XTM) are all not allowed. Please refer to the section 4.5.45 for the rules in details. Table 2.5.1 N40G/N45LP/N40LP/N45LPG/N40LPG Naming for Different Metal W/S (μm) Metal type Code N45LP/ N45LPG N40G/ N40LP/ N40LPG M1 First Inter-layer Metal Second Inter-layer Metal *Top Metal (2XTM) Top Metal (TM) *Top Metal (TM) M1 0.07/0.07 0.07/0.07 M1 (360) only Mx 0.07/0.07 0.07/0.07 M2~M8 (380, 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388), max : seven layers My 0.14/0.14 0.14/0.14 M5~M8 (385, 386, 387, 388), max : two layers My Mz Mr 0.14/0.14 0.4/0.4 0.5/0.5 0.14/0.14 0.4/0.4 0.5/0.5 Ultra Thick Metal Mu 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 M3~M10 (381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A), max : two layers M3~M10 (381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A), max : two layers M6~M10 (386, 387, 388, 389, 38A), max: two layers M4~M10 (384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A), max: one layer only (the most top metal) Mask layers *: not for N45LP/N45LPG Table 2.5.2 N40G/N45LP/N40LP/N45LPG/N40LPG Naming for Different Via Types W/S(μm) Via type First Inter-layer Via Second Interlayer Via *Top Via (2XTM) Top Via (TM) *Top Via Via under Ultra Thick Metal Code N45LP/ N45LPG N40G/ N40LP/ N40LPG Mask layers Vx 0.07/0.07 0.07/0.07 VIA1~VIA7 (378, 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377), max : seven layers Vy 0.14/0.14 0.14/0.14 VIA4~VIA7 (374, 375, 376, 377), max : two layers Vy Vz Vr Vu (Datatype:40) 0.14/0.14 0.36/0.34 0.46/0.44 0.14/0.14 0.36/0.34 0.46/0.44 0.36/0.34 0.36/0.34 VIA2~VIA9 (379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A), max : two layers VIA2~VIA9 (379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A), max : two layers VIA5~VIA9 (375, 376, 377, 372, 37A), max: two layers VIA3~VIA9 (373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A), max : one layer only *: not for N45LP/N45LPG The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 23 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 2.5.3 Metallization Options for Mz (My/Vy are used as second inter-layer Metal/Via, where the dielectric film material for inter-layer My/Vy is “LK”.) Metal/ Via Total Number of Metal Layers 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 VIA1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 M2 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 VIA2 Vz1 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 M3 Mz1 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 VIA3 Vz1 Vx3 Vz1 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 M4 Mz1 Mx3 Mz1 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 VIA4 Vz1 Vz2 Vx4 Vz1 Vy1 Vx4 Vx4 Vy1 Vx4 Vy1 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vy1 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 M5 Mz1 Mz2 Mx4 Mz1 My1 Mx4 Mx4 My1 Mx4 My1 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 My1 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 VIA5 Vz1 Vz2 Vz1 Vx5 Vy1 Vy2 Vz1 Vz1 Vx5 Vx5 Vy1 Vx5 Vy1 Vy2 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vy1 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 M6 Mz1 Mz2 Mz1 Mx5 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz1 Mx5 Mx5 My1 Mx5 My1 My2 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 My1 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 VIA6 Vz1 Vz1 Vz1 Vz2 Vz2 Vx6 Vy1 Vy2 Vz1 Vz1 Vz1 Vx6 Vx6 Vy1 Vx6 Vy1 Vy2 Vx6 Vx6 Vy1 M7 Mz1 Mz1 Mz1 Mz2 Mz2 Mx6 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz1 Mz1 Mx6 Mx6 My1 Mx6 My1 My2 Mx6 Mx6 My1 VIA7 Vz1 Vz1 Vz1 Vz2 Vz2 Vz2 Vx7 Vy1 Vy2 Vz1 Vz1 Vz1 Vx7 Vy1 Vy2 M8 Mz1 Mz1 Mz1 Mz2 Mz2 Mz2 Mx7 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz1 Mz1 Mx7 My1 My2 VIA8 Vz1 Vz1 Vz1 Vz2 Vz2 Vz2 Vz1 Vz1 Vz1 M9 Mz1 Mz1 Mz1 Mz2 Mz2 Mz2 Mz1 Mz1 Mz1 VIA9 Vz2 Vz2 Vz2 M10 Mz2 Mz2 Mz2 Table 2.5.4 Metallization Options for My (My/Vy are used as 2X top Metal/Via, where the dielectric film material for top My/Vy is “USG”.) Total Number of Metal Layers Metal / Via 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 VIA1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 M2 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 VIA2 VyTV1 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 M3 MyTM1 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 VIA3 VyTV1 Vx3 VyTV1 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 M4 MyTM1 Mx3 MyTM1 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 VIA4 VyTV1 VyTV2 Vx4 VyTV1 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 M5 MyTM1 MyTM2 Mx4 MyTM1 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 VIA5 VyTV1 VyTV2 Vx5 VyTV1 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 M6 MyTM1 MyTM2 Mx5 MyTM1 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 VIA6 VyTV1 VyTV2 Vx6 VyTV1 Vx6 Vx6 M7 MyTM1 MyTM2 Mx6 MyTM1 Mx6 Mx6 VIA7 VyTV1 VyTV2 VyTV1 Vx7 M8 MyTM1 MyTM2 MyTM1 Mx7 VIA8 VyTV2 VyTV1 M9 MyTM2 MyTM1 VIA9 VyTV2 M10 MyTM2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 24 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 2.5.5 Metallization Options for Mr Total Number of Metal Layers Metal /Via 7 M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vx5 Mx5 Vr1 Mr1 Table 2.5.6 8 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vr1 Mr1 Vr2 Mr2 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vx5 Mx5 Vx6 Mx6 Vr1 Mr1 9 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vx5 Mx5 Vr1 Mr1 Vr2 Mr2 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vx5 Mx5 Vx6 Mx6 Vx7 Mx7 Vr1 Mr1 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vx5 Mx5 Vx6 Mx6 Vr1 Mr1 Vr2 Mr2 10 M1 Vx1 Mx1 Vx2 Mx2 Vx3 Mx3 Vx4 Mx4 Vx5 Mx5 Vx6 Mx6 Vx7 Mx7 Vr1 Mr1 Vr2 Mr2 Metallization Options for Mu (Mu with second inter-layer metal/via (My/Vy) are used, where the dielectric film material for inter-layer My/Vy is “LK”.) Total Number of Metal Layers Metal/ Via 4 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 5 6 7 8 9 10 VIA1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 M2 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 VIA2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 M3 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 VIA3 Vu1 Vx3 Vz1 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 M4 Mu1 Mx3 Mz1 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 VIA4 Vu1 Vu1 Vx4 Vz1 Vy1 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vy1 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 M5 Mu1 Mu1 Mx4 Mz1 My1 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 My1 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 VIA5 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vx5 Vy1 Vz1 Vz1 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vy1 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 M6 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mx5 My1 Mz1 Mz1 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 My1 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 VIA6 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vx6 Vy1 Vz1 Vz1 Vx6 Vx6 Vx6 Vy1 Vx6 Vx6 M7 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mx6 My1 Mz1 Mz1 Mx6 Mx6 Mx6 My1 Mx6 Mx6 VIA7 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vx7 Vy1 Vz1 Vz1 Vx7 Vy1 M8 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mx7 My1 Mz1 Mz1 Mx7 My1 VIA8 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vu1 Vz1 Vz1 M9 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mu1 Mz1 Mz1 VIA9 Vu1 Vu1 M10 Mu1 Mu1 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 25 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 2.5.7 Metallization Options (Mu with top metal/via (My/Vy, 2XTM) are used, where the dielectric film material for top My/Vy is “USG”.) Metal/ Via M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 Total Number of Metal Layers 5 6 7 8 9 10 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Vx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Mx1 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Vx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 Mx2 VyTV1 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 Vx3 MyTM1 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Mx3 Vu1 VyTV1 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Vx4 Mu1 MyTM1 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Mx4 Vu1 VyTV1 Vx5 Vx5 Vx5 Mu1 MyTM1 Mx5 Mx5 Mx5 Vu1 VyTV1 Vx6 Vx6 Mu1 MyTM1 Mx6 Mx6 Vu1 VyTV1 Vx7 Mu1 MyTM1 Mx7 Vu1 VyTV1 Mu1 MyTM1 Vu1 Mu1 Table 2.5.8 Reference documents about top metal scheme requirement for wire bond and flip chip (EU and LF bumps) applications Assmebly Type Wire bond (WB) Eutectic (EU) Bump Flip Chip Lead Free (LF) Bump Flip Chip with build up (FCBGA) substrate Lead Free (LF) Bump Flip Chip with laminate (FCCSP) substrate Document No. T-N45-CL-DR-003 T-N45-CL-DR-003 T-N45-CL-DR-017 T-N45-CL-DR-022 Document Title TSMC 45NM/40NM WIRE BOND, EUTECTIC FLIP CHIP AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE TSMC 45NM/40NM WIRE BOND, EUTECTIC FLIP CHIP AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH BUILD UP SUBSTRATE (FCBGA, FLIP CHIP BALL GRID ARRAY) AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH LAMINATE SUBSTRATE (FCCSP, FLIP CHIP CHIP SCALE PACKAGE) AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 26 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 3 General Layout Information This chapter provides the following general layout information: 3.1 Mask information, key process sequence, and CAD layers 3.2 Metal/via CAD layer information for metallization options 3.3 Dummy pattern fill CAD Layers 3.4 Special recognition CAD layer summary 3.5 Device truth tables 3.6 Mask requirements for device options (High/Std/Low Vt) 3.7 Design geometry restrictions 3.8 Design hierarchy guidelines 3.9 Chip Implementation and Tape Out Checklist 3.1 Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers All tables list masks and corresponding masking steps. 1. TSMC uses NW and OD2 (OD_18, OD_25) to generate NW1V, NW2V, PW1V, and PW2V masks by logical operations. Designers can draw NW only. 2. TSMC uses NP, PP, and other layers to generate N1V, N2V, P1V, and P2V masks by logical operations. Designers do not need to draw these masks. 3. An Al pad is a reverse tone of CB with bias. However, in a flip-chip product, Al pad is a drawn layer. The Mask Name column lists names that are reserved for standard mask steps. These names should not be used for another purpose in tape out files without prior authorization from TSMC. The CAD Layer column lists CAD layer numbers. To obtain all related CAD layer usage information, please refer to TSMC Document, T-N45-CL-LE-001 4. In the tables of section 3.1, “ * “ means an optional mask. “ # “ means a non-design level mask which is no need to draw (or design) this layer. This non-design level mask is generated by logical operation from other drawn layers. Warning: 1. Please contact TSMC for actually re-tapeout mask set if FEOL OD/Poly/CO GDS are changed except all-FEOL-layer-change RTO. 2. 12E and 12F are composed of NW, OD, PO, NP, PP, CO, OD2, SRM, RH, VAR, BJTDMY, and POFUSE. Whenever 12E and 12F tape out, up-to-date CAD layers mentioned above must be enclosed in one database to generate correct pattern. If ≥ one of the above CAD layers is revised, both 12E and 12F must be re-taped out. 3. Must include VIA layer with metal layer while tape out, since metal OPC requires to refer to VIA layer. Warning: A CAD layer number must be less than, or equal to, 255. If the number is greater than 255, the mask making will fail. Table 3.1.1 Mask Name and ID, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layer for CLN45LP/CLN40LP The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 27 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Key Process Sequence Digitized Area Reference Layer in Logical Operation Mask Name Mask ID CAD Layer (Dark or Clear) and OPC * = Optional Mask 1 OD 120 D Derived 2* 3# DNW PW1V 119 191 C D 1 Derived 4# PW2V 193 C Derived 5# NW1V 192 C Derived 6 OD2 152 D 7# NPO 196 C 16 18 Derived 8 PO 130 D Derived 9# N2V 116 C Derived 10# P2V 115 C Derived 11* VTH_N 11H C Derived 12* VTL_N 118 D Derived 13# N1V 114 C Derived 14* ULVT_N 11E C Derived 15* VTC_N2 11N C Derived 16* 17* VTC_N VTH_P 112 11G C C Derived Derived 18* VTL_P 117 C Derived 19* VTL_P2 11C C Derived 20# P1V 113 C Derived 21* ULVT_P 11F C Derived 22* VTC_P2 11P C Derived 23* VTC_P 199 C Derived 24 PP 197 C Derived 25 NP 198 C Derived 26* ESD 111 C 189;0 27* RPO2 124 C Derived 28 RPO 155 D Derived Description OD, DOD, SR_DOD, DUMMYOD1~12, DUMMYOD16, DPSRM, SRM_10TTP, Device, ACTIVE, STRAP and SRM_8TTP, SRM_HC, SRM_HD, interconnection regions SRM_LV, SRM_HCDP, SRM, NW, NDIFF, PDIFF, PRSRM Deep N-Well. NW, NT_N, OD2, SRM;0, HVD_P Core device P-Well. OD2, NW, NT_N, HVD_N, NDIFF, 1.8V or 2.5V (only for N40LP) P-Well. PDIFF, OD, PO OD2, NW, NT_N, SRM;0, HVD_N, Core and I/O device N-Well. HVD_P, NDIFF, PDIFF, OD, PO 1.8V: OD_18 1.8V or 2.5V (only for N40LP) thick 2.5V: OD_25 oxide for DGO process. NP, SRM;21, SRM;0, POFUSE Pre-doped N+ poly. PO, OD, OD2, NP, PP, SRM;0, SRM;1, SRM;2, SRM_HC, PRSRM, Poly-Si. DUMMYPO5, DPO, SR_DPO. NDIFF, PDIFF, POFUSE NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, 1.8V or 2.5V (only for N40LP) NLDD BJTDMY, HVD_N, HVD_P, NDIFF, implantation. PDIFF, NT_N, OD, PO, PP. PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, NT_N, 1.8V or 2.5V (only for N40LP) PLDD POFUSE, BJTDMY, HVD_N, HVD_P, implantation. NDIFF, PDIFF, OD, PO, NP. VTH_N, SRM;0 High Vt NMOS implantation. OD2, NW, VTL_N, SRM;0, BJTDMY, Low Vt NMOS implantation for LP VTH_N, NT_N, SRM;1, RH, VAR, only. POFUSE, SRM;2, ULVT_N, PP NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, POFUSE, SRM;1, VTH_N, BJTDMY, Core device NLDD implantation. SRM;2, ULVT_N, PP Ultra-low Vt plus NMOS implantation ULVT_N, SRM;0 (only for N40LP) SRM;0, NW, SRM;1, SRM_8TTP, SRAM HP cell NMOS Vt IMP2 only for SRM_LV, PRSRM, PP N40LP. PP, SRM;1, ULVT_N , VTH_N SRAM cell NMOS Vt. VTH_P, SRM;0 High Vt PMOS implantation. Low Vt PMOS implantation for LP OD2, NW, VTL_P, SRM;0, SRM;2, RH, only. VAR, POFUSE, VTH_P, BJTDMY, N40LP: Mask 117 is a must if HVD_P, PO, NP, SRM;1, ULVT_P , HVPMOS_18 is used. OD2, NW, VTL_P, SRM;0, SRM;2, RH, N45LP: 11C is a must if VAR, POFUSE, VTH_P, BJTDMY, PP, (a) No PMOS LVT (117) and NP (b) NCI SRAM cell is used PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, SRM;2, BJTDMY, VTH_P, NP, SRM;1, Core device PLDD implantation. ULVT_P, POFUSE Ultra-low Vt plus PMOS implantation ULVT_P, SRM;0 (only for N40LP) NW, SRM;0, SRM;2, NP, VTH_P, SRAM HP cell PMOS Vt IMP2 only for ULVT_P N40LP. NP, SRM;2, ULVT_P , VTH_P SRAM cell PMOS Vt. PP, SRM;0, DOD, DPO, HVD_P, P+ implantation. NDIFF, PDIFF, OD, PO NP, SRM;0, POFUSE, DOD, DPO, DUMMYOD9, HVD_N, NDIFF, PDIFF, N+ implantation. OD, PO, PP, PRSRM, SRM_8TTP, SRM_HC, SRM_HD, SRM_LV ESD3, ESDIMP, NW, NP, NDIFF, ESD implantation. PDIFF, OD, PO, RPO It can be skipped for N40LP 2.5V I/O OD2, BJTDMY, POFUSE, RH w/o RPO2 mask PO, RPO, HVD_N, HVD_P, OD, CO, Silicide protection. NDIFF, PDIFF The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 28 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Key Process Sequence Digitized Area Reference Layer in Logical Operation Mask Name Mask ID CAD Layer (Dark or Clear) and OPC * = Optional Mask 29 CO 156 C Derived 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 360 378 380 379 381 373 384 374 385 375 386 376 387 377 388 372 389 37A 38A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 31 51 32 52 33 53 34 54 35 55 36 56 37 57 38 58 39 59 40 CO;0, CO;11, OD, SRM;0, SRAMDMY;4, SRAMDMY;1, PRSRM, SRM_UHD, DUMMYOD1, DUMMYOD3, DUMMYOD10, DUMMYOD11, DUMMYOD12, SRM_HD, NW, SRM_HCDP, PO, SRM_HC, PP, DUMMYPO1, SDPRM, DPSRM, SRM_10TTP, SRM_8TTP, SRM_LV M1, DM1, DM1_O, VIA1 DVIA1 M2, DM2, DM2_O, VIA1, VIA2 DVIA2 M3, DM3, DM3_O, VIA2, VIA3 DVIA3 M4, DM4, DM4_O, VIA3, VIA4 DVIA4 M5, DM5, DM5_O, VIA4, VIA5 DVIA5 M6, DM6, DM6_O, VIA5, VIA6 DVIA6 M7, DM7, DM7_O, VIA6, VIA7 DVIA7 M8, DM8, DM8_O, VIA7, VIA8 M9, DM9, VIA8, VIA9 M10, DM10, VIA9 Description Contact window from M1 to OD or PO. 1st metal for interconnection. Via1 hole between M2 and M1. 2nd metal for interconnection. Via2 hole between M3 and M2. 3rd metal for interconnection. Via3 hole between M4 and M3. 4th metal for interconnection. Via4 hole between M5 and M4. 5th metal for interconnection. Via5 hole between M6 and M5. 6th metal for interconnection. Via6 hole between M7 and M6. 7th metal for interconnection. Via7 hole between M8 and M7. 8th metal for interconnection. Via8 hole between M9 and M8. 9th metal for interconnection. Via9 hole between M10 and M9. 10th metal for interconnection FBEOL option1 (Wire bond without AP RDL) 49 50 CB AP 107 307 C D 51 CB2 308 C 52* PM 009 D 76 Derived 86;20 (CB2_WB) Derived 5;0 CB, CB2_WB Passivation-1 open for bond pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bond pad. CB2_WB - Polyimide opening - Passivation-1 open for bump pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bump pad. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. Derived 74 86;20 (CB2_WB) Derived 5;0 CB, RV - Passivation-1 open for bond pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Passivation-2 open. CB2_WB - Polyimide opening Derived 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 CBD, RV - Passivation-1 open for bump pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Passivation-2 open. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. FBEOL option2 (Flip chip without AP RDL) 48 49 CB AP 107 307 C D 50 CB2 308 C 51 52 PM UBM 009 020 D D 169 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 FBEOL option3 (Wire bond with AP RDL) 48 49 CB-VD AP-MD 306 309 C D 50 CB2 308 C 51* PM 009 D FBEOL option4 (Flip chip with AP RDL) 48 49 CB-VD AP-MD 306 309 C D 50 CB2 308 C 51 52 PM UBM 009 020 D D The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 29 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.2 Key Process Sequence * = Optional Mask Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mask Name and ID, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layer for CLN40LP+ (1.1V Core and 2.5V I/O Design) Mask Name Mask ID Digitized Area (Dark or Clear) CAD Layer 1 OD 120 D Derived 2* 3# DNW PW1V 119 191 C D 1 Derived 4# PW2V 193 C Derived 5# NW1V 192 C Derived 6 OD2 152 D Derived 7 DCO_LPP 153 C 90;1 8# NPO 196 C Derived 9 PO 130 D Derived 10# N2V 116 C Derived 11# P2V 115 C Derived 12* VTH_N 11H C Derived 13 VTL_N 118 D Derived 14# N1V 114 C Derived 15 ULVT_N 11E C Derived 16* VTC_N2 11N C Derived 17* 18* VTC_N VTH_P 112 11G C C Derived Derived 19* VTL_P 117 C Derived 20# P1V 113 C Derived 21 ULVT_P 11F C Derived 22* VTC_P2 11P C Derived 23* 24 VTC_P PP 199 197 C C Derived Derived 25 NP 198 C Derived 26* 27* 28 ESD RPO2 RPO 111 124 155 C C D 189;0 Derived Dirived Reference Layer in Logical Operation and OPC Description OD, DOD, SR_DOD, DUMMYOD1~12, DUMMYOD16, DPSRM, SRM_10TTP, Device, ACTIVE, STRAP and SRM_HCDP, SRM;0, NW, SRM_8TTP, interconnection regions SRM_HC, SRM_HD, SRM_LV, NDIFF, PDIFF, PRSRM Deep N-Well. NW, NT_N, OD2, SRM;0, HVD_P Core device P-Well. OD2, NW, NT_N, OD, PO, HVD_N, NDIFF, 2.5V P-Well. PDIFF OD2, NW, NT_N, SRM;0, HVD_N, HVD_P, OD, Core and I/O device N-Well. PO, NDIFF, PDIFF 2.5V thick oxide for DGO OD_25, DCO_LPP process. N40LP+ dual core oxide for ultra low Vt plus devices’ speed boost NP, SRM;21, SRM;0, POFUSE Pre-doped N+ poly. PO, OD, OD2, NP, PP, SRM;0, SRM;1, SRM;2, SRM_HC, PRSRM, DUMMYPO5, DPO, Poly-Si. SR_DPO, DCO_LPP, NDIFF, PDIFF, POFUSE, ULVT_N, ULVT_P NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, BJTDMY, HVD_N, HVD_P, OD, PO, NDIFF, PDIFF, NT_N, 2.5V NLDD implantation. PP PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, NT_N, POFUSE, BJTDMY, HVD_N, HVD_P, OD, PO, NDIFF, 2.5V PLDD implantation. PDIFF, NP VTH_N, SRM;0 High Vt NMOS implantation. OD2, NW, VTL_N, SRM;0, BJTDMY, VTH_N, NT_N, SRM;1, SRM;2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, Low Vt NMOS implantation. DCO_LPP, PP, ULVT_N NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, POFUSE, SRM;1, VTH_N, BJTDMY, DCO_LPP, PP, Core device NLDD implantation. SRM;2, ULVT_N Ultra-low Vt plus NMOS ULVT_N, SRM;0, DCO_LPP implantation for N40LP+ only SRM;0, NW, SRM;1, SRM_8TTP, SRM_LV, SRAM HP cell NMOS Vt IMP2 PRSRM, DCO_LPP, PP only for N40LP+. SRM;1, DCO_LPP, PP, ULVT_N, VTH_N SRAM cell NMOS Vt. VTH_P, SRM;0 High Vt PMOS implantation. OD2, NW, VTL_P, SRM;0, SRM;2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, VTH_P, BJTDMY, DCO_LPP, NP, Low Vt PMOS implantation. SRM;1, ULVT_P PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, SRM;2, BJTDMY, VTH_P, NP, DCO_LPP, POFUSE, Core device PLDD implantation. SRM;1, ULVT_P Ultra-low Vt plus PMOS ULVT_P, SRM;0, DCO_LPP implantation for N40LP+ only NW, SRM;0, SRM;2, NP, VTH_P, DCO_LPP, SRAM HP cell PMOS Vt IMP2 ULVT_P only for N40LP+. SRM;2, DCO_LPP, NP, ULVT_P, VTH_P SRAM cell PMOS Vt. PP, SRM;0, HVD_P, PO P+ implantation. NP, SRM;0, POFUSE, DUMMYOD9, HVD_N, N+ implantation. PO, PP, PRSRM, SRM_HC, SRM_HD ESD implantation. OD2, BJTDMY, POFUSE, RH It is must for 2.5V [N40LP+] HVD_N, HVD_P, PO, RPO Silicide protection. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 30 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Key Process Sequence * = Optional Mask Confidential – Do Not Copy Mask Name Mask ID Digitized Area (Dark or Clear) 29 CO 156 C 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 360 378 380 379 381 373 384 374 385 375 386 376 387 377 388 372 389 37A 38A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CAD Layer Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Reference Layer in Logical Operation and OPC Description CO;0, CO;11, OD, SRM;0, SRAMDMY;4, SRAMDMY;1, PRSRM, SRM_UHD, DUMMYOD1~4, DUMMYOD10, DUMMYOD11, Contact window from M1 to OD Derived DUMMYOD12, SRM_HD, NW, SRM_HCDP, PO, or PO. SRM_HC, PP, DUMMYPO1, DUMMYPO5, SDPRM, DPSRM, NP, NDIFF, PDIFF, SRM_10TTP, SRM_8TTP, SRM_LV 31 M1, DM1, DM1_O, VIA1 1st metal for interconnection. 51 DVIA1 Via1 hole between M2 and M1. 32 M2, DM2, DM2_O, VIA1, VIA2 2nd metal for interconnection. 52 DVIA2 Via2 hole between M3 and M2. 33 M3, DM3, DM3_O, VIA2, VIA3 3rd metal for interconnection. 53 DVIA3 Via3 hole between M4 and M3. 34 M4, DM4, DM4_O, VIA3, VIA4 4th metal for interconnection. 54 DVIA4 Via4 hole between M5 and M4. 35 M5, DM5, DM5_O, VIA4, VIA5 5th metal for interconnection. 55 DVIA5 Via5 hole between M6 and M5. 36 M6, DM6, DM6_O, VIA5, VIA6 6th metal for interconnection. 56 DVIA6 Via6 hole between M7 and M6. 37 M7, DM7, DM7_O, VIA6, VIA7 7th metal for interconnection. 57 DVIA7 Via7 hole between M8 and M7. 38 M8, DM8, DM8_O, VIA7, VIA8 8th metal for interconnection. 58 Via8 hole between M9 and M8. 39 M9, DM9, VIA8, VIA9 9th metal for interconnection. 59 Via9 hole between M10 and M9. 40 M10, DM10, VIA9 10th metal for interconnection FBEOL option1 (Wire bond without AP RDL) 49 50 CB AP 107 307 C D 51 CB2 308 C 52* PM 009 D 76 Derived 86;20 (CB2_WB) CB, CB2_WB Passivation-1 open for bond pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bond pad. Derived 5;0 CB2_WB - Polyimide opening - Passivation-1 open for bump pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bump pad. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. Derived 74 86;20 (CB2_WB) CB, RV - Passivation-1 open for bond pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Passivation-2 open. Derived 5;0 CB2_WB - Polyimide opening Derived 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 CBD, RV - Passivation-1 open for bump pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Passivation-2 open. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. FBEOL option2 (Flip chip without AP RDL) 49 50 CB AP 107 307 C D 51 CB2 308 C 52 53 PM UBM 009 020 D D 169 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 FBEOL option3 (Wire bond with AP RDL) 49 50 CB-VD AP-MD 306 309 C D 51 CB2 308 C 52* PM 009 D FBEOL option4 (Flip chip with AP RDL) 49 50 CB-VD AP-MD 306 309 C D 51 CB2 308 C 52 53 PM UBM 009 020 D D The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 31 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.3 Key Process Sequence * = Optional Mask Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mask Name and ID, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layer for CLN45LPG/N40LPG Mask Name Mask ID Digitized Area Reference Layer in Logical Operation CAD Layer (Dark or Clear) and OPC 1 OD 120 D Derived 2* 3# 4# 5# 6# DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V 119 191 193 192 194 C D C C C 1 Derived Derived Derived Derived OD, DOD, SR_DOD, DUMMYOD1~12, DUMMYOD16, DPSRM, SRM_10TTP, SRM_8TTP, SRM_HC, SRM_HD, SRM_LV, SRM_HCDP, SRM;0, NW, NDIFF, PDIFF, PRSRM NW, NT_N, OD2, SRM;0,DCO OD2, NW, NT_N, DCO OD2, NW, NT_N, SRM;0,DCO OD2, NW, NT_N, DCO 7 OD2 152 D Derived OD2, DCO 8 9# DCO NPO 153 196 C C 90 Derived 10 PO 130 D Derived 11# N2V 116 C Derived 12# P2V 115 C Derived 13* VTL_N 118 D Derived 14# N1V_G 106 C Derived 15 VTC_N2 11N C Derived 16 VTC_P2 11P C Derived 17*# VTC_N_ GP 104 C Derived 18# N1V 114 C Derived 19# VTC_N 112 C Derived 20* VTL_P 117 C Derived 21# P1V_G 105 C Derived 22*# VTC_P_ GP 103 C Derived 23* VTL_P2 11C C Derived 24# P1V 113 C Derived 25# 26 VTC_P PP 199 197 C C Derived Derived 27 NP 198 C Derived 28 ESD 111 C 189;0 Description Device, ACTIVE, STRAP and interconnection regions Deep N-Well. Core device P-Well. 1.8V or 3.3V P-Well. Core device/1.8V N-Well. 3.3V N-Well.(N40LPG only) 1.8V or 3.3V thick oxide for DGO process. GP oxide Pre-doped N+ poly. NP, SRM;21, SRM;0, POFUSE PO, OD, OD2, NP, PP, SRM;0, SRM;1, SRM;2, SRM_HC, PRSRM, Poly-Si. DUMMYPO5, DPO, DCO, SR_DPO, NDIFF, PDIFF, POFUSE. NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, BJTDMY, NDIFF, PDIFF, NT_N, OD, 1.8V or 3.3V NLDD implantation. PO, PP. PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, NT_N, POFUSE, BJTDMY, NDIFF, PDIFF, OD, 1.8V or 3.3V PLDD implantation. PO, NP. 1.45LPG: Low Vt NMOS OD2, NW, VTL_N, SRM;0, BJTDMY, implantation for both LP and GP. VTH_N, NT_N, SRM;1, RH, VAR,DCO, 2.40LPG: Delta dose implantation for POFUSE, NP LPHVt NMOS and G LVt NMOS. NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, POFUSE, SRM;1, SRM;2, VTH_N, GP Core device NLDD implantation. BJTDMY,DCO SRM;0, NW, SRM;1, SRM_8TTP, SRAM HP cell NMOS Vt IMP2 only SRM_LV, PRSRM , DCO, PP for N40LPG-LP. SRAM HP cell PMOS Vt IMP2 only NW, SRM;0, SRM;2, NP, VTH_P, DCO for N40LPG-LP GP SRAM cell NMOS Vt SRM;1, DCO, PP, VTH_N It is a must if GP SRAM cell is used. (N40LPG only) NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, POFUSE, SRM;1, SRM;2, VTH_N, LP Core device NLDD implantation. BJTDMY, DCO, PP SRM;1, DCO, VTH_N, PP LP SRAM cell NMOS Vt. 1.45LPG: Low Vt PMOS OD2, NW, VTL_P, SRM;0, SRM;1, implantation for both LP and GP. SRM;2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, VTH_P, 2.40LPG: Delta dose implantation for BJTDMY, DCO, NP LPHVt PMOS and G LVt PMOS. NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, POFUSE, SRM;1, SRM;2, VTH_N, GP Core device PLDD implantation. BJTDMY, DCO, PP GP SRAM cell PMOS Vt SRM;2, DCO, VTH_P, NP It is a must if GP SRAM cell is used. (N40LPG only) (1) N45LPG: 11C is a must if OD2, NW, VTL_P, SRM;0, SRM;2, RH, (a) No PMOS LVT (117) and VAR, POFUSE, VTH_P, BJTDMY (b) NCI SRAM cell is used (c) Only for LP of LPG PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, SRM;1, SRM;2, BJTDMY, VTH_P, DCO, LP Core device PLDD implantation. POFUSE SRM;2, DCO, VTH_P, NP LP SRAM cell PMOS Vt. PP, SRM;0 P+ implantation. NP, SRM;0, POFUSE, DUMMYOD9, N+ implantation. PP, PRSRM, SRM_HC, SRM_HD ESD implantation. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 32 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Key Process Sequence * = Optional Mask Confidential – Do Not Copy Mask Name Mask ID Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Digitized Area Reference Layer in Logical Operation CAD Layer (Dark or Clear) and OPC 29* RPO2 124 C Derived 30 RPO 155 D Derived 31 CO 156 C Derived 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 360 378 380 379 381 373 384 374 385 375 386 376 387 377 388 372 389 37A 38A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 31 51 32 52 33 53 34 54 35 55 36 56 37 57 38 58 39 59 40 OD2, BJTDMY, POFUSE, RH, DCO, SRM;0 PO CO;0, CO;11, OD, SRM;0, SRAMDMY;4, SRAMDMY;1, PRSRM, SRM_UHD, DUMMYOD1~4, DUMMYOD10~12, DUMMYPO1, DUMMYPO5, SRM_HD, NW, SRM_HCDP, DPSRM, NDIFF, PDIFF, NP, PO, PP, SRM_10TTP, SRM_8TTP, SRM_LV, SRM_HC M1, DM1, DM1_O, VIA1 DVIA1 M2, DM2, DM2_O, VIA1, VIA2 DVIA2 M3, DM3, DM3_O, VIA2, VIA3 DVIA3 M4, DM4, DM4_O, VIA3, VIA4 DVIA4 M5, DM5, DM5_O, VIA4, VIA5 DVIA5 M6, DM6, DM6_O, VIA5, VIA6 DVIA6 M7, DM7, DM7_O, VIA6, VIA7 DVIA7 M8, DM8, DM8_O, VIA7, VIA8 M9, DM9, VIA8, VIA9 M10, DM10, VIA9 Description It is a must for 3.3V(N40LPG only) Silicide protection. Contact window from M1 to OD or PO. 1st metal for interconnection. Via1 hole between M2 and M1. 2nd metal for interconnection. Via2 hole between M3 and M2. 3rd metal for interconnection. Via3 hole between M4 and M3. 4th metal for interconnection. Via4 hole between M5 and M4. 5th metal for interconnection. Via5 hole between M6 and M5. 6th metal for interconnection. Via6 hole between M7 and M6. 7th metal for interconnection. Via7 hole between M8 and M7. 8th metal for interconnection. Via8 hole between M9 and M8. 9th metal for interconnection. Via9 hole between M10 and M9. 10th metal for interconnection FBEOL option1 (Wire bond without AP RDL) 51 52 CB AP 107 307 C D 53 CB2 308 C 54* PM 009 D 76 Derived 86;20 (CB2_WB) Derived 5;0 CB, CB2_WB Passivation-1 open for bond pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bond pad. CB2_WB - Polyimide opening - Passivation-1 open for bump pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bump pad. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. Derived 74 86;20 (CB2_WB) Derived 5;0 CB, RV - Passivation-1 open for bond pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Passivation-2 open. CB2_WB - Polyimide opening Derived 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 CBD, RV - Passivation-1 open for bump pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Passivation-2 open. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. FBEOL option2 (Flip chip without AP RDL) 51 52 CB AP 107 307 C D 53 CB2 308 C 54 55 PM UBM 009 020 D D 169 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 FBEOL option3 (Wire bond with AP RDL) 51 52 CB-VD AP-MD 306 309 C D 53 CB2 308 C 54* PM 009 D FBEOL option4 (Flip chip with AP RDL) 51 52 CB-VD AP-MD 306 309 C D 53 CB2 308 C 54 55 PM UBM 009 020 D D The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 33 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.4 Mask Name and ID, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layer for CLN40G Key Process Sequence * = Optional Mask Mask Name Mask ID Digitized Area (Dark or Clear) CAD Layer Reference Layer in Logical Operation and OPC 1 OD 120 D Derived 2* 3# 4# DNW PW1V PW2V 119 191 193 C D C 1 Derived Derived OD, DOD, SR_DOD, DUMMYOD1~12, DUMMYOD16, DPSRM, SRM_10TTP, SRM_HCDP, SRM;0, NW, OD2, PO, PP, CO, NDIFF, PDIFF, PRSRM, SRM_8TTP, SRM_HC, SRM_HD, SRM_LV, NW, NT_N, OD2, SRM;0 OD2, NW, NT_N 5* VTH_N 11H C Derived VTH_N, SRM;0, SRM;1 6# 7# 8* 9* NW1V NW2V VTH_P OD_12 192 194 11G 12A C C C C OD2, NW, NT_N, SRM;0 NW, OD2, NT_N VTH_P, SRM;0 - 10 OD2 152 D 11# NPO 196 C Derived Derived Derived 14;1 16 18 Derived 12 PO 130 D Derived 13# N2V 116 C Derived 14# P2V 115 C Derived 15 ODRZ 123 C Derived 16* VTL_N 118 D Derived 17# N1V 114 C Derived 18* VTC_N 112 C 50;1 19* VTL_P 117 C Derived 20# P1V 113 C Derived 21* VTC_P 199 C 50;2 22* VTL_P2 11C C Derived 23 24* 25 26 NSSD ESD PP NP 13A 111 197 198 C C C C Derived 189;0 Derived Derived 27 SSMT 124 C Derived 28 RPO 155 D Derived 29 NILD 12E C Derived 30 PILD 12F C Derived OD2, OD_12 Description Device, ACTIVE, STRAP and interconnection regions Deep N-Well. Core device P-Well. 1.8V or 2.5V P-Well. High Vt NMOS implantation. N40G: 11H is a must if SRAM is used. Core device N-Well. 1.8V or 2.5V N-Well. High Vt PMOS implantation. 1.2V device oxide 1.8V or 2.5V thick oxide for DGO process. Pre-doped N+ poly. NP, SRM;0, SRM;21, POFUSE PO, OD, OD2, OD_12, NP, PP, SRM;0, DPO, SR_DPO, NDIFF, PDIFF, POFUSE, DPSRM, Poly-Si. SRM_HCDP, PRSRM, DUMMYPO5, SRAMDMY;1 NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, 1.8V or 2.5V NLDD implantation. NT_N, BJTDMY, PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, NT_N, 1.8V or 2.5V PLDD implantation. POFUSE, BJTDMY PP, NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, AP, DOD, SRM;0, SR_ESD, OD, PO, DPO, SR_DPO, BJTDMY, NDIFF, PDIFF, OD2, NW, VTL_N, SRM;0, NT_N, SRM;1, RH, VAR, POFUSE, Low Vt NMOS implantation SRM;2, , BJTDMY NP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, POFUSE, SRM;1, SRM;2 , VTH_N, Core device NLDD implantation. BJTDMY SRAM cell NMOS Vt. OD2, NW, VTL_P, SRM;0, SRM;1, SRM;2, RH, VAR, POFUSE, NT_N, Low Vt PMOS implantation PP, BJTDMY PP, NW, OD2, RH, VAR, SRM;0, SRM;2, BJTDMY, VTH_P, SRM;1, Core device PLDD implantation. NT_N, POFUSE SRAM cell PMOS Vt. 11C is a must if N40GL 0.8V and N40G SRM;2, SRM_HC, SRM_HCDP 0.9V SRAM cell are both used PO, DPO, SR_DPO ESD implantation. PP, SRM;0 P+ implantation. NP, SRM;0, POFUSE N+ implantation. NW, OD2, PP, SRN;0, BJTDMY, RH, VAR, POFUSE, SRM;0, SRM;1, SRM;2 PO Silicide protection. NW, OD, OD2 (OD_18, OD_25, OD_33), PO, NP, PP, CO, SRM;0, RH, VAR, POFUSE, BJTDMY, NDIFF, PDIFF, DOD NW, OD, OD2 (OD_18, OD_25, OD_33), PO, NP, PP, CO, SRM;0, RH, VAR, POFUSE, BJTDMY, NDIFF, PDIFF, DOD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 34 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Key Process Sequence * = Optional Mask Confidential – Do Not Copy Mask Name Mask ID Digitized Area (Dark or Clear) CAD Layer 31 CO 156 C Derived 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 360 378 380 379 381 373 384 374 385 375 386 376 387 377 388 372 389 37A 38A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 31 51 32 52 33 53 34 54 35 55 36 56 37 57 38 58 39 59 40 Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Reference Layer in Logical Operation and OPC CO;0, CO;11, OD, SRM;0, SRAMDMY;1, SRAMDMY;5, NP, NW, PO, PP, DUMMYOD1~4, DUMMYOD11, DUMMYOD12, NDIFF, PDIFF, DPSRM, SRM_HC, PRSRM, DUMMYPO1, DUMMYPO5, SRM_10TTP, SRM_8TTP, SRM_LV, SRM_HD, SRM_HCDP M1, DM1, DM1_O, VIA1 DVIA1 M2, DM2, DM2_O, VIA1, VIA2 DVIA2 M3, DM3, DM3_O, VIA2, VIA3 DVIA3 M4, DM4, DM4_O, VIA3, VIA4 DVIA4 M5, DM5, DM5_O, VIA4, VIA5 DVIA5 M6, DM6, DM6_O, VIA5, VIA6 DVIA6 M7, DM7, DM7_O, VIA6, VIA7 DVIA7 M8, DM8, DM8_O, VIA7, VIA8 M9, DM9, VIA8, VIA9 M10, DM10, VIA9 Description Contact window from M1 to OD or PO. 1st metal for interconnection. Via1 hole between M2 and M1. 2nd metal for interconnection. Via2 hole between M3 and M2. 3rd metal for interconnection. Via3 hole between M4 and M3. 4th metal for interconnection. Via4 hole between M5 and M4. 5th metal for interconnection. Via5 hole between M6 and M5. 6th metal for interconnection. Via6 hole between M7 and M6. 7th metal for interconnection. Via7 hole between M8 and M7. 8th metal for interconnection. Via8 hole between M9 and M8. 9th metal for interconnection. Via9 hole between M10 and M9. 10th metal for interconnection FBEOL option1 (Wire bond without AP RDL) 51 52 CB AP 107 307 C D 53 CB2 308 C 54* PM 009 D 76 Derived 86;20 (CB2_WB) Derived 5;0 CB, CB2_WB Passivation-1 open for bond pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bond pad. CB2_WB - Polyimide opening 169 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 - Passivation-1 open for bump pad. Al pad. - Passivation-2 open for bump pad. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. FBEOL option2 (Flip chip without AP RDL) 51 52 CB AP 107 307 C D 53 CB2 308 C 54 55 PM UBM 009 020 D D FBEOL option3 (Wire bond with AP RDL) 51 CB-VD 306 C Derived CB, RV 52 AP-MD 309 D - 53 CB2 308 C - Passivation-2 open. 54* PM 009 D 74 86;20 (CB2_WB) Derived 5;0 Passivation-1 open for bond pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. CB2_WB - Polyimide opening FBEOL option4 (Flip chip with AP RDL) 51 CB-VD 306 C Derived CBD, RV 52 AP-MD 309 D - 53 CB2 308 C - Passivation-2 open. 54 55 PM UBM 009 020 D D 74 86;0 (CB2_FC) 5;0 170;0 Passivation-1 open for bump pad, AP RDL via. Al pad, AP RDL. - Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy for flip chip. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 35 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.5 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N45LP/N40LP/N40LP+/N45LPG/N40LPG Mask Name/ID/Grade/Type, OPC, and PSM Information Mask Name Mask ID Mask Grade Mask Type OPC PSM Group OD DNW PW1V VTC_N VTC_P PW2V VTH_N NW1V NW2V VTH_P OD2 DCO/DCO_LPP NPO PO VTC_N2 VTC_P2 N2V P2V VTL_N ULVT_N N1V_G VTC_N_GP VTC_P_GP N1V VTL_P ULVT_P VTL_P2 P1V_G P1V NP PP ESD RPO2 RPO CO M1 VIA1 M2 120 119 191 112 199 193 11H 192 194 11G 152 153 196 130 11N 11P 116 115 118 11E 106 104 103 114 117 11F 11C 105 113 198 197 111 124 155 156 360 378 380 L E H H H H H H H H H H H M H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H F L L K K K I (N45) J (N40) F K I F K I (N45) J (N40) F K I F F K I (N45) J (N40) F K I F F ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF ASF ASF ASF ASF ASF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF ASF DSF DSF ASF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF A B B A A B A B B A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A B A A A A A C B B B B B B B B B B B B C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C VIAx A C VIAy B A A B A B C B B C VIAz Mx My Mz VIAx A C VIAy B A A B B A B C B B B C VIAz Mx My Mz Mu VIAx A C VIAy B A A B B B C B B B VIAz Mx My Mz Mu VIA2 379 M3 381 VIA3 373 M4 384 VIA4 374 M5 385 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 36 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Mask Name VIA5 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy Mask ID 375 M6 386 VIA6 376 M7 387 VIA7 377 M8 388 VIA8 372 M9 389 VIA9 37A M10 38A CB CB-VD AP AP-MD CB2 107 306 307 309 308 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mask Grade Mask Type OPC PSM Group K I (N45) J (N40) F K I F F K I (N45) J (N40) F F F K I F F F K I (N45) J (N40) F F K I F F F I (N45) J (N40) F F I F F F F I (N45) J (N40) F F I F F F A D A D A ASF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF (N45) ASF (N40) DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF A C VIAx A C VIAy B A A B B A B C B B B C VIAz Mx My Mz Mu VIAx A C VIAy B B B A A B B B A B B B C B B B B C VIAz VIAu VIAr Mx My Mz Mr Mu VIAx A C VIAy B B A A B B B B B C B B B B VIAz VIAr Mx My Mz Mr Mu A C VIAy B B A B B B B B B B B B B B VIAz VIAr My Mz Mr Mr Mu A C VIAy B B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B VIAz VIAr My Mz Mr Mu The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 37 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40G Mask Name/ID/Grade/Type, OPC, and PSM Information Mask Name OD DNW PW1V VTC_N VTC_P PW2V VTH_N NW1V NW2V VTH_P OD2 OD_12 NILD PILD ODRZ NSSD SSMT NPO PO N2V P2V VTL_N N1V VTL_P VTL_P2 P1V NP PP ESD RPO CO M1 VIA1 M2 Mask ID 120 119 191 112 199 193 11H 192 194 11G 152 12A 12E 12F 123 13A 124 196 130 116 115 118 114 117 11C 113 198 197 111 155 156 360 378 380 VIA2 379 M3 381 VIA3 373 M4 384 VIA4 374 M5 385 VIA5 375 M6 386 VIA6 376 Mask Grade L E H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H M H H H H H H H H H H F L L K K K J F K I F K J F K I F K J F K I F K J F K I F K J F F F Mask Type ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF ASF ASF ASF ASF ASF ASF DSF ASF DSF DSF ASF ASF DSF ASF DSF DSF ASF ASF DSF ASF DSF DSF ASF ASF DSF ASF DSF DSF ASF ASF DSF DSF DSF OPC A B B A A B A B B A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B A A A A A A B A A B A A B A A B A A B A A B A A B A A B A A B B B PSM C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C B C B B C C B C B B C C B C B B C C B C B B C C B B B The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Group VIAx VIAy VIAz Mx My Mz VIAx VIAy VIAz Mx My Mz VIAx VIAy VIAz Mx My Mz VIAx VIAy VIAz Mx My Mz VIAx VIAy VIAz VIAu VIAr 38 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Mask Name Mask ID M7 387 VIA7 377 M8 388 VIA8 372 M9 389 VIA9 37A M10 38A CB CB-VD AP AP-MD CB2 107 306 307 309 308 Category Mask type: OPC: PSM: Mask Grade K I F F K J F F K I F F J F F I F F J F F I F F A D A D A Abbreviation Description DSF ASF B A B C DUV scanner 193nm scanner Non-OPC (Binary) OPC Non-PSM (Binary) PSM Mask Type ASF DSF DSF DSF ASF ASF DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF ASF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF DSF Document No. Version OPC A A B B A A B B A A B B B B B A B B B B B A B B B B B B B : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 PSM C B B B C C B B C B B B C B B B B B C B B B B B B B B B B The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Group Mx My Mz Mr VIAx VIAy VIAz VIAr Mx My Mz Mr VIAy VIAz VIAr My Mz Mr VIAy VIAz VIAr My Mz Mr 39 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.7 Mask 120 119 191 193 192 194 152 12A 196 130 116 115 11H 118 114 112 11G 117 113 199 13A 197 198 111 124 123 12E 12F 155 156 Mask 120 119 191 193 192 194 152 12A 196 130 116 115 11H 118 114 112 11G 117 113 199 13A 197 198 111 124 123 12E 12F 155 156 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40G 1.8V Mask to CAD layer mapping table CAD Mask 120 119 191 193 192 194 152 12A 196 130 116 115 11H 118 114 112 11G 117 113 199 13A 197 198 111 124 123 12E 12F 155 156 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy OD DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V OD2 OD_12 NPO PO N2V P2V VTH_N VTL_N N1V VTC_N VTH_P VTL_P P1V VTC_P NSSD PP NPO ESD SSMT ODRZ NILD PILD RPO CO CAD OD DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V OD2 OD_12 NPO PO N2V P2V VTH_N VTL_N N1V VTC_N VTH_P VTL_P P1V VTC_P NSSD PP NPO ESD SSMT ODRZ NILD PILD RPO CO CAD OD DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V OD2 OD_12 NPO PO N2V P2V VTH_N VTL_N N1V VTC_N VTH_P VTL_P P1V VTC_P NSSD PP NPO ESD SSMT ODRZ NILD PILD RPO CO DNW 1;0 NW 3;0 V OD 6;0 V DOD 6;1 V NT_N 11;0 VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_12 14;1 OD_18 16;0 V PO 17;0 V DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 V V V V V NP 26;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V RPO 29;0 V CO 30;0 V V V V V CO;11 30;11 V V V SRM;0 50;0 V V SRM;1 50;1 SRM;2 50;2 SRM;21 50;21 VTH_N 67;0 VTH_P 68;0 V V V V V DPSRM 80;0 V PRSRM 80;11 V V V V VAR 143;0 V POFUSE 156;0 V V V V V SRM_HC 80;13 V V SRM_HD 80;14 V V SRAMDMY 186 V ESDIMP 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM_LV 80;15 V V SRM_HCDP 80;16 V V SRM_8TTP 80;17 V V SRM_10TTP 80;18 V DUMMYOD 82 V V DUMMYPO 83 BJTDMY 110;0 RH 117;0 SR_ESD 121;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. V 40 of 600 V V V SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.8 Mask 120 119 191 193 192 194 152 12A 196 130 116 115 11H 118 114 112 11G 117 113 199 13A 197 198 111 124 123 12E 12F 155 156 Mask 120 119 191 193 192 194 152 12A 196 130 116 115 11H 118 114 112 11G 117 113 199 13A 197 198 111 124 123 12E 12F 155 156 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40G 2.5V Mask to CAD layer mapping table CAD Mask 120 119 191 193 192 194 152 12A 196 130 116 115 11H 118 114 112 11G 117 113 199 13A 197 198 111 124 123 12E 12F 155 156 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy OD DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V OD2 OD_12 NPO PO N2V P2V VTH_N VTL_N N1V VTC_N VTH_P VTL_P P1V VTC_P NSSD PP NPO ESD SSMT ODRZ NILD PILD RPO CO CAD OD DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V OD2 OD_12 NPO PO N2V P2V VTH_N VTL_N N1V VTC_N VTH_P VTL_P P1V VTC_P NSSD PP NPO ESD SSMT ODRZ NILD PILD RPO CO CAD OD DNW PW1V PW2V NW1V NW2V OD2 OD_12 NPO PO N2V P2V VTH_N VTL_N N1V VTC_N VTH_P VTL_P P1V VTC_P NSSD PP NPO ESD SSMT ODRZ NILD PILD RPO CO DNW 1;0 NW 3;0 V OD 6;0 V DOD 6;1 V NT_N 11;0 VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_12 14;1 OD_25 18;0 V PO 17;0 V DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 V V V V V NP 26;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V RPO 29;0 V CO 30;0 V V V V V CO;11 30;11 V V V V V V V SRM;0 50;0 V SRM;1 50;1 SRM;2 50;2 SRM;21 50;21 VTH_N 67;0 VTH_P 68;0 V V V V V DPSRM 80;0 V PRSRM 80;11 V V V V VAR 143;0 V POFUSE 156;0 V V V V V SRM_HC 80;13 V V SRM_HD 80;14 V V SRAMDMY 186 V ESDIMP 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM_LV 80;15 V V SRM_HCDP 80;16 V V SRM_8TTP 80;17 V V SRM_10TTP 80;18 V DUMMYOD 82 V V DUMMYPO 83 BJTDMY 110;0 RH 117;0 SR_ESD 121;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. V 41 of 600 V V V SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Table 3.1.9 DNW 1;0 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40LP 1.8V Mask to CAD layer mapping table NW OD DOD NT_N Mask 3;0 6;0 6;1 11;0 120 OD V V V 119 DNW V 191 PW1V V V 193 PW2V V V 192 NW1V V V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO V 116 N2V V V 115 P2V V V V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N V 114 N1V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P V 113 P1V V 11P VTC_P2 V 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO V 156 CO V V SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P CAD Mask 50;1 50;2 50;21 67;0 68;0 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO V 130 PO V V 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N V 118 VTL_N V V V 114 N1V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N V V 11G VTH_P V 117 VTL_P V V V 113 P1V V V V 11P VTC_P2 V V 199 VTC_P V V 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO CAD DUMMYOD4 DUMMYOD5 DUMMYOD6 DUMMYOD7 DUMMYOD8 Mask 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 120 OD V V V V V 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO HVD_N HVD_P CAD Mask 91;1 91;2 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P V 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO V V 156 CO CAD Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_18 16;0 PO 17;0 DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 NP 26;0 RPO 29;0 CO 30;0 CO;11 30;11 V V SRM;0 50;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM_10TTP DUMMYOD DUMMYOD1 DUMMYOD2 DUMMYOD3 DPSRM PRSRM SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV SRM_HCDP SRM_8TTP 80;0 V 80;11 V 80;13 V 80;14 V 80;15 V 80;16 V 80;17 V 80;18 V 82 82;1 V V V 82;2 V 82;3 V V V V V V V DUMMYOD11 DUMMYOD12 82;11 82;12 V V V V V V DUMMYOD16 DUMMYPO1 DUMMYPO5 82;16 V 83;1 83;5 V V V V V V V V BJTDMY RH VAR POFUSE SRAMDMY;1 SRAMDMY;4 ESDIMP 110;0 117;0 143;0 156;0 186;1 186;4 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 42 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.10 N45LP 1.8V Mask to CAD layer mapping table DNW NW OD DOD NT_N CAD Mask 1;0 3;0 6;0 6;1 11;0 120 OD V V V 119 DNW V 191 PW1V V V 193 PW2V V V 192 NW1V V V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO V 116 N2V V V 115 P2V V V V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N V 114 N1V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P V 113 P1V V 11P VTC_P2 V 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO V 156 CO V V SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P CAD Mask 50;1 50;2 50;21 67;0 68;0 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO V 130 PO V V 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N V 118 VTL_N V V V 114 N1V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N V V 11G VTH_P V 117 VTL_P V V V 113 P1V V V V 11P VTC_P2 V V 199 VTC_P V V 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO CAD DUMMYOD4 DUMMYOD5 DUMMYOD6 DUMMYOD7 DUMMYOD8 Mask 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 120 OD V V V V V 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_18 16;0 PO 17;0 DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 NP 26;0 RPO 29;0 CO 30;0 CO;11 30;11 V V SRM;0 50;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM_10TTP DUMMYOD DUMMYOD1 DUMMYOD2 DUMMYOD3 DPSRM PRSRM SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV SRM_HCDP SRM_8TTP 80;0 V 80;11 V 80;13 V 80;14 V 80;15 V 80;16 V 80;17 V 80;18 V 82 82;1 V V V 82;2 V 82;3 V V V V V V V DUMMYOD11 DUMMYOD12 82;11 82;12 V V V V V V DUMMYOD16 DUMMYPO1 DUMMYPO5 82;16 V 83;1 83;5 V V V V V V V V BJTDMY RH VAR POFUSE SRAMDMY;1 SRAMDMY;4 ESDIMP 110;0 117;0 143;0 156;0 186;1 186;4 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 43 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.11 N40LP 2.5V Mask to CAD layer mapping table DNW NW OD DOD NT_N CAD Mask 1;0 3;0 6;0 6;1 11;0 120 OD V V V 119 DNW V 191 PW1V V V 193 PW2V V V 192 NW1V V V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO V 116 N2V V V V 115 P2V V V V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N V 114 N1V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P V 113 P1V V 11P VTC_P2 V 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 SSMT 155 RPO V 156 CO V V SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P CAD Mask 50;1 50;2 50;21 67;0 68;0 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO V 130 PO V V 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N V 118 VTL_N V V V 114 N1V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N V V 11G VTH_P V 117 VTL_P V V V 113 P1V V V V 11P VTC_P2 V V 199 VTC_P V V 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO CAD DUMMYOD4 DUMMYOD5 DUMMYOD6 DUMMYOD7 DUMMYOD8 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 Mask 120 OD V V V V V 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO HVD_N HVD_P CAD Mask 91;1 91;2 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V V V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO V V 156 CO VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_25 18;0 PO 17;0 DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 NP 26;0 RPO 29;0 CO 30;0 CO;11 30;11 V V SRM;0 50;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V DPSRM PRSRM SRM_HC SRM_HD V V SRM_LV SRM_HCDP SRM_8TTP SRM_10TTP DUMMYOD DUMMYOD1 DUMMYOD2 DUMMYOD3 V 80;0 V 80;11 V 80;13 V 80;14 V 80;15 V 80;16 V 80;17 V 80;18 V 82 82;1 V V V 82;2 V 82;3 V V V V V V V DUMMYOD11 DUMMYOD12 82;11 82;12 V V V V V V DUMMYOD16 DUMMYPO1 DUMMYPO5 82;16 V 83;1 83;5 V V V V V V V V BJTDMY RH VAR POFUSE SRAMDMY;1 SRAMDMY;4 ESDIMP 110;0 117;0 143;0 156;0 186;1 186;4 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. V V 44 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.12 N45LP 2.5V Mask to CAD layer mapping table DNW NW OD DOD NT_N CAD Mask 1;0 3;0 6;0 6;1 11;0 120 OD V V V 119 DNW V 191 PW1V V V 193 PW2V V V 192 NW1V V V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO V 116 N2V V V V 115 P2V V V V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N V 114 N1V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P V 113 P1V V 11P VTC_P2 V 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO V 156 CO V V SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P CAD Mask 50;1 50;2 50;21 67;0 68;0 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO V 130 PO V V 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N V 118 VTL_N V V V 114 N1V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N V V 11G VTH_P V 117 VTL_P V V V 113 P1V V V V 11P VTC_P2 V V 199 VTC_P V V 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO CAD DUMMYOD4 DUMMYOD5 DUMMYOD6 DUMMYOD7 DUMMYOD8 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 Mask 120 OD V V V V V 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO HVD_N HVD_P CAD Mask 91;1 91;2 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO V V 156 CO VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_25 18;0 PO 17;0 DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 NP 26;0 RPO 29;0 CO 30;0 CO;11 30;11 V V SRM;0 50;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V DPSRM PRSRM SRM_HC SRM_HD V V SRM_LV SRM_HCDP SRM_8TTP SRM_10TTP DUMMYOD DUMMYOD1 DUMMYOD2 DUMMYOD3 V 80;0 V 80;11 V 80;13 V 80;14 V 80;15 V 80;16 V 80;17 V 80;18 V 82 82;1 V V V 82;2 V 82;3 V V V V V V V DUMMYOD11 DUMMYOD12 82;11 82;12 V V V V V V DUMMYOD16 DUMMYPO1 DUMMYPO5 82;16 V 83;1 83;5 V V V V V V V V BJTDMY RH VAR POFUSE SRAMDMY;1 SRAMDMY;4 ESDIMP 110;0 117;0 143;0 156;0 186;1 186;4 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. V V 45 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.13 N40LP Plus (N40LP+) 2.5V Mask to CAD layer mapping table DNW NW OD DOD NT_N VTL_N VTL_P OD_25 PO DPO SR_DPO PP NP RPO CO CO;11 SRM;0 SRM;1 CAD Mask 1;0 3;0 6;0 6;1 11;0 12;0 13;0 18;0 17;0 17;1 17;7 25;0 26;0 29;0 30;0 30;11 50;0 50;1 120 OD V V V V 119 DNW V 191 PW1V V V V V 193 PW2V V V V 192 NW1V V V V 152 OD2 V 153 DCO_LPP 196 NPO V V 130 PO V V V V V V V V V 116 N2V V V V V V V V 115 P2V V V V V V V V 11H VTH_N V 118 VTL_N V V V V V V 11E ULVT_N V 114 N1V V V V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V V V V 112 VTC_N V V 11G VTH_P V 117 VTL_P V V V V V V 11F ULVT_P V 113 P1V V V V V V 11P VTC_P2 V V V 199 VTC_P V 197 PP V V 198 NP V V 111 ESD 124 RPO2 V 155 RPO V V 156 CO V V V V V V V SRM;2 SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P DPSRM PRSRM SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV SRM_HCDP SRM_8TTP SRM_10TTP DUMMYOD DUMMYOD1 DUMMYOD2 DUMMYOD3 DUMMYOD4 DUMMYOD5 CAD Mask 50;2 50;21 67;0 68;0 80;0 80;11 80;13 80;14 80;15 80;16 80;17 80;18 82 82;1 82;2 82;3 82;4 82;5 120 OD V V V V V V V V V V V V V 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 153 DCO_LPP 196 NPO V 130 PO V V 116 N2V 115 P2V 11H VTH_N V 118 VTL_N V V V V V 11E ULVT_N 114 N1V V V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V V V 112 VTC_N V 11G VTH_P V 117 VTL_P V V 11F ULVT_P 113 P1V V V 11P VTC_P2 V V 199 VTC_P V V 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO V V V V V V V V V V RH VAR ULVT_N ULVT_P POFUSE SRAMDMY;1 SRAMDMY;4 ESDIMP CAD DUMMYOD6 DUMMYOD7 DUMMYOD8 DUMMYOD11 DUMMYOD12 DUMMYOD16 DUMMYPO1 DUMMYPO5 DCO_LPP BJTDMY Mask 82;6 82;7 82;8 82;11 82;12 82;16 83;1 83;5 90;1 110;0 117;0 143;0 151;1 152;1 156;0 186;1 186;4 189;0 120 OD V V V V 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 V 153 DCO_LPP V 196 NPO V 130 PO V V V 116 N2V V V V V 115 P2V V V V V 11H VTH_N 118 VTL_N V V V V V V 11E ULVT_N V 114 N1V V V V V V 11N VTC_N2 V 112 VTC_N V 11G VTH_P 117 VTL_P V V V V V 11F ULVT_P V V 113 P1V V V V V V 11P VTC_P2 V 199 VTC_P V 197 PP 198 NP V 111 ESD V 124 RPO2 V V V 155 RPO 156 CO V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 46 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.14 N45LPG 1.8V Mask to CAD layer mapping table CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11C VTL_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO DNW 1;0 CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11C VTL_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11C VTL_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO NW 3;0 V OD 6;0 V DOD 6;1 V NT_N 11;0 VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_12 14;1 OD_18 16;0 PO 17;0 DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 NP 26;0 V V V V V V V V V RPO 29;0 CO 30;0 CO;11 30;11 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM;0 SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM_RP SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P DPSRM PRSRM SRM_UHD SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV 50;0 V 50;1 50;2 50;5 50;21 67;0 68;0 80;0 V 80;11 V 80;12 80;13 V 80;14 V 80;15 V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM_HCD SRM_10TT SRM_8TTP DUMMYOD P P 80;16 80;17 80;18 82 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYPO DUMMYPO DUMMYPO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 16 1 5 82;1 82;2 82;3 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 82;11 82;12 82;16 83 83;1 83;5 V V V V V V V V V DCO BJTDMY RH 90;0 110;0 117;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 47 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11C VTL_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 155 RPO 156 CO Confidential – Do Not Copy SR_ESD VAR POFUSE SRAMDMY 121;0 143;0 156;0 186 SRAMDMY SRAMDMY ;1 ;4 186;1 186;4 Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ESDIMP 189;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 48 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.1.15 N40LPG 3.3V Mask to CAD layer mapping table CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 194 NW2V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO DNW 1;0 CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 194 NW2V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 194 NW2V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO NW 3;0 V OD 6;0 V DOD 6;1 V NT_N 11;0 VTL_N 12;0 VTL_P 13;0 OD_12 14;1 OD_33 15;0 PO 17;0 DPO 17;1 SR_DPO 17;7 PP 25;0 V V V V V V V V NP 26;0 RPO 29;0 CO 30;0 CO;11 30;11 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRM;0 SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM_RP SRM;21 VTH_N VTH_P DPSRM PRSRM SRM_UHD SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV 50;0 V 50;1 50;2 50;5 50;21 67;0 68;0 80;0 V 80;11 V 80;12 80;13 V 80;14 V 80;15 V V V V V V V V V V V SRM_HCD SRM_10TT SRM_8TTP DUMMYOD P P 80;16 80;17 80;18 82 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYOD DUMMYPO DUMMYPO DUMMYPO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 16 1 5 82;1 82;2 82;3 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 82;11 82;12 82;16 83 83;1 83;5 V V V V V V V V V V V DCO BJTDMY RH 90;0 110;0 117;0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 49 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc CAD Mask 120 OD 119 DNW 191 PW1V 193 PW2V 192 NW1V 194 NW2V 152 OD2 153 DCO 196 NPO 130 PO 116 N2V 115 P2V 118 VTL_N 106 N1V_G VTC_N_ 104 GP 114 N1V 11N VTC_N2 112 VTC_N 117 VTL_P 105 P1V_G VTC_P_ 103 GP 113 P1V 11P VTC_P2 199 VTC_P 197 PP 198 NP 111 ESD 124 RPO2 155 RPO 156 CO Confidential – Do Not Copy SR_ESD VAR POFUSE SRAMDMY 121;0 143;0 156;0 186 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V SRAMDMY SRAMDMY ;1 ;4 186;1 186;4 Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ESDIMP 189;0 V V V V V The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 50 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.2 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metal/Via CAD Layer Information for Metallization Options Due to the complexity of metallization schemes, Table 3.2.1 is the summary of TSMC metal/via CAD layer number, name, and datatype. The labels “x”, “y’, “z”, “r”, “u” denote different metal schemes and minimum pitches. “x” using datatype “0” is first inter-layer metal (Mx) with minimum pitch 0.14μm. “y” using datatype “20” is second inter-layer metal (My) or 2x top layer metal (My) with minimum pitch 0.28μm. “z” using datatype “40” is top layer metal (Mz) with minimum pitch 0.8μm. “r” using datatype “80” is top layer metal (Mr) with minimum pitch 1.0 m. The via datatype is the same as the metal right upon the via. For any metal combination, a marker (1+A+B+C) M_AxByCz or (1+A+D)M_AxDr can be used to represent the metal combination of Mx, My, Mz and Mr. The marker is interpreted as one layer of M1, A layers of Mx, B layers of My, C layers of Mz and D layers of Mr. The total metal layer number is 1+A+B+C or 1+A+D. For example, a 7 metal layer process with one M1 layer, three Mx layers, one My layer and two Mz layers, can be denoted as 7M_3x1y2z. Table 3.2.1 Metal/Via CAD Layer Number, Name, and Datatype Layer Name CAD Layer # x y Datatype z M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 31 51 32 52 33 53 34 54 35 55 36 56 37 57 38 58 39 59 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 r u - - 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 51 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The following is the CAD layer/datatype example of a 7 metal layer process with one M1 layer, three Mx layers, one My layers and two Mz layers, which can be denoted as 7M_3x1y2z. The CAD layer designators are specified according to the format of GDS layer #; datatype. CAD layer datatype of Mu metal is “60” (that of dummy Mu layer is “61”), and CAD layer datatype of its associated VIA (VIAu, the VIA under Mu) is “40” (the same as that of VIAz due to the same via size). Follow VIAz rule for VIAu design. Table 3.2.2 CAD Layer/Datatype Example for 7M_3x1y2z Process Sequence CAD Layer #/Datatype Metal-1 Via-1 Metal-2 Via-2 Metal-3 Via-3 Metal-4 Via-4 Metal-5 Via-5 Metal-6 Via-6 Metal-7 31; 0 51; 0 32; 0 52; 0 33; 0 53; 0 34; 0 54; 20 35; 20 55; 40 36; 40 56; 40 37; 40 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 52 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.3 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Pattern Fill CAD Layers The layers in Table 3.3.1 are for planarization (dummy fill) geometry, referring to Table 3.2.1. Table 3.3.1 Dummy Pattern CAD Layer Number, Name, and Datatype Layer Name CAD Layer # X DOD DPO DM1 DM2 DM3 DM4 DM5 DM6 DM7 DM8 DM9 DM10 DVIA1 DVIA2 DVIA3 DVIA4 DVIA5 DVIA6 DVIA7 6 17 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y Dummy Datatype z r u 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 - 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 - 81 81 81 81 - 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 - Table notes: Metal datatypes 1 (DMx) and 41 (DMz) are the dummy metals without receiving OPC. Datatypes 7 (DMx_O), which will be generated from TSMC metal dummy utility, will receive OPC same as main metal pattern. Please refer to the Dummy Metal Rules chapter. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 53 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Table 3.4.1 lists special layers used in CLN45 design rules and in DRC/LVS command files. These layers are used for CAD device recognition, and DRC waivers. Some CAD layer designators include a GDS datatype according to the GDS layer;datatype format. The column "Tape out required layer" indicates that this layer must be noted on the mask tapeout form to provide information for mask making. Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary Special Layer Name TSMC Default CAD Layer Description Tape out required layer Associated With DRC NWROD and NWRSTI rules NT_N rules OD25_33 rules OD25_18 rules OD18_15 rules OD and PO resistor rules RES.R.1 MOS/Junc. Varactor rules Analog layout rule VAR rules Poly layout rule OD and Poly Resistor Layout Rules SR_DOD layout rule Poly layout rule HVNMOS rules HVPMOS rules Logo rules Metal1 rules Metal1 rules Metal1 rules Metal1 rules Metal1 rules Metal1 rules Metalx rules Metalx rules Metalx rules Metalx rules Metalx rules Metalx rules LOWMEDN rules General NW resistor dummy layer for DRC and LVS. NWDMY 114 Ncap_NTN 11;20 OD25_33 18;3 OD25_18 18;4 OD18_15 16;4 The NW region covered by both NWDMY and RPO layers is the "NW within OD resistor.” The NW region covered by only NWDMY is the "NW under STI resistor." DRC needs NCap_NTN to waive the NMOS capacitors with same potential. DRC also flags NCap_NTN and OD outside of the NCap_NTN in the same NT_N. DRC dummy layer for 2.5V thick oxide (second gate oxide) overdrive to 3.3V DRC dummy layer for 2.5V thick oxide (second gate oxide) underdrive to 1.8V DRC dummy layer for 1.8V thick oxide underdrive to 1.5V RH 117;0 For OD, PO resistors RHDMY1 117;4 Dummy layer to exclude unsilicided OD/PO resistor with square number (length/width) less than one for non-precision usage VAR 143 This layer is for MOS and Junc. type varactors. BJTDMY RFDMY 110;0 161;0 RODMY 49;0 Cover BJT device For RF device DRC/LVS. LVS dummy layer for SRAM process to exclude OD area and DRC dummy layer for PO.R.7 exclusion, TSMC internally used layer. Please review with TSMC whenever used. RPDMY 115 SR_DOD SR_DPO HVD_N HVD_P LOGO M1_LV M1_MV M1_HV M1_HV M1_HV M1_5V Mn_LV Mn_MV Mn_HV Mn_HV Mn_HV Mn_5V IP LOWMEDN 6;7 17;7 91;1 91;2 158 31;200~31;214 31;215~31;217 31;218 31;219 31;220 31;221 3n;200~3n;214 3n;215~3n;217 3n;218 3n;219 3n;220 3n;221 63;63 255;15 Poly/OD resistors dummy layer for LVS and DRC SR_DOD (6;7) only can be used for dummy patterns. SR_DPO (17;7) only can be used for dummy patterns. Define N-HVMOS drain side where sustains high voltage Define P-HVMOS drain side where sustains high voltage LOGO and product labels layer for DRC For the nets of voltage 0~1.4V For the nets of voltage 1.5~1.7V For the nets of voltage 1.8V For the nets of voltage 2.5V For the nets of voltage 3.3V For the nets of voltage 5V For the nets of voltage 0~1.4V For the nets of voltage 1.5~1.7V For the nets of voltage 1.8V For the nets of voltage 2.5V For the nets of voltage 3.3V For the nets of voltage 5V IP tagging layer For low metal density region The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 54 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Special Layer Name Confidential – Do Not Copy TSMC Default CAD Layer Document No. Version Description : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Associated With DRC Tape out required layer DCO_LPP, ULVT_N, and ULVT_P rules DCO_LPP rules DCO_LPP and ULVT_N rules DCO_LPP and ULVT_P rules Inductor rules INDDMY_MD rules INDDMY_HD rules Inductor rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules MOM rules OD.W.1® , OD.L.2, NT_N.R.3, SR_DPO.R.4, SR_DPO.R.6, RES.W.1, RES.R.5, DOD rules DPO rules DMx rules DVIAx rules DTCD Rules DTCD Rules DTCD Rules ICOVL rules OD.L.2, PO.DN.3, RES.R.4, RES.R.5 SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules N40LP+ 90;1 Dual core OX for ultra low Vt plus devices’ speed boost. DCODMY_SC 90;2 DRC dummy layer for TSMC N40LP+ standard cell recognition ULVT_N 151;1 Ultra low Vt N+ implant for N40LP+ Logic ULVT_P 152;1 Ultra low Vt P+ implant for N40LP+ Logic DCO_LPP RF INDDMY INDDMY_MD INDDMY_HD TLDMY 144;0 144;42 144;43 116;30 MOMDMY_1 MOMDMY_2 MOMDMY_3 MOMDMY_4 MOMDMY_5 MOMDMY_6 MOMDMY_7 MOMDMY_8 MOMDMY_9 MOMDMY_10 MOMDMY_AP 155;1 155;2 155;3 155;4 155;5 155;6 155;7 155;8 155;9 155;10 155;20 Dummy layer for inductor. Dummy layer for medium metal density inductor Dummy layer for high metal density (logic) inductor Dummy layer for transmission line MOM Dummy layer for M1 MOM region Dummy layer for M2 MOM region Dummy layer for M3 MOM region Dummy layer for M4 MOM region Dummy layer for M5 MOM region Dummy layer for M6 MOM region Dummy layer for M7 MOM region Dummy layer for M8 MOM region Dummy layer for M9 MOM region Dummy layer for M10 MOM region Dummy layer for AP MOM region MOMDMY 155;21 Dummy layer for RTMOM ODBLK POBLK DMxEXCL DVIAxEXCL TCDDMY TCDDMY_H TCDDMY_V ICOVL 150;20 150;21 150;x 150;5x 165;1 165;4 165;5 165;3 Dummy Dummy OD exclusion marker layer Dummy PO exclusion marker layer Dummy Mx exclusion marker layer and redundant VIA Dummy VIAx exclusion marker layer Dummy TCD layer Dummy layer for Horizonal dummy TCD pattern Dummy layer for Vertical dummy TCD pattern Dummy layer for ICOVL monitor pattern RFIP_DMY 161;1 RFIP Dummy layer for tsmc PDK cell SRM;0 50;0 SRM;1 SRM;2 NPreDOSRM 50;1 50;2 50;21 SRAMDMY;0 186;0 SRAMDMY;1 186;1 SRAMDMY;4 186;4 SRAMDMY;5 186;5 SRAM Covers the SRAM cell array. The edge of the SRM layer should be aligned to the boundary of the SRAM cell array, which may include storage, strapping, and dummy edge cells. Define SRAM NMOS cell imp Define SRAM PMOS cell imp SRAM drawing layer for N+ Predoping area SRAM DRC Violation waiver layer and OPC. Detail waived rule list, please refer to the section of SRAM Rules. Before using SRAMDMY, please make sure that TSMC has revised the SRAM library to avoid real violations that are automatically waived by the SRAMDMY marker layer. To identify PG transistor for LVS and PG transistor sizing SRAM periphery DRC layer can only be used in the word-line driver of TSMC SRAM for LP process. This layer is only to waive CO.S.3 and G.1. And the SRAM and word-line driver must be reviewed by TSMC’s R&D and PE even if customer uses TSMC cell. SRAMDMY;4 (186;4) overlap of SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) is not allowed. SRAM periphery DRC layer can only be used in the word-line driver of TSMC SRAM for N40G process. This layer is only to waive CO.S.3 and G.1. And the SRAM and word-line driver must be reviewed by TSMC’s R&D and PE even if customer uses TSMC cell. SRAMDMY;5 (186;5) overlap of SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) is not allowed. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 55 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Special Layer Name TSMC Default CAD Layer DPSRM SRAM_HS 80;0 50;7 PRSRM 80;11 SRM_UHD SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV 80;12 80;13 80;14 80;15 SRM_HCDP 80;16 SRM_8TTP 80;17 SRM_10TTP 80;18 DUMMYOD1 ~ DUMMYOD16 DUMMYPO1 ~ DUMMYPO7 82;1 ~ 82;16 83;1 ~ 83;7 Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Associated With DRC To identify TSMC standard offer DP SRAM for transistor sizing Identify HS cell SRAM bit-cell process logic operation; only in bit-cell not including strap and edge and dummy cell To identify UHD SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) To identify HC SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) To identify HD SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) To identify LV SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) To identify HCDP SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) To identify 8T TP SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) To identify 10T TP SRAM (cover bit-cell, strapping and edge cell) SRAM rules SRAM rules Tape out required layer SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules SRAM rules For SRAM data preparation SRAM rules For SRAM data preparation SRAM rules SRAM rules IP tagging layer CO2 rule PO.R.7, PO.R.9, SRAM.R.15, SRAM.R.21 ROM rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule Latch-Up rule ESD guidelines ESD guidelines and ESDIMP rule SR_ESD rules HIA_DIO guideline PO rule CO;11 30;11 IP 63;63 CO2 100;0 CO;11 (30;11) is a must for CO mask tape-out in SRAM. The CO_11 is square CO in bit cell except butted CO. 1. If CO;11 exists, it must cover CO;0 2. CO;11 must be 0.06μm x 0.06μm 3. CO;11 must be exactly the same as CO;0. 4. CO;11 must be fully covered by SRM (50;0) and SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) IP tagging layer eDRAM Stacked contact for eDRAM process RAM1TDMY 160;0 Recognize 1TRAM region ROM ROM 50;6 LUPWDMY 255;1 VDDDMY VSSDMY RES200 LUPWDMY_2 M1(pin) M2(pin) M3(pin) M4(pin) M5(pin) M6(pin) M7(pin) M8(pin) M9(pin) M10(pin) 255;4 255;5 255;9 255;18 131;0 132;0 133;0 134;0 135;0 136;0 137;0 138;0 139;0 140;0 SDI 122 ESDIMP 189;0 SR_ESD 121;0 HIA_DUMMY 168;0 POFUSE 156;0 This layer is required for ROM rule checks in ROM devices. Latch-Up LUPWDMY is a drawn layer to waive latch up rules for verified circuit. Dummy Layer for Power(Vdd) PAD Dummy Layer for Power(Vss) PAD Recognize resistor over 200ohm Area Array IO LUP rules check Metal1 pin for text layer Metal2 pin for text layer Metal3 pin for text layer Metal4 pin for text layer Metal5 pin for text layer Metal6 pin for text layer Metal7 pin for text layer Metal8 pin for text layer Metal9 pin for text layer Metal10 pin for text layer ESD It is required to cover all ESD MOS OD regions that are connected to the pads. This drawn layer is required for ESD implant. SR (special rule) exclusion marker layer for N40G ESD device only Dummy layer for high current diode Fuse Poly fuse implant layer, cover all poly fuse regions. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. (for N40G ) 56 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Special Layer Name Confidential – Do Not Copy TSMC Default CAD Layer Document No. Version Description : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Associated With DRC DFM redundant VIA utility DFM redundant VIA utility DFM redundant VIA utility DFM Action-Required DFM Recommended Rules and Recommendations for Analog Designs DFM Action-Required DFM Recommended Tape out required layer DFM DFMEXCL 153;20 Blockage layer for all DFM redundant VIA utility COEXCL 153;0 Blockage layer for CO redundant VIA utility RRuleRequire RRuleRecommend 153;x, x=1-9, 182;1 182;2 RRuleAnalog 182;3 excludeRRuleRequire 182;11 excludeRRuleRecom mended 182;12 excludeRRuleAnalog 182;13 SENDMY 255;8 DMxEXCL WBDMY SEALRING SEALRING_DB SEALRING_ALL 150;x 157;0 162;0 162;1 162;2 LMARK 109;0 CSRDMY CSRBIB1DMY CSRBIB2DMY CDUDMY 166;0 166;1 166;2 165;0 VIAxEXCL Blockage layer for redundant VIA utility DRC dummy layer for DFM Action-Required recommendation DRC dummy layer for DFM Recommended recommendation DRC dummy layer for DFM Recommended Dimension for Analog Designs dummy layer for excluding DFM action-required recommnedation check dummy layer for excluding DFM recommendaed recommendation check Rules and dummy layer for excluding Rules and Recommendations check Recommendations for for Analog Designs Analog Designs DRC recognition layer for sensitive circuit DFM Recommended Package and interconnect Dummy Mx exclusion within oxide slot of MT region DMx rules Design rule waiver within CUP pad region CUP rules Sealring region Sealring rules Scribe line dummy bar region Sealring rules Sealring region, SLDB, CSR, and assembly isolation Sealring rules It is required for sealring structure and DFM VIA enhancer. It’s Metal rules also a DRC recognition layer of L-mark for DRC purpose. Chip corner stress relief pattern dummy layer Sealring rules Sealring region Sealring rules Sealring region Sealring rules DRC dummy layer to recognize CDU pattern Sealring rules The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 57 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Device Truth Tables This section contains the device truth tables for: CLN45/CLN40 CMOS Logic Low Power (LP) technology CLN40 CMOS Logic Low Power Plus (LP+) technology CLN45/CLN40 CMOS Logic LP-based Triple Gate Oxide (LPG) technology CLN45 CMOS Logic General Purpose Superb (N40G) technology CLN45/CLN40 MOM CMN45/CMN40 Inductor The following provides a legend for the following device truth table. Table Device Truth Table for N45LP/N40LP Table Device Truth Table for N40LP 5V HVMOS_18 Table 3.5.2 Device Truth Table for N40LP Plus (N40LP+): 1.1V Core and 2.5V I/O DesignTable 3.5.3 Device Truth Table for N45LPG Table 3.5.4 Device Truth Table for N40LPG Table 3.5.5 Device Truth Table for N40G (=N45GS) Table 3.5.6 Device Truth Table for MOM Table 3.5.7 Device Truth Table for Inductor 0 Does not cover the structures 1 Covers or matches the structures * Don’t care The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 58 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5.1 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N45/N40 Low Power (LP): 1.1V Core Design Table Device Truth Table for N45LP/N40LP OD NW NT_N OD_25 OD_18 POLY VTH_N VTH_P VTL_N VTL_P N+ P+ RPO RH RHDMY1 NWDMY VAR BJTDMY DIODMY RPDMY HVD_N HVD_P Device * * * * * * * * * * 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * * 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 * * 0 0 * * 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0#a 0#a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 SPICE Name NMOS (1.1V) nch PMOS (1.1V) pch High Vt NMOS (1.1V) nch_hvt High Vt PMOS (1.1V) pch_hvt Low Vt NMOS (1.1V) nch_lvt Low Vt PMOS (1.1V) pch_lvt I/O NMOS (1.8V) nch_18 I/O PMOS (1.8V) pch_18 I/O NMOS (2.5V) nch_25 I/O PMOS (2.5V) pch_25 Native NMOS (1.1V) nch_na Native I/O NMOS nch_na18 (1.8V) Native I/O NMOS nch_na25 (2.5V) HV NMOS (5V) nch_hv25_snw HV PMOS (5V) pch_hv25_spw N+/PW Junction Diode ndio P+/NW Junction Diode pdio N+/PW Junction Diode ndio_hvt w/ High Vt N-Well Psub Diode nwdio P-Well Contact N-Well Contact Silicided N+ PO rnpoly Resistor Silicided P+ PO rppoly Resistor Silicided N+ OD rnod Resistor Silicided P+ OD rpod Resistor Unsilicided N+ PO rnpolywo Resistor Unsilicided P+ PO rppolywo Resistor Unsilicided N+ OD rnodwo Resistor Unsilicided P+ OD rpodwo Resistor NW Resistor (under rnwsti STI) NW Resistor (under rnwod OD) Vertical PNP pnp2 (2x2μm 2) (P+/NW/Psub) pnp5 (5x5μm 2) (constant emitter size) pnp10 (10x10μm 2) Vertical NPN npn2 (2x2μm 2) (N+/PW/DNW) npn5 (5x5μm 2) (constant emitter size) npn10 (10x10μm 2) 1.1V Varactor nmoscap 1.8V Varactor nmoscap_18 2.5V Varactor nmoscap_25 Special Layer DNW Design Levels * 1 0 0 * * 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 * * 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 1 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 * 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 * 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 * 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 1 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 * 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #a: Both HVNMOS_25 and HVPMOS_25 require RPO layer, but customers don't have to draw RPO (29;0) CAD layer for HVNMOS_25 or HVPMOS_25. TSMC will use logic operation to generate the RPO pattern for HVNMOS_25 and HVPMOS_25 during mask masking, so customers must tape out RPO (155) mask when using HVNMOS_25 or HVPMOS_25. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 59 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Device Truth Table for N40LP 5V HVMOS_18 OD_25 OD_18 POLY VTH_N VTH_P VTL_N VTL_P N+ P+ RPO RH NWDMY VAR BJTDMY DIODMY RPDMY HVD_N HVD_P nch_hv18_snw pch_hv18_spw NT_N HV NMOS (5V) HV PMOS (5V) NW SPICE Name OD Device Special Layer DNW Design Levels 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0#b 1 0 0 1 0#a 0#a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 #a: Both HVNMOS_18 and HVPMOS_18 require RPO layer, but customers don't have to draw RPO (29;0) CAD layer for HVNMOS_18 or HVPMOS_18. TSMC will use logic operation to generate the RPO pattern for HVNMOS_18 and HVPMOS_18 during mask masking, so customers must tape out RPO (155) mask when using HVNMOS_18 or HVPMOS_18. #b: HVPMOS_18 requires VTL_P layer, but customers don't have to draw VTL_P (13;0) CAD layer for HVPMOS_18. TSMC will use logic operation to generate the VTL_P pattern for HVPMOS_18 during mask masking, so customers must tape out VTL_P (117) mask when using HVPMOS_18. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 60 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5.2 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40 Low Power Plus (N40LP+): 1.1V Core and 2.5V I/O Design Table 3.5.2 Device Truth Table for N40LP Plus (N40LP+): 1.1V Core and 2.5V I/O Design Device SPICE Name OD DCO_LPP NW NT_N OD_25 POLY VTH_N VTH_P VTL_N VTL_P ULVT_N ULVT_P N+ P+ RPO RH NWDMY VAR BJTDMY DIODMY RPDMY HVD_N HVD_P Special Layer DNW Design Levels NMOS (1.1V) PMOS (1.1V) High Vt NMOS (1.1V) High Vt PMOS (1.1V) Low Vt NMOS (1.1V) Low Vt PMOS (1.1V) Ultra Low Vt Plus NMOS (1.1V) Ultra Low Vt Plus PMOS (1.1V) I/O NMOS (2.5V) I/O PMOS (2.5V) Native NMOS (1.1V) Native I/O NMOS (2.5V) HV NMOS (5V) HV PMOS (5V) N+/PW Junction Diode P+/NW Junction Diode Ultra Low Vt Plus N+/PW Junction Diode Ultra Low Vt Plus P+/NW Junction Diode N-Well Psub Diode P-Well Contact N-Well Contact Silicided N+ PO Resistor Silicided P+ PO Resistor Silicided N+ OD Resistor Silicided P+ OD Resistor Unsilicided N+ PO Resistor Unsilicided P+ PO Resistor Unsilicided N+ OD Resistor Unsilicided P+ OD Resistor NW Resistor (under STI) NW Resistor (under OD) nch pch nch_hvt pch_hvt nch_lvt pch_lvt * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nch_lppulvt * 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 pch_lppulvt * 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nch_25 pch_25 nch_na * * 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nch_na25 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nch_hv25_snw pch_hv25_spw ndio pdio 0 1 * * 1 1 1 1 0 0 * * 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 * * 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0#a 0 1 0#a 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ndio_lppulvt * 1 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 pdio_lppulvt * 1 1 1 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 nwdio 0 * * 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rnpoly * 0 0 * 0 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rppoly * 0 0 * 0 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rnod * 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rpod * 1 0 1 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rnpolywo * 0 0 * 0 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rppolywo * 0 0 * 0 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rnodwo * 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rpodwo * 1 0 1 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 rnwsti 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rnwod 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 * * 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vertical PNP (P+/NW/Psub) (constant emitter size) Vertical NPN (N+/PW/DNW) (constant emitter size) 1.1V Varactor 2.5V Varactor pnp2 (2x2μm2) pnp5 (5x5μm2) pnp10 (10x10μm2) npn2 (2x2μm2) npn5 (5x5μm2) npn10 (10x10μm2) nmoscap nmoscap_25 #a: Both HVNMOS_25 and HVPMOS_25 require RPO layer, but customers don't have to draw RPO (29;0) CAD layer for HVNMOS_25 or HVPMOS_25. TSMC will use logic operation to generate the RPO pattern for HVNMOS_25 and HVPMOS_25 during mask masking, so customers must tape out RPO (155) mask when using HVNMOS_25 or HVPMOS_25. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 61 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5.3 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N45LPG/N40LPG: 1.1V/0.9V Core Design Table Device Truth Table for N45LPG POLY VTL_N VTL_P N+ P+ RPO RH NWDMY VAR BJTDMY DIODMY RPDMY 0.9V Varactor 1.1V Varactor 1.8V Varactor DCO Vertical NPN (N+/PW/DNW) (constant emitter size) OD_18 Vertical PNP (P+/NW/Psub) (constant emitter size) NT_N N-Well Contact Silicided N+ PO Resistor Silicided P+ PO Resistor Silicided N+ OD Resistor Silicided P+ OD Resistor Unsilicided N+ PO Resistor Unsilicided P+ PO Resistor Unsilicided N+ OD Resistor Unsilicided P+ OD Resistor NW Resistor (under STI) NW Resistor (under OD) NW NMOS (1.1V) PMOS (1.1V) Low Vt NMOS (1.1V) Low Vt PMOS (1.1V) NMOS (0.9V) PMOS (0.9V) Low Vt NMOS (0.9V) Low Vt PMOS (0.9V) I/O NMOS (1.8V) I/O PMOS (1.8V) N+/PW Junction Diode (1.1V) P+/NW Junction Diode (1.1V) N+/PW Junction Diode (0.9V) P+/NW Junction Diode (0.9V) N-Well Psub Diode P-Well Contact OD Device * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * * * 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 * * 0 1 * * 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPICE Name nch pch nch_lvt pch_lvt nch_lpg pch_lpg nch_lpglvt pch_lpglvt nch_18 pch_18 ndio pdio ndio_lpg pdio_lpg nwdio rnpoly rppoly rnod rpod rnpolywo rppolywo rnodwo rpodwo rnwsti rnwod pnp2 (2x2μm2) pnp5 (5x5μm2) pnp10 (10x10μm2) npn2 (2x2μm2) npn5 (5x5μm2) npn10 (10x10μm2) nmoscap_lpg nmoscap nmoscap_18 Special Layer DNW Design Levels The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 62 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Device Truth Table for N40LPG Special Layer VTH_N VTH_P N+ P+ RPO RH NWDMY VAR BJTDMY DIODMY RPDMY 0.9V Varactor 1.1V Varactor 3.3V Varactor VTL_P Vertical NPN (N+/PW/DNW) (constant emitter size) VTL_N Vertical PNP (P+/NW/Psub) (constant emitter size) rnpoly rppoly rnod rpod rnpolywo rppolywo rnodwo rpodwo rnwsti rnwod pnp2 (2x2μm2) pnp5 (5x5μm2) pnp10 (10x10μm2) npn2 (2x2μm2) npn5 (5x5μm2) npn10 (10x10μm2) nmoscap nmoscap nmoscap_33 POLY N-Well Contact Silicided N+ PO Resistor Silicided P+ PO Resistor Silicided N+ OD Resistor Silicided P+ OD Resistor Unsilicided N+ PO Resistor Unsilicided P+ PO Resistor Unsilicided N+ OD Resistor Unsilicided P+ OD Resistor NW Resistor (under STI) NW Resistor (under OD) DCO P-Well Contact OD_33 nch pch nch_hvt pch_hvt nch_lpg pch_lpg nch_lpglvt pch_lpglvt nch_33 pch_33 nch_na nch_na33 ndio pdio ndio_lpg pdio_lpg nwdio NT_N NMOS (1.1V) PMOS (1.1V) High Vt NMOS (1.1V) High Vt PMOS (1.1V) NMOS (0.9V) PMOS (0.9V) Low Vt NMOS (0.9V) Low Vt PMOS (0.9V) I/O NMOS (3.3V) I/O PMOS (3.3V) Native NMOS (1.1V) Native I/O NMOS (3.3V) N+/PW Junction Diode (1.1V) P+/NW Junction Diode (1.1V) N+/PW Junction Diode (0.9V) P+/NW Junction Diode (0.9V) N-Well Psub Diode NW SPICE Name OD Device DNW Design Levels * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 * * * * 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * * * 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 * * 0 1 * * 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 63 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5.4 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40G (N45GS) General Purpose Superb: 0.9V Core Design Table 3.5.4 Device Truth Table for N40G (N45GS) OD NW NT_N OD_25 OD_18 OD_12 POLY VTH_N VTH_P VTL_N VTL_P N+ P+ RPO RH NWDMY VAR BJTDMY DIODMY RPDMY SR_ESD SDI Special Layer DNW Design Levels rnpoly rppoly rnod rpod * * * * * * * * 0 * * * * 0 0 0 0 * * 0 * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 * * 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * * * * * 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 pmoscap_18 * 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 nmoscap_25 * 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 pmoscap_25 * 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Device SPICE Name NMOS (0.9V) NMOS (1.2V) PMOS (0.9V) PMOS (1.2V) High Vt NMOS (0.9V) High Vt PMOS (0.9V) Low Vt NMOS (0.9V) Low Vt PMOS (0.9V) ESD NMOS (0.9V) I/O NMOS (1.8V) I/O PMOS (1.8V) I/O NMOS (2.5V) I/O PMOS (2.5V) Native NMOS (0.9V) Native NMOS (1.2V) Native I/O NMOS (1.8V) Native I/O NMOS (2.5V) N+/PW Junction Diode P+/NW Junction Diode N-Well Psub Diode P-Well Contact N-Well Contact Silicided N+ PO Resistor Silicided P+ PO Resistor Silicided N+ OD Resistor Silicided P+ OD Resistor Unsilicided N+ PO Resistor Unsilicided P+ PO Resistor Unsilicided N+ OD Resistor Unsilicided P+ OD Resistor NW Resistor (under STI) NW Resistor (under OD) Vertical PNP (P+/NW/Psub) (constant emitter size) Vertical NPN (N+/PW/DNW) (constant emitter size) 0.9V NMOS Varactor 0.9V PMOS Varactor 1.2V NMOS Varactor 1.8V NMOS Varactor 1.8V PMOS Varactor for PMOS 2.5V NMOS Varactor (including 2.5V overdrive 3.3V) 2.5V PMOS Varactor (including 2.5V overdrive 3.3V) nch nch_12 pch pch_12 nch_hvt pch_hvt nch_lvt pch_lvt nch_hia nch_18 pch_18 nch_25 pch_25 nch_na nch_na12 nch_na18 nch_na25 NDIO PDIO nwdio The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 64 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5.5 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MOM Table 3.5.5 Device Truth Table for MOM M5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 RV AP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VIA5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VIA4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * VIA3 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 * 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 * M2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 * 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 * VIA2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 * 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 * M1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * VIA1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * P+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * RPO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * N+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * POLY OD_33 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 * 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 * SR_DPO OD_25 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * OD_18 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 * 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 * OD 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 * 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 * DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PW N40 crtmom crtmom_wo, NW crtmom_wo, PW crtmom_wo, NTN crtmom_rf crtmom_wo_rf, NW crtmom_wo_rf, PW crtmom_wo_rf, NTN crtmom_mx crtmom_wo_mx, NW crtmom_wo_mx, PW crtmom_wo_mx, NTN crtmom_2t cfmom cfmom_wo, NW cfmom_wo, PW cfmom_wo, NTN cfmom_rf cfmom_wo_rf, NW cfmom_wo_rf, PW cfmom_wo_rf, NTN cfmom_mx cfmom_wo_mx, NW cfmom_wo_mx, PW cfmom_wo_mx, NTN cfmom_2t NT_N N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 Device NW Node DNW Design Levels 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 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cfmom_rf cfmom_wo_rf, NW cfmom_wo_rf, PW cfmom_wo_rf, NTN cfmom_mx cfmom_wo_mx, NW cfmom_wo_mx, PW cfmom_wo_mx, NTN cfmom_2t MOMDMY(155;100) N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N45/N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 N40 Device MOMDMY(155;0) Node RFDMY(161;0) Special Layers 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 65 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Note: 1. MOMDMY(155;0) dummy layer RTMOM device 2. MOMDMY(155;100) dummy layer FMOM device 3. MOMDMY(155;21) dummy layer to waive violations in MOM region 4. MOMDMY(155;22) denotes MX MOM recogition. 5. MOMDMY(155;23) to recognize pin plus 1, minus 1 for MX MOM. 6. MOMDMY(155;24) to recognize pin plus 2, minus 2 for MX MOM. 7. MOMDMY(155;25) to recognize for cross-coupled mom pin. 8. MOMDMY(155;27) to recognize for 2T BB MOM 9. MOMDMY(155;31) dummy layer for MOM devices wi NW shield 10. MOMDMY(155;32) dummy layer for MOM devices wi PW shield 11. MOMDMY(155;33) dummy layer for MOM devices wi NTN shield 12. RFDMY(161;0) dummy layer for RF devices. 13. DOD is an option pattern layer to meet the requirement of the OD density under MOM. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 66 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.5.6 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Inductor Table 3.5.6 Device Truth Table for inductor DNW NW NT_N OD POLY N+ P+ RPO CO M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 RV AP Design Levels N45/N40 spiral_std_mz_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_mz_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mz_a_x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 N45/N40 spiral_std_mza_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_mza_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mza_a_x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 N45/N40 spiral_sym_mz_ax N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mz_ax_a N45/N40 spiral_std_m2za_za N45/N40 spiral_sym_m2za_z N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_m2za_z_a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 * * 1 1 1 * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N45/N40 spiral_std_mu_x N45/N40 spiral_sym_mu_x N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_x_a N45/N40 spiral_std_mu_z N45/N40 spiral_sym_mu_z N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_z_x spiral_sym_ct_mu_z_a N40 spiral_std_mu_a N40 spiral_sym_mu_a N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_a_a N40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * * * 1 1 1 1 * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 * * * 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 spiral_sym_ct_mu_a_x 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 * * 0 0 Node N40 Device RFIP_DMY (161;1) INDDMY(144;0) INDDMY(144;30) INDDMY(DMYDIS, 144;31) INDDMY(144;32) INDDMY(144;33) INDDMY(144;34) INDDMY(144;35) INDDMY(144;36) INDDMY(144;37) INDDMY(144;38) INDDMY(144;39) Special Layer N45/N40 spiral_std_mz_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_mz_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mz_a_x N45/N40 spiral_std_mza_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_mza_a N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mza_a_x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 N45/N40 spiral_sym_mz_ax N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mz_ax_a N45/N40 spiral_std_m2za_za N45/N40 spiral_sym_m2za_z N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_m2za_z_a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 N45/N40 spiral_std_mu_x N45/N40 spiral_sym_mu_x N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_x_a N45/N40 spiral_std_mu_z N45/N40 spiral_sym_mu_z N45/N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_z_x spiral_sym_ct_mu_z_a N40 spiral_std_mu_a N40 spiral_sym_mu_a N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_a_a N40 spiral_sym_ct_mu_a_x N40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Node Device The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 67 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Note: 1. The inductor with most metal layers scheme (1P10M for two top metal layers scheme and 1P9M for one top metal layer scheme) is illustrated in the truth table 2. RFIP_DMY (161;1, drawing1) identifies the tsmc msrf specific (tsmc msrf process design kit) device structure. 3. INDDMY(144;0, drawing) identifies the Metal/OD/PO dummy blocked low pattern density inductor. 4. INDDMY(144;30, rad) identifies the inductor inner radius. 5. INDDMY(144;31, dummy1) identifies the distance from spiral outer edge to [guard-ring outer edge + 2.5um] 6. INDDMY(144;32, dummy2) identifies the inductor turn numbers. 7. INDDMY(144;33, dummy3) identifies the inductor coil width at Port2. 8. INDDMY(144;34, dummy4) identifies the inductor center-tap port region. 9. INDDMY(144;35, dummy5) identifies the inductor coil width. 10. INDDMY(144;36, dummy6) identifies the inductor coil spacing. 11. INDDMY(144;37, dummy7) identifies the inductor type by text label. 12. INDDMY(144;38, dummy8) identifies the stacked Mx layer number(s) of inductor center-tap . 13. INDDMY(144;39) identifies the ratio of inductor center-tap width over coil width The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 68 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.6 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mask Requirement for Device options (High/STD/Low VT/Ultra Low VT Plus) Table 3.6.1 Mask Requirement for N45LP/N40LP Mask Requirements Device STD Vt + I/O (DGO) STD Vt + Low Vt + I/O STD Vt + High Vt + I/O STD Vt + Low Vt + High Vt + I/O Well LDD 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V 4 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V 6 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTL_N/P 6 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTH_N/P 8 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTL_N/P, VTH_N/P Table 3.6.2 Mask Requirement for N40LP Plus (N40LP+): 1.1V Core and 2.5V I/O Design Mask Requirements Device Well LDD STD Vt + Low Vt + Ultra Low Vt Plus‡ + I/O 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V STD Vt + High Vt + Ultra Low Vt Plus‡ + I/O 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V STD Vt + Low Vt + High Vt + Ultra Low Vt Plus‡ + I/O 3 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V 8 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTL_N/P, ULVT_N/P 8 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTH_N/P, ULVT_N/P 10 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTL_N/P, VTH_N/P, ULVT_N/P ‡: DCO_LPP mask (Mask code: 153) is also required for Ultra Low Vt Plus devices at N40LP+. Table 3.6.3 Mask Requirement for N45LPG/N40LPG Mask Requirements Device Well LDD STD Vt + I/O (DGO) 4 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V/2V STD Vt + Low Vt + I/O 4 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V/2V 6 masks N1V/N1V_G/N2V, P1V/P1V_G/P2V 8 masks N1V/N1V_G/N2V, P1V/P1V_G/P2V, VTL_N/P Table 3.6.4 Mask Requirement for N40G (N45GS) Mask Requirements Device STD Vt + I/O (DGO) STD Vt + Low Vt + I/O STD Vt + High Vt + I/O STD Vt + Low Vt + High Vt + I/O Well LDD 4 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V/2V 4 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V/2V 6 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V/2V,VTH_N/P 6 masks PW1V/2V, NW1V/2V, VTH_N/P 4 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V 6 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTL_N/P 4 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V 6 masks N1V/2V, P1V/2V, VTL_N/P The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 69 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version 3.7 Design Geometry Restrictions 3.7.1 Design Grid Rules : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 3.7.1 Rule No. G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4 G.6gU Description The design grid must be an integer multiple of 0.005μm except PO and CO layers inside the layer 186;5 for GS/GL and 186;4 for LP/LPG 0.005μm deviation is allowed for 45-degree polygon dimensions. For circuits of 110% size-up part (40LP) can allow 1nm design grid. This is uncheckable. Please refer to the chapter “N40LP Design Information”. (Except UBM, CBD[in UBM], CB2_FC[in UBM], PM[in UBM], AP[in UBM], CB2_WB/CB2_FC[in Cu_PPI of WLCSP process], PM1/Cu_PPI[in WLCSP process], PM2[in UBM for WLCSP process] region) Shapes with acute angles between line segments are not allowed. (Except UBM, CBD[in UBM], CB2_FC[in UBM], PM[in UBM], AP[in UBM], CB2_WB/CB2_FC[in Cu_PPI of WLCSP process], PM1/Cu_PPI[in WLCSP process], PM2[in UBM for WLCSP process] region) Only shapes that are orthogonal or on a 45-degree angle are allowed. (Except UBM, CBD[in UBM], CB2_FC[in UBM], PM[in UBM], AP[in UBM], CB2_WB/CB2_FC[in Cu_PPI of WLCSP process], PM1/Cu_PPI[in WLCSP process], PM2[in UBM for WLCSP process] region) For the OPC layers, any edge of length < 1.0 x minimum width cannot have another adjacent edge of length < 1.0 x minimum width. (Figure 3.7.1) The OPC layers: OD (including SR_DOD), PO (including SR_DPO), VTL_N, VTL_P, VTH_N, VTH_P, ULVT_N, ULVT_P, DCO_LPP, NP, PP, CO, M1, VIAx, Mx, VIAy, My For OD, PO, VTL_N, VTL_P, VTH_N, VTH_P, ULVT_N, ULVT_P, DCO_LPP, NP, PP, M1, Mx, My, all vertices and intersections of 45-degree polygon must be on an integer multiple of 0.005 μm except PO inside the layer 186;5 for GS/GL and 186;4 for LP/LPG. < 1 .0 X m in w id th < 1 .0 X m in w id th Label Op. 0.005 < 1 .0 X m in w id th or > 1 .0 X m in w id th < 1 .0 X m in w id th < 1 .0 X m in w id th < 1 .0 X m in w id th or < 1 .0 X m in w id th > 1 .0 X m in w id th > 1 .0 X m in w id th < 1 .0 X m in w id th < 1 .0 X m in w id th or Figure 3.7.1 Illustration for G.4. Figure 3.7.2 Illustration for G.6gU. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Rule 70 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.7.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OPC Recommendations and Guidelines The following OPC recommendations are very important tips to reduce OPC and mask-making cycle time (or physical verification) and ensure the best silicon performance: Make certain that the design is DRC clean (free of all DRC violations). Do not use circles, oval shapes, or logos of arbitrary geometry (Figure 3.7.3). Use rectangular or 45degree polygons to write words, logos, and other marks that are not part of the circuit. Verify that all line-ends are rectangular. Limit cell names to 127 or fewer characters. Use a well-organized, hierarchical layout structure. Avoid redundant or excessive overlaps of polygons from two, or more than two, different cells or cell placements. For example, avoid forming a straight line from numerous cell placements, with each one contributing a little piece. Refer to the “Design Hierarchy Guidelines” section in this chapter. Worse performance in the simulation of contour for the layout with small jog/zigzag (Figure 3.7.4). Rule No. OPC.R.2gU Description Label Op. Rule Avoid small jogs (Figure 3.7.4). It is recommended to use greater than, or equal to, half of the minimum width of each layer for each segment of a jog. Figure 3.7.3 Logo Geometry Example The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 71 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 O rig in a l la y o u t 0.16 S im u la tio n o f c o n to u r Figure 3.7.4 Simulation contour for the layout with and without small jog/zigzag. The simulation is Mx line and not well treated due to small jog/zigzag, and cause smaller VIAx overlap. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 72 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.8 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Design Hierarchy Guidelines The style of the cell hierarchy in a design can significantly affect the following: OPC and mask-making cycle time Run time and memory usage of physical verification. The following items are the recommended practices: Re-use design blocks as much as possible. Do not create two different cells for the same device. Whenever possible, avoid using L, U, or ring shapes. For inevitable ring structures such as seal rings and power rings, use cells for holding each ring segment instead of drawing the whole ring at once. The same method applies to the L and U shapes. Put everything as low in the cell hierarchy as possible. Here are some examples: Put all shapes required for defining a device or circuit into the same cell. An inverter cell, for example, should include NW, OD, PO, NP, and PP, as well as CO and M1 (for pins). Avoid drawing a large shape to cover a whole circuit. Place texts at the lowermost cell where devices can be formed. For layout patches/revisions/ECOs, avoid changing device properties or metal connections at upper cells in the design hierarchy. Draw within the cell the shapes required in TSMC’s logic operations. Please consider all independent layers used in each rule logic operations and derived layer logic operations. For example, LDN.EX.2 applies to NP and OD2; therefore, NP should reside in the same cell as OD2. Make certain each cell is DRC clean in a bottom-up construction of the cell hierarchy. For example, when placing a contact in a cell, place M1 in that cell as well, with the required amount of M1. Keep dummy fill geometry in a separate hierarchy from the main patterns and reduce the count of flattened dummy fill geometry as much as possible. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 73 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 3.9 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Chip Implementation and Tape Out Checklist The following checklist is required to be completed prior to the tape out: IP are correctly utilized in the design Pay attentions to the special orientation/direction (eg. SRAM), guard ring or space keep-out requirements of placement. Pay attentions to routing constrains in resistance matching, power net spacing, layers available for over block routing, layers allowed dummy fill, and power connection/width. To avoid using non-silicon proven library and IP, please pay attentions to the available library/IP validation status from TSMC Online (Design Portal Library/IP). It is highly recommended that do not modify or remove the IP tags (CAD 63;63) in the design. The design passes signal/power/IR/ESD integrity analysis Simulations of all CKTs in setup time, hold time, and noise analysis under design operating corners or sign-off corners. Analyses in leakage with considering statistical factor, total power consumption, power network robustness, static/dynamic IR, IO SSO meet design specifics over all operating corners. Ensure all contacts/vias and metal lines meet EM lifetime requirement. ESD/latch-up layout and design requirements have been met. The design passes DRC Use the most update DRC command file version corresponding to the design rule document. Need to choose the DRC options carefully and correctly. Need to cover all the DRC, including latch-up, ESD, anntena, assembly check. It is recommended running full chip DRC if there is any layout change in cell level. Any DRC violation needs to be reviewed by TSMC, to make sure no production concern. The design passes LVS/ERC checks Use the most update LVS/ERC command file version corresponding to the SPICE document. DFM services and requirements are recommended Utilize TSMC DFM redundant VIA utility to insert redundant vias and enlarge via enclosure. Utilize TSMC dummy OD/PO/metal generation utilities to insert dummy patterns to meet pattern density requirements. RC extraction by DFM-LPE to have accurate SPICE simulations in IP design. The section 3.8 Design Hierarchy Guidelines have been considered. Tape out information Make sure to have every “tape out required CAD layer” filled correctly in the TSMC i-tapeout system. Additionally, to correctly fill DRC-only CAD layers of the design is welcome. It is highly recommended that the GDSII file taped out to TSMC contains IP tags information (CAD 63;63). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 74 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4 Layout Rules and Recommendations This chapter provides information about the following: 4.1 Layout Rule Conventions 4.2 Derived Geometries Used in Physical Design Rules 4.3 Definition of Layout Geometrical Terminology 4.4 Minimum Pitches 4.5 Layout Rules and Guidelines 4.1 Layout Rule Conventions Layout rules follow these conventions: Unless otherwise specified, all rules are of minimum dimension. The basic unit of measure is μm; the basic unit of area is μm2. o Process, product, and reliability yields are expected to be improved when designs are relaxed from minimum dimensions. Minimum dimensions showed only to be used to shrink the chip size or to improve the circuit performance. o Design rules requiring exact dimensions (“=” in the rule tables) are not to be relaxed. Guideline is grouped by a separate table. DFM recommendations and guidelines are designated by a registered symbol ® or “g” after the rule number. A registered symbol “U“ is marked after the rule number as the rule is not checked by DRC. Rules denoted by “#” depend on the capability of each individual probing/ assembly house. These rules are checked by DRC, and may be waived by customers with agreement from their subcontractors. Rules denoted by “t” applied for tsmc bumping only. These rules are checked by DRC, and may be waived by customers with agreement from a third-party bumping house. Bracket usage in the rules should be noted carefully: Parentheses ( ) are used for explanation. Square brackets [ ] are used for certain conditions. Curved brackets { } are used to indicate that an operation is performed. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 75 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.2 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Derived Geometries Used in Physical Design Rules 4.2.1 Derived Geometries Term ACTIVE ALLOD Butted_STRAP FIELD FIELD PO GATE N+ ACTIVE N+OD NW STRAP NW1V NW2V NWROD NWRSTI OD2 P+ ACTIVE P+OD PW STRAP RW STRAP STRAP RW PW BTC Definition N+ ACTIVE OR P+ ACTIVE OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD STRAP TOUCH ACTIVE NOT OD PO NOT OD PO AND OD (NP AND OD) NOT NW NP AND OD (NP AND OD) AND NW 1. NW NOT OD2 (Note 1) 2. NW OUTSIDE OD2 (Notes 1~2) 1. NW AND OD2 (Note 1) 2. NW NOT OUTSIDE OD2 (Notes 1~2) (NW INTERACT NWDMY) INTERACT RPO (NW INTERACT NWDMY) NOT INTERACT RPO OD_18, OD_25, OD_33 (PP AND OD) AND NW PP AND OD (PP AND OD) NOT NW ((PP AND OD) NOT NW) INSIDE DNW NW STRAP OR PW STRAP (Chip NOT NW) INSIDE DNW Chip NOT NW (CO NOT CO;11) AND SRM;0 Table note: 1. For DRC recognition purpose, NW covered by OD2 is necessary for NW applied by voltage greater than core voltage. It is very important to manually take care of NW to NW space ≥ 1um if NW cannot be covered by OD2 and at least one NW is applied by voltage greater than core voltage. 2. If the switch, NW_SUGGESTED, turns ON (default), DRC will not only run NW.S.3 and NW.S.4 but also additionally check “SUGGESTED.NW.S.3_NW.S.4” by recognizing NW1V by {NW OUTSIDE OD2} and NW2V by {NW NOT OUTSIDE OD2}. If it turns OFF, DRC only checks NW.S.3 and NW.S.4. NW NOT OD2 NW OD2 N W O U T S ID E O D 2 OD2 NW NW NW NW NW NW NW AND OD2 N W N O T O U T S ID E O D 2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 76 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.2.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy NW PW MOS NMOS PMOS DOD SR_DOD DPO SR_DPO BTC DMx DMx_O Prime Chip Assembly isolation CUP : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Special Definition Term ENDCAP CB CBD RV CB2_FC CB2_WB AP AP RDL PM UBM Document No. Version Definition N-WELL P-WELL Transistor structure consisting of a source, a drain, and a gate. N type MOS P type MOS Dummy OD Dummy OD (smaller dimension) Dummy PO Dummy PO (smaller dimension) Butted Contact Dummy Metal OPC dummy metal. The rules of DMx_O are the same as real metal, Mx. “Prime Chip” doesn’t include seal ring and assembly isolation. If seal-ring is added by TSMC, the “Prime Chip” means: GDS EXTENT If seal-ring is added by you, the “Prime Chip” means: EXTENT of {INNER EDGE OF SEALRING_ALL (162;2)} The 6um inner region of SEALRING_ALL (162;2) which surrounds {Prime Chip NOT triangle empty areas} The PO extension of a transistor gate in the width direction onto the field. Passivation opening for wire bond design Passivation opening for flip chip design Redistribution VIA for connecting AP-MD with Mtop Passivation 2 opening for flip chip Passivation 2 opening for wire bond Al pad metal layer after CB or CBD in Cu process Al pad redistribution layer Polyimide opening Under bump metallurgy Wire bond pad design for Circuit Under Pad.CUP has 2 solid metal layer at Mtop/Mtop-1 and coverd by WBDMY The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 77 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Definition of Layout Geometrical Terminology Width: Distance of interior-facing edge for single layer. (W) W Space: Distance of exterior-facing edge for one or two layer (S) S S S S Overlap: Distance of interior-facing edge for two layers (O) Enclosure: Distance of inside edge to outside edge (Fully inside) (EN) Extension: Distance of inside edge to outside edge (EX) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 78 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Prime Chip: GDS w/I seal ring : GDS w/o seal ring: Prime chip: EXTENT of {INNER EDGE of SEALRING_ALL (162;2)} Prime chip: Gds extent edge Triangle empty area Seal ring (162;2) Interact with: A INTERACT B: B A A A A IN T E R A C T B A A A A A A A A NOT INTERACT B: B A A A A A A A N O T IN T E R A C T B A A INSIDE: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 79 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 A INSIDE B: B A A A A A A IN S ID E B A A A A NOT INSIDE B: B A A A A A A N O T IN S ID E B A A A A A A OUTSIDE B: B A A A A A O U T S ID E B A A A A A A NOT OUTSIDE B: B A A A A A N O T O U T S ID E B A A A A A AREA (A): ENCLOSED Area (A): The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 80 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 3-Neighboring: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 81 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Projection: Individual projection (L1, L2) Union projection (L1 + L2) W2 W1 L2 L1 If W1 > certain w idth and W2 > certain w idth, L = L1+ L2 If W1 > certain w idth and W2 < certain w idth, L = L1 Parallel run length: Length and width Length: the longer edge L L W W Width: the shorter edge Size up a Size down b b a a original a a original b b b Butted The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 82 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 A ABUT B: B A A A A A A ABUT B A A A A AND B: B A A A A A A A AND B A A A A OR B: B A A A B A A OR B A A A A A A A A Guard ring R in g - t y p e O D a n d M 1 w it h C O a s m a n y a s p o s s ib le S e a l r in g C h ip /IP le v e l C h ip P r o te c tio n r in g I P ( w it h o u t I n d u c t o r ) CO bar Y V IA b a r Y C O h o le Y O p t io n V IA h o le N N S tr u c tu r e O D /C O / (O D /C O /M e ta l/V ia ) Y ( c o n t in u o u s ) IP N N Y ( c o n t in u o u s o r b r e a c h ) N Y Y O D /C O /M 1 / a ll M e t a ls / a ll V I A s M 1 / a ll V I A x / a ll M x P le a s e r e fe r to s e c ti o n 4 .5 .5 4 P le a s e r e fe r to s e c ti o n 4 .5 .3 5 L O W M E D N la y o u t r u le s . s e a l rin g o ve rvie w . G u a r d r in g I P ( w it h I n d u c t o r ) V I A 1 a b o v e is o p t io n a l. P le a s e r e fe r to s e c ti o n s fo r a n a lo g c i r c u i t/ D F M / L a tc h - u p . The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 83 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 One track O n e tr a c k = M x w id th + M x s p a c e VTH_N VTH_N O n e tra c k O n e tra c k O n e tra c k VTH_N VTH_N A llo w e d A llo w e d N o t a llo w e d CUT A CUT B: B A A A A A A CUT B A A B CUT A: B B B A B B CUT A B CUT A A A A NOT CUT B: B A A A A A A A NOT CUT B A A A A A The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 84 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Channel width PO OD Channel length PO OD Vertex/Corner: Polygon whose edge form an angle Vertex Hole width Enclosed space The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 85 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Minimum Pitches Definition of Layout Geometrical Terminology Layer OD interconnect pitch OD interconnect width OD transistor pitch PO interconnect pitch (on STI) PO interconnect width PO transistor pitch (on OD) PO transistor pitch (on OD with CO) Minimum length of a transistor Minimum width of a transistor N+/P+ spacing M1 pitch Mx pitch My pitch Mz Pitch Mr pitch Mu pitch CO Pitch CO Pitch in different net CO 3 neighboring Pitch VIAx Pitch VIAx Pitch in different net VIAx 3 neighboring Pitch VIAy Pitch VIAy 3 neighboring Pitch VIAz Pitch VIAz 3 neighboring Pitch VIAr pitch VIAr 3 neighboring pitch CLN45 (Unit: μm) 0.14 (W/S=0.06/0.08) 0.06 0.20 (W/S=0.12/0.08) 0.14 (W/S=0.04/0.10) 0.04 0.18 (W/S=0.04/0.14) 0.18 0.04 0.12 0.16 0.14 (W/S=0.07/0.07) 0.14 (W/S=0.07/0.07) 0.28 (W/S=0.14/0.14) 0.80 (W/S=0.40/0.40) 1.0 (W/S=0.5/0.5) 3.0 (W/S=2.0/1.0) 0.14 (W/S=0.06/0.08) 0.17 (W/S=0.06/0.11) 0.16 (W/S=0.06/0.10) 0.14 (W/S=0.07/0.07) 0.165 (W/S=0.07/0.095) 0.16 (W/S=0.07/0.09) 0.28 (W/S=0.14/0.14) 0.30 (W/S=0.14/0.16) 0.70 (W/S=0.36/0.34) 0.90 (W/S=0.36/0.54) 0.90 (W/S=0.46/0.44) 1.12 (W/S=0.46/0.66) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 86 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4.5 Layout Rules and Guidelines 4.5.1 Gate Oxide and Diffusion (OD) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 120) Rule No. OD.W.1 OD.W.1® OD.W.2 OD.W.2.1GS OD.W.2.2GS OD.W.3 OD.W.4 OD.S.1 OD.S.1® OD.S.2 OD.S.3 OD.S.3.1 OD.S.4 OD.S.5 OD.A.1 OD.A.2 OD.A.3 OD.A.4 OD.A.5.GS OD.L.1 OD.L.2 OD.DN.0 OD.DN.1 OD.DN.1.1 OD.DN.2 OD.DN.2.1 OD.DN.2.2 OD.DN.3 OD.DN.3.1 OD.DN.3.2 Description Label Width A Recommended minimum interconnect OD width (except MOMDMY (155;21) region and TCDDMY) A Channel width of core device B Maximum channel width of core NMOS device for GS and LPG G device B (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layers NT_N, SR_ESD, LOGO, TCDDMY and VAR) Maximum channel width of core PMOS device for GS B (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layers NT_N, LOGO, TCDDMY and VAR) Channel width of MOS [for I/O device] C Width of 45-degree bent OD. (Please make sure the vertex of 45-degree pattern is on 0.005 μm grid D (refer to the rule, G.6, in section 3.7)) Space E Recommended minimum OD space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle E Space (inside OD2) F Space to OD [width > 0.12 μm] if the parallel run length 0.14 µm (P) G Space to OD [width > 0.12 μm] if the parallel run length 0.14 µm (P1) in PO gate direction G1 Space to 45-degree bent OD H Space between two segments of a U-shape or an O-shape OD (notch only) I Area (This check doesn't include the patterns filling 0.06 μm x 0.26 μm rectangular tiles) K Area [with all of edge lengths < 0.21 μm] K’ Enclosed area L Enclosed area [with all of inner edge lengths < 0.21 μm] L’ Maximum ACTIVE area sum of core PMOS device in the same checking area of OD. (Not including the gate area) (For GS) DRC methodology: Maximum area sum of ((Core P+ ACTIVE INTERACT PO) NOT (PO OR SR_DPO)) in the same checking area of OD. The checking area is defined by sizing 0.22um in S/D direction, and 0.08um in endcap direction from gate. Maximum length of {ACTIVE (source) [width < 0.12 μm] interacts with butted_STRAP} if no CO in M M region. Maximum OD length [OD width < 0.12 µm] between two contacts as well as between one contact and N the OD line-end. (except {RFDMY AND RFIP_DMY} and {MOMDMY(155;21) SIZING 1.2um}) 1. OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2 and OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2 are checked over any window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm . 2. (outside OD2) means the overlapped width between the checking window and OD2 layer is smaller than 37.5 μm. 3. For OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2/OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2, the following regions can be excluded: - NWDMY/LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD - Chip corner stress relief and seal-ring 4. OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2 are applied when the width of (checking window NOT the item 3) is 37.5 μm. 5. OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2 must be followed for every defined ODBLK region. This rule is only applied when the width of ((checking window AND ODBLK) NOT item 3) is 37.5 μm. Minimum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} density across full chip Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} density across full chip Minimum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 150μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density [OUTSIDE OD2] (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Minimum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density inside ODBLK (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density inside ODBLK [OUTSIDE OD2] (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density inside ODBLK (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.06 0.08 0.12 10 1.5 0.32 0.17 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.11 0.17 0.15 0.035 0.055 0.04 0.077 300 0.4 60 25% 75% 20% 80% 90% 20% 80% 90% 87 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. OD.DN.4® OD.DN.5® OD.DN.6® OD.DN.7® OD.DN.8® OD.DN.9® OD.R.1 DOD.R.1* DOD.R.4® OD.L.2gU Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density < 10%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density > 70%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density < 20%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density > 70%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(OD local density < 20%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY*)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(OD local density > 60%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY*)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) OD must be fully covered by {NP OR PP} except for {(DOD OR SR_DOD) OR NWDMY} DOD is a must. DOD CAD layer (TSMC default, 6;1) must be different from OD’s. Please refer to section 8.1. It is important to use TSMC DOD/DPO utility to insert the SR_DOD and SR_DPO properly surrounding your IP and circuit, and then do post-simulation carefully before chip implementation. Op. Rule 10% 70% 20% 70% 20% 60% DRC will flag the empty rectangle area larger than 1.8x1.8um2 inside {(GATE SIZE 2.8) NOT (((OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD) SIZE 0.12) NOT ((PO SIZE 0.05) OR ((DPO OR SR_DPO) SIZE 0.03)) NOT ((NW SIZE 0.08) NOT (NW SIZE -0.08))} (Except TCDDMY and SEALRING_ALL (162;2)) It is strongly suggested to limit the max interconnect length (M) to be as short as possible to avoid high Rs variation. 1.8x1.8um2 * CAD layer SENDMY (255;8) is used to check OD.DN.4® ~ OD.DN.9® for sensitive circuits. If your IP is sensitive to the Isat variation due to low/high OD density, you can cover the SENDMY to perform this check. Table Notes: In order to meet the extremely tight requirement in terms of process control for STI etch, polish, OSE as well as channel length definition (inter-level dielectric (ILD) planarization), you must fill the DOD globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn OD already satisfies the required OD density rule (OD.DN.1~OD.DN.3.2). Inder to cover the OSE (refer to the section of Layout Guidelines for OSE (OD Space Effect)), it is important to follow the layout guideline (refer to the section of How to reduce the differences between pre-simulation and post-simulation) and use TSMC DOD/DPO utility to reduce the gap between SPICE and silicon. It is recommended to manually add DOD uniformly inside regions covered by the ODBLK layer, to gain better process window and electrical performance. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 88 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD O D .S .3 / O D .S .3 .1 O D .W .1 A E W < = 0 .1 2 A OD O D .W .3 G1 P1 OD2 OD C P W > 0 .1 2 PO F W > 0 .1 2 G OD O D .S .5 E I OD O D .W .4 / O D .S .4 / O D .L .3 B A I PO E O D H OD H E OD O D .L .1 O D .A .1 / O D .A .3 OD BUTTED OD M OD PO OD < 0 .1 2 PO K /K ’ > 0 .1 2 OD M OD L /L ' BUTTED < 0 .1 2 OD L /L ' OD N o n e e d to BUTTED fo llo w BUTTED < 0 .1 2 O D .L .1 M < 0 .1 2 OD < 0 .1 2 > 0 .1 2 > 0 .1 2 P O W < 0 .1 2 u m PO OD OD O D .L .2 N <= 60 um N 60 um The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 89 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version DOD.R.4® and SR_DOD.R.4gU DOD/DPO Analog Device or IP SR_DOD/SR_DPO : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Analog Device or IP surrounded with dummy devices Not recommend (Si to simulation gap:) Recommend Recommend (>10%) (>10%) (>10%) 1. Without dummy devices & DOD/DPO 2. Only surrounded by dummy devices, but no DOD/DPO protect 3. Only surrounded by DOD/DPO, but no SR_DOD/SR_DPO (<5%) IP surrounded with DOD/DPO by updated utility (<5%) IP surrounded with dummy devices first, then insert DOD/DPO U U DOD.R.4® D O D . R . 2 ® and & S RSR_DOD.R.4g _ D O D .R .4 0 .1 0 .8 8 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 .0 4 /0 .1 0 .2 S R _ D O D (6 ;7 ) S R _ D P O (1 7 ;7 ) 0 .2 P O LY (1 7 ;0 ) 0 .1 O D (6 ;0 ) 0 .1 2 0 .0 5 0 .1 0 .8 8 0 .5 0 .0 4 /0 .1 4um The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 90 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Deep N-Well (DNW) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 119) [Optional] Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule DNW.W.1 Width A 3 DNW.S.1 B 3.5 C 2.5 DNW.S.3 Space Space to NW with different potential DRC only checks when NW does not exist in same DNW. Space to {N+ ACTIVE outside DNW} D 1.65 DNW.S.4 RW space to {RW OR PW} with different potential E 0.8 DNW.S.5 {RW OR PW} space to {RW INTERACT OD2} with different potential F 1.0 DNW.EN.1® Recommended enclosure by NW for better noise isolation G 1.0 DNW.EN.3 Enclosure of N+ ACTIVE K 0.48 DNW.O.1 Overlap of NW H 0.4 DNW.R.3U Keep {NW INTERACT DNW} and PW in reverse bias DNW.R.4U {NW INTERACT DNW} must be at the same potential N+ ACTIVE cut DNW is not allowed Recommended not using floating RW unless necessary to avoid unstable device performance. Maximum cumulative area ratio of DNW to {(NMOS/P-VAR core gates) OUTSIDE DNW} [connects to {P+ ACTIVE INSIDE {NW INTERACT DNW}}] This rule is checked by the ANTENNA DRC command file. Maximum cumulative area ratio of DNW [area ≥ 1E+06 µm2] to {(NMOS/PVAR core gates) OUTSIDE DNW} [connects to {P+ ACTIVE INSIDE {NW INTERACT DNW}}, and does not connect to STRAP] ≤ 5.0E+05 ≤ 5.0E+05 ≦ 500000 DNW.S.2 DNW.R.5 DNW.R.6gU DNW.R.7 DNW.R.7.1 DNW.R.7.2 This rule is checked by the cumulative connections (from M1 to AP respectively) and the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. Maximum cumulative area ratio of DNW [area 1E+06 um2] to {core_NMOS/P-VAR INSIDE DNW [area ≤1E03um2]} If ≧ 4 um2 {N+ OD AND PW} added in discharging path with lower metal layers (M1 or M2) which outside DNW, it is allowed maximum cumulative area ratio of DNW [area 1E+06 um2] to {core_NMOS/P-VAR INSIDE DNW [area ≤1E03um2]} up to 4.1E+06. Definition of core_NMOS/P-VAR: 1. NMOS and P-VAR gates do not inside OD2, and 2.Connect to {P+ ACTIVE INSIDE (NW INTERACT DNW) [area ≥1E+06 um2]}, and 3.Do not connect to STRAP This rule is checked by the cumulative connections (from M1 to AP respectively) and the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 91 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 D DN NW W NW G NW H H DNW RW X PW RW X' E K (F ) N + A C T IV E E (F ) DNW N + A C T IV E D C B R W (P W in s id e D N W ) N + A C T IV E NW NW DNW DNW A C r o s s S e c t io n ( X - X ') f o r N W , R W , a n d D N W X X' NW RW NW RW NW PW DW N For better noise isolation, it is recommended to follow the DNW.EN.1® rule G NW H DNW RW X RW RW X' E (F ) D C B N R W (P -w e ll in D N W ) + OD NW NW DNW DNW A C r o s s S e c t io n ( X - X ') f o r N W , R W , a n d D N W X X' NW RW NW RW NW RW NW DW N The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 92 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 93 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.3 Rule No. NW.W.1 NW.S.1 NW.S.2 NW.S.3 NW.S.4 NW.S.5 NW.S.6 NW.S.6.1 NW.S.7 NW.EN.1 NW.EN.2 NW.EN.2.1 NW.EN.3 NW.A.1 NW.A.2 NW.R.1g NW.R.2U Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N-Well (NW) Layout Rules Description Width, except SRAMDMY Space Space of two NW1V with different potentials (*) NW1V space to NW2V with different potentials (*) Space of two NW2V with different potentials (*) Space to PW STRAP Space to N+ ACTIVE (except NW resistor) Space to N+ ACTIVE [at least one edge at each corner] (except NW resistor) Space to {N+ ACTIVE INTERACT OD2} Enclosure of NW STRAP (except NW resistor) Enclosure of P+ ACTIVE Enclosure of P+ ACTIVE [at least one edge at each corner] Enclosure of {P+ ACTIVE INTERACT OD2} Area Enclosed area Recommend not using unintentional floating well to avoid unstable device performance. DRC flags {NW OUTSIDE {N+OD INTERACT CO}}. OD2 must overlap NW [applied by voltage greater than core voltage] Label A C D E F G H H1 I K L L1 M O P Op. Rule 0.34 0.34 0.8 1 1 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.22 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.22 0.64 0.64 Table notes:*: DRC implementation is on different nets. 1. For DRC recognition purpose, NW overlapped by OD2 is necessary for NW applied by voltage greater than core voltage. It is very important to manually take care of NW to NW space ≥ 1um if NW cannot be operlapped by OD2 and at least one NW is applied by voltage greater than core voltage. 2. If the switch, NW_SUGGESTED, turns ON (default), DRC will not only run NW.S.3 and NW.S.4 but also additionally check “SUGGESTED.NW.S.3_NW.S.4” by recognizing NW1V by {NW OUTSIDE OD2} and NW2V by {NW NOT OUTSIDE OD2}. If it turns OFF, DRC only checks NW.S.3 and NW.S.4. N W NW C A A P D /E /F P O N W N W N W N W P W N W N W L 1 (o r L ) H 1 (o r H ) P + O D N + O D L (o r L 1 ) N + O D K H a t le a s t o n e e d g e a t e a c h c o r n e r (o r H 1 ) G P + O D O D 2 P + O D N W M I N + O D P W The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 94 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N-Well Resistor Within OD (NWROD) Layout Rules Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 1.8 NWROD.W.1 Width NWROD.S.1 Space to NWROD or to NW B 1.0 NWROD.S.2 Space to RPO Recommended RPO space to CO in NW resistor within OD for SPICE simulation accuracy Enclosure by OD C 0.3 G = 0.3 D 1.0 E 0.3 F = 0.4 NWROD.S.3® NWROD.EN.1 NWROD.EN.2 NWROD.O.1 NWROD.O.2 NWROD.R.3g NWROD.R.4 NWROD.R.5 NWROD.R.6 NWROD.R.7 NWROD.R.8g Enclosure of CO RPO overlap of NP. Use exact value (0.4 μm) on sides touching NWDMY. {OD AND NWDMY} overlap of {NP, PP, VTH_N, VTH_P, VTL_N, or VTL_P} (all implant layers except NW) is not allowed. Recommended to use rectangle shape resistor for the SPICE simulation accuracy. DRC can flag {NWDMY AND NW} is not a rectangle. Only one NW inside NWROD is allowed in one OD. Only two NPs in NWROD are allowed in one OD. Only two RPO holes(Sailcide) in NWROD are allowed in the same OD For U-shape or S-shape NWROD, both OD and NW must be U-shape or S-shape and the OD edge must be parallel to the NW edge. DRC can only flag the pattern without OD space when two edges of NW [NW space or notch ≤ 5 um] have a parallel run length > 0 um. Recommend: NWDMY intersecting NWROD forms two or more NWs. Table Notes: The mean value and deviation of an N-Well resistor depends on the layout and dimension. Dummy layer NWDMY is needed for DRC and LVS. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 95 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 NWROD RPO OD D N W R O D .W .1 E F F E B NW R P O .E X .1 NW 0 .2 2 D A G G C NW R P O H o le R P O H o le NP N W e ll R e s is to r NP NW DMY N W R O D .R .4 N W R O D .R .5 N W R O D .R .7 OD NP NW NP NP NW NW OD NW DMY NW OD NW DMY NW DMY N W R O D .R .7 N W R O D .R .7 N W R O D .R .6 OD NW RPO OD NW NW NW OD NW DMY NW DMY NW DMY T h e la y o u t is u n c h e c k a b le The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 96 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.5 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N-Well Resistor Under STI (NWRSTI) Layout Rules Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 1.8 NWRSTI.W.1 Width NWRSTI.S.1 Space to NWRSTI or to NW B 1.0 NWRSTI.EN.1 NP enclosure of OD C 0.4 NWRSTI.EN.2 OD enclosure of CO Recommended OD enclosure of CO in NW resistor under STI for SPICE simulation accuracy Enclosure of CO D 0.3 D = 0.3 E 0.3 OD extension on NWRSTI {NP INTERACT NWDMY} overlap of {PP, VTH_P, or VTL_P} (all p-type implant layers) is not allowed Recommended to use rectangle shape resistor for the SPICE simulation accuracy. DRC can flag {NWDMY AND NW} is not a rectangle. Recommend: NWDMY intersecting NWRSTI forms two or more NWs. F 0.3 NWRSTI.EN.2® NWRSTI.EN.3 NWRSTI.EX.1 NWRSTI.O.1 NWRSTI.R.3g NWRSTI.R.4g NWRSTI N W R S T I.W .1 B N W N W A N W e ll R e s is to r O D O D E C D E F NW NP NP NW DM Y The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 97 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Native Device (NT_N) Layout Rules NT_N, Native NMOS Blocked Implant Definition This layer is used to block NW and PW implant. If you use native NMOS devices in a circuit design, please use this drawn layer with NW to generate PW. Native NMOS is only allowed being designed in the standard device region. It cannot be applied to pure high/low Vt designs. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule NT_N.W.1 Width A 0.34 NT_N.W.2 Channel length of 0.9V/1.1V/1.2V native device for N45LP/N45LPG/N40G B 0.30 NT_N.W.2.1 Channel length of 1.1V native device only for N40LP/N40LPG B 0.20 C 1.20 D 0.8 E 0.5 NT_N.W.5 Channel length of 2.5V/3.3V native device (for 2.5V overdrive to 3.3V, please refer to section OD25_33 Layout Rules) Channel length of 1.8V native device (for 2.5V underdrive to 1.8V, please refer to section OD25_18 Layout Rules) Channel width NT_N.S.1 Space F 0.34 NT_N.S.2 Space to [Active outside NT_N] G 0.38 NT_N.S.3 NT_N.EN.1 NT_N.EX.1 Space to NW Enclosure range of N+OD. PO extension on {OD inside NT_N} (PO endcap) H I J = 1 0.26 0.35 NT_N.A.1 Area K 0.64 NT_N.A.2 NT_N.R.1 Enclosed area L 0.64 NT_N.W.3 NT_N.W.4 NT_N.R.2 NT_N.R.3 Overlap of {NW OR DNW} is not allowed P+ ACTIVE region is not allowed in NT_N but PW STRAP is allowed. DRC only can check P+ Gate is not allowed in NT_N. Only one OD region is allowed in NT_N Except NMOS capacitor with the same potential, pickup and MOMDMY (155;21) region. You have to draw a NCap_NTN layer to cover the NMOS capacitors. The NCap_NTN enclosure of OD have to be 0um. All the source and drain must be connected together. DRC also flags NCap_NTN and OD, which is outside of the NCap_NTN in the same NT_N. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 98 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 NT_N L L K OD N o m in a l C, D A D e v ic e O D G F PO LY OD I E H J PW NW N T _ N .R .3 NT_N NT_N Ncap_NTN OD OD P r o h ib it e d Ncap_NTN Ncap_NTN OD OD A llo w e d The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 99 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.7 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Thick Oxide (OD2) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 152) Define thick oxide area of 1.8V or 2.5V or 3.3V I/O transistors. The OD_33 layer (CAD layer: 15) is used for 3.3V gate oxide area only for N40LPG. The OD_25 layer (CAD layer: 18) is used for 2.5V gate oxide area. The OD_18 layer (CAD layer: 16) is used for 1.8V gate oxide area. OD2 refers to any thick oxide device, for example, OD2 = OD_18, OD_25, or OD_33. Rule No. OD2.W.1 OD2.W.2 Description Width Width of {OD2 OR {NW OR NT_N}} Width of {OD2 NOT {NW OR NT_N}}, except {{OD2 NOT {NW OR NT_N}} OD2.W.3 [width < 0.34um] NOT INTERACT OD} and LOGO regions OD2.S.1 Space Space to {ACTIVE OR GATE} OD2.S.2 ({ACTIVE OR GATE} cut OD2 is not allowed) OD2.S.3 Space to 0.9V/1.2V GATE in S/D direction. OD2.S.4 Space to NW. Space = 0 μm is allowed. OD2.S.5 Space of {NW NOT OD2} OD2.S.6 Space of {NW AND OD2} OD2.S.7 Space of {OD2 NOT {NW OR NT_N}} Space of {OD2 OR {NW OR NT_N}}, except {{OD2 OR {NW OR NT_N}} [space OD2.S.8 < 0.34um] NOT INTERACT OD} and LOGO regions OD2.EN.1 Enclosure of 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V Gate in S/D direction. OD2.EX.1 NW extension on OD2. Extension = 0 μm is allowed. OD2.EX.2 Extension on NW. Extension = 0 μm is allowed. OD2.EX.3 Extension on {ACTIVE OR GATE} OD2.O.1 Overlap of NW. Overlap = 0 μm is allowed. OD2.R.1 OD_18, OD_25, and OD_33 cannot be used on the same die. Only OD_25 (CAD layer: 18) is allowed for N40LP+. Neither OD_33 (CAD layer: 15) nor OD_18 (CAD layer: 16) is allowed for OD2.R.2.LPP N40LP+. DRC will flag {(CHIP INTERACT DCO_LPP) INTERACT (OD_18 OR OD_33 )} Label A O Op. Rule 0.34 0.34 W 0.34 B 0.34 C 0.2 G E P Q R 0.25 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 S 0.34 D H I J K 0.25 0.34 0.34 0.2 0.34 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 100 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD2 O D 2 O D 2 J O D 2 O D 2 I K A B K H C N W O D N W A C T IV E J O D 2 E O D 2 O D 2 O N W N W PO PO X O D 2 O D 2 R O D P N o t a llo w e d ( O D 2 .S .2 ) Q N W N W O D 2 D G O D M PO PO L O D 2 B u tte d S tra p O D 2 O D 2 A llo w e d ( O D 2 .S .2 ) W {O D 2 O R {N W {N W O R N T_N } S {O D 2 O R {N W O R N T _ N }} The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. O R N T _ N }} 101 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.8 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dual Core Oxide (DCO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 153) DCO (CAD layer: 90;0) is a layer to cover G core device in N45/40LPG process. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule DCO.W.1 Width A 0.34 DCO.W.2 Width of {DCO OR NW}, except SRAMDMY O 0.34 DCO.S.1 Space B 0.34 DCO.S.2 Space to ACTIVE C 0.05 DCO.S.3 Space to LP (core 1.1V) Gate in S/D direction. D 0.16 DCO.S.4 Space to LP (core 1.1V) Gate in end-cap direction. D1 0.09 DCO.S.5 Space to NW. Space = 0 is allowed. E 0.34 DCO.S.6 Space to OD2. Space = 0 is allowed. F 0.34 DCO.S.8 Space of {DCO NOT NW} P 0.34 DCO.S.9 Space of {DCO AND NW} Q 0.34 DCO.S.10 Space of {NW NOT DCO} R 0.34 DCO.EN.1 Enclosure of G (core 0.9V) Gate in S/D direction. G 0.16 DCO.EN.2 Enclosure of G (core 0.9V) Gate in end-cap direction. G1 0.09 DCO.EX.1 NW extension on DCO. Extension = 0 is allowed. H 0.34 DCO.EX.2 Extension on NW. Extension = 0 is allowed. I DCO.EX.3 Extension on ACTIVE [Cut is not allowed if without Gate] J 0.34 0.05 DCO.A.1 Area M 0.7 DCO.A.2 Enclosed area N DCO.O.1 DCO.R.2 DCO.R.3 Overlap of NW. Overlap = 0 is allowed. Overlap of OD2 is not allowed DCO cut RH is not allowed K 0.7 0.34 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 102 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DCO M DCO J DCO B C DCO DCO K A I N OD OD NW DCO DCO DCO D C O .R 2 G1 OD2 D G PO PO DCO K H G1 NW D1 F OD2 RH DCO DCO DCO E NW D C O .R 3 DCO DCO P G R PO PO D NW DCO O OD NW DCO Q NW The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 103 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.9 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 1.2V Core Oxide (OD_12) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 12A) OD_12 (CAD layer: 14;1) is a layer to cover 1.2V core device in N40G process. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule OD_12.W.1 OD_12.W.3 OD_12.S.1 OD_12.S.2 OD_12.S.3 OD_12.S.4 OD_12.S.6 OD_12.EN.1 OD_12.EN.2 OD_12.EX.3 OD_12.A.1 OD_12.A.2 Width Channel length Space Space to {ACTIVE OR GATE} Space to core 0.9V Gate in S/D direction. Space to core 0.9V Gate in end-cap direction. Space to OD2. Space = 0 μm is allowed. Enclosure of core 1.2V Gate in S/D direction. Enclosure of core 1.2V Gate in end-cap direction. Extension on ACTIVE [Cut is not allowed if without Gate] Area Enclosed area Overlap of VTH_N, VTH_P, VTL_N, VTL_P, RPO, RH, NWDMY, BJTDMY, OD2 is not allowed OD_12 cut {ACTIVE OR GATE} is not allowed (Except OD shared by core and OD_12 is at same potential, DRC can not exclude this exception.) Point-touch, one/two track (0.14μm) space and overlap is allow A 0.34 0.07 0.34 0.05 0.16 0.09 0.18 0.16 0.09 0.05 0.64 0.64 OD_12.R.2 OD_12.R.3 OD_12.R.4 B C D D1 F G G1 J M N The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 104 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD_12 M O D _12 J O D _12 B C O D _12 A N OD OD O D _12 O D _12 O D _ 1 2 .R .2 G1 OD2 D G PO PO O D _12 G1 D1 F OD2 O D _ 1 2 .R .2 RH O D _12 O D _12 O D _ 1 2 .R .3 X PO PO O D _12 OD N o t a llo w e d The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 105 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.10 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD25_33 Layout Rules OD25_33 (CAD layer: 18;3) is used for 2.5V overdrive to 3.3V for N45/N40LP and N40G. This is not a mask layer. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 0.5 A 0.55 B 0.4 B 0.44 1.2 Channel length of 2.5V NMOS overdrive to 3.3V (NMOS Gate AND OD25_33) for N45LP/N40LP. OD25_33.W.1.LP It is not shrinkable as the channel length is ≤ 0.545 for N40LP. You have to draw ≥ 0.55. Channel length of 2.5V NMOS overdrive to 3.3V (NMOS Gate AND OD25_33.W.1.GS OD25_33) for N40G. Channel length of 2.5V PMOS overdrive to 3.3V (PMOS Gate AND OD25_33) for N45LP/N40LP. OD25_33.W.2.LP It is not shrinkable as the channel length is ≤ 0.435 for N40LP. You have to draw ≥ 0.44. Channel length of 2.5V PMOS overdrive to 3.3V (PMOS Gate AND OD25_33.W.2.GS OD25_33) for N40G. Channel length of 2.5V native NMOS overdrive to 3.3V. ((Gate AND NT_N) OD25_33.W.3 AND OD25_33) (Gate AND OD25_33) can’t overlap OD_18 or OD_33 or OD25_18. (Gate AND OD25_33) must be covered by OD_25. GATE cut OD25_33 is not OD25_33.R.1 allowed. OD25_33 O D_25 N M O S G a te O D 25_33 P M O S G a te PO PO O D A O D B O D 2 5 _ 3 3 .R .1 O D 25_33 PO O D 25_33 PO O D G a te PO O D G a te O D G a te O D 25_33 O D _18 or O D _33 or O D 25_18 O D_25 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 106 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.11 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD25_18 Layout Rules OD25_18 (CAD layer: 18;4) is only used for 2.5V underdrive to 1.8V for N45/N40LP and N40G. This is not a mask layer. Rule No. OD25_18.W.1 Description Label Op. Rule A 0.25 A 0.27 1.2 Channel length of 2.5V MOS underdrive to 1.8V (Gate AND OD25_18) OD25_18.W.1.GS Channel length of 2.5V PMOS underdrive to 1.8V (Gate AND OD25_18) Channel length of 2.5V native NMOS underdrive to 1.8V ((Gate AND OD25_18.W.2 NT_N) AND OD25_18) (Gate AND OD25_18) can’t overlap OD_18 or OD_33 or OD25_33. (Gate OD25_18.R.1 AND OD25_18) must be covered by OD_25. GATE cut OD25_18 is not allowed. OD25_18 O D_25 N M O S G a te O D 25_18 P M O S G a te PO PO OD A OD A O D 2 5 _ 1 8 .R .1 O D 25_18 PO O D 25_18 PO OD G a te PO OD G a te OD G a te O D 25_18 O D _18 or O D _33 or O D 25_33 O D_25 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 107 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.12 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD18_15 Layout Rules OD18_15 (CAD layer: 16;4) is only used for 1.8V underdrive to 1.5V in N40G (=45GS) and N40LP process. This is not a mask layer. Rule No. Description Channel length of 1.8V MOS underdrive to 1.5V (Gate AND OD18_15) for GS Channel length of 1.8V MOS underdrive to 1.5V (Gate AND OD18_15) for OD18_15.W.1.LP N40LP (Gate AND OD18_15) can’t overlap OD_25 or OD_33 or OD25_18, or OD18_15.R.1 OD25_33. (Gate AND OD18_15) must be covered by OD_18. OD18_15 can’t cut GATE. OD18_15.R.2 1.8V and 1.5V cannot share the same NW. OD18_15.W.1.GS Label Op. Rule A 0.105 A 0.125 OD18_15 O D_18 N M O S G a te O D 18_15 P M O S G a te PO PO OD OD A A O D 1 8 _ 1 5 .R .1 O D 18_15 PO O D 18_15 PO OD G a te PO OD G a te OD G a te O D 18_15 O D _25 or O D _33or O D 25_18 or D 25_33 O D_18 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 108 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.13 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Poly (PO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 130) CAD layer SENDMY (255;8) is used to check PO.DN.4® ~ PO.DN.9® for sensitive circuits. If your IP is sensitive to the Isat variation due to low/high PO density, you can cover the SENDMY to perform this check. Rule No. PO.W.1 PO.W.1® U PO.W.2 PO.W.3.LP PO.W.4 PO.W.6.GS PO.W.7 PO.W.8 PO.S.1 PO.S.1® PO.S.2.LP PO.S.2.LP® PO.S.2.GS PO.S.2.1LP PO.S.2.1GS PO.S.2.1.1GS PO.S.3 PO.S.4 PO.S.4.1 PO.S.4.1® PO.S.5.LP® PO.S.5.GS® PO.S.6 PO.S.6.LP® PO.S.6.GS® PO.S.6.1 PO.S.7 PO.S.9 PO.S.10 PO.S.15 PO.S.16 Description Width Recommended minimum interconnect PO width Channel length of 2.5V MOS (for 2.5V overdrive to 3.3V, please refer to section OD25_33 Layout Rules) Channel length of 3.3V MOS only for N40LP and N40LPG. Channel length of 1.8 V MOS (For 2.5V underdrive to 1.8V, please refer to section OD25_18 Layout Rules. For 1.8V underdrive to 1.5V, please refer to section OD18_15 Layout Rules.) Channel length of core device for GS (This check doesn’t include CDUDMY region and the regions covered by layers of NT_N, SDI, and VAR.) Width of 45-degree FIELD PO (except PO fuse element, POFUSE, 156;0). (Please make sure the vertex of 45-degree pattern is on 5nm grid (refer to the rule, G.6U, in section 3.7)) Maximum Channel length of NMOS [for LPG G device] Space Recommended minimum interconnect PO space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle The poly gate space range to neighboring {PO OR SR_DPO} [for channel length < 0.06μm]. This allows a violation with a length ratio < 30% on one side and one segment. The length ratio = violation length / device width. The 0.12 ~ 0.125 are not shrinkable. This rule is for poly gate CDU control (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Recommended GATE space in the same OD to avoid Isat degradation for LP/LPG The poly gate space range to neighboring {PO OR SR_DPO} [for channel length < 0.08 μm], and allow a violation with a length ratio < 30% on one side and one segment. The length ratio = violation length / device width. This rule is for poly gate CDU control. (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layer SRAMDMY;5) (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Gate space [either one channel length 0.06μm] for LP/LPG Gate space [either one channel length 0.08 μm] for GS Maximum gate [channel length 0.08 μm] space to neighboring {PO OR SR_DPO} in core device regions for GS (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layer SR_ESD and LOGO.) {GATE inside OD2} space in the same OD FIELD PO space to OD (except CSRDMY (166;0) region) Gate space [L-shape OD and L-shape PO enclosed area < 0.0121 μm2 ] Recommended gate space [L-shape OD and L-shape PO enclosed area < 0.0196 μm2] for PO/OD rounding effect Recommended space to L-shape OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for LP/LPG Recommended space to L-shape OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for GS L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS [L-shape PO length (R1) 0.06 μm] Recommended L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for LP/LPG Recommended L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for GS L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS [L-shape PO length > 0.06 μm (R1) and L-shape PO length 0.1 μm (R1)] Space if at least one {PO OR SR_DPO} width > 0.12 μm, and the {PO OR SR_DPO} parallel run length > 0.14 μm (individual projection). Space [in same RPO] Space at {PO OR SR_DPO} line-end (W < 0.07 μm (Q1)) in a dense-line-end configuration: If {PO OR SR_DPO} has parallel run length with opposite {PO OR SR_DPO} (measured with T1 = 0.035 μm extension) along two adjacent edges of {PO OR SR_DPO} [any one edge < Q1 distance from the corner of the two edges], then one of the spaces (S1 or S2) needs to be at least this value (This check doesn't include small jog with edge length < 0.04 μm (R)) Large PO to gate [channel length 0.08 μm] space. The large PO is defined as PO area 630 μm2 and interacts with regions of density > 70% in window 30 μm x 30 μm, stepping 15 μm. DPO will be excluded from density check. Space to 45-degree bent {PO OR SR_DPO} Label A A Op. Rule 0.04 0.06 B 0.27 C 0.42 D 0.15 A = 0.04 / 0.045 / 0.05 / 0.06 / 0.07 / 0.08~10 E 0.17 A F F ≤ 10 0.10 0.12 G = 0.12 ~ 0.22 or 0.32 G 0.14 G = 0.14 / 0.16 / 0.2 G1 G1 0.14 0.14 G1 0.32 H 0.22 I 0.03 I1 0.11 I1’ 0.14 J 0.1 J 0.06 I2 0.04 K 0.1 K 0.07 I2’ 0.05 L 0.16 N 0.18 S1/S2 0.11 1.0 0.17 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. M 109 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. PO.S.17® PO.S.18.GS® PO.EX.1 PO.EX.1® PO.EX.2 PO.EX.2® PO.EX.2.1GS PO.EX.3 PO.L.1 PO.A.1 PO.A.2 PO.A.3 PO.A.4 PO.DN.1 PO.DN.1.1 PO.DN.2 PO.DN.3 PO.DN.4® PO.DN.5® PO.DN.6® PO.DN.7® PO.DN.8® PO.DN.9® Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label Recommended Gate edge [channel length = 0.04um, channel width ≤ 0.2um] space to {(PO OR SR_DPO) OR DPO } [width ≥ 0.12um] [projection in S/D direction], and Gate edge parallel run length S0 (individual projection) in the same gate ≥ 0.1um, for poly gate CDU control Recommend to add 2nd poly away from 1st poly [for channel length < 0.08μm] (DRC only check 1st U poly space to gate ≤ 0.2um and width < 0.08um) Extension on OD (end-cap) O Recommended extension on OD (end-cap) to avoid line-end shortening. O OD extension on PO P Recommended OD extension on PO (full and symmetrical contact placement are recommended at both source and drain side) to avoid Isat degradation, especially for channel width > 1.5 μm. P When you use poly space = 0.16 μm (PO.S.2), please use = 0.13 μm for this recommendation. Maximum OD extension on the edge gate [channel length 0.08 μm] in core device regions. (For the P1 edge gate, it is OK to follow either PO.S.2.1.1GS or PO.EX.2.1GS) This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layer SR_ESD. Extension on OD (end-cap) when the PO to L-shape OD (in the same MOS) space < 0.1 μm. Q (This check doesn’t include ACTIVE jog 0.02 μm.) Maximum PO length between two contacts, as well as the length from any point inside PO gate to the nearest CO when the PO width is < 0.08 μm. (This check doesn’t include ESD protection R devices.) Area (This check doesn’t include the pattern filling 0.04 μm x 0.3 μm rectangular tile) S Area [with all of edge length < 0.21 μm] S Enclosed area T Enclosed area [with all of inner edge length < 0.21 μm] T Minimum {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density across full chip Maximum {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density across full chip {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD OR PO OR DPO OR SR_DPO} local density 1. PO.DN.2 is checked by window 20 μm x 20 μm, stepping 10 μm. 2. For PO.DN.2 rules, the following regions can be excluded: (1) ODBLK/POBLK/NWDMY/LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD as default (2) Chip corner stress relief area if seal-ring and stress relief pattern added by TSMC. 3. Even in areas covered by {ODBLK OR POBLK}, this pattern density that follows the PO.DN.2 rules is recommended. 4. The rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT item 2) is 5 μm. PO density within POBLK. (except {RFDMY AND RFIP_DMY}, MOMDMY(155;21), and TCDDMY) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density < 5%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density > 35%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density < 15%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density > 35%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(PO local density < 15%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY*)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(PO local density > 40%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY*)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.16 = 0.14~0.2 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.32 0.11 18 0.022 0.055 0.04 0.077 14% 40% 0.1% 14% 5% 35% 15% 35% 15% 40% 110 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. PO.R.1 PO.R.2U PO.R.4 PO.R.6 PO.R.7 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description GATE must be a rectangle orthogonal to grid. (Both bent GATE and gate with jog are not allowed). (Except CSRDMY region) PO line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. PO intersecting OD must form two or more diffusions. (Except CSRDMY region) H-gate that fulfills the following conditions at the same time is not allowed. [inner space < 0.43 μm (U), channel length < 0.10 μm (V), interconnect PO width < 0.25 μm (W), and interconnect PO length > 0.065 μm(X)] Poly gates of all SRAM cells (50;0 OR 186;0) must be uni-directional in a chip. (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layer 49 (RODMY) and RAM1TDMY (160;0)) Chips on MPW or shuttles may be rotated due to this rule Floating gate is prohibited if the effective source/drain are not connected together. Label Op. Rule Floating gate in the DRC is as follows: (1) Gate without Poly CO. (2) Gate with Poly CO but not connected to MOS OD, STRAP or PAD. (3) It is not a floating gate if the Gate is connected to OD by butted CO in SRAM bit cell. PO.R.8 The effective source/drain in DRC is as follows: (1)Source/drain is connected to different {MOSOD NOT PO}, STRAP, Gate, or PAD. This rule is only checked on the whole chip, not on the IP level. Poly gates of Pass gate (PG) of all eDRAM cells (RAM1TDMY, 160;0) must be uni-directional in a chip. DPO is a must. DPO CAD layer (TSMC default, 17;1) must be a different layer from the PO CAD layer. Please refer to section 8.2. Recommend to limit the max interconnect PO length (R) as short as possible to avoid high Rs variation. PO.R.9 DPO.R.1 PO.L.1gU * CAD layer SENDMY (255;8) is used to check PO.DN.4® ~ PO.DN.9® for sensitive circuits. If your IP is sensitive to the Isat variation due to low/high PO density, you can cover the SENDMY to perform this check. Table note: In order to meet the tight requirement in terms of the complex photo, poly critical dimension (CCD) control etching process, as well as the PSE layout effect (refer to the section of Layout Guidelines for PSE (Poly Space Effect), it is important to adopt TSMC DOD//DPO utility to reduce the CD variation, and also reduce the gap between SPICE model and silicon data. Please use POs with the same or similar channel length neighboring with a critical device. For example, prevent any PO with a larger channel length, eg. 70nm, from neighboring with a critical device’s gate with the channel length as 40nm. 40nm 40nm >= 70nm PO OD x The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 111 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 PO A /B /C /D F I I G ,G 1 , P O .S .5 R / P O .S .6 R H PO Q J O I2 ' N + /P + OD I P O K F P O .S .7 F F 0 .1 4 A L > 0 .1 2 T h e fie ld P O to O D s p a c e C O o n th e P O a x is I2 ' (0 .0 6 < R 1 = < 0 .1 ) > = 0 .1 2 R1 R1 I (R 1 > 0 .1 ) N + /P + N + /P + OD OD R1 I2 (R 1 < = 0 .0 6 ) P O .S .9 P o ly e n d c a p < 0 .1 (0 .0 2 < R 2 = < 0 .0 8 ) O O R2 O RPO N O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 112 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy P O .S .1 0 P O . S . 4PO.S.4.1 ® PO.S.4.1/ S1 S1 PO S1 S1 S1 I1 /I1 ' OD : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 < S2 S2 T1 Q1 S2 S2 R e g io n 1 o r 2 c a n n o t h a v e o th e r p o ly T1 p a tte r n s a t th e s a m e tim e . O n e o f th e m w ith o th e r p o ly p a tte r n s is a llo w e d . S1 F T1 F R e g io n 2 R e g io n 1 <Q 1 W <Q 1 T1 T1 T1 S2 <Q 1 S1 S2 W <Q 1 P O .R .6 PO.W.6.GS P O .W .6 / P O .S .1 6 / P O .L .2 F A W V U U E M X PO M F PO P O .R .2 P O .A .1 / P O .A .3 PO PO PO P O .R .4 OD OD T S T PO PO P O .L .1 W < 0 .0 8 u m R <= 18um W < 0 .0 8 u m O D R <= 18 um R <= 18um O D O D R <= 18 um R <= 18 um R <= 18 um R > 18 um The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 113 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy P O .R .8 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N o n - f lo a t in g G a t e F lo a t in g G a t e F lo a t in g G a t e F lo a t in g G a t e PO PO PO M e ta l M e ta l A llo w e d F lo a t in g G a t e OD PO M e ta l A llo w e d A llo w e d F lo a t in g G a t e A llo w e d A llo w e d A llo w e d PO OD OD M e ta l F lo a t in g G a t e PO PO F lo a t in g G a t e OD OD OD F lo a t in g G a t e OD B u tte d _ S T R A P. M e ta l M e ta l M e ta l M e ta l M e ta l P r o h ib it e d M e ta l P r o h ib it e d P r o h ib it e d S o u r c e / d r a in is c o n n e c t e d t o d iff e r e n t { M O S O D N O T P O } , S T R A P, G a t e , o r P A D . P O .S .2 L1 C a s e A : P a s s d u e to o n e s e g m e n t w ith (L 1 /L ) < 3 0 % . C a s e B : T r u e v io la tio n d u e to tw o s e g m e n t s (O n ly o n e s e g m e n t is a llo w e d ). C a s e C : T r u e v io la tio n d u e to th r e e s e g m e n ts (O n ly o n e s e g m e n t is a llo w e d ). C a s e D : O n e s e g m e n t (L 1 = L 2 + L 3 ). If (L 1 /L ) = 3 0 % , tr u e v io la tio n ; if (L 1 /L ) < 3 0 % , p a s s . O K , if L 1 /L ( o r L 2 / L a , L 3 / L b ) < 3 0 % L1 L3 L3 L3 L4 Lb La L2 0 .1 4 /0 .1 6 /0 .2 L2 L L2 L1 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 114 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy P O .S .1 7 ® v io la te : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 pass P a r a lle l r u n le n g th < 0 .1 u m W 1 > = 0 .1 2 u m W 0 ( w id th o f p o ly g a te ) < = 0 . 1 2 0 ~ 0 .2 u m . L 0 = 0 .0 4 u m . If S 0 = < 0 .1 6 u m , v io la te . P a r a lle l r u n le n g th > = 0 .1 u m P O .S .1 8 .G S ® 2 nd 1 P o ly U st P o ly G a te L g < 0 .0 8 u m < = 0 .2 < = 0 .2 1 st P o ly 2 nd P o ly U The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 115 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.14 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 High Vt NMOS (VTH_N) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 11H) It is not allowed in 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V devices. Rule No. Label Op. Rule VTH_N.W.1 Width Description A 0.18 VTH_N.S.1 Space B 0.18 VTH_N.S.2 Space to gate in PO endcap direction C 0.08 VTH_N.S.2.1 Space to gate in S/D direction D 0.14 VTH_N.S.3 Space to unsilicided PO/OD resistor E 0.18 VTH_N.EN.1 Enclosure of gate in S/D direction F 0.14 VTH_N.EN.2 Enclosure of gate in PO endcap direction G 0.08 VTH_N.A.1 Area H 0.19 VTH_N.A.2 Enclosed area I 0.19 VTH_N.R.1 VTH_N.R.2 VTH_N.R.3 VTH_N.L.1 Overlap of P+ ACTIVE, VAR, VTL_N, NT_N, or OD2 is not allowed. Point touch of corners is allowed. One-track overlap / space are allowed. 45-degree edge length = 0.14 0.5 VTH_N H A O D P O N + I O D B P O P O C P W I G P O O D D F F D E P O o r O D r e s is to r p o in t to u c h O n e - tr a c k o v e r la p V TH _N is a llo w e d is a llo w e d 0 .1 4 u m V TH _N X V TH _N V TH _N 0 .1 4 u m O n e -tra c k s p a c e is a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d if s p a c e < 0 .1 8 u m The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 116 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.15 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 High Vt PMOS (VTH_P) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 11G) It is not allowed in 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V devices. Label Op. Rule VTH_P.W.1 Rule No. Width Description A 0.18 VTH_P.S.1 Space B 0.18 VTH_P.S.2 Space to gate in PO endcap direction C 0.08 VTH_P.S.2.1 Space to gate in S/D direction D 0.14 VTH_P.S.3 Space to unsilicided PO/OD resistor E 0.18 VTH_P.EN.1 Enclosure of gate in S/D direction F 0.14 VTH_P.EN.2 Enclosure of gate in PO endcap direction G 0.08 VTH_P.A.1 Area H 0.19 VTH_P.A.2 Enclosed area I 0.19 VTH_P.R.1 VTH_P.R.2 VTH_P.R.3 VTH_P.L.1 Overlap of N+ ACTIVE, VAR, VTL_P, NT_N, or OD2 is not allowed. Point touch of corners is allowed. One-track overlap / space are allowed. 45-degree edge length = 0.14 0.5 VTH_P H A O D P O P + I O D B P O P O C N W P O G I O D D F F D E P O or O D r e s is to r p o in t to u c h O n e - tr a c k o v e r la p V TH _P is a llo w e d is a llo w e d 0 .1 4 u m V TH _P X V TH _P V TH _P 0 .1 4 u m O n e -tra c k s p a c e is a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d if s p a c e < 0 .1 8 u m The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 117 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.16 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Low Vt NMOS (VTL_N) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 118) It is not allowed in 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V devices. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule VTL_N.W.1 Width A 0.18 VTL_N.S.1 Space B 0.18 VTL_N.S.2 Space to gate in PO endcap direction C 0.08 VTL_N.S.2.1 Space to gate in S/D direction D 0.14 VTL_N.S.3 Space to unsilicided PO/OD resistor E 0.18 VTL_N.EN.1 Enclosure of gate in S/D direction F 0.14 VTL_N.EN.2 Enclosure of gate in PO endcap direction G 0.08 VTL_N.A.1 Area H 0.19 VTL_N.A.2 Enclosed area I 0.19 VTL_N.R.1 VTL_N.R.2 VTL_N.R.3 VTL_N.L.1 Overlap of P+ ACTIVE, VAR, VTH_N, NT_N, or OD2 is not allowed. Point touch of corners is allowed. One-track overlap / space are allowed. 45-degree edge length = 0.14 0.5 VTL_N H A O D P O N + I O D B P O P O C P W P O G I O D D F F D E P O or O D r e s is to r p o in t to u c h O n e - tr a c k o v e r la p V TL_N is a llo w e d is a llo w e d 0 .1 4 u m V TL_N X V TL_N V TL_N 0 .1 4 u m O n e -tra c k s p a c e is a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d if s p a c e < 0 .1 8 u m The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 118 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.17 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Low Vt PMOS (VTL_P) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 117) It is not allowed in 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V devices. Rule No. Label Op. Rule VTL_P.W.1 Width Description A 0.18 VTL_P.S.1 Space B 0.18 VTL_P.S.2 Space to gate in PO endcap direction 0.08 VTL_P.S.2.1 Space to gate in S/D direction C D 0.14 VTL_P.S.3 Space to unsilicided PO/OD resistor E 0.18 VTL_P.EN.1 Enclosure of gate in S/D direction 0.14 VTL_P.EN.2 Enclosure of gate in PO endcap direction F G 0.08 VTL_P.A.1 Area H 0.19 VTL_P.A.2 VTL_P.R.1 VTL_P.R.2 VTL_P.R.3 VTL_P.L.1 Enclosed area I 0.19 = 0.14 0.5 Overlap of N+ ACTIVE, VAR, VTH_P, NT_N, or OD2 is not allowed. Point touch of corners is allowed. One-track overlap / space are allowed. 45-degree edge length VTL_P H A O D P O P + I O D B P O P O C N W I P O G O D D F F D E P O or O D r e s is to r p o in t to u c h O n e - tr a c k o v e r la p V TL_P is a llo w e d is a llo w e d 0 .1 4 u m V TL_P X V TL_P V TL_P 0 .1 4 u m O n e -tra c k s p a c e is a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d if s p a c e < 0 .1 8 u m The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 119 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.18 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Ultra Low Vt Plus Devices Layout Rules Ultra low Vt plus devices layout rules, including DCO_LPP, ULVT_N, and ULVT_P layers, are only available for N40LP+, and not allowed for other technologies. DCO_LPPLUS (DCO_LPP) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 153) DCO_LPP (CAD layer: 90;1) is used for ultra low Vt plus devices’ speed boost. DCO_LPP is only used for core devices (1.1V). It is not allowed in I/O devices (2.5V). Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 0.34 DCO_LPP.W.1 Width DCO_LPP.S.1 Space B 0.34 DCO_LPP.S.2 C 0.04 D 0.16 D1 0.09 DCO_LPP.S.6 Space to ACTIVE Space to {Gate NOT INTERACT (OD2 OR DCO_LPP)} in S/D direction. Space to {Gate NOT INTERACT (OD2 OR DCO_LPP)} in end-cap direction. Space to OD2. Space = 0 is allowed. F 0.34 DCO_LPP.EN.1 Enclosure of 1.1V Gate in S/D direction. G 0.16 DCO_LPP.EN.2 Enclosure of 1.1V Gate in end-cap direction. Extension on ACTIVE [Cut is not allowed if without Gate] Cut ACTIVE of TSMC N40LP+ standard cell (90;2, DCODMY_SC) is allowed. Area, except DCO_LPP.A.1.1 Area [width ≥ 0.42um] for only TSMC N40LP+ standard cell (90;2, DCODMY_SC) Enclosed area, except DCO_LPP.A.2.1 Enclosed area [hole width (N1) ≥ 0.42um] for TSMC N40LP+ standard cell (90;2, DCODMY_SC) Overlap of VAR, VTL_N, VTL_P, VTH_N, VTH_P, NT_N, TCDDMY, SRM, ROM, or OD2 is not allowed. {DCO_LPP CUT RH} is not allowed {Gate AND DCO_LPP} must be covered by {ULVT_N OR ULVT_P} Point touch of corners is allowed for only TSMC N40LP+ standard cell (90;2, DCODMY_SC) One-track overlap / space are allowed for only TSMC N40LP+ standard cell (90;2, DCODMY_SC) If DCODMY_SC exists, DCODMY_SC must be identical to DCO_LPP. DCODMY_SC can not exist without DCO_LPP. DCO_LPP can exist without DCODMY_SC. G1 0.09 J 0.04 M 0.7 M 0.5292 N 0.7 N 0.5292 = 0.14, 0.19, 0.28 DCO_LPP.S.3 DCO_LPP.S.4 DCO_LPP.EX.3 DCO_LPP.A.1 DCO_LPP.A.1.1 DCO_LPP.A.2 DCO_LPP.A.2.1 DCO_LPP.R.1 DCO_LPP.R.2 DCO_LPP.R.3 DCO_LPP.R.4 DCO_LPP.R.5 DCO_LPP.R.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 120 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DCO_LPP M D C O _LPP J D C O _LPP B C D C O _LPP A OD OD N N1 DCO _LPP D C O _ L P P .R .1 G1 OD2 D DCO _LPP PO PO DCO _LPP G G1 D1 F OD2 D C O _ L P P .R .2 RH D C O _LPP DCO _LPP DCO _LPP PO G PO D OD point touch is allowed DCO_LPP (90;1) DCODMY_SC (90;2) DCO_LPP (90;1) DCODMY_SC (90;2) X One-track overlap is allowed 0.14, 0.19, or 0.28um DCO_LPP (90;1) DCODMY_SC (90;2) DCO_LPP (90;1) DCODMY_SC (90;2) 0.14, 0.19, or 0.28um One-track space is allowed Not allowed if space < 0.34um The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 121 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Ultra Low Vt Plus NMOS (ULVT_N) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 11E) ULVT_N (CAD layer: 151;1), 1.1V ultra low Vt plus NMOS Implant Definition ULVT_N is only used for core devices (1.1V). It is not allowed in I/O devices (2.5V). Rule No. ULVT_N.W.1 ULVT_N.S.1 ULVT_N.S.2 ULVT_N.S.2.1 ULVT_N.S.3 ULVT_N.EN.1 ULVT_N.EN.2 ULVT_N.A.1 ULVT_N.A.2 ULVT_N.R.1 ULVT_N.R.2 ULVT_N.R.3 ULVT_N.R.4 ULVT_N.L.1 Description Width Space Space to gate in PO endcap direction Space to gate in S/D direction Space to unsilicided PO/OD resistor Enclosure of gate in S/D direction Enclosure of gate in PO endcap direction Area Enclosed area Overlap of P+ACTIVE, VAR, VTL_N, VTH_N, NT_N, TCDDMY, {OD AND NWDMY}, SRM, ROM, BJTDMY, RH, POFUSE, or OD2 is not allowed. Point touch of corners is allowed. One-track overlap / space are allowed. {Gate AND ULVT_N} must be covered by DCO_LPP. 45-degree edge length Label A B C D E F G H I Op. Rule 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.14 0.08 0.19 0.19 = 0.14 0.5 ULVT_N H A O D P O N + I O D B P O P O C P W P O G I O D F D F D E P O o r O D r e s is to r p o in t to u c h is O n e -tra c k U L V T _ N a llo w e d is 0 .1 4 u m U L V T _ N X U L V T _ N o v e r la p 0 .1 4 u m O n e -tra c k is N o t a llo w e d if s p a c e < U L V T _ N a llo w e d s p a c e a llo w e d 0 .1 8 u m The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 122 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Ultra Low Vt Plus PMOS (ULVT_P) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 11F) ULVT_P (CAD layer: 152;1), 1.1V ultra low Vt plus PMOS Implant Definition ULVT_P is only used for core devices (1.1V). It is not allowed in I/O devices (2.5V). Rule No. ULVT_P.W.1 ULVT_P.S.1 ULVT_P.S.2 ULVT_P.S.2.1 ULVT_P.S.3 ULVT_P.EN.1 ULVT_P.EN.2 ULVT_P.A.1 ULVT_P.A.2 ULVT_P.R.1 ULVT_P.R.2 ULVT_P.R.3 ULVT_P.R.4 ULVT_P.L.1 Description Width Space Space to gate in PO endcap direction Space to gate in S/D direction Space to unsilicided PO/OD resistor Enclosure of gate in S/D direction Enclosure of gate in PO endcap direction Area Enclosed area Overlap of N+ACTIVE, VAR, VTL_P, VTH_P, NT_N, TCDDMY, {OD AND NWDMY}, {NP INTERACT NWDMY}, SRM, ROM, BJTDMY, RH, POFUSE, or OD2 is not allowed. Point touch of corners is allowed. One-track overlap / space are allowed. {Gate AND ULVT_P} must be covered by DCO_LPP. 45-degree edge length Label A B C D E F G H I Op. Rule 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.14 0.08 0.19 0.19 = 0.14 0.5 ULVT_P H A O D P O P + I O D B P O P O C N W I P O G O D D F F D E P O o r O D r e s is to r p o in t to u c h is O n e -tra c k U L V T _ P a llo w e d is 0 .1 4 u m U L V T _ P X N o t a llo w e d if s p a c e U L V T _ P < o v e r la p U L V T _ P a llo w e d 0 .1 4 u m O n e -tra c k is s p a c e a llo w e d 0 .1 8 u m The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 123 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.19 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 P+ Source/Drain Ion Implantation (PP) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 197) Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 0.18 PP.W.1 Width PP.S.1 Space B 0.18 PP.S.2 PP.S.3 PP.S.4 Space to N+ ACTIVE (non-butted) Space to {N+ ACTIVE OR NW STRAP} (butted) Space to NW STRAP (non-butted) C D E = 0.08 0.00 0.02 PP.S.5 F 0.23 G 0.23 PP.S.7 {PP edge on OD} space to NMOS GATE Butted PW STRAP space to PO in the same OD [the butted N+ ACTIVE extending 0 < J1 < 0.13 μm] Space to N-type unsilicided OD/PO resistor H 0.14 PP.EN.1 {NP OR PP} enclosure of PO (except DPO) I 0.11 PP.EX.1 Extension on P+ ACTIVE J 0.08 PP.EX.2 Extension on PW STRAP (except SEALRING_ALL (162;2)) K 0.02 PP.EX.3 Extension on P-type unsilicided OD/PO resistor L 0.14 PP.EX.4 {PP edge on OD} extension on PMOS GATE M 0.23 PP.O.1 Overlap of OD N 0.10 PP.A.1 Area O 0.11 PP.A.2 Enclosed area P 0.11 PP.A.3 Area of butted PW STRAP Q 0.021 PP.R.1 PP.R.2 PP.R.3 PP.R.4 PP.L.1 PP must fully cover {PMOS GATE SIZING 0.08 μm} Overlap of NP is not allowed. OD must be fully covered by {NP OR PP} (except DOD and SR_DOD). PO must be fully covered by {NP OR PP} (except DPO and SR_DPO). 45-degree edge length R 0.08 0.5 PP.S.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 124 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 PP PP R PO O J P P PP PP PP N A P + P OD + OD PP K B P+ OD K PW P+ OD I E D N I I I M + PO N+ OD I PO PO OD NW PW N ty p e K P lo y r e s is to r Q P + OD J1 G PP PO D L H C F K N + OD P+ OD K P ty p e P lo y r e s is to r The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 125 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.20 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N+ Source/Drain Ion Implantation (NP) Rules (Mask ID: 198) Label Op. Rule NP.W.1 Rule No. Width A 0.18 NP.S.1 Space B 0.18 NP.S.2 NP.S.3 NP.S.4 Space to P+ ACTIVE (non-butted) Space to {P+ ACTIVE OR PW STRAP} (butted) Space to PW STRAP (non-butted) C D E = 0.08 0.00 0.02 NP.S.5 F 0.23 G 0.23 NP.S.7 {NP edge on OD} space to PMOS GATE Butted NW STRAP space to PO in the same OD [the butted P+ ACTIVE extending 0 < J1 < 0.13 μm] Space to P-type unsilicided OD/PO resistor H 0.14 NP.EN.1 {NP OR PP} enclosure of PO (except DPO) I 0.11 NP.EX.1 Extension on N+ ACTIVE (except NWROD) J 0.08 NP.EX.2 Extension on NW STRAP (except NWROD) K 0.02 NP.EX.3 Extension on N-type unsilicided OD/PO resistor L 0.14 NP.EX.4 {NP edge on OD} extension on NMOS GATE M 0.23 NP.O.1 Overlap of OD N 0.10 NP.A.1 Area O 0.11 NP.A.2 Enclosed area P 0.11 NP.A.3 Area of butted NW STRAP Q 0.021 NP.R.1 NP.R.2 NP.R.3 NP.R.4 NP.L.1 NP must fully cover {NMOS GATE SIZING 0.08 μm} Overlap of PP is not allowed. OD must be fully covered by {NP OR PP} (except DOD and SR_DOD). PO must be fully covered by {NP OR PP} (except DPO and SR_DPO). 45-degree edge length R 0.08 0.5 NP.S.6 Description The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 126 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 NP NP R PO J P P O NP N A NP N+ OD NP NP N+ OD K B N+ OD K NW N+ OD I E D I I I M P+ P+ OD I PO PO PO OD PW NW P ty p e P lo y r e s is to r K Q N+ OD J1 G NP PO D K L H C F P+ OD N+ OD K N ty p e P lo y r e s is to r The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 127 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.21 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Layout Rules for LDD Mask Logical Operations N1V/N2V/P1V/P2V and VTC_N/VTC_P/VTL_N/VTL_P As a default, TSMC generates some masking layers from drawn layers by logic operations. These include N1V/N2V/P1V/P2V and VTC_N/VTC_P/VTL_N/VTL_P masks. The following rules (Fig. 1 - Fig. 6) are defined to avoid small patterns during mask making. Warning: If the rules are not followed, the mask making cycle time will be seriously impacted. The following are special requirements. d 0.18 μm X/Y (the extension/space between two edges of two layers in an X/Y) Rule No. LDN.EX.1 LDN.EX.2 LDN.EX.3 LDN.EX.4 LDN.O.1 LDP.EX.1 LDP.EX.2 LDP.EX.3 LDP.O.1 LDP.O.2 VT.S.1 VT.EX.2 The minimum extension/clearance between two corners of two layers If either dimension X or Y < 0.18 μm (including 0, 2 edges aligned), the other dimension must be 0.18 μm. Description NP extension on NW NP extension on OD2 NP extension on {RH OR BJTDMY} NP extension on VAR NP overlap of OD2 PP extension on OD2 PP extension on {RH OR BJTDMY} PP extension on VAR PP overlap of NW PP overlap of OD2 VTL_N space to {OD2 OR NW} NW extension on {OD2 OR VTL_P} Label Op. Rule Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 128 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 LDD Mask (F ig . 1 ) (F ig . 2 ) N P /P P Y NP/ PP Y d d X X OD2 N W /R H /V A R (F ig . 3 ) NP/ PP Y d X N W /O D 2 (F ig . 5 ) VTL_N (F ig . 6 ) Y d X (O D 2 O R N W ) NW Y d X (O D 2 O R V T L _ P ) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 129 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.22 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Resist Protection Oxide (RPO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 155) Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 0.40 RPO.W.1 Width RPO.S.1 Space B 0.40 RPO.S.2 Space to OD C 0.22 RPO.S.3 Space to CO (overlap of CO is not allowed.) D 0.22 RPO.S.4 Space to GATE (overlap of GATE is not allowed except ESD circuit.) E 0.38 RPO.S.5 Space to PO Extension on unsilicided OD/PO (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by the layer SDI) Extension on unsilicided OD/PO [RPO width > 10 μm] (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by the layer SDI) F 0.30 G 0.22 G1 0.30 G1 0.30 H 0.22 RPO.EX.1 RPO.EX.1.1 RPO.EX.2 Extension on unsilicided OD/PO [RPO width 0.43 μm] (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by the layer SDI) OD extension on RPO RPO.A.1 Area I 1.00 RPO.A.2 RPO.R.1 Enclosed area Butted NP/PP on unsilicided OD/PO is not allowed. J 1.00 RPO.EX.1.2 RPO H D RPO OD C G, RPO G1 E B PO A OD R P O .R .1 RPO G, F G1 PO or O D PO D RPO N+ N + /P + P+ I RPO J J RPO RPO The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 130 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.23 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD and Poly Resistor Layout Rules RH layer is required for OD and poly resistors. RH layer is a dummy layer that blocks NLDD or PLDD implants in the logic operations that generate N1V, N2V, P1V, and P2V. Unsilicided OD resistor: {{RH AND {RPO AND OD}} AND RPDMY} Silicided OD resistor: {{{RH AND OD} NOT INTERACT RPO} AND RPDMY} Unsilicided PO resistor: {{RH AND {RPO AND PO}} AND RPDMY} Silicided PO resistor: {{{RH AND PO} NOT INTERACT RPO} AND RPDMY} Rule No. Description Rule only for unsilicided resistor RES.W.1 Width of unsilicided OD/PO resistor. RES.S.1 RH space to Gate in source or drain direction for the unsilicided OD resistor RES.L.1 Length of unsilicided OD/PO resistor Square number (length/width) of unsilicided OD/PO resistor. RES.R.1 (This check doesn’t include the region covered by RHDMY1 (117;4) for non-precision usage) RES.R.2 RPO intersecting {(PO AND RH) AND RPDMY} must form two or more POs RES.R.3 RPO intersecting {(OD AND RH) AND RPDMY} must form two or more ODs Recommended to use rectangle shape resistor for the SPICE simulation accuracy. RES.R.15g DRC can flag {((RH AND OD) AND RPO) AND RPDMY} or {((RH AND PO) AND RPO) AND RPDMY} which is not a rectangle. {RPDMY AND {{OD INTERACT CO} AND RPO}} is recommended being identical to {RH AND {{OD RES.R.16g INTERACT CO} AND RPO}}, except BJTDMY. {RPDMY AND {{PO INTERACT CO} AND RPO}} is recommended being identical to {RH AND {{PO RES.R.17g INTERACT CO} AND RPO}} Rule only for silicided resistor RES.R.18g Recommend: RPDMY intersecting {(OD AND RH) NOT INTERACT RPO} forms two or more ODs. RES.R.19g Recommend: RPDMY intersecting {(PO AND RH) NOT INTERACT RPO} forms two or more POs. RES.R.20g {CO BUTTED ((RPDMY AND RH) NOT INTERACT RPO)} is recommended. Common rule for unsilicided/silicided resistors RES.S.2 RH space to GATE (overlap is not allowed) RES.EN.1 RH enclosure of unsilicided/silicided OD/PO resistor For unsilicided/silicided PO resistor RES.R.4 {RPDMY AND PO} must be fully covered by RH For unsilicided/silicided OD resistor RES.R.5 {RPDMY AND OD} must be fully covered by RH NP OD resistor is not allowed interacting with NW. RES.R.21 DRC will flag {(((OD AND NP) AND RH) AND RPDMY) INTERACT NW} PP OD resistor is only allowed inside NW. RES.R.22 DRC will flag {(((OD AND PP) AND RH) AND RPDMY) NOT INSIDE NW} The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label Op. Rule A C B 0.4 0.16 0.4 1 0.08 0.19 D 131 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 RH D o g - b o n e a t th e e n d o f O D / p o ly r e s is to r fo r c o n ta c t p ic k u p is N O T RPO re c o m m e n d e d !! RPDM Y D O D or PO C PO OD * P + O D /P o ly r e s is to r w ith R P O ( U n s ilic id e d ) RPO PP and R H * P + O D /P o ly r e s is to r w ith o u t R P O ( S ilic id e d ) PP and R H 0 .2 2 D D RPDM Y RPDM Y O D or PO D O D or PO D A W id th 0 .2 2 B L e n g th > = 0 .1 4 U n - r e la te d > = 0 .3 im p la n ta tio n (N P .S .7 ) U n - r e la te d R P O (R P O .S .2 /R P O .S .5 ) * N + O D /P o ly r e s is to r w ith R P O ( U n s ilic id e d ) RPO N P and R H * N + O D /P o ly r e s is to r w ith o u t R P O ( S ilic id e d ) N P and R H 0 .2 2 D D RPDM Y RPDM Y O D or PO O D or PO D D W id th A 0 .2 2 L e n g th B > = 0 .1 4 U n - r e la te d im p la n ta tio n > = 0 .3 (P P .S .7 ) U n - r e la te d R P O (R P O .S .2 /R P O .S .5 ) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 132 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.24 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVMOS_25 Layout Rules The present design rules are dedicated for 5V HVMOS which is fabricated with 2.5V IO Gox. Please be reminded that these rules are only for N45LP/N40LP/N40LP+, and can not be used for N40G and N45/40LPG process. HVD_N Layout Rules for HVMOS_25 HVD_N (91;1) is used to define HVNMOS drain side where sustains high voltage. Label Op. Rule HVD_N25.W.1 Rule No. Width A 0.47 HVD_N25.W.2 Channel width of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} for SPICE accuracy. ≤ 1.110um are non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 1.115um for N40. N 1.00 HVD_N25.S.1 Space B 0.47 HVD_N25.S.2 Space of two HVD_N with different potentials C 1.37 HVD_N25.S.3 Space to NW D 1.6 HVD_N25.S.4 Space to PW STRAP (overlap is not allowed) E 0.3 HVD_N25.S.5 Space to N+ ACTIVE F 0.6 HVD_N25.S.6 Space to DNW (overlap is not allowed) G 3.0 Q0 0.52 R = 1.26 S = 0.22 T 2.00 W 0.54 X 0.60 U 2.00 HVD_N25.S.7 HVD_N25.S.8 HVD_N25.S.9 HVD_N25.S.10 HVD_N25.S.11 HVD_N25.S.12 HVD_N25.EN.1 Description {CO INSIDE PO} space to {OD AND HVD_N} in PO end-cap direction. {CO INSIDE PO} can’t overlap HVD_N. Gate space in drain direction for a multi-finger HVNMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N}} INSIDE HVD_N} in one OD. Gate space in source direction for a multi-finger HVNMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N}} OUTSIDE HVD_N} in one OD. {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} space to {NW OR NT_N}. {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} can’t overlap {NW OR NT_N}. {CO INSIDE drain side OD} space to {HVD GATE OVERLAP OD_25} [INSIDE HVD_N]. 0.54 is non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 0.6 for N40. {PO OR OD} space to {OD INTERACT HVD_N} in PO end-cap direction for high Rs concern {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} enclosure by OD2. {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} must be inside OD2. HVD_N25.EX.1 Extension on N+ ACTIVE (Drain side must be fully inside HVD_N) I 0.24 HVD_N25.O.1 Overlap of {I/O NMOS GATE}. 0.3 is non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 0.33 for N40. J = 0.30 HVD_N25.L.1 Channel length of {GATE INTERACT HVD_N}. 0.8~0.875 are non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 0.88um for N40. M 0.8 HVD_N25.A.1 Area K 0.64 HVD_N25.A.2 Enclosed area L 0.64 HVD_N25.R.1 HVD_N25.R.2 HVD_N25.R.3 HVD_N25.R.4 Overlap of NW is not allowed. HVD_N edge landing on OD without landing on GATE is not allowed. HVD_N must be fully inside OD_25. {(OD NOT PO) INSIDE one HVD_N} must be the same potential For better Idsat uniformity with single finger gate, HVD_N is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. {{OD OR PO} INTERACT HVD_N} overlap of VAR, NT_N, TCDDMY, {OD AND NWDMY}, SRM, ROM, BJTDMY, RH, or POFUSE is not allowed. HVD_N25.R.5® U HVD_N25.R.7 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 133 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_N for HVMOS_25 NW PW D H VD _N E PO I OD2 PO J OD OD I OD M PO I DNW G F B ,C OD F K L A L H VD _N H VD _N OD2 H VD _N A H VD _N H VD _N OD2 PO PO H VD _N Q0 OD U PO PO H VD _N PO HVD_N H VD _N OD U N PO R R N U T T X S S o u rc e D r a in S o u rc e W S D r a in X U X {N W O R N T _ N } OD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. PO 134 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_N PO H V D _ N 2 5 .R .4 OD m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l H V D _ N 2 5 .R .4 m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l OD PO OD PO PO OD HVD_N PO OD H V D _ N 2 5 .E X .1 H V D _ N 2 5 .R .5 ® U Recom m ended Not Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ PO PO N OD N OD HVD_ HVD_ N N PO OD OD Not Recom m ended Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ HVD_ N N N OD PO PO OD PO OD PO OD PO HVD_ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 135 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_P Layout Rules for HVMOS_25 HVD_P (91;2) is used to define HVPMOS drain side where sustains high voltage. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule HVD_P25.W.1 Width A 0.47 HVD_P25.W.2 Channel width of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} for SPICE accuracy. ≤ 1.110um are non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 1.115um for N40. N 1.00 HVD_P25.S.1 Space B 0.47 HVD_P25.S.2 Space of two HVD_P with different potentials C 1.2 HVD_P25.S.4 Space to NW STRAP (overlap is not allowed) E 0.24 HVD_P25.S.5 HVD_P25.S.6 Space to P+ ACTIVE {NW INTERACT HVD_P} space to NW with different potentials. {CO INSIDE PO} space to {OD AND HVD_P} in PO end-cap direction. F G 0.48 2.00 Q0 0.52 Q1 0.05 R = 1.26 S = 0.22 HVD_P25.S.7 HVD_P25.S.8 HVD_P25.S.9 HVD_P25.S.10 {CO INSIDE PO} can’t overlap HVD_P. {CO INSIDE PO} space to HVD_P in S/D direction. {CO INSIDE PO} can’t overlap HVD_P. Gate space in drain direction for a multi-finger HVPMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P}} INSIDE HVD_P} in one OD. Gate space in source direction for a multi-finger HVPMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P}} OUTSIDE HVD_P} in one OD. HVD_P25.S.11 {CO INSIDE drain side OD} space to {HVD GATE OVERLAP OD_25} [INSIDE HVD_P]. 0.54 is non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 0.6 for N40. W 0.54 HVD_P25.S.12 {PO OR OD} space to {OD INTERACT HVD_P} in PO end-cap direction for high Rs concern Extension on P+ ACTIVE (Drian side must be fully inside HVD_P) X 0.60 HVD_P25.EX.1 I 0.24 HVD_P25.EN.1 Enclosure by NW D 0.6 HVD_P25.EN.2 Enclosure by DNW 0.6 {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} enclosure by NW. {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} must be inside NW. {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} enclosure by OD2. {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} must be inside OD2. Overlap of {I/O PMOS GATE} 0.25 is non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 0.28 for N40. T 2.00 U 2.00 J = 0.25 HVD_P25.L.1 Channel length of {GATE INTERACT HVD_P} 0.6~0.655 are non-shrinkable. The exact shrinkable dimension is 0.66um for N40. M 0.6 HVD_P25.A.1 Area K 0.64 HVD_P25.A.2 Enclosed area L 0.64 HVD_P25.R.1 HVD_P25.R.2 HVD_P25.R.3 HVD_P25.R.4 HVD_P must be inside NW HVD_P edge landing on OD without landing on GATE is not allowed. HVD_P must be fully inside OD_25. {(OD NOT PO) INSIDE the same HVD_P} must be the same potential For better Idsat uniformity with single gate, HVD_P is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. HVD_P must be inside DNW Only HV PMOS is allowed in {NW INTERACT HVD_P}. DRC flags: {(Gate INSIDE (NW INTERACT HVD_P)) NOT INTERACT HVD_P}. {{OD OR PO} INTERACT HVD_P} overlap of VAR, NT_N, TCDDMY, {OD AND NWDMY}, {NP INTERACT NWDMY}, SRM, ROM, BJTDMY, RH, or POFUSE is not allowed. HVD_P25.EN.3 HVD_P25.EN.4 HVD_P25.O.1 HVD_P25.R.5® U HVD_P25.R.6 HVD_P25.R.8 HVD_P25.R.9 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 136 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_P for HVMOS_25 NW OD OD2 PO NW T Q 0 H VD_P PO PO PO PO X G Q1 OD OD2 PO U N H VD_P H VD_P H VD_P OD T W U R N U S D r a in X S o u rc e D r a in S o u rc e T H V D _ P 2 5 .R .8 R S U OD2 T PO X PO OD G OD G NW The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. PO 137 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_P PO H V D _ P 2 5 .R .4 OD m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l H V D _ P 2 5 .R .4 m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l OD PO OD PO PO OD HVD_P PO OD H V D _ P 2 5 .E X .1 H V D _ P 2 5 .R .5 ® U Recom m ended Not Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ PO PO P OD P OD HVD_ HVD_ P P PO OD OD Not Recom m ended Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ HVD_ P P P OD PO PO OD PO OD OD PO PO HVD_ P The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 138 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.25 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVMOS_18 Layout Rules The present design rules are dedicated for 5V HVMOS_18, which is fabricated with 1.8V IO Gox. HVMOS_18 is only offered for N40LP. None of N45LP, N40LP+, N40G, and N45/N40LPG processes can use HVMOS_18. HVD_N Layout Rules for HVMOS_18 HVD_N (91;1) is used to define HVNMOS drain side where sustains high voltage. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule HVD_N18.W.1 Width A 0.47 HVD_N18.W.2 Channel width of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} for SPICE accuracy. N 0.67 HVD_N18.S.1 Space B 0.47 HVD_N18.S.2 Space of two HVD_N with different potentials C 1.37 HVD_N18.S.3 Space to NW D 1.6 HVD_N18.S.4 Space to PW STRAP (overlap is not allowed) E 0.3 HVD_N18.S.5 Space to N+ ACTIVE F 0.6 HVD_N18.S.6 G 3.0 Q0 0.52 R = 1.26 S = 0.22 T 2.00 W 0.6 X 0.60 U 2.00 HVD_N18.EX.1 HVD_N18.O.1 HVD_N18.L.1 Space to DNW (overlap is not allowed) {CO INSIDE PO} space to {OD AND HVD_N} in PO end-cap direction. {CO INSIDE PO} can’t overlap HVD_N. Gate space in drain direction for a multi-finger HVNMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N}} INSIDE HVD_N} in one OD. Gate space in source direction for a multi-finger HVNMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N}} OUTSIDE HVD_N} in one OD. {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} space to {NW OR NT_N}. {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} can’t overlap {NW OR NT_N}. {CO INSIDE drain side OD} space to {HVD GATE OVERLAP OD_18} [INSIDE HVD_N]. {PO OR OD} space to {OD INTERACT HVD_N} in PO end-cap direction for high Rs concern {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} enclosure by OD2. {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} must be inside OD2. Extension on N+ ACTIVE (Drain side must be fully inside HVD_N) Overlap of {I/O NMOS GATE}. Channel length of {GATE INTERACT HVD_N}. I J M = 0.24 0.33 0.88 HVD_N18.A.1 Area K 0.64 HVD_N18.A.2 HVD_N18.R.1 HVD_N18.R.2 HVD_N18.R.3 HVD_N18.R.4 Enclosed area Overlap of NW is not allowed. HVD_N edge landing on OD without landing on GATE is not allowed. HVD_N must be fully inside OD_18. {(OD NOT PO) INSIDE one HVD_N} must be the same potential For better Idsat uniformity with single finger gate, HVD_N is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. {{OD OR PO} INTERACT HVD_N} overlap of VAR, NT_N, TCDDMY, {OD AND NWDMY}, SRM, ROM, BJTDMY, RH, or POFUSE is not allowed. L 0.64 HVD_N18.S.7 HVD_N18.S.8 HVD_N18.S.9 HVD_N18.S.10 HVD_N18.S.11 HVD_N18.S.12 HVD_N18.EN.1 HVD_N18.R.5® U HVD_N18.R.7 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 139 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_N for HVMOS_18 NW PW D H VD _N E PO OD2 I PO J OD OD I OD M PO I DNW G F B ,C OD F K L A L H VD _N H VD _N OD2 H VD _N A H VD _N H VD _N OD2 PO PO H VD _N Q0 OD U PO PO H VD _N PO HVD_N H VD _N OD U N PO R R N U T T X S S o u rc e D r a in S o u rc e W S D r a in X U X {N W O R N T _ N } OD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. PO 140 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_N PO H V D _ N 1 8 .R .4 OD m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l H V D _ N 1 8 .R .4 m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l OD PO OD PO PO OD HVD_N PO OD H V D _ N 1 8 .E X .1 H V D _ N 1 8 .R .5 ® U Recom m ended Not Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ PO PO N OD N OD HVD_ HVD_ N OD N PO OD Not Recom m ended Recom m ended HVD_ N OD PO HVD_ HVD_ N N OD OD OD PO PO PO PO HVD_ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 141 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_P Layout Rules for HVMOS_18 HVD_P (91;2) is used to define HVPMOS drain side where sustains high voltage. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule HVD_P18.W.1 Width A 0.47 HVD_P18.W.2 Channel width of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} for SPICE accuracy. N 0.67 HVD_P18.S.1 Space B 0.47 HVD_P18.S.2 Space of two HVD_P with different potentials C 1.2 HVD_P18.S.4 Space to NW STRAP (overlap is not allowed) E 0.24 HVD_P18.S.5 Space to P+ ACTIVE F 0.48 HVD_P18.S.6 G 2.0 Q0 0.52 Q1 0.05 R = 1.82 S = 0.22 W 0.88 X 0.60 HVD_P18.EX.1 {NW INTERACT HVD_P} space to NW with different potentials. {CO INSIDE PO} space to {OD AND HVD_P} in PO end-cap direction. {CO INSIDE PO} can’t overlap HVD_P. {CO INSIDE PO} space to HVD_P in S/D direction. {CO INSIDE PO} can’t overlap HVD_P. Gate space in drain direction for a multi-finger HVPMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P}} INSIDE HVD_P} in one OD. Gate space in source direction for a multi-finger HVPMOS device. DRC checks: {{Space of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P}} OUTSIDE HVD_P} in one OD. {CO INSIDE drain side OD} space to {HVD GATE OVERLAP OD_18} [INSIDE HVD_P]. {PO OR OD} space to {OD INTERACT HVD_P} in PO end-cap direction for high Rs concern Extension on P+ ACTIVE (Drian side must be fully inside HVD_P) I 0.24 HVD_P18.EN.1 Enclosure by NW D 0.6 HVD_P18.EN.2 0.6 T 2.00 U 2.00 HVD_P18.O.1 HVD_P18.L.1 Enclosure by DNW {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} enclosure by NW. {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} must be inside NW. {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} enclosure by OD2. {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} must be inside OD2. Overlap of {I/O PMOS GATE} Channel length of {GATE INTERACT HVD_P} J M = 0.28 0.66 HVD_P18.A.1 Area K 0.64 HVD_P18.A.2 HVD_P18.R.1 HVD_P18.R.2 HVD_P18.R.3 HVD_P18.R.4 Enclosed area HVD_P must be inside NW HVD_P edge landing on OD without landing on GATE is not allowed. HVD_P must be fully inside OD_18. {(OD NOT PO) INSIDE the same HVD_P} must be the same potential For better Idsat uniformity with single gate, HVD_P is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. HVD_P must be inside DNW Only HV PMOS is allowed in {NW INTERACT HVD_P}. DRC flags: {(Gate INSIDE (NW INTERACT HVD_P)) NOT INTERACT HVD_P}. {{OD OR PO} INTERACT HVD_P} overlap of VAR, NT_N, TCDDMY, {OD AND NWDMY}, {NP INTERACT NWDMY}, SRM, ROM, BJTDMY, RH, or POFUSE is not allowed. L 0.64 HVD_P18.S.7 HVD_P18.S.8 HVD_P18.S.9 HVD_P18.S.10 HVD_P18.S.11 HVD_P18.S.12 HVD_P18.EN.3 HVD_P18.EN.4 HVD_P18.R.5® U HVD_P18.R.6 HVD_P18.R.8 HVD_P18.R.9 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 142 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_P for HVMOS_18 PW NW W / N DNW D E H VD _P OD2 PO I PO J OD I OD OD M PO I F B ,C OD F K L L A H VD _P H VD _P H VD _P A H VD _P H VD _P NW OD2 PO T OD Q 0 H VD _P Q1 OD U NW OD2 PO G PO HVD_P N T PO PO PO X HVD_P H VD_P OD W U U R N S D r a in X S o u rc e D r a in S o u rc e T H V D _ P 1 8 .R .8 R S U OD2 T PO X PO OD G OD NW PO G The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 143 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVD_P PO H V D _ P 1 8 .R .4 OD m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l H V D _ P 1 8 .R .4 m u s t b e th e s a m e p o te n tia l OD PO OD PO PO OD HVD_P PO OD H V D _ P 1 8 .E X .1 H V D _ P 1 8 .R .5 ® U Recom m ended Not Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ PO PO P OD P OD HVD_ HVD_ P P PO OD OD Not Recom m ended Recom m ended HVD_ HVD_ HVD_ P P P OD PO PO OD OD OD PO PO PO HVD_ P The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 144 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.26 HVD_GR.R.2U HVD_GR.R.3U : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HVMOS Guard-Ring Rules and Guidelines for HVMOS_25 and HVMOS_18 Rule No. HVD_GR.R.1 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy Description Label Op. Rule A 30 It is not allowed placing HV NMOS and HV PMOS inside the same guard-ring (Either P+ or N+ OD guard-ring) Every HV NMOS must be surrounded by the P+/PW guard-ring as PW strap. The P+ guard-ring must to be connected to Vss. Every HV PMOS must be surrounded by the N+/NW guard-ring as NW strap. The N+ guard-ring must to be connected to Vdd. HVD_GR.R.4U Please put Contact (CO) as many as possible in the P+ and N+ guard-rings. HVD_GR.R.5 Any point inside HV NMOS source/drain {(N+ ACTIVE INTERACT (PO INTERACT HVD_N)) NOT PO} space to the nearest P+/PW guard-ring (PW STRAP) in the same PW. Any point inside HV PMOS source/drain {(P+ ACTIVE INTERACT (PO INTERACT HVD_P)) NOT PO} space to the nearest N+/NW guard-ring (NW STRAP) in the same NW. HVD_GR.R.6 {{HV N/PMOS OR HVMOS guard-ring} INTERACT RPO} is not allowed. HVD_GR.R.7® U Recommend reducing the breach region of M1 on guard-ring if using M1 to connect HV N/PMOS to outside circuits. G u a r d -r in g (O D ) G u a r d -r in g (O D ) A A A A A A A A The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 145 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.27 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MOS Varactor Layout Rules (VAR) N45LP/N40LP N40LP+ N40LPG N45LPG N40G (= N45GS) VAR 1.1V 1.8V 2.5V 1.1V 2.5V 0.9V 1.1V 3.3V 0.9V 1.1V 1.8V 0.9V 1.2V 1.8V 2.5V BB NVAR model PVAR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NVAR RF model PVAR X X X X X X X X X * * * X X X X X X X X X *: Only offer in N40LP NVAR: NMOS in NW PVAR: PMOS in PW VAR: Customer must provide this layer (CAD layer: 143) to generate LDD masks by logic operations, if the MOS varactor is used. Description Rule No. Label Op. Rule VAR.W.1 Channel length of {gate AND VAR} A 0.2 VAR.W.3 Channel length of {(gate AND OD2) AND VAR} A 0.4 VAR.W.4 Channel width of {gate AND VAR} G 0.32 VAR.S.1 Space to ACTIVE Maximum core unit varactor gate area (um2) (varactor gate area = {((OD AND PO) AND VAR) NOT OD2}) [for N40G process and LPG G device] Enclosure of OD (Cut is not allowed) VAR layer must be drawn to fully cover the varactor devices. DRC only checks VAR fully cover gate. Overlap of VTL_N, VTL_P, VTH_N, VTH_P, NT_N, or RPO is not allowed. PP overlap of {(gate AND NW) AND VAR} is not allowed. NP overlap of {(gate AND PW) AND VAR} is not allowed. Overlap to {(PO AND ACTIVE) SIZING 0.16 μm} is not allowed NP must fully cover {(((VAR AND (GATE AND NW)) SIZING 0.19 μm) AND OD) SIZING 0.13 μm } PP must fully cover {(((VAR AND (GATE AND PW)) SIZING 0.19 μm) AND OD) SIZING 0.13 μm } B 0.13 H 25 D 0.16 VAR.A.1 VAR.EN.1 VAR.R.1 VAR.R.2 VAR.R.3 VAR.R.3.1 VAR.R.4 VAR.R.5 VAR.R.5.1 Table note: Due to the intrinsic gate leakage, you need to do SPICE simulation carefully while large area of MOS varactor is designed in the thin oxide area, and it is recommended to design the varactor in the thick oxide area to reduce the leakage (AN.R.20mg). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 146 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N NV VA AR R VAR D VAR NP PO PO X X' NP OD OD G A NW B NW X -X ' c r o s s -s e c tio n PO PO OD 0 .1 6 STI STI NP NP 0 .1 6 M O S NW VAR V A R .R .4 VAR.A.1 H H H The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 147 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 P PV VA AR R VAR D VAR PP PO PO X X' PP OD OD G A PW B PW X -X ' c r o s s -s e c tio n PO PO STI OD 0 .1 6 STI PP PP 0 .1 6 M O S PW VAR V A R .R .4 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 148 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.28 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Contact (CO) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 156) Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule CO.W.1 Width (maximum = minimum) (Except butted CO in SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region only) A = 0.06 CO.S.1 Space (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) B 0.08 CO.S.2 Space to 3-neighboring CO (distance < 0.11 μm) (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) C 0.10 CO.S.2.1 Space [different net] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) B1 0.11 CO.S.3 Space to GATE (Overlap of GATE is not allowed) [space 0.035 μm is allowed inside SRAM word line driver covered by layer 186;5 or 186;4] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) D 0.04 CO.S.3® Recommended space to gate to reduce the short possibility caused by particle. D 0.05 CO.S.4 {CO inside PO} space to OD (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) E 0.05 CO.S.5 {CO inside OD} space to I/O GATE F 0.08 CO.S.6 Space to butted PP/NP edge on OD (overlap of NP/PP boundary on OD is not allowed.) G 0.04 CO.S.7® Maximum effective CO space in Source/Drain of device [channel width1 μm] (This check doesn't include the regions covered by SR_ESD and SDI.) Definition of effective CO: (1) CO projection space to GATE0.22 μm (D2). (2) {COs INSIDE {HVD_N OR HVD_P}} which projection space to GATE 1 μm. Definition of maximum effective CO space (B3): Channel width – effective CO projection length to GATE. Besides, if there is no CO in Source/Drain or no CO connected to Source/Drain by OD, it is allowed. {CO OUTSIDE {HVD_N OR HVD_P}} projection space to PO (without CO shielding) > 0.22 μm or {COs INSIDE {HVD_N OR HVD_P}} projection space to PO (without CO shielding) > 1 μm for HVMOS drain side will be flagged on gate. B3 0.29 CO.EN.0 Enclosure by PO is defined by either {CO.EN.2 and CO.EN.3} or {CO.EN.5 and CO.EN.6}. (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Enclosure by OD is defined by either {CO.EN.1 and CO.EN.1.1}, {CO.EN.1 and CO.EN.1.2}, or {CO.EN.1.3}. CO.EN.0® Recommended enclosure by OD is defined by {CO.EN.1® and CO.EN.1.1® }. CO.EN.1 Enclosure by OD (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) H 0.01 CO.EN.1® Recommended enclosure by OD to avoid high Rc H 0.03 CO.EN.1.1 Enclosure by OD, except {STRAP NOT VAR} [at least two opposite sides] (Except Butted CO in SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region only) H1 0.03 CO.EN.1.1® Recommended enclosure by OD [at least two opposite sides] H1 0.04 CO.EN.1.2 Enclosure by OD for {STRAP NOT VAR} [at least two opposite sides] H3 0.02 CO.EN.1.3 Enclosure by OD [four sides] , except {STRAP NOT VAR} (Except Butted CO in SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region only) L 0.02 CO.EN.2 Enclosure by PO (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) J 0.01 CO.EN.3 Enclosure by PO [at least two opposite sides] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) K 0.02 CO.EN.3® Recommended enclosure by PO [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. K 0.04 CO.EN.5 Enclosure by PO [0.005 um at one side and the opposite side is 0.015 um] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) J1 0.005 / 0.015 CO.EN.6 Enclosure by PO [at least two opposite sides] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) K1 0.03 CO.R.2 Overlap of RPO is not allowed. CO.R.3 45-degree rotated CO is not allowed. CO.R.4 CO must be fully covered by M1 and {(OD OR PO) OR SR_DPO}. CO.S.6g Recommended to put contacts at both source side and butted well pickup side to avoid high Rs. DRC can flag if the STRAP is butted on source, one of STRAP and source is without CO. CO.R.1gU Recommended to put {CO inside PO} space to GATE as close as possible to avoid unexpected resistance variation. CO.R.5g Recommend using redundant CO to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows 1. Recommended to use double CO or more on the resistor connection. 2. Double CO on Poly gate to reduce the probability of high Rc 3. For large transistor, if it is impossible to increase the CO to gate spacing (CO.S.3® ), limit the number of source/drain CO: have the number of CO necessary for the current, and then spread them uniformly all over the Source/Drain area. 4. DRC can flag single CO. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 149 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 CO D, F G C o n ta c t o n N P /P P b o u n d ry P+ N o n - s a lic id e C o n ta c t c o n ta c t o n P o ly PRO B 4 5 O C o n ta c t A N+ E P+ P+ G PO K K J H J H1 L H1 L K1 K L K1 K J A J J 1 = 0 .0 1 5 [o r 0 .0 0 5 ] A A B 0 .0 0 5 = J 1 [o r 0 .0 1 5 ] C C C B C B B B C C B 2 - n e ig h b o r in g C O C C 2 - n e ig h b o r in g C O 2 - n e ig h b o r in g C O s C C A A A C C C C C C 3 - n e ig h b o r in g C O C 3 X 3 C O a rra y C 4 - n e ig h b o r in g C O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 150 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 B B 1 B B 1 C O s p a c e to n e ig h b o r in g C O in th e s a m e n e t o r in th e d iffe r e n t n e t CO.S.7® S S S S G B3 D P a r tia l-C O U n ifo r m -C O 0.29 B3 S G D D F u lly -C O S G G G G D P a r tia l-C O D P a r tia l-C O G D D P a r tia l-C O > 0.29 11 D2 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 0.29 1 > 0.29 0.29 OD 0.29 > 0.29 O PO O X X OD OD PO PO DRC won’t flag it. DRC will flag it. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 151 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.29 Rule No. M1.W.1 M1.W.2 M1.W.3 M1.S.1 M1.S.1® M1.S.1.1 M1.S.2 M1.S.2.1 M1.S.2.2 M1.S.2.3 M1.S.3 M1.S.5 M1.S.6 M1.S.8 M1.S.8.1 M1.S.8.2 M1.S.9 M1.EN.0 M1.EN.0® M1.EN.1 M1.EN.1® M1.EN.2 M1.EN.2® M1.EN.3 M1.EN.3.1 M1.EN.3.2 M1.EN.4 M1.EN.5 M1.EN.5® M1.A.1 M1.A.1® M1.A.2 M1.A.3 M1.DN.0 M1.DN.1 M1.DN.1.1 M1.DN.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metal-1 (M1) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 360) Description Width Width of 45-degree bent M1. (Please make sure the vertex of 45-degree pattern is on 0.005 μm grid (refer to the guideline, G.6gU, in section 3.7)) Maximum width (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Space Recommended space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle Space [any one of Mx connects to > 3.3V and 5V net] Space [at least one metal line width > 0.17 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.27 μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.24 μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 0.27 μm (L2)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.31 μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 0.4 μm (L3)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.62 μm (W4) and the parallel metal run length > 0.62 μm (L4)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 1.5 μm (W5) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 μm (L5)] (union projection) Space at M1 line-end (W < 0.09 μm, Q = 0.07 μm) in a dense-line-end configuration: If M1 has parallel run length with opposite M1 (measured with T = 0.025 μm extension) along two adjacent edges of M1 [any one edge < Q distance from the corner of the two edges], then one of the spaces (S1 or S2) needs to be at least this value (This check doesn't include small jog with edge length < 0.07 um(R)) (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Space to 45-degree bent M1 Space to VIA1 [different net, either VIA1 or M1 connects to 1.8V ~ 3.3V net] Space to VIA1 [different net, either VIA1 or M1 connects to 1.5V and < 1.8V net] Space to VIA1 [different net, either VIA1 or M1 connects to > 3.3V and 5V net] This rule is to check the Metal (A) space with the neighboring VIA1 [either VIA1 or M1 connects to > 3.3V and 5V net]. The DRC methodology to find Metal (A) is as follows: Find an edge (B) of the metal line-end [edge length 0.12um] Run length (C) from edge (B) inside metal 0.13um Jog length (D) 0.01um within 0.13um run length Extend 0.06um outside from edge (B) to form a polygon metal (A) Metal (A) is defined if conditions 1~4 are all satisfied. Enclosure of CO is defined by either {M1.EN.1 and M1.EN.2} or M1.EN.3 or {M1.EN.3.1 and M1.EN.3.2}. Recommended enclosure of CO is defined by either M1.EN.1® or M1.EN.2® . Enclosure of CO (Except Butted CO in SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) and CSRDMY (166;0) regions) Recommended enclosure of CO to avoid high Rc Enclosure of CO [at least two opposite sides] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) and CSRDMY (166;0) regions) Recommended enclosure of CO [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. Enclosure of CO [four sides] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) and CSRDMY (166;0) regions) Enclosure of CO (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) and CSRDMY (166;0) regions) Enclosure of CO [at least two opposite sides] (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) and CSRDMY (166;0) regions) Enclosure of CO [M1 width > 0.7 μm] (except CSRDMY (166;0) region) Enclosure of CO [metal width 0.11μm, space < 0.08 μm and parallel run length > 0.27 μm] (This check doesn't include two or more COs present in the metal intersection) Recommended Enclosure of CO [metal width 0.11μm, space < 0.08μm] to avoid high Rc (This check doesn't include two or more COs present in the metal intersection) Area (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Recommended area to avoid high Rc (except DMx_O) Area [with all of edge length < 0.17 μm]. (This check doesn't include the patterns filling 0.07 μm x 0.17 μm rectangular tile) (Except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Enclosed area For the following M1.DN.1, M1.DN.1.1, M1.DN.4, and DM1.R.1, please refer to the "Dummy Metal Rules" section in Chapter 8 for the details. Minimum metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm Maximum metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL [window 200 μm x 200 μm, stepping 200 μm] Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~40% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and of high gradient) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label A Op. Rule 0.07 B 0.17 C 4.50 D D 0.07 0.09 0.09 E 0.08 E1 0.12 E2 0.14 F 0.21 G 0.50 S1/S2 0.08 H 0.17 0.1 0.08 0.18 S 0.15 I I J J K K1 K2 L 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.005 0.025 0.03 M 0.015 M 0.015 O O 0.0215 0.0351 O 0.055 Q1 0.2 10% 85% 50% 152 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. M1.DN.6 M1.DN.6® DM1.R.1 M1.R.1U M1.R.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Metal density 1%must be followed for items (A) to (C). (A) Metal density [window 80 μm x 80 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1% (B) Maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 6400um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. (C) Maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 18000um2. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 40um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). Recommend metal density 1% for IP level. Items (A) to (C) are recommended. (A) For IP level, recommend metal density [window 40 μm x 40 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -40um)} region when the width of IP is 40um. (B) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 1600um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. (C) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 4500um2. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 20um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). DM1 is a must. The DM1 CAD layer must be different from the M1 CAD layer. M1 line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. Each Metal(pin) layer can only interact with one related Metal(drawn) layer. Label Op. Rule Table Notes: Although tsmc provides 5V metal and Via related rules, tsmc does not offer any 5V device for FEOL, except HVMOS (only drain side can be applied to 5V). To improve the metal CMP process window, you must fill the DM1 globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn M1 has already met the density rules (M1.DN.1 and M1.DN.1.1). For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DM1EXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. During IP/macro design, it is important to put certain density margin to avoid the possibility of high density violations (M1.DN.1, M1.DN.1.1) during placement. It may have unexpected violation during the IP/macro placement due to the environment, even if the IP/macro already pass the high density rule check. Therefore, you need to carefully design the dimension of the width/space for wide metal (eg, power/ground bus), under the proper high density limit. M1.DN.6®: For IP level, recommend metal density ≥ 1% to reduce M1.DN.6 DRC violation in chip level. M1.S.1.1, M1.S.8, M1.S.8.1, M1.S.8.2, and M1.S.9. o Make sure to add correct marker layers to let DRC check the high voltage rules correctly. Data-types 200 to 218 of each metal layer are reserved for the nets of voltage ranging from 0V to 1.8V in 0.1V step. Data-types 219, 220, and 221 are assigned for I/O voltage 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5V, respectively. The net voltage is defined by the corresponding marker layers. The net voltage cannot be recognized by incorrect marker layers. That means, if a marker layer (33;218) is on M3, then this net will be recognized as an 1.8V net, but it cannot be recognized if a marker layer (32;218) is on M3. Higher voltage marker layers have higher priority, e.g. the M3 net will be recognized as an 1.8V net if there are two marker layers as (33;215) and (33;218) on it. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 153 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 o The DRC methodology for the high voltage check: Marker layers have higher priority than MOS connection. The M3 net will be recognized as an 1.8V net if there is (33;218), even if this net does not connect to a MOS inside OD2. The M3 net will be recognized as a low-voltage net ( 1.2V) if there is a marker layer of (33;200~212), even if this net connects to a MOS inside OD2. The M3 net will be recognized as an 1.8V net if there is (33;218) and this net connects to a MOS inside OD2 and a core MOS simultaneously. M1.S.1.1, M1.S.8, M1.S.8.1, M1.S.8.2, and M1.S.9 will be checked for the nets with voltage > 1.2V defined by marker layers. Nets with voltage 1.2V will be excluded. If a net without any marker layers, M1.S.1.1, M1.S.8, M1.S.8.1, M1.S.8.2, and M1.S.9 will be checked when the net connects only to a MOS inside OD2. If a net connects to an IO MOS & a core MOS simultaneously, o If the DRC option of Mx_S_8_IO_NET is off (default), it will be recognized as low voltage and will not check M1.S.1.1, M1.S.8, M1.S.8.1, M1.S.8.2, and M1.S.9. o If the DRC option of Mx_S_8_IO_NET is on (not default), it will be recognized as a high voltage net and will check M1.S.1.1, M1.S.8, M1.S.8.1, M1.S.8.2, and M1.S.9. The following summary tables list the high/low voltage net recognition results for the different combinations of high voltage marker layers and the DRC option: Mx net connection if Mx_S_8_IO_NET is OFF Core MOS IO MOS Metal high voltage markers (Data-types 213~221) Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N N Mx net connection if Mx_S_8_IO_NET is ON Core MOS IO MOS Metal high voltage markers (Data-types 213~221) Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N N Voltage net recognition High voltage Low voltage Voltage net recognition High voltage Low voltage The net without any marker layers will be recognized as a VSS net if there is PW STRAP connected, even if the PW STRAP is inside OD2. But PW STRAP inside DNW (RW STRAP) will be excluded. {PW NOT RW} w/o marker Core IO VSS RW w/o marker Low voltage High voltage The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 154 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 o For the IP design: DRC uses the connections of IO MOS devices in OD2 to identify high voltage nets if these nets do not have the high voltage marker layers. If your high voltage net is not connected to an IO MOS, you have to mark the proper marker layer manually. o For the P&R stage: (1) During P&R, you have to follow the high voltage metal space rules for the high voltage nets. (2) After P&R, you have to manually define the specific marker layers for the high voltage nets before GDS stream out. (3) You have to use the highest-voltage marker layer for the net with a range of voltages. M3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 8 ) M3 1 .5 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .5 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 .1 M 3 1 .5 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 5 ) M3 1 .0 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .0 V N et N ot C heck M 2 .S .8 o r M 2 .S .8 .1 M 3 1 .0 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 0 ) # T h e N e t v o lta g e is d e fin e d b y c o r r e s p o n d in g m a r k e r la y e r s M 3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M 2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 8 ) M 3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M 2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .5 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 5 ) # H ig h v o lta g e m a r k e r la y e r h a s h ig h e r p r io r ity M3 ?V N et V IA 2 M2 ?V N et N ot C heck M 2 .S .8 o r M 2 .S .8 .1 M 2 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 2 ;2 1 8 ) # O n ly r e la tiv e m a r k e r la y e r c a n b e u s e d to d e fin e th e N e t v o lta g e The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 155 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc M3 1 .8 V N et Confidential – Do Not Copy V IA 2 M2 1 .8 V Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 8 ) M3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 2 1 .0 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 2 ;2 1 0 ) M3 1 .0 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .0 V N et N ot C heck M 2 .S .8 o r M 2 .S .8 .1 # M a r k e r la y e r c o u ld b e u s e d d e fin e th e v o lta g e fo r s e v e r a l N e ts . The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 156 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 D A E /E 1 /E 2 /F /G M 1 M 1 H N A /C D > L 1 ,L 2 ,L 3 ,L 4 ,L 5 B B H H > W 1 ,W 2 ,W 3 ,W 4 ,W 5 D M 1 .E N .1 / M 1 .E N .2 / M 1 .E N .3 / M 1 .E N .4 I I I I J J I J M 1 K, L K ,L J M 1 K ,L J J M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 .S .5 S1 S1 S1 D S1 S1 D R < Q S2 T S2 S2 S2 R e g io n 1 o r 2 c a n n o t h a v e o th e r M 1 p a tte r n s a t T th e s a m e tim e . O n e o f th e m w ith o th e r M 1 p a tte r n s is a llo w e d . S1 T R e g io n 1 Q = 0 .0 7 R e g io n 2 W < 0 .0 9 T T T M 1 .E N .5 S2 Q = 0 .0 7 S1 W < 0 .0 9 S2 M 1 .A .1 / M 1 .A .2 / M 1 .A .3 M 1 .R .1 > 0 .2 7 Q1 M Q1 O O > = 0 .1 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 < 0 .0 8 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 157 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 M 1 .E N .5 M1.S.9 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 158 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.30 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 VIAx Layout Rules (Mask ID: 378, 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. VIAx.W.1 VIAx.S.1 VIAx.S.1.1 VIAx.S.2 VIAx.S.3 VIAx.S.3.1 VIAx.EN.0 VIAx.EN.0® VIAx.EN.1 VIAx.EN.1® VIAx.EN.2 VIAx.EN.2® VIAx.EN.3.1 VIAx.EN.4 VIAx.EN.4.1 VIAx.R.1 VIAx.R.2 VIAx.R.3 VIAx.R.4 VIAx.R.5 VIAx.R.6 VIAx.R.7 VIAx.R.8® VIAx.R.11 VIAx.R.12 VIAx.R.13 VIAx.R.13.1 VIAx.R.13.2 DVIAx.R.3 VIAx.R.9gU Description Label Width (maximum = minimum) (Except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) and {VIAx bar INSIDE {LOWMEDN NOT A (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)}} region) Space B Space [any one of VIAx connects to > 3.3V and 5V different net] Space to 3-neighboring VIAx (distance < 0.098 μm) C Space to neighboring VIAx [different net] B1 Space to neighboring VIAx [different net and common parallel run length > 0 μm] B2 Enclosure by Mx or M1 is defined by either {VIAx.EN.1 and VIAx.EN.2} or {VIAx.EN.4 and VIAx.EN.4.1} Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 is defined by either VIAx.EN.1® or VIAx.EN.2® . Enclosure by Mx or M1 D Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 to avoid high Rc. D Enclosure by Mx or M1 [at least two opposite sides] E Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. E VIA1 Enclosure by M1 [metal width 0.11 μm, space < 0.08 μm and parallel run length > 0.27 μm] (This F check doesn't include two or more via1 present in the metal intersection) Enclosure by Mx or M1 D Enclosure by Mx or M1 [at least two opposite sides] E 45-degree rotated VIAx is not allowed. At least two VIAx with space 0.14 μm (S1), or at least four VIAx with space 0.63 μm (S1’) are required to connect Mx and Mx+1 when one of these two metals has width and length > 0.21 μm (W1). (Except VIA bar region and VIA1.R.2 except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) At least four VIAx with space 0.14 μm (S2), or at least nine VIAx with space 0.83 μm (S2’) are required to connect Mx and Mx+1 when one of these two metals has width and length > 0.55 μm (W2). (Except VIA bar region) At least two VIAx must be used for a connection that distance 1.14 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 0.21 μm (L) and width > 0.21 μm (W). (Except VIA bar region and VIA1.R.4 except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) At least two VIAx must be used for a connection that distance 2.8 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 1.4 μm (L) and width > 1.4 μm (W). (Except VIA bar region) At least two VIAx must be used for a connection that distance 7.1 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 7 μm (L) and width > 2.1 μm (W). (Except VIA bar region) VIAx must be fully covered by Mx and Mx+1. Recommended maximum consecutive stacked VIAx layer, which has only one via for each VIAx layer to avoid high Rc. (Except {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 um)}) (Example: VIA1~VIA4, VIA2~VIA5, VIA3~VIA6, VIA4~VIA7. This rule does not apply to top via. It is allowed to stack from VIA4 to VIA9 because VIA8 and VIA9 are top via. It is allowed to stack more than four VIAx layers if two or more vias in each VIAx layer are on the same metal.) Single VIAx is not allowed in “H-shape" Mx+1 when all of the following conditions come into existence: (1) The Mx+1 has “H-shape" interact with two metal holes: both two metal hole length 5 μm (L2) and two metal hole area 5 μm2 (2) The VIAx overlaps on the center metal bar of this “H-shape” Mx+1 (3) The center metal bar length 1 μm (L) and the metal bar width 0.21 μm. VIAx connected to DMx, DMx_O, DMx+1, DMx+1_O is not allowed. Maximum area ratio of M1/Mx to upper VIAx in the same net [connects to gate with area > 19200um2, and does not connect to OD]. This rule is checked by the ANTENNA DRC command file. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [NOT INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAx in the same net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAx in the same net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) Op. Rule = 0.07 0.07 0.2 0.09 0.095 0.11 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.015 0.01 0.02 4 350000 300000 2000000 This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. DVIAx is a must for Flip Chip. To comply tsmc dummy utility, DRC will flag as violation when the area ratio of (DVIAx to DMx) & (DVIAx to DMx+1) are < 1% at the same time. Recommend using redundant vias to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows. (Except {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 um)}) Please refer to section “Via Layout Recommendations” The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 159 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Notes: Although tsmc provides 5V metal and Via related rules, tsmc does not offer any 5V device for FEOL, except HVMOS (only drain side can be applied to 5V). E D A A A B B B B B B 2 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia 2 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia 2 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia A A C C E C A C 3 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia M 2~7 B C C 3 X 3 V ia a r r a y A D C M 1 E C E A E B C C C C C E B E E C A E C C C 4 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia E D C D M x /M x + 1 V IA x .E N .3 .1 M 1 B V IA 1 > 0 .2 7 B1 F B B2 > = 0 .1 1 M x /M x + 1 V ia s p a c e to n e ig h b o r in g v ia in th e < 0 .0 8 s a m e n e t o r in th e d iffe r e n t n e t From the EM spec, at least two vias are needed. It is strongly suggested to use two vias in each VIAx layer for stacked via structures. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 160 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAx.R.8® M 10 M 10 M 10 M 10 M 10 M 10 M 10 V9 V9 V9 V9 V9 V9 V9 M 9 M 9 M 9 M 9 M 9 M 9 M 9 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 V8 M 8 M 8 M 8 M 8 M 8 M 8 M 8 V7 V7 V7 M 7 M 7 M 7 V6 V6 M 6 M 6 M 6 V5 V5 V5 M 5 M 5 M 5 V4 V4 V4 M 4 M 4 M 4 V3 V3 V3 M 3 M 3 M 3 V2 V2 V2 M 2 M 2 M 2 M 1 V1 V1 M 1 M 1 S ta c k > 4 V IA x is n o t re c o m m e n d e d V7 V7 M 7 V6 V6 M 6 V5 V4 V3 V2 M 2 V1 M 7 V6 M 5 M 3 V2 V7 M 7 M 6 M 4 V3 V7 M 7 V5 M 5 V4 V7 V1 M 1 V6 M 6 M 6 V5 V5 M 5 M 5 V4 V4 V4 M 4 M 4 M 4 V3 V3 M 3 M 3 V2 V2 M 2 M 2 M 2 M 1 M 1 M 3 V1 M 1 > = 2 v ia s in e a c h V IA x la y e r o n th e s a m e m e ta l is re c o m m e n d e d . S ta c k < = 4 V IA x is re c o m m e n d e d . The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 161 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAx.R.2, VIAx.R.3 Rules <= W 1 F ig . a n e t w ith F ig . b n e t w ith < 4 V ia s > = 4 V ia s <= W 1 * a ls o th e c a s e w ith exchanged M x / M x+ 1 F ig . f3 <=S1 F ig . f1 <=S1' <=S1 F ig . f2 F ig . e 2 W 1 S1 <= S1 > = 4 V ia s F ig . e 1 M x+1 F ig . f4 M x > S1 <= W 1 a llo w e d > S 1 ' a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d V ia s Fig. c net with < 9 Vias Fig. d net with >= 9 Vias Fig. e3 W1 <=S2' <=S2 Follow VIAx.R.4,5,6 >=9 Vias W2 Follow VIAx.R.7 >S2' allowed Rule VIAx.R.2 0.21 μm < W1 0.55 μm Fig. a < 4 vias S1 = 0.14 μm Fig. b 4 vias S1’ = 0.63 μm Rule VIAx.R.3 W2 μm > 0.55 μm Fig. c < 9 vias S2 = 0.14 μm Fig. d 9 vias S2’ = 0.83 μm Fig. a. At least two vias with spacing S1 μm inside the same overlapped metal region (Mx AND Mx+1). Fig. b. At least four vias with spacing S1’ μm. Fig. c. At least four vias with spacing S2 μm inside the same overlapped metal region (Mx AND Mx+1). Fig. d. At least nine vias with spacing S2’ μm. Fig. e1 A single via is allowed inside metal of width W1 μm. However, it is a violation if the via is located on the boundary between metal segments of width W1 μm and width > W1 μm as shown in fig f1. Fig. e2 A via or vias located on W1 (W2) metal but near > W1 (W2) metal can be counted in for the rule. Fig. e3 A via or vias located on W1 (W2) metal but near > W1 (W2) metal can be counted in for the rule. Fig. e3 Indicates the rules that the areas within the vias should follow. Layout violation examples: Fig. f2.Two vias with spacing > S1 μm. Fig. f3.Two vias with spacing S1 μm but belonging to different nets. Fig. f4.Two vias with spacing S1 μm on the same net but not inside the same overlapped metal region (Mx AND Mx+1). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 162 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAx.R.4/VIAx.R.5/VIAx.R.6 Rules Rule No Wide Metal Metal connection W L D VIAx.R.4 VIAx.R.5 VIAx.R.6 Mx or Mx+1 Mx or Mx+1 Mx or Mx+1 Mx+1 or Mx Mx+1 or Mx Mx+1 or Mx > 0.21 μm > 1.4 μm > 2.1 μm > 0.21 μm > 1.4 μm > 7 μm > 1.14 μm > 2.8 μm > 7.1 μm (a) ~ (f) is ok but (g) ~ (j) is not allowed (a ) (e ) (b ) (c ) (f) (d ) M e ta l C o n n e c tio n D < = 0 .1 4 < = 0 .1 4 W < = 0 .1 4 W id e M e ta l L (h ) (i) M e ta l C o n n c e tio n (g ) (j) D W W id e M e ta l L The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 163 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 164 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.31 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mx Layout Rules (Mask ID: 380, 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. Mx.W.1 Mx.W.2 Mx.W.3 Mx.S.1 Mx.S.1® Mx.S.1.1 Mx.S.2 Mx.S.2.1 Mx.S.2.2 Mx.S.2.3 Mx.S.3 Mx.S.5 Mx.S.5.1 Mx.S.6 Mx.S.8 Mx.S.8.1 Mx.S.8.2 Mx.S.9 Mx.EN.0 Mx.EN.0® Mx.EN.1 Mx.EN.1® Mx.EN.2 Mx.EN.2® Mx.EN.3 Mx.EN.3.1 Mx.A.1 Description Width Width of 45-degree bent Mx. (Please make sure the vertex of 45-degree pattern is on 0.005 μm grid (refer to the guideline, G.6gU, in section 3.7)) Maximum width (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Space Recommended space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle Space [any one of Mx connects to > 3.3V and 5V net] Space [at least one metal line width > 0.17 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.27 μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.24 μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 0.27 μm (L2)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.31 μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 0.4 μm (L3)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.62 μm (W4) and the parallel metal run length > 0.62 μm (L4)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 1.5 μm (W5) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 μm (L5)] (union projection) Space at Mx line-end (W < 0.10 μm (Q)) in a dense-line-end configuration: If Mx has parallel run length with opposite Mx (measured with T = 0.035 μm extension) along two adjacent edges of Mx [any one edge <Q distance from the corner of the two edges], then one of the spaces (S1 or S2) needs to be at least this value (This check doesn't include small jog with edge length < 0.07 μm(R)) (M2.S.5 except SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Space at Mx line-end (W < 0.10 μm (Q)) in a dense-line-end configuration: If Mx has parallel run length with opposite Mx (measured with T = 0.035 μm extension) along two adjacent edges of Mx [any one edge < Q distance from the corner of the two edges], and Mx enclose Vx-1 < 0.05 μm at the line-end, then one of the spaces (S1 or S2) needs to be at least this value. This check doesn't include the following areas: (1) Small jog with edge length < 0.07 μm (R). (2) Two or more VIAx (at least one VIA does not violate this rule , i.e. either one of the two line-end vias follows the rule, and DRC will treat the other one does not violate this rule) present in the metal intersection. (3) The following conditions can pass the check flow. (i) S1/S2 0.12 μm and Mx enclosure Vx-1 0.03 μm (ii) S1/S2 < 0.12 μm and Mx enclosure Vx-1 0.05 μm (iii) Sum of S1 and Mx enclosure of Vx-1 0.15 μm with five combinations (S1/Mx enclosure Vx-1): (a) space 0.120 μm / enclosure 0.030 μm, (b) space 0.115 μm / enclosure 0.035 μm, 0.040 μm, (c) space 0.110 μm / enclosure (d) space 0.105 μm / enclosure 0.045 μm, (e) space 0.100 μm / enclosure 0.050 μm. Space to 45-degree bent Mx Space to {VIAx-1 OR VIAx} [different net, any one of VIAx-1, VIAx or Mx connects to 1.8V ~ 3.3V net] Space to {VIAx-1 OR VIAx} [different net, any one of VIAx-1, VIAx or Mx connects to 1.5V and < 1.8V net] Space to {VIAx-1 OR VIAx} [different net, any one of VIAx-1, VIAx or Mx connects to > 3.3V and 5V net] This rule is to check the Metal (A) space with the neighboring VIAx [either VIAx or Mx connects to > 3.3V and 5V net]. The DRC methodology to find Metal (A): Find an edge (B) of the metal line-end [edge length 0.12um] Run length (C) from edge (B) inside metal 0.13um Jog length (D) 0.01um within 0.13um run length Extend 0.06um outside from edge (B) to form a polygon metal (A) Metal (A) is defined if conditions 1~4 are all satisfied. Enclosure of VIAx-1 is defined by either {Mx.EN.1 and Mx.EN.2} or {Mx.EN.3 and Mx.EN.3.1} Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 is defined by either Mx.EN.1® or Mx.EN.2® . Enclosure of VIAx-1 Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 to avoid high Rc. Enclosure of VIAx-1 [at least two opposite sides] (except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) regions) Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. Enclosure of VIAx-1 (except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) regions) Enclosure of VIAx-1 [at least two opposite sides] (except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) regions) Area (except M2 (M2.A.1) in SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label A Op. Rule 0.07 B 0.17 C 4.50 D D 0.07 0.09 0.09 E 0.1 E1 0.12 E2 0.15 F 0.21 G 0.50 S1/S2 0.10 S1/S2 0.12 H 0.17 0.1 0.08 0.18 S 0.15 I I J J I J O 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.027 165 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. Mx.A.1® Mx.A.2 Mx.A.3 Mx.DN.0 Mx.DN.1 Mx.DN.1.1 Mx.DN.4 Mx.DN.5 Mx.DN.6 Mx.DN.6® Mx.DN.7 Mx.DN.7® Mx.DN.8® DMx.R.1 DMx.R.4® U Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Recommended area to avoid high Rc (except DMx_O) Area [with all of edge length < 0.17 μm] (This check doesn't include the patterns filling 0.07 μm x 0.17 μm rectangular tile) (except M2 (M2.A.2) in SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) region) Enclosed area For the following Mx.DN.1, Mx.DN.1.1, Mx.DN.4, and DMx.R.1, please refer to the "Dummy Metal Rules" in Chapter 8 for the details. Minimum metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm Maximum metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL [window 200 μm x 200 μm, stepping 200 μm]. Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~40% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and of high gradient.) It is not allowed to have local density > 85% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1, and Mx+2) over any window 62.5 μm x 62.5 μm (stepping 31.25 μm), i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density 85%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The check does not include chip corner stress relief pattern, SEALRING_ALL (162;2) and top two metals at the CUP area. Metal density 1% must be followed for items (A) to (C). (A) Metal density [window 80 μm x 80 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. (B) Maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 6400um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. (C) Maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 18000um2. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 40um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). Recommend metal density 1% for IP level. Items (A) to (C) are recommended. (A) For IP level, recommend metal density [window 40 μm x 40 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -40um)} region when the width of IP is 40um. (B) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 1600um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. (C) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 4500um2. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 20um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). It is not allowed to have local density < 5% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1 and Mx+2) over any 30um x 30um (stepping 15um), i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density ≥ 5%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 3.These rules are applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 15 μm. It is not recommended to have local density < 5% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1 and Mx+2) over any 15um x 15um (stepping 15um) for IP level, i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density ≥ 5%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 3.These rules are applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is ≥ 7.5μm and for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -15um)} region when the width of IP is 15um. Total Mx island (for all Mx layers) density < 6.5E+04 ea/mm2 in whole chip The definition of counts of small Mx island: 1. Mx width == 0.07um 2. Mx length 0.52um 3. Mx has two segments with space == 0.07um with the parallel run length (0.209 parallel run length < 0.52) DMx is a must. The DMx CAD layer must be different from the Mx CAD layer. It is important to insert the DMx & DVIAx uniformly to avoid white space. You should use tsmc standard backend utility to insert the backend dummy pattern. The usage of DMxEXCL needs to be minimized. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label O Op. Rule 0.0351 O 0.06 Q1 0.2 10% 85% 50% 166 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. Mx.R.1U Mx.R.2gU Mx.R.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Mx line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. For the small space, recommended to enlarge the metal space, by using Wire Spreading function of EDA tool, to reduce the wire capacitance and the possibility of metal short. Please refer to section 9.1.1 and TSMC Reference Flow. Each Metal(pin) layer can only interact with one related Metal(drawn) layer. Label Op. Rule Table Notes: Although tsmc provides 5V metal and Via related rules, tsmc does not offer any 5V device for FEOL, except HVMOS (only drain side can be applied to 5V). To improve the metal CMP process window, you must fill the DMx globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn Mx has already met the density rules (Mx.DN.1 and Mx.DN.1.1). For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DMxEXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. During IP/macro design, it is important to put certain density margin to avoid the possibility of high density violations (Mx.DN.1, Mx.DN.1.1, Mx.DN.5) during placement. It may have unexpected violation during the IP/macro placement due to the environment, even if the IP/macro already pass the high density rule check. Therefore, you need to carefully design the dimension of the width/space for wide metal (eg, power/ground bus), under the proper high density limit. Mx.DN.6®: For IP level, recommend metal density ≥ 1% to reduce Mx.DN.6 DRC violation in chip level. Mx.DN.7 Layout suggestion: increase the density of all 3 consecutive Mx layers (1 st priority), or increase the density of the uppermost layer (2nd priority) instead of modifying only the density of the bottom layer to pass the rule check. Ex: M4.DN.7 represent the low M4/M5/M6 density violation: the 1st choice is to increase the Mx density of M4/M5/M6 at violation window, or increase the M6 density at violation window. Mx.DN.7® : For IP level, it is not recommended to have local density < 5% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1 and Mx+2) over any 15 μm x 15 μm (stepping 15 μm) to reduce Mx.DN.7 DRC violation in chip level. Mx.S.1.1, Mx.S.8, Mx.S.8.1, Mx.S.8.2, and Mx.S.9. o Make sure to add correct marker layers to let DRC check the high voltage rules correctly. Data-types 200 to 218 of each metal layer are reserved for the nets of voltage ranging from 0V to 1.8V in 0.1V step. Data-types 219, 220, and 221 are assigned for I/O voltage 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5V, respectively. The net voltage is defined by the corresponding marker layers. The net voltage cannot be recognized by incorrect marker layers. That means, if a marker layer (33;218) is on M3, then this net will be recognized as an 1.8V net, but it cannot be recognized if a marker layer (32;218) is on M3. Higher voltage marker layers have higher priority, e.g. the M3 net will be recognized as an 1.8V net if there are two marker layers as (33;215) and (33;218) on it. o The DRC methodology for the high voltage check: Marker layers have higher priority than MOS connection. The M3 net will be recognized as an 1.8V net if there is (33;218), even if this net does not connect to a MOS inside OD2. The M3 net will be recognized as a low-voltage net ( 1.2V) if there is a marker layer of (33;200~212), even if this net connects to a MOS inside OD2. The M3 net will be recognized as an 1.8V net if there is (33;218) and this net connects to a MOS inside OD2 and a core MOS simultaneously. Mx.S.1.1, Mx.S.8, Mx.S.8.1, Mx.S.8.2, and Mx.S.9 will be checked for the nets with voltage > 1.2V defined by marker layers. Nets with voltage 1.2V will be excluded. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 167 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 If a net without any marker layers, Mx.S.1.1, Mx.S.8, Mx.S.8.1, Mx.S.8.2, and Mx.S.9 will be checked when the net connects only to a MOS inside OD2. If a net connects to an IO MOS & a core MOS simultaneously, o If the DRC option of Mx_S_8_IO_NET is off (default), it will be recognized as low voltage and will not check Mx.S.1.1, Mx.S.8, Mx.S.8.1, Mx.S.8.2, and Mx.S.9. o If the DRC option of Mx_S_8_IO_NET is on (not default), it will be recognized as a high voltage net and will check Mx.S.1.1, Mx.S.8, Mx.S.8.1, Mx.S.8.2, and Mx.S.9. The following summary tables list the high/low voltage net recognition results for the different combinations of high voltage marker layers and the DRC option: Mx net connection if Mx_S_8_IO_NET is OFF Core MOS IO MOS Metal high voltage markers (Data-types 213~221) Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N N Mx net connection if Mx_S_8_IO_NET is ON Core MOS IO MOS Metal high voltage markers (Data-types 213~221) Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N N Voltage net recognition High voltage Low voltage Voltage net recognition High voltage Low voltage The net without any marker layers will be recognized as a VSS net if there is PW STRAP connected, even if the PW STRAP is inside OD2. But PW STRAP inside DNW (RW STRAP) will be excluded. {PW NOT RW} w/o marker Core IO VSS RW w/o marker Low voltage High voltage o For the IP design: DRC uses the connections of IO MOS devices in OD2 to identify high voltage nets if these nets do not have the high voltage marker layers. If your high voltage net is not connected to an IO MOS, you have to mark the proper marker layer manually. o For the P&R stage: (1) During P&R, you have to follow the high voltage metal space rules for the high voltage nets. (2) After P&R, you have to manually define the specific marker layers for the high voltage nets before GDS stream out. (3) You have to use the highest-voltage marker layer for the net with a range of voltages. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 168 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc M3 1 .8 V N et Confidential – Do Not Copy V IA 2 M2 1 .8 V Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 8 ) M3 1 .5 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .5 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 .1 M 3 1 .5 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 5 ) M3 1 .0 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .0 V N et N ot C heck M 2 .S .8 o r M 2 .S .8 .1 M 3 1 .0 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 0 ) # T h e N e t v o lta g e is d e fin e d b y c o r r e s p o n d in g m a r k e r la y e r s M 3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M 2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 8 ) M 3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M 2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .5 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 5 ) # H ig h v o lta g e m a r k e r la y e r h a s h ig h e r p r io r ity M 3 ?V N et V IA 2 M 2 ?V N et N ot C heck M 2 .S .8 o r M 2 .S .8 .1 M 2 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 2 ;2 1 8 ) # O n ly r e la tiv e m a r k e r la y e r c a n b e u s e d to d e fin e th e N e t v o lta g e M3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 3 1 .8 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 3 ;2 1 8 ) M3 1 .8 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .8 V N et C h e c k M 2 .S .8 M 2 1 .0 V M a r k e r L a y e r (3 2 ;2 1 0 ) M3 1 .0 V N et V IA 2 M2 1 .0 V N et N ot C heck M 2 .S .8 o r M 2 .S .8 .1 # M a r k e r la y e r c o u ld b e u s e d d e fin e th e v o lta g e fo r s e v e r a l N e ts . The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 169 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 D A E /E 1 /E 2 /F /G M x M x H N A /C D > L 1 ,L 2 ,L 3 ,L 4 ,L 5 B B H H > W 1 ,W 2 ,W 3 ,W 4 ,W 5 D M x .E N .1 / M x .E N .2 I I I I J J M x I J J J M x J M x M x M x .S .5 S1 S1 S1 D S1 D S1 R < Q S2 S2 S2 M x .S .5 .1 T S2 R e g io n 1 o r 2 c a n n o t h a v e o th e r M x p a tte r n s a t T th e s a m e tim e . O n e o f th e m w ith o th e r M x M x e n c l o su r e S1 S2 o f V x -1 p a tte r n s is a llo w e d . S1 T 0 .1 2 0 0 .0 7 0 .0 3 0 0 .1 1 5 0 .0 7 0 .0 3 5 0 .1 1 0 0 .0 7 0 .0 4 0 0 .1 0 5 0 .0 7 0 .0 4 5 0 .1 0 0 0 .0 7 0 .0 5 0 R e g io n 1 Q = 0 .1 R e g io n 2 W < 0 .1 T T Q = 0 .1 S1 W < 0 .1 S2 M x .A .1 / M x .A .2 / M x .A .3 0 .1 T S2 M x .R .1 0 .1 2 Q1 0 .0 5 0 .0 7 0 .0 3 Q1 0 .0 7 O O M x M x M x The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 170 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 An example for condition 2 of Mx.S.5.1: (2) two or more viax (at least one via does not violate this rule , i.e. either one of the two line-end vias follows the rule, and DRC will treat the other one does not violate this rule). Mx.S.9 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 171 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.32 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 LOWMEDN Layout Rules This layer, LOWMEDN (255;15), is used for inductor, LOGO, and so on. Rule No. LOWMEDN.W.1 LOWMEDN.W.2 LOWMEDN.S.1 LOWMEDN.S.2 LOWMEDN.R.1 LOWMEDN.R.2 LOWMEDN.R.3 LOWMEDN.R.4 LOWMEDN.R.5 LOWMEDN.R.6 LOWMEDN.R.7U LOWMEDN.R.8® U VIAx.W.6 VIAx.S.7 VIAx.S.8 VIAx.EN.8 Mx.EN.4 Description Label Width of {(M1, DM1, DM1_O) AND LOWMEDN} A1 Width of {Mx, DMx, DMx_O AND LOWMEDN} A2 Space of {M1, DM1, DM1_O AND LOWMEDN} B1 Space of {Mx, DMx, DMx_O AND LOWMEDN} B2 Protection ring must be inside {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -1 µm)}. The protection ring must include all Mx/all VIAx/…/V1/M1 layers. There must be continuous VIAx bar as a ring within {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)}. (except {LOWMEDN INTERACT INDDMY}) VIAx bar is allowed in {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)}. A 0.005 um checking tolerance is allowed for 45-degree protection ring for VIAx.EN.8/ Mx.EN.4. For {LOWMEDN INTERACT INDDMY}, there must be either only one breach (C-shape ring) of metal/Via with via space ≤ 4um or VIAx bar must be continuous within {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)}. Remark: Inductor simulation comparison between with and without protection ring is important. Especially to account for its impact on the performance and the possibility of resonance. For C-shape ring, at least 2 protection rings are must in {LOWMEDN INTERACT INDDMY}. At least 2 VIAx bar in {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)} for the protection ring with the breach. Metal/Via breach must be on the opposite sides for double protection rings Recommend dummy metal is not inserted between protection rings or in the breach of protection ring. Please use DMxEXCL to aviod dummy metal insertion. Width of VIAx bar in protection ring [INSIDE LOWMEDN] Checking tolerance for 45-degree protection ring: C 0.005um [Width = 0.070um] 0.010um [Width = 0.075um] Space of VIAx bar in LOWMEDN to VIAx hole D Space of VIAx bar in LOWMEDN E VIAx bar enclosure by M1/Mx in LOWMEDN F Enclosure of VIAx-1 bar in LOWMEDN G Op. Rule 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 = 0.070 or 0.075 0.365 0.74 0.21 0.21 L O W M E D N .R .1 LOW M EDN I f t h e L O W M E D N is b u t t e d , D R C c a n n o t a v o id it t o f la g t h is la y o u t. B u t th is la y o u t is a llo w e d f o r p r o c e s s . The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 172 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 LOWMEDN LOWMEDN A1/A2 A1/A2 USG B1/B2 G ELK F M8 V7 M7 V6 M6 V5 M5 V4 M4 V3 M3 V2 M2 V1 M1 D=0.07 via bar C F LOWMEDN D VIAx { L O W M E D N in te r a c t IN D D M Y } V IA b a r b re a c h b re a c h E The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 173 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.33 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 VIAy Layout Rules (Mask ID: 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. VIAy.W.1 VIAy.S.1 VIAy.S.2 VIAy.EN.1 VIAy.EN.1® VIAy.EN.2 VIAy.EN.2® VIAy.R.1 VIAy.R.2 VIAy.R.3 VIAy.R.4 VIAy.R.5 VIAy.R.6 VIAy.R.7 VIAy.R.11 VIAy.R.13 VIAy.R.13.1 VIAy.R.13.2 U VIAy.R.9g VIAy.R.10 Description Width (maximum = minimum), except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region Space Space to 3-neighboring VIAy (distance < 0.175 μm) Enclosure by Mx or My Recommended enclosure by Mx or My to avoid high Rc. Enclosure by Mx or My [at least two opposite sides] Recommended enclosure by Mx or My [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. 45-degree rotated VIAy is not allowed. At least two VIAy with space 0.29 μm (S1), or at least four VIAy with space 0.57 μm (S1’) are required to connect My and My+1 when one of these two metals has width and length > 0.42 μm (W1). (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) At least four VIAy with space 0.29 μm (S2), or at least nine VIAy with space 0.77 μm (S2’) are required to connect My and My+1 when one of these two metals has width and length > 1.14 μm (W2). (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) At least two VIAy must be used for a connection that distance 1.4 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 0.7 μm (L) and width > 0.7 μm (W).(This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) At least two VIAy must be used for a connection that distance 2.8 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 2 μm (L) and width > 2 μm (W). (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) At least two VIAy must be used for a connection that distance 7.1 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 10 μm (L) and width > 3 μm (W). (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) VIAy must be fully covered by {Mx AND My+1} or {My AND My+1}. Single VIAy is not allowed in “H-shape" My+1 when all of the following conditions come into existence: (1) The My+1 has “H-shape" interact with two metal holes: both two metal hole length 5um (L2) and two metal hole area 5um2 (2) The VIAy overlaps on the center metal bar of this “H-shape” My+1 (3) The center metal bar length 1μm (L) and the metal bar width 0.42um. Maximum area ratio of Mx/My to upper VIAy in the same net [connects to gate with area > 19200um 2, and does not connect to OD]. This rule is checked by the ANTENNA DRC command file. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [NOT INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAy in the same net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAy in the same net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) Label A B C D D E E Op. = Rule 0.14 0.14 0.16 0 0.045 0.045 0.075 350000 300000 2000000 This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. Recommend using redundant vias to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows. Please refer to section “Via Layout Recommendations” VIAy connected to DMx, DMy is not allowed. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 174 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy E D : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 A A B B B 2 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia B 2 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia A E A A B M y B B C C 2 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia D 3 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia A M x E E A E A E B C C B C E C E D C D C 4 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia 3 X 3 V ia a r r a y C C C C C C C C C C From the EM spec, at least two vias are needed. It is strongly suggested to use two vias in each VIAx layer for stacked via structures. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 175 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAy.R.2, VIAy.R.3 Rules <= W 1 F ig . a n e t w ith F ig . b n e t w ith < 4 V ia s > = 4 V ia s <= W 1 * a ls o th e c a s e w ith exchanged M x / M x+ 1 F ig . f3 <=S1 F ig . f1 <=S1' <=S1 F ig . f2 F ig . e 2 W 1 S1 F ig . e 1 M x+1 F ig . f4 M x <= W 1 <= S1 > = 4 V ia s > S1 a llo w e d > S 1 ' a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d V ia s Fig. c net with < 9 Vias Fig. d net with >= 9 Vias Fig. e3 W1 <=S2' <=S2 W2 Follow VIAx.R.4,5,6 >=9 Vias Follow VIAx.R.7 >S2' allowed Rule VIAy.R.2 0.42 μm < W1 1.14 μm Rule VIAy.R.3 W2 μm > 1.14 μm Fig. a Fig. b Fig. c Fig. d < 4 vias <9 vias 4 vias 9 vias S1 = 0.29μm S1’ = 0.57μm S2 = 0.29μm S2’ = 0.77μm Fig. a. At least two vias with spacing S1 μm inside the same overlapped metal region (My AND My+1). Fig. b. At least four vias with spacing S1’ μm. Fig. c. At least four vias with spacing S2 μm inside the same overlapped metal region (My AND My+1). Fig. d. At least nine vias with spacing S2’ μm. Fig. e1 A single via is allowed inside metal of width W1 μm. However, it is a violation if the via is located on the boundary between metal segments of width W1 μm and width > W1 μm as shown in fig f1. Fig. e2 A via or vias located on W1 (W2) metal but near > W1 (W2) metal can be counted in for the rule. Fig. e3 A via or vias located on W1 (W2) metal but near > W1 (W2) metal can be counted in for the rule. Fig. e3 Indicates the rules that the areas within the vias should follow. Layout violation examples: Fig. f2.Two vias with spacing > S1 μm. Fig. f3.Two vias with spacing S1 μm but belonging to different nets. Fig. f4.Two vias with spacing S1 μm on the same net but not inside the same overlapped metal region (My AND My+1). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 176 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAy.R.4/VIAy.R.5/VIAy.R.6 Rules Rule No Wide Metal Metal connection W L D VIAy.R.4 VIAy.R.5 VIAy.R.6 My or My+1 My or My+1 My or My+1 My+1 or My My+1 or My My+1 or My > 0.7 μm > 2 μm > 3 μm > 0.7 μm > 2 μm > 10 μm > 1.4 μm > 2.8 μm > 7.1 μm (a) ~ (f) is ok but (g) ~ (j) is not allowed (a ) (e ) (b ) (c ) (f) (d ) M e ta l C o n n e c tio n D < = 0 .2 9 < = 0 .2 9 W < = 0 .2 9 W id e M e ta l L (h ) (i) M e t a l C o n( g n c e tio n ) (j) D W W id e M e ta l L The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 177 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 178 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.34 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 My Layout Rules (Mask ID: Second Inter-layer Metal (385, 386, 387, 388) and Top Metal (381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A)) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. My.W.1 My.W.2 My.W.3 My.S.1 My.S.2 My.S.3 My.S.4 My.S.5 My.EN.0 My.EN.0® My.EN.1 My.EN.1® My.EN.2 My.EN.2® My.A.1 My.A.2 My.DN.0 My.DN.1 My.DN.1.a My.DN.1.1 My.DN.4 DMy.R.1 My.R.1U My.R.2gU My.R.3 Description Label Width A Width of 45-degree bent My. (Please make sure the vertex of 45-degree pattern is on 0.005 μm grid (refer to B the guideline, G.6gU, in section 3.7)) Maximum width C Space D Space [at least one metal line width > 0.21 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.52 μm (L1)] (union E2 projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 1.5 μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 μm (L2)] (union F projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 4.5 μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 4.5 μm (L3)] (union F projection) Space to 45-degree bent My H Enclosure of VIAy-1 is defined by {My.EN.1 and My.EN.2} Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 is defined by either My.EN.1® or My.EN.2® . Enclosure of VIAy-1 I Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 to avoid high Rc. I Enclosure of VIAy-1 [at least two opposite sides] J Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. J Area K Enclosed area L For the following My.DN.1, My.DN.1.a, My.DN.1.1, My.DN.4, and DMy.R.1, please refer to the "Dummy Metal Rules" in Chapter 8 for the details. Minimum Metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm. when My as inter-metal. (Except INDDMY_MD) The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring - LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD This rule is only applied when the width of (checking window NOT excluded region) is ≥ 1/4 checking window width (31.25um). Minimum Metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm when My as top metal. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring - LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD This rule is only applied when the width of (checking window NOT excluded region) is ≥ 1/4 checking window width (31.25um). Maximum Metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL [window 200 μm x 200 μm, stepping 200 μm] Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~40% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and of high gradient). DMy is a must. The DMy CAD layer must be different from the My CAD layer. My line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. For the small space, recommended to enlarge the metal space, by using Wire Spreading function of EDA tool, to reduce the wire capacitance. Please refer to section 9.1.1 and TSMC Reference Flow. Each Metal(pin) layer can only interact with one related Metal(drawn) layer. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.14 0.40 12 0.14 0.19 0.50 1.50 0.40 0 0.045 0.045 0.075 0.07 0.2 10% 20% 85% 50% 179 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Notes: To improve the metal CMP process window, you must fill the DMy globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn My has already met the density rules (My.DN.1 and My.DN.1.1). For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DMxEXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. During IP/macro design, it is important to put certain density margin to avoid the possibility of high-density violations (My.DN.1, My.DN.1.1) during placement. It may have unexpected violation during the IP/macro placement due to the environment, even if the IP/macro already pass the high density rule check. Therefore, you need to carefully design the dimension of the width/space for wide metal (eg, power/ground bus), under the proper high-density limit. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 180 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy A /C : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 M y D M y > L 1 ,L 2 ,L 3 ,L 4 L L K E /E 1 /F /G > W 1 ,W 2 ,W 3 ,W 4 M y M y M y I I J J M y M y .R .1 I I I J J >=J M y >=J M y M y D A B H H H B D Illustration of My.EN.1® B e tte r 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 4 5 B e tte r 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 4 5 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 181 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.35 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top VIAz Layout Rules (Mask ID: 379, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule VIAz.W.1 VIAz.S.1 Width (maximum = minimum), except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region Space A B = 0.36 0.34 VIAz.S.2 Space to 3-neighboring VIAz (distance < 0.56 μm) Enclosure by Mx or My or Mz (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Enclosure by Mx or My or Mz [at least two opposite sides] 45-degree rotated VIAz is not allowed. C 0.54 D 0.02 E 0.08 350000 300000 2000000 VIAz.EN.1 VIAz.EN.2 VIAz.R.1 VIAz.R.2 At least two VIAz with spacing 1.7 μm are required to connect Mz and Mz+1 when one of these metals has a width and length > 1.8 μm. (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) At least two VIAz must be used for a connection that distance 5 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mz or Mz+1) with length > 10 μm (L) and width > 3 μm (W). (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) VIAz.R.4 VIAz must be fully covered by Mz and Mz+1. Recommend using redundant vias to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows.. Please VIAz.R.5gU refer to section “Via Layout Recommendations” VIAz.R.6 VIAz connected to DMx, DMy, DMz, DMu is not allowed. Maximum area ratio of Mx/My/Mz to upper VIAz in the same net [connects to gate with area > 19200um2, and does not connect to OD]. VIAz.R.13 This rule is checked by the ANTENNA DRC command file. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [NOT INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAz in the same VIAz.R.13.1 net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAz in the same net VIAz.R.13.2 (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. VIAz.R.3 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 182 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy V IA 8 ,9 A E A A M 9 ,1 0 B B : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 B C B D 2 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia C 2 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia 3 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia V IA 8 ,9 C A E A A C C C C C B M 9 ,1 0 C D C 3 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia C C C C C V IA 8 ,9 C D E A C 3 X 3 V ia a r r a y A V IA 8 C E B E C M8 V IA 8 E C D 4 - n e ig h b o r in g V ia The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 183 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAz.R.2 Rule < = 1 .8 < = 1 .8 F ig . a n e t w ith * a ls o th e c a s e w ith < 4 V ia s e x c h a n g e d M 9 / M 1 0 , M 8 /M 9 F ig . f3 < = 1 .7 F ig . f1 < = 1 .7 F ig . f2 F ig . e 2 1 .7 < = 1 .7 1 .8 F ig . e 1 M 10 F ig . f4 M 9 < = 1 .8 > 1 .7 a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d V ia s Fig. a At least two vias with spacing 1.7 μm inside the same overlapped metal region (M8 AND M9) or (M9 AND M10). Fig. e1 A single via is allowed inside metal of width 1.8 μm. However, it is a violation if the via is located on the boundary between a metal segment of width 1.8 μm and a segment of width > 1.8 μm as in Fig. f1. Fig. e2 A via or vias that are located on 1.8 metal but near >1.8 metal can be counted in for the rule. Violated layout examples: Fig. f2 Two vias with spacing > 1.7 μm. Fig. f3 Two vias with spacing 1.7 μm but belonging to different nets. Fig. f4 Two vias with spacing 1.7 μm on the same net but not inside the same overlapped metal region (M8 AND M9) or (M9 AND M10). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 184 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAz.R.3 Rule (a) ~ (f) is ok but (g) ~ (j) is not allowed (a ) (c ) (d ) M 10 or M 9 D = (f) (e ) (b ) 5 < = 1 .7 < = 1 .7 W > 3 < = 1 .7 M 9 or M 10 L > 10 (h ) M 10 or M 9 (i) (g ) (j) D = 5 W > 3 M 9 or M 10 L > 10 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 185 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.36 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top Mz Layout Rules (Mask ID: 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. Mz.W.1 Mz.W.2 Mz.W.3® Mz.S.1 Mz.S.2 Mz.S.3 Mz.EN.1 Mz.EN.2 Mz.A.1 Mz.A.2 Mz.DN.0 Mz.DN.1 Mz.DN.1.1 Mz.DN.4 DMz.R.1 Mz.R.1U Mz.R.2 Table Notes: Description Width Maximum width [except bond pad and INDDMY_MD] (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layers of LMARK, {INDDMY SIZING 22 μm}, CB, and {UBM INTERACT CBD}.) Recommended Mz width [Mz on (((Mz-1 OR DMz 5 μm x 5 μm) SIZING 1 μm)] for CMP dishing concern. Space Space [at least one metal line width > 1.5 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 μm (L1)] Space [at least one metal line width > 4.5 μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 4.5 μm (L2)] Enclosure of VIAz-1 (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Enclosure of VIAz-1 [at least two opposite sides] Area Enclosed area For the following Mz.DN.1, Mz.DN.4, and DMz.R.1, please refer to the "Dummy Metal Rules" in Chapter 8 for the details. Minimum Mz density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring - LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD This rule is only applied when the width of (checking window NOT excluded region) is ≥ 1/4 checking window width (31.25um). Maximum Mz density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm. (This check doesn’t include bond pad and INDDMY_MD.) The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL [window 200 μm x 200 μm, stepping 200μm] Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~40% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and of high gradient). DMz is a must. The DMz CAD layer must be different from the Mz CAD layer. Mz line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. Each Metal(pin) layer can only interact with one related Metal(drawn) layer. Label A Op. Rule 0.4 B 12 J 0.42 C 0.4 D 0.50 E 1.50 F 0.02 G H I 0.08 0.565 0.565 20% 85% 50% For RF/Mixed-signal applications, some metal rules are different from Logic rules. Please refer to RF/Mixedsignal design rules for details. To improve the metal CMP process window, you must fill the DMz globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn Mn has already met the density rules (Mz.DN.1 and Mz.DN.1.1). For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DMxEXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. During IP/macro design, it is important to put certain density margin to avoid the possibility of high density violations (Mz.DN.1, Mz.DN.1.1) during placement. It may have unexpected violation during the IP/macro placement due to the environment, even if the IP/macro already pass the high density rule check. Therefore, you need to carefully design the dimension of the width/space for wide metal (eg, power/ground bus), under the proper high density limit. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 186 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 M z A /B M z C > L 1 ,L 2 D /E I H > W 1 ,W 2 Illu s tr a tio n o f M z .W .3 R I M 10 <=1 um M z M z M z F >=5 um F G M z .R .1 M 9 M 9 J G G M z >=5 um M z M 10 J M 9 J The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. A /B 187 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.37 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top VIAr Layout Rules (Mask ID: 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. VIAr.W.1 VIAr.S.1 VIAr.S.2 VIAr.S.2.1 VIAr.EN.1 VIAr.EN.2 VIAr.R.1 VIAr.R.2 VIAr.R.3 VIAr.R.4 VIAr.R.5gU VIAr.R.6 VIAr.R.13 VIAr.R.13.1 VIAr.R.13.2 Description Label Op. Width (square)(maximum = minimum), except SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region A = Space B C Space to 3-neighboring VIAr (distance 0.66 μm) Rule 0.46 0.44 C1 0.54 D 0.02 E 0.08 350000 300000 2000000 Space of 2*2 array on same net Enclosure by Mx or Mr (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Enclosure by Mx or Mr [at least two opposite sides] 45-degree rotated VIAr is not allowed. At least two VIAr with spacing 1.7 μm are required to connect Mr and Mr+1 when one of these metals has a width and length > 1.8 μm. (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) At least two VIAr must be used for a connection that distance 5 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mr or Mr+1) with length > 10 μm (L) and width > 3 μm (W). (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) VIAr must be fully covered by Mx and Mr. Recommend using redundant vias wherever layout allows. VIAr connected to DMx, DMr is not allowed. Maximum area ratio of Mx/Mr to upper VIAr in the same net [connects to gate with area > 19200um 2, and does not connect to OD]. This rule is checked by the ANTENNA DRC command file. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [NOT INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAr in the same net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. Maximum area ratio of IO gate [INSIDE NW] to single layer VIAr in the same net (Except the protection OD area 0.25 µm2) This rule is checked by the DRC command files in ANTENNA_DRC directory. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 0.66 188 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 E V IA r A B M r B B B D 2 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia A A E V IA r , B C C /C 1 C /C 1 A C B M r 3 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia 3 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia D A C V IA r ,9 C C D E C C A V IA r C 4 -n e ig h b o r in g V ia 3 X 3 V ia a r r a y C B E C C C M x or M r V IA r C C E C D C C E C Illustration of VIAr.R.2, Rule < = 1 .8 < = 1 .8 F ig . a n e t w ith * a ls o th e c a s e w ith < 4 V ia s e x c h a n g e d M 8 /M 9 , M 7 /M 8 F ig . f3 < = 1 .7 F ig . f1 < = 1 .7 F ig . f2 F ig . e 2 1 .7 < = 1 .7 1 .8 F ig . e 1 M 9 F ig . f4 M 8 < = 1 .8 > 1 .7 a llo w e d N o t a llo w e d V ia s Fig. a At least two vias with spacing 1.7 μm inside the same overlapped metal region (M7 AND M8) or (M8 AND M9). Fig. e1 A single via is allowed inside metal of width 1.8 μm. However, it is a violation if the via is located on the boundary between a metal segment of width 1.8 μm and a segment of width > 1.8 μm as in Fig. f1. Fig. e2 A via or vias that are located on 1.8 metal but near >1.8 metal can be counted in for the rule. Violated layout examples: Fig. f2 Two vias with spacing > 1.7 μm. Fig. f3/f4 Two vias with spacing 1.7 μm on the same net but not inside the same overlapped metal region (M7 AND M8) or (M8 AND M9). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 189 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Illustration of VIAr.R.3 Rule (a) ~ (f) is ok but (g) ~ (j) is not allowed (a ) (c ) (d ) M 9 or M 8 D = (f) (e ) (b ) 5 < = 1 .7 < = 1 .7 W > 3 < = 1 .7 M 8 or M 9 L > 10 (h ) M 8 or M 9 (i ) (g (j ) ) D = 5 W > 3 M 8 or M 9 L > 10 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 190 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.38 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top Mr Layout Rules (Mask ID: 386, 387, 388, 389, 38A) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule Mr.W.1 Width A 0.50 Mr.W.2 Maximum width [except bond pad and INDDMY_MD] B 12 J 0.55 C 0.50 D 0.65 E 1.50 F 0.02 Mr.EN.2 Recommended Mr width [Mr on (((Mr-1 OR DMr-1) with space 5 μm x 5 μm) SIZING 1 μm)] Space Space [at least one metal line width > 1.5 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 μm (L1)] Space [at least one metal line width > 4.5 μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 4.5 μm (L2)] Enclosure of VIAr-1 (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Enclosure of VIAr-1 [at least two opposite sides] G 0.08 Mr.A.1 Area H 1.0 Mr.A.2 Enclosed area For the following Mr.DN.1, Mr.DN.4, and DMr.R.1, please refer to the "Dummy Metal Rules" in Chapter 8 for the details. Minimum Mr density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring - LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD This rule is only applied when the width of (checking window NOT excluded region) is ≥ 1/4 checking window width (31.25um). Maximum Mr density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm. (This check doesn’t include bond pad and INDDMY_MD.) The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMrEXCL [window 200 μm x 200 μm, stepping 200 μm] Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~40% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and of high gradient). Mr line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. Each Metal(pin) layer can only interact with one related Metal(drawn) layer. DMr is a must. The DMr CAD layer must be different from the Mr CAD layer. I 1.0 20% 85% 50% Mr.W.3® Mr.S.1 Mr.S.2 Mr.S.3 Mr.EN.1 Mr.DN.0 Mr.DN.1 Mr.DN.1.1 Mr.DN.4 Mr.R.1U Mr.R.2 DMr.R.1 Table Notes: To improve the metal CMP process window, you must fill the DMr globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn Mr has already met the density rules (Mr.DN.1 and Mr.DN.1.1). For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DMrEXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. During IP/macro design, it is important to put certain density margin to avoid the possibility of high density violations (Mr.DN.1, Mr.DN.1.1) during placement. It may have unexpected violation during the IP/macro placement due to the environment, even if the IP/macro already pass the high density rule check. Therefore, you need to carefully design the dimension of the width/space for wide metal (eg, power/ground bus), under the proper high-density limit. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 191 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy A C M r .R .1 M r M r /B : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 D /E > L 1 ,L 2 I H M r I M r > W 1 ,W 2 M r G <=1um C1 F J G F M9 G M r M8 M8 >=5um M r F ig . a >=5um F ig . b 5um M9 M9 J A /B J The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 192 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.39 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 RV Layout Rules (Mask ID: 306) CB-VD mask (306) is generated by the logical operation of CB (CAD layer: 76) and RV (CAD layer: 85). It is a must to consider sufficient RV counts to provide enough current for EM and ESD protection.It is recommended to put as many RV holes as possible. Rule No. RV.W.1 RV.S.1 RV.EN.1 RV.R.1 RV.R.2 Description Label Op. Rule A = 3 or 2 B 2 C 0.5 B RV RV Width (maximum = minimum) (Except SEALRING_ALL (162;2)) (It is allowed to have both via dimensions in the same chip.) RV 2μm x 2μm is only allowed in polyimide process. DRC flags RV 2μm x 2μm without PM layer in chip level, except SEALRING_ALL (162;2). Space Enclosure by top metal A 45-degree rotated RV is not allowed (Except {(INDDMY OR INDDMY_MD) SIZING 22um}) RV.W.1, RV.S.1, and RV.EN.1 allow 0.01 μm tolerance on 45-degree rotated RV in (INDDMY OR INDDMY_MD). RV C E CB/CB2 C RV Mtop C A C C RV C B Mtop C C B RV C A C RV C C A Mtop Mtop The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 193 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.40 Rule No. AP.W.1 AP.W.2 AP.W.5 AP.S.1 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Al Redistributional Layer (AP RDL) Layout Rules (Mask ID: 309) Description Label Op. Rule Width (as interconnect) Maximum width by {{AP/AP-MD SIZING 0.995um} SIZING -0.995um} (as interconnect) {NOT INSIDE UBM, CB or CB2} AP hole width for 28KÅ AP, except < 100 inner 90-degrees vertex of AP holes [width < 3um] within window 100μm x 100μm, stepping 50μm. Space (Except following conditions in the same polygon: 1. {{AP AND {AP_PAD SIZING 2 um}} NOT AP_PAD} [INTERACT AP_PAD] 2. Jog length ≤ 1 um 3. AP hole [Width < 2 μm]) A 2 A1 35 H 3 B 2 B1 2.5 C AP.EN.1 Definition of AP_PAD: Width of AP [INTERACT {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC}] > 35 um Space of metal pad, or space of metal pad to metal line [different nets] The definition of metal pad: The width of {AP INTERACT CB2_WB} > 35um. Enclosure of RV 0.5 AP.DN.1 Minimum AP density across full chip 10% AP.DN.1.1 Maximum AP density across full chip 70% AP.W.2® U Recommended total width of BUS line [Connect with bump pad] AP.W.1, AP.S.1 allow 0.01 μm tolerance on 45-degree bent AP in (INDDMY OR INDDMY_MD). AP.EN.1 allows 0.01 μm tolerance on 45-degree rotated RV in (INDDMY OR INDDMY_MD). 16 AP.S.1.1 AP.R.1 A’ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 194 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 AP-MD CB/CB2 C C RV A, A1, A’ AP-MD C B C Mtop CB/CB2 AP -MD C C RV A, A1, A’ C Waive condition 1: Surround PAD X X 2 um (AP.S.1) Waive condition 2: Jog length <= 1um <2 um Jog length ≤ 1 um Jog length ≤ 1 um <2 um Waive condition 3: AP hole < 2um <2 um AP Hole The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 195 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.41 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Via Layout Recommendations For better yield and reliability, use of a commercial auto router is recommended to add redundant vias wherever the layout allows. Please refer to the most updated “T-N45-CL-DR-001-X4, TSMC 45NM CMOS LOGIC DFM REDUNDANT VIA UTILITY”. You can also download the document from TSMC Online (Design Portal—Reference Flow) for the reference of redundant via insertion with an auto router. In the DFM redundant VIA utility, the following layers are excluded to modify redundant vias: 1. DFMEXCL (153;20) is the blockage layer for all DFM layout enhancements. A user can draw this layer to exclude areas in which an automatic enhancer is not wanted, that is redundant-vias will not enter this layer. 2. COEXCL(153;0)/VIAxEXCL(153;x), x=1-9, are the blockage layers for via related layout enhancement. A user can draw these layers to exclude vias which do not want to have a redundant-via. Take VIA1EXCL as an example, redundant VIA1 will not enter VIA1EXCL region. 3. In addition, this utility does not enhance layout in the following areas: CB(76), SEALRING(162), CSRDMY(166), LOGO(158), LMARK(109), INDDMY(144), and RMDMY(116;x) x=1-10. In the area of SRAMDMY(186;0), only VIA1/VIA2 are not enhanced The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 196 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.42 Confidential – Do Not Copy MOM is a fringe Metal-Oxide-Metal capacitor. It is based on the capacitance between parallel metal lines separated by the inter-level dielectric. The device does not require any additional mask. Although any kind of metal combination, M1/Mx/My/Mz/Mr/Mu/AP, is allowed to build a MOM element in terms of process, TSMC only provides a specific MOM SPICE model and the associated PDK cell named RTMOM (Rotated Metal Oxide Metal) which is covered by MOMDMY (CAD layer: 155;0) and FMOM (Finger Metal Oxide Metal) which is covered by MOMDMY (CAD layer: 155;100). M1 Mx My/Mz/Mr/Mu/AP X X X TSMC MOM structure SPICE PDK Process X O O X O O X O X O: available X: not available O O X O O O *Mu is the ultra thick metal for the interconnection and inductor in the MS/RF process. Please refer to section 2.5 for the thicknesses. MOMDMY_n (n=1~10/AP) is a dummy layer for DRC/LVS to recognize the MOM region. Layer name MOMDMY_1 MOMDMY_2 MOMDMY_3 MOMDMY_4 MOMDMY_5 MOMDMY_6 MOMDMY_7 MOMDMY_8 MOMDMY_9 MOMDMY_10 MOMDMY_AP : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MOM Layout Rules Non-TSMC MOM structure SPICE PDK Process Document No. Version CAD layer 155;1 155;2 155;3 155;4 155;5 155;6 155;7 155;8 155;9 155;10 155;20 Description Non-TSMC MOM structure TSMC MOM structure M1 MOM region M2 MOM region M3 MOM region M4 MOM region M5 MOM region M6 MOM region M7 MOM region M8 MOM region M9 MOM region M10 MOM region AP MOM region O O O O O O O O O O O O O for Mx O for Mx O for Mx O for Mx O for Mx O for Mx O for Mx In order to have a good DRC check, you need to draw the MOMDMY_n carefully. The following examples are for your reference. M O M DM Y_n (G o o d ) M O M DM Y_n (O K ) M O M DM Y_n ( N o t a llo w e d ) M O M DM Y_n ( N o t a llo w e d ) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 197 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 You need to pay attention to meet the metal local density rule above/under the MOM element. Therefore, if you want to design a RF MOM circuit with a large area, it is recommended to connect several smaller MOM elements. And each element should be surrounded with dummy metals. The Multi-X Couple layout is recommended for large pair capacitor design to improve the matching performance (see the section of MOM (Metal Oxide Metal) PDK Capacitor Guidelines). Use symmetrical dummy metals around the matched pairs instead of automatically generated dummy metals. Carefully design wire access to capacitor terminals, and consider access to external metal lines to ensure an optimal symmetry of the device environment. Rule No. MOM.S.2 MOM.A.1** MOM.DN.1® MOM.R.1 MOM.R.2 MOM.R.6 Description Label Op. Rule Space of metal (M1/Mx) line-end in MOMDMY_n Maximum sidewall area of total metals in MOM without Via. For the definition of the sidewall area of total metals, please refer to the following figure Recommend metal density inside {MOMDMY_n SIZING 10um}. (For M1/Mx layers) VIA in MOMDMY is not allowed. Each MOM cell must be covered by MOMDMY_n (n = 155;0~10/20/21/100). DRC only flags no MOMDMY_n (n = 155;0~10/20/21/100) in the chip. But if there is no MOM cell in the chip, the violation can be waived. B 0.10 C 1.31E+06 30% Poly shielding and underneath NW or PW must bias at same potential for reliability consideration. If poly shielding terminal could not be tied to the underneath NW or PW, customer should keep bias between poly terminal and underneath well within thin gate oxide (Without OD2) or thick gate oxide (With OD2) maximum applied voltage for reliability consideration. DRC only check following conditions: {{SR_DPO INTERACT {{OD OR DOD} NOT INSIDE OD2}} INTERACT {{MOMDMY(155;100) OR MOMDMY(155;0)} NOT {MOMDMY(155;27) OR MOMDMY(155;28) OR MOMDMY(155;31) OR MOMDMY(155;32) OR MOMDMY(155;33)}}} [Poly shielding MOM with dummy OD underneath] and underneath NW or PW must bias at same potential through metal connection (All resistors and DNW are treated as broken; all LV N/P well are treated as connected) Note for MOM.A.1**: (1) DRC deck is always turn on (Default) #DEFINE MOM_33V (Turn on if max voltage applied on MOM is 3.3V, or 5.0V). If customer uses different bias range, please turn on related switch. (2) The rule value of MOM.A.1.a and corresponding space and applied voltage is listed in rule table. If your layout violates the rule and you apply different operation voltage on MOM, please consult TSMC in advance if there is any special requirement. N45 MOM without Via 5.0V 3.3V 1.31E+6 1.31E+6 Applied voltage 2.5V 1.8V 2.27E+07 1.2V 1.1V 0.9V 4.15E+08 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 198 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 M O M w ith o u t V ia M O M .A .1 Z ’ Li Z B Z’ Hi C = T o ta l m e ta l s id e w a ll a r e a M O M DM Y_n Z n Hi x Li = i= 1 L i= f in g e r le n g t h H i= m e ta l t h ic k n e s s n = t o ta l m e ta l f in g e r n u m b e r - 1 Figure M O M w ith V ia M O M .A .2 Z Z’ Vw i Vhi Z’ Hi B Li M O M DM Y_n F = V ia t o ta l s id e w a ll a r e a + M O M .R .1 g : Figure R e c o m m e n d e d th e ra n k o f V I A a r r a y in M O M M e ta l t o ta l s id e w a ll a r e a n n = Vwi x Vhi x m + Hi x Li i= 1 i= 1 r e g io n is r e c ta n g u la r V w i= v ia w id t h Z V h i= v ia h e ig h t H i= m e ta l t h ic k n e s s L i= m e ta l le n g t h m = t o ta l v ia n u m b e r p e r f in g e r n = t o ta l m e ta l f in g e r n u m b e r - 1 N o t re c o m m e n d e d fo r M O M .R .1 g F ig u r e 4 .5 .3 5 .2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 199 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MOM (Metal Oxide Metal) PDK Capacitor Guidelines This section lists the guidelines for TSMC offered MOM. The offered MOM is a fringe Metal-Oxide-Metal capacitor. It is based on the capacitor between parallel metal lines separated by the inter-level dielectric. The device does not require any additional masks. 1. Although any kind of metal combination, M1/Mx/My/Mz/Mr/Mu/AP, is allowed to build a MOM element in terms of process, TSMC only provides a specific MOM SPICE model and the associated PDK cell named RTMOM which is covered by MOMDMY (CAD layer: 155;0) and FMOM which are covered by MOMDMY (CAD layer: 155;100). (The TSMC offered PDK RTMOM and FMOM are implemented by “Mx” or “Mx/M1”, at least three layers are required). Non-TSMC MOM structure SPICE PDK Process M1 Mx My/Mz/Mr/Mu/AP X X X TSMC MOM structure SPICE PDK Process X O O X O O X O X O: available X: not available O O X O O O *Mu is the ultra thick metal for the interconnection and inductor in the MS/RF process. Please refer to section 2.5 for the thicknesses. 2. In order to avoid an OD density violation, PDK MOM cell has pre-inserted dummy OD pattern underneath MOM to meet design rule requirement. 3. For layout flexibility at I/O region, an option of OD2 enclosing floating dummy OD is also available in MOM PDK cell. 4. The variables of the PDK MOM structure are listed as the following, ˙Finger Width = the width of metal fingers ˙Finger Space = the space between metal fingers ˙Number of horizontal fingers = the finger number of even metal layer(s) (limited to even number). ˙Number of vertical fingers = the finger number of odd metal layer(s) (limited to even number). ˙Fingers Length = the length of metal fingers (for FMOM) ˙MOM Bottom Metal Layer = the start metal layer of MOM structure. ˙MOM Top Metal Layer = the stop metal layer of MOM structure. ˙Array X = the number of MOM unit on x-direction ˙Array Y = the number of MOM unit on y-direction 5. In order to make sure of the offered MOM SPICE model accuracy, the dummy metal exclusive layers (DMxEXCL) are adopted below/above MOM to avoid dummy insertion. It is not recommended to manually place any dummy metal patterns or routing into the regions below/above the MOM. PDK offered MOM also supports dummy metal insertion in unused M1 and Mx layers by using parameter “dmflag=1” to turn on dummy metal insertion and “dmflag=0” to turn off. If manually dummy metal or routing (not generated by PDK itself) is added into the region below/above the PDK generated MOM, the resulting extra parasitic and model inaccuracy impact must be taken into consideration by designers. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 200 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 6. If the metal density rule is violated due to the large empty regions above/below MOM structures, parallel connected small MOMs array with dummy metals between individual MOM is recommended as shown below. L a rg e S m a ll A r e a S m a ll A r e a RTM OM RTM OM a re a D u m m y p a tte rn re g io n D u m m y p a tte rn re g io n RTM O M S m a ll A r e a S m a ll A r e a RTM OM RTM OM DM xEXCL FFigure i g u r e .5 .3 9 .1 .1 7. The Multi-X Couple layout is recommended for large-pair capacitor design, which can improve the matching performance. The Parallel and Multi-X Couple layout for match pairs is illustrated. The unit cell C1 and the unit cell C2 of the Multi-X Couple MOM are placed in an array with alternate pattern placement in each row and each column. If the total capacitance C > 400fF is required, it is recommended to use Multi-X Couple layout type with unit cell < 200fF, to improve the matching performance. It is not recommended to use 2x200fF Parallel MOM design. M u lti - X P a r a lle l C1 (+ ) (+ ) u n it c e ll o f C 1 C1 C2 (+ ) (+ ) C1 C2 (+ ) (+ ) u n it c e ll o f C 2 C2 (-) (-) Figure F i g u r e4. 4 .5 .3 9 .1 .2 (-) Figure F i g u r e 4 .5 .3 9 .1 .3 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 201 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 8. Figure shows the mismatching (one sigma of delta capacitance) versus 1/C0.5 of a parallel MOM pair with 2um fixed distance. The SPICE model shot on median value of lots will be optimistic compared to process variation, therefore it is recommended to reserve enough design margins to cover process variation. Figure is for reference only, please refer to the SPICE document, “T-N45-CM-SP-003” for the most updated figure. 9. The parallel MOM mismatching will increase dramatically with the distance between the MOM pair larger than 200um, as shown in Figure It is recommended to use the MOM pair with distance less than 200um for optimized mismatching performance. 10. It is recommended putting MOM device with surrounding pattern density ≥ 30% (MOM.DN.1® ) checked by MOMDMY_n sizing 10um area to migrate local pattern density effect. 0.40 0.7 NV/NH=24/24 (lot1) NV/NH=48/48 (lot1) NV/NH=72/72 (lot1) NV/NH=144/144 (lot1) NV/NH=24/24 (lot2) NV/NH=48/48 (lot2) NV/NH=72/72 (lot2) NV/NH=144/144 (lot2) Lot 1 0.35 Lot 2 0.6 Lot 3 m odel 0.5 s of (dC/C)(%) s of (dC/C)(%) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.10 0.1 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 1 10 1/(Cmom_mean)0.5(fF-0.5) Figure Figure 100 1000 10000 Distance (um) Figure Figure 11. The following guidelines are provided for both modeling accuracy and safe device operation for MOM with poly shielding usage: Leaving shielding poly floating is not recommended, it is recommended to connect shielding poly to AC ground for shielding purpose. Local OD density must meet the design rule check requirement. TSMC strongly recommends to tie shielding poly terminal to the underneath well to avoid any reliability and model accuracy concern. If shielding poly terminal could not be tied to the underneath well, for reliability consideration, customer must keep bias between poly terminal and underneath well within thin(Without OD2) or thick(With OD2) gate oxide maximum applied voltage. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 202 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.43 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top VIAu Layout Rules (Mask ID: 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 372, 37A) For the specification of metals/vias stacking sequence and associated mask ID, please refer to section 2.5. CAD layer datatype of VIAu is “40” (the same as that of VIAz due to the same via size). VIAu is designed to connect between Mu and Mu-1. This section doesn’t define the VIAu rules specifically. You have to follow VIAz rules and Mu rules (only Mu.EN.1, Mu.EN.2, Mu.R.1) for VIAu design. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 203 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.44 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mu (Ultra Thick Metal) Layout Rules Mu (UTM: 35KÅ ) is only allowed as the most top metal layer and only one Mu layer is allowed in a chip. Mu can not co-exist with other different thickness top metal layer(s) (such as Mz, My or Mr) on the same metal layer. Mu above Mr metal (12.5KA) is not allowed. CAD layer datatype of Mu metal is “60” (that of dummy Mu layer is “61”), and CAD layer datatype of its associated VIA (VIAu, the VIA under Mu) is “40” (the same as that of VIAz due to the same via size). Rule No. Mu.W.1 Mu.W.2 Mu.S.1 Mu.EN.1 Mu.EN.2 Mu.A.1 Mu.A.2 Mu.R.1 Mu.R.2U Mu.DN.1 Mu.DN.1.1 Mu.DN.2 Mu.DN.2.1 Mu.R.3U Mu.R.4 Mu.R.5 DMu.R.1 Description Label Op. Rule Width Maximum width [except bond pad and INDDMY_MD] (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layers of LMARK, {INDDMY SIZING 22 μm}, CB, and {UBM INTERACT CBD}.) Space Enclosure of VIAu Mtop-1 enclosure of VIAu (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Area Enclosed area A 2.00 B 12.00 C D, E 1.00 0.30 F 0.08 G H 9.00 9.00 I 1.70 20% 50% 20% 85% At least 2 VIAu with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [Mu to Mz], [Mu to top My(2XTM)], [Mu to inter My] or [Mu to Mx] (Please put as many vias as possible for reliability and RF applications). Mu line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. Minimum metal density over the whole chip (include INDDMY) Maximum metal density over the whole chip (include INDDMY) Minimum Mu density range in window 125 µm x 125 µm, stepping 62.5 µm. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring - LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD This rule is only applied when the width of (checking window NOT excluded region) is 1/4 checking window width (31.25um). Maximum Mu density range in window 125 µm x 125 µm, stepping 62.5 µm. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Bond pad - Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring - LMARK/LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD This rule is only applied when the width of (checking window NOT excluded region) is 1/4 checking window width (31.25um). Mu above Mr metal is not allowed. A 0.06um2 ((3.0*3.0)-(2.99*2.99)) checking tolerance is allowed for the rules within the region of (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm): Mu.A.1 and Mu.A.2. Each Metal(pin) layer can only interact with one related Metal(drawn) layer. DMu is a must. The DMu CAD layer must be different from the Mu CAD layer. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 204 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy A E M u .R .2 /B IN D .R .1 1 C : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 C1 D E D E H M u G M u H Mu Mu F ig . b F ig . a Mu F o r p r o d u c t y ie ld c o n c e r n , F ig . a is p r e fe r r e d . M Muu Illustration of Mu.R.1, IND.R.2, IND.R.3 and IND.R.4 Rules I M9 M9 I M10 2.0 μm F M9 I M9 I I II III Isolated single VIAu(VIAz/VIAr) is not allowed. I: Two Vu space > 1.7 μm. II: Two Vu space < 1.7 μm but belong to different nets. III: Two Vu on the same net but not inside the same overlapped metal region (Mtop-1 and Mu). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 205 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.45 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Inductor Layout Rules TSMC offered 3 kinds of inductor rules, including standard low metal density spiral inductor rules (INDDMY) and logic inductor rules (INDDMY_MD and INDDMY_HD), according to different device/circuit applications. But TSMC only provided a specific inductor device SPICE model /PDK for Low-density inductor (identified by INDDMY) design. Different INDDMY dummy layers are defined to recognize the three types inductors: Low-density, Medium-density and High-density. In order to have a correct DRC check, you need to draw the corresponding inductor dummy layers carefully. Rule Type SPICE PDK LVS Process Low-density INDDMY (INDDMY) ○ ○ ○ ○ Medium-density INDDMY (INDDMY_MD) ╳ ╳ ╳ ○ High-density INDDMY (INDDMY_HD) ╳ ╳ ╳ ○ ○: available ╳: not available 1. Low-density INDDMY (INDDMY): INDDMY is offered to allow very low metal density within an inductor to achieve better inductor performance. The dummy generation utility does not insert floating dummy OD/PO/metal into INDDMY by default and provides an option to generate DOD/DPO within INDDMY. In the INDDMY layer, the inter-via(both Vx and Vy) and top via Vy(2XTM) are all not allowed. It is required to refer to section 4.5.32 LOWMEDN layout rules, for the usage of Inductor with protection ring when no dummy metals (M1/Mx) are filled within INDDMY. 2. Medium-density INDDMY (INDDMY_MD): Special inductor dummy utility provides an option to autogenerate specific dummy metal (DM1 and DMx) and DOD/DPO within INDDMY_MD to lower the inductor performance degradation caused by dummy fill. In the INDDMY_MD layer, the inter-via(both Vx and Vy) and top via Vy(2XTM) are all not allowed. Inductor with protection ring and LOWMEDN is not required. The real inductor performance impact by the extra-added dummy pattern must be taken care by designers. 3. High-density INDDMY (INDDMY_HD): Special inductor dummy utility provides an option to auto-generate specific dummy metal (DM1, DMx, DMy, DMz, DMr and DMu) and DOD/DPO within INDDMY_HD to lower the inductor performance degradation caused by dummy fill. In the INDDMY_HD layer, the inter-via(both Vx and Vy) and top via Vy(2XTM) are allowed on the premise that all the related logic design rules has been followed well. Inductor with protection ring and LOWMEDN is not required. The real inductor performance impact by the extra-added dummy pattern must be taken care by designers. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 206 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 INDDMY_MD INDDMY_HD Table 4.5.45 Inductor Rule Summary Rule Type INDDMY Metal Dummy inserted by dummy NO DM1/DMx generation utility DOD/DPO inserted by dummy YES YES generation utility Dummy Via inserted by dummy NO NO generation utility Inter-via(both Vx and Vy) and top via Not Allowed Not Allowed Vy(2XTM) Not allowed except the Mx or My layer (one layer only) directly Inter-metal layer (Mx/My) Allowed below [Mz, Mr or Mu], ACTIVE device, ACTIVE OD/PO Not Allowed Not Allowed and interconnection OD/PO Protection ring and LOWMEDN Required Not Required DM1, DMx, DMy, DMz, DMr and DMu YES NO Allowed Allowed Allowed Not Required The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 207 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 INDDMY Layer Identified Inductor Layout Rules For eddy current reduction to achieve better inductor performance, a special metal (and OD/PO) dummy block layer called “INDDMY” (CAD layer: 144) is offered to allow very low metal density within an inductor, provided a proper surrounding (dummy) metal scheme requirement is satisfied. When an “INDDMY” layer is used to construct inductors, one must follow the additional process-related design rules listed below. Please note that “INDDMY” can only be used for inductor devices, TSMC does not support non-inductor devices constructed with “INDDMY”. Inductor devices offered in TSMC PDK can fit the design rules listed below. For the INDDMY layer identified low metal density inductor regions, the inter-via (both Vx and Vy) and top via Vy (2XTM) are all not allowed. Please refer to the rules below for details. Rule No. IND.W.1 IND.W.2 IND.W.3 IND.W.4 IND.W.5 IND.W.6 IND.W.7 IND.W.8 IND.W.9 IND.W.10 IND.S.1 IND.S.2 IND.S.3 IND.S.4 IND.S.5 IND.S.6 IND.S.7 IND.S.8 IND.S.9 IND.S.10 IND.R.1 IND.R.2 IND.R.3 IND.R.4 IND.R.5 IND.R.6U IND.R.7U IND.R.8 Description Label M1, DM1, DM1_O width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) A1 Mx, DMx, DMx_O width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) A2 My, DMy width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) A3 Mz, DMz width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) A4 Mr, DMr width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) A5 Mu, DMu width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) A6 M1, DM1, DM1_O/Mx, DMx, DMx_O maximum width in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) B1 My, DMy maximum width inside (INDDMY SIZING 22 µm) (for inductor application only) B2 Mz, DMz/Mr, DMr/Mu, DMu maximum width inside (INDDMY SIZING 22 µm) (for inductor application only) B3 Maximum dimension (either width or length) of an INDDMY region C M1, DM1, DM1_O space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) D1 Mx, DMx, DMx_O space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) D2 My, DMy space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) D3 Mz, DMz space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) D4 Mr, DMr space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) D5 Mu, DMu space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) D6 M1, DM1, DM1_O/Mx, DMx, DMx_O/My, DMy/Mz, DMz space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal E1 line width > 1.5 µm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 µm (L1)] Mr, DMr space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal line width > 1.5 µm (W2) and the parallel metal E2 run length > 1.5 µm (L2)] My, DMy/Mz, DMz/Mr, DMr space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal line width > 4.5 µm (W3) and E3 the parallel metal run length > 4.5 µm (L3)] Mu, DMu space in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal line width > 12 µm (W4) and the parallel metal E4 run length > 12 µm (L4)] In the region of (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm), inter-via Vx, Vy and top via Vy (2XTM) are all not allowed. (Except TLDMY region and Vx in {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)}) At leastfour VIAz with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [two Mz layers], [Mz to inter-My] or [Mz to Mx] in I1 (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm). At leastfour VIAu with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [Mu to Mz], [Mu to inter-My], [Mu to top My I2 (2XTM)] or [Mu to Mx] in (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm). At leastfour VIAr with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [two Mr layers] or [Mr to Mx] in (INDDMY SIZING I3 16 µm) In the INDDMY identified region “a”, except the inter-metal Mx or My layer (one layer only) directly below [top My, Mz, Mr or Mu], any other inter-metal layer (Mx/My) is not allowed. (e.g. for a 1P6M process with 0.9 µm of M6 (Mz), then Mx of M5 is allowed, but other lower Mx metal layers are not allowed for the INDDMY identified inductor.) (Except TLDMY region and Mx in {(LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -5 µm)) INTERACT VIAx bar}) In the INDDMY identified region “a”, except the needed patterns for inductor structure itself (such as OD, PO, PP, CO, M1, VIAz, Mz,…), any active device, active OD/PO, interconnection OD/PO or resistance sensitive metal routing is not allowed. (This rule cannot be checked by DRC.) In the ring region “b” of {(INDDMY SIZING 16µm) NOT INDDMY} with 16 µm in width, except the straight metal line (metal port leading) that connects the inductor to the circuits outside INDDMY region and the needed patterns for inductor structure itself (such as OD, PP, CO and M1 for guard-ring…), any active device, active OD/PO, interconnection OD/PO or resistance sensitive metal routing is not allowed in this region. The metal port leading is defined as the metal line that goes through the region “a” and 16 µm wide ring region “b” for interconnect. (This rule cannot be checked by DRC.) A 45-degree rotated RV is allowed inside (INDDMY SIZING 22 µm) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.40 0.55 2.0 4.5 12.00 30.00 600.00 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.40 0.55 1.0 0.5 0.65 1.5 2.0 1.70 1.70 1.70 208 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. IND.R.9U IND.DN.1 IND.DN.2 IND.DN.3 IND.DN.5U IND.DN.7 IND.DN.8® IND.DN.9® IND.R.10 IND.R.14 IND.R.15gU Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label Guard-ring enclosure of inductor metal spirals. 1. The larger distance (such as 50 µm) from inductor metal spirals to guarding-ring would make better inductor electrical performance and reduce the coupling on/between components nearby. Please take the impact of the guard-ring enclosure of inductor metal spirals into consideration. 2. Keep the INDDMY regions of separate inductors located as uniform as possible over the whole chip area to maintain CMP uniformity. Maximum density of {(INDDMY OR INDDMY_MD) OR TLDMY} on a whole chip Maximum M1/Mx/Inter-My density within (INDDMY SIZING 16 µm) in window 125 µm x 125 µm, stepping 62.5 µm M1/Mx/My/Mz/Mr metal density over the whole chip (include INDDMY) The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL (window 200 µm x 200 µm, stepping 200 µm). Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~60% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and high gradient.) Maximum density of (INDDMY OR INDDMY_MD) in window 1600 µm x 1600 µm, stepping 800 µm Recommend {(OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD} density inside INDDMY Recommend {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density inside INDDMY A 0.01um checking tolerance is allowed for the rules: IND.W.1, IND.W.2, IND.W.3, IND.W.4, IND.W.5, IND.W.6, IND.W.7, IND.W.8, IND.W.9, IND.W.10, IND.S.1, IND.S.2, IND.S.3, IND.S.4, IND.S.5, IND.S.6, IND.S.7, IND.S.8, and IND.S.9. A 0.01 μm checking tolerance in the region of [INDDMY SIZING 22 μm] is allowed for the rules of RV.W.1, RV.S.1, RV.EN.1, AP.W.1, AP.W.2, AP.S.1, and AP.EN.1. Note: DRC implement 0.01 μm tolerance on Vertical, Horizontal and 45-degree bent. Recommend putting NT_N to fully cover the inductor (metal) region to achieve high quality factor. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 5% 85% 20% 60% 14% 20% 15% 209 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Notes: 1. The INDDMY layer blocks the automated dummy pattern generation. 2. The dummy generation utility inserts floating dummy OD/PO/metal patterns into the region outside INDDMY. 3. For TSMC PDK offered inductor, a native substrate region is created under the inductor coil to minimize eddy currents. This region is specified/implemented by the implant blocking NT_N layer (CAD layer:11). The NT_N drawn layer adds no process cost and no extra mask. 4. TSMC offered PDK inductor is an octagonal type, the square type inductor in the following figure is only for rule illustration. 5. If designers want to design the inductors with inter-layer metal and/or inter-layer via, all the related regular logic design rules must be followed well, especially for the inter-layer metal density rules. 6. For an inductor to be inserted into dummy OD/PO/Metal patterns , the INDDMY dummy layer should be removed to allow the dummy utility’s dummy pattern generation. 7. Please put in as many vias as possible for reliability and RF applications for IND.R.2, IND.R.3 and IND.R.4. 8. The following inductor rule description is based on the concept of different regions (a and b) from center to edge to achieve the flexibility of design easiness and maintaining density for uniformity. See the following figure. 9. IND.DN.8® and IND.DN.9® : Inductor PDK has already added OD/PO into INDDMY. 10. It is important to refer to section 4.5.32, LOWMEDN Layout Rules, for the usage of inductor with protection ring. 1 6 u m (r e g io n “ b ” ) IN D D M Y M e ta l IN D D M Y IN D .S .7 ~ 1 0 In d u c to r (m e ta l) C o r e c ir c u it A /B D > L 1 /L 2 /L 3 /L 4 E 1 /E 2 /E 3 /E 4 R e g i o n " a” " > W 1 /W 2 /W 3 /W 4 16um M e ta l p o r t le a d in g : 1 61 6 u m ( r e g i o n “ b ” ) C : M a x im u m d im e n s io n o f IN D D M Y m e ta l c o n n e c ts th e in d u c to r to c ir c u its o u ts id e IN D D M Y . 1 6 u m (r e g io n “ b ” ) D u m m y g e n e r a tio n u tility in s e r ts flo a tin g d u m m y O D /P O /M e ta l p a tte r n s in to th e r e g io n o u ts id e IN D D M Y . R e g io n “ b ” w ith 1 6 u m in w id th Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 210 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 INDDMY_MD Layer Identified Inductor Layout Rules For better process uniformity and reliability, a special dummy layer called “INDDMY_MD” (CAD layer: 144;42) is offered to generate specific dummy metal (DM1 and DMx) and DOD/DPO within INDDMY_MD. When “INDDMY_MD” layer is used to construct inductors, one must follow the additional process-related design rules listed below. Please be noted that “INDDMY_MD” can only be used for inductor devices, and TSMC does not support for non-inductor devices constructed with “INDDMY_MD ”. Please take care the SPICE model /LVS flow by yourselves when using INDDMY_MD layer to design inductor. Rule No. IND_MD.W.1 IND_MD.W.2 IND_MD.W.3 IND_MD.W.4 IND_MD.W.5 IND_MD.W.6 IND_MD.W.7 IND_MD.W.8 IND_MD.W.9 IND_MD.W.10 IND_MD.S.1 IND_MD.S.2 IND_MD.S.3 IND_MD.S.4 IND_MD.S.5 IND_MD.S.6 IND_MD.S.7 IND_MD.S.8 IND_MD.S.9 IND_MD.S.10 IND_MD.R.1 IND_MD.R.2 IND_MD.R.3 IND_MD.R.4 IND_MD.R.5 IND_MD.R.6U IND_MD.R.7U Description Label M1, DM1, DM1_O width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) A1 Mx, DMx, DMx_O width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) A2 My, DMy width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) A3 Mz, DMz width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) A4 Mr, DMr width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) A5 Mu, DMu width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) A6 M1, DM1, DM1_O/Mx, DMx, DMx_O maximum width in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) B1 My, DMy maximum width inside (INDDMY_MD SIZING 22 µm) (for inductor application only) B2 Mz, DMz/Mr, DMr/Mu, DMu maximum width inside (INDDMY_MD SIZING 22 µm) (for inductor application B3 only) Maximum dimension (either width or length) of an INDDMY_MD region C M1, DM1, DM1_O space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) D1 Mx, DMx, DMx_O space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) D2 My, DMy space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) D3 Mz, DMz space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) D4 Mr, DMr space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) D5 Mu, DMu space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) D6 M1, DM1, DM1_O/Mx, DMx, DMx_O/My, DMy/Mz, DMz space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) [at least E1 one metal line width > 1.5 µm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 1.5 µm (L1)] Mr, DMr space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal line width > 1.5 µm (W2) and the E2 parallel metal run length > 1.5 µm (L2)] My, DMy/Mz, DMz/Mr, DMr space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal line width > 4.5 µm E3 (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 4.5 µm (L3)] Mu, DMu space in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) [at least one metal line width > 12 µm (W4) and the E4 parallel metal run length > 12 µm (L4)] In the region of (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm), inter-via Vx, Vy and top via Vy (2XTM) are all not allowed. (Except TLDMY region and Vx in {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 µm)}) At least four VIAz with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [two Mz layers], [Mz to inter-My] or [Mz to Mx] in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm). At least four VIAu with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [Mu to Mz], [Mu to inter-My], [Mu to top My (2XTM)] or [Mu to Mx] in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm). At least four VIAr with space 1.7 µm are required to connect [two Mr layers] or [Mr to Mx] in (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) In the INDDMY_MD identified region “a”, except the Mx or My layer (one layer only) directly below [Mz, Mr or Mu], any other inter-metal layer (Mx/My) is not allowed. (e.g., for a 1P6M process with 0.9 µm of M6 (Mz), then Mx of M5 is allowed, but other lower Mx metal layers are not allowed for the INDDMY_MD identified inductor.) Except the following condition: 1. TLDMY region 2. Mx in {{LOWMEDN NOT {LOWMEDN SIZING –5 μm}} INTERACT VIAx bar} 3. Inter-metal Mx in INDDMY_MD is allowed if the metal density of all M1/Mx layer in region "a" are all larger than 10% in window 125um x 125um, stepping 62.5um (M1.DN.1 and Mx.DN.1) 4. Inter-metal My in INDDMY_MD is allowed if the metal density of all M1/Mx/My layer in region "a" are all larger than 10% in window 125um x 125um, stepping 62.5um (M1.DN.1, Mx.DN.1 and My.DN.1) In the INDDMY_MD identified region “a”, except the needed patterns for inductor structure itself (such as OD, PO, PP, CO, M1, VIAz, Mz,…), any active device, active OD/PO, interconnection OD/PO or resistance sensitive metal routing is not allowed. (This rule cannot be checked by DRC.) In the ring region “b” of {(INDDMY_MD SIZING 16µm) NOT INDDMY_MD} with 16 µm in width, except the straight metal line (metal port leading) that connects the inductor to the circuits outside INDDMY_MD region and the needed patterns for inductor structure itself (such as OD, PP, CO and M1 for guard-ring…), any active device, active OD/PO, interconnection OD/PO or resistance sensitive metal routing is not allowed in this region. The metal port leading is defined as the metal line that goes through the region “a” and 16 µm wide ring region “b” for interconnect. (This rule cannot be checked by DRC.) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.40 0.55 2.0 4.5 12.00 30.00 600.00 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.40 0.55 1.0 0.5 0.65 1.5 2.0 211 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. IND_MD.R.8 IND_MD.R.9U IND_MD.DN.1 IND_MD.DN.2 IND_MD.DN.3 IND_MD.DN.5U IND_MD.DN.7 IND_MD.DN.8® IND_MD.DN.9® IND_MD.R.10 IND_MD.R.14 IND_MD.R.15gU IND_MD.R.18 IND_MD.R.19 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label A 45-degree rotated RV is allowed inside (INDDMY_MD SIZING 22 µm) Guard-ring enclosure of inductor metal spirals. 1. The larger distance (such as 50 µm) from inductor metal spirals to guarding-ring would make better inductor electrical performance and reduce the coupling on/between components nearby. Please take the impact of the guard-ring enclosure of inductor metal spirals into consideration. 2. Keep the INDDMY_MD regions of separate inductors located as uniform as possible over the whole chip area to maintain CMP uniformity. Maximum density of {INDDMY_MD OR TLDMY OR INDDMY} on a whole chip Maximum M1/Mx/Inter-My density within (INDDMY_MD SIZING 16 µm) in window 125 µm x 125 µm, stepping 62.5 µm M1/Mx/My/Mz/Mr metal density over the whole chip (include INDDMY_MD OR INDDMY) The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL (window 200 µm x 200 µm, stepping 200 µm). Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~60% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and high gradient.) Maximum density of (INDDMY_MD OR INDDMY) in window 1600 µm x 1600 µm, stepping 800 µm Recommend {(OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD} density inside INDDMY_MD Recommend {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density inside INDDMY_MD A 0.01um checking tolerance is allowed for the rules: IND_MD.W.1, IND_MD.W.2, IND_MD.W.3, IND_MD.W.4, IND_MD.W.5, IND_MD.W.6, IND_MD.W.7, IND_MD.W.8, IND_MD.W.9, IND_MD.W.10, IND_MD.S.1, IND_MD.S.2, IND_MD.S.3, IND_MD.S.4, IND_MD.S.5, IND_MD.S.6, IND_MD.S.7, IND_MD.S.8, IND_MD.S.9 and IND_MD.S.10. A 0.01 μm checking tolerance in the region of [INDDMY_MD SIZING 22 μm] is allowed for the rules of RV.W.1, RV.S.1, RV.EN.1, AP.W.1, AP.W.2, AP.S.1, and AP.EN.1. Note: DRC implement 0.01 μm tolerance on Vertical, Horizontal and 45-degree bent. Recommend putting NT_N to fully cover the inductor (metal) region to achieve high quality factor. INDDMY overlap with (INDDMY_HD OR INDDMY_MD) is not allowed. INDDMY_HD overlap with INDDMY_MD is not allowed. Op. Rule 5% 85% 20% 60% 14% 20% 15% IND_MD.R.15gU Table Notes: 1. Special inductor dummy utility provides an option to auto-generate specific dummy metal (DM1 and DMx) and DOD/DPO within INDDMY_MD to lower the inductor performance degradation caused by dummy fill. The real inductor performance impact by the extra-added dummy pattern must be taken care by designers. 2. Inductor with protection ring and LOWMEDN is not required. 3. Please put in as many vias as possible for reliability and RF applications for IND_MD.R.2, IND.R_MD.3 and IND_MD.R.4 4. The following inductor rule description is based on the concept of different regions (a and b) from center to edge to achieve the flexibility of design easiness and maintaining density for uniformity. See the following figure. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 212 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 213 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 INDDMY_HD Layer Identified Inductor Layout Rules For better process uniformity and reliability, a special dummy layer called “INDDMY_HD” (CAD layer: 144;43) is offered to generate specific dummy metal (DM1, DMx, DMy, DMz, DMr and DMu) and DOD/DPO within INDDMY_HD to lower the inductor performance degradation caused by dummy fill. The real inductor performance impact by the extra-added dummy pattern must be taken care by designers. Please be noted that “INDDMY_HD” can only be used for inductor devices, and TSMC does not support for non-inductor devices constructed with “INDDMY_HD ”. Please take care the SPICE model /LVS flow by yourselves when using INDDMY_HD layer to design inductor. All the layout rules for Inductors identified with INDDMY_HD follow general logical rules, for example, to follow 10% minimum metal density rule in INDDMY_HD. Table Notes: 1. For the INDDMY_HD layer identified inductor region, the inter-via(both Vx and Vy) and top via Vy(2XTM) are allowed on the premise that all the related logic design rules has been followed well. 2. Inductor with protection ring and LOWMEDN is not required. 3. When other device, patterns or metal routing are put within INDDMY_HD, the extra parasitic, device couplings and model accuracy issue also must be taken into consideration by designers. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 214 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4.5.46 Introduction of Inductor and Transmission Line INDDMY Layer Identified TSMC PDK Inductor Introduction TSMC offered a variety of ways to construct inductor devices for RF/MS circuit design need: 1. To achieve lower inductor series resistance, a thickness larger than 3 µm ultra thick Cu metal (Mu) process is offered and its associated process design rule is listed in the section 2. In section below, we used the inductor offered in TSMC PDK as examples to briefly illustrate the basic guidelines and elements for constructing various inductors such as standard (simple spiral), symmetric and center-tap inductors. Introduction to PDK Inductor 1. TSMC PDK offered octagonal inductor varieties in the 45nm/40nm technology node mainly include three different layout configurations for different top metal schemes (as summarized in the section of RTMOM (Rotated Metal Oxide Metal)): standard (STD), symmetric (SYM) and center-tap (CT). 2. The offered inductors are fabricated on top of P-substrate that specified/implemented by an NT_N implantation-blocking layer (CAD layer:11, that adds no extra mask/process cost). The offered inductor is 3Terminal including two signal terminals and the third terminal for grounded guard-ring (Center-tap inductor has the fourth terminal for center-tap connection). 3. The INDDMY dummy layer(s) (CAD layer:144) is needed to identify the inductor with very low metal density within the inductor, the DRC (design rule check) deck will check the INDDMY identified region by inductor related/specific rules (the section of INDDMY Layer Identified Inductor Layout Rules). The INDDMY layer cannot be used for other applications (for inductor only), and allowed maximum density of INDDMY in whole chip is 5% (rule IND.DN.1). 4. The INDDMY dummy layer blocks the automated generation of dummy OD/PO/Metal patterns (dummy AlRDL patterns will not be generated). 5. The dummy OD/PO/Metal patterns make better pattern uniformity and better metal CMP uniformity over the silicon wafer. 6. From the inductor model accuracy point of view, other devices or metal patterns is not allowed to be placed below/above the offered inductors, as the magnetic flux and the resulted inductor performance will be affected by the extra-added parts. If other devices, patterns or metal routing (not generated by PDK itself) are added into the region below/above the PDK inductor, the resulted extra parasitic and model inaccuracy must be taken into consideration by designers. 7. Table shows the TSMC PDK inductor layout parameters. The corresponding temperature effect and corner cases are also included; please refer to the model documents for model scope and other details. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 215 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy S ta n d a rd S y m m e tr ic C e n te r-T a p P o rt2 P o rt1 P o rt2 P o rt1 N=3 N=3 N = 3 .5 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 G D IS 2R P o rt1 W G D IS P o rt2 2R 2R s IN D D M Y e d g e CT GND GND GND Figure PDK inductor top-view illustration Table TSMC offered three kinds of Mz, Mz+Mu, Mu inductor structure options T o p M e ta l S c h e m e Type S p ir a l C o il C ro s s P a s s Mz s p ir a l_ s td _ m z _ a Nam e STD M z ( M to p ) M z ( M to p ) / A L - R D L C ta p Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ m z _ a SYM M z ( M to p ) M z ( M to p ) / A L - R D L Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ c t_ m z _ a _ x CT M z ( M to p ) M z ( M to p ) / A L - R D L Mz s p ir a l_ s td _ m z a _ a STD M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L M z ( M to p ) / A L - R D L Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ m z a _ a SYM M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L M z ( M to p ) / A L - R D L Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ c t_ m z a _ a _ x CT M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L M z ( M to p ) / A L - R D L Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ m z _ a x SYM M z ( M to p ) M z ( M to p ) / [ M x ( M to p -1 ) / / A L - R D L ] Mz M x ( M to p -1 ) M x ( M to p -1 ) s p ir a l_ s y m _ c t_ m z _ a x _ a CT M z ( M to p ) M z ( M to p ) / [ M x ( M to p -1 ) / / A L - R D L ] Mz + Mz s p ir a l_ s td _ m 2 z a _ z a STD M z ( M to p -1 ) / / M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L [ ( M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L ] / M z ( M to p -1 ) Mz + Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ m 2 z a _ z SYM M z ( M to p -1 ) / / M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L M z ( M to p ) / M z ( M to p -1 ) Mz + Mz s p ir a l_ s y m _ c t_ m 2 z a _ z _ a CT M z ( M to p -1 ) / / M z ( M to p ) / / A L - R D L M z ( M to p ) / M z ( M to p -1 ) Mu s p ir a l_ s td _ m u _ x STD M u ( M to p ) M u / M x ( M to p -1 ) Mu s p ir a l_ s y m _ m u _ x SYM M u ( M to p ) M u / M x ( M to p -1 ) Mu s p ir a l_ s y m _ c t_ m u _ x _ a CT M u ( M to p ) M u / M x ( M to p -1 ) Mz + Mu s p ir a l_ s td _ m u _ z STD M u ( M to p ) M u / M z ( M to p -1 ) Mz + Mu s p ir a l_ s y m _ m u _ z SYM M u ( M to p ) M u / M z ( M to p -1 ) Mz + Mu s p ir a l_ s y m _ c t_ m u _ z _ x CT M u ( M to p ) M u / M z ( M to p -1 ) A L -R D L A L -R D L A L -R D L M x ( M to p -2 ) Table TSMC offered inductor structure geometry parameters W (w )(u m ) s p ir a l tr a c k w id th N (n r) n u m b e r o f tu rn s R (ra d )(u m ) in n e r r a d iu s S (s p a c in g )(u m ) s p a c in g o f s p ir a l tr a c e s G D IS (g d is )(u m ) d is ta n c e fr o m s p ir a l o u te r e d g e to [g u a r d -r in g o u te r e d g e + 2 .5 u m )] C T a p W (c ta p w )(u m ) C T a p L a y (c ta p la y )(u m ) 1 P x M (la y ) r a tio o f c e n te r -ta p w id th o v e r s p ir a l tr a c k w id th c e n te r -ta p s ta c k la y e r n u m b e r (s ) to p m e ta l la y e r The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 216 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 TLDMY Layer Identified TSMC PDK T-line Introduction TSMC offered a variety of ways to construct transmission line (T-line) devices for RF/MS circuit design need: 1. To achieve lower T-line series resistance, a thickness larger than 3 µm ultra thick Cu metal (Mu) process is offered. Since a T-line structure will be regarded as another type of inductors and its associated process design rule is listed in the section 4.5.45. 2. We used the T-line offered in TSMC PDK as examples to briefly illustrate the basic guidelines and elements for constructing various T-lines such as coplanar waveguide (CPW), and microstrip lines (MS). Introduction to PDK T-line 1. TSMC PDK offered two T-line configurations, including coplanar waveguide (CPW), and microstrip lines (MS), as shown in Figure 2. The offered T-lines are fabricated on top metal, and are 3-terminal devices including two signal terminals and the third grounded terminal. 3. The INDDMY dummy layer(s) (CAD layer: 144) is needed to identify the T-line with very low metal density within the T-line, as illustrated in Figure The DRC (design rule check) deck will check the INDDMY identified region by inductor related/specific rules (the section of INDDMY Layer Identified Inductor Layout Rules). The INDDMY layer cannot be used for other applications (for inductor and transmission line only), and the allowed maximum density of INDDMY in whole chip is 5% (rule IND.DN.1). 4. The TLDMY dummy layer(s) (CAD layer: 116) is needed to identify the T-line as illustrated in Figure The DRC (design rule check) deck will check the TLDMY identified region by T-line rules. The TLDMY layer cannot be used for other applications (for transmission line only). 5. The INDDMY dummy layer blocks the TSMC automated generation of dummy Metal patterns (TSMC utility does not support dummy Al-RDL patterns). TSMC utility will insert dummy OD/PO patterns into INDDMY regions, if neither ODBLK dummy layer nor POBLK dummy layer is drawn to overlap INDDMY and the related switch is turned ON (default). 6. However, dummy OD/PO/Metal patterns should be taken care, since the dummy OD/PO/Metal patterns make better pattern uniformity and better metal CMP uniformity over the silicon wafer. 7. From the T-line model accuracy point of view, other devices or metal patterns are not allowed to be placed below/above the offered T-lines, as the magnetic flux and the resulted T-line performance will be affected by the extra-added parts. If other devices, patterns or metal routing (not generated by PDK itself) are added into the region below/above the PDK T-line, the resulted extra parasitic and model inaccuracy must be taken into consideration by designers. 8. CPW and MS T-lines cannot share the same ground line and T-lines cannot overlap with each other. If the customers violate the above recommendations, the designers must take the model inaccuracy into consideration. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 217 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 9. Table shows the TSMC PDK T-line layout parameters. CPW MS Figure PDK T-line schematic illustrations IN D D M Y CPW TLDM Y IN D D M Y MS TLDM Y Figure PDK T-line top-view illustrations Table TSMC offered transmission line structure geometry parameters W id t h ( u m ) S ig n a l lin e w id t h S p a c e ( u m ) S p a c in g b e t w e e n a s ig n a l lin e a n d g r o u n d lin e s The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 218 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.47 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SRAM Rules This section contains the SRAM truth tables for N40G/N45LP/N45LPG/N40LP/N40LP+/N40LPG. The following provides a legend for the following SRAM truth table. 0 Restrict to use the layer inside its array. 1 Must contain the layer inside its array. * Depends on LP/LP+/LPG and GS process a. (186;4) is for LP/LP+/LPG and (186;5) is for GS. b. For (50;1/2) usage in 0.374/0.741um^2 cells, GS process must contain (50;1/2) and LP/LPG process is based on which cell you choose (with cell implant or without cell implant). SRAM special layer truth table Table lists SRAM cells used in CLN45 official offering. Each individual cell should contain and restrict those listed layers inside its array. Using HD 0.299um^2 array for example (Recognition layer: 80;14), it must contain SRM;0 and restrice to SRM_RP inside 80;14. TSMC offering cells must meet to the layer usage in truth table. Any violation is not allowed. Please refer section 3.4 “Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary” for detailed special layer information. Table SRAM Truth Table in TSMC offering cells Special Layer Name SRM;0 SRM;1 SRM;2 SRM_RP ROM SRAM_HS NPreDOSRM SRAMDMY;0 SRAMDMY;1 SRAMDMY;4 * SRAMDMY;5 * CO;11 DPSRM PRSRM SRM_UHD SRM_HC SRM_HD SRM_LV SRM_HCDP SRM_8TTP SRM_10TTP DUMMYOD1 ~ DUMMYOD16 TSMC Default CAD Layer 50;0 50;1 50;2 50;5 50;6 50;7 50;21 186;0 186;1 186;4 186;5 30;11 80;0 80;11 80;12 80;13 80;14 80;15 80;16 80;17 80;18 82;1 82;2 82;3 82;4 82;5 82;6 82;7 82;8 82;9 82;10 82;11 82;12 82;13 82;14 82;15 82;16 DRC V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Tape out required layer V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V HD 0.299um^2 80;14 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 HC 0.374um^2 80;13 1 1/0* 1/0* 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 DP 0.589um^2 80;0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. HCDP 0.741um^2 80;16 1 1/0* 1/0* 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 219 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Special Layer Name DUMMYPO1 ~ DUMMYPO7 CO2 IP RODMY Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy TSMC Default CAD Layer 83;1 83;2 83;3 83;4 83;5 83;6 83;7 100;0 63;63 49;0 DRC Tape out required layer V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V HD 0.299um^2 80;14 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 V : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HC 0.374um^2 80;13 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 DP 0.589um^2 80;0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 HCDP 0.741um^2 80;16 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Mask information N45LP/LPG-LP: NCI SRAM PMOS follows core-PMOS LVT setting. If no core-PMOS LVT in the mask tape out, there will need additional PLDD mask for SVT-PMOS delta-dose (11C). N40G (0.9V) and N40GL (0.8V): ● 11C is a must if N40G 0.9V and N40GL 0.8V SRAM cells are both used. ● The mix run of the same SRAM cells is forbidden (For example, N40G HC and N40GL HC), i.e. the same SRAM cell of N40G and N40GL cannot co-exist in one chip. Please refer to the following table in details. N40G (0.9V) N40G and N40GL SRAM Cell D299 (HD) D374 (HC) D589 (DP) D741 (HCDP) D374 (HC) O X O O D741 (HCDP) O O O X N40GL (0.8V) Note: O: Can co-exist in one chip. X: Can NOT co-exist in one chip. Warning: There are two ways for SRAM design. 1. Use TSMC standard SRAM array. None of FEOL and BEOL layouts for TSMC SRAM is allowed to be changed (SRAM.R.1U). 2. Complying with the logic rules and using logic SPICE model to design SRAM are only allowed when you want to design SRAM cell by yourself (SRAM.R.2U). Warning: You can’t design SRAM layout just by complying with the following the rules. The SRAM rules in this document are used to prevent unexpected layout errors during macro or chip implementation, but not used for SRAM design. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 220 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. SRAM.W.1 SRAM.S.1 SRAM.S.2 SRAM.BTC.S.1 SRAM.BTC.S.2 SRAM.BTC.S.3 SRAM.EN.1 SRAM.EN.2 SRAM.EX.1 SRAM.A.1 SRAM.O.1 SRAM.R.1U SRAM.R.2U SRAM.R.5U SRAM.R.6U SRAM.R.7U SRAM.R.12 SRAM.R.13 SRAM.R.14 SRAM.R.15 SRAM.R.16U SRAM.R.17 SRAM.R.19 SRAM.R.20 SRAM.R.21 SRAM.R.22 SRAM.R.23 SRAM.R.24 SRAM.R.25 SRAM.R.26 SRAM.R.27 SRAM.R.28 SRAM.R.29 SRAM.R.30U SRAM.R.31 SRAM.R.32 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description SRM width. The SRM edge should be aligned to the boundary of the cell array, which may include storage, strapping, and dummy edge cells. SRM space SRM space to {GATE NOT INTERACT SRM} BTC space [different nets] BTC space to M1 [different nets] BTC space to CO [different nets] SRM enclosure of GATE in S/D direction. SRM enclosure of GATE in PO endcap direction. SRM extension on NW (INTERACT with OD). Extension = 0 is allowed. SRM;0 (50;0) Area SRM overlap of NW (INTERACT with OD) (for VTC_N, VTC_P). Extension = 0 is allowed. TSMC SRAM array is forbidden to be changed: It is required to use the standard TSMC SRAM array including edge cells, strap cells, and etc. None of FEOL and BEOL layouts for TSMC SRAM is allowed to be changed. Customer-designed SRAM cell designed by logic rules: Complying with logic rules (186;0 and 50;0 can’t be used) and using logic SPICE model to design SRAM are only allowed when you want to design SRAM cell by yourself.. For the SRAM layout designed by logic rules, it must be review by TSMC’s PE. [Customer's product: need silicon to verify its function, performance, speed and Vccmin before product tape-out.] Array delay-tracking bit cells: This kind of bit cell should be embedded inside an array. If a delay-tracking cell is to be placed outside an array, it should be fully surrounded by dummy bit cells. Dummy layouts for embedded SRAM: To minimize proximity and loading effects during processing, you must add dummy layouts to provide a similar surrounding for every cell. To add dummy layouts, please refer to SRAM cell layout documents listed in section 1.2, Reference Document, for the guidelines and GDS examples. Those documents provide instructions for adding dummy layouts in both columns and rows, at array edges, and at the connection/tap in-between arrays. SRAMDMY;5 (186;5)/ SRAMDMY;4 (186;4): Can only use in the word-line driver of TSMC SRAM. This layer is only to waive CO.S.3 and G.1. SRAMDMY;5 (186;5)/ SRAMDMY;4 (186;4) overlap of SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) is not allowed. SRM must fully cover GATE. SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) is a must for any SRAM cell with rule pushed layout. It waives SRAM DRC violations in {(SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) NOT RAM1TDMY (160;0))} as listed in table CO;11 (30;11) is a must for CO mask tape-out in SRAM. (Except RAM1TDMY (160;0) region) 1. If CO;11 exists, it must cover CO;0 2. CO;11 must be 0.06μm x 0.06μm 3. CO;11 must be exactly the same as CO;0. 4. CO;11 must be fully covered by SRM (50;0) and SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) 5. Square CO;0 in SRAM must cover CO;11 in 50;0 region SRAM IP tag name and hierarchy should follow TSMC layout such as strap cell, strap_edge cell, column edge cell and row edge cell. The detail is described in SRAM cell layout and model documents listed in section 1.2, Reference Document. SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) and SRM (50;0) must fully cover OD, CO, VIA1. SRAM dummy layers can exist only in SRM (50;0) region. And in logic region, no SRAM dummy layer can be used. SRAM dummy layers are listed below : DMMYOD1~16, DUMMYPO1~7, SRM;1~2, NPreDOSRM, SRAMDMY;0~1, CO;11, CO2, DPSRM, PRSRM, SRM_LOP;12~14, LV_LOP, HCDP_LOP, 8TTP_LOP and 10TTP_LOP. Inside of SRAM array, SRM (50;0), SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) can not have any holes in them. SRM (50;0) and SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) must be drawn identically (Except RAM1TDMY (160;0) region) (80;x) must overlap PRSRM (80;11). x = 0, 12~18. if PRSRM (80;11) interacts (80;x). It must be fully covered by (80;x). x = 0, 12~18. (80;x) interact SRM (50;0) must be identical to SRM;0 (50;0), except SRM_LV (80;15) and SRM_8TTP (80;17), x = 0, 12~18. (80;x) can’t interact each other, x = 0, 12~18. Only SRM_LV (80;15) interacting with SRM_8TTP (80;17) is allowed. SRM;0 (50;0) must cover NMOS gate and PMOS gate at the same time. DRC will check the following two conditions at the same time. (1) {SRM NOT INTERACT (NP AND GATE)} (2) {SRM NOT INTERACT (PP AND GATE)} For GS, SRM;0(50;0) must include both SRM;1(50;1) and SRM;2(50;2). For LP/LPG, {SRM;0(50;0) AND SRM_HD(80;14)} must include both SRM;1(50;1) and SRM;2(50;2). For LPG, {SRM;0(50;0) AND DPSRM(80;0)} must include both SRM;1(50;1) and SRM;2(50;2). The same SRAM cell for N40G and N40GL SRAM can not coexist in one chip. At least two VIAx with space ≤ 0.14 μm (S1), or at least four VIAx with space ≤ 0.63 μm (S1') are required to connect Mx and Mx+1 when one of these two metals has width and length > 0.3 μm (W1). [INSIDE SRAMDMY;0 (186;0)] At least two VIAx must be used for a connection that distance ≤ 1.14 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 0.3 μm (L) and width > 0.3 μm (W). [INSIDE SRAMDMY;0 (186;0)] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label Op. Rule A 0.19 B C S1 S2 S3 E E1 D 0.19 0.14 0.090 0.055 0.067 0.14 0.09 0.19 11 0.19 F 221 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. SRAM.R.33 SRAM.R.34 SRAM.R.35 SRAM.R.36 SRAM.R.37 SRAM.R.38 SRAM.R.39 SRAM.R.40 SRAM.R.41 SRAM.R.42 PO.R.7 SRAM.R.9gU SRAM.R.11gU SRAM.WARN.1 SRAM.WARN.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description (80;X) must fully cover CO;11 (30;11), (50;0), (50;21),(82;Y); (83;Z), (186;0), (186;1), and (100;0). X = 0,14,16. Y = 1,2,9,10,11,12,16. Z = 1,2,3,4,5,7. (80;X) must not have SRM_RP (50;5), (50;7), (82;15), (83;6), (186;4), (186;5) x = 0, 13, 14, 16. (80;X) must fully cover (82;Y). X = 0, 13, 14. Y = 3,4,5,6,7,8 (80;16) must not have (82;Y). Y = 3,4,5,6,7,8 No ROM (50;6) can be used in SRAM region (SRM(50;0)). (80;X) must fully cover DUMMYOD13 (82;13) and DUMMYOD14 (82;14) X = 0;14;16 (80;13) must not have DUMMYOD13 (82;13) and DUMMYOD14 (82;14) (80;13) must fully cover CO;11 (30;11), (50;0), (50;21),(82;Y); (83;Z), (186;0), (186;1), and (100;0). Y = 1,2,9,10,11,12,16 Z = 3,4,5,7. NMOS gate in SRM (50;0) must be fully covered by NPreDOSRM (50;21) (Except RODMY (49;0) region) BTC in NW in one unit cell must be a pair, except DPSRM (80;0), SRM_HCDP (80;16), and SRM_10TTP (80;18) cells. DRC only checks: {{{{BTC AND NW} NOT {{DPSRM OR SRM_HCDP} OR SRM_10TTP}} SIZING 0.05 μm} INTERACT BTC} = 2 Poly gates of all SRAM cells (50;0 OR 186;0) must be uni-directional in a chip. (This check doesn’t include the regions covered by layer 49 (RODMY) and RAM1TDMY (160;0)) Chips on MPW or shuttles may be rotated due to this rule Sense-amp and decoder redundancy: In addition to bit-row and/or bit-column redundancy design, redundancy in peripheral array elements, such as sense amplifiers and decoders, is recommended. Architectural efficiency can minimize the added overhead area entailed by this additional redundancy. Peripheral element redundancy is especially important for high-density memory blocks. Guardring: It is recommended to have an additional VSS (PW) guardring around the memory circuit block. Warning: It is important to add different redundancies according to different memory densities, if the total SRAM area for only N40GL (Vnom = 0.8V usage) in one chip is > 3,231,000um2 (e.g. 8Mb of N40GL 0.374um2 cell), or if the total SRAM area for all cells (including N40GL 0.8V usage) in one chip is > 5,168,000um2 (e.g. 16Mb of 0.299um2 cell). Please refer to T-000-CL-RP-002, TSMC EMBEDDED SRAM REDUNDANCY IMPLEMENTATION RULE AND ECC GUIDELINE, for the details. DRC only flags the total SRM (50;0) area in one chip > 5,168,000um2. Warning: It is important to add ECC (Error Correcting-Code), if the total SRAM area for all cells in one chip is > 10,336,000μm2 (e.g. 32Mb of 0.299um2 cell). Please refer to T-000-CL-RP-002, TSMC EMBEDDED SRAM REDUNDANCY IMPLEMENTATION RULE AND ECC GUIDELINE, for the details. DRC only flags the total SRM (50;0) area in one chip > 10,336,000μm2. For ECC implementation, please consult TSMC QR based on product operation spec. Label Op. Table Rule List Waived by SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) Layout Rule Grid Rule OD Layout Rule NW Layout Rule DCO Layout Rule OD2 Layout Rule PO Layout Rule PP Layout Rule NP Layout Rule CO Layout Rule M1 Layout Rule Via1 Layout Rule M2 Layout Rule Via2 Layout Rule M3 Layout Rule Rule List Waived by SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) G.4 for PP and NP layer only OD.W.1, OD.W.2, OD.S.1, OD.S.3, OD.S.3.1, OD.A.1, and OD.A.2. OD.S.1® , and OD.W.1® NW.W.1, NW.S.6, NW.S.6.1, NW.EN.1, and NW.EN.2. DCO.S.8, DCO.O.1 OD2.W.2 PO.W.6, PO.S.1, PO.S.4, PO.S.6, PO.EX.1, PO.EX.2, PO.EX.3, PO.S.2, and PO.S.2.1. PO.S.1® , PO.S.2.LP® , PO.S.5.LP® , PO.S.5.GS® , PO.S.6.LP® , PO.S.6.GS® , PO.EX.1® , and PO.EX.2® Only waive PO.S.2.1.1, PO.EX.2.1 and PO.R.4 in RODMY (49;0) region. PP.S.1, PP.S.2, PP.EN.1, PP.EX.1, PP.EX.2, PP.A.1, and PP.R.1. NP.W.1, NP.S.2, NP.S.4, NP.EX.1, NP.A.2, and NP.R.1. CO.S.1, CO.S.2, CO.S.2.1, CO.S.3, CO.S.4, CO.EN.1, and CO.EN.0 for square CO CO.W.1, CO.EN.1.1, CO.EN.1.3, and M1.EN.1 for butted CO only CO.S.3® , CO.EN.1® , CO.EN.1.1® , CO.EN.3® , and CO.R.5g M1.S.5, M1.EN.2, M1.EN.3, M1.EN.3.1, M1.EN.3.2, M1.A.1, and M1.A.2. M1.S.1® , M1.A.1® , M1.EN.1® , M1.EN.2® , and M1.EN.5® VIA1.R.2 and VIA1.R.4 VIA1.EN.1® ,and VIA1.EN.2® M2.S.5, M2.A.1, and M2.A.2. M2.S.1® , M2.A.1® , M2.EN.1® , and M2.EN.2® VIA2.EN.1® , and VIA2.EN.2® M3.S.1® , M3.A.1® , M3.EN.1® ,and M3.EN.2® The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 222 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 A SR M A N W SR M SR M B N W D F N W C <D D D O D SR M E1 D E S R A M .R .1 7 SR M SR M <A N P E1 G O D The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 223 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET SRAM cell array Dummy layouts Dummy layouts Dummy layouts SRAM cell array Dummy layouts Dummy layouts S R A M .R .2 3 SRAM cell array Dummy layouts Dummy layouts S R A M .R .2 2 SRAM cell array Dummy layouts Dummy layouts : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy layouts Dummy layouts Dummy layouts Document No. Version Dummy layouts Confidential – Do Not Copy Dummy layouts Dummy layouts Dummy layouts tsmc S R A M .R .2 4 S R A M .R .2 5 M u s t b e d r a w n id e n tic a lly (8 0 ; x ) 5 0 ;0 8 0 ;x 80;x 8 0 ;1 7 (8 0 ;1 1 ) 5 0 ;0 80;x' 5 0 ;0 X=0; 12~18 X=0, 12~18 e x c e p t (8 0 ;1 5 ) a n d (8 0 ;1 7 ) X’ =0, 12~18 8 0 ;1 5 X is n o t e q u a l to X ’ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 224 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.48 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 NPreDOSRM (50;21) Layout Rules NPreDOSRAM is a drawn layer in SRAM region to generate N+ predoping mask (mask ID 196). The NPreDOSRM (50;21) layout rules are nearly identical to NP layout rules. It exists only in SRM (50;0) region and is forbidden in logic region. Neither changing NPreDOSRM of TSMC SRAM nor designing NPreDOSRM by logic rules is allowed. Warning: None of FEOL and BEOL layouts for TSMC SRAM is allowed to be changed. You can’t design SRAM layout just by complying with the following the rules. The SRAM rules in this document are used to prevent unexpected layout errors during macro or chip implementation, but not used for SRAM design. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule NPre.W.1 Width A 0.2 NPre.S.1 Space B 0.18 NPre.S.2 Space to P+ ACTIVE (non-butted) C 0.08 NPre.S.3 Space to {P+ ACTIVE OR PW STRAP} (butted) D 0 NPre.S.4 Space to PW STRAP (non-butted) E 0.02 NPre.S.5 {NPre edge on OD} space to PMOS GATE F 0.23 NPre.S.7 H 0.14 M 0.03 NPre.O.1 Space to P-type unsilicided OD/PO resistor {NPre edge on OD} extension on NMOS GATE in SRM (50;0) (Except RODMY (49;0) region) Overlap of OD N 0.01 NPre.A.1 Area O 0.11 NPre.A.2 NPre.R.2 NPre.L.1 Enclosed area Overlap of PP is not allowed. 45-degree edge length P 0.11 0.5 NPre.EX.4 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 225 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N P re D O S R M R PO P O P J N P re D O S R M N P A N P re D O S R M N P re D O S R M + P OD + OD B P+ OD I E D I I I M N+ PO N+ OD I PO PO OD NW PW N ty p e P lo y r e s is to r P + OD J1 N P re D O S R M PO D L H C F N + OD P+ OD P ty p e P lo y r e s is to r The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 226 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.49 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SRAM Periphery (Word Line Driver) Rules The following rules only apply to word line driver covered by SRAMDMY (186;5) or (186,4). Rule No. WLD.R.2 WLD.R.3 WLD.R.6 WLD.R.7 WLD.R.8 WLD.R.9 Description Label Op. Rule {CO AND SRAMDMY (186;4/5)} space to PO. CO space on the same OD [(inside SRAMDMY;4 (186;4) or SRAMDMY;5 (186;5)) and CO space to gate = 0.035um] SRAMDMY (186;4/5) edge cut CO is not allowed. SRAMDMY;0 (186;0) SIZING 100 μm must cover SRAMDMY;5 (186;5) or SRAMDMY;4 (186;4) Gate direction on the WL driver must be same as gate on the SRAM (Unique direction) At least 2 COs are required at both source and drain side on WL driver (186;4/5) region B 0.035 0.10 C O a rra y m x n W o r d L in e D e c o d e r S R A M D M Y (1 8 6 ;5 ) o r (1 8 6 ,4 ) OD C O a rra y 1 x n B C O a rra y 1 x n B CO PO C O a rra y 1 x n W L D .R .6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 227 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.50 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SRAM CO2 (100;0) Layout Rule for Embedded DRAM (eDRAM) Process In the TSMC eDRAM process, capacitor and CO2 modules are inserted between contact and M1 layers of the TSMC logic process. For eDRAM related IP/Macro design or products with eDRAM IP/Macro, please notice contact-contact capacitance and contact resistance are higher than those in pure logic process. You need to use the eDRAM SPICE model and RC extraction deck to specially handle the extra CT-CT coupling capacitance and resistance from eDRAM process for both eDRAM and non-eDRAM portions. You have to add CO2 (100;0) layout in SRAM bit cell if your product has SRAM designed by logic rules and eDRAM at the same time. TSMC SRAM bit cell already has this option. Rule No. Description CO2.W.1 CO2 (100;0) width (maximum=minimum) CO2.R.1 CO2 (100;0) layout must exist in the SRAM bit cell for the eDRAM process. CO2.R.2 BTC must overlap CO2, and CO2 must overlap BTC. CO2 (100;0) must be inside {M1 AND SRM} and BTC ((30;0 NOT 30;11) AND 50;0). The following conditions can be waived. a. Butted contact (BTC) without interacting with M1. b. The area of {CO2 NOT M1} is smaller than or equal to 0.015 x 0.005 um2 in SRM_LV (80;15). In the other SRAMs, CO2 must be fully inside M1 (the area of {CO2 NOT M1} should be equal to 0um2). CO2.R.3U Customer-designed SRAM bit cell designed by logic rules: It is required to be reviewed by TSMC’s PE before using a customer-designed SRAM bit cell designed by logic rules for the eDRAM process. Label Op. Rule A = 0.06 B T C (3 0 ;0 N O T 3 0 ;1 1 ) M 1 (3 1 ;0 ) C O 2 (1 0 0 ;0 ) C O (3 0 ;0 A N D 3 0 ;1 1 ) A S R M (5 0 ;0 ) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 228 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.51 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ROM Rules ROM (CAD layer: 50;6) is used for ROM circuit design and is a tape-out required layer for N40G. ROM can only be designed by SVT NMOS, and not allowed for other VTs. Rule No. ROM.W.1 ROM.W.2 ROM.R.1U ROM.R.2® U ROM.R.3® ROM.R.4 Description Channel width Channel length All ROM cells must be covered by 50;6. Recommend to insert dummy PO between two ROM bits on different OD. Each ROM cell must be covered by ROM(50;6). DRC only flags no ROM(50;6) in the chip. But if there is no ROM cell in the chip, the violation can be waived. Only SVT NMOS is allowed in the ROM region for SPICE model support. DRC flags that ROM overlaps {NW AND OD}/{HVD_N AND OD}/{VTH_N AND OD}/{VTL_N AND OD}. Label A B Op. = = Rule 0.12~0.35 0.045, 0.05 R O M C e ll A PO B OD In T S M C R O M c e ll, th is d u m m y p o ly is D u m m y P o ly d r a w n b y a p o ly la y e r (1 7 ;0 ) w h ic h fo llo w s p o ly r e la te d r u le s . PO OD 5 0 ;6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 229 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.52 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Antenna Effect Prevention (A) Layout Rules A protection OD means diode, STRAP, source, drain, and so on. Rule No. A.R.0 A.R.1 A.R.2 A.R.3 A.R.4 A.R.6 A.R.6.1 Description Antenna prevention without protection ODrules: A.R.1, A.R.2, A.R.3, A.R.4, A.R.6, A.R.6.1, A.R.6.2, A.R.9, A.R.10, AR.11 Antenna prevention with protection ODrules: A.R.7, A.R.8, A.R.8.1, A.R.8.3, A.R.8.3.1, A.R.8.3.2, A.R.8.7, A.R.12, A.R.13 Drawn ratio of the poly top area to the active poly gate area that is connected directly to it Drawn ratio of the poly sidewall area to the active poly gate area that is connected directly to it Drawn ratio of the poly contact area to the active poly gate area that is connected directly to it Single-layer drawn ratio of a via area to the active poly gate area that is connected directly to it Ratio of cumulative metal top area (from M1 to M10) to an active poly gate area [1.8V IO in OD2/ except 1.8V IO in OD2/ NOT in OD2] Ratio of the cumulative metal top area (from M1 to top metal ) to the cumulatively connected GATE area [I/O in OD2, 4000 μm2 < Gate area ≤ 1000K μm2] Maximum cumulative IO gate [in OD2] area in same connection Label Op. Rule 250 500 10 20 1000/5000/5000 A.R.6.2 A.R.9 A.R.10 A.R.11 A.R.7 A.R.8 A.R.8.7 A.R.8.1 A.R.8.3 6E5 x (GATE area)(-0.767) 1000000 This rule is checked by the cumulative connections (from M1 to top metal respectively) Ratio of cumulative via area (from VIA1 to VIA9) to an active poly gate area [in OD2/ NOT in OD2] Drawn ratio of RV area to the active poly gate area that is connected directly to it [in OD2/ NOT in OD2] Drawn ratio of AP sidewall area to the active poly gate area that is connected directly to it [in OD2/ NOT in OD2] Drawn ratio of cumulative via area (from VIA1 to VIA9) to the active poly gate area with a protection OD. Drawn ratio of cumulative metal top area (from M1 to Last Metal-1) to the active poly gate area with a protection OD. Mn_pad_floating space to Mn [connects to OD ,from M1 to AP] ≤ 0.100 µm is not allowed 50/NA 20/200 1000/2000 OD area x 210 + 900 OD area x 456 + 43000 OD area x 8000 + 50000 OD area x 83 + 400 OD area x 8000 + 30000 Definition of Mn_pad_floating: the metal (from M1 to AP) follows the following conditions: (1) does not connect to OD, and (2) connect to AP_PAD [width of AP interact {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} > 35 um] This rule is checked from M1 to AP respectively Drawn ratio of last metal top area to the active poly gate with a protection OD. Risk_Floating_net space to Mn (from M1 to Mtop) [connects to OD] < 0.17 μm, ≥ 0.07 μm is not allowed Definition: 1. Risk_Floating_net: cumulative floating metal and VIA top area [cumulative area > 7.50E+05 μm2, from M1 to top metal and VIA1 to top VIA, and does not connect to OD] 2. floating metal and VIA: metal and VIA does not connect to OD This rule is checked by the cumulative connections (from M1 to top metal and VIA1 to top VIA respectively) Risk_Floating_net space to Mn (from M1 to Mtop) [connects to OD] < 0.23 μm, ≥ 0.17 μm is not allowed A.R.8.3.1 Definition: 1. Risk_Floating_net: cumulative floating metal and VIA top area [cumulative area > 1.20E+06 μm2, from M1 to top metal and VIA1 to top VIA, and does not connect to OD] 2. floating metal and VIA: metal and VIA does not connect to OD This rule is checked by the cumulative connections (from M1 to top metal and VIA1 to top VIA respectively) Risk_Floating_net space to Mn (from M1 to Mtop) [connects to OD] < 0.5 μm, ≥ 0.23 μm is not allowed A.R.8.3.2 A.R.12 A.R.13 Definition: 1. Risk_Floating_net: cumulative floating metal and VIA top area [cumulative area > 2.20E+06 μm2, from M1 to top metal and VIA1 to top VIA, and does not connect to OD] 2. floating metal and VIA: metal and VIA does not connect to OD This rule is checked by the cumulative connections (from M1 to top metal and VIA1 to top VIA respectively) Drawn ratio of RV area to the active poly gate area with a protection OD. Drawn ratio of AP sidewall area to the active poly gate area with a protection OD. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 230 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Notes: 1. It is recommended having OD connection to the poly gate through metal lines for all devices. 2. All N+ OD and P+ OD areas connected to metal or via do contribute to the OD area. (Including source or drain diffusion of MOSFET and Strap areas) 3. If a large OD is needed, it is recommended having one big diffusion area with multiple contacts. Avoid covering the entire OD area with metal. 4. The Antenna rules apply separately to both thin (core) and thick (I/O) gate oxides. 5. RDL designs should take antenna rules into account. 6. Gate poly thickness is 800 angstrom (Å ) for both core and I/O gates. 7. All of the ODs in the same net can be treated as effective protection OD(s) against plasma charging. 8. In order to avoid the antenna ratio mismatch between the paired devices, metal lines need to be as symmetry as possible. 9. The transistors in mismatch sensitive configurations shall be tied to an active region by M1 to prevent processinduced damage. 10. When an error is detected at DRC, antenna ratio can be reduced by the following suggestion; connect the node to a protection OD, connect the gate to the highest metal level as close to the gate as possible, or connect the node to the output of the driver with a lower metal level. 11. DRC implementation for calculations of metal to gate area ratio in cumulative antenna rules, “Cumulated Ratio” of A.R.4 and A.R.6 rules is defined as: Area(Mx(n))/Area(GATE(n)) + Area(Mx-1(n-1))/Area(GATE(n-1)) + ... + Area(M1(1))/Area(GATE(1)) Where GATE(n) is the total GATE area in a particular net constructed by the incremental connections up to current nth stage. Mx(n) is the whole area of metal x (x = 1~ top) in the same net. Definition of the protection OD for antenna rules: Total area of (OD NOT POLY) INTERACT CONTACT on the same net 12. Failure Criterion Tailing percentage of 20% changes in gate current in Log-normal distribution (which is expressed with the following equation) is less than 5%. Ig (%) Ig(n) Ig(n Ig(n 1) 1) 100% The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 231 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 232 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Poly Antenna Ratio The definition of the poly top area antenna ratio for each layer is: ratio = (Lp x Ld + Lpe x Wpe) / (Wd x Ld) The definition of the poly sidewall area antenna ratio for each layer is: ratio = 2 x [(Lpe +Wpe + Lp ) x t ] / (Wd x Ld) Lp: length of field poly connected to gate Wp: width of field poly connected to gate Lpe: length of field poly extension connected to gate Wpe: width of field poly extension connected to gate t: poly thickness Wd: transistor channel width Ld: transistor channel length M1-M10 Antenna Ratio The definition of the M1-M10 antenna ratio for each layer is: ratio = (Wm x Lm ) / (Wd x Ld) Lm: length of metal line connected to gate Wm: width of metal line connected to gate Wd: transistor channel width Ld: transistor channel length The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 233 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 CO Via1 – Via9 Antenna Ratio The definition of CO, VIA1-VIA9 antenna ratio is: ratio = {total contact (via) area}/ Wd x Ld Wd: transistor channel width Ld: transistor channel length Lm M e t a l_ 1 W m Lpe W pe t Lp W d P o ly STI STI Ld The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 234 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.53 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Product Labels and Logo Rules 1. Use any of the following product labels: Copyright and year Company logo Part number Mask level names Other similar labels 2. Make sure there is a dummy layer LOGO (CAD layer no. 158) to do DRC for product labels. Product labels must be fully covered by LOGO dummy layer. 3. Form the product labels for the CO/Via layer by using squares with minimum width. A big CO/Via polygon for a character (or a numeral) is not allowed. 4. Don’t use minimum rules for the product labels, except for CO/Vias. It is best to have greater than, or equal to, 1μm of width and space. If the minimum width and space is greater than 1μm in the rule (for example, 30K thick metal) please use at least the minimum width and space. 5. To protect the product labels, do not use a dummy Metal in the LOGO demarcated regions. For process uniformity, keep the LOGO layer and the corresponding product labels at least 10μm distant from the OD/PO/Metal geometry. Add dummy fill in this 10μm border region. (The TSMC dummy pattern utility will insert dummy pattern geometry in the 10μm LOGO border region to minimize the process impact on the circuit OD/PO/Metal geometry that is near the LOGO.) Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A 10 Space to OD, PO, or Metals (non-dummy patterns, and non-dummy TCD) (This check doesn’t include the M1/ Mx protection ring inside {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 um)} region, seal-ring region, and CSR region) LOGO.O.1 Overlap of CB, CBD, PM, UBM is not allowed. LOGO.R.1U A circuit in the LOGO is not allowed. The rules of OD.DN.4® , OD.DN.5® , OD.DN.6® , OD.DN.7® , PO.DN.4® , PO.DN.5® , PO.DN.6® , PO.DN.7® , PO.EX.1, PO.EX.1® , PO.EX.2, PO.EX.2® , LOGO.R.2 PO.EX.3, PO.R.1, PO.R.4, PO.W.6, OD.W.2.1, OD.W.2.2, and OD.R.1 can be exempted from DRC in LOGO area. LOGO.S.1 O D /P O L Y /M e ta l A LO G O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 235 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4.5.54 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Seal Ring Overview The general N45 seal ring structure consists of three major parts: (i) assembly isolation; (ii) corner stress relief (CSR) pattern; and (iii) seal ring wall. In addition, the seal ring is surrounded by 8-μm-wide scribe line dummy bar (SLDB). Fig. shows the details. The seal ring structure can protect the chip from the die saw damage in order to manage the saw quality. It can reduce the impact of damage induced by thermal stress during packaging and field applications. To add a seal ring, triangle empty areas (74 μm) at four chip corners must be reserved and no layout is allowed inside. The triangle empty rule, CSR.R.1, must be folowed. The DMV described in this section means dummy metal and VIA in seal ring, assembly isolation, and SLDB region. Warning: Violation of this rule, CSR.R.1, may result in serious layout mistakes, thus the corrections of many masks may be required! Fig. Three major parts of the seal ring and the scribe line dummy bar: (i) assembly isolation; (ii) seal ring wall; (iii) corner stress relief (CSR) pattern; (iv) scribe line dummy bar (SLDB). CSR C S R .R .1 : T r ia n g le e m p ty a r e a 6um 10um 8um A s s e m b ly Seal S c r ib e lin e is o la tio n r in g dum m y bar w a ll (S L D B ) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 236 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Guidelines for Placing Seal Ring There are two ways to mount the seal ring structure into your design: 1. Added by TSMC: Customers can request TSMC to add the seal ring and the SLDB during post tape out data preparation. CSR.R.1 must be followed if this option is selected. 2. Added by Customer: Customers can choose to add the seal ring and SLDB before tape out. Four sample GDS files (archived along with this document) are prepared for this purpose. Please select the proper GDS layers matching with the metal scheme of your design by following the seal ring rules and SLDB rules in the following. 1P10M sample GDS file for using Mz as top metal: TSMC_N45_SRDRM_BIB_Mz_AP_4um_PBO1_4D3.gds 1P10M sample GDS file for using My as top metal: TSMC_N45_SRDMB_BIB_My_20090923_AP plus 4.0.gds 1P10M sample GDS file for using Mr as top metal: TSMC_N45_SRDRM_BIB_Mr_AP_4um_PBO1_4D3.gds 1P10M sample GDS file for using Mu as top metal: TSMC_N45_SRDRM_BIB_Mu_AP_4um_PBO1_4D3.gds Sealring structures can be used in WLCSP/Flip chip/Wire bond packages. Mask combination CB (mask ID:107)/ AP (mask ID: 307)/ CB (mask ID:107) is not allowed for WLCSP process. Warning: A seal ring different from the TSMC standard one requires a special approval from TSMC to mitigate risk during die saw and packaging. Please contact TSMC to get assistance if an approval process is needed. The following CAD layers are required for seal ring structure and SLDB in addition to Via and Metal layers. Please keep these layers in the your chip GDS: Layer Name CAD Layer #/Datatype Flip Chip required Wire Bond required OD 6;0 V V PP 25;0 V V CO 30;0 V V CBD#a 169;0 V X CB 76;0 X V CB2_FC 86;0 V X CB2_WB 86;20 X V PM 5;0 V Optional LMARK 109;0 V V SEALRING 162;0 V V SEALRING_DB 162;1 V V SEALRING_ALL#b 162;2 V V CSRDMY 166;0 V V CSRBIB1DMY 166;1 V V CSRBIB2DMY 166;2 V V a. CBD is a required layer in the seal ring region for CB-VD mask (passivation-1) generated from (RV or CBD). b. Layer SEALRING_ALL (162;2) is used to waive logic rule violations in the seal ring, SLDB, CSR, and assembly isolation regions. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 237 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options The general 45 nm logic process is offered up to 1P10M. Please refer to the following tables to assemble the metallization option that fits your design. For any metal combination, a marker “(1+X+Y+Z+R)M_XxYyZzRr” can be used to represent the metal combination of Mx, My, Mz and Mr. The marker is interpreted as one layer of M1, X layers of Mx, Y layers of My, Z layers of Mz, and R layers of Mr. The total metal layer number is (1+X+Y+Z+R). Naming for different metal types Code M1 Mx My Mz Mr Data Type 0 0 20 40 80 Naming for different Via types Code Vx Vy Vz Vr Data Type 0 20 40 80 Metallization CAD layers Layer Metal-1 Via-1 Metal-2 Via-2 Metal-3 Via-3 Metal-4 Via-4 Metal-5 Via-5 Metal-6 Via-6 Metal-7 Via-7 Metal-8 Via-8 Metal-9 Via-9 Metal-10 CAD Layer ID 31 51 32 52 33 53 34 54 35 55 36 56 37 57 38 58 39 59 40 For example, in a 10M_5x2y2z scheme, the Via-6, Metal-7, Via-7, and Metal-8 should use layer (56;20), (37;20), (57;20), and (38;20), respectively, for My and Vy layers. The Via-8, Metal-9, Via-9, and Metal-10 should use layer (58;40), (39;40), (59;40), and (40;40), respectively, for Mz and Vz layers. The Metal-1 through Metal-6 should follow their respective CAD layer ID with data type 0. If customers want to add the seal ring and SLDB before tape out (option 2), please use the TSMC sample GDS file for seal ring and SLDB as a starting file, and follow the descriptions below to select the related metal and via layers for your design. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 238 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 For Metallization Options Using Mz as the Top Metal 1. Start with “N45_TSMC_SRDMB_BIB_Mz.gds” sample gds file. Select the metallization layers from the table below based on the target metallization scheme. Delete from the sample GDS any metal and via layers that are not listed in the column. Metallization Options using Mz as Top Metal Metal scheme 1P3M 1P4M 1P5M 1P6M 1P7M 1x1z 2x1z 3x1z 2x2z 4x1z 3x2z 3x1y1z 5x1z 4x1y1z 3x2y1z 4x2z 3x1y2z M1 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 VIA1 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 M2 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 VIA2 52;40* 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 M3 33;40* 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 VIA3 53;40* 53;0 53;40* 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 M4 34;40* 34;0 34;40* 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 VIA4 54;40* 54;40* 54;0 54;40* 54;20* 54;0 54;0 54;20* 54;0 54;20* M5 35;40* 35;40* 35;0 35;40* 35;20* 35;0 35;0 35;20* 35;0 35;20* VIA5 55;40* 55;40* 55;40* 55;0 55;20* 55;20* 55;40* 55;40* M6 36;40* 36;40* 36;40* 36;0 36;20* 36;20* 36;40* 36;40* VIA6 56;40* 56;40* 56;40* 56;40* 56;40* M7 37;40* 37;40* 37;40* 37;40* 37;40* VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 239 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options using Mz as Top Metal Metal scheme 1P8M 1P9M 1P10M 6x1z 5x1y1z 4x2y1z 5x2z 4x1y2z 3x2y2z 7x1z 6x1y1z 5x2y1z 6x2z 5x1y2z 4x2y2z 7x2z 6x1y2z 5x2y2z M1 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 VIA1 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 M2 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 VIA2 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 M3 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 VIA3 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 M4 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 VIA4 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;20* 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 M5 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;20* 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 VIA5 55;0 55;0 55;20* 55;0 55;20* 55;20* 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;20* 55;0 55;0 55;0 M6 36;0 36;0 36;20* 36;0 36;20* 36;20* 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;20* 36;0 36;0 36;0 VIA6 56;0 56;20* 56;20* 56;40* 56;40* 56;40* 56;0 56;0 56;20* 56;0 56;20* 56;20* 56;0 56;0 56;20* M7 37;0 37;20* 37;20* 37;40* 37;40* 37;40* 37;0 37;0 37;20* 37;0 37;20* 37;20* 37;0 37;0 37;20* VIA7 57;40* 57;40* 57;40* 57;40* 57;40* 57;40* 57;0 57;20* 57;20* 57;40* 57;40* 57;40* 57;0 57;20* 57;20* M8 38;40* 38;40* 38;40* 38;40* 38;40* 38;40* 38;0 38;20* 38;20* 38;40* 38;40* 38;40* 38;0 38;20* 38;20* VIA8 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* 58;40* M9 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* 39;40* VIA9 59;40* 59;40* 59;40* M10 40;40* 40;40* 40;40* 2. Re-assign the layers marked with “*” by the appropriate CAD layers to match with the CAD ID for that layer. Example: For a design with 6M_3x1y1z. Step 1: Locate the “3x1y1z” column under “1P6M” in the metallization options table above. Delete unused metal and via layers: (54;0), (35;0), (55;0), (36;0), (56;0), (37;0), (57;0), (38;0), (56;20), (37;20), (58;40) and (39;40) . Step 2: Re-assign CAD ID for the layers denoted with “*”, from (57;20), (38;20), (59;40) and (40;40), respectively, to (54;20), (35:20), (55:40) and (36:40) to match with your metallization scheme. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 240 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options Using My as the Top Metal 1. Start with “N45_TSMC_SRDMB_BIB_My.gds” sample GDS file. Select the metallization layers from the table below based on the target metallization scheme. Delete from the sample GDS any metal and via layers that are not listed in the column. Metal 1P3M scheme 1x1y M1 31;0 VIA1 51;0 M2 32;0 VIA2 52;20* 33;20* M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 2. 1P4M 2x1y 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;20* 34;20* Metallization Options using My as Top Metal 1P5M 1P6M 1P7M 1P8M 3x1y 2x2y 4x1y 3x2y 5x1y 4x2y 6x1y 5x2y 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;20* 35;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;20* 34;20* 54;20* 35;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;20* 36;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;20* 35;20* 55;20* 36;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;20* 37;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;20* 36;20* 56;20* 37;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;20* 38;20* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;20* 37;20* 57;20* 38;20* 1P9M 6x2y 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;20* 38;20* 58;20* 39;20* 1P10M 7x2y 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;0 38;0 58;20* 39;20* 59;20* 40;20* Re-assign the layers marked with “*” by the appropriate CAD layers to match with the CAD ID for that layer. Example: For a design with 6M_3x2y. Step 1: Locate the “3x2y” column under “1P6M” in the metallization options table above. Delete unused metal and via layers: (54;0), (35;0), (55;0), (36;0), (56;0), (37;0), (57;0) and (38;0). Step 2: Re-assign CAD ID for the layers denoted with “*”, from (58;20), (39;20), (59;20) and (40;20), respectively, to (54;20), (35;20), (55;20) and (36;20) to match with your metallization scheme. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 241 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options Using Mr as the Top Metal 1. Start with “N45_TSMC_SRDMB_BIB_Mr.gds” sample GDS file. Select the metallization layers from the table below based on the target metallization scheme. Delete from the sample GDS any metal and via layers that are not listed in the column. Metallization Options using Mr as Top Metal Metal scheme M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 1P7M 1P8M 1P9M 1P10M 5x1r 4x2r 6x1r 5x2r 7x1r 6x2r 7x2r 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;80* 37;80* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;80* 36;80* 56;80* 37;80* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;80* 38;80* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;80* 37;80* 57;80* 38;80* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;0 38;0 58;80* 39;80* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;80* 38;80* 58;80* 39;80* 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;0 38;0 58;80* 39;80* 59;80* 40;80* 2. Re-assign the layers marked with “*” by the appropriate CAD layers to match with the CAD ID for that layer. Example: For a design with 7M_5x1r. Step 1: Locate the “5x1r” column under “1P7M” in the metallization options table above. Delete unused metal and via layers: (56;0), (37;0), (57;0), (38;0), (58;80), (39;80) Step 2: Re-assign CAD ID for the layers denoted with “*”, from (59;80) and (40;80), respectively, to (56;80) and (37;80) to match with your metallization scheme. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 242 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options Using Mu as the Top Metal The possible metal option in Mu scheme is different from Section 4.5.54 in the seal ring. No Mr option is allowed when Mu structure is introduced. The general 45 nm logic process with Mu scheme is offered up to 1P10M. Please refer to the following tables to assemble the metallization option that fit your design. Naming for Different Metal Types Code M1 Mx My Mz Mu Data Type 0 0 20 40 60 Naming for Different Via Types Code Vx Vy Vz Vu Data Type 0 20 40 40 Metallization CAD Layers Layer Metal-1 Via-1 Metal-2 Via-2 Metal-3 Via-3 Metal-4 Via-4 Metal-5 Via-5 Metal-6 Via-6 Metal-7 Via-7 Metal-8 Via-8 Metal-9 Via-9 Metal-10 CAD Layer ID 31 51 32 52 33 53 34 54 35 55 36 56 37 57 38 58 39 59 40 For example, in a 10M_6x1y1z1u scheme, the Via-7, and Metal-8 should use layer, (57;20), and (38;20), respectively, for My and Vy layers. The Via-8, Metal-9, should use layer (58;40), (39;40), respectively, for Mz and Vz layers. The Via-9, and Metal-10 should use layer (59;40), and (40;60), respectively, for Mu and Vu layers. The Metal-1 through Metal-7 should follow their respective CAD layer ID with data type 0. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 243 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 If customers want to add the CSR patterns and the seal ring before tape out (option 2), please use the TSMC sample GDS file for seal ring and CSR as a starting file, and follow the descriptions below to select the related metal and via layers for your design. For Metallization Options Using Mu as the Top Metal Start with “N45_TSMC_SRDMB_BIB_Mu.gds” sample GDS file. Select the metallization layers from the table below based on the target metallization scheme. Delete from the sample GDS any metal and via layers that are not listed in the column. Example: For a design with 7M_5x1u. Step 1: Locate the first column under “1P7M” in the metallization options table above. Delete unused metal and via layers: (56;0), (37;0), (57;0), (38;0), (58;40), (39;40) Step 2: Re-assign CAD ID for the layers Via9 and M10, from (59;40) and (40;60), respectively, to (56;40) and (37;60) to match with your metallization scheme. Metallization Options (Mu with second inter-layer metal/via (My/Vy) are used, where the dielectric film material for inter-layer My/Vy is “Low-K”.) Total Number of Metal Layers Metal/ 1P4M Via 2x1u M1 1P5M 1P6M 1P7M 1P8M 1P10M 1P9M 3x1u 2x1z1u 4x1u 3x1z1u 3x1y1u 5x1u 4x1y1u 4x1z1u 3x1y1z1u 6x1u 5x1y1u 5x1z1u 4x1y1z1u 7x1u 6x1y1u 6x1z1u 5x1y1z1u 7x1z1u 6x1y1z1u 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 VIA1 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 VIA2 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 VIA3 53;40 53;0 53;40 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 34;60 34;0 34;40 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 VIA4 54;0 54;20 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 54;0 M5 35;0 35;20 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 35;0 VIA5 55;40 55;40 55;40 55;0 55;20 55;40 55;40 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;20 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;0 55;0 M6 36;60 36;60 36;60 36;0 36;20 36;40 36;40 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;20 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;0 36;0 VIA6 56;40 56;40 56;40 56;40 56;0 56;20 56;40 56;40 56;0 56;0 56;0 56;20 56;0 56;0 37;0 37;20 37;40 37;40 37;0 37;0 37;0 37;20 37;0 37;0 VIA7 57;40 57;40 57;40 57;40 57;0 57;20 57;40 57;40 57;0 57;20 M8 38;60 38;60 38;60 38;60 38;0 38;20 38;40 38;40 38;0 38;20 VIA8 58;40 58;40 58;40 58;40 58;40 58;40 M9 39;60 39;60 39;60 39;60 M2 M3 M4 M7 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 54;40 54;40 54;0 54;40 54;20 54;0 54;0 35;60 35;60 35;0 35;40 35;20 35;0 35;0 37;60 37;60 37;60 37;60 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 39;40 39.40 VIA9 59;40 59;40 M10 40;60 40;60 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 244 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Metallization Options (Mu with top metal/via (My/Vy, 2XTM) are used, where the dielectric film material for top My/Vy is “USG”.) Metal/ Via M1 VIA1 M2 VIA2 M3 VIA3 M4 VIA4 M5 VIA5 M6 VIA6 M7 VIA7 M8 VIA8 M9 VIA9 M10 1P5M 2x1y1u 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;20 34;20 54;40 35;60 Total Number of Metal Layers 1P6M 1P7M 1P8M 1P9M 3x1y1u 4x1y1u 5x1y1u 6x1y1u 31;0 31;0 31;0 31;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 51;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 32;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 52;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 33;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 53;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 34;0 54;20 54;0 54;0 54;0 35;20 35;0 35;0 35;0 55;40 55;20 55;0 55;0 36;60 36;20 36;0 36;0 56;40 56;20 56;0 37;60 37;20 37;0 57;40 57;20 38;60 38;20 58;40 39;60 1P10M 7x1y1u 31;0 51;0 32;0 52;0 33;0 53;0 34;0 54;0 35;0 55;0 36;0 56;0 37;0 57;0 38;0 58;20 39;20 59;40 40;60 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 245 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Chip Corner Stress Relief (CSR) Pattern Rule No. CSR.R.1 Document No. Version Description Label Triangle empty areas (74 μm) at four chip corners must be reserved and no layout is allowed inside, as shown in Fig. Warning: Violation of this rule may result in a serious layout mistake thus the corrections of many masks may be required! Please jobview the mask data after adding CSR and seal-ring by tsmc. Op. Rule = 74 74 um e m p ty a re a C h ip c o r n e r 74 um e m p ty a re a CSR.R.2 CSR.R.4 C S R in 4 c h ip c o r n e r s F i g . Fig. 4 . 5 . 5 0 . 2 . 1 . TTriangle r i a n g l e empty e m p tareas y a r e at a s4achip t 4 ccorners. h ip c o r n e r s . The CSR structure must include PM, CB2_FC or CB2_WB, AP, {{CB OR CBD} OR RV}, Mtop/Mtop-1 (top metal), VIAtop/VIAtop-1, M8, VIA7…VIA1, M1, CO, PP, OD layers. The CSR pattern includes an additional 2/6 μm width seal-ring and reinforced metal structure, as shown in Fig. CSRDMY layer (CAD layer: 166;0), CSRBIB1DMY (166;1) and CSRBIB2DMY (166;2) are musts if customers add a seal-ring by themselves. DRC does not check CSR and BiB related rules w/o those dummy layers. CSR.W.1 Width of reinforced metal structure a = 9~10 CSR.L.1 Length of reinforced metal structure b = 24~25 CSR.R.3 Distance between 45-degree outer seal-ring and seal-ring corner d = 18~20 Rule No. Description Label DMV pattern in CSR must include Mtop/VIAtop/Mtop-1/VIAtopCSR.R.5 1/Mtop-2/VIAtop-2/…/V1/M1, except for Mr and Mu design (DMV pattern: metal/via dummy pattern) For Mu design, DMV pattern in CSR must include Mtop-1/MtopCSR.R.6 2/VIAtop-2/…/V1/M1, not including Mtop (Mu), VIAtop, and VIAtop1. (DMV pattern: metal/via dummy pattern) CSR_DM.W.1 Metal width of DMV in CSR region S CSR_DM.S.1 Metal space of DMV in CSR region T CSR_DM.S.2 Metal space of DMV to CSR metal bar R CSR_DM.O.1 Overlay of two adjacent DMV metal layers, except Mr and Mu. U CSR_DV.W.1 Via width of DMV in CSR region P CSR_DV.S.1 Via space of DMV in CSR region Q DMV via enclosure by DMV metal in CSR region. CSR_DV.EN.1 V DMV via must be inside DMV metal. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule = = = Table. Table. Table. Table. Table. Table. Table. 246 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Remark: Chip corner stress relief pattern and seal ring structures are based on the 1P10M process: *CSRDMY is a dummy layer aligned to the boundary of stress relief pattern in regionΙ for DRC. Please refer to Fig. in the following. *Please be careful with the non-generic logical operation or non-TSMC standard seal ring on the drawn dimensions of stress relief pattern and seal ring. It needs to be reviewed by TSMC. * Dummy metal/via is implemented in no pattern area to strengthen CSR structure. Please follow the sample gds file and use correct CAD layers with correct datatypes for DMV on the CSR area. * Seal ring is surrounded by 8 um (7.2um for N40 on-silicon dimension) scribe line dummy bar to enhance die saw quality against laser and mechanical die saw alike for a wider package reliability margin. Please refer to the scribe line dummy bar layout rule in Section * The seal ring wall structure includes the outer and inner seal ring walls with 2um and 6um width, respectively. The outer seal ring is 2 um wide (for N45; 1.8um for N40 on-silicon dimension) and adjacent to the scribe line; the inner seal ring is 6 um wide (for N45; 5.4um for N40 on-silicon dimension) and far away from the scribe line. Please refer to Fig. for an example. For wire bond product, * PM (mask code 009, CAD layer: 5;0). * Polyimide is an optional layer and only covers inner seal_ring; no polyimide coverage over the outer seal_ring. Please refer to Fig. for the details. If PM mask is generated by LOP, tsmc will remove polyimide on sealring to avoid peeling risk from the specific layouts. For flip-chip product, * Polyimide only covers inner seal_ring; no polyimide coverage over the outer seal_ring. Please refer to Fig. for the details. * CBD (mask code 306) layout is the same as CB. * Do not draw UBM (mask code 020) layout on the seal ring (chip corner stress relief pattern, seal ring wall, and assembly isolation) and SLDB. No UBM metal is left in these regions. * AP (mask 309) must be drawn on seal ring according to the rules. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 247 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Chip Corner Stress Relief Pattern (Fig. The scribe line dummy bar is not drawn in this figure. Top View Fig. CSR Layout Fig. CSR additional seal ring a a a b a Reinforced Metal structure d The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 248 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Chip Corner Stress Relief pattern (Fig. Chip corner stress relief pattern can reduce the impact of damage induced by thermal stress during packaging and field application. Please refer to regionΙas an example. 74um CSR T r ia n g le e m p t y a r e a d u m m y m e ta l/v ia C h ip c o rn e r 6um 74um 6um C h ip e d g e 6um 10um 8um A s s e m b ly S e a l S c r ib e lin e is o la tio n r in g dum m y bar The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 249 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy metal/via (DMV) in the CSR region (Fig. CSR d u m m y m e ta l/v ia Table. Rule summary of DMV in CSR for items P~V. Label P Q R S T U V M1 - - 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.7 - VIAx/Mx 0.07 0.11 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.135 VIAy/My 0.14 0.14 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.14 VIAz/Mz 0.36 0.84 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.17 VIAr/Mr 0.46 0.74 0.5 1 0.5 - 0.12 VIAu/Mu 0.36 3 3 - 0.33 3 3 C S R Layout The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 250 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 : 3um X3um M u dum m y C S R Layout The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 251 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Box in Box (BiB) Pattern inside CSR 1. To meet extremely tight requirement of overlay control for critical layers (OD, PO, CO), the box-in-box patterns are put into the CSR region for overlay monitoring. 2. CSRBIB1DMY(166;1) and CSRBIB2DMY(166;2) are dummy layers aligned to the boundary of the stress relief pattern in region-Ι for DRC. CSRBIB1DMY(166;1) -- DRC recognition layer for location at left-top and right-bottom CSR region CSRBIB2DMY(166;2) -- DRC recognition layer for location at right-top and left-bottom CSR region Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule BiB.W.1 PO_OD, CO_OD and CO_PO BiB patterns must inside CSR PO_OD BiB pattern is formed by [OD ring + PO ring inside OD ring] CO_PO {CO_OD} BiB pattern is formed by [PO {OD} ring + CO ring inside PO {OD} ring (inner and outer)] Left-top & right-bottom CSR region must has CO_OD and CO_PO BIB pattern Right-top & left-bottom CSR region must has PO_OD, and CO_PO BIB pattern Width of OD ring and PO ring A 1.1 BiB.W.2 Width of CO (maximum = minimum) B BiB.W.3 Width of ((CO SIZE 0.05) SIZE -0.05) of CO ring L = = = 0.965 C = 4 D = = = = = = = = - 1.5 BiB.R.1 BiB.S.2 Space of {OD ring or PO ring} to sealring OD DRC only select one side of OD ring or PO ring for space check Space of {OD ring OR PO ring} corner to 45-degree seal-ring OD edge BiB.S.3 Space of CO to CO [in the same ring] BiB.L.1 Length of OD ring inner edge F BiB.L.2 Length of PO ring inner edge [in PO_OD BiB pattern] G BiB.L.3 Length of PO ring inner edge [in CO_PO BiB pattern] H BiB.L.4 Length of ((CO SIZE 0.05) SIZE -0.05) of CO ring M/N BiB.EN.1 Enclosure of PO to OD [opposite edge in PO_OD BiB pattern] BiB.EN.2 Enclosure of outer CO ring to OD [opposite edge in CO_OD BiB pattern] J BiB.EN.3 Enclosure of outer CO ring to PO [opposite edge in CO_PO BiB pattern] K BiB.R.4 Overlap of OD ring, PO ring, CO patterns are not allowed - BiB.S.1 E I The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 0.17 0.095 16.5 7.7 16.5 6.265, 6.53 3.3 4.0 4.0 - 252 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 253 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 254 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Seal Ring Layout Rules Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The seal ring wall rules, DMV (dummy metal/via) in assembly isolation rules, and CDU (critical dimension uniformity) placement rules are decribed in this section. Please follow exactly the schematic diagram below (as in the GDS example) for seal ring layout. DRC cannot fully check these dimensions. Any seal ring design different from the TSMC standard offer cannot be accepted in product tape out due to unknown risk for die saw and packaging. Please contact TSMC for a special approval of a non-TSMC standard seal ring. If the seal ring is added by TSMC, TSMC will add assembly isolation and seal-ring structure at the same time. Only DMV and CDU are allowed in the assembly isolation region. Please use the sample gds file for DMV and follow the DMV rules in this region. AlCu pad (AP)/Polyimide (PM) can be generated by logic operation for wire-bond non-RDL products. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 255 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Seal Ring Wall Layout Rules The seal ring wall structure includes the outer and inner seal ring walls with 2um and 6um width, respectively. The outer seal ring is 2 um wide for N45 (1.8um for N40) and adjacent to the scribe line; the inner seal ring is 6 um wide for N45 (5.4um for N40) and far away from the scribe line. Please refer to Fig. for an example. If a customer wants to connect a circuit to the seal ring through M1~Mtop, only allow connecting to the two most inner seal rings. Besides, the DMV pattern must be removed from the connection path in the assembly isolation region. If a customer wants to connect a circuit to the seal ring through AP, only allow connecting to the inner most seal ring. Rule No. SR.R.1 SR.R.7 SR.R.8U SR.R.9 CO.W.2 M1.W.4 M1.W.5 VIAx.W.2 VIAx.W.3 VIAx.EN.5 VIAx.EN.6 VIAx.S.4 VIAx.S.5 VIAx.S.9 Mx.W.4 Mx.W.5 VIAy.W.2 VIAy.W.3 VIAy.EN.5 VIAy.EN.6 VIAy.S.4 VIAy.S.5 VIAy.S.8 My.W.4 My.W.5 VIAz.W.2 VIAz.W.3 VIAz.EN.5 VIAz.EN.5.1 VIAz.EN.6 Description SEALRING layer (CAD layer: 162;0) and SEALRING_DB layer (CAD layer: 162;1) are musts if customers add a seal-ring by themselves. 162;0 is used to cover the outer seal-ring (2um) and inner seal-ring (6um);162;1 is used to cover SLDB (3.5um duplicate). SEALRING layer (162;0) and SEALRING_DB layer (162;1) must exist. All the drawings of seal-ring and SLDB structures must be inside of SEALRING (162;0) and SEALRING_DB (162;1). (except Mu) Please follow the CAD layers usage of 162;0 and 162;1. DRC does not check seal-ring related rules w/o those layers. CO bar and VIA (x,y,z,r,u), CB/CBD/RV bar must be continuous as a ring. Only tsmc standard seal-ring is allowed. Width of assembly isolation = 6 um (layout forbidden area.) Only M1~AP, DMV pattern, and CDU are allowed in the assembly isolation region. (DMV pattern: metal/via dummy pattern) Each M1~AP patterns in the assembly isolation region must follow the following conditions: 1. Each M1~Mtop must be connected to seal ring wall 2. Each AP can only connect to the inner seal ring wall 3. Each M1~AP overlap SLDB is not allowed Width of CO bar in seal-ring. Width of M1 metal line in outer seal-ring. Width of M1 metal line in inner seal-ring. Width of VIAx bar in seal-ring. Width of VIAx hole in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAx bar by Mx in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAx hole by Mx in seal-ring. Space of VIAx hole in seal-ring. Space of VIAx hole to VIAx bar in seal-ring. Maximum space of VIAx hole [INSIDE SEALRING] DRC flags: {SEALRING AND Mx} must be fully covered by {{SEALRING AND VIAx holes} SIZING 6um} Width of Mx metal line in outer seal-ring. Width of Mx metal line in inner seal-ring. Width of VIAy bar in seal-ring. Width of VIAy hole in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAy bar by My in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAy hole by My in seal-ring. Space of VIAy hole in seal-ring. Space of VIAy hole to VIAy bar in seal-ring. Maximum space of VIAy hole [INSIDE SEALRING] DRC flags: {SEALRING AND My} must be fully covered by {{SEALRING AND VIAy holes} SIZING 6um} Width of My metal line in outer seal-ring. Width of My metal line in inner seal-ring. Width of VIAz bar in seal-ring. Width of VIAz hole in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAz bar by Mz in seal-ring, except Mu design Enclosure of VIAz bar by Mz in seal-ring in Mu design Enclosure of VIAz hole by Mz in seal-ring. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label Op. Rule 6 P Q R B D A I G C, H = = = = = 0.06 2 6 0.5 0.07 0.21 0.22 0.35 0.365 G 12 Q R B D A I G C, H = = = = 2 6 0.5 0.14 0.21 0.15 0.34 0.3 G 12 Q R B D A A I = = = = 2 6 0.5 0.36 0.21 0.30 0.21 256 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. VIAz.S.4 VIAz.S.5 VIAz.S.8 Mz.W.4 Mz.W.5 VIAr.W.2 VIAr.W.3 VIAr.EN.5 VIAr.EN.6 VIAr.S.4 VIAr.S.5 VIAr.S.8 Mr.W.4 Mr.W.5 VIAu.W.2 VIAu.W.3 VIAu.EN.5 VIAu.EN.6 VIAu.S.4 VIAu.S.5 VIAu.S.8 Mu.W.4 Mu.W.5 CB.W.3 CB.EN.2 SR.AP.W.3 AP.EN.2 CB2.W.5 PM.R.3 SR.R.4 SR.R.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Space of VIAz hole in seal-ring. Space of VIAz hole to VIAz bar in seal-ring. Maximum space of VIAz hole [INSIDE SEALRING] DRC flags: {SEALRING AND Mz} must be fully covered by {{SEALRING AND VIAz holes} SIZING 6um} Width of Mz metal line in outer seal-ring. Width of Mz metal line in inner seal-ring. Width of VIAr bar in seal-ring. Width of VIAr hole in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAr bar by Mr in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAr hole by Mr in seal-ring. Space of VIAr hole in seal-ring. Space of VIAr hole to VIAr bar in seal-ring. Maximum space of VIAr hole [INSIDE SEALRING] DRC flags: {SEALRING AND Mr} must be fully covered by {{SEALRING AND VIAr holes} SIZING 6um} Width of Mr metal line in outer seal-ring. Width of Mr metal line in inner seal-ring. Width of VIAu bar in seal-ring. Width of VIAu hole in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAu bar by Mu in seal-ring. Enclosure of VIAu hole by Mu in seal-ring. Space of VIAu hole in seal-ring. Space of VIAu hole to VIAu bar in seal-ring. Maximum space of VIAu hole [INSIDE SEALRING] DRC flags: {SEALRING AND Mu} must be fully covered by {{SEALRING AND VIAu holes} SIZING 6um} Width of Mu metal line in outer seal-ring. Width of Mu metal line in inner seal-ring. Width of CB/CBD/RV line opening in inner seal-ring. (Tolerance 0.01 μm) Enclosure of CB/CBD/RV by AP in inner seal-ring. (Tolerance 0.01 μm) Width of AP bar [overlaps with inner seal-ring and SREZ] (Except AP connect to inner seal-ring from Prime Chip) (DRC tolerance at 45-degree turning: ±0.02 μm) Enclosure of AP bar [overlaps with inner seal-ring and SREZ] by inner seal-ring (DRC tolerance at 45-degree turning: ±0.02 μm) Width of CB2_WB/CB2_FC line opening in outer seal-ring. Polyimide is prohibited over outer seal-ring and SLDB regions. It only covers inner seal-ring area (6um/5.4um for N45/N40). Please see Fig. (PM drawn pattern must cover outer seal-ring and SLDB regions.) Please add as many VIA holes as possible in metal lines of inner and outer seal-rings. DRC flags: {SEALRING NOT INTERACT VIAx, VIAy, VIAz, VIAu, and VIAr holes, respectively} LMARK must be inside SEALRING_ALL The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label G C, H Op. Rule 0.54 0.34 G 12 Q R B D A I G C, H = = = = 2 6 0.5 0.46 0.08 0.08 0.44 0.44 G 12 Q R B D A I G C, H = = = = 2 6 0.5 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.54 0.34 G 12 Q R U X = = = 2 6 2 1 V = 8 EN = 1 W = 2 257 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Fig. Cross-sectional view of seal ring Before LOP: TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Post LOP: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 258 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of seal ring TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Before LOP: Post LOP: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 259 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of seal ring (Adjacent via array) A D B H A I A H G B B D C Assembly F VIAx isolation G Cad Layer 162 (Seal Ring) Cad Layer 162;0 F 2um (Seal Ring) 6um 2um (Inner seal ring wall) (Outer seal ring wall) I A D B (Adjacent via array) H A A H G B B D C Assembly F isolation VIAy G Cad Layer 162 Cad Layer 162;0 (Seal Ring) (Seal Ring) F * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer A B VIAx 0.21 0.5 VIAy 0.21 0.5 C 1* 1* D 0.07 0.14 F 0.175 0.17 G 0.35 0.34 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. H 0.365 0.3 I 0.22 0.15 260 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of seal ring A I H A (Adjacent via array) G D B B C A H B D Assembly F VIAz isolation G Cad Layer 162 Cad Layer 162;0 (Seal Ring) (Seal Ring) F A I H A D B B C A (Adjacent via array) G H B D Assembly F VIAr isolation G Cad Layer 162 Cad Layer 162;0 (Seal Ring) (Seal Ring) F * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer A B C D F G H I VIAz 0.21 0.5 0.72* 0.36 0.38 0.6* 0.67* 0.21 VIAr 0.21* 0.5 0.62* 0.46 0.4 0.8* 0.8* 0.21* The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 261 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of seal ring (VIAz and VIAu) When using Mu design A I H A (Adjacent via array) G D B B C A H B D Assembly F isolation G Cad Layer 162 Cad Layer 162 (Seal Ring) (Seal Ring) F * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer A B C D F G H I VIAz / VIAu 0.33 0.5 0.48* 0.36 0.38 0.68* 0.43 0.33 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 262 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DMV in Assembly Isolation Layout Rules All DMV rules bypass CDUDMY (165;0) region. Rule No. Description Label Op. SR_DM.W.1 Metal width of DMV in assembly isolation S = SR_DM.S.1 Metal space of DMV in assembly isolation T SR_DM.S.2 Metal space of DMV to seal-ring metal bar R SR_DM.O.1 Overlay of two adjacent DMV metal layers, except Mr and Mu. U = SR_DV.W.1 Via width of DMV in assembly isolation P = SR_DV.S.1 Via space of DMV in assembly isolation Q V SR_DV.EN.1 SR.R.2 SR.R.3 Enclosure of DMV via by DMV metal in assembly isolation DMV via must be inside DMV metal. DMV pattern in assembly isolation region must include Mtop/VIAtop/ Mtop-1/VIAtop-1/Mtop-2/VIAtop-2/…/V1/M1, except Mr and Mu design. (DMV pattern: metal/via dummy pattern) For Mu design, DMV pattern in assembly isolation region must include Mtop-1/Mtop-2/VIAtop-2/…/V1/M1, not including Mtop(Mu), VIAtop, and VIAtop-1. (DMV pattern: metal/via dummy pattern) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Rule Table. Table. Table. Table. Table. Table. Table. 263 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of DMV in assembly isolation (Mz, My, Mr as top metal) Table. Rule summary of DMV in assembly isolation for items P~V. Label P Q R S T U V M1 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.7 VIAx/Mx 0.07 0.11 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.135 VIAy/My 0.14 0.14 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.14 VIAz/Mz 0.36 0.84 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.17 VIAr/Mr 0.46 0.74 0.4 1 0.5 0.12 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 264 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of DMV in assembly isolation When using Mu design For Mu design, DMV pattern in assembly isolation is without Mu_(Mtop)/VIAu/VIAz. Table. Rule summary of DMV in assembly isolation. Label R S T U Mz 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.7 CDU (Critical Dimension Uniformity) pattern in Assembly Isolation Rules CDU pattern is unnecessary. If you want to add a CDU pattern, please place in a 6 μm assembly isolation beside a seal ring. Rule No. CDU.R.1 CDU.R.2 Description Label Op. Rule CDUDMY must be inside the assembly isolation, beside the seal-ring. OD/Poly/NP/CO/M1/Vx/Mx must be inside the CDUDMY. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 265 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Scribe Line Dummy Bar Layout Rules Scribe line dummy bar (SLDB) is a structure surrounding the seal ring to enhance die protection against the die saw damage. Laser grooving or mechanical saw during dicing is not allowed to damage SLDB. 8um (7.2um for N40) extra space outside the original seal ring structure is needed for SLDB. Please follow exactly the schematic diagram below (as in GDS example) for SLDB. DRC cannot fully check these dimensions. If you do not use these dimensions as below, please consult with TSMC. Scribe line dummy bar includes two duplicates of 3.5 um wide structures. Please refer to Fig. for details. Rule No. CO.W.3 M1.W.6 VIAx.W.4 VIAx.W.5 VIAx.EN.7 VIAx.S.6 Mx.W.6 VIAy.W.4 VIAy.W.5 VIAy.S.6 VIAy.S.7 My.W.6 VIAz.W.4 VIAz.W.5 VIAz.S.6 VIAz.S.7 Mz.W.6 VIAr.W.4 VIAr.W.5 VIAr.S.6 VIAr.S.7 Mr.W.6 Mu.W.6 VIAu.W.4 VIAu.W.5 VIAu.EN.7 VIAu.S.6 VIAu.S.7 CB.W.4 CB.EN.3 AP.W.4 CB2.W.6 SR.R.5U Description Width of CO bar in SLDB. Width of M1 metal line in SLDB. Width of VIAx bar in SLDB. Width of VIAx hole in SLDB. Enclosure of VIAx hole by Mx in SLDB. Space of VIAx hole in SLDB. Width of Mx metal line in SLDB. Width of VIAy bar in SLDB. Width of VIAy hole in SLDB. Space of VIAy hole in SLDB. Space of VIAy hole to VIAy bar in SLDB Width of My metal line in SLDB. (DRC tolerance at 45-degree turning: ±0.02) Width of VIAz bar in SLDB. Width of VIAz hole in SLDB. Space of VIAz hole in SLDB. Space of VIAz hole to VIAz bar in SLDB Width of Mz metal line in SLDB. (DRC tolerance at 45-degree turning: ±0.02) Width of VIAr bar in SLDB. Width of VIAr hole in SLDB. Space of VIAr hole in SLDB. Space of VIAr hole to VIAr bar in SLDB Width of Mr metal line in SLDB. (DRC tolerance at 45-degree turning: ±0.02) Width of Mu metal line in SLDB (DRC tolerance at 45-degree turning: ±0.02) Width of VIAu bar in SLDB. Width of VIAu hole in SLDB. Enclosure of VIAu hole by Mu in SLDB. Space of VIAu hole in SLDB. Space of VIAu hole to VIAu bar in SLDB Width of CB/CBD/RV line opening in SLDB. (Tolerance 0.01 μm) Enclosure of CB/CBD/RV by AP in SLDB. (Tolerance 0.01 μm) Width of AP bar in SLDB. Width of CB2_WB/CB2_FC line opening in SLDB. Please add VIA holes in metal lines of SLDB as many as possible. Label P Q B D J G Q B D G E Op. = = = = = = = Rule 0.06 0.5 0.5 0.07 0.015 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.14 0.34 0.68 R = 3.5 B D G E = = 0.5 0.36 0.54 0.54 R = 3.5 B D G E = = 0.5 0.46 0.44 0.44 S = 3 T = 6 B D I, H G E U X V W = = = = = 0.5 0.36 0.3 0.54 0.54 2 1 4 2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 266 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Fig. Cross-sectional view of scribe line dummy bar (Mz, My as top metal) Before LOP: TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Post LOP: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 267 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross-sectional view of scribe line dummy bar (Mr as top metal) Before LOP: TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Post LOP: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 268 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross-sectional view of scribe line dummy bar When using Mu design (Mu as top metal, Mz as top-1 metal) For Mu design, the structure of scribe line dummy bar (SLDB) is different from the general one in Mtop/VIAtop/VIAtop-1 when using Mu/Mz as Mtop/Mtop-1. Please see the following figure highlighted in the green circle. Before LOP: TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Post LOP: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 269 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cross-sectional view of scribe line dummy bar When using Mu design (Mu as top metal, My as top-1 metal) For Mu design, the structure of scribe line dummy bar (SLDB) is different from the general one in Mtop/VIAtop when using Mu/My as Mtop/Mtop-1. Please see the following figure highlighted in the green circle. Before LOP: TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Post LOP: The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 270 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of scribe line dummy bar TSMC will use LOP to remove {CB2_WB OR CB2_FC} at SLDB and outer seal ring regions. Before LOP: Scribe line Chip Scribe line dummy bar Assembly isolation Seal ring Outer SR Wall Inner SR Wall Grid: 0.005um AP AP Metal 8 um 4 um CB/CBD CB/CBD CB2 CB/CBD CB2 2 um 2 um CB2_FC/CB2_WB AP Post LOP: 2 um 2 um X’(X-section) X Contact 0.29 um 0.06 um 0.06 um 2.62 um 0.97 um 0.5um 3.5 um 0.5um 3.5 um 2 um 2 um 6 um 6 um The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 271 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of scribe line dummy bar (Mx/Vx) * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer B C D G J K L M N VIAx 0.5 0.5 0.07 0.35 0.215* 0.5 2.86 0.17 0.5 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 272 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of scribe line dummy bar (My/Vy and Mz/Vz) * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer VIAy VIAz B 0.5 0.5 C 0.5 0.5 D 0.14 0.36 E 0.68 0.57* F 0.86 0.64 G 0.34 0.76* M 0.17 0.56 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 273 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of scribe line dummy bar (Mr/Vr) * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer B C D E F G M VIAr 0.5 1 0.46 0.52* 0.54 0.8* 0.63 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 274 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Top view of scribe line dummy bar (Mu/Vu) * Recommended value, DRC only checks min. value. Layer B C D E F G H I M VIAu / VIAz 0.5 0.5 0.36 0.57* 0.64 0.76* 1.07* 0.57* 0.56 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 275 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4.5.55 Resistor Warning Rules RMDMYn (CAD layer 116;x , x = 1~10) and RMDMYAP (116;16) are dummy layers for DRC/LVS to recognize the metal resistor. RMDMY breaks the connection in LVS, but DRC does not break the connection. Rule No. RM.WARN.1 RM.WARN.2 RM.WARN.3 RM.WARN.4 RM.WARN.5 Mn Description CO overlap {NWDMY AND NW} is not allowed CO overlap silicided PO/OD resistor is not allowed CO overlap {RMDMY1 AND M1} is not allowed {VIAn OR VIAn-1} overlap {RMDMYn AND Mn} is not allowed. (n = 1~top) RV overlap {{RMDMYAP AND AP} OR {RMDMYn AND Mn}} is not allowed. (n = top) RMDMY Mn RMDMY Mn RMDMY Label Op. VIAn-1 VIAn-1 X Mn RMDMY VIAn-1 VIAn-1 X Mn RMDMY X VIAn-1 RM.WARN.4 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 276 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4.5.56 DRM and DRC Completeness Rule No. Description Label Value DRM.R.1 is a rule created to remind you that the following DRM and DRC must be checked before tape-out. DRM.R.1 1. T-N45-CL-DR-003 & T-N45-CL-DR-017 is pad and assembly related design rule that is not included into this design rule. Please make sure the DRC of T-N45-CL-DR-003 & T-N45-CL-DR-017 has been executed before tape-out. 2. Antenna deck is seperated from the main. Please make sure the Antenna deck has been executed before tape-out. V If the above items have been checked, this violation can be ignored. (please refer to the following Figure) Figure DRM.R.1 handing flow The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 277 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 5 Layout Guidelines for the Device Geometry Effect This chapter provides information about the following: 5.1 Layout Rules for the WPE (Well Proximity Effect) 5.2 Layout Guidelines for LOD (Length of the OD region) Effect 5.3 Layout Guidelines for OSE (OD Space Effect) 5.4 Layout Guidelines for PSE (Poly Space Effect) 5.5 Layout Guidelines for d-CESL Effect 5.1 Layout Rules for the WPE (Well Proximity Effect) NMOS or PMOS very close to well edge will exhibit a difference in threshold voltage (Vt) and drive current (Id) from that of the device located remotely from the well edge. As well edge and gate spacing gets smaller, the Vt of MOS device is raised and the Id is degraded. This WPE phenomenon occurs to every MOS: standard Vt, high Vt, low Vt , thin oxide MOS, and thick oxide MOS. SPICE model has included the WPE effect. Users need to input SCA, SCB, and SCC in the netlist to activate these new features. (SCA, SCB, and SCC can be treated as geometry factors derived from device geometry and its well environment –distances from Well edge(s) to gate.) For the sensitive circuit, e.g. constant current source or differential input pair, which needs precise device parameter control (e.g. ΔVt <5mV and ΔId<2%,) please use SPICE model to calculate the required controls then design accordingly. Rule No. PO.S.14.GSm® PO.S.14.LPm® PO.EN.1.GSm® PO.EN.1.LPm® PO.EN.2.GSm® PO.EN.2.LPm® PO.EN.3.GSm® PO.EN.3.LPm® Device Gate space to (OD2 OR (NW OR NT_N)) in Core NMOS Gate space to (OD2 OR (NW OR NT_N)) in Core NMOS Gate enclosure by ((NW NOT OD2) NOT NT_N ) in Core PMOS Gate enclosure by (NW NOT NT_N ) in Core PMOS Gate enclosure by (OD2 NOT (NW OR NT_N)) in IO NMOS. Gate enclosure by (OD2 NOT (NW OR NT_N)) in IO NMOS. Gate enclosure by ((NW AND OD2) NOT NT_N) in IO PMOS Gate enclosure by (NW NOT NT_N) in IO PMOS Label Op. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Rule 0.8 1.4 1.0 1.4 3.7 2.0 2.3 1.8 278 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 1. The OD2 layout will change the Well pattern on mask due to logic operation. Therefore, not only NW layout but also OD2 layout will impact WPE effect. Please refer to the figure 5.1.1 and logic operation of the above four recommendations. 2. For the dimension smaller than the above rules, the Vt of MOS device is raised as well as the Id is degraded. This effect increases with the reduction of the space or enclosure dimension. 3. The WPE phenomenon occurs to every MOS: standard Vt, high Vt, low Vt , thin oxide MOS, and thick oxide MOS. 4. If the above dimension is impossible to comply with in the critical circuit requiring tight matching in threshold voltage or Id, identical layouts with identical well enclosure dimension should be kept. (Figure 5.1.1) 5. If the distance between gate and well is the same, the WPE impact from the poly end cap direction is smaller than that from the source/drain direction. 6. SPICE model has included the WPE effect. Users need to input SC in the netlist to activate these new features. During post-simulation, LPE will automatically extract the SC from layout, and add the extracted SC to the netlist, then activate the model properly. (SC is the distance between gate to Well edge, please refer to the Appendix in the SPICE document). Not only NW layout but also OD2 layout will impact WPE calculation. Please refer to the 4 WPE recommendations in this section and the Figure 5.1.1. NW SC1 SC1 SC4 SC2 SC2 SC4 SC3 SC3 SC1 SC1 SC2 SC4 OD2 SC2 SC3 Figure 5.1.1 Both NW layout and OD2 layout are related to WPE. (For LP process, only NW layout will impact both core and IO PMOS WPE calculation) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 279 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 7. The detailed information regarding the device parameter impact by one side neighboring Well, or two sides or four sides is as follows. Core N/PMOS (N45GS=N40G) ΔVt < 5mV ΔId < 2% IO N/PMOS (N45GS=N40G) ΔVt < 5mV ΔId < 2% 1 side 0.5/0.4 0.6/0.7 2.0/ 1.2 0.7/0.4 2 sides 0.6/0.8 0.7/0.8 2.8/1.8 1.6/1.1 4 sides 0.7/0.9 0.8 /1.0 3.7/2.3 2.1/1.5 Core N/PMOS (N45LP/LPG, N40LP/LPG) ΔVt < 5mV ΔId < 2% IO N/PMOS (N45LP/LPG, N40LP/LPG) ΔVt < 5mV ΔId < 2% 1 side 0.8/0.6 0.8 1.0/0.8 0.6/0.4 2 sides 1.2/1.0 1 1.4 0.8 4 sides 1.4 1.2/1.4 2.0/1.8 1.2 Well edge Well edge Well edge One side gate space to well edge in other three sides ≥ 10um Well edge Two sides gate space to well edge in other two sides ≥ 10um Four sides Figure 5.1.2 One/two/four side for WPE The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 280 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 F o r e x a m p le , t o m e e t Δ V t < 5 m V in c o r e N / P M O S , p le a s e k e e p g a t e s p a c e t o w e ll e d g e 2 . 0 u m in 4 poor s id e s . 2 .0 u m W e ll e d g e OK 2 .0 u m 2 .0 u m 2 .0 u m 2 .0 u m W e ll e d g e OK 2 .0 u m W e ll e d g e W e ll e d g e Figure 5.1.3 Device Placement for Matching Pairs The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 281 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 5.2 Layout Guidelines for LOD (Length of the OD region) Effect 5.2.1 What is LOD? 1. The device performance (Vt or Id) will be impacted by LOD effect. It is due to the different levels of mechanical stress induced by the different OD length. 2. SPICE model has included the LOD effect. Users need to input SA and SB in the netlist to activate these new features. (SA and SB are the distance between gate to OD edge). (Figure SA SA SB 1 1 SB SA 2 SA 3 SB 2 SB 3 Figure Example of SA and SB 5.2.2 How to have a precise LOD Simulation 1. For pre-sim cases - PDK: Every MOS device in PDK has a layout view. So, when you use TSMC PDK to do design, the corresponding pcell layouts are also ready. TSMC PDK includes Skill code which can estimate the SA and SB values from the corresponding pcell before real layouts. The pre-sim netlist will include the accurate SA and SB parameters. - If you do not use PDK cell, you need to estimate the SA and SB first, and put them into the netlists as transistor instance parameters. SA and SB are 0.29μm for core devices and 0.48μm for IO devices in the layout of test structure for TSMC SPICE model generation. If you use the above dimensions precisely during layout design, the LPE will not do any LOD correction. 2. For post-sim cases (layouts are ready), designers need to use TSMC LPE deck to extract the SA and SB directly from layouts. The LPE will automatically add the extracted SA and SB to the netlists and thus the simulators will then activate the models properly. 3. Avoid irregular OD layout due to model accuracy concerns. (Figure Figure Irregular OD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 282 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 5.3 Layout Guidelines for OSE (OD Space Effect) 5.3.1 What is OSE? 1. 2. The MOS characteristics will be impacted by OSE. This is due to the varying levels of STI mechanical stress induced by differences in OD space. The MOS characteristics depend on the surrounding OD space in both the “L-direction” (OD-SL) and the “W-direction” (OD-SW). (Figure O D -S W O D -S L L -d ir e c tio n W -d ir e c tio n Figure Example of OD-SL and OD-SW 5.3.2 Id change on device due to OSE 1. The drain current of MOS core or IO device shows complex OD-SL (or OD-SW) dependence. (Figure 2. The closer the actual OD space of your layout to the SPICE structure (reference point in Figure, the less impact. r e fe r e n c e P MO S +% 0 I/ O O D - S W ( N 4 0 G ) Id s a t ( % ) Id s a t( % ) I/ O O D - S L ( N 4 0 G ) r e fe r e n c e PM O S +% 0 NMO S -% NM O S -% 0.1 1 L D ir O D S p a c e (u m ) 10 0.1 1 W 10 D ir O D S p a c e ( u m ) Figure Id shift (%) due to different OSE in core and I/O NMOS/PMOS The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 283 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 5.3.3 1. Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 How to reduce the differences between presimulation and post-simulation Standard cell: OD space to standard cell boundary: 0.05~0.07um in the L-direction OD inside the FILLER cell is highly recommended. (Figure FILLER cell with fixed 0.07um OD space to standard cell boundary is recommended. (Figure Accurate cell characterization with OD on all four sides. (Figure i. Complete the cell layout ii. Add 2nd PO outside the cell (refer to PSE) iii. Add dummy pattern outside the cell 1. Left/right: add FILLER cell 2. Top/down: add OD iv. LPE netlist extraction with OSE v. Post-simulation with OSE Standard cell array i. No empty area inside the cell array. FILLER cell is must. ii. Add OD/PO FILLER cells and {OD OR Dummy OD} on all four sides of the block boundary (Figure Filler 1 Filler 2 Filler 3 OD PO 0.14 OD 0.09 OD OD 0.24 um~ 0.12 um~ 0.12 um ~ 0.28 um 0.14 um 0.14 um OD OD Figure TSMC FILLER cell example with fixed 0.07um OD space to standard cell boundary. Consecutive Filler 1 is not recommended. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 284 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dum m y O D Dum m y O D O D /P O F IL L E R c e lls Dum m y O D O D /P O F IL L E R c e lls O D /P O F IL L E R c e lls O D /P O F IL L E R c e lls Dum m y O D Figure Add OD/PO FILLER cells and Dummy OD on four sides 2. Large IP: Recommend to insert SR_DOD by TSMC utility within IP to reduce the pre-/post-simulation difference. If no SR_DOD, recommend to insert a guard ring with ≥ 0.5um OD, to define the IP boundary. DOD/DPO is still needed, at > 2um distance to main OD, to meet the OD and PO density rule. LPE netlist extraction with OSE. Post-simulation with OSE. 3. DOD/DPO utility: N45 utility, with SR_ DOD and SR_DPO (Figure, is provided to match the SPICE test key with 0.1um L-direction OD space and 0.88um W-direction OD space. SR_DO D/ SR_DPO D O D /D P O Figure example of SR_ DOD and SR_DPO The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 285 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 4. Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 To optimize model simulation accuracy, avoid irregular OD layout in either the L-direction or the Wdirection. (Figure Figure Irregular OD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 286 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 5.4 Layout Guidelines for PSE (Poly Space Effect) 5.4.1 What is PSE? Poly space will impact the MOS characteristics. Besides the 1st poly space, the 2nd poly space also impacts the MOS characteristics. But the PSE by the 2nd poly space is smaller than that by the 1st poly space. (Figure 1 2 nd st p o ly p o ly 1 st p o ly Ta rg e t g a te 1 2 nd p o ly 2 nd st p o ly p o ly 1 st p o ly Ta rg e t g a te 2 nd p o ly Figure Example of the 1st poly and the 2nd poly 5.4.2 Id change on device due to PSE 1. PSE affects the drain current of core devices. (Figure 2. The closer the actual PO space of your layout to the SPICE structure, the less impact. P M O S (N 4 0 G ) (N 4 0 G ) Id s a t ( % ) Id s a t ( % ) NM OS +% +% 0 .0 0 .0 0 .1 0 0 .1 5 0 .2 0 0 .2 5 P o ly S p a c e ( u m ) 0 .1 0 0 .2 0 0 .3 0 P o ly S p a c e ( u m ) Figure Id shift (%) due to PSE in NMOS/PMOS 5.4.3 How to reduce the differences between presimulation and post-simulation on N40G circuit? 1. Make sure to insert the 1st poly to meet the poly space rule (PO.S.2). And follow PO.S.18.GS® carefully. 2. During the characterization, add a 2nd SR_DPO (you can use TSMC’s DOD/DPO utility) next to the 1st SR_DPO on both sides of the cell boundary, to reduce the difference between pre-simulation and postsimulation. 3. Add a 2nd SR_DPO on both sides of the IP boundary before characterization as well. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 287 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 5.5 Layout Guidelines for d-CESL Effect 5.5.1 What is d-CESL effect? N40G uses d-CESL to enhance the device performance. However, additional differences between presimulation and post- simulation have been observed on the core devices near the stress liner boundary. (Figure Figure Example of d-CESL stress liner boundary 5.5.2 Id change on the N40G device due to d-CESL 1. d-CESL effect affects the drain current of N40G core devices. (Figure 2. The closer the actual d-CESL of your layout to the SPICE structure, the less impact. N M O S EN X N M O S EN Y 0 - % - % Id s a t ( % ) Id s a t ( % ) 0 0 .1 0 1 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 1 E N X (u m ) 0 .1 0 1 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 E N Y (u m ) PM O S EN X PM O S EN Y 0 + % - % Id s a t ( % ) Id s a t ( % ) 0 0 .1 0 1 .0 0 - % 1 0 .0 0 E N X (u m ) 0 .0 1 0 .1 0 1 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 E N Y (u m ) Figure Id shift (%) due to d-CESL in NMOS/PMOS The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 288 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 5.5.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 How to reduce the differences between presimulation and post-simulation on N40G circuit? 1. Standard cell: X direction: keep continuous, aligned NW and PW structure, like a standard cell row. Avoid N/P well interleaving. (Figure Y direction: keep regular N-N-P-P well structure, like a standard cell row. (Figure Keep the same distance from gate to well boundary for the matching devices, no matter source/drain or endcap direction (same approach as WPE). 2. IP: With N+/NW guard ring (OD width ≥ 0.1um) surrounded. P+ ACTIVE in this IP space to OD of the N+/NW guardring ≥ 0.86um. IP boundary keeps 1.2um space with other IP boundary. Recommend: without empty area i. Move the white space to be between the different types of MOS in both the X and Y directions, not between the same types of MOS. ii. The well boundary should be in the middle, for the X direction. 3. Chip implementation: Expected <3% performance difference (worse case) between pre-simulation and post-simulation for all IPs and standard cells with the above guidelines. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 289 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy Good : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Not Good Y - d ir e c t io n NW X - d ir e c t io n NW PW NW PW PW NW Not Good PW NW PW NW NW PW NW PW Figure Example of NW/PW placements The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 290 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 6 N40LP/LPG Design Information This chapter contains the following N40LP/LPG design information: 6.1 Non-shrinkable Layout Rules 6.2 Design Flow For Tape-Out In the following, “Drawn dimension” is used for describing dimension of schematics and layout before shrinking, which are usually seen in customers’ design environment. “Post-shrink dimension” is used for describing dimension of schematics and layout after shrinking, which are used in TSMC mask database processing after tape-out. 6.1 Non-shrinkable Layout Rules 6.1.1 Purpose: A set of non-shrinkable rules are defined to meet the below requirements: 1. The limitation of the silicon process step, testing probing, and assembly. 2. Prevent DRC false errors from 110% (or any other finer scale up ratio like 111%) size up steps. These rules are mainly for migrating existing 45LP IP to 40LP technology by layout re-use approach. 6.1.2 Non-shrinkable Rules Rule No. PO.S.2.LP.S OD25_33.W.1.LP.S OD25_33.W.2.LP.S HVD_N25.W.2.S HVD_N25.S.11.S HVD_N25.O.1.S HVD_N25.L.1.S HVD_P25.W.2.S HVD_P25.S.11.S HVD_P25.O.1.S HVD_P25.L.1.S Description The poly gate space range to neighboring poly [for channel length < 0.06μm], and allow the violation with length ratio < 30% on one side and one segment. The length ratio = violation length / device width. This rule is for poly gate CDU control Channel length of 2.5V NMOS overdrive to 3.3V (NMOS Gate AND OD25_33). Channel length of 2.5V PMOS overdrive to 3.3V (PMOS Gate AND OD25_33). Channel width of {Gate INTERACT HVD_N} for SPICE accuracy. {CO INSIDE drain side OD} space to {HVD GATE OVERLAP OD_25} [INSIDE HVD_N]. Overlap of {I/O NMOS GATE}. Channel length of {GATE INTERACT HVD_N}. Channel width of {Gate INTERACT HVD_P} for SPICE accuracy. {CO INSIDE drain side OD} space to {HVD GATE OVERLAP OD_25} [INSIDE HVD_P]. Overlap of {I/O PMOS GATE} Channel length of {GATE INTERACT HVD_P} Label Op. Rule G = 0.13 ~ 0.22 or 0.32 A 0.55 B 0.44 N 1.115 W 0.60 J M = 0.33 0.88 N 1.115 W 0.60 J M = 0.28 0.66 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 291 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 6.1.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Stress Migration and Wide Metal Spacing Rules Adjustment (Rule Relaxing) The rules listed in the below table are adjusted to avoid DRC false alarm on 110% size-up circuits. Except 110% size-up circuits, other circuits have to follow the stress migration and wide metal spacing rules in CLN45 logic DRM. However, the following rules will be met automatically as long as CLN45 rules are met. Rule No. OD.L.1.S OD.L.2.S PO.L.1.S M1.W.3.S M1.S.2.S M1.S.2.1.S M1.S.2.2.S M1.S.2.3.S M1.S.2.4.S M1.S.2.5.S M1.S.2.6.S M1.S.2.7.S M1.S.3.S VIAx.R.2.S VIAx.R.3.S VIAx.R.4.S VIAx.R.5.S VIAx.R.6.S VIAx.R.11.S Mx.W.3.S Mx.S.2.S Mx.S.2.1.S Mx.S.2.2.S Mx.S.2.3.S Mx.S.2.4.S Mx.S.2.5.S Description Maximum length of {ACTIVE (source) [width < 0.12 µm] interacts with butted_STRAP} if no CO in M region. Maximum OD length [OD width < 0.12µm] between two contacts as well as between one contact and the OD lineend. (except {RFDMY AND RFIP_DMY} and {MOMDMY(155;21) SIZING 1.2um}) Maximum PO length between two contacts, as well as the length from any point inside PO gate to nearest CO when the PO width is < 0.08μm. (This check doesn’t include ESD protection devices.) Maximum width (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.19μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.265μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L2)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.345μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 0.44μm (L3)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.685μm (W4) and the parallel metal run length > 0.685μm (L4)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.17 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.24μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L2)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.31μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 0.44μm (L3)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.62μm (W4) and the parallel metal run length > 0.685μm (L4)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 1.65μm (W5) and the parallel metal run length > 1.65μm (L5)] (union projection) At least two VIAx with space 0.16μm (S1), or at least four VIAx with space 0.7μm (S1’) are required to connect Mx and Mx+1 when one of these two metals has width and length (W1) > 0.235μm. At least four VIAx with space 0.16μm (S2), or at least nine VIAx with space 0.92μm (S2’) are required to connect Mx and Mx+1 when one of these two metals has width and length (W2) > 0.605μm. At least two VIAx must be used for a connection that is 1.14μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with > 1.26μm (D) away from a metal plate) 2.8μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 1.54μm (L) and width > 1.54μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAx for a connection that is > 3.08μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 1.54μm (L) and width > 1.54μm (W).) At least two VIAx must be used for a connection that is 7.1μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 7.7μm (L) and width > 2.31μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAx for a connection that is > 7.81μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mx or Mx+1) with length > 7.7μm (L) and width > 2.31μm (W)). Single VIAx is not allowed in “H-shape" Mx+1 when all of the following conditions come into existence: (1) The Mx+1 has “H-shape" interact with two metal holes: both two metal hole length (L2) and two metal hole area 5um² (2) The VIAx overlaps on the center metal bar of this “H-shape” Mx+1 (3) The center metal bar length 1um (L) and the metal bar width 0.235 um. Maximum width (This check doesn’t include the SEALRING_ALL (162;2) region) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.19μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.265μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L2)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.345μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 0.44μm (L3)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.685μm (W4) and the parallel metal run length > 0.685μm (L4)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.17 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.24μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 0.3μm (L2)] (union projection) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label Op. Rule 0.44 66 19.8 4.95 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.21 0.075 0.085 0.13 0.15 0.5 4.95 0.1 0.12 0.15 0.21 0.075 0.11 292 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. Mx.S.2.6.S Mx.S.2.7.S Mx.S.3.S VIAy.R.2.S VIAy.R.3.S VIAy.R.4.S VIAy.R.5.S VIAy.R.6.S VIAy.R.11.S My.W.3.S My.S.2.S My.S.2.1.S My.S.3.S My.S.4.S VIAz.R.2.S VIAz.R.3.S Mz.W.2.S Mz.S.2.S Mz.S.3.S VIAr.R.2.S VIAr.R.3.S Mr.W.2.S Mr.S.2.S Mr.S.3.S Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label Space [at least one metal line width > 0.31μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 0.44μm (L3)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.62μm (W4) and the parallel metal run length > 0.685μm (L4)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 1.65μm (W5) and the parallel metal run length > 1.65μm (L5)] (union projection) At least two VIAy with space 0.63μm (S1’) are required to connect My and My+1 when one of these two metals has width and length (W1) > 0.465μm. At least four VIAy with space 0.32μm (S2), or at least nine VIAy with space 0.85μm (S2’) are required to connect My and My+1 when one of these two metals has width and length (W2) > 1.255μm. At least two VIAy must be used for a connection that distance 1.4μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 0.77μm (L) and width > 0.77μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAy for a connection that is > 1.54μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 0.77μm (L) and width > 0.77μm (W).) At least two VIAy must be used for a connection that distance 2.8μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 2.2μm (L) and width > 2.2μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAy for a connection that is > 3.08μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 2.2μm (L) and width > 2.2μm (W).) At least two VIAy must be used for a connection that distance 7.1μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 11μm (L) and width > 3.3μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAy for a connection that is > 7.81μm (D) away from a metal plate (either My or My+1) with length > 11μm (L) and width > 3.3μm (W)). Single VIAy is not allowed in “H-shape" My+1 when all of the following conditions come into existence: (1) The My+1 has “H-shape" interact with two metal holes: both two metal hole length 5um (L2) and two metal hole area 5um² (2) The VIAy overlaps on the center metal bar of this “H-shape” My+1 0.465um. (3) The center metal bar length 1um (L) and the metal bar width Maximum width Space [at least one metal line width > 0.235μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.575μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 0.21μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 0.575μm (L1)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 1.65μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 1.65μm (L2)] (union projection) Space [at least one metal line width > 4.95μm (W3) and the parallel metal run length > 4.95μm (L3)] (union projection) At least two VIAz with spacing 1.87μm are required to connect Mz and Mz+1 when one of these metals has a width and length > 1.98μm. At least two VIAz must be used for a connection that is 5μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mz or Mz+1) with length > 11μm (L) and width > 3.3μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAz for a connection that is > 5.5μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mz or Mz+1) with length > 11μm (L) and width > 3.3μm (W)). Maximum width [except bond pad] Space [at least one metal line width > 1.65μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 1.65μm (L1)] Space [at least one metal line width > 4.95μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 4.95μm (L2)] At least two VIAr with spacing 1.87 μm are required to connect Mr and Mr+1 when one of these metals has a width and length > 1.98 μm. At least two VIAr must be used for a connection that is 5 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mr or Mr+1) with length > 11 μm (L) and width > 3.3 μm (W). (It is allowed to use one VIAr for a connection that is > 5.5 μm (D) away from a metal plate (either Mr or Mr+1) with length > 11 μm (L) and width > 3.3 μm (W)). Maximum width [except bond pad] Space [at least one metal line width > 1.65 μm (W1) and the parallel metal run length > 1.65 μm (L1)] Space [at least one metal line width > 4.95 μm (W2) and the parallel metal run length > 4.95 μm (L2)] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.13 0.165 0.5 13.2 0.19 0.15 0.5 1.5 13.2 0.5 1.5 13.2 0.65 1.5 293 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 6.1.4 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Pad Rule for Wire Bond Please refer to T-N45-CL-DR-003 “TSMC 45NM/ 40NM WIRE BOND, EUTECTIC FLIP CHIP AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE” for the detailed rules and guidelines. Since the pad rule is limited by testing and assembly capability, customer has to check the drawn layout dimension, i.e. dimesnion before 90% shrink. Non-shrinkable Rules: Rule Rule No. Description Pad pitch that allows 90% shrink Length of CB/CB2 (the edge perpendicular to nearby #CB2.W.2 prime chip edge) #CB2.P.1 Single In-line 40 ≤ Pitch 45 Staggered 50 ≤ Pitch < 60 50 55 ≤ Pitch < 60 88 Table notes: All numbers are drawing dimensions before 90% shrink. Minimum pad pitch that allows 90% shrink: 45um (single inline); 55um (staggered). Items denoted by “#” depend on the capability of each individual probing/ assembly house. 6.1.5 Flip Chip Bump Rules Please refer to the following flip chip design rule manuals for the detailed rules and guidelines. DRM No. DRM title T-N45-CL-DR-003 TSMC 45 NM/ 40 NM WIRE BOND, EUTECTIC FLIP CHIP AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE T-N45-CL-DR-017 TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH BUILD UP SUBSTRATE (FCBGA, FLIP CHIP BALL GRID ARRAY) AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE T-N45-CL-DR-022 TSMC 45/40 NM LEAD FREE (LF) BUMP FLIP CHIP WITH LAMINATE SUBSTRATE (FCCSP, FLIP CHIP CHIP SCALE PACKAGE) AND INTERCONNECTION DESIGN RULE The bumping rules for flip-chip design are critical on the bumping ball formation. Customers must meet the non-shrinkable rules before 90% linear shrink. The bump height and diameter would decrease due to UBM shrinking. Customers must evaluate this bump height change by themselves. Non-shrinkable Rules: Rule No. Description #UBM.P.1 UBM.EN.1t #UBM.EN.2 BP.W.4t #BP.W.6t BP.EN.5t BP.EN.7t Bump pitch UBM enclosure by prime chip edge Enclosure by AP Width of CBD/CB2_FC under UBM area Width of UBM CBD/CB2_FC enclosure by UBM CBD enclosure by Mtop Rule 167 55.6 2.2 55.6 88.9 11.1 2.2 Table notes: Items denoted by “#” depend on the capability of each individual probing/ assembly house. Items denoted by “t” applied for tsmc bumping only. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 294 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 6.2 Design Flow For Tape-Out 6.2.1 How to design for CLN40LP/LPG shrink technology Designers must consider the following items since CLN40LP/LPG are required 90% scaling on the drawn layout: IP libraries and chip are required to run timing and power characterization by 1. CLN40LP/LPG spice models with an embedded scaling factor, 0.9 2. CLN40LP/LPG BEOL RC extraction technology files with as embedded scaling factor, 0.9 Perform full-chip timing analysis and power simulation to ensure chip functionality and robustness. Since scaling factors are all set in process design kits, shrink technology CLN40LP/LPG and its corresponding design flow is transparent to designers. Check if versions of EDA tools – P&R, RC extractor, circuit simulator are able to support transparent shrink design flow. The layout for CLN40LP/LPG must follow the related non-shrinkable rules. (Please refer to section 6.1 “Non-shrinkable Layout Rules”.) 6.2.2 How to prepare a new design of CLN40LP/LPG To start a whole new CLN40LP/LPG design (that is, there is no existing CLN45LP/LPG product to shrink from), please follow the design flow in Figure TSMC provides SPICE models, standard cell libraries, I/Os, and SRAM models in CLN40LP/LPG. Circuit designers should simulate their IP as described in section 6.2.4, paying attention on critical circuits. Chip designers should follow the same physical design and timing sign-off flow as CLN45LP/LPG. Figure Start a CLN40 new tape-out. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 295 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 6.2.3 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 CLN45LP/LPG Design Migration to CLN40LP/LPG Technology SRAM replacement: Designers must replace the CLN45LP/LPG SRAM cell by CLN40LP/LPG one. The following SRAM cells are proven by TSMC. Process Type SRAM Cell Size (Before shrunk) CLN40LP/LPG HD HC DP HCDP 0.299um^2 0.374um^2 0.589um^2 0.741um^2 (N45 drawn dimension) Also, designers must replace the dummy, strapping, boundary and twist cells with CLN40LP/LPG unit-cells. When legacy CLN45LP/LPG IP re-usage is preferred for CLN40LP/LPG design, in order to maintain CLN45LP/LPG IP design performance in CLN40LP/LPG technology, besides layout size-up procedures (introduced as follows), it’s nice to add a marker layer (LP_IP_MIG: 63;45) on CLN45LP/LPG layout area for differentiating them from most CLN40LP/LPG circuit layout area. 110% size-up: Silicon validated N45LP analog circuits (for example: matching circuits, current-driving at I/O circuits) layout might be preferred to be re-used. Designers may consider 110% layout size-up relatively to other CLN40LP/LPG shrinkable circuit layout in order to keep post-shrink dimension as close as possible to original size. It’s recommended to re-run simulation on legacy CLN45LP/LPG IP by CLN40LP/LPG spice model for confirming performance acceptable. Although re-use layout approach could keep silicon dimension quite close, due to N40LP/45LP process technology differences, there could be some performance differences. For a reference layout size-up utility, please consult TSMC Design and Technology Platform in details. Traditional layout 110% size-up approach would require snapping polygon grids and flattening design hierarchies. Even with finer design grid 1nm, there could still be device layout mismatch risk. IP preparation phantom size-up approach: I. Pre-requisite: Given CLN45LP/LPG layout GDSII, which is clean on CLN45LP/LPG DRC/LVS check. II. Layout size-up: Size up CLN45LP/LPG IP GDS 110% (or 111%) and perform snapping to 1nm. III. Size down GDSII CO/VIA layers back to their original dimension (100%) to meet N40LP drawn rules. Modify size-up layout by swapping BJT with original BJT. Layout fixing will be necessary due to BJT routing reconnect and size-up induced DRC violation. Add a marker CAD layer (LP_IP_MIG: 63;45) on top of IP layout for later mask processing. IV. Re-characterization: Run LPE/RC extraction and simulation on size-up GDSII. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 296 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 6.2.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Layout check and post simulation When the layout is ready, the designer should run DRC/LVS check first. Figure shows the sequence. Once it passes DRC and LVS, perform RC extraction by scaling commands given in Figure Perform full-chip simulation and timing analysis on the extracted net-list (with parasitic). If timing closure is achieved, it is ready for tape-out. Otherwise, re-design, re-layout or make other adjustments as needed to meet the timing goals. By embedded scale factor (0.9) in RC extractor technology, the output of the CLN40LP/LPG RC extractor will be CLN40LP/LPG parasitics. Please refer to section “RC extraction guideline” setting of IP-level and chip-level extraction. Figure Layout check and post simulation. N45 Library design Handling Retune Chip Layout Interconnect & Layout checking & post-sim Dummy Timing Utility closure achieved Tape-out Timing N40 GDS closure achieved No Layout checking & post-simulation N40 (N40 deckDRC with non -shrinkable rules + N40 LVS) Layout checking (DRC, LVS) RC extraction commands: Fire&Ice: setvar layout_scale 0.9 Star-RCXT: magnification_factor: 0.9 Full chip SPF, netlist Timing with parasitic Analysis No N40 SPICE N40 SRAM N40 Libraries Timing closure achieved The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 297 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SPICE Guidelines for Library IP Development TSMC provides N40LP/LPG logic and SRAM models, which could be used for circuit pre-sim and post-sim. Outline for CLN40LP/LPG design 1. If using spice model with embedded scale factor =0.9, thus, at pre-sim stage, spice net-list device size is in N45 dimension (drawn layout dimension). Otherwise, designers need to set .option scale=0.9 in spice net-list by themselves. 2. At post-sim stage, LPE will extract device size based on drawn layout dimension and RC extractor will take care of parasitic extraction scaling. The device size is in drawn dimension but parasitics is extracted based on 90% shrunk layout. As a result, spice model with embedded scale=0.9 will be used for CLN40LP/LPG simulation since it only impacts on MOS, DIO geometric parameters but not on parasitics and electrical parameters. With this extraction flow, both pre-sim and post-sim scale settings are the same. Thus, it’s easier for design integration and LVS back-annotation for debugging. Simulation Syntax for scaling (HSPICE only): 1. The Following is an example of embedded scaling for MOS and DIODE lib. .option geoshrink=0.9 2. For macro model devices resistors and varactors, scale factors are put in spice model usage file header. It’s suitable for both pre-layout and post-layout simulation. Please refer to the example below. ***** Macro Model Resistor and Capacitor (or Varactor) ***** .LIB scale_option_res .param scale_res= 0.9 .ENDL scale_option_res .LIB scale_option_cap .param scale_cap=0.9 .ENDL scale_option_cap .LIB scale_option_cap25 .param scale_cap25=0.9 .ENDL scale_option_cap25 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 298 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 3. There are also flags in SPICE model header for parasitic estimation in pre-layout simulation stage. ***** Contact-to-poly parasitics ***** .LIB CCO_pre_simu .param ccoflag=1 .ENDL CCO_pre_simu .LIB CCO_pre_simu_hvt .param ccoflag_hvt=1 .ENDL CCO_pre_simu_hvt .LIB CCO_pre_simu_25 .param ccoflag_25=1 .ENDL CCO_pre_simu_25 .LIB CCO_pre_simu_na .param ccoflag_na=1 .ENDL CCO_pre_simu_na .LIB CCO_pre_simu_na25 .param ccoflag_na25=1 .ENDL CCO_pre_simu_na25 4. BJT model is not a scalable model, so users can’t specify “area” in the net-list. The model is not affected by value of scale and has already been extracted from a shrunk size. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 299 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 RC Extraction Guidelines For IP libraries extraction, there are WPE , DFM switches on transistors parameters for more accurate circuit simulation. Default RC extraction technology file will scales down layout for parasitics extraction but NOT scale on device geometric parameters. Full-chip timing and power simulation/characterization are required to ensure chip functionality and robust yields. Layout extraction procedure (Figure Figure Layout Extraction Flow TSMC Online CLN40LP/LPG LPE/RCX Techfile CLN40LP/LPG SPICE Model IP level GDSII Device & RC Extraction Characterize Delay, Power by SPICE simulation Full-chip DEF or Milkyway RC Extraction Full-chip Timing, Power, IR-drop, SI analysis The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. IP Library Timing 300 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 7 Layout Rules and Recommendations for Analog Circuits This chapter provides information about the following topics: 7.1 User guides 7.2 Layout rules, recommendations and guidelines for the analog design 7.3 Layout rules and guidelines for device placement 7.4 Burn-in Guidelines for Analog Circuits 7.1 User Guides 1. Use these rules, recommendations, and guidelines to achieve better analog device performance and matching. In analog circuits, good device matching provides good performance margin and production yield. 2. The examples of analog circuits: o Operational Amplifier: includes differential input pair, bias circuit and current mirror. o DAC: includes constant current source, amplifier using external Rset to adjust full range current and bias circuit. o ADC: includes comparator, amplifier, sample/hold switches, switching capacitor, and reference voltage resistor ladder. o PLL: includes VCO (delay stage) and charge pump (current mirror, buffer/opamp) o Bandgap: BJT, current mirror, bias circuit, differential amplifier and ratioed resistor. o LNA and mixer o Sense amplifiers in memories. o Matching pair includes active and passive devices. 3. If your circuit has concern about the rules, recommendations, and guidelines, TSMC DRC deck can help you to flag the violations. Analog DRC deck is bundled in the TSMC logic DRC deck. The following two methods can specify the region to run analog part. Please also refer to the user guide in the DRC deck. o Dummy layer: RRuleAnalog (CAD layer: 182;3): for the layout rules, recommendations, and guidelines of the analog designs. o Cell selection based on the following variable: CellsForRRuleAnalog: only check the cells in the variable ExclCellsForRRuleAnalog: don’t check the cells in the variable 4. A registered symbol “U“ is marked after the rule number as the rule is not checked by DRC. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 301 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 7.2 Layout Rules, Recommendations and Guidelines for the Analog Designs 7.2.1 General Guidelines Rule No. Description AN.R.1mgU If possible, use devices with large widths. Do not use minimum widths and lengths for performance-critical device. Using current source device as an example, designer should refer to the device I-V curve to check at which W/L range, the drain saturation current reaches constant. AN.R.2mgU Use larger areas for transistors, resistors, and capacitor devices for better mismatch. AN.R.44mgU AN.R.45mgU AN.R.46mgU Label Op. It is recommended to adopt all the advisory number of the DFM ActionRequired Rules, and also adopt all the parametric/systematic related DFM Recommendations/Guidelines. It is recommended not to use a very long channel device in the design. In order to ensure the channel relaxation time of the MOS device is enough to build up charge to the steady state, it is recommended to use <10 times of minimum channel length at the high operation frequency range. The operating frequency shall be below 0.2 * gm / Cgate, where gm is the transconductance of the transistor and Cgate is the gate-oxide capacitance. Draw the dummy pattern manually and uniformly, surrounding the matching pair for both the source/drain direction and the poly end-cap direction. (Figure The dummy patterns should be identical in the shape, the dimension, the space to the main circuit, and from the source/drain direction and the poly end-cap direction, respectively. The dummy OD and dummy PO should be 100% cover the projection edge of the matching devices. AN.R.47mgU Avoid using irregular OD for the matching pair. Use simple rectangle to have precisely SPICE simulation accuracy. Refer to figure AN.R.34mgU Prefer simple shapes (rectangles) of OD and Poly. AN.R.35mgU Avoid OD routing (Prefer using metals and CO) to limit the number of corner OD (risk of OD rounding), and to limit the number of narrow OD connections (risk of OD Rs variation) Figure Example of irregular ODs The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 302 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.2.2 Rule No. PO.S.5m® PO.S.6m® PO.S.6.1m® PO.EX.1m® PO.EX.2mgU AN.R.71mgU Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MOS Recommendations Description Label Recommended PO space to L-shape OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS for model accuracy J Recommended L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS E Recommended L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS [channel width < 0.3 um E and L-shape PO length > 0.1 um (L)] (Figure Recommended PO extension on OD (end-cap) G For current mirror devices using common OD, please pay attention to LOD effect (please refer to LOD effect section), eg. when using common OD, please follow the following items: (Figure (1) Keep the same SA/SB (2) Enlarge extension (F1) to put dummy gate at both source/drain sides with the same channel width, length, pitch and count, as possible. Recommend putting dummy gate in the STI edge on the same OD. (Figure F1 Op. Rule 0.2 0.1 0.18 0.11 F1 G E OD OD PO J p p p pD u m m y P O g a tpe w i t h s a m e p it c h p Figure Analog Circuit Layout L E W id th Figure PO.S.6.1m® Figure Dummy GATE placement of analog circuit The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 303 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.2.3 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Bipolar Transistor (BJT) Rules and Recommendations 1. Two kinds of vertical bipolar are provided, PNP bipolar (P+/NW/PSUB) and NPN bipolar (N+/PW/DNW). 2. SPICE and PDK offer 3 kinds of emitter size and base size: PNP10 and NPN10 PNP5 and NPN5 PNP2 and NPN2 10x10 5x5 2x2 Emitter size 3. In order to have precise SPICE model prediction, it is strongly recommended that users should apply the standard TSMC bipolar layouts (PDK cells) in their designs. 4. The entire device needs to be covered with an BJTDMY (CAD layer: 110) which is used for DRC and LVS check. Rule No. Description RPO needs to cover 0.3μm on the Emitter OD edge for both OD and STI sides, i.e. RPO= ((Emitter OD SIZING 0.3 µm) NOT (Emitter OD SIZING -0.3 µm)) BJTDMY enclosure of Emitter OD OD (Emitter size) is small 2 μm x 2 μm, middle 5 μm x 5 μm, big 10 μm x 10 μm, BJTDMY overlap of NT_N, PO, VTH_N, VTH_P, VTLN, VTL_P, VAR, and SRM is not recommended. BJT.R.1 BJT.R.8 BJT.R.2® BJT.R.7® Figure Label Op. Rule F = 0.6 G 0.13 Layout of bipolar device B JTD M Y G E m itte r OD R P O (F ) OD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 304 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.2.4 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Resistor Rules Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule R P O 1.8 μm (W’), length 20 μm (L’), and square number 5 (L’/W’) Width for NW resistor within OD. LWidth 1.8 μm (W”), length 20 μm (L”), and square number 5 (L”/W”) C R E S .2 m NWRSTI.R.1m W for NW resistor under STI. NWROD.R.1m O P O /O D R PO O D OD W ’ OD W ” L’ L” N W NW N P N P NP N W D M Y N W r e s is t o r w it h in O D N W R O D .R .1 m Figure NP NW DMY N W r e s is t o r u n d e r S T I N W R S T I.R .1 m Resistors layout The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 305 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.2.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Capacitor Guidelines Rule No. Description AN.R.36mgU It is recommended not to use a very long channel device in the design. In order to ensure the channel relaxation time of the MOS capacitor (excluding varactor) is enough to build up charge to the steady state, it is recommended to use proper channel length at the high operation frequency range. The operating frequency shall be below 0.2 * gm / Cgate, where gm is the transconductance of the transistor and Cgate is the gate-oxide capacitance. AN.R.37mgU Varactor (NMOS capacitor in NW) is the best choice as MOS capacitor. And the NW should have a P-type guard ring tied to ground. Label Op. Rule Design Guidelines for Capacitor Connections -for the Estimation of Minimum Metal Width and Minimum Via Number Id e a l c u rre n t c u rv e R e a l c u rre n t c u rv e T Figure Transient peak current For the estimation of minimum metal line width and minimum number of via connecting to capacitor terminals, we assume that the charging up or discharge time is a quarter of clock period T. In calculation: △t=T/4 to charge up to VDD or discharge from VDD to ground. T=1/f, f is the clock frequency. The current to charge or discharge capacitor is Imax=Cdv/dt=C* VDD/(1/4f)=4f*VDD*C C is the capacitance extracted from layout f (is the clock frequency) and VDD are provided by designer. The minimum metal line width is W(metal width in μm)= Imax/Jmax, where Jmax= EM current density for metal line per μm. The minimum number of via is N(Via number)= Imax/Jvia, Jvia= EM current density for each Via. Both Jmax and Jvia are provided by process specifications to avoid EM (electro migration) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 306 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 7.3 Layout Rules and Guidelines for Device Placement 7.3.1 General Rules and Guidelines Rule No. Description Label Op. You need to insert the dummy patterns in the empty area, even if the OD, PO, metal density has already met the density rules. Insert the dummy patterns properly. AN.R.3mU AN.R.4mgU The recommendation steps for this AN.R.3m: 1st Insert same geometric dummy cells manually to minimize the proximity effect (Figure 2nd Using TSMC’s utility to fill dummy patterns on the rest of the empty space, and leave 4um white space to insert SR_DOD & SR_DPO. 3rd In TSMC’s utility, Analog (CAD layer: 182;3) layer can’t avoid DOD, SR_DOD DPO, SR_DPO, or DM1/DMx/DM1_O/DMx_O insertion in the region. Please use ODBLK, POBLK, or DM1EXCL/DMxEXCL layer to cover your analog circuit, which will exclude DOD, SR_DOD, DPO, SR_DPO, or DM1/DMx/DM1_O/DMx_O insertion during chip level. 4th Do electrical or silicon characterization Avoid having sparse poly gate. Please refer to the item 3 in the section of Improvement of poly CD uniformity D u m m y p a tte r n s (b lu e ) A c ti v e c i r c u i t Figure Example of manual DOD, DPO, or unit cell The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 307 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.3.2 Rule No. AN.R.5mU AN.R.6mU AN.R.7mU AN.R.8mgU AN.R.9mgU AN.R.10mgU AN.R.11mgU AN.R.12mgU AN.R.38mU AN.R.39.mgU AN.R.45mgU AN.R.46mgU AN.R.47mgU AN.R.60mgU AN.R.67mgU AN.R.61mgU AN.R.65mgU AN.R.66mgU AN.R.52mgU AN.R.53mgU AN.R.54mgU Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Matching Rules and Guidelines Description Make certain that the areas and shapes of matching pairs are identical. Do not use matching pairs with different proximities (iso/dense), nor with different widths and areas, and different shape of equal area. Elements of the matching pair should have the same orientation (Figure Avoid routing metal over a matching pair. M1 is the most critical. If it is unavoidable, then use identical routing metal with same potential over the matching pair. (Figure Place the matching devices close together and, if possible, use “common-centroid” or “inter-digitated” placement for better matching. “Common-centroid” architecture is recommended for those devices that cannot be placed close together (Figure Regardless of any device dimensions of matching pairs with consistent resistance concerns, use the symmetrical number of contacts (please refer to the CO.R.5g) and the same CO to PO gate space. The layout of interconnection routing should be symmetrical with respect to each branch. Pay attention on the associated routing layout, as well as the associated pattern density, of the matching pair, to minimize the Rs difference. (Figure All the routing should be symmetrical to avoid mismatch. Pay attention on the matching topology of the resistor layout (Figure PO gate must connect to a protection diode by M1 to reduce the antenna effects in matching pairs. Make certain that the local pattern density of, and nearby, the matching pair should be identical. Use enough dummy cells surrounding the matching pair is highly recommended. In order to avoid the drift of electrical parameter matching, it is important to maintain identical DC bias on the each matching-transistor (NMOS or PMOS) at all operation conditions (eg, standby conditions). If the DC bias is not identical, please evaluate the impact of matching performance. It is recommended not to use a very long channel device in the design. In order to ensure the channel relaxation time of the MOS device is enough to build up charge to the steady state, it is recommended to use <10 times of minimum channel length at the high operation frequency range. The operating frequency shall be below 0.2 * gm / Cgate, where gm is the transconductance of the transistor and Cgate is the gate-oxide capacitance. Draw the dummy pattern manually and uniformly, surrounding the matching pair for both the source/drain direction and the poly end-cap direction. (Figure The dummy patterns should be identical in the shape, the dimension, the space to the main circuit, and from the source/drain direction and the poly end-cap direction, respectively. The dummy OD and dummy PO should be 100% cover the projection edge of the matching devices. Avoid using irregular OD for the matching pair. Use simple rectangle to have precisely SPICE simulation accuracy. Refer to figure Recommend to put at least two dummy gate with the same channel length in the same OD. (Figure Recommend to match antenna diode and their metal routing. (Figure For analog matching pair, recommend to use the same poly endcap size, even for the dummy poly (Figure Recommend to equivalent drain and source orientation. Total numbers of D/S and S/D orientations need to match. (Figure Recommend to equalize interconnect and gate loading for matched transistors and tap the gate connection from both ends. (Figure Recommend the following items for MOS capacitor matching (Figure - Small identical geometry - Common centroid layout - Dummy capacitor - No on-top metal routing - Away from power source Recommend the following items for resistor matching (Figure - Interdigital configuration - Equal structure - Suitable dimension - No corner turning (connection with M1. Not to use OD/PO) - Dummy pattern - Away from different power source - Put more contacts Recommend the following items for MOM matching (Figure - Uniform metal density - Common centroid layout - Dummy MOM - Away from different power domain - Need to take care RC extraction carefully during IP placement The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label Op. 308 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. AN.R.74mgU Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Recommend the following items for varactor matching (Figure - Use I/O varactor - Interdigital unit cell layout - Common centroid layout - Dummy varactor cell - Away from different power domain Label Op. In a multiplier ( 1: N, N>2) function design (MOS,PO/OD resistor,MOS CAP), the metal coverage AN.R.86mgU above target devices (single or multiple) should keep clean as possible, the non-uniform metal coverage would induces unexpected mismatch performance V Better matching layout : the same orientation PO gates are all along x-direction (or y-direction) Poor matching layout : different orientation Figure Poor OD M 1 Example of same or different orientation for matching pairs G ood Poor G ood R e s is t o r R e s is t o r OD PO P O M 1 o v e r M O S a ff e c t in g V t Figure M 1 o v e r r e s is t o r a ff e c t in g r e s is ta n c e Example of avoiding routing metal over a matching pair The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Rule 309 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy b e tte r m a t c h in g la y o u t : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 n o t s u ita b le f o r c r it ic a l m a tc h in g p a ir s c o m m o n - c e n tr o id in te r d ig it a te d d is c r e te O D ( A B B A ) c o m m o n O D (A B A B ) A A A B B A B A B A A B B B A A or B B B A D u m m y a r r a y ( b lu e ) C e n tr o i d M O S l a y o u t i s u se d fo r d e v i c e m a tc h i n g i n 3 D d i r e c ti o n w i th r o u ti n g / c o m p l e x i ty tr a d e -o ff : C e n t r o id in d i v id u a l M O S c o n f i g u r a t io n is u s e d f o r t y p ic a l la y o u t C e n t r o id a b u t t e d M O S s t y le e n h a n c e s d e v ic e p e r f o r m a n c e w it h s m a lle r a r e a ( p r e f e rr e d ) Figure Example of common-centroid or inter-digitated layout for matching pairs Poor G ood M a t c h in g p a ir s M a t c h in g p a ir s Figure Example of the associated routing layout of the matching pair Poor G ood G ood B e tte r R R R R 2R R R R R R R R R Figure Example of matching topology of resistor layout for matching pairs The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 310 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 A c t i v e d e v i c e s a r e s u r r o u n d e d b y d u m m y o n e i n a ll d i r e c t i o n s w i t h i n s h o r t d i s t a n c e A l l d u m m y d e v i c e s a r e i n c l u d e d i n c i r c u i t c h a r a c te r i z a ti o n D u m m y u ti l i ty i s n o t r e c o m m e n d e d fo r d e v i c e c h a r a c te r i z a ti o n A c t iv e d e v ic e D u m m y d e v ic e Figure Dummy pattern for matching pairs nxx m 1 m 2 A B Figure Example of dummy poly beside matching parirs Figure Example to match antenna diode and their metal routing The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 311 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure Example of the same poly endcap size in the same OD Figure Example to equivalent drain and source orientation Figure Example to tap the gate connection from both ends of the gate The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 312 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Capacitor matching Small identical geometry Main capacitor Large unit y capacitance Common centroid la yout Dummy capacitor Capacitor shielding No on-top metal routing Aw ay from pow er source Dummy capacitor Figure Example of capacitor matching R e s is t o r m a t c h i n g M1 In t e r d ig it a l c o n f ig u r a t io n E q u a l s tru c t u re M a i n r e s i s to r S u it a b le N o c o r n e r t u r n in g D um m y D u m m y p a t te r n Figure Example of resistor matching Figure Example of MOM matching Figure Example of Varactor matching d im e n s i o n Awa y p a tte rn fro m p o w e r s o u rc e The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 313 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure Example of a multiplier ( 1: N, N>2) function design The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 314 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.3.3 Rule No. AN.R.13mU AN.R.14mgU AN.R.15mgU AN.R.16mgU AN.R.17mg AN.R.18mgU AN.R.20mg AN.R.21mgU AN.R.40mgU AN.R.72mgU AN.R.73mgU AN.R.55mgU AN.R.56mgU AN.R.68mgU AN.R.69mgU AN.R.76mgU Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Electrical Performance Rules and Guidelines Description Label Op. Rule Avoid placing the matching pairs or performance-critical devices at the prime chip corner and prime chip edge. (Figure Avoid using silicided-OD connected between well strap and the MOS source node (butted junction) in analog, matching and performancecritical devices. (Figure Optimize the CO number at both source and drain sides of performancecritical devices. (Figure Do not use maximum latch-up rule near narrow ravine between wells. (Figure Place unsilicided PO resistor or MOM (without ground shielding) on an Nwell for better noise immunity. A P+ PO resistor is recommended for overall performance. Do not use single via for high current or resistance sensitive wire. (Figure Use thick oxide (OD2) MOS varactor and capacitor to reduce gate oxide leakage. DRC can not check capacitor. CB and CBD are not recommended to put on the top of matching pairs or performance-critical devices. For the matching sensitive circuits with DC bias at low Vgs regions; the layout style effects (such as LOD, WPE and device orientation) should be carefully reviewed. For less device offset and variation of Id_analog (Ids at Vds = Vgs = 0.5*Vdd) of core device, recommend to use merged-OD than separateOds or use common centroid layout style. (Figure For less mean offset of Id_analog (Ids at Vds = Vgs = 0.5*Vdd) of core device, recommend to surround MOSFETs with same type of MOSFETs, or use TSMC dummy insertion utility to fill the blank area. (Figure The environment of the critical metal routing should have similar metal density (Figure Recommend to consider interconnect routing in device performance analysis. Symmetrical routing is critical for device matching. Distributed RC network is constructed differently dependent on interconnect routing. Asymmetrical interconnect routing results in device mismatch. For timing concern circuit, recommend to run RCC (resistor/capacitor/coupling) extraction. (Figure Nwells at different potentials should be separated by Pwell strap to enhance the separation. Surrounding PW guard-ring will be the best. (Figure Recommend to use common central layout for BJT diodes (Figure In order to reduce the Id_analog (Ids at Vds = Vgs = 0.5*Vdd) gap between Si and simulation for the MOS in core region, it is not recommend to use opposite-type MOS with area ≥ 5um * 5um size abutted the target MOS. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 315 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 A = d ie w id t h B = d ie le n g th C = d ie d i a g o n a l l e n g t h L e n g t h a n d w id t h o f d i e i n c l u d e s s e a l r in g P ro p o s e d z o n e a *B b *C a *B C B a n d p a r t o f s c r ib e l in e a f t e r d ie s a w A a *A a *A F o r t h e b o t t o m d ie in a s t a c k e d - d ie w ir e b o n d P B G A p a c k a g e 1) a : a w a y f r o m d ie e d g e 1 0 % o f t h e c h i p e d g e le n g t h 2) b : a w a y f r o m d ie c o r n e r 1 5 % o f t h e c h ip d i a g o n a l d i m e n s io n F o r a s in g le - d ie w ir e b o n d P B G A p a c k a g e 1) a : a w a y f r o m d ie e d g e 3 % o f t h e c h i p e d g e le n g t h 2) b : a w a y f r o m d ie c o r n e r 5 % o f t h e c h i p d ia g o n a l d im e n s io n F o r a s in g le - d ie f lip c h ip P B G A p a c k a g e 1) a : a w a y f r o m d ie e d g e 1 % o f t h e c h i p e d g e le n g t h 2) b : a w a y f r o m d ie c o r n e r 3 % o f t h e c h i p d ia g o n a l d im e n s io n T h e a b o v e n u m b e r s m a y b e c h a n g e d b y s e v e r a l f a c t o r s , e . g . d ie s i z e , d ie t h ic k n e s s , p a c k a g e t y p e , p a c k a g e m a t e r ia l , p a c k a g e s i z e , a n d c ir c u it d e s i g n m a r g in , p l e a s e c o n t a c t T S M C f o r m o r e d e t a ils . Figure The proposed zone for matching pairs or performance-critical devices The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 316 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy Poor Poor : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 G ood S o u rc e W e ll S t r a p W e ll S t r a p W e ll S t r a p S o u rc e S o u rc e Figure Example of avoiding using silicided-OD connected between well strap and the MOS source node Poor G ood Figure adequate CO number to enlarge the space of CO-to-gate and CO-to-CO extension D o n o t u s e m a x im u m la t c h - u p NM O S PM O S r u le ( r e d u c e t h e s p a c e ) NW PW NW PW N a r r o w w e ll s p a c e W e ll S t r a p W e ll S t r a p ( n a r r o w r a v in e ) Figure Example of maximum latch-up rule near narrow ravine between wells G ood Poor V ia x M x+1 V ia x M x M x+1 M x Figure Example of not using single via for high current or resistance sensitive wire The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 317 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure Example for common centroid, merged OD and separate OD. S u rro u n d M O S F E T s w ith s a m e ty p e o f M O S F E Ts, o r u s e T S M C d u m m y in s e rtio n u tility to fill th e b la n k a re a Figure Example to Surround MOSFETs with same type of MOSFETs, or use TSMC dummy insertion utility to fill the blank area. Figure The environment of the critical metal routing should have similar metal density The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 318 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure Example of metal routing N W a t s a m e p o t e n t ia l S u r r o u n d in g P W g u a r d r in g N W a t s a m e p o t e n t ia l N W a t d if f e r e n t p o t e n t ia l Figure Example of NWs at different potentials should be separated. Figure Example of common central layout for BJT diodes. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 319 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.3.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Noise Power and Ground Rule No. AN.R.22mgU AN.R.23mgU AN.R.24mgU AN.R.25mgU AN.R.26mgU AN.R.27mgU AN.R.28mgU Description Label Op. Rule For the low noise circuit, a P-Well ring, which is tied to VSS, is recommended to surround all PMOS devices in each analog circuit block. For the low noise circuit, a N-Well ring, which is tied to VDD, is recommended to surround all NMOS devices in each analog circuit block. Put NMOS in RW (PW in DNW) is a good practice of isolating critical circuit from substrate noise (Figure Make sure every NW connected to DNW must be same potential (refer to DNW.R.4). Use NT_N layer (width ≥ 1μm), as a high resistance region, to isolate two high frequency circuit, to reduce the noise or signal coupling from substrate (Figure - minimize the signal lines crossing the high resistance NT_N region - maximize the distance between metal lines from the substrate above the NT_N region (use upper level metal). Use separate power supplies and ground buses for the noisy and sensitive circuit and also for the analog and digital circuits. (Figure Keep enough distance between the noisy and sensitive area. Use wide guard ring to stabilize substrate and well potential. Poor S e n s it iv e c ir c u it G ood N o is y c ir c u it NM OS S e n s it iv e c ir c u it NM OS N o is y c ir c u it NM OS NW NM OS NW DNW N o is e N o is e is is o la t e d . Figure7. Example of NMOS in RW The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 320 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version G u a r d r in g : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Poor NT_N S e n s it iv e c ir c u it N o is y c ir c u it G u a r d r in g PW PW S e n s it iv e c ir c u it R _PW G u a r d r in g N o is e Good S e n s it iv e c ir c u it S e n s it iv e c ir c u it N o is y c ir c u it N o s iy c ir c u it PW NT_N (P s u b ) PW R _P sub R _P sub G u a r d r in g N o is e G u a r d r in g B e c a u s e R _ P s u b i s la r g e r t h a n R _ P W , N T _ N i s b e t t e r t h a n P W in t h e n o i s e i s o l a t i o n . Figure Example of NT_N layeras a high resistance region b e tte r best poor (if p a d lim ite d ) Vdd1 Vss1 Vdd N o is y c ir c u it Vss N o is y c ir c u it Vdd N o is y c ir c u it Vss Vdd Vdd2 Vss2 I/O p a d Vss N o is y N o is y N o is y s e n s it iv e s e n s it iv e s e n s it iv e c ir c u it c ir c u it c ir c u it I/O p a d I/O p a d Figure Example of separated power supplies and ground buses for the noisy and sensitive circuit The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 321 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Signal Rule No. AN.R.30mgU AN.R.31mgU AN.R.32mgU AN.R.33mgU Description Label Op. Rule Keep high frequency signal in high level metal layer. Use metal shield for victim line that is noise sensitive. Use metal and poly shield for attacker line that travels through long distance. Prevent from feedback path through chip seal-ring between critical input and output. Use additional guard ring to isolate the coupling. (Figure F e e d b a c k P a th S e a l r in g U s e a d d it io n a l g u a r d Vdd or Vss r in g t o is o la t e t h e In p u t c o u p lin g . O u tp u t O u tp u t G u a r d r in g Vdd or Vss S e a l r in g Figure Example of prevention from feedback path through chip seal ring The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 322 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 7.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Burn-in Guidelines for Analog Circuits Rule No. Description AN.R.41mgU For the sensitive circuit, e.g. differential input pair, which needs precise device mismatching parameter control such as △ Vt and △ Isat, it must avoid unbalanced DC bias stress during burn-in period. For example, VA=Vdd or GND and VB=1/2Vdd, which causes current supplied from current source flowing differently on the differential input pair (IAIB). This will make differential pair matching become worse after burn-in stress. (Figure 7.4.1) Label Op. Be sure that the analog circuit operates at normal operational condition during burn-in. AN.R.42mgU For example, avoid P1 floating (when R is external) and make it be biased at the normal condition during burn-in. (Figure 7.4.2) With the protection diode connection in the sensitive circuit to reduce plasma AN.R.43mgU induced damage during wafer processing. Circuit design with state-dependent floating-node must be taken care carefully. Concern: Accidental over-stress of device may occur and damage or degrade U the device. AN.R.50mg For example: DNW/NW indirectly connects to power, and the substrate is biased negatively. Please simulate to check for potential issues caused by inadvertent floating wells, and revise design if necessary. Recommended Floating PAD is not recommended; please add protection diode to ground. Floating PAD in the DRC: FPAD.R.1m (1) {{Mtop OR UTM} INTERACT CB} don’t connect to OD for wire bond. (2) {{Mtop OR UTM} INTERACT CBD} don’t connect to OD for flip chip without ®U RDL and flip chip with Cu-RDL. (3) {{Mtop OR UTM} INTERACT RV} don’t connect to OD for flip chip with APRDL. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 323 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy VA Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 VB IA IB Figure 7.4.1 Example of differential input pair + P 1 P 2 P 3 R Figure 7.4.2 Example of analog circuit Figure Example of Floating PAD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 324 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 8 Dummy Pattern rule and Filling Guideline This chapter contains the following topics: 8.1 Dummy OD (DOD/SR_DOD) Rules and Guidelines 8.2 Dummy Poly (DPO/SR_DPO) Rules and Guidelines 8.3 Dummy TCD Rule and Filling Guideline 8.4 Dummy TCD Design Information 8.5 In Chip Overlay (ICOVL) Rule And Filling Guideline 8.6 Dummy Metal (DM) Rules 8.7 Dummy VIA (DVIAx) Rules 8.8 Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary 8.1 Dummy OD (DOD/SR_DOD) Rules and Guidelines 1. In order to meet the extremely tight requirement in terms of process control for STI etch, polish, OSE as well as channel length definition (inter-level dielectric (ILD) planarization), you must fill the DOD/SR_DOD globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn OD already satisfies the required OD density rules. 2. It is very important to use TSMC’s auto-fill utilities (documents: T-N45-CL-DR-001-C2 and T-N45-CLDR-001-H2). . It is important to use the TSMC DOD/DPO utility, which will fill the SR_DOD/SR_DPO/DOD/DPO correctly, to carefully control the OSE and PSE. .It is important to perform the utility on the IP level, and the whole chip GDS level. 3. It is recommended to use filler cells with OD/PO to fill a large empty area in the standard-cell-based block during the P&R stage. It is difficult for the current TSMC DOD/DPO utility to insert DOD shapes into a standard-cell placed area. For higher PO and OD CD control requirements, it is suggested to layout both OD and PO into a filler cell (treat OD/PO as a dummy filling, need to follow OD/PO and related rules, and use the GDS layer of OD/PO). 4. Evaluate the impact on OD masks carefully when any one of the following layouts is revised: PO/ DPO/ SR_DPO NW/ ODBLK/ NWDMY/ LOGO/ INDDMY 5. Use the dummy layer ODBLK properly. This layer (CAD layer no. 150;20) tells the TSMC utility that the area covered should be blocked from DOD/SR_DOD fill operations. ODBLK is for excluding DOD and SR_DOD, not for excluding dummy Poly (DPO/SR_DPO). 6. It is suggested to make sure that the ODBLK layer covers sensitive circuits, such as: Pad areas for high frequency signals SRAM sensitive functional blocks and bit cell arrays Analog/RF circuits (DAC/ADC, PLL, Inductor) and so on 7. It is recommended to manually add DOD/SR_DOD uniformly inside regions covered by the ODBLK layer, to gain better process window and electrical performance. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 325 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 8. Don’t put DOD/SR_DOD in areas covered by the following marker layers: Well resistor under STI (NWDMY) Regions of chip corner stress relief pattern, seal ring, and CDU pattern TSMC’s fill generation utility will not add DOD/SR_DOD into these regions, as these layers are well defined. The ODBLK covered areas should not cover or overlap the above areas for DRC reasons. 9. Please refer to the “Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary” section in this chapter for additional information. 8.1.1 Rule No. DOD.W.1 DOD.S.1 DOD.S.2 DOD.S.3 DOD.S.5 DOD.S.8 DOD.EN.1 OD.DN.0 OD.DN.1 OD.DN.1.1 OD.DN.2 OD.DN.2.1 OD.DN.2.2 OD.DN.3 OD.DN.3.1 OD.DN.3.2 IND.DN.8® IND_MD.DN.8® DOD.R.1 DOD.R.2 DOD.R.3 DOD.S.2gU DOD Layout Rules Description Width Space Space to OD (Overlap is not allowed) Space to PO (Overlap is not allowed) Space to NW Space to NWDMY (Overlap is not allowed) Enclosure by NW (Cut is not allowed) 1. OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2 and OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2 are checked over any window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm . 2. (outside OD2) means the overlapped width between the checking window and OD2 layer is smaller than 37.5 μm. 3. For OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2/OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2, the following regions can be excluded: - NWDMY/LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD - Chip corner stress relief and seal-ring 4. OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2 are applied when the width of (checking window NOT the item 3) is 37.5 μm. 5. OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2 must be followed for every defined ODBLK region. This rule is only applied when the width of ((checking window AND ODBLK) NOT item 3) is 37.5 μm. Minimum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} density across full chip Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} density across full chip Minimum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 150μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density [OUTSIDE OD2] (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Minimum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density inside ODBLK (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density inside ODBLK [OUTSIDE OD2] (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Maximum {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density inside ODBLK (window 150 μm x 150 μm, stepping 75 μm) Recommend {(OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD} density inside INDDMY Recommend {(OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD} density inside INDDMY_MD DOD is a must. DOD CAD layer (TSMC default, 6;1) must be different from OD’s. Please refer to section 8.1. DOD inside chip corner stress relief area is not allowed [except seal-ring and stress relief patterns drawn by customers]. Only square (or rectangular) and solid shapes are allowed. A 45-degree shape is not allowed. Recommended space to OD (C = 0.6) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Label A B C D F I L Op. Rule 0.5 0.4 0.34 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 25% 75% 20% 80% 90% 20% 80% 90% 20% 20% 326 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DOD NW DM Y I NW F P O D DO D DO D L C O D A DO D B DO D The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 327 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.1.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SR_DOD Layout Rules SR_DOD (CAD layer: 6;7) is used for dummy OD. It is a tape-out required layer and will be OPC treatment. It is very important to use TSMC dummy utility to insert SR_DOD and SR_DPO around your IP, to close your silicon performance with simulation result. SR_DOD (CAD layer: 6;7) is not allowed to form device (MOS, RF, VAR, BJT, resistor, diode…). Rule No. SR_DOD.W.1 SR_DOD.W.2 SR_DOD.S.1 SR_DOD.S.1.1 SR_DOD.S.2 SR_DOD.S.3 SR_DOD.S.3® SR_DOD.S.4 SR_DOD.S.7 SR_DOD.S.8 SR_DOD.S.9 SR_DOD.S.11 SR_DOD.EN.1 SR_DOD.A.1 SR_DOD.L.1 SR_DOD.L.2 SR_DOD.R.1 SR_DOD.R.2 SR_DOD.R.3 SR_DOD.R.4gU SR_DOD.DN.1® Description Width Maximum width Space Space to OD, DOD (Overlap is not allowed) Space to PO (Overlap is not allowed) Space to DPO, SR_DPO (Overlap is not allowed) Recommended space to DPO, SR_DPO Space to 45-degree bent OD Space to NW (for both core and I/O) Space to NWDMY (Overlap is not allowed) Space to LOGO (Overlap is not allowed) Space to NT_N (Overlap is not allowed) NW enclosure of SR_DOD (for both core and I/O) Area Length Maximum length 45-degree bent SR_DOD is not allowed Overlap of CO is not allowed. Only rectangle is allowed It is important to use the TSMC DOD/DPO utility to insert SR_DOD surrounding and close to the target device before characterization. The range of the SR_DOD 4um. Recommended minimum SR_DOD density inside {((((((OD OR PO) INTERACT GATE) SIZING 2.5um) NOT ((OD OR PO) SIZING 0.4um)) NOT SRAMDMY;0) NOT OD2)} (The GATE doesn't include the regions covered by layer TCDDMY, CSRDMY, CDUDMY) Label A A B C D E E F G H I K L N O O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 0.1 0.5 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.17 0.08 0.6 0 0.14 0.08 0.05 0.5 10 328 of 600 8% SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SR_DOD SR _D PO SR _D PO SR _D PO (1 7 ;7 ) (1 7 ;7 ) (1 7 ;7 ) A PO SR _D PO SR _D PO SR _D PO PO PO PO (1 7 ;0 ) (1 7 ;0 ) (1 7 ;0 ) (1 7 ;7 ) (1 7 ;7 ) (1 7 ;7 ) (1 7 ;0 ) C SR _D O D SR_D O D B SR_D O D SR _D O D SR _D O D OD (6 ;0 ) E C E D DPO DOD (1 7 ;1 ) (6 ;1 ) SR_D O D NW DM Y LO G O H I N F O SR_DO D OD SR_D O D NT_N SR _D O D K NW SR_DO D G L SR _D O D SR_DO D SR_D O D OD2 SR_DO D G L NW DM Y SR _D O D SR _D O D IN D D M Y LOGO SR_D O D NT_N CO SR _D O D S R _ D O D .R .1 O D, DO D, PO , SR_DPO SR_DO D SR_DO D S R _ D O D .R .2 S R _ D O D .R .3 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 329 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Poly (DPO/SR_DPO) Rules and Guidelines 1. Good Poly uniformity is the key to meet the PO CD as well as circuit performance requirement. You must fill the DPO/SR_DPO globally and uniformly even if the original drawn poly already satisfies the required poly density rules. The designer may wish to add dummy poly to improve the stability of the poly line dimension on silicon. 2. It is very important to use TSMC’s auto-fill utilities (documents T-N45-CL-DR-001-C2 and T-N45-CLDR-001-H2). . It is important to use the TSMC DOD/DPO utility, which will fill the SR_DOD/SR_DPO/DOD/DPO correctly, to carefully control the OSE and PSE. .It is important to perform the utility on the IP level, and the whole chip GDS level. 3. It is recommended to use filler cells with OD/PO to fill a large empty area in the standard-cell-based block during the P&R stage. It is difficult for the current TSMC DOD/DPO utility to insert DOD shapes into a standard-cell placed area. For higher PO and OD CD control requirements, it is suggested to layout both OD and PO into a filler cell (treat OD/PO as a dummy filling, need to follow OD/PO and related rules, and use the GDS layer of OD/PO). 4. Evaluate the impact on the poly mask carefully when any one of the following layouts is revised: OD/DOD/SR_DOD POBLK/LOGO/INDDMY 5. Use the dummy layer POBLK properly. This layer (CAD layer no. 150;21) tells the TSMC utility that the area covered should be blocked from DPO/SR_DPO fill operations. POBLK is for excluding DPO and SR_DPO, not for excluding dummy OD (DOD/SR_DOD). 6. It is suggested to make sure that the POBLK layer covers sensitive circuits, such as: a. Pad areas for high frequency signals b. SRAM sensitive functional blocks and bit cell arrays c. Analog/RF circuits (DAC/ADC, PLL, Inductor) and so on 7. It is recommended to manually add DPO/SR_DPO uniformly inside regions covered by the dummy fill blocking layer POBLK, to gain better process window and electrical performance. 8. Don’t put DPO/SR_DPO in areas covered by the following marker layers to avoid DRC problems. Regions of chip corner stress relief pattern, seal ring, and CDU pattern TSMC’s fill generation utility will not add DPO/SR_DPO into these regions because these layers are well defined. The POBLK covered areas should not cover or overlap the above areas for DRC reasons. 9. Please refer to the “Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary” section in this chapter for additional information. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 330 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.2.1 Confidential – Do Not Copy PO.DN.2 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DPO Layout Rules Rule No. DPO.W.1 DPO.S.1 DPO.S.2 DPO.S.3 PO.DN.1 PO.DN.1.1 Document No. Version Description Label Op. Rule Width Space Space to OD (Overlap is not allowed) Space to (PO OR SR_DPO) (Overlap is not allowed) Minimum {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density across full chip Maximum {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density across full chip {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD OR PO OR DPO OR SR_DPO} local density 1. PO.DN.2 is checked by window 20 μm x 20 μm, stepping 10 μm. 2. For PO.DN.2 rules, the following regions can be excluded: (1) ODBLK/POBLK/NWDMY/LOGO/INDDMY/INDDMY_MD as default (2) Chip corner stress relief area if seal-ring and stress relief pattern added by TSMC. 3. Even in areas covered by {ODBLK OR POBLK}, this pattern density that follows the PO.DN.2 rules is recommended. 4. The rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT item 2) is 5 μm. Recommend {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density inside INDDMY A B C D 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 14% 40% 0.1% 15% 15% IND.DN.9® IND_MD.DN.9 Recommend {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density inside INDDMY_MD ® DPO is a must. DPO CAD layer (TSMC default, 17;1) must be a different layer DPO.R.1 from the PO CAD layer. Please refer to section 8.2. DPO inside chip corner stress relief area is not allowed [except seal-ring and DPO.R.2 stress relief patterns drawn by customers]. Only square (or rectangular) and solid shapes are allowed. A 45-degree shape DPO.R.3 is not allowed. U DPO.S.3g Recommended space to PO (D = 0.5). DPO.R.4gU DPO cut DOD is not recommended DPO DPO PO A D B DPO C OD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 331 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.2.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SR_DPO Layout Rules SR_DPO (CAD layer: 17;7) is used for dummy poly. It is a tape-out required layer and will be OPC treatment. It is very important to use TSMC dummy utility to insert SR_DOD and SR_DPO around your IP, to close your silicon performance with simulation result. Rule No. SR_DPO.W.1 SR_DPO.W.2 SR_DPO.W.6 SR_DPO.S.1 SR_DPO.S.1® SR_DPO.S.2 SR_DPO.S.3 SR_DPO.S.4 SR_DPO.S.9 SR_DPO.S.16 SR_DPO.S.17 SR_DPO.S.18 SR_DPO.S.19 SR_DPO.S.20 SR_DPO.EN.1 SR_DPO.EN.2 SR_DPO.EX.1 SR_DPO.EX.2 SR_DPO.L.1® SR_DPO.L.2 SR_DPO.L.3® SR_DPO.A.1 SR_DPO.A.2 SR_DPO.A.3 SR_DPO.A.4 SR_DPO.R.1 SR_DPO.R.2U SR_DPO.R.4 SR_DPO.R.5 SR_DPO.R.6 SR_DPO.DN.1® Description Label Op. Rule Width Width in OD2 Width of 45-degree dummy PO. (Please make sure the vertex of 45-degree pattern is on 0.005 μm grid (refer to the rule, G.6U, in section 3.7)) Space to {PO OR SR_DPO} (SR_DPO overlap with PO is not allowed) Recommended space to {PO OR SR_DPO} (SR_DPO overlap with PO is not allowed) The SR_DPO (17;7) gate space to other gate (17;0 OR 17;7), SR_DPO (17;7) only can be used for dummy patterns. {((PO OR SR_DPO) AND OD) inside OD2} space in the same OD Space to OD Space of {(PO OR SR_DPO) AND RPO} Space to 45-degree bent {PO OR SR_DPO} {CO inside SR_DPO} space to OD {SR_DPO AND OD} space to RPO (overlap is not allowed.) {SR_DPO AND OD} space to CO (overlap is not allowed.) {CO inside OD} space to 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V {SR_DPO AND OD} Enclosure of CO Enclosure of CO [at least two opposite sides] Extension on OD (end-cap) OD extension on SR_DPO Recommended length Length of 45-degree bent SR_DPO (minimum edge length) Recommended maximum Length Area (This check doesn’t include rectangle area with length 0.3 μm) Area [with all of edge length < 0.21 μm] Enclosed area Enclosed area [with all of inner edge length < 0.21 μm] {SR_DPO AND OD} must be a rectangle orthogonal to grid. (Both bent GATE and GATE with jogs are not allowed). SR_DPO line-end must be rectangular. Other shapes are not allowed. SR_DPO intersecting OD must form two or more diffusions. (except MOMDMY (155;21) region) Overlap of SRAM is not allowed SR_DPO(17;7) can not form device, SR_DPO must be placed beside OD edge. (except MOMDMY (155;21) region). Recommended minimum SR_DPO density inside {((((((OD OR PO) INTERACT GATE) SIZING 2.5um) NOT ((OD OR PO) SIZING 0.4um)) NOT SRAMDMY;0) NOT OD2)} (The GATE doesn't include the regions covered by layer TCDDMY, CSRDMY, CDUDMY) A B 0.04 0.1 C 0.17 D D 0.1 0.12 E 0.14 F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S R T T U U 0.22 0.03 0.18 0.17 0.05 0.38 0.04 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.03 0.5 0.26 10 0.022 0.055 0.04 0.077 4% The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 332 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SR_DPO OD2 SR_DPO SR_DPO PO SR_DPO SR_DPO (17;7) (17;7) (17;0) (17;7) (17;7) OD (6;0) SR_DPO SR_DPO SR_DPO PO (17;7) (17;7) (17;7) (17;0) PO SR_DPO SR_DPO (17;0) (17;7) (17;7) SR_DPO SR_DPO (17;7) (17;7) R E E OD (6;0) G A F F D D A B SR_DPO.S.19 SR_DPO SR_DPO SR_DPO (17;7) (17;7) SR_DPO (17;7) PO (17;0) S I C H SR_DPO OR PO SR_DPO SR_DPO H H OD L RPO Q N P O OD2 SR_DPO SR_DPO U T PO OD M SR_DPO SR_DPO SR_DPO OD SR_DPO RPO RPO K J SR_DPO OD SR_DPO OD SR_DPO.R.6 Case-1 SR_DPO PO GATE Case-2 SR_DPO SR_DPO PO GATE SR_DPO OD Allowed OD Not Allowed The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 333 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 8.3 Dummy TCD Rule and Filling Guideline 8.3.1 Dummy TCD Rules 1. In order to meet the extremely tight requirement in terms of process control for Poly CD, the Dummy TCD is required within a 2mmX2mm area. If there is not enough space to insert one Dummy TCD for each 2mmx2mm due to pattern layout, please must ensure the density of Dummy TCD should reach 50%(DTCD.DN.2) in whole chip level. 2. There are two methods to generate dummy TCD. One is the P&R, and another is TSMC’s auto-fill utilities (documents: T-N45-CL-DR-001-X2): It is important to perform the utility on the whole chip GDS. It is not recommended to perform the utility only on a single IP. 3. For cyber shuttle case, the gate direction in dummy TCD(TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V) must align to gate direction in SRAM (DTCD.R.5). For non-cyber-shuttle case, it is no need to align to gate direction in SRAM, but if possible, recommend to follow gate direction in SRAM. For P&R: Please refer to section 8.4. For auto-fill dummy utility: There is an utility option, VERTICAL_TCD_PATTERN, to control gate direction is vertical or horizontal in dummy TCD. The option is default on, and the gate direction of dummy TCD will be vertical. If this option is turned off, the horizontal gate direction will be generated. 4. Do not rotate or mirror the dummy TCD cell (TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V) except you would like to align gate direction to SRAM and you can rotate it with clockwise 90 degree and no mirror(DTCD.R.4). 5. Evaluate the impact on OD/NW/PW/NPO/PO/VTL_N/VTL_P/NSSD/NLDD/ PLDD/P+/N+/NILD/PILD/ SSMT masks carefully when any one of the following layouts is revised: PO/OD/NP/PP/NW 6. Use the dummy layer POBLK/ODBLK properly. These layers (CAD layer no. 150;20/150;21) tell the TSMC utility that the area covered should be blocked from Dummy TCD fill operations. If you do not use TSMC’s dummy utility, please ask for the dummy TCD layout and insert it in your design flow: It is suggested to make sure that the POBLK/ODBLK layer covers sensitive circuits. TCDDMY overlaps DOD, SR_DOD, DPO, SR_DPO, OD2, DCO, NT_N, POFUSE, RPO, RH, VAR, VTH_P, VTH_N, VTL_P, VTL_N, SRM, SRAMDMY, INDDMY, LOGO, BJTDMY, or MOMDMY which is not allowed. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 334 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 TCDDMY (CAD layer no: 165;1) relative rules Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule DTCD.W.1 Width of {(TCDDMY NOT TCDDMY_H) NOT TCDDMY_V} Channel width of gate inside {(TCDDMY NOT TCDDMY_H) NOT TCDDMY_V} Channel length of gate inside TCDDMY Space of poly gate in the same OD inside {(TCDDMY NOT TCDDMY_H) NOT TCDDMY_V} Density of DummyTCD (window 2000 μm X 2000 μm is one unit, see next page for more information) Density of DummyTCD (window 2000 μm X 2000 μm is one unit, see next page for more information) TCDDMY should contain OD/PO/PP/NP/POBLK/ODBLK layer TCDDMY overlap of DOD, SR_DOD, DPO, SR_DPO, OD2, DCO, OD_12, NT_N, POFUSE, RPO, RH, VAR, VTH_P, VTH_N, VTL_P, VTL_N, HVD_N, HVD_P, SRM, SRAMDMY, INDDMY, BJTDMY, or MOMDMY is not allowed. TCDDMY (165;1) is a must for any DummyTCD cell. 1. It can waive PO.DN.3, OD.W.2.1GS, OD.W.2.2GS, OD.W.1® , , DNW.S.2, PO.EX.2® , OD.S.1® , PO.S.1® , PO.S.6® , PO.EX.1® , PO.S.18.GS® , DOD.R.4® , SR_DOD.DN.1® , SR_DPO.DN.1® and NW.R.1g. A = 12, 24, 9.245 = 5, 4, 0.43 = 0.04 = 0.14 B 70% B 50% Label A’ A” C’ Op. = = = Rule 5.71X3.57 3.6X6.33 2.4, 0.41, 0.31 D’ = 0.14 or 0.2 D = 0.14 DTCD.W.2 DTCD.W.3 DTCD.S.1 DTCD.DN.1® DTCD.DN.2 DTCD.R.1 DTCD.R.2 DTCD.R.3 TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V (CAD layer no: 165;4/165;5) relative rules Rule No. DTCD.W.1.1 DTCD.W.1.2 DTCD.W.2.1 DTCD.S.1.1 DTCD.S.1.2 DTCD.R.4 DTCD.R.5 DTCD.R.6 Description Dimension of TCDDMY_H Dimension of TCDDMY_V Channel width of gate inside TCDDMY_H or TCDDMY_V Gate space to neighboring poly inside TCDDMY_H or TCDDMY_V [channel width <2.0um] Gate space to neighboring poly inside TCDDMY_H or TCDDMY_V [channel width ≥ 2.0um] TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V must keep block orientation as the following one of two conditions: a. No rotation, and no mirror in X, Y direction (DRC option: VERTICAL_TCD_PATTERN is on by default.) b. Rotated clockwise 90 degree, and no mirror in X, Y direction. (must turn off DRC option: VERTICAL_TCD_PATTERN) Rotated clockwise 90 degree, need to align to SRAM gate direction. Please refer to DTCD.R.5. DRC will check relative coordinates of three alignment marks with squre PO (0.5um x 0.5um) in the TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V. Poly gates in TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V are uni-directional with gates in SRAM (50;0 OR 186;0) in a chip for cyber shuttle. (must turn on DRC option: CYBER_SHUTTLE) (This check does not include the regions covered by layer RODMY(49;0) and RAM1TDMY (160;0)) Poly gates in TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V are uni-directional in a whole chip level. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 335 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy A” 6 .3 3 ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 4 ) D’ TCDDM Y_V TCDDM Y_H 3 .5 7 ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 5 ) A’ : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 D D’ D C’ C /C ’ C’ 5 .7 1 D’ 3 .6 D’ SR D O D / D O D / N T_N / O D 2/ D C O / O D _12/ D PO / SR D PO / TCDDMY V T H _ N / V T H _ P / V T L_N / V T L _ P / R P O / VA R / R H / B JT D M Y / PO FUSE/ SRM / SRAM DM Y / HVD_N/ HVD_P / M O M DM Y/ IN D D M Y / L O G O D T C D .R .4 A’ A” ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 4 ) 6 .3 3 5 .7 1 90 90 o TCDDM Y_V 3 .5 7 ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 5 ) TCDDM Y_H o 3 .6 90 90 o o A’ A” TCDDM Y_V 3 .6 TC D D M Y_V ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 4 ) 6 .3 3 ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 5 ) TCDDM Y_H 3 .5 7 5 .7 1 5 .7 1 ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 4 ) A’ TCDDM Y_H 3 .5 7 3 .6 A” ( C A D la y e r : 1 6 5 ; 5 ) 6 .3 3 O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. O 336 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy TCD Example for B value calculation Chip size = 16.5 X 14 mm (8 units X 7 units) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 337 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.3.2 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy TCD layout Summary 1. The Dummy TCD cell should include layers as below. Layer CAD layer Cell size (um) Square dummy TCD Horizontal dummy TCD Vertical dummy TCD 12X12 5.71X3.57 3.6X6.33 OD 6;0 V V V NW 3;0 V V V Poly (PO) 17;0 V V V PP 25;0 V V V NP 26;0 V V V * Cell boundarya 108;0 V V V *IPb 63;63 - V V * OD block (ODBLK) 150;20 V V V * PO block (POBLK) 150;21 V V V * TCDDMY 165;1 V V V * TCDDMY_H 165;4 - V - * TCDDMY_V 165;5 - - V * : To follow cell size for cell boundary/OD block /PO block/TCDDMY/ TCDDMY_H/ TCDDMY_V a : Cell boundary is used during the P&R stage that do not generate by dummy utility. b : It is for IP tagging layer that do not generate by dummy utility. 2. The Dummy TCD cell can abut on the main circuit. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 338 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version 8.4 Dummy TCD Design Information 8.4.1 Overview : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 This chapter provides the dummy TCD macro insertion methodology. Dummy TCD insertion is an implementation approach to improve IDU (Intra-Die uniformity) for designs. Inserting dummy TCD in the chip design planning stage to meet design guidelines, like even distribution, is recommended. Post-route dummy TCD insertion is only supplemental for uniform distribution improvement. Two types of dummy TCD macros are given: Horizontal type macro -> 5.71um x 3.57um Vertical type macro -> 3.6um x 6.33um Both dummy macros are with vertical poly direction Choosing either V type or H type would be fine within a window: For example, one possible scenario could be Select H type for insertion first for all windows Adjust dummy macro placement incrementally and swap H type to V type when floorplan environment is more suitable for V type in some window 8.4.2 Design Consideration of Dummy TCD Insertion In order to reduce area and timing penalty, dummy TCD macros could be placed in the following areas first 1. Channel between core, IO, analog IPs 2. Channel between blocks 3. Digital block corner area 4. Channel between core, SRAMs It is recommended considering dummy TCD insertion at top level during chip floorplan. If dummy TCD inserted in large blocks or circuit IP (~2000umX2000um), please be aware of the followings. 1. Consistent TCD orientation in whole chip. 2. It’s not allowed to have individual TCD rotation and mirror in X, Y. 3. Placing TCD at least 75um away from block boundary could meet 150um spacing recommendation. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 339 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.4.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy TCD Macro Placement Minimize dummy macro electrical impact to main pattern circuits like std cell, SRAM, analog IP by either one of the approaches as below. Reserve 2μm space around dummy TCD by placement blockage as Fig 1., to let DPO/DOD utility insert dummy OD/dummy PO. If you do not generate the dummy TCD by tsmc’s dummy OD/PO utility, use std cell fillers size ≥ 0.4μm to surround dummy macros as Fig 2 Dummy TCD contain 2 different types, V and H, your can select one type to insert into window. Dummy TCD V and H cannot overlap but it can use V or H simultaneously when insert to different window. Dummy TCD could not overlap with any standard cell, macro, or IPs. Dummy TCD is physical only cell, and it doesn’t need to connect power supply. Placement blockage Dummy TCD macro Std cell filler FILL3 2um Fig.1 Dummy TCD macro Fig.2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 340 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.4.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 P&R Dummy TCD Rule Check Dummy TCD P&R reference utility provided by TSMC could have a summary report for percentage of window with dummy TCD. P&R reference utility could highlight windows without dummy TCD macros in GUI. For dummy TCD P&R rule reference utility, please refer to N40 DFM Implementation Flow package. 8.4.5 Dummy TCD Macros Insertion Flow IO/analog/SRAM Macro placement Power Plan ICOVL Insertion Floorplan stages Dummy TCD insertion conventional Block partition Dummy pattern Insertion related Place and Route Tape-out GDS Consider dummy insertion in a chip globally before hierarchical chip block partition. Dummy TCD could be inserted by DM utility on GDS. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 341 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.4.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 TCD Library Kits Dummy TCD GDSII files DMY_TCD_H_20100305.gds DMY_TCD_V_20100305.gds P&R implementation kits LEF macro for dummy TCD lef/DMY_TCD_H_20100305.lef lef/DMY_TCD_V_20100305.lef Milkyway library for dummy TCD milkway/DMY_TCD_H_20100305/ milkway/DMY_TCD_V_20100305/ Volcano library for dummy TCD volcano/DMY_TCD_H_20100305/ volcano/DMY_TCD_V_20100305/ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 342 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 8.5 In Chip Overlay (ICOVL) Rule And Filling Guideline 8.5.1 In Chip Overlay (ICOVL) Rules 2 kinds of 36.7um x36.7um square in chip overlays are offered: OVL_PO_OD and OVL_CO_PO. OVL_PO_OD = ICOVL NOT INTERACT CO OVL_CO_PO = ICOVL INTERACT CO ICOVL (CAD layer no.: 165;3) is must for in chip overlay. Two folders are including in tarball (file name: N40_OVL_library_kits.tar.gz): (1) P&R physical library for ICOVL and (2) gds. Total 4 gds files are provided: two single ICOVLs (OVL_PO_OD and OVL_CO_PO) and 2 Combo ICOVLs (OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_H and OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_V). OVL_PO_OD: OVL_PO_OD_N40_20101210.gds OVL_CO_PO: OVL_CO_PO_N40_20101210.gds OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_H: OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_H_N40_20101210.gds OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_V: OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_V_N40_20101210.gds C o m b o IC O V L S in g le IC O V L O VL_PO _O D O VL_CO _PO O VL_PO _O D_C O _PO _V 3 6 .7 u m 40um 3 6 .7 u m 1 1 3 .4 u m 40um O VL_PO _O D_C O _PO _H 1 1 3 .4 u m OVL_PO_OD and OVL_CO_PO ICOVL can be used individually or combined with 40um spacing as 36.7um X113.4um or 113.4umX36.7um rectangular in chip overlays. There are two ICOVL guidelines in chip rotation: Floorplan A and Floorplan B. Terminologies for 1X1die, 1X2die, 2X1 die and 2X2 die (The following dimensions are before shrink): Floorplan A for N45GS(=N40G)/N40LP/N40LPG: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1X1 die size: 14.31mm < X and 18.24mm < Y 1X2 die size: 14.31mm < X and 12.13mm < Y 18.24mm 2X1 die size: 9.51mm < X 14.31mm and 18.24mm < Y 2X2 die size: 9.51mm < X 14.31mm and 12.13mm < Y 18.24mm 1. 2. 3. 4. Floorplan B for N45GS(=N40G)/N40LP/N40LPG: 1X1 die size: 18.24mm < X and 14.31mm < Y 1X2 die size: 12.13mm < X 18.24mm and 14.31mm < Y 2X1 die size: 18.24mm < X and 9.51mm < Y 14.31mm 2X2 die size: 12.13mm < X 18.24mm and 9.51mm < Y 14.31mm The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 343 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Floorplan A for N45LP/N45LPG: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1X1 die size: 12.88mm < X and 16.42mm < Y 1X2 die size: 12.88mm < X and 10.92mm < Y 16.42mm 2X1 die size: 8.56mm < X 12.88mm and 16.42mm< Y 2X2 die size: 8.56mm < X 12.88mm and 10.92mm< Y 16.42mm 1. 2. 3. 4. Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Floorplan B for N45LP/N45LPG: 1X1 die size: 16.42mm < X and 12.88mm < Y 1X2 die size: 10.92mm < X 16.42mm and 12.88mm < Y 2X1 die size: 16.42mm < X and 8.56mm < Y 12.88mm 2X2 die size: 10.92mm < X 16.42mm and 8.56mm < Y 12.88mm In general, you need to follow ICOVL floorplan A. If you know your tapeout will be rotated in tsmc, need to follow ICOVL floorplan B. Because when you request to rotate your chip, tsmc EBO will do anti-clockwise 90 degree for mask making. Please refer to ICOVL.R.3® U ~ ICOVL.R.6® U for floorplan A and B. Rule No. ICOVL.S.1® ICOVL.S.2® ICOVL.S.3® ICOVL.S.4® ICOVL.S.5® ICOVL.W.1® ICOVL.W.2® ICOVL.W.3® ICOVL.W.4® ICOVL.W.5® ICOVL.EN.1® ICOVL.EN.2® ICOVL.R.1 ICOVL.R.2® U ICOVL.R.3® U ICOVL.R.4® U ICOVL.R.5® U ICOVL.R.6® U ICOVL.R.7® ICOVL.R.8® ICOVL.R.9® ICOVL.R.10® ICOVL.R.11® ICOVL.R.12® ICOVL.R.13® ICOVL.R.14® ICOVL.R.15® ICOVL.R.16® ICOVL.R.17® ICOVL.R.18® ICOVL.R.19® ICOVL.R.20® ICOVL.R.21® ICOVL.R.22® Description Label Recommend OVL_PO_OD space to OVL_CO_PO A Recommend space between two OVL_PO_ODs or two OVL_CO_POs A’ Recommend ICOVL (CAD layer no.: 165;3) space to {(OD OR PO) OR CO} B Recommend enclosed OD space inside OVL_PO_OD (maximum = minimum) D Recommend space between two COs for OVL_CO_PO [in the same ring] E Recommend width of PO ring inside ICOVL (maximum = minimum) F Recommend width of M1 ring inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) G Recommend width of CO inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) H Recommend width of {OD INTERACT PO} inside OVL_PO_OD (maximum = minimum) I Recommend PO hole width inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) J Recommend {OD INTERACT PO} enclosure by PO inside OVL_PO_OD (maximum = minimum) K Recommend M1 ring enclosure by PO ring inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) L ICOVL is must for any ICOVL cell. It can waive: OD.W.2.2GS, PO.DN.3, PO.R.1, RPO.S.3, RPO.S.4, CO.W.1. Recommend the ICOVL patterns should be as uniform as possible over the chip Recommend at least 2 OVL_PO_ODs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by (1) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for 1X1 die (2) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 4 segments for 1X2 die Recommend at least 2 OVL_CO_POs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by (1) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for 1X1 die (2) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 4 segments for 1X2 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_PO_ODs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for 2X1 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_CO_POs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for chip size for 2X1 die Recommend at least 8 OVL_PO_ODs and 8 OVL_CO_POs for 1X1 die Recommend at least 4 OVL_PO_ODs and 4 OVL_CO_POs for 1X2 die or 2X1 die Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip for 1X1 die by {OVL_PO_OD SIZING +6500um} Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip for 1X1 die by {OVL_CO_PO SIZING +6500um} Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip 1X2 die or 2X1 die by {OVL_PO_OD SIZING +8000um} Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip 1X2 die or 2X1 die by {OVL_CO_PO SIZING +8000um} Recommend empty space between two OVL_PO_ODs for 1X1 die. DRC flags: {((Chip NOT OVL_PO_OD) SIZING -8000μm) SIZING +8000μm} Recommend empty space between two OVL_CO_POs for 1X1 die. DRC flags: {((Chip NOT OVL_CO_PO) SIZING -8000μm) SIZING +8000μm} Recommend empty space between two OVL_PO_ODs for 1X2 die or 2X1 die. DRC flags: {((Chip NOT OVL_PO_OD) SIZING -6500μm) SIZING +6500μm} Recommend empty space between two OVL_CO_POs for 1X2 die or 2X1 die. DRC flags: {((Chip NOT OVL_CO_PO) SIZING -6500μm) SIZING +6500μm} Recommend density of {(OVL_PO_OD SIZING +16500um) SIZING -15500um} for 1X1 die Recommend density of {(OVL_CO_PO SIZING +16500um) SIZING -15500um} for 1X1 die Recommend density of {(OVL_PO_OD SIZING +13000um) SIZING -10000um} for 1X2 die or 2X1 die Recommend density of {(OVL_CO_PO SIZING +13000um) SIZING -10000um} for 1X2 die or 2X1 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_PO_OD fully inside {Chip SIZING -2380um} for 2X2 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_CO_PO fully inside {Chip SIZING -2380um} for 2X2 die The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. = = = = = = = = = Rule 40 2000 2 1.1 0.10 1.1 1.1 0.17 16.5 16.5 3.3 3.92 16000 16000 13000 13000 25% 25% 25% 25% 344 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 S in g le IC O V L B CO A B B OD PO M 1 r in g M e ta l r o u tin g c o u ld b e a c r o s s O V L _ C O _ P O a n d O V L _ P O _ O D b u t M 1 n e e d s to d e to u r a r o u n d M 1 r in g (O V L _ C O _ P O ) C o m b o IC O V L s C o m b o IC O V L to S in g le IC O V L s A’ A A’ A A A’ A A The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 345 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 O VL_PO _O D K PO K D F I O VL_C O _PO E H M1 PO F G J The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 346 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc IC O V L .R .3 ® Confidential – Do Not Copy U a n d IC O V L .R .4 ® Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 U 1 X 1 d ie in a r e tic le : A t le a s t 8 O V L _ P O _ O D s 1 X 2 d ie in a r e tic le : A t le a s t 4 O V L _ P O _ O D s a n d 8 O V L _ C O _ P O s in 1 d ie a n d 4 O V L _ C O _ P O s in 1 d ie (1 ) A t le a s t 2 O V L _ P O _ O D s a n d a t le a s t 2 (1 ) A t le a s t 2 O V L _ P O _ O D s a n d a t le a s t 2 O V L _ C O _ P O s o n to p r o w b y d iv id in g c h ip O V L _ C O _ P O s o n to p r o w b y d iv id in g c h ip Y Y d ir e c tio n in to 8 s e g m e n ts d ir e c tio n in to 4 s e g m e n ts (2 ) P u t r e m a in in g 6 O V L _ P O _ O D s a n d 6 (2 ) P u t r e m a in in g 2 O V L _ P O _ O D s a n d 2 O V L _ C O _ P O s a s u n ifo r m a s p o s s ib le O V L _ C O _ P O s a s u n ifo r m a s p o s s ib le F lo o r p la n A F lo o r p la n A R o ta te d c lo c k w is e 9 0 o R o ta te d c lo c k w is e 9 0 o F lo o r p la n B F lo o r p la n B The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 347 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy ICOVL.R.5® U and ICOVL.R.6® U 2X1 die in a reticle: At least 4 OVL_PO_ODs and 4 OVL_CO_POs in 1 die (1) At least 1 OVL_PO_ODs and at least 1 OVL_CO_POs on top row by dividing chip Y direction into 8 segments (2) Put remaining 3 OVL_PO_ODs and 3 OVL_CO_POs as uniform as possible Floorplan A ICOVL.R.21® and ICOVL.R.22® 2X2 die in a reticle: Select 1 of center 2X2 windows for ICOVL insertion • At least 1 OVL_PO_ODs and 1 OVL_CO_POs inside {Chip SIZING -2380um} for 2X2 Die Floorplan A 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 Rotated clockwise 90o 2380 2380 2380 Floorplan B : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Rotated clockwise 90o Floorplan B 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 2380 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 348 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.5.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ICOVL layout Summary 1. The ICOVL cell should include layers as below. Layer CAD Layer Size (um) OVL_PO_OD (single) OVL_CO_PO OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_H OVL_PO_OD_CO_PO_V (single) (combo) (combo) 36.7X36.7 36.7X36.7 113.4X36.7 36.7X113.4 IPb 63;63 V V V V OD 6;0 V V V V PO 17;0 V V V V CO 30;0 - V V V M1 31;0 - V V V PP 25;0 V V V V RPO 29;0 V V V V *Cell boundarya 108;0 V V V V DOD 6;1 V V V V DPO 17;1 V V V V DM1 31;1 - V V V *DM1EXCL 150;1 - V V V *OD block (ODBLK) 150;20 V V V V *PO block (POBLK) 150;21 V V V V *ICOVL 165;3 V V V V * : To follow cell size for cell boundary/OD block /PO block/ DM1EXCL/ ICOVL a : Cell boundary is used during the P&R stage. b : It is for IP tagging layer. 2. The in-chip OVL cell can neighbor on the main circuit. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 349 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.5.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40 In-Chip OVL Marker Design Insertion Methodology Overview Overlay (OVL) marker insertion is to reduce mask alignment errors by in-chip OVL marker pattern. In N40 technology, it is very important to insert in-chip OVL (ICOVL) inside your chip for the big chip design (e.g. 1x1, 2x1, 1x2 and 2X2 in a retile). Combo ICOVL LEF, Placement and Routing To generate combo ICOVL LEF, create 2 OBS OVERLAP rectangles on top of OD/PO/CO markers on both sides (as shown below) Cell could be placed inside combo ICOVL, in which area there is no OBS OVERLAP. Routing is legal to be across ICOVL when there is no M1 blockage. There are two ICOVL guidelines in chip rotation: Floorplan A and Floorplan B. In general, you need to follow ICOVL floorplan A. If you know your tapeout will be rotated in tsmc, need to follow ICOVL floorplan B. Because when you request to rotate your chip, tsmc EBO will do anti-clockwise 90 degree for mask making. Please refer to ICOVL.R.3® U ~ ICOVL.R.6® U for floorplan A and B. Dummy Patterns Priority ICOVL marker priority is higher than TCD dummy for the big chip Combo ICOVL priority higher than single ICOVL, if room of a specific window in floorplan is enough. Combo ICOVL could reduce insertion effort. Combo H or V types are of equal priority. Choose either one orientation, which is suitable for floorplan and with less layout impact. Need to consider ICOVL insertion in chip level point of view, because insertion in block or IP might not be able to meet uniformity requirement (please refer ICOVL.R.2® U ~ ICOVL.R.6® U, ICOVL.R.7® ~ ICOVL.R.8® , ICOVL.R.9® U ~ ICOVL.R.22® U). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 350 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version Single ICOVL vs. Combo ICOVL ICOVL Insertion Guidelines : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Die size for mask 1X1 reticle 2X1 reticle 1X2 reticle 2X2 reticle Window partition 8X8 4X8 8X4 - Number of ICOVL required 8® * 4® 4® 1® Number of ICOVL on top row 2® 1® 2® 0 *: 8 means 8 for PO_OD and another 8 for OD_CO. Select windows for ICOVL to achieve maximum ICOVL placement evenness. For die size for mask definitions, please refer 1X1 die, 1X2 die, 2X1 die and 2X2 die terminologies in sec.8.5.1. In each window partition, choose either a set of single ICOVL (both OD/PO and OD/CO), or a combo ICOVL H or V. For 1X1 die, please refer ICOVL.R.2® U~4® U, ICOVL.R.7® , ICOVL.R.9® U, ICOVL.R.10® U, ICOVL.R.13® U, ICOVL.R.14® U, ICOVL.R.17® U and ICOVL.R.18® U for details. For 1X2 die, please refer ICOVL.R.2® U~4® U, ICOVL.R.8® , ICOVL.R.11® U, ICOVL.R.12® U, ICOVL.R.15® U, ICOVL.R.16® U, ICOVL.R.19® U and ICOVL.R.20® U for details. For 2X1 die, please refer ICOVL.R.2® U, ICOVL.R.5® U, ICOVL.R.6® U, ICOVL.R.8® , ICOVL.R.11® U, ICOVL.R.12® U, ICOVL.R.15® U, ICOVL.R.16® U, ICOVL.R.19® U and ICOVL.R.20® U for details. Both combo and single ICOVL placement rotation and mirror in X,Y are legal. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 351 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Pattern Insertion in Design Phase IO/analog/SRAM Macro placement Power Plan ICOVL Insertion Floorplan stages Dummy TCD insertion Conventional Block partition Dummy pattern Insertion related Place and Route Consider dummy insertion in a chip globally before hierarchical chip block partition. Consider dummy TCD in floorplan first. Tape-out GDS The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 352 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Metal (DM) Rules (DMx, x = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 1. 2. To improve the metal CMP process window, you must fill the dummy metal globally and uniformly even if the originally drawn Mx has already met the density rules. Use either the P&R dummy fill or the utility dummy fill as a method for inserting dummy metal. Two methods are available for automated dummy metal insertion: commercial P&R tools and a utility from TSMC: The P&R dummy fill is better for dummy metal insertion at the chip level. The utility dummy fill is better for IP blocks, library cells, and full custom cells. Commercial P&R software inserts rectangular DMx geometry. The TSMC utility can insert square DMx uniformly within the original layout. (documents T-N45-CL-DR001-C3 and T-N45-CL-DR-001-H3) If you use TSMC’s auto-fill utility to fill the dummy metal on the whole chip GDS, TSMC will waive the local density violation. If you do not use TSMC’s utility to perform the dummy metal generation, you must meet the local density rules. 3. In the TSMC utility, two kinds of dummy metal are generated, DMx and DMx_O. DMx: dummy metal No OPC on DMx DMx for Mx, My, Mz, Mr, and Mu. DMx_O: OPC dummy of inter-metal. The rule of DMx_O is the same as real metal, Mx. So, there is no related rule in this section. There is no DMx_O for My, Mz, Mr, and Mu. DMx_O receives OPC. The distinction between Mx, DMx and DMx_O GDS datatype Do OPC modification on it Refer to it during OPC Follow Mx rule 4. 5. Mx DMx DMx_O 0(x), 20(y), 40(z), 60(u), 80(r) Yes Yes Yes 1(x), 21(y), 41(z), 61(u), 81(r) No Yes No 7(Mx) Yes Yes Yes Use the dummy layer DMxEXCL properly. This layer tells TSMC’s utility that the area covered should be blocked from DM fill operations. It is suggested to make sure that DMxEXCL is drawn over the following: Sensitive circuits (such as SRAM sensitive function blocks and bit cell array) and analog circuits (such as DAV/ADC, and PLL) RF application circuits Pad areas for high frequency signals For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DMxEXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 353 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 6. 7. Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 For DMxEXCL, use the GDS layer numbers 150;n (n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). Revision of the following layers may necessitate re-filling of dummy metal. Because of this, evaluate the impact on the metal layer mask carefully when any one of the following layouts is revised: Mx and DMxEXCL layers. This layout revision impacts the Mx mask only. LOGO/INDDMY. This revision impacts all the metal layer masks. 8. In order to have an accurate interconnect RC for timing and power analysis, it is important to extract RC after dummy metal insertion, and extract RC with density based metal thickness variation feature enabled. 9. Don’t put dummy metal in areas covered by the following marker layers: Inductor region (INDDMY) LOGO Regions of chip corner stress relief pattern, seal ring, and CDU pattern TSMC’s fill generation utility will not add dummy metal into these regions because these layers are well defined. The DMxEXCL covered areas should not cover or overlap the above areas for DRC reasons. 10. Please refer to the “Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary” section in this chapter for additional information. 11. Please consult with TSMC first before you use your own dummy metal rules. Description Rule No. Label Op. Rule DMx.W.1 Width (minimum) A DMx.W.2 Width (maximum) (checked by sizing down 1.5 μm) B DMx.S.1 DMx.S.2 Space Space to Mx (Overlap is not allowed) Space to Mx (Overlap is not allowed) [Mx width > 4.5 μm and the parallel metal run length > 4.5 μm] Enclosure of DVIAx-1 Area (minimum) Area (maximum) DMx_O INTERACT Mx is not allowed. C D E 1.5 0.01 M N DMx.S.3 DMx.EN.2 DMx.A.1 DMx.A.2 DMx_O.R.1 Layer M1 Mx (thin metal) My Mz (thick metal) Mr Mu (ultra thick metal) 3.0 Dimension A C D M N 0.14 0.14 0.4 0.4 0.8 3.0 0.14 0.14 0.4 0.4 0.8 3.0 0.6 / 1.5 * 0.6 / 1.5 * 0.6 0.6 0.8 3.0 0.16 0.16 0.565 0.565 1.44 9.00 80 80 160 160 160 600 Table Notes: 0.6μm: space to main patterns for DMx smaller than 1μm x 1μm 1.5μm: space to main patterns for DMx larger than 1μm x 1μm The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 354 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. Mx.DN.1 Mx.DN.1.1 Mx.DN.4 Mx.DN.5 Mx.DN.6 Mx.DN.6® Mx.DN.7 Mx.DN.7® Mx.DN.8® DMx.R.1 DMx.R.2 DMx.R.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label Minimum metal density in window 125 um x 125 um, stepping 62.5 um Maximum metal density in window 125 μm x 125 μm, stepping 62.5 μm 1. Mx.DN.1/Mx.DN.1.1 would exclude the following regions: LOGO/INDDMY for 10% rule Chip corner stress relief area and seal-ring 2. Mx.DN.1 10% rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT item 3) is 31.25 μm. 3. Mx.DN.1.1 85% rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT item 3) is 31.25 μm. 4. Bond pad (Mtop/Mtop-1) is excluded from 85% density check. The metal density difference between any two neighboring checking windows including DMxEXCL [window 200 μm x 200 μm, stepping 200 μm]. Anticipate metal density gradient from layout of small cell by targeting density ~40% (this way, it will limit the risk of low density and of high gradient.) It is not allowed to have local density > 85% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1, and Mx+2) over any window 62.5 μm x 62.5 μm (stepping 31.25 μm), i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density 85%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The check does not include chip corner stress relief pattern, SEALRING_ALL (162;2) and top two metals at the CUP area. Metal density 1% must be followed for items (A) to (C). (A) Metal density [window 80 μm x 80 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. (B) Maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 6400um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. (C) Maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 18000um2. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 40um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). Recommend metal density 1% for IP level. Items (A) to (C) are recommended. (A) For IP level, recommend metal density [window 40 μm x 40 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -40um)} region when the width of IP is 40um. (B) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 1600um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. (C) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 4500um2. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 20um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). It is not allowed to have local density < 5% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1 and Mx+2) over any 30um x 30um (stepping 15um), i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density ≥ 5%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 3.These rules are applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 15 μm. It is not recommended to have local density < 5% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1 and Mx+2) over any 15um x 15um (stepping 15um) for IP level, i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density ≥ 5%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 3.These rules are applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is ≥ 7.5μm and for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -15um)} region when the width of IP is 15um. Total Mx island (for all Mx layers) density < 6.5E+04 ea/mm2 in whole chip The definition of counts of small Mx island: 1. Mx width == 0.07um 2. Mx length 0.52um 3. Mx has two segments with space == 0.07um with the parallel run length (0.209 parallel run length < 0.52) DMx is a must. The DMx CAD layer must be different from the Mx CAD layer. DMx inside chip corner stress relief area is not allowed [except seal-ring and stress relief patterns drawn by customers]. DMx must be rectangular The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule 10% 85% 50% 355 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. DMx.R.4® U DMx.W.1gU Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Label It is important to insert the DMx & DVIAx uniformly to avoid white space. You should use tsmc standard backend utility to insert the backend dummy pattern. The usage of DMxEXCL needs to be minimized. Recommended DMx size (width x length) and space Square (Utility Fill) Width x Length M1 0.5x0.5~2x2 Mx 0.5x0.5~2x2 My 1x1~2x2 Mz 1x1~2x2 Mr 1.2x1.2~3x3 Mu 3x3 Op. DMx D M x D /E M x A /B H C D M xE X C L D M x D M x M /N M in im u m /M a x im u m a re a M x D M x O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 356 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.7 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy VIA (DVIAx) Rules (DVIAx, x = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) 1. To improve the Flip Chip reliability window, you must fill the dummy VIA globally and uniformly. 2. Dummy VIA is only allowed to be inserted between dummy metals (DVIAx.R.2). 3. Use either the P&R dummy fill or the utility dummy fill as a method for inserting dummy VIA. Two methods are available for automated dummy VIA insertion: commercial P&R tools and a utility from TSMC: The P&R dummy fill can only insert dummy VIA at the chip level but the filling rate is not good. The TSMC DMx utility can insert DVIAx with good filling rate. It can support IP blocks, library cells, and full custom cells. (documents T-N45-CL-DR-001-C3 and T-N45-CL-DR-001-H3). 4. In the TSMC utility, one kind of dummy VIA is generated, DVIAx. DVIAx: dummy VIA No OPC on DVIAx DVIAx for VIAx only, not for VIAy, VIAz, VIAr, VIAu The distinction between VIAx, DVIAx GDS datatype Do OPC modification on it Refer to it during OPC Follow VIAx rule VIAx 0 Yes Yes Yes DVIAx 1 No Yes No 5. Use the dummy layer DVIAxEXCL properly. This layer directs TSMC’s utility that the area covered should be blocked from DVIAx fill operations. 6. It is suggested to make sure that DVIAxEXCL is drawn over the following: Sensitive circuits (such as SRAM sensitive function blocks and bit cell array) and analog circuits (such as DAV/ADC, and PLL) RF application circuits Pad areas for high frequency signals For sensitive areas with auto-fill operations blocked by the DVIAxEXCL layer, it is recommended filling dummy pattern evenly by manual operations to gain a better process window and electrical performance. 7. For DVIAxEXCL, use the GDS layer numbers 150;n (n = 51,52,53,54,55,56,57). 8. Revision of the following layers may necessitate re-filling of dummy VIA. Because of this, evaluate the impact on the metal/VIA layer mask carefully when any one of the following layouts is revised: Mx/DMx/VIAx/DVIAx/DMxEXCL and DVIAxEXCL layers. This layout revision impacts the Mx/VIAx/ Mx+1 masks. LOGO/INDDMY. This revision impacts all the metal/VIA layer masks. 9. Please refer to the “Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary” section in this chapter for additional information. 10. Please consult with TSMC first before you use your own dummy VIA rules. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 357 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. DVIAx.W.1 DVIAx.S.1 DVIAx.S.2 DVIAx.EN.1 DVIAx.R.1 DVIAx.R.2 DVIAx.R.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version Description Width (maximum = minimum) Space Space to VIAx Enclosure by DMx DVIAx must be fully inside DMx and DMx+1. DVIAx interact Mx, Mx+1, DMx_O, DMx+1_O is not allowed. DVIAx is a must for Flip Chip. To comply tsmc dummy utility, DRC will flag as violation when the area ratio of (DVIAx to DMx) & (DVIAx to DMx+1) are < 1% at the same time. : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Label A B D C Op. = Rule 0.12 0.20 0.20 0.01 DVIAx C B D A D V IA x D M x V IA x M x The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 358 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.8 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary This section is divided into the following sections: Dummy pattern filling requirements Recommended flow for dummy pattern filling Blockage layer (ODBLK/POBLK/DMxEXCL/DVIAxEXCL) requirements and recommendations Dummy pattern filling guidelines Mask revision guidelines Dummy pattern re-fill evaluation flow chart 8.8.1 Dummy Pattern Filling Requirements 1. OD/PO/Metal pattern density requirements Local Density Range Poly 20%~80% for Core region 20%~90% for I/O region NA Metal 10%~85% for M1/Mx/My/Mz/Mu OD Window check size Whole Chip Density Range 150 μm * 150 μm 25%~75% NA 125 μm * 125 μm for M1/Mx/My/Mz/Mr/Mu 14%~40% NA 2. DOD/DPO/DMx requirement: The DOD/DPO/DMx must be filled, even if the local or chip density has already met the density rules (OD.DN.1/OD.DN.1.1/OD.DN.2/OD.DN.2.1/OD.DN.2.2/OD.DN.3/OD.DN.3.1/OD.DN.3.2/PO.DN.1/PO.DN.1 .1/PO.DN.2/PO.DN.3/Mx.DN.1/Mx.DN.1.1/Mx.DN.4/Mx.DN.5) (x=1~10). 3. Density requirement: It is recommended that you use the TSMC auto-fill utility to generate dummy fill patterns. If you use TSMC’s auto-fill utility to fill DOD and DMx, TSMC will waive the low density rule violations (OD.DN.2, OD.DN.3, Mx.DN.1, and Mx.DN.4) (x=1~10). Both the local density rules and chip density rules must be met if TSMC’s auto-fill utility is not used to generate the DOD/DPO/DMx fill. 4. Tool recommendation: It is recommended filling dummy patterns using P&R dummy fill (for DMx only) with TSMC provided settings or using the TSMC’s auto-fill utility. The TSMC auto-fill utility can fill patterns uniformly. It is structurally and hierarchically optimized to provide maximum yield and manufacturability improvement with minimum perturbation to the circuit. 5. DVIAx requirement: It is important to add as many DVIAx as possible (DVIAx.R.3) to enhance the Flip Chip assembly reliability window. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 359 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.8.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Recommended Flow for Dummy Pattern Filling IP le v e l F ill D M x /D V IA x (G D S ) u tility b y ro u te r o r u tility ? ro u te r F ill D O D /D P O /D M x / F ill D M x /D V IA x b y ro u te r D V IA x b y T S M C u tility (re fe r th e to o l/s e ttin g fro m F ill D M x /D V IA x T S M C R e fe re n c e F lo w ) b y T S M C u tility a n d c o n firm D R C c le a n Yes N e w IP D R C c le a n ? (G D S ) N o In c re m e n ta lly fill D M x /D V IA x w ith P & R a t c h ip le v e l d iffe r e n t D M x -M x o r D M x -D M x s p a c e (tim in g , p o w e r… .) to m e e t lo c a l d e n s ity * N e tlis t F ill D O D /D P O b y T S M C u tility E v a lu a tio n (tim in g , p o w e r… .) N o D R C c le a n e x c e p t S o lv e D R C v io la tio n lo c a l d e n s ity ? Yes Yes D R C c le a n fo r F ill D M x /D V IA x lo c a l d e n s ity ? b y T S M C u tility N o u tility T S M C w a iv e lo c a l d e n s ity v io la tio n U s in g T S M C u tility o r ro u te r? N o ro u te r W a iv e d b y TSM C? Yes F in is h D u m m y fillin g * If in c r e m e n ta ll y f ill D M x is d o n e m a n y tim e s , i t s till c a n ’t m e e t in g lo c a l d e n s it y, p l e a s e f ill D M x b y T S M C u t i l i t y o r a s k T S M C ’s c o m m e n t t o w a i v e i t o r n o t . The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 360 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.8.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Blockage Layer (ODBLK/POBLK/DMxEXCL/ DVIAxEXCL) Requirements and Recommendations 1. Density requirement: For any area covered by a blockage layer, it is especially critical to meet the local density rules. Blockage layers specify sensitive regions (by recommendation or requirement), and P&R dummy fill(for DMx only) or the TSMC auto-fill utility does not fill dummy patterns for these regions. For details, please refer to the following sections in this chapter: “Dummy OD Rules,” Dummy Poly Rules,” and “Dummy Metal Rules.” Circuit RF application circuit Pad metal area for high frequency signals Analog block (ADC/DAC/PLL, and so on) Blockage Layer ODBLK POBLK DMxEXCL DVIAxEXCL Must Must Must Must Must Must Must Must Must Must Recommended Not necessary RF circuits: Draw a blockage layer that covers the entire RF circuit. Designers should consider the signal coupling impact and keep a suitable distance between the RF circuits and the blockage layer edge. High frequency signal pads: Draw blockage layers that are coincident with the outer edge of the metal pads. Other sensitive regions: Draw a blockage layer that covers the other sensitive regions, including the SRAM function block and bit cell array, analog circuits (DAC/ADC/PLL), and so on. 2. Areas excluded from certain dummy fill: Don’t put any dummy patterns into the following regions: Well resistor under STI region (NWDMY): DOD/SR_DOD INDDMY region: DOD/DPO/DMx LOGO region: DMx Seal ring /CDU /chip corner stress relief pattern region: DOD/SR_DOD/DPO/SR_DPO/DMx The TSMC utility will not add dummy patterns into these regions unless the correct dummy layer is specified, or the correct option is turned on (for chip corner). The ODBLK/POBLK/DMxEXCL covered areas should not cover or overlap the above areas for DRC reasons. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 361 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.8.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Pattern Filling Guidelines 1. Dummy pattern filled by P&R dummy fill (for DMx only) or TSMC’s dummy fill utility. Put all relevant layers (MUST and OPTION listed in the following table) into one GDS file. If the OPTION layers are not ready to tape out, draw the blockage layer to avoid dummy pattern fill. Dummy Pattern Layer ID OD PO NW NP PP Mx VIAx NWDMY INDDMY ODBLK POBLK DMxEXCL DVIAxEXCL LOGO Description Diffusion Poly N-well N+ S/D implant P+ S/D implant x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 N-Well resistor Inductor dummy layer DOD blockage layer DPO blockage layer DMx blockage layer DVIAx blockage layer Product labels DOD DPO MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST DMx (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) DVIAx (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7) MUST MUST MUST MUST OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION OPTION 2. Dummy pattern geometry (DOD/DPO/DMx) generated by P&R tool or TSMC utility: You must place this fill geometry in a reserved layer (data type 1 as default). 3. Dummy pattern generated by a non-TSMC utility: If the auto-fill utility is not provided by TSMC, it must meet the DOD/DPO/DMx rule. Also, keep this fill geometry in a reserved layer (data type 1 as default). 4. CAD layer usage: If dummy patterns and active patterns have different GDS layers and data types (such as data type 0 and 1), the dummy patterns should follow the DOD/DPO/DMx rules. If dummy geometry and active circuit geometry are placed on the same GDS layers and data types (such as data type 0), the dummy patterns should follow the appropriate OD/PO/Mx rules. Please note that placement of dummy geometry on the same CAD layer as circuit geometry will result in longer mask making cycle times. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 362 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.8.5 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mask Revision Guidelines When masks or layouts are revised, re-evaluate to modify the filled dummy patterns. Dummy Pattern Layer ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 OD PO NW Mx (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) VIAx (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7) NWDMY INDDMY ODBLK POBLK DMxEXCL (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) DVIAxEXCL (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7) LOGO DOD DPO DOD DPO DMx (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) DVIAx (x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7) : Needs GDS/mask revision : Evaluate GDS/mask revision : Doesn’t need GDS/mask revision The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 363 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 8.8.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Dummy Pattern Re-fill Evaluation Flow Chart OD Mask Revision Decision Flow If NW/PO/NWDRY/INDDMY/ODBLK/ DPO is revised (Example: PO revised) Check DOD and DPO rules on the old DOD layout and newly revised layer. (Example: Run rule check of DOD.S.3) Design rule violations? (EX: Violated DOD.S.3) NO There is no need to revise the OD mask. (Example: There is no impact on the OD mask.) YES Must revise OD mask. (Example: The OD is impacted) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 364 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 PO Mask Revision Decision Flow If OD/INDDMY/POBLK/DOD revised (Example: OD revised) Check DOD and DPO rules on the old DPO layout and newly revised layer. (Example: Run the rule check of DPO.S.2) There is no need to revise the PO Design rule violations? (Example: Violated DPO.S.2) NO mask. (Example: There is no impact on the PO mask.) YES Must revise PO mask. (Example: The PO is impacted) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 365 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mx Mask Revision Flow If INDDMY/DMxEXCL/LOGO is revised (Example: INDDMY revised) Check dummy metal rules on the old DMx layout and newly revised layer. (Example: Check DMx.S.4) There is no need to revise the Design rule violations? (Example: Violate DMx.S.4?) NO MX mask. (Example: There is no impact on the Mx mask.) YES Must revise the Mx mask. (Example: The Mx is impacted.) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 366 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 VIAx Mask Revision Flow If Mx/INDDMY/DMxEXCL/ DVIAxEXCL/LOGO is revised (Example: INDDMY revised) Check dummy VIA rules on the old DVIAx layout and newly revised layer. (Example: Check DVIAx.S.1) There is no need to revise the Design rule violations? (Example: Violate DVIAx.S.1?) NO VIAx mask. (Example: There is no impact on the VIAx mask.) YES Must revise the VIAx mask. (Example: The VIAx is impacted.) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 367 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 9 Design For Manufacturing (DFM) This chapter provides information about the following topics: 9.1 Layout guidelines for yield enhancement 9.2 DFM Recommendations and Guidelines Summary 9.3 Mechanical and Thermal Guidelines for FCBGA 9.4 GDA die size optimization kit 9.1 Layout Guidelines for Yield Enhancement This section provides guidelines for layout optimization to minimize certain potential and unnecessary yield or timing loss under the condition that they introduce no area penalty. For a given chip design, first and foremost, efforts should be made to achieve as small a die size as possible. The guidelines should not be used indiscriminately, which could result in unnecessarily large chip sizes. This section is divided into the following topics: Layout tips for minimizing critical areas Guidelines for optimal electrical model and silicon correlation Guidelines for mask making efficiency 9.1.1 Layout Tips for Minimizing Critical Areas Defects are variable in size and therefore follow a size distribution. A critical area of a given layout is an accumulative area that is susceptible to certain failures (shorts or opens) caused by defects of a certain size. For example, although the total occupied areas are the same in panels A and B of Figure 9.1.1, the wires in layout A are more vulnerable to defect-induced shorts because they have a larger critical area. A B Figure 9.1.1 Layout Examples of Critical Areas The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 368 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 1. Space out the wiring. Spacing out the wiring, either using Wire Spreading at P&R stage or manually layout modification at cell level, to take advantage of an empty space can reduce the critical area. This practice has additional benefits: It can reduce wire cross coupling. It can reduce the possibility of pattern short. It can evenly distribute the local pattern density, thereby creating less variation in wire Rs. 2. Reduce the probability of wiring shorts. The critical area plays a role in the yield of a given design, but so does the rate of failure that corresponds to the critical area. Manufacturing experience indicates that a wiring short circuit is a more frequent problem than an open circuit. Give priority to increasing wiring space for conductors of non-minimum wiring pitch, second only to wire resistance or EM considerations. Refer to Figure 9.1.2. Figure 9.1.2 Reduced Probability of Wiring Shorts For long and parallel metal or poly lines, use a larger space. Avoid the use of redundant wiring, except for reliability or performance considerations. Draw wires in an orthogonal fashion. Avoid leaving small jogs, especially in the corner areas where metal spacing is at a minimum. Avoid using 45-degree turns, except for very wide metal buses, where the length of the 45-degree portion should be sufficiently large. X-metal uses more advanced E-beam writer to generate mask and no need to consider this recommendation 3. Reduce the risk of open silicided wire or high resistance silicided wire. To avoid a potential silicide break related to an open circuit or high resistance in narrow lines of poly or OD: Do not use a long narrow width poly conductor, if possible, as a means of local interconnection. The length of non-contacted narrow width poly should be kept to a minimum. If possible, do not use a narrow width OD conductor as a means of interconnection. Avoid a butted N+OD/P+OD interface in a narrow OD/PO. Use a sufficient number of contacts when a narrow OD strip is used for substrate tapping. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 369 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 4. Reduce the probability of a contact or via open circuit. Open and soft open (excessively high Rc) of a single contact or via are usually a yield bottleneck, given their sheer number in a chip. While the manufacturer strives to bring down the failure rate as low as possible, a designer can contribute to further reduction of the probability. Whenever possible, include redundant vias and contacts for the following benefits: Reduces the probability of an open circuit Reduces via and contact resistance and potential variation. Potentially increases via stress migration immunity 5. Reduce the probability of open vias in a single-via stack. Whenever possible, use a larger than minimum sized island metal for stacking a single via. This reduces the risk of via resistance variation or open vias. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 370 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.1.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Guidelines for Optimal Electrical Model and Silicon Correlation The following sections offer recommended practices to minimize the deviation of processed hardware from electrical models. Transistors 1. Avoid layout styles that may contribute to silicon-to-model deviation. Avoid using narrow-width devices and short channel device if they require high precision, such as current source device. Due to critical dimension variations in channel length and channel width, the electrical properties of narrow-width devices and short channel devices vary more than those of larger devices. Poly or OD corner rounding may impact the device length or width critical dimension. Source or drain contacts should be placed symmetrically wherever possible. Avoid using single source or drain contacts on large width devices, especially for the multi-finger device with large Isat, place use full contacts or 1/2 full contacts uniformly for channel width 1um (refer to CO.S.7® ) Use the recommendation from DFM rule CO.EN.1® regarding sufficient OD-to-contact enclosure. The benefits of sufficient OD-to-contact enclosure are less variation of contact resistance and the avoidance of potentially excessive drain or source leakage. Use uniform poly and OD densities across a design. The poly and OD densities in the neighboring area could affect the gate critical dimension. Although the post-layout insertion of dummy OD, or dummy poly, or both, may patch some empty spaces, it is best to avoid the problem with careful planning and space filling at the macro levels of layout design initially. Please refer to these rules in the chapter of Dummy Pattern rule and Filling Guideline: “DOD Rule“, “SR_DOD Rule”, “DPO Rule”, “SR_DPO Rule” and “Dummy Pattern Fill Usage Summary.” The poly and OD densities in the neighboring areas could also affect device perfomance, not only gate critical dimension. So, please avoid putting sensitive circuits near the region of too low/high poly/OD density (refer to OD.DN.4® ~7® and PO.DN.4® ~7® ). 2. Be aware that thin oxide gate leakage of the 45 nm process is higher than that of previous generations. Its impact on the functionality of a circuit, which uses thin oxide transistors and/or capacitors and/or MOS varactors, must be taken into account by using a proper SPICE model that contains the leakage components. 3. Pay attention to the leakage current for narrow-width devices with a low-Vt option. Please consult the SPICE model for detailed information. 4. Device behavior is influenced by layout style possibly due to stress distribution induced by STI/OD edge. Designers should take this length of OD (LOD) effect into consideration during device or cell level design. 5. Avoid using asymmetrical or single source/drain CO placement on large devices (CO.R.5g). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 371 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 6. For a PMOS device, if the NWELL is tied to the source used as an internal AC node, the NWELL total area junction capacitance should be included in the circuit simulation by adding the Well capacitance at the source node. 7. Take NWELL sheet resistance into consideration during simulation, to reflect the transient bias variation by adding the Well resistance between source node and substrate node. Improvement of poly CD uniformity Further recommendation for improvement of poly CD uniformity (3-sigma) at small channel length: Insert dummy PO surrounding existing PO gate if this PO gate is the nearest one to the cell edge and follow the 1st poly space rule (PO.S.2). (S1, S3 in Figure 9.1.3) For IP design Add dummy PO/OD manually around sensitive circuits to avoid mismatch caused by layout effect Add dummy PO/OD by utility on whole IP to fill the remaining sparse area Add a dummy PO/OD blockage the same size as the IP cell boundary. Have dummy patterns in the blockage area as a default and verify with a library characterization process. Avoid any open area 1.8 um x 1.8um without any OD/PO patterns inside in the macro cell area. During chip integration, a placement blockage could be added on top of IP to avoid std cells abutment with this IP, thus, there could be white space around IP without PO/OD. To keep PO/OD pattern density uniformity, please use the dummy PO/OD utility again to insert dummy PO/OD on the whole chip. Core device PO gate OD S1 S2 S3 Have same parallel run length to surrounded PO gate Figure 9.1.3 Reduce sparse poly count It is recommended placing the gate with uni-direction in a chip. 1nm CD gap is observed between horizontal and vertical poly lines. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 372 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 An empty area in the standard cell array is not allowed. Customers need to use a patterned filler cell to insert the empty area of the standard cell array by P&R. It is requested to have OD and PO patterns in the filler cell, which provides better gate CD uniformity. Need to put dummy PO firstly on sides of both cell edges with < 0.5μm space to nearby cell edge. A space ( 0.1μm) to nearby cell edge is recommended. Need to follow the layout rules of DRM. Put OD and PO uniformly across the whole filler cell. Maximize the length of the OD and PO as much as you can (to match the cell height). If the space is not enough, put PO first. A rectangular PO pattern is recommended in the filler cell. Dummy fillers of floating and fixed voltage are both acceptable from the process point of view. However, the associated implant layers are a must if the filler cell is connected to a fixed voltage. It is also recommended to put a filler cell at the edges of standard cell arrays during P&R. Figure 9.1.4 Example of filler cell The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 373 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Guidelines for P&R during filler cell insertion at P&R: o Flow: Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 F lo o r p la n – p o w e r p la n a n d h a r d m a c r o p la c e m e n t B o u n d a r y f ille r c e lls in s e r t io n S ta n d a r d c e ll p la c e m e n t a n d o p t im iz a t io n I n t e r n a l f ille r c e lls in s e r t io n o Layout with filler cells Boundary filler cells Before standard cell placement, inserting fillers on block boundary and macro boundary for occupying the placement locations. Internal filler cells After standard cell placement, using original filler insertion command. Figure 9.1.5 Layout with filler cells The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 374 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Device impact by CO placement Asymmetric partial CO design will degrade Isat seriously on a large device (W>1um). LPE cannot reflect every kind of CO placement layout style due to tool limitation, and will cause silicon slower than simulation. It is recommended to use fully-CO or uniform-CO design. For the fully-CO design, it is recommended to add additional 1ohm R_probe_tip in the simulation while certifying your IP. For the asymmetry partial CO design, it is recommended to follow CO.S.7® , or add more design margin. S S F u lly -C O S G G D S S G D U n ifo r m -C O S G D P a r tia l-C O G G D P a r tia l-C O D P a r tia l-C O G D D P a r tia l-C O Device impact by local OD/PO density Isat will increase as the local OD density decreases. Isat will increase as the local PO density increases. It is important to follow the layout guidelines for sensitive circuits to reduce the gap between simulation and silicon. (OD.DN.4® ~7® and PO.DN.4® ~7® ) In the region of (sensitive IP sizing 20um): OD density: 10~70%, PO density: 5~35% Avoid abutting your IP to PO resistor, varactor, capacitor, large BJT, and SRAM, which easily leads to OD density violation Separate the MOM, capacitor and PO resistor in the IP properly, and insert DOD/DPO between them Avoid abutting your IP to MOM, varactor, capacitor, PO resistor, and large diode, which easily to PO density violations Wide OD guard rings need to have DPO in between. It is important not to have a large DCAP surrounding the IP, or not to insert too many DCAPs in the std cell array Remove some DCAPs as the IP violates the PO density 35% Only insert DCAP on the IR sensitive area. Use other filler cells if possible. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 375 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Avoid to place the IP close to IO and chip corner if possible Increase the design margin, if it is unavoidable In the region of (sensitive IP sizing 100um): OD density: 20~70%, PO density: 15~35% Keep your IP away from the Inductor, which easily leads to OD and PO density violations It is recommended to keep enough space from the sensitive IP to varactor, PO resistor, large diode, IO, and prime chip edge (hi OD%, low PO%) Device impact by OSE/PSE The DOD/DPO layout style also impacts the Isat For the sensitive circuit, it is recommended to leave 4um space, and use the TSMCutility to insert SR_DOD and SR_DPO uniformly surrounding the target device. For the matching pair, it is recommended to insert with dummy devices with identical shape/dimension/space surrounding the target device, and then insert the SR_DOD/SR_DPO and DOD/DPO uniformly. Keep dummy device OD space close to 0.88um in W-direction and 0.1um in L-direction If you can’t manually implement the recommendations (2nd PO space, OD space) for OSE/PSE, please use TSMC dummy OD/PO insertion utility. It is very important to use the TSMC utility to make your circuit design more robust. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 376 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version Chip design flow D M d u m m y u t i lit y IP design flow S c h e m a t ic s d e s ig n C h ip H D L d e s i g n P r e - la y o u t s im u la t i o n R T L s y n t h e s is / P r e - la y o u t s im u la t io n F in a l l a y o u t d e s i g n P la c e & R o u t e l a y o u t D P O / D O D D u m m y u t i li t y D P O / D O D / D M D u m m y u t i lit y D R C /LV S /L P E D R C /LV S R C E x tr a c tio n R C E x tr a c tio n P o s t - la y o u t s im u la t io n S T A / P o s t - la y o u t s im u la t i o n Ta p e -o u t Ta p e -o u t D O D /D P O A n a lo g D e v ic e o r IP (> 1 0 % ) (> 1 0 % ) 1. W ith o u t d u m m y d e v ic e s & D O D /D P O 2. O n ly s u rro u n d e d by dum m y d e v ic e s , but no D O D /D P O p ro te c t 3. A n a lo g D e v ic e o r IP s u r r o u n d e d w ith d u m m y d e v ic e s S R _ D O D /S R _ D P O N o t r e c o m m e n d (S i to s im u la tio n g a p :) (> 1 0 % ) : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Recom m end Recom m end (< 5 % ) (< 5 % ) IP s u r r o u n d e d IP s u r r o u n d e d w ith D O D /D P O w ith d u m m y d e v ic e s b y u p d a te d u tility fir s t, th e n in s e r t O n ly s u r r o u n d e d b y D O D /D P O , b u t n o S R _ D O D /S R _ D P O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. D O D /D P O 377 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Resistors 1. For SPICE accuracy it is strongly recommended to put each OD/poly resistor in a dense area. 2. Avoid using small poly and OD width resistor that is critical in performance. 3. In order to have accurate interconnect RC for timing and power analysis, it is important to extract RC after dummy metal insertion and extract RC with density based metal thickness variation feature enabled. Unsilicided PO Resistor impact by local OD/PO density It is important to follow the layout guidelines for unsilicided PO resistor to reduce the gap between simulation and silicon. PO resistor: OD.DN.8® , OD.DN.9® , PO.DN.8® , PO.DN.9® , 9.1.3 Electrical Wiring 1. Avoid using minimum-width poly or OD where resistance is critical to the circuit performance. 2. Maintain uniform metal density to minimize wire sheet resistance variation. 3. Wherever possible, use two or more narrower metal buses to replace a single bus that uses the maximum width. 4. Maintain metal density in the mid range of the specification, avoiding the two extreme ends. 5. During IP/macro design, it is important to put certain density margin to avoid the possibility of high density violations (Mx.DN.1, Mx.DN.4, and Mx.DN.5) during placement. It may have unexpected violations during the IP/macro placement due to the environment, even if the IP/macro already pass the high density rule check. Therefore, you need to carefully design the dimensions of the width/space for wide metal (e.g., power/ground bus), under the proper high density limit. 6. Need dummy insertion in the library/IP/Macro blockage area: Either extend hard macro boundary to align with blockage area or minimize the distance (recommended 3 m) from the blockage edge to the macro cell boundary. Also embed this blockage region in macro cell. Have dummy patterns in the blockage area as a default and verify with the library characterization process. Need to re-define I/O pin for P&R at new macro cell boundary if you push out hard macro boundary to align with blockage area. Avoid any open area 3 m x 3 m without any metal patterns inside in the macro cell area . 9.1.4 Guidelines for Mask Making Efficiency Please refer to the Chapter 3 sections: “Design Geometry Restrictions” “Design Hierarchy Guidelines” The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 378 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 9.2 DFM Recommendations and Guidelines Summary o Please use the following advisory/recommended dimensions and guidelines whenever possible, unless doing so impacts chip size or performance. o DFM does not have to comply to the advisory/recommendation value completely. Any change even by one grid helps. o By using DFM recommendations and guidelines, higher precision of models, better reliability, lower timing, process or yield variation may be expected. o If your circuit has concern about the DFM Action-Required rules (refer to the section of Action-Required Rules) and Recommendations (refer to the section of Recommendations) TSMC DRC deck can help you to flag the violations. DFM DRC deck is bundled in the TSMC logic DRC deck. The following 2 methods can specify the region to run DFM recommendations in DFM DRC deck. Please also refer to the “User Guide” in the DFM deck 1. Dummy layer: RRuleRequire(CAD layer: 182;1): for the DFM Action Required recommendations. RRuleRecommend(CAD layer: 182;2): for the DFM Recommended recommendations 2. Cell selection based on the following variables: CellsForRRuleRequired CellsForRRuleRecommended 9.2.1 Action-Required Rules Using minimum dimension of the following rules may have influence on the electrical characteristics (e.g. Idsat) of a related device. It is required that either the concerned influence be taken into account in a circuit electrical design if a dimension is less than the advisory point, or the advisory value be used. In order to have precisely CKT simulation, user needs to turn on the DFM-LPE (RC extraction tool, built in TSMC LVS released package under the directory “DFM”) option for PO.EX.2® , PO.S.5® , PO.S.6® , to get the optimized device parameter. Rule No. PO.EX.2® PO.S.5.LP® PO.S.5.GS® PO.S.6.LP® PO.S.6.GS® Description Recommended OD extension on PO (full and symmetrical contact placement are recommended at both source and drain side) to avoid Isat degradation, especially for channel width > 1.5 μm. When you use poly space = 0.16 um (PO.S.2), please use = 0.13 um for this recommendation. Recommended space to L-shape OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for LP/LPG Recommended space to L-shape OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for GS Recommended L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for LP/LPG Recommended L-shape PO space to OD when PO and OD are in the same MOS (avoid corner rounding effect) for GS Op. Advisory Min. Rule 0.13 0.09 0.1 0.03 (PO.S.4) 0.06 0.03 (PO.S.4) 0.1 0.04 (PO.S.6) 0.07 0.04 (PO.S.6) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 379 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.2.2 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Recommendations Using minimum dimension of the following rules is okay. If a non-minimum recommendation is used, however, the variation of the related electrical parameter (e.g. contact or via Rc) can be minimized and yield benefit may be expected. It is recommended that the Recommendations be used wherever possible. OD.DN.4® ~OD.DN.7® and PO.DN.4® ~7® are only checked within a dummy layer SENDMY for sensitive circuit. SENDMY (255;8): DRC recognition layer for sensitive circuit Rule No. OD.W.1® OD.S.1® OD.DN.4® OD.DN.5® OD.DN.6® OD.DN.7® OD.DN.8® OD.DN.9® DOD.R.4® SR_DOD.S.3® SR_DOD.DN.1® DNW.EN.1® Description Recommended Recommended minimum interconnect OD width (except MOMDMY (155;21) region and 0.08 TCDDMY) Recommended minimum OD space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle 0.1 It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density < 10%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: 10% {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density > 70%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND 70% RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density < 20%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND 20% RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(OD local density > 70%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the gate is as follows: {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY*) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND 70% RODMY)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(OD local density < 20%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: 20% {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY*)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(OD local density > 60%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of the unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: 60% {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY*)} The definition of the region OD local density is as follows: {OD OR DOD OR SR_DOD} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) It is important to use TSMC DOD/DPO utility to insert the SR_DOD and SR_DPO properly surrounding your IP and circuit, and then do post-simulation carefully before chip implementation. DRC will flag the empty rectangle area larger than 1.8x1.8um2 inside {(GATE SIZE 2.8) NOT (((OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD) SIZE 0.12) NOT ((PO SIZE 0.05) OR ((DPO OR SR_DPO) SIZE 0.03)) NOT ((NW SIZE 0.08) NOT (NW SIZE -0.08))} (Except TCDDMY and SEALRING_ALL (162;2)) Recommended space to DPO, SR_DPO Recommended minimum SR_DOD density inside {((((((OD OR PO) INTERACT GATE) SIZING 2.5um) NOT ((OD OR PO) SIZING 0.4um)) NOT SRAMDMY;0) NOT OD2)} (The GATE doesn't include the regions covered by layer TCDDMY, CSRDMY, CDUDMY) Recommended enclosure by NW for better noise isolation Min Rule 0.06 0.08 - - - - - - 1.8x1.8um2 - 0.05 0.03 8% - 1.0 - The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 380 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. NWROD.S.3® NWRSTI.EN.2® PO.W.1® U PO.S.1® PO.S.2.LP® PO.S.4.1® PO.S.17® PO.S.18.GS® PO.EX.1® PO.DN.4® PO.DN.5® PO.DN.6® PO.DN.7® PO.DN.8® PO.DN.9® SR_DPO.S.1® SR_DPO.L.1® SR_DPO.L.3® SR_DPO.DN.1® ESDIMP.EN.1® Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Recommended Recommended RPO space to CO in NW resistor within OD for SPICE simulation accuracy = 0.3 Recommended OD enclosure of CO in NW resistor under STI for SPICE simulation = 0.3 accuracy Recommended minimum interconnect PO width 0.06 Recommended minimum interconnect PO space to reduce the short possibility caused by 0.12 particle Recommended GATE space in the same OD to avoid Isat degradation for LP/LPG Recommended gate space [L-shape OD and L-shape PO enclosed area < 0.0196 μm2] for PO/OD rounding effect Recommended Gate edge [channel length = 0.04um, channel width ≤ 0.2um] space to {(PO OR SR_DPO) OR DPO } [width ≥ 0.12um] [projection in S/D direction], and Gate edge parallel run length (individual projection) in the same gate ≥ 0.1um, for poly gate CDU control Recommend to add 2nd poly away from 1st poly [for channel length < 0.08μm] (DRC only = check 1st poly space to gate ≤ 0.2um and width < 0.08um) Recommended extension on OD (end-cap) to avoid line-end shortening. It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density < 5%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density > 35%) SIZING 20um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 20umx20um, stepping 10um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density < 15%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the gate interact with the region of {(PO local density > 35%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of gate is as follows: 1. Channel length ≤ 0.05um 2. {(((Gate INTERACT SENDMY) NOT LOGO) NOT CSRDMY) NOT (SRAMDMY AND RODMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 50umx50um, stepping 25um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(PO local density < 15%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) It is not recommended the unsalicided poly resistor interact with the region of {(PO local density > 40%) SIZING 100um}. The definition of unsalicided poly resistor is as follows: {(((RH AND (RPO AND PO)) AND RPDMY) AND SENDMY)} The definition of the region PO local density is as follows: {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} local density (window 200umx200um, stepping 100um) Recommended space to {PO OR SR_DPO} (SR_DPO overlap with PO is not allowed) Recommended length Recommended maximum Length Recommended minimum SR_DPO density inside {((((((OD OR PO) INTERACT GATE) SIZING 2.5um) NOT ((OD OR PO) SIZING 0.4um)) NOT SRAMDMY;0) NOT OD2)} (The GATE doesn't include the regions covered by layer TCDDMY, CSRDMY, CDUDMY) Recommended (OD NOT PO) enclosure of ESDIMP. = Min Rule 0.04 0.1 0.14 0.12 ~ 0.22 or 0.32 0.14 0.11 0.16 - 0.14~0.2 - 0.11 0.09 5% - 35% - 15% - 35% - 15% - 40% - 0.12 0.5 10 0.11 - 4% - 0.4 0.4 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 381 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. HVD_N25.R.5® U HVD_P25.R.5® U HVD_N18.R.5® U HVD_P18.R.5® U HVD_GR.R.7® U CO.S.3® CO.EN.0® CO.EN.1® CO.EN.1.1® CO.EN.3® CO.S.7® M1.S.1® M1.A.1® M1.EN.0® M1.EN.1® M1.EN.2® M1.EN.5® M1.DN.6® VIAx.EN.0® VIAx.EN.1® VIAx.EN.2® VIAx.R.8® Mx.S.1® Mx.A.1® Mx.EN.0® Mx.EN.1® Mx.EN.2® Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Recommended For better Idsat uniformity with single finger gate, HVD_N is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. For better Idsat uniformity with single gate, HVD_P is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. For better Idsat uniformity with single finger gate, HVD_N is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. For better Idsat uniformity with single gate, HVD_P is recommended to be located at the same side of the gate. Recommend reducing the breach region of M1 on guard-ring if using M1 to connect HV N/PMOS to outside circuits. Recommended space to gate to reduce the short possibility caused by particle. 0.05 Recommended enclosure by OD is defined by {CO.EN.1® and CO.EN.1.1® }. Recommended enclosure by OD to avoid high Rc. 0.03 Recommended enclosure by OD [at least two opposite sides] 0.04 Recommended enclosure by PO [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. 0.04 Maximum effective CO space in Source/Drain of device [channel width1 μm] (This check doesn't include the regions covered by SR_ESD and SDI.) Definition of effective CO: (1) CO projection space to GATE0.22 μm (D2). (2) {COs INSIDE {HVD_N OR HVD_P}} which projection space to GATE 1 μm. Definition of maximum effective CO space (B3): Channel width – effective CO projection 0.29 length to GATE. Besides, if there is no CO in Source/Drain or no CO connected to Source/Drain by OD, it is allowed. {CO OUTSIDE {HVD_N OR HVD_P}} projection space to PO (without CO shielding) > 0.22 μm or {COs INSIDE {HVD_N OR HVD_P}} projection space to PO (without CO shielding) > 1 μm for HVMOS drain side will be flagged on gate. Recommended space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle 0.09 Recommended area to avoid high Rc (except DMx_O) 0.0351 Recommended enclosure of CO is defined by either M1.EN.1® or M1.EN.2® . Recommended enclosure of CO to avoid high Rc 0.03 Recommended enclosure of CO [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc 0.05 Recommended Enclosure of CO [metal width 0.11μm, space < 0.08μm] to avoid high Rc (This check doesn't include two or more COs present in the metal intersection) 0.015 Min Rule 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.02 - 0.07 0.0215 0.00 0.03 0.015 [parallel run length > 0.27 μm] Recommend metal density 1% for IP level. Items (A) to (C) are recommended. (A) For IP level, recommend metal density [window 40 μm x 40 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -40um)} region when the width of IP is 40um. (B) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 1600um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. (C) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 4500um2. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 20um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 is defined by either VIAx.EN.1® or VIAx.EN.2® . Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 to avoid high Rc. Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. Recommended maximum consecutive stacked VIAx layer, which has only one via for each VIAx layer to avoid high Rc. (Except {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 um)}) (Example: VIA1~VIA4, VIA2~VIA5, VIA3~VIA6, VIA4~VIA7. This rule does not apply to top via. It is allowed to stack from VIA4 to VIA9 because VIA8 and VIA9 are top via. It is allowed to stack more than four VIAx layers if two or more vias in each VIAx layer are on the same metal.) Recommended space to reduce the short possibility caused by particle Recommended area to avoid high Rc (except DMx_O) Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 is defined by either Mx.EN.1® or Mx.EN.2® . Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 to avoid high Rc. Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.03 4 - 0.09 0.0351 0.07 0.027 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.03 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 382 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. Mx.DN.6® Mx.DN.7® Mx.DN.8® DMx.R.4® U LOWMEDN.R.8® U VIAy.EN.1® VIAy.EN.2® My.EN.0® My.EN.1® My.EN.2® Mz.W.3® Mr.W.3® AP.W.2® U MOM.DN.1® IND.DN.8® IND.DN.9® IND_MD.DN.8® IND_MD.DN.9® ROM.R.2® U ROM.R.3® DTCD.DN.1® ICOVL.S.1® ICOVL.S.2® ICOVL.S.3® ICOVL.S.4® ICOVL.S.5® ICOVL.W.1® ICOVL.W.2® ICOVL.W.3® ICOVL.W.4® ICOVL.W.5® Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version Description Recommend metal density 1% for IP level. Items (A) to (C) are recommended. (A) For IP level, recommend metal density [window 40 μm x 40 μm, stepping 40 μm] 1%. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -40um)} region when the width of IP is 40um. (B) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 1600um2, except the merged low density windows width ≤ 30um. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Recommended Min Rule (C) For IP level, recommend maximum area of merged low density windows [checking window 10umx10um, stepping 5um, density < 1%] ≤ 4500um2. This item is applied for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -10um)} region when the width of IP is 10um. 1. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 2. This rule is applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 20um for (A) and 5um for both (B)/(C). It is not recommended to have local density < 5% of all 3 consecutive metal (Mx, Mx+1 and Mx+2) over any 15um x 15um (stepping 15um) for IP level, i.e. it is allowed for either one of Mx, Mx+1, or Mx+2 to have a local density ≥ 5%. 1. The metal layers include M1/Mx and dummy metals. 2. The following special regions are excluded while the density checking: - Chip corner triangle empty areas if sealring is added by tsmc. - LOWMEDN 3.These rules are applied when the width of (checking window NOT above excluding region) is 7.5μm and for {IP NOT (IP SIZING -15um)} region when the width of IP is 15um. Total Mx island (for all Mx layers) density < 6.5E+04 ea/mm2 in whole chip The definition of counts of small Mx island: 1. Mx width == 0.07um 2. Mx length 0.52um 3. Mx has two segments with space == 0.07um with the parallel run length (0.209 parallel run length < 0.52) It is important to insert the DMx & DVIAx uniformly to avoid white space. You should use tsmc standard backend utility to insert the backend dummy pattern. The usage of DMxEXCL needs to be minimized. Recommend dummy metal is not inserted between protection rings or in the breach of protection ring. Please use DMxEXCL to aviod dummy metal insertion. Recommended enclosure by Mx or My to avoid high Rc. Recommended enclosure by Mx or My [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 is defined by either My.EN.1® or My.EN.2® . Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 to avoid high Rc. Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 [at least two opposite sides] to avoid high Rc. Recommended Mz width [Mz on (((Mz-1 OR DMz-1) with space 5 um x 5 μm) SIZING 1 μm)] for CMP dishing concern. Recommended Mr width [Mr on (((Mr-1 OR DMr-1) with space 5 um x 5 μm) SIZING 1 um)] Recommended total width of BUS line [Connect with bump pad] Recommend metal density inside {MOMDMY_n SIZING 10um}. (For M1/Mx layers) Recommend {(OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD} density inside INDDMY Recommend {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density inside INDDMY Recommend {(OD OR DOD) OR SR_DOD} density inside INDDMY_MD Recommend {(PO OR DPO) OR SR_DPO} density inside INDDMY_MD Recommend to insert dummy PO between two ROM bits on different OD. Each ROM cell must be covered by ROM(50;6). DRC only flags no ROM(50;6) in the chip. But if there is no ROM cell in the chip, the violation can be waived. Density of DummyTCD (window 2000 μm X 2000 μm is one unit, see next page for more information) Recommend OVL_PO_OD space to OVL_CO_PO Recommend space between two OVL_PO_ODs or two OVL_CO_POs Recommend ICOVL (CAD layer no.: 165;3) space to {(OD OR PO) OR CO} Recommend enclosed OD space inside OVL_PO_OD (maximum = minimum) = Recommend space between two COs for OVL_CO_PO [in the same ring] = Recommend width of PO ring inside ICOVL (maximum = minimum) = Recommend width of M1 ring inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) = Recommend width of CO inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) = Recommend width of {OD INTERACT PO} inside OVL_PO_OD (maximum = minimum) = Recommend PO hole width inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) = 0.045 0.075 0 0.045 0.045 0.075 0 0.045 0.42 0.40 0.55 0.50 16 30% 20% 15% 20% 15% - 70% - 40 2000 2 1.1 0.10 1.1 1.1 0.17 16.5 16.5 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 383 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. ICOVL.EN.1® ICOVL.EN.2® ICOVL.R.2® U ICOVL.R.3® U ICOVL.R.4® U ICOVL.R.5® U ICOVL.R.6® U ICOVL.R.7® ICOVL.R.8® ICOVL.R.9® ICOVL.R.10® ICOVL.R.11® ICOVL.R.12® ICOVL.R.13® ICOVL.R.14® ICOVL.R.15® ICOVL.R.16® ICOVL.R.17® ICOVL.R.18® ICOVL.R.19® ICOVL.R.20® ICOVL.R.21® ICOVL.R.22® Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Recommended Recommend {OD INTERACT PO} enclosure by PO inside OVL_PO_OD (maximum = = 3.3 minimum) Recommend M1 ring enclosure by PO ring inside OVL_CO_PO (maximum = minimum) = 3.92 Recommend the ICOVL patterns should be as uniform as possible over the chip Recommend at least 2 OVL_PO_ODs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by (1) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for 1X1 die (2) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 4 segments for 1X2 die Recommend at least 2 OVL_CO_POs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by (1) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for 1X1 die (2) Dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 4 segments for 1X2 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_PO_ODs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for 2X1 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_CO_POs on top row (Floorplan A)/ right row (Floorplan B) by dividing chip Y (Floorplan A) / X (Floorplan B) direction into 8 segments for chip size for 2X1 die Recommend at least 8 OVL_PO_ODs and 8 OVL_CO_POs for 1X1 die Recommend at least 4 OVL_PO_ODs and 4 OVL_CO_POs for 1X2 die or 2X1 die Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip for 1X1 die by {OVL_PO_OD SIZING +6500um} Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip for 1X1 die by {OVL_CO_PO SIZING +6500um} Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip 1X2 die or 2X1 die by {OVL_PO_OD SIZING +8000um} Recommend only one polygon is allowed in one chip 1X2 die or 2X1 die by {OVL_CO_PO SIZING +8000um} Recommend empty space between two OVL_PO_ODs for 1X1 die. DRC flags: 16000 {((Chip NOT OVL_PO_OD) SIZING -8000μm) SIZING +8000μm} Recommend empty space between two OVL_CO_POs for 1X1 die. DRC flags: 16000 {((Chip NOT OVL_CO_PO) SIZING -8000μm) SIZING +8000μm} Recommend empty space between two OVL_PO_ODs for 1X2 die or 2X1 die. DRC flags: 13000 {((Chip NOT OVL_PO_OD) SIZING -6500μm) SIZING +6500μm} Recommend empty space between two OVL_CO_POs for 1X2 die or 2X1 die. 13000 DRC flags: {((Chip NOT OVL_CO_PO) SIZING -6500μm) SIZING +6500μm} Recommend density of {(OVL_PO_OD SIZING +16500um) SIZING -15500um} for 1X1 25% die Recommend density of {(OVL_CO_PO SIZING +16500um) SIZING -15500um} for 1X1 25% die Recommend density of {(OVL_PO_OD SIZING +13000um) SIZING -10000um} for 1X2 25% die or 2X1 die Recommend density of {(OVL_CO_PO SIZING +13000um) SIZING -10000um} for 1X2 25% die or 2X1 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_PO_OD fully inside {Chip SIZING -2380um} for 2X2 die Recommend at least 1 OVL_CO_PO fully inside {Chip SIZING -2380um} for 2X2 die Min Rule * CAD layer SENDMY (255;8) is used to check OD.DN.4® ~ OD.DN.9® for sensitive circuits. If your IP is sensitive to the Isat variation due to low/high OD density, you can cover the SENDMY to perform this check. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 384 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.2.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Guidelines The followings are guidelines regarding layout design practice, although they cannot be quantified. These guidelines should be observed to their maximum in any circuit designs. Rule No. G.6gU OPC.R.2gU OD.L.2gU SR_DOD.R.4gU NW.R.1g DNW.R.6gU NWROD.R.3g NWROD.R.8g NWRSTI.R.3g NWRSTI.R.4g PO.L.1gU RES.R.15g RES.R.16g RES.R.17g RES.R.18g RES.R.19g RES.R.20g CO.S.6g CO.R.1gU CO.R.5g VIAx.R.9gU VIAy.R.9gU VIAz.R.5gU VIAr.R.5gU Mx.R.2gU My.R.2gU IND.R.15gU Description Label For OD, PO, VTL_N, VTL_P, VTH_N, VTH_P, ULVT_N, ULVT_P, DCO_LPP, NP, PP, M1, Mx, My, all vertices and intersections of 45-degree polygon must be on an integer multiple of 0.005 um except PO inside the layer 186;5 for GS/GL and 186;4 for LP/LPG. Avoid small jogs (Figure 3.7.4). It is recommended to use greater than, or equal to, half of the minimum width of each layer for each segment of a jog. It is strongly suggested to limit the max interconnect length (M) to be as short as possible to avoid high Rs variation. It is important to use the TSMC DOD/DPO utility to insert SR_DOD surrounding and close to the target device before characterization. The range of the SR_DOD 4um. Recommend not using unintentional floating well to avoid unstable device performance. DRC flags {NW OUTSIDE {N+OD INTERACT CO}}. Recommended not using floating RW unless necessary to avoid unstable device performance. Recommended to use rectangle shape resistor for the SPICE simulation accuracy. DRC can flag {NWDMY AND NW} is not a rectangle. Recommend: NWDMY intersecting NWROD forms two or more NWs. Recommended to use rectangle shape resistor for the SPICE simulation accuracy. DRC can flag {NWDMY AND NW} is not a rectangle. Recommend: NWDMY intersecting NWRSTI forms two or more NWs. Recommend to limit the max interconnect PO length (R) as short as possible to avoid high Rs variation. Recommended to use rectangle shape resistor for the SPICE simulation accuracy. DRC can flag {((RH AND OD) AND RPO) AND RPDMY} or {((RH AND PO) AND RPO) AND RPDMY} which is not a rectangle. {RPDMY AND {{OD INTERACT CO} AND RPO}} is recommended being identical to {RH AND {{OD INTERACT CO} AND RPO}}, except BJTDMY. {RPDMY AND {{PO INTERACT CO} AND RPO}} is recommended being identical to {RH AND {{PO INTERACT CO} AND RPO}} Recommend: RPDMY intersecting {(OD AND RH) NOT INTERACT RPO} forms two or more ODs. Recommend: RPDMY intersecting {(PO AND RH) NOT INTERACT RPO} forms two or more POs. {CO BUTTED ((RPDMY AND RH) NOT INTERACT RPO)} is recommended. Recommended to put contacts at both source side and butted well pickup side to avoid high Rs. DRC can flag if the STRAP is butted on source, one of STRAP and source is without CO. Recommended to put {CO inside PO} space to GATE as close as possible to avoid unexpected resistance variation. Recommend using redundant CO to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows 1. Recommended to use double CO or more on the resistor connection. 2. Double CO on Poly gate to reduce the probability of high Rc 3. For large transistor, if it is impossible to increase the CO to gate spacing (CO.S.3® ), limit the number of source/drain CO: have the number of CO necessary for the current, and then spread them uniformly all over the Source/Drain area. 4. DRC can flag single CO. Recommend using redundant vias to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows. (Except {LOWMEDN NOT (LOWMEDN SIZING -4 um)}) Please refer to section “Via Layout Recommendations” Recommend using redundant vias to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows. Please refer to section “Via Layout Recommendations” Recommend using redundant vias to avoid high Rc wherever layout allows.. Please refer to section “Via Layout Recommendations” Op. Recommend using redundant vias wherever layout allows. For the small space, recommended to enlarge the metal space, by using Wire Spreading function of EDA tool, to reduce the wire capacitance and the possibility of metal short. Please refer to section 9.1.1 and TSMC Reference Flow. For the small space, recommended to enlarge the metal space, by using Wire Spreading function of EDA tool, to reduce the wire capacitance. Please refer to section 9.1.1 and TSMC Reference Flow. Recommend putting NT_N to fully cover the inductor (metal) region to achieve high quality factor. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 385 of 600 Rule SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.2.4 No. PO.EX.1® PO.EX.2® DNW.EN.1® OD.W.1® OD.S.1® OD.DN.4® OD.DN.5® OD.DN.6® OD.DN.7® OD.DN.8® OD.DN.9® DOD.R.4® NWROD.S.3® SR_DOD.S.3® SR_DOD.DN.1® SR_DPO.S.1® SR_DPO.L.1® SR_DPO.L.3® SR_DPO.DN.1® NWRSTI.EN.2® PO.W.1® U PO.S.1® PO.S.2.LP® PO.S.4.1® PO.S.5.LP® PO.S.5.GS® PO.S.6.LP® PO.S.6.GS® PO.S.17® PO.S.18.GS® PO.DN.4® PO.DN.5® PO.DN.6® PO.DN.7® PO.DN.8® PO.DN.9® ESDIMP.EN.1® HVD_N25.R.5® U HVD_P25.R.5® U HVD_N18.R.5® U HVD_P18.R.5® U HVD_GR.R.7® U CO.S.3® CO.S.7® CO.EN.0® CO.EN.1® CO.EN.1.1® CO.EN.3® M1.S.1® M1.A.1® M1.EN.0® M1.EN.1® M1.EN.2® M1.EN.5® M1.DN.6® VIAx.EN.0® VIAx.EN.1® VIAx.EN.2® VIAx.R.8® Mx.S.1® Mx.A.1® Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Grouping Table of Recommendations 1st priority to implement for yield and performance enhancement CMP Systematic Litho/OPC Defect Others v v v Simulation Accuracy v v v v v v v v v v v v v v* v v v v* v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. v v 386 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc No. Mx.EN.0® Mx.EN.1® Mx.EN.2® Mx.DN.6® Mx.DN.7® Mx.DN.8® DMx.R.4® U LOWMEDN.R.8® U VIAy.EN.1® VIAy.EN.2® My.EN.0® My.EN.1® My.EN.2® Mz.W.3® Mr.W.3® AP.W.2® U MOM.DN.1® IND.DN.8® IND.DN.9® IND_MD.DN.8® IND_MD.DN.9® PO.S.14.GSm® PO.S.14.LPm® PO.EN.1.GSm® PO.EN.1.LPm® PO.EN.2.GSm® PO.EN.2.LPm® PO.EN.3.GSm® PO.EN.3.LPm® PO.S.5m® PO.S.6m® PO.S.6.1m® PO.EX.1m® BJT.R.2® BJT.R.7® DTCD.DN.1® ICOVL.S.1® ICOVL.S.2® ICOVL.S.3® ICOVL.S.4® ICOVL.S.5® ICOVL.W.1® ICOVL.W.2® ICOVL.W.3® ICOVL.W.4® ICOVL.W.5® ICOVL.EN.1® ICOVL.EN.2® ICOVL.R.2® U ICOVL.R.3® U ICOVL.R.4® U ICOVL.R.5® U ICOVL.R.6® U ICOVL.R.7® ICOVL.R.8® ICOVL.R.9® ICOVL.R.10® ICOVL.R.11® ICOVL.R.12® ICOVL.R.13® ICOVL.R.14® ICOVL.R.15® ICOVL.R.16® ICOVL.R.17® Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy 1st priority to implement for yield and performance enhancement CMP v v v Systematic Litho/OPC v v v : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Defect Others Simulation Accuracy v v v v v v* v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 387 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc No. ICOVL.R.18® ICOVL.R.19® ICOVL.R.20® ICOVL.R.21® ICOVL.R.22® G.6gU OPC.R.2gU OD.L.2gU SR_DOD.R.4gU NW.R.1g DNW.R.6gU NWROD.R.3g NWROD.R.8g NWRSTI.R.3g NWRSTI.R.4g PO.L.1gU RES.R.15g RES.R.16g RES.R.17g RES.R.18g RES.R.19g RES.R.20g CO.S.6g CO.R.1gU CO.R.5g VIAx.R.9gU VIAy.R.9gU VIAz.R.5gU VIAr.R.5gU Mx.R.2gU My.R.2gU IND.R.15gU ROM.R.2® U ROM.R.3® Confidential – Do Not Copy 1st priority to implement for yield and performance enhancement v v v v v CMP Document No. Version Systematic Litho/OPC v v v v v v v : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Defect Others Simulation Accuracy v v v v v v v v v v v v v v* v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v M1.EN.0® : Recommended enclosure of CO is defined by either M1.EN.1® or M1.EN.2® . VIAx.EN.0® : Recommended enclosure by Mx or M1 is defined by either VIAx.EN.1® or VIAx.EN.2® . Mx.EN.0® : Recommended enclosure of VIAx-1 is defined by either Mx.EN.1® or Mx.EN.2® . VIAy.EN.0® : Recommended enclosure by Mx or My is defined by either VIAy.EN.1® or VIAy.EN.2® . My.EN.0® : Recommended enclosure of VIAy-1 is defined by either My.EN.1® or My.EN.2® . *: For chip level. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 388 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 GDA Die Size Optimization Kit Gross Die Advisor (GDA) is to optimize die size x-y for higher mask field utilization (MFU) and gross die (GD) while keep chip area as constant. The function of GDA is based on user input die size, scribe line width and TSMC generic fabrication conditions to recommend a list of other die size combinations (X / Y) with higher gross die and MFU. Based on GDA result, user can survey the advised numbers to adjust your die size in the early design phase. Use GDA function from TSMC on-line TSMC On-line Directory: Home/Design Portal 2.0/Technology Selection (GDA)/Gross Die Advisor (MFU calculator) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 389 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.3.1 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 What is MFU? Mask Field Utilization (MFU) is a ratio of mask utilized region which is calculated by (multiple die area+ scribe_line area) / (scanner maximum field area). (Fig. Low MFU implies low scanner productivity at whole lithography layers. It is important to improve MFU as possible as you can. MFU > 80% is strong recommended. Figure Example of MFU 9.3.2 Before design: Square shape digital block and IP is preferable. For rectangle shape IP, provide 2 orientation types of the same IP with keeping core PO gate in vertical direction. For example, left/right type IO and top/bottom type IO or horizontal and vertical type IP shapes. Use “Quick MFU Calc” (download from reference flow package) in floorplan design phase. Avoid chip size at the borderline with low MFU, and it is strongly recommended to adjust the chip dimension for higher MFU. Design is at floorplan stage or floorplan is done: Core limited design: IP and blocks size and floorplan adjustment may be needed I/O limited design: I/O and interface IP adjustment may be needed 9.3.3 Design Guidelines for Higher MFU Recommended GDA criteria MFU > 80% The benefits from GDA: Based on the advised die sizes to adjust your chip dimension to gain high MFU and more gross die. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 390 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.3.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MFU Reference Table for N45 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 391 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 9.3.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 MFU Reference Table for N40 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 392 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10 Layout Guidelines for Latch-Up and I/O ESD This chapter consists of the following two sections: 10.1 Layout rules and guidelines for latch-up prevention 10.2 I/O ESD protection circuit design and layout guideline Uses and Limitations of latch-up rules: The Latch-up rules/guidelines are for design reference to achieve the target proposed by TSMC (JESD 78D). There are no specification or guaranteed levels for final chip/product qualifications, since Latch-up immunity is absolutely layout and circuit design dependent, including over-driven and substrate bias conditions, floating body circuits, SCR ESD IPs, and so on. Therefore, product latch-up validation is must before mass production. Also, note that these rules/guidelines do not cover the conditions such as power surge test, electrical fast transient test, high-level current injection by inductance load, cable discharge event, transient Latch-up by special function request or by system-level ESD test, etc. Uses and Limitations of ESD guideline: These ESD design guidelines are for reference only, and do not provide specification or guaranteed levels of product performance and system level ESD. It is believed that ESD devices, which passed device-level ESD testing, do not guarantee a particular circuit using that device will survive ESD qualifications. Product ESD validation is must before mass production. In addition to the dedicated ESD protection device, the final chip/product ESD levels depend on the follows: 1. The normal functional devices in parallel (whose immunity and gate bias during ESD rely on the specific circuit design), 2. The power clamp protection cell/network, interface, the separation of high (Vdd, Vcc) and low (Vss, GND) power supply pads/groups, 3. The floor plan/metal bus routing and current density (endurance) of the backend interconnection's design. Note that TSMC won't review the customer's chip design, so TSMC can not guarantee the customer's success. Also, product ESD validation is must before mass production. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 393 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.1 Layout Rules and Guidelines for Latch-up Prevention 10.1.1 Latch-up Introduction In explaining the Latch-up, the equivalent circuit of the parasitic components of CMOS inverter is shown in Figure When the signal at the output node is 0.7V higher than the Vdd (overshooting), the bipolar VT2 may be turned on first and, similarly, the bipolar LT2 will be turned on while the output signal is lower than –0.7V (undershooting). For the fact that the collector of each BJT (i. e. Vt2) plays the role as base of the other transistor (i. e. LT2) and the collected carriers will reduce the potential difference between emitter and base of the transistor (LT2). Under this situation, the LT2 may be turned on and the collect current of the LT2 will feedback to VT2 at the same time. The positive feedback loop will make the concentration of minority carrier increased to higher than the doping concentrations of both the NW and PW (Figure Subsequently, the potential barrier between NW and PW will be disappeared and then obtains a highly conductivity path between Vdd and Vss. This may result in the circuit malfunction, and destroy the device in the worst case. Vin Vout Vss P+ N+ Vdd Overshoot Vdd 0V undershoot N+ P+ P+ N+ NW PW RpW RNW LT1 LT2 VT2 VT1 P-sub Fig. Lump element model for an inverter before latch-up The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 394 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N+ zzzzz N+zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz NW zzzzz . . zzzzz PW . . yc o re n d u gi on ctiv ity P+ av a. P+ zzzzz b. N+ zzzzz P+ zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz . zzzzz zzzzz. . zzzzz . . He N+ P+ Fig. Hole concentration (a) before latch-up, (b) after latch-up The latch-up trigger sources often come from the IO Pad, but both IO circuits and internal circuits might cause a latch-up if the layout does not follow the latch-up design rules. The following lists the latch-up failure cases caused by layout rule violations. Fig. LUP.1 rule violation: (IO without guard-ring) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 395 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Fig. LUP.2 rule violation: (Within 15um from IO, N/PMOS in the internal circuit without the guard-ring) Fig. LUP.3 rule violation: (IO N/PMOS spacing is too small) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 396 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.1.2 Layout Rules and Guidelines for Latch-up Prevention Special Definition in Latch-up Prevention Term Definition I/O pads Internal circuit Guard-ring N+ guard-ring P+ guard-ring Guard-band N+ guard-band P+ guard-band NMOS cluster PMOS cluster OD injector Core MOS/OD injector 1.5V/1.8V MOS/OD injector 2.5V MOS/OD injector 3.3V MOS/OD injector 5V MOS/OD injector Do not include Vdd pad and Vss pad. Include NMOS, PMOS, de-coupling capacitors and varactor that do not connect to an IO pad. Complete un-broken ring-type OD and M1 with CO as many as possible, connected to Vdd or Vss. Complete un-broken ring-type (NP AND OD) and M1 with CO as many as possible, connected to Vdd. Complete un-broken ring-type (PP AND OD) and M1 with CO as many as possible, connected to Vss. Band-type OD and M1 with CO as many as possible, connected to Vdd or Vss. Band-type (NP AND OD) and M1 with CO as many as possible, connected to Vdd. Band-type (PP AND OD) and M1 with CO as many as possible, connected to Vss. A group of NMOSs A group of PMOSs Any OD directly connected to I/O pad. Ex. MOS, HIA diode, diode string (DRC uncheckable), OD resistor, and well resistor directly connected to I/O PAD. N+ OD directly connected to I/O pad is N+ OD injector. P+ OD directly connected to I/O pad is P+ OD injector. MOS/OD injector NOT INTERACT OD2 (MOS/OD injector INTERACT (OD_18 OR OD25_18) NOT INTERACT (HVD_N OR HVD_P)) ((MOS/OD injector INTERACT OD_25) NOT INTERACT (OD25_18 OR OD25_33) NOT INTERACT (HVD_N OR HVD_P)) MOS/OD injector INTERACT (OD_33 OR OD25_33) MOS/OD injector INTERACT ((HVD_N OR HVD_P) OR DEHVD_N) P+ guard-ring N+ guard-ring NMOS NMOS PMOS PMOS NMOS NMOS PMOS PMOS NMOS cluster: A group of NMOSs PMOS cluster: A group of PMOSs Fig. Example of an NMOS cluster and a PMOS cluster The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 397 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Latch-up Dummy Layers Summary LUPWDMY Dummy Layer (CAD layer: 255;1) LUPWDMY is a dummy layer to waive these rules, LUP.1, LUP.2, LUP.3.1.1~2, LUP.3.2.1~2, LUP.3.3.1~2, LUP.3.4.1~2, LUP.3.5.1~2, LUP.4, LUP.5.1.1~2, LUP.5.2.1~2, LUP.5.3.1~2, LUP.5.4.1~2 and LUP.5.5.1~2. Condition: It is not recommended to use this layer before silicon is proven at the package. Please consult TSMC if you would like to follow it as rules and have DRC violations before tapeout. Usage: Draw LUPWDMY to fully cover OD injector, including the source, gate, drain, and diode, but not necessarily to cover Well STRAP, guard-ring. It is for DRC usage but not a tapeout required CAD layer. NP/PP OD LUPWDMY Source PO Drain Guard ring Fig. Example of LUPWDMY The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 398 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 LUPWDMY_2 Dummy Layer (CAD layer: 255;18) “LUPWDMY_2 (255;18)” is a DRC dummy layer to trigger the area I/O latch-up rules check. Please refer to for detailed AAIO I/O latch-up rule introduction. Usage: Draw a LUPWDMY_2 pattern to fully cover the OD injector of the area IO cells, including the source, gate, drain, and diode. However it is not necessary to cover the Well STRAP, or guard-ring. P+ pick-up ring OD PO N+ active NP PP LUPWDMY_2 (255; 18) needs to cover AAIO OD injector Figure Example of LUPWDMY_2 Usage RES200 Dummy Layer (CAD layer: 255;9) RES200 is a DRC dummy layer and is used to recognize a resistor with resistance larger than 200 ohm. If the resistance of used resistors between PAD and the OD injector is larger than 200 ohm, the dummy layer RES200 (255;9) should be covered on the resistor. Latch-up rules’ checking connection will be broken by resistors with RES200 layers. RES200 RES200 Poly RES. RPDMY Poly RES. RPDMY Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 399 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology for Latch-up Rules Overview The critical point in correctly checking lathcup design rules is to accurately recognize OD injector (OD directly connected to I/O PAD) and VDD/VSS PADs (for potential parasitic SCR [silicon-controlled rectifier] path). With additional designer input, the accuracy may be improved with the use of optional DRC switches, dummy layerers, and/or pin texts. Section covers different aspect of DRC methodology in its sub-sections. They are: (1) General DRC methodology for PAD type This covers how DRC deck is able to recognize different PAD types (VDD/VSS/IO). (2) General DRC methodology for I/O pad connectivity This covers how OD injector is recognized with the use of resistor connecting to I/O PAD. RES200 usage and LUP DRC switch for resistor is covered. (3) DRC methodology for LUP.x These sub-sections cover DRC methodology for selected LUP design rules. General DRC methodology for PAD type DRC use the following features to distinguish Power and I/O PAD: 1. By default, DRC will recognize power PAD according to the connectivity of AP, CB, CB2, and UBM to STRAP (except VAR, NW resistor). 2. DRC will also recognize PAD with “power dummy layer” as power PAD. I. VDDDMY(255;4): Dummy Layer for Power(Vdd) PAD II. VSSDMY(255;5): Dummy Layer for Ground(Vss) PAD 3. Alternatively, with corresponding DRC switch turned-on manually, DRC will recognize PAD with “power text” as power PAD. I. Control by the switch of #DEFINE_PAD_BY_TEXT. The switch is off by default. II. Default power text name is “VDD?” “VSS?” 4. All other unrecognized PADs through step 1~3 are I/O PAD. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 400 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD OD VDDDMY PO IO PAD VDD PAD Metal Metal PO Metal Metal OD OD PO VDD PAD PO NW strap Metal Metal Metal VSS Metal VSS Metal PAD “VSS” is a top level text attached on metal, and DEFINE_PAD_BY_TEXT option is turned on in DRC OD PO PAD Metal Metal Check LUP.1~5 in Cell level without PAD 1. Attach top-level text on metal. E.g. “PAD” 2. Turn on DEFINE_PAD_BY_TEXT option. Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 401 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 General DRC methodology for I/O pad connectivity DRC use the following features to check the device connectivity to I/O pad (OD injector recognition): 1. Build-up the connection by Metal, Via, RV, AP, CB, CB2, and UBM 2. Latch-up risk of the junction/OD connects to pad through a resistor: a. If R >= 200 ohm. low latch-up risk (as internal circuit) b. If R <= 50 ohm. High latch-up risk (as OD injector) c. If 50ohm <R<200ohm design dependent.. RES200 CAD layer is required for recognizing the resistance. If R>200 ohm, the dummy layer RES200 (255:9) should cover the resistor to disable LU check (because latch-up risk is low). 3. There are two DRC switches and one required CAD layer (RES200 layer) related to the resistor in series: "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" (1st DRC switch; default OFF), "CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" (2nd DRC switch; default OFF), and RES200 CAD layer (manually placed). Only one of the "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" and "CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" can be turned ON when in actual use or both DRC switches should be OFF (default). If both DRC switch are turned ON, "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" will now be the override setting (LUP.WARN.1). Below are possible scenarios for their interactions in between: 1. Consider resistance (default) to recognize circuits behind resistor: (R<200ohm) => Set both switches to OFF and W/O RES200, circuits after resistor will be recognized as OD injector. (R>=200ohm) => Set both switches to OFF and the R>=200ohm resistor is covered by RES200 layer, circuits after resistor will NOT be checked 2. Neglect circuits behind resistor Set "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" to ON, all circuits after resistor will NOT be recognized as OD injector (RES200 layer is irrelevant this scenario.) 3. Check circuits behind resistor Set "CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" to ON, all circuits after resistor will be recognized as OD injector (RES200 layer is irrelevant this scenario.) A RES200 OD B OD C OD PO RES. PO IO PAD RPDMY Metal PO RES. RPDMY Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 402 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table DRC deck setup A/B/C in Fig. Default Turn ON Turn ON OD injector or Internal (DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR: OFF) DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR circuit (CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR: OFF) A B C OD injector Internal circuit OD injector OD injector Internal circuit Internal circuit The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. OD injector OD injector OD injector 403 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology for LUP.1 DRC use the following features to find out the devices for LUP.1: OD injector means that any OD is directly connected to I/O pad. Ex. MOS, STI diode (STI bonded), OD resistor, and well resistor directly connected I/O PAD. 1. The following cases is excluded : I. The OD injector is covered by LUPWDMY (255;1). 2. The guard ring can not be shared by different type devices. DRC methodology for LUP.2 DRC use the following features to find out the devices for LUP.2: 1. The MOS OD within 15um space from OD injector for LUP.1 check 2. The following cases are excluded: I. The MOS OD is floating without any contact over gate and S/D. II. The OD injector is covered by LUPWDMY (255;1) III. The NMOS is inside DNW, and the NW over DNW is not the same as the NW of relative PMOS, but these two NWs are connected. M1 III. NW DNW NMOS PMOS Fig. 10.1.9 example of LUP.2 III The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 404 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology for LUP.3 group DRC use the following features to find out the devices for LUP.3 group: 1. Find out the OD injector for LUP.1 check 2. The following cases are excluded: I. The excluded case in LUP.1. II. The NMOS is inside DNW, and the NW over DNW is not the same as the NW of relative PMOS, but these two NWs are connected. DRC methodology for LUP.4 DRC use the following features to check the guard-ring width. 1. Find out the OD injector for LUP.1 and LUP.2 check. 2. The devices should be placed inside a complete guard-ring with width ≥ 0.12um. Fail Fail ! ≥ 0.12um ! OD ≥ 0.12um NW OD PMOS PMOS NW < 0.12um Pass Pass ! OD ≥ 0.12um < 0.12um ≥ 0.12um ! ≥ 0.12um OD PMOS PMOS NW PMOS PMOS NW Fig. 10.1.10 example of LUP.4 DRC methodology for LUP.5 group DRC use the following features to find out the devices for LUP.5 group: 1. Find out the OD injector for LUP.1 and LUP.2 check. 2. The excluded cases are “I”, “II”, and “III” in LUP.2. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 405 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Layout Rules and Guidelines for Latch-up Prevention The LUP rules are for design reference to achieve the specifications proposed by TSMC. They are extracted by the standard digital I/O and Area I/O test structures. Note that Latch-up free can not be guaranteed for all applications such as substrate bias condition, floating body circuits, SCR ESD IPs, and etc. You can refer to section to understand DRC methodology for Latch-up Rules in detail. For 5V application, the DRC only check the related latch-up for 5V HVMOS device. Please see section for details. All pickup ring, gurad ring, and straps described in TSMC LUP rules are required to have appropriate direct connection to corresponding VDD/VSS with minmum resistance. If any pickup ring, gurad ring, and straps does not have proper connection and with minimum connection resistance, LUP risk may rise significantly. Rule No. Description Label Op. Rule A A ≥ ≥ 2 3 A A ≥ ≥ 2.3 4 A A ≥ ≥ 2.6 5 A ≥ 4 DRC LUP switch setting conflict detected (refer to section for details): LUP.WARN.1 LUP.1 LUP.2 LUP.2.1U LUP.3.0 LUP.3.1.0 LUP.3.1.1 LUP.3.1.2 LUP.3.2.0 LUP.3.2.1 LUP.3.2.2 LUP.3.3.0 LUP.3.3.1 LUP.3.3.2 LUP.3.4.0 LUP.3.4.1 Please follow one of the following LUP switch settings: 1. [Default setting: RES200 usage] Turns off both "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR", and "CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR": circuits after RES200 will NOT be recognized as OD injector, or 2. Turns on "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" only: circuits after any resistor will NOT recognized as OD injector, or 3. Turns on "CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" only: circuits after any resistor will always be recognized as OD injector Please DO NOT turn on both "DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR", and "CONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR" at the same time, otherwise “DISCONNECT_ALL_RESISTOR” will have higher priority Any N+ OD injector or an N+ OD injector cluster must be surrounded by a P+ guard-ring. (Figure Any P+ OD injector or a P+ OD injector cluster connected to an I/O pad must be surrounded by a N+ guard-ring. (Figure Please also refer to LUP.9g for further information. Within 15um (≤15um) space from the OD injector, a P+ guard-ring is required to surround an NMOS or an NMOS cluster. And an N+ guard-ring is required to surround a PMOS or a PMOS cluster. (Figure and 10. Rule exclusion: LUP.2 does not apply to NMOS in DNW if both of the following conditions are true (Fig. 1. NMOS is inside DNW with voltage (Va) ≥ PMOS NW voltage (Vb). 2. NMOS DNW doesn’t physically interact with PMOS NW. However, DRC can only flag the different connection. Within 15um (≤15um) space from the OD injector, a NW in proximity to another NW with different potential and one P+OD was enclosed by the relative higher potential NW, a P+ STRAP is required to be inserted between these NWs. (Figure LUP.3.x can be exempted from the following conditions (Figure 1. NMOS is inside DNW with voltage (Va) ≥ PMOS NW voltage (Vb) 2. NMOS DNW doesn’t physically interact with PMOS NW. However, DRC can only flag the different connection. In LUP.3.1.1 and LUP.3.1.2 for the N/PMOS which connects to an I/O pad, space between the core PMOS and the NMOS. (Figure, if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) In LUP.3.2.1 and LUP.3.2.2, for the N/PMOS which connects to an I/O pad directly, space between the 1.8V/1.5V PMOS and the NMOS. (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) In LUP.3.3.1 and LUP.3.3.2, for the N/PMOS which connects to an I/O pad directly, space between the 2.5V PMOS and the NMOS. (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) In LUP.3.4.1 and LUP.3.4.2, for the N/PMOS which connects to an I/O pad directly, space between the 3.3V PMOS and the NMOS (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 406 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Rule No. Description LUP.3.4.2 if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) In LUP.3.5.1 and LUP.3.5.2, for the N/PMOS which connects to an I/O pad directly, space between the 5V PMOS and the NMOS. (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1) Width of the N+ guard-ring and P+ guard-ring for the OD injector, and also MOS within 15um space from the OD injector. (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) (Figure LUP.3.5.0 LUP.3.5.1 LUP.3.5.2 LUP.4 Label Op. Rule A ≥ 8 A A ≥ ≥ 10 15 B ≥ 0.12 C C ≥ ≥ 2 3 C C ≥ ≥ 2.3 4 C C ≥ ≥ 2.6 5 C C ≥ ≥ 4 8 C C ≥ ≥ 10 15 C1 C1 C1 ≥ ≥ ≥ 6 10 15 C1 ≥ 20 D ≤ 30/40 E1 E1 E1 ≥ ≥ ≥ 6 10 15 E1 ≥ 20 LUP.5.x (except LUP.5.6.x) can be exempted from the following conditions (Figure LUP.5.0 LUP.5.1.0 LUP.5.1.1 LUP.5.1.2 LUP.5.2.0 LUP.5.2.1 LUP.5.2.2 LUP.5.3.0 LUP.5.3.1 LUP.5.3.2 LUP.5.4.0 LUP.5.4.1 LUP.5.4.2 LUP.5.5.0 LUP.5.5.1 LUP.5.5.2 LUP.5.6.0U LUP.5.6.1U LUP.5.6.2U LUP.5.6.3U LUP.5.6.4U LUP.6 LUP.7.6.0U LUP.7.6.1U LUP.7.6.2U LUP.7.6.3U LUP.7.6.4U LUP.9gU 1. NMOS is inside DNW with voltage (Va) ≥ PMOS NW voltage (Vb) 2. NMOS DNW doesn’t physically interact with PMOS NW. However, DRC can only flag the different connection. In LUP.5.1.1 and LUP.5.1.2 for the internal circuits within 15um space from OD injector, (1) space between the N+OD injector and the core PMOS in the internal circuit (Figure (2) space between the core P+OD injector and the NMOS in the internal circuit (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) In LUP.5.2.1 and LUP.5.2.2 for the internal circuits within 15um space from OD injector, (1) space between the N+OD injector and the 1.8V/1.5V PMOS in the internal circuit (Figure (2) space between the 1.8V/1.5V P+OD injector and the NMOS in the internal circuit (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) In LUP.5.3.1 and LUP.5.3.2 for the internal circuits within 15um space from OD injector, (1) space between the N+OD injector and the 2.5V PMOS in the internal circuit (Figure (2) space between the 2.5V P+OD injector and the NMOS in the internal circuit (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) In LUP.5.4.1 and LUP.5.4.2 for the internal circuits within 15um space from OD injector, (1) space between the N+OD injector and the 3.3V PMOS in the internal circuit (Figure (2) space between the 3.3V P+OD injector and the NMOS in the internal circuit (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) if one of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) In LUP.5.5.1 and LUP.5.5.2 for the internal circuits within 15um space from OD injector, (1) space between the N+OD injector and the 5V PMOS in the internal circuit (Figure (2) space between the 5V P+OD injector and the NMOS in the internal circuit (Figure if all of guard-ring width ≥ 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) if all of guard-ring width < 0.2um (e. g. width of guard-ring of LUP.1 and LUP.2) Space between the P+ OD injector and NW if the P+ OD injector in proximity to another NW are in different potential, (low potential related to P+ OD injector) need to follow LUP.5.6.1U ~4U: The guard ring and STRAP width between P+ OD injector and NW should be as larger as possible. (Figure If the voltage potential difference is > 0V, and ≤ 1.8V If the voltage potential difference is > 1.8V, and ≤ 2.5V If the voltage potential difference is > 2.5V, and ≤ 3.3V If the voltage potential difference is > 3.3V, and ≤ 5V Please consult TSMC if the voltage potential difference is > 5V. 1. Any point inside NMOS source/drain {(N+ ACTIVE INTERACT PO) NOT PO} space to the nearest PW STRAP in the same PW. (Figure 2. Any point inside PMOS source/drain {(P+ ACTIVE INTERACT PO) NOT PO} space to the nearest NW STRAP in the same NW. (Figure In SRAM bit cell region, the rule is relaxed from 30um to 40um. [In logic region/ In SRAM bit cell region] For the NW and PMOS within 15 μm space from OD injector, space between the P+ OD of PMOS and NW if the P+ OD in proximity to another NW are in different potential, (low potential related to P+ OD) need to follow LUP.7.6.1U ~4U.(Figure If the voltage potential difference is > 0V, and ≤ 1.8V If the voltage potential difference is > 1.8V, and ≤ 2.5V If the voltage potential difference is > 2.5V, and ≤ 3.3V If the voltage potential difference is > 3.3V, and ≤ 5V Please consult TSMC if the voltage potential difference is > 5V. Additional one N+ STRAP and one P+ STRAP are required to be inserted between the P+ guard-ring and N+ guard-ring for LUP.1 (Figure 1. NW STRAP should isolate the PW STRAP and the P+ guard-ring (P+ pick-up ring). 2. PW STRAP should isolate the NW STRAP and the N+ guard-ring (N+ pick-up ring). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 407 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Vss Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Vdd A N+ P+ N+ P+ NMOS PW P+ guard-ring N+ P+ STRAP STRAP NW PW N+ P+ P+ N+ PMOS NW N+ guard-ring P+ guard-ring (Vss) N+ guard-ring (Vdd) B B B B N+ P+ STRAP STRAP (Vdd) (Vss) NMOS PW NW To exchange N+ STRAP and P+ STRAP not recommended (LUP.9g U) Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 408 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy If the NW of the checked PMOS interacts with the DNW, the space needs to follow A or C. NW DNW : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 NMOS A A C C PW PMOS PMOS If voltage Va ≥ Vb, the space can be < A or < C Va Vb NW NW DNW PW P+ STRAP NMOS PMOS N+STRAP N+STRAP (N+ guard ring) Vb Vb Guard ring is not necessary Va ≥ Vb, but P+ STRAP is still required. Va Vd P+ PW N+ P+ NW P+ N+ PW N+ d NW N+ N+ P+ N+ NW PW Guard ring Guard ring and P+ STRAP DNW follow A or C. Guard ring and P+ STRAP are necessary ifLUP.3.4.1~2, Va >= Vb. LUP.3.5.1~2, LUP.5.1.1~2, For LUP.2, LUP.3.1.1~2, LUP.3.2.1~2,not LUP.3.3.1~2, LUP.5.2.1~2, LUP.5.3.1~2, LUP.5.4.1~2, LUP.5.5.1~2, if voltage Va ≥ Vb, the above rules allow that the NMOS is enclosed by a DNW and the NW of the checked PMOS does not interact with the DNW. However, DRC can only flag the different connection. Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 409 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 P+ guard-ring Vss Voltage potential is lower than P+ OD injector NW C1 B ≤15um C B B B N+guard-ring(Vdd) P+ guard-ringVss) P+ guard-ringVss) N+guard-ring(Vdd) N+guard-ring(Vdd) P+ strap(Vss) N+ strap(Vdd) P+ guard-ringVss) A B B B B B C Active connects to IO pads directly Internal circuit Figure Latch-up prevention design for LUP.3.x, LUP.4, LUP.5.x D D N+ S TRAP D N+ S TRAP D Nwell P + S TRAP P+ STRAP Pwell N+ S TRAP N+ S TRAP Nwell P+ STRAP P + S TRAP P+ OD Pwell Figure Latch-up prevention design for LUP.6 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 410 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 15um PMOS N+ guard ring NW PW P+ guard ring PMOS N+ guard ring E1 NW PW NMOS P+ guard ring NW 15um OD Injector 15um Figure Latch-up prevention design for LUP.2, LUP.2.1, and LUP.7.6.x The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 411 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Layout Rules and Guidelines for Area I/O(AAIO) Latch-up Prevention To increase the number or density of I/Os in VLSI designs, the area-I/O(AAIO) is adopted to achieve a smaller package size (such as flip-chip), shorter wire length, better signal and power integrity. However, an external injection of minority carriers from an Area IO cell can trigger a latchup event easily in the parasitic pnpn path of the surrounding CMOS circuits in the chip’s core area. The Area I/O cell is different from the peripheral type I/O ring (example Fig.10.1.20), it does not have pre-driver structure between the post driver (carrier injector) and the core CMOS circuits, which can help absorb the substrate currents or carriers from an external injection. The AAIO latch-up rules need to be applied to the IO cells put in chip center and next to internal circuit as shown in Fig. and Fig, Fig show the schematic diagram of the Area I/O structure. AAIO latchup DRC enablement: 1) Marker CAD layer based (Regard specific IO which covered by LUPWDMY_2 as AAIO only): “LUPWDMY_2 (255;18)” is a DRC dummy layer to trigger the AAIO latch-up rules check. Usage: Draw a LUPWDMY_2 pattern to fully cover the OD injector. However it is not necessary to cover the Well STRAP, or guard-ring. (Fig Rule No. LUP.10 LUP.11U LUP.12U LUP.13 LUP.14 Description Label Op. Rule For Area I/O, within 75 μm(≤75um, label “A” in Fig. sizing of the OD injector A (covered by LUPWDMY_2), specific guard rings/guard bands rules and N/P wells STRAP rules (LUP.11~LUP.14) should be followed to enhance latch up immunity. (Fig Exclusive conditions: If the spacing between the N+ OD and P+ OD of the core CMOS circuits ≥ 3 μm (Label “F” in Fig For Area I/O, the minimum total width of the P+ guard band (Fig For Area I/O, the minimum total width of the N+ guard band (Fig For Area I/O, 1. Any point inside NMOS source/drain {(N+ ACTIVE INTERACT PO) NOT PO} space to the nearest PW STRAP in the same PW. (Figure 2. Any point inside PMOS source/drain {(P+ ACTIVE INTERACT PO) NOT PO} space to the nearest NW STRAP in the same NW. (Figure 3. The height of pick-up OD is recommended to be equal to that of source/drain ODs. For Area I/O, N+OD injector must be surrounded by P+ guard-ring (P+ pick-up ring). P+OD injector must be surrounded by N+ guard-ring (N+ pick-up ring). The PW of N+OD injector must be surrounded by N+ guard-ring. The NW of P+OD injector must be surrounded by P+ guard-ring. And all of the guard ring widths >= 0.2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. B C D ≥ ≥ ≤ 2 2 15 E ≥ 0.2 412 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure Area I/O latchup prevention D D N+ S TRAP D N+ S TRAP D Nwell P + S TRAP P+ STRAP Pwell N+ S TRAP N+ S TRAP Nwell P+ STRAP P + S TRAP P+ OD Pwell Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 413 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 OD LU PW D M Y_2 Figure Example of LUPWDMY_2 Usage The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 414 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO PAD PAD Peripheral IO AA IO AA IO Peripheral IO AA IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO LUPWDMY_2(255;18) AA IO Core Circuit Peripheral IO PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD Figure IO cells put in the chip center and next to internal circuit need to follow AAIO latch-up. Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Core Circuit Peripheral IO Peripheral IO PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD Peripheral IO PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO Peripheral IO PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD Figure The AAIO latch-up rules are not required for this scenario. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 415 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.1.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Test Specification and Requirements TSMC Latch-Up testing is performed at room temperature and 125C by complying the Latch-up test methodology defined by JEDEC 78. The test items include Input/Output over-voltage/ over-current test (Fig. and supply over-voltage test (Fig. It applies a stepped voltage/current to one pin per device with all other pins open except Vdd and Vss. Testing was started from Vdd/50mA (positive) or 0V/-50mA (negative), and the DUT was biased for 0.5 seconds. If the Icc current does not reach the predefined limit (Idd=200mA), then the voltage was increased by +/-0.1V or +/-50mA and the pin was tested again until +/1.5Vdd or +/-100mA for Input/Output over-voltage/ over-current. Notes: 1. DUT: Device under test. Id d T rig g e r s o u rc e Vdd O v e r -v o lt a g e Vss O v e r -c u r r e n t Fig. Input/Output Over-Voltage/Current Test Id d Vdd O v e r -v o lt a g e Vss Fig. Supply Over-voltage Test The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 416 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.2 I/O ESD Protection Circuit Design, Layout Rules and Guidelines 10.2.1 ESD introduction During manufacturing, it is inevitable the IC will suffer various kinds of Electrostatic-Discharge (ESD) damage. Different environments, wafer during CMOS process, package, testing and human handling, will generate different kinds of ESD’s. Currently, the charge device model (CDM), Human-Body mode (HBM) and Machine model (MM) are the most common models used to simulate the ESD events generated from various environments. The main difference between CDM and HBM is that CDM charges come from the substrate through the internal circuit to the pad, while the ESD’s for HBM and MM come from the external environment to the pad. So, most ESD protection devices only can be used to protect HBM and MM, but cannot be used to protect the CDM since the ESD protection device is at the pad and there is no direct current path between the internal circuit and the ESD protection device. The discharging behaviors for the three ESD models all can be simplified by the equivalent circuit in Figure 10.2.1 and expressed by the equation: I ESD V ESD e ( )t e 2Lo ( ) t (1). where =Ro/(2Lo), (RoC o ) 2 4 L o C o /( 2 L o C o ) For HBM, the Ro , Co and Lo is 1.5K, 100pF and 7.4H, respectively. For MM, the Ro , Co and Lo is 10, 200pF and 7.4H, respectively. Substituting the above values into eq. (1), the measured and theoretical current waveforms for HBM and MM are shown in Figure 10.2.2. For HBM, the rise time is <10nsec, the decay time is 150nsec (RoCo=1.5K100pF) and the peak current is equal to VESD/Ro. The period for MM is nearly 90nsec and the peak current for 100V MM is nearly 1.7A. Figure 10.2.3 shows the CDM discharging current waveforms vs. Lo and Ro based on eq. (1) for 500V CDM. The CDM period and peak current are varied with Lo, Co, and Ro. Compared with HBM and MM, the CDM has a shorter period and a larger peak current. Lo VESD IESD CESD Ro Vss Fig. The simplified equivalent circuit for ESD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 417 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 0.035 a. 0.030 M ea. current C al. current ) 0.8 0.020 0.015 0.010 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Mea. current Cal. current 0.6 Current ( A ) A ( C u rre n t b. 0.025 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 0.005 0.000 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy -0.6 0 50 100 150 200 250 Tim e ( nsec ) 0 50 100 150 200 Time ( nsec ) Fig. The discharging current waveform for (a) HBM and (b) MM L=25nH, C=4pF, R=10ohm L=25nH, C=4pF, R=50ohm L=50nH, C=4pF, R=10ohm L=25nH, C=2pF, R=10ohm L=25nH, C=8pF, R=10ohm 8 Current ( A ) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 1 2 3 4 5 Tims ( nsec ) Fig. The CDM discharging current waveforms vs. Lo, Ro, and Co The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 418 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Besides the above three models, another kind of ESD, which occurs during wire bonding, has been found. We call it ball-bonding ESD (BBE). The stress period of the BBE (~20nsec) is shorter than HBM and MM, but longer than CDM. The stress voltage (~13V) of BBE is much smaller than HBM, MM and CDM. The BBE came from the charged wire through the pad and device which connect the pad to the substrate. It might induce the reliability issue and degrade the device ESD performance if the ESD protection device is not robust enough or the pad is without the ESD protection device. (please refer to JH Lee et. al, “The impact of ball-bonding induced voltage transient on sub-90nm CMOS technology,” in IRPS, p. 97, 2007.) Because the pad is the median used to interact with externals for an IC, all pads need ESD protection devices to protect the ESD coming from various environments to prevent internal circuit damage. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 419 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.2.2 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 TSMC IO ESD layout style introduction TSMC IO ESD protection scheme is the self-protection scheme that IO is the ESD protection device. No matter NMOS or PMOS, they all have the snapback phenomena. The snapback mechanism can be described as the following: As the applied voltage is higher than the device trigger voltage (Vt1 in Fig., a lot of holes are generated due to a drain junction occurrence Avalanche-breakdown. The hole current (Isub in Fig. flows through the substrate (Rsub in Fig. and raises up the substrate potential (Vsub in Fig., and eventually forward bias the p-n junction (D1 in Fig. between the P-substrate and the source when the potential becomes higher than 0.7V. Subsequently, a lot of electrons are injected from the source and flow to the p-n junction between the P-substrate and the drain, which generates more electron-hole pairs due to impact-ionizations at the high electrical field of the drain junction. The resulting carrier transport mechanism causes a positive feedback effect to turn on the parasitic n-p-n bipolar transistor (npn in Fig. As the parasitic n-p-n is turned on, it can sink a much higher current level than the initial Avalanchebreakdown current and goes into a stable snapback region as shown in Fig. ESD (b) 6 (a) Vss 0.12 Vt1 Current N+ n- D1 n- Base Vsub= ISubRSub Rsub(x) N+ npn ISub(x) P-substrate 0.10 0.08 4 snapback 0.06 3 Voltage 0.04 2 0.02 1 0.00 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time ( nsec ) Fig. (a) the parasitic components of a Grounded-gate NMOS (GGNMOS), (b). real time IV characteristics of a GGNMOS under 100 nsec TLP pulse The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 420 of 600 Current ( A ) P+ Voltage ( V ) 5 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 The RPO is the silicide blocking layer which is commonly used for an ESD protection device to forbid the silicide formation on the drain region. The RPO scheme might be not a good solution for IO design due to larger series resistance, but it can provide a stable ESD performance for an ESD protection device. So, the device ESD performance does not vary between technology generations or manufacturing fabs. Fig. shows the high current IV characteristics of a RPO N+ OD resistor. The RPO N+ OD resistor has a saturation region. In the saturation region, the resistor becomes a high impedance resistor, so the increase in the applied voltage does not increase the stress current. From this characteristic, we can deduce that RPO can be used to clamp the current to prevent the current being localized in a given region. As a region enters the saturation point, it becomes a high impedance resistor. Then, the current of this region cannot be increased anymore. Subsequently, the current will be pushed to flow to other non-saturated regions and the current can distribute along the junction uniformly. Current ( mA ) 20 Saturation region 15 10 RPO N+ OD (W/L 1.4/2) 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Voltage ( V ) Fig. High current IV charactertistics of a RPO N+ OD resistor The ESD implant is a process scheme to enhance the device ESD performance without changing the device layout since it only covers the drain region and needs to have 0.4um space from the poly gate. The current ESD implant recipe is P-type ESD implant. It can reduce the device breakdown voltage and create the higher electrical field during the snapback region, resulting in better ESD performance. At TSMC, only one dosage exits for P-type ESD implants. The dosage for ESD implants is higher than the channel implant dosage for 3.3V and 2.5V devices, but lower than the channel implant dosage for below 1.8V devices. So, the ESD implant is recommended for 3.3V and 2.5V devices, but is no use for devices below 1.8V. For 5V, 3.3V and 2.5V high voltage tolerant I/O, an ESD implant should be used. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 421 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.2.3 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ESD Implant (ESDIMP) Layout Rules (MASK ID: 111) ESDIMP (CAD layer: 189;0) is a drawn layer for ESD implant. The following width, space, area, and enclosed area are based on process concern. Please use larger dimension for ESD implant. Recommended ESDIMP in the following NMOS drain side, 2.5V tolerant I/O circuits using a 1.8V I/O device. A 2.5V tolerant I/O is defined by the VIN criterion: VIN > VDD but VIN ≤ (2.5V +10%) 3.3V tolerant I/O circuits using a 2.5V I/O device. A 3.3V tolerant I/O is defined by the VIN criterion: VIN > VDD but VIN ≤ (3.3V +10%) 5V tolerant I/O circuits using a 3.3V I/O device. A 5V tolerant I/O is defined by the VIN criterion: VIN > VDD but VIN ≤ (5V +10%) Description Width Space (OD NOT PO) enclosure of ESDIMP. ESDIMP must be fully inside (OD NOT PO). Recommended (OD NOT PO) enclosure of ESDIMP. Area Enclosed area ESDIMP must be fully inside N+ ACTIVE Rule No. ESDIMP.W.1 ESDIMP.S.1 ESDIMP.EN.1 ESDIMP.EN.1® ESDIMP.A.1 ESDIMP.A.2 ESDIMP.R.1 C C C D E = 0.4 1.0 1.0 C Drain Drain ESDIMP D A Rule 0.5 0.5 0.4 C C ESDIMP Op. C ESDIMP C ESDIMP C Label A B C C ESDIMP ESDIMP E A C C B B C The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 422 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.2.4 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 SR_ESD device Layout Rules (N40G only) The SR_ESD layer (CAD layer: 121;0) is ONLY used for N40G core voltage ESD related device, which features with: Core devices with SR_ESD layer will waive following OD/PO rules: OD.W.2.1GS, OD.W.2.2GS, PO.S.2.1.1GS, PO.EX.2.1GS, and CO.S.7® . Additional rules are wavied by SDI layer coverage itself: PO.W.6.GS, RPO.EX.1, RPO.EX.1.1, RPO.EX.1.2 and CO.S.7® ., For speed-sensitive circuit design, standard MOS layout with dual-diode protection is the recommended approach. For core voltage MOS, SR_ESD layer can’t cover core PMOS where SiGe is used. Only core NMOS (active power clamp; Ncs) is allowed to be covered by SR_ESD. Rule No. Label Op. Rule SR_ESD.W.1 width SR_ESD.W.2 Channel length in SR_ESD regions Description A B 0.18 0.1 SR_ESD.W.3 Channel width of core device in SR_ESD regions SR_ESD.S.1 Space C D = 15 ~ 60 0.18 SR_ESD.EX.1 Extension on ACTIVE E 0.02 SR_ESD.L.1 Maximum ACTIVE length of core device in SR_ESD regions F 60 SR_ESD.R.1 SR_ESD can not cover core PMOS S D SD ES R__E SR SR _ESD E OD SR _ESD E C A D F E E B The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 423 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy 10.2.5 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ESD Dummy Layers Summary Document No. Version SDI Dummy Layer SDI (CAD layer: 122) is a DRC layer, but not for mask making. It is required to cover all ESD MOS OD regions (Regular IO, high voltage tolerant I/O, Power clamp) that are connected to the pads. SDI is not necessary to cover the well STRAP or ESD guard-ring. This includes the source, gate, and drain, but not necessarily the field PO and well strap OD regions. Refer to Figure, shown below. NP/PP OD SDI Source PO Figure Drain The SDI dummy layer layout The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 424 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.2.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ESD circuits Definition TSMC provides MOS-based (or snapback-based) ESD protection scheme and design guidelines for regular IO and HV tolerant IO application. Furthermore, the design guidelines for the diode-based protection scheme are also added. Regular IO Regular I/O is composed of the NMOS and PMOS and the drains of the NMOS and PMOS connect to the pad directly (N1/P1 in Figure HV tolerant IO The HV tolerant I/O is composed of the PMOS in floating NW (P2 Figure and cascode (stacked gate) NMOS and the drains of the floating NW PMOS and cascode (stacked gate) NMOS connect to the pad directly (P2/N2/N3 in Figure There are three kinds of HV tolerant IO listed below. 5V tolerant I/O 5V tolerant I/O circuits using a 3.3V I/O device with VIN criterion: VIN > 3.3V but VIN ≤ (5V +10%). 3.3V tolerant I/O 3.3V tolerant I/O circuits using a 2.5V I/O device with VIN criterion: VIN > 2.5V but VIN ≤ (3.3V +10%). 2.5V tolerant I/O 2.5V tolerant I/O circuits using a 1.8V I/O device with VIN criterion: VIN > 1.8V but VIN ≤ (2.5V +10%). IO Buffer The I/O Buffer includes regular I/O and HV tolerant I/O. Power Clamp Device (Ncs) The device is used for VDD Pad to VSS Pad protection (Ncs in Figure and Figure Please refer to section ESD Device The ESD Device includes any device (NMOS, PMOS, I/O buffer, power clamp device, diodes, SCR and resistor) which connects to the pad directly and can be used to discharge the ESD current. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 425 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.2.7 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Requirements for ESD Implant Masks For HV tolerant (cascode) I/O NMOS, ESD implant mask is required unless TSMC approves a special exclusion request. The ESDIMP layer is a drawing layer and you have to draw ESDIMP layer for mask making. The ESDIMP layer is a drawing layer. Please refer to the section 10.2.3 for the detail. For customers who use their own ESD design structure, or do not use HV tolerant NMOS, ESD implant is optional. Table ESD Implant Masks for HV Tolerant I/O Circuits I/O Design Style TSMC-style I/O with HV tolerant IO circuits TSMC-style I/O without HV tolerant I/O circuits Non TSMC-style ESD 10.2.8 ESDIMP (CAD layer 189;0) Requirement Drawing Required No need Depends ESD mask (no.111) Requirement Yes No need Depends DRC methodology for ESD guidelines DRC methodology to identify ESD MOSFET 1. The ESD MOS is defined by MOS covered by SDI (122;0). 2. The Regular ESD N/P MOS is defined in the following: ESD N/P MOS with gate partially covered by RPO and without gate fully covered by RPO 3. The HV Tolerance ESD PMOS is defined in the following: ESD PMOS with gate partially covered by RPO and without gate fully covered by RPO.(same as Regular ESD PMOS) 4. The HV Tolerance ESD NMOS is defined in the following: ESD NMOS with gate partially covered by RPO and with gate fully covered by RPO 5. The Power Clamp ESD NMOS is defined in the following: ESD NMOS without RPO overlap # Note: For other non-TSMC-standard ESD MOSFETs, there is no DRC ESD guidelines check. Table how to recognize ESD MOSFET RPO Partially Cover Gate RPO Fully Cover Gate Y Y Y N N N Y N ESD MOS Type HV Tolerance ESD NMOS Regular ESD N/P MOS or HV Tolerance ESD PMOS No support Power Clamp ESD NMOS The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 426 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology to identify ESD MOS Source and Drain 1. 2. The S/D region is defined by {MOS_OD NOT POLY} The S/D region which connected to well pick-up is Source. The connectivity is broken by resistor for this check. 3. The S/D region outside RPO is Source. (except for Power Clamp) 4. Except for recognized Source, all the others are Drain. # Note: If the ESD layout structure is not TSMC-standard, this approach will fail. Figure Example of S/D for ESD device DRC methodology for ESD.1g 1. ESD S/D is covered by OD2, and connected to Core device S/D/G (without OD2). 2. If ESD S/D is connected to P-well pick-up, it is excluded from this rule check. PAD 1.8V/2.5/3.3V ESD Fail ! Core Circuit Figure PAD 1.8V/2.5/3.3V ESD Fail ! Core Circuit Example of ESD.1g The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 427 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology for ESD.4g 1. ESD S/D interact one gate only is defined as edge side OD. 2. The edge side OD is not connected relative well pick-up. N-well pick-up works for NMOS, P-well pick-up works for PMOS. The connectivity is not broken by resistor for this check. # Note: This check will fail for stacked ESD circuit. The Source is not connected to power ! PAD The Source is not connected to ground ! Figure Example of ESD.4g DRC methodology for ESD.6g 1. Check the space between two ESD MOS in same connection of Drain to PAD. The connectivity is not broken by resistor for this check. 2. The space < 2um, and there is a well pick-up between these two ESD MOSs Figure Example of ESD.6g The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 428 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology for ESD.7g 1. Check the space < 1.2um between two same type Non-ESD MOSs connected to different Signal PAD. (Non-ESD MOS: MOS not covered by SDI). The connectivity depends on “DISCONNECT_AFTER_RESISTOR” is turned ON or OFF. 2. Check the space < 1.2um between two same type Non-ESD MOSs in the same well, or these two wells are connected. The connectivity is not broken by resistor for this check. 3. Find out the MOSs meet above two criteria at the same time, and there is no different type of OD placed between these two MOSs. Signal PAD Pass ! Fail ! Pass ! >= 1.2um < 1.2um < 1.2um Figure Signal PAD Example of ESD.7g DRC methodology for finger width 1. This check is for ESD.16g, ESD.17g, ESD.24g, ESD.25g, ESD.37g, ESD.41g, ESD.48g, and ESD.49g. 2. The total finger width is calculated by the ESD MOS (ESD.16g, ESD.17g, ESD.24g, ESD.25g, ESD.37g, and ESD.41g) in the same Drain connection. 3. The total width is calculated by the ESD Field Device (ESD.48g, ESD.49g) in the same collector connection. The connectivity is broken by resistor for this check. Figure Example of finger width The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 429 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DRC methodology for ESD.19g and ESD.27g 1. As mentioned in previous, the drain-side is recognized by S/D not outside RPO, so that the check of drainside OD without RPO would be meaningless. 2. DRC only highlight the gate without overlap with RPO. Figure Example of ESD.19g and ESD.27g DRC methodology for ESD.20g, ESD.28g, ESD.29g, and ESD.42g 1. For Regular ESD N/P MOS and HV Tolerance ESD PMOS : The overlap of RPO and Gate should exactly equal to 0.06um. The overlap should occur in one-side only Without overlap is not allowed 2. For HV Tolerance ESD NMOS : The RPO should fully cover the first Gate. The overlap of RPO and second Gate should exactly equal to 0.06um. The overlap should occur in one-side only. Without overlap is not allowed. second Gate first Gate RPO Pass ! Fail ! Fail ! Fail ! RPO Fail ! Fail ! Pass ! Figure Example of ESD.20g, ESD.28g, ESD.29g, and ESD.42g The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 430 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.2.9 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 ESD Guidelines TSMC's ESD target is 2KV for Human Body Model (HBM) and 200V for Machine Model (MM) These design guidelines are designed to increase ESD protection levels to TSMC specifications. These guidelines are developed from our test chip silicon data. The test structures in these test chips include most of the failure cases we have studied. Yet, there might be other weak paths that are not captured by these guidelines. Thus, chip level ESD testing should be carried out. Rule No. ESD.NET.1gU ESD.WARN.1 ESD.WARN.2 ESD.WARN.3U ESD.1g ESD.1.1gU Description For I/O pin ESD protection scheme, the primary ESD protection (1st ESD) devices are required and it can be one of following listed devices. 1. Regular I/O P/NMOS (refer to ESD.16g~23g) or HV-tolerant I/O P/NMOS (refer to ESD.24g~35g) 2. HIA diode (refer to HIA.1~6g) 3. Diode with DIODMY (total perimeter >=300um) SDI is not in whole chip. If SDI does not exist, the ESD related DRC will not work well. SDI enclosure of ACTIVE Avoid gate of core MOS directly tie to Vdd/Vss except decap, GGNMOS/GDPMOS, and footer/header (see section for details). For CDM application with peak current < 6A, this rule can be waived. Use thin oxide transistor for thin oxide power clamp and thin oxide I/O buffers; use thick oxide transistor for the thick oxide Power Clamp and thick oxide I/O buffers (Figure and DRC will flag the following condition: ((MOS INTERACT OD2) INTERACT SDI) connected to (MOS NOT INTERACT OD2) DRC will exclude Drain/Source/Gate connected to PW STRAP. Use thin oxide transistor for thin oxide secondary ESD protection (2nd ESD, N4/P4); use thick oxide transistor for thick oxide secondary ESD protection (2nd ESD, N4). (Figure ESD.4g ESD.5g ESD.6g ESD.7g ESD.8gU U Label Op. Rule ≥ 0 = 15~ 60 ≥ 1.2 ≥ 200 For diode based 2nd ESD protection, use thin oxide transistor (Mp/Mn) for thin oxide power clamp (Ncs); use thick oxide transistor (Mp/Mn) for thick oxide power clamp (Ncs) (Fig Thick oxide ESD protection or power clamp connect to thin oxide transistor is not allowed. Both input pin and cross domain 2nd ESD are required to comply with this rule. Unit finger width of NMOS and PMOS for I/O buffer and Power Clamp Device (Figure The OD area of the edge side of I/O buffer and Power Clamp should be Source or Bulk rather than Drain (Figure and, to avoid an unwanted parasitic bipolar effect or an abnormal discharge path in ESD zapping. DRC will flag (((OD INTERACT SDI) NOT PO) INTERACT one Gate) does not connect to STRAP. (Please refer to section in detail) Same type OD of the I/O buffer and Power Clamp should be surrounded by a guard-ring. All other type ODs should be placed outside this guard-ring. (Figure DRC will flag the following two conditions, 1. Different type ODs in the most inner guard-ring. 2. OD not inside the most inner guard-ring Butted STRAP and the STRAP which are between two sources of the N/PMOS in the same I/O buffer and Power Clamp are strictly prohibited. (Figure DRC will flag Butted STRAP and the STRAP which is within 2um space of two sources of (MOS INTERACT SDI) connected to same pad. (Please refer to section in detail) Except the ESD device, either one of the following two conditions must be followed. the space of two same type ODs two same type ODs should be separated by different types of OD. The same type ODs are N+OD and N+OD in the same PW, or P+OD and P+OD in the same NW, which connect to two different pads. (Please refer to section in detail) Value of resistor R (ohm) between the gate oxide and IO PAD (Figure ESD.9.1gU~9.6gU are used to define N/PMOS (N4/P4) and diode (D3/D4) of ESD secondary protection in Figure ESD.3g ESD.9.0g General Guideline for ESD Protection G The N/PMOS (N4/P4) and diodes (D3/D4) should follow: 1. Either MOS based or diode based secondary protection is required at input pin. (N4 in Figure and D3/D4 in Figure 2. Should be added after the resistor R (on the far side of R from the pad). 3. NOT in SDI 4. ESD implant and RPO are not needed in these secondary protection devices. For MOS based secondary protection, the secondary PMOS is “Nice to have” The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 431 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. U ESD.9.1g ESD.9.2gU ESD.9.3gU ESD.9.4gU U ESD.9.5g ESD.9.6gU ESD.12g ESD.14.3gU ESD.14.4gU ESD.15gU Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Description Channel Length of core voltage MOS for N/PMOS (N4/P4) of MOS based ESD secondary protection in Figure Channel Length of 1.8V MOS for N/PMOS (N4/P4) of MOS based ESD secondary protection in Figure Channel Length of 2.5V MOS for N/PMOS (N4/P4) of MOS based ESD secondary protection in Figure Channel Length of 3.3V MOS for N/PMOS (N4/P4) of MOS based ESD secondary protection in Figure Channel width of MOS based (N4/P4) ESD secondary protection (for all voltages) in Figure Total perimeter of diode based ESD secondary protection (D3/D4) in Figure It is not allowed to use OD unsilicided resistors or NW resistors connected to I/O PAD (Figure and Figure DRC will use (((RPDMY OR RH) AND OD) AND RPO) to recognize OD unsilicided resistor. DRC will use (NWDMY INTERACT NW) to recognize NW resistor. 1. Resistance of the power bus line from IO pad to the closest Power clamp. (R1+R2+R4 in Figure () 2. Resistance of the ground bus line from IO pad to the closest Power clamp. (R1+R5+R6 in Figure () Resistance of the bus line from Power pad to the closest GND pad. (R3+R4+R6+R7 in Figure () Bypass discharge cells should be inserted between each separate VDD and VSS to avoid ESD damage to internal circuits. The suggested bypass discharge cell is back to back diode (Figure and it can be either HIA diode or diode with DIODMY. 1. HIA diode (HIA.3g) 2. Diode with DIODMY (total perimeter >=300um). The connections are illustrated in Figure (For more details, please see the “section 10.4.3 Tips for Power-Ground ESD Protection” section in this chapter.) Label Op. Rule = 0.07 = 0.15 = 0.27 = 0.42 ≥ ≥ 20 10 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 Vdd (core) core dec. cap. Pad 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V ESD core circuit Vss 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V power clamp device Figure Use thin oxide transistor for the ESD protection of thin oxide circuits The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 432 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 I=I1+I2+…=Metal connection to bond pad>=16um Metal connecting between Drains and pad I1 I2 Drain Drain >=16um OD PO CO M1 Via1 M2 Guard ring G Source Source Figure NMOS and PMOS Layouts for I/O Buffer STRAP RPO X X X Source X ≤ 2um Source RPO X Z Z Drain Butted STRAP RPO Drain OD PO CO RPO X Z ≤ 2um Source Source To the same Pad Figure Butting or Inserted STRAP between two sources of I/O buffer is prohibited The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 433 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Vdd RPO P1 P1 P4 R (>=200 Ω) X Ncs Trigger Circuits Pad RPO N1 N1 N4 Vss secondary protection Figure Regular I/O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 434 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 VDD1 Primary ESD Mp P4 RESD PAD Primary ESD Mn N4 Active Trigger Circuit Ncs VSS1 (a) MOS-based secondary ESD protection VDD1 D4 Primary ESD Mp RESD PAD Primary ESD Mn D3 Active Trigger Circuit Ncs VSS1 (b) Diode-based secondary ESD protection Figure Diode as ESD secondary protection The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 435 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy S tru c tu re . I S tr u c tu r e . II Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 S tr u c tu r e . III Vcc Vcc Vcc R R Pad Vss Pad Pad R Vss Vss Figure A resistor before the output transistor The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 436 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy R2 : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 R3 VDD PAD R4 Primary ESD cell Power Clamp Internal devices IO PAD R1 Primary ESD cell R6 R5 R7 VSS PAD R1+R2+R4 & R1+R5+R6 <=1ohm R3+R4+R6+R7 <=1ohm Figure Bus-Lines Design Db1 VSSA VSS Db2 Figure Schematic of a back to back (B2B) diode The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 437 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Vdd (comm.) ESD conduction circuit Circuit I ESD conduction circuit Vdda ESD conduction circuit Vddb ESD conduction circuit Vddc ESD Clamp Circuit II ESD Clamp Circuit III ESD Clamp Vssa ESD conduction circuit Vssb ESD conduction circuit Vssc Vss (comm.) Figure Schematic of a Multiple Power ESD Protection Design The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 438 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Regular I/O (3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/1.1V/0.9V RPO Device) Regular I/O ESD MOS layout style on core voltage MOS is only applicable for non-N40G process. In N40G, Core voltage MOS can not be drawn with this layout style. DRC deck uses (N+ ACTIVE AND SDI) AND (some of the related Gate partially overlap RPO but no related Gate fully inside RPO) to recognize NMOS of Regular I/O. DRC deck uses (P+ ACTIVE AND SDI) AND (some of the related Gate partially overlap RPO but no related Gate fully inside RPO) to recognize PMOS of Regular I/O. Rule No. Description Label Total finger width for NMOS in same connection of drain. (Please refer to section in detail) Total finger width for PMOS in same connection of drain. (Please refer to section in detail) Channel length: 3.3V Regular I/O (in OD_33) Channel length: 2.5V Regular I/O (in OD_25) Channel length: 1.8V Regular I/O (in OD_18) Channel length: 1.1V/0.9V Regular I/O (not in OD_33, OD_25 and OD_18) The NMOS and PMOS should have an unsilicided area on the drain side. That is, the RPO mask should block the drain side of the device (except the contact region which should remain silicided). DRC only flags no RPO in this device. (Please refer to section in detail) Overlap of RPO on the drain side to the poly gate (N1/P1 in Figure and Figure (Please refer to section in detail) Width of the RPO on the drain side for NMOS. (Figure Width of the RPO on the drain side for PMOS. (Figure Space of poly to CO on the source side (Figure ESD.16g ESD.17g ESD.18g ESD.18.1g ESD.18.2g ESD.18.3g ESD.19g ESD.20g ESD.21g ESD.22g ESD.23g Z Z Z Op. Rule ≥ 360 ≥ 480 L L L L ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ 0.42 0.35 0.2 0.1 Z = 0.06 X X Y 1.0 0.6 0.22 Z OD PO X X X RPO X CO SDI L To PAD L L To PAD L Figure NMOS and PMOS (N1 and P1 in Figure for regular I/O The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 439 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HV Tolerant I/O HV tolerant I/O ESD MOS layout style is only applicable for I/O voltage MOS. Core voltage MOS can not be drawn with this layout style. DRC deck uses (N+ ACTIVE AND SDI) AND (some of the related Gate fully inside RPO and some of the related Gate partial overlap RPO) to recognize the NMOS of HV tolerant I/O. DRC deck uses (P+ ACTIVE AND SDI) AND (some of the related Gate fully inside RPO and some of the related Gate partial overlap RPO) to recognize PMOS of HV tolerant I/O, whose layout is the same as PMOS of Regular I/O. For 5V and 3.3V tolerant I/O, the ESDIMP is must layer. The detail layout for ESDIMP is shown in section 10.2.3. Rule No. ESD.24g ESD.25g ESD.26g ESD.26.1g ESD.26.2g ESD.27g ESD.28g ESD.29g ESD.30g ESD.31g ESD.32g ESD.33g ESD.34g Description Label Total finger width for NMOS in same connection of drain. ESD.24g has been checked by ESD.16g. (Please refer to section in detail) Total finger width for PMOS in same connection of drain. ESD.25g has been checked by ESD.17g. (Please refer to section in detail) Channel length: 5V tolerant I/O (in OD_33). N2,N3, P2 in Figure, Figure and Figure Channel length: 3.3V tolerant I/O (in OD_25). N2,N3, P2 in Figure, Figure and Figure Channel length : 2.5V tolerant I/O (in OD_18). N2,N3, P2 in Figure, Figure and Figure The NMOS and PMOS should have an unsilicided area on the drain side. That is, the RPO mask should block the drain side of the device (except the contact region which should remain silicided). DRC only flags no RPO in this device. (Please refer to section in detail) For NMOS (N2 and N3 in Figure and Figure, the RPO needs to cover all inactive poly gates and extend to overlap the N3 gate by Z = 0.06um. (Please refer to section in detail) For PMOS (P2 in Figure and Figure, overlap of RPO on the drain side to the poly gate. (Please refer to section in detail) Width of the RPO on the drain side for NMOS. (Figure Width of the RPO on the drain side for PMOS. (Figure Space of poly to CO on the source side (Figure and Figure For NMOS (N2 and N3 in Figure, space of the N2 gate to the N3 gate. (Figure ESDIMP is a required layer for HV tolerant NMOS. Please refer to section 10.2.3 DRC only flags (no ESDIMP INTERACT N+ ACTIVE) for the NMOS of HV tolerant I/O. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule ≥ 360 ≥ 480 L ≥ 0.42 L ≥ 0.35 L ≥ 0.2 Z = 0.06 Z = 0.06 X X ≥ ≥ 1.0 0.6 Y ≥ 0.22 S = 0.22~0.25 440 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Figure The schematic of HV Tolerant I/O buffer Z Z N2 N3 N3 N2 OD PO S X X RPO S CO SDI L L To PAD L L Figure HV Tolerant NMOS (N2/N3 in Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 441 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy Z Z Z : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Z OD PO X X X RPO X CO SDI L To PAD L L To PAD L Figure HV Tolerant PMOS (P2 in Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 442 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Power Clamp Device (Ncs) DRC deck uses ((N+ ACTIVE AND SDI) NOT INTERACT RPO) to recognize 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/1.1V/0.9V fully silicided type Power Clamp. DRC deck uses ((N+ ACTIVE AND SDI) AND (all of the related gates partially overlap RPO)) to recognize 3.3V/2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp. RPO mask can be applied for 3.3V/2.5V Power clamp. The 3.3V/2.5V Power Clamp with RPO mask is 3.3V/2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp. The 3.3V/2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp (Ncs in Figure must have an unsilicided area on the drain side. That is, the RPO mask can block the drain side silicided of the device (except the contact region which should remain silicided). The Active Power Clamp is required to put between power and ground buses. The Active Power Clamp is consisted of one trigger circuit and one big FET. The trigger circuit is designed to turn on the big FET during ESD events and keep the big FET in off state at normal operation. (Figure Care should be taken to prevent potential damage risk to the thin gate oxide. An active power clamp (VT1~1V) is needed if there are thin-oxide devices whose gates directly connect to power (for example the NMOS’s and PMOS’s gates connect to VDD and VSS, respectively) like a decoupling capacitor. Both fully silicided type and RPO (unsilicided) type power clamp must be Active power clamps. (Figure Rule No. ESD.37g ESD.37.1g ESD.38g ESD.38.1g ESD.38.2g ESD.38.3g ESD.39g ESD.40g ESD.41g ESD.42g ESD.43g ESD.45gU ESD.45.1gU Description Total finger width for 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V fully silicided type Power Clamp in same connection of drain. (Ncs in Figure (Please refer to section in detail) Total finger width for 1.1V/0.9V fully silicided type Power Clamp in same connection of drain. (Ncs in Figure (Please refer to section in detail) Channel length: 3.3V Power Clamp (in OD_33) for both RPO (unsilicided) and fully silicided types (Figure and Figure Channel length: 2.5V Power Clamp (in OD_25) for both RPO (unsilicided) and fully silicided types (Figure and Figure Channel length: 1.8V Power Clamp (in OD_18) for fully silicided types (Figure Channel length: 1.1V/0.9V Power Clamp (not in OD_33, OD_25 and OD_18) for fully silicided types (Figure The total finger width for 3.3V/2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp in the same connection of drain. (Ncs in Figure and Figure (Please refer to section in detail) Overlap of RPO on the drain side to the poly gate (Figure (Please refer to section in detail). Width of the RPO on the drain side for 3.3V/2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp (Ncs in Figure Space of poly to CO on the source side for 3.3V/2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp (Ncs in Figure The big FET of RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp is strongly recommended having ESDIMP. (Figure Each set of Vdd and Vss must have its own power clamp cells and active power clamp is required (Figure The single stage power clamp (between VDD and VSS ) needs to be covered by SDI layer (Figure Label Op. Rule ≥ 1000 ≥ 1900 L ≥ 0.42 L ≥ 0.35 L ≥ 0.2 L ≥ 0.1 ≥ 1000 Z = 0.06 X ≥ 0.6 Y ≥ 0.11 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 443 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Active Power Clamp Gate-grounded Power Clamp VDD VDD Active Trigger Circuit Big FET Big FET VSS VSS Figure The schematic of the Active Power Clamp Source Drain L L Drain Source L L SDI Figure Ncs Layout in Figure and Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 444 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 RPO OD Y Y X X L Z=0.06 PO CO RPO Y L To Pad L Z=0.06 SDI Figure RPO (unsilicided) type power clamp Layout for 3.3V and 2.5V RPO (unsilicided) type Power Clamp in Figure and Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 445 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc I. II. Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 5V HVMOS protection (Field Device) Device usage: A combination of NFD along with PFD is designed to protected 5V HVMOS based I/O signal PAD. Please refer to Figure for the reference ESD network construction. Please also note that TSMC ESD protection scheme does not cover this 5V power clamp design. DRC methodology: NFD (Figure DRC deck uses ((((N+ ACTIVE NOT INTERACT PO) NOT RPDMY) AND SDI) CUT RPO) to recognize NFD of 5V HVMOS protection. DRC deck uses NFD connect to LV PW STRAP to recognize NFD Emitter DRC deck uses NFD NOT (NFD Emitter) to recognize NFD Collector PFD (Figure DRC deck uses ((((P+ ACTIVE NOT INTERACT PO) NOT RPDMY) AND SDI) CUT RPO) to recognize PFD of 5V HVMOS protection. DRC deck uses PFD connect to LV NW STRAP to recognize PFD Emitter DRC deck uses PFD NOT (PFD Emitter) to recognize PFD Collector Rule No. Description ESD.47g ESD.48g ESD.49g ESD.50g ESD.51g The layer of OD2 (OD_25) is required for 5V protection (NFD and PFD) Total width for NFD in same connection of collector. (Figure Total width for PFD in same connection of collector. (Figure STI spacing of the NFD and PFD Unit collector width of NFD and PFD Unit emitter width of NFD and PFD should be the same as unit collector width (EW=CW) Unit emitter length of NFD and PFD Width of the RPO on the collector side for NFD and PFD Width of the RPO on the emitter side for NFD and PFD Space of RPO to CO on the collector and emitter side (Figure Total width of the RPO on the HVMOS protection. (Figure ESD.52g ESD.53g ESD.54g ESD.55g ESD.56g ESD.57g D Y = 0 .2 2 D Y = 0 .2 2 Label Op. Rule DL CW ≥ ≥ = = 360 360 0.35 15-60 EL DX DZ DY A ≥ ≥ = ≥ 0.86 1.95 0.1 0.22 2.4 D Y = 0 .2 2 OD P P /N P CO CW A EW A RPO SDI EL DX DX OD2 DL E m itte r E m itte r D Z = 0 .1 DL E m itte r C o lle c to r To PAD Figure D Z = 0 .1 5V HVMOS protection Layout The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 446 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy VSS PAD VSS DZ DY DY RPO DX P+ : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N+ N+ N+ E m itte r C o lle c to r E m itte r P+ DL EL P -w e ll P -s u b Figure VDD NFD cross-section diagram PAD DZ D D DY Z D DX VDD DY RPO Y X N+ N P + N P P+ Emitter Emitter + D DL EL L N+ P P+ Collector Collector + N P+ P Emitter Emitter + N+ P + N-well wel l P-sub Figure Figure PFD cross-section diagram The schematic of 5V HVMOS protection The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 447 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 High Current Diode (HIA_DIO) Dual-Diode I/O Protection HIA_DIO stands for the diode, which can be used for logic, low capacitance or high speed/frequency ESD protection. For diode-base ESD protection scheme, it should work together with low trigger power clamps, such as RC-gate driven clamp. Fig. shows the common dual-diode protection scheme. One diode is for pull-up path to the VDD and the other is for pull-down path to the VSS. There are four current discharge paths between the PAD, VDD and VSS. The brief descriptions are as follows: 1. For a positive pulse from PAD respect to VDD, the current passes through the pull-up diode to VDD. 2. For a negative pulse from PAD respect to VDD, the current enter the VDD pin, through the power clamp, and then passes through the pull-down diode, 3. For a positive pulse from PAD respect to VSS, the current passes through the pull-up diode, along the supply metal bus to through the power clamp and out the VSS. 4. For a negative pulse from PAD respect to VSS, the current passes through the pull-down diode and out the PAD. Please note that excellent ESD performance is achieved when the discharge paths are confined to the design paths as mentioned above. It depends on the low turn-on resistance of the diode, wiring and power clamp devices. The designer should minimize the I-R drop effect as much as possible. The resistance of metal bus between the PAD and power clamp should be less than 1 ohm (ESD.14.3gU). Also, both the ESD level and parasitic capacitance are directly proportional to the diode’s perimeter. Hence, the designer should consider the parasitic capacitance of the diodes on the I/O PAD and has to balance the ESD and circuit’s performance. Figure The schematic diagram for diode-base protection The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 448 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Layout Guidelines for HIA_DIO HIA_DIO is the diodes both can use for logic, high speed or low capacitance ESD protection. A layout example is shown Figure and Figure The naming of HIA comes from high current application purposes (High Amp). There is no structural difference between HIA_DIO and regular core voltage junction diode. The only difference is layout style. The HBM level is proportion to the diode’s perimeter, however the parasitic capacitance is increasing also. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 449 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 HIA_DIO Layout Guidelines HIA_Dummy Layer (CAD layer: 168;0) DRC deck uses (N+ ACTIVE AND HIA_Dummy NOT NW) to recognize N diodes for ESD protection. DRC deck uses (P+ ACTIVE AND HIA_Dummy AND NW) to recognize P diodes for ESD protection. Draw HIA_Dummy (CAD layer: 168;0) to fully cover diode’s OD regions that are connected to I/O pads, including the anode, cathode, and guard-ring. Refer to Figure, and shown below. It is for DRC usage but not a tapeout required CAD layer. Diode’s layout (all dimensions of width/length/spacing/overlap) should be exactly identical to the p_cell, or the RF model’s accuracy will be impacted. HIA_Dummy Cathode Anode Guard-ring Fig. Example of HIA_Dummy The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 450 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. U HIA.1g HIA.2gU Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 High current diodes protection Description Width of N+ Active (N-HIA diode’s cathode) and P+ Active (P-HIA diode’s anode) inside HIA_DUMMY. (Figure and Figure Length of N+ Active (N-HIA diode’s cathode) and P+ Active (P-HIA diode’s anode) inside HIA_DUMMY. (Figure and Figure Total perimeter of each N+ or P+ ACTIVE inside HIA_dummy in same connection of IO PAD. (Figure and Figure HIA.3gU HIA.4gU HIA.5gU HIA.6gU The perimeter counts the drawn anode junction parameter region ex. The drawing OD perimeter dimension of active inside HIA_DUMMY= (A+B)*2*N The OD spacing between anode and cathode in the width direction (A; longer side of N+/P+ Active) (Figure and Figure The OD spacing between anode and cathode in the length direction (B; shorter side of N+/P+ Active) (Figure and Figure Cathode width should be larger than anode width for P-diode, and anode width should be larger than cathode width for N-diode (D≥A). (Figure and Figure Label Op. Rule A = 0.6-1.6 B = 5-40 (A+B)*2 *N ≥ 300 C1 = 0.3-0.4 C2 = 0.6-0.8 D D A D C1 Cathode NOD POD CO B C2 HIA_Dummy Anode Figure HIA_DIO layout (N-HIA diode) D NOD A D C1 Anode B C2 Cathode POD CO NW HIA_Dummy Figure HIA_DIO layout (P-HIA diode) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 451 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc I/O Device Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 RPO and ESD Implant Summary NMOS of 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/ 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/ 5V/3.3V/2.5V 1.1V/0.9V NMOS 1.1V/0.9V PMOS HV Tolerant for Regular I/O for Regular I/O I/O PMOS of 3.3V/2.5V NMOS 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/ 5V/3.3V/2.5V for RPO 1.1V/0.9V NMOS HV Tolerant (unsilicided) type for fully silicided I/O Power Clamp type Power Clamp Minimum RPO width on drain side (X) 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.6 No RPO-to-N2 (Z) = Overlap poly by 0.06 Overlap poly by 0.06 Completely cover N2 Overlap poly by 0.06 Overlap poly by 0.06 No First poly-to-N3 space = No No 0.25 No No No RPO coverage in the OD region between poly gates No No Completely cover diffusion No No No RPO-to-N3 (Z) = No No Overlap N3 by 0.06 No No No ESD implant 3.3V/2.5V: Recommended 1.8V/1.1V/0.9V: No need No Yes No Recommended No Dummy layer for DRC SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI Figure Figure Figure Figure Illustration Figure Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 452 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 CDM Protection for Cross Domain Interface CDM is an increasingly important issue for modern integrated circuits in N45 technology and beyond as the gate oxide thickness keeps on shrinking and the number of power domains continues increasing. With respect to the CDM protection, the cross-domain interface is the most crucial situation as compared with the I/O input gate (defined as ESD.9g in DRM), the gate directly connected to power/ground, and the long signal path without parasitic junction diode. It is because that the fatal CDM charges are mostly accumulated at the power/ground metal buses and easily damage the gate oxide at the interface when the discharge current path crosses the different power domains. To prevent this kind of CDM damage for the complex power domains, the protection scheme is proposed as Figure shown. The protection network consists of a resistor, a pair of gate-ground NMOS and gate-Vdd PMOS and active power clamp cells. Basically, the CDM protection transistors have to be placed as close to the receiver gates as possible, and share the same power/ground and well of the receiver cell. A global active clamp cell should be placed near the cross-domain interface to help conducting the CDM currents. Additionally, the resistance of power bus between the global active power clamp cells is recommended to be smaller than 1Ω. The turn-on resistance of “current conducting element” should be as small as possible to minimize the voltage drop during CDM zapping. Domain a Domain b vdda vddb 2nd ESD for CDM Active clamp Global bus active clamp Global bus active clamp N4 vssa Active clamp vssb Current conducting element Global ESD bus Resistance between two bus active clamp(current conducting element)<1Ω Figure The MOS-based protection scheme for cross-domain CDM The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 453 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy Domain a : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Domain b vdda vddb 2nd ESD for CDM D2 Active clamp Global bus active clamp Global bus active clamp D1 vssa Active clamp vssb Current conducting element Global ESD bus Resistance between two bus active clamp(current conducting element)<1Ω Figure The diode-based protection scheme for cross-domain CDM Domain a Domain b vdda vddb Active clamp Active clamp vss Figure Common-grounded cross-domain CDM ESD protection scheme The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 454 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule No. ESD.60.0gU ESD.61gU ESD.61.1gU ESD.62.1gU ESD.62.2gU ESD.62.3gU ESD.62.4gU ESD.62.5gU ESD.63gU Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version Description : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Label 1. For cross domain with separate grounds (Fig., either MOS based or diode based secondary protection with interface resistor is required at interface. (N4 in Figure and D1/D2 in Figure 2. If the receiver is the I/O device, the secondary protection is not required. 3. As the cross domain with on-rule power clamp added between vdda to vssb, the secondary protection is not required. Total finger width of 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/1.1V/0.9V cross-domain MOS based secondary protection. (Figure Total perimeter of cross-domain diode based secondary protection. (D1/D2 in Figure Channel Length of 5V MOS based domain b secondary protection. (Figure Channel Length of 3.3V MOS based domain b secondary protection. (Figure Channel Length of 2.5V MOS based domain b secondary protection. (Figure Channel Length of 1.8V MOS based domain b secondary protection. (Figure Channel Length of 1.1V/0.9V MOS based domain b secondary protection. (Figure Recommended interface voltage clamping resistor resistance for crossdomain with separated grounds.(resistor in Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. Op. Rule ≥ 8 ≥ 10 = 0.8 = 0.42 = 0.27 = 0.15 = 0.07-0.08 200 Ω 455 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.3 ESD Back-End Reliability Guidelines Typically the design purpose within a dedicated ESD protection device is that interconnect will no be the limitation for the ESD robustness. This section provides information to evaluate the max. current density (CD) of metal line, via, contact, and resistor under ESD stress condition. According to the ESD back-end reliability guideline, the customer can optimize their layout and get better ESD performance. 10.3.1 Test Methodology The TLP is used to extract the maximum ESD current density (CD). The pulse width and rise time of TLP are 100ns and 10ns, respectively, to simulate the HBM waveform. The It2 can be extracted by TLP. As below figure shown, the It2 of Metal is about 0.18A and that of Resistor is 0.06A as shown in Fig.10.3.1 Metal 1E-13 DC leakage (A) 1E-11 0.2 I_TLP (A) 0.16 DC leakage measurement |V| 1E-07 1E-05 10 12.5 1E-03 It 2 0.18 TLP measurement T r=10ns, Td =100ns 1E-09 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 2.5 5 7.5 V_TLP (V) Resistor Time It 2 Figure.10.3.1 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 456 of 600 15 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.3.2 Failure Mechanism The measurement is performed by TLP (Td=100ns, Tr=10ns) under 25oC using wafer-level probing. The IESD means the suggested ESD CD value. 1. For resistor, the resistance will degrade after ESD stress if IESD > ISnapback(It2) 2. The resistance of the resistor will degrade if it goes to snapback after ESD stress. The I ESD is defined as the maximum current before snapback. 3. For contact, via, and metal, the TLP current density (CD) has chance of degradation after ESD stress if IESD > 0.5 * It2. The contact/via/metal ESD failure have the form of an open connection, the change of the sheet resistance, the degradation of electromigration lifetime. The TLP current density (IESD) is defined as the half of maximum current before open connection. 10.3.3 Maximum ESD Current Density for Resistor Below table shows the IESD of resistor. TLP (Tr=10ns; Td=100ns) Specification IESD>12mA (ESD.CD. 2gU) IESD (Normalized by width, contact and via number ) The suggested metal width, contact and via number. Silicided N+ PO Resistor (rnpoly) N/A N/A Silicided P+ PO Resistor (rppoly) N/A N/A Silicided N+ OD Resistor (rnod) N/A N/A Silicided P+ OD Resistor (rpod) N/A N/A Unsilicided N+ PO Resistor (rnpolywo) 7.32 mA/um 1.7 um Unsilicided P+ PO Resistor (rppolywo) 3.68 mA/um 3.3 um Unsilicided N+ OD Resistor (rnodwo) 8.2 mA/um 1.5 um Unsilicided P+ OD Resistor (rpodwo) 24 mA/um 0.5 um NW Resistor [under STI) (rnwsti) N/A N/A NW Resistor [under OD) (rnwod) N/A N/A Resistor ESD Current Density The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 457 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.3.4 Maximum ESD Current Density for Via and Metal Below table shows the IESD of via, contact and metal width for HBM 2KV specification. TLP (Tr=10ns; Td=100ns) Specification IESD>1.3A (ESD.CD. 1gU) Specification IESD>12mA (ESD.CD. 2gU) IESD (Normalized by width, contact and via number ) The suggested metal width, contact and via number. The suggested metal width, contact and via number. M1 (130nm) 75 mA/um 17.4 um 0.16 um Mx (140nm) 85 mA/um 15.3 um 0.14 um My (310nm) N/A N/A N/A Mz (900nm) 425 mA/um 3.06 um 0.028 um Mr (1250nm) N/A N/A N/A Mu(3400nm) N/A N/A N/A AP N/A N/A N/A Contact (N+ OD) 5.5 mA/CO 237 3 Contact (P+ OD) 4.5 mA/CO 289 3 Contact (Poly) 5.5 mA/CO none 3 VIAx (0.07um x 0.07um) 31 mA/via 42 1 VIAy (0.14um x 0.14um) N/A N/A N/A VIAz (0.36um x 0.36um) 240 mA/via 6 1 VIAr (0.46um x 0.46um) N/A N/A N/A VIAu (0.36um x 0.36um) N/A N/A N/A RV N/A N/A N/A Metal, via, and contact ESD Backend The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 458 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.3.5 Minimum ESD Current for ESD Device Rule No. Description ESD.CD.1gU Suggested minimum ESD current (IESD) for the primary ESD discharge path. (Fig.10.3.5) Primary ESD devices include dual-diode, ESD MOS in regular I/O, ESD MOS in HV-tolerant I/O, power clamp, and back to back (b2b) diode. Label Primary ESD discharge current path include: 1. Metal line width connecting the bond pad and the primary ESD device. 2. The contact number in the primary ESD device 3. The Via number in the primary ESD device Suggested minimum ESD current (IESD) for the secondary ESD discharge path. (Fig.10.3.5) Secondary ESD devices include ESD resistor, diode based and MOS based secondary protections. ESD.CD.2gU Op. Rule ≥ 1.3A ≥ 12mA Secondary ESD discharge current path include: 1. Metal line width connecting the bond pad and the secondary ESD device. 2. The contact number in the secondary ESD device 3. The Via number in the secondary ESD device VDD Pad 1st pull-up 2nd pull-up RESD IO Pad 1st pull-dn Power Clamp 2nd pull-dn b2b diode VSS1 Pad VSS2 Pad Figure 10.3.5 ESD current path The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 459 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 10.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Tips for the ESD/Latchup design 10.4.1 Tips for General Latchup Design To enhance Latchup immunity, the following guidelines are recommended. 1) Solid guard ring/STRAP coonection: All the guard rings and STRAPs should be connected to VDD/VSS directly with very low parasitic resistance. Use as many M0_OD and VIAs as possible. 2) Large-size capacitor displacement current induced LUP: A P+ guard-ring should separate a large capacitor and MOS to avoid displacement current induce latch-up. The p+ guard ring width should be enlarger than 0.1 μm. 3) Potential Latchup concern from OD/NW resistor: If OD/NW resistor is connected to an I/O PAD, this OD/NW resistor may potentially inject substrate current through its parasitic diode or parasitic BJT during LUP over-current tests. Potential latchup issue may exists if this OD/NW resistor is nearby parasitic pnpn (SCR). 10.4.2 Tips for General ESD Design To enhance ESD immunity, the following guidelines are recommended. 1) 2) Complete ESD protection coverage: Any Drain/Source/Gate of a transistor connected to a pad should have ESD protection. Solid back-end in the entire ESD discharge path: M0_OD and VIAs should be as many as possible in all ESD devices and current paths, including the diode and metal connection. 3) Robust victim design with use of drain-ballasted NMOS: When using drain-ballasted NMOS as I/O ESD protection device, the gate length of post driver should be larger than the gate length of drain-ballasted NMOS. 4) Pass-gate exists between PAD and internal block: If a pass-gate (IO device) is added between a PAD and core device, take care if the ESD protection device can effectively protect the core device. It is not allowed to use IO device to protect the core device (as shown in below figure). If the pass gate device (I/O device) covered with SDI layer, the DRC will be triggered to check ESD.1g. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 460 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 VDD Pass gate device should be covered with SDI layer to trigger ESD.1g DRC checking. PAD Pass gate SDI layer SDI layer Core MOS IO device VSS Figure 5) Potential ESD concern from OD/NW resistor: The OD resistor can potentially trigger its parasitic diode /BJT, leading to ESD failure during ESD stress. To reduce this ESD vulnerability:. A. For P+ OD resistor, adopt floating NW design when possible. B. For N+ OD resistor, enclose hot side (connected to I/O PAD) with NW when possible. C. Surround OD/NW resistor with double guard rings. Avoid local high field and current crowding during ESD by layout optimization. Have robust ESD network design with low turn-on voltage and low clamping voltage. The aim is to avoid parasitic device turn-on. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 461 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.4.3 Tips for Power-Ground ESD Protection To avoid ESD damage to internal circuits, it’s critical to arrange robust whole chip ESD protection design. Special care should be paid to the digital and analog circuits. In the mixed-mode ICs, separate digital and analog powers are used, and the interface devices between the digital and analog circuits are particularly sensitive to ESD damage. Bellow are some guidelines for robust power-ground design. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Power protection for each Vdd/Vss domain: Each set of VDD and VSS must have its own power clamp cells to provide direct discharge path between VDD and VSS. The number of power clamp cells should be as many as allowed. Inter-domain power protection design: Cross-couple power clamps between each power/ground combination are necessary. This includes Vdd(x) to Vss(y) and Vdd(x) to Vdd(y). The x and y denote different power supply combination. Recommended power protection design: The recommended power ESD protection cell is gate-driven NMOS. Receommended power protection design: Implement largest total channel width allowed for better ESD immunity. TSMC design rule only represent a bare minimum requirement on size. Evenly distributed power protection design: Use at least one clamping and/or conduction cell for every 1.0Ω of power line resistance. Power bus design: Power lines should keep ultra low resistance and avoid disconnection. For different powers or grounds with the same potential, use bi-directional cell such as back to back diodes to link them together. Latchup avoidance: Each component of power clamp and back to back diode cells must be surrounded by double guard rings to avoid latch up events. Active clamp trigger circuit design: Avoid mis-trigger due to power noise or glitch by carefully designing the certain aspects in turn-on detector circuit, for example, the RC time constant and the junctions acting as minority collectors. If the detector circuit is RC-inverter trigger circuit design, the ratio between inverter NMOS and PMOS should be carefully considered to prevent any burn-out issue during reliability (such as burn-in) test period. Robust body diode/parasitic diode design: Guard rings directly connected to VDD or VSS power pad should be as wide as possible, to avoid silicon burn out on parasitic junction diode during ESD events. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 462 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.4.4 Tips for MOS gate directly connected to power/ground/IO PAD MOS gate directly connected to Power/Ground PAD Gate oxide with direct connection to Power/Ground is a potential ESD weak spot - especially for CDM. The restriction on direct gate connection to Power/Ground PAD depends on Gate oxide type: 1) No restriction for I/O voltage gate oxide. 2) Core voltage gate can NOT directly connect to power/ground with a few exceptions. ESD vulnerable gate connection design: 1) Core voltage device gate connects to Power directly and either device source or drain connects to Ground 2) Core voltage device gate connects to Ground directly and either device source or drain connects to Power VDD VDD VDD VDD Core NMOS Not allow Not allow DNW Core PMOS Not allow Not allow Core PMOS (a) VSS (b) VSS Core NMOS (c) VSS (d) VSS Figure Exceptions (core-voltage gate direct connection to power/ground is allowed): 1) Decoupling capacitor (including varactor type; see Figure 2) Header/Footer design (see Figure 3) GGNMOS/GDPMOS across power/ground design: (see Figure GGNMOS: Gate, bulk, and either drain or source connect to ground while the leftover drain or source is connected to power. GDPMOS: Gate, bulk, and either drain or source connect to power while the leftover drain or source is connected to ground. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 463 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy N-decap. : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 P-decap. VDD VDD Core NMOS Include varactor allow allow VSS (a) Core PMOS include varactor (b) VSS Figure Footer Design Header Design VDD VDD Core NMOS allow allow Core PMOS (a) VSS (b) VSS Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 464 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy GGNMOS Design GDPMOS Design VDD VDD allow : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Core NMOS allow (a) Core PMOS (b) VSS VSS Figure Solutions: 1) Core voltage gate is connected to Power/Ground through tie-high/tie-low cells. VDD VDD VDD VDD allow allow tie high allow tie low VSS tie high Core NMOS allow (a) Core PMOS Core NMOS (b) VSS Core PMOS tie low (d) VSS DNW (d) VSS Figure The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 465 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 10.5 ESD testing methodology 10.5.1 Stress condition and Measurement condition The ESD test items include HBM and MM which need to meet MIL-STD 883 and JEDEC standards. The rise time and decay time of HBM are within 10ns and 150ns, respectively. The rise time and period of MM are within 10ns and 80ns, respectively. The specification for HBM is 2KV and for MM is 100V. The peak currents of 2KV HBM is1.2A-1.48A and for MM 100V is 1.4A-1.9A. The ESD test is performed at room temperature. The sample size for ESD test is three devices and each device are stressed three times at each voltage level. The DC parametric and functional testing at room temperature is performed on all devices before ESD testing. The test devices need to meet device data sheet requirements and the DC parameters. The pin zapping combinations depend on the number of power pin groups like VDD1, VDD2, VSS1, VSS2, GND, etc. Please refer to MIL-STD 883 and JEDEC standards. 10.5.2 Failure criteria The DC parametric and functional testing of the device should be characterized after each voltage level to check the device ESD failure threshold. The device will be defined as a failure if, after exposure to ESD pulses, it no longer meets the device data sheet requirements using DC parameter and functional testing. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 466 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 11 CLN45LP/LPG Reliability Rules This chapter provides information about the following: 11.1 Terminology 11.2 Front-end process reliability rules and models 11.3 Back-end process reliability rules The information in this chapter is to help customers meet their product application needs and their design-in reliability goals. The following sections include descriptions about gate oxide integrity, hot carrier effect injection (HCI), PMOS negative bias temperature instability (NBTI), EM, and SM specifications. 11.1 Terminology This section provides definitions for key terms that are included in this chapter. Table 11.1.1 Term Definition MTTF The lifetime in which 50% of the population has failed 0.1% cumulative failure The lifetime in which 0.1% of the population has failed 11.2 Front-End Process Reliability Rules and Models This section provides information about overdrive voltage, gate oxide integrity, HCI degradation, and negative bias temperature instability. 11.2.1 I/O Over Drive Voltage For 2.5V I/O device, it can be overdrived to 3.3V with 10% tolerance. The assumptions are: 1. The device concerns Idsat shift only, not Vt shift. The failure criterion is Idsat shift 10%, and an AC lifetime of 10 years. 2. Device operated at 3.3V only, and 10% Idsat shift is based on 3.3V Idsat value. 3. And, to meet overdrive requirement, poly channel length must be extended to: (A) NMOS Lg_minimum extend to 0.5um for 3.3V + 10%. (B) PMOS Lg_minimum extend to 0.4um for 3.3V + 10% 11.2.2 Gate Oxide Integrity This section provides information to help customers predict gate oxide reliability and prevent a time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB). TDDB is the breakdown of gate oxide induced by a combination of voltage, junction temperature, and oxide thickness. Warning: Following the information in this section ensures a reliability performance of a 0.1% cumulative failure rate for reference conditions as a function of transistor type, oxide thickness and area, junction temperature, and applied gate voltage. Deviations from the information could result in a potentially unreliable integrated circuit. For specific memory or analog capacitor applications, please consult with TSMC to ensure the required product level reliability specification can be met. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 467 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Gate Oxide Lifetime Prediction Model For core thin gate oxide and I/O thick gate oxide: Time to failure (Vcc)-n exp (Ea/KT) (Aox)-1/ Where: Aox is the total gate oxide area on silicon (unit: m2) T is the absolute junction temperature (unit: K) Vcc is the gate voltage (unit: volt) n is the power law exponent for core thin gate oxide Ea is the thermal activation energy k is the Boltzmann’s constant ((8.617 10-5) cV/K) is the Weibull shape factor (distribution spread) Failure Mechanism When an electron current is passed through gate oxide, defects such as electron traps, interface states, positively charged donor-like traps, and so on, gradually build up in the gate oxide until a conduction path is formed, followed by thermal run away. According to the anode hole injection model, injected electrons generate holes at the anode that can tunnel back into the oxide. Intrinsic breakdown occurs when a critical hole density is reached. Test Methodology Measurement Conditions 1. Ig is the gate current with Vb=Vs=Vd=GND. T=125C. 2. Vg is set to 3.6~ 7.0 volts for N45LP/N45LPG (I/O) gate oxide. 3. Vg is set to 3.4 ~ 3.8 volts for N45LP/N45LPG (LP oxide), or 2.5 ~3.0 volts for N45LPG (G oxide) for thin (core) gate oxide. Stress Conditions At least 50 samples constitute a sample size for core. At least 30 samples constitute a sample size for I/O. 1. To determine the voltage acceleration factor (n), 3 stress voltages are used at each fixed stress temperature. 2. To determine the thermal activation energy (Ea), 3 stress temperatures are used at each fixed stress voltage. Failure Criteria The failure criterion for thin (core) gate oxide is an onset of the first soft breakdown when there is a gate current (Ig) progressively increasing in noise or variance, and progressive breakdown model will be applied to extend core oxide lifetime after soft breakdown for overdrive purpose if needed. The failure criterion for thick (I/O) gate oxide is a hard breakdown. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 468 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DC Lifetime and Vmax DC Lifetime and Vmax for 45nm LP/LPG as shown below: The following tables provide an example of maximum gate voltage (Vccmax) calculations for 45nm LP/LPG core gate oxide applications. The reference conditions are a gate oxide area of 0.1 cm² for core, 0.01cm² for IO, a cumulative failure rate of 0.1%, and a duty factor of 100%. Table 45nm LP 1.1V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 1.68 1.7 1.71 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.59 1.6 1.62 10 7 5 1.48 1.49 1.5 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.4 1.41 1.43 1.37 1.38 1.4 Table 45nm LP 1.8V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 2.7 2.72 2.74 2.65 2.67 2.69 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 2.6 2.62 2.64 2.56 2.58 2.6 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 3.02 3.04 3.07 2.9 2.93 2.95 2.8 2.82 2.85 2.71 2.74 2.76 Table 45nm LP 2.5V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 4.45 4.49 4.52 4.34 4.38 4.41 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 4.24 4.28 4.31 4.16 4.19 4.23 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 4.81 4.85 4.89 4.69 4.73 4.77 4.58 4.62 4.66 4.49 4.53 4.57 Table 45nm LPG 0.9V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.13 1.14 1.15 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.08 1.09 1.1 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 1.3 1.32 1.34 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.16 1.18 1.2 1.11 1.13 1.15 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 469 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 45nm LPG 1.1V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 1.67 1.69 1.7 1.64 1.65 1.67 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 1.61 1.62 1.64 1.59 1.6 1.61 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 1.47 1.49 1.5 1.43 1.44 1.46 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.37 1.38 1.39 Table 45nm LPG 1.8V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 2.71 2.73 2.75 2.66 2.68 2.7 11.2.3 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 2.61 2.63 2.65 2.57 2.59 2.61 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 3.02 3.05 3.07 2.91 2.93 2.95 2.81 2.83 2.85 2.72 2.74 2.76 Hot Carrier Injection Effect Hot carriers are holes or electrons that have been accelerated to a high energy by a local electric field. Hot carrier degradation can significantly impact circuit performance and functionality. It is important for circuit designers to carefully check the lifetime degradation of their designs caused by hot carrier injection (HCI). Cumulative degradation and process variation must be taken into account for burn-in, field operation, and overdrive applications. Lifetime Prediction Model for Device Degradation Owing to the importance of hot carrier injection on circuit operation, customers should employ detailed models to calculate device degradation during circuit operation and to simulate the impact on circuit operation. The following is a general model for the degradation of device characteristics: MTTF = A x f (L, W) (%)1/n exp [B (1/Vds)] exp [Ea/k (1/T)] Where: MTTF is the mean time to failure L is the drawn channel length (unit: μm) W is the drawn channel width (unit: μm) % Vds is the drain to source bias (unit: volt) n is the power law factor of time dependent degradation Ea is the activation energy k is the Boltzmann constant ((8.617 10-5) cV/K) T is the absolute junction temperature (unit: K) A and B are empirical fitting parameters dsat, 10% Gm) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 470 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Failure Mechanism A percentage of the energetic hot carriers will impact the lattice and create electron-hole pairs. The created electron-hole pairs will create even more pairs later on. If the hot carriers have a kinetic energy larger than the silicon-insulator barrier height, some of the carriers may surmount the barrier and be propelled toward the insulator that has a moderate or higher gate bias. These carriers can either be trapped in the oxide region or at the Si-SiO2 interface. The trapped charges from HCI stress have the following effect on the transistors: 1. Shift in the Vt (threshold voltage) of the device 2. Reduced mobility of the conducting carriers 3. Reduced device drain current 4. Increased effective series resistance, from a charge trapped above the S/D extension region 5. Degraded sub-threshold slope These transistor changes are dependent on the amount of HCI stress that is incurred. The HCI stress in the transistor is dependent on several factors: Lgate, Vds, Vgs, Vbs, and temperature. Test Methodology Measurement Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. Idsat is the forward saturation region drain current with Vd=Vg=Vcc, Vs=Vb=GND. Idlin is the forward linear region drain current with Vd=0.05V Vcc, Vg=Vcc, Vs=Vb=GND. Gm is the maximum transconductance with Vd=0.1V, Vs=Vb=GND. Vt is the threshold voltage extrapolated at maximum transconductance. Stress Conditions 1. 2. The core device is stressed at Vd=Vg < 90% device breakdown voltage; Vs=Vb=GND. The IO device is stressed at a given Vd < 90% device breakdown voltage; Vg is at the maximum substrate current for a given Vd; Vs=Vb=GND. Dimension Ranges of Stress Devices 1. 2. Channel Length: 0.04um for core N/PMOS devices, 0.15um for 1.8V I/O N/PMOS devices, 0.27um for 2.5V I/O N/PMOS devices, Channel Width: 10um for core N/PMOS devices, 10um for 1.8/2.5V I/O N/PMOS devices Failure Criteria and Spec The failure criteria for all devices are 10% degradation 1. Spec= AC 10 yrs 2. Spec= DC 0.05 yrs for core device 3. Spec= DC 0.2 yrs for IO device 4. AC/DC factor= 50 for core and IO. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 471 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DC Lifetime and Vmax: Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N45LP DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum Criteria: Idsat shift 10%: N45LP 1.1V Core (STD): NMOS=0.211 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of NMOS=1.25V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ PMOS=0.371yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.28V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.8V IO: NMOS=0.285yrs@1.98V. Vmax of NMOS= 2V for W/L=10/0.15, 25℃ PMOS=15.24yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS= 2.251V for W/L=10/0.15, 25℃ 2.5V IO: NMOS=1.13yrs@2.75V. Vmax of NMOS= 2.9V for W/L=10/0.27, 25℃ PMOS=15.1yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS= 3.3V for W/L=10/0.27, 25℃ 2.5V OD 3.3V IO: NMOS=0.2167yrs@3.63V. Vmax of NMOS=3.64V for W/L=10/0.5, 25℃ PMOS=0.39yrs@3.63V. Vmax of PMOS=3.77V for W/L=10/0.4, 25℃ DC Lifetime and Vmax: Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N45LPG_LP, Vcc = 0.9V+10% and 1.0V +- 5% for N45LPG_G DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum Criteria: Idsat shift 10%: N45LPG 0.9V Core (STD): NMOS=1.94 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS=1.085V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ PMOS=0.36 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.057V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core (STD): NMOS=0.22 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS=1.26V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ PMOS=0.26yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.266V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.8V IO: NMOS=0.24yrs@1.98V. Vmax of NMOS=1.99V for W/L=10/0.15, 25℃ PMOS=8.5yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS=2.215V for W/L=10/0.15, 25℃ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 472 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 11.2.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is a key reliability item below 65nm technology that is of newer aging issue in p-channel MOS devices stressed with negative gate voltages. The high temperature and bias on Gate terminal will cause significantly NBTI effect, which increase in the threshold voltage and decrease in drain current. It is significant for circuit designers to consider the lifetime degradation ratio of their designs caused by negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) and must be taken into account for burn-in, field operation, and overdrive applications from process variation. Lifetime Prediction Model for Negative Bias Temperature Instability The lifetime for the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) is correlated with voltage, temperature, parametric failure criteria, device length, and device width. MTTF = A f (L, W) (Idsat%)1/n exp [- xVg] exp [Ea/k (1/T)] Where: MTTF is the mean time to failure L is the drawn channel length (unit: μm) W is the drawn channel width (unit: μm) Idsat dsat degradation percentage n is the power law factor of time dependent degradation Vg is the operation gate bias (unit: volt) is the voltage acceleration factor Ea is the activation energy k is the Boltzmann constant ((8.617 10-5) cV/K) T is the absolute junction temperature (unit:K) A is a constant Lifetime Prediction Model for AC For an acceptable specification, the AC lifetime must be considered. Currently, TSMC’s proposed standard is an AC-to-DC factor of 2, based on the assumption that the off-state operation occupies half the product’s operation time. The accepted AC lifetime is 10 years, with a DC lifetime of 5 years at temperature 125C. Failure Mechanism The PMOS device has a lower mobility than the NMOS device. Mobility for a PMOS device is decreased further, and significantly, by negative bias stress on the transistor gate under a high temperature environment. A hole injected under negative bias into the oxide-substrate interface increases interface states. The electrochemical reaction induces device instability that is enhanced by boron implanted in the gate poly engineering process. Logic circuits could suffer from the driving current decrease, and analog circuits could suffer from the mismatching or shift of threshold voltage. Negative bias temperature stress under constant voltage (DC) causes the generation of interface trap (N IT) before the gate oxide and Si substrate, which translate to device Vt shift and Ion loss. The NBTI effect is more severe for PMOS than NMOS due to the process of holes in the PMOS inversion layer that are known to interact with oxide state. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 473 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Test Methodology Measurement Condition Idsat is the saturation region of drain current with Vd=Vg=Vcc, Vs=Vb=GND at a stress temperature. Stress Conditions 1. Sample size is at least 5 samples for each stress condition. 2. Voltage range is 6~ 10MV/cm for core devices and 6 ~ 10 MV/cm for I/O devices. 3. Temperature range is 125C ~ 175C. 4. Channel Length: 0.04 μm for core N/PMOS devices, 0.15 mm for 1.8V I/O N/PMOS devices,0.27 μm for 2.5V I/O N/PMOS devices, 5. Channel Width: 10 mm for core N/PMOS devices, 10 mm for 1.8/2.5V I/O N/PMOS devices Failure Criteria The failure criterion for NBTI is Idsat 10% degradation for N45LP/N45LPG SVT/LVT device , and 15% for N45LP HVT device. Spec=DC 5 years, AC/DC factor=2 DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +-5% for N45LP DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N45LP: 1.1V Core (SVT): PMOS=7.99yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.234V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core (HVT): PMOS=15.2yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.269V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core (LVT): PMOS=51.5yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.327V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.8V IO: PMOS=6.36 yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS= 2.0V for W/L=10/0.15, 125℃ 2.5V IO: PMOS=120yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS= 3.31V for W/L=10/0.27, 125℃ 2.5V OD 3.3V IO: PMOS=8.02yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS=3.7V for W/L=10/0.4, 125℃ DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N45LPG_LP, Vcc = 0.9V+10% and 1.0V +- 5% for N45LPG_G DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N45LPG: 0.9V Core (SVT): PMOS=9.04 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.016V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core (SVT): PMOS=7.08yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.228V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.8V IO: PMOS=6.26yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS=1.998V for W/L=10/0.15, 125℃ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 474 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 11.2.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N45 Poly Current Density The maximum current density for poly resistor (unsilicided) is 0.50 * Wp mA at a junction temperature of 110C. This density is calculated using 0.1% point of measurement data at a 5% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation. Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line. Use the following table to calculate Imax if the junction temperature differs from 110C. For a junction temperature below 105C, use the rule at 105C. Table Junction temperature Rating factor of Jmax 105C 1.03 110C 1.00 125C 0.927 For example, Imax (at 125C) = 0.927 Imax (at 110C). This rule is applicable to N+, and P+ unsilicided poly resistors. For silicided poly, the maximum DC current density is 6 * Wp mA at a junction temperature of 110C. This density is calculated using 0.1% point of measurement data at a 5% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation. Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line. 11.2.6 N45 Poly EM Joule heating Irms Current The following table (Table provides the maximum allowed current (Irms or DC) for poly. In this table, Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line and ∆ T (C) is the temperature rise due to Joule heating effect. Table, Wp: poly drawn width poly unsilicided silicided Irms (mA) Sqrt [0.003614 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 0.96) ] Sqrt [0.168 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 1.604) ] Table Example for the relationships of Irms (mA), poly width (μm), and joule heating effect (∆T) Poly width (μm) 0.04 0.5 1 3 Irms for unsilicided poly(mA), Sqrt [0.003614 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 0.96) ] ΔT=10 ℃ ΔT=20 ℃ ΔT=30 ℃ ΔT=40 ℃ ΔT=50 ℃ 0.038 0.054 0.066 0.076 0.085 0.162 0.230 0.281 0.325 0.363 0.266 0.376 0.461 0.532 0.595 0.655 0.927 1.135 1.310 1.465 ΔT=60 ℃ 0.093 0.398 0.652 1.605 Poly width (μm) 0.04 0.5 1 3 Irms for silicided poly (mA), Sqrt [0.168 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 1.604) ] ΔT=10 ℃ ΔT=20 ℃ ΔT=30 ℃ ΔT=40 ℃ ΔT=50 ℃ 0.332 0.470 0.576 0.665 0.743 1.329 1.880 2.303 2.659 2.973 2.092 2.958 3.623 4.183 4.677 4.817 6.812 8.343 9.634 10.771 ΔT=60 ℃ 0.814 3.256 5.123 11.799 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 475 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Ipeak The following table provides the Ipeak allowed for poly, In the table, Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line. Table poly unsilicided silicided Ipeak (mA) 1.5* Wp 26* Wp Ipeak is the current at which a poly line undergoes excessive Joule heating and can begin to melt. This current should be used infrequently. 11.2.7 N45 OD Current Density For diffusion (OD) unsilicided resistors and/or silicided interconnect, no Imax rule is given. Since diffusion (OD) is crystalline silicon with implantation, no electromigration or Joule heating problems occur. If the design follows contact, metal, and via current density rules, there will be no reliability concern for diffusion (OD). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 476 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 11.3 Back-End Process Reliability Rules 11.3.1 Stress Migration (SM) The Cu vias are frequently subjected to significant stress. The stress frequently causes voids, commonly referred to stress migration (SM) or stress-induced voids (SIV). Failure Mechanism The stress result from the different coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between Cu and the surrounding material will drive micro-vacancy in Cu to diffuse and agglomerate through interfacial surface and grain boundary. Eventually the stress-induced voids may significantly affect the electrical characteristics and may cause the semiconductor structure to fail. Test Methodology Measurement Condition The measurement is performed under 25 C using wafer-level probing after oven bake. The baking temperature ranges between 125C and 250C. Failure Criteria A DUT is considered as failed if 10% resistance increase is reached. SM design rule Please refer to below rule codes of chapter4. VIAx.R.2, VIAx.R.3, VIAx.R.4, VIAx.R.5, VIAx.R.6, VIAx.R.8, VIAx.R.11, VIAy.R.2, VIAy.R.3, VIAy.R.4, VIAy.R.5, VIAy.R.6, VIAy.R.11, VIAz.R.2, VIAz.R.3, VIAr.R.2, VIAr.R.3 11.3.2 Low-k Dielectric Integrity This section provides information to help customers predict LK dielectric reliability and prevent a time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB). IMD TDDB is the breakdown of LK dielectric induced by a combination of operation voltage, temperature, and oxide thickness. Low-k Dielectric Lifetime Prediction Model TTF = A x exp(-r*E0.5) x exp(Ea/kT) TTF : Time to Failure A: a constant r: field acceleration factor E: electric field Ea: activation energy k: Boltzman’s constant T: temperature Failure Mechanism While the current passed through LK dielectric and formed a conduction path, it would result in LK dielectric breakdown. The possible failure mechanisms after IMD-TDDB test could be as followings. 1. Dielectric interface breakdown (ie: LK dielectric porosity, ESL integration, Cu ions residue…etc.) 2. Dielectric bulk breakdown (ie: trench barrier formation, LK dielectric porosity…etc.) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 477 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Test Methodology Measurement Conditions 1. Ig is the leakage current between metal lines at T=125C under Ed (constant stress field). 2. Ed is set to 2 ~ 4 MV/cm. Failure Criteria A DUT is considered as failed if Ig (Tbd) > 100 * Ig (T0). Lifetime 0.1% Cum.Fail > 10 years @1.1Vcc, 125C Low-k dielectric integrity design rule Please refer to below rule codes of chapter4. M1.S.1, M1.S.8, M1.S.8.1, Mx.S.1, Mx.S.8, Mx.S.8.1 11.3.3 Cu Metal Current Density (EM) Specifications This section provides information to evaluate the quality of N45 Cu process and to determine the EM lifetime of metal line, via, stack via, contact under normal operation condition. Electromigration Lifetime Prediction Model TTF = A x J^(-n) x exp(Ea/kT) TTF : Time to Failure A: a constant which contains a factor involving the cross-sectional area of the film n: exponent of current density ( n =1 ) J: current density flowing in metal Ea: activation energy ( Ea =0.9eV) k: Boltzman’s constant T: temperature Failure Mechanism When a stress current is applied, Cu ions move from cathode to anode under electromigration, vacancy will generate at cathode and it will cause resistance increasing. Failure Criteria A DUT is considered as failed if dR (Tbd) > 10%* R0. Rating factor for Maximum DC Current Imax is the maximum DC current allowed for metal lines, vias, or contacts. Imax is based on 0.1% point of measurement data at a 10% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation at 110C. Use the following table to calculate Imax if the junction temperature differs from 110C. Table Temperature Rating factor of Imax 105C 1.434 110C 1.000 115C 0.704 120C 0.500 125C 0.358 For example, Imax (at 125C) = 0.358 Imax (at 110C). The rating factor is 2.077 for the case of temperature below 100℃ for joule heating effect consideration. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 478 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Maximum DC Current for Metal Lines, Contacts and Vias (Tj = 110C) General The table provides the maximum allowed DC current, Imax for each of the metals, contacts, and vias at junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in m) represents the width of the metal line. Table Metal Wiring Level / Interlevel connection Imax (mA) 1.104 (w-0.010) 1.196 (w-0.010) 2.686 (w-0.02) 2.686 (w-0.02) 8.096 (w-0.02) 11.316 (w-0.02) 31.08 (w-0.02) M1 Mx My(2nd inter-layer metal) My(2XTM) Mz Mr Mu Contact (size: 0.06x0.06 μm2) 0.208 per contact VIAx (size : 0.07 0.07 VIAy (2nd inter-layer metal) (size : 0.14 0.14μm2) VIAy (2XTM) (size : 0.14 0.14 μm2) VIAz (size : 0.36 0.36 μm2) VIAr (size : 0.46 0.46 μm2) VIAu (size : 0.36 0.36 μm2) 0.072 per via 0.322 per via 0.322 per via 3.077 per via 5.432 per via 3.077 per via μm2) The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 479 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Imax dependence on metal length (length ≤ 10m) For a metal line with a length ≤ 10 m, the Imax current limit can be further increased by a factor of 1.5 for 10 ≥ L > 5 and a factor of 4 for L ≤ 5. The detailed Imax specs for various metal lines and vias are described in Table In this table, w represents the width of the metal line in m, while L represents the length of the metal line in m. The junction temperature for these specs is 110°C. Table Metal Wiring Level / Interlevel connection Metal Length, L (m) Imax (mA) 1.104 (w-0.010) L > 10 M1 Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) My (2XTM) Mz Mr Mu VIA (size : 0.07 0.07 μm2) VIAy (2nd inter-layer metal) (size : 0.14 0.14 μm2) VIAy (2XTM) (size : 0.14 0.14 μm2) VIAz (size : 0.36 0.36 μm2) VIAr (size : 0.46 0.46 μm2) VIAu (size : 0.36 0.36 μm2) 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 1.5 1.104 (w-0.010) 4 1.104 (w-0.010) 1.196 (w-0.010) 1.5 1.196 (w-0.010) 4 1.196 (w-0.010) 2.686 (w-0.02) 1.5 2.686 (w-0.02) 4 2.686 (w-0.02) 2.686 (w-0.02) 1.5 2.686 (w-0.02) 4 2.686 (w-0.02) 8.096 (w-0.02) 1.5 8.096 (w-0.02) 4 8.096 (w-0.02) 11.316 (w-0.02) 1.5 11.316 (w-0.02) 4 11.316 (w-0.02) 31.08 (w-0.02) 31.08 (w-0.02) 31.08 (w-0.02) 0.072 per via 1.5 0.072 per via 4 0.072 per via 0.322 per via 1.5 0.322 per via 4 0.322 per via 0.322 per via 1.5 0.322 per via 4 0.322 per via 3.077 per via 1.5 3.077 per via 4 3.077 per via 5.432 per via 1.5 5.432 per via 4 5.432 per via 3.077 per via 3.077 per via 3.077 per via The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 480 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Note: The current enhancement factors (the coefficients in the column of “Imax (mA)”) described in Table (length dependence) and Table (width dependence) should not be multiplied together because multiplying them together would be too aggressive. Only one enhancement factor from either Table or Table can be applied to the enhanced Imax spec, but not both. (1) Metal Length Definition (L): The total length of metal wiring level is from one line-end site to another site line-end site of metal. L L L M x+ 1 M x+ 1 Vx Vx M x+ 1 Vx M x L (2) For the Via length rule, use whichever L is larger between upper_metal and lower_metal. If L1 is larger than L2, Imax of via for short length is based on L1. If L2 is larger than L1, Imax of via for short length is based on L2. L2 M x+ 1 Vx Mx L1 For example : Via1 connect to 10um-length M1 and 5um-length M2. Imax of M1 = 1.5 x1.104 x (w-0.010) Imax of M2 = 4x 1.196 x (w-0.010) Imax of Via1= 1.5 x0.072 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 481 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Imax dependence on metal width (width ≥ 0.5 µm) For a metal line with a width ≥ 0.5 m, the Imax current limit is improved by a factor of 2 compared with a corresponding narrow metal line (w < 0.5). The detailed Imax specs for various metal lines and vias are described in Table In this table, w represents the width of the metal line in m. The junction temperature for these specs is 110°C. Table Metal Wiring Level / Interlevel connection M1 Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) Metal width, w (m) Imax (mA) w < 0.5 1.104 (w-0.010) w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 2 x 1.104 (w-0.010) 1.196 (w-0.010) 2 x 1.196 (w-0.010) 2.686 (w-0.02) w < 0.5 w < 0.5 2 x 2.686 (w-0.02) 2.686 (w-0.02) 2 x 2.686 (w-0.02) 8.096 (w-0.02) Mr Mu w ≥ 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w ≥ 2.0 2 x 8.096 (w-0.02) 2 x 11.316 (w-0.02) 1 x 31.08 (w-0.02) Contact (size: 0.06 x 0.06 μm2) Any metal width VIAx (size : 0.07 0.07 μm2) w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 My (2XTM) Mz VIAy (2nd inter-layer metal) (size : 0.14 x 0.14 μm2) VIAy (2XTM) (size : 0.14 x 0.14 μm2) VIAz (size : 0.36 0.36 μm2) VIAr (size : 0.46 0.46 μm2) VIAu (size : 0.36 0.36 μm2) w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 0.208 per contact 0.072 per via 2 x 0.072 per via (Array) 0.322 per via 2 x 0.322 per via (Array) 0.322 per via 2 x 0.322 per via (Array) 3.077 per via 2 x 3.077 per via (Array) 5.432 per via 2 x 5.432 per via (Array) 3.077 per via 1 x 3.077 per via (Array) Note: The current enhancement factors (the coefficients in the column of “Imax (mA)”) described in Table (length dependence) and Table (width dependence) should not be multiplied together because multiplying them together would be too aggressive. Only one enhancement factor from either Table or Table can be applied to the enhanced Imax spec, but not both. The maximum allowed current for per via can be raised together with this wide metal EM rule (w ≧ 0.5) but via-array is needed. Recommended Rule: The number of contacts and vias placed across a line (perpendicular to direction of current flow) must be maximized to increase reliability by providing redundancy in the case of blocked or resistive vias. (increases as much as the line width permits). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 482 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET Narrow Line tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Narrow Line Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Required vias Wide Line Recommended Wide Line Stacked Vias Stacked via can decompose to single via, and follow single via rule. DC Operation, Required Number of Vias (1) If space permits, it is preferable to have more contacts or vias than the EM rules require. (2) At a minimum rule, the EM current rules require one via. (a) Example 1, if M1 is 0.07 μm and the current density is 1.104 mA/μm; that is, the current is 1.104*(0.07-0.010) = 0.066 mA, only one VIA1 is necessary to ensure the reliability margin. (b) Example 2, if M2 is 0.07 μm and the current density is 1.196 mA/μm; that is, the current is 1.196*(0.07-0.010) = 0.072 mA, only one VIA1 and one VIA2 are necessary to ensure the reliability margin. (3) To determine the required number of vias, please proceed as follow: (a) From the DC current given in section, determine the necessary line width (W-line); (b) Calculate the Maximum allowed Idc_line for the given line width (W-line). (c) Calculate the required number of contacts or vias to carry line current Idc_line : Number of vias = Idc_line/ Idc_via. (4) Recommended Rule: The number of contacts and vias placed across a line (perpendicular to direction of current flow) must be maximized to increase reliability by providing redundancy in the case of blocked or resistive vias. ( increases as much as the line width permits). N a r r o w L in e N a r r o w L in e N a r r o w L in e N a r r o w L in e R e q u ir e d v ia s W id e L in e R e co m m e n d e d W id e L in e The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 483 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 11.3.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 AP RDL Current Density (EM) Specifications Maximum DC Current Jmax is maximum DC current allowed per um of AP RDL metal line width or per RV via. The number is based on 0.1% point of measurement data at 10% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation at 110C. Use the following table to calculate Imax if the junction temperature differs from 110C. Table Temperature 85C Rating factor of Imax 1.800 90C 1.623 95C 1.466 100C 1.329 105C 1.151 110C 1.000 115C 0.872 120C 0.764 125C 0.671 For example, Jmax (at 125C) = 0.671 Jmax (at 110C). If the junction temperature is below 85C, please use the rating factor (1.800) at 85C or contact with TSMC reliability. Maximum DC Current for AP RDL Metal Lines (Tj = 110C) The table provides the maximum allowed DC current, Imax for each of the metal wiring levels at junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in μm) represents the width of the metal line. Table Metal Wiring Level Imax (mA) AP RDL (14.5KÅ ) 2.7 w AP RDL (28KÅ ) 5.21 w Maximum DC Current for AP RDL (RV) Vias (Tj = 110C) The table provides the maximum allowed DC current, Imax for each of the contact and via at junction temperature of 110C. In the table, the sizes of contact and via are also noted. Table Interlevel Connection Imax (mA) Size RV 12.15 per RV 3 3 μm2 RV 5.4 per RV 2 2 μm2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 484 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 11.3.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cu Metal AC Operation Pulsed Signal Terminology The general terminology for a pulsed DC or AC signal is: Period () Duration (tD) For your convenience, you could measure the pulse width of Ipeak at half the peak to define the duration (tD). The definition of Ipeak is: I peak max I (t ) I (t) I (t) Ipeak Ipeak 1/2 Ipeak tD Time, t duration Time, t tD duration , period , period Average Value of the Current Iavg is the average value of the current, which is the effective DC current. Therefore, Iavg rules are identical to Imax rules. Please refer to the DC EM sections. The temperature de-rating table is also applicable to the Iavg rule for a junction temperature different from 110C. The definition of Iavg is: I avg I ( t ) dt / 0 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 485 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current Irms is the root-mean-square of the current through a metal line. The definition of Irms is: I rms 2 I ( t ) dt / 0 1/2 The following tables provide the Irms allowed for each of the metal wiring levels at a junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in μm) represents the width of the metal line and ∆T (C) is the temperature rise due to Joule heating. Note to use IrmsΔT limitation: The EM lifetime is a function of temperature and current density. The higher temperature will cause EM lifetime degradation. Table is the degradation factor for EM lifetime. The recommend temperature increase, ΔT is below < 5 °C. Because a 5 °C temperature increase is sufficient to degrade the EM lifetime by about 30%. Table ΔT Temp TTF 110C 1 5C 115C 0.704 10C 120C 0.500 15C 125C 0.358 20C 130C 0.258 30C 140C 0.138 For M1MxMz combination, please refer to sections and For M1MxMyMz, M1MxMr, and M1MxMy combinations, please refer to sections,,, and Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMz process, no My) Table Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 0.85 4.73 3.98 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] ] x ∆ T x(w - 0.01)2 x( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.936 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x(w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.303 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 486 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 90.20 24.30 13.65 9.50 7.25 5.90 4.95 4.25 23.65 19.90 Irms (mA) x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.936 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.303 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (other metallization options, M1MxMz process, no My) Table and Table apply to 1P8M process. For other metallization options, please use Irms of M9 and M10 as the first and second Mz, respectively. For example, 1P8M with M2 ~ M7 as Mx, and M8 as Mz, the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 4.73 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.936 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) Another example, 1P8M with M2 ~ M6 as Mx, M7 and M8 as Mz, the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 4.73 3.98 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.936 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.303 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 487 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMyMz process) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz2 Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 0.85 2.01 1.55 3.74 3.25 Irms (mA) x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.028 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.448 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.815 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ΔT = 5C Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz2 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 90.20 24.30 13.65 9.50 7.25 5.90 4.95 4.25 10.05 7.75 18.7 16.25 x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.028 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.448 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.815 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 5x2y2z, then use Mx1 ~ Mx5, My1 ~ My2, and Mz1 ~ Mz2. If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 6x1y2z, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My1, and Mz1 ~ Mz2 If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 5x2y1z, then use Mx1 ~ Mx5, My1 ~ My2, and Mz1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 488 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (other metallization options, M1MxMyMz process) Table and Table apply to 1P10M process. For other metallization options, please use Irms of M9 and M10 as the first and second Mz, respectively. Please refer to the section 2.5 of Metallization Options for allowed metal schemes. For example, 1P10M with M1 + 5x2y2z (M2 ~ M6 as Mx, M7 ~ M8 as My, and M9 ~ M10 as Mz), the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 (Mx1) M3 (Mx2) M4 (Mx3) M5 (Mx4) M6 (Mx5) M7 (My1) M8 (My2) M9 (Mz1) M10 (Mz2) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 2.01 1.55 3.74 3.25 Irms (mA) x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.028 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.448 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.815 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] Another example, 1P10M with M1 + 6x1y2z (M2 ~ M7 as Mx, M8 as My, and M9 ~ M10 as Mz), the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 (Mx1) M3 (Mx2) M4 (Mx3) M5 (Mx4) M6 (Mx5) M7 (Mx6) M8 (My1) M9 (Mz1) M10 (Mz2) Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 2.01 3.74 3.25 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.448 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.815 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) One more example, 1P9M with M1 + 5x2y1z (M2 ~ M6 as Mx, M7 ~ M8 as My, and M9 as Mz), the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 (Mx1) M3 (Mx2) M4 (Mx3) M5 (Mx4) M6 (Mx5) M7 (My1) M8 (My2) M9 (Mz1) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 2.01 1.55 3.74 Irms (mA) x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.028 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.448 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 489 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMr process) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 Mr1 Mr2 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 0.85 6.51 5.25 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.953 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.422 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 Mr1 Mr2 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 90.20 24.30 13.65 9.50 7.25 5.90 4.95 4.25 32.55 26.25 x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.953 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 2.422 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x2r, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and Mr1 ~ Mr2. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x2r, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, and Mr1 ~ Mr2 If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 7x1r, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and Mr1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 490 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMy process, My/Vy are used as 2X top Metal/Via) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1_TM My2_TM Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 0.85 1.70 1.58 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.853 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.992 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1_TM My2_TM Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 90.20 24.30 13.65 9.50 7.25 5.90 4.95 4.25 8.50 7.8 x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.853 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.02)2 x ( w - 0.02 + 1.992 ) / ( w - 0.02 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x2y, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and My1_TM ~ My2_TM. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x2y, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, and My1_TM ~ My2_TM If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 7x1y, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and My1_TM. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 491 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMyMzMu process, Mu/Vu are used as top Metal/Via) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 Mz1 Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 0.85 2.01 4.23 14.22 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 2.043 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 2.432 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x1z1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, Mz1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 5x1y1z1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx5, My1, Mz1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P6M with M1 + 4x1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx4, and Mu1. Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 Mz1 Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 90.20 24.30 13.65 9.50 7.25 5.90 4.95 4.25 10.05 21.15 71.10 x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 1.566 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 2.043 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 2.432 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, My1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My1, and Mu1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 492 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMyMu process, My/Vy are 2XTM, Mu/Vu are used as top Metal/Via) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My_TM Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.04 4.86 2.73 1.9 1.45 1.18 0.99 0.85 1.70 16.40 x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 1.853 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] x ∆ T x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 2.110 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, My_TM, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My_TM, and Mu1. Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My_TM Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 90.20 24.30 13.65 9.50 7.25 5.90 4.95 4.25 8.50 82.00 x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.264 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.293 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.522 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.751 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 0.980 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.209 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.437 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.01)2 x ( w - 0.01 + 1.666 ) / ( w - 0.01 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 1.868 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] x (w - 0.020 )2 x ( w - 0.020 + 2.110 ) / ( w - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, My_TM, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My1_TM, and Mu1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 493 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Peak Current Ipeak = max ( | I(t) | ) Ipeak is the current at which a metal line undergoes excessive Joule heating and can begin to melt. This current should be used infrequently. The limit for the peak current, Ipeak, can be calculated by using the following formula: I peak I peak _ DC r Note: the above equation is only applicable for frequency larger than 1 MHz and r larger than 0.05. r is the duty ratio, which is equal to the pulse duration divided by the period, r tD where Ipeak_DC is provided in the following table. In the table, w (in μm) represents the width of the metal line. Table Metal Level M1 Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) My (2XTM) Mz Mr Mu Ipeak_DC (mA) 26.0 (w-0.01) 14.0 (w-0.01) 21.0 (w-0.02) 21.0 (w-0.02) 63.0 (w-0.02) 87.5 (w-0.02) 202.8 (w-0.02) The Ipeak rule applies to the periodic AC or pulsed DC signals. For a single event high current pulse or signals which cannot be specified by duty ratio, please follow the ESD guidelines. The Ipeak rules provided in this section are applicable to signals with a pulse width (tD) of less than 1sec. No temperature adjustment factor for the Irms and Ipeak is given. The Irms and Ipeak of contacts and vias do not include because the heating in contacts and vias is negligible and is usually determined by metal or substrate. If the metal width is increased to some extent and only one via is used in that metal, then the heating in the via cannot be considered negligible. However, if the design follows the SM rules, via heating can be negligible. Please follow the VIAx.R.2~VIAx.R.6, VIAy.R2~VIAy.R6, VIAz.R.2~VIAz.R.3 and VIAr.R.2~VIAr.R.3 rules to make sure that the via heating is not a problem. 11.3.6 AP RDL AC Operation The general terminology for AP RDL is the same as Cu interconnects. The following tables provides the maximum Irms allowed for AP RDL at a junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in μm) represents the width of the RDL line and ∆ T (C) is the temperature rise due to Joule heating. Table 11.3.6 Metal level AP RDL (14.5KÅ ) AP RDL (28KÅ ) Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 2.54 ∆ T w ( w + 2.924 ) ] 4.90 ∆ T w ( w + 2.924 ) ] The Ipeak rule for AP RDL (14.5KÅ ) is 58 mA/um. The Ipeak rule for AP RDL (28KÅ ) is 112 mA/um. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 494 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 12 CLN40LP/LPG/45GS(=40G) Reliability Rules This chapter provides information about the following: 12.1 Terminology 12.2 Front-end process reliability rules and models 12.3 Back-end process reliability rules The information in this chapter is to help customers meet their product application needs and their design-in reliability goals. The following sections include descriptions about gate oxide integrity, hot carrier effect injection (HCI), PMOS negative bias temperature instability (NBTI), EM, and SM specifications. 12.1 Terminology This section provides definitions for key terms that are included in this chapter. Table 12.1.1 Term Definition MTTF The lifetime in which 50% of the population has failed 0.1% cumulative failure The lifetime in which 0.1% of the population has failed 12.2 Front-End Process Reliability Rules and Models This section provides information about overdrive voltage, gate oxide integrity, HCI degradation, and negative bias temperature instability. 12.2.1 I/O Over Drive Voltage For 2.5V I/O device, it can be operated at 3.3V with 10% tolerance. The assumptions are: 1. The device concerns Idsat shift only, not Vt shift. The failure criterion is Idsat shift 10%, and an AC lifetime of 10 years. 2. Device operated at 3.3V only, and 10% Idsat shift is based on 3.3V Idsat value. 3. And, to meet overdrive requirement, poly channel length must be extended to: (A) NMOS Lg_minimum extend to 0.55um (drawn width) for 3.3V + 10%. (B) PMOS Lg_minimum extend to 0.44um (drawn width) for 3.3V + 10% 12.2.2 Gate Oxide Integrity This section provides information to help customers predict gate oxide reliability and prevent a time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB). TDDB is the breakdown of gate oxide induced by a combination of voltage, junction temperature, and oxide thickness. Warning: Following the information in this section ensures a reliability performance of a 0.1% cumulative failure rate for reference conditions as a function of transistor type, oxide thickness and area, junction temperature, and applied gate voltage. Deviations from the information could result in a potentially unreliable integrated circuit. For specific memory or analog capacitor applications, please consult with TSMC to ensure the required product level reliability specification can be met. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 495 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Gate Oxide Lifetime Prediction Model For core thin gate oxide and I/O thick gate oxide: Time to failure (Vcc)-n exp (Ea/KT) (Aox)-1/ Time to failure exp(rVcc) exp (Ea/KT) (Aox)-1/ for 3.3V IO only Where: Aox is the total gate oxide area on silicon (unit: m2) T is the absolute junction temperature (unit: K) Vcc is the gate voltage (unit: volt) n is the power law exponent for core thin gate oxide r is the voltage acceleration factor for 3.3V thick gate oxide Ea is the thermal activation energy k is the Boltzmann’s constant ((8.617 10-5) cV/K) is the Weibull shape factor (distribution spread) Failure Mechanism When an electron current is passed through gate oxide, defects such as electron traps, interface states, positively charged donor-like traps, and so on, gradually build up in the gate oxide until a conduction path is formed, followed by thermal run away. According to the anode hole injection model, injected electrons generate holes at the anode that can tunnel back into the oxide. Intrinsic breakdown occurs when a critical hole density is reached. Test Methodology Measurement Conditions 1. 2. 3. Ig is the gate current with Vb=Vs=Vd=GND. T=125C. Vg is set to 3.6~ 8.6 volts for N40LP/N40LPG/40G (I/O) gate oxide. Vg is set to 3.4 ~ 3.8 volts for N40LP/N40LPG (LP oxide), or 2.5 ~3.0 volts for N40G/N40LPG (G oxide) for thin (core) gate oxide. Stress Conditions At least 50 samples constitute a sample size for core. At least 30 samples constitute a sample size for I/O. 1. To determine the voltage acceleration factor (n), 3 stress voltages are used at each fixed stress temperature. 2. To determine the thermal activation energy (Ea), 3 stress temperatures are used at each fixed stress voltage. Failure Criteria The failure criterion for thin (core) gate oxide is an onset of the first soft breakdown when there is a gate current (Ig) progressively increasing in noise or variance, and progressive breakdown model will be applied to extend core oxide lifetime after soft breakdown for overdrive purpose if needed. The failure criterion for thick (I/O) gate oxide is a hard breakdown. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 496 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DC Lifetime and Vmax DC Lifetime and Vmax for 40nm LP/LPG/G as shown below: The following table provides an example of maximum gate voltage (Vccmax) calculations for 40nm LP/LPG/G gate oxide applications. The reference conditions are a gate oxide area of 0.1 cm² for core, 0.01cm² for IO, a cumulative failure rate of 0.1%, and a duty factor of 100%. Table 12.2.1 40nm LP 1.1V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 1.69 1.71 1.72 1.66 1.67 1.69 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.6 1.62 1.63 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 1.47 1.49 1.5 1.43 1.45 1.46 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.37 1.38 1.39 Table 12.2.2 40nm LP 1.8V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 2.71 2.73 2.75 2.66 2.68 2.7 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 2.61 2.63 2.65 2.57 2.59 2.61 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 3.05 3.08 3.11 2.93 2.96 2.98 2.83 2.85 2.87 2.73 2.76 2.78 Table 12.2.3 40nm LP 2.5V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 4.4 4.44 4.48 4.29 4.33 4.37 4.19 4.23 4.27 4.11 4.14 4.18 Lifetime (Years) T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 4.85 4.89 4.94 4.72 4.76 4.81 4.61 4.65 4.69 4.51 4.55 4.59 Table 12.2.4 40nm LPG 0.9V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 1.18 1.19 1.2 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.13 1.14 1.14 1.1 1.11 1.12 10 7 5 1.34 1.36 1.39 1.26 1.29 1.31 1.2 1.22 1.24 1.15 1.17 1.19 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 497 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Table 12.2.5 40nm LPG 1.1V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 1.69 1.7 1.71 1.65 1.67 1.68 1.62 1.64 1.65 1.6 1.61 1.62 Lifetime (Years) T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 1.48 1.5 1.51 1.44 1.46 1.47 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.38 1.39 1.4 Table 12.2.6 40nm LPG 3.3V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 4.93 5.01 5.08 4.81 4.89 4.96 4.7 4.78 4.85 4.6 4.68 4.75 10 7 5 5.61 5.69 5.77 5.48 5.56 5.64 5.36 5.44 5.52 5.26 5.34 5.42 Table 12.2.7 40nm G 0.9V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.1cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 1.19 1.2 1.21 1.17 1.18 1.19 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.12 1.13 1.14 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 1.35 1.37 1.4 1.27 1.3 1.32 1.21 1.23 1.25 1.15 1.17 1.2 Table 12.2.8 40nm G 1.8V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C 10 7 5 2.65 2.67 2.69 2.6 2.62 2.64 T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) 2.55 2.57 2.59 2.51 2.53 2.55 10 7 5 T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 2.97 3 3.02 2.85 2.88 2.9 2.75 2.78 2.8 2.66 2.69 2.71 Table 12.2.9 40nm G 2.5V Maximum Gate Voltage for Reference Condition with 0% Tolerance; Area (Aox=0.01cm²); Failure Rate (Fref=0.1%) Duty Factor of 100% LifeTime (Years) T= 65C NMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C Lifetime (Years) T= 65C PMOS T= 85C T= 105C T= 125C 10 7 5 4.43 4.47 4.5 4.31 4.35 4.39 4.22 4.25 4.29 4.13 4.17 4.2 10 7 5 4.71 4.76 4.8 4.6 4.64 4.68 4.49 4.54 4.57 4.4 4.44 4.48 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 498 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.2.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Hot Carrier Injection Effect Hot carriers are holes or electrons that have been accelerated to a high energy by a local electric field. Hot carrier degradation can significantly impact circuit performance and functionality. It is important for circuit designers to carefully check the lifetime degradation of their designs caused by hot carrier injection (HCI). Cumulative degradation and process variation must be taken into account for burn-in, field operation, and overdrive applications. Lifetime Prediction Model for Device Degradation Owing to the importance of hot carrier injection on circuit operation, customers should employ detailed models to calculate device degradation during circuit operation and to simulate the impact on circuit operation. The following is a general model for the degradation of device characteristics: MTTF = A x f (L, W) (%)1/n exp [B (1/Vds)] exp [Ea/k (1/T)] Where: MTTF is the mean time to failure L is the drawn channel length (unit: μm) W is the drawn channel width (unit: μm) egradation of an electrical parameter (for example, 10% Idsat, 10% Gm) % Vds is the drain to source bias (unit: volt) n is the power law factor of time dependent degradation Ea is the activation energy k is the Boltzmann constant ((8.617 10-5) cV/K) T is the absolute junction temperature (unit: K) A and B are empirical fitting parameters Failure Mechanism A percentage of the energetic hot carriers will impact the lattice and create electron-hole pairs. The created electron-hole pairs will create even more pairs later on. If the hot carriers have a kinetic energy larger than the silicon-insulator barrier height, some of the carriers may surmount the barrier and be propelled toward the insulator that has a moderate or higher gate bias. These carriers can either be trapped in the oxide region or at the Si-SiO2 interface. The trapped charges from HCI stress have the following effect on the transistors: 1. Shift in the Vt (threshold voltage) of the device 2. Reduced mobility of the conducting carriers 3. Reduced device drain current 4. Increased effective series resistance, from a charge trapped above the S/D extension region 5. Degraded sub-threshold slope These transistor changes are dependent on the amount of HCI stress that is incurred. The HCI stress in the transistor is dependent on several factors: Lgate, Vds, Vgs, Vbs, and temperature. Negative bias temperature stress under constant voltage (DC) causes the generation of interface trap (N IT) before the gate oxide and Si substrate, which translate to device Vt shift and Ion loss. The NBTI effect is more severe for PMOS than NMOS due to the process of holes in the PMOS inversion layer that are known to interact with oxide state. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 499 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Test Methodology Measurement Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. Idsat is the forward saturation region drain current with Vd=Vg=Vcc, Vs=Vb=GND. Idlin is the forward linear region drain current with Vd=0.05V, Vg=Vcc, Vs=Vb=GND. Gm is the maximum transconductance with Vd=0.1V, Vs=Vb=GND. Vt is the threshold voltage extrapolated at maximum transconductance. Stress Conditions The core device is stressed at Vd=Vg < 90% device breakdown voltage; Vs=Vb=GND. The IO device is stressed at a given Vd < 90% device breakdown voltage; Vg is at the maximum substrate current for a given Vd; Vs=Vb=GND. Failure Criteria and Spec The failure criteria for all devices are 10% degradation Spec= AC 10 yrs DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N40LP DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N40LP 1V Core(STD): NMOS=0.212 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of NMOS=1.258V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ PMOS=0.21 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.263V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core(LVT): NMOS=0.182 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of NMOS=1.25V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ PMOS=0.33 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.28V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core(HVT): NMOS=0.184 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of NMOS=1.25V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ PMOS=0.16 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.25V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.8V IO: NMOS=0.6yrs@1.98V. Vmax of NMOS= 2.04V for W/L=10/0.15, 25℃ PMOS=23yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS= 2.28V for W/L=10/0.15, 25℃ 2.5V IO: NMOS=3.0527yrs@2.75V. Vmax of NMOS= 3V for W/L=10/0.27, 25℃ PMOS=37.1yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS= 3.87V for W/L=10/0.27, 25℃ 2.5V OD 3.3V IO: NMOS=0.29yrs@3.63V. Vmax of NMOS=3.68V for W/L=10/0.55, 25℃ PMOS=1yrs@3.63V. Vmax of PMOS=3.98V for W/L=10/0.44, 25℃ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 500 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N40LPG_LP, Vcc = 0.9V+10% and 1.0V +- 5% for N40LPG_G DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N40 LPG 0.9 V Core(STD): NMOS=3.03 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS=1.11V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ PMOS=0.431 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.07V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 0.9 V Core(LVT): NMOS=2.84 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS=1.1V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ PMOS=1.01yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.1V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 1.1V Core(STD): NMOS=0.3 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of NMOS=1.27V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ PMOS=0.37 yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.295V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 1.1V Core(HVT): NMOS=0.39yrs@1.21V. Vmax of NMOS=1.28V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ PMOS=0.16yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.26V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 3.3V IO: NMOS=0.226yrs@3.63V. Vmax of NMOS=3.64V for W/L=10/0.36, 25℃ PMOS=0.5yrs@3.63V. Vmax of PMOS=3.76V for W/L=10/0.36, 25℃ DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 0.9V +- 10% and 1.0V+- 5% for N40G DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N40G (=N45GS) 0.9 V Core(STD): NMOS=2.29 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS= 1.1V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ PMOS=1.85 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS= 1.09V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ 0.9 V Core(HVT): NMOS=1.86 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS=1.095V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ PMOS=0.831 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.07V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ 0.9 V Core(LVT): NMOS=3.01 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of NMOS=1.11V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ PMOS=2.07 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.095V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ 1.8V IO: NMOS=1.053 yrs@1.98V. Vmax of NMOS= 2.08V for W/L=10/0.135, 25℃ PMOS=23.74 yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS= 2.29V for W/L=10/0.135, 25℃ 2.5V IO: NMOS=5.6191 yrs@2.75V. Vmax of NMOS= 3.09V for W/L=10/0.243, 25℃ PMOS=19.3 yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS= 3.5V for W/L=10/0.243, 25℃ 2.5V OD 3.3V IO: NMOS=0.5219yrs@3.63V. Vmax of NMOS=3.73V for W/L=10/0.5, 25℃ PMOS=1.76yrs@3.63V. Vmax of PMOS=4.05V for W/L=10/0.4, 25℃ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 501 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.2.4 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is a key reliability item below 65nm technology that is of newer aging issue in p-channel MOS devices stressed with negative gate voltages. The high temperature and bias on Gate terminal will cause significantly NBTI effect, which increase in the threshold voltage and decrease in drain current. It is significant for circuit designers to consider the lifetime degradation ratio of their designs caused by negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) and must be taken into account for burn-in, field operation, and overdrive applications from process variation. Lifetime Prediction Model for Negative Bias Temperature Instability The lifetime for the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) is correlated with voltage, temperature, parametric failure criteria, device length, and device width. MTTF = A f (L, W) (Idsat%)1/n exp [- xVg] exp [Ea/k (1/T)] Where: MTTF is the mean time to failure L is the drawn channel length (unit: μm) W is the drawn channel width (unit: μm) Idsat dsat degradation percentage n is the power law factor of time dependent degradation Vg is the operation gate bias (unit: volt) is the voltage acceleration factor Ea is the activation energy k is the Boltzmann constant ((8.617 10-5) cV/K) T is the absolute junction temperature (unit:K) A is a constant Lifetime Prediction Model for AC For an acceptable specification, the AC lifetime must be considered. Currently, TSMC’s proposed standard is an AC-to-DC factor of 2, based on the assumption that the off-state operation occupies half the product’s operation time. The accepted AC lifetime is 10 years, with a DC lifetime of 5 years at temperature 125C. Failure Mechanism The PMOS device has a lower mobility than the NMOS device. Mobility for a PMOS device is decreased further, and significantly, by negative bias stress on the transistor gate under a high temperature environment. A hole injected under negative bias into the oxide-substrate interface increases interface states. The electrochemical reaction induces device instability that is enhanced by boron implanted in the gate poly engineering process. Logic circuits could suffer from the driving current decrease, and analog circuits could suffer from the mismatching or shift of threshold voltage. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 502 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Test Methodology Measurement Condition Idsat is the saturation region of drain current with Vd=Vg=Vcc, Vs=Vb=GND at a stress temperature. Stress Conditions 1. Sample size is at least 5 samples for each stress condition. 2. Voltage range is 6~ 10MV/cm for core devices and 6 ~ 10 MV/cm for I/O devices. 3. Temperature range is 75°C ~ 125°C. Failure Criteria The failure criterion for NBTI is Idsat 10% degradation for N40LP/N40LPG/N40G SVT/LVT device, and 15% for N40LP/N40LPG/N40G HVT device. Spec=DC 5 years, AC/DC factor=2 DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N40LP DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N40LP 1.1V Core(SVT): PMOS=9.88yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS= 1.24V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core(HVT): PMOS=12.7rs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.259V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.1V Core(LVT): PMOS=34.7yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS= 1.297V for W/L=10/0.04, 125℃ 1.8V IO: PMOS=6.82 yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS=2V for W/L=10/0.15, 125℃ 2.5V OD 3.3V IO: PMOS=11.5yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS=3.755V for W/L=10/0.44, 125℃ 2.5V IO: PMOS=374yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS= 3.466V for W/L=10/0.27, 125℃ DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 1.1V +- 10% and 1.2V +- 5% for N40LPG_LP, Vcc = 0.9V+10% and 1.0V +- 5% for N40LPG_G DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N40LPG 0.9 V Core(SVT): PMOS=9.09 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.02V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 0.9 V Core(LVT): PMOS=64.3 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.12V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 1.1V Core(SVT): PMOS=11.8yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.257V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 1.1V Core(HVT): PMOS=5.48yrs@1.21V. Vmax of PMOS=1.215V for W/L=10/0.036, 105℃ 3.3V IO: PMOS=104 yrs@3.63V. Vmax of PMOS=4.235V for W/L=10/0.36, 105℃ DC Lifetime and Vmax : Vcc = 0.9V +- 10% and 1.0V+- 5% for N40G DC Lifetime definition: 0.1% cum N40G(N45GS) 0.9 V Core(STD): PMOS=17 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS= 1.048V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ 0.9 V Core(HVT): PMOS=218 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.152V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ 0.9 V Core(LVT): PMOS=68.1 yrs@0.99V. Vmax of PMOS=1.105V for W/L=10/0.036, 125℃ 1.8V IO: PMOS=13.8 yrs@1.98V. Vmax of PMOS= 2.078V for W/L=10/0.135, 125℃ 2.5V IO: PMOS=256 yrs@2.75V. Vmax of PMOS= 3.425V for W/L=10/0.243, 125℃ 2.5V OD 3.3V IO: PMOS=14.2 yrs@3.63V. Vmax of PMOS=3.682V for W/L=10/0.4, 125℃ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 503 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.2.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 N40 Poly Current Density The maximum current density for poly resistor (unsilicided) is 0.50 * (Wp*0.9) mA at a junction temperature of 110C. This density is calculated using 0.1% point of measurement data at a 5% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation. Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line. Use the following table to calculate Imax if the junction temperature differs from 110C. temperature below 105C, use the rule at 105C. For a junction Table Junction temperature Rating factor of Jmax 105C 1.03 110C 1.00 125C 0.927 For example, Imax (at 125C) = 0.927 Imax (at 110C). This rule is applicable to N+, and P+ unsilicided poly resistors. For silicided poly, the maximum DC current density is 6 * (Wp*0.9) mA at a junction temperature of 110C. This density is calculated using 0.1% point of measurement data at a 5% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation. Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line. 12.2.6 N40 Poly EM Joule heating Irms current The following table (Table provides Irms for poly. In this table, Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line and ∆ T (C) is the temperature rise due to Joule heating effect. Table, Wp: poly drawn width poly unsilicided silicided Irms (mA) Sqrt [0.003614 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 0.96) ] Sqrt [0.168 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 1.604) ] Table Example for the relationships of Irms(mA), poly width(μm), and joule heating effect (∆T) Poly width (μm) 0.04 0.5 1 3 Irms for unsilicided poly(mA), Sqrt [0.003614 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 0.96) ] ΔT=10 ℃ ΔT=20 ℃ ΔT=30 ℃ ΔT=40 ℃ ΔT=50 ℃ 0.038 0.054 0.066 0.076 0.085 0.162 0.230 0.281 0.325 0.363 0.266 0.376 0.461 0.532 0.595 0.655 0.927 1.135 1.310 1.465 ΔT=60 ℃ 0.093 0.398 0.652 1.605 Poly width (μm) 0.04 0.5 1 3 Irms for silicided poly (mA), Sqrt [0.168 x △ T x Wp x (Wp + 1.604) ] ΔT=10 ℃ ΔT=20 ℃ ΔT=30 ℃ ΔT=40 ℃ ΔT=50 ℃ 0.332 0.470 0.576 0.665 0.743 1.329 1.880 2.303 2.659 2.973 2.092 2.958 3.623 4.183 4.677 4.817 6.812 8.343 9.634 10.771 ΔT=60 ℃ 0.814 3.256 5.123 11.799 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 504 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Ipeak The following table provides the Ipeak allowed for poly, In the table, Wp (in μm) represents the drawn width of poly line. Table poly Ipeak (mA) unsilicided 1.5* Wp silicided 26* Wp Ipeak is the current at which a poly line undergoes excessive Joule heating and can begin to melt. This current should be used infrequently. 12.2.7 N40 OD Current Density For diffusion (OD) unsilicided resistors and/or silicided interconnect, no Imax rule is given. Since diffusion (OD) is crystalline silicon with implantation, no electromigration or Joule heating problems occur. If the design follows contact, metal, and via current density rules, there will be no reliability concern for diffusion (OD). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 505 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 12.3 Back-End Process Reliability Rules 12.3.1 Stress Migration (SM) The Cu vias are frequently subjected to significant stress. The stress frequently causes voids, commonly referred to stress migration (SM) or stress-induced voids (SIV). Failure Mechanism The stress result from the different coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between Cu and the surrounding material will drive micro-vacancy in Cu to diffuse and agglomerate through interfacial surface and grain boundary. Eventually the stress-induced voids may significantly affect the electrical characteristics and may cause the semiconductor structure to fail. Test Methodology Measurement Condition The measurement is performed under 25 C using wafer-level probing after oven bake. The baking temperature ranges between 125C and 250C. Failure Criteria A DUT is considered as failed if 10% resistance increase is reached. SM design rule Please refer to below rule codes of chapter 4. VIAx.R.2, VIAx.R.3, VIAx.R.4, VIAx.R.5, VIAx.R.6, , VIAxR.8, VIA.x.R.11, VIAy.R.2, VIAy.R.3, VIAy.R.4, VIAy.R.5, VIAy.R.6, VIAy.R.11, VIAz.R.2, VIAz.R.3, VIAr.R.2, VIAr.R.3 12.3.2 Low-k Dielectric Integrity This section provides information to help customers predict LK dielectric reliability and prevent a time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB). IMD TDDB is the breakdown of LK dielectric induced by a combination of operation voltage, temperature, and oxide thickness. Low-k Dielectric Lifetime Prediction Model TTF = A x exp(-r*E0.5) x exp(Ea/kT) TTF : Time to Failure A: a constant r: field acceleration factor E: electric field Ea: activation energy k: Boltzman’s constant T: temperature The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 506 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Failure Mechanism While the current passed through LK dielectric and formed a conduction path, it would result in LK dielectric breakdown. The possible failure mechanisms after IMD-TDDB test could be as followings. 1. Dielectric interface breakdown (ie: LK dielectric porosity, ESL integration, Cu ions residue…etc.) 2. Dielectric bulk breakdown (ie: trench barrier formation, LK dielectric porosity…etc.) Test Methodology Measurement Conditions 1. Ig is the leakage current between metal lines at T=125C under Ed (constant stress field). 2. Ed is set to 2 ~ 4 MV/cm. Failure Criteria A DUT is considered as failed if Ig (Tbd) > 100 * Ig (T0). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 507 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.3.3 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cu Metal Current Density (EM) Specifications This section provides information to evaluate the quality of N40 Cu process and to determine the EM lifetime of metal line, via, stack via, contact under normal operation condition. Electromigration Lifetime Prediction Model TTF = A x J^(-n) x exp(Ea/kT) TTF : Time to Failure A: a constant which contains a factor involving the cross-sectional area of the film n: exponent of current density ( n =1 ) J: current density flowing in metal Ea: activation energy ( Ea =0.9eV) k: Boltzman’s constant T: temperature Failure Mechanism When a stress current is applied, Cu ions move from cathode to anode under electromigration, vacancy will generate at cathode and it will cause resistance increasing. Failure Criteria A DUT is considered as failed if 10% resistance increase is reached. Rating factor for Maximum DC Current Imax is the maximum DC current allowed for metal lines, vias, or contacts. Imax is based on 0.1% point of measurement data at a 10% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation at 110C. Use the following table to calculate Imax if the junction temperature differs from 110C. Table Temperature Rating factor of Imax 105C 1.434 110C 1.000 115C 0.704 120C 0.500 125C 0.358 For example, Imax (at 125C) = 0.358 Imax (at 110C). The rating factor is 2.077 for the case of temperature below 100°C for Joule heating effect consideration. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 508 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Maximum DC Current for Metal Lines, Contacts and Vias (Tj = 110C) General The table provides the maximum allowed DC current, Imax for each of the metals, contacts, and vias at junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in m) represents the width of the drawn metal line. Table Metal Wiring Level / Interlevel connection Imax (mA) M1 1.227 (w x0.9-0.008) Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) My (2XTM) Mz Mr Mu 1.329 (w x0.9-0.008) 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 9.048 (w x0.9-0.02) 12.631 (w x0.9-0.02) 34.59 X (w x0.9-0.02) Contact (size: 0.054x0.054 μm2) 0.208 per contact VIAx (size : 0.063 0.063 μm2) 0.072 per via VIAy (2nd inter-layer metal) (size : 0.126 0.126 μm2) 0.322 per via VIAy (2XTM) (size : 0.126 0.126 μm2) 0.322 per via VIAz (size : 0.324 0.324 μm2) 3.077 per via VIAr (size : 0.414 0.414 μm2) 5.432 per via VIAu (size : 0.324 0.324 μm2) 3.077 per via The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 509 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Imax dependence on metal length (length ≤ 10m) For a metal line with a length ≤ 10 m, the Imax current limit can be further increased by a factor of 1.5 for 10 ≥ L > 5 and a factor of 4 for L ≤ 5. The detailed Imax specs for various metal lines and vias are described in Table In this table, w represents the width of the metal line in m, while L represents the length of the metal line in m. The junction temperature for these specs is 110°C. Table Metal Wiring Level / Interlevel connection Metal Length, L (m) L > 10 M1 Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) My (2XTM) Mz Mr Mu VIAx (size : 0.063 0.063 μm2) VIAy (2nd inter-layer metal) (size : 0.126 x 0.126 μm2) VIAy (2XTM) (size : 0.126 x 0.126 μm2) VIAz (size : 0.324 0.324 μm2) VIAr (size : 0.414 0.414 μm2) VIAu (size : 0.324 0.324 μm2) Imax (mA) 1.227 (w x0.9-0.008) 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 1.5 1.227 (w x0.9-0.008) 4 1.227 (w x0.9-0.008) 1.329 (w x0.9-0.008) 1.5 1.329 (w x0.9-0.008) 4 1.329 (w x0.9-0.008) 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 1.5 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 4 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 1.5 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 4 3.040 (w x0.9-0.02) 9.048 (w x0.9-0.02) 1.5 9.048 (w x0.9-0.02) 4 9.048 (w x0.9-0.02) 12.631 (w x0.9-0.02) 1.5 12.631 (w x0.9-0.02) 4 12.631 (w x0.9-0.02) 34.590 (w x0.9-0.02) 34.590 (w x0.9-0.02) 34.590 (w x0.9-0.02) L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 L > 10 10 ≥ L > 5 L≤5 1.5 0.072 per via 4 0.072 per via 0.322 per via 1.5 0.322 per via 4 0.322 per via 0.322 per via 1.5 0.322 per via 4 0.322 per via 3.077 per via 1.5 3.077 per via 4 3.077 per via 5.432 per via 1.5 5.432 per via 4 5.432 per via 3.077 per via 3.077 per via 3.077 per via 0.072 per via The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 510 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Note: The current enhancement factors (the coefficients in the column of “Imax (mA)”) described in Table (length dependence) and Table (width dependence) should not be multiplied together because multiplying them together would be too aggressive. Only one enhancement factor from either Table or Table can be applied to the enhanced Imax spec, but not both. (1) Metal Length Definition (L): The total length of metal wiring level is from one line-end site to another site line-end site of metal. L L L M x+ 1 M x+ 1 Vx Vx M x+ 1 Vx M x L (2) For the Via length rule, use whichever L is larger between upper_metal and lower_metal. If L1 is larger than L2, Imax of via for short length is based on L1. If L2 is larger than L1, Imax of via for short length is based on L2. L2 M x+ 1 Vx Mx L1 For example : Via1 connect to 10um-length M1 and 5um-length M2. Imax of M1 = 1.5 x1.227 x (wx0.9-0.008) Imax of M2 = 4x 1.329 x (wx0.9-0.008) Imax of Via1= 1.5 x0.072 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 511 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Imax dependence on metal width (width ≥ 0.5µm) For a metal line with a width ≥ 0.5 m, the Imax current limit is improved by a factor of 2 compared with a corresponding narrow metal line (w < 0.5). The detailed Imax specs for various metal lines and vias are described in Table In this table, w represents the width of the metal line in m. The junction temperature for these specs is 110°C. Table Metal Wiring Level / Interlevel connection M1 Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) My (2XTM) Imax (mA) Metal Length, L (m) w ≥ 0.5 1.227 (wx0.9-0.008) 2 x 1.227 (wx0.9-0.008) w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 1.329 (wx0.9-0.008) 2 x 1.329 (wx0.9-0.008) w < 0.5 3.040 (wx0.9-0.02) 2 x 3.040 (wx0.9-0.02) w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 3.040 (wx0.9-0.02) 2 x 3.040 (wx0.9-0.02) w ≥ 0.5 9.048 (wx0.9-0.02) 2 x 9.048 (wx0.9-0.02) Mr w ≥ 0.5 2 x 12.631 (wx0.9-0.02) Mu w ≥ 2.0 1 x 34.590 (wx0.9-0.02) Contact (size: 0.054x0.054 μm2) Any metal width VIAx (size : 0.063 0.063 μm2) w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 0.072 per via 2 x 0.072 per via (Array) 0.322 per via 2 x 0.322 per via (Array) w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 3.077 per via 2 x 3.077 per via (Array) 5.432 per via 2 x 5.432 per via (Array) Mz VIAy (2nd inter-layer metal) (size : 0.126 x 0.126 μm2) VIAy (2XTM) (size : 0.126 x 0.126 μm2) VIAz (size : 0.324 0.324 μm2) VIAr (size : 0.414 0.414 μm2) VIAu (size : 0.324 0.324 μm2) w < 0.5 w ≥ 0.5 0.208 per contact 0.322 per via 2 x 0.322 per via (Array) 3.077 per via 1 x 3.077 per via (Array) Note: The current enhancement factors (the coefficients in the column of “Imax (mA)”) described in Table (length dependence) and Table (width dependence) should not be multiplied together because multiplying them together would be too aggressive. Only one enhancement factor from either Table or Table can be applied to the enhanced Imax spec, but not both. The maximum allowed current for per via can be raised together with this wide metal EM rule (w ≧ 0.5) but via-array is needed. Recommended Rule: The number of contacts and vias placed across a line (perpendicular to direction of current flow) must be maximized to increase reliability by providing redundancy in the case of blocked or resistive vias. ( increases as much as the line width permits). The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 512 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET Narrow Line tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Narrow Line Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Required vias Wide Line Recommended Wide Line Stacked Vias Stacked via can decompose to single via, and follow single via rule. DC Operation, Required Number of Vias (1) If space permits, it is preferable to have more contacts or vias than the EM rules require. (2) At a minimum rule, the EM current rules require one via. (a) Example 1, if M1 is 0.07 μm (drawn width) and the current density is 1.227 mA/μm; that is, the current is 1.227*(0.07*0.9-0.008) = 0.067 mA, only one VIA1 is necessary to ensure the reliability margin. (b) Example 2, if M2 is 0.07 μm (drawn width) and the current density is 1.329 mA/μm; that is, the current is 1.329*(0.07*0.9-0.008) = 0.072 mA, only one VIA1 and one VIA2 are necessary to ensure the reliability margin. (3) To determine the required number of vias, please proceed as follow: (a) From the DC current given in section, determine the necessary line width (W-line); (b) Calculate the Maximum allowed Idc_line for the given line width (W-line). (c) Calculate the required number of contacts or vias to carry line current Idc_line: Number of vias = Idc_line/ Idc_via. (4) Recommended Rule: The number of contacts and vias placed across a line (perpendicular to direction of current flow) must be maximized to increase reliability by providing redundancy in the case of blocked or resistive vias. (increases as much as the line width permits). Narrow Line Narrow Line Narrow Line Narrow Line Required vias Wide Line Recommended Wide Line The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 513 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.3.4 Document No. Version Confidential – Do Not Copy : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 AP RDL Current Density (EM) Specifications Maximum DC Current Jmax is maximum DC current allowed per um of AP RDL metal line width or per RV via. The number is based on 0.1% point of measurement data at 10% resistance increase after 100K hours of continuous operation at 110C. Use the following table to calculate Imax if the junction temperature differs from 110C. Table Temperature Rating factor of Imax 85C 1.800 90C 1.623 95C 1.466 100C 1.329 105C 1.151 110C 1.000 115C 0.872 120C 0.764 125C 0.671 For example, Jmax (at 125C) = 0.671 Jmax (at 110C). If the junction temperature is below 85C, please use the rating factor (1.800) at 85C or contact with TSMC reliability. Maximum DC Current for AP RDL Metal Lines (Tj = 110C) The table provides the maximum allowed DC current, Imax for each of the metal wiring levels at junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in μm) represents the drawn width of the metal line. Table Metal Wiring Level Imax (mA) AP RDL (14.5KÅ ) 3.0 wx0.9 AP RDL (28KÅ ) 5.79 wx0.9 Maximum DC Current for AP RDL (RV) Vias (Tj = 110C) The table provides the maximum allowed DC current, Imax for each of the contact and via at junction temperature of 110C. In the table, the drawn sizes of contact and via are also noted. Table Interlevel Connection Imax (mA) Size RV 12.15 per RV 3 3 μm 2 RV 5.4 per RV 2 2 μm 2 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 514 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.3.5 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Cu Metal AC Operation Pulsed Signal Terminology The general terminology for a pulsed DC or AC signal is: Period () Duration (tD) For your convenience, you could measure the pulse width of Ipeak at half the peak to define the duration (tD). The definition of Ipeak is: max I peak I (t ) I (t) I (t) Ipeak Ipeak 1/2 Ipeak tD Time, t duration Time, t tD duration , period , period Average Value of the Current Iavg is the average value of the current, which is the effective DC current. Therefore, Iavg rules are identical to Imax rules. Please refer to the DC EM sections. The temperature de-rating table is also applicable to the Iavg rule for a junction temperature different from 110C. The definition of Iavg is: I avg I ( t ) dt / 0 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 515 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current Irms is the root-mean-square of the current through a metal line. The definition of Irms is: I rms 2 I ( t ) dt / 0 1/2 The following tables provide the Irms allowed for each of the metal wiring levels at a junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in μm) represents the drawn width of the metal line and ∆T (C) is the temperature rise due to Joule heating. Note to use Irms ∆T limitation: The EM lifetime is a function of temperature and current density. The higher temperature will cause EM lifetime degradation. Table is the degradation factor for EM lifetime. The recommend temperature increase, ∆T is below < 5 °C. Because a 5 °C temperature increase is sufficient to degrade the EM lifetime by about 30%. Table ∆T Temp TTF 110C 1 5C 115C 0.704 10C 120C 0.500 15C 125C 0.358 20C 130C 0.258 30C 140C 0.138 For M1MxMz combination, please refer to sections and For M1MxMyMz, M1MxMr, and M1MxMy combinations, please refer to sections,,, and The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 516 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMz process, no My) Table Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 0.86 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.79 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.912 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.04 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.264 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) 92.9 ] 25.05 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 13.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.60 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.35 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.95 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.00 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.30 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 23.95 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.912 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 20.20 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.264 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 517 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (other metallization options, M1MxMz process, no My) Table and Table apply to 1P8M process. For other metallization options, please use Irms of M9 and M10 as the first and second Mz, respectively. For example, 1P8M with M2 ~ M7 as Mx, and M8 as Mz, the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.79 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.912 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Another example, 1P8M with M2 ~ M6 as Mx, M7 and M8 as Mz, the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.79 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.912 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.04 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.264 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 518 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMyMz process) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz2 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 0.86 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.80 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.46 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.806 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.22 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.167 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 3.63 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.519 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level Irms (mA) M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 My2 Mz1 Mz2 92.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ ] ] 13.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.60 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.35 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.95 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.00 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.30 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9- 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.00 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.30 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.806 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 21.10 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.167 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 18.15 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.519 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 25.05 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 5x2y2z, then use Mx1 ~ Mx5, My1 ~ My2, and Mz1 ~ Mz2. If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 6x1y2z, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My1, and Mz1 ~ Mz2 If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 5x2y1z, then use Mx1 ~ Mx5, My1 ~ My2, and Mz1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 519 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (other metallization options, M1MxMyMz process) Table and Table apply to 1P10M process. For other metallization options, please use Irms of M9 and M10 as the first and second Mz, respectively. Please refer to the section 2.5 of Metallization Options for allowed metal schemes. For example, 1P10M with M1 + 5x2y2z (M2 ~ M6 as Mx, M7 ~ M8 as My, and M9 ~ M10 as Mz), the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 (Mx1) M3 (Mx2) M4 (Mx3) M5 (Mx4) M6 (Mx5) M7 (My1) M8 (My2) M9 (Mz1) M10 (Mz2) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Irms (mA) 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.80 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.46 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.806 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.22 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.167 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 3.63 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.519 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Another example, 1P10M with M1 + 6x1y2z (M2 ~ M7 as Mx, M8 as My, and M9 ~ M10 as Mz), the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 (Mx1) M3 (Mx2) M4 (Mx3) M5 (Mx4) M6 (Mx5) M7 (Mx6) M8 (My1) M9 (Mz1) M10 (Mz2) Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.80 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.22 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.167 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 3.63 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.519 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] One more example, 1P9M with M1 + 5x2y1z (M2 ~ M6 as Mx, M7 ~ M8 as My, and M9 as Mz), the Irms rules are: Table Metal level M1 M2 (Mx1) M3 (Mx2) M4 (Mx3) M5 (Mx4) M6 (Mx5) M7 (My1) M8 (My2) M9 (Mz1) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Irms (mA) 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.80 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.46 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.806 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.22 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.167 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 520 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMr process) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 Mr1 Mr2 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 0.86 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 6.54 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.944 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.27 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.413 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level Irms (mA) M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 Mr1 Mr2 92.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ ] 25.05 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 13.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.60 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.35 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.95 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.00 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.30 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 32.70 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.944 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 26.35 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.413 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x2r, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and Mr1 ~ Mr2. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x2r, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, and Mr1 ~ Mr2 If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 7x1r, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and Mr1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 521 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMy process, My/Vy are used as 2X top Metal/Via) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1_TM My2_TM Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 0.86 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.72 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.829 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.61 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.954 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level Irms (mA) M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1_TM My2_TM 92.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ ] 25.05 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 13.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.60 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.35 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.95 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.00 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.30 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 8.60 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.829 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 8.05 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.954 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x2y, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and My1_TM ~ My2_TM. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x2y, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, and My1_TM ~ My2_TM. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 7x1y, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, and My1_TM. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 522 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMyMzMu process, Mu/Vu are used as top Metal/Via) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 Mz1 Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 0.86 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.80 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.25 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.034 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 14.28 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.423 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My1 Mz1 Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 92.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 25.05 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 13.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.60 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.35 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.95 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.00 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.30 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.00 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.469 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 21.25 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.034 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 71.40 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.423 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x1z1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, Mz1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 5x1y1z1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx5, My1, Mz1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My1, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P6M with M1 + 4x1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx4, and Mu1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 523 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Root-Mean-Square Current for LK Dielectrics (1P10M M1MxMyMu process, My/Vy are 2XTM, Mu/Vu are used as top Metal/Via) Table Metal level M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My_TM Mu1 Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 18.58 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.01 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 2.78 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.92 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.19 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.00 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 0.86 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 1.72 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.829 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 16.47 ∆ T (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.100 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] Table Example Root-Mean-Square Current for ∆T = 5C Metal level Irms (mA) M1 Mx1 Mx2 Mx3 Mx4 Mx5 Mx6 Mx7 My_TM Mu1 92.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.246 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ Sqrt [ ] 25.05 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.284 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 13.90 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.513 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 9.60 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.742 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 7.35 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.970 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.95 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.199 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 5.00 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.428 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 4.30 (w x0.9 - 0.008)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 1.657 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.008 + 0.0443 ) ] 8.60 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 1.829 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] 82.35 (w x0.9 - 0.020)2 ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 2.100 ) / ( w x0.9 - 0.020 + 0.0443 ) ] If the metal scheme is 1P10M with M1 + 7x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx7, My_TM, and Mu1. If the metal scheme is 1P9M with M1 + 6x1y1u, then use Mx1 ~ Mx6, My_TM, and Mu1. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 524 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Peak Current Ipeak = max ( | I(t) | ) Ipeak is the current at which a metal line undergoes excessive Joule heating and can begin to melt. This current should be used infrequently. The limit for the peak current, Ipeak, can be calculated by using the following formula: I peak I peak _ DC r Note: the above equation is only applicable for frequency larger than 1 MHz and r larger than 0.05. r is the duty ratio, which is equal to the pulse duration divided by the period, r tD where Ipeak_DC is provided in the following table. In the table, w (in μm) represents the drawn width of the metal line. Table Metal Level M1 Mx My (2nd inter-layer metal) My (2XTM) Mz Mr Mu Ipeak_DC (mA) 25.0 (w x0.9 -0.008) 14.0 (w x0.9 -0.008) 18.0 (w x0.9 -0.020) 21.0 (w x0.9 -0.020) 63.0 (w x0.9 -0.020) 87.5 (w x0.9 -0.020) 202.8 (w x0.9 -0.020) The Ipeak rule applies to the periodic AC or pulsed DC signals. For a single event high current pulse or signals which cannot be specified by duty ratio, please follow the ESD guidelines. The Ipeak rules provided in this section are applicable to signals with a pulse width (tD) of less than 1sec. No temperature adjustment factor for the Irms and Ipeak is given. The Irms and Ipeak of contacts and vias do not include because the heating in contacts and vias is negligible and is usually determined by metal or substrate. If the metal width is increased to some extent and only one via is used in that metal, then the heating in the via cannot be considered negligible. However, if the design follows the SM rules, via heating can be negligible. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 525 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc 12.3.6 Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 AP RDL AC Operation The general terminology for AP RDL is the same as Cu interconnects. The following tables provides the maximum Irms allowed for AP RDL at a junction temperature of 110C. In the table, w (in μm) represents the drawn width of the RDL line and ∆T (C) is the temperature rise due to Joule heating. Table 12.3.6 Metal level AP RDL (14.5KÅ ) AP RDL (28KÅ ) Irms (mA) Sqrt [ Sqrt [ 2.54 4.90 ∆ T w x0.9 ( w x0.9 + 2.924 ) ] ∆ T w x0.9 ( w x0.9 + 2.924 ) ] The Ipeak rule for AP RDL (14.5KÅ ) is 58 mA/um. The Ipeak rule for AP RDL (28KÅ ) is 112 mA/um. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 526 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Confidential – Do Not Copy Document No. Version : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 13 Appendix A Revision History A.1 From Version 0.1 to 0.2 Rule Sec. No. 1.1 1.2 2.1.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.2 2.3 2.4 Section Title Overview Reference Documentation Front-End Features Front-End Features Front-End Features Front-End Features Power Supply and Operation Temperature Ranges Cross–section 2.4 Cross–section 2.5 Metallization Options 2.5 Metallization Options 3.1 Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layout Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 Revision Description Remove 3.3V device Add MM/RF rules refere to· Remove 3.3V device Add SRAM size of DP and HC Remove metal thickness Change AL RDL to AP RDL Remove 3.3V device T-N45-CM-DR-001 Modify VIAy W/S to 0.14/0.14 from 0.13/0.15 in Figure 2.4.2 Crosssection for 1P10M_7x2y Modify VIAy W/S to 0.14/0.14 from 0.13/0.15 in Figure 2.4.3 Crosssection for 1P10M_5x2y2z Modify Mask layer to “seven” from”six” in Table 2.5.1 Naming for Different Metal Thicknesses Modify Mask layer to “seven” from”six” in Table 2.5.2 Naming for Different Metal Thicknesses Remove 3.3V device Modify mask tone of 191, 152, and 118 from clear todark. Remove 3.3V at Description of mask 193. Remove 3.3V at Description of mask 194. Remove 3.3V at Description of mask 152. Remove 3.3V at Description of mask 116. Remove 3.3V at Description of mask 115. Change CAD Layer to 117 from drived at mask 111. Change 308 mask name to CB2 from CB, change mask ID to 107 from 308, change CAD layer to 86;20 from 76 at option 1. Change 308 mask name to CB2 from CB, change mask ID to 107 from 308, change CAD layer to 86;0 from 76 at option 2. 3.1 Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Remove “FW” at Reference Layer in Logical Operation of mask 306, change CAD layer to 86;20 from 86 at option 3. 3.1 Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Remove “FW” at Reference Layer in Logical Operation of mask 306, change CAD layer to 86;0 from 86 at option 4. 3.1 Mask Information, Key Process Sequence, and CAD Layers Change VIAy mask type to ASF from DSF in Table 3.1.2 Mask Name/ID/Grade/Type, OPC, and PSM Information 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add OD25_33 for 2.5V thick oxide (second gate oxide) overdrive to 3.3V 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add OD25_18 for 2.5V thick oxide (second gate oxide) underdrive to 1.8V 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Modify Associated With of RH to “OD and PO resistor rules” from “guideline”. 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Modify TSMC Default CAD Layer to 161;0 from 161, and remove “Also serves as an exclusion layer for dummy feature insertion checks.” 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_1 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_2 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_3 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_4 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary The information contained herein is the exclusive property of TSMC and shall not be distributed, copied, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of TSMC. 527 of 600 SECURITY B – TSMC RESTRICTED SECRET tsmc Rule Confidential – Do Not Copy Section Title Revision Description 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_5 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_6 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_7 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_8 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_9 for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add MOMDMY_AP for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add TCDDMY for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add RFIP_DMY for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add IP for MOM Dummy layer rule at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add ROM for ROM device at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add LUPWDMY for waiving latch up rules at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add ESDIMP for ESD implant. at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add DFMEXCL at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add COROM at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.4 Special Recognition CAD Layer Summary Add VIAxEXCL at Table 3.4.1 Special Layer Summary 3.5.1 General Purpose Superb (N45GS): 0.9V Core Design General Purpose Superb (N45GS): 0.9V Core Design General Purpose Superb (N45GS): 0.9V Core Design General Purpose Superb (N45GS): 0.9V Core Design Design Grid Rules OPC Recommendations and Guidelines Derived Geometries Minimum Pitches Minimum Pitches Minimum Pitches Gate Oxide and Diffusion (OD) Layout Rules (120) Gate Oxide and Diffusion (OD) Layout Rules (120) OD Layout Rules OD Layout Rules OD Layout Rules 3.5.1 3.5.1 OPC.R.1® : T-N45-CL-DR-001 : 2.6 Sec. No. 3.5.1 G.5 Document No. Version 3.7.1 3.7.2 OD.W.1® 4.2.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.5.1 OD.W.2 4.5.1 OD.W.2.1 OD.W.2.2 OD.A.1 4.5.1 4.5.1 4.5.1 OD.L.1 OD.L.2 OD.L.2gU DNW.EN.3 4.5.1 4.5.1 4.5.1 4.5.2 Remove 3.3 device at Table 3.5.2 Device Truth Table for general purpose superb Modify 1.1V Varactor to “*” from “0” at Table 3.5.2 Device Truth Table for general purpose superb Modify 1.8V Varactor to “*” from “0” at Table 3.5.2 Device Truth Table for general purpose superb Modify 2.5V Varactor to “*” from “0” at Table 3.5.2 Device Truth Table for general purpose superb Remove the rule Remove the rule Remove 3.3 device at OD2 Modify N+/P+ spacing to 0.16 from 0.18 Modify VIAy Pitch to 0.14/0.14 from 0.13/0.15. VIAy 3 neighboring Pitch to 0.14/0.16 from 0.13/0.17. Remove the rule Modify the rule to “>= 0.12” from “=0.12~1.5” Add new rule for NMOS Add new rule for PMOS Modify rule description to (This check doesn't include the patterns filling 0.12*0.26 rectangular tile) from (This check doesn’t include rectangle area with length ≧0.26um) Modify {ACTIVE (source) [width of rule description to 0.12 from 0.15 Modify OD width of rule description to 0.12 from 0.15 Modify rule description to Rs variation from Rs silicidation Modify rule value to 0.49 from 0.48 OD Layout Rules OD Layout Rules OD Layout Rules Deep N-Well (DNW) Layout Rules (119) [Optional] NW.S.5 4.5.3 N-Well (NW) Layout Rules Modify rule value to 0.08 from 0.09 NW.S.6