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Computer Science Exam Answer Key

Week1-20 not complet - Answers
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Engaging in outdoor recreational activities helps people to rest, de-stress or
unwind, and feel revitalize
Select one:
a. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
b. Social Benefits
c. Physical Health Benefits
Are small and inflatable, which provide more buoyancy while floating on water.
Select one:
a. snorkel
b. snorkeling fins
c. snorkel vests
d. mask
An aspect of swimming that involves a swimmer staying in a vertical position a
vertical position in the water while keeping his or her head above the surface of
the water.
Select one:
a. Doggy paddle
b. Treading
c. Water Treading
d. Sculling stroke
Has a more rigid blade than the full-foot fin and it can provide a more forward
thrust but requires more effort to use.
Select one:
a. full-foot fins
b. adjustable fins
c. paddle-bladed fins
d. snorkeling fins
Downloaded by naruto utot (utotnaruto3@gmail.com)
Monitors the diver’s depth, time of being underwater, and the remaining time
for one to be safely down in the water.
Select one:
a. Dive Knife
b. Dive case
c. Dive Computer
d. Dive Lights
Has the most basic part, the solid tube and the mouthpiece. Sometimes, this
can be bent to a specific shape.
Select one:
a. strap
b. nose pocket
c. classic snorkel
d. snorkel with a flexible tube
Prevents splashed water and spray from easily entering the tube.
Select one:
a. splash
b. splash guard
c. purge valve
d. dry valve
Racing is a lengthy race down a river using the kayak or canoe
Select one:
a. flatwater
b. marathon
c. sea kayaking
This is a difficult stroke and NOT recommended for beginners because it requires
perfect timing and a good deal of strength.
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Select one:
a. Freestyle
b. Backstroke
c. Breastroke
d. Butterfly
Is a sport that is often considered as much an attitude or way of life as it is a
Select one:
a. Kayaking
b. Scuba Diving
c. Swimming
d. Surfing
He developed an improved diving bell.
Select one:
a. Henry A. Fleuss
b. Augustus Siebe
c. Edmund Halley
d. John Lethbridge
Can predict both elements of swells—offshore storm systems and the length of a
wind’s fetch.
Select one:
b. Weather Forecast
c. Weather forecasting
d. None of the above
Is a big help in keeping hair out of the snorkel and the face as well.
Select one:
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a. cap
b. swim cap
c. swimming cap
d. cap for swimming
Can help predict how strong a storm is as it approaches lanMost storm systems
that form far out to sea never reach land with much strength.
Select one:
a. Fetch
b. Hydrodynamics
c. Waves
d. Swells
when trekking, maps and compass must be used to avoid markings or leaving of
marks on rocks and the like.
Select one:
This is a difficult stroke and not one to choose if you’re just learning how to
Select one:
a. Freestyle
b. Backstroke
c. Breastroke
d. Butterfly
Opening in the kayak’s deck where the paddler sits.
Select one:
a. gunwale
b. stern
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c. yoke
d. none of these
To jump into water with your arms and head going in first.
Select one:
a. Forward
b. Reverse
c. Dives
d. Inward
A piece of equipment that makes it possible to breathe at the surface while the
face is the submerged in water.
Select one:
a. snorkel
b. snorkel vest
c. snorkeling fins
d. mask
This is a small valve just lower than the mouth that empties the collected water
that comes down the tube when one blows it out.
Select one:
a. purge valve.
b. valve
c. dry valve
d. splash guard
Is a movement through water using one’s limbs and usually without artificial
Select one:
a. Swimming
b. Surfing
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c. Scuba diving
d. Canoeing
Is a geographic term that describes the amount of open water over which a wind
has blown.
Select one:
a. Waves
b. Hydrodynamics
c. Swells
d. Fetch
Contains the pressurized air which allows one to breathe and to stay longer
Select one:
a. Wet Suit
b. Scuba Tank
c. SPG or Submersible Pressure Gauge
d. Regulator
Delivers the steady supply of air from the cylinder with the right pressure.
Select one:
a. Octopus
b. Fins
c. Regulator
d. Snorkel
Englishman who built the “diving engine,” which was an underwater oak
cylinder supplied with compressed air from the surface.
Select one:
a. John Lethbridge
b. Augustus Siebe
c. Edmund Halley
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d. Henry A. Fleuss
Outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer.
Select one:
a. Social Benefits
b. Physical Health Benefits
c. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
Feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food.
Select one:
Helps prevent the mask from fogging up.
Select one:
a. mask defogger
b. defogger
c. defogger mask
d. snorkeling mask
“Pack it in pack it out” means everything you brought should be brought back
with you including left-over food or fruit peel. Nothing should be left.
Select one:
Whitewater kayaking is where the kayak is typically fitted with a fin, rather like a
Select one:
A diving method where a diver uses a regulator as the as the breathing
apparatus and a tank with compressed air which enables the diver to breathe
normally underwater.
Select one:
a. Canoeing
b. Swimming
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c. Surfing
d. Scuba
Flatwater recreation is a relaxing canoeing or kayaking where you can take a
gentle paddle down a calm river, ocean, or lake to do sightseeing.
Select one:
It is the beam in the center of a canoe that allows the canoe to rest on a
person’s shoulder when portaging.
Select one:
a. stern
b. gunwale
c. none of these
d. yoke
Similar to the freestyle in that you use an alternate windmill arm stroke and
flutter kick.
Select one:
a. Backstroke
b. Freestyle
c. Butterfly
d. Breastroke
It is an acronym for Self – Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
Select one:
a. none of these
b. scuba
c. all of these
d. scuba-diving
Walk, run, bike, or camp on durable surfaces like established tracks, rocks,
gravel, and dry grasses.
Select one:
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Recreation is derived from the latin word ___.
Select one:
a. recreare
b. create
c. recrear
d. recreate
This is the most popular stroke and the easiest for beginners to learn.
Select one:
a. Butterfly
b. Freestyle
c. Breastroke
d. Backstroke
Creates the air pocket to have a clearer view of the underwater life.
Select one:
a. Fins
b. Snorkel
c. Dive Mask
d. Octopus
Is the study of water in motion.
Select one:
a. Swells
b. Fetch
c. Waves
d. Hydrodynamics
They are easy to use, more flexible, and more efficient while swimming on the
Select one:
a. snorkeling fins
b. full-foot fins
c. paddle-bladed fins
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d. adjustable fins
Have a single, full blade while the split fin is “semi-parted ” in the web,
separating the blade into two long, stiff blades.
Select one:
a. full-foot fins
b. paddle-bladed fins
c. adjustable fins
d. snorkeling fins
Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values.
Select one:
a. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
b. none of these
c. Physical Health Benefits
d. Social Benefits
Racing is a lengthy race down a river using the kayak or canoe
Select one:
a. flatwater
b. sea kayaking
c. marathon
It is originated from the arib word “kenu” which means dugout.
Select one:
a. Canoei
b. Canoe
c. Canoeing
A special valve on top of the tube that completely stops water (and air) from
entering the tube when a wave comes or when diving underwater.
Select one:
a. purge valve
b. valve
c. dry valve
d. splash guard
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Provides the needed light as it can be dark underwater.
Select one:
a. Dive Snorkel
b. Dive Lights
c. Dive Knife
d. Dive case
This resistance that that provides much of the propulsion created by a moving
Select one:
a. adjustable fins
b. paddle-bladed fins
c. full-foot fins
d. snorkeling fins
Is the upward force of the water on an object. This is the reason why boats and
people float on water.
Select one:
a. aquatics
b. snorkeling
c. hydrostatic pressure
d. buoyancy
Peeking through life underneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel
and mask. What do you call this activity?
Select one:
a. kayak
b. all of these
c. snorkeling
d. Aquatics
A diving method where a diver uses a regulator as the as the breathing
apparatus and a tank with compressed air which enables the diver to breathe
normally underwater.
Select one:
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a. Canoeing
b. Surfing
c. Swimming
d. Scuba
He developed an improved diving bell.
Select one:
a. John Lethbridge
b. Henry A. Fleuss
c. Augustus Siebe
d. Edmund Halley
Your answer is correct.
Question 3
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Englishman who built the “diving engine,” which was an underwater oak cylinder supplied with
compressed air from the surface.
Select one:
a. Augustus Siebe
b. Henry A. Fleuss
c. Edmund Halley
d. John Lethbridge
Your answer is correct.
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Question 4
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Creates the air pocket to have a clearer view of the underwater life.
Select one:
a. Fins
b. Snorkel
c. Dive Mask
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
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Delivers the steady supply of air from the cylinder with the right pressure.
Select one:
a. Regulator
b. Snorkel
c. Fins
d. Octopus
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Monitors the diver’s depth, time of being underwater, and the remaining time
for one to be safely down in the water.
Select one:
a. Dive Computer
b. Dive Knife
c. Dive Lights
d. Dive case
Your answer is correct.
Question 8
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Is a sport that is often considered as much an attitude or way of life as it is a
Select one:
a. Surfing
b. Scuba Diving
c. Kayaking
d. Swimming
Your answer is correct.
Question 9
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The study of water in motion.
Select one:
a. Waves
b. Swells
d. Fetch
Your answer is correct.
Question 10
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A geographic term that describes the amount of open water over which a wind
has blown.
Select one:
a. Swells
b. Hydrodynamics
c. Waves
d. Fetch
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when trekking, maps and compass must be used to avoid markings or leaving of
marks on rocks and the like.
Select one:
Question 2
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Walk, run, bike, or camp on durable surfaces like established tracks, rocks,
gravel, and dry grasses
Select one:
Question 3
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“Pack it in pack it out” means everything you brought should be brought back
with you including left-over food or fruit peel. Nothing should be left.
Select one:
Question 4
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feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food
Select one:
Question 5
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it is derived from the Latin word recreare which means to be refreshed.
Select one:
a. recreation
b. recreate
c. all of these
Your answer is correct.
Question 6
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it is means to be refreshed
Question 7
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Engaging in outdoor recreational activities helps people to rest, de-stress or
unwind, and feel revitalized.
Select one:
a. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
b. Physical Health Benefits
c. Social Benefits
Your answer is correct.
Question 8
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Outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer.
Select one:
a. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
b. Physical Health Benefits
c. Social Benefits
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Your answer is correct.
Question 9
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Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values.
Select one:
a. Psycho-Emotional Benefits
b. Physical Health Benefits
c. Social Benefits
d. none of these
The pressure exerted by the water at equilibrium due to the force of gravity It is
the weight of the water pressed down on the object
Hydrostatic Pressure
Question 13
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Peeking through life underneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel
and mask. What do you call this activity?
Select one:
a. all of these
b. kayak
c. Aquatics
d. snorkeling
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Your answer is correct.
Question 14
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it is an acronym for Self – Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
Select one:
a. none of these
b. scuba diving
c. scuba
d. all of these
Your answer is correct.
Question 15
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it is originated from the arib word “kenu” which means dugout.
Question 16
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it is the beam in the center of a canoe that allows the canoe to rest on a
person’s shoulder when portaging
Select one:
a. stern
b. yoke
c. none of these
d. gunwale
Your answer is correct.
Question 17
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it is the beam in the center of a canoe that allows the canoe to rest on a
person’s shoulder when portaging
Select one:
a. gunwale
b. yoke
c. stern
Your answer is correct.
Question 18
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racing is a lengthy race down a river using the kayak or canoe
Select one:
a. sea kayaking
b. flat water
c. marathon
Your answer is correct.
Question 19
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Whitewater kayaking is where the kayak is typically fitted with a fin, rather like a
Select one:
Question 20
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Question text
flatwater recreation is relaxing canoeing or kayaking where you can take a
gentle paddle down a calm river, ocean, or lake to do sightseeing.
Select one:
Derived from the Latin word recreare which means to be refreshed.
Select one:
a. recreation
b. camping
c. creation
d. orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 2
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The upward force of the water on an object. This is the reason why boats and
people float on water.
Select one:
a. snorkeling
b. buoyancy
c. hydrostatic pressure
d. aquatics
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Your answer is correct.
Question 3
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The pressure exerted by the water at equilibrium due to the force of gravity. In
other words, it is the weight of the water pressed down on the object.
Select one:
a. buoyancy
b. snorkeling
c. aquatics
d. hydrostatic pressure
Your answer is correct.
Question 4
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It is the upward force of the water on an object.
Select one:
a. hydrostatic pressure
b. snorkeling
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c. aquatics
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
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Peeking through life underneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel
and mask.
Select one:
a. buoyancy
b. aquatics
c. hydrostatic pressure
d. snorkeling
Your answer is correct.
Question 6
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A piece of equipment that makes it possible to breathe at the surface while the
face is the submerged in water.
Select one:
a. mask
b. snorkel vest
c. snorkeling fins
d. snorkel
Your answer is correct.
Question 7
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Small and inflatable, which provide more buoyancy while floating on water.
Select one:
a. snorkel vests
b. snorkeling fins
c. mask
d. snorkel
Your answer is correct.
Question 8
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Helps prevent the mask from fogging up.
Select one:
a. mask defogger
b. defogger mask
c. snorkeling mask
d. defogger
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Question 9
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A big help in keeping hair out of the snorkel and the face as well.
Select one:
a. swimming cap
b. swim cap
c. cap for swimming
d. cap
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Your answer is correct.
Question 10
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Have a single, full blade while the split fin is “semi-parted ” in the web,
separating the blade into two long, stiff blades.
Select one:
a. snorkeling fins
b. adjustable fins
c. paddle-bladed fins
d. full-foot fins
A ‘thinking’ outdoor sport that combines a participant’s mental ability with
physical ability.
Select one:
a. mountaineering
b. hiking
c. mountain climbing
d. orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 2
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Event is done on a lake or tidal water area within a canoe.
Select one:
a. string orienteering
b. trail orienteering
c. canoe orienteering
d. night orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 3
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Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night.
Select one:
a. trail orienteering
b. canoe orienteering
c. night orienteering
d. string orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 4
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Two-dimension representation of a three-dimension surface. It is a graphic
representation of the ground and the terrain.
Select one:
a. legend
b. compass
c. map
d. magnetic north lines
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
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Another important feature of the orienteering map as it will tell you valuable
information. It will describe the terrain, roads, buildings, rivers, etc. using
Select one:
a. map
b. magnetic north lines
c. compass
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d. legends
Your answer is correct.
Question 6
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A horizontal angle measured clockwise from north (either magnetic north or true
north) to some point (either a point on a map or a point in the real world).
Select one:
a. compass
b. triangulation
c. bearing
d. legend
Your answer is correct.
Question 7
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Used to locate your position when two or more prominent landmarks are visible.
Select one:
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a. legend
b. compass
c. triangulation
d. map
Your answer is correct.
Question 8
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Event is done on cross country skis.
Select one:
a. score orienteering
b. string orienteering
c. ski orienteering
d. star event
Your answer is correct.
Question 9
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It is an un-timed event where the challenge is mental and achievement is based
upon the ability to correctly interpret the map and its relationship to the ground.
Select one:
a. Trail Orienteering
b. string orienteering
c. score orienteering
d. ski orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 10
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The word _______ is associated with the very early history of the sport, and was
used by the Military Academy, Sweden in 1886 to mean 'crossing unknown
territory with the aid of a map and compass'.
Select one:
a. orient
b. orienteering
c. orientee
d. orienteer
Your answer is correct.
A sport in attaining or attempting to attain high points in mountainous regions,
mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
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Select one:
a. trekking
b. mountaineering
c. hiking
d. climbing
Your answer is correct.
Question 2
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A lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping,
climbing over rocks, fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing
rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun in the process.
Select one:
a. hiking
b. trekking
c. mountain climbing
d. climbing
Your answer is correct.
Question 3
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Is any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary
physical effort, taking five hours or less from the jump-off point (location at the
foot of the mountain where the hike begins) before reaching the summit.
Select one:
a. minor climb
b. major climb
c. extreme climb
d. climb
Your answer is correct.
Question 4
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Normally requires two or more days to accomplish, with the climber exerting a
great deal of physical effort, and normally takes six hours or more to reach the
Select one:
a. climb
minor climb
c. Extreme climb
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d. Major Climb
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
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The first Filipino who was able to accomplish that. He scaled the nature’s
Goliaths, surviving the most extreme and challenging weather and environment
Select one:
a. Remy Garduce
b. Anthony Garduce
c. Romy Garduce
d. Romeo “Romi” Garduce
Your answer is correct.
Question 6
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An outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on
hiking trails.
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Select one:
a. Climbing
b. Hiking
c. Mountaineering
d. Trekking
Your answer is correct.
Question 7
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Are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to
purchase before a trip.
Select one:
a. backpack
b. shoes/boots
c. clothes
d. trekking poles
Your answer is correct.
Question 8
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One of the hiking essentials.
Select one:
a. Navigation
b. clothes
c. backpack
d. food
Your answer is correct.
Question 9
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Another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.
Select one:
a. clothing
b. socks
c. backpack
d. trekking pack
Your answer is correct.
Question 10
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Often, their tips are hardened carbide steel, with the ability to “set” into rock
and soil to provide traction.
Select one:
a. trekking pack
b. Trekking Poles
c. backpack
d. laces
Your answer is correct.
Used with pre-schoolers and primary grade children. Controls are placed along a
string which leads the child to each of the controls. Level of difficulty may be
Select one:
a. trivia orienteering
b. string orienteering
c. trail orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 2
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a ‘thinking’ outdoor sport that combines a participant’s mental ability with
physical ability.
Question 3
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Score orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points
according to difficulty.
Select one:
Question 4
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Each team member does a short course and tags the next team member. A
mass start is usually used
Select one:
a. relay orienteering
b. project orienterring
c. night orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
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Came into being in the first decade of the twentieth century and soon became
standard equipment on large ships.
Ocean liner
Question 6
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True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective
geographic poles
Select one:
Question 7
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Line orienteering of a set course with undisclosed control points. Success
depends on accuracy
Select one:
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Question 8
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Participants travel to each control on this.
Select one:
a. line orienteering
b. canoe orienteering
c. bike orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 9
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Question text
Magnetic north and south are widely misunderstood. The statement is often
made that magnetic north is the direction to the North Magnetic Pole.
Select one:
Question 10
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Question text
Triangulation is used to locate your position when two or more prominent
landmarks are visible.
Select one:
Question 11
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Question text
Teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period.
Similar to a score event.
Select one:
a. Motala
b. Cross Country / Foot
c. rogaine
Your answer is correct.
Question 12
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Question text
Excellent for use by school and scout groups. At each control, the participant
attempts to complete some type of activity. The activity may be used to teach a
new concept or used to test a skill.
Select one:
Canoe Orienteering
b. night orienterring
c. project orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 13
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Question text
Proof-of-arrival at each control site is confirmed by answering a question about
the site.
Select one:
a. trivia orienteering
b. trail orienteering
c. String Orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 14
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Question text
. a great military general and leader who commanded the Carthaginian forces
against Rome, was believed to have used a magnetic compass when he sailed
from Italy in 203 B.C.
Question 15
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Question text
Route orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with
the controls.
Select one:
Question 16
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Question text
Participants try to find as many controls as possible in a given amount of time.
Controls usually have different point values depending upon distance from the
start and the difficulty of navigation required to find them.
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Select one:
a. string orienteering
b. ski orienteering
c. score orienteering
Your answer is correct.
Question 17
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Question text
Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night
Select one:
a. night orienteering
b. line orienteering
c. motala
Your answer is correct.
Question 18
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Question text
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a horizontal angle measured clockwise from north (either magnetic north or true
north) to some point (either a point on a map or a point in the real world)
Select one:
a. bearing
b. compas
c. none of these
Your answer is correct.
Question 19
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Question text
associated with the very early history of the sport, and was used by the Military
Academy, Sweden in 1886 to mean 'crossing unknown territory with the aid of a
map and compass'
Question 20
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Question text
On March 28th 1918 he organized the first official event over a 12km course
with 3 controls.
Select one:
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Question 1
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Question text
It is the easiest and inexpensive way to get in shape 3-4 times a week before
you schedules outdoor climb.
Select one:
a. all of the above
b. jogging
c. swimming
d. walking
Question 2
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Question text
This Backpack is similar in volume as the Trekking pack, but the type of activity
it is used for is very different.
Select one:
a. Trekking Pack
b. Mountaineering Backpacks
c. Travelpack
Question 3
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Question text
A practical way to gain management skills is a trekking expedition.
Select one:
a. Fight Diseases like Cancer
b. Anti-Depressant and Mood Swing Counter
c. Grow on your softer skills
Question 4
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Question text
Trekking helps tone the muscles while enhancing their elasticity. This
strengthens and powers up the muscles.
Select one:
a. Musculo-Skeletal Health
b. Increased Heart & Lung Capacity
c. Control Body Sugar and Lose Those Extra Pounds
Question 5
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Question text
Downloaded by naruto utot (utotnaruto3@gmail.com)
Excellent for use by school and scout groups. At each control the participant
attempts to complete some type of activity. The activity may be used to teach a
new concept or used to test a skill.
Select one:
a. Canoe Orienteering
b. project orienteering
c. night orienterring
Question 6
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Question text
Each team member does a short course and tags the next team member. A
mass start is usually used
Select one:
a. night orienteering
b. project orienteering
c. Relay orienteering
Question 7
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Question text
Teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period.
Similar to a score event.
Select one:
a. Motala
b. Cross Country / Foot
Downloaded by naruto utot (utotnaruto3@gmail.com)
c. rogaine
Question 8
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Question text
Participants try to find as many controls as possible in a given amount of time.
Controls usually have different point values depending upon distance from the
start and the difficulty of navigation required to find them.
Select one:
a. score orienteering
b. string orienteering
c. ski orienteering
Question 9
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Question text
Proof-of-arrival at each control site is confirmed by answering a question about
the site.
Select one:
a. trivia orienteering
b. String Orienteering
c. trail orienteering
Question 10
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Question text
Used with pre-schoolers and primary grade children. Controls are placed along a
string which leads the child to each of the controls. Level of difficulty may be
Select one:
a. trivia orienteering
b. string orienteering
c. trail orienteering
Question 11
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Question text
A sport in attaining or attempting to attain high points in mountainous regions,
mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
Select one:
a. mountaineering
b. trekking
c. hiking
d. climbing
Question 12
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Question text
A lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping,
climbing over rocks, fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing
rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun in the process.
Select one:
a. climbing
b. hiking
c. mountain climbing
d. trekking
Question 13
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Question text
Is any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary
physical effort, taking five hours or less from the jump-off point (location at the
foot of the mountain where the hike begins) before reaching the summit.
Select one:
a. extreme climb
b. minor climb
c. major climb
d. climb
Question 14
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Question text
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Normally requires two or more days to accomplish, with the climber exerting a
great deal of physical effort, and normally takes six hours or more to reach the
Select one:
a. Extreme climb
b. minor climb
c. climb
d. Major Climb
Question 15
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Question text
The first Filipino who was able to accomplish that. He scaled the nature’s
Goliaths, surviving the most extreme and challenging weather and environment
Select one:
a. Romeo “Romi” Garduce
b. Romy Garduce
c. Anthony Garduce
d. Remy Garduce
Question 16
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Question text
Is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often
on hiking trails.
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Select one:
a. Mountaineering
b. Hiking
c. Climbing
d. Trekking
Question 17
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Question text
Are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to
purchase before a trip.
Select one:
a. shoes/boots
b. trekking poles
c. backpack
d. clothes
Question 18
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Question text
One of the hiking essentials.
Select one:
a. backpack
b. food
c. clothes
Downloaded by naruto utot (utotnaruto3@gmail.com)
d. Navigation
Question 19
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Question text
Another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.
Select one:
a. clothing
b. trekking pack
c. backpack
d. socks
Question 20
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Question text
Often, their tips are hardened carbide steel, with the ability to “set” into rock
and soil to provide traction.
Select one:
a. backpack
b. Trekking Poles
c. trekking pack
d. laces
Question 21
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Question text
A ‘thinking’ outdoor sport that combines a participant’s mental ability with
physical ability.
Select one:
a. orienteering
b. mountain climbing
c. mountaineering
d. hiking
Question 22
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Question text
Event is done on a lake or tidal water area within a canoe.
Select one:
a. string orienteering
b. canoe orienteering
c. trail orienteering
d. night orienteering
Question 23
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Question text
Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night.
Select one:
a. string orienteering
b. canoe orienteering
c. night orienteering
d. trail orienteering
Question 24
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Question text
Two-dimension representation of a three-dimension surface. It is a graphic
representation of the ground and the terrain.
Select one:
a. compass
b. legend
c. map
d. magnetic north lines
Question 25
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Question text
Another important feature of the orienteering map as it will tell you valuable
information. It will describe the terrain, roads, buildings, rivers, etc. using
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Select one:
a. legends
b. map
c. magnetic north lines
d. compass
Question 26
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Question text
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from north (either magnetic north or true
north) to some point (either a point on a map or a point in the real world).
Select one:
a. legend
b. bearing
c. compass
d. triangulation
Question 27
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Question text
Used to locate your position when two or more prominent landmarks are visible.
Select one:
a. triangulation
b. map
c. legend
Downloaded by naruto utot (utotnaruto3@gmail.com)
d. compass
Question 28
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Question text
Event is done on cross country skis.
Select one:
a. string orienteering
b. score orienteering
c. star event
d. ski orienteering
Question 29
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Question text
It is an un-timed event where the challenge is mental and achievement is based
upon the ability to correctly interpret the map and its relationship to the ground.
Select one:
a. ski orienteering
b. Trail Orienteering
c. string orienteering
d. score orienteering
Question 30
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Question text
The word _______ is associated with the very early history of the sport, and was
used by the Military Academy, Sweden in 1886 to mean 'crossing unknown
territory with the aid of a map and compass'.
Select one:
a. orienteer
b. orient
c. orienteering
d. orientee
Question 31
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Question text
Most Mountaineering Backpacks are very simple, robust, and streamlined, with a
single compartment and single lid pocket.
Select one:
a. trekking pack
b. travelpack
c. mountaineering backpacks
Question 32
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Question text
Considered as the father of modern camping.
Select one:
a. Thomas Aquinas
b. Thomas hunt morgan
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. Thomas Hiram Holding
Question 33
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Question text
A great military general and leader who commanded the Carthaginian forces
against Rome, was believed to have used a magnetic compass when he sailed
from Italy in 203 B.C.
Select one:
a. Hannibal
b. Carthage
c. Vikings
d. Carthaginian
Question 34
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Question text
Came into being in the first decade of the twentieth century and soon became
standard equipment on large ships.
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Select one:
a. Gyrocom
b. Gyrocompasses
c. Gyrocompass
Question 35
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Question text
While hiking, wear quick dry clothes and stay away from cotton fabrics and
denim pants since you will be sweating profusely during the climb.
Select one:
Question 36
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Question text
Venture into the woods without properly informing other people.
Select one:
Question 37
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Question text
In the European context, mountaineering is often referred to as alpinism which
means climbing with difficulty such as climbing the alps.
Select one:
Question 38
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Question text
Line orienteering of a set course with undisclosed control points. Success
depends on accuracy.
Select one:
Question 39
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Question text
Route orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with
the controls.
Select one:
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Question 40
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Question text
Score orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points
according to difficulty.
Select one:
Question 41
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Question text
Triangulation is used to locate your position when two or more prominent
landmarks are visible.
Select one:
Question 42
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Question text
True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective
geographic poles.
Select one:
Question 43
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Question text
Magnetic north and south are widely misunderstood. The statement is often
made that magnetic north is the direction to the North Magnetic Pole.
Select one:
Question 44
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Question text
On March 28th 1918 he organized the first official event over a 12km course
with 3 controls.
Select one:
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Question 45
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Question text
If you are located on a prominent feature marked on the map such as a ridge,
stream, or road, only one calculation from a prominent landmark should be
necessary. Your position will be approximately where the drawn line intersects
this linear feature.
Select one:
Question 46
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Question text
For day hikes, 1 to 2 liters of water per person would suffice, although you may
need to bring more if it is in your nature to consume a greater amount.
Select one:
Question 47
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Question text
For most climbers, the pleasures of mountaineering lie not only in the
“conquest” of a peak but also in the physical and spiritual satisfactions brought
about through intense personal effort, ever-increasing proficiency, and contact
with natural grandeur.
Select one:
Question 48
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Question text
Climbing mountains is truly rewarding: not only does it cultivate environmental
awareness, it also develops a person's character by facing and conquering one's
fears and ultimately conquering oneself, leaving the mountain climber with a
great feeling of achievement.
Select one:
Question 49
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Question text
Tents are needed for day hikes.
Select one:
Question 50
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Question text
Socks are the first line of defense so that the body can maintain an appropriate
core temperature.
Select one:
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