SOCIAL COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT JEROME BRUNNER * The goal of education should be intellectual development. * The need for “learning how to learn”. What are Modes or Stages of representation? • Storing and encoding knowledge and information in the memory. • Modes should be used to be actually design curriculum. • Bruner’s stages are not strictly sequential, or based on age. • Not strictly age-bound like Piaget’s Stages. MODES OF REPRESENTATION 1. ENACTIVE MODE -Based around actions and reactions. -Performing actions, observe reactions. Example: An infant wants to understand the circular object, it would touch and feel the object and its curvature. MODES OF REPRESENTATION 2. ICONIC MODE -Visual summarization of objects. -Storing a mental picture of an object. Example: The child can now draw an image of a circular object or think of an object. MODES OF REPRESENTATION 3. SYMBOLIC MODE -Information is stored in a form of a code or symbol, like a language. -Stored, classified and manipulated.. Example: The child can use a circle/ball as a part of a language or as a mathematical equation. Curriculum design to incorporate the 3 modes. SPIRAL CURRICULUM -Any subject of any difficulty can be taught to a child at any stage of development. -A gradual increase in difficulty. -Each learning steps should be linked to the previous steps. SCAFFOLDING CURRICULUM -Students are benefited by the help and guidance of adults to shape up their learning. -Teachers should build a structure to aid the existing knowledge of students.