Group Members Manik Singh Malkeet Singh Shivam Raina Report on Arduino Password System: Door Lock with LCD and Buzzer Circuit Diagram Link - 1. Overview: The provided Arduino code implements a basic password system using a 4x4 keypad and a Liquid Crystal display. Users are prompted to enter a password, and upon correct entry, they are greeted with a welcoming message. Incorrect attempts trigger an error message along with visual and auditory cues. 2. Components: Keypad: A 4x4 matrix keypad is utilized for entering the password. Liquid Crystal Display: A 16x2 character LCD provides visual feedback and prompts. LEDs: Two LEDs (red and green) indicate the status of the password entry. Buzzer: An audible signal is produced using a buzzer. 3. Functionality: Setup Function: Initializes serial communication, pin modes, LCD, and displays initial messages. Loop Function: Continuously scans for keypad input and processes entered keys. Password Function: Checks the entered password against a predefined sequence. If the password is correct, it returns 1; if incorrect, it returns 0. It also handles clearing the display and resetting variables. Enter Function: Displays "Enter Password" message. Wrong Function: Displays "Wrong Password" message, activates red LED and buzzer for 3 seconds. Correct Function: Displays "Correct Password" message, activates green LED, and displays a welcoming message for a short duration. 4. Code Analysis: The code is well-structured and commented, enhancing readability and understanding. Modular functions are used for specific tasks, promoting code organization and reusability. Proper delay intervals are employed to manage timing requirements. Serial communication is enabled for debugging purposes. The use of global variables could potentially lead to unintended side effects or conflicts, but in this context, it seems manageable due to the simplicity of the program. 5. Recommendations for Improvement: Consider enhancing security by implementing more robust password handling techniques such as encryption. Add a mechanism for password change/reset. Implement a timeout feature to lock the system after a certain number of failed attempts. Utilize arrays or constants for pin definitions to improve code maintainability. Enhance user feedback by providing clearer messages and visual indicators. 6. Conclusion: The provided Arduino password system demonstrates a fundamental implementation of a security mechanism using a keypad and LCD. While functional, there is room for improvement in terms of security, user experience, and code optimization. With further refinement, it could be adapted for use in various access control applications.