Direktorat Pengembangan Nomor Dokumen Project Control & Quality Assurance MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC LAPORAN KEGIATAN FUNGSI QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL Periode Juli 2023 00 22/08/2023 Issued For Information AF YS RF Rev. Date Issue Description Prep’d Chk’d App’d This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 2 of 26 DAFTAR ISI 1. PENDAHULUAN ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2. QUALITY CONTROL ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................ 3 a. Request For Inspection (RFI) / Application for Inspection (AFI) ....................................................... 3 b. Status Non-Conformity ............................................................................................................................ 3 i. Summary NCR Periode Untuk Early Work Sampai Dengan Juni 2023 ........................................................ 3 ii. Detail NCR Early Work yang Dikeluarkan Pada Bulan Juli 2023: ................................................................. 3 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITY ...................................................................................................... 4 a. Third Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) Activity ..................................................................................... 4 b. Certificate of Inspection Status (CoI) ..................................................................................................... 4 4. CIVIL, STRUCTURE AND ARCHITECTURE ACTIVITY REVIEW .................................................. 5 a. Area ISBL................................................................................................................................................... 5 b. Area OSBL............................................................................................................................................... 13 5. WELDING & PIPING ACTIVITY REVIEW .......................................................................................... 15 a. Welder Performance Test ..................................................................................................................... 15 b. Welding Rejection Rate (WRR) ............................................................................................................ 16 c. Piping Test Package .............................................................................................................................. 16 6. MECHANICAL ACTIVITY REVIEW .................................................................................................... 16 a. EPC ISBL-OSBL ..................................................................................................................................... 16 7. EPC OF LAWE-LAWE FACILITIES .................................................................................................... 18 a. STATUS CRUDE TANK ........................................................................................................................ 18 8. ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENT ACTIVITY REVIEW ................................................................. 20 a. Activitas Elektrikal................................................................................................................................... 20 b. Aktifitas Instrumen .................................................................................................................................. 20 9. LAMPIRAN (HIGHLIGHT QA/QC ACTIVITY) .................................................................................... 22 10.LAMPIRAN B – DAFTAR PEKERJA .................................................................................................................. 24 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 3 of 26 1. PENDAHULUAN Sebagai salah satu fungsi di lingkungan PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB), Fungsi QA/QC telah melakukan beberapa pekerjaan yang merupakan tugas pokok dan pekerjaan untuk menjamin pelaksaan proyek dapat memenuhi kriteria spesifikasi proyek, code & standard, dan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku. Untuk itu, laporan ini berguna untuk memberikan gambaran umum rekapitulasi kegiatan QA/QC PT KPB selama bulan Juli 2023. 2. QUALITY CONTROL ACTIVITY a. Request For Inspection (RFI) / Application for Inspection (AFI) Merupakan kegiatan inspeksi yang dilakukan bersama antara RDMP dengan Kontraktor. Dalam hal ini, kontraktor mengundang QA/QC untuk melakukan inspeksi di site dengan menerbitkan RFI/AFI, minimum 1 hari sebelum pelaksanaan inspeksi. b. Status Non-Conformity i. Summary NCR Periode Untuk Early Work Sampai Dengan Juni 2023 Setiap temuan deviasi dari aktivitas inspeksi di lapangan disebut sebagai nonConformity. Hal ini akan dituangkan dalam Non-Conformity Report (NCR) yang harus diselesaikan oleh kontraktor. ii. Detail NCR Early Work yang Dikeluarkan Pada Bulan Juli 2023: No Contractor Open Closed Total 1 Nindya Karya TPS 1 7 8 2 Wika MODTANK 12 13 1 Remark 1 On Repair Progress 1 On Repair Progress This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 4 of 26 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITY a. Third Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) Activity Berikut merupakan daftar dari perusahaan inspeksi yang menunjang dalam proses sertifikasi Persetujuan Layak Operasi (PLO) dan Certificate of Inspection (COI) (untuk Early Work dan RDMP ISBL/OSBL): b. Certificate of Inspection Status (CoI) Berikut merupakan daftar status untuk COI per jenis equipment (RDMP ISBL/OSBL): This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 5 of 26 4. CIVIL, STRUCTURE AND ARCHITECTURE ACTIVITY REVIEW a. Area ISBL No. Unit Area Kegiatan 1. U-052 RFCC 40 • Civil activity in progress: Foundation equipment structure & piperack - PR-052-12 - STR-052-08 Foundation equipment - E-052-11 - A-052-27 - E-052-13 - E-052-32 - E-052-34 - A-052-10-D7 - G-052-07A/B - E-052-33 - E-052-01A/B Foundation local support Area 1,2,3,4 - Manhole & catch basin OWS, PCS - Duct Bank area 4 - Trench – Concrete_CI PR-052-01/02/04/10/09 - Trench – Concrete_EL PR-052-04/05/10 - Sump/ Pit/ Pond Z-052-16/17/18 & 21 - Fire Proofing work PR-052-02/04/05/06, STR05202/03/04/06/07/09 - Area Paving- Concrete Area-1/3/4/2 Steel Structure Activity in progress: - Piperack & Equipment Structure erection PR-052-06 PR-052-09 PR-052-12 SHL-052-01 Architectural activity in progress: - Ground slab (SHL-052-01) • Rotating & Static Equipment Activity - Install Equipment Activity This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 6 of 26 Area Kegiatan - U-052 area 1 (east Side) - U-052 Area 2 (West Side) • - • - 2. U-062&063 RFCC LPGT & PRU 40 Electrical Activity Grounding cable installation Cable Tray Installation Installation lighting SAT LV and MV Switchgear SS –107 Installation LV Bus duct Cable pulling and layiing power and control Instrument Activity Installation support, stanchion, perforated tray, and ladder Glanding and Termination at Field Instrument Secondary Cable Pulling and Dressing, from field to JB Primary Cable Pulling Installation Termination Box / JB Installation Field Instrument / Transmitters Cold SAT ISH-107 Civil Activity in progress: - Foundation equipment ▫ G-063-05A/B ▫ Foundation local support 062 ➢ Foundation local support 063 Area 1,2,3 ➢ Area Paving Concrete 062 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit Area Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 7 of 26 Kegiatan - Manhole & catch basin PCS, OWS, 062 - Trench-Concrete 063 Area 1 - Sump/ Pit/ Pond Z-062- 02 Steel Structure Activity in progress: - Piperack & Equipment Structure erection ➢ PR-063-01 Rotating & Static Equipment Activity - Install Equipment Activity ➢ S-062-02A/B ➢ C-062-05-1, platform ➢ E-063-15 ➢ C-063-04-I ➢ A-062-03 ➢ G-062-06A/B ➢ G-062-14A/B ➢ G-063-05A/B ➢ TM-063-01 • Piping Activity - A/G piping work: Field & E&Q Around Piping 062 & 063, PR-063-01 - U/G piping work U-062 & 063 • Electrical Activity: - Installation cable tray - Installation lighting • Instrument Activity: - Installation support, stanchion, perforated tray, and ladder - Glanding and Termination at Field Instrument - Secondary Cable Pulling, from field to JB - Installation Termination Box / JB - Installation Field Instrument / Transmitters This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. 3. Unit U-053 RFCC NHT Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 8 of 26 Area 45 Kegiatan - Primary Cable Pulling - Architectural activity in progress: Equipment foundation (SHL-053-01) Building foundation (SHL-053-01) Rotating & Static Equipment Activity • • - Install Equipment Activity ➢ G-053-07A/B (done) ➢ G-053-10A/B (done) • - • - • - 4. U054 DHT-I Piping Activity A/G piping work: PR, Field & E/Q U/G piping work Electrical Activity: Installation cable tray at PR-053-01 & 02 (On Progress) Installation lighting cable (On Progress) Installation lighting (On Progress) Instrument Activity: Installation support, stanchion, perforated tray, and ladder Secondary Cable Pulling, from field to JB Primary Cable Pulling Installation Termination Box / JB Installation Field Instrument / Transmitters Architectural Work (394.58 m3 of 450.86 m3) 1. Building Foundation: Complete 2. Equipment Foundation: Complete 3. Ground Slab: Remaining Civil Foundation (5,237.55 m3 of 5,997.12 m3) This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 9 of 26 Area Kegiatan • Other: Misc, MH and Ditch 1. Steel Structure (2,148.51t of 2,117.18t) 2. PR-054-01/02/03: Complete 3. STR-054-01: Complete 4. STR-054-02: Complete 5. STR-054-03: 2,36t of 11.40t 6. STR-054-04/05/06: Complete 7. SHL-054-01: 133,98t of 134.00t • Mechanical Heavy Lifting 1. K-054-02 2. G-054-04AB 3. G-054-05AB 4. E-054-02 5. C-054-18 6. C-054-23 7. C-054-24 • Field AG Piping • Electrical Activity: 1. Installation cable tray 2. Installation grounding cable • Instrument Activity: 1. Installation cable tray 2. Pulling Secondary Cable 3. Installation Termination Box / JB 4. Installation Field Instrument This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit 5. U083 DHTII Area 31 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 10 of 26 Kegiatan Architectural Work (330 m3 of 422.75 m3 ) 1. Building Foundation: Complete 2. Equipment Foundation: Complete 3. Ground Slab: Remaining Civil Foundation (5,823.63 m3 of 6,256.33 m3 ) Other: Misc, MH and Ditch Steel Structure (2,081.18t of 2,407.02t) 1. PR-083-01/02/03: Complete 2. STR-083-02: 384,27t of 386,93t 3. STR-083-04: Complete Mechanical Heavy Lifting 1. K-083-02 2. Internal Tray C-083-16 3. Preparation Internal Tray C-083-06 Field AG Piping Instrument Activity: 1. Installation Cable Tray 2. Installation Termination Box / JB 3. Pulling Secondary Cable Installation Field Instrument 6. U084 NHTII 35 Architectural Work (251,34 m3 of 374,17 m3 ) 1. Building Foundation: Complete 2. Equipment Foundation: 189.50 m3 of 258.73 m3 Civil Foundation (3,376.51 m3 of 4,236.21 m3 ) This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit Area Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 11 of 26 Kegiatan Other: Misc, MH and Ditch Steel Structure (775,06t of 906,93.02t) 1. PR-084-01: Complete 2. PR-084-02/03: 13,88t of 20,32t 3. STR-084-01: 32,99t of 39,16t 4. STR-084-02: Complete Mechanical Heavy Lifting 1. K-084-01 2. G-084-03AB 3. G-084-04AB 4. E-084-07AB 5. E-084-09AB 6. C-084-09 Field AG Piping Electrical Activity: 1. Installation cable tray 2. SAT UPS SS - 115 Instrument Activity: 1. Installation Cable Tray 2. Installation Termination Box / JB Pulling and Coiling Primary Cable 7. U065/066 Alkylation Unit WSA Unit 50 Architectural Work (345 m3 of 384.23 m3) 1. Building Foundation: Complete 2. Equipment Foundation: Complete 3. ESP Utility House: Remaining Civil Foundation (4,909.92 m3 of 5,454.40 m3) This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit Area Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 12 of 26 Kegiatan Other: Misc, MH and Ditch Steel Structure: 1,816.74t of 1,819.74t 1. PR-065-01/02/03/04: Complete 2. STR-065-01/02/03/04/05/06: Complete 3. STR-066-01/02/03/04: Complete 4. SHL-065-01: Complete 5. SHL-066-01: Remaining (3.00t) Mechanical Heavy Lifting 1. Internal Tray C-065-12 2. Internal Tray C-065-13 3. G-066-01AB 4. G-066-03AB Field AG Piping Electrical Activity: 1. Cable Tray Installation 2. Earthing cable 3. Lighting installation 4. SAT LV and MV Switchgear SS –109 5. Cable pulling and laying power and control Instrument Activity: 1. Installation support, stanchion, perforated tray, and ladder 2. Glanding and Termination at JB Side 3. Installation Termination Box / JB 4. Secondary Cable Pulling, from Field to JB 5. Installation Field Instrument This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. Unit Area Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 13 of 26 Kegiatan 6. Hot SAT ISH-109 Loop Check ISH-109 b. Area OSBL No Unit Area 1. 323 New Jetty Product 2. 332 CWS 3. 320 Plant Feed & Product Tankage Kegiatan Civil Activities 1. Install rebar and formwork on south pipe rack 2. Finishing beam & pile cap south pipe rack 3. Welding steel beam north pipe rack 4. Precast slab north pipe rack 5. Touch up painting steel beam north pipe rack 6. Install scaffolding north pipe rack 7. Install handrail north pipe rack Civil Activities 1. Civil work oil skimmer UCT 2. Civil work ows pit UCT 3. Wall reinforcement PCT 4. Install rebar & formwork PSL PCT Piping Activities 1. Piping work waterpump UCT 2. Piping work at PR-332 3. Welding UG piping PCT Civil Activities: 1. Civil work PSL-320 north, 2. Pump foundation G-320-01A, 3. Silincer foundation G-320-01, 4. culvert 320-CV10 5. OWS Z-320-05 Mechanical Activities 1. Build up Tank D320-06B 2. Insulation Rockwoll Tank. D320-06A Piping Activites 1. AG piping U320 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 14 of 26 No Unit Area Kegiatan 4. 334 19 & 21 Civil Activities 1. Finishing floor WP-334-02 B main basin 2. Install rebar formwork footing piperack foundation incinerator V-334-01 3. Install formwork wall C4 foundation incinerator V334-01 4. Lean concrete A-334-20 (Sludge Bagging system) foundation 5. Install rebar formwork local foundation 6. Overlay soil for CHM 002 foundation 7. Install rebar beam for CHM 001 foundation 8. Finishing wall sedimentasi basin B 9. Body coat wall Buffer basin 10. Finishing wall 09 B main basin 11. Install support cable tray top piperack 334-01 Piping Activities 12. Install pipe for pump G-334 17 AB,18 AB, 19 AB, 15 B 13. Install pipe for pump G-334 21 A – J 14. Install Pipe for sand filter vessel 5. 337 27 Civil Activities 1. Continue equipment foundations and trench in 337-SWR-04/05. 2. Ongoing local foundations at BWRO tank, U335 PSL sleepers, De-Iron Filter package and De-Oil Filter package. 3. Cast UF CIP tank A-337-16. 4. Continue trench under 337-PR-V08. 5. Continue foundation for Piperack 337-PR-V09. 6. Poured duct bank EDB-335-100 and blinding for IDB-337-010A/B & IDB-337-002. 7. Continue rebar and precast for EDB.R-335-101, IDB-030-001, and EDB.R-335-102. 8. Continue foundation for Pipe bridge PB-337-WTP02 south of SWR-05. This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No 5. Unit 6. 315 7. 319 8. 335 Area 30 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 15 of 26 Kegiatan 9. Commence drain outlet-12 at Area 2. 10. Area grading for pavement commence inside SWR-05. 11. Continue erection main for 337-SWR-03, 337SWR-04 and 337-SWR-04/05. 12. Continue secondary steel for 337-SWR-05. 13. Ongoing erection of Piperack 337-PR-V04, 337PR-V01 and 337-PR-V17. Piping Activites 1. Fit up and welding of OWS lines at 337A04 (Demin Water Area). 2. Fit up, weld and Installation pipe on 337A01 and 337A04 along 337 Piperack and sleepers. 3. Pipe connection to equipment at Desal Pump and Deaerator Feed Pump area commenced. 4. GRE works ongoing by JEL to shelters SWR03/04, SWR-04/05, SWR-05. 1. Civil work ground slab & PCS Z-315-03 2. Chipping & padding pondasi pompa G-315-03C 1. Install rebar slab PCS sump pit Z-319-11 2. Painting derrick RFCC flare 3. EI installation RFCC flare 4. Steel structure installation PR-319-07 5. Insulation KO drum C-319-07 A, & insulation KO drum C-319-03 6. Overlay soil for pavement KO drum C-319-07 B 1. Civil work local foundation, ground slab, operator shelter & cable trench 2. AG Piping installation and erection 3. Install scaffolding support piping work 4. Steel structure work compressor shelter WELDING & PIPING ACTIVITY REVIEW a. Welder Performance Test Berikut merupakan daftar jumlah welder per proyek yang sudah terverifikasi melalui performance test: This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No. 1. 2. 3. Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 16 of 26 Nama Proyek EPC ISBL / OSBL EPC Of Lawe-Lawe Facilitites Modifikasi Tank Total Jumlah Welder 717 orang 51 orang 8 orang 776 orang b. Welding Rejection Rate (WRR) Berikut merupakan rata – rata tingkat WRR per Proyek (Maks dibawah 3 %): No. 1. 2. 3. Nama Proyek EPC ISBL / OSBL EPC Of Lawe-Lawe Facilitites Modifikasi Tank Average Welding Rejection Rate 1.7 % 1.76 % 0% c. Piping Test Package 6. MECHANICAL ACTIVITY REVIEW a. EPC ISBL-OSBL This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 17 of 26 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 18 of 26 Update Modtank Status 7. EPC OF LAWE-LAWE FACILITIES a. STATUS CRUDE TANK 1. Cutting 2. Blasting & Primary Painting This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 19 of 26 3. Pre-fabrication & bottom status 4. Shell status (ring 1-4) 5. Shell Status (ring 5-8) This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 20 of 26 6. Roof & Accessories 8. ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENT ACTIVITY REVIEW a. Activitas Elektrikal Instalasi cable tray di PR-321-09 (R41) Instalasi grounding di 341-SS-101 Instalasi grounding di 341-UCR-001 Instalasi grounding di 341-SS-103 Instalasi grounding di A-331-07A-GT01 Instalasi cable tray di PR-321-01 (R10) Instalasi cable tray lighting GTG, HRSG A dan PR-331-06 Part 1 Instalasi cable tray lighting di 341-SS-101 dan 341-UCR-001 Instalasi cable tray lighting 341-SS-103 Instalasi lighting di Switchgear Room dan Battery Room 341-SS-101 Penarikan kabel SS-71 ke 341-SS-111 di area sekitar SS-71 Penarikan kabel GTG-A (A-331-07A-GT01) ke GTG-LER di unit 331 Penarikan kabel GTG-A (A-331-07A-GT01) ke 341-SS-101 Penggalian kabel SS-72 ke 341-SS-111 di area Jalan Prabumulih Instalasi lighting tray di tank gasoline dan sphere tank Instalasi MV switchgear di 341-SS-101 Instalasi power transformer dan accessories di 341-SS-101 Instalasi power transformer dan accessories di GTG-LER Aktifitas Instrumen b. No 1 Area Steam & Power, WT, CW, FW, Tank, Boiler Revamp Aktifitas - 2nd Cable Pulling/Termination in Boiler/GTG/HRSG Water Treatment (337) Ladder Tray Install Multi Cable Pulling from Utility CW to ISH-101 Multi Cable Pulling from ISH-101 to Unit 337 Panel Support Frame Install in ISH-102 ICSS Console & Workstation Install in UCR-001 Junction Box Installation in Unit 337 Installation ladder tray unit 332 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 No Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 21 of 26 Area Aktifitas - 2. 3. 4. Flare, WWT, HMU, FO/FG, Caustic Treater, SWI, Air/N2, NG Line OSBL Building, Jetty ( Elec& Inst) OSBL - Termination primary cable instrument in junction b ox unit 332 Installation perforated tray unit 320 spherical tank ICSS Cabinet & Package UCP Install in ISH-103 ICSS/UCP System/Power/Ground Cabling in ISH103 Multi Cable Pulling from 335/315/321 to ISH-103 Mobilization ICSS Cabinet & Package UCP in ISH104 Installation perforated tray in NG Line Installation Junction box in NG line Installation field instrument in unit 335 Installation ladder and perforated tray in unit 334 Installation junction box in unit 334 2nd Cable Pulling/Termination in unit 335 Termination primary instrument cable in ISH 103 Termination for lighting and small power at ISH101 Installation preforated tray at SS-101 Installation perforated tray at SS-102 Pulling cable FA at SS-102 Termination grounding at SS-102 Termination FA at SS-102 Installation JB PAGA at SS-104 Pulling cable for FA System at SS-104 Pulling cable for FA at SS-105 Installation device at SS-111 Installation preforated tray at SS-111 Power-On and SAT of ICSS/UCP in ISH-101 Loop Test for Power & Steam Unit (331) Power-On and SAT of GTG UCP in GTG-001(LER) & ISH-101 Loop & Function Test of GTG-A Package This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 9. Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 22 of 26 LAMPIRAN (HIGHLIGHT QA/QC ACTIVITY) No Proyek Foto Kegiatan Deskripsi 1 ISBL Inspeksi Final Grouting of Unit G-083-22A Area 31 (Conbextra HF) 2 ISBL Air Fan Cooler Angle & Pulley Alignment EA-052-01-AL2 3 ISBL Walk-through & Punch Issue 053-UG-FW-0003 4 KA-75 Spool pipe painting inspection 5 OSBL Punch clearance Verification Test Package: 331-BoilerC-WW-0001, 331-BoilerC-CH-0002, 331-BoilerC-BFW-0003 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 23 of 26 No Proyek Foto Kegiatan Deskripsi 6 KA-37 Incoming material verification 7 OSBL WALK THROUGH 331-HRSGC-MS-0004 8 ISBL Grouting (sika grout @215 New) unit C-065-56 Area 50 9 WIKAModtank Painting Inspection Pipa Fire Water (D20-15A) 10 OSBL FlangeJointVerification (Serration Check) TP:337-AG-SW-0007 This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 24 of 26 No Proyek Foto Kegiatan Deskripsi 11 ISBL Walk Through Test Package No. 079-AG-MEA-0012 12 ISBL Inspection 00725 RFI-H-SS5-PI- 10. LAMPIRAN B – DAFTAR PEKERJA Berikut merupakan daftar pekerja dan mitra kerja yang ada di lingkungan Fungsi QA/QC PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan. NO. NAMA JABATAN NO. PEKERJA STATUS 1 Rully Firmansyah Manager QAQC 88022067/719623 PWTT 2 Yoppi Sutrisna Sr. Inspector I ISBL Rotating 88005986/749845 PWTT 3 Fakhrul Rozi 13107521 PWT 4 Eko Kusworo 13107518 PWT 5 M. Fachrudin Fadillah 13107526 PWT 6 Arif Febrianto 7 Sigit Pratikno 8 Bernando 9 Elmidian Rizky 10 Ryan Aditya Nugraha 11 Tondi Halomoan Raja Sr. Inspector I OSBL Mechanical & Piping Sr. Inspector I ISBL Mechanical & Piping Inspector II Field ISBL Mechanical & Piping Inspector II Field Revamp Unit Mech & Piping Inspector II Field ISBL Rotating Jr. Inspector II Field ISBL Electrical & Instrument Jr. Inspector II Field OSBL Electrical & Instrument Jr. Inspector II Field Revamp Unit Electrical Jr. Inspector II Field OSBL Mechanical & Piping 13107639 PWT 13107633 PWT 88006086/755319 PWTT 88006089/755332 PWTT 88006090/755381 PWTT 88006096/755386 PWTT This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 25 of 26 NO. NAMA 12 Wisnu Suryo Jiwandono 13 Rifqi Aditya Halimawan 14 Taufik Dwi Prasetio 15 Suriani 16 Farid Rawung 17 Adi Bima 18 Ade Bustami Inspector Electrical & Instrument 19 Agus Rahayu Sr Piping Inspector 00429 Outsourcing 20 Arafat Piping Inspector 00518 Outsourcing 21 Anthon Cassandra Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00105 Outsourcing 22 Aria Perdana Abas 23 Aldo Riskiyana Putra Inspector Mechanical Rotating 00933 Outsourcing 24 Ayub Siswantoro Inspector Mechanical Piping 00936 Outsourcing 25 Bambang Irawan Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00932 Outsourcing 26 Bayu Rezki Prazetya Inspector Civil & Structure 00887 Outsourcing 27 Candra Septian Inspector Mechanical Piping 28 Dedi Haryono Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00961 Outsourcing 29 Deni Iswandi Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00905 Outsourcing 30 Dify Kurniawan Sr. Inspector Civil & Structure 00109 Outsourcing 31 Ekka Nurwana Inspector Mechanical Piping 00596 Outsourcing 32 Feriariyanto Inspector Mechanical Piping 00348 Outsourcing 33 Hamid Subrata Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00904 Outsourcing 34 Heddy Riyandi Ishak Inspector Mechanical Piping 00593 Outsourcing 35 Heriyanto Sr. Inspector Revamp 00363 Outsourcing 36 Ibnu Syukro Inspector Mechanical Piping 00931 Outsourcing Inspector Mechanical Piping 00522 Inspector Mechanical Piping 00430 Inspector Civil & Structure 00362 Sr. Inspector ISBL 00613 Outsourcing Inspector Mechanical Piping 00930 Outsourcing 37 38 39 JABATAN STATUS 88006250/755390 PWTT Jr. Inspector II Field ISBL Civil 88006252/755376 PWTT Inspector II Field OSBL Civil 13107701 PWT Jr. Engineer I Document Control 13107646 PWT M061-52620 Outsourcing 00429 Outsourcing Jr. Inspector II Field ISBL Mechanical & Piping Project Quality plan and Assurance Officer QA Engineer Jihad Syaifulloh Satyagama Miftahus Syifa Muhammad NO. PEKERJA Hasanul Basri 40 Muhammad Kausar 41 Moch. Rachman Ismail Heavy Equipment & Tools Inspector Outsourcing 00267 Outsourcing Outsourcing Outsourcing Outsourcing Outsourcing This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law. Juli 2023 NO. NAMA Project Control & Quality Assurance QA/QC MR-202307-KPB1420-QA/QC Sheet 26 of 26 JABATAN NO. PEKERJA STATUS Inspector Mechanical Piping 00268 Outsourcing 42 Nana Sukarna 43 Nanang Suprayetno Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00906 Outsourcing 44 Nurcholis Sr. Inspector Civil & Structure 00323 Outsourcing 45 Octo Harahap Inspector Civil & Structure 00344 Outsourcing 46 Rahmad Hudioro 47 Rusmadi Sr. Inspector Rotating 00599 Outsourcing 48 Septian Budi Susanto Quality Coordinator 00501 Outsourcing 49 Suko Rahardjo Inspector Statutory 00112 Outsourcing 50 Surya Darmansyah Sr. Inspector Civil & Structure 00765 Outsourcing 51 Syarif Hidayatullah Inspector Civil & Structure 00767 Outsourcing 52 Reza Batu Bara QA Engineer 00980 Outsourcing 53 Rizki Aulia 54 Zainal Anwar 55 Trisna Ajeng Mariana 56 Sr. Inspector Electrical & Instrument 00345 Inspector Electrical & Instrument Sr. Inspector Electrical & Instrument Outsourcing Outsourcing 00502 Outsourcing Administrasi M629-204416 Outsourcing Yurinda Yustisia Document Control M629-204419 Outsourcing 57 Djamila Djumli Administrasi Outsourcing 58 Rejoice Sumlang Document Control Outsourcing This document is the property of PT. Pertamina (Persero) who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the Law.