Uploaded by Britney A.

Character Development Play: Drug Deal & Courtroom Drama

Narrator: On this day, a locally known drug seller met one of her latest clients. They came to do
usual drug selling stuff, she provides the drugs and he pays. But this client of hers was terribly
stupid and oblivious to how the drug selling world was, that might have been because of how
drunk he was on the day.
HIMMMM or her. I don't really know. I’m just so drunk right now, and I WANNA BE HIGHHHHH.
(crazy laughs)
*spots Katy, the drug dealer*
Katy: BE QUIET! (whispers) yes, but you’re going to get us into trouble with all your shouting.
*Sam-H walks by DB and hears him screaming something about drugs*
Sam-H (to himself): If he’s actually being serious, i’m going to have to call the police.
*DB and Katy engage in a silent convo, Katy takes out the pencil-case of drugs lol*
*Sam-H takes out his calculator(phone) and calls the police*
Sam-H:( muffled sounds, involves something about drugs and police needing to get here fast*
*DB and Katy have exchanged the goods, DB gives her the money, she walks swiftly away,
looking around here and being suspicious.*
Sam-H: The police aren't getting here anything soon, I should do something before the criminal
gets away.
*Sam-H walks to DB* *DB sees him coming and panics, he shoves the “drug case” to Sam-H
and runs*
Sam-H: HEY! Where are you going??
*the police finally arrives and see Sam-H with the case and arrest him*
Police: Hey you, stop right there
Sam-H: What are you doing?
Police: You’re under arrest for possession of drugs.
Sam-H: I have never done or seen drugs in my life!
Police: Tell that to the judge kid.
Sam-H: I promise you got the wrong guy dude.
Police: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in the
court of law!!!!!
Narrator: Sam-H protests more while the police take him away.
*Next scene*
Narrator: In this next scene we are presented in a courtroom. Sam-H and his lawyer, Miss
Martin stand as the defendants and seem to be in good spirits.*
*Judge walks in and everyone stands*
Plaintiff aka Police: Good day your Honor.
Judge: Good day. May I know what is going on in my court today?
Plaintiff: Of course, My Lady. Today, I bring to you Mr….. He was arrested for possession of
Lawyer: That's not true. My client was just minding his own business until he spotted Mr Jeziah
and Ms Katy doing illegal business
Judge: What is your evidence for these claims?
Lawyer: All my evidence is in this file your honor
*Lawyer hands over evidence to the judge** judge opens file and frowns*
Judge: This is empty!!! What is this nonsense???!!! Get this outta my sight!!!
*judge throws file on the floor and scoffs*
Judge:Let’s all take a break before I make an irrational decision. I hope Miss. Martin and Mr
Johnson are able to get their case ready and set.
*Next Scene*
Narrator: Later, Sam-H and his lawyer are seen in a room talking about the case
Sam-H: I'm screwed man!!! What are we going to do now?
Lawyer: Don't think like that, there is still hope
Sam-H: Don’t you get it? Without the proper evidence we can’t clear my name!!
Lawyer: Hey!! You’ve got to think win win
Sam-H: Think win win? Dude, this isn’t power rangers where “Thinking win win” will save the
Lawyer: Come on Sam, how long have you known me? There’s still hope in the situation. You
just have to think about winning before you can win. Think about the light at the end of the
Sam-H: I guess you're right
*in that moment, Katy walks into the room with a snarky look on her face*
Sam-H and Lawyer: What do you want?
Katy: I just wanted to say goodbye to Sammy boy over here before he gets sentenced.
Lawyer: That's not gonna happen
Katy: There’s nothing you can do. I stole all of your evidence and there’s no way i'm handing it
*Lawyer pulls out phone and records the confession*
*Next Scene*
Narrator: Everyone returns to the courtroom for the judge’s decision
Judge: If Ms Martin cannot provide any evidence to prove her client’s innocence I will have toLawyer: Wait!!!! This time I have undeniable evidence that my client is innocent
Judge: Ok, where is this “undeniable evidence”
Lawyer: In my pocket*pulls out phone from pocket**Plays recording*
*Everyone is astonished and they start gasping*
*recording ends*
Katy and Jez: That can’t be true!! That recording is lying!!
Judge: Order!!! I’ve heard enough.Mr Johnson you are free to go
Judge: As for you 2 hooligans, you guys can spend the next few years in a cell!!
*Officer takes Katy and Jeziah away*
*Johnson starts celebration*