'$ffi K} Iiny rdl Student B Susan Rivers with songs by Carolyn Graham Oxf ord University Press Oxford Universitg Press 198 Modison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 USA Greot Clorendon Street, Oxford OX2 6Dp Englond Oxford New York Aucklond Cope Town Dor es Sotoom Hong Kong Korochi Kuo[o Lumpur Modrid Melbourne Mexico Citg Noirobi New Dethi Shonghoi Toipei Toronto with offices in Argentino Austrio Brozit Chite Czech Repubtic Fronce Greece Guotemoto Hungorg ltotg Jopon PoLond portugot Singopore South Koreo Switzertond Thoitond Turkeg Ukroine Vietnom OXFORD is o trodemork of Oxford University Press. ISBN:978 0 19 435150 8 Copyright @ 1997 Oxford University Press No unouthorized photocopying. All rights reserved. No port of this publicotion moy be reproduced, stored in o retrievol system, or tronsmitted, in ony form or by ony meons, electronic, mechonicol, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Oxford University Press. This book is sold subject to the condition thot it sholl not, by woy of trode or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circuloted without the publisher's prior consent in ony form of binding or cover other thon thot in which it is published ond without o similor condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchoser. Editoriol Monoger: Shelogh Speers Editor: Edword Yoshioko Production Editor: Mork Steven Long Designers: Doris Chen, Doreen Cheung Afi Buyer: Nino Hess Production Monoger: Abrom Holl Printing (tost digit): 30 29 28 27 This book is printed on poper from certified ond wett-monoged sources. Printed in Chino lllustrations by Kothteen McCord/Bookmokers, Ltd. Computer grophics by Eliot Bergmon Cover design by Doris Chen Cover illustrotion by KothLeen McCord/Bookmokers. Ltd. Tqble Of Contents Good Morning Girls And Boys t2 In The Clossroom I6 Morning Exercises Numbers Snock Time 30 Reody To Go 38 On The Bus :{ E -G &w Benny o Hello, Sue My nome's Sue. Benny @ Sue My nome's Good morning, Miss Dolly Fine, thonk you. teocher girl boy A book. You're welcome. ,)G {,& Thonk you. t,. ^ :9$St '"* i.1l lrr book @ croyon puppet Up! @ Down! Turn oround! Jump! A A A A @ ;&s IP "r 11 MM\ L{. l" { \"\ ,-J \A e€ @ l^, A A A A ^ A @ -r4ru {-.J L \ 1, 2,3, 4,5. I con count. 4 @ * "* ffi4: ;1o" :i I ii{"n.:.-:;,1 cookies @ , pleose. Here you ore. iuice pudding '*r \ \\= /-g' -s f-? l,rr,lirrrll:ttti:i:il i l1.:tilll"i rl;l ffrltlllirillili:,it..]:il i,,.1 :ar,trr: It:,11 r,rr.::r 1rr,.:lrt..l f a 14 ..I pink yellow purple cb See you tomorrow! Cleon up! Line up! iri'll::rrirr]rlri :uir:.rr.t,rr::ttrr. Stqnd up! Mqrch! u:utliit:iru! d>1 ci. I RI -<)t .'{a $lJ F,ffil ni Tl ul :# @ cor truck bus motorcycle @ a A ffi ffi @ ffi \.*trr 2qP ffi ffi' "{w ^ a A ry .h ,') 6/ @ A v ltir w,\ \\ \ ",. \. \\-\,, \ ta A G a - \ 'ery P * .--.@1. r<, "+JJi ! !:.\or/^ .J *54 l1!r .fi 6h ar lft 'I @ 7B 0 '19 435150 B lll|illt 1ilililililil1|il 9 11780 1 9 4ll35.150Bll