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Document Management in Engineering Projects

Petroleum Development Oman
Document Management in Engineering
Document ID SP-2065
Document Type Specification
Security Unrestricted
Discipline Project Engineering
EOIM Capability & Assurance Team
Leader (UEPI4)
Issue Date August 2012
Revision 4.0
This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor
any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic
recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4.0
Effective: Aug11
Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue – August 2012
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SP-2065: Document Management in Engineering Projects
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4.0
Effective: Aug11
Revision History
The following are brief revision summary of this document. Details of all revisions prior
to these are held on file by the issuing department.
n No.
Fadya Kharousi UEPI4
Kingsley Chime
Scope / Remarks
Updated to reflect current realities
The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Business Control Portal.
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SP-2065: Document Management in Engineering Projects
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4.0
Effective: Aug11
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................... 6
1.1. Executive Summary...............................................................................6
1.2. Purpose.................................................................................................. 6
1.3. Scope..................................................................................................... 6
1.4. Distribution / Target Audience................................................................6
1.5. Review and Improvement.......................................................................6
1.6. Step-out Approval..................................................................................6
1.7. Definitions and Abbreviations.................................................................7
1.7.1. Abbreviations.............................................................................7
1.7.2. Definitions..................................................................................8
DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY............................................................9
2.1. General Control Protocol........................................................................9
2.2. Document Planning................................................................................ 9
2.2.1. Design Document Planning........................................................9
2.2.2. Vendor Document Planning........................................................9
2.3. Document File Format..........................................................................11
2.3.1. General Format........................................................................11
2.3.2. Sets and Sizes of Files..............................................................11
2.3.3. Document Title - Guideline.......................................................12
2.3.4. Drawing Practice......................................................................12
2.4. Document Handover............................................................................ 13
2.4.1. Design Document Handover....................................................13
2.4.2. Vendor Document Handover....................................................13
2.5. As-Built Update Strategy......................................................................14
2.6. Correspondence Numbering and Control.............................................15
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.....................................................................16
DOCUMENT REVIEW AND EXCHANGE...........................................................18
4.1. Collaboration Media.............................................................................. 18
4.2. Exchange of Documents.......................................................................18
4.2.1. Document Transmittal..............................................................18
4.2.2. CSV Files.................................................................................. 18
4.3. Review and Return of Comments.........................................................19
4.3.1. Review of Document................................................................19
4.3.2. Cancelling Document...............................................................19
4.3.3. Return of Comments................................................................19
4.4. Document Approval.............................................................................. 20
DOCUMENT TAXONOMY................................................................................21
5.1. Document Numbering..........................................................................21
5.2. Issue and Status Code..........................................................................21
5.3. Revision Convention and Control..........................................................22
5.3.1. Review Return Codes...............................................................22
5.4. Renumbering of “Old System” Documents...........................................23
5.5. Vendor Documents Numbering............................................................23
APPENDIXES................................................................................................. 24
Appendix 1 – User Feedback Form................................................................24
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
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Effective: Aug11
Appendix 2 - Document Review and Update Process...................................24
Appendix 3 - Vendor Document Requirement Listing (VDRL).......................24
Appendix 4 - Request/Advice/Record Form...................................................24
Appendix 5 - Document Status Code Descriptions.......................................24
Appendix 6 – Vendor A4 Document Cover Sheet..........................................24
Appendix 7 - Vendor Document Schedule (VDS) Blank template.................24
Appendix 8 - Vendor Document Requirement Catalogue (VDRC).................24
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Effective: Aug11
1.1. Executive Summary
PDO engineering function has adopted an Information Management (IM) strategy that delivers
a common framework for IM practice in PDO and shall be used in conjunction with the
requirement of Engineering Information Specification (EIS); Project Contract Scope of Work SP2144; Project Data Specification SP-2142; Handover and As-Built Documentation SP-1131; and
Plant Lifecycle Information Plan (PLIP) SP-2143.
They constitute the body of business control documentation supporting the implementation of
document management in engineering projects.
1.2. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for Document Management in
Engineering Projects. The requirements comprise:
documents requirement planning
document taxonomy
document development, issue, review, approval and update
document exchange process and tools
Document exchange process refers to the flow of documents within the project team as well as
between the project team and external parties.
1.3. Scope
This document specifies the document management standard to be implemented in
Engineering project(s) and Operations. It covers the general strategy for document
management, Vendor requirement, review and exchange method and taxonomy. It defines the
relationships, roles and responsibilities of project team members, IM team, Contractor(s) and
Vendor(s) during the implementation.
Distribution / Target Audience
This document will serve the interest of PDO project teams comprising Project Manager(s),
Technical Discipline Engineers and Project Services professionals as well as their external
project delivery partners; vendors, suppliers, consultants and contractors.
Review and Improvement
Responsibility for the upkeep of this Document shall be with EOIM Capability and Assurance
Team Leader (UEPI4), the Owner. Changes to this Document shall only be authorised and
approved by the Owner.
Users of the Document who identify inaccuracy or ambiguity can notify the Custodian or
his/her delegate and request changes be initiated. The Requests shall be forwarded to the
Custodian using the “User Feedback Page” provided in the Appendix 1.
1.6. Step-out Approval
Should compliance with the specification or EIS be considered inappropriate or the intended
activity cannot be effectively completed or safely performed, then step out approval must be
obtained from the Document Owners in accordance with PR-1247 – Project Change Control and
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4.0
Effective: Aug11
Standards Variance (Projects) prior to any changes or activities associated with the
specification being carried out.
1.7. Definitions and Abbreviations
1.7.1. Abbreviations
In addition to the glossary and definition on the EIS, the following specific definition of
abbreviations applies:
Asset Information Center
Asset Integrity Process Safety
Comma Separated Values, a document format that allows data exchange
between different applications.
Computerized Maintenance Management System
Document Control Centre / Document Controller – Office / individual(s) that
provides all document control services as outlined on this document.
Discipline Control and Assurance Framework
Document Control System - System set up and used by DCC/DC to provide
document control services during the life of a project.
Document Deliverables Register – list of all project deliverables to be
delivered in a project.
Document Review Matrix – distribution of all project deliverables as listed on
the DDR
Electronic Document Management System (Livelink) – PDO system used for
document storage/retrieval
Engineering Procurement and Construction
Engineering Maintenance Contract
Engineering and Operations Information Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
External Project Contractor responsible for all or part of the Design,
Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning or Management of
a project, or operation or maintenance of a facility
Final Investment Decision
File Transfer Protocol; the platform that allows document exchange between
project team and external parties.
Inter-Discipline Check; review cycle involving team members/disciplines
outside the originating discipline/team
Information Management
Invitation To Tender
Portable Document Format - Application or Scanned rendition format for
read only files.
Petroleum Development of Oman LLC of Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Project Control and Assurance Plan
Project Manager
Plant Design Management System
Form filled by the originator or responsible engineer of a document
ODC etc
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
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Effective: Aug11
indicating distribution requirement of the document developed.
Technical Authority
Vendor Document Requirements Catalogue – a listing provided by PDO that
gives a brief description of all the document types stipulated in PDO’s data
Vendor Document Requirements Listing - a listing compiled showing specific
Document requirements relating to the equipment being supplied.
Vendor Document Schedule – a list of the entire Vendor document agreed
with PDO, with appropriate numbers and titles, scheduled for submission.
Work Package; a group of activities that are considered as one unit from the
planning perspective.
1.7.2. Definitions
Assai PDC
Assai Web
Native File
Controlled /
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Refers to a combination of Assai and Livelink to provide a system of secure
document control and storage solution for all documents (issued and workin-progress).
List of deliverables critical for the Operations and Maintenance of an Asset.
Assai Project Data Controller: Assai module used by the DCC
Assai module used by users for document (control, planning, distribution,
Review and approval) process. Revision control is typical functions
provided. Details can be found on http://www.assai.nl/.
As defined in the Contract
Product(s) of an activity (ies) or undertaking(s). The product can be a
document, data or just an activity.
Discipline control framework showing TA level required to review and
approve discipline deliverables.
Electronic file created by scanning or direct rendition through software.
Document or drawing or both
Engineering Data; E-SPIR; CMMS; SPI/INTOOLS; Corrosion Data; Tag
Register; 3D Model
PDO corporate EDMS.
Editable Electronic File Format.
The word ‘shall’ is to be understood as mandatory.
The word ‘should’ is to be understood as strongly recommended.
The word ‘may’ is to be understood as indicating a possible course of
An Engineer, Consultant or Contractor who applies this standard.
All document formally issued are controlled electronically in secure Livelink
workspace, and becomes uncontrolled when printed. Work-in-progress
documents are controlled in Livelink by the originator.
All project deliverables are managed electronically. Accesses to these
documents are on the “need-to-know” basis. All commercially sensitive
contract, project management and tender document will be retained in a
SP-2065: Document Management in Engineering Projects
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Effective: Aug11
secure location on Livelink.
Registers and
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All electronic copies of documents and drawings will be logged and filed by
the DCC using appropriate document control tools (eg ASSAI) and in
accordance with the Project filing scheme. All work-in-progress electronic
copies will be stored in the appropriate folders in Livelink and hardcopies
(masters/controlled copies) will be stored in the Project’s Document
Control Centre (DCC).
Multiple files delivered against a single document number revision.
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Effective: Aug11
2.1. General Control Protocol
ASSAI shall be the standard document control system in PDO.
Issue/distribution of document in ASSAI should be as shown on the project distribution
Document not yet issued in Assai system should be kept in work-in-progress area of
Livelink while issued document are stored in controlled Livelink Workspace.
Keeping work related files on the Desktop PC or any other storage media outside work-inprogress area of Livelink should be discouraged.
Every document shall go through at least one review process before approval.
TA shall reviews every revision but only approves key milestone stages of a document
development eg IFA, IFD, IFC, etc
Document reviews and approval process shall be as contained in Appendix 2
Document reviews shall be completed during IDC.
Upon notification that a new member has joined the team, IM on boarding shall be
conducted before granting access to document control system.
Project deliverables status report shall be issued by the IM team periodically showing
project IM KPI
A dedicated resource shall be available to support the Project at the beginning of Select
PDO’s standard drawing symbol and digitising menus shall be employed, as well as data
files for existing drawings and will be provided to assist the Consultant/Contractor during
detailed design.
All AI-PS critical documents & drawings shall follow the transmittal process and revision
control as specified in this specification. During Project, the custodianship of these
documents and drawings are with the Project Manager and after project handover with the
Asset Manager. The approval of AI-PS documents and drawings shall follow the DCAF
2.2. Document Planning
Document planning implemented should align with the actual project deliverables progress
measurement methodology, and should be monitored at document or work package level.
Document planning in project is based purely on attained progress of document or work
package against target.
2.2.1. Design Document Planning
Design document planning requires that each discipline produces a defined set of deliverables
against each work package, defined in the project planning system (e.g. Primavera).The work
package and their associated documents should be given a planned start date and a planned
end date for each status, and may also be loaded into the project document control system.
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Effective: Aug11
Milestones will be set against the attained development status each document has reached
i.e. IFR, AFD, AFC etc. The document maturation progress can be measured as a percentage at
each new status attained.
2.2.2. Vendor Document Planning
Depending on the Contract strategy, PDO can engage directly with a vendor or indirectly
through a Contractor.
PDO engages directly with a vendor when Purchase Order (PO) is issued directly to the vendor
(to supply one or more equipment, service, etc). In this situation the responsibility is on the
PDO responsible Engineer to liaise with the IM team to ensure completeness of IM requirement
in the PO and actual compliance to this specification.
PDO engages indirectly with a vendor when the vendor received PO from a Contractor with
PDO. In this situation, the Contractor takes full responsibility for ensuring completeness of IM
requirement outlined on the PO, and ensures actual compliance to this specification.
In both situation, vendor document will be submitted and approved against discipline scope of
work as set out in the Purchase Order package before any pre-commissioning or
commissioning activity is undertaken. However if supplied equipment requires a modification
during installation, commissioning or initial operation, the party making modification at this
stage, will red-line mark-up all the affected drawing and documents clearly indicating where
the changes were made. The requirement for updating the master vendor drawing shall be
determined by the PO requirement for the affected equipment. The timescale for the
submission of these modified documents by the vendor will be regulated against conditions
laid out in the contractual stipulations of the Purchase Order.
Vendor Document Requirements Listing (VDRL)
The responsible Engineer shall populate the VDRL template attached in Appendix 3, fulfilling
the project execution, submission and Operations/Maintenance requirement. During the bid/ITT
process the vendor shall review the PDO or Contractor’s document requirements as laid out in
the received bid package-specific VDRL and sign the first page. Any comment that arises
concerning issues such as document omissions and non-relevance of document for a particular
piece of equipment should be raised.
Upon award of purchase order (PO) and following bid clarification, a revised requisition
package will be submitted to the Vendor with a revised VDRL listing any changes that have
been after Vendor review of the VDRL. The Vendor will be required to sign the revised VDRL as
acceptance of the document and submission requirements.
The VDRL template attached in Appendix 3 shall be populated by the project team to reflect
the actual requirement for the equipment.
Vendor Document Schedule (VDS)
Upon Contract award the vendor will receive VDRL and will subsequently be required to submit
a completed Vendor Document Schedule (VDS) as part of the first initial submission of
document to PDO. The VDS will comprise a complete listing of document intended for
submission by the Vendor to complete the equipment design requirements and timings of
submission to comply with the VRDL.
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Effective: Aug11
The VDS also includes planned submission or due dates listed against each document stating
an estimated time for each initial document submission. Once reviewed and returned the
Vendor will be required to re-submit the revised VDS in line with any comments received and
subsequently submit updated VDS monthly or as agreed with Project team.
Typically the Vendor will include a CSV file with each VDS submission which will be uploaded
into the Project document control system. Each purchase order can be set up as an equipment
Work Package in the document control system against which the Vendor VDS can be loaded.
As documents are reviewed, returned and approved a percentage of overall completeness can
be rolled up against the work package. Overall package completeness will be dependent on
the current approval status of documents loaded against a given Purchase Order. When all
deliverables have been finally approved the Purchase Order would have reached 100%
completion within the document control system system.
Failure to comply with this requirement may result in delays to the Project Schedule. Meeting
deliverable dates for Vendor Documentation is critical to project success and therefore, once
agreed upon, can only be altered with consent of project team.
2.3. Document File Format
2.3.1. General Format
Each electronic file shall be self contained, i.e. will not require or call in any other project
delivered electronic files for viewing or updating other than agreed reference files. It is not
acceptable for non-standard (Korean or Cyrillic) character set to be required to be installed on
user machine to allow the file to be used. All project documents shall be produced in
compliance with ISO standard A1, A3, and A4 sizes.
Where hardcopy submission forms part of the deliverable requirements in a Project, the issue,
review and approval process is the same as specified in this document but the following
requirement shall also be met as a minimum:
Hard copy prints to be submitted in collated sets.
Hard copies shall be submitted in a clearly legible paper format.
Documents shall be scanned at their original size directly from the original hard copy.
Images shall be scanned in an orientation that allows viewing without rotation.
Paper copies submitted in a size over A3 should be fan folded such that the title block
will be visible and allows easy insertion into plastic wallets.
A4 documents to be stapled or bound dependent on size.
Standard number of copies to be submitted for review should be agreed with PDO.
Unless specifically requested by PDO to deliver native file for review and when review cannot
be effectively performed in pdf format, external part (ies) shall submit review file(s) made from
the rendition of native file with signature page signed and inserted. However the following
document types shall be submitted in native format at all revision: all schedules, ASCI files and
all IM deliverables. Final document submission shall be in both pdf and native format. The pdf
files shall be a direct native file rendition and content/text searchable as opposed to a scanned
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Effective: Aug11
pdf with signature page signed and inserted; the Vendor or Contractor has to demonstrate that
a particular deliverable item could not be delivered in native format
Where dates are held in databases the format shall be DD-MM-YYYY e.g. 05-10-2010 while
dates used on correspondence, etc shall be e.g. 12 December 2007.
2.3.2. Sets and Sizes of Files
File size for document shall be 20Mb. Lager files like 3D-CAD design files, some Vendor
deliverables and document delivered in multiple renditions (e.g. doc and PDF), etc can be
delivered but shall be split into smaller files, assembled into sets and delivered against a
single document number revision. When splitting lager files into smaller files, the following
shall apply:
Split the document at natural section breaks (indicated by section markers).
If the document has no natural section breaks but exceeds the allowable file size, the
document shall be
Split into allowed file-size limit.
When assembling split files into sets of files, the following shall apply:
1. Nominate the primary document and treat it in the same way as any other document,
giving it a document number (primary), and revision.
2. Assign the same document number and revision to all other (secondary) files in the Set,
but name each with a Document Title reflecting the sequence of the files, as they
should appear in the complete document.
Acceptable examples are:
Vendor Manual Centrifugal Pump Model XYZ Sections 1 to 5 (primary)
Vendor Manual Centrifugal Pump Model XYZ Sections 6 to 10 (secondary)
Vendor Manual Centrifugal Pump Model XYZ Appendix 1 (secondary)
Vendor Manual Centrifugal Pump Model XYZ Appendix 2 (secondary)
Compressor Station Layout PDF(primary)
Compressor Station Layout dwg (secondary)
Compressor Station Layout xls (secondary)
2.3.3. Document Title - Guideline
The document title assigned should be a true reflection of the content.
Care must be taken that a title assigned is as explanatory and unique as possible to enable the
drawing to be identified at a glance and retrieved if searched for in the drawing control
Document number, title, page number (page x of n) and revision should appear on each page
of document to ensure proper identification.
“General Arrangements Separator V5105” and not simply “General Arrangement’
“Process Flow Scheme Crude System” and not simply “Process Flow Scheme’
“Structural Steel Walkways Type ‘A’ “and not simply “Structural Steel Walkways’
File name for externally generated deliverables should be the document number only.
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2.3.4. Drawing Practice
Drawings shall conform to ISO 216 Standard ‘A’ sizes: A1, A3 and A4.
Format A0 and other non-standard sizes shall not be used.
Suitability for Reduction
Drawings produced in A1 format shall be suitable for reduction to A3 size.
Drawings produced in A3 shall be suitable for reduction to A4 size.
Drawings produced in A1 and A3 format shall be provided with margins to enable
binding after reduction. These shall be as follows:
A1 to A3 – The A1 shall be provided with a blank margin 40mm on the left hand
side of the drawing.
A3 to A4 - The A3 shall be provided with a blank margin 35mm at the top border
of the drawing.
Height of Drawing Registration Numbers
Height of Drawing Number figure shall not be:
- not less than 3.5 mm for A1 formats and
- not less than 3.5 mm for A3 and
- not less than 3.5 mm for A4 formats.
Character Size
To obtain a readable lettering, the minimum height, in mm, shall be as follows:
Height in
Hand Produced Drawingsi
Hand produced drawings shall not be produced or submitted for approval.
2.4. Document Handover
Deliverables to be delivered at the end of an Engineering Project are contained in the Plant
Lifecycle Information Plan (PLIP); however additional breakdown of vendor deliverables are
contained in VDRL, Appendix 3. These deliverables shall be delivered and accepted before
Engineering Project close-out, including all modification as a result of commissioning and precommissioning activities.
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Effective: Aug11
2.4.1. Design Document Handover
In addition to the normal document submission of each revision, design document package
shall be delivered in both pdf (native file rendition and content/text searchable as opposed to a
scanned pdf) and native format at the following stages of project development:
End of FEED,
End of Detailed Design – (All AFC drawings and document without hold, and all
approved revision of document not requiring AFC or As-Building).
As-Built (and all approved revision of document not requiring As-Building).
The Contractor has to demonstrate that a particular deliverable item could not be delivered in
native format. Modifications made during pre-commissioning, commissioning or initial
operation shall be implemented and As-Built resubmitted before formal project close-out. The
Contractor shall demonstrate that the document control system implemented has capability of
tracking every update to a deliverable no matter how insignificant, and auditable.
2.4.2. Vendor Document Handover
All documentation listed within the VDS must be completed and signed off prior to the
submission of the Vendor Data Book. These Data books shall be submitted in both native and
pdf (native file rendition and content/text searchable as opposed to a scanned pdf), and in
paper form. The Vendor has to demonstrate that a particular deliverable item could not be
delivered in native format. The Vendor Data Books and manuals “paper version” shall be
provided in paper sizes listed in 2.3. The number of paper copies is stipulated in the VDRL.
They shall have a hard cover and come with a 4-hole pillar ‘post-lock’ mechanism.
Documentation should be double-sided where practical. Manuals should have a clear plastic
envelop at the front into which a front sheet should be inserted, a similar sheet should exist on
the spine.
All books and manuals shall be properly indexed, as defined in the following section. The index
shall be approved by PDO prior to issue. Every manual shall be labeled with a dossier title,
volume number within dossier, and book number within volume. If a document within a
volume is so large that additional binders are required, the additional binders shall carry the
same volume number with additional book numbers to indicate sequence i.e. Volume 1 Book
1, Volume 1 Book 2. The maximum depth of paper in any binder shall be 40 mm. The
Maximum binder depth size shall be 50 mm (Inner dimension of retaining rings)
Each manual shall have a minimum of 8mm (1/4”) spare capacity to allow for supplementary
documentation to be added at a later date if required. It is advised that the Vendor submits
one hard copy data book for review, before printing multiple copies.
Documents marked “With Bid” or “For Review” shall be submitted electronically in .pdf (Adobe
Acrobat) format. Documents marked “As-Built” or “In Data Book” shall be submitted
electronically in .pdf (with signed approval page neatly inserted), and as native file format;
preferably MS Office, AutoCAD and PDMS (if used). Documents marked “In Data Book” shall
also be submitted in a signed paper format.
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Effective: Aug11
The Vendor shall at all times ensure that Sub-Vendor’s documents, etc prior to submission to
Contractor or PDO is contractually and grammatically correct. For those activities provided by
a sub-vendor, the sub-vendor data (contact, etc) shall be clearly documented.
Vendor Data Book and Manuals Index:
Section 1: Purchase Order and Sub-Orders
Section 2: Certificate of Compliance
Section 3: Waivers and release notes
Section 4: Independent Verification Body Release Notes
Section 5: Material and Test Certificates
Section 6: Welding Records
Section 7: Weight Data
Section 8: Quality Control and Inspection/Test Plan
Section 9: Drawings
Section 10: Operating and Maintenance Manuals (in separate binder) with index:
Section 1: Vendor/PO particulars
Section 2: Commissioning
Section 3: Operations
Section 4: Maintenance
Section 5: Spare Parts Data
Section 6: Lubrication
Section 7: Fault Finding and Corrections
Section 8: Document Reference list
Section 9: Drawings related to operation and maintenance
2.5. As-Built Update Strategy
All native file of As-Built drawing are domiciled and controlled at the AIC.
Rendition facility in Assai, and or CAD application used, shall be the platform for
creating drawing rendition during As-Built update process.
When multiple projects (A, B & C) requires updating the same As-Built drawing, the AIC
creates a rendition of the master As-Built file for each project (one for construction and
one for demolition), and append a project code each to the document number.
Each project (A, B, or C) continues to work (demolition and/or construction), modifying
As-Built as it affects their project requirement.
However if project B (for example) completes their work ahead of project (A and C) and
is ready to make actual update on the master file, then they request AIC to check out
and reserve the master file for final As-Built update. Note: If project B and C were
finished simultaneously and the As-Built update was carried out by the same Contractor,
the Contractor can make update on the master As-Built at the same time for the two
projects and indicate on the title block that the As-Building was done together for the
two projects.
Master file shall be checked out for a maximum of 10 working days, otherwise the
reservation becomes invalid and As-Built becomes available for another project check
During final As-Built update, Project B updates the master file, steps-up revision by 1.
before returning the updated copy to AIC.
The AIC updates existing master file in the system with revision received from Project B.
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2.6. Correspondence Numbering and Control
Formal Correspondence relates to any communication medium containing project
management communication or business information that may be required to be retained for
project close-out, legal, operational, fiscal or other critical business purposes. All formal
correspondence shall be managed through ProCon Contract Management System; where
official dispensation has been obtained for Procon not to be used on a project, then each
correspondence will be produced containing the following minimum attribute:
Unique number (showing sender/receiver) in the upper left corner
the author of the correspondence
if reply is expected
expected reply date
email address of the originating party
Maintain Project Correspondence Control Registers, (Incoming / Outgoing)
Signed original shall be delivered via surface mail to the current address of project
DCC (to be advised separately)
Maintain hardcopy master files of all correspondence received (clearly stamped with
Expedite all indicated responses for correspondence received and issue
Correspondence Status Reports
Originator of any outgoing correspondence shall be responsible for ensuring that:
It is processed through the Document Control Center.
 The content of the correspondence is contractually and grammatically correct
Where electronic mail is used to provide instruction to Contractor or Supplier, it shall be
followed-up with a formal writing using minutes of meeting or formal correspondence as
appropriate, and registered in DCC. Until this is done, the instruction shall not be binding. Such
confirmation shall be forwarded within five (5) working days.
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Assai is a PDO standard tool that provides Document Control
solution during the project. It is composed of:
 Assai PDC - A module used by the DCC Team to create
document numbers, load and distribute documents
 AssaiWeb - A module used by other project staff to find, access,
review, comment and approve documents.
The DCC shall also be responsible for:
Document Control
 Managing and maintaining the Assai/LL set-up, including
user lists and distribution matrices
 Registration of all document in Assai and timely distribution
to relevant team members
 Responsible for ensuring that all documentation are correctly
numbered as per the requirements laid out in this
 Ensure that comment received outside Assai are
delivered/issued to originator
 Ensuring that document from Contractors meet this
 Provide support to team member on document control
system and processes
 Producing relevant reports to Project Management
Responsible for all or part of the: Design, Procurement,
Construction, and Commissioning of a facility.
All Contractor(s) shall ensure that every document listed on the
Document Deliverables Register (DDR), etc generated during
contract execution is numbered in line with the requirement of this
specification. Where in doubt, the Contractor should seek guidance
from Project DCC.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that Subcontractor and Vendor comply with the provisions of this
PDO; Initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
Development Oman construction.
Project Team
PDO staff assigned/mandated to deliver project scope.
Document Originator
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Individual who either writes a document or creates it by collating
the various inputs from other project team members.
Originator is also responsible for:
 Obtain document number from DCC for the document being
 Responsible for ensuring that all documentation are correctly
numbered as per the requirements laid out in the relevant
sections of this document
 Ensuring documents are produced using correct project
 Deliver document to project DCC by means and formats as
SP-2065: Document Management in Engineering Projects
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Effective: Aug11
Document Owner or
Document Custodian
Construction Site
Asset Information
Archive Management
described in this specification in a timely manner to avoid
unnecessary delay to project schedule
 Advise distribution list for each document and closeout date
for each document review cycle if different from standard.
 Collating, clarifying and incorporating review comments.
This includes resolving conflicting opinions and feedback
between reviewers.
 Provides
Restricted, Confidential, Most Confidential) to DCC
 Ensuring that documents are approved to the correct level of
authority prior to issue to the project DCC for distribution.
He/She owns document content, responsible for the completion
and execution of the document and ultimately responsible for the
document quality in terms of business relevance and audit ability.
Accountable person on the business area where the document is
applied. In project this role is the PM (or delegate).
Relevant person identified on the DRM to approve the document.
Review document schedule from external parties, and identify the
documents that must be submitted “for review and approval” or
“for information”. After approval of schedule, the responsible
engineer will add the distribution matrix to identify reviewing
parties for each document item.
Ensures that document received for comments are processed and
returned to Contractor/Vendor within a specified timeframe, and
ultimately delivers the document or work package. Delegation of
this role shall be officially communicated.
Ensure that all changes made during the construction phase are
marked on the related document and a copy returned to Document
Originator for as built to be made.
Responsible for assigning Project code, Area code & Plant/Unit code
to project team during project to enable IM team generate/assign
document numbers to project document.
Custodian of all PDO asset drawing files and provides native
drawing files for project update/use.
Maintain the Projects Documentations in the archive for the
specified retention life of the document
Review document and provide comments to the originator within
the review window.
Document Templates
AIC to provide drawing template for use by the Contractor.
Quality Management
The Document Controller will ensure that the correct template,
document number, revision status and title are on a document
prior to issue or distribution, and will facilitate the timely document
review turnaround. The responsible Engineer shall ensure that
document is developed using the correct template and that all
meta-data are populated on the document.
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The following sections defines the process of exchanging documents within the project team,
and with parties external to the project team such as design consultants, contractors and
vendors or suppliers, etc.
The purpose to ensure that all Engineering Project documentation sent to PDO is received and
returned via formal communication channels and to standards and formats that have been
agreed between the Project and its contracting partners. Failure to agree upon a standard
approach for the receipt and return of deliverable documentation will lead to unnecessary
delay and possible financial loss among all parties working on the Project.
4.1. Collaboration Media
PDO maintain a sharing and collaboration area on a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Livelink
extranet site for the purposes of sending and receiving formally transmitted documentation
with external parties. All document sent to the Project team should be forwarded via this FTP
site. A detailed folder structure will be set up and agreed with each external party with
required access permissions in place.
Note that the FTP site has a limited size hence documents sent by the first party should be
removed and stored in appropriate location once received by the other party. Documentation
sent via any other communication medium will not be accepted unless prior approval has been
sought and granted by the project team.
4.2. Exchange of Documents
Internal document issued within project team shall be under the cover of an internal
transmittal. Internal document distribution shall be according to the distribution matrix or
completed RFI. External document issued to or from the project team for the purposes of
review, approval or information should be placed to the FTP or Livelink extranet site under the
cover of a transmittal. An E-mail notification should be sent to relevant DCC notifying them
about the placement.
4.2.1. Document Transmittal
Both internal and external transmittals should contain the following information as a minimum:
 Unique Transmittal Number
 Purpose for Issue
 Transmittal Date
 Expected due date for (return of comments)
 Project Document Number
 Document Title
 Revision Code
 Document Status Code
 Sender: Address, telephone, fax and e-mail details
 Name of Sender
 Purchase Order or Contract Number (For Vendor or Contractor)
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4.2.2. CSV Files
Contractor shall submit a CSV file with every document submittal, or where document
planning is in place, as a file containing all projected document issues with associated
planned, and actual dates. The CSV file will be used to load document Meta data in project
document control system. This will save time on manual input and therefore speed up
document processing time. The recommended template for the CSV file is inserted below; note
that the order of data column, should not to be changed. Any subsequent changes to the
document schedule will require submission of updated CSV file for loading purposes
CSV Template.xls
4.3. Review and Return of Comments
4.3.1. Review of Document
Assai is the application through which internal document are controlled (reviewed and
approved); while the actual electronic files are stored in Livelink (PDO corporate EDMS). Assai
will also be used to manage review of design and construction deliverables from contractors
during the Define and Execute phases of the project.
Documents or records are to be updated as project unfolds or as required by law. For the
internally generated documents the originator is responsible for any updates of his documents.
In some cases, the discipline may assign some other persons in the team for that role. In the
absence of any intermediate events requiring document updates, a maximum time frame of
12 months is expected for such document to be validated. Though some documents may not
require updates after a certain point for the duration of their lifecycle, it is expected that the
originating discipline will remain aware of the state of the documents for which they have
Document issued shall be accompanied with a transmittal indicating clearly the purpose of
issue. Every project document will go through at least one review cycle before it is approved.
The default review cycle time is 10 working days, however review cycle time can be adjusted
to suit the requirement of the document review.
4.3.2. Cancelling Document
Responsible Engineer shall notify DCC of intention to cancel a document. DCC shall
Cancel/supersede document and clearly stamping “CANCELLED” as such and re-issue for
information in Assai to all stakeholders. If the cancellation was initiated from a contractor or
vendor, the party shall notify the project team. The stamping of a drawing or document as
cancelled is preferable to overlaying it electronically as such overlays can be lost on
placement into the EDM system. Stamped front sheets and drawing blocks can be scanned to
sit in front of the superseded document or drawing. Cancelled document numbers shall on no
account be re-allocated to newly created documentation. If the document is superseded, the
party superseding shall clearly identify on the document, and in their document control system
which document it has been superseded by.
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Effective: Aug11
4.3.3. Return of Comments
All comments made as a result of formal review of project external documentation shall be
returned via the DCC. DCC shall communicate comments via the dedicated project FTP or
Livelink extranet site under the cover of an external transmittal while following-up with an
email notification to the receiver advising comment placement.
Project team members will be trained to use AssaiWeb to enable them review and provide
comment (directly to ASSAI comment template or to mark-up and load to Livelink) on
document assigned to them. Hands-on training shall be provided by the DCC team but users
will benefit primarily from ‘learning by doing’. With this in mind, DCC will always be available
to provide one-on-one assistance when required.
There will be two primary ways to use Assai/LL while providing comments:
1. Entering comments directly using comment template on AssaiWeb referencing the
appropriate section(s) of the document being reviewed, or
2. Marking-up hardcopy drawing or electronic copy of the document and sent to DCC, who will
upload it to the same folder on Assai/Livelink containing the document under review. In this
case, the reviewer must indicate as comments, in AssaiWeb comments template that
his/her comments have been submitted by mark-up.
4.4. Document Approval
Document shall jointly be approved by the TA or document owner and, or PM (or delegate)
electronically (via Assai) before signing on the hardcopy (if required), when the electronic
approval is considered insufficient. When a document is issued for approval (IFA), it should
only be issued to designated approver as shown on distribution matrix; the remaining review
parties during the IDC review gets it FYI.
Drawing shall be checked and approved by the originating party at each revision submittal.
This shall be applicable for both Master Drawing and Project drawing changes.
Drawings shall not be accepted by PDO Engineering Drawing Office (AIC), unless the applicable
boxes on the Revision history have been completed by the Contractor and sign off by the
applicable Technical Authority.
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5.1. Document Numbering
The format of document numbering is shown below:
nt Code
t Type
tial No.
Area Code: As defined in Corporate ERP System (SAP) (level 5). This code will be supplied
by the Asset Information Centre (AIC) via the “Request / Advice / Record Form” see
Appendix 4
Unit/Plant Code: As defined by the Asset Information Centre (AIC) for new and existing
facilities. This code will be supplied by the AIC on the “Request / Advice / Record Form” see
Appendix 4
Originator Code: As defined in Corporate ERP System (SAP) for existing
organizations/entities registered as vendors (i.e. SAP vendor list). When the document is
generated by project team, the code is “000000” while if the document is generated by a
Contractor, then the code becomes the SAP registration code for that PO, or Contract.
NOTE: Updates to drawings that already have an Originator Code should retain the existing
Originator code.
Discipline Code: Refers
predominantly related.
Document Type: A standard 4-character numeric code denoting the type of document
based on content. This is the main classification code for documents and is based on the
standard list of allowable document types in EIS.
Sequential Number: A five digit numeric field starting from 00001, denoting one unique
document in that discipline and document type pattern; however where there are many of
the same document type pattern produced during the life of Project, the next will take
00002, etc.
Sheet Number: 4-digit number identifying the number of sheets applicable to that
drawing number. Shall start with 0001. Documents with a front sheet shall have “0000”.
to the
document is
Single sheet documents (e.g. General Arrangement Drawings, Detail drawings, Schematics,
Data Sheets, etc.) shall always be designated as ‘Sheet 0001’.
Where additional
information is continued on to subsequent sheets, those sheets shall be numbered as Sheet
0002, 0003 etc. In this situation the drawing title block shall clearly identify the sheet
number as part of a set (e.g. Sheet 1 of 2).
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For clarification, a sheet is a separate electronic file. Multiple pages within a single file
(such as a line list) should be noted as pages, not sheets. For the purpose of project
execution activities, dispensation may be applied for the use of document grouping to
facilitate effective document review and approval. However during final submission, these
grouped documents shall be split back to single sheet before delivery to PDO.
5.2. Issue and Status Code
Review and approval of a project document is a very important aspect of delivering an
engineering project to the right quality. Typically an engineering project document will go
through several reviews and changes by multiple parties until it attains final approval status.
As such, a transparent and systematic method that indicates the status of the content of the
document at any point in time during the document flow is essential.
“Issue” codes (transmittal code) are those codes that are used to identify the purpose for
which a document is issued while “status” codes are used to identify the current state of the
document in the development chain. The following table illustrates how “status” and “issue”
code are to be applied in engineering projects:
Illustrating with a document development eg during FEED
01 (first
Hazardous Area Classification
Hazardous Area Classification
Hazardous Area Classification
Hazardous Area Classification
If Review
Code is
Illustrating with the same document development during Detailed
If Review
Code is
Hazardous Area Classification
Hazardous Area Classification
Hazardous Area Classification
During Demolition
01 (first
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Plot Plan
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Plot Plan
Please follow Appendix 5 for the list of document codes descriptions
5.3. Revision Convention and Control
Revision and version codes are complementary codes assigned to documents to further
indicate current status.
A revision indicates a formal stage in the review and approval process while a version
indicates an informal stage used basically to capture intermediate updates of working
documents between formally issued revisions.
The revision code shall be a 2-digit number representing the number of times that the
document has been formally issued. First issue of a document shall be 01 while subsequent
revisions shall be 02, 03 etc.
5.3.1. Review Return Codes
The final point in the document review cycle is confirmed by the assignment of a Return Code.
This is done by the Responsible Engineer after comments from respective reviewing parties
have been received. The following Return Codes shall apply:
Code A
Final. Document accepted. Do not re-submit except modified.
Code B
Revise and Re-issue. Incorporate comments and re-issue for review.
Work may proceed.
Code C
Review not Required. Incorporate comments and proceed. Do not reissue for review.
Code D
Rejected. Incorporate comments and re-issue for review. Work may
NOT proceed.
5.4. Renumbering of “Old System” Documents
Document numbers in use outside the requirement of this procedure will be re-numbered to
align with this procedure. However to facilitate cross references to older drawings, the two
numbers (old and new) will be displayed in the main title block, with the old number shown in
a separate but prominent position. With the exception of the sequence number, which shall be
the ORIGINAL sequence number prefaced by 9, the new number shall be formed by using the
taxonomy in this document. The Originator code is “000000” and constant for all re-numbered
5.5. Vendor Documents Numbering
Numbering of vendor document shall be consistent with the requirement of this document.
The vendor might implement their own numbering system as it suits their internal control and
system but the numbering requirement of this document shall be the main number to be used
for all references and other purposes concerning the Contract scope.
Document numbers shall remain unique to the original document to which they are applied
once allocated. In the event of a document being cancelled or superseded the document shall
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be clearly marked as such on the VDS. Superseded or cancelled document numbers shall on
no account be re-allocated to newly created documentation.
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Effective: Aug11
Appendix 1 – User Feedback Form
User Feedback
Appendix 2 - Document Review and Update Process
Document Reiew and
Update Process.docx
Appendix 3 - Vendor Document Requirement Listing (VDRL)
Vendor document
requirement listing.doc
Appendix 4 - Request/Advice/Record Form
ord Form.xlsx
Appendix 5 - Document Status Code Descriptions
Document Status
Description 2.docx
Appendix 6 – Vendor A4 Document Cover Sheet
Vendor A4 Document
Cover Sheet.docx
Appendix 7 - Vendor Document Schedule (VDS) Blank template
"Vendor Doc
S ched.xls"
Appendix 8 - Vendor Document Requirement Catalogue (VDRC)
Vendor Doc. Reqts
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