distorxe. betoeen tco cone.cuttve. e,that 16 , 39. met&. Aentt, hat is gate than the dioensien ty a gicaltleu& (ooalg In potaotic., &uch as Epcoil, tho have a they do rt de fioed ucles, the DNA 6 rot sca tleved |thhout the cel talh (heinn recoively ctarged) beld toith &ome potcins Cthat tove ositive crayes) is Ceariced in tavge. loops held by paieéns. Nuc eosome nodel: Boposed y PDovnbevg 307homns (9a) It is uniNexsally o(Cepted Cdel- AccCxding to this totcel, the. thomatin is tcopOsed c a cting pentel bended unAS caled udeosone" is an utlet scres-The texs nd coined bs Oudet et al Neclecscre CHa te es ditc sha ped fostcle. itha caseler Cepies tj fous rudectorme. histunes H, ,HB,Hy Hi DNA: A nsed on ds N &S DN: rumbey c polkuclectide ctands , DlA types- 6s DlA (sinle. Etanded, L) (doute stsanded DH Eackeiophoqe E M-ts bacteibphane. ds DNA: Tt is Ccomon type o DNA &een in all cuta ic E po taptic. cellks E al&o in soe 1even batteicphages. B) Based on tupe uáes Such helix DNA 15 o ve types. A, B,C,D E Linear & ciculor DNA: Linear DNA is One in which the. erds avc ee irear NA DCcaxk in eutaryotic uclei- Dn pokaxypted chlcoplast & oitochordia. the DrNA iS cicular. I443 Pockaging b DNA helix Taten the diGtance. betoeen to conse. Cutive. base O"34 no (o-su x16), if the. lergth o DAA doutle. helit in a typical toammalian cell is Calcuote! d CSimply by toutipljing the total umber bP ith Pois6 as 5 Pasine,quarine is esyinclas with yiniatne cytosine Otio bot change qtc for a species: Tt des speific is with tissue The vatio Can he used to identi14 the specie s, the Yatio is iah in adanced organises E low n piolEve Cxganiss. EX] thuroan ver IS3, E coli 093, T bacteiophage - 86. Dimensions o DNA: The dìameter D DNÐ helix is 204 ( nm EmainS aloost tonstant Since. each base. pair CoSist & o One pusine Che ysnicine aluoags. he length D DNA clependí upen the rumber o ucleoidek. Each hey înclade& One ninor & Dne. major qnove * tach tuon contains (0 bp (o) 20 nuclectide &. |* the ange &epavaling the too auccestve nulectide Fains is 36. The pitch co) erqt t ench tun is 34 ef. 4 the ditance. betoeen the tae. paiYs in heltx histores he &e "iGh in a basic the se Siclues cay ositive chnqes in their ece choins einht 41Rstnes ae Oqnnised to foo a unit tvele cules called as Nstboe. octamer. hik islene Octame (um helix i aound COYe aout to0 tuxns. The whkh ds the udeo&ornes bA ae oked DNO molecale colled irkey DHARtex Ol: ypical ucleosoroe teqetber b lecsorval cHnSpacer Cortalns 200 bp c tN bel. Gerexally DNA mates tuoo (ooplele. um& artund Cctameves & these, too tums are sealed the histone l by H, potein noleale. "tte asociaticn do -ve chavgecd DNA & tve charqel istunes alcss or inside. the. rucleus. mearingjal DNA factagjing Alumber t rucleosomes in honon, cel sX10. Aluclecsonoe& constitute the epeatirg nit o} abuctue in rudeu& called chomatin,thrtod- tite stained Ccolcured) bocies Seer in ruleus. the chunntin ax Seeo al 'beods udecscoes in sbing shuc ue ohen eoed under elecbunic Micvo&cope (EM R means tne chain has clasty s ,the '. In each bact bone Cstnnd) the Othex has hucleckids a jóned by phosrkodiester kord6 Fhaspoie Stex bord is fouroed betiieen 3 casbon a Suqar todecale & sh casbon o next Sucp olecule (a). Botth stoand& ae held toqether Weeh Cne puxine in One 6band by& kychogen konds bet. Pimiioe on the Cprosite Stand. the peene o these. hyctgen tonds 06 st Cbéeved b c faeuling Adenire s toureed to thyrine by tuo hydgen bonds CA) Geanioe t6 bounded to Cytostoe by thee bydgen kands CG:c). AS a veSalt atunS a puune Comes Cpposite to a in'eine thió qreate& appuxiately enfo distance betueen the too stands t the helix "tbuó, DNA doutde heliN 1e6emble& a tisted bddex Tthe koct tone 6 femed ty al levately ananged augor E husate E the skeps bose pais. Chan Nule: E E chaga oted on chemical comporent& DNA t Puine& DNA 3-Puines ds put oavd ertain enea lisa ions yuni dines Occus in Equal arount& în d& RNA DNA aTe thyrine 4 fuine ade nine i6 atke rine éy guarine. tosine fyinaines enio oith yiidie, thymire