Uploaded by Benjamin Hildebrand

Gabriel Archer Exploration: Writing Assignment

NAME: Benjamin Hildebrand
Writing Assignment Exercise #2
First, choose your topic according to those which have been made available in the Research
Paper options.
Second, use this Word document to answer each question in its form format. There is no
minimum word requirement here but you should run a spell/edit check.
1) What is your topic and why did you choose it? I chose the to write about Gabriel
Archers exploration to the New World from Britain. I have always wondered of the
motivation the early explorers had for traveling the ocean and how receptive the
Native Americans were. It will also be interesting to see how both sides saw each
2) Why do you think it is important topic when studying history? I believe this is an
important topic to study because this was a very important part of history. How
two separate cultures and religions reacted and perceived each other in these early
times. How they coexisted and became the country we are today.
The next questions should be filled out to the best of your ability with a small amount of
preliminary research.
1) WHO?
a. Gabriel Archer from Mountnessing in Essex England
i. Early explorer who chronicled an expedition to New England in 1602
ii. Among first settlers of the Virginia colony in 1607
b. Native Americans
c. List the actors of the topic/event and also the populations who are impacted by it.
2) WHAT?
a. I will talk about what the prime motivation for Gabriel Archer exploring the
new world from England and the interaction between him and the Native
Americans at the time of discovery. I will also talk about how the crosscultural interactions between the explorers and the Native Americans and
how their religions were different.
b. Give a preliminary 1-3 sentence description of what the topic is actually about.
(You will use this to develop a thesis statement).
3) WHEN? 1602 - 1608 Give the dates that are relevant to the subject you are researching.
NAME: Benjamin Hildebrand
4) WHERE? Starting in England exploring to North America, from what I can tell so far,
originally Jamestown, but now called Williamsburg. Has went by names as James Cittie,
James Forte, James Towne, Jamestown. Does this focus on one specific place or does it
span multiple places? Be sure to mention the proper geolocations and whether these
regions now go by different names.
5) WHY?
a. The European Powers were wanting to map the North American continent
b. The European Powers were wanting to explore the North American
c. “Along with Captains Barthoomew Gosnold and Bartholomew Gilbert,
Gabriel Archer with the patronage of the earl of Southampton and other
notables, sought to exploit the natural resources of America and establish a
permanent trading post on the coast between the areas visited by the French
Explorers in the north…”
d. Interactions between explorers and Native Americans
e. Birth of Jamestown
f. You will need to find at least three causes of the subject you are researching.
6) HOW?
a. Through first-hand accounts and other written sources, I will find out
Gabriel Archer’s reasoning for exploration to North American what
happened when he got there, and his interactions with the Native Americans,
good, bad, or both. I have discovered other players with Gabriel Archer
which I could also include in the paper.
b. This point will help you to consider before, during, and after results from your
research. You may not have all the answers yet, and that is ok. The important
point is to start looking and making notes.
Finally, you will need to find two primary sources and two secondary sources and list them in
MLA format below. You will need to add 1-3 sentences underneath them to explain why they will
be valuable to your research.
Remember that Primary Sources can be anything from firsthand accounts, to literature, to art or
artifacts even. They must be produced contemporaneously with the subject you are studying.
Secondary sources are usually secondhand accounts or sources which give overviews or insight
into events. These usually consist of historiographical monograph, academic articles, blogs,
documentaries, etc.
NAME: Benjamin Hildebrand
The best place to get a refresher on MLA formatting with examples is at this
link: https://libguides.sccsc.edu/MLA
Primary Source #1 –
Works Cited
David B. Quinn. The English New England Voyages. 1602-1608. Routledge. 1983 EBSCOhost,
Search ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip.shib&db=e025xna&AN=
Shows Gabriel Archers accounts of his and Bartholomew Gosnold’s voyage from Gabriel
Archers point of view. Secondary Source
“Native North Americans.” The National Archives, The National Archives, 21 Apr. 2023,
First-hand account from Gabriel Archer’s diary about his Journey and meeting the Native
Americans Primary Source
Percy, George. George Percy, First Months of Jamestown, 1607,
s.pdf. Accessed 17 Feb. 2024.
First-hand accounts of the beginnings of Jamestown and talks a lot about Gabriel Archer Primary
STanksalvala. “Prologue: Why the English Came to America.” Rejects & Revolutionaries: The
Origins of America, 14 Nov. 2018, americanhistorypodcast.net/prologue-english-cameamerica/.
3 part podcast explaining why the explorers, including Gabriel Archer came to America
Secondary Source which contains some primary sources in it
Tweeten, Lon, and Jackson Dykman. “Where it All Began.” Time Canada, Canadian edition,
Vol. 169, no. 19, Time Incorporated, 2007, pp.32.
Talks about Gabriel Archers interactions with the Native Americans Secondary