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Typewolf - The Definitive Guide to Free Fonts-Jeremiah Shoaf Design LLC (2023)

The Definitive Guide to Free Fonts
Last updated on August 21, 2023
Table of Contents
Disclaimer 2
Introduction 3
The Closest Free Alternative to Every Font on Typewolf 4
The 10 Best Serif + Sans-Serif Font Combinations on Google Fonts 46
The 40 Best Free Fonts That Aren’t on Google Fonts 57
The 10 Best Free “Hipster” Fonts 98
This guide is for informational purposes only. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information
within. The font licensing information may not be accurate or may have changed since the time of
publication. Always check with the type designer/type foundry before using any free font.
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form,
without the prior written consent of the author. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in
this guide are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2023 Jeremiah Shoaf Design LLC. All rights reserved.
Thanks for purchasing The Definitive Guide to Free Fonts! It goes a long way to helping support my side
project Typewolf. I spent a ton of time creating this guide, so I hope that you find it valuable.
Free fonts have come a long way in recent years. Professional designers have long looked down on free
fonts as amateurish. But thanks to the web and open-source movements, that all has been changing. I
wrote an article for Smashing Magazine that explores this topic—I urge you to check it out.
An Exclusive Section of Typewolf Featuring Only Free Fonts
I created a special section of Typewolf available exclusively to purchasers of this guide. Please don’t
share the link with anyone! It features only sites using free fonts and serves as a great source of design
inspiration showing what can be done with free fonts. Check it out here.
A Special Note About Free Fonts
In general, most free fonts make a poor alternative to commercial fonts. Always purchase commercial
fonts whenever your project has the budget for it. Type designers need the support of the design
community in order to continue producing quality typefaces. Only relying on free fonts will devalue the
profession of typeface design and hurt us all as designers.
The Closest Free Alternative to
Every Font on Typewolf
A2 Typewriter → Cutive Mono
Aachen → Roboto Slab
Aaux → Inter
Abadi → Equip (light weight is free) or Cabin
Abolition → Quantico
Abril → Latin Modern Roman or Lora
Abril Fatface → Abril Fatface
Academica → EB Garamond
Acrom → Campton or Righteous
Acta → DM Serif Text
Acta Display → Playfair Display
Acta Headline → Playfair Display
Acta Poster → Playfair Display
Acumin → General Sans or Manrope
Adelle → Aleo or Roboto Slab
Adelle Sans → Source Sans Pro
Adieu → Prompt
Adobe Ming → Source Serif Pro
Adobe Text → Libre Baskerville
Aeonik → Arimo
AG Book → Standard or Arimo
Agentur → Yatra One
Agipo → Inter
Agrandir → Technique Sans or Dela Gothic One
Akkurat → IBM Plex Sans
Akkurat Mono → IBM Plex Mono
Aktiv Grotesk → General Sans or Manrope
Akzidenz Grotesk → Standard or Arimo
Albertina → Crimson Pro
Albertus → Infini or Asul
Albertus Nova → Infini or Asul
Alegreya → Alegreya
Alegreya Sans → Alegreya Sans
Alix FB → Cutive Mono
Alright Sans → Clear Sans or Source Sans Pro
Alternate Gothic → League Gothic
Altissima → Bebas Neue
Alverata → Marcellus
Amasis → Roboto Slab
Amatic SC → Amatic SC
Ambroise → Prata
Americana → TeX Gyre Bonum or Quattrocento
Amerigo → Infini or Asul
Ames Roman → Salome or Playfair Display
Anarchy Grotesque → Work Sans
Andale Mono → Inconsolata
Andes → Andes or Poiret One
Anisette Petite → Josefin Sans
Ano → TeX Gyre Adventor or Poppins
Anonymous Pro → Anonymous Pro
Antenna → Kanit
Antiga → Moniqa or Poiret One
Antique Olive → Lack or Sen
Anton → Anton
Antwerp → Crimson Pro
Apercu → HK Grotesk or DM Sans
Apercu Mono → Ahamono or DM Mono
Apex Serif → Roboto Slab
Apoc → Ortica or Antic Didone
Apple Chancery → Quintessential
Apple Garamond → Junicode Condensed or Libre Caslon Display
Arbutus Slab → Arbutus Slab
Archer → Solway
Archive → Libre Baskerville
Archivo → Archivo
Archivo Narrow → Archivo Narrow
Arial → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Arizona Flare → Bellefair
Armitage → Work Sans
Arnhem → Neuton
Arquitecta → Josefin Sans
ARS Maquette → Montserrat
Arvo → Arvo
Ascender Sans Mono → Roboto Mono
Ashbury → Ashbury (light weight is free) or Libre Baskerville
Atak → General Sans or Manrope
ATC Harris → Fira Mono
ATC Ripley → Rouge Script
Atlas Grotesk → Arimo
Atlas Typewriter → Inconsolata
Attila Sans → Work Sans
Austin → Playfair Display
Authentic Sans → Authentic Sans or Inter
Avenir → Agané or Nunito Sans
Averia Serif Libre → Averia Serif Libre
Averta → League Spartan
AW Conqueror Didot → Prata
Ayer → Reforma (1918 variation) or Marcellus
Azo Sans → Raleway
Ballast → Chunk or Ultra
Balto → Source Sans Pro
Banana Grotesk → Manrope
Basetica → Basetica or Arimo
Basic Commercial → Standard or Arimo
Baskerville → Libre Baskerville
Basic Sans → Work Sans
Basier → General Sans or Manrope
Basis Grotesque → Manrope
Basis Grotesque Mono → Roboto Mono
Baton → Work Sans
Battersea Slab → Roboto Slab
BC Falster Grotesk → FreeUniversal or Arimo
Beastly → Oi
Beatrice → Work Sans
Beatrice Display → Archivo Black
Beausite → Tenor Sans
Bebas Neue → Bebas Neue or Oswald
Begum → Prata
Beirut → Bagnard or Inknut Antiqua
Bell → Lora
Belwe Mono → Cutive Mono
Bely → Bagnard or Tinos
Benton Modern → Old Standard TT
Benton Sans → Libre Franklin
Berlingske Serif → Playfair Display
Bernini Sans → Eau Sans or Open Sans
Bianco Sans → Overpass
Bianco Serif → Quattrocento
Big Caslon → Libre Caslon Display
Big Daily → Newsreader
BioRhyme → BioRhyme
Bitter → Bitter
Blanco → Merriweather
Blender → Chakra Petch
Block Berthold → Rubik
Bluu → BluuNext or PT Serif
Bodoni → Bodoni Moda
Bodoni Egyptian → Arvo
Bodoni Poster → Abril Fatface
Boita → Prata
Bon Vivant → Prata
Bonobo → Coustard
Boogy Brut → Cormorant
Bookman → TeX Gyre Bonum or Fraunces
Bookmania → TeX Gyre Bonum or Fraunces
Bosca → Infini or Asul
Bourrasque → Work Sans
Boutique → Tenor Sans
Bradford → Source Serif Pro
Bradford Mono → Xanh Mono
Brandon Grotesque → Woodford Bourne or Lato
Brandon Printed → Bernier or Lato
Brauer Neue → Rubik
Brevia → Varela Round
Brezel Grotesk → Work Sans
Brice → Dela Gothic One
Brick → Della Respira
Brighton → Corben
Brix Sans → Supreme or Roboto
Brothers → Royals or Chakra Petch
Brown → Campton or League Spartan
Brunel → Playfair Display
Bryant → Hanken Round or Nunito
Buenos Aires → Campton or League Spartan
Buffon → Smokum
Bureau Grotesque → Chivo
Burgess → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Butler → Butler
Bw Gradual → Space Mono
Cabin → Cabin
Calendas Plus → Calendas Plus or EB Garamond
Calibre → Roboto
Calibri → Carlito or Lato
Calluna → Calluna (regular weight is free) or Crimson Pro
Calluna Sans → Calluna Sans (regular weight is free) or Alegreya Sans
Calvert → Sanchez
Cambon → Martel
Campton → Campton or Poppins
Candy Darling → Louise or Pinyon Script
Canela → Reforma (1918 variation) or Bellefair
Canopée → Imbue
Cantarell → Cantarell
Caponi → Old Standard TT
Cardinal → Junicode Condensed or Libre Caslon Display
Cardo → Cardo
Carlton → Quattrocento
Carrie → Oswald
Caslon → Libre Caslon Text
Caslon Graphique → Grandee or Playfair Display
Casta → Imbue
Caxton → Stoke
Centima Mono → PT Mono
Centaur → Cardo
Centra No2 → League Spartan
Central Avenue → Oswald
Century Old Style → Crimson Pro
Century Schoolbook → TeX Gyre Schola or Domine
Century Schoolbook Mono → Cutive Mono
Cerebri Sans → Poppins
Chalet → Inter
Champion Gothic → Archivo Narrow
Chap → Facultad or Yatra One
Chaparral → Merriweather
Chapeau → Quicksand
Cheee → Pilowlava or Chicle
Cheltenham → Verona Serial (regular weight is free) or Della Respira
Chesterfield → Mops Antiqua or Della Respira
Chicago → ChicagoFLF or Squada One
Chiswick Serif → Playfair Display
Chivo → Chivo
Chobani Sans → Karla
Chobani Serif → Fraunces
Chronicle Display → Playfair Display
Chronicle Text → Lora
Cigars → Inria Serif
Cimarron → PT Sans
Cindie Mono → Source Code Pro
Circe → Work Sans
Circular → Satoshi or Plus Jakarta Sans
Cirka → Inria Serif
Clarendon → Munson or Besley
Clarkson → Inter
Clearface Gothic → Galdeano
Clifton → BioRhyme Expanded
Cochin → Cardo
Coign → Oswald
Colfax → Roboto
Columbia Sans → Arya
Columbia Titling → Wood Poster Eight or Domine
Comic Sans → Dekko
Commuters Sans → Questrial
Compacta → Pressuru or Teko
Concept → Source Serif Pro
Consolas → Inconsolata
Contax Sans → Contax Sans (regular and italic are free) or Tenor Sans
Continua → Ribes or Poppins
Cooper → Corben
Cooper Hewitt → Cooper Hewitt or Roboto
Cooper Nouveau → Fraunces
Coordinates → Roboto Mono
Coranto 2 → Neuton
Cormorant → Cormorant
Cortado Script → Kaushan Script
Cosi Azure → Italiana
Cosi Times → Italiana
Cotoris → Tenor Sans
Courier → Courier Prime
Courier Prime → Courier Prime
Courier Sans → NotCourierSans or Roboto Mono
Cousine → Cousine
Crimson Text → Crimson Pro
Cubano → Rubik
Cucina → Xanh Mono
Cutive → Cutive
Cutive Mono → Cutive Mono
Dada Grotesk → Overpass
Dahlia → Della Respira
Dala Floda → Butler Stencil or Stardos Stencil
Dala Moa → Allerta Stencil
Dala Prisma → Monoton
Damien → PT Serif
Danzza → Glacial Indifference or League Spartan
Darby Sans → Arya
David → Arimo
Davis Sans → Nunito Sans
Dazzed → Libre Franklin
Dear Sarah → Meddon
Decima → Titillium Web
Decima Mono → Share Tech Mono
Degular → Clash Display or Bricolage Grotesque
DejaVu Serif → DejaVu Serif or Merriweather
Dia → Sporting Grotesque or Work Sans
Diatype → FreeUniversal or Manrope
Dida → JeanLuc or Rubik Mono One
Didot → Bodoni Moda
Digestive → Pilowlava or Fruktur
DIN → OSP DIN or Overpass
DIN Mono → Source Code Pro
DIN Round → Miso or Rubik
Dinamit → Questrial
Displace → Nova Cut
Distillery → Betty or Miltonian Tattoo
DM Mono → DM Mono
DM Sans → DM Sans
Domaine Display → Salome or Judson
Domaine Sans → Arya
Domaine Text → Quattrocento
Domine → Domine
Doyle → Cutive
Droid Sans → Droid Sans
Droid Sans Mono → Droid Sans Mono
Droid Serif → Droid Serif
Droulers → Xanh Mono
Druk → Anton (narrow option) or Syne (wide option)
Drury Lane → Ovo
Eames Century Modern → TeX Gyre Schola or Domine
Eames Century Modern Stencil → Butler or Stardos Stencil
EB Garamond → EB Garamond
Eckmannpsych → Pilowlava or Fruktur
Eczar → Eczar
Editor → PT Serif
Editorial New → Junicode Condensed or Imbue
Edmondsans → Work Sans
Edwardian → TeX Gyre Bonum or Quattrocento
Effra → Clear Sans or Cantarell
Egyptienne → Domine
Ehrhardt → Fanwood Text
Eklektyk → DM Serif Display
Eksell Display → Meshed Display or Tinos
Eldorado → Crimson Pro
Electra → Tehuti or Fanwood Text
Elementa → Cutive Mono
Elena → Merriweather
Elephant → BenchNine
Elmhurst → Alegreya
Embassy → Pinyon Script
Engravers → Engry or Diplomata SC
Engravers Gothic → Questrial
Equip → Equip (light weight is free) or Cabin
Equitan Sans → Work Sans
Erato → Erato (light weight is free) or Crimson Pro
Escrow → Playfair Display
Eskapade → Grenze or Nova Cut
Etna → Imbue
Euclid Flex → Big John / Slim Joe or Poppins
Europa → Jost
Eurostile → Michroma
Everett → General Sans or Manrope
Exchange → Domine
Executive → Roboto
F Grotesk → Inter
F37 Bella → Abril Fatface
F37 Jan → League Spartan
Fabriga → DM Sans
Fabrik → HK Grotesk or Karla
Face → Wremena or Tinos
Facit → Fira Sans
Fakt → General Sans or Manrope
Falafel Grotesque → Work Sans
Fann Grotesque → Chivo
Farnham → Source Serif Pro
FatFrank → Rubik
Favorit → General Sans or Manrope
Favorit Mono → Roboto Mono
Faunus → Vollkorn
Faxfont → Rubik
Feature → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Fedra Mono → Oxygen Mono
Fedra Serif → Merriweather
Feijoa → Quando
Ferry → Rubik Mono One
FF Atma Serif → Libre Baskerville
FF Bau → Work Sans
FF Clan → Titillium Web
FF Dagny → Source Sans Pro
FF Franziska → Source Serif Pro
FF Good Headline → Source Sans Pro
FF Kievit → Eau Sans or Cabin
FF Kievit Slab → Enriqueta
FF Mark → Geomanist or Poppins
FF Meta → Fira Sans
FF Meta Serif → PT Serif
FF Mister K → Reenie Beanie
FF More → Merriweather
FF Nexus Typewriter → Inconsolata
FF Olsen → Merriweather
FF Oxide → Summit or Teko
FF Scala → Andada
FF Scala Sans → Alegreya Sans
FF Super Grotesk → Lovelo or League Spartan
FF Tisa → Merriweather
FF Tisa Sans → Cabin
FF Unit Slab → Roboto Slab
Filosofia → Old Standard TT
Filson → League Spartan
Financier Display → Playfair Display
Financier Text → Merriweather
Fira Sans → Fira Sans
Fjalla One → Fjalla One
Fjord One → Fjord One
FK Grotesk → General Sans or Manrope
FK Grotesk Mono → Roboto Mono
FK Screamer → Oswald
Flama → Supreme or Roboto
Flandria → Born or Libre Baskerville
Flareserif 821 → Infini or Asul
Flecha → Inria Serif
Flyer → League Spartan
Folio → Inter
Forma → Mulish
Formula Condensed → Pressuru or Oswald
Foro → Foro (extralight weight is free) or Roboto Slab
Fort → Karla
Fortescue → Quattrocento
Forza → Exo 2
Founders Grotesk → Work Sans
Founders Grotesk Mono → Inconsolata
Fournier → Source Serif Pro
Fraktur → UnifrakturMaguntia
Frauen → Rochester (script) / Kavivanar (roman)
Fraunces → Fraunces
Franklin Gothic → Libre Franklin
Freeland → Againts or Rock Salt
Freight Big → Playfair Display
Freight Display → Playfair Display
Freight Neo → Tenor Sans
Freight Sans → Open Sans
Freight Text → Source Serif Pro
Freizeit → Open Sauce Sans or Inter
Friz Quadrata → Infini or Asul
FS Emeric → Alegreya Sans
FS Siena → Tenor Sans
FT Regola Neue → Satoshi or Plus Jakarta Sans
Fugue → Karla
Fugue Mono → Roboto Mono
Funkis → Poppins
Futura → League Spartan
Gabriela Stencil → Butler Stencil or Stardos Stencil
Galano Classic → Work Sans
Galano Grotesque → Glacial Indifference or League Spartan
Galaxie Copernicus → Source Serif Pro
Galaxie Polaris → Cooper Hewitt or Roboto
Galliard → Cardo
Garage Gothic → Rubik
Garamond → EB Garamond
Garnett → Work Sans
Gascogne → Fraunces
Gellix → Darker Grotesque
Genath → Crimson Pro
Gentona → Gentona (extrabold and extrabold italic are free) or Cantarell
Geogrotesque → Norwester or Armata
Georgia → Neuton
Gerbera → Lack or Sen
Gesta → Fira Sans
Gibson → Eau Sans or Nunito Sans
Gill Facia → Quattrocento
Gill Sans → Cabin
Gin → Royals or Chakra Petch
Ginto → Lack or Sen
Giorgio Sans → Oswald
Glosa Display → Playfair Display
Glypha → Roboto Slab
Goldenbook → Trirong
Good Sans → Standard or Arimo
Google Sans → Montserrat
Gooper → Corben
Gopher → Ribes or Poppins
Gordita → Satoshi or Plus Jakarta Sans
Gotham → Metropolis or Montserrat
Gotham Rounded → Varela Round
Gothic 13 → League Gothic
Gothic 720 → Arimo
Gothic 821 → Rubik
Gothic A1 → Gothic A1
Goudy Old Style → Sorts Mill Goudy
Grad → Domine
Graebenbach → Work Sans
Grand Slang → Italiana
Granite → Arvo
Granville → Arya
Graphik → General Sans or Manrope
Graphite → Kavivanar
Greed → DM Sans
Grenat → Fruktur
Grenette → Fraunces
Griffith Gothic → Fira Sans Condensed
Grifinito → Oranienbaum
Grifo → Bagnard or Tinos
Grosa → General Sans or Plus Jakarta Sans
Grumpy → Salome or Ramaraja
GT Alpina → Source Serif Pro
GT Alpina Typewriter → Xanh Mono
GT America → Public Sans
GT America Mono → Roboto Mono
GT Cinetype → Roboto
GT Eesti → Jost
GT Flexa → Thunder or Space Grotesk
GT Flexa Mono → Space Mono
GT Haptik → W Droge or Montserrat
GT Maru → Dosis
GT Pressura → Mohave
GT Pressura Mono → Inconsolata
GT Sectra → Mazius Display or Alike Angular
GT Super → DM Serif Display
GT Ultra → Lack or Sen
GT Walsheim → Glacial Indifference or League Spartan
GT Zirkon → Cabinet Grotesk or Work Sans
Guardian → Source Serif Pro
Gza → Bagnard or Inknut Antiqua
Halis Grotesque → Open Sans
Halis Rounded → Woodford Bourne or Lato
Halyard → Libre Franklin
Hammer → Rubik
Handsome → Satisfy
Harbour → Inknut Antiqua
Harmonia Sans → Nexa or League Spartan
Harriet → Playfair Display
Hatton → Asul
Hawthorn → Aventine or Ramaraja
Heimat Sans → Roboto
Heimat Stencil → Allerta Stencil
Heldane Display → Cormorant
Heldane Text → Cardo
Hellenic Wide → Stint Ultra Expanded
Helveesti → Open Sauce Sans or Arimo
Helvetica → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Helvetica Monospaced → Roboto Mono
Helvetica Neue → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Helvetica Now → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Helvetica Rounded → Varela Round
Hera Big → Prata
Hercules → TeX Gyre Schola or Playfair Display
Heroic Condensed → Ostrich Sans or Roboto Condensed
Highway Gothic → Overpass
Hind → Hind
HK Gothic → Work Sans
HK Grotesk → HK Grotesk or DM Sans
Hobeaux → Pilowlava or Chicle
Hoboken High → Chakra Petch
Hoefler Text → EB Garamond
Hoefler Titling → EB Garamond
Hoosier Daddy → Vast Shadow
Hope Sans → Chivo
Hurme Geometric Sans → Raleway
IBM Plex Mono → IBM Plex Mono
IBM Plex Sans → IBM Plex Sans
Ideal Sans → Lato
IKANSEEYOUALL → Salome or Ramaraja
IM Fell French Canon → IM Fell French Canon
Impact → Alumni Sans
Inconsolata → Inconsolata
Industry → Armata
Industry Inc → Norwester or Teko
Infini → Infini or Asul
Inknut Antiqua → Inknut Antiqua
Input Mono → Roboto Mono
Integral CF → Chivo
Inter → Inter
Interstate → Overpass
Intro → Museo Sans (500 weight is free) or Montserrat
Introspect → Della Respira
Iosevka → Iosevka
Italian Old Style → Goudy Bookletter 1911
ITC American Typewriter → Latin Modern Mono or Cutive
ITC Avant Garde Gothic → TeX Gyre Adventor or Poppins
ITC Benguiat → Della Respira
ITC Clearface → Verona Serial (regular weight is free) or Domine
ITC Conduit → Dosis
ITC Garamond → EB Garamond
ITC Grouch → Salome or Ramaraja
ITC Johnston → Railway or Cabin
ITC Lubalin Graph → Arvo
ITC Pioneer → Bungee Shade
ITC Ronda → Didact Gothic
ITC Serif Gothic → Righteous
ITC Souvenir → Fraunces
ITC Stepp → TeX Gyre Bonum or Quattrocento
ITC Tiffany → Salome or Ramaraja
ITC Usherwood → Stoke
Ivar → DM Serif Display
IvyMode → Italiana
IvyPresto → DM Serif Display
JAF Domus Titling → Varela Round
Jasmine Display → Marcellus
JeanLuc → JeanLuc or Oswald
Jenna Sue → Jenna Sue or Shadows Into Light Two
Jigsaw → Lato
Josefin Slab → Josefin Slab
Jubilat → Domine
Jude → Almendra
Just Lovely → Qwigley
Kabel → Josefin Sans
Kaftan Serif → Prata
Kamerik → Poppins
Karelia → Darker Grotesque
Karla → Karla
Karnak → Arvo
Kepler → Playfair Display
Kern → FreeUniversal or Manrope
Kicker → Ostrich Sans or Rajdhani
Knockout → Archivo Narrow
Kobe → Glacial Indifference or Poppins
Kormelink → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Kostic Serif → Libre Baskerville
Krana Fat → Rubik
Kuenstler Script → Pinyon Script
Kulturista → Roboto Slab
L10 → Geomanist or Raleway
La Fabrique → Chivo
La Nord → Manrope
Lab Grotesque → Montserrat
Lab Grotesque Mono → Office Code Pro or Source Code Pro
Labil Grotesk → Work Sans
Lacrima → Cutive Mono
Laica → Lora
Lamplighter Script → Satisfy
Laplace Mono → Cutive Mono
Lapture → Alike Angular
Larish Alte → Young Serif or Vollkorn
Larish Neue → Young Serif or Vollkorn
Lars → General Sans or Manrope
Lars Mono → Roboto Mono
Larsseit → DM Sans
Lasiver → Roboto
Lato → Lato
Lausanne → Inter
Lava → Merriweather
Le Jeune → Prata
Le Monde Journal → PT Serif
League Gothic → League Gothic
Leighton → Cabin
Leitura → PT Serif
Leitura Display → Playfair Display
Leitura News → PT Serif
Lemur → Familjen Grotesk
Letter Gothic → Source Code Pro
Lettera → Roboto Mono
Lexia → Crete Round
Libre Baskerville → Libre Baskerville
Libre Franklin → Libre Franklin
Life → Cardo
Linotype Brewery → Asul
Livory → Corben
Lodgecode → Spinnaker
Lora → Lora
Louize → Bellefair
Louize Display → Bellefair
Love → Poiret One
Lovelo → Lovelo or Josefin Sans
Lucida Grande → Luxi Sans or Noto Sans
Lusitana → Lusitana
Lutz Headline → Roboto
Lust → Salome or Playfair Display
Lydia → Facultad or Yatra One
Lydian → Facultad or Yatra One
Lyon Display → DM Serif Display
Lyon Text → DM Serif Text
Mabry → Manrope
Mabry Mono → Roboto Mono
MAD Serif → Computer Modern Serif or Domine
Madina Script → Againts or Qwigley
Maelstrom Sans → Ribes or Prompt
Magnet → Chivo or Le Mumure (for headline version)
Maison → Inter
Maison Mono → Inconsolata
Maison Neue → Inter
Maiola → Alegreya
Majesti Banner → Salome or Playfair Display
Mallory → Lack or Sen
Manege → Quattrocento
Manrope → Manrope
Manuka → Oswald
Manus → Againts or Rock Salt
Maple → Cotham Sans or Work Sans
Marche → Michroma
Margo → Mazius Display or Antic Didone
Maria → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Marian → Nova Cut
Marr Sans → Work Sans
Martha → Inconsolata
Mate → Mate
Matrix → BluuNext or PT Serif
Matter → Satoshi or Plus Jakarta Sans
Media Sans → Clash Display or Anton
Medium → Standard or Arimo
Medula One → Medula One
Meek Display → Aclonica
Melior → Lora
Memphis → Sanchez
Mencken → Playfair Display
Menlo → DejaVu Mono or Source Code Pro
Meno → DM Serif Display
Mercury → Cardo
Merkury → Quicksand
Merriweather → Merriweather
Messina Sans → General Sans or Manrope
Messina Serif → PT Serif
Messina Sans Mono → Roboto Mono
Metier → Poppins
Metric → Equip (light weight is free) or Cabin
Microbrew → Runaway or Oswald
Mier → Glacial Indifference or League Spartan
Migra → Ortica or Antic Didone
Miller → Playfair Display
Millionaire → Pinyon Script
Mikro → Chakra Petch
Minérale → Infini or Asul
Minion → Cardo
Minister → Crimson Pro
Minotaur → Computer Modern Serif or Domine
Minotaur Sans → Work Sans
Miso → Miso or Rubik
Mistral → Nothing You Could Do
Moderat → DM Sans
Moderat Mono → IBM Plex Mono
Modern 216 → Latin Modern Roman or Playfair Display
Modern Era → General Sans or Plus Jakarta Sans
Monaco → Share Tech Mono
Monarch Nova → Asul
Monospace 821 → Roboto Mono
Monosten → Cousine
Monotype Grotesque → Work Sans
Montserrat → Montserrat
Monument Extended → Prompt
Monument Grotesk → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Monument Grotesk Mono → Roboto Mono
Moret → Mirza
Morion → Bagnard or Inknut Antiqua
MPI Sardis → Facultad or Yatra One
Mr Eaves Modern → Josefin Sans
Mr Eaves Sans → Cabin
Mramor → Ortica or Antic Didone
Mrs Eaves → Libre Baskerville
MTT Milano → Arca Majora or Josefin Sans
Muli → Mulish
Muoto → Manrope
Museo Sans → Museo Sans (500 weight is free) or Montserrat
Museo Slab → Museo Slab (500 weight is free) or Roboto Slab
MVB Solano Gothic → Teko
MVB Solitaire → Open Sans
Myriad → Agané or Open Sans
NaN Jaune → Clash Display or Bricolage Grotesque
Nantes → Playfair Display
Nashville → Prata
National → Work Sans
National 2 → Work Sans
NB Akademie → Arimo
NB Akademie Mono → Roboto Mono
NB International → Arimo
NB International Mono → Roboto Mono
Nein → Oswald
Neographik → Anton
Neue Droschke → Market Deco or Poiret One
Neue Haas Grotesk → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Neue Haas Unica → General Sans or Manrope
Neue Machina → Space Mono
Neue Montreal → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Neue Swift → Amethysta
Neue World → Della Respira
Neusa → Teko
Neuton → Neuton
Neutraface → Josefin Sans
Neutral → General Sans or Manrope
Neuzeit → General Sans or Manrope
Nevis → Nevis or Montserrat
New Caledonia → Playfair Display
New Eddy → Ortica or Antic Didone
New Reason → Sporting Grotesque or Work Sans
New Rocker → New Rocker
New Spirit → Fraunces
News Cycle → News Cycle
Newzald → Neuton
Nexa → Montreal or Montserrat
Nexa Rust → Bernier or Montserrat
Nib → Quattrocento
Nimbus → Pilowlava or Fruktur
Nimbus Roman → Nimbus Roman or Jomolhari
Nimbus Sans → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Nitti → NotCourierSans or Cousine
Nitti Grotesk → Work Sans
Niveau Grotesk → Raleway
Nobel → Lovelo or Josefin Sans
Nocturno → Pesaro (light weight is free) or Ovo
Noe Display → Bagnard or PT Serif
Noe Text → PT Serif
Noi Grotesk → Open Sauce Sans or Arimo
Northwell → Againts or Qwigley
Notable → Notable
NotCourierSans → NotCourierSans or Cousine
Noto Sans → Noto Sans
Nouvelle Grotesk → General Sans or Manrope
Novecento Sans → Novecento Sans (wide styles are free) or Montserrat
Nowie Vremena → Overpass
Nudista → Roboto
Nuckle → Manrope
NY Irvin → Verona Serial (regular weight is free) or Limelight
Object Sans → DM Sans
Obsidian → Salome or Playfair Display
Obviously → Bricolage Grotesque
OCR B → Source Code Pro
Ode → Germania One
Office Code Pro → Office Code Pro or Source Code Pro
Office Times → Source Serif Pro
Office Times Mono → Xanh Mono
Ogg → Junge
Ohm → Monoton
Ohno Blazeface → Abril Fatface
Old Standard TT → Old Standard TT
Omnes → Varela Round
Onyx → Imbue
Open Sans → Open Sans
Open Sauce Sans → Open Sauce Sans or Plus Jakarta Sans
Operator → Victor Mono or Ubuntu Mono
Opposit → Ribes or Prompt
Optima → URW Classico or Belleza
Orelo → Tenor Sans
Organically → Della Respira
Orientation → Saira Stencil One
Original Sans → Work Sans
Orleans → Facultad or Belleza
Oroban → Ortica or Antic Didone
Orpheus → Cinzel
Ortica → Ortica or Antic Didone
Ostia Antica → Work Sans
Oswald → Oswald
Outage → Norwester or Rajdhani
Overpass Mono → Overpass Mono
Ozik → Righteous
P22 Mackinac → Fraunces
P22 Underground → Railway or Cabin
Pacific Northwest Letters → Sunday or Loved by the King
Pakenham → Pakenham (regular weight is free) or Rubik
Palatino → FPL Neu or Crimson Pro
Panama → Cutive Mono
Pangram Sans → League Spartan
Pano → Prompt
Parafina → Poppins
Parnaso → DM Serif Display
Patron → Inter
Pearl → Prata
Pegasus → Amethysta
Peggs → Latin Modern Mono or Cutive
Peignot → Federo
Peristyle → Tenor Sans
Perpetua → Lustria
Pica 10 Pitch → Cutive Mono
Piek → Slabo 27px
Pinyon Script → Pinyon Script
Pirata One → Pirata One
Pitch → Cutive Mono
Pitch Sans → Courier Prime Sans or Cousine
Plaid → Archivo Black
Plaid Mono → Roboto Mono
Plain → General Sans or Manrope
Plak → Rubik
Plan Grotesque → Chivo
Plan Grotesque Stencil → Allerta Stencil
Plantin → Crimson Pro
Platform → Geomanist or Poppins
Playfair Display → Playfair Display
Pluto Sans → Montserrat
PM Grotesk → Arimo
PMN Caecilia → Enriqueta
PolySans → Open Sauce Sans or Inter
Pona → Lora
Poppins → Poppins
Populaire → Amatic SC
Portrait → Bagnard or EB Garamond
Post Grotesk → Work Sans
Poynter Oldstyle → Butler or Playfair Display
Poynter Serif → Crimson Pro
Poynings → Stardos Stencil
Pragmatica → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Pragmatica Slab → Roboto Slab
Prata → Prata
Prensa → Mate
Prenton → Cabin
Presicav → Questrial
Programm → FreeUniversal or Manrope
Programme → Montserrat
Prophet → Facultad or Yatra One
Proto Grotesk → IBM Plex Sans
Proxima Nova → Metropolis or Montserrat
Proxima Nova Soft → Varela Round
Proza Libre → Proza Libre
PT Sans → PT Sans
PT Serif → PT Serif
Public Sans → Public Sans
Publico → Playfair Display
Px Grotesk → Darker Grotesque
Quadraat → Crimson Pro
Quadrant Text → Besley
Quarion → Plus Jakarta Sans
Quarto → Cardo
Quarz → Mazius Display or Antic Didone
Queens → DM Serif Display
Questa → Questa (regular weight is free) or Old Standard TT
Questa Sans → Questa Sans (regular weight is free) or Work Sans
Questrial → Questrial
Quick → Devonshire
Quicksand → Quicksand
Radial → DM Sans
Radikal → Ikaros or League Spartan
Radio Grotesk → Plus Jakarta Sans
Raisonne → W Droge or Poppins
Rajdhani → Rajdhani
Raleway → Raleway
Rando → DM Serif Display
Ratio → Alegreya Sans
Rauschen → Rubik
Reader → Karla
Realist → Noto Sans
Realtime Rounded → Cousine
Rebond Grotesque → Cotham Sans or Work Sans
Recife → Inria Serif
Reckless → Inria Serif
Recoleta → Fraunces
Recta → Cooper Hewitt or Roboto
Redaction → Domine
Refrigerator Deluxe → Aldrich
Regular → Darker Grotesque
Relative → Rubik
Relative Faux → Ahamono or DM Mono
Relative Mono → Ahamono or DM Mono
Remi → PT Mono
Replica → Rubik
Replica Mono → NotCourierSans or Roboto Mono
Repro → League Spartan
Respira Black → UnifrakturMaguntia
Revisal → Open Sans
Riccione → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Rift → Norwester or Teko
Right Grotesk → Chivo
Ringside → Work Sans
Rinko → Bellefair
Riviera → Cabin
RL Unno → Arya
Robinson → Facultad or Yatra One
Roboto → Roboto
Roboto Condensed → Roboto Condensed
Roboto Mono → Roboto Mono
Roboto Slab → Roboto Slab
Roc Grotesk → Work Sans
Rockwell → Sanchez
Romain → Playfair Display
Romana → Aventine or Ramaraja
Romie → Shippori Mincho
Roobert → Darker Grotesque
Rooney → Fjord One
Rooney Sans → Asap
Roslindale → Aventine or Ramaraja
Rothenburg → Nova Cut
Rubik → Rubik
Rylan Serif → DM Serif Display
Rza → Averia Serif Libre
Sabon → Crimson Pro
Sackers Gothic → Questrial
Sailec → General Sans or Manrope
Sainte Colombe → Lustria
San Francisco → Inter
Sanchez → Sanchez
SangBleu Empire → DM Serif Display
SangBleu King → DM Serif Display
SangBleu Kingdom → DM Serif Display
SangBleu Sans → Arya
Saol Display → Antic Didone
Saol Text → Antic Didone
Satyr → Vollkorn
Savate → Savate
Schear Grotesk → Oswald
Schneidler → Buenard
Schnyder → Playfair Display
Scotch Modern → Old Standard TT
Scout → Roboto
Scto Grotesk → General Sans or Manrope
Selador → Facultad or Yatra One
Self Modern → Shippori Mincho
Selfie → Nickainley Script or Sacramento
Selva Script → Pinyon Script
Sentinel → Munson or Besley
Separat → Reglo or Rubik
Seravek → Source Sans Pro
Serial A → Mohave
Serrano → Lato
Shadows Into Light → Shadows Into Light
Sharp Grotesk → Konstant Grotesk or Chivo
Sharp Sans → Plus Jakarta Sans
Shift → Cutive
Sign Painter → Rochester
Signalist → Kaushan Script
Signifier → Spectral
Silk Serif → DM Serif Display
Simple → Share Tech Mono
Simplon → Roboto
Simplon Mono → Roboto Mono
Simula → Young Serif or Caudex
Sina Nova → Sina Nova (regular weight is free) or Merriweather
Siri → Source Sans Pro
Skolar → Source Serif Pro
Sloop Script → Ballet
SM Maxeville → Arimo
Sneak → Inter
Snell Roundhand → Pinyon Script
Sofia → Sofia (light weight is free) or League Spartan
Söhne → Standard or Inter
Söhne Mono → Roboto Mono
Soleil → Ilisarniq or Montserrat
SoLow → VT323
Sometimes Times → Inria Serif
Sorts Mill Goudy → Sorts Mill Goudy
Source Code Pro → Source Code Pro
Source Sans Pro → Source Sans Pro
Source Serif Pro → Source Serif Pro
Space Grotesk → Space Grotesk
Space Mono → Space Mono
Span → PT Serif
Sparkle Script → Sacramento
Specter → Cabin
Spectral → Spectral
Spinnaker → Spinnaker
Sporting Grotesque → Sporting Grotesque or Work Sans
Staff → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Stag → Aleo or Bitter
Standard → Standard
Standard CT → Standard or Arimo
Stanley → Happy Times at the IKOB or Tinos
Stardos Stencil → Stardos Stencil
Steinbeck → Work Sans
Strangelove → Amatic SC
Stratos → Inter
Stratum 2 → Armata
Studio Pro → General Sans or Manrope
Styrene → Campton or Poppins
Sud → Poiret One
Suisse International → General Sans or Manrope
Suisse International Mono → Roboto Mono
Suisse Neue → Tinos
Suisse Works → FreeSerif or Tinos
Sunday Clarendon → Chunk or Ultra
Sunset Gothic → Lack or Sen
Superior Title → Salome or Playfair Display
Superstudio → Quicksand
Supria Sans → Cotham Sans or Work Sans
Surt → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Surveyor → Bentham
Suti → Courgette
Swear → Antic Didone
Sweet Gothic → Julius Sans One
Sweet Sans → Questrial
Swiss 721 → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo
Syne → Syne
Tablet Gothic → Tablet Gothic or Archivo Narrow
Tacite → Junge
Tangier → Great Vibes
Tango → Fraunces
Telegraf → Clash Grotesk or Metrophobic
Teodor → Inria Serif
Termina → Prompt
Terminal Grotesque → Terminal Grotesque or VT323
Text → UnifrakturCook
Texta → Trueno or Nunito Sans
Thirsty Script Rough → Intro Rust Script or Grand Hotel
The Stroke Sans → Kavivanar
Theinhardt → Standard or Arimo
Throhand → Cormorant Garamond
Tiempos Fine → DM Serif Display
Tiempos Headline → DM Serif Display
Tiempos Text → DM Serif Text
Tilda → Nickainley Script or Pinyon Script
Tilde → Metropolis or Montserrat
Times Dot → Times Dot or Jomolhari
Times New Roman → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Times Now → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Titling Gothic → Archivo Narrow
Tobias → FreeSerif or Jomolhari
Today Sans → Alegreya Sans
Topol → Archivo Narrow
Torque → Quantico
Trade Gothic → Archivo Narrow
Tramuntana → PT Serif
Transport → Overpass
Traulha → Junge
Trend → Sanchez
Triade → BenchNine
Trim Poster → Jockey One
Trio Grotesk → Rubik
Trivia Serif → Playfair Display
True North → Monthoers or Sacramento
Trump Soft → Oswald
TT Commons → Satoshi or DM Sans
Tungsten → Norwester or Teko
Tungsten Rounded → Miso or Rubik
Tusar → Cantata One
Twentieth Century → League Spartan
Typ1451 → Quicksand
Typonine Stencil → Stardos Stencil
U8 → Montserrat
Uber Move → Raleway
Unica77 → General Sans or Manrope
Unica77 Mono → Roboto Mono
Union → General Sans or Manrope
Univers → FreeUniversal or Manrope
Universal Sans → Inter
Untitled Sans → General Sans or Manrope
Untitled Serif → Source Serif Pro
URW Antiqua → Domine
URW Classico → URW Classico or Belleza
URW Grotesk → Paneuropa Neue or League Spartan
Utopia → PT Serif
Value Sans → Glacial Indifference or Poppins
Value Serif → Young Serif or Caudex
Valter → Italiana
Vanitas → Tenor Sans
Varela Round → Varela Round
Vaud → Work Sans
Veneer → Bernier or Oswald
Venetian 301 → Cardo
Venus → Inter
Verdana → PT Sans
Verlag → Lovelo or Josefin Sans
Verona → Della Respira
Vesterbro → Salome or Ramaraja
Victor Serif → Inria Serif
Vinila → Open Sauce Sans or Roboto
Vinter → Italiana
Visby CF → Glacial Indifference or League Spartan
Vista Sans → Fira Sans
Visuelt → DM Sans
Vitesse → Roboto Slab
Vivaldi → Charm
Vollkorn → Vollkorn
Voyage → Bagnard
Voyager → Paneuropa Neue or Poppins
VUCA → Moderne Sans or Mulish
Vulf Mono → Cutive Mono
Vulf Sans → Karla
Vwk Mono → Overpass Mono
Walfork → Poppins
Warnock → Amethysta
Weiss → Stoke
Whitney → Source Sans Pro
Whyte → Chivo
Wigrum → Campton or Poppins
Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch → UnifrakturMaguntia
Williams Caslon Text → Libre Caslon Text
Windsor → Fraunces
Woodkit → Holtwood One SC
Work Sans → Work Sans
Wremena → Wremena or Tinos
Yorick → Cutive Mono
Yorker → Antic Didone
Young Serif → Young Serif or Caudex
Zangezi → Bluu Next or Inknut Antiqua
Zenon → Alegreya
Ziggurat → Chunk or Ultra
Zimmer → Supreme or Roboto
Zipper → Savate
The 10 Best Serif + Sans-Serif
Font Combinations on Google Fonts
With over 800 font families available on Google Fonts, it can be a challenge finding serifs and sans-serifs
that complement each other. A font used for setting body copy, whether a serif or sans-serif, must meet
certain criteria: it must include regular, italic, bold and bold italic styles and it must render well on
screen at smaller sizes, meaning it should have low to moderate stroke contrast, large counters, open
apertures and an adequate x-height. Each body copy font in the following list meets this criteria and
includes a companion font that harmonizes nicely with it.
1) Playfair Display + Fira Sans
Fira Sans is a humanist design, drawing its shapes from Erik Spiekermann’s famous FF Meta. On first
glance it might not be an obvious choice to pair with Playfair Display, which clearly has more of a
Modern/geometric influence. However, on closer examination you can see that the basic shapes of both
typefaces are quite similar with short descenders, slightly condensed letterforms and a large x-height.
2) Domine + Open Sans
Open Sans is an extremely popular font on the web but, surprisingly, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered
it paired with Domine. The two typefaces harmonize beautifully together. Notice the marked similarities
of the “g” glyphs—other than the ear and slightly higher stroke contrast of Domine, the shapes are
nearly identical. Both typefaces share similar large x-heights and as well as spacious counters.
3) Alegreya Sans + Alegreya
Alegreya and its sans-serif counterpart, Alegreya Sans, are among the most seldom used Google Fonts
but that should really change as they are among the highest quality free fonts available. Both the serif
and sans-serif version are built from the same calligraphic, humanist skeleton and share many of the
same design details, such as the detached arm and leg on the “k”.
4) Montserrat + Arvo
Arvo is a geometric slab serif that includes italics and renders surprisingly well at smaller sizes—this
makes it a perfectly viable option for setting body copy. Both Arvo and the sans-serif Montserrat are
derived from geometric shapes (notice how the “o” glyphs are nearly perfect circles) and both have a
stoutness to them that gives them a similar strong and sturdy appearance.
5) Source Serif Pro + Source Sans Pro
Source Serif Pro unfortunately does not contain italics (they are currently in the works) so that rules it
out for setting body copy, however, it still makes an excellent serif for headlines. Source Sans Pro is an
ideal sans-serif for setting body copy with its large x-height and open apertures. Both the serif and sansserif designs feature the same slightly condensed proportions that naturally harmonize.
6) Neuton + Lato
I would classify Lato as a “neo-humanist” design—its open apertures and subtly rounded corners give it
a contemporary feel. Neuton, although displaying ample evidence of the humanist pen, features many
contemporary characteristics as well, such as a large x-height. Both typefaces feature similar large
apertures—notice the extremely large opening in both of the “c” characters below.
7) Merriweather Sans + Merriweather
Merriweather is one of my favorite serifs for setting body copy as it’s one of the few serifs available on
Google Fonts that fall into the “contemporary” serif category. Contemporary serifs have large x-heights,
low stroke contrast and open apertures which make them ideal for reading on screen. Merriweather
Sans shares these details and features the same slightly condensed letterforms as Merriweather.
8) Rosario + Crimson Text
Old Style serifs such as Crimson Text are sometimes classified as “humanist” serifs, as their shapes are
derived from handwritten forms. They tend to harmonize well with humanist sans-serifs as both show
influence from a pen held in the hand. Rosario, with its subtly flared terminals and flowing italics,
harmonizes well with the similar humanist characteristics of Crimson Text.
9) Varela Round + Lora
Varela Round and Lora both have a warmth and friendliness to them that makes them an excellent pair.
The warmth of Varela Round comes from its soft, rounded corners and a similar feeling is derived from
Lora with its open apertures and curvy, flowing italics. The ball terminals of Lora (see the “a” and “g”)
harmonize nicely with the rounded terminals of Varela Round.
10) Roboto Slab + Roboto
Roboto Slab is another font that doesn’t seem to be used very much, which is a shame because it’s one of
the best slabs on Google Fonts. Roboto Slab and Roboto both share similar geometric skeletons—you
can see in the image below that the lowercase “g” characters are nearly identical between the slab serif
and sans-serif versions, making them excellent companions.
The 40 Best Free Fonts
That Aren’t on Google Fonts
Google Fonts offers a huge collection of free, open-source fonts, however, there are many excellent free
fonts that aren’t available on Google’s service. The following pages contain the 40 best, in my opinion.
For free fonts that are on Google Fonts, check out this list of the 40 best Google Fonts on Typewolf.
1) Young Serif
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
2) Metropolis
Available in nine weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
3) Salome
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use (although you have to pay with a share
on social media). Download here.
4) Open Sauce Sans
Available in three variations (Open Sauce Sans, Open Sauce One and Open Sauce Two), each with seven
weights and matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
5) Wremena
Available in three weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
6) Glacial Indifference
Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
7) Reforma
Available in 18 styles. Free for personal and commercial use (with attribution). Download here.
8) Butler
Available in seven weights with both normal and stencil variations. Free for personal and commercial
use. Download here.
9) Infini
Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use (with attribution). Download ZIP.
10) Bluu Next
Available in two styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
11) Cooper Hewitt
Available in seven weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
12) Anderson Grotesk
Available in nine styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
13) Facultad
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
14) Born
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
15) Mazius Display
Available in one weight with italic and extra italic styles. Free for personal and commercial use.
Download ZIP.
16) Bagnard
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
17) Ortica
Available in two weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
18) Golos UI
Available in three weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
19) Wonder Unit Sans
Available in eight weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
20) Sometype Mono
Available in three weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
21) Sporting Grotesque
Available in two weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
22) Cabinet Grotesk
Available in eight weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
23) Cotham Sans
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
24) HK Grotesk
Available in five weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
25) Satoshi
Available in five weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
26) Lunchtype
Available in 12 styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
27) Sprat
Available in three widths, each in six weights, for a total of 18 styles. Free for personal and commercial
use. Download ZIP.
28) Meshed Display
Available in nine weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
29) Lack
Available in four styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
30) Happy Times at the IKOB
Available in regular, italic and bold. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
31) Gidole
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
32) Ilisarniq
Available in five weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
33) Fivo Sans
Available in seven weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
34) Minipax
Available in four weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
35) Eau Sans
Available in three weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
36) Standard
Available in two weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
37) Clear Sans
Available in eight styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
38) Halibut Serif
Available in three weights in regular, condensed and expanded widths. Free for personal and
commercial use. Download ZIP.
39) Morganite
Available in nine weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
40) Faune
Available in six styles. Free for personal and commercial use (with attribution). Download ZIP.
The 10 Best Free
“Hipster” Fonts
How did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool. This is a trendy style of
design that everyone knows and finding fonts that work in this context can be tough. The following are
my 10 favorites.
1) Sunday
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
2) Bernier
Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
3) Betty
Available in two styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
4) Royals
Available in four styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
5) Norwester
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP.
6) Bushcraft
Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
7) Veneer Extras
Available in two styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
8) Silverfake
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
9) Kino 40
Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.
10) Cymbria
Available in six styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here.