Uploaded by Linh Chi

Worksheet 35 - Multiply, divide and tests of divisibility (2)

Exercise 1: Complete the multiplications.
8 7
5 3
1 4
2 6
3 4 2
5 3
1 8 9
4 7
7 7
4 8
9 8
3 5
7 2 8
2 9
3 6 4
6 2
2 0 5
1 2
5 1 6
3 8
Exercise 2: Solve the short division calculations. Write the
remainder as a fraction
23 5 7
85 6 7 3
47 8 8 9
38 3 4791
6 4 7 2
4 7 9
9 4 8 5
7 7 8 6
3 1 8 7
62 4 5 3
6 7 4 1
38 3 8 1
Exercise 3:
Exercise 4:
Mrs. Jordan is buying food for a
picnic. A tray of sandwich serves
8 people. How many trays should
Mrs. Jordan buy to serve 557
Mr. Barona wants to put students
into relay race teams. There
need to be four students on each
team. Ms. Morgan’s class has 30
students. How many teams can
Mr.Barona make?
Exercise 5: Tick the correct cells to show whether these numbers are
By 8
By 4
4 206
5 368
71 588
24 853
46 800
412 896
435 721
844 113
970 444