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46. Sagun, Romeo Jr. S. (WS1)

Activity 1
Activity 1
My Aims/Purposes
At the end of the activity, I should be able to:
a. visualize my expectations about Teaching Internship;
b. construct the meaning of familiar terms;
c. explain the different phases of teaching internship;
d. describe the existing laws and regulations applicable to the teaching
profession; and
e. enumerate the core rules of netiquette.
My Responsibilities
Teaching Internship is an essential experiential learning course that
encapsulates the various training and preparations of education students. It is an
endeavor that allows holistic application of what has been learned in the real world.
Like any other task, you are required to visualize your expectations and develop
awareness on its phases and its existing laws.
a. Write what you know about the given terms. List down the names of
personnel involved in the school where you are assigned.
Teaching Internship- This is a period during a teacher's training program where they
gain practical experience in a classroom setting under the guidance of experienced
educators. It provides hands-on teaching experience and allows interns to apply
theoretical knowledge to real-life teaching situations.
Practice Teacher / Teaching Interns- These are individuals undergoing training to
become teachers, typically enrolled in a teaching program at a university or college.
They actively participate in teaching activities under the supervision of experienced
educators to develop their teaching skills. They engage directly with students, deliver
lessons, and participate in various aspects of classroom instruction to gain practical
insights into the teaching profession. These teaching interns are like Jerome
Concepcion, Romeo Sagun, Andrew Gelido, Marianne Dhie Salazar, John Emanuel
Mejia, Jackielyn Campos, Noelyn Colaste, Monette Evangelista, Jorge Ewen De Vera,
Aileen Perez, Arianne Sarzaba, Elizabeth Sagun, Kenneth Allado, Angeline Nartates,
and Raynor De Guzman.
Teaching Internship Supervisor/ Teaching Internship Coordinator- These
are experienced educators who oversee and guide teaching interns during their
internship period. They provide mentorship, support, and feedback to help interns
develop their teaching abilities effectively.
Supervising Instructor- An experienced teacher responsible for overseeing and
guiding teaching interns during their practical teaching experiences, offering feedback
and support to ensure their professional growth.
PSU Laboratory Integrated School - This institution serves as a training ground
for future educators, offering opportunities for teaching interns to apply their theoretical
knowledge in a real classroom environment.
PSU LIS officials - These individuals oversee various aspects of PSU LIS's
operations, including academic programs, student affairs, and facilities management,
ensuring a conducive environment for teaching and learning.
University Head for Teaching Internship- Prof. Betha Fe G. Cruz: The faculty
member at the university responsible for coordinating and overseeing the teaching
internship program, ensuring its alignment with educational standards, and facilitating
collaboration between the university and cooperating schools.
Cooperating School- Aguilar Integrating School, as a cooperating school, actively
supports the training and development of teaching interns, providing them with
opportunities to gain practical teaching experience under the guidance of experienced
educators in a real classroom setting.
Cooperating Officials- These individuals, often administrators or coordinators within
the education department, liaise between the university's teaching internship program
and cooperating schools. They facilitate the placement of teaching interns, organize
training sessions, and ensure that both the interns and cooperating schools have the
necessary support and resources for a successful collaboration.
Cooperating Teacher - An experienced educator from a cooperating school who
mentors and guides teaching interns during their practical teaching experiences. They
provide support, feedback, and guidance to help interns develop their teaching skills
effectively. Mrs. Celma Carlos- Peralta, a dedicated cooperating teacher at Aguilar
Integrating School, who plays a crucial role in supporting me as a teaching intern,
offering valuable insights and practical guidance to enhance my teaching abilities and
classroom management skills.
b. After engaging in the various Field Study (FS) activities, pre-service training,
and preparations, what are your expectations on the different phases of
b.1. Orientation Phase
During the orientation phase, I should immerse myself in exploring the learning
environment, acquainting myself with school policies, procedures, and curriculum guidelines. I'm
expecting to invest time in understanding the diverse demographics, backgrounds, and learning
needs of my students, aiming to foster an inclusive and supportive classroom environment.
Additionally, I should establish clear classroom rules, routines, and procedures to promote a
structured and organized learning atmosphere. I should collaborate with colleagues and
administrators to align instructional practices with school goals and standards, while also setting
clear learning objectives and goals for upcoming lessons. I'm expecting to build positive
relationships and rapport with my students, creating a welcoming and respectful atmosphere
conducive to effective teaching and learning.
b.2. Observation and Lesson Plan Preparation Phase
In this phase, I should engage in systematic observation of student behavior, learning
styles, strengths, and weaknesses. I'm expecting to analyze assessment data, including
standardized test scores, formative assessments, and previous student performance, to gain
insights into my students' academic needs and learning preferences. Using this information, I
should meticulously plan and develop comprehensive lesson plans that are aligned with curriculum
standards and objectives. I should incorporate a variety of instructional strategies, methodologies,
and resources to cater to diverse learning needs and preferences. Differentiation strategies should
be employed to ensure that all my students have access to high-quality instruction tailored to their
individual abilities and backgrounds. Furthermore, I should design engaging learning activities and
assessments that promote active learning, critical thinking, and meaningful student engagement,
aiming to foster a positive and enriching learning experience for all my students.
b.3. Actual Teaching Phase
The actual teaching phase is characterized by the implementation of carefully planned
lessons and the facilitation of engaging learning experiences. I'm expecting to effectively deliver
instructional content, utilizing a range of teaching methods, techniques, and technologies to
accommodate different learning styles and preferences. I should create a dynamic and interactive
classroom environment, encouraging student participation, collaboration, and inquiry-based
learning. I'm expecting to provide clear explanations, scaffold learning experiences, and address
student questions and misconceptions in real-time. I should monitor student progress and
comprehension, adjusting instructional strategies and pacing as needed to meet the diverse needs
of my learners. Moreover, I'm expecting to foster the development of essential 21st-century skills,
such as communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, through authentic and
relevant learning experiences. By nurturing a supportive and inclusive learning community, I should
empower my students to take ownership of their learning and achieve academic success.
b.4. Evaluation Phase
In the evaluation phase, I should assess student learning outcomes, reflect on my
teaching practices, and make data-informed decisions to improve instructional effectiveness. I
should administer formative and summative assessments to gauge student understanding and
mastery of learning objectives, using a variety of assessment tools and strategies to gather
comprehensive data on student performance. I should analyze assessment results to identify areas
of strength and areas needing improvement, providing timely and constructive feedback to my
students to support their ongoing growth and development. Additionally, I'm expecting to engage
in reflective practice, critically evaluating my teaching methods, instructional approaches, and
classroom management techniques. I should collaborate with colleagues to share insights, best
practices, and resources, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth.
I should use evaluation findings and feedback to refine lesson plans, adapt instructional strategies,
and implement targeted interventions to meet the diverse needs of my students and enhance
overall learning outcomes. Through ongoing assessment and reflection, I'm expecting to strive to
create a dynamic and responsive learning environment that empowers all my students to achieve
their full potential.
c. These are the existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching
profession. Make a research and describe each.
1. Resolution No. 435 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)
Resolution No. 435 sets forth the ethical standards that govern the conduct of professional
teachers in the Philippines. It serves as a moral compass, guiding educators in upholding
the integrity and dignity of their noble profession. This code articulates principles of
professional behavior, emphasizing the importance of fostering an environment conducive
to learning, respecting the rights and dignity of students, and continually honing one's skills
and knowledge to provide quality education.
2. Republic Act 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers)
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers is a cornerstone legislation that safeguards
the rights and privileges of educators serving in public schools. It recognizes the pivotal
role teachers play in nation-building and seeks to ensure their well-being and professional
development. Through provisions on fair compensation, tenure security, and access to
professional growth opportunities, this law endeavors to foster a conducive working
environment that empowers teachers to deliver quality education.
3. Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013)
This law addresses the pervasive issue of bullying in educational settings, aiming to create
safe and nurturing environments conducive to learning. By mandating the formulation and
implementation of anti-bullying policies in schools, this law underscores the government's
commitment to protecting students from physical, verbal, and psychological harm. It
underscores the importance of fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity within
the educational community.
4. Republic 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995)
The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 is a landmark legislation aimed at curbing sexual
misconduct and fostering gender equality in workplaces, including educational institutions.
By defining sexual harassment and delineating prohibited behaviors, this law seeks to
create environments free from intimidation, exploitation, and discrimination. It underscores
the fundamental right of every individual to work and learn in an environment that is
respectful, dignified, and conducive to personal growth.
5. DepEd Order 40 series 2012 (Child Protection Policy)
DepEd Order 40 series 2012 embodies the commitment of the Department of Education to
prioritize the safety and well-being of students under its care. This policy framework
articulates measures to prevent and address all forms of child abuse, exploitation, and
violence within the school environment. By fostering a culture of vigilance, accountability,
and support, it aims to create nurturing educational spaces where every child can thrive
and realize their full potential.
6. Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012)
Republic Act No. 10175 addresses the evolving challenges posed by cybercrimes in the
digital age. Recognizing the growing prevalence of online offenses, this law provides legal
mechanisms to combat cyber threats and protect individuals from various forms of digital
abuse. By promoting cybersecurity awareness, enhancing law enforcement capabilities,
and imposing penalties on offenders, it endeavors to safeguard the integrity and security
of cyberspace, fostering trust and confidence in online interactions.
7. Joint CHED-DepEd Memorandum Order (RM No. 672, s 2021)
This signifies a collaborative effort between the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
and the Department of Education (DepEd) in addressing pertinent issues in the Philippine
education system. This memorandum order serves as a directive to both agencies to
coordinate their efforts and resources towards achieving common goals, such as
enhancing the quality of education, promoting research and innovation, and ensuring
alignment between the K-12 and higher education curricula. By fostering synergy and
cooperation between CHED and DepEd, this memorandum order aims to optimize
educational outcomes and contribute to the overall development of the country's human
8. Guidelines on the Flexible delivery of Student Affairs and Services (CMO No. 08,
CMO No. 08, 2021, presents guidelines for the flexible delivery of student affairs and
services, providing educational institutions with a framework for adapting their support
systems to diverse learning modalities. This document recognizes the evolving landscape
of education, characterized by the proliferation of online and hybrid learning environments,
and underscores the importance of ensuring that students have access to comprehensive
support services regardless of their mode of instruction. By outlining strategies for the
effective delivery of student affairs and services in flexible learning settings, such as
counseling, career guidance, and extracurricular activities, this guideline seeks to promote
student well-being, engagement, and holistic development in the face of unprecedented
educational challenges.
d. There are existing rules and standards of behavior in the classroom, onsite
and online, which students and teachers must adhere to. List the following
rules of netiquette and etiquette for:
1. Respect Others: Treat fellow students and teachers with courtesy and respect in all online
interactions, including discussions, emails, and group projects.
2. Use Appropriate Language: Avoid using offensive language, profanity, or derogatory
remarks in communications.
3. Participate Actively: Engage in online discussions and activities thoughtfully and
constructively, contributing relevant insights and perspectives to the conversation.
4. Respect Privacy: Respect the privacy of others by refraining from sharing personal
information or private communications without permission.
5. Follow Guidelines: Adhere to any guidelines or rules in the classroom.
6. Seek Clarification: If unsure about instructions, seek clarification from the instructor before
Teaching Intern
1. Professional Communication: Maintain professional and respectful communication with
supervising teachers, school staff, and students in all interactions, whether in person or online.
2. Dress Appropriately: Dress in a manner consistent with professional standards when attending
classes, meetings, or school-related events.
3. Respect Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of student information and maintain
discretion when discussing student matters with others.
4. Observe Classroom Rules: Familiarize yourself with the classroom rules and procedures
established by the supervising teacher and ensure compliance with these guidelines during
teaching activities.
5. Be Prepared and Punctual: Arrive punctually for teaching assignments and be prepared with
lesson materials, plans, and any necessary resources.
6. Engage Students: Foster a positive and inclusive learning environment by actively engaging
students, encouraging participation, and addressing their questions and concerns.
7. Seek Feedback: Solicit feedback from supervising teachers and mentors to identify areas for
improvement and enhance your teaching skills.
8. Reflect and Learn: Reflect on your teaching experiences, challenges, and successes, and use
these insights to continuously grow and develop as an educator.
My Observation and Insights
Describe your feelings at the start of this academic endeavor.
At the outset of this academic endeavor, getting on the teaching internship process, I
find myself filled with a mixture of excitement, expectations, and a touch of nervousness. The
prospect of stepping into a real classroom environment as a teacher-in-training is both exhilarating
and daunting. There's a palpable sense of eagerness to put into practice the knowledge and skills
acquired through coursework and theoretical study. However, alongside this enthusiasm, there's
also a sense of apprehension about the unknown challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead. I
feel a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to make the most of this opportunity,
recognizing the significance of the teaching internship in shaping my future as an educator. There's
a desire to learn, grow, and make a meaningful impact on the lives of students, coupled with a
keen awareness of the importance of professional conduct and ethical practice. Amidst these
emotions, there's also a sense of humility, acknowledging that this journey will be a continuous
learning process, filled with moments of both triumph and adversity. Overall, as I embark on this
academic endeavor and the teaching internship process, my feelings oscillate between excitement,
anticipation, nervousness, and determination. I am eager to embrace the challenges, seize the
opportunities for growth, and immerse myself fully in the rewarding journey of becoming a teacher.
How important is this experiential learning course to you as would be teacher?
Marching into the battlefield of education, wielding the sword of knowledge and the
shield of compassion, the teaching internship stands as my anthem of enlightenment and my
passage to pedagogical prowess.
As a prospective teacher, experiential learning course, such as teaching internship,
holds immense importance to me for several reasons. Firstly, it provides invaluable hands-on
experience in real classroom settings, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge gained in
academic settings to practical teaching scenarios. This practical experience is crucial for
developing effective teaching strategies, classroom management skills, and the ability to adapt
instruction to diverse student needs. Secondly, the teaching internship offers opportunities for
mentorship and guidance from experienced educators, enabling me to learn from their expertise
and receive constructive feedback on my teaching practices. This mentorship aspect is
instrumental in shaping my professional growth and helping me refine my teaching skills.
Moreover, the teaching internship allows me to establish meaningful connections with students,
colleagues, and school communities, fostering networks that can support me throughout my
teaching career. Building rapport with students and understanding their individual needs and
backgrounds is essential for creating inclusive and engaging learning environments. Additionally,
the teaching internship serves as a reality check, offering insights into the joys and challenges of
teaching profession. It helps me gain a deeper understanding of the responsibilities and
expectations associated with being a teacher, thus allowing me to make informed decisions about
my career path. Furthermore, the practical experiences gained during the teaching internship
enhance my employability and readiness for entering the workforce as a qualified educator.
Employers value candidates who have demonstrated competence and proficiency in actual
teaching settings, making the internship an essential component of my professional development.
In summary, the teaching internship is a cornerstone of my teacher preparation journey, providing
me with the practical experiences, mentorship, and insights needed to become a competent and
effective educator. It equips me with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to embark
on a fulfilling career in teaching and make a positive impact on the lives of students.
My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)
The picture shows our cooperating school which is Aguilar
School Where our teaching internship and where we, as aspiring teachers, hone
our skills under the guidance of experienced mentors.
Working mind in action: Collaborating with myself and
brainstorming ideas to complete a challenging worksheet,
fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.