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incident from childhood from a third pov.

incident from childhood from a third pov.
he walked out the parking lot, ready to go to school. he was just 6 years of age. his dad got the car ready and steady. both, the
father and his son were excited, atleast that's what he thought. as they were close to approaching the school, he sensed
something suspicious. something weird about his dad's vibe.
he was too curious, so he just straight up asked his dad, "are you sad?". he wanted to ask something more appropriate but he
just didn't know of the big words as a small boy. all he knew was happiness and sadness.
he asked his dad the question, in hopes of an appropriate answer. but the dad just nodded off his head, looked at his son and
said "it's nothing son, it's nothing." the son was still hesitant to believe it but he just did anyways. why? because he didn't
suffer from the disease of "trust issues" at his age. his dad stopped the car right in front of the school, carried his son to the
classroom, got him down, made him wear his bag, wiped his tears as he always, every single day, before going to class used to
cry cry and cry till he had no more tears left in him. he'd throw up almost every day just because he hated leaving his father or
mother, whoever dropped him that day.
his dad also teared up a little, but kissed his son goodbye for the afternoon, and left his son, stranded in an ocean full of
monsters, at least that's what he thought of all of them, except his parents of course.
anways, his school time got over as the final bell rang. he ran outside of class as soon as he saw the doors open. and there, his
dad was waiting for him with candy in his hands. the son ran upto him with his heavy trolly bag, and jumped in his father's
arms. his dad carried him and hugged him with as much love as the son had when he climbed his dad's body. they then left
together to their sweet sweet home.
as they reached, the son noticed that the house was in a, relatively lower tone. a sadder mood. he was curious, as he always
was. so he asked his mother, "why are everyone sad?". the mother did the same as the father in the morning, nodded her head
and waved him off. the son had no choice but to believe his mummy and dadda and just ignore the weird faces for the day.
before going to sleep, the son loves to play games on his father's phone. some rocket game, something silly obviously. he
usually lays on his dad's chest while playing the games before sleeping. out of nowhere, his dad goes "i'm leaving to dubai
tomorrow morning". there was nothing but tears flowing and screams of cry the whole night. but his dad did a great job at
managing the situation. his dad told him to cry in a softer tone, and distracted him by giving him the video game. while the son
slept on his father's chest, the father cried to himself, in pain, but just so suttle that nobody would hear or be aware of. but his
son did. how? he felt his dad's chest shiver as he took sharp breaths. as his son looked up, he saw his father close his eyes
while tears were flooding towards his ear.