COMMUNICATION STUDIES FOR CAPE® EXAMINATIONS VERONICA SIMON SANDRA OSBORNE CAPE® is a registered trade mark of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC). COMMUNICATION STUDIES for CAPE® EXAMINATIONS 2nd Edition is an independent publication and has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by CXC. Macmillan Education 4 Crinan Street London N1 9XW A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-230-48699-7 AER Text © Veronica Simon and Sandra Osborne 2009, 2014 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009, 2014 First published 2009 Second edition published 2014 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by J&D Glover Ltd. Typeset by J&D Glover Ltd. 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Cover photo courtesy of Getty Images/John Lund The author(s) and publishers are grateful for permission to reprint the following copyright material: Alisa Shubb for the diagram “Communication model” from www.geocities. com/Athens/Forum/7908/modelof.htm copyright © Alisa Shubb 1999; Macmillan Education for: an illustration taken from Academic Writing from paragraph to essay (formerly entitled College Writing), copyright © Dorothy E Zemach & Lisa A Rumisek 2003; material taken from Noises in the Blood copyright © Carolyn Cooper 1993; ‘You Can Lead A Horse To Water’ published in More Champions of the Gayelle copyright © Winston V Saunders 2005; and ‘Duelling Voices’ published in Champions of the Gayelle copyright © Zeno Obi Constance 2002, used with permission of Macmillan Education Pearson Education Ltd for an extract from The Victims by Isidore Okpewho, Longman, 1987. Reproduced with permission from Pearson Education Ltd; Penguin Books Ltd for an extract from The Mother Tongue: The English Language by Bill Bryson, published by Hamish Hamilton, 1990, copyright © 1990 Bill Bryson. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Books Ltd; Penguin Books (UK) Ltd for The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition by Anne Frank, edited by Otto H Frank and Mirjam Pressler, translated by Susan Massotty,Viking, 1997 copyright © The Anne FrankFonds, Basle, Switzerland, 1991. English translation copyright © 1995 by Doubleday, a division of Random House LLC. Used by permission of Doubleday, an imprint of Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved; The Liat Islander, FT Caribbean for details about Rain Forest Aerial Trams from LIAT Islander Issue 74, Nov 2006.p. 64. Reproduced with the kind permission of Edna Fortescue; Christopher and Joy St John for part of poem ‘Bajan Language’ by Bruce St John, 1982. Reproduced with permission; Sangster’s Book Stores Limited for the poems “Noh Likkle Twang” and “Dry Foot Bwoy” from Jamaica Labrish by Louise Bennet. Copyright © 1966 by Sangster’s Book Stores Limited. Used by Permission of Sangster’s Book Stores Limited. All rights reserved. UWI Press for extracts from Dread Talk - the Language of Youth by Velma Pollard copyright © 1994; and ‘Students and their attitudes to language’ from chapter ‘Language in the classroom’ in Evans, H. (2001). Inside Jamaican Schools. Jamaica University of the West Indies Press, granted with permission of UWI Press; United Bible Societies for an extract from Jan 3:16 du Testeman NefLa Epi An Posyon An Liv Samz-la. copyright © Bible Society in the East Caribbean (1999); Dr David A Victor and Cengage Learning, Inc for an extract from ‘Barriers Affecting Cross-cultural Business Communication’ by Dr David A Victor Cross-Cultural-International-Communication.html originally published in Encyclopedia of Management 5/ed copyright © 2006, Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission of David Victor and Cengage Learning, Inc; Learning Point Associates for an extract from “Interactive Communication” from enGauge 21st Century Skills - Literacy in the Digital Age, copyright © 2003 by the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory and the Metiri Group. All rights reserved. American Psychological Association and Dr Rosen for the article “Social Networking’s Good and Bad Impacts on Kids” by Dr Larry D. Rosen, 6 August 2011 copyright © 2011 by the American Psychological Association. Reproduced with permission of American Psychological Association and Dr Rosen; Calaloux Publications for an extract from The Knots in English: a manual for Caribbean users by Merle Hodge, 1997 granted with kind permission from Calaloux Publications; Shirley Hall for an extract and the recipe ‘Plenty of Plantains’ by Shirley Hall published in Caribbean Compass Oct 2006 no. 133 copyright © Shirley Hall; The Random House Group Ltd for an extract from ‘A note on cricket’ from Beyond a Boundary by C. L. R. James, published by Vintage. Reprinted with permission of The Random House Group Limited; Barbara Tyne for an extract from ‘Ivan the Terrible Invades Grenada’ & ‘The Terrible Toll’ by Tom Tyne published in A Whole New Altitude, Issue 15 by West Indies Publishing Ltd. Granted with kind permission; Barrons Educational Series, Inc. for 8 points from 10 Steps in Writing the Research Paper. Barrons 6th Edition by Markham Roberta, Markham Peter & Waddel Marie 2001; American Psychological Association for an extract from Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, html, p.200, copyright © by the American Psychological Association; Hansib Publications for an extract from ‘A giant step for all of us’ by Errol Barrow. From Yussuff, Haniff (ed.) 1987, Speeches by Errol Barrow, Hansib Publishing Ltd, London. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. iii CONTENTS Unit / Chapter Preface Unit 1 Page Specific objectives The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3: Speaking and Writing 2 Describe process of communication 11 Describe uses of communication technologies in the learning process The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3: Speaking and Writing 3 Apply communication concepts 4 Apply specific features of verbal and non-verbal communications and contexts of use The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3: Speaking and Writing 3 Apply communication concepts 4 Apply specific features of verbal and non-verbal communications and contexts of use vii Describing Communication Chapter 1 The Communication Process 3 Introduction 1.1 What is communication? 1.2 Elements of the communication process 1.3 How the process works • Encoding • Selecting medium/channel • Decoding and interpretation • Feedback • Communication barriers and facilitators Conclusion Evaluation and extension 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 10 Chapter 2 Forms of Communication 11 Introduction 2.1 Verbal communication 2.2 Non-verbal communication • Body language • Proxemics • Kinesics • Chronemics • Dress • Graphics and symbols • Paralanguage Conclusion Evaluation and extension 11 11 13 15 16 17 18 18 21 22 23 24 Chapter 3 Contexts of Communication 25 Introduction 3.1 Intrapersonal context 3.2 Interpersonal context 3.3 Small group context • The discussion board 3.4 Organisational context 3.5 Academic context 3.6 Intercultural context Conclusion Evaluation and extension End of unit test 1 25 25 26 29 29 30 32 32 33 34 35 Unit 2 CAPE syllabus section Understanding Communication in Society Chapter 4 Defining Language 39 Introduction 4.1 Characteristics of language 4.2 Purposes of language • Expressive purposes • Informative purposes • Cognitive purposes • Poetic purposes • Phatic purposes • Metalinguistic purposes 39 40 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 2: Language and Community 2 Discuss concept of language 3 Identify features of a Creole vernacular 4 Explain challenges faced by Creole speaker in learning Caribbean Standard English 8 Assess use of registers, dialects, formality in interactive settings iv CONTENTS Unit / Chapter Page 4.3 Language variation • Syntax • Vocabulary 4.4 Creole • Some characteristics of Caribbean Creole Conclusion Evaluation and extension 48 50 50 51 52 55 56 Chapter 5 Language in Society 57 Introduction 5.1 The modern language situation 5.2 Factors influencing language • Historical factors • Social factors • Cultural factors • Political factors 5.3 Language situation in the Caribbean 5.4 Attitudes to language 5.5 Choice of language Conclusion Evaluation and extension 57 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 64 70 72 73 Chapter 6 Technology, Culture and 76 CAPE syllabus section Specific objectives The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 2: Language and Community 5 Evaluate role of language in Caribbean identity 6 Analyse roles of language in human societies 7 Describe a territory in terms of range of languages, historical factors and attitudes to language 8 Assess use of registers, dialects, formality in interactive settings 10 Examine how communication is affected and effected by the use of technology The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 2: Language and Community 5 Evaluate role of language in Caribbean identity 7 Describe a territory in terms of range of languages, historical factors and attitudes to language 8 Assess use of registers, dialects, formality in interactive settings 9 Identify technologies that have impacted on communications 10 Examine how communication is affected and effected by the use of technology The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 1: Gathering and Processing Information 1 Speak and write using grammar, vocabulary, mechanics and conventions of Caribbean Standard English 2 Identify formats, features and expressions of different genres and types of writing and speech 4 Apply comprehension to spoken and written material Communication Introduction 6.1 Culture and communication 6.2 Technology and communication 6.3 Technology and culture Conclusion Evaluation and extension End of unit test 2 Unit 3 76 77 81 83 90 91 92 Interpreting Communication Chapter 7 Comprehending Information 97 Introduction 7.1 Process of comprehension • Pre-reading/listening • During reading/listening • Post-reading/listening 7.2 Levels of comprehension • Literal level • Interpretive level • Applied level 7.3 Listening • The listening process • Purposes of listening 7.4 Reading 7.5 Applying the levels of comprehension • Responding to argumentative writing • Responding to persuasive writing 7.6 Understanding word meaning Conclusion Evaluation and extension 97 97 98 98 98 99 100 100 100 101 101 101 102 103 115 118 120 123 124 v Unit / Chapter Page Chapter 8 Summarising Information 126 Introduction 8.1 Distinguishing main and subsidiary ideas 8.2 Note-making • Linear outlines • Graphic organisers Conclusion Evaluation and extension 126 127 130 132 133 135 136 Chapter 9 Researching Information 139 Introduction 9.1 Types of research • Types of primary research 9.2 Data/information 9.3 Instruments 9.4 Population 9.5 Reliability and validity • Reliability • Validity 9.6 Evaluating sources 9.7 Acknowledging sources • Direct quotation • Paraphrasing • Précis • Summary • Plagiarism 9.8 References and bibliographies • Citing sources from the Internet Conclusion Evaluation and extension End of unit test 3 139 140 140 141 142 142 144 144 145 145 149 149 149 149 149 150 150 153 153 154 155 Unit 4 CAPE syllabus section Specific objectives The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 1: Gathering and Processing Information 1 Speak and write using grammar, vocabulary, mechanics and conventions of Caribbean Standard English 2 Identify formats, features and expressions of different genres and types of writing and speech 5 Write continuous prose and noteform summaries The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 1: Gathering and Processing Information 3 Assess appropriateness of data collection methods, including use of the Internet 6 Evaluate primary and secondary sources 7 Gather information about current issues 8 Evaluate information about current issues 9 Present evaluation of 8 in oral or written form The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3: Speaking and Writing 1 Speak and write using grammar, vocabulary, mechanics and conventions of Caribbean Standard English 4 Apply specific features of verbal and non-verbal communications and contexts of use 5 Describe mental and social processes of speech and writing 6 Use appropriately non-verbal elements and modes of speech and writing 8 Speak in Caribbean Standard English 9 Use appropriate organising and formatting strategies 10 Evaluate own communication Structuring Communication Chapter 10 Speaking 161 Introduction 10.1 Basic speech skills • Articulation • Enunciation • Voice control • Usage • Word choice • Audience–speaker rapport • Dress 10.2 Preparing speeches 10.3 Components of the speech • Introduction • The body • Conclusion 10.4 Types of speech • Informative • Persuasive • Debates 10.5 Delivering your speech Conclusion Evaluation and extension 161 162 162 162 163 163 164 164 164 164 165 165 166 167 167 167 167 170 171 175 176 vi CONTENTS Unit / Chapter Page Chapter 11 Writing 177 Introduction 11.1 The writing process • Pre-writing • Drafting • Revising • Editing and proofreading 11.2 Types of writing • Literary writing • Reflective writing • Expository writing • Persuasive/argumentative writing 11.3 Writing with style • Style problems 11.4 Examination tips Conclusion Evaluation and extension 177 178 179 184 185 188 189 189 190 191 199 200 201 205 205 206 Chapter 12 Organising Skills 209 Introduction 12.1 Components of academic writing • The introduction • The body • The conclusion • Linkages • Internal cohesion 12.2 Formatting business communication • Memos • The letter • The résumé • The curriculum vitae • Writing reports Conclusion Evaluation and extension 209 210 210 211 212 213 214 215 215 217 221 222 224 226 227 Chapter 13 Applying the Rules 228 Introduction 13.1 Sentence structure 13.2 Fragments 13.3 Run-on sentences 13.4 Dangling or misplaced modifiers 13.5 Verbs • Subject/verb agreement • Tense • Active and passive voice 13.6 Pronouns • Pronoun shifts 13.7 Possessives 13.8 Commonly misused words 13.9 Spelling 13.10 Punctuation Conclusion Evaluation and extension End of unit test 4 228 229 230 231 231 233 233 235 239 241 242 243 244 246 247 250 251 252 Practice examination papers Index 254 262 CAPE syllabus section The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3: Speaking and Writing Specific objectives 3 Apply communication concepts 4 Apply specific features of verbal and non-verbal communications and contexts of use 5 Describe mental and social processes of speech and writing 10 Evaluate own communication The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3: Speaking and Writing 9 Use appropriate organising and The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Modules 1, 2 and 3 1 Speak and write using grammar, vocabulary, mechanics and conventions of Caribbean Standard English formatting strategies vii Preface Communication Studies aims at creating an awareness of the complexity of the process of human communication. It is written for the post secondary and tertiary student who must develop a thorough understanding of how language, the central aspect of communication, can be managed and manipulated for personal and national development. Content Unit 1 – Describing Communication: explains the communication process and the number of impediments to the process that can result in ineffective communication. The use of various forms of communication, verbal and non-verbal, is explored. Students are also able to understand how the different contexts within which communication takes place affect and determine the nature of communication. Unit 2 – Understanding Communication in Society: explores the nature of language and how it functions in various contexts. The factors influencing language in Caribbean society are also examined. Students are able to appreciate the relationship of language to cultural identity and to understand the impact of technology on aspects of communication. Unit 3 – Interpreting Communication: focuses on gathering and processing information and the development of receptive skills. Students learn how to apply the process of comprehension to listening and reading and how to organise information coherently for ease of review and study. The key concepts of research are introduced so that students are able to carry out simple research and present reports. Unit 4 – Structuring Communication: emphasises the importance of effective speaking and writing. Awareness of audience and context underlies the processes of speech and writing. Students understand how to structure communication logically by applying a variety of organising skills. The unit also focuses on applying the rules of English by creating an awareness of the typical errors made by students at that level. Approaches The text employs a learner-centred communicative style that encourages students to stop and think as they read. Students are encouraged to examine their own practices, thoughts and attitudes as well as those of the society in which they live. The following features facilitate accessibility: viii Preface Activities l. Exploration and consolidation activities appear throughout the text after concepts have been introduced. Many of them are designed to help students arrive at their own understanding of a concept. Activities require a student to carry out the range of communicative behaviours, like group work, research, talking to people in the community, observing and creating graphic material. 2. Evaluation and extension activities occur at the end of each chapter so that students may review the main aspects of the chapter and also use their acquired knowledge in applied tasks. The extension activities ensure that the students are actively engaged in communication. 3. End of unit tests provide the opportunity for evaluation and offer opportunities for practising CAPE examinationtype questions. A complete CAPE examination-type practice paper is also provided for time practice. 4. Resources and additional readings are indicated at the end of each unit. In addition, there is a website that provides both student and teacher resources including passages for language analysis, sample questions and model answers for all sections of CAPE Communication Studies examinations and links to other useful websites: Text boxes These generally contain examples of what is being taught or passages from a variety of sources that exemplify the array of purposes of language. Extracts are expected to stimulate discussion and the desire for further reading. Did you know? These are useful bits of trivia related to language and communication used through the text to stimulate thought, interest and discussion. They can also be used to further general research activities. Layout The use of strategically placed graphics and the use of colour exemplify the importance of non-verbal aspects of communication. They also encourage ease of interaction with the text. New terms are introduced in bold and the definition given at the same time. Key definitions are featured in the left-hand margin. Note to the student Effective communication depends not only on understanding the skills you need but also on practising them regularly so that you are eventually able to use them automatically or proficiently. Therefore, you should try to complete all the activities and exercises in this text. They are designed to help you to develop the type of thinking and approaches that characterise an effective communicator. Readers learn to read by reading and writers learn to write by writing. These skills cannot be learnt in theory; therefore it is important to read and write often on your own without depending only on assignments from your teacher. No matter what you read or write, practise applying the strategies that you learn in this text. Eventually, you will do this automatically, without needing to refer to the text. A major focus of this book is developing your awareness of language around you. Use the listening skills that you learn in every listening situation. Pay close attention to how people use words to influence opinions and evoke a desired response. You also need to pay attention to your own oral communication skills and practise speaking clearly and confidently. No single textbook has all the information that you need to know. Additional reading and reference material is provided at the end of each unit so that you can increase your knowledge on the topics taught and deepen your understanding of issues. ix Note to the teacher Communication is a wide area of interrelated topics. Therefore this text is not designed to be used in a strictly chronological fashion. The division into units is simply to ensure that all communication skills are addressed; however, you may find it useful to direct students to make correlations between the expressive and receptive skills. For example, when they critically evaluate through reading what and how writers write in Unit Three, they must be able to transfer this skill to the writing that they produce in Unit Four. The relationship between writer and reader and speaker and listener should be emphasised by making references back and forth between sections of the text. In addition, students should recognise that the processes of speaking and writing are linked as are those of listening and reading. They should be encouraged to compare these processes as part of developing awareness and critical thinking. You will notice that communication is not treated as a subject, but as an ongoing activity. Students are expected to engage in reflecting, interpreting, questioning, talking, observing, creating and presenting in each chapter. This is communication at work. There are a number of group activities that enable students to make use of the unarticulated communication skills such as collaborating and negotiating. You should use as many opportunities as possible to allow students to discuss and present in groups while ensuring that students assume various roles in their groups. At this level, students are expected to be very independent learners and they should be allocated specific responsibilities in finding out information and disseminating to their peers. The book addresses the student directly, in keeping with the studentcentred approach to learning, where the teacher operates as facilitator and guide. For those of you teaching CAPE Communication Studies you will note that at the beginning of each chapter, the relevant specific syllabus objectives are identified. This allows greater ease of linkage to the syllabus document. 1 Describing Communication Humans cannot help but communicate. According to some experts, communication begins from the womb as the baby responds to different stimuli. After birth, human beings learn that crying gains the attention of the nurturer and laughter encourages a shared happiness. As we continue to grow we acquire language skills or signing skills that allow us to communicate in more complex ways. This unit explores the different ways and means that human beings use to communicate. It also looks at how communication is affected and shaped by the tools employed to facilitate it as well as by the contexts in which it occurs. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this unit, you should be able to: 1 distinguish among the major forms of communication and assess the appropriateness of their use in specific communication situations 2 select different forms, media, channels and technologies of communication to effect communication in specific contexts 3 evaluate examples of written and spoken communication, taking into consideration the form and content of the communication and the context in which it is presented or constructed. 2 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION CHAPTER 1: THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS 1 The Communication Process In any discussion of communication we must first have a clear understanding of what communication is. Second, we must recognise that the act of communication is actually an entire process. There is also a need to clarify the difference between the elements or components of the communication process and the process itself. In this chapter we will explore the communication process by examining the elements of the process and how the process works. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3 and Specific Objectives 2 and 11. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 discuss the concept of communication 2 identify the elements of the communication process 3 describe the process of communication 4 explain the barriers to the communication process 5 explain how technology is used with the communication process. Introduction Definition According to the Oxford Dictionary, communication is the act of imparting, especially news. The Collins Dictionary defines it as the transfer of information as facts, wishes or emotions, from a source to a receiver. Think of your daily life and make a mental list of all the things you do. How often do you ask for information, give information, change your facial expressions, read the expressions of others, telephone your cousin, lean forward to listen, shake your head in disbelief or wave to a friend? Have you ever given these daily activities a second thought? Now imagine that you were not able to do any of those things; what would your life be like? A large percentage of our lives is spent communicating formally or informally; but we are not normally aware of it. However, in order to communicate effectively, we must be aware of how we communicate and the specific skills that we use to do so. 1.1 What is communication? Both these definitions capture the essence of what communication is. Communication involves the transfer of information, whether it be facts, wishes, emotions or news, from a source to a receiver. Most animals communicate in some way, either through noises or movement. Have you noticed that dogs have different sounding barks depending on whether they are welcoming, alerting you to the presence of a visitor, threatening to attack or wanting to play? Similarly, they wag their tails rapidly when happy or excited but either keep them still or wave them very slowly when angry. Anger is also accompanied by rising hackles. 3 4 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION The fact that we are able to assign meaning to these movements means that some form of communication is taking place. If the threatening message is directed at another animal, it may respond by running away, while a welcoming bark on the arrival of an owner may result in a pat on the head. As you read on, you will realise that, while some of the basic aspects of communication can be ascribed to animal behaviour, the linguistic or language aspect is peculiar to humans. Linguistic researchers agree that we spend approximately 70 per cent of our time awake engaged in some form of communication and, of that time, roughly 40 per cent is spent listening, 30 per cent speaking, 15 per cent reading and 10 per cent writing. No matter what type of communication we are engaged in, human communication occurs through a process and it is important to understand how the elements of the process work together. 1.2 Elements of the communication process Sender (encoding) CHANNEL Message Receiver (decoding) Feedback Fig. 1.1 Model of communication Alisa Shubb The diagram above illustrates the five basic elements in the communication process. The first of these is the sender or source. This is the person or entity from which the message or information flows. Of course the message conveyed is the second element in the process. The sender must establish or use some means of communicating the message ACTIVITY 1.1 and this is the channel or medium. There must 1 Observe the animals around be a target for that message and that person or you. Note the ways in which they entity is considered a receiver who, as the name communicate with each other and suggests, receives the message. Finally, feedback with humans. or response is given. Let us use an example to 2 Discuss how babies and young illustrate the elements of the communication children communicate. process.You are away at university and your 3 How do you think children learn language? Discuss this with your parent wants to inform you that you have classmates. received a scholarship for which you had applied. 4 How do you think that someone The sender is your parent; the message is ‘You’ve who grows up without human got the scholarship!!!!’; the channel is the contact would communicate? means your parent uses (for example telephone, CHAPTER 1: THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Internet); you are the receiver and your response is the feedback (for example ‘Awesome!!!!’). Note that the communication process is cyclical and it is quite possible for communication on any topic to continue indefinitely as sender and receiver reverse roles. 1.3 How the process works Encoding The process of communication begins with an idea that someone wants to convey. This is the conceptualisation phase. However, it would be difficult to From 200 to 100 BC, human messengers on convey an idea without putting it foot or horseback were into a form that can be understood a common means of by someone else. Therefore, the idea communication in Egypt must be encoded or given a format in and China. Messenger words, pictures or actions. Encoding relay stations were used simply means representing the idea in to switch messengers and a way that enables it to be conveyed. horses as they became It is important that ideas or tired. information be appropriately encoded in order to be conveyed effectively. Therefore, the purpose of your communication would largely determine how you encode it. For example, if you wanted to describe the colour of your new shirt to your friend, you would probably not think of doing so through actions. However, either a colour picture or a description in words would be effective. Obviously, the tools selected to encode the message are key to its success. If you were to use a picture or drawing of your shirt to illustrate its colourful characteristics, there would be no point in using a black and white picture. In the same way, if you were to describe it orally, you would most likely use specific words that denote colour. The way in which you encode your message also depends on the audience (receiver) for whom it is intended. For instance, if your friend is visually impaired, you would use an oral description or a Braille message rather than a picture. If you are communicating with your friend by email, you may want to send a digital colour photograph. In this case, the circumstances or the context within which the communication takes place would influence how you decide to encode your message and the medium or means of encoding that you use. When you describe the shirt orally, you are using speech as a medium but if you send a photo, you are using film or digital technology as a medium. Did you know? Fig. 1.2 Feedback takes many forms Fig. 1.3 Ideas must be encoded 5 6 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Selecting medium/channel Once you have encoded your message you should ensure that the medium or channel chosen enhances the opportunity for the receiver to receive accurately what you actually sent. The decision as to the medium used depends on many things, including the nature of the message, that is, whether it is private or public, whether the audience or receiver is an individual or large group and whether or not the feedback is required instantly. Once the context of the situation has been established then a decision must be made on the type of medium selected to send the message. In the scenario described above where the intention is to send a description of a shirt, the sender would most probably see this as private and the message might be sent to one or two friends. Because of this, the sender may choose to select the telephone or the Internet as a medium through which to communicate the information about the shirt. The selection of medium/channel is thus dependent on: The type of message The number of receivers ■ The immediacy of the anticipated response. ■ ■ In every communication process, decisions must be made on the best medium to ensure effective communication. More often than not this entails using technology. Technology plays a big part in modern communication. In the past, the choice of channels and media was quite limited but now every day new technology provides us with greater options. Technology in communication is discussed further in Chapter 6. Decoding and interpretation Huh? In the communication process, the But nothing here decoding of the message is as important to swipe it with? as conceptualising. Decoding requires the receiver to ask him- or herself, ‘What does the message mean? How am I expected to respond?’ The receiver is the decoder and the receiver will use past experience, the language, perceptions, opinions and any other clues to decipher the message sent and interpret the meaning. At some point in your childhood you may have played the game ‘Pass the message’. In this game a message is given to the person next to you and so on until the message comes back to the initiator. More often than not the message that comes Fig. 1.4 Decoding the message back varies tremendously from the original. When we are at the decoding stage of the communication process, we must interpret the meaning we receive. Thus we hope that the message was clear and that the channel was well chosen, allowing us to receive clearly. One truth that must be acknowledged is that what can be misinterpreted will be misinterpreted. If we as receivers recognise this phenomenon, then we are more likely to seek clarification by giving feedback. If a message is sent in person there are several layers to the message sent. The verbal message may be accompanied by non-verbal clues (see Chapter 2) that may or may not conflict with the spoken word. CHAPTER 1: THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Feedback Communication is not linear by nature. From the diagram of the communication process (on page 4) we can observe the way that feedback fits into and drives the process. When the receiver processes the information or decodes, he/she gives some feedback or response to the sender. ‘What if I choose not to reply?’ is a question you might ask. Well the lack of response, in itself, is feedback.Your lack of response may signify lack of interest in the message, that you never received the message, that you do not like the message/messenger and several other options. What you convey in feedback is just as important as the original message, for that feedback determines if there will be further communication. Imagine this situation.You have some interest in someone in your study group and you slip a note into his/her textbook during a study group meeting. The receiver does not respond. What is your interpretation of the receiver’s response? Lack of interest Embarrassment ■ The note somehow got lost ■ Indecision about how to act. ■ ■ These are all valid interpretations of the lack of feedback. Now the ball is in your court. Do you try to approach the other party using another medium, or do you give up? Any action on your part continues the communication cycle and so we begin again with the conceptualising and encoding and so on. Note that feedback is not always spoken or written. Sometimes, physical reactions and responses are the only feedback necessary. For example, if you are speaking to a group and notice that several people are yawning or appear restless, you have received feedback that your listeners are bored or uninterested. This in turn should provoke a change in how you present your message or in what you say so as to retain the interest of the audience and stimulate more positive responses. Fig. 1.5 Unspoken feedback ACTIVITY 1.2 1 Make a list of all modern communication technologies that you know. 2 Say how you would use two of these to communicate your absence from work to your employer. 3 Draw a communication diagram that represents some message of your own choosing being processed. Did you know? Samuel Morse invented Morse code as a form of communication in 1835 and the first long-distance electric telegraph line in 1843. 7 8 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 1.3 Read the following passage and discuss what barriers to communication are evident here. Dawn. Man is getting dressed. Woman enters with food. Woman: Good morning. Man: Good morning, Yokiko. Woman: You weren’t planning to leave? Man: I have quite a distance to travel today. Woman: No; they’ve all been brought in. They were brought in by visitors. Such as yourself. They were left here. In my custody. Man: But – they look so fresh, so alive. Woman: Please. (She offers him food.) Woman: I take care of them. They remind me of the people and places outside this house. Man: Man: Thank you. May I touch them? Woman: May I ask where you’re travelling to? Woman: Certainly. Man: Man: It’s far. Woman: I know this region well. Man: Oh? Do you leave the house often? Woman: I used to. I used to travel a great deal. I know the region from those days. Man: You probably wouldn’t know the place I’m headed. Woman: Why not? Man: It’s new. A new village. It didn’t exist in ‘those days’. (Pause) Woman: I thought you said you wouldn’t deceive me. Man: I didn’t. You don’t believe me, do you? Woman: No. Man: Then I didn’t deceive you. I’m travelling. That much is true. These have just blossomed. Woman: No; they were in bloom yesterday. If you’d noticed them before, you would know that. Man: You must have received these very recently. I would guess – within five days. Woman: I don’t know. But I wouldn’t trust your estimate. It’s all in the amount of care you show to them. I create a world which is outside the realm of what you know. Man: What do you do? Woman: I can’t explain. Words are too inefficient. It takes hundreds of acts, words become irrelevant. (Pause.) But perhaps you can stay. Man: How long? Woman: As long as you’d like. Man: Why? Woman: Are you in such a hurry? Woman: To see how I care for them. Man: Travelling is a matter of timing. Catching the light. (Woman exits; Man finishes eating, puts down his bowl. Woman re-enters with the vase of flowers.) Where did you find those? They don’t grow native around these parts, do they? Man: I am tired. Woman: Rest Man: The light? Woman: It will return. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioa CHAPTER 1: THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Communication barriers and facilitators Whatever affects the understanding of the message is known as a barrier to communication. Barriers to decoding are otherwise known as noise. Noise is anything that detracts from the message sent and prevents effective communication. In terms of the sender, noise may refer to the sender’s attitudes, prejudices, frame of reference and language used. The receiver’s attitudes, background and the experiences that affect the decoding process are also examples of noise. In terms of the channel, the noise may be literal as in traffic noise or static but it may also be a person’s speech impediment or lack of clarity in writing or speaking. Barriers can also be created by the type of language used, the medium used to convey the information or ambiguities in the message. In the same way that there are barriers to communication there are also facilitators of communication. These aid the passing of information and therefore facilitate a mutual understanding. For example, if you are writing an examination, clear, legible handwriting would be a facilitator. Using the appropriate language, using an effective medium, selecting an appropriate channel and using additional prompts such as visuals are all facilitators of effective communication. The receivers ultimately perceive something from the message, but their concept of the message or their reality may not be what the sender intended. In successful communication the perceived communication will approximate to the intended message, but this situation cannot be taken for granted. Therefore one can say that there is: ■ ■ Effective communication Ineffective communication. In effective communication the sender and receiver both understand the message in the same way. In ineffective communication the sender’s intention may not be what the receiver understands. This is due to misunderstanding caused by emotional and social sources of noise. These include: preoccupation, not listening because of desire to speak, anticipating the sender’s message. Thus, in order to get the communication process to be successful, you must pay attention to what you communicate, how you communicate and the feedback you receive. Conclusion It would be difficult to exist in a community without the ability to communicate. Most of us spend the greater part of our lives involved in communication of some kind. The ability to send and receive messages efficiently and accurately is an essential life skill and understanding the process by which it happens is a key to mastering this skill. There are a number of ways in which we express ideas and thoughts to others and these are explored in Chapter 2. 9 10 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 1 Explain the difference between the elements of the communication process and the communication process. 2 What are three concerns we must bear in mind when encoding a message? 3 State three methods you would use to inform the public of an end-of-school party. 4 State three barriers and three facilitators to communication. 5 Name three modern technological devices that aid effective communication. 6 How is the passage on the right an example of ineffective communication? Lewis Carroll ‘I don’t know what you mean by ”glory”,’ Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. ‘Of course you don’t – till I tell you. I meant ”there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!”’ ‘But ”glory” doesn’t mean ”a nice knock-down argument”,’Alice objected. ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.’ ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.’ ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master – that’s all.’ Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. ‘They’ve a temper, some of them – particularly verbs, they’re the proudest – adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs – however, I can manage the whole of them! Impenetrability! That’s what I say!’ ‘Would you tell me, please,’ said Alice ‘what that means?’ ‘Now you talk like a reasonable child,’ said Humpty Dumpty, looking very much pleased. ‘I meant by ”impenetrability” that we’ve had enough of that subject, and it would be just as well if you’d mention what you mean to do next, as I suppose you don’t mean to stop here all the rest of your life.’ Lewis Carroll References Carroll, L. (1993).Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. The Complete Stories of Lewis Carroll. London: Magpie Books, pp. 126–128, 174. Collins. (2003). English Dictionary, 6th edn. revised. Kennedy, X.J. and Gioa, Dana (2010). The Sound of a Voice. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 11th edn. Longman. pp. 1754–1755. Shubb, A. (1999). Model of Communication. The Communication Pages, accessed at Accessed 15 May 2013. Soanes, C. & Stevenson, A. (2005). Oxford Dictionary of English, revised edn. Oxford: OUP. CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION 2 Forms of Communication In Chapter 1 we looked at the meaning of communication, the elements of the communication process and how that process works. We looked at channels of communication (the way we send messages and feedback) and how people respond to the message. In this chapter we focus on forms of communication from which the channel can be selected and the forms that people may use to illustrate their responses. This chapter discusses verbal / non-verbal, and other special forms of communication. There are definitions and examples given as well as various interactive exercises. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3 and Specific Objectives 3 and 4. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication 2 give examples of both verbal and non-verbal communication 3 explain what is paralanguage and give examples 4 define the following terms: body language; proxemics; kinesics; chronemics; dress; graphics 5 discuss the importance of the above in communication. Introduction In our day-to-day lives we use different forms of communication to pass on or communicate our ideas and/or feelings. Some information is passed on consciously and some unconsciously. Some information is written, spoken, acted out or transferred in symbolic format. These various ways of expressing ourselves constitute the forms of communication. In brief, there are two distinct forms of communication: verbal and non-verbal. 2.1 Verbal communication cation What do we mean by the term verbal communication? What do you think? Who is right? Both Keneisha and Jamal are correct. Fig. 2.1 Communicating verbally I think it has to do with words. I think it means talking. 11 12 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Verbal communication is that type of communication that is spoken (speech) and / or written. When we speak to each other face to face, on the telephone, via Magic Jack, Face Time or Skype we are engaged in spoken communication. The pastor, priest or other religious leader who shares the message with those assembled is also using speech to communicate. We use spoken communication in every aspect of our lives. Most people do not recognise singing as verbally communicating but if we look at the definition we note that the singer is using words and sound to communicate ideas. Therefore spoken communication includes singing. Written communication is the other form of verbal communication. The average student uses several forms of written communication in one day of his/her life. Students write notes, essays and research papers. Of course they also have access to other written communication media: emails, texts, Facebook, BBM, Twitter and WhatsApp are just a few of the current means by which written communication takes place. Here are some examples: Fig. 2.2 Verbal communication ACTIVITY 2.1 Find as many examples as you can of verbal communication. Discuss your findings with a classmate. Identify what type of verbal communication is taking place in the situations below: Fig. 2.3 Types of verbal communication CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION 2.2 Non-verbal communication What then is non-verbal communication? Hmm... But how can we communicate without words? Fig. 2.4 Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication refers to information sent not using words. Physical gestures, art forms and symbols fall into this category. Here are some examples: Fig. 2.5 Examples of non-verbal communication 13 14 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Figure 2.5 illustrates several examples of non-verbal communication. The child’s smile is communicating happiness or pleasure and the Police Officer’s hand is raised in a universal sign to indicate go. The costumed dancer demonstrates two means of nonverbal communication as her costume colour may communicate a theme, for example fertility or nature or sugar cane. The dance itself then communicates the culture of a country. The final picture illustrates mourning through the use of the flag at half-mast. ACTIVITY 2.2 1 Find as many examples as you can of non-verbal communication. Share your findings with your classmates. 2 Discuss what is being communicated by the types of non-verbal communication in Figure 2.6? Non-verbal communication can be further subdivided into: (i) Body language (ii) Proxemics (iii) Kinesics (iv) Chronemics (v) Dress (vi) Graphics and symbols (vii) Paralanguage Fig. 2.6 Communicating non-verbally CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION Body language Human beings communicate a great deal by mere use of our bodies. The way we look at someone or something, the way we stand or sit all communicate something of what we are feeling. ACTIVITY 2.3 1 What do you think the individuals in the following scenarios want to communicate? (a) David’s mother is about to leave home and reminds him to take out the garbage. He throws his hands into the air and wears a frown. What is he communicating? (b) Maya and Zoe are sitting on a bench talking about their coming weekend activities. Kemi sits next to Zoe and says hi to both girls. Zoe and Maya slide further along the bench away from Kemi. What are they communicating? (c) Vishnu sits slumped in his chair at his desk in the classroom during Communication Studies class. What might the teacher infer that Vishnu is communicating? 2 The photograph below illustrates a form of communication. What do you think the individual is communicating? Compare your answer with those of your classmates. Fig. 2.7 Non-verbal communication We often communicate our inner responses to situations through body language; therefore it is important not only to listen to what is being said by a person but also to note the body language that goes along with what is said. We often say yes verbally but our body language suggests a lack of interest or the complete opposite of what we say. Have you ever got into trouble for rolling your eyes, sucking your teeth (steupsing) or even throwing your hands on your hips or flouncing off (walking away flinging your hands)? Each of these examples of body language demonstrates a level of disgust. Certainly, when directed at adults, young people often find themselves having to apologise or listening to a comment on how rude they are. Body language is not only used by young people but it is also evident in the workplace. For example, at a staff meeting the different levels of interest are often communicated Fig. 2.8 Body language speaks louder by body language. The employee who sits than words upright with eyes focused on the person chairing the meeting is probably more interested than the individual whose eyes are halfclosed and whose body is turned away from the speaker. However, body language can also be misread. The boy slumped in the chair in Communication Studies class may be the most interested student and the employee sitting upright with eyes focused on the speaker may well be planning Saturday night’s dominoes party. 15 16 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION We must be aware of the importance of how we use our bodies to communicate. We may not always send the right signals and we should be wary of having our signals misunderstood. Did you know? In Ghana young children are taught not to look adults in the eye as this is considered disrespectful. In Argentina standing with the hands on the hips suggests anger or a challenge. Slouching in some cultures is considered disrespectful. Proxemics Have you ever come across this word before? There has been much research done on this aspect of non-verbal communication, especially within the workplace. But what does proxemics mean? The word ’proxemics’ was first associated with researcher E.T. Hall in 1963. He was particularly interested in how human beings use personal space. His research points to the fact that differences in use of space can lead to anxiety or relaxation. Although we often disregard proxemics as a form of communication, it plays an important role in business and personal interaction. People who are skilled in communication know how to use space to their advantage and they influence the behaviour of others as well as effectively reading the messages sent through proxemics. Interpersonal space can be divided into several categories: ■ Intimate distance: 15–45 cm, for embracing, touching and whispering ■ Personal distance: 45–120 cm, for interactions among good friends ■ Social distance: 1.2–3.5 m, for interactions among acquaintances ■ Public distance: over 3.5 m, for public speaking. A. Esposito et al. Of course, the distances described above are culturally based. Those distances described above refer to the American culture but it has been found that in Latin cultures the distances are smaller, while in Nordic countries the opposite obtains. Fig. 2.9 The use of space can lead to anxiety Knowing about these differences in what is socially acceptable distance allows for better cross-cultural communication. This is of vital importance to those Caribbean countries highly dependent on tourism. Have you a special desk that you sit at in your classroom? Do you feel annoyed or even angry when someone sits in that space? Then you are seeing proxemics at work in the school environment. Imagine that you work in a company where seats are assigned and CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION you see someone at your desk.Your reaction may be one of fear that you have lost your space, perhaps even your job, or maybe anger that your space has been invaded. Proxemics plays an important part in schools, the world of work and even in our social gatherings. When someone leans close to you in a social gathering you may feel several different emotions depending on how you perceive this change in social distance.You may be happy if you are interested in deepening the social relationship or you may pull away, signalling displeasure at the person’s proximity. Therefore moving closer or away from a person is a way of giving feedback on our interest or lack of interest in someone. ACTIVITY 2.4 1 Observe students as they interact in the cafeteria/canteen or around the school during lunch break. Note body language and use of space and discuss with your classmates what you observed. 2 Measure the distance at which your classmates feel comfortable when conversing with different people. What do those varying distances tell us? 3 Decide with your group or class on a movie that you will all watch on television or at the cinema. Make individual notes on how people use proxemics and how it varies depending on the situation or the relationship between people. In class, compare notes and discuss your observations. Definition According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary, kinesics refers to the relationship between non-linguistic body motions and communication. Kinesics The term ‘kinesics’ was coined in 1952 by Ray Birdwhistell, a ballet dancer who later became an anthropologist. Fig. 2.10 The movement of the body conveys specific meanings 17 18 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2.5 1 Observe your teachers for one day. Note the differences in the body movements of each teacher. What do you learn from observing? Can you match body language with personality? 2 Compare the body language of people at a religious ceremony, at the market, at a sports event, in a doctor’s office and waiting for the bus. How does it differ from one situation to the next? Definition Chronemics refers to the use of time, waiting or pausing. Birdwhistell studied how people communicate through posture, gesture, stance and movement. He concluded that only 30 to 35 per cent of the social meaning of conversation or an interaction is carried by words! This means that non-verbal communication carries 65 to 70 per cent of the meaning of communication. Like proxemics, kinesics is generally believed to be culture bound. The movement of the body, or separate parts, conveys many specific meanings and they carry a risk of being misinterpreted. Chronemics When you listen to politicians speak, there are often instances where they pause for greater effect. This is of course a way of getting the attention of the listener and is often used to signal some important piece of information that the politician wants us to have. In our day-to-day lives we often use timing in telling jokes or juicy pieces of gossip. We are in fact using chronemics to create effect and communicate our amusement or suggest the importance of a specific piece of information. Dress How many of us realise that dress is a way of communicating? In all cultures we are concerned with how we look and we make judgements based on looks and dress. Dress can communicate social standing, especially in those cultures where specific clothes are worn only by specific individuals. An example of this is in Ghana where kente cloth is worn only by certain members of society, signalling their social position and wealth. Fig. 2.11 Women in positions of power often wear red. ACTIVITY 2.6 1 In what other instances would you find chronemics at work? 2 Who do you think would use it the most? 3 Compare your teachers’ use of chronemics. CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION However, in western society, how and what does dress communicate? Colour of clothing is used symbolically to suggest several things. Have you ever noticed that women in positions of power often wear red? Red is thought to be symbolic of power and therefore signals to the world that this is a woman who is going places. Black and other dark colours are traditionally associated with mourning and so, when we see individuals wearing black, we often associate this with communicating their grief; but black is also associated with ‘Goths’ and so when young people wear all black along with black make-up, and skulls and crossbones decorate their dress, they have communicated that they belong to a particular group. Fig. 2.12 Dress can communicate culture or religion There are other ways in which dress communicates a person’s group or job. For example, the robes of a Catholic or Anglican priest all have symbolic value. They may suggest their position, for example cardinal, bishop, or link to the particular season, such as Christmas or Easter. Hair may also communicate belonging to a particular group; for instance Fig. 2.13 Dress communicates a person’s group the wearing of locs is associated with Rastafarianism whereas a cleanly shaved head may be associated with ‘skinheads’, a European racist group. Can you think of any other group that can be recognised by the way its members wear their hair or garments? School uniforms are also a form of communication as they point to belonging to a particular group. Of course the way a uniform is worn by a student also communicates something about that student’s attitude towards the school as well as his/her attitude to cleanliness and neatness. 19 20 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2.7 Read the following article and answer the questions that follow. Clothes Wars My son Karl is 14 and a very bright boy – he’s currently studying hard for his GCSE exams. We are very proud of his academic success. He has a close group of friends, his grades are very good and he’s an active member of the school’s basketball and football teams. Still, school days are a daily sore point for us parents, because of what he wears. His attire can be described as ‘loose-fitting grunge’. All he ever chooses to wear is the same pair of baggy, ripped, lowslung jeans (slung so low that everyone can see his branded underwear). He’s never out of a hoodie (again, branded) and one of an absurdly large collection of lurid flat caps is permanently attached to his head – you’ve guessed it, branded again. He always looks scruffy and unclean, and refuses new clothing. His mother has told me that it is surely just a phase that we have to go through with him, reminding me that our parents didn’t necessarily approve of what we wore in the seventies. It’s getting worse though – Karl has started to wear what look like bike chains attached to his jeans, and the other day declared over dinner he was going to get his eyebrow pierced. Even my ultra-tolerant wife was at the end of her tether and a shouting match ensued well into the night. Worse still, Karl’s clothing is causing a few issues outside the home. Despite the school’s broad-minded approach, a few teachers have requested he remove his flat cap during class as they find it harder to engage with him and dislike the lack of eye contact caused by the wide brim. Karl’s sports science teacher has complained about his footwear during practical classes, but he refuses to let us buy him a decent pair of trainers, preferring instead to wear his dirty ‘high tops’. Karl is adamant that he will not change his clothing, despite my pleas. Whenever I see him looking clean and sharp in a suit (for example, at his sister’s wedding) it amazes me that he wants to walk around looking like a young thug. Karl and his (similarly dressed) friends appear, to the unknowing eye, like a gang of hooligans. The wide-brimmed caps covering their eyes give them a shifty look, the low jeans and high tops facilitate a slow, blasé walk which, frankly, looks threatening. My son is kind and intelligent: but you wouldn’t think so to look at him. This clothing choice favoured by Karl and some of his generation worries me. Although he is currently experiencing a fairly normal childhood, I worry that this influence may lead him into more dangerous territories. Certainly the desire to get parts of his body pierced concerns me for this reason, as well as for his health, and even for his future employment prospects. I have spoken to my son many times about this matter, trying to understand why he wants to walk around looking like he does. He sighs and shrugs and tells me that I ‘just don’t get it’. He repudiates all my opinions on his ‘look’: he doesn’t see it as threatening or violent or unintelligent. Instead he says that he feels confident in his clothes and happy to be part of a group that includes and respects him. He says his clothes are comfortable and represent who he is. He claims to feel ‘himself’ when he’s with his other flat-cap-wearing fellows and feels very uncomfortable in suits or normal trousers and shirts. He points out that he gets good grades and has an active sports life, and suggests that we shouldn’t focus on his clothes. I just say that this is easier said than done when you are worried that his fashion may portray a sinister and threatening young man to other people. Our friends are starting to comment: ‘Where has that nice Karl gone to?’ they ask us. He’s still there, but you wouldn’t know at a glance. We were accepting of this trend when it consisted of a hoodie here, a cap there, but now it is a constant annoyance and we are worried it is encroaching on his academic life and his future employment prospects. After Karl has finished his GCSEs he will go on to Sixth Form to study for A levels. Karl wants to keep up sports science, but also take English literature, maths and economics, with a view to applying for PPE at a good university. Although it is his choice, we are keeping our fingers tightly crossed that he chooses to go to a sixth form that advocates business wear. Hopefully this will make him feel more comfortable in cleaner-cut clothes. After all, a career in politics, philosophy or economics will probably require a suit and not a flat cap! 1 What aspects of the boy’s clothes does the father dislike? 2 Discuss what the father thinks the son might be communicating through his clothes. 3 What do you consider the boy to be communicating? 4 What aspects of your clothing does your parent/guardian object to? What do you think you are communicating by wearing the clothing to which they object? 5 Is your Sixth Form expected to wear a uniform? What do uniforms communicate? List the pros and cons of school uniforms. CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION In most countries in the Caribbean there is a form of carnival or street parade with the attendant costumes. Costumes are created to communicate a concept or idea coming out of a theme. They are expected to depict some aspect of nature or some historical or social event although some people perceive them as a means of putting bodies on display. Colour is of vital importance as well as the standards and headpieces worn. These all aid in communicating the value or importance of some aspect of the society.Your CAPE Caribbean Studies textbook gives you further information on carnival and its role in our society. ACTIVITY 2.8 There are differing cultural standards associated with dress. Think of the different cultural groups in your territory and discuss their standards. Graphics and symbols Most of us would have studied chemistry, geography and mathematics at some point in our school career. Each of these subjects has its own symbolic forms. In chemistry, there is the periodic table that symbolically represents the various elements. In mathematics, data is presented graphically for ease of interpretation, for example in Fig. 2.14 Carnival dress the form of bar charts and pie charts. This is also done in many of the social sciences like sociology, psychology and statistics. Braille is another symbolic way of communicating ideas graphically, as the dots and position of dots represent words. Braille is a special form of communication developed for the blind by Louis Braille. It comprises raised script in the form of dots that enable a blind person to feel the arrangement of the dots and understand their meaning. There is also a special form of communication for the deaf that involves manipulation of the hand and fingers, commonly known as sign language. In your territory is the news done in sign language to accommodate Fig. 2.15 Braille deaf people? 21 22 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Flags are also a symbolic means of communication used. Semaphore is a way of passing information through the use of flags. This means of communication has been around for centuries and has been primarily used by naval personnel or in situations where verbal communication is not possible. The positioning of the flags symbolised letters of the alphabet or, more recently, entire words or phrases. It is sometimes referred to as optical telegraphy. ACTIVITY 2.9 What do the following symbols mean? Fig. 2.16 Semaphore Definition The Oxford Dictionary defines paralanguage as ‘the non-lexical component of communication by speech, for example intonation, pitch and speed of speaking, hesitation noises, gesture, and facial expression’. Paralanguage The elements of paralanguage may be consciously or unconsciously expressed. Whenever we speak we reveal our emotions and attitudes. Stress, intonation and the speed of our voice all reveal certain feelings. For example, you are more likely to speak loudly and quickly when you are angry. Paralanguage is also revealed in text communication via the Internet. The emoticons allow the writer to express emotions in an exciting way. Additionally, the colour that we choose as our background or for the actual text, the use of lower case or capitals and the use of characters all aid in expressing our ideas. An example is the use of ‘LOL’ as opposed to ‘lol’. Both refer to ‘laugh out loud’ but the capitals suggest a louder, more full-bodied laugh. However, paralanguage is far more evident in face to face dialogue. Shouting or speaking softly each changes the way that a message might be interpreted. Another aspect of paralanguage is associated with sounds other than words. Our laughs and cries and moans all have meaning and communicate some feeling or emotion. These are called vocal characterisers and often have different meanings across cultures. Vocal qualifiers like volume, pitch, rhythm and tempo are also means of communicating something about ourselves and our culture. In some societies speaking softly is a sign of strength while in others it is a sign of impoliteness. Vocal segregates like ‘ooh’, ‘eh’, ‘mmmh’ and ‘hummm’ may appear incomprehensible but each has some special meaning whether it is acceptance, agreement or uncertainty. Paralanguage is as important as words spoken and it is important to be aware of these forms of communication. By now you should see a pattern in identifying verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication relies on speech or writing to communicate information while non-verbal uses elements other than speech and writing. Both types of communication are equally important and this can be seen when we record a day in our lives. CHAPTER 2: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION Example Keneisha leaves home with her mom. They are going in two different directions so they embrace (non-verbal) and Mrs Bispham tells her daughter ‘Be safe today’(verbal). Keneisha wants to take the No. 20 bus so she raises her hand as it approaches (non-verbal). As she enters the bus she sees Jamal and shouts ‘Yo Jamal, how yu goin?’ (verbal). They converse (verbal) until the bus comes to a halt by the school. As they leave the bus, the school bell rings (non-verbal) signalling the beginning of school. They scamper into the classroom and Mr Carter frowns at them (non-verbal). ACTIVITY 2.10 Create a similar record of a part of your day and note the types of communication that are being used at each stage. Fig. 2.17 Using verbal and non-verbal communication The short scenario above highlights the way that verbal and non-verbal communication play an integral role in our day-to-day lives. Although we may not be conscious of it, we continually use both forms of communication in everyday interaction. Conclusion This chapter showed how human beings use a variety of ways in which to convey information. Most times these forms of communication are used simultaneously and it is the specific mixture that conveys the true meaning of the communication. Sometimes the forms used together convey conflicting messages. It is important to ensure that the form of communication you choose is suitable or appropriate to the message you would like to convey as well as to the environment or context in which it is conveyed. Chapter 3 looks at the various contexts of communication and how they impact on the ways we choose to communicate. 23 24 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 2 Divide the following into examples of verbal and non-verbal communication. – An emancipation statue – A sermon – Dance – Nods – A letter of apology – A graduation address – A raised fist – Swaying of hips – A sign marked ’Enter’ 3 What are some aspects of non-verbal behaviour of which we ought to be aware when communicating with people from other cultures? 4 What different meanings might the following non-verbal behaviours communicate? – Lack of eye contact – Swinging of legs – Slouching – Winking of eye 5 When you listen to someone speaking, what are some of the ways in which the speaker’s emotions may be betrayed? Fig. 2.18 First impressions 6 How is paralanguage displayed in text-only communication? 1 Which individual do you think would make the better impression? Why? References The Body Language of Proxemics. Fr105Spr08/weekFour/proxemics.pdf. Accessed 15 May 2013. Darn, S. (2005). Aspects of Nonverbal Communication in the Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XI, No.2, February 2005. Retrieved 28 December 2006 from Esposito, A., Bratani, M., Keller E. and Marinaro M. (2007). Fundamentals of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and the Biometric Issue – Volume 18 NATO Security through Science Series: Human and Societal. Series E: Human and Societal Dynamics. 15 May, p. 87. Updike, D. (1999). I Don’t Like What You’re Wearing. Newsweek, 24 May sourced from Lannon, J. (2007). The Writing Process, 9th edn. Pearson Longman, pp. 256–257. CHAPTER 3: CONTEXTS OF COMMUNICATION 3 Contexts of Communication In the previous chapter we looked at the forms of communication, both verbal and non-verbal. You would have recognised the importance of both these forms in communicating our ideas and feelings both intra-culturally and extraculturally. However, much of communication is shaped by the circumstances and the environment in which it occurs. This chapter looks at the contexts of communication and relates the forms and process to the actual contexts in which the communication takes place. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3 and Specific Objectives 3 and 4. Expected Learning Outcomes Definition According to the Encarta Dictionary intrapersonal refers to what happens in the mind and relates to the internal aspects of a person, especially emotions. Therefore intrapersonal communication involves the inner thoughts of an individual and can be defined as the use of language or thought within a single person. On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 differentiate between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication and give examples of each 2 discuss and give examples of contexts of communication including organisational, academic and intercultural 3 recognise the relationship between forms and contexts of communication. Introduction Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly communicating, with ourselves and with others. There is no set time or place at which communication occurs and, as we learnt in the last chapter, we are sometimes communicating even when we do not intend to. We refer to the circumstances within which communication takes place as the context of communication. Context affects the nature and style of communication. 3.1 Intrapersonal context Intrapersonal communication is the active internal involvement of the individual in symbolic processing of messages. The individual becomes his/her own sender and receiver, providing feedback to him- or herself in an ongoing internal process. According to Harriet B. Braiker (1989) ‘talking to yourself in public isn’t a sign of questionable mental health, but holding an internal dialogue is quite normal and very useful’. Perhaps this is so because intrapersonal communication is the processing of stimuli that may come from internal or external forces. We react to these stimuli and often the initial reaction takes place in our minds. We must remember, retrieve information from memory, and create messages. Sometimes we find it easier to do this when we think aloud or talk to ourselves. 25 26 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION There are several forms of intrapersonal communication: Internal discourse, for example thinking, analysis, daydreaming, nocturnal dreaming, contemplation, meditation ■ Solo vocalising, for example speaking aloud to oneself ■ Solo writing, for example unpublished writing like diary entries or notes to self. ■ 3.2 Interpersonal context Definition Interpersonal communication refers to communication that takes place between two or more persons and usually face to face or in close proximity. There are four principles of interpersonal communication. It is inescapable, it is irreversible, it is complicated and it is contextual. Interpersonal communication is considered inescapable because we as human beings must communicate. Even when we ignore someone we are communicating something. At some point in your life you must have heard the expression ‘you can’t call back those words’. That is precisely what is meant by the fact that interpersonal communication is irreversible: one cannot rewind and delete the words spoken or the gestures made. According to a Russian proverb: ‘Once a word goes out of your mouth, you can never swallow it again’. Interpersonal communication is complicated. It is inevitable that, if there are two or more personalities involved, there will be misunderstanding and misinterpretation. If we really think about it, we know that we are not always clear in what we say, therefore the other party’s understanding is based on what he/she has heard and internalised. Osmo Wiio suggests some maxims about communication that help us to understand the complexity of interpersonal communication. Do you agree with him? If communication can fail, it will. If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm. ■ There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message. ■ The more communication there is, the more difficult it is for communication to succeed. ■ ■ Osmo Wiio While much of our interpersonal communication is done through speech and writing, a large amount of information is ACTIVITY 3.1 transferred consciously and unconsciously among humans by List as many situations way of body language, attitudes and behaviour. as you can think Having good interpersonal communication skills is of where good important in both one’s private life and career. Each day we interpersonal skills engage in a number of interpersonal interactions both at would be important. school/work and socially. Good interpersonal communication skills help in many personal areas like parenting and intimate relationships as well as in professional and public life. Interpersonal communication can be affected by many things such as shyness, mental incapacity, sensory deprivation, arrogance or even a communication disorder such as stuttering. However, it is most often our style of communicating that determines how successful our interaction happens to be. Interpersonal communication can be broken CHAPTER 3: CONTEXTS OF COMMUNICATION down into various styles. According to Bateman and Zeithaml (1990) there are six styles of interpersonal communication in the workplace. These include: Controlling Egalitarian ■ Structuring ■ Dynamic ■ Relinquishing ■ Withdrawal ■ ■ The controlling style is a one-way type of communication where directives are given, If you think of a work environment, this style of communicating is one where you do not want feedback but you want the compliance of the receiver. This style is often seen in parent/child relationships as well. The controlling style is of benefit in certain situations like times of crisis and also useful in schools or other institutions where a leader must control large groups. Used in the wrong circumstances, this style may lead to poor interpersonal relations. The foreman looked menacingly at him. ‘I know you,’ he said. ‘I know this is the kind of thing you are capable of, you clever rat. I am going to cancel all that you have done and you are going to start all over again – all three of you. And as for you in particular – you potheaded ant – if I catch you doing this kind of thing again I will throw you out of this work and you won’t receive a single penny. Do you hear that? Now take back those pebbles and start fetching all over again.’ Isidore Okpewho Fig. 3.1 The egalitarian style The egalitarian style is quite the opposite of the controlling style as it encourages receivers to feed back their ideas thereby coming to some mutual understanding. This style is seen as more effective, especially in the work environment, where cooperation is imperative. Generally, people who use this style do so to encourage cooperation and to give others the feeling that their ideas are valued. 27 28 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION The structuring style of interpersonal communication is also one associated with business and perhaps school situations. This style is characterised by references to rules and regulations and is used to establish or impose schedules. Decisions and instructions are usually based on set guidelines and there is little room for deviation from norms. The dynamic style is associated with energy and enthusiasm. In this case the sender uses pleas to motivate the receiver. The use of persuasive techniques is characteristic of this type of communicator. This style can be counterproductive if the receivers do not have enough knowledge to take the action needed. In addition, receivers may feel overwhelmed and confused. The relinquishing style as the name suggests gives over to the other party. This style allows the receiver to take control of the decision-making process. ACTIVITY 3.2 In the workplace the manager may well allow his/her staff to come up with a Discuss the solution to a problem rather than impose a directive on them. In the classroom, interpersonal the teacher may lay out the objectives of the lesson and let the students determine communication style used by: the activities they would like to pursue in order to achieve the lesson goals. This • Your parent style assumes a certain level of competence in the receivers. The withdrawing style is one where there is little effort made by the • A teacher participants. In the workplace the manager may avoid making decisions and give • The president of a group to which you the impression of a lack of interest in the organisation and the decisions that must belong be made. Organisations where this is the preferred managerial style are often • A friend. referred to as being on ’autopilot’. There is usually a sense of absence of leadership. Whatever. Anything you say. Huh? Should we advertise the play? Me nah know nuh. Fig. 3.2 The withdrawing style The style of communication used can lead to either a poor or enriching personal relationship. In Chapter 1 we looked at the process of communication, which includes a sender and a receiver. In interpersonal communication the receiver must be a good listener as this helps in the interpretation of the message. According to the Encyclopaedia of Small Business, there are several techniques that encourage good listening. CHAPTER 3: CONTEXTS OF COMMUNICATION These are: Reflection or attempting to repeat and clarify the other person’s message ■ Keeping an open mind ■ Seeing relevance to your life ■ Resisting distractions ■ Being prepared for the encounter ■ Taking notes. ■ It is important to have strong interpersonal communication skills in order to succeed in life, since most of our daily activities involve some type of interaction with other communicators. 3.3 Small group context Definition Small group communication refers to the type of communication that occurs in groups of between two and twelve individuals. Definition Chat rooms are defined by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language as sites on a computer network where online conversations are held in real time by a number of users. Small group communication takes place almost every day in our lives in many different contexts, for example: Group discussion in the classroom A particular group of students sitting together at lunch break ■ A chat room, blog or Facebook page online ■ Audio or video conferencing ■ Discussion boards and list servers. ■ ■ Small group communication often takes places in situations other than face to face – whenever you sit at your computer and use instant messenger you are communicating with someone but you also have the option of adding a third party in the conversation. This is one context of small group communication. Also when you enter a chat room you are involved in small group communication. Video conferencing is another means of small group communication. In this situation a closed circuit television may be used so that you can see the participants in the group with whom you are conferencing.You may also use applications like Skype, Facetime or ooVoo for this purpose. Audio conferencing, as the name suggests, depends on listening and talking – there is no visual contact with the speaker. Another context of small group discussion is the list server. This is a mailing list that automatically sends mail to everyone on a specific list. The message is available only to those persons on the list and the group can discuss the issue via email. The discussion board In recent years the meaning of small group communication has changed to accommodate the use of technology. The effectiveness of small group communication could previously be analysed by looking at the cultural make-up of the group. It was generally believed that similar cultural identity led to less conflict in the small group’s ability to function but now the small group can comprise individuals from anywhere in the world. Geographical boundaries no longer exist where communication is concerned and thus it is critical that communicators be aware of the differences in values, beliefs and ways of viewing the world. For instance, all cultures do not share the same attitudes to leadership styles, rules governing conversation or ways of reasoning. There must be some recognition of these things in order for effective communication to take place. 29 30 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 3.3 1 Have you experienced difficulty communicating in a group? What were some of the difficulties encountered? 2 Read the extract below and answer the question that follows: Unfortunately, while cultural diversity within small groups allows members to pool information and ideas from a wide range of sources, fundamental differences can also lead to destructive conflict. Different communication styles, beliefs, and values can cause conflict in small groups. For example, group members from more individualist cultures tend to have a direct verbal interaction style that is ’l’ or ’me’ oriented. Such communicators are talkative and freely promote their needs, ideas, and accomplishments. Group members from more collectivist cultures use an indirect interaction style that is more ’we’ and ’us’ oriented. Such communicators are less talkative, feel comfortable with silence, attend to status differences in the group, and downplay their own contributions and accomplishments. Failing to recognise or acknowledge these differences in communication styles can result in misunderstandings and miscommunication. Would you describe your culture as individualist or collectivist? Why? 3.4 Organisational context Organisational communication is that which takes place within an organisational context. When we think of organisational communication we are reminded of various work environments. The school or college you attend is an example of an organisation but we also can refer to banks, the post office, the supermarket, the electric company, the water There is etiquette for company and so on as organisations. communicating on the Internet. Organisational communication is lt is called netiquette and it offers a relatively new area of study but is of guidelines on how to conduct paramount importance as it contributes to the oneself online. Some netiquette sites effectiveness of an organisation. Organisational offer lists of chat abbreviations. communication is said to be: Did you know? Central: that is, of great importance to the running of the company ■ Pervasive: meaning there is a significant amount of communication taking place ■ Complex: there are several patterns of communication all taking place at the same time. ■ It also has specific patterns: Downward ■ Upward ■ Horizontal ■ Grapevine. ■ CHAPTER 3: CONTEXTS OF COMMUNICATION Downward communication, as the name implies, refers to directives or other information coming from management to employees. Upward would describe information that is passed up the management chain. Horizontal communication is the sharing of information across the levels of the organisation/institution and the ‘grapevine’ is the informal passage of information in the office or organisation. The grapevine is sometimes deliberately used in order to pass new information. Of course there are formal and informal means of communicating in the organisation. Both these types of communication are appropriate in certain circumstances. Every communication in the workplace does not have to be documented and sometimes oral means are used to share information. However, in some cases staff need to be formally given notice of information. A change in company policy or action to be taken in light of an impending hurricane are situations where staff may need to revert to the written document. For these purposes more formal means of communication may be used. Some companies make use of the worldwide web to pass on messages using the employee’s choice of email address, but other companies create an intranet that services their company. The employees automatically have an email address with their name and the company’s name making up their email address. An address may appear as (Jane Doe works at a company called Biscuits.) This allows messages to be passed within the organisation. Some formal means of communicating in organisational contexts include: Email (Internet and intranet) Memos ■ Newsletters ■ Policy documents ■ Job descriptions. ■ ■ ACTIVITY 3.4 1 List other ways by which information can be communicated in the workplace. 2 You are the manager of a small company and some of your employees are always late. What means would you use to inform them that this tardiness must stop as it is affecting the efficiency of the company? 3 What do you think is the difference between Internet and intranet? Fig. 3.3 Informal communication Some informal methods would include: Face to face Grapevine ■ Telephone. ■ ■ 31 32 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Notice that written correspondence is more often considered formal communication while spoken is often considered informal. Communication may be directed at an individual, a small group or all employees. Therefore the appropriate channels must be used. Information can be communicated through: Briefings ■ Staff meetings ■ Project meetings. ■ 3.5 Academic context Academic communication comes in various forms with which you should be quite familiar at this level. Aural, oral and written communication are all part of the genre of academic communication. Student academic communication includes: Attentive listening ■ Effectual group work ■ Comprehensive oral/written reporting (for example labs or projects) ■ Effective note-taking ■ Persuasive proposal writing/presentations ■ Constructive questioning ■ Succinct writing (for example essays, examination question responses) ■ Coherent summarising ■ When one goes to college or university one becomes very aware of the type of writing and research skills that must be evidenced in the papers submitted. Academic communication is typically not emotive but expository in nature and this is a distinction often ignored by students. (Chapter 12 gives you more information on the characteristics of academic writing.) Academic communication is used not only by students but by lecturers as well. Lecturer academic communication includes: Lecturer notes ■ Lectures (with or without the use of media such as PowerPoint™) ■ Course outlines ■ Academic research papers ■ Books ■ Professional/scholarly journals. ■ Within the world of academia, communication is vitally important as it is the means by which we pass on and receive knowledge. 3.6 Intercultural context In order to communicate with others of a different cultural background, it is important to be aware of and analyse the differing cultural patterns of the world. One must be capable of accepting that there are different ways of communicating both verbally and nonverbally and different things are communicated by certain behaviours. CHAPTER 3: CONTEXTS OF COMMUNICATION Definition The World Bank defines intercultural communication (also known as cross-cultural communication), as interaction between persons of different cultural communities. Acknowledging and remembering these differences is not always easy as by nature human beings tend to be culturally biased, refusing to be anything but ethnocentric. Within communities that are ethnically and culturally diverse, the recognition of differences and sameness is more acute than in a mono-cultural situation. In this highly technological world, which is often described as a ‘global village’, effective communication requires greater acknowledgement of cultural diversity and greater attention paid to the social skills that could reduce cultural misunderstandings. Note that cities, universities and other communities worldwide are becoming increasingly multicultural. Knowing symbols and their cross-cultural meanings can protect the communicator from committing a cross-cultural faux pas. In Chapter 2 you learnt of some ACTIVITY 3.5 different non-verbal clues that are exhibited by other Think of different cultures, and their meanings. Think of the importance of situations, other knowing issues such as eye contact, dress, voice levels and than business, where handshaking versus embracing as you go into business it would be useful partnership with someone from Ghana or Singapore or Italy to have good crosscultural skills. or Japan! Being able to communicate without being offensive is extremely important to a productive relationship. Conclusion You have seen how communication takes place in various contexts and how the context determines the type of communication engaged in as well as the form that the communication takes. The nature of the context, the culture of the society in which the communication takes place and the social orientation of the individuals all play a part in determining how people relate to each other. It is also clear that the majority of our communication takes place through language. Chapter 4 looks at what we mean by language and how it can be defined. 33 34 UNIT 1: DESCRIBING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 1 Discuss the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. 2 What types of academic communication have you been exposed to so far? 3 A school/college is an organisation. What formal methods of communication are used in your institution to pass information? 4 You are in a face to face meeting with individuals from the United States and China. All participants speak English. What are some of the issues you would need to be aware of before joining the meeting that would aid in effective small group communication? 5 You have been awarded an undergraduate scholarship to Taiwan. You will be there for four years living in a Taiwanese household. What aspects of the culture do you think you should investigate so as to avoid offending your hosts? References Bateman, T. and Zeithaml, C. (1990). Management: Function and Strategy. Irwin. Accessed 31 January 2007 at Braiker, H. B. (1989).The Power of Self Talk. Psychology Today, 23 (12), p. 23. A Communication Model. Retrieved 6 March 2007 from writings/communicationEthics. The Encyclopedia of Small Business Interpersonal Communication. Retrieved 31 January 2007 from Interpersonal Communication, from The Encyclopedia of Small Business website: Accessed 10 December 2007. Communication for Governance and Accountability Programme, Intercultural Communication. InterculturalCommweb.pdf. Accessed 04 November 2012. King, D. (2000). Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication. Retrieved 31 January 2007 from McGraw Hill References: Small Group Communications, Culture and Small Groups. Retrieved 19 February 2007 from group/students/diversity.htm. Okpewho I. (1970). The Victims. Longman. Pickett, J. et al. (eds) (2000). American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th edn. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Victor, D. The Factors Affecting Cross-Cultural Business Communication. Accessed on 15 May 2013 at Wiio, O. (1978). Wiio’s Laws and Some Others. (Espoo, Finland: Welin-Goos), quoted in Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication (2000). Donnell King. Website: Accessed 15 May 2013. 35 End of Unit Test 1 1 Read the advertisement below and then answer the questions that follow: (b) You have been asked to do a presentation on the topic ‘Making the right choices – Family Planning’. Explain what form your presentation would take, the language style and register you would use and any technological aids you would use. (12 marks) (c) What TWO non-verbal clues might you receive during your presentation that would tell you that you have captured your audience’s attention? (2 marks) (d) The members of the club want to reach all members of the community – including people with visual and hearing impairment. How might (4 marks) they achieve this? 3 (a) Find examples to illustrate the following types of communication: • Academic • Cross-cultural • Intrapersonal • Interpersonal. Fig. 3.4Advertisement (a) What form of communication is being used here? (1 mark) (b) What is the message being communicated? (1 mark) (c) Who is the (a) sender and (b) receiver in this communication process? (2 marks) (d) What THREE communication techniques does the advertisement utilise to gain the reader’s attention? Explain how each technique works (6 marks) as an attention getter. (e) In what TWO communication settings would it be appropriate to use this advertisement? (2 marks) (f) Do you consider this to be an effective advertisement? Explain. (2 marks) (g) Describe how you could retain this concept but use the television as the medium to send the message. (6 marks) 2 The youth group to which you belong is hosting a (4 marks) (b) Divide the examples listed below into verbal and nonverbal forms of communication: semaphore, music symbols, yawning, singing, preaching, tapping one’s foot, flouncing, reciting, poetry, slouching, sucking of teeth, winking the eye. (12 marks) (c) State FOUR ways using the computer in which you (4 marks) could communicate with a friend. References: Unit 1 Additional reading Agar, M. (1994). Language Shock: Understanding the Culture of Conversation. New York: William Morrow and Company. Argle, M. (1990). Bodily Communication, 2nd edn. New York: International Universities Press. Dodd, C. (1998). Dynamics of Intercultural Communication, 5th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill. Lewis, R. (2000). When Cultures Collide. Naperville, Illinois: Nicholas Brealey. Lull, J. (1995). Media, Communication, Culture: A global approach. New York: Columbia University Press. Scott, C.R. (1999). Communication Technology and Group Communication. In Frey, L., Gouran, D. & Poole, M. (eds), The Handbook of Group Communication and Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 432–472. A communication model: Accessed 15 May 2013. week of activities under the heading: ‘Making the Right Intercultural Communication Institute: offers instruction and resources related to intercultural communication issues. Choices’. (a) What TWO methods might your members use to communicate the information about the activities to the rest of the community? (2 marks) Theories of small group communication: students/theory.htm. Accessed 19 February 2007. 9780230431584_text.indd 35 24/02/2014 09:30 2 Understanding Communication in Society Although we sometimes communicate with ourselves, much of everyday communication takes place in a social context. Language is the main tool used by humans to maintain relationships and sustain human progress. It is important to understand the role of language in society and how it can be manipulated for effective communication. Success or failure and even life or death are often determined by our understanding of language and its social uses. The modern world is difficult to navigate without a sense of how technology impacts on communication or without the ability to harness technology to enhance or maximise the effectiveness with which we interact in communicative situations. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this unit, you should be able to: 1 appreciate the nature, characteristics and roles of language in society and, in particular, Caribbean society 2 evaluate examples of written or spoken communication, taking into consideration their form, content and the contexts of presentation 3 develop an awareness of the main features of the interactive relationship among communication technologies, language and society 4 appreciate the significance of communication technologies in cultural interaction. 38 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE 4 Defining Language Before we can examine how language works as the major communication tool of our society, we must determine what we mean by language, how we characterise it and what are its purposes. It is also important to define language in terms of its cultural significance. Therefore, the terms used to describe types and aspects of language as used in the Caribbean must be clearly understood. This chapter explains the basic concepts of language. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 2 and Specific Objectives 2, 3, 4 and 8. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to 1 discuss the concept of language 2 identify some features of English Creole that make it different from standard English 3 explain some of the challenges faced by the Creole speaker in learning English 4 define some key terms that relate to language variation. Definition The following are dictionary definitions of language: (a) system of communication between humans, through written and vocal symbols (b) speech peculiar to an ethnic, national, or cultural group (c) words, especially employed in any art, branch of knowledge, or profession (d) a person’s characteristic mode of speech (e) by extension, the articulate or inarticulate expression of thought and feeling by living creatures. Introduction Except for definition (e), the definitions of language given here are universally accepted. The general view of language is that it is what separates the human species from others. In Unit 1, you explored what it means to communicate.You also discussed various forms of communication.You would have recognised that it is possible to communicate without the use of words, and that many living creatures other than humans have some system of communicating with each other.You would also have concluded that the ability to communicate verbally, or to use language, allows for unlimited depth and complication in the messages that we convey. Language combines a wide All children learn variety of features and is the most precise and complex language in exactly the means of communication that exists. This is what same way, no matter separates language from other forms of communication what culture they belong and labels it as characteristically human. Therefore, the to or what language is spoken in their society. extended definition (e) is widely regarded as a far stretch of the concept of language and is sometimes a source of controversy among linguists. Did you know? 39 40 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY 4.1 Characteristics of language I’m flying off to Guyana to check out the latest range of nest twigs ACTIVITY 4.1 The words in the box below all belong to modern languages. Say them aloud. Which ones do you recognise? slegt dziekuje csaj nzuri pocatkujacych briskve dysguryn podrecznik giovedi bellisima Huh? gracias froid cinquo gauche merci bello Fig. 4.1 Language is uniquely human We have already established that one of the main characteristics of language is that it is uniquely human. While parrots and parakeets can be taught to reproduce sound sequences, they cannot be taught to formulate sentences on their own or to respond sensibly to a verbal message. In the same way, a bird might indicate through a series of movements that it is ready to mate, but would be unable to convey how it feels about the shortage of nesting materials or how it plans to procure what it needs to build the nest. The possession of language as a communication tool has been the main catalyst in our development as the most creative species on Earth. Another important characteristic of language is that it is systematic. Unlike other forms of communication, language makes use of a number of different systems. One such system is sound. Each language has its accepted sound patterns that are easily recognisable to its speakers. You can see that there are certain combinations of letter sounds that appear in other languages that are not acceptable in English even though these languages all use the same orthography or writing system. Have you noticed that many who learn English as a second language often have difficulty pronouncing words with the ‘th’ sound? That is because this particular combination letter sound does not occur in their own languages. Sounds take on meaning in a language only when they are combined in certain ways that are recognisable to its speakers. Try doing Activity 4.1 and note which letter combinations you found difficult to pronounce. In sign language, the patterns of sound are replaced by patterns of finger, hand and arm movements. These patterns are systematic and consistent. Another important system of language is grammar. The grammar of a language is a set of rules that govern how the words of the language are put together to make meaning. Obviously, the words: Often to goes he the market would not qualify as an English sentence until they are placed in the accepted order: He often goes to the market. 41 CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE Word order is critical to meaning. Consider the way in which a simple sentence can acquire different meanings depending on the word order: You are there. There you are! Are you there? Apart from the rules related to the standard order of the words, there are rules relating to which type of word can be used in a given sentence to convey meaning. In Activity 4.2 it is obvious that the sentence would require the same type of word, in this case a verb. However, grammatical rules are even more specific than this and the space could not be filled by just any verb. Fig. 4.2 Word order is critical to meaning ACTIVITY 4.2 Which of the words below could logically be used in place of the word ’goes’ in the sentence above them? He often goes to the market. car of runs circular bright pencils there but rides ACTIVITY 4.3 Which of the following verbs would fit the sentence? He often ___________ to the market. shuffles kisses jumps swaggers flies hears dances sits cries eats sleeps sings Notice that in Activity 4.3 some of the verbs that cannot logically fit in the sentence would fit perfectly if you changed the preposition ‘to’ to ‘at’. Activities 4.2 and 4.3 illustrate how language is tightly structured and governed by rules in a systematic manner. Each language has its own set of rules, which must be employed for the effective transfer of meaning. Another characteristic of language is that it is symbolic. This means that it uses words as representations or symbols of ideas. Each word represents some idea or thing that has a meaning. Words need definitions because they are symbols of something else. In order for a language to make sense, or be mutually intelligible among its speakers, there must be commonly understood or accepted meanings attributed to its symbols. Consider the following words. What do they symbolise? Do you think all English speakers mean the same thing when they use those words? sorrow anger disgust strength fortitude pride excitement embarrassment love 42 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Although the above words on page 41 refer to intangible ideas, you immediately understand what they mean even though they may be difficult to explain in other words. Symbolism in language ensures that ideas are easily shared among speakers of the same language. The average university Dictionaries are actually records of the symbolic graduate is believed to meaning of the words in a language. They ensure that the know 20,000 to 30,000 words, which is still less symbolism remains consistent despite the advent of new than 2 per cent of all generations and new speakers. English words. However, despite the fact that the major core of words generally remains constant in meaning, there is development and change in aspects of all languages. Another feature of language as a whole is that it is evolutionary, or changes over time. One manifestation of language change is the invention of new words. As humans invent or discover new things and new ideas enter the world, new symbols have to be created to represent them. There will be many new words in the next century that do not exist now. Did you know? ACTIVITY 4.4 Try to find out when the following words became part of the English language: computer nuclear aeroplane television atom genetics Fig. 4.3 The sign language alphabet Generally, words are created to suit the particular needs of the culture of a specific group of people. Bryson (1990) gives examples of this in the following excerpt on page 43. CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE ACTIVITY 4.5 Of course, every language has areas in which it needs, for practical purposes, to be more expressive than others. The Eskimos, as is well known, have 50 words for types of snow – though curiously no word for just plain snow. To them there is crunchy snow, soft snow, fresh snow, and old snow, but no word that just means snow. The Italians, as we might expect, have over 500 names for different types of macaroni. Some of these, when translated, begin to sound distinctly unappetising, like strozzapreti, which means ’strangled priests’. Vermicelli means ’little worms’ and even spaghetti means ’little strings’. When you learn that muscatel in Italian means ’wine with flies in it’, you may conclude that the Italians are gastronomically out to lunch, so to speak, but really their names for foodstuffs are no more disgusting than our hot dogs or those old English favourites, toad-in-the-hole, spotted dick, and faggots in gravy. The residents of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea have a hundred words for yams, while the Maoris of New Zealand have 35 words for dung (don’t ask me why). Meanwhile, the Arabs are said (a little unbelievably, perhaps) to have 6,000 words for camels and camel equipment. The aborigines of Tasmania have a word for every type of tree, but no word that just means ’tree’, while the Araucanian Indians of Chile rather more poignantly have a variety of words to distinguish between different degrees of hunger. Even among speakers of the same language, regional and national differences abound. A Londoner has a less comprehensive view of extremes of weather than someone from the Middle West of America. What a Briton calls a blizzard would, in Illinois or Nebraska, be a flurry, and a British heat wave is often a thing of merriment to much of the rest of the world. (I still treasure a London newspaper with the banner headline: BRITAIN SIZZLES IN THE SEVENTIES!) Bill Bryson Table 4.1 Changes in meaning Discuss with your classmates some words that you think are in the process of evolution or which have recently acquired new meanings. What may account for these changes? Changes in meaning are another way in which language evolves. Generally, these changes occur when a significant group of persons persistently uses a word (symbol) to mean something other than its traditionally accepted definition (more will be said on this later on in the chapter, when we look at language and culture). A very obvious example is the word ‘gay’, which, until the midtwentieth century, did not mean ‘homosexual’. Look at the following chart (Table 4.1). Notice how drastically some words have changed meanings. Word Older meaning Modern meaning gay carefree, happy homosexual nice stupid, foolish pleasant, agreeable girl any young person female young person manufacture make by hand produce artificially by hand or machinery tell count say, inform meat any food food from animal flesh 43 44 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY 4.2 Purposes of language Chapter 2 made it clear that very basic levels of communication can be carried out without the use of language. However, this type of communication is very limited and often cumbersome. Language affords human beings the ability to communicate anything they can imagine. As a tool, language is infinitely flexible and can be put to multiple purposes. Expressive purposes Language can be used simply to express one’s feelings, ideas or attitudes, without necessarily taking a reader or listener into consideration. When language is used in this way, the speaker/writer is not trying to effect change in an audience or elicit response. He/she is merely giving vent to emotions or needs. Diaries and journals are obvious examples of language used for expressive purposes. Example I’m afraid that people who know me as I usually am will discover I have another side a better and finer side. I’m afraid they’ll mock me, think I’m ridiculous and sentimental and not take me seriously. I’m used to not being taken seriously, but only the ‘lighthearted’ Anne is used to it and can put up with it; the ‘deeper’ Anne is too weak. If I force the good Anne into the spotlight for even fifteen minutes, she shuts up like a clam the moment she’s called upon to speak, and lets Anne number one do the talking. Before I realise it, she’s disappeared. So the nice Anne is never seen in company. She’s never made a single appearance, though she almost always takes the stage when I’m alone. I know exactly how I’d like to be, how I am ... on the inside. But unfortunately I’m only like that with myself. And perhaps that’s why – no, I’m sure that’s the reason why – I think of myself as happy on the inside and other people think I’m happy on the outside. I’m guided by the pure Anne within, but on the outside I’m nothing but a frolicsome little goat tugging at its tether. As I’ve told you, what I say is not what I feel, which is why I have a reputation for being a boy-chaser, a flirt, a smart aleck and a reader of romances. The happy-go-lucky Anne laughs, gives a flippant reply, shrugs her shoulders and pretends she couldn’t care less. The quiet Anne reacts in just the opposite way. If I’m being completely honest, I’ll have to admit that it does matter to me, that I’m trying very hard to change myself, but that I’m always up against a more powerful enemy. Anne Frank CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE Informative purposes In this case, language is employed with the intention of conveying information to others. Therefore, a news broadcast, a bulletin board at your school, this textbook or a television guide are all examples of language being used for this purpose. Example This dependency of Grenada has a very strong culture. It also has one of the highest per capita incomes in the Eastern Caribbean. About 900 people live on the island, which covers 486 acres (194 hectares) and is 3 miles (5 km) east of the northern half of Carriacou. The island can be reached only by boat. The island is really one large hill. The eastern shore is rocky but there are some fine beaches on the western, leeward side. Like Carriacou, Petite Martinique was first settled by the French and many islanders have names of French origin. Fishing and boatbuilding are still the main occupations. Some corn and peas are grown and sheep and goats graze freely over the hills. Everything else has to be imported. Although the island has electricity and telephones, the lack of rivers has made water a valuable resource, and all homes have a storage tank to collect rainwater running off the roof. There is a small medical centre, visited by a government doctor from Carriacou once a week, post office, school and a Catholic Church. Other denominations hold outdoor services. The island has its own Carnival, which is held the two days before Lent, and at Whitsuntide a two-day regatta is hosted. Grenada Board of Tourism Cognitive purposes When language is used cognitively, it is with the intention of affecting the audience in some way in order to evoke some type of response. Therefore, when one uses language to persuade, entertain, stir to anger or arouse sympathy, one is using language for cognitive purposes. Jokes, political speeches and horror stories are different examples of ways in which language can be used cognitively. Example A descendant of Eric the Red, named Rudolph the Red, was arguing with his wife about the weather. His wife thought it was going to be a nice day, and he thought it was going to rain. Finally she asked him how he was so sure. He smiled at her, and calmly said, ‘Because Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear’. 45 46 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Poetic purposes Language used in literary, stylistic or imaginative ways is poetic. The user focuses on the structure and pattern of the language and places emphasis on the manner in which the language is manipulated. Language used for poetic purposes is not necessarily done in verse. It is the way in which the language is used, and not its form, that indicates its poetic purpose. Example From the tram, visitors have an amazing bird’s eye view of a truly mature Caribbean oceanic rainforest. Nurtured by warm, gentle rains and rich volcanic soils, the forests have achieved a state of ancient majesty. Gondolas safely glide through and over the tree tops, where knotted and twisting woody vines wind to the tops of old growth rainforest trees. Dense thickets of surreal vegetation merge with cascades of flowers. Lavender stars, orange bursts, yellow berries and white lace thrive on the branches of fragrant flowering trees. Giant Chatannier trees tower over the landscape and provide food and shelter for the island’s endemic and endangered parrots. Here, the flowers bloom with shameless abundance. LIAT Islander Phatic purposes Sometimes language is used simply to establish or maintain contact among people. This use of language is most obvious in spoken communication. Language used for phatic purposes does not necessarily seek to generate a meaningful response. For example, when we greet each other by saying ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ we are using language to maintain social customs. We say ‘good morning’ automatically as a greeting even though a thunderstorm is raging or we are on the way to chemotherapy. In the same way, you would not expect your cheerful ‘how you doing?’ to be responded to with a litany of all the things that are going wrong in your friend’s life. Example What’s up, Marlon? I’m cool man, what about you? Fig. 4.4 Language used for phatic purposes does not seek a meaningful response CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE Although the phatic purpose of language does not often apply to written communication, in the case of letter writing, the greeting and closure are phatic. Informal or friendly letters and email may also use expressions like ‘How are you’ or ‘Hi there’ merely for phatic purposes. Metalinguistic purposes Simply put, this is the use of the language to comment on, refer to or discuss language itself. A critique of your friend’s essay or speech is metalinguistic, so is the blurb on the back of a novel. When you use language to consider language your purpose is metalinguistic. Example In a tersely sardonic meta-dub poem, ‘Dubbed Out’, Jean Binta Breeze distinguishes her work from the rub-a-dub-a-dub monotony of facile performance poetry in which meaning is rubbed out in the dub: I Search for words Moving In their music Not Broken By The Beat The spacing of the lines jerking to a halt enacts the beating-down of sense and lyricism; the double-entendre, ‘moving’, extends the conventional conceit of poetry as music – emotive sound – to include the fluidity of the word released from the mechanical rigidity of the beat, and from the fix of the page. Poetry becomes verbal dance, transmitted word-of-muscle. This reading of ‘Dubbed Out’ not only evokes the embodied word in performance, but also requires a distinction between the poet as a maker and as a performer. For not only are the words in motion, unbroken by the beat, but the poet/performer, uncontained by the boundaries of the book, speaks face to face with an immediate audience. In an act of performative transference the speaker gets across the closure of the printed page. Carolyn Cooper The multiple purposes to which language can be put make it the most valuable tool of communication at our disposal. In order to master the art of communication it is important to master the use of language for all its purposes. 47 48 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY 4.3 Language variation It is obvious that there are many varieties or types of language. If you look up a list of the major languages in the world, you will realise that different languages are spoken in different geographical locations. Sometimes the same language is spoken in countries that are far away from each other. For example, people in Spain, Cuba,Venezuela, and Mexico all speak Spanish. However, although speakers from these countries can communicate with each other, the Spanish spoken in each country is somewhat different from that spoken in each of the others. Therefore, we can distinguish between varieties of the same language. This is known as internal variation. No language is spoken in exactly the same way wherever it is used. For example, while people in England, America, Grenada and Australia all speak English, you can tell that a person is from one of those countries by the variety of English that he/she speaks. It can be said that these persons are speaking a particular dialect of English. The term dialect refers to any variety of a language spoken by a group of people. Sometimes, as a language evolves, one particular dialect becomes dominant. This is usually due to the fact that it is the dialect spoken by the people with the economic power or greatest social influence in that society. In this case, their dialect becomes accepted as the standard variety of that language. Therefore, the standard variety becomes the one used for writing and other formal purposes and is often given prestige over the other varieties. Since that language variety is associated with influence and ‘correctness’, it becomes the one that is aspired to, often to the exclusion of other varieties. You may be surprised to know that, on a global scale, there is no one specific standard variety of a language. Rather there is a range of varieties that are considered to be standard. The standard French used in Paris, France, is not identical to the standard French used in Quebec, Canada.You are probably also aware of the differences between British Standard English (BSE) and American Standard English (ASE). In the English-speaking Caribbean, Standard English is also used, but linguists refer to this variety as Caribbean Standard English (CSE). Note that these standard forms all share the same structures and are considered to be internationally acceptable; that is, they are understood by other speakers of English around the world. Their differences lie primarily in the areas of vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling (in the case of ASE) as seen in the following table. Table 4.2 BSE and ASE variations BSE ASE flat apartment tyre tire centre center autumn fall holidays vacation labour labor biscuit cookie number plate license full stop period ACTIVITY 4.6 Try to find other examples of variations between American and British Standard English. Make a chart for your classroom. Which versions do you use? CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE Definition A useful definition of the term dialect is: a particular variety of a language spoken by one group of persons, that differs noticeably from the variety or varieties of the same language spoken by another group or other groups of people. Table 4.3 Vocabulary variations in the English-speaking Caribbean community It is important to understand that no one Just put your variety of a language is superior to another suitcase in and that every language is really a collection the boot. of dialects. A group of people who speak the same dialect is known as a speech community. Sometimes, although two persons are speaking the same dialect, their accents may make it difficult for them to understand each other. Be careful not to confuse a dialect with an accent. An accent is simply a variation in pronunciation. There is no such thing as a person who speaks without an accent. However, because your accent is so much a part of who you are, it is often difficult for you to identify your own. For example, a St Fig. 4.5 Language variety Lucian may identify persons from Jamaica, Trinidad, or Belize as having an accent but would not normally refer to him- or herself as having one. That same St Lucian may also identify the accent of someone from another geographical area within his/her country as being different. In the same way, people from the northern United States sound different from those in the southern states. So a person’s accent is the way he/she sounds. Apart from variation in the same language from country to country, there are noticeable differences among speech communities within a country or region. Differences in dialects are most apparent in terms of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The chart below indicates examples of the way in which there is vocabulary variation within the English-speaking Caribbean community. Barbados Guyana Trinidad and Tobago St Lucia Jamaica Standard ackee ginep chenet ackee ginep quenepa (Spanish) gossip talkname commes ro-ro cass-cass gossip (English) likrish likrish likrish vowas (Fr. Creole) craven greedy (English) firefly candlefly candlefly firefly peenie-walli firefly (English) ACTIVITY 4.7 Work in groups to add more examples to the chart in Table 4.3. You may need to consult with friends or relatives from other countries or talk to older persons in your community. No matter what dialect is spoken by a speech community, each user is capable of manipulating that dialect in relation to the context of communication. Depending on whom you are speaking or writing to, you instinctively vary the way in which you express yourself. This type of language variation is called code switching. Think about how you would describe a fight in the schoolyard to (a) your Principal, (b) your friend and (c) your parent. Although you may be using the same variety of language, you would most likely use different vocabulary, language structures and even tones of voice in each case; therefore, your audience determines your code. However, you may also choose to use an entirely different variety or dialect of a language from one situation to the next. The variety of language that you use at any given time is your register. Choice of register also generally reflects the speaker’s/writer’s relationship with his/her audience. If you 49 50 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY observe people around you, you will notice that, on formal occasions, the language variety considered by the society to be the more formal is the one used. The ability to change your register in this way is an important life skill, as few people speak or write their dialect in the same way no matter what the context. (See Chapter 5.) As the context of the communication changes, this variation in code or speech style involves changes in syntax and vocabulary. ACTIVITY 4.8 Consider the following versions of the same communication. Discuss the different contexts within which each may have been used: All rise for the final hymn. Please stand for the final hymn. Stand for the last hymn. Get up! It’s the last hymn. Syntax In casual or informal speech, we use many contractions and drop word endings.You are likely to say to your partner, ‘Don’t you love me?’ or ‘You don’t love me?’ instead of ‘Do you not love me?’ From Activity 4.8, you would have concluded that the level of formality of the occasion and the speaker’s relationship with his/her audience varied significantly. Vocabulary Your choice of vocabulary is a major determinant of your register. There are words (for example, the obscene words of your language) that are not acceptable in most contexts. Then there are words that we use if we are trying to impress. Think about the difference in impact of ‘There has been much investment in this venture’ as opposed to, ‘There has been substantial investment in this venture.’ In most cases the less commonly used word tends to make a greater impression.Vocabulary can also be specific to a particular group. Therefore a lawyer would use a certain register when discussing points of law with peers, but would hardly be understood by others unless he adjusted his style of speech. The register used by a group of persons in the same technical or professional field is known as jargon. Sometimes, people use a particular register or style of speech to fit in with a group. For example, what is known in the Caribbean as Rastafarian speech was associated with the Rastafarians in Jamaica and, as that movement spread, many people who embraced that religion and way of life adopted that style of language. In most societies, groups of young people often use vocabulary in a way that is unique to them and sometime baffling to the mainstream adult population. This type of vocabulary usage is referred to as slang. Most slang terms have a short life span. However, sometimes slang terms remain around long enough to become accepted as part of the standard use of the language and are used by the general population. For example, the word ‘cram’, as a slang term, is used to mean last-minute, intensive study, which is different from its standard meaning as forcing physical items into a space. Notice that, while some slang terms do remain in general usage, they are ACTIVITY 4.9 normally restricted to informal language and not used in formal expression. They Make a list of some of can be used in what is referred to as colloquial language. The word colloquial the slang terms you means ‘relating to conversation’. Therefore, colloquial terms are used in general and your peers use. Make another list of informal conversation but are not acceptable formally. If they are used in formal slang terms that your writing, they are normally placed in inverted commas to indicate that they are parents or teachers colloquial. may have used. Are any Are these familiar? of them the same? rip-off hassle scam homeboy CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE ACTIVITY 4.10 Identify the groups that would most likely be associated with the following examples of jargon: Example 1 It is down to the final over. Eight runs needed and the field is spread. There are two slips, point, a sweeper on the boundary and mid-off. On the leg side is a mid-on, midwicket, square leg and long leg, so Rashim has to keep the ball straight and on the stumps. He comes in to Maxwell who lofts it over mid-on for four. Rashim comes in to Maxwell again and this time Maxwell seals it with a pull behind square for four more. Example 2 A 30-year-old male presents with a two-day history of central chest pain. There were no associated symptoms and he had no significant past medical history (PMH). Examination was unremarkable with vesicular breath sounds and resonant percussion throughout both lung fields and heart sounds 1+2+0. Chest X-ray and electrocardiogram (ECG) were NAD (nothing abnormal detected). Initially thought to be musculoskeletal chest pain. However, unexpectedly the troponin I was greater than 30000ng/l (normal range <40ng/l). Example 3 To ask, demand, recover and receive of and from all and every person or persons whom the name doth shall or may concern all and every such sum or sums of money, debts, rents, goods and chattels, dues, duties, claims and demands whatsoever as now are or hereafter shall become due, owing, belonging or payable to me and the said person or persons to call to account and bring to a reckoning and adjust all accounts with them and leave the same to arbitration or compound the same, or accept a part of the whole upon such terms as to THE ADMINISTRATOR may appear just and upon payment or delivery of the said sum of money, debts, rents, goods, and chattels to make and give proper receipts, acquittances and discharges for the same respectively. 4.4 Creole The term Creole, which comes from the Portuguese word ’creoulo’, originally meant a person of European parents who had been born and raised in a colonial territory. Later, it was used to refer to anyone native to these countries and then it became the name of the language spoken by these people. A Creole is a language that comes into being through contact between two or more languages. When people who speak different languages find themselves in a situation where they have to communicate with each other for purposes of trade, business or to survive, these people usually devise a form of language communication, called a pidgin. Pidgins are not ordinary languages since they are normally used only for communication between persons from different speech communities. However, in some cases, a pidgin begins to be used as the first language of people in the same community (usually the children). This pidgin may then become a native language; it acquires the more complex grammar of a full language and is referred to as a Creole. Therefore, all Creole languages start as pidgins. Sometimes Creole languages are referred to as patois or patwa. However, 51 52 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY the word patois can be used as a synonym for any non-standard variety or local dialect, including pidgins. Although a Creole has influences from several languages in its sounds, structure and vocabulary, it is usually classified according to what is perceived as the dominant language ancestor. Therefore, in the Caribbean, Creoles are referred to as English-based, Frenchbased, Dutch-based, or Portuguese-based. Generally, Creoles from a European and African language mix (such as those spoken in the Caribbean) have obvious similarities in grammatical structure. Some characteristics of Caribbean Creole Like all other languages, Creoles can be described according to the typical features of sound units, vocabulary, grammar and semantics (word meaning). Caribbean Creole languages, regardless of their lexical (vocabulary) base, exhibit consistent features that are easily recognisable. These are the characteristics that make them clearly different from Standard English, Standard French and so on. It is important to be able to recognise and understand those differences in order to use both standard and nonstandard codes effectively. An understanding of the distinctions between the language varieties will help you to be consistent in your use of either and to make fewer of the errors that result from a mixing of Creole and Standard. Did you know? Haiti is the only Caribbean country that has given its Creole language official status within its constitution. Sound units In the case of English-based Creole, generally, the most distinctive differences in sound combinations are observed in sounds that occur in Standard English but not in the Creole. A very obvious one is the ’th’ sound, which is produced in English by placing the tip of the tongue between the front teeth. This sound does not exist in Creole or Creole-influenced vernacular and is replaced by either the ‘d’, ‘t’ or ‘f ’ sound, depending on its position in the word and the presence or absence of other non-English influences on the Creole. Example brother brodder/bredda this dis there dere/deh thing ting/fing thief tief mouth mout Creole also dispenses with the final consonant in the words that end in ‘ing’ or with a ‘d’. CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE Example dancing dancin going goin/gwine send sen sending sennin find fine In some cases, an English sound combination is not dropped but reversed, for example ask→ aks and film→ flim. Vocabulary The vocabulary (lexicon) of Caribbean Creole English is derived primarily from Standard English. However, a number of words used in Creole speech are related to cultural influences from other European, Amerindian, African, East Indian and Chinese languages. The scope of usage depends on the composition of the population of the specific territory and its history of cultural influences. Which of the words in the following lists are familiar to you? Table 4.4 Sources of some Caribbean Creole vocabulary East Indian Amerindian Chinese African Dhal Sari Orni Maticore Baratan Bhariat Saro-bhai Paisa Barbecue(Babrikot) Manatee Cassava Iguana Arepa Maraca Chow mein Chop suey Chow chow Wonton Bok choy Soy Wok Senseh Dutty Bakra Nyam Foo Foo Yam Makak Shango J. Rickford Like any other language, the vocabulary of Creole is dynamic and reflects changes that arise out of social movements such as Rastafarianism (for example, ital, irie) or the incorporation of prevalent slang (for example, bling, swag). Grammar There are several points of grammar that can be used to compare Creole to Standard English. Much of the syntax and grammar of Caribbean Creoles actually comes from West African languages. So while the Creoles draw their lexical (word) base from the European languages, the structures of the Creoles are often those of African languages. One important Creole grammatical rule is that nouns, verbs and pronouns are not altered in form to indicate plurals, tense, person or case. Instead, Creole uses other indicators of these aspects. Example Table 4.5 Plurals in Standard English and Creole Singular Plural Standard English Girl Girls Creole gal / gyal dem gyal / de gyal dem 53 54 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Notice that, in the case of Standard English, the plural marker is the addition of the ’s’ to the noun while the Creole uses the plural marker ’dem’ without changing the noun in any way. Example Table 4.6 Verbs in Standard English and Creole Standard English Creole 1st person singular I am eating I eatin 2nd person singular You are eating You eatin 3rd person singular He/She/It is eating He/She/It eatin 1st person plural We are eating We eatin 2nd person plural You are eating You all/All you eatin 3rd person plural They are eating Dey/Dem eatin Notice that Creole does not utilise an auxiliary verb to indicate change in person, while Standard English uses a changing auxiliary as a marker in this case. However, the Creole differentiates between the second person singular and plural by inserting ’all’ in the latter case. Standard English does not normally make this differentiation. Another characteristic of Creole grammar is its use of predicate adjectives. These are words that function as both adjective and verb in the sentence. Example Table 4.7 Predicate adjectives in Standard English and Creole Standard English English Creole French Creole I am tired I/me tired Mwen las He is sick He/Him sick E malad You are thirsty You tirsty Ou swef The use of double negatives is another characteristic that Creole shares with Standard French (and Spanish) but not with Standard English. Example Table 4.8 Double negatives Standard English Creole Standard French I’m not doing anything I not doin nothing Je ne fais rien Creole does not reverse word order to indicate the interrogative form of a sentence. Example Table 4.9 Interrogative word order Standard English Creole You have eaten You eat already Have you eaten? You eat already? Notice that, while the word order remains the same, the interrogative is merely indicated by intonation, that is, raising the voice at the end of the declaration to turn it into a question. CHAPTER 4: DEFINING LANGUAGE Some Creole structures are used to create particular emphasis. For example, front focusing brings the word to be emphasised to the beginning of the sentence as in: Tired I tired (I am very tired). In Figure 4.6 front focusing of the verb emphasises the degree of tiredness. The word, ’very’ is not used as a qualifier in Creole. Adjectives are also emphasised through backfocusing or repetition, for example ’De place, mash up, mash up’ or ’Dat gyal pretty, pretty’. Hey man, how you look so? Is tired I tired, boy. Fig. 4.6 Front focusing in Creole Semantics All Creoles share a large part of their vocabulary with the language that forms their lexical base. However, in many instances the same words have very different meanings in the Creole. For example, ‘dis chile so miserable!’ does not mean that the child is sad or listless but quite the opposite, that he/she is troublesome and overactive. Also, in Creole, an ‘ignorant’ individual is ACTIVITY 4.11 not necessarily lacking in knowledge, but is quick to anger and acts How are the following words/ without thinking. phrases used in your Creole? Do Another interesting semantic feature is the use of calques, which their Creole meanings differ from are compound words borrowed from another language as literal the standard? translations. Look at the following examples. How would you translate them into Standard English? Can you think of any others used in hot feisty wine soaps your country? malicious ‘you lie!’ fast nose-hole house-bottom eye-water cut-eye Conclusion All living languages perform the same major function, which is to convey thought. They operate within specific structures, are guided by set rules, yet retain vibrancy by borrowing from each other, accommodating new words and using old ones in new ways. Language is the main tool of civilised society and the most significant means of preserving and sharing culture. It is within this context that we must examine how language enables us to define who we are. Chapter 5 looks at the role of language in human communities and how it can vary depending on the peculiarities of the particular society. door-mouth force-ripe 55 56 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Evaluation and extension 2 Select one of the purposes of language identified in this chapter. Write a piece to exemplify this purpose. Share it with your class and get feedback on whether or not it achieves the intended purpose. 1 Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow: Bruce St John Language She sah wha? We language limit? Who language en limit? Evah language Like a big pot o’ Bajan soup; Pice o’ yam, piece o’potato T’ree dumplin’, two eddoe, One beet, two carrot, Piece o’ pig-tail, piece o’ beef Pinch o’ salt, dus’o’pepper, An ‘doan’ fuget okra fuh add to de flavo’ An ’ whuh? An ’ yuh still wan’ rice Boil up, cook up, eat up …Bajan language is a damn funny language Piece o’ English, piece o’ African tongue, Mix Carib an’ Arawak to save damage An’ de cook-up is a beautiful soun’… Extracted from Bruce St John (a) How does the poet’s description of his language relate to what you know about how language evolves? (b) Identify some specific features of Creole language in this poem. (c) In groups, write a Standard English translation of the poem. Read it aloud. Then read the original poem aloud. Which do you prefer? Why? References Bryson, B. (1990). The Mother Tongue: English and how it got that way. New York: Avon Books, pp. 14–15. Christie, P. (ed.) (2001). Due Respect: Essay on English and English related Creoles in the Caribbean in Honour of Professor Robert Le Page. Jamaica: The University of the West Indies Press. Cooper, C. (1993). Noises in the Blood: Orality, gender and the ‘vulgar’ body of Jamaican popular culture. Oxford: Macmillan, p. 68. Frank, A. (1954). The Diary of Anne Frank. London: Penguin Books Ltd. p. 221. Grenada Board of Tourism. (2006). Information brochure. St George’s, Grenada: p.7. LIAT. (2006). Rain Forest Aerial Trams Caribbean. Islander, 74, p. 64. Rickford, J. (ed.) (1978). A Festival of Guyanese Words. Georgetown, Guyana: University of Guyana. St John, B. (1982). Bajan Languag’. Bumbatuk I. Bridgetown: The Cedar Press, p. 53. CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY 5 Language in Society Language is the main tool used to establish societies and keep them together. It is through language that a society is able to create agreed rules and regulations, convey and receive information critical to its survival and pass on its culture through oral and written forms. Language has facilitated the development of science and technology and resulted in the creation of formal learning institutions and educational structures. Societies also depend heavily on the use of language for recreational purposes. However, although language is common to all societies in terms of general function and purpose, it is also one of the main characteristics by which a community is recognised as separate and apart from others. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 2 and Specific Objectives 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 describe the influence of various factors (cultural, political, historical, social) on language 2 analyse the various roles of language in human society 3 evaluate the role of language in Caribbean identity 4 describe the Caribbean in relation to a range of languages 5 discuss the various attitudes to language in the Caribbean 6 assess the use of dialects, registers and ranges of formality in various types of interactive settings 7 identify the technological advances that have impacted on communication 8 examine how communication, technology and culture are interrelated. Introduction In the previous chapter, we established that language is a distinguishing feature of all human societies. It is not solely a means of communication, but influences our culture and our thought processes. Societies tend to be characterised by their most dominant languages and language is often a primary vehicle of culture. Language situations vary from region to region, country to country and community to community. There are multiple and sometimes complicated reasons for such variation. Did you know? Approximately 90 per cent of all Internet traffic, 75 per cent of the world’s mail and 60 per cent of its radio programmes are in English. 57 58 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY 5.1 The modern language situation The whole world lives in London. Walk down Oxford Street and you will see Indians and Colombians, Bangladeshis and Ethiopians, Pakistanis and Russians, Melanesians and Malaysians. Fifty nationalities with communities of more than 5,000 make their home in the city, and on any given day 300 languages are spoken. It is estimated that by 2010 the population will be almost 30 per cent ethnic minorities, the majority born in the U.K. Most of these Londoners are the children and in some cases the grandchildren of the many thousands who came here from the Caribbean and the Indian subcontinent during the fifties and sixties, after the British Empire imploded. Each society is distinct in terms of the language or languages used. A society where only one language is used is said to be monolingual; however, there are very few societies in the world today that use only one language. Most societies use more than one language and may be bilingual (using two languages) or even multilingual (using multiple languages). While many countries have a monolingual bias and officially recognise one language, the reality is that, even in these countries, there are bilingual or multilingual communities particularly where there are large numbers of immigrants. In addition, S. Worrall within a monolingual community, there may be individuals who are competent in more than one language; for example, children of parents who speak different languages. Although England is traditionally regarded as a monolingual society, Baker and Eversley (2002) estimate that approximately 300 languages are spoken in London today. This is largely a result of the arrival of migrants and refugees, especially in the second half of the twentieth century. The table below gives global examples of the multilingual reality of the modern world. Table 5.1 Multilingual countries Country Main languages used Belize English, Garifuna, Mopan, English Creole, Spanish, Ketchi, Mayan,Yucatecan, Mandarin, Cantonese China Mandarin, Wu, Cantonese, Min, Hakka, Xiang, Gan India Hindi, English, Urdu, Bhojpuri, Punjabi, Telugu, Nepali, Tamil, Bengali, Oriya Iran Farsi, Kurdish, Baluchi, Turki, Arabic Nigeria Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, English, Kanuri, Ibibio, Efik, Tiv, Ijo, Edo, Fulfulde, Urhobo, Nupe, Igala Singapore Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, English South Africa Sesotho, Leboa, Setswana, Swati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Xhosa, Zulu ACTIVITY 5.1 Select some countries not listed in the table above and do some research to find out which languages are used in each one. When you carry out Activity 5.1, you will notice that most countries have an official language. This is the language that is given unique legal status as the language used in the country’s legislative bodies. Some countries have languages that are used for official purposes, but CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY have no declared official language. The United States of America and Eritrea are two of those. However, although these countries do not declare an official language, they do have a main or de facto language. You will notice that, in some cases, there are also national languages. A national language is believed to represent the national identity of a country. It can be approved by government for use in legal or political settings and in most cases is also recognised as an official The language with language. For example, in Malta, Maltese is the national the largest number of language and both Maltese and English are official speakers is Mandarin languages. In Singapore, the Malay language is the national Chinese. This is followed language and it shares official language status with English, by Hindi. English has the Mandarin, Chinese and Tamil. third largest number of In addition to national and official languages, some speakers. countries have multiple languages in use. Some are both spoken and written, while some are spoken only and do not have an orthography or written code. Sometimes a language can be officially recognised without being classified as a national or an official language. Official recognition means that the language can be used as a working language but it would not be declared an official language in the national constitution or other official sources. Did you know? 5.2 Factors influencing language The linguistic characteristics of a society come about as a result of several factors. Historical, social, political and cultural factors all influence the language(s) used in any given society. It is important to understand those factors in order to understand why the languages we use exist in our society and why we use them as we do. Historical factors Countries where English is the main language Fig. 5.1 Countries where English is the main language The language situation in any country can normally be linked directly to historical factors. These are often related to colonisation or migration. For example, French and English are spoken in Canada today because it was the scene of several conflicts between France and England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Colonisation is, in fact, the greatest factor responsible for the spread of certain languages from more homogeneous populations to distant and diverse geographical locations. 59 60 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Social factors You have already noted, in the previous chapter, how the social dominance of a group ensures that its dialect becomes the one that assumes the place of importance in the society and is considered to be the standard language of that society.You have also noted that language is dynamic and never static unless there are no more speakers of that language. Much of the dynamism of a language is a result of constant social change and the emergence of new cultural phenomena as a result. However, the elements of social and economic class always affect attitudes to and choice of language. For example, individuals seeking to be recognised as part of a certain social group may deliberately cultivate the language or dialect of that group although they do not normally speak that dialect. Sometimes a person may switch from one variety of language to another throughout the day as he/she interacts in different social settings. Social factors also determine which types of language are considered desirable and which ones are improper. Several words that are considered lewd or vulgar today were used quite normally in earlier times: for example, many works by Geoffrey Chaucer contain words in regular usage in the fourteenth century that are considered obscenities today. Cultural factors Global movement of people has been a major influence on language. Many migrants and refugees are eager to assimilate quickly as much of the new culture as they can, to facilitate their ability to fit in with their society. As generations are born into the new culture, much of their original language is lost. For example, in the case of Hispanic populations in the US, a form of language has evolved that features aspects of both Spanish and English. The name ‘Spanglish’ has been coined for this phenomenon, but linguists would refer to it as ‘code mixing’. Example Table 5.2 Influence of acculturation on language Spanish English ‘Spanglish’ ir de compras to shop chopin camioneta truck troca reunion meeting mitin fin de semana weekend wiken While acculturation, or assimilating, of the new culture affects the language of immigrants, sometimes the language of the host country also undergoes change as a result of the new cultural influences. For example several Spanish words have become part of everyday English language (taco, flan, pinata, machismo). Inevitably, the coexistence of different languages from different cultures in a society results in linguistic changes in all the languages. However, the nature of the cultural changes determines which language is more widely influential and what types of change take place. In the case of the USA, the fact that some states may well have more Spanish than English native speakers will be largely instrumental in how language develops there. CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY ACTIVITY 5.2 Find out the cultural origin of the following words, which have become part of the English language: bongo apartheid kindergarten hamburger Anglophone camouflage pizza obeah mannequin opera rendezvous banana marimba knapsack angst hors d’oeuvres ’cello cookie waltz yam boss dachshund chalet ballerina ghetto Political factors As indicated earlier, the official language of a country is normally indicated in the national constitution or other official sources. Recognition given to other languages is also a political or government decision. Most countries maintain the assigned status of their languages regardless of political change. However, in some countries, language is significantly influenced by political events. Language policies typically define a government’s plan regarding the approach to the treatment of language in the specific country. For example, the language policy usually determines which languages will be taught in schools, or used for particular official purposes. The policy may either promote or discourage the use of a particular language or languages and in some cases it is designed to protect an ethnic language that may be in danger of disappearing. Political influences on language can determine the extent to which minority languages or dialects are accepted, recognised or utilised in a society. For example, in Quebec, Canada, the provincial government stipulated that only Fig. 5.2 Political influences on language French should be used on street signs and, in places where bilingual signage was allowed, the English lettering had to be significantly smaller and within stipulated dimensions. Political decisions on language are sometimes taken to promote national identity as in the cases of Denmark and Norway. While Danish and Norwegian are linguistically dialects of the same language, they have been promoted as separate languages in the interest of nationalism. Turmoil and friction and sometimes violence and war can arise out of political disputes over language. Countries such as Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Turkey are examples of places where language is a serious political issue. 5.3 Language situation in the Caribbean The Caribbean is often described as a complex linguistic region, largely because its complicated history has resulted in an array of languages, dialects and vernacular forms that provide rich material for study by linguists from far and wide. The original inhabitants of the region had their own wide range of languages, some of which are still spoken by 61 62 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY small groups in places such as Guyana and Surinam. Many Caribbean people are not aware that there are significant Amerindian influences on their way of life and language today. The arrival of the European colonists in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries meant that non-indigenous languages began to take root in the society. It is important to note that many of these Europeans were themselves speakers of non-standard dialects and no one variety of English, French, Portuguese, Dutch or Spanish was spoken. When the need arose for cheap labour to work on the plantations, Africans were captured, enslaved and imported primarily from countries along the west coast of Africa. Many of them were also speakers of various non-standard dialects of their own languages. However, in order to minimise communication among the enslaved Africans as a security measure, plantation owners made sure that they purchased from a variety of ethnic groups so that few Africans speaking the same language could be found on any one plantation. After the emancipation of the enslaved Africans in 1838, estate owners began recruiting indentured labourers from India, China and some Portuguese territories. These people introduced an even greater potpourri of dialects. The last major group of non-indigenous people came to the Caribbean in the twentieth century from Syria and Lebanon. They came primarily to Trinidad and, to a lesser extent, Jamaica and the southern island chain. Country Official languages Other languages Anguilla English English Creole Antigua and Barbuda English English Creole (Growing number of Spanish migrants from Dominican Republic have introduced some Spanish and associated dialects) Aruba Dutch Papiamento, English, Spanish Bahamas English English Creole Barbados English English Creole Belize English English Creole, Spanish, Garifuna, Ketchi, Mayan, Yucatecan, Mandarin, Mopan, Cantonese Bermuda English Bonaire Dutch British Virgin Islands English Cuba Spanish (Migrants from Haiti and Jamaica have introduced some pockets of French and English Creole) Curaçao Dutch Papiamento, Spanish, English Dominica English English Creole, French Creole Dominican Republic Spanish (Migrants from Haiti have introduced some French Creole) Grenada English English Creole Guadeloupe French French Creole Guyana English English Creole, Bhoj Puri, some Amerindian languages, some Dutch and French along the borders Papiamento, English CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY Table 5.3 Language situation in the Caribbean Haiti French, French Creole Jamaica English English Creole/Jamaican Patois Martinique French French Creole Montserrat English English Creole St Kitts and Nevis English English Creole St Lucia English English Creole, French Creole St Martin / St Maarten French, Dutch French Creole, Papiamento, English St Vincent and Grenadines English English Creole Surinam Dutch Sranan Tongo, Saramaccan, Javanese, some Amerindian languages, Hindustani, Aukan (Ndyuka) Trinidad and Tobago English English Creole, Hindustani Venezuela Spanish Other Amerindian languages It is easy to see how these major movements would spawn a number of pidgins and subsequently Creoles (as described in Chapter 4) in the region. Remember that a lot of internal movement was also taking place among the countries, and cultural practices were continuously being exchanged. Despite the fact that the European languages were the socially dominant and official ones, the Creoles were, and still are today, the most widely used. Notice that Dominica and St Lucia, which were colonised for long periods by both the French and the British, have both French and English Creoles in addition to their official English language. Whenever either power ruled, the official language was changed and matters of state were carried out in the language of the ruling power. In the case of St Lucia, there were 13 changes of ownership of the island, which moved back and forth from English to French (each country owned the island seven times); hence the development of both types of Creole. Other islands that came under brief French rule, like Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada, also had pockets of French Creole speakers, but that language did not take hold among the masses as it did in the case of Dominica and St Lucia. In the latter case, French Creole flourished especially because of their proximity to the French-owned Martinique Fig. 5.3 Distribution of Caribbean countries according and Guadeloupe and the frequent movement of people to official language among these four islands. Note also that recent migration in countries such as Antigua, Dominican Republic and Cuba is beginning to have some impact on the language demographics there. Therefore, geographical factors also play a part in determining the language situation. The dialects spoken in the Caribbean today have been greatly influenced by social and cultural factors. One of the most powerful influences on the language of Caribbean people, especially the youth, is the Rastafarian movement. For example, in many Caribbean countries, words like ‘irie’, ‘ital’ and ‘I-man’ are commonly used and understood by young people outside of the Rastafarian culture. 63 64 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY As various cultural groups settled in the region, they assimilated much of what they found already there. At the same time, they preserved what they could of their own cultures while they managed to influence and change the way of life of those who were there before. The East Indians and Chinese who came to the region greatly influenced the type of food eaten and the methods of preparation. Therefore, a number of food-related vocabulary items were introduced to the local dialects. Chow mein, wontons and wok, roti and dhal found their way into everyday speech alongside the Creole oil-down, cook-up and pelau. Words related to dress, music and relationships were most common. Countries receiving the largest percentage of Asian labourers, like Trinidad and Guyana, have a higher proportion of Chinese and East Indian lexical items in their dialects. For example, the several types of roti described below are not all familiar to countries where East Indian culture has not made a big impact, but are easily recognisable in Guyana and Trinidad. Essential ingredients Paratha Dosti Cassava roti Daalpuri Aloo Chotha Puri Sada Flour Baking powder Flour Baking powder Flour Baking powder Cassava Flour Baking powder Filling of dahl Flour Baking powder Filling of aloo Flour Baking powder Sugar Flour Ghee Flour Baking powder Consistency of dough Fairly soft Times baylay(-ed) Twice Once Inside Oil Oil Running consistency Fairly stiff Not at all Once Outside Number cooked together If preferred One Two or three cooked as one Method of cooking One ‘Baked’ on tawa Clapped or not Clapped If preferred, clapped Table 5.4 Types of roti As much as ghee could take comfortably One Fried in deep ghee Partly cooked on tawa then saykay(-ed) Not clapped J. Rickford 5.4 Attitudes to language Language clearly plays a major role in all aspects of society. The most obvious is its social role of allowing people to relate to each other in all facets of their lives: to share information, emotions and ways of life. We use language as a means of navigating our daily lives and it plays an integral role in most of our interactions. However, apart from this obvious social role, language plays other subtler roles in society. For instance, your speech immediately conveys specific impressions to an audience. People form impressions of your personality, emotional state, geographic origin, age or socio-economic status from CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY Louise Bennett Noh lickle twang! Me glad fe ses you come back bwoy, But lawd yuh let me dung, Me shame o’ yuh so till all o’ Me proudness drop a grung. Yuh mean yuh goh dah ‘Merica An spen six whole mont’ deh, An come back not a piece betta Dan how yuh did goh wey? Bwoy yuh noh shame? Is soh you come? Afta yuh tan soh lang! Not even lickle language bwoy? Not even little twang? An yuh sista wat work ongle One week wid ‘Merican She talk so nice now dat we have De jooce fe understan? Bwoy yuh couldn’ improve yuhself! An yuh get so much pay? Yuh spen six mont’ a foreign, an Come back ugly same way? Not even a drapes trouziz? Or A pass de rydim coat? Bwoy not even a gole teet or A gole chain roun yuh t’roat. Dem hooda laugh afta me, bwoy Me could’n tell dem soh! Dem hooda sey me lie, yuh was A-spen time back a Mocho. Noh back-ansa me bwoy, yuh talk Too bad; shet up yuh mout, Ah doan know how yuh an yuh puppa Gwine to meck it out. Ef yuh want please him meck him tink Yuh bring back something new. Yuh always call him ‘Pa’ dis evenin’ Wen him come sey ‘Poo’. Louise Bennett the language you use and the way you use it. Some impressions may be formed largely because of societal and personal attitudes to certain types of language. Therefore, people often adopt certain linguistic behaviours that they believe would create more favourable impressions of themselves, or enable them to fit in with the crowd. For example, someone from the southern United States who moves to New York City in the north may try to tone down his/her southern accent and vocabulary because New Yorkers are perceived to be condescending towards southerners. In Caribbean society there are varying attitudes to language. Because of our history, people of the region tend to place a high premium on the standard languages or, as we have noted before, the languages of power and economic might. Many people believe that upward mobility is largely dependent on one’s ability to fit in with the predominant socio-economic class, and language is the main signifier of this fit. Many Caribbean writers have described scenarios of people who went overseas, were generally expected to return with a new command of the target language and often demonstrated their new found ‘status’ by emphasising their new foreign accent or ‘twang’. Noh lickle twang!, for example, indicates the shame a mother feels when her son returns from America without the appropriate ‘twang’. Nonetheless, while some may be impressed by the ‘twang’, others view such pretensions with derision and Dry foot bwoy, by the same author, gives the other side of the coin where someone is made fun of because he has returned with British intonation. ACTIVITY 5.3 In your groups, dramatise the two poems. Discuss your personal responses to them. Which point of view do you support? Do you think that either of these two attitudes exists today? 65 66 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY These two poems demonstrate the varying attitudes towards adopting language characteristics that are considered to be ‘foreign’. On one side are those who believe that this is desirable and on the other are those who believe that it is ludicrous and ought not to be encouraged. Attitudes to language may vary from one sector of the society to another and some people demonstrate self-conscious behaviour when speaking the standard language. This is largely a result of the fact that in most societies one is often judged on the basis of the variety of language that one speaks. This is even more prevalent in societies with a colonial legacy, like the Caribbean, where certain dialects are associated with the institution of slavery or conquest. The following extract is a report by Evans (2001) on research done into attitudes to language among secondary school students in Jamaica. Louise Bennet Dry foot bwoy Wha wrong wide Mary dry-foot bwoy? Dem gal got him fe mock, An wen me meet him tarra night De bwoy gi me a shock! Me tell him sey him auntie an Him cousin dem sen howdy, An ask him how him getting’ awn, Him sey, ‘Oh, jolley, jolley!’ Me start fe feel so sorry fe De po bad-lucky soul, Me tink him come a foreign-Ian Come ketch bad foreign cole! Me tink him have a bad sore-throat, But as him chat-chat gwan, Me fine out sey is foreign twang De bwoy was a-put awn! For me notice dat him answer To nearly all me sey Was ‘Actually, what oh deah!’ An all dem sinting deh. Me gi a joke, de gal dem laugh But hear de bwoy, ‘Haw-haw! I’m sure you got that ballydash Out of the cinema!’ ACTIVITY 5.4 1 Do you think that Evans’ findings would be replicated should the survey be conducted in (i) other Caribbean countries, (ii) primary schools, (iii) tertiary institutions? 2 Discuss how you feel about speaking the various dialects in your country? Same time me las’ me tempa, an Me halla, ‘Bwoy kir out! No chat to me wid no hot pittata Eena yuh mout!’ Him tan up like him stunted, den Hear him noh, ‘How silley! I don’t think that I really Understand you actually.’ Me sey, ‘Yuh undastan me aw, Noh yuh name Cudjoe Scoop? Always visit Nana kitchen an Gi laugh fe gungoo soup! ‘An now all yuh can sey is “Actually” Bwoy, but tap! Wha happen to dem sweet Jamaica Joke yuh use fe pop?’ Him get bex an walk t’rough de door, Him head eena de air, De gal dem bawl out affa him, ‘Not going? What! Oh deah!’ An from dat night till teday, mah Dem all got him fe mock, Miss Mary dry-foot bwoy! Kean get over de shock! Louise Bennett CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY Students and their attitude to language Jamaican Creole was the language of the overwhelming majority of the students, their home and community. It was their normal medium of expression, and the language in which they expressed themselves most comfortably. Grade 7 students, however, have spent at least six years in a primary or allage school where they have studied English grammar, read books written in English and heard adults speak Standard Jamaican English. They live in a society where both Standard Jamaican English and Jamaican Creole are used in written and verbal communication. During English lessons they normally communicated with one another in Jamaican Creole, though they changed register somewhat when they addressed the teacher. They therefore understand and have developed certain attitudes toward Standard Jamaican English and Jamaican Creole. All students who were interviewed agreed that it is necessary for one to know how to speak Standard Jamaican English. The reasons given were primarily utilitarian. Proficiency in spoken English would gain the respect of others and would facilitate the obtaining of a job. It is needed for career advancement. Furthermore, this proficiency makes one feel proud, ’big’, mature, impressive. Proficiency in Standard Jamaican English is necessary if one wants to travel or widen one’s horizons. However, the majority of students interviewed did not think that Standard Jamaican English had to be spoken at all times. The Creole was reserved and seemed appropriate for conversations among friends and family. Despite this acknowledgement, some students – nearly all of them boys – come to high school thinking it is ’funny’, almost embarrassing to speak Standard Jamaican English in public. This attitude existed in varying degrees in all classes but was particularly evident in one of the six classes. This attitude to Standard Jamaican English initially hampered efforts to get students to express themselves and to develop confidence in speaking Standard Jamaican English. However, as will be shown later, there was during the year a major change in students’ willingness to speak Standard Jamaican English and to accept corrections in their speech. Although students admitted that it was important to speak Standard Jamaican English, they felt inhibited when it came to speaking the language. Students reported in their diaries that they felt self-conscious, worried that they would make mistakes, and acutely aware of their unfamiliarity with Standard Jamaican English. These perceptions had different effects on different students during the first term. Some were halting and hesitant in speech; some, according to the teachers, used ’big words’ to compensate for their perceived inadequacy. Others refused to participate, at least initially. At the same time, students reported that they felt important and proud when they believed that they spoke Standard Jamaican English correctly. H. Evans Language is an important means of creating and recognising identity. Our sense of self and our sense of community are tightly tied in with the language we speak.You may have noticed that, very often when individuals are in foreign countries, the moment they encounter someone from ‘home’ they immediately revert to their original dialect or way of speech. Language, in this case, creates a sense of ethnic community, or of belonging to a group, and immediately assuages the feeling of being an outsider in a foreign land. 67 68 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Wha gwan gyal? Bway dis wedder jus bussin me tail. Fig. 5.4 Language creates a sense of ethnic community Increasingly, educators are becoming aware that a person’s native language is an integral part of who that person is and marginalising that language can have severe damaging effects on that person’s psyche. Many linguists consistently make a case for teaching native languages alongside the target language so that children can clearly differentiate among the codes and hence be less likely to mix the two. This approach has been adopted in Haiti, where schools teach both Standard French and French Creole (Haitian) and children are expected to be fluent in both. Additional prominence has been given to Caribbean Creoles with the publication of Creole ACTIVITY 5.5 dictionaries and with the translation of the New Testament from the Read the passage on page 69 and Christian Bible into French Creole in St Lucia. A similar project has answer these questions: since been undertaken in Jamaica using Jamaican Creole or ‘patois’. 1 In what way does the creation of the Creole New Testament challenge traditional views of the use of Creole? 2 From your reading of the passage, suggest THREE reasons why the translation of the Bible is a positive step for St Lucians. 3 What may be the drawbacks of such a move? 4 Explain why you think a similar translation would/would not be accepted in your territory. Bondyé té tèlman enmen sé jan latè-a, I bay sel Gason’ y- lan pou yo. Tout moun ki kwè an li pa kay pèd lavi yo, mé yo kay ni lavi etonnèl. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son; that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life John 3: 16 Jan 3: 16 Creole Bible and translation CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY Press Release First Creole New Testament in the Caribbean A partnership between the Bible Society in the Caribbean (BSEC) and the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), resulted in the publication of the first ever translation of the New Testament in Creole. The project which lasted fifteen years was undertaken by a joint team comprising Drs David and Lyn Frank, Paul and Cynthia Crosbie, Emmanuel Leon and Peter Samuel. The Creole New Testament was launched in St Lucia on October 10, 1999, with selected Psalms, coinciding with the annual Kweyol celebrations held in that month. While the official language of St Lucia is English, the majority of St Lucians speak French Creole (known as Kweyol) in everyday communication. The language is also used in electronic media programmes, in the political arena and in churches. Speaking at the launch ceremony, Executive Director of the Folk Research Centre, June King-Fredrick said, ‘This New Testament makes me feel very proud because it says to the Creole people that you are equal to anybody else’. The Governor General of St Lucia, Dame Pearlette Louisy also gave her endorsement to the project, noting, ‘we have come a long way from Hebrew to Creole, but the language, Creole, is ours’. Monsignor Theophilus Joseph, representing the Catholic Church, praised the initiative for using the language of the people as a vehicle to get them to devote their lives to God. He also encouraged everyone to purchase the Creole New Testament, and to learn to read it in what is, essentially, their mother tongue. After hearing the first passage read from the book, artist Llewellyn Xavier commented with great emotion, ‘It was the most profound experience of my life to hear the word of God being read in my own language’. Meanwhile the BSEC and the SIL continue to run literacy programmes which utilise the Creole New Testament as a critical teaching resource and expect to continue their alliance with a view to continuing the translation project. 69 70 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY 5.5 Choice of language While attitudes to local dialects have been slowly changing, many people still associate the use of Creole with negative images and believe that its use should be relegated to specific circumstances and occasions. However, the fact that non-standard language varieties are the most widely spoken in the Caribbean makes them the choice of persons trying to get information to large sections of the society. For example, many advertisers use the Creole language to ensure that their message appeals to most people. At the same time, because of the prestige attached to the standard language, it tends to be the language of choice on formal occasions, like church services. I would like to purchase some Ananas comosus and some Musa acuminata if you please. Fig. 5.5 Match language choice to occasion ACTIVITY 5.6 From your experience, what have you noticed about the usual choice of language in the scenarios below? 1 The Master of Ceremonies at a calypso show or popular music concert 2 A politician speaking in the House of Parliament 3 People buying and selling at the local market 4 A politician at a political meeting or rally 5 The valedictorian’s address at a school graduation 6 Students conversing at lunch time 7 A calypsonian or reggae artist performing 8 Someone narrating a folk story A language variety is usually chosen because of its perceived social function.You may have noticed that, the more formal the occasion, the more likely the use of the standard language, while for everyday interaction, popular music or emotional appeals, people tend CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY Fig. 5.6 Cat no deh, rat tek ovah. to gravitate towards the non-standard varieties.You would also have noticed that, even in a formal situation, nonstandard dialect might be used for anecdotes, to inject some humour or in a quotation. In the Caribbean, people switch from one code of language to another, often without thinking. However, there are times when the use of standard language would seem totally out of place and would even interfere with semantics. For example, folk stories, folk songs and proverbs seem to lose a certain essence when translated into standard. ACTIVITY 5.7 1 Find the meanings of the following West Indian proverbs. 2 How many are used in your territory? 3 In the case of those not used in your country, are there similar ones? 4 Try to find an English equivalent of each proverb. 5 Make a list of as many other Creole proverbs as you can and discuss their meanings with your classmates. (a) De sea en’ got no back door (b) If yuh eye nah see, yuh mout nah must talk (c) If greedy wait, hot will cool (d) Bucket wid hole a battam have no business a riverside (e) Monkey know what tree to climb (f) Dog doh mek cyat (g) Yuh cyan suck cane and blow whistle (h) When trouble ketch yuh, pickney shirt fit yuh (i) Chicken deh merry, hawk deh near (j) If yu no check di wata, no tek off yuh shoe (k) Big tree fall down, goat bite de leaf (I) Hard ears mus’ feel (m) Wha doh kill, fatten (n) Monkey see, monkey do (o) Too much a wan ting good fi nuttin’ The role of language as a vehicle for sharing culture is indisputable. Caribbean writers, singers and oral poets have played a major part in fostering acceptance of the Creole languages of the region, by incorporating them into their work and exposing them to the world. Nonetheless, negative attitudes to these languages persist in the minds of many. The following extract from a speech elaborates on the relationship between language and society. Do you agree with the speaker’s perspective? 71 72 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Yet there exists among Caribbean peoples a dysfunctional relationship between culture and language. We are proud of our culture, and our culture products, but we have a hard time eroding the negative attitudes towards our indigenous languages which, if we are to believe Franz Fanon, support our Caribbean culture identity. We have used language to access and appreciate the culture of the peoples with whom we came into contact – the English, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch. We need to do the same with our own languages as powerful symbols of identity, and embrace them. Which Jamaican would not recognise a Louise Bennett, a Barbadian – Alfred Pragnell or Austin Clarke, a St Lucian – a Sesenne, a Trinidadian – a Paul Keenes Douglas? The languages in which these have communicated their thoughts, their fears, their joys, their hopes and aspirations, in verse, prose, or song have been the homegrown languages of the people of the Caribbean – all powerful symbols of identity, both at home and abroad. Our indigenous languages and the cultural products they support need not be seen only as entertainment, but as elements which can be translated into economic wealth. The economic and competitive potential of Caribbean culture has been firmly established. In fact, over the last three years, the scale of influences from the Caribbean, particularly in music, literature and the expressive arts has been no less than phenomenal. A testimony that these cultural products – reggae, zouk, kadans, calypso, soca – with a distinctiveness of their own, can when properly managed, find a niche in the global market. In fact, it is widely acknowledged that it is in the area of culture and in the exercise of the creative imagination of its people that the Caribbean has made its greatest contribution to the world civilisation. The role of our indigenous languages in this should not be minimised. Her Excellency, Dame Pearlette Louisy Conclusion Human societies can be primarily characterised by their languages. However, the increasing movement of people from various parts of the world to other countries has resulted in rapid changes in the linguistic composition of many societies. Linguists have to study continually the changes that new demographics are bringing about in language use everywhere. As we indicated in Chapter 4, human language is dynamic. This chapter illustrated just how dynamic language is by observing how it operates within cultures. Chapter 6 looks at this dynamism from another angle by examining the interrelatedness of communication, culture and technology. CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY Evaluation and extension 1 Discuss the following excerpt. Do you agree with the sentiments expressed? How far does it reflect the reality of your own community? Education impacts on the various socio-economic groups differently. Theorists say that schools have a middle-class bias and are set up to reward children who have the necessary cultural capital to succeed in the academic world. For example, middle-class children are able to ’switch’ competently between forms of the local language and the standard, such as between the patois or dialect and Standard English. This ease of switching is attributed to their many and varied experiences, including travel, educational toys, home computers and involvement in varied extra-curricular activities, where they interact with different groups and in different contexts. They thus bring considerable linguistic 2 Write a letter to your Prime Minister making a competence to their schooling (their cultural capital). Lower-income students tend to be more competent in non-standard forms of the language and have fewer opportunities to use formal language. Thus, written language expressed in the standard for school and examination success is more likely to elude them. The school does not deal specifically with how the first language of students interferes with their capability in the standard form. The social institution of education therefore confers more challenges on children of lower socio-economic groups than on those of the middle classes. J. Mohammed (b) case for the translation of the constitution of your country into your local Creole. 3 (a) Explain the similarity of the language situation in Dominica and St Lucia. (b) Why do you think a visitor from Guadeloupe would experience little difficulty with communicating in Dominica? Where else would this visitor feel equally comfortable? 4 Keep a record of your verbal interactions over a two-day period. Which speech register do you use most often? At which points do you change register and why? Present your findings to your class and compare them to those of your classmates. 5 Read the passage on page 74 and answer the questions that follow. (a) Compare the language used by boss and mother in the passage. What does their language tell us about their social position? (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) Is there any difference between the language of mother and the neighbour? Explain why. (ii) What attitudes to the boss’s wife can be inferred from the way the two women speak about her? What is the significance of the writer’s use of the ellipsis dots after: Mother: But you know … What do you think Mother’s response, ’Understand? Do you understand?’ means? How could the actress aid our understanding of her response? Imagine that you had to direct this play. Discuss how you would stage this extract, including positioning and body language. What can you infer from the extract about the social reality of the community in which this play is set? In your groups, dramatise the extract, experimenting with positioning and intonation. 73 74 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Witness: He gat to speak to heself! And I guess to answer your first question, she wasn’t a godly mother. Exposin’ dose poor children to all dat kind o’ poor example. Mother: But you know… (Lights out on Witness Stand. During the Jury Chorus WITNESS moves back into Jury. BOSS moves to Witness Stand.) Mother: Ain’t going bother with dat, lemme tell you. I ain’t want stop havin’ no children yet. Deyis a blessing send from God above and I think it unnatural to stop yourself. You stop dat, your whole nature may go funny on you. Who know? Dese people ’round here ain’t got no God in dem. He’ll take care o’ us. Tying tubes, having aboritions and all dem kind o’ things, I think it’s flyin’ in da face o’ da Almighty and it ain’t right. If he didn’t want me to have dem, he wouldn’t o’ let me. He ain’t going make a mouth he won’t provide for. He’ll take care o’ us. Jury: (Jury Chorus 12): Drinking, fighting, swearing, drinking, killing, hurting. (Lights up on Witness Stand.) Lawyer: But all the time she worked for you, did you know any of these things? Boss: Naturally, as her boss I never saw that side of her. She was always at work, except when she was having a baby. Sometimes she was a little puffy, like when people drink, but I wouldn’t call her an alcoholic. I don’t think she used to drink on the job. I didn’t know she was such a character. All of this is news to me. I knew she loved that son of hers excessively and I just thought she was careless, having children for different men, et cetera. My wife tried to get her to stop but no matter what my wife said to her, she still held firm to those primitive views of hers, it seemed. (Lights cross to DSC. We are in the Yard of Mother’s House. Lights also up on House. NEIGHBOUR ONE is in the House looking into the Yard and listening.) Mother: And den you have one, and da man he promise to help. And den you have two and da men dey promise to help. And den you have three and you go to the Magistrate’s Court for the li’l maintenance dey could give you. And dey still don’t pay, except when dey want come back and hot up your house. And when dey come back, everything so sweet, den you have four. Den you working all day, you go home you tired, dis one want dis, da nex’ one want dat; what a woman supposed to do? Boss’s Wife: Well, certainly you don’t go bringing misery on your head. Boss’s Wife: You don’t have to have them, you know. I had two and stopped; there are many ways. Boss’s Wife: Do you understand? I’m only trying to help. Mother: Understand? Do you understand? (Lights out DSC. Boss’s Wife leaves and goes to Witness Stand.) Neighbour: Well, how dat come before your boss lady? Da’s a nerve, eh? And talkin ‘bout it so open, like you all is some company. Mother: (Entering the House.) Well, I guess da lady was just tryin’ to help. Neighbour: You look like you need any kind o’ help? Let her mind her own business. Dem people t’ink dey is da only one who know what right for everybody and does want you to follow dem. Poor people could be right ’bout some things too, you know! What good for da goose ain’t get to be good for da gander. (Lights cross to the Witness Stand.) Boss’s Wife: Simpleton, I thought. Until one day, one day, finally, the penny dropped. She said she wanted to try the pill. So we tried the pill. And I used to check with her to see if she was taking it. Yes she was, we thought. W. Saunders et al. CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY References Baker, P. & Eversley, J. (2002). Multilingual Capital: The language of London’s schoolchildren and their relevance to economic, social and educational policies. London: Battlebridge. Bennett, L. (1966, 3rd impression 1975). Dry Foot Boy and Noh Lickle Twang. Jamaica Labrish. Jamaica: Sangster’s Book Stores, pp. 205–207, 209–210. Bible Society in the East Caribbean (1999). Testeman Nef-La Epi An Posyon An Liv Samz-la. Barbados, p. 142. Evans, H. (2001). Inside Jamaican Schools. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, pp. 113–114. Louisy, P. (2004). Nation Languages, Culture & Education. Speech delivered at Cavehill Campus, University of the West Indies, Barbados. Mohammed, J. (2007). CAPE Caribbean Studies: An interdisciplinary approach. Oxford: Macmillan, p. 182. Rickford, J. (ed.) (1978). A Festival of Guyanese Words. Georgetown, Guyana: University of Guyana. Roberts, P. (1997). From Oral to Literate Culture: Colonial experience in the English West Indies. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press. Saunders, W., Scott, D. & Sealy, G. (2005). You Can Lead a Horse to Water and Other Plays. Oxford: Macmillan, pp. 20–22. Worrall, S. (2000). London Bridges the Racial Divide. National Geographic, June, p. 10. 75 76 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY 6 Technology, Culture and Communication It is hard to imagine that, less than 20 years ago, the concept of literacy was restricted to the acquisition of basic reading, writing and numerical skills. Today, this has been broadened to multiple literacies. The language and communication skills we use today are set in an increasingly technological environment. We are also expected to interact with communities on a global scale with increasing frequency. The new literacies are essential components of basic life skills today, at work or in the home. This chapter looks at how the cultural, technological and communicative aspects of our lives are interdependent. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 2 and Specific Objectives 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 understand the interactive relationship among communication technologies, language and society 2 appreciate the significance of communication technologies in cultural interaction 3 identify the technological advances that have impacted on communication 4 discuss how communication is: (i) affected and (ii) effected, by the use of technology in different cultural and interactive settings 5 discuss the influence of culture on language 6 discuss how the differences in culture impact on the potential for integration, marginalisation and alienation. Introduction Communication, technology and culture are inextricably connected. Culture influences the ways in which people communicate and the technology they select as part of that communication; the ways in which we communicate evolve out of the nature of our culture and the type of communication technology available to us; technology alters and shapes our culture while it influences the decisions and choices people make regarding communication. It is impossible to deal with these three elements in isolation. CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION 6.1 Culture and communication Definition Culture refers to common practices and beliefs held by a specific group. Culture is one of those indefinable terms that lead to long lists of possibilities of capturing what they really mean. For the purpose of this text we will use the following definition: Culture refers to common practices and beliefs held by a specific group. Culture is expressed through our language; proverbs and folk tales; legends and myths; art and music, food, drink and the unique ways in which we interact with each other. Culture unifies one group but separates it from other groups with dissimilar practices and beliefs. The fact that the Caribbean is descriptive of a particular geographical area does not mean that there is one definitive culture. In each of the Caribbean countries there is a general feeling that one island or territory is different from the others. This difference may be observed through the variations in Creoles. For example, you learnt in Chapter 5 that Barbados has an English-based Creole while in St Lucia there is a French-based Creole. However, the English Creoles in the region differ from one territory to the next largely because their vocabularies, intonation patterns and points of reference are reflective of the particular culture of that territory. The same applies to the French Creoles. While there is a broadly identifiable Caribbean culture, it is also possible to differentiate among the individual cultures of each territory. Differences in culture are also visible when one looks at the folk tales and proverbs of the different countries. In Jamaica there are folk stories about the rolling calf while in Trinidad you may come across a story about the Dwen. Travel to St Lucia and you may learn of the Bolom, while in Barbados you are likely to become acquainted with the Steel Donkey. Then take a trip to Belize and learn about Tata Duhende. There are similarities in the presence of these supernatural beings but they point to a slightly different cultural experience. The names for carnival in the various islands also illustrate these differences and similarities in culture. In the Bahamas there is a cultural celebration called Junkanoo but the costuming and other aspects of the celebration are very similar to Carnival in St Vincent, Mardi Gras in Dominica and Crop Over in Barbados. The history of the Caribbean is one that clearly illustrates the relationship between language and culture. There are French, Dutch and English Creoles throughout the Caribbean. Additionally, the Caribbean countries illustrate the effect of culture on language in the place names in the various islands.Vieux Fort, King William Henry Street, Fort de France, Port Antonio and Middlesex all reflect a cultural bias based on historical colonisation. The names of our food have also been influenced by culture. In Guyana and Trinidad a significant Indian presence is reflected in the foods eaten there. Roti, doubles, pelau and channa began in the Indian community and spread to islands with very little Indian presence. Cou-cou and fou-fou derive from the African heritage as well as cassava bakes or cakes. Each successive culture that comes into contact with another group will over time affect the language, foods, place names and other cultural symbols. Currently within the various countries of the Caribbean there has been significant movement of people. One interesting move is the influx of people from Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) into Antigua. This influx has changed the language patterns of Antigua, which was simply known as an English-speaking territory with an English-based Creole, to a country with pockets of Spanish speakers. There have been similar movements of Haitians to Bahamas and to Jamaica. This has led to changes in the language patterns in those countries. 77 78 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY What else has changed the language patterns of the Caribbean? Within the various countries television has played its role in redefining cultural norms and language. The longer and wider the influence of North American television, the greater the change. The use of certain American terminologies has certainly crept into the language of our societies. The benign ‘neighbourhood’ or ‘community’ has now become the ‘hood’ with all its negative connotations. As in many American films, the use of foul and vulgar language has become acceptable in any circumstance and the culturally based expletives previously used in the Caribbean have been replaced by a single four-letter word that is used as a verb, adjective and exclamation. Cultural penetration is also effected through the increased travel of the younger population. There are many cases in which school-age children spend summer vacations in North America. Consider how many of your acquaintances spend their summer holidays with relatives in a North American city. Consequently, the influences of language, dress and values of the host country will impact on those returning home and a shift in norms can eventuate. Apart from changes in clothing styles, language is probably the first evidence of this. These changes often signal changes in the norms and values of the society. ACTIVITY 6.1 1 Write a list of words and phrases that you and your friends have adopted from the North American culture. Say whether they enhance or degrade the speaker and the person to whom the word or phrase may be directed. 2 List five dishes eaten in your territory and trace their cultural source. 3 Make a list of all the folklore characters that you know. Try to find out how they compare to those from other Caribbean countries. Another influence of culture on language is seen in the spelling of words. The textbooks used in schools are now often published in North America and therefore the spelling of words like centre/center; organise/organize; cheque/check become interchangeable in the written work of students. While the understanding is that neither choice is an example of misspelling, the writer should be consistent in the use of American Standard or British Standard. In the world of business, language and culture can play a very important part in shaping the effectiveness of communication. Language can be a barrier to communication especially when the individuals on two different sides of the bargaining table speak a different language, but speaking two different languages is not the only situation that has potential for poor business interaction. ACTIVITY 6.2 David Victor in the passage on page 79 suggests other cultural factors that can lead to misunderstandings in the world of business. What are these? CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION Among the most often cited barriers to conflict-free cross-cultural business communication is the use of different languages. It is difficult to underestimate [sic] the importance that an understanding of linguistic differences plays in international business communication. Difficulties with language fall basically into three categories: gross translation problems, the problems in conveying subtle distinctions from language to language, and culturally-based variations among speakers of the same language. Gross translation errors, though frequent, may be less likely to cause conflict between parties than other language difficulties for two reasons. First, they are generally the easiest language difficulty to detect. Many gross translation errors are either ludicrous or make no sense at all. Only those errors that continue to be logical in both the original meaning and in the mistranslated version pose a serious concern. Nonetheless, even when easily detected, gross translation errors waste time and wear on the patience of the parties involved. Additionally, for some, such errors imply a form of disrespect for the party into whose language the message is translated. The subtle shadings that are often crucial to business negotiations are also weakened when the parties do not share a similar control of the same language. In English, for example, the mild distinctions between the words ‘misinterpret’ and ’misunderstand’ can prove significant in a sensitive situation. To a touchy negotiator, to say that he/she ’misunderstands’ may imply that he/she is dim-witted. To say that same negotiator ’misinterprets’ a concept, by contrast, allows the negotiator a way to save face since all interpretations are arguable. He/she has reached an understandable though inaccurate interpretation of the matter. In such a situation, the term applies more objectively to the matter at hand than to the specific negotiator. To a non-native speaker with inadequate control of the language, however, such subtle distinctions might be lost. When other parties with full control over the language with whom the non-native speaker communicates assume that knowledge of this distinction exists, conflict deriving from misunderstanding is likely. Nor do such mistranslations need to actually cross languages in cross-cultural business situations. Dialectical differences within the same language often create gross errors. One frequently cited example of how variations within a single language can affect business occurred when a U.S. deodorant manufacturer sent a Spanish translation of its slogan to their Mexican operations. The slogan read ’if you use our deodorant, you won’t be embarrassed. ‘The translation, however, which the Mexican-based Englishspeaking employees saw no reason to avoid, used the term ’embarazada’ to mean ’embarrassed.’ This provided much amusement to the Mexican market, as ’embarazada’ means ’pregnant’ in Mexican Spanish. Attitudes toward accents and dialects also create barriers in international business communication. The view that a particular accent suggests loyalty or familiarity to a nation or region is widespread in many languages. The use of Parisian French in Quebec, of Mexican Spanish in Spain, or sub continental Indian English in the United States are all noticeable and may suggest a lack of familiarity even if the user is fluent. More importantly, regional ties or tensions in such nations as Italy, France, or Germany among others can be suggested by the dialect a native speaker uses. Finally, national prejudices and class distinctions are often reinforced through sociolinguistics – the social patterning of language. For example, due to regional prejudice and racism certain accents in the United States associated with urban areas (e.g., a Bronx accent), with rural regions (e.g., an Appalachian accent), or race (e.g., black English) may reinforce negative stereotypes (usually erroneously) regarding business ability, education level, or acumen among certain U.S. subgroups. Similarly, some cultures use sociolinguistics to differentiate one economic class from another. Thus, in England, distinct accents are associated with the aristocracy and the middle and lower classes. These distinctions are often unknown by foreigners. David Victor 79 80 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Music within the region has also made some impact on the communication style of the youth. Clothes are a communication tool and the clothes associated with specific genres, for example dancehall, communicate their own story. Music also influences the body language we use. For example, in the 1960s many songs were sung about bringing about peace. Slogans like ‘Make love not war’ were very popular; therefore, the peace sign, the raised separated index and third finger, was used to communicate goodwill and friendship. That was the sign used along with hello or goodbye and it was shared with friends and strangers alike. People were referred to as ‘sister’ and ‘brother’ and there was a popular movement towards world peace. This particular communicative symbol spanned cultures although it originated in North America. Fig. 6.1 The peace sign communicated goodwill In the Caribbean, the dancehall phenomenon, which has close links to North American hip hop, has led to the introduction of signs as well. However, these signs, like some of the music, tend to relate to aggressive behaviour. The raised index and third finger are now closed in a symbolic gesture of the gun and often accompanied by the gun sound. The audience should not only be aware of the power of the song and spoken word but the power of the body language that goes along with those words. ACTIVITY 6.3 1 Cut out pictures from magazines or the newspaper illustrating dance hall or hip hop wear for males and females. Comment on the message that this clothing sends. 2 Are there any other genres of music that can be easily identified by specific clothing? What messages are predominantly communicated by these genres? CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION 6.2 Technology and communication Definition Technology can be defined as the technical means (material objects, systems or techniques) that people use to improve their surroundings. The earliest technology began with humans converting natural resources into simple tools to make their lives and work easier. Implements like the stone axe or the pounding stone were examples of early technology, as was the ability to create fire by rubbing certain objects together. Technology can be utilised for destructive purposes, as in the development of weapons, or as a means of advancing civilised society’s ability to communicate with and understand each other. The first major technological phenomenon associated with communication was the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century. This was the first mass communication vehicle and has been credited with ushering in the Age of Enlightenment. The printing press facilitated the spread of information in all areas of human life: religion, politics, science, economics, art and literature. Naturally, it was also able to influence human thought and eventually the development of even greater communication technology through the centuries. For a long time, the only mass communication medium was print, until the invention of the electromagnet in 1825 heralded the advent of electronic communications: telegraph, telephone, radio and eventually the ‘miracle’ of television. However, it is hard to imagine that there can be anything to revolutionise communication to the extent that the Internet and other modern electronic media have done. Bill Gates (1999) referred to modern business transactions as ‘business at the speed of thought’. Much of modern communication is certainly conducted at lightning speed. Communication technology has evolved from the telephone to fax machines to the mobile phone and instant messaging and their most revolutionary aspect is speed. Less than 20 years ago, these were only possible in science fiction; now it is almost impossible to imagine giving up the ease of communication that more and more sophisticated technology affords us. Technology has enhanced our lives by offering multiple options for our modes of communication and by affording us the opportunity to exist in a virtual world in which we can potentially communicate with everyone else. The virtual classroom enables us to gain certification without stepping through a school door; we can play board games without sitting across the table from our partners, or participate in adventure fantasy games with thousands of other players whom we have never seen. The many new avenues for communication have changed how, when and with whom we communicate. Telephones allow you to speak to one person or hold a conference call with several and your Smartphone puts you in touch with the world.You may choose person-to-person email correspondence, or liaise with limitless groups through chat rooms or threaded discussions.You can send information to hundreds via electronic mailing lists or multiple text messages to millions via television and satellite technology.You can also: Chat with your friends and family in real-time using an Instant Messaging program such as Y! Messenger, MSN Messenger, Blackberry Messenger, AppMe, Skype or OoVoo. ■ Create and update your online profile on sites such as Facebook, and interact with others online by sharing photos, videos, links. Other social network sites can be geared towards business purposes, for example Linked In. ■ Express your thoughts and emotions by keeping an online journal or ‘blog’. Although Livejournal was the original large and ‘underground’ blogging community, many others exist, for example Wordpress. Bloggers include famous athletes, musicians and political figures, as well as millions of ordinary people blogging about all sorts of subjects. ■ 81 82 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY In the same way, you may be on the receiving end of mass emails (spam) on a daily basis or have the gory details of a faraway war shown in real time in your living room. Apart from the array of available modes of communication, we are also faced with large volumes of information that needs to be sorted, processed, filed, responded to or utilised. Therefore, comprehension skills must be deployed in several areas at once.You need to be discerning with regard to what is important and what should be discarded with little thought. This is why most email programs now have automatic filters to save you from wading through hundreds of junk mail messages. It is also important to develop expertise in the use of all communication tools at your disposal so as to select the appropriate mode and to observe the required etiquette for modern communication. The North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL) refers to these skills as interactive communication, which it defines as ‘the generation of meaning through exchanges using a range of contemporary tools, transmissions and processes’ and has listed the following required competencies: Students who are interactive communicators: When selecting modes of interaction: • Consider features, conventions, and etiquette of interactive electronic environments • Choose media and processes appropriate to purpose and audience • Seek out and interact with virtual communities of interest (formal and informal learning). During interaction: • Use a range of expression (such as voice, video, text and image) to maximise the impact of medium or online environment • In synchronous modes, are comfortable with immediacy of interaction, engaging in appropriate give and take, and effectively interpreting and providing emotional cues to enhance electronic communications Fig. 6.2 ‘New’ technology • Manage high volume electronic communication efficiently and effectively • Listen well, seek mutual understanding, welcome full sharing of information, and consider others’ views before commenting ACTIVITY 6.4 1 Which of the above competencies do you possess? 2 Trace the development of electronic technology from the invention of the electromagnet. • Exhibit personally responsible behaviour, especially in situations of anonymity. NCREL CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION 6.3 Technology and culture Apart from its influence on our methods of communication, technology continuously reshapes language itself and, therefore, culture. Even though [India] has only 3.7 One of the greatest impacts of technology on million personal computers, it has culture has been on language. The dominance the largest number of software of English as the major language of the Internet professionals outside of California has resulted in the adoption of English language in the world and exported software characteristics by speakers of other languages. worth about $8 billion in 2003–4, much of it to the U.S. In some cases, vocabulary such as ‘iPad’, ‘blog’, ‘email’, ‘Blu-Ray’, ‘flash’ have been directly A. Marcus absorbed into the language of non-English speakers online. In addition, many email correspondents do not take the time to put in the accents that belong to Spanish, Swedish or ACTIVITY 6.5 French words, for example, which of course, 1 In your groups, make a chart changes the language. depicting all the words and We have already established that language expressions relating to Internet and is a major aspect of culture. If the Internet digital technology that you use or reflects the language of the dominant economic encounter often. power, then speakers of other languages are 2 If you do not already know, find forced to adapt or remain at a disadvantage. The out what an iPod and MP3 player do. majority of online journals, abstracts and other 3 Make a list of the abbreviations reference material is in English and translations you know that are used in modern technology. Find out what they are not always feasible or available. The cost of stand for. developing software to facilitate multilingual web searches is a deterrent factor. However, while English continues to dominate the Internet, Internet translation services like Google Translate instantly translate text and web pages with a fairly high level of reliability. Technology is also responsible for the influx of a large number of words into the English language. We have already noted some of them in Chapter 4. Some of the words used to describe the components of new technology have had to be invented, for example ‘Blogger’, ‘Google’, ‘Qwerty’, ‘Wiki’. However, the majority of technology-associated words are adaptations of vocabulary already in use. New compound words have been formed, for example ‘Netbook’, ‘homepage’, ‘software, ‘Facebook’ and ‘YouTube’. In addition, new meanings were ascribed to several already existing words, for example ‘surf ’, ‘mouse’, ‘windows’, ‘tweet’ and ‘drive’. Many abbreviations have also become accepted as words and no one wonders what they stand for since they have already been incorporated into vocabulary as having a word meaning, for example ‘USB’, ‘HTML’, ‘MP3’, ‘HDTV’. Abbreviations have also become the norm for communicating in Internet chat rooms or via instant messaging services and mobile phone texts. In this case the sender and receiver are both familiar with the meanings of the abbreviations. An entire new ‘language’, known as Netlingo, has evolved to facilitate the speed with which conversations now take place. Often one person may be carrying out several different conversations at once and has to shift from one to the other rapidly. Did you know? 83 84 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Inevitably, the development of technology has an impact on the culture of a society by Read this instant message conversation. Can you influencing or changing the way in which things rewrite it so that someone unfamiliar with Netlingo are done. As a society becomes more technology can understand? driven, there is a need to communicate faster and to transfer larger amounts of information. Therefore, traditional means of communication are either abandoned or adapted to suit the new glitterwings360 says: technology. We can trace the history of hey ‘sup? LTNS communication and relate it to the development je11yb3an says: of technology, from traditional handwritten letter Ikr! u’ve been AWOL recently. writing and postage, to the advent of the typewritten document, onwards to transmission glitterwings360 says: of information via telegram/telegraph, and then LOL b/c tons of hw 2 do. via the personal computer, which replaced the je11yb3an says: typewriter. The advent of the fax machine Yh me 2. signalled the death of the telegram, and glitterwings360 says: electronic mail (email) has largely replaced both Lab 2 finish. BTW did urs? fax transmission and traditional ‘snail mail’ (the colloquial name given to mail sent through the je11yb3an says: Post Office).The change in technology has also Nah. My bff and I went salsa dancing. resulted in changes in our language style. For I have 2 left feet! #YOLO example, with the advent of the Internet, letters are increasingly sent via electronic mail and tend glitterwings360 says: to be less formal. Emails are generally formatted ROTFL. FYI its due mon! in memorandum style with pre-set fields such as: je11yb3an says: ‘To:’ and ‘subject:’. Dates and return address are OMG! 4got!… N E way, will do B4 mon. automatically inserted when the message is transferred to the receiver. Therefore, the norm glitterwings360 says: GL! But GTG. C ya tmr. is to exchange quick notes with little or no attention to paragraphing or closure. Greetings, je11yb3an says: when used, are informal: ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’. On page KK. TTYL 85 is a sample of a traditional friendly letter followed by an email version. Which one do you use more often? The volume of traditionally mailed letters is constantly decreasing as even the most bulky documents can be transmitted via email as electronic attachments. No longer is there a need to mail various forms back and forth; for example, application forms can easily be filled in, submitted and processed online in an entirely paperless way. For many people, even email has become too slow and this has been replaced by SMS (Simultaneous Messaging Service) text, which can be done via cellular phones or IM (instant messaging) on the Internet. No longer do we need to wait a week or two for a response to a question from a colleague two continents away. In addition to IM, which is even more accessible through our smartphones,VOIP (Voice Over Internet Provider) offers a viable alternative to face to face communication. Skype and ooVoo are popular examples and software such as Blackboard Collaborate allows students in distance ACTIVITY 6.6 CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION Example 1 University of Guyana Turkeyen Campus, P.O. Box 10-1110 Greater Georgetown, Guyana 5th March 1981 Dear Susan, How are you? I thought that I would let you know that I have settled into university and though it is confusing it is also quite exciting. I bumped into Adrian from our class yesterday and we are taking some of the same courses so there is at least one friendly face among all these strangers. I also saw Shanni but as usual I ignored her. So how is the job going? Made any new friends at work? Is the job exciting or dead boring? When I come home in the summer I will need a job too so please check on that for me. I’ve absolutely got to get some sleep so I look forward to getting a letter from you soon. Love Cathy Example 2 New Message From: To: Subject: I reach Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2013 09:15:44 -0400 Hi Susan Settled in. Kinda confusin but exciting. Saw Adrian. Got sum classes wid him. Saw Shanni. Dissed her. How de job? Goin good? Check out one for me for summer. Need sleep. Hear ya. Cathy education programmes to participate in a simulated classroom environment.VOIP technology allows communicators to chat in real time and hear each other without the bother of expensive telephone bills, by simply investing in a microphone and headphones or using a laptop or tablet’s built-in camera/microphone. The following excerpt on page 86 addresses the issue of modern day communication through social networks. 85 86 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Social Networking’s Good and Bad Impacts on Kids Psychologists explore myths, realities and offer guidance for parents Rosen said new research has also found positive influences linked to social networking, including: WASHINGTON – Social media present risks and benefits to children but parents who try to secretly monitor their kids’ activities online are wasting their time, according to a presentation at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. • Young adults who spend more time on Facebook are better at showing ‘virtual empathy’ to their online friends. ‘While nobody can deny that Facebook has altered the landscape of social interaction, particularly among young people, we are just now starting to see solid psychological research demonstrating both the positives and the negatives,’ said Larry D. Rosen, PhD, professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills. In a plenary talk entitled, ‘Poke Me: How Social Networks Can Both Help and Harm Our Kids,’ Rosen discussed potential adverse effects, including: • Teens who use Facebook more often show more narcissistic tendencies while young adults who have a strong Facebook presence show more signs of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviours, mania and aggressive tendencies. • Daily overuse of media and technology has a negative effect on the health of all children, preteens and teenagers by making them more prone to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders, as well as by making them more susceptible to future health problems. • Facebook can be distracting and can negatively impact learning. Studies found that middle school, high school and college students who checked Facebook at least once during a 15-minute study period achieved lower grades. • Online social networking can help introverted adolescents learn how to socialise behind the safety of various screens, ranging from a twoinch smartphone to a 17-inch laptop. • Social networking can provide tools for teaching in compelling ways that engage young students. For parents, Rosen offered guidance. ‘If you feel that you have to use some sort of computer program to surreptitiously monitor your child’s social networking, you are wasting your time. Your child will find a workaround in a matter of minutes,’ he said. ‘You have to start talking about appropriate technology use early and often and build trust, so that when there is a problem, whether it is being bullied or seeing a disturbing image, your child will talk to you about it.’ He encouraged parents to assess their child’s activities on social networking sites, and discuss removing inappropriate content or connections to people who appear problematic. Parents also need to pay attention to the online trends and the latest technologies, websites and applications children are using, he said. ‘Communication is the crux of parenting. You need to talk to your kids, or rather, listen to them,’ Rosen said. ‘The ratio of parent listen to parent talk should be at least five-to-one. Talk one minute and listen for five.’ Larry D. Rosen CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION In the same way that technology affects writing and speaking communication, it also influences reading behaviours. One may browse at an online bookstore and 1 Discuss some of the order a physical book or opt to buy an electronic version or e-book, which can ways in which social be downloaded and read on screen or printed by those who still are more networking might be comfortable with the feel of paper. Many people now own electronic readers, used as an innovative (some of which simulate the matte look of paper) on which they can also teaching tool. download books and other documents like university prospectuses and academic 2 Do you agree with papers. This means that certain cultural practices such as going to the library or Dr Rosen that parents exchanging books with friends may no longer have their traditional place in our should monitor their lives. Similarly, books, which were once popular gifts, are given less often and one children’s activities on social networking sites? is more and more likely to get some type of electronic device. Why or why not? Listening behaviours have also been influenced by changing technology. Over 3 How do you the years, music has become more portable as the vinyl record was replaced by imagine people will be the audio cassette, which communicating in the gave way to compact discs next ten years? and eventually digital music downloaded from the Internet onto portable media players such as the iPod or other digital audio players. As with the online bookshops, online music stores allow the listener to browse, listen to excerpts and purchase either hard copies or downloadable music files. There is no longer the need to rush home to watch your favourite Once upon a time… television show, since you can easily watch it at your leisure on the Internet at a later time or even while you are on the bus or the beach, by way of Fig. 6.3 Listening to an electronic reader your smartphone. Streaming media allow you to watch live events on your computer so that there is no need even to download. Increasingly, technology impacts on the way we learn and impart knowledge. Some of you may own miniature recording devices that allow you to supplement your notetaking in class by seeking your teacher’s permission to record lectures (remember that this should never be done without permission). Technology also allows you to enhance your class presentations through the use of overhead, digital or multimedia projectors; or you may choose to record supporting material on DVDs or USB drives to accompany your presentation. Paper charts, chalk and chalkboards are already not necessary parts of the modern classroom. Meanwhile, the modern classroom is often not a physical space at all. Many of you will pursue online courses at some point in your lives, earning diplomas and degrees without leaving home to attend a physical college or university. Therefore, your traditional methods of study and interacting with teachers and peers, which are part of your culture, will undergo change. Social interaction has also been influenced by technology. The television has been blamed for a number of cultural changes such as increased antisocial behaviour and less community interaction since people tend to spend more time indoors being entertained. ACTIVITY 6.7 87 88 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY Newer technology has contributed even further to the variety of home entertainment and non-physical interaction options. For example, it is possible to engage in a game of scrabble or participate in role playing games with other players from around the world. The Internet has spawned large communicative networks in the form of chat rooms, web logs (blogs), e-groups and virtual friendship networks, which have limitless possibilities in terms of the number of communicators participating in a single communication act. Images can be shared just as easily as words since texts and pictures of family picnics, accidents or popular idols can be transmitted from digital cameras through the Internet or even instantly from one cellular phone to another. They are often posted online on Facebook or any number of private or public Internet forums. Therefore the nature of communicative content has also changed, as the new media allow the sharing of one’s most intimate information with absolute strangers, something which was taboo in most cultures.YouTube has provided an avenue for many amateur film makers and singers to broadcast themselves to the world. Even the most horrific acts of violence have been filmed and broadcast and it is quite easy for a video to ‘go viral’ or spread rapidly through social networking. Some have expressed concern that the content of the Internet tends to portray primarily the culture of economically/socially dominant societies, which subtly impacts on cultures that are less dominant on the world stage. Some people have begun to define themselves and their self-worth according to the technology that they own or control and this is sometimes at the expense of traditional culture and societal norms. Business culture has also been modified by technology.You are more likely to hear of a sale or marketing promotion via electronic media than through print. Daily offers Fig. 6.4 People define themselves according to the technology they own of discounts and specials fill your email inbox and you are not restricted by lack of transportation to the sale site. Companies advertise on search engines, social networking sites or anywhere else that people go online. The number of online shoppers continues to grow rapidly and while post offices have seen a decline in the number of letters, they are recording massive increases in the number of mailed packages.You can purchase absolutely anything online, from homes and cars to jewellery and clothing. People who would never have attended an auction in their lives are now competing for items on sites like e-Bay and those who have no retail experience are selling items with ease and confidence. In many countries, it is now possible never to leave your house since ordering groceries is at your fingertips and you can conduct your banking, pay your bills, participate in a religious service or keep up with your friends and family from your favourite armchair. CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION It is difficult to think of an aspect of our way of life and cultural practices that has not been influenced in some way by modern communication technology. It is impossible to turn back the tide of rapid expansion of communication technology. At the same time, critics lament the fact that these new methods of communication also negatively affect interpersonal communication skills. Many people use the Internet to communicate with others within their own neighbourhoods, rather than interact at actual social gatherings. In fact, some modern families who operate on different time schedules may actually communicate most often via telephone, email and instant messaging. Sure, Jason. I just lit the grill. Sharma, I’m bringing out the chicken now. Fig. 6.5 Some families communicate most often by telephone Although the advent of web cameras allows people to see each other while communicating through the Internet, such interaction is often self-conscious and contrived. Therefore it is difficult for some individuals to develop good interpersonal relations in real life. Some psychologists believe that the web camera encourages ‘showoff ’ behaviour and may incite violent activities as has happened with young people who display weapons and boast about their intentions and then either commit violent acts or dare others to do so. Cyber bullying has become a serious concern and has led to some tragic incidents.Virtual communication also encourages the blurring of moral standards and the elimination of protocol. For example many people post provocative photographs or lewd videos of themselves online, with no thought to propriety. Modern technology enables inappropriate messages or images to be transmitted without restriction and a constant battle must be fought against the invasion of privacy through spam, junk mail or unwanted virtual visitors sifting through the contents of your computer or other devices. The anonymity afforded by the World Wide Web also has an impact on the nature of 89 90 UNIT 2: UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION IN SOCIETY ACTIVITY 6.8 1 How does technology affect your life differently today from the way it did ten years ago? 2 Discuss the technological trends that may impact even more on your culture in the future. interpersonal communication. Anybody can register an email address, and whole false identities can be created via social networking sites. Therefore, it is possible to develop virtual relationships with people who are not the least like the image that they portray through the Internet. Conclusion The way we communicate is not static. Every day there are new ways of interacting available to us. The key to effective communication is knowing what is available, choosing the preferred method and making oneself aware of the protocol when using this methodology. Our culture impacts on and is impacted by communication and this is something we must take into consideration as we communicate. However, we must also prepare ourselves to function in the new technological age. In our schools and communities there are courses offered that introduce these technologies, and libraries often offer use of the computer for research and preparation of documents. Every opportunity should be grasped to become proficient in what is steadily becoming a paperless world. The availability of practically anything one can imagine, instantly at one’s fingertips, has been described as information overload, which often makes it difficult to exercise the level of concentration required for effective listening. Reading and listening skills, which are described in the next unit, are key to determining which information is necessary to the task at hand and which can be discarded. Unit 3 teaches you how to apply the appropriate comprehension and research skills to the infinite amounts of information at your disposal. CHAPTER 6: TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 1 Explain three ways in which culture impacts on language. 2 Discuss three ways in which language has been affected by the emergence of the computer age. 3 In what two ways has music aided in crossing cultural barriers thus leading to wider communication? 4 You are about to set up your own business. State three technological devices you would not want to be without. Explain how you would use two of these devices. 5 ‘The new language of technology has alienated or excluded large groups of society. Internet culture is representative only of the young and middle class.’ Discuss this view. References Constance, Z. (2002). Duelling Voices in Bully, A., Constance, Z. & Cumper, P. Champions of the Gayelle. Oxford: Macmillan, pp. 42–43. Gates, B. (1999). Business at the Speed of Thought: Using a digital nervous system. GrandCentral Publishing, p. 37. Hodge, M. (1997). The Knots in English: A manual for Caribbean users. Wellesley, Massachusetts: Calaloux Publications. Interactive Communication. Accessed 15 May 2013 from engauge21st.pdf p. 56 Marcus, A. (2004). Insights on Outsourcing. Interaction, July/August, p. 13. Rosen, L. (Plenary Session: 3378, 4 p.m.–4:50 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 6, 2011 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Street Level, Room 147 B. Presentation: ‘Poke Me: How Social Networks Can Both Help and Harm Our Kids’. Larry D. Rosen, PhD, California State University, Dominguez Hills) Retrieved, 11 November, 2012. 91 92 End of Unit Test 2 2 What TWO technological devices could a politician use to gain support for his/her candidacy? Explain The majority of us are not, of course, English speaking. We are a Creole-speaking people. We have a language of our own, and English is another language that we have to learn. The trouble is that we are not always able to distinguish Creole from English. This is because we use the same words in Creole as in English: both have more or less the same vocabulary. Often people assume that they are speaking or writing English because they are using English words. However, our first language (or ’mother tongue’) has a different grammar from English, a different sound system and a certain percentage of its vocabulary that is not English … We are liable to make mistakes because English is not our mother tongue, and like the Venezuelan or Guadeloupan using English, we may take something of our mother tongue with us when we cross over in to another language. We are less likely to make those mistakes if we are aware of the differences between English and Creole. Merle Hodge (4 marks) how he/she could use these. 3 You have travelled back in time to 1970. Describe the communication methods available to you. Comment on both the positives and negatives of these communication methodologies. (25 marks) 4 Read the extract on page 93 and answer the question that follows: In essay format discuss the following: • the range of language and register used in this passage. • how the stage directions help in understanding the body language of the speakers. • how a filmed version of this dialogue would help the audience to better appreciate the tone and intent of the speakers. (25 marks) References: Unit 2 Additional reading Allsopp, R. (2003). Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press. Christie, P. (ed.) (1996). Caribbean Language Issues, Old and New. Jamaica: The University of the West Indies Press. Hudson, R. (2005) Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Roberts, P. (1988). West Indians and Their Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1 Answer the questions on the extract above: (a) Give four examples of mistakes Caribbean students make in Standard English that may be attributed to transference of Creole grammar. (4 marks) (b) Identify two sounds in Standard English that are not used in Creole. (2 marks) (c) ‘We have a language of our own.’ Discuss the historical, social and political influences that shaped Caribbean language. (15 marks) Society for Caribbean Linguistics. Creole Language maps at Accessed 15 May 2013. Zeuschner, R. (1997). Communicating Today. Allyn & Bacon. 93 MARGE: Miss. Me eh blame the teachers nah, some o’ them girls does look for they own trouble. MISS: I know, but these gentlemen, I have to call them that for want of a better term, use this to take advantage of the girls. I mean, some of them are married, some are twice as old as the children, and yet! MARGE: But Miss, if the girls like the teacher? MISS: Majorie, that is no reason for you to have a sexual relationship with him. MARGE: Miss, you doh know nah, but when you hear you like a teacher so, you does end up doing all kinda thing. MISS: The way you speaking like you interested in one. MARGE: (Caught off-guard.) Me, Miss you mad! But it have girls in the class who I know have. MISS: (teasing her.) You sure is not you? MARGE: Yes, Miss. MISS: ’Yes’ meaning you have? MARGE: I mean ’No’, Miss. MISS: Oh huh! MARGE: (Relieved.) Oh gosh, Miss. MISS: Don’t worry. Just a joke I’m making. I hear how some of the girls in your class like Mr Johnstone. Is a good thing he’s not one of the sex-hungry men we have on the staff. MARGE: Is true, Miss. MISS: I still find that it’s the men’s fault. If you know a child has a crush on you, you should be responsible enough to handle the situation … MARGE: But some o’ them girls does be pushing up theyself. MISS: Yes, because they have no shame, no ambition and no training. But if you are a grown up, mature, responsible male, you are going to risk your career, your marriage, your whatever else for a bit of enjoyment with some little girl who could be your daughter? MARGE: But Miss, them girls does say them is big women, and you should hear them. ’What I want with a schoolboy, them could give me anything?’ And, ‘Schoolboy could mine me if I get pregnant?’, and besides they does say they looking for a man with experience. MISS: I know, but when you get older you’ll see how stupid that is. It is the responsibility of the man who is much more experienced to avoid these relationships. You know how many young, teenage girls find themselves making babies for men who are so much older than they are, that they could be the fathers of the girls and grandfathers of the babies? You know how many wives have to leave their husbands because he is involved with a teenage girl outside the home? How you will feel if you were the cause of, say, Mr Johnstone leaving his wife? MARGE: (Genuinely startled.) Me, Miss? That could never happen to me. I ’fraid Mr Johnstone, and beside he too old. MISS: You are right. People have to understand that the relationship between teachers and students is a very serious thing. It is almost a blessed, sacrosanct thing … a holy affair. It is like walking on a sacred ground. It is more important and critical than the relationship, say, between a doctor and his patient; more trusting than the relationship between a politician and his constituent; more sensitive and binding than that between a priest and his confessioneer; more confidential than that between a lawyer and his client. Because you are dealing with young minds, and if the early years are tainted and spoilt, then the child could be hurt forever. If hopes cannot be cherished and futures cannot be realised; when respect becomes disrespect and love turns to lust; when trust is replaced by fear and familiarity gives way to contempt; when levels are confused and positions exchanged, then the child is a victim of her own immorality and the teacher is a prisoner of his own conscience. And education … education becomes a travesty, a mockery of our reality. MARGE: (stunned for a while) But Miss, ent it possible for two people to really love each other? Z. Constance 3 Interpreting Communication We live in an information-rich society and new information is created daily. We are bombarded daily through all types of media, with news, views, statistics, argument, instructions, persuasions, reports, reviews and, of course, conversations. Some information is critical, some is useful, some is entertaining, much is useless. On a daily basis, we need to sift, sort, compile, retain, discard and respond to the information we receive. The sheer volume of information would overwhelm us if we did not develop strategies for dealing with it. We must learn how to find the information we need, how to sort the essential from the extraneous, and how to recognise when we are being manipulated by the messages we receive. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this unit you should be able to: 1 evaluate examples of written and spoken communication based on their form, content and context 2 apply comprehension skills of analysis and critical evaluation to a range of material. 96 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION 7 Comprehending Information The modern world contains more information than any other period in history. Naturally, with each succeeding day, week, month and year more and more information is added to the already existing body of knowledge. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by all the knowledge that actually exists in the world and become daunted by the fact that it is impossible to get to know everything. While it is indeed impossible to know everything, it is possible to know and understand more than enough to enable us to live productive and satisfying lives. We feel overwhelmed when we do not have the skills to manipulate the mass of information with which we come into contact daily. The ability to manage information effectively makes it much easier to improve our communication skills and understand the world in which we live. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 1 and Specific Objectives 1, 2 and 4. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter you should be able to: 1 describe the comprehension process 2 identify the levels of comprehension 3 identify characteristic formats, organisational features and modes of expression of different types of speech and writing 4 apply the levels of comprehension to examples of written or spoken material. Definition According to Webster’s dictionary, comprehension is ’the capacity for understanding fully; the act or action of grasping with the intellect’. 7.1 Introduction What does it mean to ‘understand fully’? Obviously, simply understanding what each word means does not result in comprehension. To comprehend means to understand the thoughts and ideas of a writer or speaker and to be able to apply these ideas in various contexts. Understanding a concept is far more than merely understanding the words with which it is explained. The act of comprehension is more complicated than you might think. Process of comprehension It is important to understand that comprehension is a process that can be controlled. Awareness and control of this process is called metacognition, which means ’knowing about knowing’. Many people find the comprehension of reading material very difficult, mostly because they are not cognisant of the strategies that they should apply to comprehension. Comprehension is a process that should be triggered automatically when you listen to 97 98 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION or read information. Developing good comprehension skills begins with understanding the process and consciously going through the steps until it becomes instinctive. The main stages of the process are (i) pre-reading/listening, (ii) during reading/listening and (iii) post-reading/listening. Each stage requires you to apply specific thinking strategies that enable you to maximise comprehension. Pre-reading / listening This stage involves predicting: making educated guesses about thoughts, events, outcomes or conclusions. Predictions may be based on elements such as the cover of a book, the topic of a speech, what you know about the author or speaker, the type of book, the context of a speech. Note that, as you read or listen, your predictions are confirmed or invalidated and you are constantly making new predictions.You can also prepare your mind for receiving information more efficiently by determining what you would like to find out from what you are about to read or listen to. During reading / listening In this stage you are monitoring your comprehension, or engaging in metacognition. As you read or listen, you should: a) Picture or form images. As you listen to or read words and ideas, they create mental images that are directly or indirectly related to the material. These images facilitate greater understanding of the text. b) Relate to your experiences. By relating your experiences and existing knowledge to the new material that you encounter, you are able to make it part of your repertoire of ideas and are better able to digest the new material. c) Monitor: while listening or reading, you constantly check your understanding of the material. Should you find information confusing, you try to resolve this by rereading or looking at a previous page for clarification or, in a listening situation, asking questions of the speaker.You are continuously questioning yourself and reflecting on the material that you are encountering. Post-reading / listening This is the stage in which you consolidate what you have heard or read by thinking about it, discussing it with others and applying it in new ways and contexts. This stage is important because this is when you are sure that you have mastered the information and made it part of your knowledge framework. The following table sums up the activities involved in the reading/listening process: Table 7.1 Activities in the reading / listening process Pre-reading/listening During reading/listening Post-reading/listening Skim (reading) Monitor Think Predict/imagine Question Discuss Think Reflect Apply CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION 7.2 Levels of comprehension The process of comprehension operates at three levels: literal, interpretive and applied. If you are comprehending (understanding fully), it means that you are capable of operating at all three levels. We will use the passage below to illustrate the levels of comprehension. Plenty of plantains bananas. They are a staple crop in much of South and Central America, Africa and the Caribbean. They are belly fillers, not for the dieters, as they are mostly carbohydrate, approximately 40 grams per half plantain, with 180 calories. They are very high in potassium: approximately 500 milligrams per serving. Plantains can be cooked at varying stages of ripeness. Green plantain is starchy, like a potato, and can be fried or boiled. Fried green plantains (Tostones) • 4 green plantains, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces • 4 cloves of garlic • 1 tablespoon salt • 1 quart water oil for frying Fig. 7.1 Fried plantains At most fruit stands in the Caribbean, you’ve seen the very large ’bananas’ in varying stages of ripeness. They might be bright green, yellow or black. I’m certain you wondered who would buy such under-ripe or over-ripe fruit from the vendor. I would – because the fruit isn’t bananas, but instead plantains. The plantain is a banana which is eaten cooked rather than raw. The fruit banana is eaten raw when it turns yellow. The plantains, also called air potatoes or cooking bananas, are drier with lower water content, making then starchier than fruit For a traditional appetiser, smash garlic with salt to a paste, and mix into water. Soak plantain pieces in garlic water for an hour. Drain and fry pieces in vegetable oil until golden brown. Be careful of the oil splatter. Flatten fried plantain pieces by pressing them with a large spoon on wax paper, re-wet slightly mashed plantain in original garlic water, shake off excess water and return to hot oil for two minutes. Great served warm with hot sauce and cold beers. For simpler, non-traditional tostones, do without soaking. S. Hall 99 100 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Literal level This refers to understanding what was actually stated and requires surface understanding of facts and details. If you are engaging in rote learning and memorisation, you are operating at the literal level. Questions that often elicit this level of thinking are who, what, when and where questions. Notice that the answers to these questions are right there in the text and are stated explicitly. Therefore you need only to apply the literal level of comprehension in this case. Interpretive level This level of comprehension is the understanding of what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated. Therefore, you would need to be able to make inferences and logical deductions. At this level, reading ‘between the lines’ is necessary to arrive at meaning. Often, you need to draw upon your own prior knowledge and experience in order to understand.You also need to see how the new information you are acquiring fits in with the information you already have. Generally, open-ended questions like why, how, what and if are required at this level of comprehension. Notice that you had to pause and think about your answers to Activity 7.2, using information in the text to make deductions as well as referring to your wider experience and logic to make suppositions. Applied level At this level, all the information you have gathered at the first two levels is used to extend the concepts or ideas beyond the immediate situation in the text.You are analysing and synthesising information and applying it to other information or contexts. Notice that these questions required you to apply the information you have gathered to justify your opinion and to create something new. ACTIVITY 7.1 Refer to ‘Plenty of plantains’ and answer the following questions: 1 Who is the author of the recipe? 2 What is the main ingredient of this recipe? 3 When is the fruit banana eaten? 4 Where are plantains grown? ACTIVITY 7.2 Refer again to ‘Plenty of plantains’ and answer the following questions: 1 Why are the plantain pieces soaked in garlic water? 2 How would you drain the plantain pieces before frying? 3 What might you do differently if ripe plantains were used instead of green ones? ACTIVITY 7.3 Refer once again to ‘Plenty of plantains’ and answer the following questions: 1 Do you think this piece appeared in (a) an official cookbook or (b) a newspaper or magazine? What makes you think so? 2 Suggest some other food that may be prepared in this way. 3 Write a similar piece, focusing on the preparation of another local food. CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION 7.3 Listening Definition Most dictionaries define listening as paying thoughtful attention whereas hearing is merely the perception of sound and is quite effortless. Much of the information we receive every day comes through listening and viewing. In Chapter 1, you learnt that the largest portion of communicative time is spent listening. Therefore, if we are to be effective receivers of communication, our listening skills must be well developed. Unfortunately, most people are not aware that listening is an active process and believe that once they are hearing, they are listening. On the contrary, hearing is only the first step Fig. 7.2 Listening means paying thoughtful attention of the listening process and, unless we actively engage in the entire process, it is possible to receive information passively (hear it) without actually comprehending. As you read this you are probably hearing lots of sounds around you, but you are not actively trying to identify, interpret or attach meaning to them nor are you responding to them. Listening is a communicative act because the listener is involved in a process that requires concentration and effort. The listening process Whether you are listening to a joke or lecture, viewing a news broadcast or a play, effective comprehension can only be achieved if you are actively engaged in the process. Most of the process actually takes place in the brain. Purposes of listening We listen for a number of purposes, including: a) b) c) d) Fig. 7.3 The process of listening appreciative: for enjoyment or aesthetic pleasure informative: for learning, getting directions, generally gathering knowledge for later recall or use therapeutic: to create social bonding; to empathise; typical of interpersonal rather than public communication critical: to interpret, weigh and judge information or evaluate what is listened to. Regardless of the purpose for listening, a good communicator ensures that he/she is prepared to get maximum benefit from the listening exercise by employing as many of the following techniques as possible: ACTIVITY 7.4 In your groups, discuss examples of situations where you would employ listening for each of the purposes listed above. 101 102 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Prepare to listen – clear your mind and focus on your purpose for listening. Pay attention – give the speaker/performer your undivided attention. Concentrate. ■ Listen for key words – for example, those repeated for emphasis, to introduce new points or indicate conclusions. ■ Defer your opinion – avoid forming an opinion too quickly. Allow the speaker to make the point. ■ Make notes – jot down important facts or points. Listen for main ideas, supporting evidence and techniques. ■ Establish eye contact whenever possible. ■ ■ Did you know? The following are all barriers to effective listening: ■ Daydreaming ■ Poor posture ■ Mentally arguing with the speaker ■ Negative attitude to speaker or message ■ Preset ideas about the topic ■ Physical discomfort ■ Speaker’s voice, gestures or appearance. The most important thing about listening is being aware that you are actively doing something. However, you should also be aware of the possible barriers or impediments to doing it effectively. This allows Fig. 7.4 Listening you to refocus when you observe yourself mentally drifting off, or allowing negative thoughts about the speaker/message to enter your mind. The ability to concentrate is not automatic and must be practised. Training yourself to listen well will pay valuable dividends throughout life. 7.4 Reading In the same way that listening is much more than recognising sound, reading is much more than recognising words. Reading is making meaning of the words we recognise as well as those we do not and understanding the main idea and intent of the author. If you are confused about what you are reading or find yourself leaving out a quantity of text because it is ‘difficult’, you are not comprehending. A good reader: CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION Definition ■ Webster’s dictionary indicates that reading is ‘to receive or take in the sense of … to understand the meaning of written or printed matter’. ■ sets purposes for reading identifies the main ideas of the text ■ makes inferences and draws conclusions about what he/she reads ■ recognises patterns of organisation in a text ■ perceives relationships between concepts ■ applies his/her knowledge and understanding of the material. An important characteristic of good readers is flexibility. Because we read for different purposes, we must adjust our technique and rate of reading to fit the type of material. For example, you may read quickly through the latest best-selling novel, but more slowly through this textbook; you are likely to read the novel once but you may need to read a poem several times to get the meaning. This is because writers also set purposes for writing and vary their writing to suit its particular purpose. Readers respond to the density of language, level of vocabulary and structural patterns by adjusting their ways of reading. Generally, styles of reading fall under five categories. Table 7.2 Styles of reading 1 Skimming Done very quickly. Fastest rate of reading. Used for locating a particular bit of information or specific reference, for example a dictionary definition or a number in the telephone directory. 2 Scanning Used to preview material or obtain a general overview, for example how you would look through a newspaper at the headlines or check the contents of a book. 3 Rapid Generally used for light reading for pleasure or simply to understand the basic plot of a story. Also used when reviewing known or familiar material. 4 Normal Generally applied to material of average difficulty. Used when reading to make connections between ideas, for purposes of retelling, or for answering questions. 5 Careful Used when memorising or evaluating content: applied to material for note-taking, summarising or analysis. Slow and thorough, often involving rereading. Notice that the type of material, as well as your purpose for reading, determines the style that you use. Note also that skimming and scanning are also used as pre-reading strategies for material that requires careful reading. Selection of style is the basic step towards interacting with your text. Once you begin to read, you will need to select appropriate strategies for understanding the specific type of information. 7.5 Applying the levels of comprehension As a student, you interact most frequently with expository writing for the purpose of gathering information. Expository materials include textbooks, articles in journals, magazines or newspapers, reference manuals or any other writing that is done to ACTIVITY 7.5 inform and explain. They normally depend on specific patterns of organisation to present their information. (An exploration of those patterns from a writer’s Scan the pages of this point of view is done in Chapter 11.) This type of writing is often presented with book and identify the types of organisers and typographical organisers such as headings, subheadings, and varying fonts as well aids used to assist the as graphic aids such as illustrations, charts and pictures. These are all designed to reader. assist you in making meaning and should be an integral part of your reading. 103 104 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Did you know? Reading is a gradually acquired skill. This means that in order to get better at it you must do it. The more you read, the better you get. Very often, paying attention to these organisers allows you to get the gist of a piece of writing even before you actually begin to read. One of the most effective ways to approach an expository piece is by using the KWL strategy: What I KNOW, what I WANT to know and what I have LEARNT. Approaching text purposefully enables you to focus more easily and maximise your use of the time spent reading. KWL chart K (what I know about the topic) W (what I want to find out about the topic) Table 7.3 KWL Chart ACTIVITY 7.6 The piece on page 105 is entitled ’A note on cricket’. Fill in the first two columns of the KWL chart before reading the extract. Then fill in the last column. While reading, put a tick next to parts that answer the questions in your ’W’ column and a question mark next to new ideas that you would like to explore further. Once you have completed the ’L’ column compare it to the ’W’ column. Any questions left unanswered by the passage will need additional research. This piece is just part of the introduction to ‘Beyond a Boundary’. You should try to read the entire book by CLR James. Fig. 7.5 West Indian cricketer Brian Lara in action L (what I have learnt about the topic) CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION A note on cricket Two teams of eleven players each contend on a huge grassy oval, often as large as a football field, in the centre of which lies the cricket pitch – a closely cropped area (occasionally covered by a mat) 22 feet by 5 feet, at either end of which stands a wicket – three vertical stumps connected at the top by two horizontal pieces called bails. The batsman and bowler face each other from opposite ends of the pitch, standing in front of the wickets in areas demarcated by lines called creases (popping creases, bowling creases, and return creases). The distance between them is about the same as that between a baseball pitcher and batter. Rules specify where each must stand while throwing or batting, and which parts of the body may extend beyond the creases. The boundary is the line that encircles the perimeter of the entire playing field, and across the field are strewn – in designated positions – members of the fielding (bowling) team. Point, cover point, silly point, extra cover, mid-off, silly mid-off, short leg, and long leg all refer to specific fielding positions (there are over thirty, including the bowler and the wicketkeeper, who functions much like a baseball catcher, with an equally critical and subtle, yet oft unheralded, role). The bowler hurls the ball alternately from each wicket in sets called overs – six to eight balls per over (varying from country to country). When the requisite number of balls has been bowled, a new over is begun by a different bowler. The captain of the fielding team may allow any of his players to bowl, so long as no one bowls two successive overs. When James recounts, at an early moment in the book, that he has bowled three maiden overs, he’s completed three overs in which no runs have been scored from the bat (that is, runs involving balls actually struck) – a feat of no small dexterity that can be duly appreciated by any pitcher who’s attempted to carve out a no-hitter. The bat is wooden, slightly over three feet long, and flat like a paddle with a slight wedge in it. The ball is made of red leather and weighs slightly more than a baseball; it is about nine inches in circumference. Players bat in pairs – one member of the batting team standing at each wicket. Their task is to keep the thrown ball from hitting the wicket by batting it away (here they function much like hockey goalies, but with the added benefit of being able to score points depending on how and where they hit the ball); in addition they attempt to score points by running across the pitch to the opposite wicket, in effect exchanging places with each other. The field team is constantly shifting positions, trying to get the batsman to make a mistake. Because of the many psychological calculations being made by batsmen, bowlers, and fieldsmen throughout the game, each trying to wear the other down, matches may seem to take a relatively long time to complete. A batsman can be dismissed, or eliminated, in a number of ways: if the bowler can dislodge a bail in the wicket with the hurled ball or the batsman does the same accidentally with his bat or body; if a fieldsman catches the batted ball before it touches the ground or dislodges a bail while the batsmen are running; if the batsman is lbw (leg before wicket) – a kind of illegal interference, where he keeps the bail from hitting the wicket by stopping it with something other than his bat, batting hand, or glove; if he illegally moves beyond the crease while receiving the ball (steps out of the batter’s box, so to speak), handles the ball illegally, or deliberately obstructs the field. Each team bats in turn, completing an innings when ten of its eleven members have been dismissed. One-day matches usually consist of one innings per side, won by the team accumulating the most runs in their single innings. Test or international matches can go for thirty playing hours – lasting up to six days – with the winner determined by the aggregate score of two or more innings. C.L.R. James 105 106 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION The KWL approach works well for organising and getting a command of your information, especially at the literal level of comprehension. ‘A note on cricket’ is an example of simple exposition, which is essentially a descriptive explanation using the definition and illustration method. Comprehension, however, often requires you to delve further into the text.You need to ask clarifying questions such as ‘How is this done?’ or ‘Why does this happen?’ Authors anticipate these reader questions by using specific methods of exposition to address them. Sometimes the writer needs to guide you through a process to illustrate how something is done.You will need to look out for key words that indicate the sequence of the steps. Read the following student writing sample of the process method. The key words are highlighted. ACTIVITY 7.7 Using the key words as a guide, list in point form the sequence of steps in preparing for a birthday party. Notice how easy it is to locate the information because of the key words used by the writer. A birthday party can be a very fun affair, free from the last minute harassment if it is properly organised. The first thing one needs to know is the age of the celebrant. This will determine the kind of party that will take place. Secondly, the number of people to be invited must be decided upon. After this is done a theme or a colour scheme must be chosen; this makes shopping for decorations easier. When this is settled, the appropriate venue and time must be selected to complement the theme as well as the guests. Then invitations are prepared ensuring that they fall in with theme or colour scheme and sent out to prospective guests. Be sure to include a telephone number so guests can confirm their attendance or inform of their absence. It might also be necessary to include a map giving directions to guests who are unfamiliar with the venue. The next step is to decide on a menu and contact caterers or friends to decide on a costing for the food. It is very important to prepare a budget and ensure that there is no over spending. Subsequently, you must choose the activities for the party (games, etc.). Remember that the guests must never be bored and at the same time should not be tired out. After this comes the most tiring part, the shopping. Prepare a list for food, drinks, snacks, decorations, party favours and all other things you may need like napkins, cups, plates, candles. Make sure this is done at least two weeks before the party so plans can be changed if necessary. Then you go out and buy the items except for perishable goods. Finally, on the day of the party make sure that everything is in order, food and drinks prepared and laid out, decorations up, activities ready hours before your guests are due to arrive. Sit back and relax and enjoy the remarks of your guests. CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION Another method writers use to organise information is cause and effect. This illustrates why things happen and how one thing either leads to or is caused by another. Specific key words also indicate that a correlation is being made. The following passage exemplifies this. Example Downtown death In the past decade, many of our cities have lost the active and vibrant pulse of night life. No longer are city streets filled with the sights and sounds of window shoppers strolling along eating roasted nuts or people spilling out of cinemas in animated discussion of the latest film. The reasons for our dark and empty streets are economic, cultural and social. The abundance of cheaper land and larger spaces in suburban areas has attracted entertainment business owners who needed to expand but could not do so in the confines of the city. Therefore, as business enterprises grew, their owners relocated to areas that allowed greater parking facilities and of course larger premises. Cinemas, nightclubs and restaurants moved en masse out of the city. In addition, the advent of North American styled shopping centres and malls created a new cultural phenomenon. As a result, customers increasingly gravitated towards these large, attractive areas which facilitated one stop shopping and entertainment day and night. There was no need to window shop along city sidewalks when one could sit on a comfortable bench surrounded by dazzling displays of merchandise. The fear of crime on city streets also drove many former city residents to the relative safety and security of suburban areas and cities were depleted of a residential component. Consequently, cities became predominantly corporate centres which operate from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Nowadays, after six o’clock each evening, our cities are routinely transformed into virtual ghost towns. Writers sometimes explain or describe something by comparing it to or contrasting it with something else. This is the comparison/contrast method. A writer may compare only, which means that he/she looks at similarities between things, contrast (look at differences only), or do both in the same piece of writing. As a reader, you will find it helpful to look for key words that indicate a comparison is being made. This helps you to weigh the ideas being presented in your mind as you read. See how the writer of the following passage on page 108 uses this technique. 107 108 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Example Lawn and table tennis Tennis is a popular game dating as far back as the thirteenth century. There are two versions of the game, namely, lawn tennis and table tennis (or ping pong). While there are some similarities between the two versions, most aspects vary greatly. Both table and lawn tennis are played by two players or two team players (doubles), who alternate hitting a ball over a net. In the case of lawn tennis, the net is set up on an outdoor court while the table tennis net is smaller and placed on a table. Table tennis is played with a paddle and a light vellum ball, whereas lawn tennis is played with a stringed racket and a rubber ball. In both cases, the objective is to hit the ball across the net within set boundaries, in such a way so as to prevent the opponent from returning it to your side. In lawn tennis, games consist of four points. On the other hand, a table tennis player must reach a score of 21 points to win and a winning margin of two points in required. A similar two-point margin applies to the lawn version. Lawn tennis, the older game, is by far the more popular of the two. When an author analyses a topic by breaking it down into categories representing particular sets of characteristics, he/she is using division or classification. This means that similar aspects of the topic are grouped together and dealt with separately from the other aspects. Again, key words relative to this method assist you in identifying the classes or groups and their characteristics. The following passage on page 109 uses the technique of classification. ACTIVITY 7.8 Can you find writing that uses these tones? reflective condescending whimsical amused disdainful reverent urgent persuasive ominous sarcastic CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION Example Shakespeare’s plays Shakespeare’s plays seem to reflect three distinct periods in his life and can be grouped accordingly. Each set of plays has common characteristics like theme and style. The first major group is the histories and early comedies written in the 1590s. Many of these were adaptations of other playwrights’ works. The Comedy of Errors, the Taming of the Shrew, Henry VI and Richard III were some from this earliest period. These plays were primarily lighthearted and comic in nature, a fact ascribed to the public’s desire for comedy after the ravages of the plague. The second group of plays was begun at the end of the century in 1599 when Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar. This period lasted till about 1606 and was characterised by what are known as his darkest plays, for example Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear. The overriding themes were lust, betrayal, power and egoism. Although Shakespeare did write a few comedies like Twelfth Night and Measure for Measure during this period, the majority of his work at this time was dark and tragic. The final group of plays is often referred to as the ’late romances’. These include Pericles, Cymbeline and The Tempest, written between 1606 and 1613. These plays bear some similarity to the romance literature from the medieval period and feature magic events and happy endings. The main theme of this set of plays is the prevailing of justice in spite of tragedy. Often, an author’s purpose goes beyond simply conveying information. A piece of writing may be designed to convince or persuade. A good reader must be able to differentiate between claims or points that are based on clear, logical premises and those that are opinionated and spurious. Critical thinking skills must be employed to determine the intent of the author, the devices he/she uses to achieve that intent and the overall value of the piece of writing. The author’s intent is the effect he/she would like to have on the reader or the response that he/she wants to provoke. Comprehending at the interpretive level requires you to figure out the author’s intent, which can be conveyed through the tone of the writing and the mood created by the author. Both tone and mood are achieved by the choice of words and the type of literary devices that the writer employs. Tone refers to the manner in which writers reflect their attitude towards their material or readers; for example, tone can be formal, intimate, ironic, outraged, serene. A writer may shift tone from paragraph to paragraph or even from one line to another. While it is easy to detect a speaker’s tone since his/her intonation makes it evident, understanding written tone requires the reader to appreciate word choice, images and other details in the text. 109 110 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 7.9 Read these two passages below and answer the questions that follow. Passage A: ‘Ivan the Terrible’ invades Grenada He moved in slowly from the East in early September, disguised as ’Tropical Depression Number Nine.’ Growing in magnitude, and renamed ’Tropical Storm Ivan,’ this menacing weather system perplexed storm watchers by following an atypical track far south of the usual ’Hurricane Belt’ latitudes seen with past Atlantic Basin storms. Apparently, a sizeable prevailing ’Bermuda High’ contributed to the hurricane’s southerly track. A day later, Ivan was a Category 2 Hurricane (on the SaffirSimpson scale, this is a powerful storm leading to flooding, and considerable damage), travelling towards the southern Windward Islands with sustained winds of 120 mph (104 knots). There was no doubt, in all of the National Hurricane Centre’s prediction models, that ’Ivan the Terrible’ was going to cause havoc as it rolled into one or more of southern Caribbean islands. It wasn’t a case of if – but where and when. Ivan gathered momentum as it careened into the southern half of Grenada, classified as a Category 3 storm (flash flooding, a threat to beach residences and extensive damage to roofs and buildings’ sidewalls) and leaving a wake of devastating consequences. Fig. 7.6 Grenada after Hurricane Ivan The following few days made it very clear what a powerful weather system this storm was, as Ivan killed dozens of residents and damaged or destroyed many of Grenada’s buildings. Countless houses suffered damage, and most lost at least part of their roofs. A good number just blew away. Ivan’s eye passed over Grenada’s southern parishes, but its fury extended as far north as Carriacou, Petite Martinique, the Grenadines, St Vincent and up into St Lucia. This was a momentous storm – and had plenty of intensity in it as it crossed the Caribbean and headed for more windfalls downwind. After brushing Barbados, grinding into Grenada, jumping over Jamaica, colliding with the Cayman Islands, and crashing into the western end of Cuba before galloping into the U.S. Gulf Coast, Ivan still was not done. The storm then meandered through Mississippi, slid across the Southern and Mid-Atlantic states and ambled back into the Atlantic. After a brief rest, and fuelled by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, it formed again off the Florida coast. Ivan gave the ’Sunshine State’ another scare before grinding into the Gulf of Mexico for a second time. Three weeks after Tropical Depression 9 first appeared on the weather maps, Ivan started to blow itself out and toppled the last of its rain on the Texas coast. Ivan ended up whipping its way across 11 countries, killing at least 39 people in Grenada, 15 in Jamaica, five in Venezuela, four in the Dominican Republic, three in Haiti, one in Tobago and one in Barbados. Tom Tyne CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION Passage B: The terrible toll Grenada’s Prime Minister Keith Mitchell estimated that 90 per cent of the island’s structures were damaged, including many churches and warehouses in the historic capital St George’s – including the new national sports stadium, the emergency agency’s office, the fire station, police stations, schools, shops, prison, and homes – including the Prime Minister’s own residence. U.S. officials surveying the damage soon after the storm confirmed that almost all of the homes were affected in some way by the winds and rain, and 40 per cent need major structural repairs. Many in Grenada are living in shelters or makeshift homes made of tarpaulins and sheets of galvanised zinc. The St George’s Medical School and Veterinary Schools were seriously damaged. In an effort not to interrupt the future doctors’ professional training, students were temporarily relocated to schools in the United States. A few of the veterinary faculty and students remained in Grenada to set up an animal relief program. They are working with Habitat for Humanity to help the people of Grenada re-establish their lives. Relief experts report that the tourism and agricultural sectors were devastated by the hurricane, which account for a majority of the nation’s GNP. There are plans to start rebuilding the island’s hotels to an even higher standard, but recovery for the agricultural sector will take much longer. Sixty per cent of the nutmeg trees were destroyed, and it will take five to seven years for the damaged trees to grow back – and longer still for the young trees to produce fruit. This is quite critical to the world’s commodity markets, as Grenada – the ’Spice Isle’– is the world’s second largest supplier of nutmeg after Indonesia. This devastation has left 8,000 families without a source of income. Fortunately, officials report that there is enough nutmeg left in ’drying rooms’ to satisfy world markets for at least three years. Total damage to Grenada was estimated at U.S. $900 million. Tom Tyne 1 Which of the passages had an excited and active tone? Identify the most exciting part of that passage. 2 What is the main difference in the way the passages are written? Do you think this contributes to the tone? 3 Both passages are part of the same article by the same writer. Why do you think the writer decided to shift tone? 4 Would the writer have achieved the same effect had the second passage been the first part of the article? Why or why not? Misinterpretation of tone results in misinterpretation of meaning; therefore it is important to decipher the writer’s tone correctly. As much as possible, read passages aloud since punctuation, which reflects intonation in speech, will help you to ‘hear’ the writer’s tone as well. 111 112 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 7.10 Read the following passage. Note your responses as you read. How would you describe the tone of this passage? What is the author’s intention? How to cure the drug problem Recently I had a simple, foolproof idea for eliminating the drug problem in this country. It came to me while I was making spaghetti sauce. I use an ancient Italian spaghetti-sauce recipe that has been handed down through many generations of ancient Italians, as follows: 1. Buy some spaghetti sauce. 2. Heat it up. Sometimes I add some seasoning to the sauce, to give it a dash of what the Italians call ’joie de vivre’ (literally, ’ingredients’). I had purchased, from the supermarket spice section, a small plastic container labelled ’Italian Seasoning’. My plan was to open this container and sprinkle some seasoning into the sauce. Already I can hear you veteran consumers out there chortling in good-natured amusement. ’You complete moron,’ you are chortling. ’You actually thought you could gain access to a product protected by MODERN PACKAGING??’ Yes, I did, and I certainly learned MY lesson. Because it turns out that Italian Seasoning has joined the growing number of products that, For Your Protection, are packaged in containers that you cannot open unless you own a home laser cannon. This trend started with aspirin. Years ago – ask your grandparents – aspirin was sold in bottles that had removable caps. That system was changed when consumer-safety authorities discovered that certain consumers were taking advantage of this loophole by opening up the bottles and – it only takes a few ’bad apples’ to spoil things for everybody – ingesting aspirin tablets. So now aspirin bottles behave very much like stinging insects in nature movies, defending themselves against consumer access via a multilevel security system: 1. There is a plastic wrapper to keep you from getting at the cap. 2. The cap, which is patented by the Rubik’s Cube company, cannot be removed unless you line an invisible arrow up with an invisible dot while rotating the cap counter clockwise and simultaneously pushing down and pulling up. 3. In the unlikely event that you get the cap off, the top of the bottle is blocked by a taut piece of extremely feisty foil made from the same impenetrable material used to protect the Space Shuttle during atmospheric re-entry. 4. Underneath the foil is a virtually unremovable wad of cotton the size of a small sheep. 5. As a final precaution, there is no actual aspirin underneath the cotton. There is only a piece of paper listing dangerous side effects, underneath which is … 6. … A second piece of paper warning you that the first piece of paper could give you a paper cut. Even this may not be enough security for the aspirin of tomorrow. At this very moment, packaging scientists are working on an even more secure system, in which the entire aspirin container would be located inside a live sea urchin. With aspirin leading the way, more and more products are coming out in fiercely protective packaging designed to prevent consumers from consuming them. My Italian Seasoning container featured a foil seal AND a fiendish plastic thing that I could not remove with my bare hands, which meant of course that I had to use my teeth. These days you have to open almost every consumer item by gnawing on the packaging. Go to any typical consumer household and you’ll note most of the products – food, medicine, compact discs, appliances, furniture – are covered with bite marks, as though the house is infested with crazed beavers. The floor will be gritty with little chips of consumer teeth. Many consumers are also getting good results by stabbing their products with knives. I would CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION estimate that 58 per cent of all serious household accidents result from consumers assaulting packaging designed to improve consumer safety. Anyway, I finally gnawed my seasoning container open, no doubt activating a tiny transmitter that triggered an alarm in some Spice Security Command Post (WHEEP! WHEEP! WHEEP! INTRUDER GAINING ACCESS TO ITALIAN SEASONING IN SECTOR 19!) While I was stirring my spaghetti sauce, it occurred to me that if we want to eliminate the drug problem in this country, all we have to do is: 1. Make all drugs completely legal and allow them to be sold in supermarkets (’Crack? Aisle 6, next to the Sweet’n Low’). 2. Require that the drugs be sold in standard consumer packaging. My reasoning is that if physically fit, clear-headed consumers can’t get into these packages, there’s no way that strung-out junkies can. Eventually they’ll give up trying to get at their drugs and become useful members of society, or at least attorneys. I realise that some of you may have questions about this plan. Your most likely concern is: ’If dangerous and highly addictive narcotics are sold freely in supermarkets, will the packages be required to have Nutritional Facts labels, like the ones that now helpfully inform consumers of the protein, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron content of products such as Cool Whip Lite?’ Of course they will. Even though, if my plan works as expected, an addict would be unable to consume his heroin purchase, he still has a vital right to know, as an American consumer, that if he DID consume it, he’d be getting only a small percentage of his Daily Requirement of dietary fibre. This is just one of the many benefits we enjoy as residents of this Consumer Paradise. My head aches with pride. D. Barry The mood of a piece of writing can be described as the prevailing atmosphere or context created by the writer.You would have noticed how movies create moods by using special lighting, sound effects, selected music as well as the tone of the dialogue of the actors. Much of the horror in a horror movie would be lost if the soundtrack was of light upbeat music. A writer depends entirely on language to create mood. Therefore words and other devices have to be very carefully selected in order to create the mood that supports the author’s intent. 113 114 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 7.11 Read the following sample of writing and discuss the feelings it evokes. What is the prevailing mood of the piece? Looking carefully at the language used, identify the ways in which the writer creates the specific effect. Edward Brathwaite The cabin Under the burnt out green Of this small yard’s tufts of grass where water was once used to wash pots, pans, poes, ochre appears. A rusted bucket, hole kicked into its bottom, lies on its side. Fence, low wall of careful stones marking the square yard, is broken now, breached by pigs, by rats, by mongoose and by neighbours. Eucalyptus bushes push their way amidst the marl. All looks so left so unlived in: yard, fence and cabin. Here old Tom lived: his whole tight house no bigger than your sitting room. Here was his world banged like a fist on broken chairs, bare table and the sideboard board dresser where he kept his cups. One wooden only door still latched, Hasp broken; one window, wooden, broken; four slats still intact. Darkness pours from these wrecked boards and from the crab torn spaces underneath the door. These are the deepest reaches of time’s long attack. The roof, dark shingles, silvered in some places by the wind, the fingertips of weather, shines still secure, still perfect, although the plaster peels from walls, at sides, at back, from high up near the roof: in places where it was not painted. But from the front, the face from which it looked out on the world, the house retains its lemon wash as smooth and bland as pearl. But the tide creeps in: today’s insistence laps the loneliness of this resisting cabin: the village grows and bulges: shops, supermarket, Postal Agency whose steel spectacled mistress rules the town. But no one knows where Tom’s cracked limestone oblong lies. The house, the Postal agent says, is soon to be demolished: a Housing Estate’s being spawned to feed the greedy town. No one knows Tom now, no one cares. Slave’s days are past, forgotten. The faith, the dream denied, the things he dared not do, all lost, if unforgiven. This house is all that’s left of hopes, of hurt, of history. Edward Brathwaite CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION ACTIVITY 7.12 Using the chart below, identify the figurative language used in the preceding piece. Table 7.4 Some figurative language quick references Writers also use other techniques to convey their intent. Figurative language is a very common one. Figurative language refers to the use of comparisons between things belonging to different classes. They are not necessarily literal or logical and writers have the freedom to make any types of association that suit the purpose of their writing. Writers use this device to create a desired image in the reader’s mind and it is a major component of descriptive writing. Term Definition Example Simile Comparison indicating that one thing is similar to another using the words like or as. Lin felt as scared as a cockroach in front of a chicken. Metaphor Comparison that suggests that one thing is another. The parade was a rainbow of colour. Personification Non-human objects and animals given human qualities. The stars winked at me through my window. Alliteration Repetition of the initial sound in neighbouring words. Day broke, a dull and dismal dawn of despair. Onomatopoeia Words that imitate the sound they describe. I listened to the water gushing down the drains and the cracking of branches outside. Hyperbole An exaggeration used for emphasis. By the time we got to the summit, my backpack weighed a ton. Allusion A reference to something from another context that requires the reader/listener to make an association based on his/her general knowledge. He employed Gangster-type techniques of persuasion. Responding to argumentative writing The first thing you ask yourself when reading an argumentative piece is ‘What is the writer doing to convince me?’ Writers try to present a convincing argument by using devices that emphasise logic and clear reasoning. The most convincing aspect of an argument is the presentation of factual data and information. Therefore, writers often try to support their points by referring to verifiable evidence and facts. These devices lend undeniable strength to an argument because they cannot be refuted. Another useful device is authoritative opinion. Here the writer cites the informed views of experts in Islands are surrounded by water… therefore he is an island. Fig. 7.7 Example of a false premise 115 116 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION the particular field, who the reader expects would provide objective viewpoints based on professional experience. A weak argument is based on illogical or false premises. A premise is a proposition (assumption) upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn. Therefore, a false premise is an incorrect proposition and the conclusion drawn may also be in error. A statement or argument based on incorrect reasoning is called a fallacy. It is important to be able to recognise fallacies so that you do not find yourself agreeing with or referring to an idea or point that has no valid base. Arguments generally use two types of reasoning: (a) deductive and (b) inductive. a) Deductive reasoning is the process by which one arrives at a conclusion from a previously known fact or universal premise. Example Major premise – Ice melts when heated. Minor premise – This is ice. Conclusion – Therefore this melts when heated. However, you should look out for arguments that appear to use deduction but are really non sequitur, meaning the conclusion does not follow from the premises. Example Major premise – Ice melts when heated. Minor premise – This melts when heated. Conclusion – Therefore this is ice. This is obviously flawed reasoning since many other elements also melt when heated. b) Inductive reasoning generally works conversely to deduction; it is the process of arriving at a conclusion based on a set of specific observations. Example Premise – The canteen manager reports that most of the students at this school buy hamburgers for lunch every day. Conclusion – Therefore hamburgers are the most popular lunch item among students at this school. Since the observation was made at that particular school, then the conclusion is correct; however, it is very easy for writers to make hasty generalisations from observations and the discerning reader should be wary of this. Example Premise – The canteen manager reports that most of the students at this school buy hamburgers for lunch every day. Conclusion – Therefore hamburgers are the most popular lunch item among students. Obviously, unless the same observation was recorded at every single school, the latter conclusion could not be correctly applied to students in general. CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION ACTIVITY 7.13 Read the following letter. Identify the devices used by the writer to support the argument. Are there any flaws in reasoning? Elite College Friendly Alley St John’s 15th December, 2013 The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education St John’s Dear Madam On behalf of the members of the Proactive Students’ League (PSL), I would like to support the proposal put forward by the Education Advancement Team (EAT) for the extension of the school day. The current length of the academic year is not adequate in light of the substantial volume of the syllabus. Over the years, it has been proven that no teacher has managed to complete the syllabus in time for final examinations. This means that students face crucial examinations without sufficient preparation. If the school day is lengthened by two hours, we would gain ten hours a week, which would certainly be more than enough time to cover the topics that are never completed. Additional hours in the school day would also allow students to pursue more general education and enrichment courses, which are now difficult to fit into their schedules. Surely our country can only benefit from a population of well-rounded individuals who are not just academically oriented. Should we not be encouraging our young people to take courses in music, theatre arts or physical education? It is often said that the wealth of a nation is in the health of its people. What better way to develop mentally and physically healthy people than through a wide-ranging curriculum? A longer school day would certainly facilitate this. We should also take into consideration the fact that we live in a hurricane belt. This means that in any given year we face the possibility of losing several school days due to bad weather or the destruction of school buildings. The additional time which will be available to us year round when we extend the school day will afford a measure of insurance against such eventualities. Therefore students would not be disadvantaged by having to repeat a school year as happened in some cases when our sister island of Grenada was hit by Hurricane Ivan. In light of the above, I trust that your Ministry will make the right decision to the benefit of thousands of students. Sincerely Susan Chow Secretary, Proactive Students’ League 117 118 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Responding to persuasive writing We have seen how argumentative writing depends on logic and coherence to convince the reader that the writer’s points are supported and his/her point of view is credible. Persuasive writing is specifically designed to influence or change the reader’s thoughts and actions and can employ different devices from those used in logical argument. We are subjected to various forms of persuasion every day, particularly in advertisements. Persuasive techniques are also critical to occupations such as law, journalism, teaching, politics and religion.You will rely on persuasive techniques many times in your life, but you must also learn how to defend yourself from the strategies that may be used not merely to persuade but also to take advantage of you. One of the most frequently used devices in persuasion is emotional appeal, where the writer attempts to arouse fear, hate, greed, love, sexual desire and so on. For example, the typical deodorant advertisement plays on our natural fear of being socially outcast or rejected. Example Fig. 7.8 Emotional appeal CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION Another primary persuasive device is repetition. Sometimes particular words or phrases are repeated throughout the writing to emphasise the point being made. At other times the writer repeats a particular structure in order to create a hypnotic rhythm that draws the reader into acceptance of the message without thinking. The third major persuasive device is the use of rhetorical questions. This is often used for dramatic effect and to grab the attention of the audience. Sometimes a set of rhetorical questions is used in succession to build up outrage or a sense of injustice. Note that while some writers may employ persuasive devices purely for the purpose of influence or control, others may use them in conjunction with the devices of logical argument to assist in convincing the reader.Very often, a good argumentative piece uses both.Your task, as reader, is to weigh each point carefully, identify the devices used and evaluate their effect on the validity or the success of the argument. ACTIVITY 7.14 Read the following opposing points of view on the same topic and answer the questions at the end. (i) Should vagrants be removed from the streets? No, everyone should have the right to choose where and how they live. There can be no doubt that forcibly removing vagrants from the city streets is a violation of their fundamental human rights and ought to be condemned by all rightthinking citizens. Firstly, Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states clearly: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state’. Nowhere in the Declaration (which was adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948) are the words ‘movement’ and ‘residence’ defined or circumscribed in any way. Therefore, one must assume that a person should be as free to move around a fixed domicile as to wander the streets, if this is where he chooses to move about. Restricting this freedom is like confining your children to the house since their presence on the lawn interferes with its aesthetics. Secondly, to arbitrarily descend upon these people and force them to bathe and cut their hair is tantamount to declaring them less than human, which is another violation of their rights as defined by the Declaration in Article 1: ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood’. The attitude of those who applauded while their brothers and sisters were dragged off unceremoniously certainly belied this assumption, as they personified George Orwell’s ironic line in his book Animal Farm: ‘all animals are equal but some are more equal than others’. It appears that some of us would like to rewrite Article 1 of the Declaration along these lines. We would probably also prefer Article 13 to read: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence out of sight of the rest of us’. We must free ourselves of the bigotry that causes us to consider a certain set of behaviours the norm and a particular group of people the arbiters of what is normal or acceptable. We should also remember that we are not the ones who determine what it is to be human. Finally, surely the fact that this country, like most of the world, was a signatory to the Declaration binds us to operate within its edicts. To do less would be to begin the descent into barbarianism. 119 120 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION (ii) Should vagrants be removed from the streets? Absolutely; this City Council action will have benefits for all. The removal of vagrants from the streets by the City Council was a long-overdue and perfectly justifiable move. There can be little objection to an attempt by the authorities to render the city a pleasant environment, conducive to the orderly conduct of business and the engagement in leisurely pursuits by the majority of normal, decent and law-abiding citizens. The city has long been littered with dozens of unkempt individuals who insist on turning public streets and sidewalks into their personal bedrooms and lavatories, totally oblivious to those of us who are forced to walk around their makeshift homes to go about our legitimate business. They are totally uncaring of the stench emanating from their unwashed bodies, threatening the stability of our stomachs. Are they cognizant of the fact that few tourists brave this citycentre spectacle, thus depriving merchants and vendors of much needed revenue? Did they understand that their way of life infringes on the rights of others to go about their lives unassailed by the constant presence of human derelicts? Thankfully, the City Council officials were able to weigh the rights of the many against the idiosyncrasies of the few and the correct conclusion was arrived at: human rights are not the preserve of the aberrant, but should apply equally to the peaceful majority that simply wants to live under normal circumstances. The outcry of the self-styled human rights activists is baffling. Obviously, these vagrants were not in possession of their full mental faculties and therefore unable to make rational decisions. There can be no doubt that the action of the authorities was merciful and humane. The vagrants were picked up and provided with clean clothing, meals and personal hygiene facilities. They were also exposed to the possibility of an alternative lifestyle which could be theirs should they opt to give up their street life. This is what it means to exemplify the biblical precept that we should be our brother’s keeper. The City Council should be commended for its decision to finally take the bull by the horns and restore the city to its former pristine state. If this means putting a stop to the wanton abuse of public edifices by persons who turned them into private property, then kudos to them. 1 Which piece offers the more convincing argument? Why? 2 Identify the persuasive or argumentative devices used by the writers. 3 Comment on the structure of each piece. Which is more logically structured? What makes it seem so? 7.6 Understanding word meaning One impediment to comprehension is a limited vocabulary. If you have difficulty reading material that is aimed at your level (educated adult), then you need to improve your vocabulary and utilise specific strategies to decipher word meaning. One strategy you can use is locating context clues in the text that you are reading. Context clues are hints that authors build into their writing to clarify their meaning. If you come across words that are unfamiliar to you, using context clues will save you the task of constantly referring to the dictionary. Five types of context clues are illustrated on pages 121 and 122. CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION Fig. 7.9 Limited vocabulary impedes comprehension 1 Definition: The author includes an explanation of the word within the sentence or paragraph. Example There are several context clues or hints built into their writing that authors use to clarify the meaning. Notice that the word ’or’ is the indicator that ’hints built into their writing’ is another way of saying ’context clues’. 2 Description:The author uses other descriptors to amplify the meaning of a word. Example Janelle was very industrious and her employers rewarded her hard work and diligence with a promotion. Notice that the descriptors, ‘hard work and diligence’ expand the meaning of ‘industrious’ and provide a definition. 3 Synonym: The author provides a synonym (a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word) in the same sentence or close to the word he/she wants to clarify. Example Exorbitant expenditure by the government has depleted the country’s foreign reserves. This excessive spending has also resulted in serious debt. In this example, it is easy to draw the conclusion that ‘exorbitant expenditure’ is the same as ‘excessive spending’. 121 122 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION 4 Visual clues: The author may include a graph, picture or other illustration that depicts the meaning of the word. The visual clue may also have a caption. Example Fig. 7.10 The rotors are normally located at the top of the helicopter In this example, it is obvious that ‘rotors’ are the propeller blades visible at the top of the machine in the picture. 5 The author uses examples to define the term. These can be signalled by colours, dashes or key words (like, such as, including, consists of). Example Astrologers refer to celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon and stars, to create their horoscope charts. ACTIVITY 7.15 Select the correct meaning of the underlined word, from the box to the right. 1 Sanjaya is so hyperactive, he just cannot remain still. (a) opposed 2 Della is averse to my point of view. She does not support me at all. (b) loud 3 If he were less vociferous we would be able to hear what the others are saying. (c) overactive 4 Kelcie is a novice at music. She is only at the Grade 1 (d) remain alive level. 5 You cannot subsist on this diet. If you persist, you will die! (e) beginner CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION ACTIVITY 7.16 (a) Define the underlined word in each sentence below based on the context clue. (b) Identify the type of context clue used. 1 My father was so parsimonious that he used to give us half a pencil at a time. He also hated parting with his money. 2 I do not believe in clandestine meetings. I think things should be done openly. 3 His behaviour was churlish. He was rude, sullen and ill-mannered. 4 Pedagogical institutions such as kindergartens, schools and colleges must all take blame for the type of society in which we live. 5 I was not well remunerated for this job. Imagine I was only paid $50.00 for all that work! 6 I would never spend so much money on valuable jewellery. I usually just buy baubles. 7 Devaughn is so eloquent. Only yesterday the principal commented on how well spoken he is. 8 You can trace your genealogy, or ancestry, on this website. 9 Our class was inundated with assignments. When the teachers realised how overwhelmed we were, they extended our submission deadlines. Conclusion You have learnt how the process of comprehension works both in listening and reading, and how to apply various levels of comprehension to different types of written information. It is important to monitor your comprehension as you read and listen, to continually question whether or not you are receiving the right message and the entire message. Effective communication requires both expressing and receiving ideas correctly. Sometimes, in order to process and manipulate information, you need to summarise and structure it in ways that aid your understanding. These methods are discussed in Chapter 8. 123 124 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 1 What are the three stages in the process of comprehension? 2 List the levels of comprehension and explain what each level entails. 4 How would you define the tone of a piece of writing? 5 Select a piece of writing (poem, prose, song) that evokes a particular mood that you like. Share it with your class and talk about how it makes you feel and why. 6 Read the following passage and answer the questions below: 3 What do you think are your main barriers to effective listening? The art of negotiation Humans have found a way to resolve their differences without fighting. We do this constantly at work and at home. But how do we go about negotiating effectively? Here we examine the fundamentals, and offer some triedand-true advice... Everybody negotiates – or at least everybody who is not a babe in arms. As soon as they can talk, toddlers try to get their way by making bargains. They will ask: ’Can I stay up after bedtime if I’m good?’ Their parents may want a more specific concession: ’Okay, if you put your toys away.’ Thus a classic negotiation is concluded – classic in that it meets the wishes of all concerned. From that age on, people proceed to negotiate their way through life – with their parents, friends, mates, employers or employees, business contacts and colleagues. Some become professionals at it: not only diplomats and business agents, but many lawyers and executives, and a multitude of people in sales. Most of us remain amateur negotiators, but there are times when we are all called upon to assume that role when buying or selling things, dealing with marital or family problems, asserting our rights, or seeking compensation. At such times it helps to consider what negotiation is all about. Fundamentally, it is a way of settling differences with a minimum of strife. It is an exclusively human activity. When the other creatures of the Earth come into conflict, they must either fight or run away. Our ability to communicate ideas has given us another choice. We can use our jaws for purposes other than to maim or threaten our adversaries. This means that the physically weaker members of our species have a chance to assert their interests on an even level with the strong. However, our perception of the negotiation process is clouded by a cultural preoccupation with winning and losing. We live in a society of gains and losses at work and at play. We see our favourite sports teams attain victory or go down to defeat. In business, we try to ’beat’ the competition. It is therefore difficult for us to conceptualise a form of competition in which it is possible for everyone to win. People must give in order to receive. This does not mean that one must give away the whole store in a negotiation. But shrewd bargainers always ask themselves what short-term advantages they can concede to meet their long-term objectives. The very first objective must be to arrive at a settlement that can be relied upon – one that is satisfactory enough to the other party that he/she can be expected to live with its terms. Co-negotiators should examine their mutual problems together on the theory that demands are merely symptoms of problems. The least such an examination can accomplish is to establish the feeling of being in the same boat. Successful negotiators generally do more listening than talking. The only time when they may say more than their opposer is when they periodically summarise what CHAPTER 7: COMPREHENDING INFORMATION has occurred to keep track of the concessions made and to confirm that it has all been mutually understood. One of the most serious faults a negotiator can have is talking too much. The most critical time to keep quiet is when there is nothing more to be said. How many times have you been in an argument which seemed to be settled, but which flared up again because someone insisted on getting a final crushing word in? Often the hardest part of a bargaining session comes in closing it. One simple proven method is to say: ’I think we know everything we need to know to agree, don’t you?’ frequently, putting aside the desire to be agreeable so as to be liked. You should always reply in the negative when you have the slightest hesitation about what is being proposed. It is always easier to change a ’no’ to a ’yes’ than the other way around. Although charity seemingly has no place in bargaining, a little of it is sometimes necessary to allow others to preserve their dignity. It is not the only old-fashioned virtue involved in negotiating effectively. Tolerance and understanding both have a part to play in this important arena of human relations. These are civilised qualities, and they are all directed toward the same eminently civilised end – to resolve the differences that are bound to arise among human beings in an atmosphere of peace. For many of us, the most difficult word in the language is ’no’. A skilful negotiator must be prepared to say it (a) Summarise the author’s definition of negotiation. (b) What rationale does he/she give for learning the art of negotiation? (c) Give synonyms for the following words as used in the passage: adversaries, shrewd, conceptualise, reinstatement. (d) State the main point of the article in about 30 words. (e) What is the writer’s purpose in writing this article? (f) What techniques has the writer used in assisting with the purpose? (g) Evaluate the appropriateness of the tone used in this passage. Royal Bank of Canada References The Art of Negotiation. (1986). Royal Bank of Canada Letter Collection, 67 (4) Jul/Aug, available at Barry, D. (1997). Dave Barry is from Mars and Venus. New York: Crown Publishers Inc. pp. 41–5. Brathwaite, E. (1973). The Cabin. The Arrivants: A New World trilogy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 70–71. Hall, S. (2006). Plenty of Plantains. Caribbean Compass, 133, p. 45. James, C.L.R. (1993). Beyond a Boundary. North Carolina: Duke University Press. Tyne, T. (n.d.). Ivan the Terrible Invades Grenada. A Whole New Altitude, Caribbean Star Airlines Magazine Issue 15.West Indies Publishing Ltd, pp. 36 –37. 125 126 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION 8 Summarising Information A summary is an overview of the most important information from something you have read or listened to. We summarise information every day, whether we are regaling a friend with the highlights of the wedding, giving the gist of the latest best-selling novel or reporting in class on a researched topic. We often complain of information overload in modern society and most people simply do not have the time to read or listen to detailed information. For example, a business person may need only the elements that will help him/her make a decision; a lawyer must sum up the key points of the case for the jury; a news reporter must condense the day’s happenings into a brief news report. This chapter introduces different ways of summarising information to assist you in increasing your comprehension of what you read or listen to. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 1 and Specific Objectives 1, 2 and 5. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter you should be able to: 1 write continuous prose summaries 2 distinguish between main and subsidiary ideas 3 make clear notes on written and spoken material 4 create outlines and graphic organisers for structuring material. Introduction Summarising skills enable you to reprocess the information you have gathered and express it concisely in your own way. The process of digesting and reorganising information leads to mastery of that material. This skill is particularly important in an academic environment, where you are faced with large amounts of information from reading material and lectures. Good summarising skills enable you to sift quickly through information, identify the key ideas and reorganise them in a manner that Fig. 8.1 In summary, I failed the driving test makes them easy to understand and remember. Summarising must not be confused with paraphrasing, which means to restate CHAPTER 8: SUMMARISING INFORMATION information in your own words. A paraphrase does not reduce the length of a piece nor does it eliminate any details. A summary condenses and reduces a piece of material to its essence. It is always much shorter than the original. There are various ways of summarising information and it is wise to master all of them. However, before you attempt to summarise, you must be able to differentiate between main and subsidiary ideas. Then you will be able to reduce your key information to notes, outlines or prose summaries. Note that under no circumstances, must you present the words of the text as your own. This is known as plagiarism and is dealt with further in Chapter 9. 8.1 Distinguishing main and subsidiary ideas The main idea in a passage is the central message or thought that the writer wants to get across. It should not be confused with the topic, which is the subject of the piece. If you were telling your classmates about the poorly organised party you attended, while the topic would be the party, the main idea would be that it was disorganised. However, the main idea can be conveyed in what is known as the topic sentence, which is a statement that expresses the main idea in the author’s words. Authors sometimes do this in expository writing, but in many cases you need to come up with the main idea based on other clues in the passage. Sometimes the author repeats the main idea in different ways throughout the passage or places the topic sentence at the end of a paragraph. However, a good rule of thumb is to look out for the main idea in the first third of the piece. Remember that the main idea is the answer to the question, ’what general point does the author want to make?’ Example Nitrous oxide (N2O), commonly known as ‘laughing gas’, has been widely used as an analgesic and anaesthetic agent for decades. Also known as ‘laughing gas’, this gas is capable of reducing pain normally experienced during childbirth or in medical procedures such as dental surgery. It provides almost immediate relief to the patient but its effects dissipate rapidly. The use of N2O is not very widespread in North America, but it is very common in European countries, where it is used in 50 per cent to 70 per cent of births. It is also used widely in Australia and New Zealand. Select the main idea of the passage: a) Nitrous oxide is an important element of pain relief. b) Doctors most often choose nitrous oxide as a form of anaesthetic. c) Nitrous oxide has been a traditional choice of pain relief in several countries. d) Nitrous oxide is most popularly known as ‘laughing gas’. The correct answer is (c), which conveys the main point the author wants to make. While the other statements are also ideas conveyed in the passage, they are there to help the writer make the point. Only (c) sums up the complete gist (main idea) of the passage. Remember the main idea is a general summary of the author’s main points or argument. 127 128 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 8.1 Read the following passages and identify the main idea from the choices given below. Before World War II, pork had been the most popular meat in the Unites States. Rising incomes, falling cattle prices, the growth of the fast food industry, and the mass appeal of the hamburger later pushed American consumption of beef higher than that of pork. By the early 1990s, beef production was responsible for almost half of the employment in American agriculture, and the annual revenues generated by beef were higher than those of any other agricultural commodity in the United States. The average American ate three hamburgers a week. More than two-thirds of those hamburgers were bought at fast food restaurants. And children between the ages of seven and thirteen ate more hamburgers than anyone else. E. Schlosser (a) Hamburgers are the favourite fast food in the United States. (b) Beef has replaced pork as the most popular meat in the United States. (c) Beef production has generated higher revenues than any other agricultural industry in the United States. (d) World War II was responsible for the popularity of beef in the United States. Genes are the raw resource of the new economic epoch and are already being used in a variety of business fields – including agriculture, animal husbandry, energy, bioremediation, building and packaging materials, pharmaceuticals, and food and drink to fashion a bio-industrial world. Nowhere is the new genetic commerce likely to have a bigger impact, however, than in human medicine. For the first time in history, scientific tools are becoming available to manipulate the genetic instructions in human cells. Human gene screening and therapy raise the very real possibility that we might be able to engineer the genetic blueprints of our own species and begin to redirect the future course of our biological evolution on Earth. The new gene splicing technique will make it potentially possible to transform individuals and future generations into ‘works of art’, continually updating and editing their DNA codes to enhance physical and mental health. Breakthroughs in genetic technology are bringing us to the edge of a new eugenics era with untold consequences for present and future generations and for civilisation itself. J. Rifkin (a) Advances in genetic engineering hold major implications for human development. (b) Human beings will soon become artificially transformed by genetic engineering. (c) Genetic commerce is the new bio-industry. (d) Humans now have the scientific tools to conduct genetic engineering. The first step in summarising is, of course, reading or listening to all the material at least once.You may need to read a second time if you think you have not understood the gist of it. As you read, try to determine what is the main point the writer is trying to CHAPTER 8: SUMMARISING INFORMATION bring across.You will either find it in the topic sentences of each paragraph or you may have to determine what is implied by the paragraph. It is useful to underline what seem to be essential points, as you read. Example The Internet’s effect on jobs The presence of the Internet has had numerous effects on the job market. As the technology changed rapidly, so did jobs. Workers needed to be retrained to perform the new jobs, spawning an entire training industry. For example, many workers needed to attend computer classes to learn how to operate the newly available software and how to get around the Internet. Administrative assistants and office personnel needed different (or additional) skills than those for which they had been originally trained. For example, although keyboarding remained a critical skill, knowing how to actually operate a typewriter was no longer necessary. Middle managers were also affected by the introduction of the Internet into the workplace. They were required to learn new skills and use computers for a greater percentage of their workday. In some cases, jobs were combined or eliminated because the computer enabled workers to operate more efficiently. But not all of the changes were negative. The Internet, although it displaced some workers, has simultaneously opened doors of opportunity for them. The Internet facilitates outsourcing and working from home. Additionally, many workers can work remotely as consultants or freelancers, using the Internet to stay connected with others. Entire new industries and jobs (such as Web designers) have been born. Finally, a host of job search sites, such as Career Builder ( and ( com), aid people in their search for new careers. L. Bird Notice that the first line of the extract sums up what it is about. This is the main idea of the piece summarised in one sentence. The types of effect on jobs are then illustrated to support and clarify the main idea. These are subsidiary ideas, but they contain important information that you would use in a summary. The writer also uses examples to further illustrate her points as in the last lines of the first and third paragraphs. These are not crucial to the gist of the passage and would therefore not be included in a summary. Therefore a prose summary of this passage might read as follows: Example The Internet has affected the job market in several ways. First, as jobs changed in response to technology, all classes of workers had to be retrained. Second, the efficiency of computers resulted in the elimination of some jobs. Third, new jobs and opportunities for workers and flexibility of work schedules have impacted positively on the workforce. L. Bird 129 130 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION In a prose summary (as above), not only should you capture the essence of the original piece, but you must do it logically and fluently. Unless the original is poorly written, you should generally retain its organisational pattern. Use the following checklist to evaluate your summaries: 1 Have I included all the main points? 2 Have I used my own words as far as possible? 3 Have I omitted all minor details and examples? 4 Does my summary reflect the order of the points in the original? 5 Are the points logically linked in my summary? 6 Have I acknowledged the source of the summarised information? ACTIVITY 8.2 Read the passage below and complete the exercise that follows: Global warming is probably the greatest challenge currently facing all species on Earth. Many scientists have described the gradual and continuous warming of Earth’s climate as potentially catastrophic and few can combat such a claim. This trend poses the greatest risks to our environment and, co-relationally, to our economies. The most devastating effects would be on poorer countries and small island states, which would be hardest hit by rises in sea levels and degradation of forests and agricultural lands. Countries with limited financial resources would be helpless in the face of major damage which could arise even from incremental changes in global temperatures. Confronting the challenges posed by global warming will require consistent collaborative efforts by international governments, to create policies which are reflective of the scientific evidence before them and to promote creative solutions. This means that legislation governing industrial operations should be firm and enforceable. It would also be prudent to design social policy which would engage the public in making the type of personal decisions that are guided by an awareness of their effect on climate and environment. 1 Underline the key points in the passage. 2 Write a 50-word summary of the passage. 8.2 Note-making You do not always need to write a continuous prose summary in order to condense and simplify your material. Note-making is also an effective means of summing up information. Most people develop a personalised method of making notes.Your aim is to put your notes in a format, using a system that will allow you to review and retain information easily. Whatever system you use, there are some basic rules that you should follow: 1 Select an outline form or a numbering system that allows you to distinguish major from minor points. 2 Put notes in your own words except for specific facts, formulae or definitions. CHAPTER 8: SUMMARISING INFORMATION re about, regarding &, + and, in addition vs against, opposite etc. and so on @ at defn definition dx does not eg example st 1 first incl including viz namely neg negative poss possible/possibly pp pages ref reference w/o without Table 8.1 Some note-making abbreviations 3 Be brief. Do not write in sentences. 4 Use a consistent set of abbreviations and symbols. 5 Leave spaces on your page so that you can add further notations when you review. 6 Write down only the important points. 7 Review notes as soon as possible and review often. Note-taking from lectures must be done quickly but notes must be clear enough for you to understand some hours later when you are reviewing or rewriting. Students often scribble notes horizontally, simply ensuring that important points are recorded without paying attention to format. If you had been listening to the passage on page 129, your rough notes may have looked like this: Internet – effects on jobs – jobs lost – wrong skills – must retrain – BUT – new opps – flexitime – easier job search Fig Fig. 8 8.2 2 Student notes from a lecture However, it is quite possible to take notes quickly while maintaining a basic structure that will enable you to be much clearer about the points you have recorded. In addition, the more graphic your notes are in terms of organisation, the easier they are to retain and recall. Notice how much more reader friendly the notes in Figure 8.3 appear to be even though they are recording basically the same information as the previous example. ACTIVITY 8.3 Add other abbreviations to the list in Table 8.1. You can make up your own personal symbols and abbreviations for taking notes; however, it is important to be consistent so that your notes are always clear to you. Effects of Internet net e on jjobs obs st 1 Neg. g. obb losses looss sses – jjob – IIrrelevant rre relevan annt skills – fforced orceed training ngg 2nd PPos. os. + ne new ew jjobb op oopps. ppps. + fle flexitime exi xititme + easy searches searrch ches e Fig. i 8.3 Structured S d lecture l notes 131 132 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Linear outlines Notes are commonly put in outline or linear format, which must be structured so that the most important points can be clearly identified. It is advisable to transform your rough notes from lectures into more formal notes as soon as possible after the lecture. Rewriting your notes helps you to retain information and to clarify things that may be blurred in your memory over time. Formal outline notes on the passage on page pag 129 may look like this: Effects of Internet on jobs 1. Negative a) loss of jobs b) workers’ skills no longer applicable c) all classes of workers forced into retraining 2. Positive a) new job opportunities for workers b) flexible work schedules c) easier job searches Did you know? Studies show that people may forget 50 per cent of a lecture within 24 hours, 80 per cent in two weeks, and 95 per cent within one month if they do not take notes. Fig 8 4 Linear notes Fig. 8.4 You may also want to organise your notes into categorising subheadings that help you to clarify specific aspects suggested by the material. The example below organises the information from the passage on page 130 in this way. Problem: Global warming Effects: a) General risk to i. economy ii. environment b) Specific risks to i. low lying countries ii. poor countries Solutions: a) government – creation of collaborative policies promote creative solutions commitment to enforcing rules b) public – lifestyle changes Fig. 8.5 Notes with subheadings CHAPTER 8: SUMMARISING INFORMATION Notice that two main categories have been created: Effects and Solutions. Then you have created sub-categories, for example General and Specific risks. Creating your own categories for notes means that you are analysing the information and manipulating it in such a way that it makes sense to you. This is the most effective way to remember what you read or listen to. ACTIVITY 8.4 Read the following passage and make notes using one of the formal outline examples. The wireless wounded We used to push paper; now we push buttons – and the result is getting ever more painful. From BlackBerries and Treos to cell phones and iPods, our miniaturised, high-tech gizmos are leaving us with a whole new set of repetitive stress injuries that go beyond carpal tunnel syndrome (which caused those afflicted to typically miss 27 days from work in 2005, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Here’s what you should know about the next generation of gadgetry woes. BlackBerry thumb. This condition can develop from constant emailing, text messaging, or Internet surfing on hand held devices. ‘Thumbs are not very dexterous, and subjecting them to continual pressure can lead to irritation,’ says Michele Kehrer, a physical therapist and owner of the LifeStyle Physical Therapy & Balance Center in Chicago. Symptoms are pain or numbness in the thumbs and thumb side of the wrist. One solution is to use a stylus or pen to punch the keys on your PDA. Stretch out thumbs periodically. Ice them if they are sore. Cell phone elbow. Cubital tunnel syndrome can result from constantly holding a cell phone to the ear. In severe cases, it can cause permanent nerve damage, and surgery may be the only option, says Kehrer. Symptoms include elbow pain, numbness, pain or tingling in the little fingers. Invest in a headset or switching the cell phone from your right to left hand periodically, can be useful. PDA hunch. Looking straight down at your mini monitor flexes the neck in an unnatural position, says Manhattan chiropractor Marc Bochner. This can cause neck pain. It is advisable to set an alarm and take breaks approximately five minutes every half hour. Get up, stretch, and walk around. Mouse arm. ‘Most people using a mouse keep their hand and forearm tense even when they’re not clicking,’ says physical therapist Rik Misiura, owner of Central Park Physical Therapy in New York City. ‘So in addition to straining the finger, over time you can also develop tendinitis in the elbow, where the muscle operating the finger originates.’ Persons with this condition usually experience pain on the outside of the elbow, usually when grasping or lifting. You should keep the mouse close to you so that you’re not reaching for it. And for relief, Misiura suggests this exercise: Imagine you have water on your hands, and vigorously shake it off for seven seconds. Next bring your hands behind your head and neck from above and swing them down in front of you, forward, then backward; repeat for seven repetitions. ‘O’ magazine Graphic organisers An effective method of organising your notes is putting them in a format that leaves a picture in your head when you try to recall them. Graphic organisers are also referred to as knowledge/concept/story maps, cognitive organisers, or concept diagrams. They are visual, graphic ways of representing information in such a way that illustrates the 133 134 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION links between/among concepts. They can be used across a range of subject areas and are used widely as a major learning tool. Many people find it much easier to understand and memorise information presented graphically. The type of graphic organiser you use depends on the nature of the material you are organising. Thus, a cycle map would be useful for illustrating a recurrent or interactive process, while a series chain or flowchart would be used for a sequential or step by step process. Example 1 Fig. 8.6 Cycle map Example 2 Radioactive decay process of Thorium 232 Fig. 8.7 Flowchart Graphic organisers can also be used to compare entities. The Venn diagram is most often used for comparison purposes. Similarities are recorded in the overlapping areas and differences in the outer areas. The following diagram on page 135 organises comparative notes on poems by Olive Senior and William Wordsworth. CHAPTER 8: SUMMARISING INFORMATION 135 Example Fig. 8.8Circle or Venn diagram There are numerous other graphic organisers that can be used for practically any area of study. However, the most popular is the matrix or tabular format.You can adapt this format to record any type of information, as you have seen done in this textbook. Remember the more you practise the more proficient you will become at processing and recording information. Graphic organisers are excellent tools to assist you in setting out your information in logical ways that facilitate your comprehension. Conclusion The ability to summarise information accurately is proof of comprehension. It is becoming more and more important to have this skill, as we are bombarded with ever increasing amounts of information every day. Once you have mastered the skill of summary, you will find it useful in all aspects of your life, academic and otherwise. Chapter 9 teaches you how to research information for various purposes. You will find that, having understood in this chapter how to structure information in logical ways, you will find this skill very applicable to your research activities in the next. 9780230431584_text.indd 135 24/02/2014 09:31 136 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension l Listen to a documentary or news programme and make notes on the information you receive. Compare your notes with those of your classmates. Today we have a great opportunity to develop a whole new range of environmentally friendly technologies for use in our cities. Efficient energy systems are now available for urban buildings, including combined heat-and-power generators, with fuel cells and photovoltaic modules waiting in the wings. New concepts of architectural design allow us to greatly improve the energy performance and to reduce the environmental impact of materials use in buildings. Also, wasterecycling technologies for small and large, rich and poor cities, can facilitate greater efficiency in the urban use of resources. Transport technologies, too, are due for a major overhaul. Fuel-efficient low-emission vehicles are at a very advanced stage of development. In U.S. cities, rapid urban transit systems are starting to reappear even where people had come to depend almost exclusively on private transport. W. Fox 2 Cut out newspaper articles. Cut off the headlines and have members of your group come up with possible headlines after reading the article. Then compare them with the originals. 3 Identify the main idea in the following paragraphs: With the exception of head and facial hair styles, male body norms have varied less than female norms over the last two centuries. Masculinity, with rare exception, has been associated with power, strength and domination and symbolised by muscularity. Nevertheless, there has been variation in the degree of muscularity deemed ideal. Over the course of the nineteenth century, industrialisation increased affluence and the proportion of men who could avoid physically taxing labor and malnutrition. Prosperity made a middle-aged ’spread’ and softer bodies more common, not only in the upper class, but also in the growing middle class. The more fashion conscious corseted their girth. Others adopted new methods of body discipline promoted by the physical culture movement. D. Sullivan 4 Read the following passage on page 137 and summarise, in one paragraph, the story that the writer tells. CHAPTER 8: SUMMARISING INFORMATION When words return You would think that well-loved books would be just what the doctor ordered if you’re confined to a hospital bed with nothing much to do following a major operation. At least, that’s what I thought, and prepared for it diligently heading into the big event. The books had to have certain well-defined attributes: they had to be small, easily capable of being held with one hand so as not to encourage extra weight on a traumatised chest. And they had to be familiar works I’ve enjoyed. That’s how I came to pack Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader by Anne Fadiman and The Antilles, by Derek Walcott. Sure fire reading fare I reckon them to be. Ex Libris, besides, was a gift from a grandson, making it more valuable. And Antilles, Derek’s Nobel Prize lecture, is something I had read maybe eight or ten times, and had given away copies to friends in the U.S. and Canada. Daughter Mel had driven from San Diego to help us get around the Phoenix suburb of Mesa and take us back to Show Low and these three days in Mesa saw a clearing of the mind fog. Was it merely the two weeks away from the hospital sick bed that had brought about the change? Was it possible that the effect of various painkillers had leached away from my system, bringing some clarity? The fact that I wanted to spend time in the Borders bookstore near the motel was not so much a surprise as it was a massive lure! We ended up making two visits. And words began to beckon once more. Not only did I pick up some books but I commandeered one of their armchairs, and with my oxygen cylinder parked beside me, did something I daydream about: I sat there reading! Derek’s evocation of the Ramleela in Felicity in Central Trinidad was one of the components that made me feel wedded to this gem. Barak Obama’s Dreams From My Father replaced an edition I owned, and parted with, in T&T so it was like a homecoming. The picture he painted always takes me back to a Ramleela festival in which I took part many years ago when, with a group of childhood cricket friends, we walked for perhaps an hour and a half from Eckles Village, along the road to Princes Town, to an estate compound beside the road where the festival was being enacted. Frances Mayes’ A Year in the World puts together ‘journeys of a passionate traveller,’ touching the Greek Isles, Morocco, the Turkish coast, Spain, Portugal, Southern Italy and the British Isles. And although the celebration incorporated aspects of the village life around us, there was poetry, and a touch of enchantment, about the whole afternoon. I’ve never seen the Felicity version, so near to where we lived in Port of Spain, but Derek’s depiction reprises for me something of my own biography. Ah, but the minutiae of post-operation life, the hesitant hobble to the bathroom, the endless ministrations of a solicitous bevy, were all signs that I was still in thrall to the surgeon and, in the end, this took its toll and never once did I even feel moved to open either of the books! Not only that, the thought of doing so brought not the expected pleasure, but produced, instead, as blank an emotion as if I were contemplating tomes on calculus or celestial mechanics. Even away from the hospital the pall persisted and the most I would connect with was a few CDs. Then two weeks after the procedure I had to re-visit the surgeon and cardiologist: just checking! She also wrote Under the Tuscan Sun, turned into a movie. The Best American Essays of 2006 and Reading Like a Writer rounded off the lot. Francine Prose wrote Reading and you may have sampled Gluttony, her contribution to that witty series on the seven deadly sins. I had picked up this volume several times before and declined, but in my new awakened state, I took her on. Now it will join her Year of Reading Proust, which is another story. With perfect weather in these hills, I am able to go into the sun on to the deck and, between watching the contrails, allow Frances Mayes to take me on tour! Walcott, somewhere in Antilles, said that for ‘every poet it is always morning in the world.’ Poet or not, with the return of words I can actually feel the shining hopes of morning. R. Hernandez 137 138 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION 5 Use the spider map to makes notes on a topic from one of your subject areas. References Bird, L. (2004). The Complete Guide to Using and Understanding the Internet. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Fox, W. (ed.) (2000). Ethics and the Built Environment. London: Routledge. pp. 24 –25. Hernandez, R. (2007). Trinidad Express. 7 April. Rifkin, J. in Behrens et al. (eds). (2000).The Ultimate Therapy: Commercial eugenics on the eve of the biotech century. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Toronto: Longman, pp. 546–7. Schlosser, E. (2002). Fast Food Nation. New York: HarperCollins, p. 198. Sullivan, D. (2000). Cosmetic Surgery: The cutting edge of commercial medicine in America. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, pp. 8–9. The Wireless Wounded. O Magazine. February 2007. Fig. 8.9 Spider map CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION 9 Researching Information As you engage in learning at the tertiary level you will be asked to explore some areas of the curriculum on your own or you may be asked to conduct your own research on some topic of your choice. Research is an integral part of the learning experience and it is therefore important to learn how best to become a researcher and a writer of research findings. This chapter provides guidelines for finding valid sources and writing the research paper, including how to quote and how to cite those sources. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 1 and Specific Objectives 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 discuss different types of research 2 explain the difference between primary and secondary research and give examples of each 3 explain key concepts in research, for example population, sample 4 discuss the importance of validity and reliability in research 5 evaluate the worth of sources whether in libraries or online 6 write a bibliographical source using the APA or MLA style. Introduction Research is defined as the disciplined process of investigating and seeking facts that will lead one to discover the truth about something (Markham et al. 2001). This research must be presented in such a manner that the discovered facts are available to others. The research paper, a formal presentation of these discovered facts, provides the evidence one needs to defend the opinion expressed as the thesis (ibid). When we speak of researching information we refer to various ways of sourcing knowledge for varying purposes. For example, in secondary school you may be required to find out all you know about something or someone famous, or to write an essay on a particular subject using two or three sources, or to investigate the reasons for tardiness of students at your institution. Each of these assignments merits some level of research. Some key terms that we will look at in this chapter are: information/data; instruments; population; sample; reliability; validity; plagiarism; sources and bibliographies. Each of these terms plays an important role in the development of your written assignment. Fig. 9.1 Researching information 139 140 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION 9.1 Types of research The first differentiation that can be made is between primary and secondary research. Primary research is that which is original. It is research that the researcher designs and carries out using surveys and/or focus groups. Secondary research is the type you are probably more familiar with as this is the type often required in the school situation. This type of research is one that depends on accessing information that has already been researched and can be found in books, other publications and expert sources. ACTIVITY 9.1 Read the following scenarios and identify which are examples of primary and which are examples of secondary research. 1 The role of Marcus Garvey in the Harlem Renaissance. 2 The performance of students at Malacar High in Cape Communication Studies. 3 The impact of youth counselling on the incidence of teen pregnancy in Kairenda village. ACTIVITY 9.2 1 Explain the difference between primary and secondary research. 2 In your groups, brainstorm and discuss possible research topics and the types of research under which they would fit. 3 Discuss the research projects in which you may have been engaged over the past two years. In the examples of research given in paragraph 2 of the introduction, which ones do you see as primary research and which ones do you see as secondary? If you need to find out all you can about a famous person or thing, you will be engaging in secondary research. The second example of the essay using two or three sources is also secondary research. The third example of the reasons for tardiness of students is an example of primary research. Types of primary research There are also two types of primary research. ■ ■ Qualitative Quantitative Qualitative research This type of research is widely used. It is based on information findings taken from observation, interviewing and from tracing patterns of behaviour. This type of research helps us understand how people feel and why they feel as they do. Qualitative research is also in depth in nature as one collects a significant amount of information or data. In this type of research, samples tend to be smaller and the duration of the research is often longer than in the case of quantitative research. Two examples of qualitative research are: Historical research ■ Ethnographic research. ■ CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION Historical research, put simply, is the study of past events while ethnographic research is the study of current events through the collection of extensive narrative data over a period of time in a naturalistic setting. In ethnographic research, participant observation and case studies are often used. An example of an historical research topic is, ‘The effect of music on clothing styles: the twenties to present time’, while ‘The effect of dub on the behaviour of school children’ is an example of ethnographic research. Quantitative research This type of research is widespread and requires the use of surveys to feed the statistical analysis. Quantitative research requires a large sample. Because the sample is quite large the researcher is not likely to have contact with the participants in the research process. Two examples of quantitative research are: ■ ■ Descriptive research Correlational research Descriptive or survey research involves the collection of data in order to answer a question about the current status of a subject or situation. This type of research is concerned with ‘the preferences, attitudes, practices, concerns, or interests of some group of people’ (Gay & Airasian 2000). Consumer surveys are typical examples of descriptive research. Correlational research is the type of research that seeks to establish a relationship (or lack thereof) between two variables or to use relationships to make predictions (ibid). One example of this type of research is ‘How does the performance at the Common Entrance Examination correspond to the performance of students at CXC General Examinations?’ The variables are Common Entrance marks and CXC results at general level. 9.2 Data/information Most research texts do not suggest a difference between data and information. Thus information or data refers to the collected facts, observations, records or statistics that allow the researcher to come to some conclusion. Personal details such as age and gender help to determine who the respondent is. This information is useful in looking at trends of behaviour for specific groups. For example, suppose you were researching student choice of television programmes between 8 and 10 p.m. at weekends.You could ask for certain demographics including the age of the student, sex/gender and address. These three pieces of information allow the researcher to look at trends by age, gender and by the areas in which the participants live.You will observe as you either develop research instruments or take part in some research that there are often other pieces of information sought about the respondent, for example approximate salary and profession. Information or data can also be used to make inferences and come to conclusions about a research question. Sources of information/data vary depending on the type of research pursued. Sources may be government statistics from specific departments, student records held in school offices and examination results recorded by an institution or responses from a specific group. No matter what the source of your information, you must view the information in a systematic way. 141 142 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION 9.3 Instruments In research, we use the word instrument to refer to the methodology used to collect data. There are various instruments that may be used in research. It is always important to select the instrument that is best suited to the type of research you are doing. There are numerous research instruments already in existence and it is up to the researcher to find one that best matches the research question. Alternatively, the researchers can create their own instruments; however, this is quite time-consuming and raises the question of test validity and reliability (explained later in this chapter).The alternative is to collect already existing data (secondary data) or use the observation method and record naturally occurring events (Gay & Airasian 2000). Standardised tests are one type of research instrument that a researcher may use to collect data. There are tests available to measure interest, values and attitude. Imagine that you want to do some market research on a fairly new product. There are already established interest and attitude tests that can measure this interest and therefore your research instrument needs only to identify the specific product. You do not have to reinvent the wheel. However, there are times when, because of the nature of the research, the researcher needs to be original in the creation of the instrument used. Thus questionnaires and interview questions (known as interview schedules) often have to be created to suit the situation. These methods may still draw on the expertise of previous researchers by looking at the types and format of questions asked and the methods used to score the responses. 9.4 Population In research terminology, population refers to the group of individuals, items or events that the researcher wants to study. For example, if you were going to study the incidence of obesity in secondary school students, your population would be all secondary school students but you would not be able to administer and collect data from every single student in your country! The results from this approach may take years to analyse and by that time be totally irrelevant. What then does the researcher do? The answer is to sample the population. According to Gay and Airasian (2000 p.121), sampling is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that they represent the larger group from which they are selected. The purpose of sampling is to gain information about the population by using the sample. Let us consider the example given of the research into the incidence of obesity in secondary schools. Of course you want your research to be relevant to the whole population, to all secondary schools. We have already established that the population was all students in Fig. 9.2 But how do I sample the population? CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION secondary schools. Since the researcher cannot possibly collect information from all students, he/she must select a sample that is representative of the population. What then constitutes a sample that is well selected? First, one must have a clear understanding of the composition of the population. In this case the population may be described as comprising: Male and female A range of age groups 11–19 ■ Students of different ethnic groups ■ Students of different socio-economic groups ■ Students practising different religions. ■ Did you know? If a sample is well selected, research results based on it will be generalisable to the population. The degree to which the sample represents the population is the degree to which results for one are applicable to the other. ■ L.R. Gay and P. Airasian A well-selected sample should reflect these different groupings as well as represent the ratios. If the school population is 75 per cent male then the sample should reflect a similar ratio. Likewise, if the population is 50 per cent Hindu, 10 per cent Christian and 40 per cent Rastafarian, then one should expect to find these three groups represented in the sample, especially as there may be a close link between diet and religious denomination. There are three basic steps to sampling: 1 Identify the population. 2 Determine the required sample size. 3 Select the sample using any of four sampling methods: Simple random sampling – this method entails choosing a sample so that each unit has an equal chance of being selected, for example in a raffle every individual has an equal chance of being the winner. ■ Stratified sampling – this entails choosing a unit using the simple random method from each group within a population, for example if you have the school as a population then groups may refer to forms/classes; thus one would do simple random sampling from each year group. ■ Cluster sampling – the sample is obtained by selecting clusters (groups) from the population on the basis of simple random sampling, for example all high schools in your territory are clusters; you want five schools, which you choose randomly through simple random selection. All students in those schools must be interviewed. ■ Systematic sampling – in this type of sampling the initial choice is made randomly and then, using evenly spaced intervals, the other choices are selected. For example, in a list of 100 names the 100 may be divided into groups of 10 then a number between 1 and 10 may be chosen, for example 6, and number 6 in each group becomes part of your sample. ■ Of course you will need to consider which method of data collection best suits the purpose and breadth of your research.Your research proposal should guide you and your advisor as to which method/methods are best suited. The time you have allotted to acquiring your data will also impact on your choice. When you attempt in-depth research you may want to triangulate; that is use three different methods of data collection to ensure validity. 143 144 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Here are the strengths and weaknesses of the methods of acquiring data: Table 9.1 Comparison of data collection methods Method Strength Weakness Questionnaires Can reach large numbers Sometimes respondents reply without real thought Face to face interviews Interviewer can clarify responses. Interviewees tend to be honest. Time consuming Phone interviews Can clarify responses Time consuming Observation Actually records actions of persons Time consuming/tiring 9.5 Reliability and validity In the same way that there is reliability and validity of measuring instruments, there is also the question of reliability and validity of sources and data. Reliability What does reliability mean? When you engage in secondary research you must be careful to read and therefore cite from research or articles that are authoritative and scholarly. Especially when doing research online, you must be aware that not everything on the Internet is worthwhile; therefore it is important to evaluate your sources. This means that you must determine to what extent your sources can be trusted to provide true and accurate information. The author or speaker must be evaluated by you to determine whether that person has expertise in the subject matter. For example, an article written about Leptospirosis (a disease carried by rats) would be considered reliable written by the Chief Public Health Officer since he/she is an expert in health. His/her authority in the subject area would not be questioned. The article should rely on data collected in the field and statistics collected over a period of time. An opinion expressed by a talk show host or caller would not be considered as reliable as the expertise of such would be in question. A speech made by the shadow Minister of Health decrying the upsurge of rats under the present administration and lacking figures and statistics should raise some flags in the researcher’s mind because the speaker’s role is to persuade the public of the Government’s ineptitude. The speaker can therefore ACTIVITY 9.3 be deemed as politically biased. The researcher should also look closely at the context You are doing some research on voter of the research. An article on women’s role in twentieth participation in the last election. Put a tick next to the sources that would be considered reliable century politics should only use data on seventeenth and in this instance: eighteenth century to show a contrast but not to illustrate • The local newspaper the twentieth century experience. • The leader of the Opposition political party Another aspect of reliability looks at the text of the • The Prime Minister speech or article. It is important to check for factual accuracy. Is what is said true? Can it be checked? • The Electoral Office Information is given in magazines, newspapers and • The poll clerk in your polling station especially on the Internet that is inaccurate. Go on the • The Statistics Department. Internet and check for some of the writers from the CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION Caribbean and you will see that their birthplaces are sometimes listed incorrectly. The text should also be checked for its logical structure and cogency. Does the writer present a logical argument or is it flawed? Furthermore is the point of the article made clear or does one have to make inferences? In carrying out primary research, the source of your information must also be reliable. The individuals that you choose or the sources of data must also be seen as relevant to the research and having the information that could assist in your being able to come to some definitive response about the research question. Validity Validity refers to the soundness of the research that has been undertaken. In research there is quite a bit of concern about validity. There is concern with validity of design and validity of the methods of research. There is also concern about the findings and what they represent.Validity can be divided into internal and external validity. Internal validity relates to whether there are flaws in the design of the research or the methods of data collection. Of course, any one of these factors may lead to the findings not being valid. There is an old saying that goes ‘if you start wrong you can’t go right’ and this truly applies to research. In Chapter 7, you learnt that argumentative reasoning must be based on valid premises or an argument would have no basis. Similarly, research that is not based on a valid or logical design would carry little weight. External validity looks at whether your findings can apply or be generalised to a larger group or other situations. If your research has external validity, the findings can be generalised to a larger group or similar research at a later time, therefore it can be replicated. However, lack of external validity allows the research findings to represent only that specific group at that specific time. ACTIVITY 9.4 Validity can also be looked at in the sense of authority and weight of the research. For example, does 1 You have been asked to research drug use in schools. You use your school only. the research have enough scope and depth to allow it to be considered meaningful to anyone apart from (a) Can the conclusions of your research answer the research question? the researcher him- or herself? Who is the individual (b) Is this external or internal validity being conducting this research and under what conditions? questioned here? Answers to these questions may well suggest to the 2 You are researching the use of alternative reader that the research conducted is not significant medicine in your island or territory. You use a enough to qualify as an appropriate secondary source survey (questionnaire) administered through the or, if the researcher is truly critical of the research, he/ Internet (email). You use one Internet provider’s she may conclude that there are holes in the research email list as your sample. as it may not measure what it set out to measure or the (a) Is this a valid methodology to gain your conclusions may not be seen as really answering the sample of the population? research question. In this way the researcher must at all (b) Is this external or internal validity being times strive for validity in research so that his/her time is questioned here? not wasted. 9.6 Evaluating sources In all types of research the researcher needs to read on the subject matter. These secondary sources will aid in making points or justifying the need for the topic to be researched. In a 145 146 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION simple research paper the emphasis is on evidence to support the thesis or main idea of the essay. In an in-depth thesis or dissertation the researcher will need a literature review as well as evidence that substantiates or challenges the conclusions of the research. But how exactly does one evaluate these sources? Here are some questions you might ask when evaluating sources: Fig. 9.3 Evaluating sources 1. Does the author have a bibliography at the end of the book/chapter/article? This indicates the writer’s awareness of other research in the field. 2. Does the date of the article suggest that it is current or is the research dated? A maximum of 7 years should indicate some level of currency. 3. Are the writer’s credentials cited? You would be best served by experts in the field of your research. 4. Have you seen references made to the author in other documents you have read? This of course points to the writer’s reputation. 5. Where is the article printed? Although we enjoy popular magazines these are more often not the sources for serious research. 6. Does the publication have some implicit bias? For instance, an article against stem cell research printed in a religious magazine must be carefully analysed and scepticism should underpin acceptance of this source. 7. Is the Internet site I am on a reputable one? You need to take note of the creators of the site for as you well know anyone can set up a site. The best sites are those set up by universities and those with names that have .edu and .gov. These are more often than not reputable. Those that end with .com are probably not as good sites. Pay attention to the authoritative links that take you to another site. This suggests that this site has been evaluated and accepted as reputable. 8. There is a way to access evaluated sites and this is by using: • The Internet Public Library • The Librarian’s Index to the Internet • The Argus Clearing House These sites have links to sites evaluated. R. Markham et al. CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION ACTIVITY 9.5 Read the following article and, using the guidelines provided above, evaluate it as a source for research on ’The effects of the Internet on young people’. Helping youths meet the challenge The world, its lifestyles, and its fads have always undergone change. Largely because of modern technology, changes are even more pronounced today. What was in yesterday is out today, and what is popular today will be obsolete tomorrow. These rapid changes have a marked impact on young people. A social revolution In recent years, technology has sparked a revolution that has had a profound effect on youths. For example, in many lands the cell phone and the computer have become a lifeline of the adolescent social world. Social networking sites have opened up a whole new world of possibilities. ‘You can be relatively friendless in real life and then suddenly have hundreds of friends online,’ says a 19-year-old girl in Australia. Few would deny that the cell phone and the Internet have numerous benefits. For many people, however, these tools seem to have become addictive. University Professor Donald Roberts notes that some students ‘can’t go the few minutes between their 10 o’clock and 11 o’clock classes without talking on their cell phones.’ He says: ‘it seems to me that there’s almost a discomfort with not being stimulated – a kind of ”I can’t stand the silence”.’ Some youths even admit that they feel hooked. ‘I’m totally addicted to instant messaging and my cell phone, because they’re how I keep up with my friends,’ says 16-year-old Stephanie. ‘When I get home, I go online immediately and stay on… sometimes till 3 a.m.’ Stephanie’s monthly phone bill is anywhere from $100 to $500. ‘By now,’ she says, ‘I owe my parents more than $2,000 in excess charges. But I’m so used to having my cell with me all the time that I can’t live normally without it.’ The problems can be more than financial. While doing a study on family life, anthropologist Elinor Ochs found that when a working parent came home, the spouse and kids were often so absorbed in what they were doing that two out of three times they did not even say a greeting! They just kept on monitoring their electronic gadgets. ‘We also saw how difficult it was for parents to penetrate the child’s universe,’ says Ochs. She adds that during the study parents were observed actually backing away, retreating from kids who were absorbed in whatever they were doing. Online social networks – Harmless? Many parents and educators are concerned about the amount of time youths spend visiting what are called online social networks. One problem that arises is that some individuals create a Web-site persona that reflects who they want to be rather than who they are. ‘There’s a kid in one of my classes who says he’s 21 and lives in Las Vegas,’ states a 15-year-old boy. Both youths live about 1,600 kilometres from that U.S. city. Such deception is quite common. ‘You can do anything on the Net,’ confides an 18-year-old Australian girl. ‘You can become a whole different person because no one really knows you. You feel confident. You can make up things so that you seem to be more interesting. As with any mode of communication, online social networks can have legitimate uses as well as potential abuses. As a parent, do you know what your children are doing online? Are you making sure that your children are using their time wisely? (Ephesians 5:15, 16.) Furthermore, misuse of the Internet can expose a youth to a number of serious dangers. What are some of these? The darker side of cyberspace The anonymity of the Internet makes it a hunting ground for child predators. Youths can unwittingly become ensnared if they give out personal information online or agree to meet a person with whom they have been corresponding. Some people argue that ‘children 147 148 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION face more serious threats of violence or abuse in their own homes or on the playground,’ says the book Parenting 911, ‘yet there is something insidious for most parents about sexual provocateurs being able to reach into their homes through a screen and tamper with the innocence of their children.’ There are other ways communication technology has been exploited. Some youths have engaged in ‘cyberbullying’ – relentless online teasing, ostracising, harassing, or threatening. Web sites have been set up purely to humiliate someone, while email, chat rooms, and the like have become conduits for slander. The director of an online safety group believes that up to 80 per cent of children between the ages of 10 and 14 have been directly or indirectly affected by cyberbullying. In some cases, cell phones with a built-in camera have been used to take rude and potentially embarrassing photographs and videos, perhaps in a school locker room or shower. These images have then been placed on the Internet and sent to any number of eager recipients. Yet, some parents know surprisingly little about what their children are doing online. One mother, who closely monitors her 16-year-old daughter’s online activities, stated: ‘Parents would be absolutely horrified and embarrassed if they knew what their children were posting and discussing.’ According to an Internet safety expert, some young people are posting photos that are sexually very suggestive. Negative effects Is all this alarm merely the paranoia of over concerned adults who have forgotten what it is like to be a teenager? The statistics suggest otherwise. Consider: In some areas, nearly a third of boys and girls between 15 and 17 years of age have had sexual intercourse. More than half of teens between 13 and 19 say that they have had oral sex. Has technology contributed to these sobering statistics? Undoubtedly. ‘Cell phones and the Internet, which offer teenagers an unparalleled level of privacy, make hooking up that much easier,’ says a New York Times Magazine report. In one survey, more than four out of five girls admitted that they are not as careful as they should be online. Some who are looking online for a date or a hookup get more than they bargained for. ‘We have seen an increase in sexual assaults,’ states Jennifer Welch of the Novato Police Department in California. She says that many victims first contact their future assailant online and then agree to meet in person. Beware of the ’Wisdom of the world’! Teen advice columns in newspapers and magazines tend to take a soft stance when it comes to young people and sex. Although they give a nod of approval to abstinence or moral purity their main goal is to encourage ’safe’ sex rather than no sex. ’We can’t stop them,’ the reasoning seems to be, ’so at least we can teach them to be responsible.’ In an article posted on one respected Website for teens, the issue of whether to have sex or not boiled down to three factors: (1) the risk of pregnancy, (2) the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, and (3) the importance of deciding if both parties are emotionally ready for the experience. ’In the end, it’s your decision to make,’ the site says. Only a passing reference is made to discussing the matter with a parent. And there was not even a mention as to whether such sex is right or wrong. If you are a parent, surely you want something better than the fickle and foolish ’wisdom of the world’ to guide your children. (1 Corinthians 1:20) How can you help them to navigate their way through adolescence and avoid the dangers discussed in this article? The answer may not be as simple as unplugging the computer or taking away the phone. Surface solutions rarely reach the heart. (Proverbs 4:23) Consider, too, that your children may be using such devices as the cell phone and the Internet to address certain needs that you as a parent may be able to address far more effectively. What are some of these needs? Awake! CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION 9.7 Acknowledging sources Once you have found some reliable sources for your research you will need to make some note of what others have said about the subject for use in your research paper. There are various ways of capturing those ideas: Direct quotation ■ Paraphrasing ■ Précis ■ Summary. ■ SEMESTERISATION Direct quotation Direct quotation, as the name ‘An expectation that the introduction of a semester suggests, points to the use of system would facilitate curriculum development the writer’s exact words. If within each discipline and across faculties’ you intend to use this type of referencing then you must be sure to quote exactly as the writer phrases his/her idea. Even punctuation marks should be copied in place. Use double quotation marks for this way of referencing. Fig. 9.4 An index card In addition, make note of the author, title of work and page numbers and publisher’s name, address and the year the work was published. The best way to capture this information is by developing an index card file with quotations you might use. Paraphrasing Long passages by the original author may contain fine ideas that cannot be captured by direct quotation. The researcher must then in his/her own words capture the ideas of the writer. It is imperative in paraphrasing to watch out for the tendency to slip into the writer’s words as this may cause you inadvertently to plagiarise (see page 150). If you want to discuss the lines of a poem you may also paraphrase rather than quote the lines. Remember that paraphrases also need to be acknowledged, as you are still using someone else’s ideas. Précis Here again the researcher must use his/her own words to capture the ideas of the original writer. The précis is a careful rewrite of the original that maintains the style, point of view and tone of the original without using the actual words of the original author. (Markham et al. 2000) Summary This is also written in the researcher’s own words and summarises the general ideas in long extracts or even a book. The researcher must still credit the author. 149 150 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Plagiarism The most important thing to remember is the need to acknowledge all material quoted, all material paraphrased and all material summarised. If this is not done, any material borrowed from another source constitutes I don’t think you can really claim that Martin plagiarism. Often, we do Amis plagiarised your work just because you both not mean to plagiarise but used the words ‘to’, ‘if’, and ‘but’ on page 46. another writer may say something so well that we put it into our own writing without making the necessary acknowledgement. Also, a popular excuse is that when we are about to complete the final draft, we cannot find the source of the information and therefore do not include it. Nonetheless plagiarism is a serious offence and there are several ways of Fig. 9.5 Plagiarism avoiding it: Ensure that any quotation that you copy while researching is documented for future reference. Note cards or a note book are useful for listing these sources and quotes. ■ Remember that paraphrasing an author does not exempt you from acknowledging the source. ■ Become so familiar with the subject area that you can tell the difference between what is generally known and what is a specific writer’s view of a subject. The specific view must be acknowledged. ■ Desist from using a line of argument presented by someone else without acknowledgement. ■ If there is doubt in your mind as to the question of plagiarism, ask a classmate what they think or, better yet, your teacher. ■ Plagiarism is a serious offence and can cause students to fail courses. In some institutions, incidents of plagiarism may lead to academic probation. In fact it is treated in the same way as cheating, as it is considered academic dishonesty. 9.8 References and bibliographies You have reached the point where you are writing your essay, so what do you do with the card files containing the quotes, the summaries, précis and paraphrasing? How do they fit in to your actual text? The answer lies in the use of a preferred style guide. There are various style guides for different academic fields. ■ APA – American Psychological Association manual ■ MLA – Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, the Modern Language Association of America CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION These are the two most widely used style manuals for research papers. Following are examples on how to use the two style manuals to fit quotations into your research paper. Presentation elements MLA APA Materials Use good quality 8½ inch by 11 inch white paper. Use good quality 8½ inch by 11 inch white paper. Font Use a standard typeface and typesize, such as 12 point Times New Roman. Use a standard typeface and typesize, such as 12 point Times New Roman. Identification and pagination Use a page header that includes your last name and the page number on the top right corner of every page e.g. Jones 11. Numbering should begin on the title page, flush with margin on the right and continue on each subsequent page. The running head should be on each page on the top left corner. (Note the words ‘Running Head’ only appear on the title page.) Title page MLA does not require a title page. However the first page of your paper should include your name, your instructor’s/teacher’s name, the course title, and the date on separate lines against the left margin. Centre the title of your essay. At the top left type the words ‘Running Head’, followed by a shortened title of the paper no more than 50 characters and in all capitals. About half way down the page, centre the title. Use capital letters for words of four letters or more. Under the title type your name and then the name of your school. Margins and spacing Margins should be 1 inch on all four sides of each page. Double space throughout the paper. Indent a new paragraph ½ inch from the margin. No additional spacing is required between paragraphs. Margins should be 1 inch on all four sides of each page. Double space throughout the paper. Indent a new paragraph ½ inch from the margin. No additional spacing is required between paragraphs. Headings Table 9.2 Style Guide: Presentation Headings help to organise the text for the reader. The main headings should be centred and bolded. Capitalise the initial letter of all words except articles, short prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions. 151 152 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Citation elements MLA APA In-text citations Should be used after quoting, paraphrasing or summarising. State the author’s last name and the page number in parentheses without a comma, e.g. (Ross 127). The format is last name of author, year of publication, page number of quote. When paraphrasing or summarising an idea, include the page number, e.g. (Ross, 2007, p.127). Block quotations Indent quotations longer than four typed lines of prose or three lines of verse. Indent the entire quote 1 inch from the set margin. Double space the quote. Do not use quotation marks. Put the full stop before the citation. Quotations that are 40 words or longer need to be set apart in a block. Double space and indent ½ inch from the left margin. Do not use quotation marks and place the final punctuation before the in-text citation. Citing indirect sources To cite information that your source has taken from a different source, put the original author of the information in the text and write ‘qtd in’ in your in-text citation followed by the author and page number of the work you found the material in, e.g. (qtd in Applewhaite 341). To cite information that your source has taken from a different source, name the original source in your introductory phrase, e.g. Educator Joseph Inniss suggested that ‘Students need to be nurtured even as they reach post-secondary institutions’ (as cited in Applewhaite, 2009, p. 341). List the secondary source in your list of references and include in your citation. Listing works cited The works or sources cited in the essay must appear in your page/s under the heading ‘works cited’. This is a new page and the actual words ‘Works Cited’ should be centred but not underlined or punctuated. Note that only the work you used appears in this list, not everything you read. Use alphabetical order of the last name of the authors or editors to arrange the list of works cited. If there is no author/editor use the first word of the title other than a/ an or the to place the work. The hanging indent should be used if your entry requires more than one line. The heading ‘References’ should appear on a new page. The word should be centred 1 inch from the top of the page. The list should be double spaced. Type the first line flush left and any additional lines should be indented ½ inch. Use alphabetical order of the last name of the authors or editors to arrange the list of works cited. If there is no author/editor use the first word of the title other than a/an or the to place the work. Use initials instead of first names, e.g. Mahabir, T.D. CHAPTER 9: RESEARCHING INFORMATION Table 9.3 Style Guide: Citations Web addresses MLA requires the following for a website citation: last name, first name of author; title of website; sponsor of site; update; medium; date of access, e.g. Richards, Michael. Coral Reefs. Barbados Library Association. 2010. Web. 24 January 2012. APA requires the following for a website citation: Publication information as for a print periodical. Use the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) instead of a URL. Only use a retrieval date if you believe the article will change. Titles Use italics for the titles of books and other long works and for websites. Use quotation marks for the titles of articles, short stories and poems. Italicise the titles and subtitles of books. Do not use quotation marks around the titles of articles. Capitalise only the first word of the title and subtitle (and all proper nouns) of books and articles. It is advisable to check the various sites available on the internet to assist you in presenting your work using the correct format. The formatting requirements are constantly changing and therefore what is presented above is only a guideline for use at the date of publishing. The style guide also aids in the format of your bibliography. A bibliography lists the books, journals, articles read and Internet sites visited. You must be particularly careful to include the works cited in your paper. However, all works read should really appear in the bibliography. • Cite as you would a printed source, followed by a retrieval statement that includes the Internet address or URL of the article. Start it with the word Retrieved and end with the Internet address/URL, for example Richards, H.B.R. (2000). Change management in the business environment. Journal of the Caribbean Human Resources Society, 10, 106-129. Retrieved from • When you retrieve an article from online and you need to include it in your bibliography you may use the above example or go online and check your preferred style at or any reputable source for citing. APA manual 6th ed. Citing sources from the Internet The typical student tends to simply write, for example, http://www.junk. com as a source in the bibliography. However, more than the above is required. The APA manual (6th ed.) suggests that you should do as shown in the box above. Conclusion This chapter introduced some basic concepts in research. As you advance academically you will learn more about research techniques. However, in writing research papers for this level of study you may refer to the guidelines offered here to ensure a welldocumented, valid piece of writing. This chapter also offered a means of ensuring that your sources are indeed the types that offer the best information available. As you continue on to Chapter 10 you will explore the different types of writing in the world of academics. 153 154 UNIT 3: INTERPRETING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 3 Select articles from journals, magazines and 1 Write the bibliographical reference for this 4 Select one of the following topics to research. text. Choose one Internet source and write the bibliographical reference for that source. Use APA or MLA. 2 Choose a research topic and, using your school or district library, find two valid and reliable sources that could provide information for your research. Discuss with your classmates the worth of your sources. newspapers. In your group, discuss their reliability as sources of information or data. How credible is the author? Has he/she provided evidence to support claims or conclusions? Make a presentation on the topic to your class: (a) The impact of HIV/AIDS on your society (b) Human migration patterns in your territory (c) Fashion trends among youth in your age group (d) Themes in popular music. References Adams, R. (2007). Viewpoints. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, p. 274. Coleman, V. (1993). Private Consultation with Dr Vernon Coleman: Stress and Relaxation. London: Hamlyn, pp. 9–11. Gay, L.R. & Airasian, P. (2000). Educational Research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research. The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597–606. Retrieved 20 April 2007 from Markham, R., Markham, P. & Waddel, M. (2001). 10 Steps in Writing the Research Paper, 6th edn. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6thedn. (2009). Washington Restak, R. (1988). The Mind. New York: Bantam Books, p. 48. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc. and Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Great Britain (2007). Helping Youths Meet the Challenge. Awake! March, pp. 4–7. 155 End of Unit Test 3 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Whatever else you do with your life you will always be a consumer. To the people who make items as varied as motorcars, refrigerators, underwear, indigestion remedies, biscuits, coat hangers and kitchen sinks you are a consumer. To lawyers, accountants, surveyors, house agents and even doctors you are a consumer. Modern advertising is a scientifically based creative art which is designed to raise the intensity of your desires and build your dissatisfaction and your fears. The advertising copywriter is hired to create unhappiness. Advertising is, in short, an industry which only works when it puts you under unnecessary stress. In order to persuade you to become a customer, the people who provide these products and services spend considerable amounts of money trying to convince you that their products or services are better than anyone else’s and are essential for a happy life. Modern advertising is designed to make you dissatisfied with anything which isn’t profitable. Advertising copywriters want to take away your appreciation of the simple things in life because they know that there is more profit in making things more complicated, more expensive and more unreliable. They want you to be in so much of a hurry that you eat instant foods rather than growing and preparing your own vegetables. They want you to ride in a car rather than walk or ride a bicycle. They want to make you feel guilty if you don’t smell right or don’t buy the right breakfast cereal for your children. They want you to feel a failure if you don’t have the latest clothes on your back and the latest gadgets in your home. Modern advertising agencies know (because they have done the necessary research) that it is impossible to sell anything to a satisfied man. But, in order to keep the money coming in, the advertising agencies must constantly encourage us to buy and they constantly need to find better ways to sell us goods and services that we do not really need. Any fool can sell a product or a service that people need. If your shoes wear out then you will buy new ones or have the old ones repaired. If you are hungry and there is only one restaurant for miles then that restaurant will get your service. If your car is about to run out of petrol then a garage doesn’t need to offer you free products to get your custom. As far as the advertising agencies are concerned, the trick is to get you to buy shoes when you don’t need to and to buy shoes that are more expensive than they need be: to buy food when you are not hungry and to fill your car with petrol long before its tank is empty, simply because you are attracted by the offer that accompanies a particular brand of fuel. As far as the advertising industry is concerned, the basic trick is to turn your most ephemeral wants into basic needs. In order to do this advertising agencies use all their professional skills to make you dissatisfied with what you already have. They need you to be constantly dissatisfied and frustrated. Advertising is most successful when it persuades you to forget your real needs and to replace them with wants; there is no doubt that the advertising industry is responsible for much of the sickness and much of the unhappiness in our society. Even if you don’t have the money to spend on new cars, kitchen furniture, clothes and other goods so cleverly advertised, you will not escape. Advertising, designed to inflame your desires, will show you services you cannot buy and things you cannot have. It will create wants and then turn those wants into needs. Advertising creates frustration and disappointment, envy and dissatisfaction. If you are too poor to buy the things which are advertised, you will never discover that the products on offer are unlikely to satisfy the promises made for them. Advertising is, without a doubt, one of the greatest causes of stress and is one of the greatest of modern threats to physical and mental health. Advertising agencies kill far more people than do industries which pollute the atmosphere. V. Coleman 156 1 In one sentence, state the main idea of this passage. (2 marks) 2 What are the intentions of the writer? (4 marks) 3 (a) Identify and give examples of TWO devices of argument or persuasion used by the writer. (4 marks) (b) Discuss the similarities between these devices and those used by the advertising industry. (4 marks) 4 List the six main points used by the writer to develop his essay. (6 marks) 5 Analyse the passage in terms of its reliability as a source of data. (4 marks) Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow. Your Caribbean Studies class has been given a research project that counts for a large percentage of your end of term grade. Your group has chosen to research the incidence of sexual activity amongst teenagers at your school. Read the following passages and answer the questions below each one. What do fathers do? Partly, of course it is simply to bring a second adult in the home. Bringing up children is demanding, stressful and often exhausting. Two adults can support and spell each other; they can also offset each other’s deficiencies and build on each other’s strengths. Beyond that, fathers bring an array of unique and irreplaceable qualities that women do not ordinarily bring. Some of these are familiar, if sometimes overlooked or taken for granted. The father as protector, for example, has by no means outlived his usefulness. And he is important as a role model. Teenage boys without fathers are notoriously prone to trouble. The pathway to adulthood for daughters is somewhat easier, but they still must learn from their fathers, as they cannot from their mothers, how to relate to men. They learn from their fathers about heterosexual trust, intimacy and difference. They learn to appreciate their own femininity from the one male who is most special in their lives (assuming that they love and respect their fathers). Most important, through loving and being loved by their fathers, they learn that they are worthy of love. R. Adams l List THREE methods you might use to collect data for your research. (3 marks) 2 State THREE relevant questions that you may ask to gain information /data for your research. (3 marks) 3 State THREE sources you may draw on for information /data for the research. (3 marks) 4 Some of your group members feel that the findings of this research apply to all teens in your country. Explain to your group why this is not so. (2 marks) 5 Explain how the research methods would have to change to allow this research to have countrywide application. (4 marks) Select the main idea from the choices below. (1 mark) (a) Fathers are very useful parents. (b) The father’s primary role is that of protector. (c) Fathers are important to the development of both boys and girls. (d) Fathers are capable of doing things that women are unable to. 157 Scientists have known for years that all is not quiet or quiescent within the womb. Intrauterine recordings reveal the sounds of the mother’s heartbeat along with muffled speech and sounds from the environment. But important questions remained unanswered. After birth will the newborn recognise the sounds heard in the womb, perhaps even prefer them over other sounds? Although this was an intriguing possibility, there was no way of knowing the answer until scientists developed a way of measuring newborn preferences. The breakthrough came with the use of a non-nutritive nipple, which monitors the rate and amplitude of an infant’s sucking. R. Restak 1 Give definitions for the following: intrauterine; quiescent; intriguing; amplitude (4 marks) 2 Describe briefly how you think a non-nutritive nipple might have been used by the scientists. (4 marks) 3 In the original text, what do you think the next paragraph dealt with? (2 marks) References: Unit 3 Additional reading Bell, J. (2001). Doing your Research Project. Buckingham: Open University Press. Grant, P. (1997). Reading and Study Skills. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Inc. McWhorter, K. (2002). Reading Across the Disciplines: College reading and beyond. Longman. Newby, M. (1989). Writing: A Guide for Students. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Smith, B. (2004). Breaking Through: College Reading, 7th edn. Longman. Sullivan, H. & Sernoff, L. (1998). Research Reports: A guide for middle and high school students. Connecticut: Millbrook Press. Turabian, K. (1996). A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations, 6th edn. University of Chicago Press. Zeuschner, R. (1997).Communicating Today. Allyn & Bacon. 4 Structuring Communication So far you have learnt what communication is, how it works in society and how to interpret the communication you receive. Deciphering information requires receptive skills and the other side of communication, which is conveying information, requires productive skills. Whenever we speak, write or gesticulate we are producing communication or trying to convey a message. In order for that message to be received clearly and interpreted by the receiver in the way that we intend, we must be sure that it has been structured appropriately. This unit explores the ways in which we produce communication and how the different forms of communication can be structured and prepared for presentation to our audience (whether listeners, readers or viewers). Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this unit, you should be able to: 1 produce different types of communication relevant to your social, academic, professional and vocational needs 2 apply basic communication skills and principles to your communication choices and behaviours 3 appreciate the use of speech and writing as mental and social processes 4 express yourself in speech and writing with precision, accuracy, clarity and fluency 5 demonstrate competence in organising oral and written communication 6 use English structures correctly and appropriately. 160 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING 10 Speaking It is difficult for most people (unless they are speech impaired) to imagine days going by without using speech (or signing) as a means of communication. As long as we are in social or interactive situations, the need for speech arises; however, the type of speech required varies with each communication context. Very often, the effectiveness of our communication depends heavily on how well we can convey thoughts and messages through speech. Therefore it is important to understand how to ensure that, whatever the communicative context or purpose, we are able to speak clearly, choose our words carefully and use the appropriate intonation in order to be good communicators. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3 and Specific Objectives 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter you should be able to: 1 describe the various types of speaking 2 describe the mental and social processes involved in speaking 3 manipulate non-verbal elements and modes of speech appropriate to specific purposes and audiences 4 speak in English on prepared and impromptu topics, using appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues 5 use appropriate strategies for speech preparation 6 evaluate your own oral communication and that of peers, according to set criteria. Introduction Can you remember a really outstanding talk or presentation that you attended? Which aspect of that presentation made the greatest impression – the speaker’s delivery or the content? Although a large proportion of our life is spent communicating through speech, too frequently such communication is not very effective, often resulting in wrong ideas being conveyed, or poor impressions of the speaker being formed. One clear example where this may happen is in a job interview. The impression the interviewer receives of you is dictated by your ability to communicate effectively. However, before you even attempt to enter the world of work, you will be required to demonstrate proficiency in public speaking.You may be called upon to present a paper in class, to attend a scholarship interview, talk to your church or social group or you may be valedictorian as you graduate from school or college. Since most of the communication you engage in throughout life will be through speech, it is important to take an objective look at the skills that characterise a good 161 162 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION speaker and the strategies and techniques that assist in the delivery of different types of speech. A good speaker is able to use the language tool to achieve any of the purposes of language. 10.1 Basic speech skills There are six basic speech skills that are key to the effective delivery of spoken communication. These skills can be mastered only through consistent practice and frequent self-evaluation. It is useful to have a voice recorder and a mirror when practising, or you can practise your skills with your friends and ask for their honest feedback.You should not be self-conscious or embarrassed about trying to improve your speaking ability. The most powerful and influential people in the world are usually among those who have mastered the basic skills of effective speaking. Fig.10.1 Do not be embarrassed about trying to improve your speaking ability Articulation This is the careful pronunciation of words and syllables, with specific regard to consonant sounds. The articulators are the tongue, lips, teeth and palate. These are the points of contact that enable us to produce the particular consonant sounds. Make the sounds of ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘th’ and ‘m’. Notice which articulators are used for each one. Proper articulation occurs when all consonant sounds are pronounced clearly in the right places. Obviously, words like ‘knife’ and ‘sight’ do not require you to pronounce every consonant. It is important to remember that consonant sounds vary from one language to another. When speaking English, sounds such as the second ‘t’ in ‘tourist’ and the ‘d’ in ‘send’ must be sounded although they are not pronounced in the Creole. Similarly the ‘th’ consonant blend is difficult for many speakers (including native English speakers) and needs to be practised. Enunciation This is the careful pronunciation of the vowel sounds in words and syllables. The articulators do not have to touch each other for us to produce these sounds. Try making the sounds of ‘e’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘i’ and ‘a’. Notice how you produce these sounds. Notice also that each vowel has more than one possible sound. Proper enunciation requires clear ACTIVITY 10.1 Practise saying these: ship fit gun sheep pan gone did pun feet deed CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING differentiation between separate vowels as well as between the two sounds of each vowel. Your listener should be clear as to whether you are saying, ‘paper’ or ‘pepper’, ‘pin’ or ‘pen’, ‘potent’ or ‘portent’. Activities such as saying tongue twisters, recitation or choral speaking are very useful in practising both enunciation and articulation. Voice control This is the ability to regulate and modulate your voice so that your words are audible and your tone conveys the intended message. It is important to regulate the tempo or speed of your speech to aid the understanding of your listener. Speaking too quickly can interfere with articulation and enunciation, while speaking too slowly may well bore your listeners. The volume of your voice also needs to be adjusted to suit the specific occasion. It would be ridiculous to conduct an intimate conversation with someone that is clearly audible to other people several feet away. Conversely, nothing is more annoying to a listener than having to strain to hear the person addressing him or her.Your setting or environment normally dictates how loudly or softly you speak. The pitch/tone of your voice is another aspect to be modulated or adjusted.Your tone conveys emotional and social information to your listener. It can indicate whether you are angry, sad or excited and your listener can also get the impression that you are superior, submissive or unsure from your tone. A loud, strident tone is usually interpreted as aggressive, whereas softer tones are considered non-threatening. Since the quality of your voice influences the impressions that your listeners form of you, listening to yourself is a good idea. Record your voice when you speak in class or other situations and listen to it.You may be surprised at how others hear you. Usage This refers to employing the correct grammatical structures when speaking, as well as using structures that are appropriate to your audience and the purpose of your speech. (See Chapter 13 for a review of common grammatical errors.) Remember that language can be correct but inappropriate. For instance, if you were giving a talk to a kindergarten class on the importance of keeping their surroundings clean, you would need to use simple rather than complex sentence structures. Disposing of your rubbish in the receptacle provided is of paramount importance, not only to you, but also to your colleagues, since the environment is a collective one, and you are likely to develop a myriad illnesses from unhygienic surroundings. Fig. 10.2 You may end up alienating your audience 163 164 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Word choice The words you use when speaking should be appropriate to the audience as well as to the occasion or you may end up alienating your audience. For example, unless you were addressing a group of computer savvy people, you would not throw in words like core processors, teraflop, macros or search engine optimisation if there was no way of clearly explaining them.You should also ensure that you do not use words that are socially inappropriate or vulgar. Audience–speaker rapport Effective communicators work on developing a relationship with their audience. This does not mean that you have to know your audience personally but that, whatever you do, you need to have your audience in mind. Therefore, even before you give a speech, during your preparation phase, you must think of your audience. This starts with the selection of material that is of interest to your audience. Capturing the interest of your audience is the first step towards developing a good rapport with them. Second, you need to monitor your audience’s reactions throughout your speech and make the necessary adjustments to your content, word choice or voice modulation. Look out for signs of boredom or distraction, like fidgeting or most people not looking at you. Sometimes just making a dramatic pause or changing your tone of voice can make a difference. It is also important to look at your audience in order to engage them. Avoid focusing on the wall at the back of the room or looking The speech was almost interesting. up at the ceiling. Make eye contact with individuals as People began to sit up and fake interest. you speak. Establishing a good rapport with your audience generates positive feedback from them, which in turn Fig. 10.3 Audience–speaker rapport energises you as a speaker. Dress Have you ever attended a lecture and found yourself focused on what the speaker was wearing rather than what they were saying? Whenever we are planning for an interview or speaking engagement we should pay special attention to how we dress. Is our clothing appropriate to the occasion? Do our clothes fit well? Not to tight? Not dropping below our hips? Is the colour sending the right message? As you learnt in Unit 1, dress is a form of non-verbal communication. We should always remember that when presenting a speech the non-verbal cues are as important as the verbal. 10.2 Preparing speeches There is no greater threat to an oral presentation than inadequate preparation. Unfortunately this aspect is often underrated and done hurriedly. Preparation is key to the eventual success of your presentation and should be approached in a logical, sequential manner. The following eight-step approach on page 165 can be used: CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING Did you know? Fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias and ranks higher than the fear of death. 10.3 1 Determine your purpose – will your speech be to entertain, inform or persuade? Your speech may have more than one purpose. 2 Select a topic for your speech – it is best to select a topic that you know about or one that you are very interested in and would like to know about. If you are not interested in your topic then your audience will not be either. A speaker’s level of enthusiasm for the topic can easily be detected by his/her audience. 3 Research your topic – find out everything you can on the subject.You need to know more about it than you will tell your audience.You must appear authoritative, knowledgeable and in control of your material. 4 Consider your audience – what are they likely to be interested in? You will not be able to put everything you know about a subject into a speech, so understanding your audience enables you to streamline and select the aspects most appealing to them. 5 Using the audience-centred approach – plan your speech. Write your central idea and outline the main points. Decide which information from your research you will use to support your points. No matter how short it may be, ensure that your speech has (a) an introduction, (b) a body and (c) a conclusion. 6 Write out your speech so that you can practise it. Then make an outline with just your main points. This is what you will speak from. 7 Select your visual aids if you intend to use them. Make sure that they are pertinent to your topic and that they enhance rather than distract. 8 Rehearse your speech – use a mirror to monitor your body language and a voice recorder to evaluate your vocal impact. Components of the speech Introduction Often, the most difficult part of preparing for a speech is planning your introduction. The introduction usually determines whether your audience is going to sit up and pay attention or begin to tune you out. It must characterise you as someone with something important and interesting to say and the audience must know what you are going to talk about; however, under no circumstances should you begin with, ’The topic of my speech is ….’ Essentially, the introduction has three major roles: to attract the listener’s interest, to place the topic in context for the listener and to deliver a speech-focusing statement. Fig. 10.4 A rambling introduction 165 166 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION There are several types of speech openers that can be used to catch the audience’s interest. However, whichever one you select must be intrinsic to your topic. For example, if you decide to begin with a question, it should be answered by the end of the speech and if you begin with a quotation, it should be elucidated or illustrated during your speech. There are some examples of openers on the right. Once you have the attention of the audience, you need to move your introduction towards your exact topic by first giving some general background or contextual information, then zooming in on the specific aspect(s) on which you will be speaking. The final part of your introduction is the speech-focusing statement. This tells your audience exactly what you will be talking about and in what order. Example 1. Ask a rhetorical question. Example: Did you know that each night, two hours of your sleep is spent dreaming? 2. Use humour. Example: We all know that the only reliable way to predict the weather is by washing your car. 3. Use a startling statement. Example: By the time I have finished my speech, 1500 children will have died from hunger. 4. Open with a quotation. Example: The famous writer Mark Twain once said, ’Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail.’ We all know that the only reliable way to predict rain is by washing your vehicle. However, for centuries, human beings have tried to accurately forecast weather systems, in an effort to plan agricultural or social events, or simply in a vain attempt to gain some control over our environment. Today, we can make more informed decisions on our activities largely because the science (or art) of weather forecasting has become more precise and dependable. Modern weather forecasting depends on a combination of computer models, observation, and knowledge of trends and patterns. The body The body of your speech develops your main points. It is where you carry out the promise made to your audience in the introduction. Unlike a written piece that your reader can peruse at will, savour slowly or return to several times, your speech must accomplish your purpose within a given time. Therefore it must be carefully constructed to deliver precisely the amount of information you intend, in a way that enables the audience to comprehend easily, without having to tune out some parts while they try to make sense of others.Your challenge is to keep the audience alert and interested while you convey your points clearly. The approach you take towards constructing your speech will depend on the type of speech and its purpose. If you are telling a story, you will want to build suspense in your audience towards a climactic point or the most dramatic part and then give the resolution or outcome.You would also need to use highly descriptive language to keep the pictures in the audience’s minds moving along with the story and to maintain the mood. CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING Conclusion Your conclusion is perhaps the most important part of your speech, since this is the last part of your message that your listeners will hear. This is the point at which you want your audience entirely in agreement or having fully understood.Your main task in the conclusion is to solidify their memory of the ideas you have put forward.You must summarise the main points of your speech (remind your audience of what you have said). The main idea or thesis should be clearly restated in your conclusion.You should also think carefully about the kind of mood or frame of mind with which you would like to leave your audience. This will help you to decide if you want to end by challenging your listeners to questions, appealing for further action, or leaving them with food for thought in your last sentences. 10.4 Types of speech Informative The informative speech draws on some of the techniques used in narration. The facts that you present must be brought alive in the minds of the audience. Simply giving out information by listing facts will bore an audience. An effective approach would be to present the facts in a descriptive manner by using analogies or comparisons and turning your facts into pictures. For example, if you say, ‘Imagine that every minute an entire class of students dies and every hour an entire school dies. That is the rate at which children are dying of hunger worldwide,’ this gives your audience a better picture of what the actual numbers mean when you give the statistics. When giving a demonstrative speech, you should use the chronological or sequential approach to ensure that the aspects of a process or item are presented in a logical order that helps the audience in memorising them.You may also use a cause–effect method, where you systematically show how one thing results in another. The informative speech relies very heavily on careful and systematic construction, since your audience is expected to learn or understand how things work or how to do something. Structuring your information from the least to the most important points (climax order) or vice versa (anti-climax order) enables your listeners mentally to list or scaffold your points as you speak. Providing your audience with ordered structures helps to keep them alert because their minds are busy filing this neatly packaged information. Persuasive The secondary purpose of these speeches can be to inspire, motivate, criticise or condemn; however, their main purpose is to elicit some changes in the minds, values, attitudes, beliefs or behaviours of the listeners. Therefore, the success of the persuasive speech would be based on the degree to which the speaker is able to achieve the desired change. First, a very effective way of influencing your audience is by use of repetition. It is often said that, if one hears something often enough, one begins to believe it. Repetition is a powerful persuasive tool. It creates emphasis and hammers home your points. Second, you can use rhetorical questions to keep the attention of the audience and suggest the absurdity of what you are persuading them against. Rhetorical questions force the listener to respond mentally in a predictable way. They are not designed to elicit debate, but to provide the stimulus for the only response that you are expecting. Third, using language that appeals to specific emotions in your listeners is another effective way of making them feel strongly about your position. 167 168 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 10.2 Dramatise the extract below. Pay attention to the ways in which the speaker, Anthony, tries to influence his audience, the plebeians. Then answer the questions that follow: William Shakespeare 1. Pleb. This Caesar was a tyrant. 3. Pleb. Nay, that’s certain. 70 2. Pleb. If thou consider rightly of the matter, Caesar has had great wrong. We are blest that Rome is rid of him. 3. Pleb. Has he, masters? 2. Pleb. Peace! Let us hear what Antony can say. I fear there will a worse come in his place. Ant. You gentle Romans,– 4. Pleb. Mark’d ye his words? He would not take the crown; All. Peace, ho! Let us hear him. Therefore ’tis certain he was not ambitious. Ant. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; 75 I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. 1. Pleb. If it be found so, some will dear abide it. The evil that men do lives after them, 3. Pleb. There’s not a nobler man in Rome than Antony. The good is oft interred with their bones; 4. Pleb. Now mark him; he begins again to speak. So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus Ant. But yesterday the word of Caesar might Hath told you Caesar was ambitious. Have stood against the world; now lies he there, 80 2. Pleb. Poor soul! His eyes are red as fire with weeping. If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And none so poor to do him reverence. And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it. O masters! If I was dispos’d to stir Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest, Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, (For Brutus is an honourable man, I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, So are they all, all honourable men) 85 I will not do them wrong; I rather choose He was my friend, faithful and just to me; To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, But Brutus says he was ambitious, Than I will wrong such honourable men. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, But here’s a parchment with the seal of Caesar; 90 Let but the commons hear this testament, Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read, When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept; And they would go and kiss dead Caesar’s wounds, Ambition should be made of sterner stuff: And dip their napkins in his sacred blood, Yet Brutus says he was ambitious Yea, beg a hair of him for memory, And Brutus is an honourable man, And, dying, mention it within their wills, You all did see that on the Lupercal Bequeathing it as a rich legacy I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Unto their issue. Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition? 4. Pleb. We’ll hear the will. Read it, Mark Antony. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, All. The will, the will! We will hear Caesar’s will! 100 And sure he is an honourable man. Ant. Have patience, gentle friends; I must not read it. I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, It is not meet you know how Caesar lov’d you. But here I am to speak what I do know. You are not wood, you are not stones, but men; You all did love him once, not without cause; And being men, hearing the will of Caesar, What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? 105 125 130 I found it in his closet; ’tis his will. Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill: 95 120 Who, you all know, are honourable men. Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral. And Brutus is an honourable man. 115 135 140 145 It will inflame you, it will make you mad. O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts, ’Tis good you know not that you are his heirs; And men have lost their reason. Bear with me; For if you should, O, what would come of it? My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, 4. Pleb. Read the will! We’ll hear it, Antony! And I must pause till it come back to me. You shall read us the will, Caesar’s will! 1. Pleb. Methinks there is much reason in his sayings. 110 Ant. Will you be patient? Will you stay awhile? 150 CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING I have o’ershot myself to tell you of it. That day he overcame the Nervii. I fear I wrong the honourable men Look, in this place ran Cassius’ dagger through; Whose daggers have stabb’ed Caesar; I do fear it. 4. Pleb. They were traitors. Honourable men! See what a rent the envious Casca made: 155 Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb’d; All. The will! – The testament! And as he pluck’d his cursed steel away 2. Pleb. They were villains, murderers! The will! Read the will. Mark how the blood of Caesar follow’d it, If Brutus so unkindly knock’d or no; 160 For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar’s angel. And let me show you him that made the will. Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar lov’d him. Shall I descend? And will you give me leave? This was the most unkindest cut of all; All. Come down. For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, 2. Pleb. Descend. 3. Pleb. You shall have leave. 185 Ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms, 165 Quite vanquish’d him: then burst his mighty heart; 4. Pleb. A ring! Stand round. And in his mantle muffling up his face, 1. Pleb. Stand from the hearse! Stand from the body! Even at the base of Pompey’s statue 2. Pleb. Room for Antony, most noble Antony! (Which all the while ran blood) great Caesar fell. Ant. Nay, press not so upon me; stand far off. All. Stand back! Room! Bear back! 180 As rushing out of doors, to be resolv’d Ant. You will compel me then to read the will? Then make a ring about the corpse of Caesar. 175 190 O, what a fall was there, my countrymen! 170 Then I, and you, and all of us fell down, Whilst bloody treason flourish’d over us. O, now you weep, and I perceive you feel 195 The dint of pity. These are gracious drops. Kind souls, what weep you when you but behold Our Caesar’s vesture wounded? Look you here! Here is himself, marr’d as you see, with traitors. 1. Pleb. O piteous spectacle! 200 2. Pleb. O noble Caesar! 3. Pleb. O woeful day! 4. Pleb. O traitors! Villains! 1. Pleb. O most bloody sight! 2. Pleb. We will be revenged. 205 All. Revenge! – About! – Seek! – Burn! – Fire! Fig. 10.5 Scene from Julius Caesar – Kill! – Slay! – Let not a traitor live. Ant. If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. Ant. Stay, countrymen. You all do know this mantle. I remember 1. Pleb. Peace there! Hear the noble Antony. The first time ever Caesar put it on; ’Twas on a summer’s evening in his tent, 210 William Shakespeare 1 What is the Plebians’ initial opinion of Caesar? At which point does it begin to change? 2 What do you believe are Antony’s intentions when he begins his speech? 3 Identify the main persuasive devices used by Antony. 4 Why do you think Antony (i) pauses during the speech and (ii) hesitates to read the will? 5 What actions / body language accompany his speech between lines 172 and 185? What do you think is his final action in line 199? 6 Which parts of the speech are ironic and why? 169 170 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Debates A debate is a formal method of interactive argument. It requires a presentation of two sides of an argument in a structured manner, following specific rules of conduct. Debating a topic does not mean that you necessarily believe or agree with the side you are arguing. In fact, you may personally believe quite the opposite. A debate is actually a demonstration of your knowledge of a topic, using logical reasoning, language techniques and delivery skills. The debate topic is sometimes referred to as a moot and is presented as a statement or a claim that something is true. Debating is a team activity. The proposing or affirmative team is expected to prove why the topic is true while the opposing or negative team does the opposite. Most debating models require three members on each team with the following roles: Proposing team Opposing team 1st affirmative (team leader) 1st negative (team leader) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ defines the topic presents the team position briefly outlines what each speaker will talk about presents the first half of the affirmative case ■ ■ ■ ■ 2nd affirmative 2nd negative ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ reiterates the team’s position rebuts the main points presented by 1st negative presents the second half of the affirmative case ■ reiterates the team’s position rebuts the other main points of 1st affirmative and some of 2nd affirmative presents the second half of the negative case 3rd affirmative 3rd negative ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ reaffirms the team’s position rebuts all remaining points of negative’s case summarises the affirmative’s case concludes the affirmative’s case ■ ■ Table 10.1 Roles in a debate accepts, qualifies or rejects the definition used by the affirmative presents the negative team position briefly outlines what each team member will say rebuts a few of the main points of the first affirmative speaker presents the first half of the negative case reaffirms the team’s position rebuts all remaining points of the affirmative’s case summarises the negative’s case concludes the case for the negative NB: No new points can be introduced by the third speakers In some models, the debating team comprises two members and the team leaders speak at the end to do the final rebutting and conclusion. Much of a debate consists of rebuttal or showing why the other side is wrong. This requires quick thinking and is the most challenging part of debating. If you have done extensive research and preparation of your topic, you would have already anticipated what points your opponents are likely to put forward and this will assist your rebuttals. Rebuttals should be logically done so as to dismantle the opposing point. Under no circumstance should you make personal references to, or criticisms of, your opponents. Debating etiquette requires you to be courteous to the opposing side. Remember a debate is not a quarrel. CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING A debate is judged according to the following: ACTIVITY 10.3 In groups, research the following topics and list points to support their affirmative and negative sides. 1 A unified Caribbean will always be a myth. 2 Capital punishment has no place in a civilised society. 3 The United Nations is a failure as an organisation and should be dissolved. 4 The worst drugs are already legal. 5 There is no difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. 6 Computer games do more harm than good. 7 It is impossible to have a world at peace; human beings are confrontational by nature. 8 It is morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products that benefit human beings. 9 Democracy is not really the best form of government. 10 Examinations measure nothing useful and should be replaced with other forms of assessment. 10.5 1 Matter: The substance of the speech; the types of example and supporting argument used. 2 Method: The organisation of your speech; the unity of the team, logical presentation of the arguments. 3 Manner: How you present your speech; voice, audience rapport, body language; no dependence on a written speech. Delivering your speech For some people this is the most difficult part of the process because it means putting themselves at the mercy of an audience. The best way of building your confidence is making sure that your speech is well rehearsed. This means practising in front of your mirror and recording your speech to listen to yourself. Practise your gestures, pauses and posture. Use a dictionary to check your pronunciation and word usage.Your aim should be to know your speech well enough that you do not need to read it. Reading your speech makes delivery more difficult because it is harder for your audience to feel involved with you. It is also difficult for you to monitor your audience’s response and maintain eye contact. Speaking entirely from memory can also be risky, unless you are very comfortable with public speaking and not prone to loss of concentration. When reciting from memory you also run the risk of Fig. 10.6 Fear can be a problem Fig. 10.7 Be yourself 171 172 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION sounding robotic and monotonous especially if you are concentrating on remembering your speech. The best option is using notes that give you cues to your points, so you need only to glance down periodically. Avoid stapled pages since they require you to turn them obviously. Small note cards are simplest and least obtrusive. Do not write out your entire speech on the cards.You need only your outline points to aid your memory and help you keep to your organisation. Example Weather foreing cast s ingg Weather W Weatherforecast forecasting 1. Compute r models er models 1.1 1. Comput Computer models Use of infotion rmation Use Useofofinforma information Info from sates,llite s, ballo,ons, stations weather weather stati s atioons st ns Info Infofrom fromsatellite satellites,balloons balloons, weather stations How thes e work How Howthese thesework work 2. Observation tion 2. 22. Observa Observation Tool T thermom s: thermom e anemom , anemome om barome eter,eeter ter, , baroter eter,eter met e er Tools: Tools: thermometer, anemometer, barometer How thes e work How Howthese thesework work 3. Tren T ds 3.3. Trends Trends Cloud patterns Cloud Cloudpatterns patterns Duss&t &water water vapour Dust Dust & water vapour vapour EndNothing : Nothinggis isfoolproo foolpproo End: End: Nothing is foolprooff f Fig. 10.8 Using note cards Before facing your audience, make sure that your visual aids are attractive, useful and will be clearly visible to the entire audience. While visual aids can enhance your presentation and improve the ability of your audience to retain information, poor quality aids frustrate your listeners and make them inattentive. You should also check your personal appearance to ensure that you are well groomed and appropriately attired for the occasion. A floor length ball gown would be as out of place at a career lecture as would a pair of jeans and a vest at a eulogy. Once you are in front of the audience, remember to breathe deeply to steady your voice and slow your tempo. (Speaking quickly is a customary response to nervousness.) Make eye contact with your audience before you begin and relax your facial muscles. A smile puts both you and your audience more at ease. Avoid fidgeting or excessive gesturing. Use pauses to allow your audience to react to a startling fact or to laugh at a humorous line. Significant pauses can also effectively emphasise a point. Above all, be yourself and let your personality come across to the audience. CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING ACTIVITY 10.4 Read the following extract and make a list of the author’s suggestions for successfully facing an audience. Public speaking is being practised increasingly as a broader range of people are being called upon to ’say a few words’ before an audience. Many speakers are seized with stage fright as they rise to their feet. The way to conquer this is also the way to make good speeches: Be prepared! More and more people these days are finding themselves having to speak in public. In addition to the usual occasions when they may be asked to address a club or other social body, the number of situations in which they may be obliged to face an audience has grown. For instance, for many, delivering eulogies at funerals is an important custom, and participants in wedding ceremonies are often expected to say a few words. Whereas at one time only senior managers made presentations or speeches as part of their jobs, almost anyone in today’s workplace may be called upon to talk to an employee or client group, or similar gathering. Executives who once thought they could spend their lives quietly administering affairs are now asked to speak before gatherings of financial analysts, regulators and community leaders to explain corporate policies and promote the interests of their industries. Public speaking has been included in their job descriptions whether they like it or not. And many people don’t like it at all. Often the most insincere line in a speech comes when the speaker attests to what a pleasure it is to be there, when in fact he/she would sooner be almost anywhere else on Earth at that moment. Yet it is an absolute fact that public speaking can be an absolute pleasure for both the speaker and the audience if it is approached with due care. The first step to making good speeches is to subdue one’s fear of appearing in public. Perhaps the first thing a prospective speaker should know about stage fright is that almost everybody in a like situation has it. Shy people tend to think that their shyness is ’worse’ than anyone else’s even as they try to hide it. In fact, many others are just as shy, and are hiding it just as well. It may be reassuring to remind yourself that the audience is naturally less conscious of your nervousness than you are. The tremor in your voice might sound like a jackhammer in your own head, but ask friends in the audience about it afterwards, and they probably didn’t notice it. Even if your nervousness shows, your listeners usually are unlikely to object to it. Overcoming fear and appearing confident Once you resign yourself to a certain degree of nervousness, then you can start practising some of the physical techniques for controlling it. Chief among these is deep breathing. The extra oxygen is soothing and the deliberate pacing of your breaths causes your heart-beat to slow down. The physical actions entailed in loosening up before a public speaking appearance resemble the warm-ups athletes go through before entering a competition: You wiggle your toes and fingers, rotate your head and stretch your neck, move your jaw from one side to the other. People accustomed to talking to groups develop an air of poise which can be invaluable in meeting strangers, participating in gatherings, and exercising leadership. Carnegie advised speakers to take a bold stand though they may be quaking inside: ’Stride forth bravely, stop, stand still, and act as if you loved it.’ If you remain nervous, try not to show it. You can relieve the tension unobtrusively by doing things like twisting your fingers behind your back, wiggling your toes, or clasping a coin in your fist. You should dress for a speech in the same way as you would dress for a wedding or any other social occasion. Your clothes should be suited to the occasion. A speaker’s dress should never be so incongruous, flashy or glamorous that it distracts attention from what he/ she has to say. 173 174 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION People who are inclined to make flamboyant gestures should try to curb them slightly, mindful that they can also take the audience’s mind off their basic message. Gestures, of course, are a highly individualistic feature of a personality, and you would look and feel awkward if you tried to suppress them totally. But you should not just let yourself go – instead, you should be aware of your gestures, and try to use them to your best advantage. If truth be told, some of the most apparently passionate orators have their gestures under complete control. Unless you are a comedian, you are best-off to try to give yourself an air of quiet dignity. The degree of respect you elicit for your personality is bound to affect your audience’s respect for what you have to say. So be yourself, but be a little better than your normal self. If you normally tend to slur your words, for instance, take care to pronounce every word precisely and clearly. If you ordinarily talk fast, slow down. You may be an inveterate slouch in your daily life, but this is the time to hold your chest high, tuck in your stomach, and press the back of your neck against your collar. Apart from enhancing your physical presence, this stance deepens the chest cavity, allowing you to bring your breathing under better control. People cannot do much about the pitch of their voices, but they can learn to use their voices more expressively. As in singing, breath control helps them to do this by permitting variations in volume and intonation. Nothing turns an audience off more completely than the featureless droning of a voice speaking in monotone. As far as public speaking is concerned, timing is everything. Pauses at psychological moments, speedups and slow-downs, abrupt changes of pace – these can make the difference between stimulation and stupefaction. The greatest cause of failure among speeches is not stage fright or delivery technique or the appearance of the speaker. If a speech fails, it is usually because it was written at the last minute and delivered without ever being rehearsed. The speaker most likely to succeed is the one who has put many long hours into preparation. The public platform should hold no terrors for the person who knows the subject and knows what he/she wants to say. Self-confidence is half the battle in the public arena, and it cannot be gained without hard work and forethought. But it makes the effort all the more worthwhile when you realise that the confidence gained in making successful speeches can extend into every aspect of your life. Royal Bank of Canada It is important to be able to evaluate your delivery. Feedback allows you to improve your presentation skills. Just as you work with peers to evaluate your written work, you should do peer evaluation of your speaking skills. The evaluation form on page 175 can be used for this purpose. Remember to discuss the positive aspects of the presentation first. CHAPTER 10: SPEAKING Speech Evaluation Form Speaker: Yes Topic: 1 Was the purpose of the speech clear? 2 Was the topic relevant to the audience? 3 Was the introduction interesting? 4 Were the main points well supported? 5 Were the speaker’s ideas logically developed? 6 Was the conclusion effective? 7 Did the speaker use an original approach to the topic? 8 Was the level of language appropriate to the audience? 9 Were the grammatical structures correct? 10 Did the speaker appear poised? 11 Was the speaker fluent? 12 Did the speaker use effective information? 13 Did the speaker use appropriate body language? 14 Did the speaker establish good rapport with the audience? 15 Did visual aids (if used) contribute to the effectiveness of the presentation? No Comments Overall evaluation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Table 10.2 Speech evaluation Conclusion Like the other communication skills, effective speaking requires practice and continuous self-evaluation. You have learnt the basic skills to be developed and various strategies for structuring and delivering what you say. You have also learnt that meticulous preparation is key to successful delivery, which translates into a positive communicative experience for speaker and audience. Chapter 11 also looks at the importance of preparation and appropriate structuring of communication, this time in written form. 175 176 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension l In groups, paraphrase (write in your own words) the extract from Julius Caesar on page 168 and read your paraphrased version aloud. Does it seem to have the same effect as the original? Discuss this in your groups. 2 Collect samples of public speeches and examine them to identify the speaker’s purpose and devices. Try to obtain samples of recorded speeches from your electronic media (GIS, radio and television stations, Internet) and listen to evaluate the speaker’s oral techniques. 3 Prepare a speech on one of the following topics and present it to your class. Each speaker will be evaluated using the Speech Evaluation Form on page 175. (a) Caribbean governments invested large sums of money in preparation for the hosting of the Cricket World Cup 2007. What are the legacies of the tournament? (b) ‘Women appear to be making progress in the workplace at the expense of family life.’ Take a position on this. (c) The feature address at a youth rally, entitled, ‘Youth, builders of tomorrow’s world’. (d) The advantages of travel. (e) Conservation: Do we care? (f) Designing schools for this century. (g) The good life. References Dorsch, T.S. (ed.) (1975). Julius Caesar. New Arden Shakespeare. Methuen & Co. Ltd, pp. 81–5. Speaking in Public (1992) Royal Bank of Canada Letter Collection, 73 (6) Nov/ Dec, available at CHAPTER 11: WRITING 11 Writing Although on average we communicate less through writing than through the other language arts (listening, speaking, reading), writing takes up a considerable amount of our time as students and certainly in many professions later in life. The codes of language that we follow when writing are stricter and less flexible than those of speech, and writing has to be formally learnt. This means that much attention must be paid to the art of writing and we must understand how to communicate effectively regardless of the type of writing that we are required to produce. In Unit 3 Chapter 7, we looked at types of writing from the perspective of the reader. This chapter focuses on understanding the process of writing for others and the differences among the various types of writing. You will understand how to engage in a process that enables you to polish and refine your writing so that it serves its purpose. You will also learn how to manipulate various types of writing to maximise the effectiveness of your communication. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3 Specific objectives 3, 4, 5 and 10. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 describe the writing process 2 apply the writing process to written communication 3 engage in objective criticism of your writing 4 identify various forms of writing. Introduction Like speaking, writing allows you to structure your language in ways that enable others to understand and relate to what you are trying to communicate. The primary goal of writing is to convey a message. Whether you are writing for yourself or for others, you are writing with a purpose in mind.You may be writing for yourself in order to express your Fig. 11.1 Writing for oneself 177 178 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION feelings or to organise information in a way that is more meaningful to you or you may be exploring how much you know about a topic. You may be writing for others for a variety of reasons: to inform, instruct, persuade or to entertain. The characteristics of your writing depend on its purpose. Writing for yourself is typically writer oriented while writing for others must be reader oriented. The latter immediately raises questions such as ‘How should I structure this?’ ‘What will the reader think if I use this word?’ ‘Which sequence would make it clearer to the reader?’ 11.1 The writing process Most writers know that good writing is carefully planned and well rehearsed. Sometimes, writers create several versions of a text before they are satisfied that it conveys the message that they want in the best possible manner. Authors plan, organise, draft, revise, edit and proofread their work before they make it public. By engaging in these activities, they are going through what is called the writing process. The steps of the process are as follows: ACTIVITY 11.1 Think about the following questions: Have you ever sat down to a writing task and begun to write immediately and continuously? Having written your piece, were you satisfied that it was interesting, accurate and clear to the reader? What do you normally do before you begin to write? Fig. 11.2 The writing process Notice that the writing process is not linear. Writers often repeat different steps of the process, as needed, to complete the writing task satisfactorily. Of course, the circumstances under which you are writing, determine the extent to which you can repeat, refine and re-polish as well as the length of time you can spend on each step. If you are writing a term paper, you obviously have more time to refine your work continuously than if you are writing an essay that is due in two or three days. However, no matter what the time CHAPTER 11: WRITING frame, you should never compromise your use of the writing process because this will affect the quality of your writing. Once you get into the habit of using the process, you will be able to adapt it to the time available to you. Even under examination conditions, you must go through an abridged form of the process if you want to produce answers that are clear, informative, well structured and free of errors. During an examination, your use of the process may be limited to three to five minutes of brainstorming and jotting down a quick plan or notes and a minute or two at the end for a quick review of what you’ve written. The more you use the process, the easier it becomes and the better your writing develops. Did you know? The English word essay comes from the French verb essayer which means to try or to attempt. Pre-writing This is the foundation stage of your writing and, like any foundation; it determines the substance of your writing and the shape it will take. Identifying the writing task ‘What am I being asked to do?’Your answer to this question determines the type(s) of writing that are possible in the specific case, and the kind of critical thinking skills necessary to accomplish the task. The main modes of writing and related critical thinking skills are as follows: Mode of writing Related critical thinking skills Descriptive Tells how something looks, sounds, feels, acts, smells or tastes. Analysis through comparison/contrast or classification, summarising Narrative Tells what happened over a period of time and in what sequence, usually in combination with descriptive Summarising, sequencing, analysis through cause and effect Expository Explains something, making it clear to the reader. Uses techniques of comparison/contrast, cause and effect, definition or classification Table 11.1 Identifying the writing task Synthesising, analysing, interpreting, drawing conclusions Argumentative Puts forward a statement as truth, which is Drawing conclusions, rebutting, analysing defended by the writer through reliable evidence through cause and effect The way in which you prepare for writing, the approach that you select and how you actually write your paper depend on the purpose of the writing task. Of course, a paper can serve more than one purpose. Examine your topic closely and ask yourself: 179 180 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Is my purpose to: Provide? Report? Summarise? Analyse? Interpret? Discuss? Define? Evaluate? Self-express? Once you are clear about your purpose for writing, then the mode or type of writing that you are meant to produce is also clear. ACTIVITY 11.2 For each of the following questions/topics, identify the mode(s) of writing required. 1 Identify and discuss the risks associated with promiscuous sexual behaviour. 2 How would you respond to the statement: ‘Only team members themselves can be blamed for the poor performance of a sporting team’? 3 Compare the main characters in A House for Mr Biswas and The Enigma of Arrival. 4 What constitutes the ideal school environment? 5 Write a report to your school principal on your geography field trip. Identifying the audience As in the case of oral communication, the nature of your writing is largely dictated by your audience (in this case your reader/s). Remember that the purpose of your writing is not handing in an essay to your teacher, but addressing a specific audience. For example, if you were asked to write an article for The Compass, which is a yachting magazine, and one for Business Focus, which is a commercial sector magazine, your audiences would be distinctly different from each other. The more specific your choice of audience is, the easier your decisions about the characteristics of your writing will be. The tone, style and structure must be carefully designed to elicit the required response or to convey the intended message to the target audience. A good writer establishes a relationship with his/her readers.Therefore you should have a good idea of the characteristics of those at whom your writing is aimed. These include their general background, knowledge, experiences and possible points of view.You should ask yourself the following questions: Fig. 11.3 Identify the audience Who are my readers? ■ What do I have in common with my readers? ■ How am I different from my readers? ■ What topics, details or approaches will interest my readers? ■ What level of language should I use? ■ What might be my readers’ typical reaction to this topic? ■ What might my readers already know about this topic? ■ What would my readers need to know? ■ The most significant task in your writing is establishing a rapport with your readers. Your relationship with the reader is most often defined from the introductory paragraph, CHAPTER 11: WRITING which either directly or indirectly defines your audience. Once you have identified your audience, you need to determine what the tone of your writing will be. Essentially, your tone is your attitude towards the topic and reader. It enables you to create a general atmosphere. As you learnt in Chapter 7, writing can vary significantly in tone. A piece of writing can be humorous, sympathetic, indignant, sarcastic, indifferent and so on. For academic writing, you should aim for a serious and knowledgeable tone without being condescending or artificial.You may want to review the section on identifying tone, in Chapter 7. ACTIVITY 11.3 See if you can identify the intended audience in each case from the introduction excerpts below: 1 Most stay-at-home mothers underestimate their economic contribution to the family. 2 The rising cost of textbooks is in direct correlation to the elevation of parental blood pressure at the start of every academic year. 3 One should note, however, that exploring the islands calls for resourcefulness, patience, the ability to adapt easily and no small amount of courage. Determining information needed All writing tasks require a certain amount of research, whether it is as simple as searching your memory or as complex as administering and analysing questionnaires. In your planning or pre-writing stage, you must determine how much information you will need in addition to your personal experience, and which are the most likely or appropriate sources of such information.Your identification of task and audience will largely determine the type and amount of research you do. Regardless of the extent of research that you intend to do, the first step is exploring what you know.Your own experience often serves as a basis from which to build ideas. There are many useful techniques for discovering the knowledge you possess about a topic. These include brainstorming, free writing, clustering/mapping and using graphic organisers. (i) Brainstorming or listing can generate a lot of information in a short time whether you are working alone or with partners. Use the following steps: ■ Jot down all the words or phrases that come to mind as you think about your topic. If you are working in a group, one member writes while the others generate ideas. Do not consider whether ideas are good or bad; write down everything. ■ Look at the items you have jotted down and group them in ways that make sense to you. ■ Think of a label for each group. Now you should begin to see possible points of development for your topic. At this point you will also begin to think about which areas of development would be more suited to your audience and purpose and you may discard some groups. ■ Write a sentence about the label of each group.Your sentence should summarise the main idea suggested by the group of words/phrases/ideas. Now you have a set of topic sentences that you can organise and develop into paragraphs, using the brainstormed ideas as supporting details. Remember that you do not have to use all your brainstormed ideas in your composition. 181 182 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 11.4 Look at the following example of a student’s brainstormed ideas on a topic. Keeping the topic in mind, group the ideas and give each group a label. Write a sentence about each one. Causes and effects of water pollution chemicals population increase weed killers rivers fertilisers agriculture diseased fish human waste toxic Industry environment deforestation sediment aquatic animals waterborne diseases endangered turtles recreation human health plastics animals viral transmission pesticides plants acid rain poor waste management turbidity garbage sewage (ii) Free writing allows you to generate a lot of information by writing non-stop for a period of time.You focus on the topic and write quickly on it without stopping to consider or edit what you have written. Continue writing for 5 to 10 minutes nonstop. Even if nothing specific comes to mind, force yourself to continue writing. Look back over what you have written and highlight the most interesting ideas.You can use these ideas to generate more free writing and go through the process again using each of your highlighted topics. This step can be repeated several times in this way. This technique is called looping. It enables you to narrow your topic and give your writing a more specific focus. (iii) Clustering (also called mapping or webbing) is a strategy that enables you to link ideas and explore the relationships between them. Starting with your topic in the centre of the page, as you think of ideas you link them to the topic, then link other new ideas to the first set and so on. As you cluster, you begin to see how the ideas fit together and understand the possible directions your writing may take. Once you have sorted or grouped your brainstormed or free written ideas, you should begin to narrow your topic. This means that you think of a particular focus for your composition and determine the main idea that you want your readers to get. That main idea will become the thesis statement for your essay. CHAPTER 11: WRITING Developing a thesis When you have a range of ideas and information on your topic, you will need to find a focus for your essay.You are not likely to need or use all the material you may have come up with, in a single essay. Therefore, your task at this point is to determine what angle or stance you wish to take on the topic.Your thesis is the main idea that you want to share with your readers on your topic. It is the premise on which your essay is based and it clarifies the purpose of your paper. The thesis is usually expressed in the form of a thesis statement. This is usually one sentence that states the exact focus of the essay. (In a long paper, it may be more than one sentence.) While narrative or descriptive essays do not normally have explicit thesis statements, no expository or persuasive essay can be properly constructed without one. This is the most important part of the essay and everything else that you write must stem from and be related to your thesis statement. Think of your thesis statement as a pledge to your readers that your essay will deal with precisely these aspects within these parameters and nothing else. Therefore, your thesis statement is the foundation on which your essay is to be built. The kind of thesis that you have depends on the purpose of your writing. However, all thesis statements should tell your reader three things: your topic, the points you intend to make about it and the order in which you will be presenting them.Your thesis statement should be neither too broad that you would not be able to structure your essay nor too narrow that you would not be able to write enough. Example 1 Water pollution has numerous causes and a variety of adverse effects on the environment. 2 Water pollution from industrial waste can negatively affect fish. 3 Water pollution, which is caused primarily by industrial waste, sewerage and agricultural chemicals, can have serious effects on the marine environment as well as on human health. Clearly, statement 1 is far too broad and does not tell your reader what your focus will be, while statement 2 is too narrow, since it restricts you to discussing only two aspects. Your thesis statement is normally placed at the end of your introductory paragraph.You will learn how to organise your introduction in Chapter 12. Planning format ACTIVITY 11.5 If you construct a good Select one of the following topics and, after brainstorming, thesis statement, then write a thesis statement and create an outline. planning a format for 1 The causes of increased crime in Caribbean societies your essay is fairly 2 The benefits of belonging to a voluntary organisation simple.You simply use 3 Coping with stress your thesis statement as 4 The pros and cons of urban living a base to construct the 5 The role of tertiary education institutions in the region scaffolding of your essay. 6 Making a Caribbean single market and economy work. The scaffolding is the outline or essay map that you will follow as you draft; it is the miniature version of your essay. This outline takes each element of the thesis statement and sketches out exactly how you plan to deal with it in the essay. Look at the student’s plan of his essay based on his thesis statement (no. 3 above). 183 184 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Example Title: Causes and effects of water pollution Thesis statement: Water pollution, which is caused primarily by industrial waste, sewerage and agricultural chemicals, can have serious effects on the marine environment as well as on human health. 1 Industrial wastes or effluent from factories constitute a large percentage of pollutants a) often discharged directly into water systems b) usually non-biodegradable c) toxic gases create acid rain which enters water sources 2 Sewerage or human waste is another major pollutant a) increased waste from rapid urbanisation and population increase b) treatment facilities have not kept pace 3 Agricultural practices indirectly pollute water sources a) fertilisers, pesticides etc. seep into streams and rivers b) animal waste contains hormones and antibiotics from feed c) deforestation causes run-off of sediment into water courses 4 Pollutants cause severe stress on marine environments a) changes in water composition affect animal health b) sedimentation on coral reefs is destructive c) balance of ecosystem is affected 5 Humans are dependent on water sources and are inevitably affected a) bacterial diseases from recreative uses of water b) viral diseases from polluted drinking water Drafting Writers use different approaches to drafting. Some use a ‘linear’ approach, which means that they start at the introduction and write in a sequential manner through to the conclusion. Others prefer a ‘recursive’ approach, where they write on a section for a time, then move on to another part of the essay before returning to the first section. The approach you use is sometimes reflective of the type of writing, the length of the piece and the conditions under which you are writing. As long as you have a well-organised and detailed plan for your writing and you are clear about the structure of your essay, it does not matter which approach you use. The most important thing is referring to your plan (outline) at all times as you write. The first draft of your writing will most likely undergo several changes as you revise and try to perfect it. As we indicated earlier, good writers make several drafts of their writing before publishing or presenting it. It is important to concentrate only on getting your ideas down in accordance with your plan. Do not Fig. 11.4 Have a well organised plan CHAPTER 11: WRITING pause to consider how you can say things better or whether or not you have spelt a word correctly. This will interfere with your flow of ideas. These issues will be dealt with during the later stages of the writing process. When writing your first draft, you should aim at writing continuously and without interruption, on each section of your essay. It is also useful to double-space your draft (or write on every other line) so that there is room for you or your writing partner to write revision notes in the revision stage. Revising If you ever studied Shakespeare’s works, you would know that he made many revisions of his plays. Good writers always revisit their work several times in an effort to take it to the level closest to their idea. Revising literally means ‘seeing again’. Revising your writing means checking to see if you have fulfilled your task according to the assignment given or the goal you set for your essay. At this stage of the process, you are not primarily concerned with mechanics (spelling and punctuation) or grammar.You need to satisfy yourself that your ideas are clearly stated and your essay supports its thesis statement adequately and coherently.You may find that you have to discard portions of your essay or add to what you have already written.You may also have to return to step 1 of the writing process and find additional or different information. During the revision stage, authors may make several drafts of a piece of writing, experimenting with the effect of words and phrases or moving things around. This is the process by which the substance of the essay is perfected.Your main tasks when revising are to: Check that the organisational structure of your essay is suited to your purpose or task. For example, if you were asked to compare and contrast, does your essay present a balanced view? ■ Ensure that each paragraph is relevant to the thesis statement.You should have no material that does not support or expand your main idea. ■ Assess the substance of your paragraphs. Determine whether or not you have provided enough details (facts, examples, explanations and so on) to support the points made in each paragraph adequately. ■ Remove repetitive or superfluous ideas. Ask yourself if you have made the point already and if repetition serves any particular purpose (some writers do this for effect). ■ Evaluate the appropriateness of your tone to the intended audience. Make sure that you have not adopted a tone that would alienate your reader, for example by being unduly sarcastic or even patronising. Find an essay that you wrote some time ago and read it again. Note the number of things you would probably change if you were to rewrite it. Revision is most effective when you take some time out after you have written your first draft before returning to it. Revisiting your writing enables you to see other possible ways of approaching or dealing with your topic, which may not have occurred to you while drafting. Good revision requires your ability to look at your writing critically.You are better able to view your essay from a fresh perspective if you have been away from it for some time. The more objective you can be about your writing, the more effectively you will revise it. If you have the time it is best to wait a few hours or days before rereading your paper. It is important to try to see your writing as your audience would. Many writers read their work aloud at this point, because it is easier to pick up problems if you are hearing yourself. While rereading, you should ask yourself the following questions on page 186: ■ 185 186 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Revision checklist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Is my thesis clear? Have I given sufficient information? Is my tone reader friendly? Are my points logically structured? Does the sequence of information match that indicated by my thesis? Is each point adequately developed/explained? Is my vocabulary varied and interesting? Have I included irrelevant information? ACTIVITY 11.6 Use the writing from your drafting exercise or an old unrevised essay and reread it while asking the questions above. Remember that at this stage of the writing process you are not mainly concerned with grammar and mechanics, but primarily with meaning and appropriateness. Consider the example of a revised draft below: Alcoholism and Alcoholism is one of the deadliest diseases known to man. Have you ever thought about it in that way? Alcoholism is one of the major problems in society. The effects of this disease are far reaching. Many people easily get used to drinking alcohol, and this can just as easily turn into abuse; that is the problem. Alcoholism can have physical, psychological, and econmic effects. Most significantly, alcoholism has several physical effects. These are the most important because these can cause your In addition can cause death. For example, alcoholism causes cancer in the stomach, kidneys and liver. Alcohol impairs the digestion of which in turn results in nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Alcoholism also causes serious and severe neurological damage, so it causes uncontrollable body movements, loss of appetite, and depression. There are other effects in the body like gastritis and these physical effects can be fatal if you drink alcohol in mass quantities. cirrhosis of the liver. Over time this could cause your death. Secondly, there are psychological effects caused by alcoholism. At the beginning, alcohol makes you feel relaxed, but if you drink it in excess, it increases anxiety and causes depression. It also causes family and legal problems, violence, changes of behavior, suicide, among others. Alcohol is very powerful and alters all your normal behaviors. (Expand paragraph) Finally, effects of alcoholism are economic. Alcohol can be costly. Alcohol abuse costs the country millions of dollars in lost productivity and health services. (Include statistics to support this) The personal cost is also high. Drinking two or three times a week, can add up to a considerable sum. Eventually, alcoholics no longer even think about the money they because are spending The urge to drink has taken away their ability to think reasonably. physical, psychological and economic The effects of alcoholism which are physical, psychological, and economic can effect all aspects of life. Alcohol effects one’s health and behaviour. It can result in eventual poverty and cause problems with family, friends and employers. It may be is critical for societies to find proactive ways of dealing with this scourge or else we are in danger of losing a significant proportion of our potentially productive citizens. Fig. 11.5 A revised draft CHAPTER 11: WRITING Fig. 11.6 Feedback It is also useful to have a peer reviewer or ‘writing buddy’. Authors often work with reviewers who give them feedback on their writing, because a reviewer is reading and reacting to the work as an audience would. Therefore, elements that may escape the writer because of his/her closeness to the writing would be obvious to an objective reader. A peer reviewer should be honest but tactful, pointing out the strengths of the writing, as well as the weaknesses. It is important for the reviewer to be specific about the problems of the paper without rewriting or editing it for the writer. One way of getting feedback on your draft from a ‘real’ audience is by using a peer reviewer or writing partner. Working with a partner or writing group is one of the fastest ways of developing your writing. In the same way that you use a checklist to guide your own revision, your reviewer also uses a set of guidelines for evaluation: Peer review checklist 1 Was the thesis of this paper clear to you? 2 What kind of evidence did the writer use to support the thesis? Was it sufficient? Was it clearly related to the thesis? 3 Was the paper coherent and logically organised? 4 Were you confused about anything in the paper? 5 Does the introduction capture your attention? 6 Is the conclusion strong and effective? 7 What did you like best about this paper? 8 What does the author need to improve? ACTIVITY 11.7 Exchange drafts with a partner and use the guidelines in the peer review checklist to review each other’s draft. 187 188 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Editing and proofreading This is the stage at which you perfect your writing prior to ’publishing’ or presenting it to your audience. Regardless of how wonderful your ideas are and how impressive the structure of your paper, if it has not been carefully proofread it will leave a poor impression on the reader. During this stage of the writing process, you are looking for specific errors in your writing. This requires you to read your paper slowly and carefully.You should also read it aloud if possible. This makes it easier to pick up sentence construction and punctuation errors.Very often, when you read silently, you miss several errors because your brain automatically ’assumes’ that you have written what you intended. Reading aloud forces your brain to focus on what is actually there. A good way to approach your editing/proofreading is first to identify your typical problem areas.You should know which areas of grammar and mechanics normally give you difficulty, based on feedback from your teachers and peers. Therefore you can focus your proofreading on looking for these specific errors while only cursorily checking those aspects with which you typically have no problems. Refer to Chapter 13 of this book or other grammar references while proofreading.You should also have a dictionary at hand. Another useful proofreading technique is using a ’cover’. Slide a piece of paper or ruler down each line as you read.This prevents you from automatically reading for meaning and forces your brain to focus on mechanical details of your writing. The main areas of focus would be: Subject and verb agreement: In each sentence, identify your subject and look for the matching verb. Ensure that they agree in number. ■ Tenses: Check for consistency in the tense used throughout your essay. Look for auxiliary verbs, for example is, was, has, have, had and been and ensure that they are followed by the past participle. ■ Pronoun reference: Look for your pronoun (it, they, their, them, she, etc.).Then locate the noun it replaces. Ensure that they agree in number. ■ Parallel structure: Look for key words, for example ’not only’, ’either…or’, ’but also’, ‘and’. Make sure that items connected by these words are in the same grammatical format. ■ Fragments and run-on sentences: Read each sentence and stop. Does it express a complete thought? ■ Spelling: Look for words that usually give you trouble or are commonly misspelt (see Chapter 13). Consult your dictionary or use the spell check feature on your computer’s software. Remember that British spelling is normally required for CXC or Cambridge assignments. ■ Punctuation: Check commas to see if you have altered your intended meaning by their placement. Ensure that the appropriate words are capitalised and semicolons and dashes have not been arbitrarily used. Check that words belonging to other sources have been put into quotation marks. ■ Remember that an unedited paper is an unfinished work and gives the impression of carelessness. Presenting sloppy work is insulting to your reader and it also sends the message that you have not mastered the written form of communication. Did you know? In 2003, 5 million copies of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling were sold the first day of appearing in bookstores, shattering all records. CHAPTER 11: WRITING 11.2 Types of writing There are different categories, or types, of writing. Each one has a specific purpose and clearly discernible characteristics that suit that purpose. The basic modes of writing are literary (descriptive, narrative), expository and persuasive. Most of the writing you are expected to produce at post-secondary or tertiary level is academic in nature. What do we mean by academic writing? This type of writing generally makes use of the formal register of the standard or official language of your territory or region. Academic writing may be literary or technical in nature; however, when it is aimed at a general audience, literary or technical jargon is avoided as much as possible and is clearly explained if used. Most importantly, academic writing should always be objective, well researched and logically presented. Academic writing is usually either expository or persuasive in nature. Literary writing Narrative writing essentially tells a story and often incorporates description in order to do so. The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place, event or thing in such a way that it can be clearly pictured in the reader’s mind. Therefore, the main characteristic of this type of writing is the vivid, sensory details that you use to paint this picture for the reader.You should also make use of specific literary devices that assist the reader in forming a picture, by making comparisons with familiar things. Apart from providing clear physical images, descriptive writing also uses words that are carefully selected to convey a particular mood. The reader should be able to share your impression of what is being described and get a sense of your feelings at that moment. No Marva, you cannot refer me to your blog to read your assignment. Fig. 11.7 Differentiate between academic and social communication 189 190 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 11.8 Read the following extract from a story written by a student. Has the writer used appropriate sensory words? Are you able to get a vivid picture of the scene? Five thirty Saturday morning saw Ma Benson squeezing out of the front seat of her husband’s red pick-up van. She was determined to regain her choice spot whether Ma Sookoo liked it or not. Her bench tucked under her arm and a basket of fruit balancing precariously on her head, she waddled to the front of the market. She knew that Ma Sookoo would arrive at six because her worthless husband would not wake up early so she took time to stop and chat, occasionally giving her rich belly shaking laugh. By the time she reached her spot right under the huge round clock, her husband had finished placing the produce in position and she settled like a mother hen in the space left in the middle of the provisions. Pulling her large green rag out of her pocket, she wiped the sweat off her shiny brown face. The market was already hot and steamy from the coal pots of frying bakes and bubbling cocoa that vendors and customers alike would have for breakfast. She arranged her stiff black plaits carefully so that they just peeked out under her red-checkered head tie. Ma Sookoo would be sure to notice the large yellow sleeveless shirt that she wore tucked into her crimson skirt and which barely contained her pendulous breasts. Arranging her produce with her small fat hands, which were bedecked with an array of dazzling rings, she waved graciously to her first customer. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Ma Sookoo work herself up into a hysterical scream. Reflective writing Reflective writing refers to writing that comes out of your thoughts or reflections on a particular subject. In some cases you may be required to keep a journal or diary where you capture your thoughts or feelings about a topic.Your response to that topic may be written in prose, poetry or drama and any of those genres of writing may allow you to effectively express your feelings. As you have already noted reflective writing is very personal, in that it looks at what affects you. Think of an issue or topic that affects you. Maybe you choose to write on the presentation of women in rap. Reflection requires some reading on the topic or active participation in what is happening or current. It is a response to statements, behaviours or actions. So as the writer on the presentation of women in rap music you would have to listen to and watch videos that present the subject. Next you would think about what is being said on the subject and then you can write reflectively.Your writing may be creative such as a prose piece – essay, letter or short story or you may choose to compose a poem or song that encapsulates your feelings on the subject.You might even decide to write a short dramatic piece that demonstrates your view of the subject. In addressing the issue, you would have chosen a theme. For instance your theme may be ‘Violence against women’ or ‘Protection of women’. The theme would then determine the angle from which you write your reflection. Remember that like in other forms of writing, if you are writing your piece in the form of an essay, the thesis statement must be made clear. The paragraphs of the body should support your view and there should be a conclusion which may challenge the reader also to reflect on the subject. If you choose to write a literary piece then you must employ those devices appropriate for that genre. CHAPTER 11: WRITING Definition The word exposition comes from ‘expose’, which means to make known, to disclose, to bring to light or lay open to view. Expository writing Expository writing aims to inform or explain. The reader is expected to have a clearer understanding of the topic after reading an expository piece. Generally, an exposition seeks to present a reasonably balanced and accurate view of a topic. There are several methods of exposition, or ways to present an expository topic. The method you select depends on the nature of the topic or the particular slant or focus that you wish to give it. Division and classification Division and classification are useful methods of organising and explaining information. By separating a subject into parts (dividing or classifying), a writer makes it clearer and more easily understood. These methods are often thought to be identical; however, while they both distinguish a subject by its parts, they differ in an essential way. Division separates a single subject into subunits without invoking any specific principle of organisation. For example, the human body can be divided into its parts: arms, head, ACTIVITY 11.9 lungs, kidneys, arteries, mouth and so on. Which of the following topics These are individual components and each would best be approached using one can be discussed and described separately. division/classification? However, if you were to analyse the human a) My CD collection body according to its functions or systems – b) How to rear pigs respiratory, reproductive, digestive, circulatory c) The good parent – you would be categorising or classifying. d) Self-defence techniques Classification separates a subject on the basis e) West Indian writers of specific principles or common characteristics. f) The pros and cons of rural living Therefore, in a classification essay, you are not only separating (dividing) but also grouping. It is important to ensure that your categories are distinct and do not overlap. For best control of your essay, you should use three to five categories. Topics that cannot be broken down into parts should not be approached as division or classification. Classification should be based on a common principle. This means that there should be a logical basis for your groupings. For example, if you were to classify the students attending your school, you would not use gender, height and type of shoes as your organising principles because these aspects are clearly unrelated. However, you may decide to classify them according to area of study: natural science, social science, arts. In this case your organising principle is ‘area of study’. Division and classification are used in everyday life to help people locate and understand information more easily – from the grouping of items in a supermarket to the layout of a newspaper. Creating logical categories in your essay helps your reader to process the information in a way that he/she is accustomed to using in other aspects of life. At the same time, you should not bore your reader by using trite and useless divisions. Categories should be meaningful and not superficial. For example, it would not be particularly useful to classify your teachers according to hair colour, but you would probably be able to write an interesting and entertaining analysis by grouping them according to teaching styles. Division and classification are often used to complement each other. An essay may begin by classifying the main subtopics to be dealt with; then these are further subdivided 191 192 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION to provide examples of types. The thesis statement always indicates the main categories to be addressed. For example, an essay on kinds of shoes may be structured like this: Fig. 11.8 Division and classification ACTIVITY 11.10 Examine the Contents pages in your textbooks. Note how topics are divided and classified. Which ones are most logical and useful? Notice that this outline already indicates how the three main paragraphs of the body of the essay will be handled. Avoid using too many subdivisions that would detract from the tightness of your essay structure. Once you have written the essay, you can use the following review questions: Have I used a distinct basis or principle for my classifications? Have I created meaningful categories? ■ Did I avoid overlapping? ■ Have I used examples or illustrations for each category? ■ Do my examples all fit the specific category? ■ Are my categories clearly defined? ■ ■ ACTIVITY 11.11 1 Discuss in your groups the various ways in which you might classify the following subjects: • Vehicles • Furniture • Books • Dogs • Athletes 2 Select one of the above topics and plan and write a classification essay. Cause and effect This is the approach you use when discussing the relationships or links between one thing and another. This type of essay examines how one thing either resulted in or was caused by another. If you are discussing the results of an event or circumstance, you are considering its effects or consequences. On the other hand, if you are trying to identify what made something happen, you are examining its cause. There are simple, straightforward links, for example ‘the accident was caused by the driver’s speeding’. In this case the speeding was the cause and the accident was the effect. However, an event may have several causes, for example ‘the accident was the result of the wet road, poor visibility and the driver’s speed’. In this case there is a combination of causes. Similarly, a single cause may have either a single effect or multiple effects. CHAPTER 11: WRITING Example The uneven sidewalk caused Lula to fall. (single) The uneven sidewalk caused Lula to fall, dislocate her hip and have to undergo surgery. (multiple) It is often far easier to identify effects or consequences than it is to determine causes. Tracing a cause requires you to make logical inferences that must be justifiable to the reader. Sometimes there may be related causes: for example, if Lula (in the previous example) had been wearing very high heels, this may have been a related cause. It would be difficult to determine that the unevenness of the sidewalk alone caused her fall. Some causes may also be more immediate or obvious, while others are remote or not as easily apparent. If Lula had received some distressing news and was too preoccupied to be paying attention to where she walked, her inattentiveness would not be obvious to the observer but would be a probable cause.Your job as a writer using this method is to make clear, logical and justifiable links between the causes that you identify and their effects.You also have to determine which causes or effects you will deal with in your paper. If there are too many to include all, you can include the most important, indicating that these are the main, major, most important, most significant and so on. Qualifying your causes/effects in this way suggests to your reader that there are other minor or less important ones that fall outside the scope of your essay. ACTIVITY 11.12 1 Working in groups, for each of the topics in Figure 11.9, discuss and fill in THREE main causes and THREE main effects. 2 Read the student essay below on pages 194 – 195 while considering the following: (a) Does the writer clearly identify the effects of illiteracy? (b) Are the relationships logical and justifiable? (c) Is the information well organised? Fig. 11.9 Causes and effects 193 194 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Discuss the impact of illiteracy on the family and society Thomas Carlyle said in the 19th century, ’that there should be one man die ignorant, when he had the capacity for knowledge, this I call a tragedy.’ Little did Carlyle know that his fear for the 19th century would be a tragedy that would linger on into the 20th century and even in the advent of yet another millennium. In 1985 UNESCO estimated a 27.7% illiteracy rate on a global level. This points to the alarming fact that a little over one out of every five persons in the world is illiterate. The figures are frighteningly high, yet they go unnoticed or unattended by many. UNESCO defines a functionally illiterate person as one who cannot engage in all those activities in which literacy is required for effective functioning of his group and community or one who is unable to use reading, writing and calculation for his own, and community’s development. For the individual who has to function in a developed or developing community, which relies heavily on print for communication, illiteracy is a great handicap. This intellectual deficiency or underdevelopment would affect the individual and would ripple out into all of his other relationships in the family and eventually into the society. On a personal level, for many an illiterate person, their condition is a terrible scourge. While they may be quite orally proficient, in situations where reading is required, they are condemned into silence. All self-confidence vanishes giving way to feelings of intimidation and incompetence. Very often even greater than the lack of self-confidence, is the crippling fear that they might be discovered. When ’caught in a corner’ many resort to subterfuges like pretending that they forgot their glasses. They live in a lonely world where everyday things like television guides, birthday cards and food labels, have no meaning. In some instances the family provides refuge and understanding for the illiterate individual, but it can also be a source of greater pain and heartbreak for the illiterate person and other family members. In some cultures women are denied education. When these marry, they live in the shadows of their husbands (if he is literate). Unable to read they are automatically excluded from many conversations and helping with children’s homework. The latter can be particularly painful where children misinterpret the absence of academic support as a lack of care. This may draw children to the seemingly more attentive parent to the exclusion of the already lonely illiterate parent. With the stigma attached to illiteracy children may resent or feel shame toward the illiterate parent. Illiteracy can also cause grave problems in marriages, particularly where only one partner is literate. Communication is low and there is very little discourse. This may lead the literate partner to seek intellectual stimulation elsewhere, causing friction in the relationship. Economic problems may also arise because of illiteracy. It would be difficult for such persons to find employment especially in our modern times, when the most menial of tasks now requires some level of literacy. Persons who are unable to read may not be capable of identifying employment vacancies. Frustration from the inability to provide financially for their families may find expression in domestic violence, increased crime and drug or substance abuse. On the other hand, the limitations imposed by illiteracy may have positive results. Some parents having experienced the pain and inconvenience of illiteracy begin to view their children’s education as top priority. In an attempt to break the cycle of illiteracy, whatever resources are available would be channeled into the child’s academic future. Bhola (1984) suggests that ’…there is a positive relationship between the level of literacy in a society and the economic, social and political development of that country. The society is shaped by the individuals who populate it. They come with their gifts, talents and aptitudes which enrich or impoverish a community’. Anderson (1963) found countries with per capita income exceeding $US 500 a year in 1955 had a literacy of 99% while those with less than $US 500 per capita income a year had literacy of less than 80%. If a society is populated by industrious, literate people, that society would prosper. If however, the members of the society are illiterate, then they are blocked from making a valuable contribution to society. They cannot participate fully in the social and political affairs of the community. They are deprived of an effective voice in the democratic process. They are drawing on the national pool of brain power. CHAPTER 11: WRITING During a conference on literacy Carlos Mutore, head of the Organisation of World Literacy said, ’illiteracy kills. ’This may seem a very strong statement but it is true. If one takes into account the fact that intellectual handicaps like not being able to read, block one out from receiving valuable information on issues such as AIDS, this can be fatal. Other support for this truth can be found in India where a high proportion of the annual 40,000 and over road fatalities are due 90% of the time to the fact that truck drivers cannot read the traffic signs. Illiteracy is a major problem impacting on all areas of personal life and society in general. Remediation is costly but is nowhere near the financial, social, human and political losses incurred by failure to address the issue. References Holder, Gladstone. (1990). A nation at Risk. Weekend Nation 19th February. Bhola, H. S. (1984) Campaigning for literacy. France: UNESCO. Johnson, Paul. (1987). Written Off. TSL 13th March 1987. Lestage, Andre (1982). Literacy and illiteracy. UNESCO Educational Studies and Documents. No. 42. 1982. Life without literacy. Royal Bank Letter. September/October 1990. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Language Arts Department essay collection Definition One way of clarifying or exposing something is by defining it (explaining its meaning). Expository essays that rely on this method provide a core definition in the introduction and extend it through the body of the essay. This technique is known as extended definition. A definition essay is a personal, in-depth explanation and commentary on what a word, term or concept means. Generally, definition essays deal with abstract concepts that lend themselves to personal interpretation rather than with physical objects that have a universal, agreed definition. It would be pointless writing an essay to define a chair or a tree since most people already have almost identical definitions based on their physical perspectives. However, definitions of love or the perfect vacation would vary widely since perspectives on these topics are based on subjective opinion and personal experience. You can employ a number of strategies to extend your definition. One of the easiest is the use of examples that give concrete detail and help your reader to understand the subject. Secondly, analogy, which is a lengthy comparison between two subjects, allows you to use a subject familiar to the reader to explain your topic. Other expository methods such as division and causal analysis (cause and effect) can also be incorporated into the definition essay.You may also use description and short narration or anecdotes. In essence, a definition essay can draw on a number of methods and use a combination of them to ensure that the reader understands the definition being given.You can extend your definition as well, by showing what something is not. Contrasting what you are defining with something else enables your reader to understand what it is. This is called definition by negation. Regardless of the extended definition strategies that you use, your definition essay should always have a formal definition or defining statement as part of the introduction. The purpose of a defining statement is to indicate what something is by (i) putting it in a class and (ii) differentiating it from other members of its class. Example A hat (term) is an item of clothing (class) worn on the head (differentiation). 195 196 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 11.13 Create definition statements for the terms given in Table 11.2. Try to make your differentiation unusual and interesting. To say ‘a hat is an item of clothing’ would be an inadequate definition statement because your reader would not know exactly which item it is. Your defining statement should not repeat the word being defined; instead you should use synonyms to expand your meaning. Repeating the word is a circular approach that does not make anything clearer to the reader. For example, ‘A corporate merger is a type of merger of corporate organisations’ adds nothing to the meaning of ‘corporate merger’. However ‘a corporate merger is a type of union involving two or more businesses’ immediately begins to clarify meaning. Term Class Differentiation The ‘glass ceiling’ Democracy Calypso Anorexia A ’party animal’ A poet Table 11.2 Definition statements Good taste Depression Comparison and contrast Fig. 11.10 Spot the differences This is an expository method used to analyse two topics that have enough in common to allow them to be considered together. Therefore, while you can easily compare and contrast credit unions and banks, or public and private schools, you would not normally CHAPTER 11: WRITING compare and contrast horses and space shuttles. There must be a common aspect linking the things being compared. For instance, credit unions and banks are both types of financial institution and private and public schools are types of educational institution. In both examples the two entities perform similar functions. There are two main approaches to this type of essay. The first is the alternating or point by point approach, where each point of similarity or difference is discussed, considering both entities in turn. This is like holding two items side by side and looking from one to the other, focusing on one aspect at a time. Example Beach and city vacations Thesis When deciding between the beach or the city, one should consider activities, pace of life and comfort. Body (i) Activities (similarity or difference) (a) Beach (b) City (ii) Pace of life (similarity or difference) (a) Beach (b) City (iii) Comfort (similarity or difference) (a) Beach (b) City Another method is the block approach, where all the points of similarity between the two entities are dealt with before moving on to present all the differences between them. This approach is more taxing on the reader, who may find it difficult to keep the first part of the essay in perspective in order to make judgements or draw conclusions. The onus is on you, the writer, to discuss the points in each case in exactly the same order, as the parallel structure makes it more logical for the reader. Example Beach and city vacations Thesis When deciding between the beach or the city, one should consider activities, pace of life and comfort. Body (i) Beach (a) Activities (b) Pace of life (c) Comfort (ii) City (a) Activities (b) Pace of life (c) Comfort (iii) Conclusion 197 198 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 11.14 Using comparison and contrast, write an essay on one of the following: • Two modes of travel • Rugby and soccer or netball and basketball • Primary and secondary schools • Automatic and manual (stick shift) vehicles • Two universities that you are interested in attending • Cats and dogs as pets ACTIVITY 11.15 Indicate whether the following process topics are directional or informational: 1 How to prepare a speech 2 The life cycle of the butterfly 3 How a hurricane is formed 4 What to do in case of accidental poisoning 5 How to repair a broken cell phone 6 Natural childbirth ACTIVITY 11.16 Write a process analysis essay on one of the following topics: 1 Adjusting to a new school 2 Hosting a party 3 How to use the Internet 4 Preparing for a hurricane Sometimes a question may ask you to compare two things without asking for contrast. In this case the emphasis should be on the similarities. Likewise, if you are asked to contrast only, there is no need to examine commonalities. Whether you are doing both comparison and contrast or one or the other, you must select an organisational pattern (either block or alternating) and use it throughout your essay. Process When you use process analysis in an essay, this means that you are explaining how to do something, how something works or how something happens. A process essay either gives specific directions (how to do) or information (how it works/happens). Regardless of its purpose, the main characteristic of the process essay is its step by step method of organisation. The process must be presented in chronological fashion. A lab report and a cooking recipe are both examples of process writing. The lab report gives information on how something was done or happened while the recipe gives directions on how to do something. CHAPTER 11: WRITING When describing a process you should remain aware of your audience and ensure that all new or unfamiliar terms are defined. If you are using directional process, you should explain the purpose of a particular step where necessary. In addition, if there are anticipated difficulties in the process, your reader should be warned of these. Ask yourself the following questions as you write your process essay: Why is this process important? ■ Are there different ways of doing this process? What are they? ■ What knowledge do my readers need to understand this process? ■ Have I identified the skills and equipment necessary? ■ What difficulties are involved in each step? How can they be overcome? ■ Are there terms to be defined? ■ Persuasive/argumentative writing As you learnt in Chapter 7, this type of writing attempts to convince the reader that the writer’s point of view is valid and desirable. As the author, you can be convincing only if you fully understand both sides of the issue on which you are writing, although you will be presenting only one side.You should state your position clearly in your thesis and indicate the three main points that you will use to support it. In the body of your essay, use specific evidence, statistics and examples to support your points. Avoid personal opinions and generalisations that weaken your argument.You need to convince your reader that you are a reasonable, objective person, since this gives weight to your point of view. There are four main types of support for an argument: 1 Facts are a powerful means of convincing your reader, because a fact is proven and documented evidence.You can accumulate facts from your reading and research. 2 Statistics also provide excellent support as long as you ensure that you use responsible and reliable sources for your statistics. Remember to cite your sources. 3 Examples are the backbone of a persuasive essay. Most readers are convinced by examples because they provide practical, tangible evidence of what you are saying. 4 Quotes from experts in the area that you are writing about can also lend support to your position but you should ensure that the authority of these experts is well documented. An argument is essentially an appeal to a person’s reason.You should never take the approach that there is only one side to an issue, since this would only alienate your reader; however, you must convince your reader that the side you have chosen is the reasonable one.You need to ensure that: a) You have sufficient evidence b) Your evidence is trustworthy c) Your assumptions/conclusions are verifiable d) Your conclusions follow logically from your evidence. Although a line of reasoning may be logical, it is not necessarily strong or convincing. Example People who drink and drive are dangerous drivers. Your sister drinks and drives, therefore your sister is a dangerous driver. 199 200 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION While this may be logical, it would not be enough to convince your sister. Therefore, you would need to add support to your basic line of argument by: Citing court records or police statistics on correlations between drivers who drink and numbers and types of accident. ■ Providing medical information on how drinking impairs reaction time and ability to exercise judgement. ■ Giving examples of accidents caused by drunk drivers. ■ Human beings respond to logic but we are also strongly influenced by our emotions. Therefore, as you learnt in Chapter 7, emotional appeals carry much weight in persuasive writing. There is room for emotional appeal in argumentative writing but it must be used ethically.You should not use stereotypes or play on emotions simply to evoke a visceral response from your reader. Nor should you base your argument on emotional appeal. When used, it should be linked to reason as far as possible. For example, having presented an example of a case where drunk driving was linked to the death of a child, you may refer to the anguish of the parents and that of the driver’s family, which would be a natural consequence of this accident. Here, the emotional appeal is linked to a verifiable fact that you used to support your argument. ACTIVITY 11.17 Select one of the topics below and write on it. 1 Your Students’ Council has been discussing ways of improving your school or college. Choose one of those ways and write a persuasive proposal to your School Board or Ministry of Education. 2 Write an article for a local newspaper, in which you agree or disagree that certain television programmes should be censored in your country. 3 Write a position paper or a proposal that sixth form students should complete 100 hours of community service as part of their graduation requirements. 4 Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper supporting a position on one of the following: (a) The introduction of legislation to impose a 7 p.m. curfew for children under the age of 16. (b) The building of a major highway and shopping mall close to your school. (c) A proposal by the Ministry of Sports to make physical education credits mandatory for sixth form or college students. 11.3 Writing with style At some time in your life as a student, your teacher may have identified your need to ‘improve your awkward style’ or may have indicated an instance where you used ‘good style’. Style is, essentially, the way you put together a sentence or a group of sentences and is a combination of tone, word choice and sentence construction. The assessment of style can be subjective, since different readers have different perceptions of what constitutes good style and this often depends on the discipline or subject area being dealt with. For example, your physics teacher may not be bothered by short sentences or more ‘matter of fact’ writing, but your geography teacher would prefer a more elegant CHAPTER 11: WRITING style.You may also be wondering why a sentence is grammatically correct but can be considered stylistically flawed. It is possible to have awkward sentences that do not break grammatically rules. Two fundamental principles of style are: (i) Say exactly what you mean: avoid using words or complicated sentences simply to impress your reader. Much awkwardness of style is the result of people trying to imitate the style of material they have read. (ii) Use the appropriate tone: except for dialogue or as a deliberate device, you should not write exactly as you would speak to your friends. Academic writing can be reader friendly without treating the reader as a personal friend. Style can be improved if attention is paid to specific stylistic elements that contribute to the overall effectiveness of your message and the appropriateness of tone. Learning to recognise these elements of style will give you more control over your writing. As you read through the following style problems, check your writing (or have your peer reviser do so) for evidence of these problems. Style problems Wordiness This is a major enemy of good style. It is the use of unnecessary words and ‘filler’ phrases that add nothing to the meaning of the sentence. This is a habit that we transfer from our oral communication where we are usually attempting to make a point as clear as possible to the listener. In writing, these fillers are more obvious and can frustrate the reader. (i) Redundant pairs are two words that mean the same thing. People often use them as fillers, without thinking, simply because they hear them so often, for example first and foremost; each and every; unexpected surprise. ACTIVITY 11.18 Underline the redundant pairs in the following sentences and rephrase the sentences. 1 You must completely finish this exercise before moving on. 2 Past history suggests that human beings are always responsible for environmental change. 3 If you haven’t grasped the basic fundamentals of mathematics, calculus will be a mystery to you. 4 This sudden crisis resulted in closure of the entire factory. 5 I fell asleep and never saw the final outcome of the movie. 6 Marriage is definitely not part of my future plans. 7 I would like each individual to make a contribution to the fund, which will be a free gift to the children of this country. 8 If we do not act now, the end result will be terrible tragedy. (ii) Redundant categories refer to phrases that use a descriptive word in addition to the general category which it already indicates. For example, ‘this shirt is red in colour’. We know that red is a colour, so ‘this shirt is red’ would suffice. 201 202 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Example rectangular in shape large in size in a confused state often times honest in character at an early time period in time of a strange type unusual in nature Wordiness can also be avoided by eliminating the excessive use of qualifiers, which tend to dilute the impact of a sentence. Example The problem really, is basically that people mostly rush into relationships practically without thinking. Notice that eliminating most of or all the qualifiers in the sentence above makes it stronger and more direct. Clichés Clichés in writing are overused phrases or expressions. Although clichés are, technically, metaphors drawn from everyday experience, they make your writing unimaginative and are usually unnecessarily wordy. They should be avoided altogether except if being deliberately used to make a point. The use of clichés gives the impression that your vocabulary and ability to express yourself concisely are weak. Example Some examples of clichés Few and far between The ball is in your court The buck stops here Survival of the fittest Bet your bottom dollar Money is the root of all evil At the eleventh hour/last minute Call it a day Give and take What goes around comes around See eye to eye Hope against hope Take the easy way out Back to the drawing board Best foot forward Stock phrases These, like clichés, are overused expressions but are not metaphors. They are often used because they are thought to be more stylish. On the contrary, they can add tedium to your writing since they can be contracted into a single word that expresses your meaning. Consider the following sentences: a) Regardless of the fact that she was in pain, she came to school every day. b) Although she was in pain, she came to school every day. CHAPTER 11: WRITING ACTIVITY 11.19 Replace the underlined stock phrases in the sentences below with one of the words in the box. You may need to change part of the sentence. because as if when about although can 1 In the event that it rains, the match will be played indoors. 2 The graduation ceremony was postponed, due to the fact that a hurricane was approaching. 3 Shy people often doubt themselves even when they have the capacity to do something. 4 I must speak to you concerning the matter of the prizes. 5 At the same time as I was heading for my car, it got towed away. 6 Regardless of the fact that he has apologised, he should be punished. 7 Under the circumstances in which she should be serious, she is usually too frivolous. Nominalisation This means making verbs and adjectives into abstract nouns. Example The police investigated the crime. The police conducted an investigation of the crime. Nominalisation is frequently used in academic and professional writing; however, too much of it can make your writing sound too abstract and can alienate your reader. Which of these sentences is clearer on first reading? a) The formulation of special policy was done by the Board of Executives, whose members felt that there was need for the streamlining of the company’s operation. b) The Board of Executives formulated special policy to streamline the company’s operations. You should be able to differentiate useless from useful nominalisation. It is useful if: 1 The abstract noun is a subject that refers to or follows from a previous sentence. Example The Board of Executives formulated special policy to streamline the company’s operations. This streamlining led to immediate profits. 2 It incorporates what would have been the object of its verb. Example I understand neither the way she speaks nor the way she writes. I understand neither her speech nor her writing. Notice that in this case the nominalisation makes the sentence more succinct. 203 204 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION 3 It replaces ‘the fact that’ Example The fact that I sang so tunefully impressed the judges. My tuneful singing impressed the judges. Non-sexist language There is no generic singular pronoun in English, therefore, the masculine pronouns ‘he’, ‘his’ and ‘him’ have traditionally been used when there is need for a common gender pronoun. However, this is less acceptable in modern writing, and writers are very careful to specify ‘his or her’, ‘he or she’ and so on in order not to appear sexist or discriminatory. This often leads to cumbersome sentences, which, though grammatically correct, can be awkward and tedious to read. Example Each student should bring his/her own pen, but if he/she runs out of ink, the invigilator will lend him or her a substitute. The alternative is no less repetitive. One should bring one’s own pen, but if one runs out of ink the invigilator will lend one a substitute. The easiest way of dealing with such construction without being sexist is to use the neutral plural forms: Students should bring their own pens but if they run out of ink the invigilator will lend them substitutes. Similarly, words with masculine markers may be offensive to some readers, and writers are faced with the challenge of finding neutral alternatives wherever possible. The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) suggests the following alternatives: Table 11.3 Nonsexist language Sexist Neutral mankind humanity, people, human beings man-made synthetic, manufactured the common man the average person, ordinary people man-hours staff hours chairman head, chair, presiding officer, moderator, coordinator businessman business executive fireman firefighter mail man mail carrier steward/stewardess flight attendant policeman/woman police officer CHAPTER 11: WRITING 11.4 Examination tips Take-home assignments and long papers allow you to make thorough use of the writing process.You are able to spend time away from your writing so you can review more objectively and you can make several drafts, rewriting as many times as necessary. However, under examination or timed writing conditions you need to be able to collapse the process.You should never forgo the process altogether if you want your writing to be clear, thoughtful and well organised. Planning and structuring your allotted time properly allows you to use a modified version of the writing process and present a paper that approaches excellence. Before you begin, consider the number of questions you are required to answer and apportion the time that you will spend on each one. If the questions are of equal weighting (worth the same number of marks), this is easily done by allocating the same amount of time to each. Otherwise, the amount of time should be proportionate to the weighting of the question. The following example uses a one-hour essay to indicate the adaptation of the process: Example 10 minutes: Plan your essay – Identify your audience, brainstorm, write your thesis statement, jot down a brief outline of your essay. 40 minutes: Write your essay – in an examination you must write in sequence of introduction, body and conclusion. 10 minutes: Read over to amend sentences or correct mechanics. Simply cross out errors and rewrite above them. Make sure that rewritings are legible. Remember that, under examination conditions, you will not be able to rewrite your essay. Never write a rough draft with the intention of rewriting. Use jottings only and write from your jotted points. Do not be afraid to cross out errors and rewrite above them. Examiners expect this and it shows that you are able to review your writing critically.You do not lose marks for crossing out; however, you must ensure that what you have corrected is legible and clear. Conclusion In this chapter you have learnt about the process of writing and how to apply that process when you write. It is important to practise using the writing process until you are able to go through it automatically and adapt it to your various writing contexts. It is also important to focus on the type of writing in which you are engaged, and to ensure that your purpose for writing is clear. Above all, writing is always done with an audience in mind and this thought should remain with you as you write. Having understood the process of producing different types of writing, you will learn in Chapter 12 to structure and organise the various components of your essay. You will also learn to format other types of written communication that are useful in everyday life. 205 206 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Evaluation and extension 1 What are the main steps of the writing process? 2 List FOUR pre-writing activities that you can use when preparing to write. 3 The following thesis statements are taken from students’ essays. Evaluate them and make suggestions for revising where necessary. (a) Destruction of the forest can be caused by natural events like hurricanes and electrical storms, as well as by human activities such as agricultural development or by logging. (b) Today’s family has not disintegrated, but rather has adapted itself to a changing society. (c) There are several characteristics of industrial design that are important in determining the success or failure of a new product on the market. (d) The interest of Western countries in the Caribbean may be for security, economic, social and political reasons. (e) Although young people are taller, heavier and outwardly healthier than the youth of previous generations, the majority have not developed strong, agile and physically fit bodies. 4 Read the student essay below and evaluate it using the following guidelines: Clarity of thesis Style Logic of discussion Adequacy of content Use of supporting devices The implications of the increased popularity of cosmetic surgery ’Life in plastic, it’s fantastic!’ is a quote from the popular 1997 song ’Barbie Girl’ by Aqua. This quote effectively describes today’s new craze for plastic surgery. Although the term plastic surgery does not refer to surgery with the use of plastic, it does seem that way, as surgeons use artificial products like silicone and botox to change parts of the body, which give the body an artificial, or ’plastic’ image, like the popular plastic Barbie doll. Cosmetic surgery is a type of plastic surgery that is becoming a household name. Unlike reconstructive surgery, which is done for rehabilitative reasons, cosmetic surgery is performed purely for aesthetic reasons. This practice has led to negative consequences such as unrealistic views of a human’s physical body and self-image, obsessive surgeries and the commercialisation of cosmetic surgery. The media is a major force in our society, promoting unrealistic physical images. Daily you see thousands of images of ’beautiful women’ claiming that you can be beautiful too if you buy a certain product. Cosmetic surgery is also being advertised as being the solution to your problems by ’enhancing’ your features. However, a large number of people go to a cosmetic surgeon to change different parts of their bodies completely, and not just alter them a bit. Additionally, celebrities make it big in industry mostly because of their outward appearances. Celebrities in magazines look flawless, as a result of much airbrushing and digital altering. It seems that being beautiful is the only way to get ahead in the world. You hardly see average or ordinary looking people in the limelight. Media also encourages cosmetic procedures in shows like The Swan and Extreme Makeover. These shows, among many others promote cosmetic surgery as being an easy means of being beautiful and successful in life. From an early age, children are exposed to society’s definition of beauty, from the many brands of dolls to the fairy tales that their parents tell them. In all of these aspects of growing up, beauty is seen as having fair, even skin, blue eyes, a narrow nose, and a waist ’…small enough for a man to encircle with his hands.’ (Sullivan 6) This idea of beauty is carried with children into their teenage years, where it starts to manifest and create self-conscious feelings. Children, especially girls look at celebrities in movies and in magazines and believe that the celebrities look like this normally. Girls who compare themselves to these images feel inferior, as they obviously do not look like their idols. ’47% of Canadian females CHAPTER 11: WRITING age 11, 58% of Canadian females age 13, and 55% of Canadian females age 15 say they would change how they look if they could’ (Health and Welfare Canada). This society is a fast-paced society characterised by obsessive behaviours. Everything is now instant, from fast food restaurants to one-minute dinner meals. Cosmetic surgery is another factor that has caught up with the instant society. Cosmetic procedures are becoming faster, easier and have less healing time. People view cosmetic surgery as a magic procedure that can instantly remove their flaws and make them beautiful because this is how it is portrayed commercially. Many people go into surgery with unrealistic expectations. For example, some women go to a plastic surgeon’s office expecting to walk back out with the exact nose or pair of lips of a celebrity that is seen as beautiful at the time. The obsession starts when they keep going back trying to get that perfection that they were hoping for the first time. Blum realises from her research that ’When you don’t like a body part, the rest of the world looks like an array of perfect examples of just what you lack.’ (Blum). Even if people approve of their surgeries, they think that there is no reason to stop at one surgery, but are now inspired to ’fix’ the rest of their bodies. ’You will see the rest of the world as so many possibilities.’ Most people that are obsessed with cosmetic procedures are in debt and struggling to make ends meet. They are also struggling with their inability to control their obsession and are often confused and unhappy. Many are unable to have normal relationships because their lives are constantly absorbed by the next cosmetic procedure. Cosmetic surgeons, however, continue to practise on these people, although it is evident that they have a psychological problem. These ’doctors’ do not care about the person’s psychological stability and well-being, but are only interested in obtaining the money for the procedure. This obsession is carried through in a person, as he/she gets older, and may increase with age, in an attempt to remain young and beautiful. Cosmetic surgery is supposedly included in the medical field. However, fuelled by the perfection frenzy, it has become commercialised, and cosmetic surgeons now run cosmetic surgery businesses. This is extremely different from the proper definition of the medical field, which is stated by the Miriam [sic] Webster dictionary as ’the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease.’ Cosmetic surgery does not deal with health issues. This is left for reconstructive surgeons to do. Therefore it should not be associated with medicine. Businesses usually try to persuade people into buying their product. This is the same with regards to cosmetic surgery. The number of commercials for cosmetic procedures has increased significantly in the past ten years. Additionally, people have now turned to ’shopping’ for body parts in magazines and ’buying’ the body parts by making an appointment with their cosmetic surgeon. The same way that society is obsessed with material items, human bodies have become itemised, and obsessed about as well. This view of bodies as items or objects has also increased the number of people that try to get the cheapest procedures, which has caused a worldwide epidemic of illegal practices. This is also a result of the excessive commercialisation of cosmetic surgery. There are many cases of uncertified medical practitioners causing major damage to people and in worst cases killing them. A study in Korea found that the subcutaneous injection of silicone leads to severe pulmonary complications (Chung KY et al.) There are also many news articles of police raids in rundown apartment buildings, where uncertified doctors are performing cosmetic procedures on people, using silicone that is banned by the FDA to be used on humans. (Lee Koh) It is evident that plastic surgery is the alternative to many things like exercising and growing old. However, how ethical is this practice of changing a body to achieve perfection? The media is the driving force behind today’s image of beauty and also the increase in cosmetic surgery procedures. This cosmetic surgery trend is moving very quickly in the wrong direction and if we do not act now, in the very near future it will become an irreversible and tragic part of our lives. References American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2006 Statistics 29 March 2007. Bayer, Kathryn. ’Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetics: Redefining the Appearance of Age.’ Generation. San Francisco: Fall 2005. 29.3: p.13 Blair Lorrie and Maya Shalmon. ’Cosmetic Surgery and the Cultural Construction of Beauty.’ Art Education. Reston: May 2005. 58.3: 14 –18 Blum, Virginia. ’Becoming the Other Woman: The Psychic Drama of Cosmetic Surgery.’ Frontiers. Boulder: 2005. 26.2: 104–134 Chung KY et al. ’Clinicopathologic review of pulmonary silicone embolism with special emphasis on the resultant histologic diversity in the lung – a review of five cases’. Yonsei Med J. 2002 Apr; 43 (2): 152–9 Lee Koh Eun. Police Raid an Illegal Clinic Offering Cosmetic Surgery, The New York Times. 21 April 2001. police-raid-an-illegal-clinic-offering-cosmetic-surgery.html. Accessed 21 May 2013. 207 208 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION 5 You have been asked to write an article in your school’s magazine on the topic ‘Climate change: its effect on the Caribbean’. (a) Who is your audience? (b) What method of exposition would you use? Justify. (c) How would you title the article? Explain why. (d) Would you use photographs or diagrams? Justify. (e) In no more than 300 words write the article. References Bonander, R. (2006).Word Power. St Lucia Business Focus. Issue 37, December, pp. 68–69. Hacker, D. (1993), A Pocket Style Manual. New York: Bedford Books of St Martin’s Press. Kramer, M., Leggett, G & Mead, D. (1995). Prentice Hall Handbook for Writers. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Language Arts Department. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (St Lucia). Student Essays. Luengo, A. (1995). Canadian Writer’s Companion. Canada: Prentice Hall Ginn. CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS 12 Organising Skills In the previous chapter we looked at the writing process – pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. In this chapter we take you a step further by looking at polishing the written piece in terms of the components: the introduction, the conclusion and the body. Oftentimes an essay is weakened by the writer’s failure to pay attention to creating effective introductions and conclusions that capture the audience’s attention. Another area that aids in creating an effective piece is the linkages within and between paragraphs. These help to create a flow of ideas that lead to better understanding of the writer’s intent. This chapter also offers the reader ideas on how to format memos, letters and reports, which are everyday requirements of the world of work. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Module 3 and Specific Objective 9. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 demonstrate organising competencies in written communication 2 create an effective introduction using various techniques 3 create an effective conclusion using various styles 4 utilise linkages within paragraphs and between paragraphs to aid in the logical flow of ideas 5 recognise the importance of sequencing within paragraphs 6 write memos, reports and letters. Introduction A piece of writing must be seen in terms of its components and its effectiveness depends on how well each component is handled on its own as well as how well it fits in with the others. Therefore, the parts of an essay must be organised in such a way that the reader can read and follow the theme with minimum effort. As you have noticed, each form of writing has its own characteristics. In this text, we have been dealing primarily with the type of extended writing that college students are expected to master; however, other forms of written communication such as reports and memos are equally important. The organisation of these forms will be dealt with later in the chapter. In academic writing, the essay consists of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. 209 210 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION 12.1 Components of academic writing The introduction Many writers find the introduction the most difficult aspect of compositions. Some deal with the difficulty by writing the body of the essay before addressing the introduction. However, this may not always be feasible, as in the case of an examination. An introduction can be one or several paragraphs, depending on the length of your paper, but for the purposes of this text, we will deal with the introductory paragraph. However you approach it, the function of your introduction must be kept in mind. Whatever the type of writing, the primary purpose of an introduction is to make your reader want to continue reading. This means that great attention must be paid to crafting your introduction. A good introduction has three functions: (i) grabbing the reader’s attention (ii) providing any necessary background to the topic (iii) establishing the focus of the essay and the writer’s stance on the topic. If you think about your introduction in this way, then it is easy to visualise how it should be constructed.Your reader’s attention must be caught by the very first sentence or two. Think of attention-getting devices that would suit your purpose such as a question, a powerful quote, an interesting fact or a definition. The following are examples to illustrate this: Example Question: Are our men really at risk? A powerful quote: ’What kind of an image do you have of yourself?’ asked Errol Walton Barrow at a political rally in 1986. An interesting fact: Thirty per cent of all drivers say they’ve fallen asleep at the wheel at least once. A definition: The Oxford Dictionary defines a tornado as a violent storm of small extent with whirling winds. The second part of your introduction should give your readers a brief orientation to the topic. This should be very brief and just enough to place your topic in a context for the reader. By extending this part of your introduction, you risk losing your reader’s interest. In a typical short essay one or two sentences are generally sufficient for this part. The third part of your introduction is the thesis statement, which you would already have from your outline. Things to avoid in your introduction: Clichés (any word or phrase that you have heard several times before). ■ Obvious statements, for example ’There are many ways of defining love.’ ■ Broad generalisations, for example ’For centuries the division of labour has been a problem.’ ■ Stating what you will do ’In this essay, I will show that …’ ■ CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS ACTIVITY 12.1 Read the following introductory paragraphs and identify the three main parts. What attention-getting devices have been used? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Back in 1954, the Chordettes had a number one hit singing the praises of ‘Mr. Sandman’, but today he’s dead. It was a slow death; gradually, over a few decades, Americans killed him. Farewell sweet dreams and golden slumbers – we’ve entered into the age of waking up tired. Don’t assume it’s not you, either. Here’s a quick quiz: Do you get less than eight hours of sleep a night? Fall asleep almost as soon as your head hits the pillow? Need an alarm clock to wake up? And sometimes that doesn’t even work? A ’yes’ to any of those questions means you’re probably one of the chronically sleep deprived. K. McWhorter What two-dimensional object has the ability to make passers-by stop and think? A poster! Throughout your day, take a look around and you’ll find posters in your school, classroom, bus station, doctor’s office, and probably in your bedroom. With just a few words and a powerful visual image, a poster can inform, entertain, or persuade its audience. Some posters are so appealing that they are sold as pieces of art. Definition A paragraph can be defined as a set of related sentences that deal with one idea or topic in detail, in support of the thesis of the essay. R. Dawe et al. The body Your main task in the body of the essay is to develop the points in your outline into logical coherent paragraphs. Each paragraph operates almost like a mini essay, and contains a topic sentence, supporting details that develop or elaborate on the topic sentence and a concluding sentence. The length of your paragraph depends on its purpose. However, you should be conscious of maintaining balance in terms of the depth to which you explore each topic. (i) The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph and shows how it is related to the thesis. It is generally placed near the beginning of the paragraph but can really be placed anywhere in the paragraph depending on individual style of organisation. However, the less experienced writer finds the paragraph easier to handle if the topic sentence occurs at the beginning. Regardless of where it is located, your topic sentence should ensure that your reader understands the main idea of the paragraph. (ii) Supporting details elaborate upon and justify your topic sentence. All supporting sentences should be linked to the main idea of the paragraph. This is where the topic is explored and illustrated in detail and the writer’s stance is clarified. The information that you gathered during your pre-writing activities will be utilised here. The supporting details can be referred to as the development of your paragraph. They should be unified, that is, having a single focus, and coherent or easily understandable to a reader.You can use some of the following methods to develop your paragraphs: 211 212 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Define terms Use examples ■ Compare and contrast ■ Demonstrate causes and effects ■ Provide an extended description of the topic ■ Analyse the topic ■ Cite facts, statistics and other supporting evidence ■ Introduce quotations or paraphrases that elucidate the topic ■ Use an anecdote or analogy ■ Illustrate a process through chronology. ■ ■ Some of the ways in which you can enhance the coherence of your supporting paragraphs are explored in the last section of Chapter 11, ‘writing with style’. (iii) The concluding sentence is the final statement in the paragraph. It brings together the gist of the details discussed in the paragraph and re-emphasises the main idea. The concluding sentence can also provide a transition to the ideas of the next paragraph. Example A well-organised essay presents its major points in a logical order. Readers have an easier time understanding what you say if your ideas are organised in a way that makes sense to them. To help readers understand your organisational pattern, you will want to use transitions. M. C. Rainey The conclusion Your concluding paragraph is your last opportunity to leave a good impression on your readers. It allows you to re-emphasise the main idea of the essay and to leave your readers with a sense of closure. Like your introduction, the conclusion varies in length in proportion to the length of your paper. Its most important function is to ensure that your readers understand how all your ideas fit together. The conclusion also reiterates the significance of your topic in a wider context than that of your paper, thus underscoring the importance of your contribution to the body of thought on that topic. A good conclusion may use one or more of the following: (i) Solution or recommendation – if you have been exploring a problem, you can suggest ways of resolving the issue. (ii) Statement of significance – indicate how your main idea is related to wider issues. (iii) Speculation – offer one or two possible resolutions to an issue that you may not be able to answer definitively. (iv) Suggest further research – if you cannot make a pronouncement on an open-ended issue, give specific suggestions for ways in which it may be investigated further. (v) Call to action – if the topic lends itself to this, suggest ways in which your readers themselves can respond to the issue. Remember that, however you choose to leave a final impression in the reader’s mind, your conclusion must round off your essay by relating directly to the thesis statement without merely repeating or restating it.Your conclusion should never introduce new information or a new topic.You should also avoid leaving your reader with the feeling CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS of being preached at; rather you should encourage the reader to develop an opinion of the views you have put forward. While, in the case of a test or examination, that final impression aids in determining your grade, remember that writing is something you will do for life; therefore you should view your closing as a way to help people remember what you said so they can act on it in the appropriate way. ACTIVITY 12.2 In an article in Family Magazine entitled ’An ounce of prevention’ the writer discusses the parent’s role in drug prevention. Read the closing paragraph and discuss what techniques the writer uses. Are there any he should have avoided? Are there any changes you would suggest? How committed are you to bringing up your children drug-free? Do you have a ‘No DrugUse Rule’? When initiating a ‘No-Use Rule’, it is extremely important to schedule sufficient time to discuss it in a caring, respectful manner with complete explanations of how some of the consequences could impact on both your child and the entire family. Remember, ‘An ounce of Prevention is better than a pound of Cure’. I. Morris Linkages In any essay the paragraphs should be connected in some way so that the writer can follow your thinking. One way of helping the reader to follow these logical steps is to ensure that there are linkages or connections tying together the ideas in your paragraphs. Of course the type of linkage that you use is dependent on the type of essay that you are writing. For example, if you are describing a process then you may find yourself using linkages such as first, second and lastly. However, in other types of essay you may use linkages like therefore, ultimately, but, yet and consequently. Selection of an effective transition word aids in the flow from one paragraph to the next. However, transitions can also be used within paragraphs as these link the ideas in sentences and create unity of thought in the paragraph. Example Parking in dark isolated parts of the parking lot may prevent a careless driver from denting your car; on the other hand this may be quite dangerous for you. How many times have you chosen a parking space which you consider safe from those drivers who have difficulty lining up their vehicle without scraping or bending yours? However, this practice invites the potential car breaker, or worse, mugger who sees the isolation as an advantage in carrying out the crime without being detected. Consequently, it is in your best interest to choose a well-frequented area of the car park and trust in the other drivers’ skills. 213 214 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 12.3 Use these transitional words to link the following pairs of sentences: consequently therefore however similarly 1 Uniforms help us to identify our schoolmates. They are usually uncomfortable. 2 Drinking can impair your ability to make good judgements while driving. Drinking and driving can be fatal. 3 The novel The Da Vinci Code was riveting from beginning to end. The movie was interesting. 4 The drains were clogged. There was massive flooding. The following table gives a list of various types of transition and some examples of each. Use it as a reference while revising your writing. Table 12.1 Transitional words Type of transition Examples Addition furthermore, next, first, second etc., besides, further, also, in addition, again, as well as, even more, coupled with Cause/effect because, since, for that reason, therefore, consequently, thus, hence, as a result, so, thereupon, due to Comparison likewise, similarly, in like manner, by the same token, in the same way, comparatively, moreover Contrast yet, on the contrary, but, however, on the other hand, nonetheless, though, otherwise, conversely, in contrast Example/illustration for instance, for example, to illustrate, as follows, in particular Place/space beyond, adjacent to, opposite to, nearby, above, below Summary therefore, in brief, in short, to sum up, in essence, for these reasons Time/chronology while, after, immediately, afterwards, in the meantime, simultaneously, subsequently, next, meanwhile Internal cohesion In the discussion on linkages we looked at how linkages aid in unifying the paragraph. In every paragraph there should be that sense of unity that allows the reader to follow your argument or exposition. Internal cohesion refers to the writer’s ability to sustain an idea that can be easily followed. The writer must be logical in the order in which ideas are presented as well as in the development of the idea. Thus, while the use of connectives or linkages aids in the internal cohesion of the paragraph, the information in the paragraph must be logically sequenced in order to maintain that cohesion. A simple example of internal cohesion can be seen in a process analysis like a recipe. The logical progression would be for the writer to give the ingredients and tools needed and then give the steps in the process of creating some tasty concoction. Imagine getting started only to find later in the discourse that you do not have some key ingredient! The internal cohesion of an argument or exposition works in the same way. There is CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS a logical way to progress. For example, in an argument you might use examples and then come to a conclusion that can be drawn from the examples.You would not expect to come to the conclusion then go back to giving examples. Example Computers are used for a variety of everyday activities: computers are used by tellers in banks to transact business. In supermarkets, scanners feed the cost of the item into the computerised system. Likewise, in some countries, students’ grades are entered into the school’s information systems and emailed to parents. In recent times in the home, the personal computer has replaced the encyclopaedia and dictionary. In essence, the computer has become an indispensable tool in our daily lives. 12.2 Formatting business communication There are standard structures for writing both in the academic world and the business world. In Chapter 9 you would have learnt of the MLA and APA style manuals and ways of presenting research. However, in the world of business there are also formats that are considered acceptable. In the course of your adult life it is unlikely that you will avoid having to write formal letters, reports, memos, résumés and curriculum vitae. The next section gives a few suggestions as to how to set out these pieces of correspondence. Memos Should we call a meeting? I think we should send a memo. Fig. 12.1 Using memos The memo is a short piece of internal correspondence written to colleagues in an institution. It is usually informal in tone although in some cases it is used formally. Memos may be written about a variety of subjects from non-technical to technical details. In terms of communication it is an important aspect of interpersonal communication in the work environment. There are specific components that you must use in creating a memo: Date To ■ From ■ Subject ■ Message ■ ■ On page 216 is an example of an internal memo. Note that this is not a general staff memo but has a specified audience. 215 216 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION MEMORANDUM To: Awards Committee From: Dejanne Tun, Chairperson Date: May 26, 2014 Subject: Confirmation of list of recipients (1) Colleagues, a brief reminder that the list of recipients for this year’s company award ceremony is due. (2) It was agreed at the last meeting that this list would be in my hands by May 25, 2014, however, I have only received confirmed lists from two committee members – Deon Powell and Narad Kublasingh. (3) Please send your lists by tomorrow, May 27, 2014 so that the final list can be collated and sent to the CEO. (4) Fig. 12.2 Internal memorandum 1 The subject line is important because it quickly informs the reader of the content of the missive. Therefore it is important to capture the focus of the memo effectively. 2 The introduction is short and to the point. It is captured in one or two sentences. 3 The body of the memo is the discussion point you wish to make. 4 The conclusion tells the reader what to do. As with all written communication, it is important to go through the stages of writing (writing, rewriting, proofreading). Fig. 12.3 Writing stages apply to all written communication CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS The letter There are various types of business letter that you may be required to write within the world of work or your daily life. These include: The letter of enquiry ■ The letter of complaint ■ Application letter. ■ As with the memo, there are specific components found in a letter. There are: The writer’s address The date ■ An inside address (the recipient’s address) ■ A salutation ■ The body of the letter ■ A closing ■ The writer’s typed name and signature. ■ ■ 22 Terrells Lane (1) Goodwill Dominica May 09, 2014 (2) The Manager (3) Creative Homes Bay Town Plaza West Bay Road Grand Cayman Dear Sir/Madam: (4) (5) I read the advertisement in the newspaper that informed of your company’s ability to draw plans for any size home and for those with a modest or expansive income. (i) The advertisement did not include a website and I therefore would like to know if one exists and failing that if there is a brochure that displays some of your finished products. (ii) I look forward to more information about your product including the cost of drawing per square foot. (iii) Yours sincerely (6) Chandra Gopwani Chandra Gopwani (7) Fig. 12.4 Business letter 217 218 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Read the letter in Figure 12.4 as an example of a business letter. This is the full block style letter, which is the preferred form in most businesses. In the block style of letter writing both addresses are found on the left-hand side of the page. The first address (1) is that of the sender. The date separates the two addresses (2) and the second address (3) is that of the recipient and this includes the name or title of that individual. The salutation (4) comes next and this is based on prior knowledge. That is, if you know the name of the person to whom the letter is directed then you should use it. However, if the name is unknown, as in this case, then the writer should use Sir/Madam. The body of the letter (5) has an opening (i), middle (ii) and closing (iii). As with any piece of writing, there is a need to organise ideas, thus the writer must introduce or give some indication of the purpose of the letter then discuss what he/she wants and indicate the action to be taken. The closing (6) comes next followed by the writer’s typed name and signature (7). Based on your reading you would have determined that this letter is a letter of enquiry. The writer is seeking information from a company. Some questions that you might bear in mind when composing the letter of enquiry are: To whom are you writing? For example, the Manager. Why are you writing? ■ What exactly do you want to know? ■ What do you want the writer to do in response to your enquiry? ■ How quickly would you like a response? ■ ■ In answering these questions you would in fact clarify the purpose and help organise your ideas. Of course, the next step is to write the letter. As with all writing it is necessary to: Pre-write Draft ■ Revise ■ Create the final draft ■ Format. ■ ■ For more information on the writing process, see Chapter 11. There are other types of business letter and one that individuals often have to use is the letter of complaint. As the name suggests, this type of letter seeks to indicate a wrong and have that wrong put right. Following on page 219 is an example of a letter of complaint. As with the letter of enquiry, there are specific questions that guide you in writing the letter of complaint: Who is your audience? ■ Why exactly are you writing? ■ What is the nature of your complaint? ■ What action do you expect? ■ When should this action take place? ■ Using these questions helps you to organise your writing. Remember that a business letter should be simple, straightforward and allow for action to be taken. Did you know? If you prepare your letter on a computer you can use the letter wizard in Microsoft Word to help you write your letter. CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS Reservoir Heights Brookdale St Michael May 27, 2014 The Chairman The Board of Management The Barbados Water Authority Pine St Michael Dear Sir: Over the past months, the reservoir in Brookdale, St Michael has become a haven for rats and other vermin. This situation has come about because the reservoir has been allowed to become overgrown. In previous years the National Conservation Commission came regularly and cleaned the whole property. However, the infrequent cleaning effected by your company only extends to the cover of the actual reservoir leaving the surrounding areas to become over-run with shrubbery of various heights. Lest you question the presence of rats, I must indicate that I myself have seen such vermin run from your property and onto my wall. In addition, because of the height of the shrubs, one cannot be sure what other vermin lie awaiting the right opportunity to pounce. Sir, I have spoken to those responsible for cleaning the reservoir on various occasions to no avail. I am now appealing to you to have the reservoir de-bushed and to set in place a maintenance schedule to obviate my continued calls to your company. Your speedy response to this matter is vital to maintaining uncontaminated water resources as well as ensuring the health and security of my family. Yours truly, . Beverley Broome (Mrs) Fig. 12.5 Letter of complaint 219 220 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Application letters The application letter is one that accompanies your résumé or CV. This letter is short and to the point, simply indicating your interest in a specific job, brief details of your qualifications and your availability for an interview. The intent of this letter is to persuade the reader that he/she should examine your résumé or CV. This letter, also known as a cover letter, should be no more than a page in length. Following is an example of an application letter. 14 Shaw’s Road Newcastle Nevis November 7, 2013 The Personnel Manager Island Furniture Store #25 Frigate Bay Road Basseterre St. Kitts Dear Ms Campbell: I am responding to the advertisement in the October 30, 2013 issue of The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer for an accounting officer. I have just completed an Associate degree in Accounting at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College and I am sure that I would be an asset to your company. I have enclosed my résumé but I would like to highlight some important details. For the past three years I have worked in the accounting department of the Alexandra Hospital during the summer vacation. As such, I have gained first-hand experience in the world of accounting and working in an office environment. I am proficient in QuickBooks as well as the Microsoft Suite and have a working knowledge of FoxPro. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss employment possibilities. I can be contacted at 916-4567 or 283-4567 at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, Michael McCarp Enclosure Fig. 12.6 Letter of application CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS The résumé The résumé is a one-page document that highlights your educational and professional achievements. It has four components: 1 Personal data: name, address, telephone numbers, email address 2 Educational background 3 Work experience 4 Names of referees. RÉSUMÉ MICHAEL I. McCARP NO 14 SHAW’S ROAD NEWCASTLE NEVIS (876) 916-4567 OR (876) 283-4567 E-mail Employment 2011–2013 Alexandra Hospital, Nevis Accounts Clerk • Assisted in billing patients • Assisted in preparing receipts • Input daily receipts • Assisted in reconciliation of receivables Education 2010–2013 Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College, St. Kitts AD. Accounting Expertise Proficient in Microsoft Suite and QuickBooks References Available on request Fig. 12.7 An example of a résumé 221 222 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION When writing your résumé: Do not make errors, as this is the first impression that your prospective employer receives. ■ If you have several different contact numbers, do not include all. One land line and one cellular number are adequate. ■ Never give the present employer’s number as a contact number. This is poor business practice. ■ Fig. 12.8 The résumé The curriculum vitae The curriculum vitae, also known as a CV, is longer than the résumé and gives a fuller picture of who you are. Like the résumé, it includes information about your education and work experience but it also includes awards and honours received, as well as your affiliations and interests. For example, if Michael McCarp received the prize for Accounts at his secondary school, this should be in his CV. His choral singing with the college chorale should also be included, as well as his volunteer ACTIVITY 12.4 work with the Red Cross Association. The 1 Try writing your résumé using CV can also include personal details such as the format in the first example. your date of birth and marital status. There is a Give it to a friend who knows you well and ask him or her difference in length as well. The CV is usually to make recommendations for two or more pages to allow for the additional improvement. information. While in the Caribbean the résumé 2 Now try writing the CV adding and CV are requested by all types of company, the specific pieces of additional in North America the résumé is preferred in information normally included in the world of business while the CV is often the CV. requested in academic circles. See the example of a curriculum vitae in Figure 12.9. CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS Juanita Escobar 2418 Consuelo Street | Belize City Tel. (501) 02-73516 or e-mail: BIRTH: September 12, 1994, Belize City, Belize EDUCATION: Associate Degree in Technology; Corozal Community College, Corozal, Belize 2010–2012 WORK EXPERIENCE: • • Data Entry Clerk: Belize Telecommunications Ltd. Summer 2012 Receptionist/Office Attendant: Computer Services Ltd. Belize City, Summer 2011 ACHIEVEMENTS/AWARDS: • • • • • Corozal Community College Overall Outstanding Application Award Award for Outstanding Performance at Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations President, Information Technology Club Public Relations Officer, Young Leaders’ Group Valedictorian, Graduation ceremony, 2012 MEMBERSHIPS: • • • • Chess Club, Corozal Community College National Youth Choir of Belize Belize Red Cross National HIV/AIDS Peer Counselling Group LANGUAGES: • • English (first language) Spanish HOBBIES & INTERESTS Singing, reading, horseback riding, lawn tennis, dancing OTHER INFORMATION: • • Travel experience through the Caribbean & the USA Excellent computer skills REFERENCES: Mr Ruben Martinez Principal Corozal Community College Corozal, Belize Tel. (501) 02-35227 Ms Jane Valdes Human Resource Manager Belize Telecommunications Ltd. St. Thomas Street, Belize City Tel. (501) 02-75165 Fig. 12.9 Example of a curriculum vitae 223 224 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Writing reports In your day-to-day life, academic life as well as the world of work, there will be occasions where you are asked to report on what you have seen, where you went or what you are working on. These reports fall into various categories. In this text we will explore the following types of report: ■ ■ Accident or incident report Travel report. There are some basic items that any report should contain: Heading Introduction ■ Body (discussion) ■ Conclusions/recommendations. ■ ■ The heading indicates the date on which the report is written, the person or persons to whom the report is directed, the name of the person who is writing the report and the subject of the report. Fig. 12.10 Business report Example Date: April 29, 2014 To: The Principal From: Merton Charles Subject: REPORT ON BREAKING OF CLASSROOM WINDOW Next comes the introduction. In this case the introduction should indicate the reason for the report. Introduction As requested this report explains what led to the breaking of the window in Room 304. In the body of the report the writer should provide a clear and concise discourse on the incident. Discussion The incident occurred at approximately 2.00 p.m. Mr Simms was absent from school and no teacher had arrived as a substitute. Soraya and Justin were playing with the football in the classroom. Soraya told Justin that he was too ‘soft’ and couldn’t hit the ball hard enough. Justin kicked the ball with some strength and the ball hit the wall and bounced into the window breaking the glass. Soraya and Justin ran through the door and disappeared. The substitute teacher arrived to find the window broken and glass on the floor. The conclusion comes next. Conclusion This incident was an accident caused by the irresponsibility of two students only. The rest of the class was not involved. CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS Following is an example of a travel report. To: Head of the Geography Department From: Femi Bowen Date: June 16, 2013 Subject: Geography tour to St Lucia Introduction On May 15, 2013, the Lower Sixth geography students went on an eight day tour to St Lucia. Twenty students and four staff members went on tour. Attached is a list of those who went on tour. Following is a report on the activities for the eight days. Discussion Wednesday 15 – Arrival in St Lucia. Orientation at hotel and tour assignments. Thursday 16 – Visit to Pigeon Point Museum and observation of beach shape and development. Friday 17 – Les Pitons and Soufriere. Volcanic structures. Saturday 18 – Dennery. A village on the eastern side of the island. Sandstone formations. Observation of river course en route. Sunday 19 – Rest day. Monday 20 – Banana packing shed. Banana fields. Tuesday 21 – Rain forest tour. Wednesday 22 – Castries. The craft market. Depart St Lucia. The students were transported by an air-conditioned tour bus outfitted with a speaker which allowed teachers to inform students of what they were seeing along the way. This was a very successful tour that allowed students to view landforms not visible in their own territory. It is the hope that these tours will become part of the required coursework at this institution. Attachment Fig. 12.11 Travel report There are several different types of report but, if you use the format as seen in the examples above and on page 224, you should be able to produce a concise and clear document that provides your audience with the required information. 225 226 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 12.5 1 Write a report on an incident that occurred at your institution. Use the suggested format. 2 You are engaged in research for your SBA in communication studies. Write a progress report for your teacher. Remember that all reports contain the same headings. Conclusion Organisation is key to effective communication. Everything that we write, whether it be in school, the world of work or at home, tells the reader something about the writer. If the ideas we want to express are not well organised then we are likely to be misunderstood or not understood at all. Think of occasions when you have received assignments with comments such as ‘unclear’ or ‘clarify’ or ‘your ideas are jumbled’. These comments can be avoided if you take some time to organise your ideas, to sequence, to make linkages and to format your writing. If you do this there will be improved clarity of expression. Now that you have learnt how to compose and organise your writing, the next chapter will be relevant to the editing/proofreading stage of the writing process and will help you to apply the rules of grammar to ensure a well finished product. CHAPTER 12: ORGANISING SKILLS Evaluation and extension 1 Read the following and answer the question that follows. 3 Use one of the topics in question 2 to organise and write a speech or essay. 4 Your best friend is about to enter an essay competition. Discuss three aspects of writing the essay you would share with her/him in order to ensure that she/he is a sure winner. 5 Write a memo to the members of the Graduation In its popular use the word culture usually refers to refinement or cultivation. The cultured person is thought to be one who is well educated, well mannered, and refined in behaviour; who appreciates a certain type of art and prefers Beethoven to the latest hit tunes. As used in this book culture has a different and more specialised meaning. It refers to all the accepted and patterned ways of behaviour of a given people. It is a body of common understandings. It is the sum total and the organisation or arrangement of all the group’s ways of thinking, feeling and acting. It also includes the physical manifestations of the group as exhibited in the objects they make – the clothing, shelter, tools, weapons, implements, utensils, and so on. In this sense, of course, every people – however primitive – has a culture, and no individual can live without culture. I.C. Brown Committee indicating the progress in planning for the event and reminding them of the next meeting. 6 Write a progress report to the Principal from the Graduation Committee. 7 Prepare a résumé and CV for use when you leave your current institution. If possible, store this on a computer, USB drive or compact disc for future improvement and additions. References Brown, I. (1963). Understanding Other Cultures. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pp. 3–4. Dawe, R., Duncan, B. & Mathieu, W. (1995). Resource Lines 9/10. Canada: Prentice Hall Ginn, p. 246. Hodges, J. & Whitten, M. (1994). Harbrace College Handbook, 12th edn. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Co. McWhorter, K. (2002). Reading Across the Disciplines: College reading and beyond. Longman, p. 426. Morris, I. (2006). An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure. Family Magazine. The Barbados Family Planning Association. December, p. 23. Rainey, M.C. (2003). Expressions. Longman, p. 173. Types of Research. Handbook for Postgraduate Research Students, pp.1–7. Retrieved 19 March 2007 from What techniques has this writer used to develop this paragraph? Look for transitions. 2 For each of the following topics create introductory sentences that would capture the reader’s attention. (a) The human body (b) Save our environment (c) Violence against women (d) The impact of music on the teenager. Discuss your sentences with other members of your class. Zemach, D. & Rumisek, L. (2005). Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay. Oxford: Macmillan, p. 81. 227 228 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION 13 Applying the Rules From the previous chapters, one may conclude that communication is interaction using a set of processes that are governed by rules. Without rules, there would be no meaning to our communicative behaviours. To communicate effectively one should not only be theoretically familiar with the rules of a language but should also be adept at implementing them in everyday communication. This chapter reviews the areas of Standard English grammar and mechanics that most often present difficulty to students. It is not a fully comprehensive coverage of all aspects of English grammar, but focuses on the problems that tend to persist up to the tertiary level. Most of the examples used are taken from actual student writing. The skills you learn in this chapter pertain to Specific Objective 1 in All Modules. Expected Learning Outcomes On completing this chapter, you should be able to: 1 use structures of English correctly and appropriately 2 identify the main types of error in English 3 edit and proofread written work 4 select and use appropriate structures to improve oral and written communication style. Introduction Many errors result from careless or hasty work that has not been edited. As you have learnt, the editing stage of the writing process is crucial to the presentation of a lucid piece of communication. While many structures and rules are employed automatically as we write or speak, others have not been assimilated correctly or at all. Unless a specific effort is made to revisit the latter, we never fully grasp them and continue making the same error. The main areas of difficulty in English relate to the proper use of verbs (agreement and tenses), nouns and sentence structure. Some areas of mechanics can also be problematic. Fig. 13.1 Simple sentences CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES 13.1 Sentence structure Most structural errors occur either because writers do not differentiate between a phrase and a clause or not enough attention is paid to punctuation. This results in fragments, run-on sentences or dangling modifiers, which make your writing ungrammatical and clumsy. A phrase is a group of grammatically linked words that has either no subject or no predicate (verb phrase), or neither subject nor predicate and cannot make complete sense. Example Bathing in the river (no subject) The man on the beach (no predicate) Across the room (no subject or predicate) A clause is a group of grammatically linked words containing both a subject and a predicate. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, meaning that it can make complete sense on its own. Example Sherry Ann refused to apologise. My mother pays all my fees. The examples above are independent clauses and, therefore, they are sentences. A sentence can also be made up of more than one independent clause. Example Sherry Ann refused to apologise because she thought that her actions were justified. Notice that the sentence now has two parts joined by the conjunction ‘because’, and both parts can stand alone and make complete sense. Dependent or subordinate clauses cannot stand alone as sentences even though they contain both subject and predicate. Example Because the flight was late when she got married. Subordinate clauses must be attached to an independent clause in order to acquire complete meaning. Example We waited a long time because the flight was late. She did not give up her job when she got married. Subordinate clauses begin with a subordinate conjunction (when, if, because, so, therefore, however, and so on). 229 230 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 13.1 Label the following (a) Independent clause, (b) Dependent clause or (c) Phrase Before the first day of school 2 When the game was over 3 I cannot tolerate this loud music 4 Kenneth refused to leave the room 5 Therefore there was no conclusion 6 Leaving behind his children 7 Torn into several bits 8 You need to check the telephone directory 9 Because there should not be two appliances running at once 10 Since he was unable to locate the lost document 11 No territory is truly independent 12 Between you and me 1 13.2 Fragments Fragments are usually parts of sentences or phrases that are not connected to the main clause and often occur because of faulty punctuation or lack of a subordinator.You may have noticed that newspaper and magazine journalists use fragments as part of their journalistic style. This is an acceptable practice in journalism, where it is a device often used for emphasis. Example The regional governments have not articulated clear policies on integration. Which is why there is need for increased agitation by the public. This device is also often used in speech. However, you should avoid fragments in your academic or formal writing.You would therefore write the above thus: Example The regional governments have not articulated clear policies on integration; which is why there is need for increased agitation by the public. Not all fragments are merely disconnected phrases that can be edited by inserting punctuation. Some are written as main clauses but lack a subject or main verb. These can normally be edited by the addition of a verb or the creation of a subject. Example Clothes and books thrown everywhere. Clothes and books were thrown everywhere. (Verb added.) By staying out too late at night can affect your health. Staying out too late at night can affect your health. (Subject created by dropping preposition.) CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES 13.3 Run-on sentences Also known as fused sentences, run-on sentences are a series of clauses written without any joining devices or any punctuation that would make them separate sentences. A runon sentence can be separated into at least two independent clauses; however, the length of the sentence is no indicator as to whether it is a run-on or not. This structural flaw can occur even in short sentences. Example The car stopped I hardly noticed it. I looked out to the harbour the ship was in the bay. The houses that were on the hill were blown away by the hurricane the foundations were all that was left. These sentences can be corrected in the following ways: Example The car stopped but I hardly noticed it. I looked out to the harbour and saw that the ship was in the bay. The houses that were on the hill were blown away by the hurricane and the foundations were all that was left ACTIVITY 13.2 Edit the following paragraph by correcting the fragments and run-ons. There are many ways to select a topic for writing. Such as, brainstorming, referring to your diary or finding something that interests you. Brainstorming means jotting down all the ideas you can think of that means you just write without really thinking carefully. Your diary is an excellent place to find topics. Also any notebooks you may have. You can look back at things you have noted at various times in your life sometimes you may retrieve an idea that you had not explored comprehensively at the time. Finally, you can always use your areas of interest to select a topic that can be fully explored. The advantage of using this method is that you should find it easy to generate ideas that is the aim of every writer. Most of all, you will find writing your essay a very interesting activity. As it should be. 13.4 Dangling or misplaced modifiers A modifier is a word or phrase that describes or adds information to another element in the sentence. When the modifier does not clarify meaning or is placed in an illogical position in the sentence, it is said to be dangling or misplaced. Badly used modifiers can obscure the meaning that you would like your reader to get. 231 232 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Example 1 Walking to school, the dog tore my pants. Is it clear who was walking to school? ‘Walking to school’ is a dangling modifier, which can be made clear as follows: As I was walking to school, the dog tore my pants. Example 2 The Prime Minister arrived with her husband, wearing a pink flowered dress. If the dress was worn by the Prime Minister and not by her husband, then this is a misplaced modifier. The sentence should be constructed thus: The Prime Minister, wearing a pink flowered dress, arrived with her husband. Example 3 I nearly ran the entire marathon. What does it mean to ‘nearly run’? The word ‘nearly’ has been misplaced as a modifier. The sentence should read: I ran nearly the entire marathon. ACTIVITY 13.3 Reconstruct the following sentences to eliminate dangling or misplaced modifiers: 1 The man was walking the dog in a green army jacket. 2 Shazi almost ate an entire box of chocolates. 3 Having finished all homework, the games began. 4 Coming home from work, a tranquil home is the best place to relax. 5 To be a good teacher, homework must be returned promptly. 6 I want to really do well on this test. Fig. 13.2 If only... CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES 13.5 Verbs Subject/verb agreement This is a common source of error that can be avoided if you remember that, in a Standard English sentence, the subject and verb must agree in number and person. The basic rule is that subject and verb must be either both singular or both plural. In the present tense ‘s’ or ‘es’ is added to regular verbs for singular subjects except in the case of the first and second person singular. Example The boys/they sing (plural subject) The boy/he sings (singular subject) In order to determine whether or not you have used the correct verb, you must be able to identify the subject of your sentence. While the subject most often comes before the verb, as in ‘Mandy was the first class prefect’, occasionally, a sentence has the subject after the verb as in, ‘Swiftly, over the water, glides the swan.’ The latter type of construction is most common in poetry or poetic prose. Another instance where the verb precedes the subject is in sentences beginning with ‘there is’ or ‘there are’. Example There is a long queue at the bank. There are numerous potholes in the road. Some students make errors when a sentence has a modifying phrase between the subject and the verb. A modifying phrase gives you more information about the subject but is not essential to the sentence. It can be omitted without affecting the meaning. Remember that the subject is never found in a modifying phrase. Example The survey, which was carried out with a large group of students, reveals some unexpected information. ‘…which was carried out with a large group of students’ is a modifying phrase that gives you more information about the survey but is not essential to the meaning of the basic sentence, ‘The survey reveals some unexpected information.’ Sometimes it may be difficult to determine if the subject is singular or plural. Note the following: a) Indefinite pronouns, (each, someone, somebody, everyone, anyone) are considered singular. Example Anyone who wants to join the group has to be over sixteen. Everyone is welcome to submit a proposal. b) If the subject of a sentence consists of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by ‘and’, it is considered plural. Example Jenna and Sanjay are the nominees for valedictorian. 233 234 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION c) Expressions such as together with, in addition to, including, accompanied by, do not change the number of the subject. Example All the boys, including Akeem, are in the choir. The Prime Minister, accompanied by his bodyguards, is due to arrive soon. d) If a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun or pronoun joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor’, agreement should be with the part of the subject nearest the verb. Example Neither the students nor the teacher has been on time. Neither the teacher nor the students have been on time. Either you or Kayla is the culprit. e) Some collective nouns can be singular when used to refer to a group as a unit, or plural when referring to individuals in a group. Pay attention to the context of the sentence: is the group in unanimous or separate actions? Unanimous action requires you to treat the group as a singular subject. However, if the context makes it clear that individuals in the group are engaged in different actions, the group must be treated as a plural subject. Example The jury has returned to the courtroom (singular) The jury have been arguing over this matter (plural) The group takes long walks together (singular) The crowd were running in different directions (plural) f) Some nouns ending in ‘s’ may be either singular or plural. These are called unchangeable nouns, meaning that their spelling is never changed whether they are singular or plural. Example Singular Aerobics helps to maintain fitness levels. Economics is the most popular subject at this school. Bad news spreads quickly. Plural My glasses/spectacles are not tinted. Not all scissors are sharp. Obviously, your pants need a belt. g) Unlike other verbs, the verb ‘to be’ does not have two forms in the present simple tense (with ‘s’/‘es’ or without ‘s’/‘es’) but has three. The first person singular has its own verb ‘am’; third person singular subjects take ‘is’ and the second person singular takes ‘are’. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES Example I am never bored. You/they/the children are excellent swimmers. She/Percy/that child is my main competition. h) Verbs that end with an ‘s’ sound must also have ‘s’ or ‘es’ added for the third person singular in the present simple tense. Example If the criminal confesses his/her crime, the court may be more lenient. Shanda possesses the most land in the village. He often experiences dizzy spells. ACTIVITY 13.4 Dinesh as well as Chad Use the substitution Table 13.1 to practise subject and verb agreement. Make as many sentences as you can. Dr Perez Either Shem or Lee Kayla, one of the dancers Rahid is was plays likes She Neither the dog nor the cat Nikita and Sharla The boys All the students The members of the group They Table 13.1 Subject and verb agreement are were play like deep sea diving long walks video games the tenor pan chess in the choir experts in karate Mr and Mrs Chang My pets Tense This is another area of grammar that often gives rise to errors. Verbs denote action and action occurs within some time frame. This time is denoted by the tense of the verb. The ending of a verb indicates its tense. Fig. 13.3 Subject / verb agreement Is is correct or is are? 235 236 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION a) The present tense deals with what is currently happening or continuously happens. In the Caribbean we often add the ‘s’ to the first person ending of the verb in the present tense: Example Table 13.2 Present tense Incorrect Correct I works at the local pharmacy. I likes to eat. I work at the local pharmacy. I like to eat. Remember the rule for the present tense of the verb: Table 13.3 Present tense verb endings Singular endings Plural endings I work You work He, she or it works We work You work They work Notice that only the third person singular takes the ‘s’. b) The past tense is also denoted by the verb ending. In the Caribbean we often drop the ‘d’ or ‘ed’ ending of the verb. Regular verbs form the past tense using ‘d’ or ‘ed’. Example Table 13.4: Past tense Incorrect Correct I call you yesterday. She collect the money for the tour last week. I called you yesterday. She collected the money for the tour last week. Of course, there are many irregular verbs with which we must become familiar. Note the following examples: Table 13.5 List of some irregular verbs Present Past come buy bring speak teach drink came bought brought spoke taught drank c) The present participle describes action that is happening over a sustained period. The present participle is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the verb and using a helping verb. A common error is the absence of the helping verb. Example Table 13.6 Present participles Incorrect Correct I going to the supermarket. She eating. I am going to the supermarket. She is eating. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES The correct use of helping verbs is seen in the following examples: Example Hundreds are going to the World Cup final. Those children are running down the hill too quickly. That CD has been playing all day. We are running in the 400 metre final. He has been looking for you all day. d) When a writer is using the past tense and wants to tell us about something that happened before, a helping verb (is, was, were, have, has, had) and the past participle are used. The past participle is formed by adding ‘en’ or ‘ed’ to the regular verb as in the following examples. Example The man was bitten by the next door neighbour’s Akita. These horses were ridden in the latest derby. The boys have taken the ball from the office. I have stayed at the Holiday Inn. Edna was considered for the post. In the Caribbean we often misuse ‘have’ as a helping verb or use the wrong form of the verb as a past participle. Spot the errors in the following sentences: (i) The girl has forgot her books. (ii) The play hasn’t end yet. (iii) They have drove to town. The correct sentences should read: (i) The girl has forgotten her books. (ii) The play hasn’t ended yet. (iii) They have driven to town. Past participles of irregular verbs should be memorised. Table 13.7 Irregular past participles Base verb Past form Past participle arise eat bite fly ring do know forgive sing drive arose ate bit flew rang did knew forgave sang drove arisen eaten bitten flown rung done known forgiven sung driven e) There are three problem verbs that commonly give trouble to the unsuspecting writer. These verbs are: be, do and have. 237 238 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Be This verb is especially problematic in the past tense but errors are also found in the present tense. It is useful to review this verb structure. Table 13.8 Be Present tense Common error I am You are He, she, it is We are You are They are I is You is He, she or it are We is You is They is Past tense Common error I was You were He/she/it was We were You were They were I were You was He/she/it were We was You was They was As a good writer you must make a careful check for the errors listed above.You need to recognise which errors you are prone to make and proofread for those specific errors. Do This is another verb that is often used incorrectly. Let us look at the correct form of the verb and the common errors seen. Table 13.9 Do Present tense Common error ACTIVITY 13.5 I do You do He/she/it does We do You do They do I does You does He/she/it do We does You does They does Past tense Common error Correct the errors in the following sentences: 1 You does really eat a lot of food. 2 Rashaad do his speech on racism. I did You did He/she/it did We did You did They did I done do You done He/she/it done We done You done They done 3 They does their exercises every night. 4 We done that book in first form. Quite often, Caribbean speakers use both ‘does’ and ‘do’ together as in ‘She does do that all the time.’ Here, the word ‘does’ is used as a modifier in Creole, to indicate continuous tense.You must be careful not to confuse this with the English usage of this word for purposes of emphasis. For example, when reading the English sentence, ‘He does sing well!’ you would stress or emphasise the word ‘does’ to indicate that there is no doubt about the fact that he sings well; however, the sentence does not mean that he is continuously singing. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES Have This verb is also problematic in both the present and past tense. Review its structure and the common errors associated with its use. Table 13.10 Have Present tense Common error I have You have He/she/it has We have You have They have I has You has He/she/it have We has You has They has Past tense Common error I had You had He/she/it had We had You had They had I has You have He/she/it have We has You have They has ACTIVITY 13.6 Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences: 1 Kira have your telephone number. 2 I has the car keys. 3 This tree have a lot of mangoes. 4 They has a lot of holes in their pants. Fill in the blanks using the verb ’to have’. 1 Tina and Ture already __________ jobs for the vacation. 2 Kiah __________ a detention this evening. 3 Jonquil and Kraig __________ tickets to the World Cup final. 4 The Caribbean islands __________ warm weather most of the year. Remember, it is important to know your verb forms and to proofread carefully in order to avoid these errors in your final draft. Active and passive voice Verb forms can be classified as either active or passive. When a verb is active, there is a straightforward relationship between the subject performing the action and the verb. Example s v The police officer arrested the protestor. s v The horse kicked the groom. 239 240 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION In the above sentences the subject is doing something and is active; therefore the verb is said to be in the active voice. In passive voice sentences, the subject of the sentence does not act, but is acted upon. Example s v The protestor was arrested by the police officer. s v The groom was kicked by the horse. Notice that the subject is not responsible for performing the action and is therefore said to be passive. In passive construction there is often no need to mention the agent actually executing the action. ‘The protestor was arrested’ and ‘the groom was kicked’ are perfectly acceptable sentences. If you have used a word processing programme, you may have noticed your grammar checking software highlighting your passive constructions and suggesting that you change them to the active voice. In many cases, use of the active voice makes your writing more interesting and lively; however, the passive voice is expected in some types of academic, legal or scientific writing. It is also used when the actor in the situation is not important, the writer wants to place emphasis on the passive subject, or responsibility for an action is not clear. Example The ’green flash’ phenomenon can be observed at sunset. The Governor General has been appointed. The new policy was approved on Wednesday. Both active and passive voice constructions are useful in your writing; however, it is important to be consistent within the sentence. Passive and active voices should not be used in the same sentence. Notice that the past participle form of the verb is always used in the passive voice, regardless of the number or tense. An auxiliary or helping verb is used with the past participle to create a passive verb. There are certain verbs that cannot be transformed into passive construction; for example, ‘I have a new car’ would not be expressed as ‘a new car is had by me’. This is not a grammatically acceptable English construction. Example Table 13.11 Auxiliary verbs Tense Subject Auxiliary (singular) Auxiliary (plural) Participle Present The child / children is are adopted Present perfect The child / children has been have been adopted Past The child / children was were adopted Past perfect The child / children had been had been adopted Future The child / children will be will be adopted Future perfect The child / children will have been will have been adopted Present continuous The child / children is being are being adopted Past continuous The child / children was being were being adopted CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES ACTIVITY 13.7 Read the sentences below and (i) identify those with verbs that cannot be transformed into the passive voice, (ii) transform the others from active to passive or vice versa. 1 Our fund raising drive had been approved by the Principal. 2 The coach called a time-out with just ten seconds left in the game. 3 All new students will be informed of the school regulations by the President of the Students’ Council. 4 Tama resembles her grandmother. 5 Jason lacks the qualifications required for the post. 6 An unexpected storm has hit the south of the country. 7 Indira can no longer fit into that dress. 8 Legal action is being considered by the victims. 13.6 Pronouns Pronouns allow for better writing. The use of pronouns allows us to avoid repeating ourselves, by replacing the noun to which we are referring. However, we must be careful to ensure that the pronoun is close to its antecedent (the noun it refers to) or that there is an antecedent. When this does not happen the effectiveness of our writing is weakened. Another important issue is that of maintaining the same point of view in using pronouns. For example, do not switch from ‘I’ to ‘you’ or ‘one’ to ‘you’. Here are some examples of what to avoid. Example 1 Incorrect The recorder and the guitar were on the table. Marcus took it and began to play. (Unclear antecedent: what did Marcus play – the recorder or the guitar?) Correct The recorder and the guitar were on the table. Marcus took the recorder and began to play it. Example 2 Incorrect They say that a man’s best friend is a dog. (Missing antecedent:Who is ‘they’?) Correct An old saying states that a man’s best friend is a dog. ACTIVITY 13.8 Correct the following: 1 Susan and Shalonde are taking her dog for a walk. 2 Peter, Paul and Mary are singing his song. 3 His car is not working at all. 4 She and her friends want to go sailing on it. 241 242 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION I can’t think of any adjectives to describe the robber; can I give you some pronouns and prepositions? Fig. 13.4 Use parts of speech appropriately Pronoun shifts We must be careful to maintain the same point of view in our writing. For example, if we start by using ‘I’ then we should continue to do so, however, if one begins with ‘you’ then this is how one should continue. Example When visiting the island of Barbados, one should visit Harrison’s Cave and Little Bay. One should also make sure to take a dive on the Atlantis submarine and take a cruise on the Jolly Roger. Avoid doing the following: a) When visiting the island of Barbados, you should visit Harrison’s Cave and Little Bay. One should also make sure to take a dive on the Atlantis submarine and take a cruise on the Jolly Roger. b) The students are allowed to eat lunch at the tables just outside the classrooms. He/she has to take care to avoid leaving crumbs behind. In sentence (a) you should use either ‘you’ or ‘one’ consistently. In sentence (b) the correct pronoun is ‘they’. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES 13.7 Possessives The possessive shows ownership or possession. It also shows a comparable relationship. In both cases the apostrophe is used. Following is a review of how the apostrophe is used. In the case of singular nouns and indefinite pronouns, add the apostrophe and s. Example Beverley’s voice Shavonne’s car one’s classes a week’s pay If a singular noun ends in ‘s’ add the apostrophe after the ‘s’ or add ’s. In the case of plural nouns ending in s, add the apostrophe only. For plural nouns not ending in s add the ’s. Example the girls’ dresses the students’ books women’s shoes sheep’s clothing In the case of compounds and word groups add the apostrophe and s to the last word. Example son-in law’s business the Headteacher’s secretary To indicate joint ownership add ‘s to the last name or to both names. Example Ben and Jermaine’s car or Ben’s and Jermaine’s car NB Remember that possessive pronouns do not need anything added to make them possessive (theirs, his, hers, ours, its). A common error is adding an apostrophe to these possessive pronouns. Example Incorrect The dog wagged it’s tail This house is our’s They have already eaten their’s Correct The dog wagged its tail This house is ours They have already eaten theirs 243 244 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION 13.8 Commonly misused words Some words are misused because communicators confuse their meaning. These words may carry similar meanings but must be used in different contexts. (i) Among refers to being in the midst of more than two, while between refers to only two. Example I could not identify my son among all the students on the field. I hated sitting between Frankie and Tara. (ii) Amount is used when referring to an uncountable quantity, while number is used for countable quantities. The same rule applies to less and fewer. Example Tell me what amount of sugar should be added. The number of people in the store made it impossible to see the merchandise. There is less water coming down now. I will return when there are fewer people in the store. (iii) Borrow means to take temporarily and lend means to give temporarily. Example I don’t usually borrow movies from the video store during the week. I can lend you a costume for the party. (iv) Can means the ability to do something and may is used to express permission. Example None of these players can shoot the ball accurately. You may leave school early today. (v) Due to means ‘caused by’ and normally follows a form of the verb ‘to be’, and owing to means ‘because of ’. If you mentally substitute ‘caused by’ and ‘because of ’ as indicated, it is easy to avoid this error. Example His grief was due to the death of his mother. Owing to her poor performance, she was asked to repeat the test. (vi) Flaunt means to show off and flout means to defy convention. Example She flaunted her agility by balancing on one hand. He flouted the rules by refusing to accept the referee’s decision. Words are also often used in the wrong context because they look alike or have similar pronunciations. Ensure that you learn to differentiate between these words because, even if you are using a computer, the spell-check utility will not pick up misused words. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES And this, Rachel, is the Bored Room. Fig. 13.5 Misused words ACTIVITY 13.9 Use your dictionary to help you select the correct word for each of the following sentence pairs. 1a. You must be of strong __________ character to apply for the job. 1b. After the departure of the Principal, staff __________ was low. 2a. The coach has cancelled volleyball __________ today. 2b. As soon as we started to __________, I twisted my ankle. 3a. The __________ reason for the protest was the poor treatment of workers. 3b. All these laws are based on a common __________. 4a. You should at least __________ her for getting the award. 4b. The bridegroom’s suit was designed to __________ the colour of morale moral practise practice principal principle complement compliment the bride’s dress. 5a. Everyone needs other people’s __________ sometimes. 5b. I cannot __________ you on this; it’s a private matter. 6a. You should use the vacation to do other things __________ shopping. 6b. I refuse to stand __________ this enemy of the poor. 7a. That joke was an __________ to an incident from his childhood. 7b. Her calm appearance is only an __________ ; she’s really very nervous. advice advise beside besides illusion allusion 245 246 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION 13.9 Spelling After learning the basic rules of spelling in primary school, there is no better way of continuing to learn to spell than by reading regularly and using your dictionary. There are many words that do not conform to the basic rules of English spelling and these must simply be memorised. Many of these words are derived from other languages and maintain the rules or patterns of their language of origin. Study the plural forms of the following nouns. Do you observe any patterns? Singular Plural Table 13.12 Unusual plurals alumnus nucleus stimulus analysis axis basis crisis diagnosis ellipsis appendix matrix bacterium curriculum datum medium stratum criterion phenomenon antenna formula nebula vertebra alumni nuclei stimuli analyses axes bases crises diagnoses ellipses appendices matrices bacteria curricula data media strata criteria phenomena antennae formulae nebulae vertebrae Table 13.13 Spelling test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 accomodation address consensus corrollory harassment idiosyncrasy liaison mischievous noticable paralell referred spacial vicious accommodation adress concensus corollary harrassment idiosyncracy liason mischievious noticeable parallel refered spatial viscious ACTIVITY 13.10 Pick out the incorrectly spelt word in each pair of words in Table 13.13. Several words can be regarded as problematic because they are frequently misspelt. Some of these words have double letters, or letter combinations that do not follow a consistent pattern.You need to make every effort to learn those words. Despite the spellcheck software on your computer, learning to spell words correctly is still an important CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES skill. Much communication, including that for examination purposes, is still handwritten and editing your work requires you to check your spelling. Words are also often misspelt because they sound alike and writers are not sure which spelling is the right one for the particular context. The following are examples of words that are usually confused because they sound alike: 13.10 cereal serial cite site sight council counsel consul devise device discreet discrete eligible illegible eminent imminent ACTIVITY 13.11 ingenious ingenuous passed past reality realty Check the meaning of the words in the box in your dictionary. Use each of them to make sentences. Fig. 13.6 Detail matters Punctuation Punctuation works like the stage directions to a reader. Punctuation marks tell the reader when to pause or stop; indicate lists, abbreviations or quotations; identify tones of voice and generally signal meaning. Incorrect punctuation can often send the wrong message to your reader. Observe how simple punctuation can change the entire meaning of a piece of writing: Did you know? There were no spaces between words until sometime between 600 and 800 AD and early writing contained no punctuation marks at all. The earliest punctuation was developed to help readers by representing the natural intonation and rhythm of speech. Fig. 13.7 The importance of correct punctuation 247 248 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION The punctuation marks that are most problematic at the college level are the comma, the semicolon and the colon. The comma is the most misused, underused or overused punctuation mark. It is also one of the most useful. Use the comma for the following purposes: (i) To separate parts of a place name or address or parts of a date: Example Ian is from Grenville, Grenada. He was born on Wednesday, August 5, 1987. (ii) To separate independent clauses joined by these subordinating conjunctions: and, but, so, or, nor, for, yet: Example Anya swam as quickly as she could, but was still placed second to Shamini. Bob Marley died many years ago, yet his music is still very popular. (iii) To separate items in a list or series: Example Chen Lee has travelled to the Bahamas, Belize, Tortola,Venezuela and St Martin. (iv) After introductory clauses, phrases or words that come before the main clause: Example While we were at assembly, the Minister paid an unexpected visit to the school. Obviously, there are too many people in the bus. (v) To set off clauses, phrases or words that are non-restrictive (not essential to the meaning of the sentence): Example Friday, which happens to be a holiday, is the deadline for submitting that essay. Sarita, of course, was the only one to score full marks. (vi) To shift between the main discourse and a quotation: Example Nelson Mandela said, ‘I was not born with a hunger to be free. I was born free.’ DO NOT use commas: (i) To separate the subject from its verb: Example The winners of the tournament, were awarded their prizes. The most useful part of the presentation, was the poster. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES (ii) Between two nouns or noun phrases or clauses in a compound subject or compound object: Example The protesting market vendors, and the City Council came to an agreement. Celeste told me that the canteen had been left in a mess, and that the Principal wanted to see me. (iii) After the main clause when a dependent clause follows it: Example She was unable to run, because she sprained her ankle. There was a heavy shower of rain, while we were at the games. The semicolon is quite easy to use because it has two basic uses: (i) To connect two independent clauses not joined by a conjunction: Example Some people like to do aerobic exercises; others prefer to do strength training. (ii) To link items in a series that contains internal punctuation: Example Some people like to do aerobic exercises, which include swimming, dancing or running; others prefer to do strength-training activities like weight lifting, calisthenics or rock climbing. The colon is used after an independent clause to draw attention to the words that follow it. Most often, it serves to introduce a list or series, a quotation or an illustrative/explanatory clause. Example You will have to follow the usual process: identifying a subject, carrying out the research, analysing your data and compiling your report. The valedictorian reiterated the point when she said: ‘Only the truly pathetic give up halfway.’ I was able to achieve my two main objectives: learning self-defence techniques and finding a job. Did you know? The semicolon and the colon have no equivalent in speech and are used only for purposes of sentence structure. 249 250 UNIT 4: STRUCTURING COMMUNICATION Fig. 13.8 The effects of over-editing Conclusion Editing and proofreading make a major difference in the quality of your work and the impression that it makes on a reader. It is always advisable to go over your work meticulously and clean up sloppy errors that may paint a negative picture of you to your reader and may even prejudice how your reader views what you write. More importantly, a well-edited piece of writing goes a long way towards making your meaning clear. One of the greatest barriers to effective written communication is ungrammatical writing. Remember that a good communicator takes all the necessary steps to facilitate the transfer of meaning. CHAPTER 13: APPLYING THE RULES Evaluation and extension 1 Rewrite the following sentences to make them more concise: (a) The teacher is, for all intents and purposes, the manager of the classroom. (b) The prize would be given to the employee with the most ambition. (c) The Principal, who was recently appointed, changed a large proportion of the school rules. (d) All persons who are applying for the job must first and foremost submit a résumé via email. (e) The function of the coach is the preparation of players for the tournament. (f) The fact that the automatic teller machines keep breaking down has caused customers to become dissatisfied with the bank’s service. (g) In accordance with your request, I am therefore submitting my receipts. (h) It is necessary that we take into consideration the state of our finances before we commit ourselves to any further expenditure. (i) At the end of every half-year, you will have the opportunity to review your performance. (j) For all intents and purposes the Caribbean economy is really and truly at the mercy of a large number of external factors. 2 Read the following sentences and correct the grammatical, punctuation, spelling and usage errors. Some sentences have multiple errors. (a) Gavin gave me a list of his favourite singers. Sean Paul, Destra, Kevin Lyttle and Seal. (b) You should not feed the puppy with adult dog food; its too soon. (c) It was impossible to see the stage because their were too many people. (d) Neither of the two schools are winning this year. (e) A country cannot continue to deplete it’s natural resources if it expects to maintain a legacy for their future generations. (f) Most young people possesses good morals and keep up good standards. (g) Most of the stores on this street sell children clothing. (h) One cannot expect the goverment to provide everything we need. (i) If you break anything you must insure that you pay for the damage. (j) Strolling along the sea wall, a huge wave washed over me. 3 Exchange essay drafts with a partner and edit his/ her draft. 4 Collect newspaper articles and peruse them for errors that may have escaped the editor. References Barrow, E. (1973). Address at signing ceremony of the Treaty of Chaguaramas, establishing the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), Chaguaramas, Trinidad: 4 July, in Yussuff, H. (ed.) (1987). Speeches by Errol Barrow. London: Hansib Publishing Ltd, p. 99. 251 252 End of Unit Test 4 2 Compose item (b) and item (c). (16 marks) 3 Read the following passage and answer the questions 1 Your Student’s Council would like to embark on a fund-raising drive. As Secretary to the Council: (a) Communicate with the Principal to indicate your intentions and seek permission. (b) Advertise your first fund-raising event to be held in your community. (c) Thank your main sponsors after the event. below: (a) Give an example from the passage of each of the following public speaking devices. (3 marks) (i) anecdote (ii) humour (iii) quotation (b) In each case comment on the effectiveness of the device. (6 marks) (c) Identify three other aspects of the passage that are characteristic of spoken communication. (3 marks) Select the appropriate mode for EACH of the above and justify your choice. (9 marks) ‘A giant step for all of us’ Your Excellencies, Distinguished guests, Comrades and friends, To those who have not been engaged upon the slow process of Caribbean integration, it would appear that this journey commenced at Chaguaramas a few short months ago, and like a race which takes place in a stadium, the end is where the start was. But the process, as far as three of us, I would say all of us here, certainly the four Prime Ministers, are concerned, goes a long way further back than that. To the Chairman of this meeting, and the distinguished Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, it started with his struggles at the University of Oxford, when I can truly say, he wrestled with the beast at Ephesus. That chapter in his life has not really been written, but some of us are aware that those who would distort the whole course of West Indian history set out to thwart the attempts of our distinguished Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, to put the West Indian history in its proper perspective, and to give new hope to the people who had been subjected to colonial tutelage for such a long time. I think that the writings of Dr Williams, the economic researches of Professor Arthur Lewis, were the first faint glimmerings of the indication that the Caribbean people were capable of managing their own affairs. We have been a people who have been imbued with a sense of our own inadequacy. Half a generation later, the Prime Minister of Jamaica, who is on this platform, the Prime Minister of Guyana who is on my left, and I, under the leadership of the Prime Minister of Guyana, who was the President of the first West Indian association founded in the United Kingdom, that was the West Indian Student’s Union; we staged the first public meeting on Caribbean integration in the United Kingdom, and we followed the biblical injunction by staging that meeting in the lion’s den itself; in the bastion of imperialism which is described as Trafalgar Square. Occasions for making disclosures of this kind are not frequent. I can now disclose that it was on the 4th July, 1965, that the Prime Minister of Guyana met with me in Barbados, at my invitation to discuss the possibility of establishing a free trade area between our two countries in the first instance, and the rest of the Caribbean at such time as they would be ready to follow our example. The letter which I wrote was in my own fine Barbadian hand which is sometimes illegible. But apparently, the Prime Minister of Guyana was able to read that letter, because of his, he informs me, Barbadian ancestry. Therefore, the hieroglyphics were not entirely strange to him. 253 In that letter, I invited the Prime Minister of Guyana to come to Barbados so that we could hold these discussions and today, I am very happy to be here, some eight years later to be a signatory to the documents for whose signing we have been summoned by the distinguished Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. To me it is the end of a long journey. Neither one of us, either the Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Prime Minister of Guyana, or I, had any ambitions to be Prime Ministers. We had ambitions at that time, to see the Caribbean integrated. Today I hear the young aspiring political contenders stating that they want to be Prime Ministers as if being a Prime Minister is like taking an examination and once you achieve the pass mark you are automatically a Prime Minister. Today when I hear criticism of leadership in the Caribbean, those criticisms would probably have been justified, and justifiably leveled at some of our References: Unit 4 Additional reading Barrow, E. (1987). Speeches. London: Hansib Publishing Ltd. Flachmann, K. (2002). Mosaics – Focusing on Sentences in Context. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Hodge, M. (1997). The Knots in English: A Manual for Caribbean Users. Wellesley, Massachusetts: Calaloux Publications. Lalla, B. (1998). English for Academic Purposes. Bridgetown, Barbados: The University of the West Indies. Lannon, J. (2007). The Writing Process, 9th edn. Pearson Longman. Peck, J. & Coyle, M. (2005). The Student’s Guide to Writing. Palgrave Macmillan. Peters, B., Roberts, V., Whittington, L. & Best, G. (2002). The Associate Degree in the Caribbean with Particular Reference to the OECS. Cavehill Campus, Barbados: TLI Unit of the University of the West Indies. Simmons-McDonald, H. (1997). Writing in English. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers. Toner, H. & Whittome, E. (2003). AS Level English Language and Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. predecessors in office; but they certainly cannot be leveled against any of the four heads of governments here who have been dragged reluctantly to the high offices which we now occupy. I hope that when the time comes that we will not be dragged reluctantly from those high offices which we now occupy. The problem which confronts the West Indian people today, is one of persuasion, to persuade people of the caliber of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and other distinguished people who have contributed towards the success of this experiment to remain with us and to make a further contribution so that our countries will be able to progress. So, Mr. Chairman, it was on the 4th July, 1965 one small step for two countries. Today as a signatory to this agreement, I should like to paraphrase the words of Mr. Neil Armstrong and say it is a giant step for all of us. Errol Barrow 254 PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS PAPER 1A Try to do this paper in 1 hour 15 minutes. MODULE 1 – GATHERING AND PROCESSING INFORMATION Questions 1 – 2 Read the situation below and then answer questions 1 and 2. Joseph is a University student and he is researching the uses of cell phones by secondary students in his country. He wants to find out for what purposes students use their cell phones other than for social media. Joseph has prepared a questionnaire and is ready to collect his data. 1. (a) State four ways in which the questionnaire could be administered. i. ii. iii. iv. (b) (4 marks) Create four questions that Joseph could possibly use in the questionnaire about cell usage. i. ii. iii. iv. 2. (a) (4 marks) Identify three groups/individuals, other than students, from whom Joseph could request information about student cell phone use. i. ii. iii. (b) (3 marks) State one reason why Joseph’s research findings would apply to the country in general and state one mistake that Joseph may make with the sample that narrows the application of his research findings. Reason: Mistake: (4 marks) (Total 15 marks) PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS MODULE 2 – LANGUAGE AND COMMUNITY Questions 3 – 6 3. State and explain four characteristics of language. Characteristic Explanation E.g. Human Language is peculiar to human beings even though parrots may be able to repeat certain words. 1. 2. 3. 4. (8 marks) 4. (a) The Principal has asked you to speak to the students in the lower school about deportment. i. State one reason why you would use Standard English only in speaking to the students. ii. State one reason why you might use Creole in your delivery. iii. State one occasion where it might be considered totally inappropriate to use Creole. iv. State one occasion where Standard English may not be the best choice. (4 marks) 5. 6. (b) State four characteristics of English Creole that make it different from Caribbean Standard English. (4 marks) (a) Illustrate, with examples, two ways in which the history of your territory has influenced the language spoken. (4 marks) (b) State three ways that cultural communication in the region has been improved through the use of technology. (3 marks) Read the message in the box below. Wat up. U goin 2 d party wid me on Sat? Lemme no asap. 255 256 PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS (a) With reference to the screen above point out three ways in which texting/messaging may be contributing to the death of Standard English as we know it. (3 marks) (b) Your family owns a business that has potential for growth in the region. Explain how two examples of electronic communication technology could improve your business communication. (4 marks) (Total 30 marks) MODULE 3 – SPEAKING AND WRITING Questions 7 – 10 7. (a) Fill in the missing spaces in the diagram below: feedback sender 4 2 3 2. 3. 4. (b) (3 marks) i. State two examples of barriers to communication. ii. State two facilitators of communication. (4 marks) 8. A lecturer visited your school/college and spoke to your class on ‘Contexts of Workplace Communication’. (a) List four contexts of communication that you noted as she spoke. (4 marks) PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS (b) 9. Give an example of two of the contexts you have listed above and show how they relate to communicating in the workplace. (4 marks) Read the scenario and answer the questions below: Your church is seeking funding to do repairs. It is of historical value and therefore it is important that people be persuaded to support this project. You have been selected to make a speech to the community to persuade them to support this venture. (a) List three examples of non-verbal communication that you might use to persuade your audience. (3 marks) (b) Explain how you would use two of the examples given above. (4 marks) 10. Your best friend has suggested that you should use the organising skills used in your Communication Studies class. Fill in the blank spaces in the table below to ensure that you understand what your friend meant. Organising skill Explanation Introductions and conclusions Focus and emphasis Logical linkages Revising and editing (8 marks) (Total 30 marks) 257 258 PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS PAPER 1B Questions 1 – 4 Try to do this paper in 30 minutes. Have someone read this passage to you. It should be read twice. You should take 5 minutes to read the questions beforehand and you may write notes while you listen. Take a further 20 minutes to answer the questions in full sentences. It was an eerie silence that enveloped the island that morning; when the winds finally abated and we looked outside. Not a bird sang, not a dog barked; not a sound of vehicles or children’s voices could be heard. The trees were stark sentinels, brown and gaunt, their leaves stripped from them by the furious winds of the night before. The wet, shiny mud stretched as far as the eye could see, like a giant sheet that covered every blade of grass. Every few yards, a bit of zinc roofing or a piece of gaily painted board stuck up from the mud, giving notice that here, once was a house, or shop, or fence. At some time in the night, at the height of the hurricane, the hillside had slithered silently down, blanketing the tiny village. As if by magic, the mud had separated into two streams, making their way on either side of our house, which still stood, the only testament to the vibrant community that was no more. 1. State the main idea of the extract in about 20 words. (3 marks) 2. Give four details that support the main idea. i. ii. iii. iv. 3. (a) (4 marks) Identify two literary devices used in this extract. i. ii. (b) Give one example of each device given above. (4 marks) 4. List four details about the scene described in the extract. i. ii. iii. iv. (4 marks) (Total 15 marks) PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS PAPER 2 Try to do this paper in 2 hours 30 minutes. MODULE 1 – GATHERING AND PROCESSING INFORMATION Questions 1a – b Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow: Can We Find Time to Care? We have lost the ability to communicate! Despite the fact that we live in an era where we have the most numerous means of communication ever known to humankind, our communication skills are at an all-time low. Modern technology has made it possible for us to have hundreds of ‘friends’ yet live alone and lonely. At the click of a button or a tap of a screen we can be in instant contact with someone in any part of the world, even the most remote human community, but we do not know the name of our neighbour next door. We move from one screen to another: from tablet to touch phone to television to music player; eyes and ears always busy, always engaged but we do not see the outstretched hand of the blind man on the corner nor do we hear the cries of the hungry child across the street. How have we come to this? How have we become more social but less sociable... more connected but less caring... more informed but less involved? Thirty year old Maureen Osborne laments, ‘My life is so busy; I hardly have time to call my mother’. Maureen is single and spends every evening after work at home catching up with her ‘tweets’ and the latest activities of her social media friends or downloading the latest ‘viral’ videos. On weekends she works on updating her blog and other online posts and uploads her latest pictures. She participates in no face to face social activities and finds that by the time she has completed all her daily online activity it is nearly midnight. She is exhausted at work every day and complains that it is impossible to find time to relax. ‘I don’t know when last I heard a friend’s voice’, she says, ‘we text all the time’. The Psychology Alert magazine cites poor interpersonal communication as one of the biggest problems today in personal as well as in professional life and outlines a number of human life skills that have been lost, including the ability to empathise. Dr. Mosse Knowles, consultant psychologist for the Association for Human Relations agrees that we are in the middle of a social crisis and that interpersonal skills are at an all-time low. She lists several habits that we should cultivate, in order to avoid descending into what she calls ‘the abyss of anti-humanity’; including among others: (i) visit friends often, (ii) become a member of a charitable organisation, (iii) register for classes to learn new skills like cooking or tennis, (iv) host a book club or action group, (v) go to the cinema instead of renting a movie. Losing that unfiltered connection with other humans can only result in the loss of our own humanity. We are, after all, social beings by nature and must suffer some major psychological problems when we are boxed into a lifestyle where every bit of communication takes place in an artificial, virtual environment. The evidence is all around us in the breakdown of relationships and 259 260 PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS the rise of violent behaviour due to an inability to sit down and look each other in the eye and really listen. We need to rescue ourselves from the technological enslavement and find time to care. 1. (a) State the writer’s main point in about 30 words. (3 marks) (b) Write an essay in about 500 words in which you address the following: i. The writer’s purpose ii. The strategies used by the writer to achieve his purpose. (This section may include organisational and language strategies and tone.) (22 marks) (Total 25 marks) MODULE 2 – LANGUAGE AND COMMUNITY Questions 2 a – b Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: Ma Elgin: (walking quickly) You better not let the teacher tell me any chupidness dis morning. Why she want to see me eh? What you do in de people school? I tired tell you is just to go and get eddication in your hard head so you doh have to struggle like your dotish father! Why you have to behave bad so? Joniah: (sniffles) I eh know Ma. I eh do nuffin. She just eh like me. Just so, she does bawl me out and make me feel stupid in front de class. Always tellin me I speakin bad English and she doh know why you does even sen me to school. You walkin too fas Ma! (tries to slow down) Ma Elgin: (turns around and grabs his shirt) You tink I have time to waste chile? I done late for work by Miss Baxter and she arready say she give me enough time off. You want me to lose me wuk? Boy hurry up! You eh hear de teacher say I mus come wid you dis morning? Look she by de school gate! Lawd, like dey goin put you out de school boy! Miss Baxter: (holds out her hand) Good morning Mrs. Elgin. I am happy that you managed to make it here on time. Ma Elgin: (breathing hard) Mornin Miss Baxter. I has tried my very best to be here. I really wants to make sure for Elgin to get a good eddication. Lord knows I has done everything I can. Miss Baxter: (smiling) Oh no Mrs. Elgin; it’s not about Joniah’s behaviour at all. On the contrary, he has been selected to represent the school at the national sports meet and the Principal needs you to sign some documents. This way please (gesticulates). Joniah: (delighted) You see Ma, I told you Miss Baxter is the best teacher! PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPERS 2. In an essay of about 500 words, discuss the use of language in the excerpt, with reference to the following: (a) The language choice of the various speakers and the link to social identification. (b) The way the various non-verbal behaviours could be highlighted in a video production. (Total 25 marks) MODULE 3 – SPEAKING AND WRITING Questions 3a – b 3. Read the scenario and answer the questions that follow: You have just been hired at the Water Company in your territory. You have been assigned to work with a team to come up with a campaign to prevent water wastage. (a) In about 50 words explain what three types of verbal medium you would suggest that your team use to get the message across. (6 marks) (b) In about 300 words write the speech for the launch of this new campaign. (19 marks) (Total 25 marks) 261 262 INDEX INDEX abbreviations 83 note-making 131 academic communication 32, 181 academic writing 189 components of 210–15 accent 49, 79 acculturation 60–1 acknowledging sources 149–50 active voice 239–41 Adams, R. 156 addition transition 214 Airasian, P. 142 alliteration 115 allusion 115 alternating approach in writing 197 American Standard English (ASE) 48 analogy 195 anonymity of the Internet 89, 147 antecedent 241 anti-climax order 167 Antigua 77 APA (American Psychological Association) manual 150–3, 215 apostrophe 243 application letter 220 applied level of comprehension 100 argumentative writing 115–17, 179, 183, 199–200 articulation 162 attention-getting devices 210–11 attitudes to language 64–9 audience–speaker rapport 164 audio conferencing 29 authoritative opinion 115 authority 144 Awake! 147–8 back-focusing 55 barriers to communication 8, 9 Barrow, Errol 252–3 Barry, D. 112–13 Bateman, T. 27 Bennett, Louise 65, 66 bias 146 Bible Society in the Caribbean (BSEC) 69 bibliographies 150–3 bilingual society 58 Bird, L. 129 block approach in writing 197 block quotations 152 block style of letter writing 218 blogs 81 body in an essay 197, 199, 211–12 in letter writing 218 in a memo 216 in report writing 224, 225 in speech 167 body language 15–16, 80 Braiker, Harriet B. 25 braille 21 brainstorming 181–2 Brathwaite, Edward 114 Breeze, Jean Binta 47 British Standard English (BSE) 48 Brown, I.C. 227 Bryson, Bill 43 business communication 78–9 curriculum vitae 222–3 letters 217–20 memos 215–16 résumé 221–2 and technology 88 writing reports 224–6 The Cabin (Brathwaite) 114 calques 55 careful reading 103 Caribbean attitudes to language 65–6 language situation 61–4 vocabulary variations 49 Caribbean Creole by country 62–3 and cultural identity 72 grammar 53–5 New Testament 68–9 proverbs 71 semantics 55 sound units 52–3 students’ attitude to 67 vocabulary 53 see also English Creole; French Creole Caribbean Standard English (CSE) 48 carnivals 21, 77 Carroll, Lewis 10 cause and effect 107, 167, 192–5 transition 214 cell phones 84, 147, 148 channels of communication 4 barriers and facilitators 9 selection 6 chat rooms 29 Chinese 64 Chow, Susan 117 chronemics 18 chronological approach in speech 167 chronology transition 214 circle diagram 135 citing indirect sources 152 class presentations 87 classification 108–9, 191–2 clauses 229–30, 248–9 clichés 202, 210 climax order 167 clothing see dress cluster sampling 143 clustering 182 code mixing 60 code switching 49 cogency 145 cognitive purposes of language 45 Coleman, V. 155 collective nouns 234 collectivist cultures 30 colloquial language 50 colon 249 colonisation 59, 62, 63 colour of clothing 18–19 comma 248–9 communication academic 32, 181 in business see business communication contexts see contexts of communication cross-cultural 32–3, 79 and culture 77–80 definition 3–4 forms see forms of communication and technology 81–2 see also comprehension; information; language; research; speech; writing communication barriers 8, 9 communication process 3–10 decoding and interpretation 6 elements of 4–5 encoding 5 feedback 4, 7–8 selecting medium/channel 6 comparison and contrast 196–8 method 107–8 transition 214 comprehension and listening 101–2 INDEX and meaning 120–3 process of 97–8 and reading 102–3 comprehension levels 99–101 applying 103–20 concluding sentence 212 conclusion in an essay 212–13 in letter writing 218 in a memo 216 from reasoning 116 in report writing 224 in a speech 167 consonant sounds 162 Constance, Z. 93 context clues 120–3 context of research 144 contexts of communication 25–34 academic 32 intercultural 32–3 interpersonal 26–9 intrapersonal 25–6 organisational 30–2 small group 29–30 contrast see comparison and contrast controlling style 27 Cooper, Carolyn 47 correlational research 141 cover letter 220 Creole 51–5, 56 see also Caribbean Creole cricket 104–5 critical thinking skills 109, 179 cross-cultural communication 32–3, 79 cultural capital 73 cultural diversity 29–30, 32–3 culture and communication 77–80 definition 77 individualist and collectivist 30 and language 43, 60–1, 72, 77–9 meanings of 227 and technology 83–90 curriculum vitae 222–3 cyber bullying 89, 148 cycle map 134 dangling modifiers 229, 231–2 data 141 data collection methods 144 Dawe, R. 211 debates 170–1 decoding 6 barriers to 9 deductive reasoning 116 definition 121, 210 by negation 195 statement 195–6 dependent clause 229–30, 249 description 121 descriptive research 141 descriptive writing 115, 179, 189–90 dialect 48, 49, 60 differences in 79 diary 44, 190 dictionaries 42 direct quotation 149 discussion board 29 division of information 191–2 dogs, communication 3–4 Dominica 63 double negatives 54 double-spacing 185 downward communication 30 drafting 178, 184–5 dress 18–21, 80 in public speaking 164, 172, 173 drug problem 112–13 Dry foot bwoy (Bennett) 66 Dubbed Out (Breeze) 47 Dutch language 62, 63 dynamic style in communication 28 of language 60 e-books 87 editing 178, 188 fragments and run-ons 231 importance of 228 over-editing 250 effect see cause and effect effective communication 9 egalitarian style 27 email 31, 82, 84, 85 emotional appeal 118, 200 encoding 5 English Creole 54, 62–3, 77 English language acculturation 60–1 in business 79 Caribbean variations 49 and the Internet 83 as main language 59 as official language 62–3 sound patterns 40 variations 48 see also Standard English enunciation 162–3 Esposito, A. 16 ethnographic research 140–1 evaluation peer 174–5 sources 144, 145–8 Evans, H. 67 evidence 115 evolutionary nature of language 42 examinations practice papers 254–61 tips 205 writing process 179 examples in comprehension 122 in persuasive writing 199 in summarising information 129 of transitions 214 expertise 144 expository materials 103–4 expository writing 179, 183 cause and effect 192–5 comparison and contrast 196–8 definition 191, 195–6 division and classification 191–2 process analysis 198–9 expressive purposes of language 44 extended definition 195 external validity 145 face to face interviews 144 Facebook 86 facilitators 9 facts 199, 210 factual accuracy 144 fallacy 116 false premise 115, 116 fear of public speaking 165, 171, 173 feedback 4, 7–8 in public speaking 174–5 in writing 187 figurative language 115 flags 22 flowchart 134 folk stories 77 font 151 food-related vocabulary 64, 77 formal means of communication 30 forms of communication 11–24 non-verbal see non-verbal communication verbal 11–12, 23, 24 263 264 INDEX Fox, W. 136 fragments 229, 230, 231 Frank, Anne 44 free writing 182 French Creole 54, 62–3, 68, 69, 77 French language 48 in Haiti 68 as official language 62, 63 front focusing 55 future perfect tense 240 future tense 240 Gates, Bill 81 Gay, L.R. 142 gestures 174 Gioa, Dana 8 gist 127–8 global village 33 grammar 40–1 Caribbean Creole 53–5 errors in 188 see also paragraphs; punctuation; sentences; spelling; verbs; words grapevine 30 graphic organisers 133–5 graphics 21–2 Grenada 45, 63 Hurricane Ivan 110–11 gross translation errors 79 Guyana 64 hairstyle 19 Haiti 68, 77 Hall, S. 99 Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (MLA) 150–3, 215 headings 151 in report writing 224, 225 hearing 101 helping verbs 236–7, 240 Hernandez, R. 137 highlighting key words 106–7 historical factors, language 59 historical research 140–1 Hodge, Merle 92 horizontal communication 30 human aspect of language 40 human rights 119–20 Hurricane Ivan 110–11 hyperbole 115 ideas, main and subsidiary 127–30, 136, 182–3 identification 151 illiteracy 194–5 in-text citations 152 indefinite pronouns 233 independent clause 229–30, 248–9 index card file 149 India 64, 77 individualist cultures 30 inductive reasoning 116 ineffective communication 9 informal means of communication 30 letters 47, 85 information 141 comprehending see comprehension division of 191–2 pre-writing 181–2 researching see research summarising see summarising information informative purposes of language 45 informative speech 167 instant messaging 81, 84 instruments (research) 142 interactive communication 82 intercultural communication 32–3, 79 internal cohesion 214–15 internal discourse 26 internal memorandum 216 internal validity 145 internal variation 48 Internet 81, 83–4 citing sources 153 communication networks 88 and communication skills 89 effects on young people 147–8 evaluating sources 144, 146 job market 129 text communication 22 VOIP 84–5 interpersonal communication 26–9 four principles of 26 six styles of 27–8 interpersonal space 16 interpretation 6 see also misinterpretation interpretive level of comprehension 100 interrogative word order 54 interview schedules 142 intimate distance 16 intranet 30 intrapersonal communication 25–6 introduction in a memo 216 in report writing 224, 225 in a speech 165–6 in writing 210–11 irregular verbs 236, 237 Jamaican Creole 67, 68 James, C.L.R. 105 jargon 50, 51 job interviews 161 Julius Caesar (Shakespeare) 168–9 Kennedy, X.J. 8 key words 106–7 kinesics 17–18 KWL strategy 104, 106 language attitudes to 64–9 characteristics of 40–3 choice of 70–2 and culture 43, 60–1, 72, 77–9 definitions 39 factors influencing 59–61 figurative 115 modern language situation 58–9 non-sexist 204 purposes of 44–7 and social class 73–4 and technology 83 variation 48–51 see also English language; French language; official language; Spanish language; speech language situation Caribbean 61–4 today 58–9 learning, and technology 87 lecture notes 131 lecturer academic communication 32 letter sounds 40 letter writing 84, 88 application letter 220 business letters 217–20 informal letters 47, 85 letter of complaint 218–19 letter of enquiry 218 linear approach to drafting 184 linear outlines 132–3 linkages 213–14 list servers 29 INDEX listening barriers to 102 and comprehension 98 definition 101 process 101 purposes of 101–2 techniques 29 and technology 87 see also speech listing works cited 152 literal level of comprehension 100, 106 literary writing 189–90 logical arguments 199–200 logical structure 145, 214–15 London, multilingual 58 looping 182 Louisy, Dame Pearlette 72 McWhorter, K. 211 main idea 127–30, 136, 182–3 mapping 182 Marcus, A. 83 margins 151 Markham, R. 139, 146 meaning changes in 43, 83 and culture 227 and language 41–2 understanding 120–3 medium, selection 6 memos 215–16 message 4, 6 metacognition 97, 98 metalinguistic purposes of language 47 metaphor 115 migrants/refugees 58, 60, 62 misinterpretation 6, 15, 79 of tone 111 misplaced modifiers 231–2 misunderstanding 79 MLA (Modern Language Association) Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 150–3, 215 modifying phrase 233 Mohammed, J. 73 monitoring 98 monolingual society 58 mood of writing 113–14 moot 170 Morris, I. 213 multilingual society 58 music and culture 80 and technology 87 narrative writing 179, 189–90 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) 204 national language 59 negotiation skills 124–5 Netlingo 83–4 New Testament, in Creole 68–9 Noh lickle twang! (Bennett) 65 noise 9 nominalisation 203–4 non sequitur 116 non-sexist language 204 non-standard language see Caribbean Creole non-verbal communication 13–23, 24 body language 15–16 chronemics 18 dress 18–21, 164 examples 13, 14 graphics and symbols 21–2 kinesics 17–18 paralanguage 22 proxemics 16–17 normal reading 103 North American culture 78, 79 North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL) 82 note-making 130–5 in public speaking 172 ‘O’ magazine 133 obscene language 60 observation 144 official language 58, 59, 61 in the Caribbean 62–3 officially recognised language 59 Okpewho, Isidore 27 onomatopoeia 115 opposing team 170 optical telegraphy 22 organisational communication 30–2 orthography 59 packaging 112–13 pagination 151 paragraphs 211 development of 212 linkages 213–14 paralanguage 22 paraphrasing 126, 149 passive voice 239–41 past continuous tense 240 past participle 237, 240 past perfect tense 240 past tense 236, 237, 238, 239, 240 patois 52, 68 peace sign 80 peer evaluation 174–5 peer reviewer 187 personal distance 16 personification 115 persuasive speech 167–9 persuasive writing 118–20, 183, 199–200 phatic purposes of language 46–7 phone interviews 144 phrases 229–30 modifying 233 stock phrases 202–3 pidgins 51–2, 63 pitch 163 place/space transition 214 plagiarism 150 inadvertant 149 planning a format 183 plantains 99–100 plurals 233–5 apostrophe 243 in Standard English and Creole 53–4 unusual 246 poetic purposes of language 46 poetry 47, 56, 65, 66 point by point approach 197 political bias 144 political factors, language 61 population (research) 142–4 possessives 243 post-reading 98 pre-reading 98, 103 pre-writing 178, 179–84 précis 149 predicate adjectives 54 predictions 98 premise 116 present continuous tense 240 present participle 236–7 present perfect tense 240 present tense 236, 238, 239, 240 primary research 140–1, 145 printing press 81 process analysis 198–9, 214 265 266 INDEX pronouns 241–2 indefinite 233 possessive 243 shifts 242 proofreading 178, 188 proposing team 170 prose summary 129–30 proverbs 71, 77 proxemics 16–17 public distance 16 public speaking dress and 164, 172, 173 fear of 165, 171, 173 feedback from 174–5 summary and 167 visual aids 172 punctuation 188, 247–9 qualitative research 140–1 quantitative research 141 Quebec, Canada 61 questionnaires 142, 144 questions and comprehension 100 rhetorical 119, 167 quotations block 152 direct 149 quotes 199, 210 Rainey, M.C. 212 rapid reading 103 Rastafarians 50, 63 reading 102–3 and comprehension 98 definition 103 good readers 103 identifying readers 180–1 styles of 103 and technology 87 see also writing reasoning 116–17 rebuttal 170 receiver 4 barriers and facilitators 9 decoding and interpretation 6 feedback 7 listening techniques 29 recursive approach to drafting 184 redundant categories 201–2 redundant pairs 201 references 150–3 reflective writing 190 register 49–50 rehearsals 171, 174 reliability 142, 144–5 relinquishing style 28 repetition 55, 119, 167 repetitive stress injuries 133 report writing 224–6 rereading 185–6 research acknowledging sources 149–50 definition 139 evaluating sources 144, 145–8 information/data 141 instruments 142 population 142–4 pre-writing 181 references and bibliographies 150–3 reliability and validity 142, 144–5 types 140–1 research paper 139 Restak, R. 157 résumé 221–2 revising 178, 185–7 rhetorical questions 119, 167 Rickford, J. 53, 64 Rifkin, J. 128 Rosen, Larry D. 86 roti 64 Royal Bank of Canada 124–5, 173–4 run-on sentences 229, 231 St John, Bruce 56 St Lucia 63, 68, 69 sampling 142–3 Sanders, W. 74 Santo Domingo 77 scanning 103 Schlosser, E. 128 school uniforms 19 secondary research 140, 144 semantics, Caribbean Creole 55 semaphore 22 semicolon 249 sender 4 barriers and facilitators 9 feedback 7 medium selection 6 sentences concluding 212 dangling modifiers 229, 231–2 run-on 229, 231 structure 229–30 topic sentence 127, 129, 211 Shakespeare, William 109, 168–9 shopping online 88 sign language 21, 40 alphabet 42 simile 115 simple random sampling 143 singing 12 singular 233–5, 246 apostrophe 243 Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Language Arts Department 194–5 skimming 103 slang 50 small group communication 29–30 SMS (simultaneous messaging service) 84 snail mail 84, 85 social class, and language 73–4 social distance 16 social factors and illiteracy 194–5 language 60, 70 and technology 87–8 social networking 81, 86, 88, 147–8 sociolinguistics 79 solo vocalising 26 solo writing 26 sound patterns 40 Caribbean Creole 52–3 sources acknowledging 149–50 citing indirect 152 citing Internet 153 evaluating 144, 145–8 spacing 151 spam 82 Spanglish 60 Spanish language 48, 54, 60 as official language 62, 63 speech 161–76, 252–3 basic skills 162–4 components of 165–7 delivering 171–5 preparation 164–5 types of 167–71 see also language; listening; public speaking speech community 49 speech-focusing statement 166 spelling 78, 188, 246–7 spider map 138 Standard English 48 in Caribbean society 65–7 INDEX and Creole 52, 53–4 standard language 60, 65, 70–1 standard variety 48 standardised tests 142 statistics 199 stock phrases 202–3 stratified sampling 143 structuring style 28 student academic communication 32 style guides 150–3 style in writing 200–5 subheadings 132 subject line 216 subject / verb agreement 233–5 subordinate clause 229–30, 249 subsidiary ideas 129 Sullivan, D. 136 summarising information 126–38 main and subsidiary ideas see ideas note-making 130–5, 172 summary acknowledging sources 149 definition 126 prose 129–30 in public speaking 167 transition 214 Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) 69 supporting details 211–12 surveys 141 symbolism in language 41–2 symbols 21–2, 80 synonym 121 syntax 50 systematic aspect of language 40 –1 systematic sampling 143 team leader 170 technology and communication 81–2 and culture 83–90 definition 81 see also Internet television 78, 87 tempo 163 tense (verb) 235–9, 240 text communication 22 ‘th’ sound 40, 52, 162 thesis 183, 197 thesis statement 183, 184, 190, 192, 206, 210 timing 174 title page 151 titles in references 153 tone of voice 163 tone of writing 109–13, 181, 201 topic sentence 127, 129, 211 topics 127, 191 translation errors 79 on the Internet 83 New Testament 68–9 travel 78 travel report 225 Trinidad and Tobago 63, 64 ‘twang’ 65–6 Tyne, Tom 110, 111 unchangeable nouns 234 Updike, David 20 upward communication 30 usage (in speech) 163 vagrants 119–20 validity 142, 145 Venn diagram 134–5 verbal communication 11–12, 23, 24 verbs active and passive voice 239–41 ‘be’ 238 ‘do’ 238 ‘have’ 239 in Standard English and Creole 54 subject/verb agreement 233–5 tense 235–9, 240 Victor, David 79 video conferencing 29 visual aids, in public speaking 172 visual clues 122 vocabulary 50–1 Caribbean Creole 53 food-related 64, 77 and technology 83 see also words vocal characterisers 22 vocal qualifiers 22 vocal segregates 22 voice control 163 VOIP (voice over internet provider) 84–5 volume (voice) 163 vowel sounds 162 web addresses 153 web cameras 89 webbing 182 West African language 53, 62 Wiio, Osmo 26 withdrawing style 28 wordiness 201–2 words choice 164 commonly misused 244–5 interrogative 54 key words 106–7 order 41 see also meaning; plurals; singular; vocabulary Worrall, S. 58 writing 177–208 argumentative 115–17, 179, 183, 199– 200 cause and effect 107 classification of topics 108–9 comparison/contrast method 107–8 descriptive 115, 179, 189–90 examination tips 205 modes of 179 mood of 113–14 persuasive 118–20, 183, 199–200 purpose of 180 with style 200–5 tone of 109–13, 181, 201 types of 189–200 see also academic writing; business communication; expository writing; letter writing; reading writing buddy 187 writing process 178–88 letters 218 method 106 written communication 12 YouTube 88 Zeithaml, C. 27 267