#separator:tab #html:true "Factor <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""XI"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> tend to be prematurely activated at ref<br>temp (4 deg C)""Factor <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VII</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">XI</span> tend to be prematurely activated at ref<br>temp (4 deg C)<br> " "If samples are left at room temperature for an extended time,<br>factors <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""V"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VIII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> are likely to deteriorate.""If samples are left at room temperature for an extended time,<br>factors <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">V</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VIII</span> are likely to deteriorate.<br> " "Normal samples collected in evacuated tubes and stored at<br>room temperature for as long as <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""6"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> hours show no significant<br>changes in PT or APTT results""Normal samples collected in evacuated tubes and stored at<br>room temperature for as long as <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">6</span> hours show no significant<br>changes in PT or APTT results<br> " "EDTA effects:<br>- inhibits&nbsp;<span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""fibrinogen&#x2D;thrombin"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> reaction.<br>- destabilizes factor <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""V"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""EDTA effects:<br>- inhibits&nbsp;<span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">fibrinogen-thrombin</span> reaction.<br>- destabilizes factor <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">V</span><br> " "<span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">Prolonged tourniquet<br>application</span><br><ul><li>Stasis elevates the concentration of <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""vWF"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and factor <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VIII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span></li><li>Falsely decreases <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""fibrinolytic&#x20;parameters"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>; and</li><li>Falsely shortens <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""clot&#x2D;based"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> test results.</li></ul>""<span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">Prolonged tourniquet<br>application</span><br><ul><li>Stasis elevates the concentration of <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">vWF</span> and factor <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VIII</span></li><li>Falsely decreases <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">fibrinolytic parameters</span>; and</li><li>Falsely shortens <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">clot-based</span> test results.</li></ul><br> " "Storage at <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">refrigerator</span> temperatures<br><ul><li>precipitation of large <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""vwf"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> multimers</li><li>activation of factor <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span></li><li>destroys platelet integrity</li></ul>""Storage at <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">refrigerator</span> temperatures<br><ul><li>precipitation of large <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">vwf</span> multimers</li><li>activation of factor <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VII</span></li><li>destroys platelet integrity</li></ul><br> " "9:1 blood-to-anticoagulant ratio is effective, provided the<br>patient’s hematocrit is <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""55"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>% or less""9:1 blood-to-anticoagulant ratio is effective, provided the<br>patient’s hematocrit is <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">55</span>% or less<br> " "formula for computing needed volume of anticoagulant for a given volume of specimen<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""&lt;img&#x20;src&#x3D;&quot;paste&#x2D;608737046cb3bc66351e423b820a4613e11d8649&#x2E;jpg&quot;&gt;"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""formula for computing needed volume of anticoagulant for a given volume of specimen<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1""><img src=""paste-608737046cb3bc66351e423b820a4613e11d8649.jpg""></span><br> " "<span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Heparin"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> acts with anti- thrombin III and<br>inhibits the reactions of all stages of coagulation""<span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Heparin</span> acts with anti- thrombin III and<br>inhibits the reactions of all stages of coagulation<br> " "For most coagulation testing, PPP is required.<br>○ This PPP is prepared by centrifuging<br>anticoagulated blood at <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""2000"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>x g for <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""10"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> mins""For most coagulation testing, PPP is required.<br>○ This PPP is prepared by centrifuging<br>anticoagulated blood at <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">2000</span>x g for <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">10</span> mins<br> " "The <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">use of PPP</span> is essential for technical reasons:<br>● Platelets contain <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""platelet&#x20;factor&#x20;4&#x20;&#x28;PF4&#x29;"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>, which neutralizes<br><span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">heparin</span> (thus affecting sample’s testing for the presence of<br>heparin)<br>● Platelets contain <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""phospholipids"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>, which affect<span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);""> lupus<br>anticoagulant testing and factor assay testing</span> (especially if<br>the sample is frozen and thawed).<br>● Platelets also contain <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""proteases"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>, which, when released<br>during the thawing of a frozen sample, can alter results for<br><span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">von Willebrand factor testing.</span>""The <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">use of PPP</span> is essential for technical reasons:<br>● Platelets contain <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">platelet factor 4 (PF4)</span>, which neutralizes<br><span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">heparin</span> (thus affecting sample’s testing for the presence of<br>heparin)<br>● Platelets contain <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">phospholipids</span>, which affect<span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);""> lupus<br>anticoagulant testing and factor assay testing</span> (especially if<br>the sample is frozen and thawed).<br>● Platelets also contain <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">proteases</span>, which, when released<br>during the thawing of a frozen sample, can alter results for<br><span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">von Willebrand factor testing.</span><br> " "The PTT measures all factors except <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""XIII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>.""The PTT measures all factors except <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VII</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">XIII</span>.<br> " "In PTT, <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Phospholipid"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> is supplied to substitute for platelet factor 3<br>(PF3).""In PTT, <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Phospholipid</span> is supplied to substitute for platelet factor 3<br>(PF3).<br> " "Stasis elevates the concentration of <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""vWF"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and factor <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VIII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>;""Stasis elevates the concentration of <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">vWF</span> and factor <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VIII</span>;<br> " "Px has polycythemia, are clot based coagulation tests prolonged or shortened?<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""prolonged"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""Px has polycythemia, are clot based coagulation tests prolonged or shortened?<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">prolonged</span><br> " "true or false<br><br>Sequestrene, but not EDTA, is NOT a satisfactory anticoagulant for coagulation testing because it inhibits the fibrinogen-thrombin reaction.<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""false&#x2E;&#x20;Both&#x20;sequestrene&#x20;and&#x20;EDTA&#x20;are&#x20;not&#x20;suitable&#x20;for&#x20;coagulation&#x20;testing"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""true or false<br><br>Sequestrene, but not EDTA, is NOT a satisfactory anticoagulant for coagulation testing because it inhibits the fibrinogen-thrombin reaction.<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">false. Both sequestrene and EDTA are not suitable for coagulation testing</span><br> " "what factor is not stable in the presence of EDTA<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""factor&#x20;V"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""what factor is not stable in the presence of EDTA<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">factor V</span><br> " "what anticoagulant inhibits the reactions of all stages of coagulation&nbsp;<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""heparin"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""what anticoagulant inhibits the reactions of all stages of coagulation&nbsp;<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">heparin</span><br> " "anticoagulant of choice when blood is collected for the platelet retention test<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""heparin"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""anticoagulant of choice when blood is collected for the platelet retention test<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">heparin</span><br> " "Factors <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""XI"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> tend to be prematurely activated at ref temp (4 deg C)""Factors <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VII</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">XI</span> tend to be prematurely activated at ref temp (4 deg C)<br> " "If samples are left at room temperature for an extended time, factors <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""V"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VIII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> are likely to deteriorate.""If samples are left at room temperature for an extended time, factors <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">V</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VIII</span> are likely to deteriorate.<br> " "PPP is prepared by centrifuging anticoagulated blood at <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""2000"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> x g for <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""10"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> mins""PPP is prepared by centrifuging anticoagulated blood at <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">2000</span> x g for <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">10</span> mins<br> " "true or false<br><br>Samples can be frozen if testing can be done within 4 hours after collection<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""&lt;br&gt;True&#x2E;&#x20;The&#x20;general&#x20;rule&#x20;of&#x20;thumb&#x20;is&#x20;that&#x20;samples&#x20;shouldn&#x27;t&#x20;be&#x20;frozen&#x20;if&#x20;you&#x20;can&#x20;test&#x20;them&#x20;in&#x20;two&#x20;hours"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""true or false<br><br>Samples can be frozen if testing can be done within 4 hours after collection<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1""><br>True. The general rule of thumb is that samples shouldn't be frozen if you can test them in two hours</span><br> " "If frozen properly → fibrinogen is stable for at least <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""4"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> hours after thawing and survives freezing and thawing""If frozen properly → fibrinogen is stable for at least <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">4</span> hours after thawing and survives freezing and thawing<br> " "Frozen samples must be thawed rapidly at 37°C because excessive heating (75 minutes) can result in the loss of the factors <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""V"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""VIII"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>.""Frozen samples must be thawed rapidly at 37°C because excessive heating (75 minutes) can result in the loss of the factors <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">V</span> and <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">VIII</span>.<br> (because they are labile)" "true or false<br><br>Only PPP is used for plasma recalcification time due to its advantages over PRP<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""false&#x2C;&#x20;PPP&#x20;or&#x20;PRP&#x2C;&#x20;or&#x20;both&#x20;can&#x20;be&#x20;used"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""true or false<br><br>Only PPP is used for plasma recalcification time due to its advantages over PRP<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">false, PPP or PRP, or both can be used</span><br> " "<span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">Plasma Recalcification Time</span> is based on the fact that except for <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""calcium"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>, normal <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">PRP</span> contains all the components of the coagulation mechanism.&nbsp;""<span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">Plasma Recalcification Time</span> is based on the fact that except for <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">calcium</span>, normal <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">PRP</span> contains all the components of the coagulation mechanism.&nbsp;<br> " "Plasma recalcification time is a general measure for the <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""intrinsic"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> and common pathways""Plasma recalcification time is a general measure for the <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">intrinsic</span> and common pathways<br> " "In plasma recalcification time, using a parallel test on PPP can screen <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""platelet&#x20;function"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> defects.""In plasma recalcification time, using a parallel test on PPP can screen <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">platelet function</span> defects.<br> " "What test used diatomite as coagulants<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Activated&#x20;clotting&#x20;time"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""What test used diatomite as coagulants<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Activated clotting time</span><br> " "The two tubes in ACT should agree within <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""10"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> seconds""The two tubes in ACT should agree within <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">10</span> seconds<br> " "What test is best used for&nbsp;procedures requiring extracorporeal circulation, in which frequent testing and rapid turnaround time are required<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""&lt;br&gt;Activated&#x20;clotting&#x20;time&#x20;&#x28;ACT&#x29;"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""What test is best used for&nbsp;procedures requiring extracorporeal circulation, in which frequent testing and rapid turnaround time are required<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1""><br>Activated clotting time (ACT)</span><br> " "This test has enjoyed considerable popularity of late as a ""point-of-care"" test.<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""&lt;br&gt;ACT&amp;nbsp&#x3B;"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""This test has enjoyed considerable popularity of late as a ""point-of-care"" test.<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1""><br>ACT&nbsp;</span><br> " "What test does not have a suitable quality control procedure<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""ACT"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""What test does not have a suitable quality control procedure<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">ACT</span><br> <br>Other than the <span style=""color: rgb(85, 255, 255);"">duplicate testing</span>, there is no suitable method of quality control" "test of choice to screen for factor deficiencies of the intrinsic and common pathways<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Partial&#x20;Thromboplastime&#x20;Time"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""test of choice to screen for factor deficiencies of the intrinsic and common pathways<br><br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Partial Thromboplastime Time</span><br> " "test of choice to monitor heparin therapy&nbsp;<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Partial&#x20;Thromboplastin&#x20;Time"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""test of choice to monitor heparin therapy&nbsp;<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Partial Thromboplastin Time</span><br> " "Molar concentration of CaC2 required in PT<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""0&#x2E;025"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> M""Molar concentration of CaC2 required in PT<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">0.025</span> M<br> " "The citrated PPP and APTT reagent are incubated at 37°C for approximately <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""3"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span> minutes""The citrated PPP and APTT reagent are incubated at 37°C for approximately <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">3</span> minutes<br> " "coag factors evaluated by APTT<br>= <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""XII&#x2C;&#x20;HMWK&#x2C;&#x20;PK"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""coag factors evaluated by APTT<br>= <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">XII, HMWK, PK</span><br> " "reference range of APTT<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""25&#x20;&#x2D;&#x20;35&#x20;seconds"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""reference range of APTT<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">25 - 35 seconds</span><br> " "screening test for extrinsic pathway proteins<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Prothrombin&#x20;Time"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""screening test for extrinsic pathway proteins<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Prothrombin Time</span><br> " "PT used in the modern laboratory screens for deficiencies of factors <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""I&#x2C;&#x20;II&#x2C;&#x20;V&#x2C;&#x20;VII&#x2C;&#x20;and&#x0A;X&#x2E;"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""PT used in the modern laboratory screens for deficiencies of factors <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">I, II, V, VII, and X.</span><br> " "Test of choice for monitoring anticoagulant therapy by vitamin K antagonists<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""Prothrombin&#x20;time"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""Test of choice for monitoring anticoagulant therapy by vitamin K antagonists<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">Prothrombin time</span><br> " "Three of the five factors measured by the PT are sensitive to and depressed by anticoagulants that are vitamin K antagonists. What are they<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""II&#x2C;&#x20;VII&#x2C;&#x20;X"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""Three of the five factors measured by the PT are sensitive to and depressed by anticoagulants that are vitamin K antagonists. What are they<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">II, VII, X</span><br> " "Only factor <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""IX"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>, the other factor depressed by vitamin K antagonists, is not detected by the PT ""Only factor <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">IX</span>, the other factor depressed by vitamin K antagonists, is not detected by the PT <br> " "Prothrombin time uses what type of plasma<br><span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""PPP"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span>""Prothrombin time uses what type of plasma<br><span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">PPP</span><br> " "two most common sources of thromboplastin for prothrombin time are<br>= <span class=""cloze"" data-cloze=""rabbit&#x20;brain"" data-ordinal=""1"">[...]</span><br>= recombinant human tissue factor""two most common sources of thromboplastin for prothrombin time are<br>= <span class=""cloze"" data-ordinal=""1"">rabbit brain</span><br>= recombinant human tissue factor<br> "