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Conversational Copywriting: 5 Quick Tips

5 Quick and
Easy Ways to
Make Your
Copy More
Nick Usborne
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
5 Quick and Easy
Ways to Make
Your Writing More
Nick Usborne
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
Welcome to the conversation!
Stick with me for a few short pages, and you’ll learn
some powerful ways to make your sales and content
writing more conversational.
Of course, being conversational isn’t the final outcome
we’re looking for.
Being conversational is just the starting point.
It’s your springboard to building more engagement with
your audience, increasing levels of trust, and driving
more sales.
It’s about building relationships.
If you think about it, all strong relationships begin with a
conversation… whether you’re at a job interview or on a
first date!
Let’s jump in and get started.
Nick Usborne
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
1. Visualize yourself in conversation
with one person.
On the road to being more conversational, step one is simply
to change your mindset.
Close your eyes and visualize yourself in conversation with an
individual in your audience.
Imagine you’re talking to them one-on-one, eye-to-eye,
across your kitchen table.
So instead of writing AT a broad, anonymous audience of
strangers, imagine you’re close enough reach out and
actually touch a single reader.
How would your language change?
How “salesy” would you be? Or would you dial that back if
you were in a room with someone? And what else might you
Do This Now:
Find some sales copy on your website, take a close look at
the language, and ask yourself if you’d use the same kind of
language one-on-one over the kitchen table.
If not, change it.
Find out more about the Conversational Copywriting course…
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
2. Stop trying to write persuasive
The harder you try to change your reader’s mind, the greater
the resistance you’ll encounter.
We’ve all experienced this when we get into an argument
with a friend or colleague. The harder we push, the greater
the resistance and pushback.
And there’s a ton of neuroscience to support this.
When you sell AT someone, it triggers a response in the
amygdala, the fight or flight part of the brain. And when that
happens, your readers back off and stop paying attention.
This means you should rely less on the supposed power of
Instead, present your product or service in a way that shows
how it can add value to the life or business of your reader.
Do This Now:
Find text in your sales materials that is particularly pushy and
Now find a way to rewrite that so it feels less like selling and
more like being of service to your audience.
Find out more about the Conversational Copywriting course…
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
3. Help your readers feel included.
You probably have a friend or colleague who’s really bad at
holding a good conversation.
He rarely stops talking. And when you do manage to get a
word in edgeways, he ignores what you say and keeps
pushing his own ideas.
You feel annoyed and disrespected. Well, the same thing
happens with written sales copy.
Bad copy just charges forward, leaving no space for readers
to feel themselves included.
Conversational copy does things differently. It invites the
reader to participate… through her own imagination.
How can you do this? Here are a couple of quick ways.
Ask more questions. Questions invite the reader to think and
become part of the process.
Or tell stories the reader can relate to. “Yep, that’s happened
to me too.”
Do This Now:
Review your sales copy and make it less dogmatic. Add
questions and relatable stories, so your readers feel more
included and respected during the sales process.
Find out more about the Conversational Copywriting course…
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
4. Make your paragraphs and
sentences shorter.
This is one of those quick and easy tips you doubtless already
know about.
At least, you’ve heard about it within the context of using
shorter paragraphs and sentences to make your text easy to
But writing in shorter blocks isn’t just about readability.
It’s also about being conversational.
When you’re talking with a friend you don’t talk in long,
compound sentences. You don’t use fancy words, jargon or
overly salesy language.
You talk in short sentences, with short words. You keep
things simple.
In fact, using simple language is how we connect best with
one another in the real world. It’s how we get to know each
other and build relationships.
Do This Now:
Go through all your digital sales materials and look for places
where the sentences and paragraphs look too long to be
conversational. Then dig in and start editing and rewriting.
Find out more about the Conversational Copywriting course…
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
5. Stop freaking out about grammar.
This follows on from the last tip.
While you’re making your paragraphs and sentences shorter,
go easy on some of the more formal rules of grammar.
You don’t have to overdo it. And no, this isn’t about dumbing
anything down.
This is about sounding conversational.
Grammar can be incredibly helpful when writing for business.
It helps us communicate clearly and accurately on paper.
But when we’re in conversation? Not so much.
Loosen up a little.
Remember, being conversational is all about engaging with
your reader and building trust.
And that isn’t going to happen if you come over as being
overly stiff and formal in the way you write.
Do This Now:
While you’re shortening your sentences and paragraphs, give
everything a second pass with an eye to being less obsessive
about the rules of grammar.
Find out more about the Conversational Copywriting course…
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.
Wrapping it up…
None of this has been rocket science, right?
Nothing too complicated.
Nothing that we can’t do if we make the decision to get it
Just by making these 5 simple changes to your sales copy
and web content, you can create a cascading effect that will
have a huge impact on your business.
Without conversations there are no relationships. Without
relationships, there is no trust. And without trust, there are
no sales.
It all begins with conversation.
That’s why I created a full course on Conversational
Copywriting... with 21 video lectures, a growing list of bonus
materials, and an active community of students and alumni.
Take the course and you’ll become a conversational ninja, for
you own business, or for you clients.
I hope to meet you on the inside!
Find out more about the Conversational Copywriting course…
© Copyright Nick Usborne. All rights reserved.