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Insights Into Corporate Learning Assessments For Tech Businesses.pptx

Insights Into Corporate Learning
Assessments For Tech Businesses
• Technology evolves rapidly, posing challenges
for tech businesses to keep their teams' skills
• Corporate learning assessments address this
challenge by providing insights into strengths,
gaps, and dynamically adapting to the evolving
tech landscape.
Qualitative Insights Into
Corporate Learning Assessments:
• Personalization: Customizing the learning journey
enhances effectiveness. Assessments should
align with learners' expertise and learning paths.
• Clear and Concise: Assessments must be clear,
consistent, and aligned with training objectives to
avoid confusion.
• Strategic Trick Questions: Thoughtfully designed
trick questions evaluate critical thinking abilities
and problem-solving skills effectively.
Quantitative Insights Into
Corporate Learning Assessments
• Employees Want Corporate Training: 59% of
employees say corporate training enhances job
• Assessments are Valuable: 30% of L&D
professionals leverage assessments during
training to enhance effectiveness.
• Enhanced Job Engagement: 92% of employees
believe workplace training positively impacts job
• Corporate Learning Attracts Employees: 45% of
employees are more inclined to stay if provided
more training.
• Effective Corporate Training = Money Savings:
Ineffective training can result in losses of up to
$13,500 per employee annually.
Final Thoughts
• Strategic corporate learning assessments
provide value across the employee lifecycle,
delivering strong ROI.
• Incorporating training needs analysis and
post-training analysis enhances ROI and
ensures strategic skill development.
• Techademy Yaksha offers customizable,
advanced, and adaptive assessments tailored
for the tech domain, making it an ideal
platform for tech corporate learning
Why Techademy Yaksha
Is An Ideal Platform
Customizable Assessments
Advanced Insights
Adaptive and Auto-Graded Assessments
Project-Based Assessments
Collaborative Coding Assessments
Skill Accreditation and Role-Based Assessments
AI Proctoring
• Techademy Yaksha offers a comprehensive
solution for tech corporate learning
assessments, addressing the unique needs
of tech businesses and ensuring effective
skill development and talent acquisition.
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