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Course Planning Worksheet SPCH 1311

Course Planning Worksheet
Your Name: Mary Knickerbocker
Supervisor: Deidre Bell Jones
Course: SPCH 1311
Note: Choose one course and complete the worksheet with it in mind. If you teach multiple
courses, you do not need to fill out the worksheet for every course.
Step 1: Estimate Your Weekly Time Commitment
See Module 1: Plan Your Time for examples from Dallas College faculty.
Your Answer
On average, how much time do you think you will need to spend
per week on one of your courses?
8 hours
What is the minimum amount of time you think you could spend
per week on one course and still have it be effective?
4 hours
What is the absolute maximum amount of time you would be
willing/able to spend on one course during a regular week?
10 hours
Step 2: Allocate Your Estimated Time
Instructions: Estimate how long you expect to spend on each activity category for one course
on a weekly basis. See Module 1: Plan Your Time for examples from Dallas College faculty.
Activity Category
Activity Examples
Total Time
Each Week
2 hours
Office hours and
answering emails
 Responding to student emails
 Meeting with students by request (in-person or via
phone, web conference, text chat, etc.)
Proactively keeping
students on track
with what they need
to do each week
2 hours
 Creating and sending a weekly “to do”
 Posting guidance on eCampus
 Emailing students who haven’t logged on that week
 Emailing students who haven’t submitted
Activity Category
Activity Examples
Grading and
responding to
student work
 Checking work has been submitted
 Grading assignments
 Following up with students who haven’t submitted
or have incomplete submissions
 Addressing plagiarism concerns
Total Time
Each Week
2 hours
Developing and
30 minutes
 Revising/uploading materials
refining instructional  Adding/checking links
 Identifying resources to support emerging student
needs and/or related to current events
Managing and
1 hour
 Building content in eCampus
learning technology  Setup and contributions to online discussion boards
 Managing the eCampus grade center
 Add more activities here if needed to capture the
work required to teach your course.
30 minutes
Total Time: 8 hours
How does the total above compare to your initial time estimate in Step 1?
The total allocated time matches with the average of how much time is needed to spend per
week for each course.
Step 3: Identify Course Objectives
Instructions: Copy/paste the objectives mandated by the state and/or provided by your chair.
See Module 2: Align the Course to learn how to identify your course objectives.
Apply the principles of human communication including: perception, verbal communication,
nonverbal communication, listening, and audience analysis. Demonstrate how to establish
and maintain relationships through the use of interpersonal communication. Apply small
group communication skills including: problem solving, group roles, leadership styles, and
cohesiveness. Develop, research, organize, and deliver formal public speeches Recognize how
to communicate within diverse environments
Step 4: Scaffolding and Alignment Example
Instructions: Choose one or more of the objectives in your course and identify a summative
assessment that will demonstrate mastery of the objective(s). Then plan at least three
formative assessments that will prepare students to succeed at the summative assessment.
See Module 2: Align the Course to learn about types of assessments and view examples from
Dallas College faculty.
Course objective(s): Apply small group communication skills including: problem solving, group
roles, leadership styles, and cohesiveness.
Summative assessment: Peer Teach Group Project
Formative assessments:
1. Group formation and relational development – a set of activities that occur at the
beginning of the group’s formation where they develop a connection with their
groupmates. The graded portion of this includes a visual identity collage, which is a
visual collage shared within their small groups that provides an open and inviting space
for students to find their common interests and unique characteristics that add to their
group’s dynamic.
2. Group Project Brainstorming and Planning – the students must work together to
complete their project planning worksheet, which documents the group’s goals and
objectives, roles and expectations, and research guidelines.
3. Group Project Proposal – a more formal submission of the group’s complete project,
which includes a summary of the group’s specific concept design, member contribution,
and research.
Step 5: Identify IncludED Adoptions
Instructions: Identify the IncludED learning materials that have been adopted for your class.
See Module 3: Select Learning Materials to learn how to identify your IncludED adoptions.
Essential Communication
Edition: 3rd
ISBN: 9780197544358
Author: Adler
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Formats: BryteWave Format
Step 6: Course Topics List
Instructions: Create a first draft of the list of topics you currently plan to cover in your course.
Then make a shorter final list by identifying which topics are essential and which you can cut or
significantly reduce. See Module 3: Select Learning Materials for tips and faculty examples.
First Draft: Possible Topics
Final List of Course Topics
1. The Importance of Communication
2. The Self, Perception, &
3. Culture and Communication
4. Language
5. Listening
6. Nonverbal Communication
7. Communicating in Interpersonal
8. Communicating with Friends and
9. Communicating with Romantic
10. Communicating to Land a Job
11. Communicating in the Workplace
12. Preparing Speeches
13. Presenting Speeches
14. Speaking to Inform and Persuade
1. The Importance of Communication
2. The Self, Perception, &
3. Culture & Communication
4. Language
5. Listening
6. Nonverbal Communication
7. Interpersonal Communication
8. Professional Communication
9. Public Communication
10. Persuasion
Step 7: Strategies for Accessible and Inclusive Materials
Instructions: Based on the types of learning materials used in your course, what are three steps
you could take to better address the diversity of Dallas College students? Your strategies could
address accessibility, technology access and/or inclusive materials.
See Module 3: Select Learning Materials for ideas and resources.
1. Selecting supplemental materials that offer a range of perspectives on a particular
concept or topic
2. Selecting supplemental materials that are easily accessible as opposed to material that
requires downloading large files or requiring internet access
3. Brining in activities that provide students with the ability to learn about each other and
their cultures in a safe and open way that they may never have had access to
Step 8: Identify Important Course Dates
Instructions: See Module 4: Create a Calendar to learn how to find important course dates in
the Dallas College Academic Calendar and your Class Roster.
Date Type
First day of class:
Your Course Date(s)
Certification date:
Date Type
Your Course Date(s)
Last day to add:
First day to drop:
Last day to drop without a grade:
Last day to drop with a grade:
Final exam schedule:
Last day of class:
Last day to submit grades:
Holidays/planned campus closures:
9/4/2023 – Labor Day
11/23-11/24 – Thanksgiving Holiday