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Module 7: Power - Statistical Concepts

Module 7: Power
“The combination of some data and an aching desire for an
answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be
extracted from a given body of data.”
- John Tukey
This module will apply what we’ve learned about:
● Hypothesis testing (Module 6)
● Using Confidence Intervals (Module 5)
● Type I and Type II errors (Module 6)
7.1 Review of Type I and Type II errors
7.2 The width of a Confidence Interval
Section 7.1:
Review of Type I
and Type II errors
7.3 Defining Statistical Power
7.4 Power Analysis
7.5 Power in Jamovi
7.6 Why do we care about power?
Review of Type I and Type II errors
● Remember the breast cancer example from the last module. We tested
𝐻! : πœ‡" − πœ‡# = 0
● We hope that we will Reject 𝐻0 when 𝐻0 is false, and FTR 𝐻0 when 𝐻0 is
● Let’s review each type of error and how to avoid them.
Type I Errors
● If we reject 𝐻! when 𝐻! is true, we have committed a Type I error.
● In our example, we imagine the CI excluding 0, even though 0 was
the true difference in means (πœ‡" = πœ‡# , or 𝐻! is true, there is no
πœ‡" − πœ‡# = 0
Type I Errors
● The probability of a Type I error is just 𝛼, which we set before
the test begins. In STAT 301/307, we have been using 𝛼 =
𝛼 = 𝑃 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝐼 πΈπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘Ÿ = 𝑃(𝑅𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑑 𝐻! |𝐻! 𝑖𝑠 π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’)
of rejecting H0... given H0 is true
● If we wanted fewer Type I errors, we could make 𝛼 smaller.
Type II Errors
● If we fail to reject 𝐻! when 𝐻! is false, we have committed a
Type II error.
● In our example, if the breast cancer CI included 0 even though
the true value of πœ‡" − πœ‡# is some other number different from
zero (πœ‡" ≠ πœ‡# , so 𝐻! is false, there is a difference), we would
commit a Type II error.
πœ‡' − πœ‡( ≠ 0
Type II Errors
Q: How can we make Type II errors
less likely?
A: By making the confidence
interval narrower. Then we are
including a smaller range of
“wrong” values.
(null hypothesized value)
Type I and Type II error trade off
● We can reduce Type I errors by lowering 𝛼 but doing this would
increase Type II errors.
● This is because lowering 𝛼 makes it harder to reject 𝐻! , which is
good when 𝐻! is true but bad when 𝐻! is false.
● Similarly, we can reduce Type II errors by increasing 𝛼, but doing
this would increase Type I errors. (Why is this?)
iClicker: Types of Errors
Rejecting a true null hypothesis is
what type of error?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. It is not an error
E. I don’t know
7.1 Review of Type I and Type II errors
7.2 The width of a Confidence Interval
Section 7.2:
The width of a
Confidence Interval
7.3 Defining Statistical Power
7.4 Power Analysis
7.5 Power in Jamovi
7.6 Why do we care about power?
What affects the width of a CI?
Of the four things in this CI formula for one mean, increasing which
affects the width, and how?
𝐢𝐼 π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ πœ‡ = 𝑋B ± (π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’) ⋅
π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’
Affects Width?
What affects the width of a CI?
● The width of the CI is determined by the size of the margin of error:
𝐢𝐼 π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ πœ‡ = 𝑋B ± (π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’) ⋅
If the critical value is smaller, the CI will be narrower.
If the standard deviation is smaller, the CI will be narrower.
If the sample size is larger, the CI will be narrower.
(For more information, see Module 5 Confidence Intervals)
How can we change the width of a CI?
𝐢𝐼 π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ πœ‡ = 𝑋( ± (π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’) ⋅
We can make the critical value smaller by increasing 𝛼, but
at the cost of more Type I errors. This isn’t a great option.
We can’t control the standard deviation. It is what it is.
We can make the sample size larger by just taking more
measurements. This is the way to control the width of
the confidence interval.
Choosing sample size for a certain CI width
We know how to use 𝑠, 𝑛, and π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’ to find the margin of
error of a confidence interval. Just use the CI formula!
π’„π’“π’Šπ’•π’Šπ’„π’‚π’ 𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆
But how can we go the other way?
Choosing sample size for a certain CI width
In other words, if I want to collect data to make a 95% confidence
interval with a margin of error no bigger than 𝑀, how much data
do I need to collect?
This question is asked before any data is collected!
Choosing a sample size for a certain CI width
● If the margin of error should be less than 𝑀, then
(π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’) ⋅
($%&'&$() *()+,)⋅! 0
● As usual with a 95% confidence interval, we can use
π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’ ≈ 2.
● If 𝑛 satisfies the equation on the right, then our CI will have the
desired width.
Choosing a sample size for a certain CI width
(π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’) ⋅ 𝑠 0
However, there’s still a problem! What do we put in for 𝒔?
Remember, we’re doing this before we collect any data.
A few options for 𝒔
● Use past studies. Have other studies been done on similar
populations? Use standard deviations from those studies.
● Use reasonable guesses or expert opinions. Think about how
much your variable ought to vary? Make up a distribution and find
its standard deviation. Run this by someone with experience
collecting data on this variable.
● Run a (small) pilot study for purposes of gathering information
about s.
● There’s no single “correct” way to do this.
Example: 95% CI for favorability rating
Suppose we plan to give a survey to American adults about their view on
intense cardiovascular exercise (running, swimming, biking). The
question wording will be:
Rate your general inclination to participate in cardiovascular exercise on
a daily basis:
1 = Never exercise
2 = Partake once/week
3 = Partake 2-3 times/week
4 = Partake 4-6 times/week
5 = Partake daily
Example: 95% CI for favorability rating
We will make a confidence interval for population mean participation
rating. Suppose we want each confidence interval to be no more than 0.5
units wide. What is our desired margin of error?
If the confidence interval is no wider than 0.5 units, then the
MOE can be no wider than half of that, 0.25 units.
iClicker Numeric: 95% CI for favorability rating
Enter a reasonable value for the standard deviation. There is no single
correct answer here, but you should be able to justify your choice.
Example: 95% CI for favorability rating
Now calculate required sample size, using
(π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘£π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘’) ⋅ 𝑠 #
We will use the critical value of 2. Let’s use a standard deviation of 1.5,
and M, the desired MOE, is 0.25.
2 ⋅ 1.6
= 163.84
So, a sample size of 164 (making it a whole number) or larger will
produce an approximate 95% CI no wider than 0.5 units (using a
standard deviation of 1.5).
7.1 Review of Type I and Type II errors
7.2 The width of a Confidence Interval
Section 7.3:
Defining Statistical
7.3 Defining Statistical Power
7.4 Power Analysis
7.5 Power in Jamovi
7.6 Why do we care about power?
Probability of a Type II error
● The probability of Type II error is not set by the researcher. It has
to be calculated based on the design of the study.
● We denote the probability of a Type II error as 𝛽:
𝛽 = 𝑃 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝐼𝐼 πΈπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘Ÿ = 𝑃 𝐹𝑇𝑅 𝐻! 𝐻! 𝑖𝑠 π‘“π‘Žπ‘™π‘ π‘’
Probability ... of failing to reject H0 ... given H0 is false
● Statisticians usually care about the opposite probability, the
probability of not committing a Type II error. We call this power.
π‘·π’π’˜π’†π’“ = 𝑃 𝑅𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑑 𝐻1 𝐻1 𝑖𝑠 π‘“π‘Žπ‘™π‘ π‘’
π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ = 1 − 𝑃 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝐼𝐼 πΈπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘Ÿ = 1 − 𝛽
Calculating Power
● Power calculation is complicated and difficult, and the exact
formula is beyond the scope of this class. We will not calculate
power by hand.
● We WILL cover the things that affect power, the kinds of
questions that are asked in power analysis, and how to use
software to answer those questions.
What determines power?
Power is determined by sample size and effect size
Sample Size
Effect Size
Sample Size and Power
As sample size increases, power increases.
Sample Size
We’ve already seen that a larger sample size
makes a confidence interval narrower, reducing
the chance of a Type II error.
So, increasing sample size must increase power
(the chance of NOT committing a Type II error).
Effect Size and Power
But what is effect size, and how does it affect power?
Effect Size
“Effect size”
● Suppose we compute a difference in means between a treatment
group and a control group. A large difference in means could be
interpreted as a large “effect” for the treatment.
● However, a seemingly large difference in means might not seem
large if the data are highly dispersed.
● Example: if we are comparing one mile running times among
elite athletes, a difference of 10 seconds may be considered
large. In contrast, among casual joggers, it may be considered
● Effect size is a measure of importance for a calculated statistic.
Quantifying effect size: Cohen’s d
● For a two-sample test, a popular measure of effect size is Cohen’s d:
|πœ‡" − πœ‡# |
● Where πœ‡" and πœ‡# are the population means for groups one and two,
and 𝜎$ is the combined (or “pooled”) standard deviation for both
groups. Don’t worry how 𝜎$ is computed.
● So, Cohen’s d tells us how far apart two means are from one another,
in terms of the number of standard deviations.
● The corresponding sample statistic is:
|𝑋Q" − 𝑋Q# |
Example: Cohen’s d
● Suppose we want to covert a 10 second difference in mile
running times into a Cohen’s d effect size. We have:
|πœ‡" − πœ‡# | 10
● Now we need a value for the standard deviation. This could
make a big difference! Compare 𝜎$ = 5 to 𝜎$ = 30:
𝑣𝑠. δ =
= 0.33
Visualizing Cohen’s dS
Visualizing Cohen’s d
Effect Size and Power
As effect size increases, power increases.
Larger effects are easier to detect reliably.
It’s possible that a small effect could slip
through the cracks, but it’s unlikely that a
large one would.
Effect Size
Effect Size and Power
We might miss this:
But it would be hard to miss this:
Sample size and effect size
Sample size and effect size are implicitly related because they
both affect power.
Sample Size
Effect Size
Sample size and effect size
● If we want to detect a smaller difference, that lowers power.
So, we can compensate by increasing sample size.
● If our sample size is limited (for example by budget), that
lowers power. So, we will only be able to reliably detect larger
● If we get a new source of funding to increase our sample size,
that raises power. Consequently, we will be able to reliably
detect smaller differences.
Sample Size
Effect Size
iClicker: Effect Size
Which effect size is larger?
7.1 Review of Type I and Type II errors
7.2 The width of a Confidence Interval
Section 7.4:
Power Analysis
7.3 Defining Statistical Power
7.4 Power Analysis
7.5 Power in Jamovi
7.6 Why do we care about power?
Power Analysis Questions
We can use any two of these pieces to find the third. This leads to
three types of power analysis questions we can ask. Like with
finding sample size for a confidence interval, we ask these
questions before collecting any data.
Sample Size
Effect Size
Power Analysis #1: computing power
“If we have 𝑛 data points, and we would want to detect a
difference, effect size = 𝛿, what is the power of the test?”
Sample Size
Effect Size
Example: Equine Cancer – Compute Power
The VTH has 20 horses with cancer whose owners have volunteered
them for an experimental radiation treatment trial. They give 10
horses the treatment and leave 10 as a control and measure the
tumor size for each group. They are only interested in determining if
there is at least a medium difference (𝜹 = 𝟎. πŸ“) in average tumor
size between the groups. What is the power of this test?
We know the sample size (limited by horse availability) and the effect
size (minimum necessary for clinical success), and want to find the
Power Analysis #2: computing sample size
“If we want to detect effects of size = 𝑑 with power = 𝑝, how many
samples do we need to collect?”
Sample Size
Effect Size
Example: Equine Cancer – Compute Sample Size
The VTH wants to recruit horses with cancer for a trial of its
experimental radiation treatment. It knows that it wants a test that
can detect medium differences in tumor size (𝜹 = 𝟎. πŸ“) fairly
reliably (π‘·π’π’˜π’†π’“ = 𝟎. πŸ•). How many horses does it need to recruit?
We know the effect size (small differences in tumor size) and the
desired power (70%, decent power), and we want to find the
required sample size.
Power Analysis #3: computing effect size
“If we have 𝑛 observations, what size effect could we detect with
power = 𝑝?”
Sample Size
Effect Size
Example: Equine Cancer – Compute Effect Size
The VTH has 20 horses with cancer whose owners have
volunteered them for an experimental radiation treatment trial. They
give 10 horses the treatment and measure the tumor size. What is
the smallest effect size that can be detected with 70% power?
We know the sample size (limited by # of available horses) and the
desired power (70%), and we want to find the effect size that we
could detect.
7.1 Review of Type I and Type II errors
7.2 The width of a Confidence Interval
Section 7.5:
Power in Jamovi
7.3 Defining Statistical Power
7.4 Power Analysis
7.5 Power in Jamovi
7.6 Why do we care about power?
Power in Jamovi
● Jamovi will perform power analysis; however, we must install a
new module. To do this, click the + Module button in the upper
right corner. Then click ‘jamovi library’. Scroll till you see the
‘jpower’ module and click install.
Power in Jamovi
● Now that ‘jpower’ is installed, go under Analyses/ jpower /
Independent Samples T-Test.
● Notice that we don’t need any data to do this!!
Power in Jamovi
● We will always use alpha = 0.05, Relative size of group 2 to
group 1 = 1, and Tails = “two-tailed."
Power in Jamovi - Calculate values
● If we want to use this Jamovi tool
to calculate power using Cohen’s
d, we just need to change
‘Calculate:’ to ‘Power’
● Example: finding power when
d = 0.8 and total sample size is
n = 100.
● There are more examples like this
in the Module 7 Class Example.
Note: The power box is grayed out so you
cannot update that value and indicates that is
what is being calculated.
Also, since the total sample size is 100, you
MUST enter half that amount (50) into N for
group 1.
Example: Equine Cancer – Compute Power
We had 𝑛 = 20, 𝛿 = 0.5, and we
wanted to know power.
18.5% power (that’s pretty low)
Example: Equine Cancer – Compute Sample Size
We had 𝛿 = 0.5, π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ = 0.7,
and wanted to know 𝑛.
We need at least 51+ 51 = 102
Example: Equine Cancer – Compute Effect Size
We had 𝑛 = 20, π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ = 0.7,
and we wanted effect size (𝛿).
We can only detect very large
differences, 𝑑 ≥ 1.17.
iClicker Numeric Answer: Calculate Sample Size
Using the output below, what sample size is required for an effect size of
0.5 and 90% power? Enter one number.
7.1 Review of Type I and Type II errors
7.2 The width of a Confidence Interval
Section 7.6:
Why do we care
about power?
7.3 Defining Statistical Power
7.4 Power Analysis
7.5 Power in Jamovi
7.6 Why do we care about power?
Why We Care About Power: Efficiency
Determining sample size is often a battle between two forces:
Each additional research subject
costs money.
Each additional research subject
increases power and lowers the
probability of Type II errors.
maxpixel.net - Creative commons
Efficiency and power
● If power is too low, we will be very likely to commit a Type II error.
● What’s the point of conducting a hypothesis test if we would have
no chance of detecting a result, even if one existed?
● With low power, it is tough to know what to make of a “FTR H0”
result. Was it because the null hypothesis is really true, or
because power is low?
● Conducting a test with low power is a waste of time and money,
which is generally considered a bad thing to do.
Efficiency and Power
You may be asked something like the following questions:
● “We have $π‘₯ budget, so we can collect 𝑛 measurements. What’s
the probability of a Type II error with that much data? If there’s only
a small difference between the samples, would we be able to tell?”
● “The NSF needs us to have 80% power to receive funding. How
much data do we need to collect?”
You may be the person in the room who knows the most statistics, so
you’ll have to answer these questions.
Why We Care About Power: Publication Bias
● Some journals will only publish a paper with “statistically
significant” results. This is called publication bias.
● Publication bias, when combined with low power studies, can
result in overestimates of effect sizes in published papers.
Low power ⇒ “Significant” results are biased
● Lower power corresponds to
wider Confidence Intervals.
High power, narrow CI,
zero outside CI ⇒ Reject H0
● In this example, we assume a
Low power,
wide CI,
zero inside CI
⇒ FTR H0
population mean difference of 3.
(null hypothesized value) (assumed true value)
Low power ⇒ “Significant” results are biased
● Now consider only wide, “low power” CIs.
CI is centered well far above
true mean difference; zero just
barely outside CI ⇒ Reject H0
● A wide CI may be centered close to the
true value being estimated but include
zero. The estimate would be accurate,
but not statistically significant.
CI is centered on true
mean difference, so
zero inside CI ⇒ FTR H0
● In order to have a “significant” result, we
need to overestimate the effect.
(hypothesized value)
(true value)
Same idea, using sampling distributions
● Left histogram: sampling distribution of Cohen’s d, when population d
= 0.5 and power is low (0.27)
● Right histogram: same thing, but after removing all d statistics that do
not achieve statistical significance.
● The mean of the distribution on the right is larger than the mean of
the distribution on the left. So “significant” results are biased upward.
Why We Care About Power: Ethics
“The ethical statistician strives to avoid the use of
excessive or inadequate numbers of research
subjects by making informed recommendations for
study size.”
Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice (2018),
American Statistical Association
(emphasis added)
Power and ethics
● If sample size is too small, power is low. Our research
subjects will have gone through our study for nothing, since we
are unlikely to get a good estimate of what we want to
measure. Is this ethical if the study involves risk to the
subjects? (Like a drug trial?)
● If sample size is too large, power is very high. We made a
whole lot of research subjects participate when a smaller
number would have been enough. Is this ethical if the study
involves risk to our subjects?
Module 7 summary
● Hypothesis tests result in either rejecting 𝐻! (the null hypothesis) or failing to
reject 𝐻!
● Rejecting a true null is a Type I error. Failing to reject a false null is a Type II
● Power is the probability that you do NOT commit a Type II error when 𝐻! is
● In other words, power is the probability that you reject 𝐻! when 𝐻! is false:
π‘π‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ = 𝑃(π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘—π‘’π‘π‘‘ 𝐻! |𝐻! 𝑖𝑠 π‘“π‘Žπ‘™π‘ π‘’)
● We want power to be as high as possible.
● Power is determined by effect size and sample size:
o When effect size is larger, power is larger.
o When sample size is larger, power is larger.
Module 7 Summary (cont.)
● Power analysis involves using two of these three values to
calculate the third: power, effect size, sample size.
● Low power is bad for two reasons:
● It means you’re likely to make a Type II error when 𝐻! is false.
● It means that you have to over-estimate the true effect size in order
to reject 𝐻! and get “statistical significance."
● There is a practical trade off between power and expense. Larger
sample sizes give more power, but they are more expensive and
could possibly be put to better use on different studies.