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DATYBK3OEFKD ^ eBook > Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics: Core and Extended Coursebook
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics: Core and Extended
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HO1BE7LPRSG7 Book » Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics: Core and Extended Coursebook
To download Ca m br idg e IGCSE Ma them a tics: Cor e a nd Extended Cour sebook PDF, please follow the
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Cambridge University Press, 2012. So cover. Book Condition: New. First edition. A series of titles written to cover
the complete Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580) syllabus and endorsed by Cambridge International
Examinations. This lively textbook, written by an experienced author and teacher, delivers comprehensive
coverage of the IGCES Mathematics syllabus for both Core and Extended courses. O ering a wealth of
questions, supported by worked examples and diagrams, with hints and tips along the way to reinforce skills
and guide learning. The dynamic and quality text, endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations, has
been made available in print and e-book formats. The print book includes a CD-ROM of supplementary
materials including interactive revision questions, worksheets, worked solutions and calculator support. These
supplementary materials, except the interactive questions, are also included in the e-book version. Table of
Contents Introduction Acknowledgements Unit 1: 1. Reviewing number concepts 2. Making sense of algebra 3.
Lines, angles and shapes 4. Collecting, organising and displaying data Unit 2: 5. Fractions 6. Equations and
transforming formulae 7. Perimeter, area and volume 8. Introduction to probability Unit 3: 9. Sequences and
sets 10. Straight lines and quadratic equations 11. Pythagoras` theorem and similar shapes 12. Averages and
measures of spread Unit 4: 13. Understanding measurements 14. Further solving of equations and inequalities
15. Scale drawings, bearings and trigonometry 16. Scatter diagrams and correlation Unit 5: 17. Managing
money 18. Curved graphs 19. Symmetry and loci 20. Histograms and frequency distribution diagrams Unit 6: 21.
Ratio, rate and proportion 22. More equations, formulae and functions 23. Transformations and matrices 24.
Probability using tree diagrams Examination practice: structure questions for Units 4-6 Exercise answers
Glossary Index. Printed Pages: 635.
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