Uploaded by Maneth Caparos

Consumer Perception & Marketing Lesson Activity

Maneth M. Caparos – Lesson 2
In your own words, define and expound the meaning of perception.
Perception is a set of process where people become aware through their senses
and understand things to create mental image of a new concept. When we construe
a situation or events we are then in position to respond. However, perception may
become different in some particular ways from person to person. That is why,
perception plays a very important role in the lives of each consumers as well as to
the manufacturers who produces products that can satisfy each consumer needs.
Before a consumer buys a product, they must be aware that it exist. In order to
do that, the marketing viewpoint must know how selective perception of each
consumer works. These includes the consumers’ attention, comprehension, and
Consumers pays attention to what is consistent, with their attitudes and
beliefs and disregard the messages that are inconsistent. Another thing is that, they
understand the information, so that it is consistent with their attitudes and beliefs.
And lastly, consumers can’t recall all the information they’ve heard and see, so they’ll
just retain some information which supports their attitudes and beliefs.
Marketers must be aware of the set of processes their consumers perceived. For
them to achieve their desired results.
Choose one product available in the market (any kind of product), then try to
assess that certain product base on different perceptions/point of view. You
can use differences in gender, age, taste and/or profession.
In consumer perception price, value and quality of the product may seem to
surface during selection. And these all lies in the eyes of the consumer. What may
seemed to be high quality to one consumer may not be the same to the other.
Mostly, consumers used price as an indicator of high quality. The higher the price is
the more it is valued and is good in quality even with the absence of information.
Some consumers also evaluates a products quality from where it produce
and/or made. Rice for example, is essential to sustain life and this the reason why
we often consider the quality of it.
Producers and country may affect the significance of a product to consumers.
Rice were evaluated by its physical cues such as taste, smell, and the size. Other
also considers the type of distribution channel, price, packaging and the
manufacturer. This happens when the consumer where keen to rice value and
quality rather than its price. Consumers that are in upper-class tend to do this and
some of the middle-class which more likely affords the price while consumers in the
lower-class tend to set aside those information (value and quality) and buy what they
can afford.
Absence of rice is an absence of life in our culture. But what seems to be
important is that we eat rice in the same manner and for the reason it is beneficial for
living yet we perceives and assessed it differently.
Answer the following questions on the space provided after the lesson proper.
1. Should ads be judged in the context of the brand, the intended audience
and whether it is appropriate to the product being promoted?
 The advertisements has an impact on each consumers thinking as well
as on the attitude towards to a specific product being promoted. In
order to persuade or convince the target audience of the said product
the content of the ads must be appropriate to the message the product
has. This is to avoid confusion and satisfy the end users of the
products. However, the advertisements must also be categorized and
minimized to only target audience to avoid later misunderstanding and
misused of products.
2. Wicked Campers’ image is all about having some fun and not taking life
seriously. The tone in the outdoor advertising campaign is colloquial,
direct and honest – which is shocking to people who are not part of the
target market. Or do these ads reinforce stereotypes of backpackers and
Australians as being sex-crazed, loud and unsophisticated? Do their ads
insult minority groups? Do their ads demean women (and men) by
depicting them as sex objects? Are Wicked Campers’ slogans unethical
or just for fun?
 From the name itself “wicked” we can say that this Australian camper
van rental company has naughty and annoying playful tone in its
sleeves. It may be defended on providing fun to the users or costumers
but for me, they actually promoting services which aren’t for fun but
offensive and unethical. From the van which has disturbing colors and
prints to its defects during use made the costumers dissatisfied and
bothers non-costumers. Since the tone in this outdoor advertising
campaign is colloquial, direct and honest the target market
segmentation must be implemented to narrower segment of the
audience, among which they can be advertised. This is to categorize
this advertisement to those who are open-minded people and respect
the minority groups who are against to their slogans and services. This
is not to restrain the business but to avoid spreading it to wide range of
target markets.