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Gravity Tutorial: Mass, Force, and Distance

Gravity– Cpalms Tutorial
Tutorial Objective: By the end of this tutorial you should be able to recognize that every object exerts gravitational force
on every other object and that the strength of this force depends on how much mass the objects have and the distance
between them.
1.4 Mass
Mass is
High-mass objects will have ________________________ matter and low-mass objects will have
________________________ matter.
1.5 Practice 1
Write down the 3 statements that are true about mass:
1.6 Gravity
Gravity is:
1.7 Practice 2
Write down the 3 statements that are true about gravity:
1.8 Gravity & Mass
We know that objects have _______________________ and we also know that gravity is a force that acts between
objects. But how are gravity and mass related? Simply put, gravitational force, represented by a lower case “g”,
_______________________ with mass. More massive objects will exert a _______________________ pull relative to
less massive objects, but _______________________ objects pull on each other.
Explain how gravity would impact you differently on the Earth, Sun, and Moon
1.9 Practice 3
Put the objects in order from least to greatest gravitational force and mass.
1.10 Gravity and Distance
What would happen if the Earth were much farther away from
the Sun?
The mass of the objects ____________________ change,
because they still would have the same amount of
____________________, but the effect of the Sun on our planet
would be much ____________________ due to the increased
distance between them. From this, you should recognize that
gravity is not only affected by the ____________________ of the
objects, but also the ____________________ between them.
1.11 Practice 4
Mark the 1 statement that is true and explain why the other are not correct.
_____ The gravity between two objects decreases as they get closer together.
_____ If the Earth were to move farther from the Sun, the Sun’s effect on the Earth would decrease.
_____ Gravity is only dependent on mass and thus distance has no effect on the strength of the gravitational force
between two objects.
_____ Distance between objects will affect the mass of the objects more than the gravity of the objects.
_____ If the Earth were to move farther from the Sun, the Sun’s effect on the Earth would increase.
1.12 Lesso Review: Write 3-4 sentences that summarize the lesson
Glue the Math Toolbox activity from page 90 in the space below.