Uploaded by Aimee Taylor-Reed

Adverse Event Investigation Guidance Form

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Guidance Form on Investigation Information Gathering
1. Where and when did the adverse event happen?
Were Photos Taken: Yes ☐ No ☐
hh / mm
Date Accident Report Sent to Park City Consulting:
dd / mm / yyyy
dd / mm / yyyy
2. Who was injured/suffered ill health or was otherwise involved with the adverse event?
Full Name(s):
3. How the adverse event happened (Note any equipment involved):
Bullet point description of chain of events in chronological order:
What happened and who did what before, during and after the event?
Was there any plant and equipment involved? (Use nameplates of equipment if necessary).
List Model numbers, machine numbers, model type, year of manufacturer, supplier?
Were shop floor processes or layout changes regular or not?
4. What activities were being conducted before, during and at the time of the event?
Bullet point the activities/description.
5. Was there anything unusual or different about the working conditions?
Were there new sources of danger unknown to the employee(s)?
Were they prepared to deal with the new situations?
Were work conditions or processes significantly different to normal? (Give detail if so).
Were employees or operatives unaware of any new working methods involved?
Were workers or supervisors aware of any changes?
Were workers and/or supervisors sufficiently trained for any changing circumstances?
Were there any changes in the ground surface or weather conditions where the injury took place?
E.g., raining, wet surfaces, icy etc
6. Were there adequate safe working procedures in place and were they followed?
Evidence of SWPs
Is there any presence of:
Culture of “we’ve been doing it for years?”
“Nothing’s gone wrong before?”
Blame culture?
Passing responsibility onto someone else?
Anyone stipulating the cause?
7. What injuries or ill health effects, if any, were caused?
Please list which parts of the body have been injured.
Nature of injury i.e., bruising, crushing, burn, cut, broken bone etc.
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8. If there was an injury, how did it occur and what caused it?
What was the mode of the injury? i.e. Was it a harmful object that inflicted the injury?
The way in which the injury was sustained.
9. Was the risk known? If so, why wasn’t it controlled? If it was not known, why not?
Was the risk known or unknown?
Was it communicated to staff?
Was what the source of danger?
Was it appreciated and understood by all concerned?
Were risk controls adequately in place?
10. Did the Organisation and arrangement of the work influence the adverse event? If so, how?
Were standards of supervision, monitoring, SWPs in place?
Were there lack of skills and knowledge present?
Were there inappropriate working procedures taking place?
Lack of planning?
Were there consequences of any employee’s actions and priorities?
Were there high production targets in place?
Were safety measures degraded?
11. Was maintenance and cleaning sufficient? If not, give details why not.
State of repair/condition of workplace/premises?
Were maintenance/examinations conducted?
Uneven floors?
Ease of movement around workspaces?
Poor storage?
Slips, trips, and falls?
12. Were the people involved competent and suitable for the activities taking place? If so, give
evidence/records of IITS.
Were there any misunderstandings?
Lack of respect toward any person(s)?
Immaturity/inexperience present?
Poor handling or work equipment/tools?
Healthy, fit for work in the role given?
13. Did the workplace layout influence the adverse event? If so, how?
Sharp table edges?
Naked lights?
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Poor Organisation of layout?
Clear walkways/access?
FLT movement in area?
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14. Did the nature or shape of the materials influence the adverse event? If so, how?
Weight, quality, or packaging involved.
Awkward material to handle?
Slinters, poisonous chemicals?
Equipment failing during normal process?
15. Did difficulties using the plant and equipment influence the adverse event? If so, how?
Were any user instructions available?
Were any user manuals read before use?
16. Was the safety equipment sufficient? What equipment: was it in place, was it in a serviceable state,
and was it used correctly?
Extra safety equipment at machines?
Power supply isolation equipment and procedures in place?
Was PPE used as appropriate?
LEV in use, building ventilation system in place as required?
17. Did other conditions influence the adverse event?
Long working hours?
Defective supplies?
Trespassing or sabotage?
Disagreements, misunderstandings between person(s) involved?
18. What were the immediate, underlying, and root causes?
Immediate causes (the agent of injury i.e., the blade, substance, dust etc.).
Underlying causes (unsafe acts and conditions i.e., guard removed, vent switch off etc.)
Root causes? (Management failure to identify training needs, assess competence, no risk assessment etc.).
19. Any other points? Evidence? Statements taken? Email correspondence?
Evidence of meetings and minutes?
Disclosed doctor’s notes?
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