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General Chemistry II Syllabus - Columbia University

Columbia University
COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is the second part of a two-semester sequence in
general chemistry.
The second term of the sequence focuses largely on (1) gases, liquids, solids and
solutions (2) chemical equilibria including acid/base chemistry (3) thermodynamics
(energy flow) (4) kinetics and, time permitting electrochemistry.
You should have a solid understanding of high school chemistry and good basic
mathematics skills to be successful in the course. There is no chemistry laboratory corequisite.
Prof. Angelo Cacciuto
Office Hour: 10:30-11:30am Wednesday
Office Location: 322 Havemeyer Hall
email: chem1404ac@gmail.com
Albert D Chen
Office Hour: Fri 1:15-2:15 pm @ 7th floor Havemeyer lounge
Pavan Ravindra
Office Hour: Wed 4-5 pm @ 7th floor Havemeyer lounge
REQUIRED TEXT: The text for the course is Chemical Principles (8th Edition) by
Steven S. Zumdahl, Houghton Mifflin Co. Ancillary materials, such as a Student
Solutions Manual with detailed answers to the homework problems are available.
LECTURE AND RECITATION: The lecture course meets twice weekly and presents
primarily the conceptual aspects of the course. Enrollment in a recitation (discussion)
section is mandatory. The recitation is led by a teaching assistant to go over problemsolving strategies and homework. Quizzes will also be given during the recitations.
Attendance at all lectures and recitations is highly recommended.
GRADING: There are 4 scheduled quizzes in recitation, three midterm exams, and a
comprehensive final. There are no make-up exams or quizzes. Midterms exams will
be given during the lecture period at regularly scheduled intervals Quizzes (approx 15
min) will be given during the semester in the recitation sections.
Approximate schedule of classes
Exams & Quizzes will be on stated dates
Sec02 Monday
Sec03 Monday
Sec04 Tuesday
Sec05 Tuesday
Sec08 Thursday
Sec09 Friday
3:10pm-4:00pm TA
6:10pm-7:00pm TA
2:10pm-3:00pm TA
5:10pm-6:00pm TA
3:10pm-4:00pm TA
12:10pm-1:00pm TA
253 Engineering Terrace
224 Pupin Laboratories
503 Hamilton Hall
609 Hamilton Hall
507 Philosophy Hall
301 Hamilton Hall
Disability Services:
In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations for this
course, students must first be registered with their school’s Disability
Services (DS) office.
Detailed information is available online for both the Columbia and Barnard
registration processes. Refer to the appropriate website for information
regarding deadlines, disability documentation requirements, and drop-in
hours (Columbia) / intake session (Barnard).
Columbia students do not need to provide an accommodation letter to the
faculty member or the Chemistry Department for this course. Columbia
students do not need to have the faculty member or the Chemistry
Department sign DS Testing Forms for this course. Barnard students should
go to 340 Havemeyer.
Please pay particular attention to the questions:
"What do I need to bring to the exams?"
"What can I NOT have during the exams?"
When are the exams?
Exam 1: February 13, 2023 (during class time).
Exam 2: March 27, 2023 (during class time).
Exam 3: May 1, 2023 (during class time).
Final Exam: TBA
Please make a note of the dates of the above exams because there will be NO make-up
You are expected to take all exams. However, if you should miss one exam, you will
receive a 0 on that exam and that will be your dropped grade. If you miss a second exam
or the final exam (which counts for up to two exam equivalents), this will have a serious
impact on your grade. Any student who would like to request a change in exam date (for
all students) for religious beliefs must contact their Dean, who will evaluate the situation
and make a request to the Instructor on their behalf. Students are required to notify their
Dean of any conflict with the exam dates. Any student who is absent from an exam for
medical reasons must contact their Dean immediately. An absence from an exam, for any
reason, will result in a zero grade; the Instructor will only consider modifying the grade
upon receipt of a written petition from the Dean. This means neither faculty nor TAs
should receive any requests from you for make-up exams, for changes to the grading
scheme related to missed exams, for requests for Incomplete grades due to missed exams,
etc. The ONLY communication to faculty on these matters should be from the Dean after
you have discussed the situation with your Dean.
See the Instructor immediately if you have an “official conflict” (defined in the Bulletin
as 3 exams on the same day or two exams at the same time) that prevents you from taking
the Final Exam at the regularly scheduled time. If you miss, or expect to miss, the Final
Exam for any other reason, you must request the grade of INC (incomplete) from the
Dean’s Office of your School (Instructors are not allowed to grant an INC status without
authorization from the Dean’s Office).
What is the nature of the exams?
• The exams will be multiple-choice, with 25 questions, each worth one point, except for
the Final Exam, which will be 40 questions.
• Each question will have up to five answer choices, labeled "a" through "e," only one of
which is correct
• There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so it is to your advantage to answer every
What are the arrangements for the exam room?
The in-semester exams will be given in 309 Havemeyer Hall at the given dates and
will run for the duration of the class.
• There will be assigned seating for the exams. You will be able to see your seat
assignment in the Grade Book on Courseworks several days prior to each exam. You will
not be allowed to take the exam if you are not in the seat assigned to you.
• The exams are scheduled to start at the official beginning of the class period so you
should arrive prior to this time.
What will the exams look like?
• Each actual physical exam consists of two things: an exam booklet in which the exam
questions are written and an answer sheet—a "bubble" sheet—on which you will enter
your answers to the exam questions
• The exam booklet will provide space beside each question for you to do calculations,
make sketches, or write notes.
• The exam booklet will include a periodic table, a page of physical constants, conversion
factors, and/or a list of equations that will be needed on the exam. While many equations
will be given, you may still need to manipulate these equations into a somewhat different
form to do the problems.
What course material will the exams cover?
• Material covered on each exam will be announced in class prior to each exam. You are
typically required to know all material covered in class and/or on lecture slides as well as
material covered by suggested homework problems and recitation quizzes unless
otherwise stated.
What do I need to bring to the exams?
• You will need to have your student ID card
• You will need to have your uni — entered on the "bubble" sheet to identify it as yours.
• You will need one or more No. 2 pencils, with erasers, to use to fill in your answer
choices in the "bubbles" on the answer sheet.
• You will need the departmentally approved TI-30XS Multiview calculator. You can
not use any other calculator.
• At the completion of the exam, you must leave the scantron, blue books, and test
exam sheets in the classroom.
What can I NOT have or DO during the exam?
• You can not have any calculator other than the TI-30XS Multiview
• You can not have a cell phone, smart phone, PDA, MP3 player, CD Player, tape
recorder, or any other portable electronic device accessible during the exam. Any
electronic device that you have with you must be stored in a closed briefcase, backpack,
purse, etc. placed on the floor at the front of the classroom during the exam. Make
sure you turn all cell phones off before placing them in your bag at the front of the exam
during class.
• You can not have any books, notebooks, index cards, or paper, even blank paper,
accessible during the exam. We will supply additional blank paper if necessary.
• If you leave the room during the exam, you cannot return.
What if I have a question during the exam?
Any student who thinks there may be an error in an exam question should raise their hand
to attract the attention of a TA. The TA will not provide any interpretation pertaining to
an exam question but will bring the issue to the Instructor and any correction, if
necessary, will be written on the board at the front of the exam room.
How and when will I find out my grade?
• Grades will be posted to Courseworks once all the tests are graded. If there appears to
be an error in the grading of your exam, please send an e-mail to your TA notifying
them of the problem and they will inform you of what action needs to be taken. All
requests for re-grading must be received within one calendar week of the return of the
grade – this is true also for quizzes; grade adjustments will not be made after this time.
• A list of answers will be made available to students. Worked out solutions will not be
• A copy of the exam and/or a copy of your bubble sheet can be made available upon
request after grades have been posted. To receive a copy, please send an e-mail to your
How will my work be evaluated?
As mentioned above, there will be three in-semester exams, and one final
Of the three in-semester exams, each accounting for 20% of your final
grade, the one with your lowest score will be dropped when evaluating
your final grade.
To determine your score we will be using the z-score (or standard
score). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score
The final exam accounts for 40% of your final grade.
There will be four quizzes during the semester. These are held during
the TA recitations (you can ONLY take the quiz in the recitation you
have been assigned to, unless otherwise specified). The quiz with the
lowest z-scores will be dropped in the evaluation of your total quiz
score. All together your quizzes will account for 20% of your final score.
To summarize:
In-semester exams 40%
Final Exam
[There is NO grade trading between the different parts of the total
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What happens if I cheat and I am caught?
Cheating in any form (including, but not limited to, copying answers from another
student, talking to another student, and being in possession of forbidden material during
the exam) will not be condoned and will be handled in accordance with University
policies. The consequences of cheating are severe: your grade will be lowered for any
finding of cheating and your grade may be lowered all the way to an F.
Please also refer to the Columbia University guidelines:
Academic integrity and cheating
Please refer to the Columbia University guidelines for the class policies on
Columbia University Undergraduate Guide to Academic Integrity