LONGMAN INlRODUcrORY COURSE FOR THE TOEFCTEST THE PAPER TEST DEBORAH PHILLIPS "OEB. is the: regl.'ilCrec..I trademark 1)( Educational TcslinlC Se"",t."Ct. 11m publication 15 nUl endorsed or approved by I31'S. - LONGMAN LO NGMAN D ICTIONARY 01 AM ERICAN E NG LI S H INTRODUCTORY COURSE FOR THE TOEFrTEST The Paper Test ~ '-~ DEBORAH PHILLIPS Thb. comprehcnshc C()ur.~ p rovides ;,Jlermedlale studen ts (TOEFL (cs t SCOres 38Q....f80) with IllI..' :skills, str.ltcgics, prdctice, and confidence the)' need 10 improve thdr SCOIt":!'I on all section!'! o f the paper TOEFl. lest, incilldin ~ lht.' TcM ofWriucn Englbh (,.."",1.; ). The InlroduclOlY Paper Test h22kfeatllres: • Langmlge skills sections that COVtT the imcrmctliatc·tcvd 1:lIlgu:lgc skills regularly testeu ()11 the p:lperTO EFL tcst, as well :IS Ih e "Itst of Written English • Practice exercises for each of the 1;lIlgu:lSc skills Ih;11 max imize understanding :lnd rctt.'ntion of lhose skills • Test-taking strategies fo r each sc.:Clion of the papt.'r It'st that pmvitlt clea rly d efined ::.tcps ( 0 improve leSI perfo rmance • Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests th;!1 allow Sllltlc:IlIS 10 idelllif)' s lrcngth ~ and wc~knesse ... :1110 as,', ;css improveme nt in eadl section • Two complete introductory-level prac tice tests Ih:u f;lmil iariz(' ~lU(knls with the actual lest format using questions thai test unly in tt:rmcoi;tlc"lc:vd la n~UaAt" skills • One complete TOEFL-level practice test that "lIuws silidellls to sec huw Ihe skills in this [cxt :Ire illc."orpo r.u cd inlO an officiaHevd TOEfL leS[ and to d e termin e thdr approximate TOEFL scores • Progress chans that ;tllow sttllkms 10 ket:p t rack of their improvement O The IlIlroducJOIY Paper Test CD-ROMfeilllu"cS: • Over 1,000 Que... tions that cover clIc h sc::cl io!l of Ihe lc:~ t • Skills practice exerci.,es for l':ICll of Ihl' langll:lgl' skills presen ted in tIll: text • Introduc tory-level prac tice tests that simulate the fo rmat and liming o f th e: :lCUl;11 paper TOEFL test • Pop-up explanations for all pr.tUice and tt.:SI items • Record-keeping to monitor SlUdl"nl prowc:ss System Re uirements Components of the lotlgllum 11llrOfluc tory COllrse fa,. tbe 10EFL ~ Te..~t: l1Je P"peJ- Test Hook and Cl)..ROM with Answer K4:Y 0..1 j -I84 7 I K. X Book and CD-ROM without Answer Key 0-13-184719-8 Audio IlrognlOl Audio f.."a,SC:Ut::S (4) 0-1 3- 184717-1 Audio CJ) ~ (4) 0-1 :). 1817 I ()-3 Nn tc: Tn u:-.c Iho:: Ibtl'nillg M.'CCiOIi of thb IxXlk" y.)U IIlIiSI 11:1\'t: till' ~utlio pn:~r.lln, which IS !>olc.J sc p,.r.. tt"l)', TIll: ;lUdi!) m:ll cri:11 1J1I the CI)..ItO!\1 i:. lliffcrt:nt froOl Ihal Oil Ih o:: ~udi() Pfl~I1l , PEARSON .Longman Visit www.longman.com/ toefl 9 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ix SECTION ONE: LISTENING COMPREHENSION DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST 3 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 9 The Listening Part A Questions 10 SKILL 1: Restatements EXERCISE 1 TOEFL EXERCISE 1 11 12 13 SKILL 2: Negatives EXERCISE 2 TOEFL EXERCISE 2 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) 14 14 15 16 SKILL 3: Suggestions EXERCISE 3 TOEFL EXERCISE 3 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-3) 16 17 18 18 SKILL 4: Passives EXERCISE 4 TOEFL EXERCISE 4 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) 19 20 21 22 SKILL 5: Who and where EXERCISES TOEFL EXERCISE 5 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-5) 23 24 24 25 SKILL 6: Agreement EXERCISE 6 TOEFL EXERCISE 6 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) 26 27 27 28 The Listening Part B Questions 30 SKILL 7: The questions EXERCISE 7 32 32 SKILL 8: The topic EXERCISE 8 34 34 SKILL 9: The order of the answers EXERCISE 9 TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 7-9) 35 36 37 iii iv CONTENTS The Listening Part C Questions 38 SKILL 10: The questions EXERCISE 10 40 40 SKILL 11: The topic EXERCISE 11 42 42 SKILL 12: The order of the answers EXERCISE 12 TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 10-12) 44 TOEFL POST-TEST 43 45 46 SECTION TWO: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST 55 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 62 The Structure Questions 63 SKILL 1: Subjects and verbs EXERCISE 1 64 65 SKILL 2: Objects of prepositions EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) 67 67 68 SKILL 3: Present participles EXERCISE 3 69 70 SKILL 4: Past participles EXERCISE 4 EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) 66 70 72 72 73 74 SKILL 5: Coordinate connectors EXERCISE 5 75 76 SKILL 6: Adverb clause connectors EXERCISE 6 EXERCISE (Skills 5-6) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 5-6) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) 76 77 78 80 SKILL 7: Noun clause connectors EXERCISE 7 81 82 SKILL 8: Noun clause connector/subjects EXERCISE 8 EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-8) 82 79 84 84 85 86 CONTENTS SKILL 9: Adjective clause connectors EXERCISE 9 87 88 SKILL 10: Adjective clause connector/subjects EXERCISE 10 EXERCISE (Skills 9-10) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-10) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10) 89 90 91 91 92 The Written Expression Questions 94 SKILL 11: Agreement after prepositional phrases EXERCISE 11 95 96 SKILL 12: Agreement after expressions of quantity EXERCISE 12 96 97 SKILL 13: Agreement after certain words EXERCISE] 3 EXERCISE (Skills 11-13) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 11-13) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-13) 98 98 99 100 101 SKILL 14: Parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions 102 EXERCISE 14 103 SKILL 15: Parallel structure with paired conjunctions EXERCISE 15 EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15) 104 105 ]05 106 107 SKILL 16: Past participles after have EXERCISE 16 108 108 SKILL 17: Present participles or past participles after be EXERCISE 17 109 109 SKILL 18: Base form verbs after modals EXERCISE 18 EXERCISE (Skills 16-18) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18) 110 110 111 111 112 SKILL 19: Singular and plural nouns EXERCISE 19 114 114 SKILL 20: Countable and uncountable nouns EXERCISE 20 EXERCISE (Skills 19-20) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 19-20) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-20) 115 116 116 117 118 SKILL 2 1: Subject and object pronouns EXERCISE 21 119 120 V vi CONTENTS SKILL 22: Possessives EXERCISE 22 120 121 SKILL 23: Pronoun reference EXERCISE 23 EXERCISE (Skills 21-23) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 21-23) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-23) 122 122 123 124 125 SKILL 24: Adjectives and adverbs EXERCISE 24 126 127 SKILL 25: Adjectives after linking verbs EXERCISE 25 EXERCISE (Skills 24-25) TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 24-25) TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-25) 128 129 130 130 131 TOEFL POST-TEST 133 SECTION THREE: READING COMPREHENSION DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TEST 143 READING COMPREHENSION 154 The Reading Comprehension Questions 155 SKILL 1: Main idea questions TOEFL EXERCISE 1 156 158 SKILL 2: Stated detail questions TOEFL EXERCISE 2 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) 160 162 165 SKILL 3: Unstated detail questions TOEFL EXERCISE 3 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-3) 168 170 172 SKILL 4: Implied detail questions TOEFL EXERCISE 4 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) 175 176 179 SKILL 5: Vocabulary in context questions TOEFL EXERCISE 5 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-5) 182 183 186 SKILL 6: "Where" questions TOEFL EXERCISE 6 TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) 189 190 193 TOEFL POST-TEST 198 CONTENTS TEST OF WRITTEN ENGLISH (TWE) The Writing Score 211 212 212 Sample Essays Before Writing The writing topic The supporting ideas 218 218 221 The introductory paragraph The supporting paragraphs The concluding paragraph 224 224 226 229 SKILL 6: Edit sentence structure 6A: Simple sentence structure 6B: Compound sentence structure 6C: Complex sentence structure 231 231 231 233 235 SKILL 7: Edit written expression 7A: Agreement and parallel structure 7B: Verbs and nouns 7C: Pronouns and adjectives 238 238 239 240 SKILL 1: SKILL 2: While Writing SKILL 3: SKILL 4: SKILL 5: After Writing Practice Tests 241 COMPLETE TESTS 243 COMPLETE TEST ONE-INTRODUCTORY LEVEL COMPLETE TEST TWO-INTRODUCTORY LEVEL COMPLETE TEST THREE-TOEFL LEVEL APPENDIXES APPENDIX A: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: 245 269 293 319 Similar sounds Prepositions Word endings Irregular verb forms Word parts SCORES AND CHARTS Progress Chart Scoring Complete Test Three Diagnostic Charts 321 328 330 334 338 351 353 354 357 ANSWER SHEETS 365 RECORDING SCRIPT 381 vii