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ACS 202 w6a1

Week 6 Assignment 1 ACS 202
*Read each scenario and properly code all diagnosis codes:
1. A 65-year-old male patient was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, specified as rheumatic.
He has a history of rheumatic heart disease as a child. He underwent a mitral valve
replacement using porcine tissue, open approach.
ICD-10-CM: ______I05.9_____________________________________ (1)
2. The patient was admitted to the hospital directly from the ER. He complained of shortness of
breath, excessive tiredness and leg swelling. According to his physician, these symptoms,
which came on suddenly, indicate heart failure. He has a history of atherosclerotic heart
disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris, primary hypertension, and ten
years ago he sustained an acute myocardial infarction. Based on his symptoms and his history,
his physician ordered percutaneous placement of a Swan-Ganz catheter in the superior vena
ICD-10-CM Code(s): ___I25.10____I10 ____I21.9 ____ 02HV32Z _______________________ (4)
3. A 75-year-old man, suffering from severe unilateral primary osteoarthritis, underwent an
open left hip replacement with ceramic on ceramic and no cementing. He also suffers from
chronic renal failure, requiring dialysis 3 times per week. His physician stated that the
patient’s chronic kidney disease; end stage is most likely due to hypertension that went
undiagnosed for many years. This admission, in fact, is the first time in several years that he
has been seen by any physician. According to his physician, “It’s a wonder he’s still alive,
especially because of his end stage renal disease. The patient is now renal dialysis dependent
and received two hemodialysis treatments during this hospital stay.
ICD-10-CM Code(s): __M16.12 _I12.0 N18.6 Z99.2 ____________________________________
4. The patient, a 25-year-old man, was a passenger in a motor vehicle accident involving collision
with another car in which he sustained non-displaced hairline fractures of capitate bone and
the trapezoid. His physician diagnosed his right hand with post-traumatic arthritis. To correct
this condition, the patient underwent an inter-carpal fusion of the right hand with bone bank
bone graft, open. Note: Assign E code for external cause of injury.
Week 6 Assignment 1 ACS 202
ICD-10-CM Code(s): ____S62.134A S62.184A ___M19.13 ________________________________