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Moringa Seed Powder for Wastewater Treatment

A Research Paper
presented to the Faculty of Our Lady of Pillar College
San Manuel, Incorporated
In Partial Fulfilment in the
Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Jaybell Freda Faye Basilio
Joyce Khyla Nicolas
Valerie Baguistan
Najel Kim Lovino
Dave Manangan
Arvin Juan
May 2022
This work is dedicated wholeheartedly and proudly to our family, who have always
been there for us mentally, physically, and financially, to our community, which needed change
and knowledge over certain things, and to our friends, who have always been there for us in
the midst of problems while doing this work.
We also dedicate this to Mr. Merwin Andrei Simon, our research adviser, for his efforts
and patience in assisting us in finishing this project. Above all, we are grateful to our Almighty
God, who has blessed us with blessings, guidance, strength, knowledge, and perseverance
throughout our research. The Lord is worthy of all praise.
The Researchers
Many people have bestowed upon us their blessings and moral support in the successful
completion of this project and we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone
who has played a role in assisting us in completing this project.
Primarily we would like to thank GOD for his presence, and guidance, and for giving
us wisdom and knowledge.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Merwin Andrei Simon, our
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion adviser, whose invaluable advice helped us patch this
project and make it a complete success. We would also like to thank our Principal, Ms. Marijoe
Pimentel, and the panelist, whose suggestions and instructions were instrumental in the
completion of this project.
We would also like to thank Mr. John Henry Centeno for helping us in conducting the
water analysis in the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Without his help, we are not
able to finish this project.
We want to thank our parents for supporting and allowing us to conduct this project.
The researchers want to express their wholehearted thanks to those who helped in
understanding this project.
The Researchers
TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………………………i
DEDICATION………………………………………………………………………………. .ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………………………………………. .iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………….iv
Statement of the Problem………………………………………….………6
Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………8
Significance of the Study………………………………………………...12
Scope and Limitations……………………………………………………13
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………13
Related Literature…………………………………………………………15
Related Studies……………………………………………………...…….22
Research Design…....................................................................................37
Research Subject…………………………………………………………37
Research Instrument…...........................…………………………………37
Research Procedures…...................………………………………………38
Treatment of Data………………………………………………………...42
Due to the growing problem of the shortage of clean and purified water, the study aimed to
know the effectiveness of Moringa oleifera seed powder as a wastewater treatment agent.
Various research through their way of assessment has named Moringa oleifera as a
coagulant and a water purification agent effective against certain factors that make the water
unclean. However, some previous studies did not specifically include the difference between
the water before and after treatment. They focused mainly on Moringa oleifera and its
properties which drive the researchers to conduct a comparative analysis in the new study to
find out how effective the said seed powder was.
Compatible with other research, the findings revealed that Moringa oleifera produces an
effect or conducts a change to the physicochemical properties of the wastewater sample. In the
irrigation water, the pH turned out to be neither neutral nor acidic while ammonia nitrogen
remained the same. Also, Nitrite Nitrogen, Alkalinity, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, and Hardness
decreased. In the domestic water, the pH resulted as acidic while Ammonia Nitrogen and
Nitrite Nitrogen are consistent. Likewise with the irrigation wastewater sample, Alkalinity,
Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, and Hardness also declined. As seen in the findings, it reduces the
harmful properties of the wastewater. This only concludes and proves that Moringa oleifera
seed powder is effective as a wastewater treatment agent.
Water is required for the survival of all plants and animals. There can be no life on our
planet without water. What role does water have in your life? Sixty 60) percent of our body
weight is made up of water (Velayutham, 2019). Around seventy-one (71) percent of the Earth's
surface is covered by water, with the seas holding ninety-six point five (96.5) percent of all
water on the globe. Water can be found in rivers and lakes, ice caps and glaciers, soil moisture,
and aquifers, as well as in you and your pet (Water Science School, 2019). Water is vital to
humans, animals, and organisms, however, due to the world's rapid population growth, water
has become highly contaminated or polluted, also due to a large amount of wastewater resulting
in a global problem.
As stated by the Safe Drinking water Foundation, wastewater is contaminated water
that must be treated before being released into another body of water to avoid further
contamination. Wastewater can be produced in several ways. Whatever you flush down the
toilet or rinse down the drain is considered wastewater. Rainwater and runoff, together with
various pollutants, move to a wastewater treatment facility through street gutters. Wastewater
from agriculture and industry can also be a source of wastewater.
According to Cristina Tuser (2020), the makeup of wastewater is 99.9% water, with the
remaining 0.1 percent being removed. Organic materials, bacteria, and inorganic chemicals
make up 0.1 percent. Wastewater effluents are discharged into lakes, ponds, streams, rivers,
estuaries, and seas, among other places. Storm runoff comprises dangerous elements that wash
off roads, parking lots, and rooftops. Domestic wastewater is wastewater created by human
activities in households such as bathing, laundry, dishwashing, garbage disposal, toilets, and
so on. It often contains modest amounts of contaminants, but even little volumes of pollutants
can have a significant influence on the environment. Water scarcity has become one of the
most serious threats facing civilization today, as a result of global water shortages. While a
lack of safe drinking water is becoming a severe worry for the entire human race, a variety of
solutions are being developed to address these issues (Tarseem, 2016). As a result, a properly
designed and maintained domestic sewage treatment system will reduce the impact of
household wastewater on ground water and surface water as stated by Akruthi Enviro
According to the World Health Organization, two-point one (2.1) billion people still do
not have access to safe drinking water every day. As a result, millions of poor people around
the world are unable to drink, cook, or bathe in safe drinking water. Water scarcity and
contamination kill three pint four (3.4) million people per year in the world, with two-point one
(2.1) billion people lacking access to clean, safe drinking water. Every day, millions of women
and children spend three to six hours (3-6) hours collecting water from contaminated and
distant sources. Diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid are all diseases that can be caused by
drinking contaminated water, resulting in serious health issues in the community. According
to Varkey 2018, every continent today is highly affected by a lack of clean, potable water.
According to The Borgen Project, nine million Filipinos, out of a total population of
over one hundred million, rely on contaminated water sources. In reality, every day in the
Philippines, fifty-five (55) people die as a result of water pollution and a lack of effective
sewage treatment. Access to adequate sanitation facilities is a problem for more than thirty (30)
million Filipinos, according to Katrina Arianne Ebora, a member of UNICEF's Water,
Sanitation and Hygiene program in the Philippines. This segment of the population is
compelled to spend a lot of time, effort, and money to get water. Families that don't have access
to a hygienic toilet are frequently embarrassed to go outside to relieve themselves. Some people
even go so far as to beg their neighbors to use their sanitary facilities. As a result of water
pollution in the Philippines, the country is projected to suffer a water deficit in the next ten
years for sanitation, drinking, agriculture, and industry.
As mentioned by the Environmental Pollution and Climate Change, aquatic life forms
are also harmed by water pollution because a sufficient amount of fresh dissolved oxygen is
lost in water bodies due to increased toxicity levels. Toxicity, which is caused by water
pollution, causes aquatic life forms to die. While heavy metal toxicity can cause congenital
defects and retarded development, as well as being carcinogenic causing the aquatic
environment to be contaminated, making it difficult for light to flow through. When this
happens, photosynthesis is unable to occur, preventing the growth of microorganisms and
plants that support freshwater fish growth.
Even though each town has its water refilling station or water treatment procedure,
there's a good chance that the water coming out of our faucet has a certain amount of impurities.
Chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, and bacteria are just a handful of the things that
might harm you. Purified water is now required because water contamination can affect any
residence on the planet. Although there are various water filtration methods available, they are
far out of reach for most people due to high costs or a lack of technical know-how. As a result,
in rural and peri-urban settings, it is required to build a water filtration system based on locally
available raw materials (Nisha et.al, 2017).
A novel simple and cost-effective technology for purifying river water for use by rural
communities has been devised and tested, according to Varkey, in the year 2020. It involves
the use of Moringa seed powder as a natural coagulant and flocculation. Malunggay is a
common sight in Filipino families' backyards. The term "The Miracle Tree" comes from the
fact that all of its parts, including the leaves, pods, bark, seeds, fruits, and roots, are rich in
nutritional and medicinal benefits. Because it is located in every corner of our town, it is easy
to find (Adriano, 2018).
The moringa tree is one of the world's most nutrient-dense plants. Moringa (moringa)
is a tropical and subtropical plant that belongs to the Moringaceae family. It is a deciduous tree
that grows quickly. It can be used as a natural growth stimulant and green manure for plants
and soil. The "drumstick tree" is a common name for the Moringa oleifera plant. Horseradish
tree, ben oil tree, and benzoyl tree are some of the more prevalent names for this species. The
leaves, pods, seeds, flowers, fruits, and roots of the moringa tree are eaten as food, while others
are used as a treatment. The tree is a versatile species that may be used for herbal medicine,
spices, food, fertilizer, fodder, bee nectar, and natural coagulants. It is a key source of vital
amino acids, as well as vitamins A, B, and C, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid,
beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol calcium, and iron, it is also utilized as a good
supply of nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol calcium, and iron. The plant's antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anticancer properties have also been reported.
Moringa is a potent fungicidal and anti-infective herb (El-Hack et.al, 2018).
As mentioned by Technology Network (2019), the Moringa tree's seeds have a special
ability to purify water. They can also be used as an antimicrobial treatment because the
unprocessed seed powder can remove up to ninety percent (90%) of microorganisms from the
water. When the pathogen has developed resistance to front-line antibiotics, seed extracts could
be a promising option for chemical water treatment, food preservatives, or antibacterial
therapies. In creating sustainable water purification, the low cost and abundant availability of
this seed material could allow tiny communities in developing countries where Moringa
flourishes to offer clean water.
Traditionally, the seeds have been utilized in Sudan and Malawi's rural areas to improve
the quality of drinking water (Muyibi and Evison 1995; Anwar et al. 2007). M. Oleifera was
found in raw Nile water after flocculation up to ninety-seven (97) percent of the algae present
could be removed by the seeds (Shehata et al. 2002 as cited by Beekman 2009).
In African countries such as Nigeria, Rwanda, Malawi, Egypt, and Sudan, studies on
river water showed that turbidity and color were reduced by over 90%, while microorganisms
(such as Escherichia coli) were reduced by over 95%. The aqueous extract of Moringa seeds
reduced the quantity of Staphylococcus aureus coliforms in feces from rivers and wells. The
bacterial elimination efficiency of moringa seed powder was up to ninety-nine point five (99.5)
percent. Moringa seed powder can also help to lower the levels of heavy metals in water, such
as manganese, iron, copper, chrome, and zinc (Abd El-Hack et.al, 2018).
In Africa and South Asia, Moringa oleifera seeds have been advised for water
remediation. The seeds of the Moringa family, according to Jahn, are very effective water
coagulants with no hazardous side effects. In a study by Maata, Kaashi, and colleagues, it was
discovered that the activity of seed proteins is the primary cause of water clarity by Moringa
seeds. Proteins make up roughly thirty-seven percent (37%) of the Moringa seed kernel. The
fundamental polypeptides with molecular weights ranging from six thousand (6000) to sixteen
thousand (16000) Daltons are the main causes of clarifiers, according to the isolated Moringa
flocculants. The water clarity is aided by the functional groups in the Moringa seed proteins'
side-chain amino acids. The adsorption and neutralization of colloidal positive charges that
attract negatively charged impurities in water is the mechanism of coagulation with Moringa
oleifera seeds. Moringa seeds have a higher coagulant efficiency and, as a result, have a better
chance of being used as a water treatment coagulant alternative. Thus, in developing nations
where purchasing other coagulants is expensive and operating expenses are high, using native
Moringa seeds as primary coagulants for turbid waters clarity is advantageous in the production
of drinking water (Maata et. al, 2007).
The Philippines' water quality has deteriorated as a result of population growth,
urbanization, agriculture, and industrialization. Although the government continues to try to
address the problem by imposing fines and environmental taxes on offenders, many issues
remain unresolved (WEPA, n.d.). "We can't exist without water because it's such a valuable
resource." "However, there are still some Filipinos who are left behind in terms of improved
water sources, particularly in rural areas," said Dr. Gundo Weiler, WHO Representative in the
Philippines. Acute watery diarrhea was one of the top ten major causes of mortality in the
Philippines in 2016, killing over one-hundred thirty-nine thousand (139 000) people (WHO,
There is a need to utilize environmental resources as much as possible to address the
issue of declining water quality, and Malunggay is a plant that is extremely widespread in the
Philippines. That's why the researchers decided to perform a study to investigate if Malunggay
seeds could be used as a wastewater treatment agent. This study may help advance deeper
knowledge regarding the use of Malunggay.
The Department of Science and Technology's (2017-2022) research plan focuses on
water security challenges, and this study is part of that agenda. The objective of this study is to
test how effective seed extracts are against a few chemicals or bacteria found in raw water, as
well as to see how effective Moringa oleifera seed powder is as a wastewater treatment agent.
It intends to develop a coagulant that is a simple and cost-effective method for purifying river
water for community use, based on locally available raw materials that are abundant in our
nation. The researchers will use the 2016 Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent
Standards under section 5.0 Classification of Water Bodies in Table 1 entitled Water body
classification and Usage of Freshwater (pg.4) in Classification C where you will find the
agriculture, irrigation, and livestock watering where the study is aligned. By completing this
research, the researchers may be able to find a solution to the current problems that our country
is experiencing, such as water pollution and insufficient water treatment.
Statement of the Problem
Water is a basic necessity and consuming safe and filtered water is very much needed.
However, in some places, water pollution and contamination are emerging threat to health.
Additional to that, water treatment is lacking. Due to these problems, this study aims to
determine if Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lin.) seed extract which is a national common plant
is effective in wastewater treatment agent. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following
1. What are the physical and chemical properties of the waste water samples from the
irrigation of Dist. 4, San Manuel, Isabela?
2. To what extent do changes happen on the physiochemical properties of the wastewater
samples from the two different areas of irrigation after applying the treatment for 2
a. Physical properties
b. Chemical properties
3. How are the values of properties assessed deviates with the given standards of the
authorities on waste water properties both before and after applying of treatment?
a. pH
b. Ammonia Nitrogen
c. Nitrite Nitrogen
d. Alkalinity
e. Carbon Dioxide
f. Hardness
g. Chloride
Conceptual Framework
Drinking water can become contaminated chemically and/or biologically through
several routes, as shown in the model of Lackner et .al (2020). While (ground) water may
naturally include diverse compounds such as heavy metals, contamination is frequently
caused by artificial factors. Drinking water may contain (low amounts of) Micro Pollutants
(MP) and disinfection by-products, as well as "typical" pollution such as lead (e.g. from
outdated plumbing installations) (DBP). The latter can be generated from organic and
inorganic substances in raw water (for example, humic acids) and changed by treatment
methods like UV irradiation or chlorination. DBP has been reported to be made up of
chlorine, chloramine, and ozone. There are hundreds of different DBPs, and they are all
over the place. Chloroform was discovered in chlorinated drinking water in 1974 and
designated as the first disinfection by product (DBP). Micro pollutant transformation
products (TP) can also arise during disinfectant treatment of water and other advanced
oxidation processes. Pharmaceuticals and their metabolites/transformation products mostly
reach aquatic habitats through municipal wastewater treatment plant effluents, sewage
sludge discharges, livestock manure, and aquaculture activities.
While the model in the study of Hendrawati. et. al (2016) is in figure 2, means of
improving the quality of waste and groundwater. Water is a vital component of life. Water
is required for the survival of all living organisms on the planet. Water, on the other hand,
might be a problem if it is not available in the correct conditions. The use of water is
Figure 1: Pathways for emerging pollutants (EP) and impacts; DWT = drinking water
treatment; WWTP = wastewater treatment plant by Lackner et. al (2020).
Figure 2: Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total
Coliform (MPN) by Hendrawati et. al (2016)
Since water is used by humans for a variety of functions, the cleanliness of the water
ingested is critical. It is proven to hurt one's health. Today, water quality has become a
critical issue that requires immediate attention. Because many water sources have been
depleted, good-quality water has become a costly commodity. Waste from different human
activities has poisoned the water. As a result, the amount of water available decreases.
Sources that we’re unable to supply the ever-increasing need. Aside from quantity and
continuity, the quality of clean drinking water must be considered to meet the established
criteria. Some examples of this criteria are the following: BOD 7 mg/L, Chloride 350 mg/L,
Color 75 TCU, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 5 mg/L (minimum), Fecal coliform
200MPN/100ml, Nitrate 7 mg/L, ph range 6.5-9.0, Phosphate 0.5 mg/L, Temperature 2531 Celsius, total suspended solids 80 mg/L. These criteria should be followed to avoid any
type of consequences. When a water has a high amount of chlorine in it, it can be dangerous
as it can lead to higher acid in the blood. If it isn't treated promptly, it can lead to: kidney
stones. hampered ability to recover if you have kidney injuries. The ideal water should be
clear, colorless, and free of contaminants, Tasteless, odorless, free of pathogens, harmful
chemicals, and non-corrosive. Water is also expected not to leave sediment in all organs of
distribution this standard was established to prevent the occurrence and the transmission of
waterborne diseases. In this study, the seeds of the Moringa Oleifera tree are used as a
natural coagulant in the treatment of wastewater and groundwater, wherein it will serve as
a water cleaning agent.
This study focuses on the product Moringa oleifera seed powder wastewater cleaning
agent. Several people have explored the possibilities of using the seeds of Moringa Oleifera
for purifying water as a natural coagulant. Clean water is now, more than ever, one of
everyone's top priorities. However, not everyone has access to safe drinking water on a
daily basis. To have a clear understanding of the conceptual framework of this study, a
research paradigm is presented below.
Research Paradigm
Difference between
the river water
sample before and
after it is
exposed to
malunggay seed
Qualification of
treated river
water to DENR
Water Quality
Order No. 34)
Classification C
Effectivity of
malunggay seed
extract to other
properties of
river water
Preparation of
Moringa oleifera
(malunggay) seed
Collecting of
purifying water
Assessment of the
level through
water analysis
Recommendation of
Moringa Oleifera as a
Wastewater treatment
Figure 2. Research Paradigm
The effectiveness of Moringa oleifera seed powder as a wastewater treatment agent is
the focus of this research. The use of Moringa oleifera seed powder as a water coagulant has
already been investigated by several people.
The present study involved three (3) stages: the input, process, and output. The input
includes the following questions that are needed to be answered through experimentation.
These inputs will be utilized in the process where the researcher will prepare, collect, test, and
assess the product.
The gathered data will be the output which is the recommendation of the effectiveness
of Moringa oleifera seed powder as a wastewater treatment agent.
To conclude the flow of the paradigm, the feedback will be sent back to the input and
the process through broken lines or suggestions to be made from the results of the study.
Significance of the Study
As time passes, our water becomes dirtier and dirtier, and it becomes increasingly
polluted. When an undesirable organism enters the body, it causes a variety of diseases. We
may recycle and reuse wastewater to treat it, which is very beneficial in locations with limited
water supplies. Wastewater treatment plants aid in the purification of water and the abolition
of situations like those currently afflicting developing countries. For this research, people have
remained clean and free from unwanted organisms to keep themselves free from disease, and
also for aquatic animals to live in a safe environment. The result of the study may be significant
and beneficial to the following groups:
To the Future Researcher. This study could serve as a resource and guide for them
when they conduct a comparative study.
To the Household. They will benefit from the study as they'll be able to use less
expensive products.
To the Marine Species. This research will assist fish and aquatic species in having
access to clean water in order for them to live a long and healthy life. Hence, they are unable
to survive when their water environment is contaminated with effluent.
To the People. The results of the study will be used to educate people about the
effectiveness of Moringa oleifera Seed Powder as a wastewater treatment agent, which could
be valuable in reducing and eliminating bacteria and other harmful species.
To the Researchers. The study will provide an avenue for the study's proponents to
gain experience conducting research linked to their college course, which will prepare them for
future comparable investigations.
To the Society. This research will assist us in protecting our freshwater, which will
benefit society in terms of economics, the environment, and health.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This research focuses on the seed powder of Moringa oleifera (Malunggay) as a
wastewater treatment agent. The researchers collected raw water from the Irrigation near
Pisang, San Manuel, Isabela, part of District four and the domestic wastewater will be collected
at one of the households in Dist. 3 which will be tested at the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources in San Mateo, Isabela. More than 15 malunggay seeds will be collected by the
researchers. Crushing or blending will be used to make Malunggay seed powder. The
utilization of Malunggay seed powder for water purification of raw water samples is the sole
focus of this investigation. We will put the samples in coke mismo (295 ml) to be tested.
Definition of Terms
Coagulant. Colloidal pollutants, such as bacteria, clay, silts, and organic matter, are
removed from contaminated water using coagulants and flocculation techniques.
Domestic Waste Water. Human activities in the home, such as bathing, laundry,
dishwashing, garbage disposal, and toilets, produce wastewater.
Moringa Oleifera Seed. Moringa is a tree that grows wild in India's northwest. Moringa
tree seeds have unique water cleaning properties. The seed extract can be used to filter
unwanted particles from water sedimenting pollutants.
Physicochemical properties. These are the intrinsic physical and chemical
characteristics of a substance.
These include appearance, boiling point, density,
volatility, water solubility and flammability, etc.
Water pollution. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are released into bodies of
water, making them unsuitable for human consumption and disrupting aquatic
Waste Water. Water that has been used in the home, in a business, or as part of an
industrial process.
Wastewater treatment agent. The conversion of wastewater into water that can be
discharged back into the environment.
Foreign Literature
Inadequate financial resources are causing problems with potable water supply in
developing and third-world countries. According to EN Ali et.al, (2009) the cost of water
treatment is rising, and the quality of river water is deteriorating as a result of suspended and
colloidal particle load caused by land development and high storm runoff during rainy seasons,
particularly in Malaysia. During the rainy season, the turbidity level rises, as does the demand
for water treatment chemicals, resulting in high treatment costs.
Clean water is essential for good health, but according to the World Health
Organization, one in every three people worldwide does not have access to safe drinking water.
Researchers have identified what happens at the molecular level during these processes, where
contaminants clump together and are filtered out or deposited at the bottom, in new research
published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. This can help optimize the use of
this valuable natural resource – which grows all over the world, including Asia, Africa, South,
and Central America – in order to develop reliable and sustainable infrastructures for safe
drinking water around the world.
Because of the polluted water caused by wastewater, and due to the rising price of
wastewater treatment agent there is an urgent need to devise a cheap wastewater treatment
agent a novel simple and cost-effective technology for purifying river water for use by rural
communities has been devised and tested, according to Varkey, in the year 2020.
The moringa tree is one of the world's most nutrient-dense plants. Moringa (moringa)
is a tropical and subtropical plant that belongs to the Moringaceae family. It is a deciduous tree
that grows quickly. It can be used as a natural growth stimulant and green manure for plants
and soil. The "drumstick tree" is a common name for the Moringa oleifera plant. Horseradish
tree, ben oil tree, and benzoyl tree are some of the more prevalent names for this species. The
leaves, pods, seeds, flowers, fruits, and roots of the moringa tree are eaten as food, while others
are used as a treatment. The tree is a versatile species that may be used for herbal medicine,
spices, food, fertilizer, fodder, bee nectar, and natural coagulants. It is a key source of vital
amino acids, as well as vitamins A, B, and C, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid,
beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol calcium, and iron, it is also utilized as a good
supply of nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol calcium, and iron. The plant's antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anticancer properties have also been reported.
Moringa is a potent fungicidal and anti-infective herb (El-Hack et.al, 2018).
As stated by Technology Network (2019), the Moringa tree's seeds have a special
ability to purify water. They can also be used as an antimicrobial treatment because the
unprocessed seed powder can remove up to 90% of microorganisms from the water. When the
pathogen has developed resistance to front-line antibiotics, seed extracts could be a promising
option for chemical water treatment, food preservatives, or antibacterial therapies. In creating
sustainable water purification, the low cost and abundant availability of this seed material could
allow tiny communities in developing countries where Moringa flourishes to offer clean water.
Moringa tree seeds have exceptional water purification properties. The seed extract has
the ability to separate unwanted particulates from sedimenting impurities in water. They also
have anti-microbial treatment potential – unprocessed seed powder can sediment over 90% of
bacteria from raw water.
Extracts from the seed could be promising alternatives to chemical water treatment,
food preservatives, or antibacterial treatments, particularly in cases where the pathogen has
developed resistance to first-line antibiotics. According to Economic Times (2018), the low
cost and wide availability of this seed material also represent a significant opportunity in the
development of sustainable water purification and could help provide clean water to small
communities in developing countries where Moringa grows. According to scientists, proteins
from the Moringa oleifera plant, a tree native to India, can be used to filter water in
underdeveloped countries at a minimal cost.
Researchers at the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL – the world's flagship neutron science
facility) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) as stated by Technology
Networks Analysis and Separations, 2019 have demonstrated how specific proteins from
Moringa oleifera seed interact as part of an international collaboration between universities in
Europe and Africa. For research purposes, the scientists isolated one component of the crude
extract. They used neutron and X-ray analytical techniques at the ILL and ESRF to determine
the structure of the Moringa protein Mo-CBP3-4 and to better understand the surface behavior
of various components associated with this protein. Previous research at ILL, looked at how
unprocessed Moringa seed extract can be used for purification, revealing the use of a naturally
occurring system. This extract, on the other hand, contains a wide range of components. The
researchers were able to identify specific mechanisms underlying the water purification
properties of Moringa seeds by focusing on a specific protein – which will aid in the
development of synthetic solutions for future applications while avoiding the drawbacks of
using organic materials. Understanding the molecular structure of key proteins like Mo-CBP34 in greater detail could lead to the synthetic production of active components. These could be
used in rural communities to help provide clean water, or as part of advanced water purification
technologies in more developed infrastructures. This would eliminate the need to add whole
seed extract to water and reduce the presence of unnecessary organic matter, which could
promote the growth of additional microorganisms. The researchers used powerful instruments
at ILL and ESRF to probe the structure of the seed proteins using intense neutron and X-ray
beams. "Neutrons and X-rays are valuable tools in these types of experiments that require a
high level of detail." Neutron reflectometry is a technique used to characterize surfaces and
solutions. "In this case, it aided in revealing the nature of Moringa protein interactions," says
Dr Martine Moulin, the study's lead author. Surface behavior can be very important in water
purification because it provides direct and specific information about Moringa proteins at
solid/liquid interfaces. Other methods could not be used to determine the specifics of this
system. ILL has some of the best neutron reflectometry facilities in the world. The method was
used in conjunction with a variety of other techniques, including chromatography and mass
spectrometry, as well as X-rays at the ESRF, which were used to determine the crystal structure.
After creating and characterizing a defined protein, the researchers are now attempting to
understand the roles of other molecular components. All water purification properties cannot
be dictated by a single component. As a result, the effectiveness of Moringa will necessitate
the identification and comprehension of a number of components. A process derived from this
increased Moringa knowledge could be used to scale up existing capabilities. Professor Adrian
Rennie, the corresponding author, says “We are hoping to continue identifying the roles played
by other components in the seeds, and recognize which varieties are best suited to various
practical applications. In parallel, there are already efforts to disseminate the understanding
from our work for practical use in countries across Africa where Moringa grows” as stated by
Technology Networks (2019).
Water is a basic need of humans, especially clean, safe, and healthy water. However,
there are existing problems regarding it. For example, many people and nations cannot access
clean and potable water which leads to diseases. However, Moringa Oleifera is an emerging
solution to this problem. Lots of articles were published to prove that Moringa Oleifera is a
water coagulant better than the chemicals used to purify water.
Water is a basic human need - safe and clean water. However, many people around the
world do not have access to it. Some people suffer from a lack of water, while others tolerate
dirty or polluted water just to avoid thirst, and still others cannot afford the cost of water
treatment. That is why people get diarrhea and other waterborne diseases. This merely
demonstrates the critical need for water coagulation, treatment, or purification. Potable water
is produced using a variety of coagulants. Some coagulants are inorganic, while others are
synthetic organic polymers or naturally occurring coagulants. However, because natural
coagulants are safer, researchers are working to develop and implement natural resources as a
water treatment method. Moringa is a water treatment agent that has been chosen and proven
to be effective. It has coagulating properties and can be used to treat water in terms of turbidity,
alkalinity, total dissolved solids, and hardness. Moringa oleifera reduces conductivity and
BOD levels while removing turbidity, microorganisms, and pathogens. The use of Moringa
oleifera also reduced the total number of coliforms. While it has the advantage of not reducing
pH, so no additional treatment is required to adjust the pH of the treated water. This is due to
the fact that Moringa seeds contain edible oil as well as proteins that can act as excellent
coagulants in water and wastewater treatment. A protein found in the seeds binds to impurities,
causing them to aggregate and thus allowing the clusters to be separated from the water. It
allows the seed to germinate. It also enables the seed to separate unwanted particulates from
sedimenting impurities in water. Due to these reasons Moringa oleifera has been acknowledged
as an affordable, safe, and effective water treatment agent.
Local Literature
The Philippines, home to some of the world's most beautiful beaches, attracts around
eight point two (8.2) million tourists each year, many of whom are unaware of the country's
severe water problems. Bottled water is widely available in these vacation hotspots, but the
seven (7) million Filipinos who continue to drink and use water from dangerous and
unsustainable sources are hidden from view (water ram, 2020). In addition, in the Philippines'
urban and coastal areas, access to safe and sufficient water remains a seasonal as stated by issue
Asian Water Environment Partnership.
The fast growth in population, urbanization, and industrialization, according to the
Water Environment Partnership in Asia, degrades the quality of Philippine waters, particularly
in densely populated areas and places with industrial and agricultural activity. The discharge
of home and industrial wastewater, as well as agricultural runoff, has polluted the receiving
water bodies to a great extent. Raw sewage, detergents, fertilizer, heavy metals, chemical
compounds, oils, and even solid trash are all examples of effluent. Each of these pollutants has
a distinct noxious effect that has an impact on human life and results in financial expenditures.
In the Philippines, rivers and bodies of water are generally polluted.
According to UN environment programme (2017), out of one thousand six hundred
fifty-six (1,656) rivers, the Philippines had four hundred sixty-six (466) that contributed to 80%
of ocean plastic debris, followed by India with two hundred eleven (211) and Malaysia with
one hundred five (105). "The 27-kilometer Pasig River, which runs through Metro Manila, is
the world's most polluting river in terms of plastic, accounting for sixty-three thousand (63,000)
tons of plastic entering seas from rivers each year," according to a statement from the Climate
Change Commission (CCC). Tullahan, Meycauayan, Pampanga, Libmanan, Rio Grande de
Mindanao, Agno, Agusan, Paraaque, Iloilo, Imus, Zapote, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Malaking
Tubig, Tambo in Pasay, Jalaur, Cagayan, and Hamulauon were among the Philippines' eighteen
(18) rivers on the list of the top fifty (50) rivers that transport the most garbage at 7.2 percent,
the Philippines is also believed to have the highest average probability of a plastic particle
reaching the ocean in a year, according to Business World, in the year (2021), and Laguna de
Bay is one of the Philippines' largest lakes, providing a third of the seafood consumed by Metro
Manila's sixteen (16) million residents. It also supports agriculture, industry, and hydro-power
generation, and is a welcome getaway for rest and recreation for many Filipinos. Millions more
live around its two hundred eighty-five (285) -kilometer shoreline. But the lake’s importance
has placed it in peril from a host of problems, including pollution from untreated sewage and
industrial waste, over-fishing, and the sedimentation and illegal reclamation that are eroding
its capacity.
Moringa, also known as malunggay in the Philippines, is a leafy vegetable that comes
from a tree that can produce ten-thousands (10,000) leaves per year and is one of the healthiest
ingredients of your favorite Filipino soup meals. The horseradish tree is also known as the
drumstick tree. It's actually a very useful and valuable item to have in your yard. As stated by
Panlasang Pinoy, Moringa possesses antiviral, depressive, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory
qualities, earning it the nickname "wonder vegetable." The World Health Organization has
praised it as a cost-effective health booster. Since five thousand (5,000) years ago, it has been
employed in traditional Indian medicine. They also tend to do better in semi-arid, tropical, or
sub-tropical climates. Moringa trees, on the other hand, are commonly found all over the world
due to its efficacy and utility. It has been shown in studies to help prevent 300 diseases. This
is due to the fact that it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals.
According to a Filipino specialist, moringa seed, also known as malunggay in the
Philippines, might be used to purify water in addition to its potential as a biofuel feedstock.
According to Dr. Isidro Sia of the University of the Philippines-Department of Pharmacology
and Toxicology, moringa seeds have been demonstrated to be one of the most powerful water
purifiers in worldwide tests. Kenya, Indonesia, and Uganda, he claims, are using the technique.
UP is working on a project in the Philippines to examine the native variety's water-purifying
qualities, he said (Ong et.al, 2008).
Moringa seeds, according to a study as cited by Philstar Global written by Ghio Ong
et.al 2008, treat water on two levels, acting as a coagulant as well as an antibacterial agent.
"Moringa is thought to work as a coagulant because of positively charged, water-soluble
proteins that bond with negatively charged particles (silt, clay, bacteria, poisons, etc.) and allow
the resulting 'flocs' to drop to the bottom or be filtered out. Moringa's antibacterial properties
are still being studied," it claimed.
Moringga oleifera is widely known in the Philippines but only a few people know about
its use as a coagulant especially since the Philippines has a lot of populated rivers. That’s why
studies like this are important for the community and the nation as a whole.
Philippines has a lot to offer but a lot to fix and solve as well in terms of providing the
people a safe and purified water. Thankfully, this country is rich with Moringa oleifera that
can act as water treatment and antibacterial agent and at the same time cost-effective.
Researchers need to utilize these seeds to excellently release their full potential and usage that
will benefit this country’s water security.
Foreign Studies
As stated by (Kalbamatten & Burns (1983), Every year, almost 1.2 billion people lack
access to adequate drinking water, and over 6 million children in underdeveloped nations die
from diarrhea. However, it is unsustainable and inconceivable that waterborne infections
continue to kill 25,000 people per day on average in impoverished countries, while millions
more suffer from the diseases' crippling impacts.
According to McConnachie G. L., et. al., (1999), safe drinking water is critical to a
community's health and well-being, and water from all sources must be purified before
consumption. Various techniques are used to make water safe and appealing to consumers. The
method used is determined by the characteristics of the raw water. The large seasonal variation
in turbidity is one of the issues with surface water treatment.
Miyubi (1998) stated that current operational procedures at many treatment facilities in
developing countries are based on arbitrary guidelines, particularly when it comes to chemical
dosage. Aside from that, there is the issue of a lack of skilled workers and laboratory facilities
to monitor the process performances required to operate the plants.
Coagulation-flocculation is used in the water treatment industry around the world
before distribution of treated water to consumers, followed by sedimentation, filtration, and
disinfection, often with chlorine (Ndabigengesere, A. and Narasiah, K. S. 1998). Many
coagulants are widely used in traditional water treatment processes to produce potable water.
These coagulants are divided into three types: inorganic coagulants, synthetic organic
polymers, and naturally occurring coagulants. Synthetic polyelectrolytes are used as both a
primary coagulant and a coagulant aid to improve particle aggregate strength, coagulation, and
deposition (filtration) (Muyibi, S. A., et al 2001).
Naturally occurring coagulants are usually assumed to be safe for human health,
whereas there is concern that using aluminum salts may cause Alzheimer's disease (Martyn et
al., 1989). There have been some studies on natural coagulants, and various natural coagulants
have been produced or extracted from microorganisms, animals, or plants (Ganjidoust, H., et
al 1997; Kawamura, S. 1991; Lee, S.H., et al 1995). However, there has recently been a
renewed interest in natural coagulants for water treatment in developing countries
(Ndabigengesere, A., and Narasiah, K. S.) (1998).
Wastewater treatment using Moringa OLeifera: The main object of the present study
was to study the effectiveness of moringa Oleifera seed as a wastewater treatment agent.
Moringa oleifera (Saijan or drumstick), a cosmopolitan tropical, drought-tolerant tree that
grows all year, has been widely studied for its many pharmacological effects, including
analgesic, antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory properties (Joshi et al. 2012). The seed of
M.oleifera in its powdered form (Arnoldsson et al. 2008)contains coagulating qualities that
have been used to treat water in a variety of ways, including turbidity, alkalinity, total dissolved
solids, and hardness.
However, it has received little attention for its bio-sorption behavior in the removal of
hazardous metals from water bodies. The goal of wastewater treatment is to remove enough
particles from wastewater to allow the remainder to be discharged to receiving water without
interfering with its best or suitable use. Despite the fact that several water treatment systems
have been used, the majority of them still necessitate large investment. (Sumathi and
Alagumuthu 2014; Ghebremichael et al. 2005). Plants such as rice, peanut, bean, and M.
oleifera (MO) are the most commonly employed natural sources for wastewater treatment
(Ghebremichael 2004; Subramanium et al. 2011). M. oleifera (MO) seed, which is not
hazardous to people and has few downsides, has been used for wastewater treatment. (Bina et
al. 2010; Alo et al. 2012; Eman et al. 2014).
MO seeds were thus employed as an alternative natural resource for drinking water
purification. MO seed also demonstrated coagulant activity similar to that of aluminum sulfate
(Vikashni et al. 2012; Mangale et al. 2012a; Egbuikwem and Sangodoyin 2013). Water and
wastewater treatment serve two important functions: conserving freshwater resources and
protecting the environment. Municipal wastewater is regarded as a supplemental water supply
in many parts of the world, including landscaping, agriculture irrigation, and even some
industrial activities (Bukhari 2008). Improving present treatment technologies and developing
innovative ideas to treat municipal wastewater are critical to maintaining and sustaining
reliance on the aforementioned utilizations (Bukhari 2008; Chan et al. 2009). Biological
treatment technologies are used in the majority of municipal wastewater treatment plants (Chan
et al. 2009). However, employing biological treatment has a significant disadvantage in that it
requires extremely limited control over the entire process. For example, in the biological
treatment process, it is necessary to maintain and manage microorganisms and/or
physicochemical pretreatment, as well as a slow process, inadequate decolorization, and
probable sludge thickening and foaming (Crini & Lichtfouse 2019). Coagulation/flocculation
treatment is the most effective method for treating municipal and industrial wastewater. (Wang
et al. 2006; Suopajärvi et al. 2013) Divalent or trivalent metallic salts or polymers with low
solubility in the pH range are commonly used as coagulants.
Metal salts rapidly hydrolyze in wastewater, producing cationic species that are
absorbed by negatively charged pollutant particles, resulting in instantaneous surface charge
decrease (Li et al. 2006; Bouchareb et al. 2020). Over the last few decades, a wide range of
polymers has been utilized in the coagulation/flocculation process to optimize coagulant
concentrations, reduce sludge volume and an ionic load of wastewater, and reduce costs (Gao
et al. 2002; Gao et al. 2003; Debora Peruço Theodoro et al. 2013). Many natural-based
coagulants, on the other hand, are environmentally safe and biodegradable, as well as have a
good coagulating capacity (Muthuraman & Sasikala 2014; Kumar et al. 2017; Al-Saati et al.
2019; Ang & Mohammad 2020). Several investigations on various plant materials that can be
used as sources of natural coagulants have been done in recent years (Abidin et al. 2013;
Bouchareb et al. 2020).
According to Hendrawati et al. (2016), most wastewater and groundwater treatment use
Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC), a synthetic coagulant with health risks and high costs. The
purpose of this study was to see how Moringa oleifera seed performed as a natural coagulant
in place of synthetic coagulant. M. oleifera reduced wastewater turbidity by 98.6 percent,
conductivity by 10.8 percent, BOD by 11.7 percent, and metal content by 11.7 percent (Cd, Cr,
Mn). When used on groundwater, M. oleifera removed up to 97.5 percent of groundwater
turbidity while lowering conductivity and BOD levels by 53.4 percent and 18 percent,
respectively. The application of M. oleifera also decreased the total number of coliforms. The
benefit of employing M. oleifera is that it does not reduce pH as PAC does, so no additional
treatment is required to adjust the pH of the treated water.
Natural coagulants derived from an acorn (Benalia et al. 2018), starch (Esparza-Soto et
al. 2019), cactus (Garca-Morales et al. 2018), okra (Balaji et al. 2018), Gossypium Herbaceum
(Arulmathi et al. 2019), and Moringa Oleifera (Arulmathi et al. 2019) Moringa Oleifera seeds
are the plant that has sparked the most curiosity (Abidin et al. 2013; Bouchareb et al. 2020).
However, the acceptance and widespread application of bio coagulants in the water treatment
industry is currently limited (Ang & Mohammad 2020). It is vital to demonstrate the possibility
of using bio coagulants by presenting current development and ideas for developing natural
coagulants, including demonstrating bio coagulant compatibility with other treatment
technologies. Methods of extraction and purification are being improved.
Moringa Oleifera is a multipurpose tree that thrives in tropical areas. Moringa seeds
contain up to 40% edible oil by weight and produce proteins that can act as excellent coagulants
in water and wastewater treatment (Bhuptawat et al. 2007). Moringa Oleifera seed powder has
been shown to be more effective than alum in removing suspended materials, decreasing
chemical oxygen demand (COD), and producing reduced sludge volumes (Bhuptawat et al.
2007; Bouchareb et al. 2020). Improved Moringa Oleifera applications, on the other hand, have
been and continue to be profitable areas for researchers working on new extraction methods
and discovering the coagulant compounds found in the seeds.
So, it is essential for everybody to have accessible water sources and by using natural
substitutes for chemical coagulants there are lesser risks to be taken and it is much cheaper.
According to the study of Mangale Sapana M., Chonde Sonal G. and Raut P. D. (2012) “Use
of Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) seed as Natural Absorbent and an Antimicrobial agent for
Groundwater Treatment”, Previous study has revealed moringa oleifera to be non-toxic, and it
has been recommended for use as a coagulant in developing countries. Moringa has a particular
advantage over chemical water treatment in that it is both biological and edible. Moringa
oleifera's hardness removal efficacy increased with increasing dosage, according to (Suleyman
et al. (1994). M. oleifera seeds have inherent absorbent and antibacterial properties. Its seed
contains 1% active polyelectrolyte, which neutralizes the negatively charged colloid in the
filthy water. As a result, as a nontoxic natural polypeptide for sedimentation of mineral
particles and organics, this protein could be employed in the purification of drinking water. M.
oleifera seeds are also antibacterial against a wide spectrum of germs and fungus.
Among all the plant materials investigated over the years, the powder made from
Moringa oleifera seeds has been demonstrated to be one of the most effective as a primary
coagulant for water treatment, comparable to alum, a typical chemical coagulant. According to
their reports, the powder possesses antibacterial qualities.
Humans utilize water for a variety of purposes, but the purity of the water they consume
is critical since it has a direct impact on their health. Germs, which enter the mouth through
water and food, cause more than half of all illnesses and deaths in children. According to the
World Health Organization, inadequate sanitation, dirty water, or a lack of water are
responsible for up to 80% of diseases and sickness worldwide. Every day 2 million Tonnes of
sewage, industrial and agricultural waste is discharged into the world’s water, the equivalent
of the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people. According to UN estimates,
(Delelegn, A., Sahile, S., & Husen, A., 2018), the amount of wastewater produced annually is
about 1500 km3km3, six times more than that exists in all the rivers of the world.
Moringa oleifera is a widely distributed plant species that grow quickly at low altitudes
throughout the tropical belt, including arid zones. It can thrive in medium soils with low
humidity (Ndabigengesere, A., et al 1995). Moringa oleifera seeds are a natural organic
polymer. After her studies in Sudan (Jahn, S.A.A. 1984; Jahn, S.A.A. 1988), Jahn (1984)
presented Moringa oleifera as a coagulant after noticing that Sudanese village women used it
at home to clear the turbid Nile water. In the last 20 years, many researchers have reported on
the various uses of Moringa oleifera seeds as coagulant and coagulant aid. Only in high
turbidity water has Moringa oleifera coagulant been found to have high Coagulation activity.
For low turbid water, the activity is low (Muyibi, S. A. and Evison L.M., 1995). As a result, it
is critical to improving the properties of this plant by identifying its bioactive constituents with
high Coagulation activity. This is one of the study's goals. The processed Moringa oleifera was
improved by isolating bioactive constituents from the seeds as a coagulant/flocculant, yielding
turbidity removal rates of 95.5 percent, 98.5 percent, and 99.3 percent for the treatment of river
water with low, medium, and high levels of turbidity. The processed Moringa oleifera was
improved by isolating bioactive constituents from the seeds and using the dosage to achieve
turbidity removal rates of 95.5 percent, 98.5 percent, and 99.3 percent for the treatment of river
water with low, medium, and high turbidity, respectively. The results showed that the dosage
of coagulant to be added was reduced, resulting in a reduction in the volume of sludge produced
(which is considered as one of the main problems associated to using aluminum salts and as a
sequence need to be treated with more chemicals). (N. Eman et al., 2009) The residual turbidity
in all samples was less than 5NTU, which is the WHO drinking water standard.
According to A.J. Varkey, to obtain moringa powder, the seeds should be shelled,
processed in an electric grinder, and sieved using a sieve (0.8 mm). To eliminate any large
particles suspended in the water, it was collected from rivers and filtered with a cotton towel.
6 glass beakers were filled with 1 L each of the raw water. 0.25 g of the seed powder was added
to each beaker and mixed by stirring vigorously for about 20- 25 s and left standing to allow
coagulation and sedimentation of suspended particles. After one hour, the supernatant in the
first beaker was decanted and filtered to eliminate any remaining suspended particles using a
fine mesh cotton towel. A nephelometer was used to test the turbidity of the filtered water.
flocculation/sedimentation was found to be a slow process. Within the first hour, the water's
color changed from reddish/pink to milky/white, but still turbid having turbidity close to that
of the raw water. (Varkey, 2020) This occurs because the seed particles do not have enough
dirt particles adhering to them at this period to have enough mass to sediment by gravity. With
time, more dirt became attached to them, and sedimentation started faster depositing all of the
material at the bottom while leaving clear water on top which was decanted. Within 4 hours,
the filtered water's turbidity might be as low as 3 NTU.
The powder made from Moringa oleifera seeds has been found to be an excellent primary
coagulant for water treatment. When the seeds are dried, dehusked, crushed, and mixed with
water, the powder acts as a coagulant, binding colloidal particles and bacteria together to form
agglomerated particles (flocs), which settle and allow the supernatant to be drained out.
(Pritchard, M., Craven, T., Mkandawire, T., Edmondson, A. S., & O’neill, J. G., 2010) Very
little research has been undertaken on the parameters affecting the effectiveness of Moringa
Moringa oleifera (Malunggay) have been tested as viable alternatives to chemical
compounds in the treatment of drinking water and wastewater and other purposes. Moringa
oleifera also possessed numerous health benefits such as anti-ulcer, hepatoprotective, anti-
bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-hypertensive, anti-tumor and anti-cancer activities. (Bancessi, A.,
Pinto, M. M. F., Duarte, E., Catarino, L., & Nazareth, T., 2020). Seeds have also shown
antimicrobial activity.
Moringa oleifera seeds operate as a coagulant and an antibacterial agent, treating water on
two levels. Moringa is thought to act as a coagulant because of positively charged, watersoluble proteins that bond with negatively charged particles (silt, clay, germs, poisons, etc.)
and allow the resulting "flocs" to drop to the bottom or be filtered out. Moringa's antibacterial
properties are still being studied. The findings suggest that recombinant proteins can remove
germs via coagulation as well as act as direct microorganism growth inhibitors. While more
study on the nature and properties of these components is being conducted, it is widely
acknowledged that treatments with Moringa solutions will remove 90-99.9% of pollutants in
water. Using natural materials to clarify water is a technique that has been practiced for
centuries and of all the materials that have been used, seeds of the Moringa have been found to
be one of the most effective. (Doerr, B., & Staff, E. C. H. O., 2005) Studies have been
conducted since the early 1970's to test the effectiveness of Moringa seeds for treating water.
Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the water purification and
antimicrobial properties of Moringa oleifera (MO). Hence different concentrations (25 to
300 mg/L) were prepared from a salt (1 M NaCl) extract of MO fine powder and applied to
natural surface water whose turbidity levels ranged from 50 to 450 NTU. The parameters
determined before and after coagulation were turbidity, pH, color, hardness, iron, manganese
and Escherichia coli. The experiments showed that turbidity removal is influenced by the initial
turbidity since the lowest turbidity removal of 83.2% was observed at 50 NTU, whilst the
highest of 99.8% was obtained at 450 NTU. Color removal followed the same trend as the
turbidity. The pH exhibited slight variations through the coagulation. The hardness removal
was very low (0 to 15%). However, high removals were achieved for iron (90.4% to 100%)
and manganese (93.1% to 100%). The highest E. coli removal achieved was 96.0%.
(Nkurunziza, T., Nduwayezu, J. B., Banadda, E. N., & Nhapi, I., 2009) Its removal was
associated with the turbidity removal. The optimum MO dosages were 150 mg/L (50 NTU and
150 NTU) and 125 mg/L for the rest of the initial turbidity values. Furthermore, all the
parameters determined satisfied the WHO guidelines for drinking water except for E. coli.
According to Anwar F., et. Al., Moringa oleifera Lam. belongs to the family
Moringaceae and is a valuable plant, found in many countries of the tropics and subtropics. Its
leaves, fruit, flowers and immature pods are used as a highly nutritive vegetable in many
countries, particularly in India, Pakistan, Philippines, Hawaii and many parts of Africa. M.
oleifera roots, leaves, seed, fruit, flowers, bark and immature pods are used as cardiac and
circulatory stimulants, contain antipyretic, antiepileptic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory,
antiulcer, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antispasmodic, antidiabetic,
hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and are being used for the
treatment of various ailments in the indigenous system of medicine.
Seeds of Moringa oleifera used in this study were obtained from the Agricultural and
Forestry office, Adirkay, Gondar. Adirkay district has a latitude and longitude of 13°29′
50°60′N38°03′ 25.96°E with an elevation of 2025 m above the sea level. The area is
predominantly rural and most residents live in villages as agriculturists. The experiment was
carried out during October 2014 to May 2015 in the Microbiology Laboratory, Department of
Biology, University of Gondar, Ethiopia. The treatments given were the varying concentrations
of powder produced from M. oleifera seeds and the positive and negative control (aluminum
sulfate and no seed powder, respectively) for water purification. Further, the varying
concentration of extracts with different solvents was produced from M. oleifera seeds and the
positive control (ciprofloxacin) was used for antibacterial tests. (Delelegn, A., Sahile, S. &
Husen, A. Water purification and antibacterial efficacy of Moringa oleifera Lam. Agric & Food
Secur. 7, 25, 2018). In this study, Mature seeds of M. oleifera were chosen from dry cracked
fruits. The plucked fruits were cracked to obtain the seeds which were air-dried for 2 days. The
shells surrounding the seed kernels were removed using a knife, and the kernels were powdered
using a laboratory mortar and pestle and sieved using a sieve with a pore size of 2.5 mm 2 to
obtain a fine powder. The powder was stored in a sterile bottle at room temperature in a dark
place. The powdered sample was successively extracted with methanol, acetone and aqueous
in increasing polarity. In this procedure, 50 g of M. oleifera powdered seeds was soaked in 250
mL of each of the solvents which were acetone, methanol and aqueous and in all cases equal
volumes of solvents were used. They were left shaking on a horizontal shaker for 3 days. Then,
the extracts were filtered separately through Whatman no.1 filter paper. The filtrates were then
centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant of each extract was evaporated by using
Rota vapor (Laborator 4000-efficient, Heidolph, Germany). The crude extracts were stored at
4 °C. The yields of acetone, methanol and water extracts weighed 16, 15 and 13%, respectively.
(Akinyemi KO, Oladapo O, Okwara CE, Ibe CC, Fasure KA. Screening of crude extracts of
six medicinal plants used in South-West Nigerian unorthodox medicine for Anti methicillin
resistant S. aureus activity. Biom Coll Compl Altern Med. 2005). Each test was replicated three
In a project led by Uppsala University, scientists from several countries have
investigated how an extract from seeds of Moringa trees can be used to purify water. A protein
in the seeds binds to impurities causing them to aggregate so that the clusters can be separated
from the water. The study recently published in the journal Colloids and Surfaces A takes a
step towards optimization of the water purification process. Researchers in Uppsala together
with colleagues from Lund as well as Namibia, Botswana, France and the USA have studied
the microscopic structure of aggregates formed with the protein. The results show that the
clusters of material (flocs) that are produced with the protein are much more tightly packed
than those formed with conventional flocculating agents. This is better for water purification
as such flocs are more easily separated. The new study compares protein from the seeds of
different varieties of Moringa trees that are grown in different countries. It also allows estimates
of the optimum amount of seed extract that should be used to minimize residues in treated
water. There is a broad interest in new, sustainable methods for water treatment. The research
group has already presented results to government agencies and public bodies, particularly in
Namibia and Botswana. There are now discussions on best use of Moringa seeds, both to
substitute conventional materials in large water treatment plants and in small scale units.
(Uppsala University, 2013).
This study evaluated the effectiveness of Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) seed powder
(MOSP) alone and in combination with household sand filter (MOSP+F) in water purification.
Treatment with MOSP+F produced 99.97% reduction in E. coli compared with 98.16%
reduction obtained from MOSP treatment alone. Water treatment with M. oleifera seed powder
in combination with a household sand filter was found to be more effective for water
purification than treatment with Moringa seed powder alone. (Adejumo, Mumuni, Oloruntoba,
Elizabeth.O, Sridhar, Mynepalli. K. C, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty
of Public Health,College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria). This method
should be encouraged in communities without safe water supply.
This study showed that the turbidity of the raw water was higher and required
flocculation before further treatment. The raw water source was grossly contaminated. Both
the total coliform and the E. coli counts were higher than the SON and WHO limits, indicating
faecal contamination (SON, 2007; WHO, 2006). The presence of a significant number of
coliforms in the raw water samples may be as a result of illegal dumping of domestic wastes,
roaming livestock, and fecal discharges affecting bacteria. This study showed that the turbidity
of the raw water was higher and required flocculation before further treatment. The raw water
source was grossly contaminated. Both the total coliform and the E. coli counts were higher
than the SON and WHO limits, indicating fecal contamination (SON, 2007; WHO, 2006). The
presence of a significant number of coliforms in the raw water samples may be a result of
illegal dumping of domestic wastes, roaming livestock, and fecal discharges affect bacterial
concentration in runoff (Okonko et al., 2008) This could affect the coliform counts in surface
water sources affected by such factors (Sridhar et al., 2009). But the use of plant extracts to
coagulate suspended matter from drinking water sources is an ancient practice. Moringa
oleifera extract was tried in various countries and found very successful in the flocculation of
colloids in waters.
According to the findings of Francis Amagloh's study "Effectiveness of Moringa
Oleifera Seed as Coagulant for Water Purification," powder from seed kernels of M. At loading
doses of 10 g/L and above, oleifera contains some coagulating properties that have a similar
effect as the conventional coagulum, alum. This lends support to earlier findings of the use of
powder processed from Moringa seeds as a coagulant in water purification systems cited by
Ndabigengesere et al. (Madsen et al., 1987; Postnote, 2002; Barth et al., 1982; Bhole, 1987;
Jahn, 1988; Müller, 1980; Olsen, 1987). (1995). Moringa coagulum has the added advantage
of having antimicrobial properties. Considering the fact that Moringa coagulum can be locally
produced, its use in water purification should be encouraged. This is likely to reduce the high
cost of the current water treatment systems. It is recommended that a combination treatment of
alum and Moringa in different proportions be investigated to establish their effectiveness in
treating raw water.
This study revealed that treating highly turbid and contaminated raw water with M.
oleifera seed powder and further filtration using a matured simple household sand filter is
viable for household/community use. (Adejumo, Mumuni, Oloruntoba, Elizabeth.O, Sridhar,
Mynepalli. K. C, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health,
College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria). This method does not alter the
basic mineral composition of the water thus keeping the original appearance and taste. There
is a need to promote this simple technology, which can provide potable water economically
and in culturally acceptable terms.
Water is a basic requirement for all living things, particularly humans. The number of
resources available to living creatures in this world is limited. But in the past years, our sources
of water have been declining, so the idea of using cleaned wastewater has been introduced.
There are many studies that proved the efficacy of Moringa oleifera seed as a natural coagulant
that is used for purifying water, in terms of its Turbidity, etc. It has also been shown and proven
by studies that Moringa Oleifera also has an antibacterial property. One study has shown a
99.97% reduction in E. coli. Moringa oleifera extract was tried in various countries and found
very successful in the flocculation of colloids in waters. It has been proved that using Moringa
oleifera seed powder with filtration does not alter the basic mineral composition of the water
thus keeping the original appearance and taste. There is a need to promote this simple
technology, which can provide potable water economically and in culturally acceptable terms.
(Adejumo, Mumuni, Oloruntoba, Elizabeth.O, Sridhar, Mynepalli. K. C, Department of
Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria).
Water is a basic requirement for all living things, particularly humans. The number of
resources available to living creatures in this world is limited. But in the past years, our sources
of water have been declining, so the idea of using cleaned wastewater has been introduced.
There are many studies that proved the efficacy of Moringa oleifera seed as a natural coagulant
that is used for purifying water, in terms of its Turbidity, etc. It has also been shown and proven
by studies that Moringa Oleifera also has an antibacterial property. One study has shown a
99.97% reduction in E. coli. Moringa oleifera extract was tried in various countries and found
very successful in the flocculation of colloids in waters. It has been proved that using Moringa
oleifera seed powder with filtration does not alter the basic mineral composition of the water
thus keeping the original appearance and taste. There is a need to promote this simple
technology, which can provide potable water economically and in culturally acceptable terms.
(Adejumo, Mumuni, Oloruntoba, Elizabeth.O, Sridhar, Mynepalli. K. C, Department of
Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria).
The research methods and processes that is used in this study are described in this chapter.
It covers the materials and equipment that was used, as well as the research strategy,
methodology, and statistical analysis of the data.
Research Design
The method of research that is used in this study is the experimental design often
referred to as true experimenting which makes use of the scientific technique to establish the
cause-and-effect relationship between a group of people's relationships or objects with the
elements that make up a study. Whereas the control will be the untreated wastewater samples
that was gathered by the researchers in their desired places and the interventions or treatment
is the Moringa oleifera seed as a wastewater treatment agent. Where wastewater was collected
in irrigation and domestic.
Research Subject
Water plays an important role in humans and other living things however, due to
ignorance and negligence a lot of bodies of water have been contaminated causing water
pollution. That’s why this study revolves around the use of Moringa oleifera seed as a
coagulant for wastewater that is caused by the water pollution made by a lot of the population
in our community or country. Wastewater which is used water was collected by the researcher
in their chosen place and was treated in this study. This research aims to create a cheaper
coagulant that can be used by a lot of communities to resolve their water problem including
lack of consuming water, protection for aquatic animals, lack of sanitary water, etc.
Research Instrument
For preparing the seed powder, for sample water, and for water treatment.
 Malunggay Seeds (15 or more seeds): Used for water treatment. Malunggay seeds are
used for purifying water.
 Raw water: For water treatment. The raw water was collected by the researchers from
one of the irrigation systems in San Manuel, Isabela rice paddies to be exact while the
other or second source is from one household in San Manuel, Isabela.
 Mortar & Pestle or blender: Used for crushing the malunggay seeds.
 Plastic Bottles (225ml capacity or coke mismo): Used to contain the raw water.
 Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources: For laboratory analysis. BFAR is
responsible for the development, improvement, management, and conservation of the
country's fishery and aquatic resources.
Testing Subject:
 pH paper test: Used to test the acidity of the water.
Research Procedure
A. Production of the Product
In this study the researchers produced a product, there are procedures to be
performed in making the product which is the Moringa oleifera wastewater treatment agent.
The procedures are shown below in a flow chart. The procedures in the production are
represented by the boxes and arrows
Collection of Moringa Oleifera Fruit pods
Extraction of the seeds from the fruit pods
Grinding of seeds
Production Procedures
1. Collection of Moringa oleifera Fruit pods
As the main component of the product, the Moringa oleifera fruit is collected by the
researchers by sourcing them in the local public market and by harvesting them from the Moringa
tree itself. The seeds are the dried type or what we call “Binhi” so they will be easily ground in the
mortar and pestle.
2. Extraction of the seeds from the fruit pods
The seeds is painstakingly extracted from the fruit pods one pod at a time to see if the seeds
are in good condition. In this stage, the seeds will be clean to make sure that it has no dirt inside.
3. Grinding of seeds
After the extraction, the seeds was ground using the pestle and mortar until it reaches a
powder-like consistency. Another alternative to grinding the seed is to use a performance blender
or food processor.
B. Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers utilized a flowchart to show the order of steps and procedures done
in the study. The flow shows the steps and procedures that are being represented by the boxes and
arrows that are essential to be performed to fulfill the objectives of the study being conducted.
Collecting and preparation of the Moringa oleifera
seed powder
Collecting of the wastewater samples
Administering of the Moringa oleifera seed powder
to the wastewater sample
Water Analysis
In terms of General Procedures
A. Collecting and preparation of The Moringa oleifera Seed Powder
In the collection and preparation of the Moringa oleifera seed powder, first, the seeds is
collected from the fruit of the Moringa oleifera plant. The seeds is extracted from the fruit itself
one at a time. After the seeds are extracted its was left to dry in the sun (if the seed is not still dry).
After drying the seeds it was crushed using a pestle and mortar or a high-powered blender or coffee
grinder. The seeds was crushed until it reaches a powder-like consistency, the finer the better.
B. Collection of wastewater samples
The wastewater used in the study is collected from two different sources. The first source
is from one of the irrigation systems in the vicinity of San Manuel, in the rice paddies to be exact.
The water was collected from the different levels of the irrigation the surface water, middle, and
the bottom part. The reason for this is that the different level has different property from the other.
And the second one is also in the irrigation but in a clean part.
C. Administering the Moringa oleifera Seed Powder to the wastewater sample
The Moringa oleifera seed powder is administered to some of the wastewater samples
collected from the first source which is irrigation. There are some samples that will not be treated
as they will serve as a control to compare the before and after the result of using the Moringa seeds.
For the second source of wastewater, the Moringa oleifera seeds powder was administered.
Approximately 0.25g of malunggay seed powder was added to the first three bottles of the
Irrigation water and is mixed by stirring for about 20-25s and left standing to allow coagulation of
suspended particles. For the other wastewater, approximately 0.25 grams of the seed powder is to
be used and also be stirred for 20-25s. The Researchers waited 2 hours for the coagulation to
D. Water Analysis
The treated and untreated wastewater samples was brought to the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (BFAR) for it to undergo water analysis tests and other tests to see and know
if the Moringa oleifera Seed powder is an effective natural wastewater treatment agent. Two sets
of water analyses will be done. The first was done to the water samples without the Moringa seed
treatment. The second set is done to the wastewater samples that had been treated with the Moringa
oleifera seed powder. The wastewater samples used are from an Irrigation and domestic waste
water. After the sets of water analyses are done the result from both the irrigation wastewater and
the control are compared to see the differences between them.
Treatment of Data
The researchers presented the primary data taken from the results of the laboratory analysis.
After that, the researchers compared the results to the DENR Water Fluid Standards, if it is
qualified to the standards of Class C and then test the other physicochemical properties. The
researchers assessed the difference between the quality of water before and after it is treated with
Malunggay seed powder. No inferential statistics was used. Its results lead to finding out the
validity of the study relative to the effectiveness of Moringa oleifera as a water treatment agent.
Table 1: Physical property of water specifically the Odor
Good odor
Bad odor
The table speaks of the Physical property of water which is the Odor, in this table the
range being utilized is 0 and 1-5. The range being used was devised through observation wherein
0 is interpreted as having a good odor while a range of 1-5 is interpreted as having a bad odor or a
foul smell. 1 being the moderately good, 2 having the slightly good smell and 3 having the most
unpleasant smell.
Table 2: Physical property of water specifically the Color or the Clarity of the water
The table speaks of the Physical property of water which is the Color or the Clarity of the
water before and after the treatment, in this table the range being utilized is 0 and 1-5. The range
that was used is devised through observation wherein 0 is interpreted as having a Poor Clarity or
cloudy while a range of 1-5 is interpreted as having a Good Clarity which is the target outcome in
this study. Where 1 has a good quality of clarity, 2 has a better quality of clarity, and 3 has the best
quality of clarity.
Table 3: Water Quality guidelines set by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR) together with DENR
Normal Range
Ammonia nitrogen
< 0.3 mg/L
Nitrite Nitrogen
< 0.1 mg/L
20-300 mg/L
Carbon Dioxide
< 70 mg/L
20-300 mg/L
Chapter IV
This chapter presents and briefly discusses the findings of this research as indicated in the
statement of the problem.
Table 1: The Physiochemical Properties of the Wastewater Catchment Areas as cited from
the study of Simon (2018)
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Ammonia Nitrogen
Nitrite Nitrogen
Carbon Dioxide
A positive (+) symbol represents the presence of such properties in the assessment of wastewater
The table above speaks of the utilized physiochemical properties in the study. Further, it
denotes that the present parameters before and after treatment are the same because the samples
have been tested using test tools used in BFAR Water Treatment Facility. It is noted that color,
odor, pH, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Alkalinity, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, and
Hardness are all being assessed before and after treatment. High and low Chemical Property results
have a significant impact on the water quality. According to Water Science School (2019), the pH
of water indicates how acidic or basic it is where the range is 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Acidity
is indicated by a pH less than 7, while a pH greater than 7 indicates a base. As stated by the EPA
United States Environmental Protection Agency, high quantities of ammonia that are present in
water cause aquatic species to struggle to expel the toxicant, resulting in toxic accumulation in
internal tissues and blood, and possibly death. While Nitrite levels above a certain threshold are
harmful to humans and animals, particularly babies. It can enter the body as nitrate, a nutrient
necessary for plant growth, and then be converted to nitrite, which interferes with hemoglobin's
capacity to transport oxygen throughout the body as cited by H2O Distributors. When alkalinity is
at higher levels in surface water it will buffer acid rain and other acid pollutants, reducing pH
changes that are hazardous to aquatic life. Alkalinity is crucial for fish and aquatic life because it
protects or buffers against abrupt pH changes. While the presence of carbon dioxide in the ocean
forms carbonic acid, which elevates the acidity of the water. Therefore, to look at it another way,
an alkaline ocean gets somewhat less alkaline (NASA earth observatory, 2016). Next is chloride,
it is normally not regarded as a health hazard, but it can influence the taste of drinking water at
low quantities; nonetheless, a high chloride consumption can result in high amounts of chloride in
the bloodstream, a condition known as hyperchloremia, it can harm domestic appliances and
boilers, and impede vegetation development if the water is used for irrigation as stated by Water
Research Center. And lastly is hardness, it is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in
the water. The harder the water the lower the toxicity of other metals to aquatic life. Large
quantities of hardness are undesirable for a variety of reasons, mostly economic and aesthetic
(Water Science School 2018). And in line with this, the study will be using the following results
for comparison purposes that will be used or inference on the effect of Moringa oleifera on treating
Table 2: Physiochemical Properties of Domestic water before and after Moringa oleifera
Physical properties
Chemical properties
0 mg/L
Ammonia nitrogen
0 mg/L
Nitrite Nitrogen
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
320 mg/L
300 mg/L
Carbon Dioxide
5 mg/L
4 mg/L
76 mg/L
60 mg/L
200 mg/L
160 mg/L
*The following standard values being utilized in this table are standards issued by BFAR except for
Chloride which the value being sed is the standard given by DENR.
As shown in the table of the Physiochemical Properties of Domestic Water Before
and After Moringa Oleifera treatment are the results and remarks being utilized, it is important to
note that; the remark (N) is used when the results are Normal or have met the standard value, (AN)
if the results are Above normal or above the standard value, and lastly (BN) if the results are Below
normal or below the standard value that was set by BFAR and DENR. And under the physical
properties; the color or the clarity of the water has improved, this is similar to the study conducted
by Hendrawati et al. (2016), but the odor has deteriorated or a bad odor has developed in the water
making the Odor after treatment not normal. This is similar to the research on Ndabigengesere and
Narasiah (1998). The pH of the water sample after the treatment became slightly acidic with a pH
of 6.5 which is still in the normal range; however ,the domestic water before the treatment had a
pH of 7 which is the normal pH of water both results differ from each other but are still within
the range of 6.5 - 9.0 that is the standard based from DENR, the same range is being stated in the
study of Bhatnagar et al. (2013) . In terms of the Ammonia Nitrogen from before it was at a normal
level and after the treatment the level did not change so it is still within the normal range, but the
Nitrite Nitrogen had a little bit of change but it is not significant enough in order to be seen in the
test result but both the results before and after the treatment are still within the normal range, this
is the same with the study of Aziz et al. (2019): (Shaylida, 2016). In the testing of the Alkalinity
of the before and after treatment the water samples showed that coagulation with Moringa
oleifera seeds did not significantly affect the quality of the treated water, but changes is still seen
wherein the before the treatment the alkalinity was slightly above the normal range and after the
treatment the alkalinity was in the normal range ,the same results is shown in the study of
(Bhatnagar et al. 2013), so does the Carbon Dioxide in the water after the treatment showed that
coagulation with Moringa oleifera seeds did not have a significant effect because both the before
and after result were within the Normal range ,the same results is shown in the study conducted
by Mekonnen Daba (2016). Thec of the water has improved after the treatment of moringa oleifera
seed powder but both the before and after results were in the normal range , It becomes a matter of
concern if chloride levels become high as above 100 mg L-1 in the waters because even in very small
concentrations, it burns the edges of the gills with long term after effects and its acceptable range is 0
(Bhatnagar et al. 2013). In the hardness of the water both the before and after results were within
the normal range, but as seen in the table the water hardness has improved ,According to Bhatnagar
et al. (2004), hardness values less than 20ppm cause stress, while a hardness of >300ppm is lethal
to some aquatic life as it increases pH, resulting in nutrient non-availability.
Table 3: Physiochemical Properties Properties of Irrigation Wastewater Before and After
Middle Bottom
Nitrite Nitrogen
Carbon Dioxide
On this table it is important to note the following remarks beings used; (N) is used
when the results are Normal or have met the standard value, (AN) if the results are Above normal
or above the standard value , and lastly (BN) if the results are Below normal or below the standard
value that was set by BFAR and DENR. And as shown on the table of the Physiochemical
Properties Properties of Irrigation Wastewater Before and After Treatment. The physical
properties of the water samples is divided into two categories the color and odor wherein it is
shown that the Color of the water has improved while the odor deteriorated or developed a bad
odor , this is similar to the study conducted by Hendrawati et al. (2016). Where the pH level before
the treatment remained consistent despite of the water level difference. However, after the
treatment only the top water decreased its pH level but still the following results are still within
the parameters based from the water standard of DENR, the same range is being stated in the study
of Bhatnagar et al. (2013). While the ammonia nitrogen showed similarities before and even after
the treatment in addition to that though they have the same results, but during the water analysis
the sample after the treatment has shown to be a little bit cleaner nut both results are within the
normal range , the same results has been concluded by the study of Aziz et al. (2019), next is the
nitrite nitrogen where the results before the treatment are 0.3 mg/L (top), 0.2 mg/L (middle) and
0.3 mg/L (bottom) these 3 results are both above the normal range ,while the after treatment are 0
mg/L (top), 0 mg/L (middle) and 0.2 mg/L (bottom) , the top and middle after the treatment has
become normal while the bottom has remained above the normal range , this is the same with the
study of Aziz et al. (2019): (Shaylida 2016). Meanwhile alkalinity showed huge decrease in each
level of water. Before, 400 mg/L (top), 380 mg/L (middle), 400 mg/L (bottom) while after it
decreased less than or 100 mg/L making the better but only the top and bottom were able to meet
the parameters. Another chemical property is the carbon dioxide. The outcome showed a decrease
by 2 mg/L after the treatment which means that the Moringa Oleifera is effective in terms of
lowering the acidity of the water. Likewise with alkalinity, a decline in chloride is also visible. 68
mg/L (top), 56 mg/L (middle) and 60 mg/L (bottom) became 40 mg/L (top), 44 mg/L (middle) and
48 mg/L (bottom). Lastly, the hardness of the wastewater also changed. 400 and 300 mg/L before
turned to 200 mg/L after, According to Bhatnagar et al. (2004), hardness values less than 20ppm
cause stress, >300ppm can be problematic to some aquatic organisms as it increases pH, resulting
in nutrient non-availability.
Table 4: Comparison of Wastewater Physiochemical Properties before applying of Moring
oleifera treatment with the Standards on Wastewater Quality
Irrigation water
Ammonia nitrogen
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
< 0.3 mg/L
Nitrite Nitrogen
0 mg/L
0.3 mg/L
0.2 mg/L
0.3 mg/L
< 0.1 mg/L
320 mg/L
Carbon Dioxide
5 mg/L
5 mg/L
5 mg/L
5 mg/L
< 70 mg/L
76 mg/L
68 mg/L
56 mg/L
60 mg/L
200 mg/L
The table above shows the comparison of wastewater Physiochemical Properties
before applying treatment with standards on wastewater quality. It is important to point out that
the values in this table have not yet been treated with Moringa oleifera seed powder and portray
the current standards in the catchment area. This table denotes that almost all parameters were able
to meet the standard set by the authorities; Nitrite Nitrogen, Alkalinity, and Hardness. The values of
Carbon dioxide and Chloride is much lower than the standard value, however Bhatnagar et al.
(2004) suggested that a concentration of 5-8 ppm is recommended for photosynthetic activity and
chloride, but not higher than or equal to 0.5 mg/L (Bhatnagar et al., 2004), are beneficial to aquatic
organisms. The value of nitrite nitrogen in the irrigation water is much higher than the standard,
as stated in the article published by Fishlab back in 2021, once nitrite levels exceed zero, they are
going to be absorbed by fish and is toxic to other aquatic animals. The value of hardness in the
top level of the Irrigation water is higher than the standard, and according to Bhatnagar, A. and
Pooja, D. (2013) as cited from (Swann, 1997) the recommended ideal value of hardness for fish
culture is at least 20 ppm because a value lower than this can cause stress to fish (Bhatnagar et al.
(2004). The values of alkalinity as seen in the table is much higher than the standard, and according
to Bhatnagar et al. (2004), a value >300ppm is undesirable due to lack of CO2 availability. The
increase and decrease in the values of these parameters is mainly caused by the activities of man
around the catchment area.
Table 5: Comparison of Wastewater Physiochemical Properties after applying of treatment
with the Standards on Wastewater Quality
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
< 0.3 mg/L
Ammonia nitrogen
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
Nitrite Nitrogen
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
0 mg/L
0.2 mg/L
< 0.1 mg/L
300 mg/L
340 mg/L
300 mg/L
20-300 mg/L
Carbon Dioxide
4 mg/L
3 mg/L
3 mg/L
3 mg/L
< 70 mg/L
60 mg/L
44 mg/L
48 mg/L
160 mg/L
200 mg/L
20-300 mg/L
The table shows the comparison of wastewater Physiochemical properties after application
of treatment which is the Moringa oleifera seed powder for 2 hours basing from standards on
wastewater Quality. On the physical properties in terms of color and odor having a value of 1 for
odor and 3 for the Color, the standards are attained on both domestic and industrial wastewater.
In terms of chemical properties, the pH of both the domestic and industrial water were able to
meet the standards required; the Moringa oleifera seed powder affected both Domestic wastewater
and Irrigation wastewater by making both pH slightly acidic but still within the standard. The
Ammonia level of both Wastewater samples were not affected, this is in line with the study of
Aziz et al. (2019) also with the Nitrite level in both wastewater samples were able to meet the
standard in which the standard value is < 0.1 mg/L . The Carbon dioxide and Chloride level in the
water samples were able to meet the standard but the results have a much lower value than standard
value which is beneficial to the aquatic forms provided that the values didn’t reach the limit of that
parameter (Simon 2018 cited from Nelson 2010). Meanwhile, despite its large amount, the
hardness and alkalinity of water can be included in the standards set by authorities, making it still
preferable to aquatic forms (Bhanagar et.al
This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions arrived at the recommendations
forwarded in the study.
Summary of Findings
The water samples collected from two catchment sites have undergone seven different
chemical property tests which are the following: pH, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen,
Alkalinity, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, and Hardness. Where in it shows a significant difference
between the water before and after the moringa oleifera water treatment where it shows a
difference in pH level but only the top level of irrigation water and domestic water changes that
have a result of 6.5 mg/L while the rest have 7 mg/L. Next is Ammonia Nitrogen which shows a
result of 0 mg/L before and after treatment on the irrigation and domestic water though they have
the same results, the after-treatment shows an improvement in the clarity of the water. Next is
Nitrite Nitrogen which shows different results for each level of irrigation water. Before the levels
were 0.3 mg/L (top), 0.2 mg/L (middle), and 0.3 mg/L but after the treatment it changes to 0 mg/L
(top), O mg/L (middle), and O.2 mg/L (bottom). Next is Alkalinity which also shows different
results for each level of irrigation water. Before the levels were 400 mg/L (top), 380 mg/L
(middle), and 400 mg/L (bottom) but after the treatment it changes to 300 mg/L (top), 340 mg/L
(middle), and 300 mg/L (bottom). Next is Carbon Dioxide which shows the same results for each
level of irrigation water after the treatment which is 3 mg/L while before each level was 5 mg/L.
Next is Chloride which shows different results for each level of irrigation water. Before the levels
were 68 mg/L (top), 56 mg/L (middle), and 60 mg/L (bottom) but after the treatment it changes to
40 mg/L (top), 44 mg/L (middle), and 48 mg/L (bottom). Lastly, the hardness of each level of
irrigation water shows different results where before the top level was 400 mg/L, and the middle
and bottom levels were 300 mg/L but after the treatment, each level had the same results of 200
Based on the findings, the study revealed that the Effectiveness of Moringa oleifera Seed
powder as a Waste Water Treatment Agent is “EFFECTIVE” as evaluated through the different
chemical property test that was conducted at the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources based
in San Mateo, Isabela. At such a limited time or 2 hours to be exact, Moringa oleifera seed powder
was able to alleviate or improve the waste water in terms of its physical and chemical properties
making the water much cleaner or purified. It disables the ability of certain chemicals such as
ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, carbon dioxide, chloride, alkalinity and hardness as included
in the test, to generate harmful effects in the chosen bodies of water. It also reduces the excessive
amount of these properties that may exert unwanted damage that the wastewater may cause. On
that account, the researchers imply or suggest an action plan to the community that will surely be
a catalyst of change which designed purpose is to promote water security. It is aligned with the
UN environment program called “Sustainable Development Goals” wherein one of its projects is
clean water and sanitation. This action plan comprises steps or methods where acceptance and
cooperation from the residents is needed. Households should constantly apply the seed powder in
their water storage before releasing it to the canals or waterway. This will result to the reduction
of water pollution.
Based on the findings, the researchers recommend the following:
To the study
1. Water Analysis should be performed on the wastewater catchment site in order to test the
dissolved oxygen of the water.
2. The researchers recommend that future researchers who are planning to undertake the same
endeavor should immediately test the water sample after collecting it from the catchment
3. For future researchers, utilize your time well, especially in the collection of water samples,
the collection of Moringa seeds, and the water analysis.
4. For people who want to recreate this study or explore it furthermore, irrigation can be a
great source of wastewater for it is a diverging area, and chemicals from the farm flow into
To the society
1. The researchers suggest an action proposal plan that adapts the effectiveness of Moringa
oleifera in which the residents will treat the water from their catch basin with Moringa
seeds before setting it loose to the canal.
2. The Moringa seed powder should be utilized by the following: farmers, fish pond owners,
and for household use.
3. To the government officials and environmental specialists, further investigation and study
of Moringa oleifera is solely suggested to maximize its use not just as a water treatment
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Satellite Fisheries Laboratory
Salinungan West San Mateo, Isabela
Test Report No. RFL2SM-22-CHE-001
: Nestor M. Labog
: Macañao, Luna, Isabela
Date Reported
Date Submitted
: January 13, 2022
Date Analyzed
: January 13, 2022
Source of Sample : Pond
: January 17, 2022
Laboratory Code
< 0.3 mg/L
0.05 mg/L
Nitrite Nitrogen
< 0.1 mg/L
0.05 mg/L
20-300 mg/L
60 mg/L
Carbon Dioxide
< 70 mg/L
28 mg/L
20-300 mg/L
160 mg/L
Titration/ Colorimetric Method, Lamotte Freshwater Aquaculture Test Kit Model AQ – 2
Manual on Fish Kill Investigation, Monitoring, and Reporting (Bantaya, 2016);
Optimum Range of Various Quality of Parameters (Abowei, 2010)
AN- Above Normal
BN- Below Normal
Result shows that all parameters tested are within the acceptable range for aquaculture.
Analyzed by:
Laboratory Analyst
Reviewed by:
OIC-Regional Fisheries Laboratory Division
Noted by:
OIC Regional Director
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Satellite Fisheries Laboratory
Salinungan West San Mateo, Isabela
Test Rep Test Report No. RFL2SM-22-CHE-049
Client : Kim Najel Lovino
Date Submitted
: April 27, 2022
Address: District 2, San Mauel, Isabela
Date Analyzed
: April
27, 2022
Source of Sample : Irrigation/Domestic Waste
Date Reported
: May 2, 2022
NOTE: Result(s) as per sample(s) received and analyzed. This Test Report shall not be reproduced without prior written
consent of Satellite Fisheries Laboratory.
Titration/ Colorimetric Method, Lamotte Freshwater Aquaculture Test Kit Model AQ – 2
Manual on Fish Kill Investigation, Monitoring, and Reporting (Bantaya, 2016);
Optimum Range of Various Quality of Parameters (Abowei, 2010)
Analyzed by:
Reviewed by:
Laboratory Analyst
OIC-Regional Fisheries Laboratory Division
Noted by:
Regional Director
District 2, San Manuel, Isabela
Mobile No. : 09973479841
Date of Birth :
January 21, 2004
Place of Birth :
Urdaneta, Pangasinan
Civil Status
45 kg
ELEMENTARY: San Manuel Central School
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Callang National High School
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel, Inc.
District 3, San Manuel, Isabela
Mobile No. : 09957799264
Date of Birth :
December 03, 2003
Place of Birth :
Roxas, Isabela
Civil Status
43 kg
ELEMENTARY: San Manuel Central School
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Callang National High School
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel, Inc.
District 3, San Manuel, Isabela
Mobile No. : 0936 309 5901
Date of Birth :
September 25, 2003
Place of Birth :
Dist.3, San Manuel, Isabela
Civil Status
50 kg
ELEMENTARY: Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel, Inc.
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Doña Aurora National High School
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel, Inc.
District #3 San Manuel,Isabela
Date of Birth :
December 22, 2003
Place of Birth :
Sta. Cruz Tondo, Manila
Civil Status
168 cm
80 kg
ELEMENTARY: Our Lady Of The Pillar College San Manuel Incorporated
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Callang National High school
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL:Our Lady Of The Pillar College San Manuel Incorporated
District #2 San Manuel, Isabela
Date of Birth :
June 26, 2003
Place of Birth :
Aurora, Isabela
Civil Status
75 kg
ELEMENTARY: San Manuel Central School
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Callang National High school
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL:Our Lady Of The Pillar College San Manuel Incorporated