ARTICLE THE MANDRILL AND THE OKAPI 1 M A R C H 2 0 2 4 T oday we are going to talk about this fantastic two animals, mandrill and koapi. The Mandrill is the second biggest monkey of our planet recovered by a thin skin and a Grey fur, instead the okapi is a mixture of a giraffe and a zebra. On 2nd centuries, the koapi was described as the ‘’ African Unicorn” for his similarities and its uncommon appearances. The typical habitat of the The Madrill its diet consists of The mandrill is in danger Mandrill is the tropical plants, which eats over a because their meat and fur is rainforest. hundred species. very expensive. The Okapi normally lives in The Okapi eats normally The Okapi is in danger central Africa. feeding on trees ,leaves, buds, because most of their forests branques, ferns, fruits and fungi. are cleared for agriculture. w e need to preserve the madrills because is a primate animal, and it’s important for the ecosystem. Okapi is the largest wildlife preserved animal, and there conservation awareness detaining poachers and the sustainable of the agriculture. Curiosites of there animals: One interesting fact about Madrill is that is derived from ‘Man’ ‘drill’. An interesting fact about the Okapi is that is rarely seen in the Wild and has the tongue long Enough to clean their eyes and ears.