ASNT Level-III NDT Practice Questions & Answers

Practice Questions and Answers for ASNT LEVEL-III
Basic Examination Module-1
(Materials and Processes for NDT Technology)
1. Products used in load carrying applications require more careful testing because?
Ans: Failure can cause loss of life, Failure can cause loss of use of the product,
Failure can be expensive, Failure can cause danger to other structures.
2. Loads which are most likely to cause failure are?
Ans: Multi directional.
3. The general term for a local variation in material continuity is called?
Ans: A discontinuity.
4. Where an unacceptable condition occurs in a material, due to local variations in material
continuity the term given specifically to this is?
Ans: A defect.
5. Examples of discontinuity?
Ans: Cracks, Change of section, Drilled Hole,
6. The study and description of a material property related to analytical studies and testing
attempts to quantify the toughness of a material is known as?
Ans: Fracture Mechanics.
7. A flaw which is deemed to be unacceptable standards is called?
Ans: A defect.
8. Which of the following is NOT considered a mode of failure?
(a) Fracture (b) Plastic formation (c) Fatigue (d) Elastic deformation.
Ans: Elastic deformation.
9. Brittle fracture is most likely to occur?
Ans: At low temperatures.
10. NDT is generally not carried out on cast irons because?
Ans: It is generally used in applications where the loads are principally comprehensive.
11. To make by hand, machinery or by agency: To produce by labour and usally machinery,
defines the?
Ans: Manufacturing process.
12. Processing is one or more steps that change a Products?
Ans: Shape and Properties
13. Changing a material's shape can be accomplished in which of the following states?
Ans: Solid, Liquid and Plastic
14. Which of the following is an example of reshaping?
Ans: Forging.
15. The process of solidification during casting can be likened to that of the?
Ans: Welding process.
16. Reshaping of a material whilst in a plastic or semi-solid form is called?
Ans: Rolling and Extrusion.
17. Examples of an engineering material?
Ans: Plastic, Concrete, Glass
18. Which of the following properties of a material can be used to predict the deflection of a
certain size beam under known loads?
(a) Tensile strength (b) Elastic limit (c) Younges modules (d) Ductility
Ans: Young’s modules
19. What are the terms considered when choosing an engineering material for a particular
Ans: Cost, Loading, Mechanical properties, Inspection costs.
20. What are the factors effect on the properties of an engineering material?
Ans: Composition, heat treated condition and crystal structure.
21. Which of the following is classed as a chemical property?
(a) Electrical conductivity (b) Thermal conductivity (c) Corrosion resistance
(d) Machine resistance
Ans: Corrosion resistance.
22. Examples of classed as a Physical property?
Ans: Density, Conductivity, Melting point.
23. A test designed to determine a materials castability would be classified as looking for a?
Ans: Processing property.
24. Internal forces acting upon imaginary planes cutting the body being loaded are?
Ans: Stresses.
25. A stress caused by forces at an angle to the plane is known as a?
Ans: Shear stress.
26. A non-destructive test is usually classified as a?
Ans: Indirect test.
27. If a material is loaded until its elastic limit is exceeded, what condition will occur?
Ans: The material may fracture, and the material may be work hardened.
28. The ultimate strength of material is.
Ans: The same as the breaking strength for brittle materials.
29. The modulus of elasticity is also known as?
Ans: Young's modulus.
30. What are materials exhibits better compressive strength than tensile strength?
Ans: Cast iron, Concrete, Wood.
31. When a metal is very brittle which test is used to replace the tensile test?
Ans: The transverse rupture test.
32. Fatigue failure may initiate from?
Ans: An area of corrosion, An internal flaw, A surface notch.
33. Which of the following is a Notched Bar test?
(a) Tensile impact test (b) Charpy test (c) Izod test (d) Charpy test and izod test
Ans: Charpy test and Izod test
34. Hardness tests can be used to determine material?
Ans: Hardness, Composition, Heat treated condition.
35. The superficial Rockwell test is carried out on materials that?
Ans: Only allow very small surface blemishes.
36. To what angle should a bend test be normally bent?
Ans: 180 degrees.
37. Which of the following is a hardness test?
(a) Rockwell (b) Creep (c) Charpy (d) Izod
Ans: Rockwell
38. Stresses that act along or parallel to a plane are known as?
Ans: Shear stresses.