Table Name DimAccount COLUMNS TYPE AccountKey ParentAccountKey AccountLabel AccountName AccountDescription AccountType Operator CustomMembers !alueType CustomMemberOptions #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimChannel COLUMNS TYPE ChannelKey ChannelLabel ChannelName ChannelDescription #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimCurrency COLUMNS TYPE CurrencyKey CurrencyLabel CurrencyName CurrencyDescription #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimCustomer COLUMNS TYPE CustomerKey (eo)raphyKey CustomerLabel Title *irstName int int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar LENGTH 4 4 100 50 50 50 50 00 50 "00 4 & & LENGTH 4 100 "0 50 4 & & LENGTH 4 10 "0 50 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 100 & 50 Mi$$leName LastName Name+tyle ,irthDate Marital+tatus +u-. (en$er #mailA$$ress /early%ncome TotalChil$ren NumberChil$renAtome #$ucation Occupation ouseOner*la) NumberCarsOne$ A$$ressLine1 A$$ressLine" Phone Date*irstPurchase CustomerType #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate nvarchar nvarchar bit $ate nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar money tinyint tinyint nvarchar nvarchar nchar tinyint nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar $ate nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimDate COLUMNS TYPE Date2ey *ullDateLabel DateDescription Calen$ar/ear Calen$ar/earLabel Calen$aral3/ear Calen$aral3/earLabel Calen$aruarter Calen$aruarterLabel Calen$arMonth Calen$arMonthLabel Calen$aree2 Calen$aree2Label Calen$arDayO3ee2 Calen$arDayO3ee2Label *iscal/ear *iscal/earLabel Datetime nvarchar nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar 50 50 1 1 10 1 50 & 1 1 40 100 1 1 1"0 1"0 "0 15 4 & & LENGTH "0 "0 4 "0 4 "0 4 "0 4 "0 4 "0 4 10 4 "0 *iscalal3/ear *iscalal3/earLabel *iscaluarter *iscaluarterLabel *iscalMonth *iscalMonthLabel %sor2Day %soli$ay oli$ayName #urope+eason NorthAmerica+eason Asia+eason int nvarchar int nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar Table Name DimEmloyee COLUMNS TYPE #mployeeKey Parent#mployeeKey *irstName LastName Mi$$leName Title ireDate ,irthDate #mailA$$ress Phone Marital+tatus #mer)encyContactName #mer)encyContactPhone +alarie$*la) (en$er Pay*re6uency ,ase7ate !acationours Current*la) +alesPerson*la) DepartmentName +tartDate #n$Date +tatus #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar $ate $ate nvarchar nvarchar nchar nvarchar nvarchar bit nchar tinyint money smallint bit bit nvarchar $ate $ate nvarchar int $atetime $atetime 4 "0 4 "0 4 "0 "0 4 "0 50 50 50 LENGTH 4 4 50 50 50 50 50 "5 1 50 "5 1 1 1 & " 1 1 50 50 4 & & Table Name DimEntity COLUMNS TYPE #ntityKey #ntityLabel Parent#ntityKey Parent#ntityLabel #ntityName #ntityDescription #ntityType +tartDate #n$Date +tatus #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar $atetime $atetime nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimMachine COLUMNS TYPE MachineKey MachineLabel +toreKey MachineType MachineName MachineDescription !en$orName MachineO+ Machine+ource Machinear$are Machine+o3tare +tatus +ervice+tartDate DecommissionDate LastMo$i8e$Date #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar $atetime $atetime $atetime int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimOuta!e COLUMNS TYPE Outa)eKey Outa)eLabel Outa)eName Outa)eDescription int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar LENGTH 4 100 4 100 50 100 100 & & 50 4 & & LENGTH 4 100 4 50 100 "00 50 50 100 100 100 50 & & & 4 & & LENGTH 4 100 50 "00 Outa)eType Outa)eTypeDescription Outa)e+ubType Outa)e+ubTypeDescription #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimPro"uct COLUMNS TYPE Pro$uctKey Pro$uctLabel Pro$uctName Pro$uctDescription Pro$uct+ubcate)oryKey Manu3acturer ,ran$Name Class%D ClassName +tyle%D +tyleName Color%D ColorName +i9e +i9e7an)e +i9e'nitMeasure%D ei)ht ei)ht'nitMeasure%D 'nitO3Measure%D 'nitO3MeasureName +toc2Type%D +toc2TypeName 'nitCost 'nitPrice Available*or+aleDate +top+aleDate +tatus %ma)e'7L Pro$uct'7L #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar :oat nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar money money $atetime $atetime nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime 50 "00 50 "00 4 & & LENGTH 4 "55 500 400 4 50 50 10 "0 10 "0 10 "0 50 50 "0 & "0 10 40 10 40 & & & & ; 150 150 4 & & Table Name DimPro"uctCate!ory COLUMNS TYPE Pro$uctCate)oryKey Pro$uctCate)oryLabel Pro$uctCate)oryName Pro$uctCate)oryDescription #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimPro"uctSubcate!ory COLUMNS TYPE Pro$uct+ubcate)oryKey Pro$uct+ubcate)oryLabel Pro$uct+ubcate)oryName Pro$uct+ubcate)oryDesciption Pro$uctCate)oryKey #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimPromotion COLUMNS TYPE PromotionKey PromotionLabel PromotionName Promotion$escription DiscountPercent PromotionType PromotionCate)ory Minuantity Ma.uantity +tartDate #n$Date #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar :oat nvarchar nvarchar int int $atetime $atetime int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimSalesTerritory COLUMNS TYPE +alesTerritoryKey (eo)raphyKey +alesTerritoryLabel int int nvarchar LENGTH 4 100 0 50 4 & & LENGTH 4 100 50 100 4 4 & & LENGTH 4 100 "0 "55 & 50 50 4 4 & & 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 100 +alesTerritoryName +alesTerritory7e)ion +alesTerritoryCountry +alesTerritory(roup +alesTerritoryLevel +alesTerritoryMana)er +tartDate #n$Date +tatus #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimScenario COLUMNS TYPE +cenarioKey +cenarioLabel +cenarioName +cenarioDescription #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimStore COLUMNS TYPE +toreKey (eo)raphyKey +toreMana)er +toreType +toreName +toreDescription +tatus OpenDate CloseDate #ntityKey <ipCo$e <ipCo$e#.tension +torePhone +tore*a. A$$ressLine1 A$$ressLine" Close7eason #mployeeCount int int int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar $atetime $atetime int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int 50 50 50 50 10 4 & & 50 4 & & LENGTH 4 100 "0 50 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 4 15 100 00 "0 & & 4 "0 10 15 14 100 100 "0 4 +ellin)Area+i9e Last7emo$elDate (eoLocation (eometry #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate :oat $atetime )eo)raphy )eometry int $atetime $atetime Table Name DimGeo!rahy COLUMNS TYPE (eo)raphyKey (eo)raphyType ContinentName CityName +tateProvinceName 7e)ionCountryName (eometry #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar )eometry int $atetime $atetime & & 4 & & LENGTH 4 50 50 100 100 100 4 & & "escrition The primary 2ey o3 account table The parent 2ey o3 account table The account label The name o3 account> The account $escription The type o3 the account such as Asset or income The operator o3 the account recor$ The account custom member 3or MD? calculation The value type o3 the account recor$ The options o3 custom members 3or MD? calculation #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 channel table The channel label The name o3 the channel>+toreBOnlineBCatalo)B7eseller The $escription o3 the channel #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 currency table The abbreviation o3 the currency The name o3 the currency '+DB(,PBCN/ The $escription o3 the currency #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 customer table *orei)n 2ey pointe$ to PK in Dim(eo)raphy table The abbreviate$ $escription o3 the customer The title o3 the customer The 8rst name o3 the customer The mi$$le name o3 the customer The last name o3 the customer The style o3 the customer name The birth$ay o3 the customer The marital status o3 the customer The su-. o3 the customer The )en$er o3 the customer The email a$$ress o3 the customer The yearly income o3 the customer The number o3 chil$ren The athome chil$ren number The e$ucation o3 the customer The occupation o3 the customer The :a) o3 hether the customer ons a house The number o3 cars one$ by customer The a$$ress 1 o3 the customer The a$$ress " o3 the customer The phone number o3 the customer The 8rst purchase $ate o3 the customer The type o3 customerPersonBCompany #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 Date table Date label Date $escription Calen$ar year Label o3 calen$ar year al3 year Label o3 the hal3 year uarter o3 a calen$ar year Label o3 the 6uarter Month o3 a calen$ar year Label o3 the month ee2 o3 a calen$ar year Label o3 the ee2 Date o3 a calen$ar year Label o3 the $ate *iscal year Label o3 the 8scal year al3 year o3 a 8scal year Label o3 the hal3 8scal year uarter o3 a 8scal year Label o3 the 8scal 6uarter Month o3 a 8scal year Label o3 the 8scal month hether it is a or2 $ay hether it is a holi$ay The name o3 the holi$ay i3 it is a holi$ay The mar2etin) season in #urope> The mar2etin) season in North America> The mar2etin) season in Asia> "escrition The primary 2ey o3 employee table The 2ey o3 $irect report mana)er *irst name Last name Mi$$le name The title o3 the employee The hire $ate The birth $ate o3 the employee The email a$$ress o3 the employee The phone number o3 the employee The marital status o3 the employee #mer)ency contact name #mer)ency contact phone The :a) o3 salary The )en$er o3 the employee The pay 3re6uency o3 the employee The base rate o3 the salary The vacation hours o3 the employee hether is a current employee hether is a sales person The $epartment o3 the employee belon)s to irin) start $ate irin) en$ $ate The status o3 the employee #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 #ntity table The label o3 the entity The 2ey o3 parent entity The label o3 parent entity The entity name The entity $escription The entity type (roupBCountryB7e)ionB+tore the start $ate o3 #ntity use$ 3or slo chan)e $imension the en$ $ate o3 #ntity use$ 3or slo chan)e $imension the status o3 the #ntity CurrentB7etire$ #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 machine table The label o3 machine PO+01"&"01BPO+0100101BE The store by hich the machine is one$ The machine type the )eneration o3 PO+ or +erverF PO+01BPO+0"B+#701B+#70B+01B',01BE> The machine name The machine $escription Procurement ven$or Operatin) system Machine location +toreBData Center ar$are con8)uration +o3tare con8)uration The status o3 the machine ActiveBDecommission +ervice start $ate +ervice $ecommission $ate The last up$ate$ $ate> #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The The The The primary 2ey o3 outa)e table label o3 outa)e outa)e name outa)e $escription The outa)e type ar$areB+o3tareBNetor2BMaintenance>> The outa)e type $escription The sub type o3 the outa)e ar$are MemoryBArray ControllerB*iber Channel The outa)e sub type $escription #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 Pro$uct table The label o3 pro$uct The name o3 pro$uct The $escription o3 pro$uct The 2ey o3 pro$uct sub cate)ory The manu3acturer o3 the pro$uct The bran$ name o3 the pro$uct The Consumption class %D o3 the pro$uct The Consumption class name #conomyBMi$$leBLu.uryBNull The style %D o3 the pro$uct The style name o3 the pro$uct Pro3essionalBomeB>>> The color %D o3 the pro$uct The pro$uct color name 7e$B,lueB,lac2B>>> The si9e o3 the pro$uct The alloable ma.imum si9e o3 the pro$uct The si9e unit %D The ei)ht o3 the pro$uct The ei)ht unit %D The unit measure %D The name o3 unit measure The %D o3 stoc2 type The name o3 stoc2 type i)hBMi$BLo The unit pro$uct cost The su))este$ unit price +tart sellin) $ate +top sellin) $ate +ellin) status %ma)e '7L a$$ress '7L a$$ress #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 Pro$uctCate)ory table The label o3 the cate)ory The cate)ory name A'D%OBT!G!#D%OBCOMP'T#7+BC#LLPON#+>>> The $etails o3 the cate)ory #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition Primary Key The label o3 the subcate)ory The subcate)oryHs nameTelevisionsB!CDGD!DBome Theater +ystemBAccessories The $etails o3 the subcate)ory hich cate)ory the subcate)ory belon)s to #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 Promotion table The label o3 the promotion plan PromotionHs name The $etails o3 the promotion Discount rate The type o3 the promotion plan No DiscountB#.cess %nventoryB+easonal Discount The cate)ory o3 the promotion +toreBCustomer The minimum 6uantity The ma.imum 6uantity The start $ate o3 the promotion plan The en$ $ate o3 the promotion plan #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 sales territory table The 3orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to Dim(eo)raphy table The label o3 the sales territory The sales territory name>Contoso 7e$mon$ +toreBContoso Ne /or2 +toreB>>> The re)ion o3 the sales territory Colora$oBisconsinBTe.asB*lori$a The country o3 the sales territory 'nite$ +tatesB'KB+it9erlan$ The )roup o3 the sales territory North AmericanBAsianB#uropean The sales territory level The mana)er name o3 the sales territory +tart $ate use$ 3or slo chan)e $imension 7etire$ $ate use$ 3or slo chan)e $imension the status o3 the sales territory CurrentB7etire$ #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 +cenario table> The label o3 the scenario +cenarioHs nameActualB,u$)etB*orecast The $etails o3 the scenario #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 +tore table The 3orei)n 2ey pointe$ to Dim(eo)raphy table The mana)er o3 the store The type o3 the store OnlineBCatalo)B+tore The storeHs name The $etails o3 the store The status o3 the store OpenBClose The open $ate o3 the store The close $ate o3 the store The 2ey pointe$ to Dim#ntity@ Dim+tore is the subset o3 Dim#ntity The 9ip co$e The 9ip co$eHs e.tension The phone number o3 the store The 3a. number o3 the store The store a$$ress The store a$$ress hy the store close The number o3 the store staI The si9e o3 the store The last remo$el $ay o3 the store The storeHs )eo)raphy location The storeHs )eometry location #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL "escrition The primary 2ey o3 (eo)raphy table The type o3 )eo)raphy ContinentB7e)ionCountryB+tateProvinceBCity The Continent Name AsiaB#uropeBNorth America The City Name Ne /or2B7e$mon$BLas !e)as The +tate or Province Name Colora$oBisconsinBTe.asB*lori$a The Country or 7e)ion Name 'nite$ +tatesBCana$aB+it9erlan$ The )eometry location $ata #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL NOTES PK NOTES PK NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK NOTES PK *K NOTES PK Table Name #actE$chan!e%ate &Contains e$chan! COLUMNS TYPE #.chan)e7ateKey CurrencyKey DateKey Avera)e7ate #n$O3Day7ate #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int int $atetime :oat :oat int $atetime $atetime Table Name #act*n'entory &Summary table+ contain COLUMNS TYPE %nventoryKey DateKey +toreKey Pro$uctKey CurrencyKey Onan$uantity OnOr$eruantity +a3ety+toc2uantity 'nitCost Days%n+toc2 MinDay%n+toc2 Ma.Day%n+toc2 A)in) #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int $atetime int int int int int int money int int int int int $atetime $atetime LENGTH 4 4 & & 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & 4 4 4 4 4 & & Table Name #act*TMachine &Contains machine ro COLUMNS TYPE %TMachine2ey MachineKey Date2ey CostAmount CostType #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int int $atetime money nvarchar int $atetime $atetime LENGTH 4 4 & "00 4 & & Table Name #act*TSLA &Contains outa!e in(ormatio COLUMNS TYPE LENGTH %T+LA2ey DateKey +toreKey MachineKey Outa)eKey Outa)e+tartTime Outa)e#n$Time DonTime #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int $atetime int int int $atetime $atetime int int $atetime $atetime 4 Table Name #actSales &Summary table+ contains COLUMNS TYPE +alesKey DateKey ChannelKey +toreKey Pro$uctKey PromotionKey CurrencyKey 'nitCost 'nitPrice +alesuantity 7eturnuantity 7eturnAmount Discountuantity DiscountAmount TotalCost +alesAmount #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int $atetime int int int int int money money int int money int money money money int $atetime $atetime Table Name #actSales.uota &Sales oerational la COLUMNS TYPE +alesuotaKey +toreKey Pro$uctKey ChannelKey DateKey CurrencyKey +cenarioKey int int int int $atetime int int 4 4 4 & & 4 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 & & 4 4 & 4 & & & 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 +alesAmountuota money & +alesuantityuota (rossMar)inuota #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate money money int $atetime $atetime & & 4 & & Table Name #actStrate!yPlan &Cororate strate!ic COLUMNS TYPE +trate)yPlanKey Date2ey #ntityKey +cenarioKey AccountKey CurrencyKey Pro$uctCate)oryKey Amount #TLLoa$%D Loa$Date 'p$ateDate int $atetime int int int int int money int $atetime $atetime Table Name #actOnlineSales &Sales transactional " COLUMNS TYPE Online+alesKey DateKey +toreKey Pro$uctKey PromotionKey CurrencyKey CustomerKey +alesOr$erNumber +alesOr$erLineNumber +alesuantity +alesAmount 7eturnuantity 7eturnAmount Discountuantity DiscountAmount TotalCost 'nitCost 'nitPrice #TLLoa$%D int $atetime int int int int int nvarchar int int money int money int money money money money int LENGTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 & 4 & & LENGTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 "0 4 4 & 4 & 4 & & & & 4 Loa$Date 'p$ateDate $atetime $atetime & & rates con'erte" (rom other currency to basic currency o( Contoso Cororate) D*SC%*PT*ON The Primary Key The 3orei)n 2ey pointe$ to PK in DimCurrency Table DimDateHs Primary Key Avera)e rate o3 the $ay The rate in the en$ o3 the $ay #TL loa$ process %D Loa$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate $ate@ use$ 3or #TL es er store er ro"uct ,ee-ly in'entory "ata) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *act%nventoryHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey pointe$ to PK in DimDate *orei)n 2ey pointe$ to PK in Dim+tore *orei)n 2ey pointe$ to PK in DimPro$uct *orei)n 2ey pointe$ to PK in DimCurrency The avaliable uantity o3 pro$ucts The or$ere$ uantity o3 pro$ucts The uantity o3 sa3ety stoc2 The avera)e unit cost o3 a pro$uct The $ays o3 the pro$ucts staye$ in the stoc2 The minimum $ays o3 the pro$ucts staye$ in the stoc2 The ma.imum $ays o3 the pro$ucts staye$ in the stoc2 The $ays that )oo$s in stoc2 can meet sales nee$s #TL loa$ process %D Loa$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate $ate@ use$ 3or #TL urement an" maintenance costs) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *act%TMachineHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimMachine *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimDate The actual cost o3 each machine The Machine Cost TypeMaintenanceBPurchaseB>>> #TL loa$ process %D Loa$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate $ate@ use$ 3or #TL n) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *act%T+LAHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimDate *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim+tore *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK inDimMachine *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimOuta)e The time hen the outa)e happene$ The time hen the outa)e resolve$ The machine $on time #TL loa$ process %D Loa$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate $ate@ use$ 3or #TL r store er ro"uct "aily sales "ata) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *act+alesHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimDate *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimChannel *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim+tore *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimPro$uct *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimPromotion *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Currency The unit cost o3 pro$uct The unit price o3 pro$uct +ale 6uantity 7eturne$ 6uantity 7eturne$ amount Discount 6uantity Discount amount Total cost Total sales amount #TL loa$ process %D Loa$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate $ate@ use$ 3or #TL + not only contains Plannin!/#orecastin!/0u"!etin! "ata+ but also contains actual sales "ata) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *act+alesuotaHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim+tore *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimPro$uct *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimChannel *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimDate *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimCurrency *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim+cenario The sales amount $ata The sales 6uantity $ata The (ross Mar)in $ata #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL lan+ contains the ,hole !rou1s monthly Actual/#orecastin!/0u"!etin! Pro(it 2 Loss "ata) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *act+trate)yPlanHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimDate *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim#ntity *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim+cenario *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimAccount *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimCurrency *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimPro$uctCate)ory The amount o3 ActualBbu$)etB3orecast #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL ata+ contains each sales transactions occurre" in on3line store) D*SC%*PT*ON Table *actOnline+alesHs Primary Key *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimDate *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Dim+tore *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimPro$uct *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in DimPromotion *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Currency *orei)n 2ey lin2e$ to PK in Customer The PO number Line item o3 a speci8c +ales Or$er +ale 6uantity +ales amount The 6uantity o3 return )oo$s The amount o3 return )oo$s Discount 6uantity Discount amount Total cost 'nit cost 'nit price #TL loa$ process %D Loa$e$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL 'p$ate$ $ate@ use$ 3or #TL NOTES PK *K *K NOTES PK *K *K *K *K NOTES PK *K *K NOTES PK *K *K *K *K NOTES PK *K *K *K *K *K *K NOTES PK *K *K *K *K *K NOTES PK *K *K *K *K *K *K NOTES PK *K *K *K *K *K Dimensions Promotion Currency Channel Machine +cenario (eo)raphy Customer Account #mployee Pro$uct +tore +ales Territory #ntity Outa)e Date Cube &Persecti'e) Dimensions Promotion Currency Channel +cenario #mployee (eo)raphy Pro$uct +tore +alesTerritory #ntity Date Measure Grou Sales Sales Quota Exchange Rate Calculate" Members 4P*s Name set Cube &Persecti'e) Dimensions Pro$uct (eo)raphy +tore Currency Date #ntity +alesTerritory #mployee Measure Grou Inventory Exchange Rate Calculation Members 4P* Cube &Persecti'e) Dimensions Machine +tore Outa)e *act %T Machine (eo)raphy Date #ntity #mployee +alesTerritory Measure Grou IT SLA IT Machine Machine Calculate" Members 4P* Cube Dimensions +cenario Account #ntity Currency Pro$uct Date Channel Measure Grou +trate)y Plan #.chan)e 7ate Calculate" Members 4P* Data Minin! Name Customer Classi8cation Customer Promotion ,as2et Analysis Pro$uct *orecast Hierarchy Name (eo)raphy ierarchy Account Level #mployee Level Pro$uct ierarchy (eo)raphy ierarchy +ales Territory ierarchy #ntity Level Outa)e Type ierarchy Calen$ar /MD Calen$ar /D *iscal /M Oeration&Sales) Hierarchy Name Measure Name +ales uantity +ales Amount +ales Discount Amount +ales Discount uantity +ales 7eturn uantity +ales 7eturn Amount +ales Total Cost +ales 'nit Cost +ales 'nit Price +ales uota Amount +ales uota uantity +ales uota (ross Mar)in Monthly Avera)e 7ate #n$ O3 Day 7ate Member Name +ales (ross Mar)in +ales Amount (roth *iscal /ear +ales (ross Mar)in (roth *iscal /ear +ales 7eturn Amount (roth *iscal /ear +ales Total Cost (roth *iscal /ear +ales Discount Amount (roth *iscal /ear +ales Amount (roth Calen$ar /ear +ales (ross Mar)in (roth Calen$ar /ear +ales 7eturn Amount (roth Calen$ar /ear +ales Total Cost (roth Calen$ar /ear +ales Discount Amount (roth Calen$ar /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales Amount *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales (ross Mar)in *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales 7eturn Amount *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales Total Cost *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales Discount Amount *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales Amount Calen$ar /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales (ross Mar)in Calen$ar /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales 7eturn Amount Calen$ar /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales Total Cost Calen$ar /ear Perio$ on Perio$ (roth +ales Discount Amount Calen$ar /ear 7evenue Pro$uct (ross Pro8t Mar)in Channel 7evenue To$ay@ Last 0 Days@ This Month@ Last Months@ Last /ear@ This /ear Top 50 Pro$ucts@ Top 10 +tores Oeration&*n'entory) Name #ormulas %nventory On an$ uantity %nventory On Or$er uantity %nventory +a3ety +toc2 uantity %nventory 'nit Cost %nventory Days %n +toc2 %nventory Min Day %n +toc2 %nventory Ma. Day %n +toc2 %nventory A)in) %nventory 7o Count Monthly Avera)e 7ate #n$ O3 Day 7ate Name Perio$ on Perio$ Chan)e in Onhan$ uantity *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ Chan)e in Onor$er uantity *iscal /ear On an$ uantity (roth *iscal /ear On Or$er uantity (roth *iscal /ear %nventory On an$ uantity Av) %nventory On Or$er uantity Av) %nventory Days %n +toc2 Av) %nventory A)in) Av) %nventory 'nit Cost Av) %nventory +a3ety +toc2 uantity Av) #ormulas Oeration&*T Machine) Hierarchy #ormulas %T Machine Don Time %T Machine Don Counts %T Machine Cost Machine uantity #ormulas #ormulas Strate!y Plan Hierarchy #ormulas +trate)y Plan Amount Monthly Avera)e 7ate #n$ O3 Day 7ate Name Perio$ on Perio$ o3 Amount *iscal /ear Perio$ on Perio$ o3 Amount Calen$ar /ear Amount (roth *iscal /ear Amount (roth Calen$ar /ear #ormulas Scenario Customer Classi8cation by +ales revenue Camcor$er +easonal promotion sales analysis by customer Pro$uct sales ,as2et Analysis +ales revenue 3orecast by pro$uct cate)ory Hierarchy Continent Name7e)ion Country Name+tate Province NameCity Name Parent chil$ Parent chil$ Pro$uct Cate)ory Pro$uct +ubcate)ory Pro$uct 7e)ionBCountry +tate City +tore +ales Territory (roup+ales Territory Country+ales Territory 7e)ion+ales Territory Name ParentChil$F (roup7e)ionBCountry +tate +tore Outa)e typeOuta)e +ub typeOuta)e name Calen$ar /earCalen$ar uarterCalen$ar MonthDay Calen$ar /earCalen$ar ee2ee2 $ayDay *iscal /ear*iscal al3 /ear*iscal uarter*iscal Month Hierarchy #ormulas #ormulas Measures>+ales AmountMeasures>+ales Total CostMeasures>+ales 7eturn Amount case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Amount #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales (ross Mar)in 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales (ross Mar)in Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales (ross Mar)in B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales (ross Mar)in #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales 7eturn Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales 7eturn Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales 7eturn Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales 7eturn Amount #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Total Cost 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales Total Cost Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Total Cost B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Total Cost #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Discount Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales Discount Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Discount Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last */ +ales Discount Amount #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Amount #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales (ross Mar)in 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales (ross Mar)in Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales (ross Mar)in B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales (ross Mar)in #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales 7eturn Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales 7eturn Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales 7eturn Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales 7eturn Amount #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Total Cost 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales Total Cost Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Total Cost B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Total Cost #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Discount Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+ales Discount Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Discount Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 Last Calen$ar +ales Discount Amount #ND parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@ Measures>+ales Amount parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@Measures>+ales (ross Mar)in parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@ Measures>+ales 7eturn Amount parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@Measures>+ales Total Cost parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@Measures>+ales Discount Amount parallelperio$ Date>Calen$ar /MD>Calen$ar /ear@ 1@ Date>Calen$ar /MD>currentmember@ Measures>+ales Amount parallelperio$ Date>Calen$ar /MD>Calen$ar /ear@ 1@ Date>Calen$ar /MD>currentmember@ Measures>+ales (ross Mar)in parallelperio$ Date>Calen$ar /MD>Calen$ar /ear@ 1@ Date>Calen$ar /MD>currentmember@ Measures>+ales 7eturn Amount parallelperio$ Date>Calen$ar /MD>Calen$ar /ear@ 1@ Date>Calen$ar /MD>currentmember@ Measures>+ales Total Cost parallelperio$ Date>Calen$ar /MD>Calen$ar /ear@ 1@ Date>Calen$ar /MD>currentmember@ Measures>+ales Discount Amount Hierarchy #ormulas parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@ Measures>%nventory On an$ uantity parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@ Measures>%nventory On Or$er uantity case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ On an$ uantity 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>%nventory On an$ uantity Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ On an$ uantity B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ On an$ uantity #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ On Or$er uantity 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>%nventory On Or$er uantity Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ On Or$er uantity B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ On Or$er uantity #ND Measures>%nventory On an$ uantityBMeasures>%nventory 7o Count Measures>%nventory On Or$er uantityBMeasures>%nventory 7o Count Measures>%nventory Days %n +toc2BMeasures>%nventory 7o Count Measures>%nventory A)in)BMeasures>%nventory 7o Count Measures>%nventory 'nit CostBMeasures>%nventory 7o Count Measures>%nventory 'nit CostBMeasures>%nventory 7o Count #ormulas parallelperio$ Date>*iscal /M>*iscal /ear@ 1@ Date>*iscal /M>currentmember@ Measures>+trate)y Plan Amount parallelperio$ Date>Calen$ar /MD>Calen$ar /ear@ 1@ Date>Calen$ar /MD>currentmember@ case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+trate)y Plan Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L*/ Amount #ND case hen Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L/ Amount 0 then 0 #L+# Measures>+trate)y Plan Amount Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L/ Amount B Measures>Parallel Perio$ O3 L/ Amount #ND Al!orithm Microso3tQClusterin) Microso3tQDecisionQTrees Microso3tQAssociationQ7ules Microso3tQTimeQ+eries NOTES PGL accounts NOTES NOTES NOTES (roth rate compare to the same perio$ o3 last 8scal /earBuarterBMonthBee2BDay (roth rate compare to the same perio$ o3 last calen$ar /earBuarterBMonthBee2BDay %nvisibleF canHt see 3rom measures> %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible %nvisible NOTES NOTES NOTES +um +um %nvisiblesum %nvisiblesum %nvisiblesum Min Ma. %nvisiblesum %nvisible7o Count NOTES %nvisibleF use$ in calculation> %nvisible to users> %nvisible (roth rate compare to the same perio$ o3 last 8scal /earBuarterBMonthBee2BDay NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES ActualB,u$)etB*orecast NOTES NOTES %nvisible %nvisible (roth rate compare to the same perio$ o3 last 8scal /earBuarterBMonthBee2BDay (roth rate compare to the same perio$ o3 last calen$ar /earBuarterBMonthBee2BDay NOTES Data Source !QCustomer !QCustomerPromotion !QOnline+alesOr$erR!QOnline+alesOr$erDetail !QPro$uct*orecast 5ie, Name 56Customer&Use" (or Data Minin! 3 Custo COLUMNS TYPE CustomerKey A)e Marital+tatus (en$er /early%ncome TotalChil$ren NumberChil$renAtome #$ucation ouseOner*la) NumberCarsOne$ Consumption int int nchar nvarchar money tinyint tinyint nvarchar nchar tinyint money 5ie, Name 56CustomerPromotion&Use" (or Data Min COLUMNS TYPE CustomerKey PromotionKey PromotionName PromotionType Pro$uctKey Marital+tatus (en$er /early%ncome TotalChil$ren NumberChil$renAtome #$ucation A)e ouseOner*la) NumberCarsOne$ int int nvarchar nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar money tinyint tinyint nvarchar int nchar tinyint 5ie, Name 56OnlineSalesOr"er &Use" (or Data Minin LENGTH 4 4 1 1 & 1 1 40 1 1 & LENGTH 4 4 "0 50 4 1 1 & 1 1 40 4 1 1 COLUMNS TYPE Or$erNumber CustomerKey 7e)ion %ncome(roup nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar LENGTH 5ie, Name 56OnlineSalesOr"erDetail &Use" (or Data COLUMNS TYPE Or$erNumber LineNumber Pro$uct nvarchar int nvarchar "0 4 100 & LENGTH "0 4 500 5ie, Name 56CustomerOr"ers &Use" (or Data Minin! COLUMNS TYPE Or$erNumber LineNumber Calen$ar/ear *iscal/ear Month Pro$uctCate)oryName Pro$uct+ubcate)ory Pro$uct CustomerKey 7e)ion %ncome(roup A)e uantity Amount nvarchar int int int int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar int nvarchar nvarchar int int money 5ie, Name 56Pro"uct#orecast&Use" (or Data Minin! COLUMNS TYPE Calen$arMonth 7eportDate Pro$uctCate)oryName +alesuantity +alesAmount int $ate nvarchar int money LENGTH "0 4 4 4 4 0 50 500 4 100 & 4 4 & LENGTH 4 & 0 4 & mer Classi(ication) "escrition Customer 2ey The a)e o3 the customer The marital status o3 the customer The )en$er o3 the customer The yearly income o3 the customer The chil$ren number o3 the customer The athome chil$ren number The e$ucation o3 the customer The :a) o3 hether the customer ons a house The number o3 cars one$ by customer The Consumption o3 the customer in! 3 Customer Promotion ) "escrition Customer 2ey Promotion 2ey PromotionHs name The type o3 the promotion planNo DiscountB#.cess %nventoryB+easonal Discount Pro$uct Key The marital status o3 the customer The )en$er o3 the customer The yearly income o3 the customer The chil$ren number o3 the customer The athome chil$ren number The e$ucation o3 the customer The customerHs a)e hen purchase$ the pro$uct hether the customer ons a house> The number o3 cars one$ by the customer 3 0as-et Analysis ) "escrition The +ales Or$er o3 Transaction Customer 2ey The Country or 7e)ion Name 'nite$ +tatesBCana$aB+it9erlan$ The %ncome level o3 the Customer LoBi)hBMo$erate Minin! 3 0as-et Analysis ) "escrition The +ales Or$er o3 Transaction The +ales Or$er Line number o3 Transaction The name o3 pro$uct> 3 0as-et Analysis+ sub 'ie, o( 56OnlineSalesOr"er an" 56OnlineSalesOr"erDetail) "escrition The +ales Or$er o3 Transaction Line item o3 a speci8c +ales Or$er Calen$ar year *iscal year Calen$ar Month The cate)ory nameA'D%OBT!G!#D%OBCOMP'T#7+BC#LLPON#+>>> The subcate)ory nameTelevisionsB!CDGD!DBome Theater +ystemBAccessories The name o3 pro$uct Customer 2ey The Country or 7e)ion Name 'nite$ +tatesBCana$aB+it9erlan$ The %ncome (roup o3 the Customer LoBi)hBMo$erate The customerHs a)e hen purchase$ the pro$uct +ales 6uantity +ales amount 3 Pro"uct #orecast ) "escrition Calen$ar month The *irst $ay o3 the month The cate)ory name A'D%OBT!G!#D%OBCOMP'T#7+BC#LLPON#+>>> The sales 6uantity The sales amount NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES