PedraView 2 Database Installation Guide Revision History Ver. Date Description 0.1 2019.11.05 Initial Release Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 4 1.1 Cautions ............................................................................................ 4 1.2 Program Introduction........................................................................... 4 1.3 System Requirements .......................................................................... 4 1.4 Compatibility List ................................................................................ 5 2. MariaDB Installation .................................................................................... 6 2.1 Download .......................................................................................... 6 2.2 Installation Process .............................................................................. 8 2.3 Database creation and user addition by using HeidiSQL ......................... 13 2.4 Compatibility check on PedraView ....................................................... 20 1. Introduction 1.1 Cautions It is important for you to read and understand the contents of this manual before attempting to use the product. Ignoring such warnings or user carelessness while handling the product may results in serious injury or accident. Please read manuals and installation guides of relevant instruments in the system. 1.2 Program Introduction This document is a database S/W (MariaBD) installation guide which should be installed to use X-ray Console S/W (PedraView Version 2 ). 1.3 System Requirements We recommend following specifications to use our Pedraview. ITEM REQUIREMENTS OS Windows 10 Pro 64bit NETWORK 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.11ac Wireless LAN CPU Intel Core i7 8700 or higher (or compatible CPU Like AMD Ryzen 7) MEMORY 8GB or higher HDD/SDD 1TB or higher MONITOR 1920 X 1080 or higher CD-ROM CD or DVD R/W REMARK 1.4 Compatibility List We guide compatibility information for Manual, Software and Detector Firmware. MANUAL PEDRAVIEW MARIADB 0.1 1.0 10.4.8 or Higher REMARK 2. MariaDB Installation 2.1 Download Please download a proper version with the O/S of your PC from the following link. (Windows 64bit) Download URL : Click the newest version. (10.4.8 as of today) Please download and execute the installation file by clicking the installation file for Windows 64bit. 2.2 Installation Process (be cautious about root password setup) Please follow the next steps after executing the installation file. Click the Next button. License information screen: Click the Next button after you agree to the license. Installation directory setup screen: Click the Next button. Please click the Next button after setting up like the following table. NO EXPLANATION 1 Set up the root password. (Don’t forget the password.) 2 Check on “Use UTF8 as default server’s character set”. Click the Next button. Click the Next button. Click the Install button. Files will be copied to the system. Installation will be finished by clicking the Finish button. 2.3 Database creation and user addition by using HeidiSQL HediSQL will be installed together when installing MariaDB. Execute the HeidiSQL. Click the open button after signing in with the root password used when installing. Please proceed like the following table. NO EXPLANATION 1 Open the popup menu by mouse right click. 2 Select “Create new -> Database”. Click the OK button after naming the Database as you want. Database has been created. Click the user management icon to authorize the created Database. Click the Add button. NO 1 EXPLANATION Please sign in using your username and password. (Please don’t forget your username and password.) 2 Click the “Add object” button. Click the OK button after selecting the created Database. NO EXPLANATION 1 Please check like the above picture to authorize the selected Database. 2 Please finish user addition by clicking the Save button. 2.4 Compatibility check on PedraView You can check the compatibility with the created Database in the setup menu of PedraView. The created Database and username on the above example are as follows. ITEM VALUE DATABASE Foobar USER USERNAME PASSWORD 1111 PORT 3306 (default) Please note the above example is only for explanation so set up values as you want to use in actual. Click the Verify button to check the compatibility after inputting values like the above picture. Please click the Apply button to apply and save these setups to PedraView if you succeeded.