Forenames Personality Weapons Surnames Appearance Adventuring Gear By Ben Milton Introduction Character Creation Player Rules Gaining Experience Saves: Equipment Weapons Running the Game Roll in the open. Armor Danger Die: Seed adventure in every direction. Adventuring Rounds: Attacks: Level 1 Level 4: Level 2: Level 5: Level 3: Advancements Damage: Wounded: Luxuries Use your prep to help you improvise. Flashbang Give the players tools to manipulate the world. Fire Oil Smoke bomb Magician: d4 Poison Stat Damage: Assassin: d6. Ether Acid The more dangerous something is, the more obvious it should be. Potion Cave Runner: d6. Board Spellcasting: Fingersmith: d6. Food and Drink No soft monsters. Infiltrator: d6. Morale: Lurker: d6. Beasts Berserker: d8. Transport Hirelings Ironclad: d8. Reaction Roll: Swashbuckler: d8. When in doubt, look for the interesting decision. Keep up the pressure. Torchbearer Sellsword Short Rest: Veteran: d8. Expert Full Rest: Weapon Master: d8. Champion Reward questions with good information. Magic Generation Magic Effects Magic Elements 100. Magic Forms Creatures Items Afflictions Potion Effects