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ch1-The atomic structure of metals II

The Crystal Structure of
Metals II
Dr. Mohammad I. AbuShams
Deformation and Strength
of Single Crystals
Crystal undergoes elastic deformation then plastic (permanent)
• 2 basic mechanisms during plastic deformation:
a. Slipβž” one plane of atoms slip over an adjacent plane under shear
b. Twinning βž” portion of the crystal forms a mirror image of itself
across the plane of twinning
Discrepancy in actual strength is explained in terms of
imperfections in the crystal structure.
Imperfections and defects categorized as:
Point defects (Vacancy, Interstitial, Substitutional)
Line defects (Dislocation)
Planer defects (Grain boundary)
Volume defects (Void, Precipitate)
Strain hardening (work hardening)
Increase in the shear stress and overall strength of
the metal is known as strain or work hardening
(increases the metal’s strength)
Grains and Grain Boundaries
Number and size of the grains developed in metal depend on the
rate of nucleation.
Various stages during solidification of molten metal:
Grain boundary
Grains and Grain Boundaries
Surfaces that separate the individual grains are
called grain boundaries. (i.e., two grains with
different crystallographic orientation)
Grain size
Grain size influences the mechanical properties of metals.
Large grain βž”low strength and hardness, high
The yield strength, Y, is related to grain size by as Hall-Petch
Y = Yi + kd
−1 / 2
Yi = basic yield stress
k = constant
d = grain diameter
Grain size (Cont.)
Grain size is measured by counting the number of grains in a given
Grain-size number (ASTM No.), n, is related to the number of grains,
Influence of grain boundaries?
Grain boundaries influence strength, ductility of metals and strain
At a low-melting-point, strong metal can crack under
very low stresses known as grain-boundary embrittlement.
Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline
During plastic deformation, mass continuity in grain boundaries is
• The grains would become elongated in one direction and contract in
the other.
• Two types of anisotropy in metals:
1. Preferred orientation
2. Mechanical fibering
ANNEALING: Recovery, Recrystallization,
and Grain Growth:
The temperature range and the time required
depend on the material.
• Three events take place during the heating:
βœ“ Recovery
number of mobile
dislocations reduced
βœ“ Recrystallization
- new grains form
βœ“ Grain growth
- grains grow bigger
Cold and Hot Working
When plastic deformation above recrystallization
temperature, it is called hot working, vice versa it is
known as cold working (i.e. at room temperature).