Eleventh Reprint JULY 1995 ( foeorprnting Amcndmcn: No. I ) SPEClFICATION FOR PLAIN WASHERS ( Fkd- Revisioaz ) Screw Threads and Fasteners Sectional Committee, SIIRI EDC 27 Represenfing ChCifitIM T. C. PANT Rexarch Designs & Standards Oqanization try of Railways ) (Mix& SHIU C. M. MAUR ( Al&mute to Shri T. C. Pant ) Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) COL J. P. ANTHONY SHRI S. C. GHOSH ( Ahnate ) Machine Tool Prototype Factory, Directotatc s.xawR. M. APm Getieral of Ordnance Fact&q Ambemath Directorate of Inspection ( Vehicles ), Mb&try of Dcfewe ( DGI ) %RI D. R. MALIK (Alternate ) Ta:a Engineering. & Locomotive ,cO Ltd, ~f%W B. s. iiHAOOW4LIA JCUIlSilfZdpUr Heavy Elc~ctricals ( II: &a ) Ltd, Bhopal Smr s. K. BtiATIA Hindustar;. Ma.&& Toois Ltd, Bangalore 5x1~ R. S. 13~. S:mr M. rtANQASHA1 ( Attcrnak ) Indian Navy D.:CPUN DIRECTOR OP MARINE ENOINEERINO E;I-COL M. K. DHAM DPI::V. M. GHATAGE SHRI B. R. SAMPATUWMAUX ( Alfernofe) %a 3. GOW~WRAJ SZIRI D. A. CHELLIAAH ( Altcrnau SW:: N. V. HEBACKAR Smr 8. D. KAPUR SHIU Y. KAFUR Sara Ds1.n~P.WJL ( Alternate ) Saw M. N. KEW.RI SIXRI DR % 1’. K. GURURAJA ( Altcmak ) LUTHRA SNXI Il. MAJUMDAR St-txr G. B. JAUTIA Ministry of Defcncc ( R Rr D ) Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Ba.ngalore Indian Teiephone Industries Ltd, Bangalore ,1 Kirloskar Ilrothers Ltd, Kirloskarvadi All. India Manufacture:& Organization, Bombay Guest, V.een, Williams, Ltd, Calcutta Bharat Electronics Ltd. Bangalore The Insritction of Engineers ( India), Calcutta Offcc~ of the Develo;xnent Commissioner for Small Scale Industries ( Ministry of Industs Development & Company AA&, ) ( Alhmotc ) ( Cdnud -.-Z.-a1.--.- MuL:*“.~ BUREAU MAN,b& OF BHAVAN, lNDi&N 9 BAHADUR NEW DELHI STANDARDS SHAH 110002 ZAFAR MAR0 ORpage 2 ) Hq6rcszr:fin~ National Tc3t House, Calcutta Diwctoratr General of T:ecl;niial Deve:opmcnt ( Ministry of Industria! I:)evclopmcnt & Company Affairs ) Engineering Association of India, Caicutta Mcmbcrs CjHxI s. I,. ?&4JI:lrlDAR SHRI R.N. ~~ALLICK SHRI R. S. MATHUR SHRI S. K. MANIKTA,LA $HKI P. s. 3 AC,\SuNDARKb, ( AIlcrnnte SHRI K. S. PATEL PRAKAs~~ SHRI P. C. JAIN ( Alfemak ) SE-~.PREM SHKl s. RAM ~.MRITWAM SHRI P. Ii. SmxT.S.S.!Lm SHRI ) Directorate of Technical Devclop:n.eat ( Air j ( Ministry of Defencc ) Jyoti L.td, Baroda National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR Directorate Tourism CHANDRASEKHAR The SHRI 3. C. BRADLEY (1Alfrrnale S. SHIVANANDA SW.WY M. Cycle Calcutta Manufacturers’ New Government (Ministry of Assxiation of India, Electric Fac:tory, Ban&ore Directorate General of Supplies 8.z Disposals ( Ministry of Works, Housing & Supply ) Industria! Fasteners’ Association of India, Calcutta Director General, ISI ( Ex-o$cio Member ) \?. t’ATANKAR, ( X&h Aviation ) ) SHRI D. V. VIRMAX.I. Director ), New Delhi ( AknQfC) SHRI Ii. F. WAGNER ( Alternate) SHJHS. S. TEIAKUR SHiBI General of Civil 8: Civil Aviation & Production Engg ) SW-!Ugv SHRI S.CWANDRASEKHARAN Deputy Director ( Mcch Engg ), IS1 Bolts and Nuts for GeneralEE;Ei;eri;rg Purposes Subcommittee, CO?WOUl Hindustan SHRZ R. S. BIR h+mbns SHRI M: RANCASHAI ( dltemate hri R. S. Bir ) SHRI ss K. J~HATIA ..-.. __ L. T-COL H. K. DHAM Sl _HRI D. S. GABBI SHRI v. %.puR SHRI DILIP PAUL ( A~fc-rnafc ) SHRl M. M. MURARKA Machine Tools Ltd, Bangalore to Heavy Electricals ( India ) Ltd, Bhopal Ministry of Defence (R & D ) Research Designs & Standards ( Mini&y of Railways ) Guest, Keex, Williams, Ltd., Calcutta Organization Engineering Association of India, Calcutta N. V. ,MESWANI( Altui& ) SHRI. R. S. THAPA Forbes Forbes Campbell & Cb Ltd, Bombay SHRI,J; P. PALKHIVALA ( Aftem&) SHRX ‘2 IS : 2dPS - 1967 Indian Standard SPECIFIC.ATION FOR PLAIN WASHERS ( First Revision j 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 9 November 1967, after the draft finalized by the > Screw Threads and Fasteners Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Division Council. 5.2 This standard was originally issued. in 1962. This revision incorporates the decision taken by the ISO/TC 2 Eolts, Nuts and Accessories. a),3 This standard is based on: Draft ISO Recommendation Ko. 940 ‘Washers for hexagon bolts and nuts, metric series. Inter:larional Organization for Standardizntion. Dot: ISO/TC 2 ( Secretariat- T.84 ) 302 First draft proposal fclr washers for heltagon bolts and nuts - metric series - 42 up to and including 1.50,mm thread diameter. Internationai Organization for Standardization. Dot: ISO/TC 2 ( Secretariat-194) 326 First draft proposal for washers for cheese head screws -. metric series - 1 up to and including 20 mm thread diameter. International Organization for Standardization. DIN 1251943 Scheiben fiir Sechskantschr uben und Muttern -as ers for hexagon bolts and nutS ). Deutscher Normencd!h% . . Q.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, e+ress-, ing the result of a test, shali be rounded off in accordanc.e with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of thi: specified va1v.e in this standard. 3 I.1 This standard iays down the requirements for plain washers of the following types: 4 Machined washers, for precision and semi-precision grade of general purpose baits and screws, in the diameter range ; ~7 to 155 mm; b) Punched washers, type A, for black grade general purpose bolts and. screws, in the diameter range i-8 to 52 mm; and Cl Punched washers, type B, for slotted head screws in the diamctcr range 1.8 to 22 mm. Washers shall be made of steel, brass, aluminium other suitable metal. specified by the purchaser. 2.1 Mate&d - o;- any 2.2 W~rh~tisSp -‘- The washers shall be free from cracks, brxxs, pits and other dekcts. The holes shaIl be reasonably concentric with !;he outer A11 sha~rp edges sha’!l be removed. periphery. 3. D~XGNATXO~J 3.1 A washer shall be designated by name, type, size, number standard and material. <:~f this Examples: a) A machined washer of size 10.5 mm made of brass shall be designated as: Machined Washer 10.5 IS : 2016~Brass b) A punched washer, Type B of size 14 mm made of brass shah be designated as: Punched Washer B 14 IS : 2016~&ass 4. EIMENSIONS 4.1 The dimensions for machined washers, punched washers, types A and B, shall be as given in Tables I,2 and 3respectively ( seeP 6 to 11 ).. These tab& also give the size of bolt or screw for which the washers are witable. 42 The other ditiensional requirements for punched washers covered in Tables 2 and 3 khal be as givext in I§ : 5369-1969’. @Gcaad rqdremcnts for pIah washas id 4 lddr nwhtii X@t2016-1967 5. lRNIS?I S;1 Tht plain washers shah .be supplied in natural finiih unless otherwise s$ecified by the purchaser. At the request of the purchaser, washers may be phosphate coated, nickel plated, tinned, galvanized, ‘copper plated, cadmium plated, etc. The properties of the plain washers shall not, be impaired by the protective coating specified by the however, purchaser. 6. PACKING 6.1 The plain washers may be packed as recommended Sizes up to 10.5 mm Size3 from 13 to 19 mm Sizes 21 mm and above The plain and 50 kg. below: In boxes of 1000 pieces In boxes of 500 pieces In boxes of 100 pieces. washers may also be packed in quantities of 2 kg ‘7,I The packages containing washers shall be marked with the sire and manulhcturer’a name or trade-mark. 7.X.1 The package Mark. may also bc marked with the IS1 Certification Nme -The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The ISI Nark on ~producta covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-dc6ncd system of inspection, tclting and quality control which is devised and supervked by ISI and opuattd by the producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by ISI for conformity to that standard as a Father safeguard. Details pf conditions under which a licencc for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to roanufactuxxs or proc&aon, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution. -...--- SIZE i -d H12* Basic _.-..- D -- 4 1.7 - _.-..- _ 5 (2) -...- __-~ 5 2.2 --- 6 TO1 -4-o -0.3 T -1,Basic .--.- TO1 - 0.3 . -- 0.3 - _j. 0.3 _ ~.*0.1 *O*l --.-- 0.1 ------ *O-I 0.2 (M2.2) .- x0.1 0.2 M2.5 10-l 0.2 M3 10.1 0.3 (h13.5) =kO*l o-3 M4 - . 0.5 7 3.2 -(3.7) 4.3 _ -to -0.3 0.5 _ . 8 9 3.3 t,“., 0.8 -- (4.8) 10 2i.3 -. . . 04 I -.---~- -- M2 I--- 0.5 -. (M1.U) 0.; . . +o -0.3 &i31.>; O-1 *O-I -- +0 -0.3 +o -0.3 , - _- “I_ I.0 10.1 0.4 (M45) -‘., ( bntimd ) - Sizes in brackets are of second preference. *Sea IS : 919 - 1963 ‘ Recommendationa for limits and fits for enginestring ( r&d ) ‘. NO= 6 fSt2016.1967 c -SIZE d H12* D BE& I L IO 5.3 12.5 6.4 -(7.4) +o -0.5 21 13 4-Q -0.5 24 ---- (1s) 17, ----. (i9) --.21 / --. --I 30’ _-~34 _ I - -- 37 -.__-- (231 _ ., 44 25 -.-- -- ..- 50 (28) --.._-31 - -_.- . -.-.-.- 39 _.-- --- -t-O -0.5 56 .--- +o -0.8 0.4 M5 0.6 M6 --*W7) .- 1.6 40.2 2 *o-2 0.6 M8 0.6 Ml0 .- -- . . _. 2.5 ----I __ _ +o -0.8 +o --0.8 +0 -0.8 3-O -0.8 +a ---!.a - --._..-- - _ +o -0.5 ,28 j -- 44 70.3 __+j - 0.4 t-0 -0.4 17 10.5 To1 +o -0.4 14 8.4 i&n i&n .- -- - +=0*3 I--- Ml2 -- -.- __.---.43 --WI --“A -- --” _ 5Q -.-- ---.- @*I --..A --- -, , - --- -- 58 -- -- w 65 (cw!!) Ncm-Sk in brackets are of second prc&cncc. *&a IS : 919 - 1963 GRecommendations for limits and fits for en&dg 8 ( ww ) *. 93 160 WV 165 104 175 VW 180 - -.I-. --.._ 185 114 --,- (119) 200 (124) 210 _._.-- 129 220 WV 230 a -144 240 - (!55) -- 250 - Mm .- - Sizes in hnwketu are of second preference. *&w IS : 919 - 1963 ‘ Rceommendatiws for hita and fiti for engineering ( raked ) ‘, _ r I ! t; ^ NOTE -Sizes I I 1; 8 in brackets are of second preference. .,“Lm 10 I ISr2016-1967 TABLE 3 IMMFiNSIONS FOX PUNCZHED %MS?IERS, TYPE BP FOR ‘ROUND AND f.HEESE HEAD SCREWS ( Cl .uw 4.1 and 4.2 ) All di nensions in millimetres. ‘;‘;’ 4.5 3.4 2:; -...-. ‘z;’ (i0) --! ..--- (g-5) {:!ti+5) ..- -_1.0 1.6 1.6 i.: I .._~-I I I .._-- ‘g:;) :1&S ;:; 0.8 9.5 I ;: -.- 7.0 8.0 9.0 ..L----..- Ii.5 6.6 (F.6) .9 “1;’ (2v .,o “1. 0.5 0.5 0.5 ii 24 i;: ._,._-...-----.....----- 33 -. bia 1.6 2 2.5 14 .-. ih415 M6 (M7) ..--MI0 Ml2 ---- ‘I 3.15 2.5 1 3.15. I---’ ,_..._ ---...-.3.15 ! ~___ 1~ ‘g’I (F&18) M20 -. -. AlWEN.DlWBJT N8,2 TQ ( Fkst MARCH Reokion 1979 ) Altekiitiotis [ Page 4, &use 4.2 (see also Amendment following for the existing clause: No. 1 ) - Substitute the ‘4.2 The other dimensional requirements for punched washers covered in Tables 2 and 3 shall comply lvith those specified for ordinary washers according to IS : 5369-1975*.’ ( Page 4, foot-note with ‘ * ’ mark ) - Substitute the following existing foot-note: ‘*General requirenlents for plain washers and Jock w&hers (JirJf rco20n ).’ clausA Page 5, clauses6 and.6.J ) 5: Substitute the following for the for the existing ‘6. CXNERAI; PLEQUI&EMENTS 6,l In respect of requirements not covered in this standard, machined and punched washers ‘shall comply wih requirements specified: for precision and ordinary washers, respectively, according to IS : 5369-1!375*,’ Addendram ( Page 5, j%ot-note ) - Add the following new foot-note zatthe end: ‘*General reqlrirements for plain washers and lock washers (Jrsl r&:ion ).’ IEDC 27 ) Printedat Simco Printir.g Press,Delhi AMENDMENT NO. 3 NOVEMBER 1980 TO IS:2016-1967 SPECIFICATIONFOR PLAIN MASHERS (First Revisionl Alterations -----(Page 6, Tabi!e 1, figure) for the existing figure: (Page 10, Table 2, figure) for the existing figure: 1 - Substitute - Substitute the following the following Addendun -- -(Page 4, oZuwe~.~-4.2) - Add the followiw after 4.2: new c&mse "4.3 .Ma&ined and punched washers shall conform to the concentricity tolerance, permissible deviations for parallelism and flatness as specified in 16:5369-1975 'General requirements for plain washers and -Lock washers (first Z’f&8iO?Z) ’ .” AMENDMENT NO. 4 OCTOBER 1982 TO IS:2016-1967 SPECIFICATIOMFOR PLAIN WASHERS Alterations -----[Page 4, ohuse Substitute 4.2 (see aikc Amendment No. 2)] - the following for the existing clause? "4,2 The tolerance on inner diameter, d outer diameter, D and thickness 8 for machined and punched washers shall conform to precision and ordinary washers respectively as specified Pn Is:5369-1975 "General Requirements for Plain Washers and IQ& W&hers'." fkge Substitute 4, eZaasse 4.3 (se& abo Amendment No. 3)] the fo'orlowirsg for the existing clause: '4.3 In respect 0P' concentricity tolerance, permissible deviations for paralleU.sm and flatness, the machined and punched washers shall conform to precision and ordI.nary washers respectively as specified in x3:5369-1975.' hinted at Simco hinting --Press, Delhi