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Diamond Push Up Program: Build Muscle & Lose Fat

The Diamond Push Up Program
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No part of this program (‘The Diamond Push Up Program from Muscle Forever) may be
reproduced in any form whatsoever without written, dated and signed permission from the author.
All copyrights are reserved.
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is
not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult
with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience
any pain or difficulty with these exercises or from this information, stop and consult your healthcare
provider. Ask your Doctor, Health Care Professional or Nutritionist if you are taking any
medications and the possible interaction with Nutritional Supplements.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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a) Background
b) Ready to Commit?
The Push Up
Rules to Build Muscle
Three Key Push Ups
The Diamond Push Up - Gains and Benefits
a) How to Start
a) Push Up Tutorial
b) Wrist Pain
c) Tips
STEP 1 (‘The Classic 200’)
STEP 2 (‘The Classic 200 - 2.0’) with Workout Chart
STEP 3 (‘The Goal’) with Workout Chart
a) Muscle Gain - CNS Vs MS / Progressive Overload Vs Progressive Resistance /
Time Under Tension (TUT)
b) Fat Loss, Endurance and Cardio Heart Health
a) Benefits
b) The Walking Workout
c) ‘The Life Saving 40’ with Workout Chart
The Diamond Push Up Program
How To Lose Body Fat (Calorie Counting / TDEE)
Calorie Calculations
Minimal Meal Map (MMM)
The Importance of Protein
Carbohydrates and Fats
Fat Loss Tips
Example Meal Plan (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Recommended Food / Shopping List
Cheat Days
a) The Power of Fasting - Starting and Progressing
a) Importance of Tracking
b) Tracking Log
a) Background
b) Stretches and Yoga Moves
c) Recovery Tools
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The Diamond Push Up Program
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a) Background
Tried all the bodybuilder workouts? Got the results you wanted? No!? I didn’t
either. I followed all the mass monsters and later the leaner Instagram fitness
models (foolishly thinking that may be easier and more attainable!) Nope, I still
didn’t look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club…
Unless the ‘first rule’ of Fight Club was to not do Push Ups…
The Diamond Push Up Program
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After years and years of spinning my wheels, I finally gave up. Sure I got a bit
stronger but ultimately I was just a slightly stronger, chubbier version of myself and
there was no way I was taking my T-Shirt off anytime soon! In fact, the lack of
‘before’ pictures is testament to just how obverted I was to showing off the guns, or
lack of. I’d waisted so much time and all I really wanted was a bit of muscle and
no belly, hell maybe even a six pack! It wasn’t like I was trying to be the next
flipping Arnold Schwarzenegger (although that would have been totally cool too!)
It’s was a lot of physical and mental work and with such little to show for all my
All this draining of my will power lead me to rediscover the push up. I was going to
say ‘humble push up’, how foolish! It is by no means ‘humble’, despite having that
drummed into us since day one of our fitness journey. Because it’s free, simple,
portable and doesn’t require a personal trainer, it couldn’t possibly work and yield
results just on it’s own, could it?
Could the answer to a ripped, muscular and lean physique have been with me all
along!? Better cancel that PT (that love that) oh and gym membership too and
when you’ve finally finished counting all that spare cash, drop down and give me
twenty! By going minimalistic and simplifying everything I narrowed my whole
exercise routine down to just one movement - The Diamond Push Up. Pair The
Diamond Push Up Program with the nutrition principles in this program and you
have a blueprint that, you know, actually works! Better load your Instagram up
and get ready to post all those totally unposed beach pictures because your
transformation is incoming!
The Diamond Push Up Program
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To succeed in this program I’m going to need you to reply ‘hell yeah’ to these three
questions….it’s just like GCSE drama again!
Are you pumped to workout 3-5 days a week?
Are you cool to count calories/macros until you can ‘eat intuitively’?
Are you good to track your progress?
Then you’re good to go!
Do a quick ‘before picture’ and let’s start….
The Diamond Push Up Program
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a) The Push Up
The Push Up is widely regarded as the best whole body exercise of all time. The
‘King’ of the upper body workout. If prison has told us anything (apart from the
obvious!) it’s that bodyweight workouts, namely and principally the push up can
build some serious muscle.
Why the Diamond Push Up in particular? Well, you’ve tired it right? Hard isn’t it.
Well, that’s why! Firstly bodyweight exercises - you gotta love them. You can do
them anywhere, anytime, they’re free, require no equipment and are mentally
easy to do. One thing they’re not is physically ‘easy to do’, unless you’re doing
quick crappy reps with bad form (that’s banned here by the way). Slow, controlled
perfect form bodyweight exercises such as the Diamond Push Up will provide
more than enough stimulus to radically change your body, provided your
nutrition is on point too, of course. Upper chest, inner chest, triceps, shoulders,
even biceps and lats! Yes, lats! All are hit with the Diamond Push Up. Not to
mention core/abs and legs. It’s a ‘one stop shop’ with all the BANG for your
The Diamond Push Up Program
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Bodyweight training, not to mention push up training, is not typically associated
with muscle building in todays fitness world despite some of the calisthenic
street workout guys being huge mass monsters too! Those new to fitness and
those uneducated may compare 10 reps of push ups to 10 reps of a dumbbell
bench press and notice the latter hit the chest ‘harder’ and yield ‘greater results’,
but, they’re not considering two key terms.
First the type of training, namely Central Nervous System (CNS) training Vs
Muscular System training and secondly the Progressive Overload Vs
Progressive Resistance methodology. I’ll cover this in the Training Protocols
section of this program later, but for now I wanted to highlight that by employing the
different systems above, the result will drastically differ. This may be why push up
workouts haven’t ‘worked’ for some in the past. For early clarity, we will be training
the Muscular System NOT the CNS and we’ll be utilising the principles of
Progressive Resistance NOT Progressive Overload.
The inspiration for this program comes from celebrities, trainers and actors
who’ve all used the push up get in killer shape, not to mention the forces (Army,
Navy Seals, etc) and of course multiple prisoners (most famously Charles
Bronson) who all lead me to think there might be something in this ‘push up thing’.
Here’s some of them who have all embraced the minimalist approach.
Bill Starr (For his work on Progressive Resistance (PR))
Charles Bronson (Prison Workout)
Charles Atlas (Original Push Up Pioneer)
John E. Peterson (Author of ‘Pushing Yourself To Power’)
Jamie Dornan (100 daily)
Jamie Foxx (100 daily)
Matthew McConaughey (200 daily)
Chris Pratt (500 daily for Zero Dark Thirty)
Jake Gyllenhaal (500 - 2,000 daily for Southpaw)
Herschel Walker (1,000 daily)
Charlie Hunnam (1,000 daily for King Arthur)
Tom Hardy (2,000 daily for Bronson)
The Diamond Push Up Program
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b) Rules To Build Muscle
Here are the RULES you must agree and adhere to! *slides over contract*
1) Reps
We’re NOT aiming for low reps and low muscle fatigue. That works the CNS and is
primarily used for ‘skill’ work, think oh so fancy bar style training. It’s an effective
way of inputting motion pathways into the nervous system but it’s not producing
a bigger muscle on you! Stop with the spiny stuff.
To produce said ‘bigger muscles’ you’ve got to work the, well - muscles, duh! Oh,
it all makes sense now! Intensity is the key. When you start working and draining
the chemical energy in the actual muscle cells the body responds by
overcompensating and eventually increases in size. So, if the intensity is too low
(skill work) the energy in the muscle cells won’t be taxed enough. This is why
reducing rest time is such a powerful tool in increasing your gains and carving
out that lean muscular body.
2) Reach (close to) Failure
The higher the reps, the harder it gets! Reach ‘the burn’ or ‘the pump’ and you
know you’re stressing those chemical energy stores hard. I’d recommend staying
a little shy of complete muscle failure, if not to avoid an injury then for fear of
head butting the floor - you have been warned! That said, go close - push yourself
to the almost max!
3) Volume
As this program is built around simplicity and minimalism we’ll be looking to
reach a low number of sets, but that takes time. ‘The Goal’ is 8 sets of 25 reps
(200 total).
To start with you might be doing, say, 20 sets of 10 reps, that’s fine and will insure
you’ll be getting in your daily 200 but by manipulating the variables (reps, sets,
rest) we’ll squeeze that 200 into just 8 sets of 25 reps with 1 minute rest inbetween sets. I found that upon reaching this level my muscle cell depletion,
along with will power depletion was just about right, reaching the so called ‘sweet
spot’ for my own muscular development.
We always want to strive for a greater workload over a smaller number of sets
until we reach our goal above. Once you’re there, just lock it in as your
‘maintenance workout’. We want to hit the biological survival trigger just
enough without overly taxing the muscles (which would resulting in extra rest days
for recovery).
Tax the muscle, and rest - then rinse and repeat. Which leads me to…
The Diamond Push Up Program
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4) Rest, Recovery & Sleep
Too tired to train and you’re not going to be making any progression in your next
workout which is why it’s critical to be as fresh as possible when you train. We
only have so much mental, physical and hormonal energy - for everything in life!
Your routine is going to take from that limited reserve. You know those jacked
prison inmates, they sleep - a lot! When you sleep your brain produces Growth
Hormone, generates Melatonin (a powerful healing and immunity compound)
and produces the BIG T - Testosterone! All very much needed in the quest of
getting ripped, so put down the Netflix, turn off all the artificial lights and get in some
quality sleep. To put it another way, how much you workout isn’t going to make a
difference to how good you look! It’s the progression that counts. Sleep as hard as
you train, make those gains and, well - stay out of prison! Duh! More on rest, repair
and recovery later in section 15.
5) Nutrition
I can’t get enough of clean eating, there, I said it! Hopefully you’ll have a go at
some of the meals in this program later (they’re dead easy). I’ve included a typical
day of eating, stick to my recommended food list and you can’t go wrong! Well as
long as you stick to the assigned macro distribution and meet (just under if
cutting) your correct calorific demands. When it comes to nutrition, you really
can’t out train a bad diet and you’ll feel way better physically and mentally for
eating highly nutritious food, not to mention more satisfaction per calorie pro
rata to a junk food diet. That said, everything in moderation. If you feel like you
genuinely need a cheat (I mean ‘treat’) then go for it! Then jump back on the
program as soon as you’ve brushed your teeth! It’s a little trick that helps, and it’s
good for your teeth too apparently, who knew.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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c The Three Key Push Ups
1. Classic / Regular
2. Diamond
3. Wide
Firstly the ‘Classic’. It’s the ‘regular’ or ‘neutral’ grip push up, it’s an ‘all rounder’.
Hands should be shoulder with apart and directly under your chest. It’s my ‘go
to’ push up when I’m not on a Diamond Blitz! It’s going to place a nice amount of
weight evenly across the body. Next, the ‘Diamond’ - the ‘holy grail’! More on that
below. Lastly we have the ‘Wide Push Up’, this gets you a great stretch and helps
build that ‘wide pectoral sweep’ to compliment that chiseled central chest line
that the Diamond so perfectly works. May I suggest a 1 to 2 second pause at the
bottom of the rep on the wide for a crazy stretch before pushing pack up.
Before and After on my Diamond Push Up Program
The Diamond Push Up Program
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d The Diamond Push Up
Here it is! The real deal, the legend, the industry standard, the king of kings!
The Diamond Push Up kicks ass. Okay, science first:
Did you read it? Let me save you some time and summarise real quick. The
electromyographic (EMG) activity (clinical evaluation of muscle activation) was
greater during Diamond Push Ups (narrow base hand position) for BOTH the
triceps AND the chest compared to a wider base. So, scientifically speaking bring in those hands and get your squeeze on!
Being the hardest (excluding feet elevated) variation of the push up the load placed
on the body is sufficient to illicit a productive response and carve out a ripped
Depending on multiple variables (height, weight, body shape, type of push up etc)
up to 75% of your bodyweight is used. So, if you weigh 150 LBS you’re effectively
working out with a 112.5 LBS / 51 KG barbell or two 56.25 LBS / 25.5 KG
dumbbells, so there is definitely enough resistance to build a great looking lean
muscular body.
Taken from ‘Science and Practice of Strength Training’, Second Edition by Vladimir
M Zatsiorsky.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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We all know Diamond Push Ups are difficult, that doesn’t mean you should ever
shy away from them, quite the contrary, it simply means there is plenty of muscle
building potential up for grabs.
By manipulating reps, sets and rest time you’ll have more than enough variables
to keep tweaking in pursuit of gaining as much mass and strength as possible –
and that’s all before you even think about elevating your feet!
Quality over quantity means you can milk lots of gains out of this program over
the course of your muscle building journey.
Diamond Push Up Gains
Do them correctly (with my perfect form tutorial below) and you’ll sculpt an overall
lean muscular body with that classic V-Shape along with:
Iron Pecs
Crazy Triceps Strength
Solid Overall Chest Development
Build Upper Chest Mass
Carve out *THAT* Chest Line (Deep Centre Line)
Increase Deltoid Size and Strength
Rock Hard Core Activation
Thick Abdominals (Six Pack)
From this foundation you can crack on and take it further or just get your pose on
by the pool.
Diamond Push Up Benefits
1. Kills the Triceps (in a good way)
A study from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) found the most effective
triceps exercise is the Diamond Push Up. Science wins again!
2. King for Chest Development
Pec Minor and Pec Major muscles are hit hard. More science > https://
3. Rock Hard Shoulders
Be prepared for strong and hard ‘boulder shoulders’ but make sure you’re
focusing on a ‘chest squeeze’ or you might find you get too much shoulder growth
and over develop them, like I did.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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Diamond Push Ups are hard! For good reason too. Pulling your hands in close
brings a whole new level to the idea of ab engagement! With the added demand
on balancing your core to hold a stable plank as you pull down to the floor
you’ll be well on your way to brad pitt abs.
If you’re a beginner then make sure you can safely (and relatively easily) do 200
push ups a day before moving on to Diamond Push Ups. Once you’re doing push
ups everyday it’s unlikely you’ll have to do Diamond Push Ups on your knees.
If you’re just getting started, check out these tips:
Push ups against a wall or raised bench, moving on to push ups on your
knees and then, when you can do at least 1 full regular push up rep you’re
on your journey to sculpting a great athletic physique.
From here start progressively bringing your hands in closer and closer
until the diamond or triangle shape is formed.
If you can do regular push ups, but not a full diamond push up yet, then
during your workout slowly start bringing your hands in closer from workout to
workout until the Diamond Push Up hand positioning in on point.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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a) Push Up Tutorial
Hit the floor (as in drop down gracefully) and get into position. Before I start my
daily 200 Diamond Push Ups I like to do some 'warm up push ups' (obsessed you
say!?) For these warm up reps it's all about getting a gentle stretch and a chance
for you to feel all your muscles work by essentially going through the motions and
practising the movement before you kick off the ‘work reps’. I'll do them wide with
my hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart to warm up.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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1. BODY POSITION. Lie down on the floor, completely on the floor with your
hands by your side, ready to ‘push up’. Note how this feels. This is the perfect
form. You just have to keep this position, this ‘all body alignment' when you’re
pushing up and pulling down (yes pulling down!) Don’t stick up your butt or let
your midsection get droopy and sag.
2. FOOT POSITION. You have a few options. Close together, shoulder width
apart or even wide, it’s totally up to you, find what ‘feels right’. I like to alternate
between close together and wider apart. When you start to ‘pull/row yourself
down to the ground’ you’ll want to slightly ‘rock forward’ on your tip toes. This
rocking motional allows your arm (from your wrist to your elbow) to stay straight.
3. HAND POSITION. Speed your hands (and thus your weight) out evenly
allowing your middle finger to point straight up and forward. Remember to
lock your elbows in by your side, to help with this you can point your hands
'out' a little, so think 'ten past ten' on a clock face. About that ‘diamond’ shape you really don’t have to ‘form an actual diamond’ shape with your hands. In
fact, there is a danger you’ll flare your elbows out if you do. Remember your
alignment from point 1 above.
perhaps the number one way people do the push up incorrectly. You’re better
than that!
5. HEAD POSITION. Looking down, slightly forward with your chin and then nose
touching the ground, finally followed by your chest when you’re on the lowering
(eccentric) phase on the rep.
6. CORE POSITION. Don’t have a saggy butt, not a good look! Your body should
be in perfect alignment, a straight line from your head to your toes. To help
with this, clench your butt and bring in / tighten / tense your core/abs, when
the midsection is ‘engaged’ your body should be in the perfect position. If you
arch your lower back you’ll disengage your core muscles. Holding your body
in this position is not only unhealthy but will reinforce this ‘new norm’ into other
daily activities. Not to mention, if you continue to do push ups like this your
upper body will get stronger and stronger outpacing a weak core. You want a
six pack too right!? A great idea is to film yourself and watch it back to check
you’re in the right position. The first time I did this I was shocked to see my butt
way up in the air!
The Diamond Push Up Program
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7. SHOULDER BLADES. DO NOT forget to protract your shoulders at the top
of the push up. So, as you lower yourself your shoulders should retract as
your chest moves to the floor but as you push up and away from the floor
(when you reach full extension) you’ll want to protract the shoulder blades.
This will enhance the range of motion (ROM) and increase scapular
strength. It’s key to help keep your shoulders healthy over time and is one of
the reasons push ups are so powerful over traditional bench pressing (where
your shoulder blades are ‘stuck’ and ‘locked’ in constant retraction).
8. PUSH UP to reach FULL EXTENSION. We are looking for full range of motion
(ROM) on every rep. Simply put - go all the way up and all the way down - no
half reps please!
9. PULL DOWN. When you lower yourself down to the ground you want to PULL
WITH YOUR LATS. This takes a little getting used to and should feel hard to
start with. Just imagine you are performing a row and thus pulling the ground
to your chest. Think that the floor is the weight and row it in towards your
chest. It’s all part of the ‘mind muscle connection’ and makes a huge
difference. You’ll feel it in your lats the next day!
10. PAUSE and HOLD at the top and at the bottom of each rep. Enjoy the
‘squeezing/engaging of your muscles’ as you perform each push up. Which
reminds me, don’t forget to BREATHE!
11. MASTER YOUR BREATHING. It can be tempting to hold your breath when
performing the demanding Diamond Push Up but remember when you don’t
breath you withhold the oxygen supply to your muscles, not to mention
you’d die eventually so, please, BREATHE! Breathe OUT when you PUSH UP.
12. HIT THE GOAL - PERFORM 25 REPS FOR 8 SETS. Build up to it, hit that goal
(with your nutrition locked in too) and you WILL BE beach ready, trust me!
The Diamond Push Up Program
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b) Wrist Pain
Wrist pain when doing push ups means you’ve either been doing them wrong or
have an overuse injury. That’s why perfect form is critical. Slow controlled reps
are worth a thousand crappy reps. Double check your form and reduce your
volume (amount of reps) if need be.
Alternatively you could try some Push Up Bars. These bars can reduce the amount
of pressure in the wrists as they change your hand positioning, much like doing
push ups on your knuckles, which is totally gangster by the way! A word of warning
on Push Up Bars – possible shoulder pain. When you use Push Up Bars you may
feel a greater load on your shoulders, that coupled with the deeper stretch you’ll
reach with the added ROM from the elevation could cause an injury as it can at
times feel quite unnatural. If your wrists hurt and you opt for Push Up Bars, don’t
feel you need to go lower than you normally would if you weren’t using Push Up
There’s more on dealing with this in section 15 on how to optimise your rest,
repair and recovery.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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To clarify - let’s run through this check list.
Assume the ‘flat position’ as you lie down on the floor.
Position your hands so the index fingers and thumbs make a diamond shape but
ONLY if it doesn’t cause your elbows to overly flare out.
Tuck your elbows in close to your side and lock them in position.
Lift your engaged core into the standard push-up position.
Keep the ‘flat position’ locked in.
Push all the way up, protract shoulder blades and pause.
Slowly pull yourself to the ground with your lats and pause as your chin/nose
touches the floor slightly.
Keep those elbows in!
The Diamond Push Up Program
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c) Tips
1. DROP BODY FAT. Follow my nutrition protocol and meal plans and those
carved chiselled muscles will begin to show. You’re getting stronger and
leaner and oh look – those reps are getting easier! This is when you reduce
rest between sets (and other variables) to keep on progressing, you absolute
2. FORM. Concentrate on doing the exercise right and focus on the Mind Muscle
Connection. To get the most out of each and every rep always maintain
tension. Do not allow your muscles to rest at the top or bottom of the rep.
Maintain continuous tension during the entire range of motion. Aim to get a
peak contraction by squeezing the muscle during each rep.
3. PROGRESSION. But only if you’re cracking out quality reps. When your form
gets crappy, you’re done. Bad reps can cause injury, besides the goal isn’t just
to hit 200 reps no matter what, it’s to reach that 200 in a very specific way (form
and set limits) to transform your body, so don’t just focus on the numbers.
Once the form is perfect then aim to progress in some way every workout.
4. REST. There’s a fine line between consistency, overdoing it and just straight up
chilling! If you’re really sore then take a rest day, go for a walk, do some
stretches and just generally get the blood pumping. More on rest, recovery and
repair in section 15. Soreness is a sign that whatever workout you were doing
before was pretty lame! FIRE THE PT! It’s also a sign that the muscles are
being worked and taxed and the gains are on the way! Oh and if you are sore
with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) then remember, protein too is
your friend…
5. PROTEIN. This helps rebuild the muscles so when you’ve just broken them
down on The Diamond Push Up Program get that meal or shake in and crack
on with the vital rebuilding process.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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a) Introduction
‘The Goal’ is quite simple to hit your target of 200 Diamond Push Ups but in 8
sets of 25 reps. Don’t sweat it - you got this! Well, maybe not right now, but you will
do. Literally, oh gosh - this sounds so cheesy, but literally just take it ‘one rep at a
time’. So damn cheesy, but true.
By the time you can perform 25 slow, controlled, perfect form Diamond Push Ups
with just 1 minute rest between all 8 sets you’ll be rocking hard pecs, the well
defined type that have ‘that chest line’ down the middle.
Better buy a nice White V-Neck T-Shirt to show it off! Think Ryan Gosling and
Zac Efron and you’re there.
Rocking the Diamond Push Up gains on vacation
The Diamond Push Up Program
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Everyone will start at different points, jump in on the program where best suits you.
I personally started at just 1 rep per set. It was a perfect rep though so, come on,
cut me some slack!
If you’re starting at the ground too (no pun intended) then fast progression will look
like this. In fact, this is the progression model I used. Simply aim to add 1 rep to 1
set per day, if possible. Of course, if you need to take any days off to rest, then do
Initially ‘The Goal’ could be categorised as 25 reps per set with PLENTY of rest in
between sets, in fact, take as much as you need! But, as you move to the final
goal the aim is to reduce your rest time down to just 1 minute. When you achieve
25 reps for every 8 sets with 1 minute rest in between sets you have two
1. Just rock that daily ‘Maintenance Volume’ or…
2. Keep on progressing - you solider!
b) STEP 1 - ‘THE CLASSIC 200’
Results from ‘The Classic 200’
The Diamond Push Up Program
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Before you’re ready for ‘The Goal’ workout you need to first finish ‘The Classic
I created this in order to get into great shape for my first lean vacation, the rules
are simple.
1. 200 Push Ups, everyday.
Now this can be done in as many sets as you like (‘grease the groove’ style), you
just need to get it done. Whether it’s 100 in the morning and 100 at night or maybe
just sets of 20 or 10 or 5 throughout the day, as long as it gets done then you’re
good to go! I did just this (and nailed my diet) and got muscular and lean within 8
weeks. When you’ve completed ‘The Classic 200’ you’re almost ready to take on
‘The Goal’ workout. Before you do I want you to complete ‘The Classic 200 - 2.0’
that bridges the gap between ‘The Classic 200’ and ‘The Goal’ workouts. It will
reduce the sets, increase the reps and reduce rest time, squeezing out even more
gains before you take on ‘The Goal’.
c) STEP 2 - ‘THE CLASSIC 200 - 2.0’
The layout structure below is as follows:
For example 20 x 10 (200) (2) means 20 SETS OF 10 REPS (TOTAL REPS)
Here we are keeping the reps as close to 200 per day but increasing how many
reps we do per set as we decrease the sets over time.
The Diamond Push Up Program
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‘The Classic 200 - 2.0’ - Workout Chart
40 X 5 (200) (2)
12 X 16 (192) (5)
15 X 13 (195) (4)
20 X 10 (200) (3)
28 X 7 (196) (2)
11 X 18 (198) (5)
14 X 14 (196) (4)
18 X 11 (198) (3)
25 X 8 (200) (2)
16 X 12 (192) (4)
33 X 6 (198) (2)
22 X 9 (198) (3)
10 X 19 (190) (5)
13 X 15 (195) (4)
10 X 20 (200) (5)
Once you’ve completed this you’ll now reduce the rest time before moving on to
‘The Goal’ workout. Keep cycling and completing the 4 week program above but
each week reduce your rest time until you can complete 10 x 20 (200) at just 1
minute rest between all 10 sets. Then…
The Diamond Push Up Program
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d) STEP 3 - ‘THE GOAL’
So you made it!? Someones getting in crazy shape then!
The layout structure below is as follows:
For example 8 x 25 (200) (1) means 8 SETS OF 25 REPS (TOTAL REPS) (REST
‘The Goal’ - Workout Chart
20 X 10 (200) (1)
9 X 21 (189) (1)
11 X 18 (198) (1)
13 X 15 (195) (1)
16 X 12 (192) (1)
9 X 22 (198) (1)
10 X 19 (190) (1)
12 X 16 (192) (1)
15 X 13 (195) (1)
11 X 17 (187) (1)
18 X 11 (198) (1)
14 X 14 (196) (1)
8 X 23 (184) (1)
8 X 24 (192) (1)
10 X 20 (200) (1)
8 X 25 (200)
The Diamond Push Up Program
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a) Muscle Gain - Central Nervous System Vs Muscular System /
Progressive Overload Vs Progressive Resistance / Time Under
Progressive Resistance (PR) training has been incorporated in programs even as
far back as the 1940’s when ‘The Godfather’ of push ups, Charles Atlas was
publishing programs and as you can see, it lives on!
The principle of PR quite simply is that in order to stimulate growth and increase
strength, you must meticulously add some form of resistance to your exercise
over time. Gym ‘bros’ will typically hurry to add more weight to the bar, I know I
did. Why do you have to increase the resistance? Because, as mentioned at the
start of this program, if you don’t push the body and thus become complacent then
your body has no reason to adapt in size and strength. When you reach ‘The
Goal’ of this program, you’ll (like me) most likely find that you’re pleased with your
finished physique, in which case the current workout you’re doing (200 total reps
in 8 sets of 25 reps) will be your maintenance workout and ensure you keep your
hard earned gains.
Another great thing about push ups (to add to the seemingly never ending lists of
pros) is the amount of ‘Time Under Tension’ (TUT) you’ll be putting on your
muscles. TUT is how long a muscle is under strain (tension) for during a set. In
terms of push ups it’s better to refer to Time Under Tension as Time Under Load.
Tension is often seen as the mechanical load/weight placed on the muscle.
Imagine doing 5 push ups with someone increasingly adding weight to your back
every set. This would put more and more load/pressure on the joints, ligaments,
tendons etc, increasing the mechanical tension. It’s the equivalent of just choosing
a heavier and heavier weight at the gym. However, the push up gives you an
already appreciable amount of weight to work with (your bodyweight) and then
allows you the advantage of creating stimulus for muscle growth by creating
metabolic stress by utilising Time Under Load though your sets, reps and rest
This method works perfectly because muscular contractions when resistance
training compress blood vessels and these blood vessels feed the muscle. The
compression then restricts circulation to the muscle which in turn creates a
hypoxic environment (deprived of adequate oxygen) which, research shows
enhances muscle growth. Sets of extended TUT/TUL therefore may lead to a
greater anabolic response. Author John E. Peterson talks about this with his
experience of push ups and I’ve included his thoughts in the quotes section at the
end of the program. Utilising TUT/TUL will happen seamlessly in this program as
we’ll be training using the Progressive Resistance (PR) system.
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a) Progressive Resistance Vs Progressive Overload
Similar, but not the same. Overloading is aimed at strengthening the
attachments, tendons and ligaments. However, training with PR avoids involving
the attachments and focuses purely on the muscle bellies, think Muscular
System (MS) not Central Nervous System (CNS).
A key advantage of the PR System is that you get to master the move and
progress slowly at your own pace rather than arbitrarily adding more weight when
you’re not ready.
Gymnasts, Street Workout enthusiasts and prisoners are all perfect examples of the
power of PR training. It can also be a great tool for rehab or for those coming back
from an injury who still want to stress the muscles knowing the attachment can’t
take an increased load.
b) Fat Loss, Endurance and Cardio Heart Health
Compound exercises - and the push up well and truly is - works multiple muscle
groups making the heart work harder delivering oxygen-rich blood to the
muscle groups. The positive effect on the cardiovascular system promotes heart
health and reduces body fat level. Wait, what!? Push ups could save your life!?
Sounds like a welcome added bonus to me!
The World Health Organisation (WHO) data shows that every year there are 17.9
million deaths due to cardiovascular diseases. This accounts for approximately
31% of global deaths.
The Medical Journal JAMA Network Open (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/
jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2724778) showed a study from the Harvard T.H.
Chan School of Public Health in Boston, MA. It stated that those who could do
more than 40 push ups during a timed test were 96% less likely to have
developed a cardiovascular problem compared to those who could do no more than
10 push ups. Bottom line - The more push ups a person did, the lower their risk
of heart disease. Let’s get you to at least 10 reps then yeah!
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a) Benefits
‘Walking is a man's best medicine’, Hippocrates
By increasing your daily activity of low to moderate intensity (steady state cardio)
we reap several rewards and not just a welcome added calorie burn. I walk
around 40 minutes per day, most days of the week. Along with it being great for
the body and the mind, a little cardio can help with dietary adherence.
Check out the calculator below to find out how many calories you will burn with a
normal to fast (3-3.5 mph) walk based on your weight. I recommend walking when
ever possible. I’ve found it positively impacts my mood, motivation and energy
Rest assured walking will not cut into your recovery (like running) so if you opt to
walk 7 days a week - great!
I prefer a walk outside in nature, soaking up some sun and listening to an audio
book. It’s also great if you’re travelling as you get to explore the local area on your
If your work, school, supermarket, etc are all a car/bus/train trip away or it’s pouring
with rain then you can always get your daily walk in on a treadmill whilst watching a
bit of Netflix!
Benefits of Walking
1. Maintain a Healthy Weight
2. Regulate Blood Pressure
3. Improves Blood Circulation
4. Lowers LDL Cholesterol (which blocks arteries)
5. Prevent/manage various health conditions
6. Maintain and Strengthen Muscles (leg and back in particular) and bones
7. Mood Improver
8. Helps Digestion
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9. Boosts Immune Function (30 mins a day required)
10. Increases Lung Capacity
11. Reduces Stress (decrease production of stress hormones)
12. You’ll live longer! (A study conducted with 17,000 Harvard graduates showed
students who walked for at least 30 minutes every day lived longer than those
who were sedentary)
b) The Walking Workout
Here we’ll combine the power of walking with the power of push ups. During your
walk occasionally stop and do a push up. The walk periods will be you ‘restorative
rest’ whilst you soak up your surroundings (I recommend the park!)
The Walking Workout isn’t designed to tax your cardiovascular system or
Keep fresh by staying away from higher near failure reps. Spread the push up
volume out across your walk and enjoy the light full body oxygen and blood
You may also mix in serval other movements.
Walking Workout Exercise Rotation
Push Ups
Diamond Push Ups
Sit Ups/Crunches
Tricep Dips (Park Bench Dips)
Resistance Band Exercises
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c) The Life Saving 40
For another great cardio workout and one that will definitely tax your
cardiovascular system, your muscles and may well indeed save your life give
the below a try (when you’re not doing the ‘Classic 200’ or ‘The Goal’).
Try 1 set per day of max reps, take a day off and try to beat it on the next
See how long it takes to reach ‘The Life Saving 40’.
Can you go past 40 reps!? Immortality awaits!
‘The Life Saving 40’ - Workout Chart
1 X 35
1 X 20
1 X 10
1 X 50
1 X 40
You’ve just
reached ‘The Life
Saving 40’.
1 X 25
1 x 15
1 X 55
1 X 45
1 X 30
1 X 60
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a) How To Lose Body Fat
I know about losing body fat. My waist was 37 inches! When it comes to losing
weight it really is just an issue of CALORIES IN VS CALORIES OUT, you can’t
escape the maths damn it! We don’t need to get too technical because
mathematically it’s easy. In practice however, it’s a different story because the
human body always wants to maintain it’s current weight.
Today an overwhelming amount of food is packaged with ‘added tasty stuff’ (junk
everywhere!) so we end up overeating, gaining weight and then maintaining that
weight. This chubby vicious circle continues until we make our debut on ‘My 600lbs
Calorie counting is going to be your friend, until the six pack emerges, then you
can consciously uncouple.
Without getting bogged down in too much maths let’s take a quick moment to look
at your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). It’s the total number of calories
that your body expends in 24 hours.
TDEE Calculator - https://tdeecalculator.net
Or, use the simple multipliers below. Both methods will require tracking to find out
what your ‘true numbers’ are.
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b) Calorie Calculations
The body can only use so many extra/spare calories (calorie surplus) for muscle
growth, any excess will spill over into body fat (storage).
If you’re ‘re-comping’ which so many are (building muscle and losing fat - possible
if you’re new to training properly) I recommend a calorie deficit alongside the
workout elements of this program.
If you’re underweight and very lean already (with visible abs) then head to the
maintenance/bulk section below.
Fat Loss
Start with 12 and reduce down to 10 if necessary/faster fat loss required.
Make sure you monitor you weight to ascertain when you truly hit you maintenance
Weight Gain (Bulk)
Rather than just ‘eat everything’ stick to a multiplier so you can truly work out your
safe and effective weight gain calories.
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b) Minimal Meal Map
I suggest you give my Minimal Meal Map a try. This program is all about applying
simplicity and minimalism to your workouts AND nutrition. When it comes to
locking in your daily diet, for fast results I recommend reducing your food choices
and then make those choices unrewarding.
This doesn't mean unenjoyable! But if the food in your diet is incredibly tasty you’re
going to WANT to eat lots of it! Don’t get stuck in the pleasure trap! Eat to fuel your
body. When you do this your cravings will actually GO DOWN! This technique
allows you to break the cycle of anticipation, pleasure, reward and the then
inevitable cravings. Overtime you’ll move away from the emotional attachment to
food, allowing you to simply ‘top up the tank’ and never ‘spill over’, needlessly
adding body fat.
If you particularly struggle with hunger and cravings then give this a try, the benefits
are powerful.
d) The Importance of Protein
When looking at the three macronutrients (Protein, Carbs and Fats) the 'weight
loss' you want is actually a reduction of 'body fat'. Therefore retention of lean body
mass is vital when in a calorie deficit. Increased protein intake along with your
training can help preserve lean mass when losing weight. Check out the science
again! (https://examine.com/nutrition/dieting-with-a-side-of-extra-protein/).
Overweight young men consumed a high protein or moderate protein diet
during a 40% calorie reduction diet, while performing high intensity exercise
six days per week, for four weeks. The high protein group (three times the RDA
for protein, or 2.4 grams per kilogram of bodyweight) was able to increase lean
body mass, while the moderate protein group (1.5x the RDA, of 1.2 grams per
kilogram) was able to preserve, but not increase, their lean mass. Both groups lost
the same amount of weight, but the high protein group was also able to lose
more fat mass.
Protein is not only the most filling off all three macronutrients but it also has the
highest thermogenic effect meaning about 25% of the calories from protein are
lost through digestion. Couple this with its ability to build and repair muscle
tissue and maintain muscle mass means it’s an essential part of your diet.
Time to grab a protein shake I think!
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1. CALORIE DEFICIT of 20-25%. Think 10 x goal lean bodyweight in LBS. Let’s
say you want to look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Well at 5,11 he’s weighing in
at around 150 lbs so you’ll want to eat (at the most aggressive deficit) 1,500
calories per day.
2. PROTEIN set to no lower than 1 GRAM PER POUND OF GOAL
BODYWEIGHT. In this example that’s 150 grams of protein per day. Feel free
to go higher.
3. INTERMITTENT FASTING. Do it. It BURNS FAT like crazy, keeps you in a
calorie deficit AND allows you to eat bigger meals. Plus it allows you to
detach and remove yourself from any sugar/food addictions you may have.
Ideally workout FASTED in the morning.
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e) Carbohydrates and Fats
With your protein locked in let’s take a moment to look at your carbohydrate and
fat intake.
The bodies most efficient source of energy. Carbohydrate intake should be looked
at after locking in your protein. For example if you’ve allocated 40% of your macro
split to your protein intake, then carbohydrates will be clocking in at around 30-40%
with fats looked at lastly. At times you may wish to strategically increase your
carbohydrates intake, say on a very hard push up day. Carbs aid in growth and
repair and will replenish your glycogen stores especially if you’ve just hit a
personal record or moved into a new phase of the program such as hitting a new
goal like decreasing your rest time for all sets, for example.
These high carb ‘re-feed days’ can also promote muscle growth by enjoying an
anabolic rebound effect after following a cut/deficit period. Try a work in these
‘high calorie surplus days’ on your ‘cheat days’! You can also take advantage of
nutrition timing by utilising the power of clean carbs before (if you break your
fast before your workout) and most importantly after your workout, more on this
later in the program.
Calorie dense with 9 calories per gram (compared to just 4 calories per gram for
protein and carbs). Nuts and oils can add up real quick! This of course means the
volume of food per calorie will be lower than protein and carbohydrates. Simply put
when you eat protein and carbohydrates you are physically fuller as you’ll be
eating a higher volume of food. We’ll be aiming for around 20% of calories to
come from fats. It has been researched that men who eat fewer than 20% have
been found to have lower testosterone.
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f) Fat Loss Tips
Make losing body fat a matter of simple maths and remove the ‘pressure of
deprivation’ by knowing that you’re eating as much as you possibly can within your
calorie limit.
High protein, always. Pair this will high fibre vegetables in most of your meals.
Healthy, satisfying and filling.
Add maple syrup sweetener or toffee sweetener and this is better than ice
cream! Crazy high in protein, low carb, low to no fat. Thank me later. Which leads
me on to…
I’m loathe to write about zero calorie sweetener products but it may actually help
you and so, in moderation and at your own discretion I’ve included them. They’ve
certainly helped me in my journey to build muscle and lose fat and may well help
you. I certainly wouldn't class artificial sweeteners such as sucralose as ‘healthy’
but if it helps you stay on track and your fat loss goals on course, any negatives
may well be offset by the leaner healthier body composition the program
delivers. Plus, seriously - try the fat free greek yogurt twist above!
Much like products that contain artificial sweeteners (Coke, Dr Pepper etc) but
without the chemicals! Sparkling water has a ‘filling’ and apatite blunting effect.
Try Green Tea, Red Tea and coffee for similar effects during a fasting period if
How much body fat can you lose per week?
1 lbs to 1.5 lbs per week is a fat loss rate that will allow you to reach your goals
effectively but still stay satisfied, whilst maintaining (or even adding) muscle
mass. At the start of this program you may well lose more ‘weight’, this is mostly
water weight and glycogen due to your decreased calorie intake. As a side note,
the leaner you get, the slower the fat loss. As with everything, be flexible and
monitor your fat loss. If you’re losing 2 lbs of body fat per week, feel free to increase
your calories. If you’re losing less than 1 lbs per week adjust your calories by
decreasing your carbs and/or fats. Or of course increase your activity level.
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They say Abs are made in the kitchen, it’s true.
The first time I got ripped for my summer vacation I ate two meals a day, each
meal hitting around 750 calories. Listen, I had 50 LBS of body fat to lose! I
skipped breakfast (utilised Intermittent Fasting with a fast period of at least 12
hours) and had lunch and dinner, sometimes just a big dinner before bed.
If you prefer to have three smaller meals a day, they might look something like the
example meal plan below. Obviously tweak this meal plan depending on your goal
bodyweight. For a goal bodyweight of 150 lbs it would be very similar to the plan
I used and have included. For such low calories - it’s a whole lot of food!
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a) Example Meal Plan
I would eat the below pretty much everyday because it was quick, simple, tasted
great (but not too great!), filled me up and was highly nutritious all while allowing
me to hit my daily macro goals. Give it a try!
Quaker Oats (60 grams)
Whey/Vegan Protein Powder (1 scoop, 25 grams)
Cinnamon Powder (just a dash yeah!)
Chicken Breast (200 grams)
Broccoli (350 grams)
Quinoa (cooked weight) (100 grams)
Chicken Breast (200 grams)
Broccoli (350 grams)
Brown Rice (125 grams)
Protein: 177 grams
Carbs: 160 grams
Fat: 17 grams
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b) Superfoods
Pink Himalayan Salt
Ditch the table salt!
It's stripped of minerals and once you opt for Pink Himalayan Salt you’ll realise
everything else tastes disgusting! Not only does Pink Himalayan Salt taste
amazing, it offers a whole bunch of benefits.
Detoxifies the body
Balances pH
Supports hormone balance
Includes trace minerals
Supports thyroid and adrenal function
Reduces muscle cramps by improving mineral uptake and hydration
Balances blood sugar
Can help balance blood pressure
Improves sleep (supports blood sugar and hormone balance)
Supports weight loss (by balancing hormones and improving energy)
Add it to your chicken, fish, veg, oatmeal…you’ll love it!
Used by everyone from the Egyptians to the Romans and they were right to include
it in their diets!
• Contains allicin (from immune enhancement to cancer prevention)
• Contains antioxidants that may help prevent alzheimer's disease and
• Improves cholesterol levels which may lower the risk of heart disease
• Improved athletic performance
• Contains Manganese, Vit B6, B1, Vitamin C,
Selenium, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron
• Detoxifies heavy metals within the body
• May improve bone health
Onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections for centuries.
• The phytochemical in onions along with their Vitamin C content help improve
• Contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar
• Helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) helping keep the heart healthy
• Contains a powerful compound called Quercetin (fights free radical damage)
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Contains compounds with medicinal properties.
• Contains curcuminoids, including curcumin which is anti-inflammatory
• Increases the antioxidant capacity of the body
• Curcumin may help reverse many steps in the heart disease process
including improving the function of the endothelium (which is the lining of the
blood vessels)
• Multiple studies have shown that curcumin can reduce the growth of cancerous
• Curcumin can help fight against alzheimer’s disease
• In a study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin was even more
effective than an anti-inflammatory drug
• Helps fight against depression
• May help delay ageing
Cayenne Pepper
Anti-irritant properties (ease upset stomach, ulcers, sore throats)
Anti cold and flu properties by breaking up and moving congested mucus
It stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the flow of enzyme production and
gastric juices. Thus aids the body’s ability to metabolize food (and toxins)
• Anti-bacterial properties
• Can support weight loss
• Helps to keep blood pressure levels normalised
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c) Recommended Food / Shopping List
I stick to the following foods, they taste great, are highly nutritious and are tried
and tested ‘go-to’ foods to build muscle.
Chicken Breast (Boneless, Skinless)
Steak (Organic where possible)
Fish (Cod)
Salmon (Bare in mind the higher fat content, go for Organic and Wild Caught)
Eggs (Organic where possible)
Peanut Butter (Choose a high oleic peanut butter, Oleic Acid is a
monounsaturated fatty acid – it is known as a good fat, it reduces the amount
of LDL (bad cholesterol) whilst boosting the levels of HDL (good cholesterol). For
a lower fat Peanut Butter choose a powder such as ‘PB Fit’)
Oatmeal (Organic where possible)
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Red Kidney Beans
Coffee (Organic where possible, be mindful of overall caffeine consumption)
Greek Yogurt (Fat Free)
Whey / Vegan Protein Power (Organic where possible)
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d) Cheat Days
Cheat days sound very - ‘gym like'! Can we call them ‘Treat Days’!? Even when
we make exercise and good nutritional choices part of our lifestyle changes, we
still all know what a chocolate bar tastes like! In my opinion cheat days don’t really
need to be scheduled, they often ‘schedule’ themselves!
On this program you’ll be eating great heathy enjoyable nutritional food, like
those listed above and when you ‘need’ that slice of cake or pizza, it’ll probably be
on someones birthday, or a night out. At the end of the day, take responsibility for
your progress and be accountable, there’s opportunities to have a ‘cheat day’
everyday, if you then take them everyday, be prepared to not take your T-Shirt off
by the pool!
However, if it makes it mentally easier for you to have a scheduled cheat day, I’d
recommend some thoughts from Sylvester Stallone on it.
‘What you eat is what you is’
“If you eat great, really great, Monday to Friday - from Saturday to Sunday
you can turn into the biggest hog in the universe and you won’t gain an
ounce and you get it all out of your system”
“I overdo it on the weekends, during the week it’s almost all protein and by
Friday night I’m ravenous and then I’ll bulk up and then by Monday I’m back
on the regime, that way my body is at least appeased a little bit’
Biggest Hog in the Universe Award….I had that, once. NOW, it’s all about
*THAT* chest line.
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a) The Power of Fasting, Starting and Progressing
Intermittent Fasting (IF) in it’s simplest form is a means of refraining from eating
during a certain duration known as the ‘Fasting Window’. One of the most popular
fasting protocols is the 16/8 fast. This means you’ll fast for 16 hours and eat
during an ‘8 hour window’.
To start, I’d recommend fasting for at least 8 hours (when you’re sleeping). Sounds
like a no brainer but I used to get up in the night and eat dry packaged golden
syrup oats! Ten sachets at a time! I was pretty much never not eating! So first, lock
in a full 8 hour fast and then extend to it 10 hours and then 12 hours, I do a
minimum of 12 hours everyday. Then, if you wish you can work up to the full 16
hours per day.
Psychologically IF is going to help you in a huge way. Remove breakfast and fast
through till lunch and guess what? You get to eat a bigger lunch and feel
satisfied. Fast again till dinner and yep, you can have another big meal before bed.
When you implement Intermittent Fasting it really doesn't feel like you're 'going
without' or even dieting. You'll also be saving time (cooking / sitting down / eating
and washing up) saving money (less overall food to buy) and LOSING BODY FAT.
What's not to love about Intermittent Fasting?
Limit Intermittent Fasting to 16-18 hours a day and there will be no muscle
catabolism during it.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting.
*Body Fat Reduction
*Lowered Blood Insulin and Sugar Levels
*May Reduce Risk of Cancer
*Increase Cellular Repair
*Increased Energy
*Increased Human Growth Hormone
*Reduction of Inflammation
*May help you Live Longer
When you break the fast and eat the anabolic effects will be greater due to
improvements in muscle insulin sensitivity. You’ll also find by skipping
breakfast/your first meal you’ll have a much easier time building muscle and
losing fat.
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a) When to Eat?
I break my fast after my morning workout. However, if you’d prefer to break your
fast sooner (ideally still aiming for a 12 hour fast) then eating something before
your workout isn’t ‘bad’ as such, it may even be beneficial.
Research has shown that having a protein and carbohydrate (and low fat!) preworkout meal (drink or food) may reduce the stress response that occurs when
we train and work our muscle fibres.
Keeping the dietary fat as low as possible is key. Dietary fat will blunt nitric oxide
which actually opens the blood vessels allowing for the ‘workout pump/burn’. A
higher fat meal will also cause a 50% reduction in post-workout growth
hormone. So stick to protein and carbs before AND after your workout.
After your workout cortisol will be raised which inhibits glucose entering the
muscle cells. By consuming protein and carbs after your workout you’ll allow
your body to ‘turn off’ cortisol by spiking insulin, at this point glycogen stores will
be replenished and protein synthesis for muscle growth can occur.
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a) Vitamins
To cover all basis I like to take a daily multivitamin which contains all the
essentials. Below I have suggested some supplements that you may wish to try,
they are not needed for optimal results on this program or intended to replace a
nutritious well balanced diet.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is actually considered a pro-hormone (acts like a hormone in the body).
Alongside a whole host of benefits such as stronger bones, improved muscle
function, protection from cardiovascular disease, decreased risk of type 2
diabetes and reduced risk of cancer. Vitamin D also has testosterone benefits.
Men with sufficient Vitamin D levels (50-70 ng/dl) had significantly higher levels of
testosterone and lower SHBG (sex-hormone-binding globulin) count than men
who had insufficient levels (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20050857).
Vitamin D also inhibits the aromatization in which testosterone is changed into
Fish Oil
Benefits in the fight against alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, arthritis,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, cancer and a whole host more.
Dr. Mauro Di Pasquala highlights a connection between fish oil and muscle
health. He believes the Omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil (EFA’s) can
slow down or even inhibit muscle proteolysis (breaking down of muscle
proteins) which we are trying to avoid! Omega-3’s can also reduce muscle
soreness and inflammation. The goal is to keep the radio of Omega-6 fatty acids
to Omega-3 fatty acids at approximately 3 to 1. Too much Omega-6 fatty acids can
raise your blood pressure and lead to blood clots that can cause heart attacks and
strokes. Research shows that 3.5-4.5 grams of fish oil (Omega-3) (on a 2,000calorie diet) per day is ideal (http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/
Protein Powder
Hitting your daily protein goals can be difficult and impractical, especially
considering studies suggest 0.6 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight is
adequate for maximising protein synthesis (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
In male weightlifters high protein diets resulted in less stress and fatigue
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b) Pre-Workout
If you’re looking for a pre-workout then let me highlight some key ingredients and
why they might be helpful.
Increases nitric oxide retention - think the muscle pump! It contributes to an
increase in blood flow, nutrition delivery and vascularity as it works as a cell
Increases arginine levels which supports the production of nitric oxide. Increases
blood flow, oxygen transportation and nutrient uptake. Often referred to as the
‘Fatigue Fighter’ allowing you to perform longer - think hitting that 25 for 8!
Increases exercise capacity and decreases muscle fatigue. It also has
antioxidant, immune-enhancing and anti-ageing properties. It can help boost
training volume.
One of the 9 Essential Amino Acids and known as the ‘most anabolic’ as it plays
a role in stimulating protein synthesis and muscle recovery. May increase
strength and longevity along with evidence of decreasing obesity.
Regulation of blood sugar, aids in preventing muscle waisting along with being
know to promote tissue repair.
Increase energy and sleep quality. Helps strengthen muscle mass and
increase muscle endurance.
Used to synthesise proteins in the body. Promotes muscle growth and helps
recover damage to the muscle tissues.
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Mitigates damaging effects of fat, glucose and excess insulin. Similar to creatine, it
helps enhance water balance and nutrient uptake within the muscle cells.
Increases alertness, strengthens the heart and may reduce blood pressure.
Increased endurance and performance, can help increase energy expenditure.
c) Creatine
CREATINE SUPPLEMENT. One of the most researched supplements. It’s a
naturally occurring amino acid (protein building block) made by the body in the
liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is converted into creatine phosphate and stored in
the muscles where it is used for energy. It helps build muscle, increase strength,
improve endurance and reduce muscle damage and soreness.
d) Adaptogens
A powerful ayurvedic (holistic) adaptogenic herb, I find this personally helps me
de-stress and sleep better. Over 200 studies suggest that Ashwagandha may
Enhance Thyroid Function
Treat Adrenal Fatigue
Increase Endurance
Prevent and Treat Cancer
Reduce Stress/Cortisol by up to 26 %
Decrease the Degeneration of Brain Cells
Balance Blood Sugar
Lower Cholesterol
Strengthen Immunity
Large doses of ashwagandha might cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting.
As with any supplement - follow the instructions on the bottle to be safe.
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Need a mental break and just want to get in a quick push up workout!?
Welcome to ‘The Deck of Pain’!
Pain - in a good way!
You’ll get a crazy pump from this and may well be surprised how many reps you
end up getting in during this workout. This is quite literally a ‘Pec Deck’ (sorry!)
Rumoured to have originated in prison between inmates (it’s also a great game to
play with a workout partner) it doesn’t get any simpler than turning over a card and
dropping down to push up.
Equipment: Deck of (52) Cards.
Workout Duration: 30-60 mins.
Card Values:
JACK: 10
KING: 20
ACE: 25
JOKER: 50 (Or as many reps as you can do).
1. Shuffle the cards (the fate of this workout isn’t in your hands!)
2. Draw a card from the top of the deck.
3. Perform push ups (Regular/Classic or Diamond depending on your level) based
on the card value above.
4. Keep flipping cards and performing push ups until your workout duration is
over and keep a score of how many reps you performed. Aim to beat this
number next time you play.
5. Finish the deck in the workout!? LEGENDARY STATUS.
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I want to highlight two parts from a great Iron Magazine article by strength and
conditioning coach Bill Starr which perfectly illustrates the Progressive
Resistance methodology I use.
Part 1:
“My longtime friend Jack King of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is a perfect
example [of progressive resistance]. After recovering from a near-death
experience, he found he couldn't do any free-weight exercises for his upper
body: no flat benches, inclines, declines, nothing. So how in the world was he going
to maintain and improve his chest, shoulders and arms? That was important to him
because he'd switched his interest from Olympic weightlifting to competitive
bodybuilding. Without arms, shoulders and a chest, he wasn't going to have much
of a chance. He experimented, failed, experimented some more and, finally, came
up with an exercise he could do without pain that brought him the desired results. It
was a form of pushup, in which he placed his feet on a bench and did partial
movements while he gripped blocks to take the pressure off his wrists. By adding
reps, he slowly but steadily worked up to where he could do four sets of 150 reps.
It worked wonderfully because he won a great many physique titles, including the
Masters Mr. America”.
Part 2:
“I saw a great example of progressive resistance at work when I was in the Air
Force, stationed in Iceland. A corporal had allowed himself to fall into a terrible
physical state. Upon arriving at the island, he'd stopped all forms of exercise and
started indulging himself to the maximum. Within six months he'd gained 50
pounds, all of it ugly weight. When he became eligible for a furlough back to the
States, he altered his lifestyle. It seemed he'd only been married a week before he
shipped out to Iceland, and he wanted to look his best when he went home. He
stopped drinking alcohol, cut back on his eating and started doing one exercise,
pushups. His reason for choosing them was different from Jack's. We didn't have a
bench in our tiny gym, and he recalled how effective pushups had been for him in
basic training. He was in such sad shape that all he could manage the first time
was 15 reps, but he had a couple of things going for him. He was extremely
motivated, and he was only 19. Slowly but consistently, he added more reps to
each set, then started doing multiple sets. Every time I saw him on base, in the
rec room, the mess hall, the barracks, he’d drop down and do a set. He got to
where he could do 75 in a set, and over the course of a day he'd do more than
1,500. He was using progressive-resistive training just by increasing his reps,
and he altered his physique in a remarkable way. I've never seen anyone
transform his body so radically, so rapidly. After less than a month on his pushup
blitz, he had muscular arms, chest and shoulders. In the process of doing so
many reps, he also tightened his midsection, and his upper back stood out in
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relief. He looked as though he'd been doing some serious advanced-level
bodybuilding for some time. Few people can duplicate what he accomplished
because most lack his intense motivation”.
Also let me highlight two great quotes from the author of ‘Pushing Yourself To
Power’, John E Peterson on the benefits of high volume push ups.
“Don't forget that no upper body exercise infuses as much highly oxygenated
blood and nutrients into the upper body muscle mass as does high volume
push-ups from multiple angles. This infusion of blood brings nutrients and growth
factors that are essential for growth and the TUT (Time Under Tension)
enhances release of testosterone and HGH” - (John E. Peterson, Author (https://transformetrics.com).
“Never underestimate even moderately high volume Push-Ups for building an
exceptional body. In fact, some of you may remember that in PYTP [Pushing
Yourself To Power] I profiled 1920's muscle's -by-mail, muscle builder, Earle
Liederman that had students achieving fantastic success with just one set of 100
standard floor Push-ups. Naturally it took his students a long time to work up to
one set of 100 but that is what he recommended. His successor Charles Atlas
recommended that his own advanced students work up to performing 200 Atlas
Push-Ups between chairs each day, to be performed in several sets morning
and night until they achieved a total of 200 or more. And of course many of us,
including yours truly, are living proof that Atlas students achieved fantastic results.
Bottom line: The Push-Up is king in my opinion” - (John E. Peterson, Author (https://transformetrics.com).
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a) Importance of Tracking
A lack of accountably results in failure. Being accountable is key in order for you
to rock that lean, muscular athletic healthy physique. When you track your
workout progress and nutrition on the program you make getting ripped truly
attainable. Conversely, making it allowable or even easy for you to miss a workout
or indulge in an extra cheat meal is unacceptable! Sure, life happens, but the aim is
always to keep moving forward and getting a little better week by week.
By downloading this program you’ve already made a step in the right direction and
are willing to move away from the crowd of dad bods. But, to gain the self respect
and confidence that comes with your new body you owe it to yourself to fully
commit and consistently progress over time.
Just skipping the odd workout here and there can be a slippery slope and before
you know it, you can’t remember the last time you worked out.
Don’t sabotage yourself!
Tracking your workout will not only prevent you from just going through the motions
it will keep you focused and energised always positively pushing yourself week in
week out, which in turn will make you feel fantastic. This feedback loop will continue
until you reach a level of physical development you’re extremely proud of.
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b) Tracking Log
Feel free to factor in any rest days you feel you need or end up taking due to
When tracking sets and reps it’s crucial we also track the total volume done.
When reps go up and sets go down sometimes volume can take a hit.
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a) Background
Push ups, just like weight lifting are a form of resistance training and therefore
multiple muscles will get inflamed and sore over time. This is normal and referred
to as DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness).
Rest is very subjective and will vary from person to person. Let me highlight the fact
that rest is an essential part of muscle development! The due diligence and
safety you would apply to heavy weight training should be applied to your push ups.
When you train correctly as laid out in this program then you’ll understand that
because push ups are incurability impressive at eliciting fantastic physique
changing results that too means you need to let your body rest, repair and recover
from the powerful stimulus!
During your rest periods muscle fibres synthesise new proteins to repair the
micro-tears and thus the muscles become bigger and stronger. It can take at
least 48 hours to do so. If you train when still sore you’ll end up overtraining or
even worse get an injury. The fun of training means sometimes we forget that
muscles only grow (repair) during rest and recovery.
Perhaps the most important part of the rest and recovery element of this program
will be sleep. Cellular changes, growth and the ability to shut down cortisol all
occur during sleep. Sleep helps with muscle building AND fat loss. Obesity rates
have been reported as being 73% higher for those who only slept two to four hours
a night so feel free to get that lie in! It’s all part of the program!
Whether you’re completely new to the program and new to doing correct form push
ups or you’ve come to the program as a form of rehab, there are several things you
can do to help the essential rest, repair and recover cycle (in addition to those
already laid out in the program, such as a nutrient dense diet and adequate sleep).
Always listen to your body, if you feel you need additional rest days, then take them!
Take as much time as you need before starting up again. When you do start again
follow these two key points.
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1. Start Slow
Don’t rush back into it. Build back up to where you were. Let’s say you were doing
10 reps for 10 sets (10 x 10), now try 5 reps for 10 sets, for example.
If you were doing diamond push ups, start with regular classic push ups. Here we
want to decrease reps, decrease sets and increase rest times between sets.
2. Range of Motion
When building back up, before getting back to full range of motion, here we want to
limit how far we go down to the ground. I suggest placing some books on the floor
and go no lower than where your shoulders and elbows are level. Slowly build back
up to full range of motion where your chest is lower to the ground.
In addition to these slight regressions I recommend following my stretch and yoga
move recommendations below.
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b) Stretches and Yoga Moves
Along with my push up routine I incorporate a daily stretch and yoga routine which
is not only incredibly powerful at hitting the ‘right spots’ but allows a ‘body reset’
after a challenging workout. I also find it very calming and relaxing. Flexibility and
mobility go hand in hand with a strong athletic physique, much like having more
muscle and less fat is beneficial for longevity, so too is having full range of motion
throughout your body, something many ‘bodybuilders’ lack. We want to look AND
feel good!
Just like doing too much exercise and ‘overtraining’ you too can ‘overstretch’ so
again, don’t rush into this. Take your time to learn the moves and build up to
deeper, longer stretches until you find your own ‘sweet spot’ on each move.
For my personal routine I do the following stretches in the following order, if you
have a matt of some sorts I’ve found it kinder on the hands and knees.
These moves nicely stretch out the chest, shoulders, arms and back.
A quick google of the names will show you the moves, try them out along with my
additional comments below.
If you need any help with these moves, email me - info@muscleforver.com and I’ll
send over relevant links that, for copyright reasons, cannot be included here.
These stretches can be done before or after your workout, or both!
Stretch 1: Thread The Needle
Typically done with your head resting on the matt, however I’ve noticed a greater
stretch in the back from lifting the head, a nice variation. Hold each side for 30
Stretch 2: Child’s Pose
Stretch for 30 seconds.
Stretch 3: Child’s Pose (Modified)
Stretch 2 is done with arms and hands flat on the matt, for this modification I like to
rotate my arms and thus hands up (so thumbs pointing up to the ceiling) and bring
my hands in together until they touch whilst simultaneously increasing the stretch.
Stretch for 30 seconds.
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Stretch 4: Prone Chest Stretch/ Prone Cactus
Before you open out the chest, I like to bring my legs together, up and back and
then turn them out to the side allowing the chest to really open up. I then like to lift
one leg up and rest it on the other. Hard to explain in text, I will update the program
with pictures in the future! Hold this one for 30 seconds.
Stretch 5: Upward Facing Dog
I typically look forward for 10 seconds, to the left for 10, to the right for 10 and then
back to centre before lowing back into Child’s pose. I repeat that cycle three times.
Stretch 6: Wall Slides / Wall Angels / Scapular Wall Slides
Here we get strengthening and stretching in one! It’s essential to keep several
points of contact throughout the move therefore start this one on the floor. From the
floor progress to the wall or a door.
Take this slow and work up to full range of motion. You’ll feel this stretch in your
chest, arms and back! Points of contact are your head, gluteus, upper back, elbows
and hands - they must not come of the wall/door! That’s why starting on the floor is
easier allowing your to master the form first. Do three sets of ten reps (3 x 10).
Stretch 7: Door Pec Stretch
It’s the classic stretch, build up slowly and increasing how much you lean into the
stretch. Can be done with both arms simultaneously or one arm at a time.
Bonus Stretch: Bar Hanging
This stretch requires a pull up bar, or door pull up bar. You simply hang with an
overhand grip with your arms shoulder width apart. Hang for ten seconds for three
sets ( 3 x 10).
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c) Recovery Tools
You’ve got the push ups, you’ve got the nutritionally dense diet, you’re sleeping
well, you’re stretching efficiently and effectively - you’ve got the whole package! If
you did want to add in some additional ‘tools’ you might want to consider the
following. I mean, if they’re good enough for professional athletes then why not! I’ll
do anything Tom Brady does! If push ups and stretching are the equivalent of a
healthy diet and sleep schedule, then these are the protein powder supplements!
Not essential, but may help.
Sports Massage/ Deep Tissue Massage
Expensive but beneficial, professional athletes will have these everyday, for the rest
of us I see these as an MOT for the body. Finding a good one is key!
Massage Ball (Lacrosse Ball)
Go slow and be gentle, the aim is not to beat yourself up! Find any trigger points
and ‘roll and hold’. Either against a wall or the floor.
Massage Gun (Percussive Therapy)
You’ve no doubt seen these guns on Instagram! These range from super expensive
to relatively cheap, check Amazon. Percussive therapy allows an increase in blood
flow to soft tissues in muscles, tendons and ligaments elongating muscle fibres and
providing relief on joints. Can be used pre and post workout.
Ultrasound Therapy
This is often used by physiotherapist but you can invest in your own one for around
£100 which is the cost of one physiotherapist treatment! It’s used to get to the
deeper layers, reduce pain, increase circulation and mobility of soft tissues thus
helpful in reducing inflammation, pain and aid in the healing of injuries and wounds.
Hot Bath
With epsom bath salts and essentials oils. Soaking in warm water can help relax
muscles and loosen stiff joints.
Hot Water Bottle
You may already have one, they are cheap and far longer lasting than those heat
pads/packs! Contains hot water, so, you know - be careful!
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Hit me up on www.muscleforever.com for more workout routines, tips and of
course obligatory beach pictures!
You can ask me any workout and diet questions you may have too.
Make sure you take before and after pictures so we can boast about how
Diamond Push Ups are the BOMB!
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is
not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult
with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience
any pain or difficulty with these exercises or from this information, stop and consult your healthcare
provider. Ask your Doctor, Health Care Professional or Nutritionist if you are taking any
medications and the possible interaction with Nutritional Supplements.