ROTOR DYNAMIC EQUATION IMPROVEMENTS Earlier this year, to assist one of our customers, Don Bently authored a short synopsis of work done by himself and Dr. Agnes Muszynska related to the defining equations for rotor dynamics. We felt the summary would be valuable for a broader audience and provide it here for the benefit of all our ORBIT readers. ry, or Dynamic Theo ot R al ic ss la C in to ral Deficiencies rch Corporation ea es R ic Summar y of Seve am yn D Bently Rotor and Work Done by iciencies Correct These Def 15 tute (EPRI) about wer Research Insti Po c tri ec El e th ed by mic studies publish In some rotor dyna om was used. ed fre gle degree of sin a is impossible to ly on o, ag s year freedom is that it of ee gr de e gl sin on a y directions must a study based up tics – both x and ris th te wi ac ar lem ch ob ss pr ne e is a serious Th amic Stiff forward and reverse n from reverse Dyn ee d ar tw rw be fo sh sh ui ui ng ng an forward disti to disti different effects th ally, the inability er tly en nc G sti . di ad s ste ce in du be used stiffness intro ckward (reverse) een the two. mistake because ba differentiate betw to l ta vi both lateral is it d an stiffness, excite a rotor in at th es di stu ic m dyna paratus for relies upon rotor this, we employ ap e, or do ef To er . th ns a, io ad ct re ev eral di vice such Bently N response in both lat a unidirectional de its an th re su er ea th m ra , d ce an vi , ce de ckward directions a rotating unbalan teristic from the ba as ac ar ch ch su s n, es io ffn at sti rb d circular pertu separate the forwar studies allow us to as a shaker. Such ty and guesswork. ka and eliminate uncertain d an , tic ris te ac Dr. Agnes Muszyns , ar ch om ed fre of s ee gr ents using two de equations. nce upon experim tal rotor dynamic en am nd fu e In addition to relia th to s ge an ch r three majo I have introduced represented as tl y By D on al d E. B en Term 1. Cross Stiffness lled “cross erature uses so-ca Much existing lit the cross er, ture. Furth stiffness” nomencla ated as tre are and K yx stiffness terms K xy and I ka ns zy us bles. Dr. M independent varia ent nd pe de in t terms are no showed that these cterized d are properly chara of one another an ping, λ m da is , where D by the term DλΩ average l tia en fer id circum (lambda) is the flu speed. ive tat ro d Ω is shaft velocity ratio, an tial gen tan e th as m, DλΩ, We refer to this ter the K xy . It is equivalent to or quadrature term enjoys re tu cla en t our nom and K yx terms, bu it de fin es ad va nt ag e th at th e sig ni fic an t r dynamic to ro of the basic stiffness in terms eed, and mping, rotative sp parameters of da l model es it a more usefu lambda. This mak rstanding. for diagnostic unde 34 ORBIT 3Q01 is sometimes “Cross stiffness” a rotor. t and right below springs at 45Þ lef ess is ffn sti correct. Cross This is totally in , or ial nt ge s effect – a tan actually a sideway to lar cu di that acts perpen quadrature, term t. en em lac sp of ro to r di th e di re cti on e es th to re fer pe op le So m eti m es , of sed po m ms as being co “perpendicular” ter wever, y” components; ho ar “real” and “imagin ture. cla en m using such no I have never liked th e t ou ab g “im ag in ar y” Th er e is no th in ays alw da va and Bently Ne tangential term, of ad ste in “q ua dr at ur e” us es th e wo rd a in d ve ser can be easily ob “imaginar y.” It wn do sh pu u m. When yo rotor dynamic syste t also to not only down, bu es on a rotor, it mov the side. ROTOR 2. Direct Stiffness Term Even the Direct Stiffness term has been badly misunderstood over the years beca use it is often modeled in terms of rotative spee d under the assumption that only the circu mferential profile of the supporting pressure wed ge is of imp orta nce. Our wor k with exte rnal ly pres suri zed bear ings show s that Dire ct Stiffness is the result of the conv erging / diverging pressure wedge that is axia l (along the roto r) in orie ntat ion, rath er than circu mferentia l (aro und the roto r). This clari fies a conc ept that has been misunderstood and misapplied for more than a century. 3. Fluid Iner tia Term Our rotor dynamic model introduce d a term to quantify the fluid iner tia effect. This effect can become very large and exhibit influence on the rotor that is quite significant, adding to the iner tial effects of the rotor mass itself. However, although it behaves like iner tia, and our model characterizes the roto r behavior quite accurately, it is incorrect to thin k of our term as a literal mass-based iner tia. This can be observed very easily by introduci ng an air bubble into a cylindrical bearing syste m. The fluid iner tia effect disappears insta ntly, and the system reverts to normal spring, mass, and dam ping char acte risti cs. The refo re, it is perfectly clear that it is neither a Cori olis nor gyroscopic 1 effect. This fluid iner tia effect acts very muc h like a nega tive spri ng and introduces a negative stiffness effec t. DYNAMIC EQUATION IMPROVEMENTS The befo re-m enti oned imp rove men ts to the defin ing equa tion s are nece ssary for the mos t accurate modeling and diagnostics of modern rotor dynamic systems. They also more clearly describe both simple and complex rotor syste ms. Finally, in addition to using the most up-to-da te equations as the basis for calculations, we strongly advocate the use of a graphical analysis method known as RootLocus in studying the stability of rotor dynamic systems. It has been very widely appl ied to study the stability of electronic control syste ms since its introduction by Walter Evans in 1954 . However, it is less commonly applied to rotor dyna mic systems, which is a shame since it is such a pow erful analysis tool, vastly superior to older meth ods such as Cam pbel l diag ram s or loga rithm ic-d ecre men t plots. Root-Locus is addressed very capably in the following excellent texts: 1. Evans, W. R., Control-System Dyn amics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. , New York, New York, 1954. 2. Nise, Norman S., Control Systems Engineering with MATLAB, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 3. Ogata, Katsuhiko, Modern Control Engineering, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1997. If you would like further assistance with any of the concepts or methods covered in this summar y, I would be pleased to help. 1 It should be pointed out, however, that while fluid inertia is clearly not a gyroscopic effec gyroscopic behavior are correctly done t, the existing descriptions of . Therefore, gyroscopics continue to be a valuable part of properly chara rotor’s behavior. cterizing a 3Q01 ORBIT 35