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Transmission Lines & Fiber Optics Exam Questions

1. Indicate the false statement. The SWR on a
transmission line is infinity; the line is
terminated in
a. a short circuit
b. a complex impedance
c. an open circuit
d. a pure reactance
2. A (75 – j50)-Ω is connected to a coaxial
transmission line of ZO = 75 Ω, at 10 GHz. The
best method of matching consists in connecting
a. a short-circuited stub at the load
b. an inductance at the load
c. a capacitance at some specific distance
d. a short-circuited stub at some
specific distance from the load
3. The velocity factor of a transmission line
a. depends on the dielectric constant of
the material used
b. increases the velocity along the
transmission line
c. is governed by the skin effect
d. is higher for a solid dielectric than for
4. Short-circuited stubs are preferred to
open-circuited stubs because the latter are
a. more difficult to make and connect
b. made of a transmission line with a
different characteristic impedance
c. liable to radiate
d. incapable of giving a full range of
5. For transmission-line load matching over a
range of frequencies, it is best to use a
a. balun
b. broadband directional coupler
c. double stub
d. single stub of adjustable position
6. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel-wire line,
it is best to use a
a. slotted line
b. balun
c. directional coupler
d. quarter-wave transformer
7. Indicate the three types of transmission line
energy losses.
a. I2R, R, and temperature L
b. Radiation, I2R, and dielectric
c. Dielectric
breakdown, and radiation
d. Conductor heating, dielectric heating,
and radiation resistance.
Source: Transmission Lines (Blake)
8. An example of an unbalanced line is:
a. a coaxial cable
b. 300-ohm twin-lead TV cable
c. an open-wire-line cable
d. all of the above
9. The characteristic impedance of a cable
depends on:
a. the resistance per foot of the wire used
b. the resistance per foot and the
inductance per foot
c. the resistance per foot and the
capacitance per foot
d. the inductance per foot and the
capacitance per foot
For best matching, the load on a cable should
a. lower than Zo
b. higher than Zo
c. equal to Zo
d. 50 ohms
The characteristic impedance of a cable:
a. increases with length
b. increases with frequency
c. increases with voltage
d. none of the above
The optimum value for SWR is:
a. zero
b. one
c. as large as possible
d. there is no optimum value
The velocity factor of a cable depends mostly
a. the wire resistance
b. the dielectric constant
c. the inductance per foot
d. all of the above
1. The dielectric material of an optical fiber
surrounding the core
a. Cladding
b. Armor
c. Shield
d. Cover
2. The different angles of entry of light into an
optical fiber when the diameter of the core is
many time the wavelength of the transmitted is
known as
a. Refraction
b. Index
c. Mode
d. Reflection
3. What law does a light traveling in an optical
fiber follow
a. Millman’s
b. Snell’s
c. Maxwell’s
d. Planck’s
4. What is the frequency limit of copper wire?
a. approximately 0.5 MHz
b. approximately 1.0 MHz
c. approximately 40 MHz
d. None of the above
5. Approximately what is the frequency limit of
the optical fiber?
a. 20 GHz
b. 1 MHz
c. 100 MHz
d. 40MHz
6. An incident ray can be defined as
a. a light ray reflected from a flat surface
b. a light ray directed toward a surface
c. a diffused light ray
d. a light ray that happens periodically
7. The term dispersion describes the process of
a. separating light into its component
b. reflecting light from a smooth surface
c. the process by which light is absorbed
by an uneven rough surface
d. light scattering
8. Which of the following terms describes the
reason that light is refracted at different angles?
a. Photon
b. Light is refracted as a function of
surface smoothness
c. The angle is determined partly by a and
d. The angle is determined by the index
of the materials
9. The term critical angle describes
a. the point at which light is refracted
b. the point at which light becomes
c. the point at which light has gone
from the refractive mode to the
reflective mode
d. the point at which light has crossed the
boundary layers from one index to
The cladding which surrounds the fiber core
a. is used to reduce optical interference
b. is used to protect the fiber
c. acts to help guide the light in the core
d. ensures that the refractive index
remains constant
The refractive index number is
a. a number which compares the
transparency of a material with that
of air
b. a number assigned by the manufacturer
to the fiber in question
c. a number which determines the core
d. a term for describing core elasticity
The terms single mode and multimode are best
described as
a. the number of fibers placed into a
fiber-optic cable
b. the number of voice channels each
fiber can support
c. the number of wavelengths each
fiber can support
d. the index number
The higher the index number
a. the higher the speed of light
b. the lower the speed of light
c. has no effect on the speed of light
d. the shorter the wavelength propagation
The three major groups in the optical system
a. the components, the data rate and
response time
b. the source, the link, and the receiver
c. the transmitter, the cable, and the
d. the source, the link, and the detector
The term power budgeting refers to
a. the cost of cables, connectors,
equipment, and installation
b. the loss of power due to defective
c. the total power available minus the
attenuation losses
d. the comparative costs of fiber and
copper installations
Compared to the core, the index of refraction of
the cladding must be:
a. the same
b. greater
c. less
d. doesn’t have an index of refraction
Fiber-optic cables do not:
a. carry current
b. cause crosstalk
c. generate EMI
d. all of the above
18. Single-mode fiber is made from:
a. glass
b. plastic
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
19. A single-mode cable does not suffer from:
a. modal dispersion
b. chromatic dispersion
c. waveguide dispersion
d. all of the above
20. Scattering causes:
a. loss
b. dispersion
c. intersymbol interference
d. all of the above
21. APD stands for:
a. Avalanche Photodiode
b. Advanced Photodiode
c. Avalanche Photo Detector
d. Advanced Photo Detector
22. What generates a light beam of a specific
visible frequency?
a. Laser
b. Glass Fiber
c. Infrared
d. Light waves
23. Which of the following materials is sensitive to
a. Photoresist
b. Photosensitive
c. Light Sensitive
d. Maser
24. The core of an optical fiber has a
a. Lower refractive index than air
b. Lower refractive index than the
c. Higher refractive index than the
d. Similar refractive index with the
25. Is the different angle of entry of light into an
optical fiber when the diameter of the core is
many times the wavelength of the light
a. Acceptance angle
b. Modes
c. Sensors
d. Aperture
26. The loss in signal power as light travels down a
fiber is called
a. Dispersion
b. Scattering
c. Absorption
d. Attenuation
27. What is a specific path the light takes in an
optical fiber corresponding to a certain angle
and number of reflection
a. Mode
b. Grade
c. Numerical Aperture
d. Dispersion
28. Is the width of the range of wavelengths
emitted by the light source
a. Bandwidth
b. Chromatic Dispersion
c. Spectral width
d. Beamwidth
29. When a beam of light enters one medium from
another, which quantity will not change?
a. Direction
b. Speed
c. Frequency
d. Wavelength
30. Dispersion is used to describe the
a. Splitting of white light into its
component colors
b. Propagation of light in straight lines
c. Bending of a beam of light when it
goes from one medium to another
d. Bending of a beam light when it strikes
a mirror
31. The wavelength of light has no role in
a. Diffraction
b. Interference
c. Polarization
d. Reflection
32. Longitudinal waves do not exhibit
a. Diffraction
b. Interference
c. Polarization
d. Reflection
33. ________ dispersion is caused by the
difference in the propagation times of light rays
that take different paths down a fiber.
a. Material dispersion
b. Wavelength dispersion
c. Modal dispersion
d. Delay dispersion
34. What type of fiber has the highest modal
a. Step-index multimode
b. Graded index multimode
c. Step-index single mode
d. Graded index mode
35. Which type of fiber optic cable is most widely
a. Single-mode step-index
b. Multimode step-index
c. Single-mode graded-index
d. Multimode graded-index
36. Which type of fiber-optic cable has the least
modal dispersion?
a. Single-mode step-index
b. Multimode step-index
c. Single-mode graded-index
d. Multimode graded-index
37. A dielectric waveguide for the propagation of
electromagnetic energy at light frequencies
a. Stripline
b. Microstrip
c. Laser beam
d. Fiber optics
38. The numerical aperture of a fiber if the angle of
acceptance is 15 degrees, is
a. 017
b. 0.26
c. 0.50
d. 0.75
39. The inner portion of the fiber cable is called
a. Cladding
b. Coating
c. Inner conductor
d. Core
40. Total internal reflection takes place if the light
ray strikes the interface at an angle with what
relationship to the critical angle?
a. Less than
b. Greater than
c. Equal to
d. Zero
41. The operation of the fiber-optic cable is based
on the principle of
a. Refraction
b. Reflection
c. Dispersion
d. Absorption
42. It is simply the ratio of the velocity of
propagation of a light ray in a given material
a. Refractive index
b. Numerical aperture
c. Velocity factor
d. Critical angle
43. Which of the following is not a common type
of fiber-optic cable?
a. Single-mode step-index
b. Multimode graded-index
c. Single-mode graded-index
d. Multimode step-index
44. The core of a fiber optic cable is made of
a. Air
b. Glass
c. Diamond
d. Quartz
45. Refraction is the
a. Bending of light waves
b. Reflection of light waves
c. Distortion of light waves
d. Diffusion of light waves
46. An advantage of optical fiber rejecting an
induced noise signal from magnetic field or
solar storm flux
a. Electric hazard
b. Crosstalk
c. Immunity to noise
d. Shielding
47. A quarter wavelength divide made of
crystalline calcite that changes polarization in
the optical fiber communication
a. Isolator
b. Retarder
c. Polarizer
d. Filters
48. Referred to as a limit in reducing further loss of
signal passing through a fiber optic caused by
a. Rayleigh effect
b. Manufacturing effect
c. Natural Effect
d. Material Effect
49. This consists of an analog or digital interface, a
voltage-to-current converter, a light source, and
a source-to-fiber coupler
a. Optical transmitter
b. Optical fiber
c. Optical converter
d. Optical receiver
50. It is defined as the minimum angle of incidence
at which a light ray may strike the interface of
two media and result in an angle of reflection
of 90° or greater.
a. Acceptance angle
b. Angle of incidence
c. Critical angle
d. Angle of reflection
51. In fiber optics, it means permanently attaching
the end of the cable to another
a. Splicing
b. Polishing
c. Cleaving
d. Retarding
52. They are mechanical assemblies that hold the
ends of a cable and cause them to be accurately
aligned with the ends of another cable
a. Splicer
b. Fusion machine
c. Connectors
d. Cleaver
53. It occurs when the angle of incidence is less
than the critical angle
a. Reflection
b. Rejection
c. Refraction
d. Dispersion
54. The ________ of a fiber-optic cable determines
the maximum speed of the data pulses the cable
can handle.
a. Attenuation
b. Bandwidth
c. Size
d. Wavelength
55. It occurs when multiple wavelengths of light
are used
a. Modal Dispersion
b. Polarization Dispersion
c. Chromatic Dispersion
d. Wavelength Dispersion
56. If the substance emits light of a wavelength
longer than of the incident light, this is called
a. Luminescence
b. Lumina
c. Photoelectric effect
d. Dispersion
57. It is a figure of merit that is used to describe the
light-gathering and light-collecting ability of an
optical fiber
a. Acceptance angle
b. Mode
c. Critical angle
d. Numerical aperture
58. Cutting the fiber optic cable so that it is
perfectly square on the end
a. Splicing
b. Polishing
c. Cleaving
d. Retarding
59. Optical fiber cables are immune to crosstalk
because of
a. Absence of changing magnetic field
b. more layers of protection
c. small core size
d. more lightweight
60. When visible light or high frequency
electromagnetic radiation illuminates a metallic
surface, electrons are emitted
a. Photovoltaic effect
b. Photoelectric effect
c. Photosynthesis
d. Photophone
61. The main purpose of this outer jacket is
a. To provide fiber color code
b. To protect the core and cladding from
c. To protect fiber core from scratches
d. To insulate fiber from electric charges
62. Attenuation is NOT
a. Directly proportional to the length of
the cable
b. Refers to the loss of light energy as the
light pulse travels from one end of the
cable to the other
c. The most important specification of a
fiber-optic cable
d. Determines the maximum speed of
the data pulses the cable can handle
63. Fiber optic cable size is normally specified as
a. Ratio of core and cladding
b. Radius of core and cladding
c. Diameter of ore and cladding
d. Sum of core and cladding
64. If the light beam entering the end of the cable
has an angle less than the acceptance angle
a. It will be internally reflected and
propagated down the cable
b. It will be refracted and goes out the
c. It will be refracted and propagated
down the cable
d. It will be internally reflected and goes
out the cladding
65. A 62.5/125 fiber with an EMB of 200MHz-km
a. OM1
b. OM2
c. OM3
d. OM4
66. A 50/125 fiber with an EMB of 500MHz-kmH
a. OM1
b. OM2
c. OM3
d. OM4
67. It is defined as the maximum angle in which
external light rays may strike the air/fiber
interface and still propagate down the fiber.
a. Acceptance angle
b. Mode
c. Critical angle
d. Numerical aperture
68. Optical fibers have greater information capacity
than metallic cables because of
a. Immunity to crosstalk
b. Wider bandwidth
c. Environmental immunity
d. Lower transmission loss
69. It is the distortion of the optical signal due to
the characteristics of the cable
a. Dispersion
b. Reflection
c. Refraction
d. Attenuation
70. If a 160-MHz-km cable length is doubled from
1 to 2 km, its bandwidth
a. Doubled
b. Tripled
c. Halved
d. Remains the same
71. Most common cable size for multimode fiber
and most widely used by far.
a. 50/125
b. 62.5/125
c. 100/140
d. 9/125
72. When the angle of incidence is greater than the
critical angle, _______ occurs.
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Dispersion
d. Total internal reflection
73. What is the device used in fiber optic
communication which consists of a receiver
transmitter used to clean up and amplify digital
data moving in one direction and another in
possible direction?
a. optics compressor
b. optic retarder
c. optic isolator
d. optic regenerator
74. It is a science of measuring light throughout the
entire electromagnetic spectrum
a. radiometry
b. photometry
c. ophthalmology
d. optometry
75. Modal dispersion is caused by the
a. dependence of wavelength on index of
b. dependence of propagation constant on
index of refraction
c. dependence of the propagation constant
on the wavelength
d. dependence of the propagation
constant on the mode number
76. Calculate the critical angle of incidence
between two substances with different
refractive indices of 1.5 and 1.46 respectively
a. 76.7°
b. 44.2°
c. 13.3°
d. 71.3°
77. Red fiber with black buffer
a. Core #91
b. Core #247
c. Core #235
d. Core #103
78. Red fiber covered with red buffer with black
a. Core #91
b. Core #247
c. Core #223
d. Core #103
1. An ungrounded antenna near the ground
a. acts as a single antenna of twice the
b. is unlikely to need a ground screen
c. acts as an antenna array
d. must be horizontally polarized
2. One of the following consists of nonresonant
a. The rhombic antenna
b. The folded dipole
c. The end-fire array
d. The broadside array
3. One of the following is very useful as a
multiband HF receiving antenna. This is the:
a. conical horn
b. folded dipole
c. log periodic
d. square loop
4. Which of the following antennas is best excited
from a waveguide?
a. Biconical
b. Horn
c. Helical
d. Discone
5. Indicate which of the following reasons for
using a counterpoise with antenna is false:
a. Impossibility of a good ground
b. Protection of personnel working
c. Provision of an earth for the antenna
d. Rockiness of the ground
6. One of the following is nota reason for the use
of an antenna coupler:
a. To make the antenna look resistive
b. To provide the output amplifier with
the correct load impedance
c. To discriminate against harmonics
d. To prevent reradiation of the local
Indicate the antenna that is not wideband L:
a. Discone
b. Folded Dipole
c. Helical
d. Marconi
Indicate which one of the following reasons for
the use of a ground screen with antennas is
a. Impossibility of a good ground
b. Provision of an earth for the antenna
c. Protection of personnel working
d. Improvement of the radiation pattern of
the antenna
Which one of the following terms does not
apply to the Yagi-Uda array?
a. Good bandwidth
b. Parasitic elements
c. Folded dipole
d. High gain
An antenna that is currently polarized us the
a. helical
b. small circular loop
c. parabolic reflector
d. Yagi-Uda
The standard reference antenna for the directive
gain is the
a. infinitesimal dipole
b. isotropic antenna
c. elementary doublet
d. half-wave dipole
Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna
in order to increase its
a. effective height
b. bandwidth
c. beamwidth
d. input capacitance
Cassegrain feed is used with a parabolic
reflector to
a. increase the gain of the system
b. increase the beamwidth of the system
c. reduce the size of the main reflector
d. allow the feed to be placed at a
convenient point
Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in
order to
a. reduce the bulk of the lense
b. increase the bandwidth of the lens
c. increase pin-point focusing
d. correct the curvature of the wavefront
from a horn that is too short
A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking
because of its
a. circular polarization
b. maneuverability
c. broad bandwidth
d. good front-to-back ratio
16. The discone antenna is
a. useful direction-finding antenna
b. used as a radar receiving antenna
c. circularly polarized like other circular
d. useful as UHF receiving antennas
17. One of the following is not an omnidirectional
a. Half-wave dipole
b. Log-periodic
c. Discone
d. Marconi
18. What is the polarization of a discone antenna?
a. Vertical
b. Horizontal
c. Circular
d. Spiral
19. _____ is an open-ended slot antenna
a. Helical antenna
b. Rhombic antenna
c. Notch antenna
d. Cassegrain antenna
20. In what range of frequencies are most
omnidirectional horizontally polarized antennas
b. VLF, LF
c. SH, EHF
d. MF, HF
21. A device that converts high frequency current
into electromagnetic waves.
a. Antenna
b. Loudspeaker
c. Microphone
d. Transducer
22. Gain of a half-wave dipole antenna over
a. 2.15 dB
b. 1.76 dB
c. 1 dB
d. 0 dB
23. Very low signal strength in the antenna.
a. Minor lobes
b. Null
c. Antenna patterns
d. Major lobes
24. It is the measurement of a unilateral antenna
properties of directivity
a. Phase angle
b. Antenna gain
c. Beamwidth
d. Bandwidth
25. The best solution to fading is _____.
a. space diversity
b. frequency diversity
c. polarization diversity
d. wavelength diversity
26. If an antenna has a gain of 3 dB, it increases the
output of the transmitter by
a. 10,000 times
b. 1000 times
c. 100 times
d. 1 million times
27. All elements in a beam _____ antennas are in
a. collinear
b. yagi
c. broadside array
d. log-periodic
28. Which does not use a vertical polarization
a. AM Broadcasting
b. FM Broadcasting
c. Mobile Communications
d. Satellite Communications
29. _____ is an antenna with a number of
half-wave antennas on it.
a. Antenna array
b. Tower
c. Omni-directional
d. Rhombi
30. Which antenna radiates an omnidirectional
pattern in the horizontal plane with vertical
a. Marconi antenna
b. Discone antenna
c. Horn antenna
d. Helical antenna
31. An antenna with very high gain and very
narrow beamwidth.
a. Helical antenna
b. Discone antenna
c. Horn antenna
d. Parabolic dish antenna
32. What determines antenna polarization?
a. The frequency of the radiated wave
b. The direction of the radiated wave
c. The direction of the magnetic field
d. The direction of the electric field
33. _____ is the horizontal pointing angle of an
a. Azimuth
b. Angle of elevation
c. Right angle
d. Beamwidth
34. A dipole antenna requires to be fed with 20 kW
of power to produce a given signal strength to a
particular distant point. If the addition of a
reflector makes the same field strength
available with an input power of 11kW. What is
the gain in dB, obtained by the use if the
reflector. (Gain referred to this particular
a. 4.75
b. 2.6
c. 1.81
d. 4.24
35. Discone radiation pattern is ______.
a. omnidirectional/vertical polarized
b. unidirectional
c. bidirectional
d. figure of eight
36. What is the radiation characteristic of a dipole
a. Omnidirectional
b. Bidirectional
c. Unidirectional
d. Hemispherical
37. An antenna with unity gain
a. Rhombic
b. Half-wave dipole
c. Isotropic
d. Whip
38. How will you increase the gain of an antenna?
a. By adding several antennas in parallel
b. By focusing the radiated energy in
one desired direction
c. By making antenna rods thicker
d. By making the antenna size larger
39. What is the minimum number of turns a helix
antenna must have?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 6
40. What is the gain of an isotropic antenna?
a. 10
b. 1
c. 0.1
d. 100
41. Which of the following improves antenna
a. Driven element
b. Reflector element
c. Director element
d. Parasitic element
42. The antenna radiates _____ polarized waves
when the transmitter antenna is horizontally
a. Vertically
b. negatively
c. horizontally
d. circularly
43. What is the front-to-back ratio of an antenna
which radiates 500 watts in a northernly
direction and 50 watts in a southernly
a. 25000 dB
b. 10 dB
c. 100 dB
d. 20 dB
44. If 4 kW in an antenna produces 50 μV/m in a
receiving antenna, a 15 kW will produce
a. 200 μV/m
b. 10 μV/m
c. 100 μV/m
d. 20 μV/m
45. Comparing the signal strength arriving at the
driven element from the desired direction to the
signal strength reaching the driver from the
opposite direction.
a. Directivity
b. Sensitivity
c. Beamwidth
d. Front-to-back ratio
46. _____ of an antenna is a measure of how the
antenna concentrates its radiated power in a
given direction
a. Efficiency
b. Power
c. Gain
d. Polarization
47. Shortening effect of an antenna that makes it
appear as if it were 5% longer
a. End effect
b. Flywheel effect
c. Skin effect
d. Capture effect
48. Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna.
a. Low-pass filter
b. High-pass filter
c. M-derived filter
d. Constant-K
49. A simple half-wavelength antenna radiates the
strongest signal
a. at 45 degrees to its axis
b. parallel to its axis
c. at right angles to its axis
d. at 60 degrees to its axis
50. What is the gain, in dB of a helical antenna
with diameter of λ/3, 10 turns at pitch of λ/4,
used at 100 MHz?
a. 16
b. 41.1
c. 31.4
d. 1.25
51. Which of the following antennas receive
signals in the horizontal plane equality well
from all directions
a. Horizontal Hertz antenna
b. Vertical loop antenna
c. Vertical Yagi antenna
d. A vertical antenna which is a
quarter-wavelength long
52. A one-quarter wavelength shunt-fed vertical
Marconi antenna
a. has maximum radiation in a vertical
b. must have a horizontal receiving
antenna for the best reception
c. must use a receiving antenna for the
best reception
d. must have a vertical receiving
antenna for the best reception
53. The parasitic element of an antenna system will
a. decrease its directivity
b. increase its directivity
c. give the antenna unidirectional
d. both B and C
54. If the antenna current is doubled, the field
strength at a particular position is
a. doubled
b. halved
c. multiplied by a factor of four
d. divided by a factor of four
55. What antenna radiates equally in all directions?
a. Vertical antenna
b. isotropic antenna
c. Horizontal antenna
d. Dipole antenna
56. Actual height of antenna should be at least
a. one wavelength
b. half wavelength
c. quarter wavelength
d. three-fourth wavelength
57. ______ is an antenna array which is highly
directional at right angles to the plane of the
a. Broadside array
b. End-fire array
c. Turnstile array
d. Log-periodic arra
58. What is antenna bandwidth?
a. Antenna length divided by the number
of elements
b. The angle between the half-power
radiation points
c. The angle formed between two
imaginary lines drawn through
d. The frequency range over which an
antenna can be expected to operate
59. What is a driven element?
a. Always the rearmost element
b. Always the forward most element
c. The element fed by the transmission
d. The element connected to the rotato
60. It is useful to refer to an isotropic radiator.
a. when comparing the gains of
directional antennas
b. when testing a transmission line for
standing wave ratio
c. when (in the northern hemisphere)
directing the transmission
d. when using a dummy load to tune a
61. A theoretical reference antenna that provides a
comparison for antenna measurements.
a. Marconi antenna
b. Isotropic radiator
c. Yagi-Uda array
d. Helical antenna
62. What is the ratio of the maximum radiation
intensity to the average radiation intensity?
a. Aperture gain
b. Directivity gain
c. Transmission gain
d. Power Gain
63. An antenna “efficiency” is computed by using
one of the following equations.
a. Efficiency = (radiation resistance /
transmission resistance)
b. Efficiency = (effective radiated power /
transmitter output) x 100%
c. Efficiency = (total resistance / radiation
resistance) x 100%
d. Efficiency = (radiation resistance /
total resistance) x 100%