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AP English Unit Plan: Exploring Literary Genres

Unit Plan Template Document
Multidisciplinary Unit Plan Template
Teacher Candidate Name: Williiam J Wei
Unit Name: Exploring Literary Genres in AP English
Subject Area: AP English
Grade Level(s): Grade 10
Introduction: This unit will explore various literary genres, including poetry, drama, and
prose. Students will learn to analyze and appreciate different forms of literature,
understanding their historical and cultural contexts. The goal is to enhance literary analysis
skills and foster a deeper appreciation for literature.
Unit Introduction
Introduction: This unit will explore various literary genres, including poetry, drama, and prose. Students will learn to
analyze and appreciate different forms of literature, understanding their historical and cultural contexts. The goal is to
enhance literary analysis skills and foster a deeper appreciation for literature.
Content Standards: - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development over the course of the text.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text.
Literacy Standards: - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in
the text.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.5: Analyze how an author's choices concerning structure create effects such as mystery,
tension, or surprise.
Overarching Goals: Students will develop the ability to critically analyze different literary texts and understand their
thematic and stylistic nuances.
Objectives: - Students will identify and analyze key themes in literary works.
- Students will compare and contrast different literary genres.
Literacy and 21st Century Goals: This unit supports students' language and literacy development by enhancing their
reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.
Prerequisite skills: Basic understanding of literary terms and concepts, prior experience with textual analysis.
Summative and Formative Assessments: Formative: Regular class discussions, short quizzes, and analysis worksheets.
Summative: A final project involving a comparative analysis of texts from different genres.
Lesson 1:
Objective: Introduce students to the concept of literary genres.
Prerequisite Skills: Basic understanding of literature.
Description: A lecture on the characteristics of various literary genres.
Differentiation: Use visual aids for visual learners, provide reading materials in advance for students who need more
Unit Plan Template Document
Lesson 2:
Objective: Analyze a piece of classic poetry.
Prerequisite Skills: Ability to read and understand poetry.
Description: Students will read and discuss a classic poem.
Differentiation: Provide annotated versions of the poem for students who need additional support.
Remediation & Next Steps: Review sessions will be held for students who need extra help. Extension activities will
include exploring contemporary literature.
References: Resources used include various literary textbooks and online educational platforms.
Content Standards: - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a
text and analyze its development over the course of the text.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of
a text.
Content Area
Standard(s) Addressed
e meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.5: Analyze how an author's choices concerning structure
create effects such as mystery, tension, or surprise.
Content Area
Standard(s) Addressed
Overarching Goals: Students will develop the ability to critically analyze different literary
texts and understand their thematic and stylistic nuances.
Objectives: - Students will identify and analyze key themes in literary works.
- Students will compare and contrast different literary genres.
Content-Area and Literacy-Area Objectives
Unit Plan Template Document
Literacy and 21st Century Goals: This unit supports students' language and literacy
development by enhancing their reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical
writing skills.
Prerequisite Skills:
Students entering this unit should have a solid foundation in Pre-AP English skills, including:
Literary Terms Knowledge: Understanding of basic literary terms such as theme,
characterization, and structure.
Analytical Reading Skills: Proficiency in analyzing texts for meaning, identifying
literary devices, and understanding various genres.
Critical Thinking: Ability to think critically and engage in thoughtful discussions
about literary works.
Writing Skills: Competence in expressing ideas through analytical writing, with a
focus on constructing coherent arguments and responding to prompts effectively.
Formative Assessments:
Regular Class Discussions: Ongoing discussions will gauge students' comprehension
of literary concepts and their ability to articulate ideas. 10%
Unit Plan Template Document
Short Quizzes: Periodic quizzes will evaluate understanding of
literary terms and concepts introduced throughout the unit. 20%
Analysis Worksheets: Students will engage in worksheets that focus on specific
literary elements, allowing for formative assessment of their analytical skills. 10%
Summative Assessment:
Final Project: The final project will involve a comparative analysis of texts from
different genres. This comprehensive assignment will assess students' ability to
apply their knowledge of literary genres, analyze themes, and articulate their
findings in a well-structured written format. 50%
Student Readiness: Provide additional support materials, such as study guides or
extra readings, for students who may need more preparation.
Ability Level: Adjust the complexity of the final project requirements based on
individual students' abilities.
Primary Language: Offer bilingual support, ensuring that instructions and resources
are available in multiple languages if needed.
Interest: Allow students to choose texts for the final project that align with their
personal interests, fostering engagement and motivation.
These modifications aim to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment,
acknowledging the diverse needs and backgrounds of the students in the AP English class.
Lessons: How will you sequence the lessons, formative assessments, and summative assessment in
this unit? Briefly describe each lesson including techniques you could use to differentiate the
product, content, process and/or leading environment for the diverse needs of the students listed in
the case study and 504 plan in the activity resources.
Lesson 1
Prerequisite Skills:
Lesson 2
Unit Plan Template Document
Prerequisite Skills:
Lesson 3
Prerequisite Skills:
Lesson 4
Prerequisite Skills:
Lesson 5 (Repeat as necessary.)
a. Objective:
b. Prerequisite Skills:
c. Description:
d. Differentiation:
Unit Plan Template Document
Remediation & Next Steps: How will you remediate, review, and extend prior to moving to the next
unit? Include considerations for students who lack prior knowledge.
Remediation Activities
Review Activities
Extension Activities
References: Add resources you used to create this unit plan and links to important texts and tools
referenced within.