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Landmark Papers in Neurosurgery Textbook

Landmark Papers in
Landmark Papers in. . . series
Titles in the series
Landmark Papers in Neurosurgery
Edited by Reuben D. Johnson and Alexander L. Green
Landmark Papers in Allergy
Edited by Aziz Sheikh, Thomas Platts-Mills, and Allison Worth
Advisory Editor Stephen Holgate
Landmark Papers in Anaesthesia
Edited by Nigel R. Webster and Helen F. Galley
Landmark Papers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Edited by Aung Myat and Tony Gershlick
Landmark Papers in General Surgery
Edited by Graham MacKay, Richard Molloy, and Patrick O’Dwyer
Landmark Papers in Nephrology
Edited by John Feehally, Christopher McIntyre, and J. Stewart Cameron
Landmark Papers in
Edited by
Reuben D. Johnson, LLB, DPhil, FRCS
(Neuro.Surg), MRSNZ
Alexander L. Green, MD, FRCS (SN)
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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© Oxford University Press 2014
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First Edition published in 2010
Second Edition published in 2014
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ISBN 978–0–19–967402–2
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This book is dedicated to our families:
To my wife Willow, my two daughters Bay and Wyn, and my parents
Neil and Susan.
To my wife Caroline, and children Isaac, Benedict, and Dominic.
Foreword to First Edition
Joseph C. Maroon
While reviewing this volume on Landmark Papers in Neurosurgery, I thought
of another book presented to me at the completion of my training at the Radcliffe
Infirmary in Oxford—too many years ago. Mr Brian Cummins, then Senior Registrar,
regularly thrashed me on the squash courts (although not that skilled!) next to the
Radcliffe, when not on call. He shared his winning secret with the presentation of
the classic—The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship or The Art of Winning Games
without Actually Cheating by Stephen Potter, another Oxonian. This volume by Reuben
Johnson and Alexander Green is the ultimate neurosurgical ‘gamesmanship’ book for
whoever reads it. For the resident, seminal large complex investigative studies—‘game
changing’ themselves—are analysed, summarized, and then superbly critiqued. The
essence of major papers such as the optimal timing for aneurysm surgery, the use
of nimodipine, and the indications for decompressive surgery for the management
of malignant cerebral infarction can be easily ‘dropped’ on rounds or in conferences
with the appearance of having spent hours doing the same meticulous analysis as the
authors—without really cheating! For the neurosurgical/neurological faculty, a few
quick minutes are all it takes to refresh one’s own database and present a learned discussion or lecture on the history of the use of steroids for cerebral oedema, the rationale for the extent of resection for malignant gliomas, the use of barbiturates in head
injury, or how magnesium is neuroprotective in brain injuries.
For all in the neurosciences, the authors have distilled thousands of hours of literature review into concise, easily read, and critiqued summaries of papers on head
injury, the treatment of spine and spinal cord diseases, and functional neurosurgery
that are delightful to read and immediately practical in everyday patient care. Having
participated in journal clubs and literature reviews for 25 years, this book, a landmark itself, has the obviousness of so many great innovations that makes the person
reading it ask the question—why didn’t I think of this myself? The scientific base and
perspective gained from such a critical review of past neurosurgical classics prods
the reader to look into the future of our specialty and ask, what’s next? In his letter
to Robert Hook on 5 February 1675 Isaac Newton wrote, ‘If I have seen farther, it
is by standing on the shoulders of giants’. With these landmark studies the authors
Foreword to First Edition
have hoisted us high onto the shoulders of neurosurgical giants and the view of the
past (as herein beautifully presented), the present, and the future of neurosurgery is
Joseph C. Maroon
Professor and Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine;
Team Neurosurgeon, Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Foreword to First Edition
Angelo Franzini
Neurosurgery is a lover who becomes ever younger while we grow older. Reading this
book, I fell in love again with this young lady. I appreciated the enthusiasm of the authors
who have solid experience in the field in reporting new perspectives and leading the
reader through the chapters. Clear and understandable guidelines for each of the topics
addressed in this book are presented for approaching the problems under discussion. The
lectures demonstrate that it takes much longer to understand the indications for a specific
surgical procedure than to learn how to perform the hands-on surgical procedure itself.
Moreover, the authors remind us that the management of CNS diseases in many
instances may be controversial. The choice between more conservative and more aggressive ‘radical’ treatments may be difficult as in the surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia or even that of intracranial aneurysms. Reports from up-to-date cooperative studies
in the chapter dedicated to neurovascular diseases make this book particularly rich and
realistic at the same time.
A full range of theories and approaches are clearly examined to ‘educate’ both young
and old neurosurgeons. Many of them too often focus their attention on a narrow
sub-speciality topic such as cranial base surgery, functional neurosurgery, or spinal
A complete knowledge of all the fields of interest in neurosurgery is clearly not possible,
but this book reminds us that many concepts are common and many surgical techniques
must be shared among different neurosurgical applications. Endoscopy, neuronavigation, microsurgery, and stereotaxis are common instruments that all neurosurgeons must
know in order to offer their patients the best therapeutic options.
Travelling through this book, neurosurgeons become aware of the fact that the knowledge of many other disciplines is mandatory in accomplishing that task. Anatomy and
physiology are not enough. We need to know functional neuroimaging, physics, genetics,
statistics, informatics, and computer technology . . . read this book.
Angelo Franzini
Neurosurgeon in Milan
We would like to extend our thanks to all the contributors to this book and also to the
team at Oxford University Press for all their hard work in making this happen. In particular, we would like to thank Peter Stevenson and Eloise Moir-Ford from Oxford University
Press and Papitha Ramesh from Newgen Knowledge Works Pvt. Ltd for helping us complete this project.
Abbreviations xiii
Contributors xix
Introduction xxi
RD Johnson, AL Green
1 Neurovascular neurosurgery 1
AL Green, RD Johnson, JA Hyam, RSC Kerr
2 Neuro-oncology 59
RD Johnson, AJ Gogos, KJ Drummond, A Taha, KJO Khu, M Bernstein
3 Head injury 121
RD Johnson, F Zhou, T Santarius, JE Wilberger, JV Rosenfeld
4 Spinal surgery 191
RD Johnson, WA Liebenberg, N Maartens, G Barbagallo, M Balsano
5 Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery 237
EAC Pereira, AL Green, RD Johnson, KJ Bulluss, A Astradsson,
JA Hyam, TZ Aziz
6 Paediatric neurosurgery 317
RD Johnson, P Richards, J Jayamohan, S Sinha
7 Pituitary surgery 337
RD Johnson, PJ Weir, N Maartens, SA Cudlip, AH Kaye, ER Laws Jr
Index 365
5-aminolevulinic acid
Anterior communicating artery
Anterior cerebral artery
Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study
Alanine aminotransferase
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
Absolute risk reduction
Acute spinal cord injury
Acute subdural haematoma
American Spinal Injury Association
Arteriovenous malformation
1,3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea or carmustine
Best conventional therapy
Burke–Fahn–Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale
Carotid And Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study
Conventional dose mannitol
Cauda equina syndrome
Cingulate gyrus area 25
Subgenual cingulate white matter
Cluster headache
Chronic cluster headache
Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Conventional medical management
Central nervous system
Cerebral perfusion pressure
Corticosteroids Randomization After Significant Head Injury
Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy versus Stenting Trial
Chronic subdural haematoma
Cerebrospinal fluid
Computed tomography
Computed tomography angiography
Central venous pressure
Diffuse brain injury
Deep brain stimulation
Decompressive craniectomy in malignant middle cerebral artery infarction
DECompressive CRAniectomy Trial
Decompressive surgery for the treatment of malignant infarction of the middle
cerebral artery
Delayed ischaemic deficit
Delayed ischaemic neurological deficit
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition
Deep X-ray therapy
External beam radiation therapy
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
European Carotid Surgery Trial
Electroconvulsive therapy
Extradural haematoma
Extent of resection
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumour and
Radiotherapy Group
Endarterectomy Versus Angioplasty in Patients with Symptomatic Severe Carotid
Stenosis trial
Extraventricular drain
Failed back surgery syndrome
Functional Independent Survival
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Glioblastoma multiforme
Glasgow Coma Scale
Grey matter
Glasgow Outcome Scale
Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended
Globus pallidus internus
Gliadel Study Group
Gross total resection
Hemicraniectomy after middle cerebral artery infarction with life-threatening
oedema trial
High-dose mannitol
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
HeaDDFIRST Hemicraniectomy and durotomy on deterioration from infarction-related swelling trial
Hypertension, hypervolaemia, and haemodilution
Hypertonic saline solution
Health State Utility
Internal carotid artery
Intracerebral haemorrhage
Intracranial pressure
International Carotid Stenting Study
Intraparenchymal haematoma
International Subarachnoid Aneurysm trial
International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
Intraventricular haemorrhage
Japanese Radiation Oncology Study Group
Karnofsky Performance Score
Low-grade glioma
Lumbar puncture
Middle cerebral artery
Motor cortex stimulation
Methyl prednisolone
Metastatic spinal cord compression
Malignant-free survival
O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase
Minimally Invasive Surgery plus rt-PA for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evaluation
Modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale
Malignant MCA infarction
Medical Research Council
Magnetic resonance imaging
Modified Rankin Scale
Microvascular decompression
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study
North Center Cancer Treatment Group
National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group
National Health Service
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Near total resection
New York Islands AVM Study
Obsessive–compulsive disorder
Oswestry Disability Index
Posterior communicating artery
Pulmonary artery wedge pressure
Polymer Brain Tumour Treatment Group
Posterior cerebral artery
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide
Paediatric cerebral performance category scale
Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire
Positron emission tomography
Progression-free survival
Post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation
Per os
Placebo-controlled randomized trial
Pre-operative prolactin
Prospective Randomized Controlled Multi-centre Trial of the Effectiveness of Spinal
Cord Stimulation
Post-traumatic seizures
Quality of life
Quality of life inventory (Epilepsy)
Randomized controlled trial
Randomized Evaluation of Surgery with Craniectomy for Uncontrollable Elevation of
Intra-Cranial Pressure
Root entry zone
Recursive partitioning analysis
Relative risk
Rapid sequence induction
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus in Epilepsy
Stenting and Angioplasty with Protection in Patients of High Risk for Endarterectomy
Sciatica Botherness Index
Spinal cord stimulation
Standard deviation
Subdural haematoma
Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form General Health Survey
Scottish Intracranial Vascular Malformation Study
Stent-Protected Angioplasty versus Carotid Endarterectomy study
Single-photon emission computed tomography
Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial
Stereotactic radiosurgery
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
SimvaSTatin in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
International Surgical Trial in Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Assessment of Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Drug Resistant Epilepsy
Subthalamic nucleus
Sub-total resection
Shuttle-walking test
Traumatic brain injury
Transcranial Doppler
Tyrosine hydroxylase
Transient ischaemic attack
Trigeminal neuralgia
Trauma and Injury Severity Score
Transsphenoidal approach
Time to progression
Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale
Visual analogue scale
Ventral midbrain
Vagal nerve stimulation
Whole brain radiotherapy
World Federation of Neurological Surgeons
World Health Organization
White matter
Arnar Astradsson
Copenhagen University Clinic of
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tipu Z. Aziz
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
Massimo Balsano
Regional Spine Surgery Department
Orthopaedic Department of Thiene
and Schio, Vicenza, Italy and
University of Verona
Verona, Italy
Giuseppe Barbagallo
Neurosurgical Unit
Policlinico University Hospital
Catania, Italy
Mark Bernstein
Department of Neurosurgery
Toronto Western Hospital
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kristian J. Bulluss
Department of Neurosurgery
Austin Health & St Vincent’s Hospital
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Simon A. Cudlip
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
Katharine J. Drummond
Department of Neurosurgery
The Royal Melbourne Hospital and
Department of Surgery
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Andrew J. Gogos
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Alexander L. Green
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
Jonathan A. Hyam
Department of Neurosurgery
National Hospital for Neurology and
Queen’s Square
London, UK
Jay Jayamohan
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
Reuben D. Johnson
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Otago
New Zealand
Andrew H. Kaye
Department of Neurosurgery
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Richard S. C. Kerr
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
Kathleen Joy O. Khu
Section of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosciences
Philippine General Hospital
Ermita, Manila, Philippines
Edward R. Laws Jr
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA, USA
Willem Adriaan Liebenberg
Melomed Bellville Hospital
Bellville, Western Province, South Africa
and Medi Clinic Paarl
Paarl, Western Province, South Africa
Nicholas Maartens
Department of Neurosurgery
Alfred Hospital
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Erlick A. C. Pereira
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
and University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
Peter Richards
Department of Neurosurgery
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford, UK
Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld
Department of Neurosurgery
Alfred Hospital and
Department of Surgery
Monash University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Thomas Santarius
Department of Neurosurgery
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge, UK
Saurabh Sinha
Sheffield Children’s Hospital
Sheffield, UK
Ahmad Taha
Department of Neurosurgery
Dunedin Public Hospital
Otago, New Zealand
Philip J. Weir
Department of Neurosurgery
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Belfast, UK
Jack E. Wilberger
Department of Neurosurgery
Allegheny General Hospital
Drexel University School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Fei Zhou
Department of Neurosurgery
Xijing Hospital
The Fourth Military Medical University
Xi’an, China
The absence of proof does not constitute the proof of absence.
Virchow (1880)
The correct treatment of a potentially lethal lesion depends upon an accurate knowledge of its natural
Wylie McKissock (1965)
What constitutes a landmark paper in neurosurgery is highly subjective. In a field as
extensive as neurosurgery how can one really pick out a group of studies and say that
they are more important than all the others? Any study that has significantly changed
the neurosurgical specialty is certainly a landmark study and this will include those
studies that have led to a paradigm shift in accepted methods of treating neurosurgical
pathology. Studies that affect management decisions for common neurosurgical conditions are also landmark studies. This includes not only clinical trials of treatment
modalities but also large epidemiological studies that elucidate the natural history
of a disorder. In this volume, we have attempted to include those studies that we feel
primarily fall into these two groups. Although the neurovascular, neuro-oncology,
and head injury chapters formed the larger chapters in the first addition, this second
edition includes a much extended chapter on functional neurosurgery reflecting the
rapid expansion of this subspecialty. Furthermore, we have included a new chapter on
pituitary surgery which we felt was missing from the first edition. We have included
studies that have made a significant attempt to answer an important neurosurgical
question even if they have not yet provided a satisfactory answer. In our view at least,
these studies should be classified as landmarks, as they will highlight the difficulties
of trying to design and carry out such studies in neurosurgical patients. However, in
this volume we have not endeavoured to produce a ‘roll of honour’ of classic studies
in neurosurgery, although many such studies have been referenced in the introduction to chapters and in the critiques of individual studies. In this way, there will, at the
very least, be a doffing of our caps to such classic studies even if they have not been
overtly included in this volume. Furthermore, although this volume is a collection of
critiques of landmark studies rather than an evidence-based review of neurosurgery
per se, we feel it is useful, where appropriate to stratify studies into the evidence
class they represent. There are numerous methods to stratify clinical evidence and in
this volume we have adopted the three-tier classification of evidence for therapeutic
effectiveness based on that endorsed by the American Association of Neurological
Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. This consists of three tiers as
Class I
Well-designed, randomized, controlled trial
Class II
Well-designed comparative clinical study, e.g. non-randomized cohort study or a
case-control study
Class III
Case series, comparative study with historical controls, or case reports
This classification system gives an assessment of the degree of certainty regarding the
results of a study. The certainty is proportionate to the class of study with Class I, II, and
III reflecting high, moderate, and unclear certainties respectively. It should be noted that
we are applying this scheme to individual studies in order to make our assessment as to
what class of evidence the study represents. We would also emphasize that the classification of each study is based on our own assessment. We would, for example, classify a
randomized trial that did not include a power calculation as a Class II study rather than
a Class I study.
There are some studies that, although arguably landmark studies in the field of neurosurgery, have been omitted, which will need some brief explanation. We have avoided,
for example, as much as possible case series that describe important advances in surgical
technique. The reason for this is because it is specifically not our aim to chart the development of surgical techniques. In addition, we feel that surgical technique is also a matter
of apprenticeship and schooling. The surgical methods a surgeon uses will be a product
of his or her individual training and those aspects of their masters’ craft they found most
effective in their hands. This is part of the surgical art that is still a matter for the individual, and rightly so. The diversity in neurosurgical techniques is part of the rich tapestry
of our specialty. However, we have included case series that have influenced neurosurgical
practice. A case series may illustrate an important issue about the timing of surgery or
provide valuable information about long-term outcomes following surgical intervention.
This volume is intended to be an informative tool to neurosurgical trainees and a useful review for practising senior neurosurgeons. Our overall aims are twofold. Firstly, to
provide a succinct review and critique of the published studies. In many ways, this volume
could be said to represent a minimum corpus sapiendi of the larger and more influential
studies in neurosurgery. This we hope will act as an introduction to the literature to trainees and in particular those coming up to exams. We have, therefore, included here a brief
discussion on the issues of trial design and also a brief explanation of some of the more
common terms used in clinical trials. We also hope that this volume may be of interest to
established neurosurgeons who have lived through the development of our specialty into
what it is today.
We have primarily focused on the main results of studies that we feel are the most
important and relevant. This usually equates to the primary outcome data in most studies. However, we have included secondary outcomes where these address key questions
or dilemmas that need to be highlighted for completion. Similarly, we have been fairly
unforgiving of post hoc analyses, but have endeavoured to include these where they provide important insights or may form the basis for further studies or trial designs. In this
way, we may be criticized for giving an incomplete view of the findings of some studies.
This is not our intention, but rather to highlight the take-home messages of the study so
that they can be more easily remembered by the reader. In addition, we would emphasize
that these critiques are our own interpretation of the studies and a review of published
criticisms and we hope that these prove a valuable starting point for further reading.
Reuben D. Johnson and Alexander L. Green
Chapter 1
Neurovascular neurosurgery
AL Green, RD Johnson, JA Hyam, RSC Kerr
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Timing of aneurysm surgery
1.2 Radiological predictors of vasospasm
1.3 Endovascular coiling versus aneurysm clipping
in ruptured aneurysms
1.4 Long-term natural history of unruptured aneurysms
1.5 Nimodipine for prophylaxis of cerebral vasospasm
in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
1.6 ‘HHH’ therapy for vasospasm
1.7 Statins in the prevention of vasospasm in aneurysmal
subarachnoid haemorrhage
1.8 Treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations
1.9 Surgery for spontaneous intracerebral haematomas
1.10 Decompressive surgery for malignant cerebral
artery infarction
1.11 Carotid endarterectomy for carotid stenosis
1.12 Carotid endarterectomy versus carotid stenting for
carotid stenosis
1.0 Introduction
The demonstration of a low mortality-rate by a new technique is of no value until an acceptable
statistical method of assessment of the natural prognosis and of the proposed treatment is available.
Wylie McKissock (1965)
The first clinical trial performed in the field of neurovascular surgery was carried out by
Wylie McKissock, Alan Richardson, and Lawrence Walsh at Atkinson Morley’s Hospital,
St George’s, in London between 1958 and 1965, when they compared conservative and
surgical treatment of anterior communicating aneurysms (McKissock et al., 1965). The
results of the trial did not show any difference in mortality between the two groups. The
surgical methods used varied throughout the trial to include aneurysmal clipping, ligation of the proximal anterior cerebral artery, wrapping the aneurysm with muslin, and
ligation of the common carotid artery. Although the results did not show any benefit from
surgical intervention, this single-centre study stands out as a landmark in neurosurgery
for several reasons. Firstly, it is the first attempt at a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of
surgical management of a common neurosurgical disorder. Secondly, the author’s rationale for carrying out the trial was not just to evaluate surgery but to further elucidate the
natural history of the lesion being treated. This point is of particular importance when
considering current dilemmas that face the neurosurgeon, such as the management of
unruptured intracranial aneurysms and spontaneous non-aneurysmal haematomas.
Thirdly, the authors emphasize the limitations of carrying out single-centre studies in
neurosurgery and indicate the need for large multi-centre studies.
We have been highly selective in the studies included in this chapter and have
included those studies which we feel remain true to the founding principles of the
McKissock trial. The first sections of this chapter deal with aneurysmal subarachnoid
haemorrhage (SAH) and we have included studies which examine the natural history of aneurysms and their treatment. We have included, therefore, the International
Cooperative Study by Kassell which addresses the timing of aneurysm surgery and
prognostic factors associated with good and poor outcomes. We have also included
the large study of unruptured aneurysms by the International Study of Unruptured
Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators (ISUIA) which is an ongoing study addressing
one of the most important and controversial problems facing neurovascular surgeons.
The International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) has been included because
of the widespread and profound influence this study has exerted on the management
of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. As vasospasm is the greatest cause of neurological morbidity in patients who survive their primary aneurysmal bleed we have also
included studies of strategies for the prediction, prevention, and treatment of vasospasm associated with aneurysmal SAH. We have included strategies for which there
is an accepted evidence base, such as nimodipine, and which have become accepted
practice, such as ‘HHH’ (hypertension, hypervolaemia, and haemodilution) therapy.
In addition, we have included some studies which evaluate strategies that have been
promising and for which the results of ongoing trials are keenly awaited, e.g. the use of
Neurovascular neurosurgery
statins. In a subsequent section of the chapter, the treatment of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) is considered. The decision to treat AVMs depends on balancing the
risk of treatment versus the natural history of AVMs. Unfortunately, the natural history of AVMs has been extremely difficult to elucidate, although there are two ongoing
population-based studies in Scotland and New York. Nonetheless, the Spetzler–Martin
grading system is a landmark in neurosurgery as it has produced an objective system
by which outcome and risks of treatment can be applied to individuals with AVMs
and for this reason it has been considered (Spetzler and Martin, 1986; Hamilton and
Spetzler, 1994). Further sections of this chapter deal with the surgical management of
spontaneous non-aneurysmal intraparenchymal haemorrhages (STICH I + II trials)
and decompressive surgery for the management of malignant middle cerebral artery
(MCA) infarction (DESTINY, DECIMAL, HAMLET, and HeaDFIRST trials). The final
sections deal with the role of surgery in the management of carotid artery stenosis
(NASCET and SPACE trials). There are, of course, some studies which many would
consider to be conspicuous by their absence in this chapter. For example, there are some
early classic studies demonstrating angiographic vasospasm, and determining the clinical manifestations and time course of vasospasm (Ecker and Riemenschneider, 1951;
Stornelli and French, 1964; Fisher et al., 1977; Weir et al., 1978). There are numerous
other examples that could have been included. However, we have endeavoured to keep
each chapter concise and to include a selection of the largest published studies that
cover most of the areas of neurovascular surgery which are relevant to the everyday
practice of all neurosurgeons.
Clinical Effectiveness Unit. National Study of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. London: The Royal College
of Surgeons of England, 2006.
Ecker A, Riemenschneider PA. Arteriographic demonstration of spasm of the intracranial arteries, with
reference to saccular arterial aneurysms. J Neurosurg 1951; 8: 660–667.
Fisher CM, Roberson GH, Ojemann RG. Cerebral vasospasm with ruptured saccular aneurysm—the
clinical manifestations. Neurosurgery 1977; 1: 245–248.
Hamilton MG, Spetzler RF. The prospective application of a grading system for arteriovenous
malformations. Neurosurgery 1994; 34: 2–6.
McKissock W, Richardson A, Walsh L. Anterior communicating aneurysms: a trial of conservative and
surgical treatment. Lancet 1965; 1: 873–876.
Spetzler RF, Martin NA. A proposed grading system for arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg
1986; 65: 476–483.
Stornelli SA, French JD. Subarachnoid hemorrhage-factors in prognosis and management. J Neurosurg
1964; 21: 769–780.
Weir B, Grace M, Hansen J, Rothberg C. Time course of vasospasm in man. J Neurosurg 1978;
48: 173–178.
Timing of Aneurysm Surgery
1.1 Timing of Aneurysm Surgery
Details of Study
The International Cooperative Study on the Timing of Aneurysm Surgery was the first
large-scale study to look at this issue. Between December 1980 to July 1983 a total of 3521
patients were recruited out of 8879 patients with SAH. In addition to looking at the timing aspect of surgery, many other factors that influence outcome were addressed.
Study References
Main Study
There are two main references for the study: part 1 (overall management results) and
part 2 (surgical results). Both are reviewed here.
Kassell NF, Torner JC, Haley EC Jr, Jane JA, Adams HP, Kongable GL. The International Cooperative
Study on the Timing of Aneurysm Surgery. Part 1: overall management results. J Neurosurg 1990;
73: 18–36.
Kassell NF, Torner JC, Jane JA, Haley EC Jr, Adams HP. The International Cooperative Study on the
Timing of Aneurysm Surgery. Part 2: surgical results. J Neurosurg 1990; 73: 37–47.
Related References
Graff-Radford NR, Torner J, Adams HP Jr, Kassell NF. Factors associated with hydrocephalus after
subarachnoid hemorrhage. A report of the Cooperative Aneurysm Study. Arch Neurol 1989;
46: 744–752.
Kassell NF, Torner JC. The International Cooperative Study on Timing of Aneurysm Surgery—an
update. Stroke 1984; 15: 566–570.
Study Design
Class of evidence
None (see following text)
Number of patients
3521 (2922 had aneurysm surgery)
Length of follow-up
6 months
Number of centres
68 in 14 countries (24 in USA)
Presence of hypertension
Site and size of aneurysm
Aim of the study was twofold; firstly to define the relationship between timing of aneurysm surgery and outcome, secondly to document current medical and surgical management in a number of centres around the world.
It was a prospective, observational, epidemiological survey.
Assessments were performed by a neurologist and blinded to the timing of surgery.
All patients admitted to each participant centre were enrolled, with four ‘logs’ completed for each—‘SAH log’, ‘registration form’, ‘treatment form’, and ‘follow-up form’.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Inclusion criteria: admission ≤3 days since first SAH from a saccular aneurysm (computed tomography scan/lumbar puncture (CT/LP) confirmation of bleed, angio/surgical confirmation of aneurysm).
Exclusion criteria: delayed admission >3 days since bleed; multiple bleeds; no confirmation of aneurysm.
A large number of patients were excluded for other reasons such as evacuation of haematoma, non-participating surgeon, lack of patient/carer consent, etc. but these are
not listed as exclusion criteria per se.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
‘Good result’ or death as defined by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS).
Neurological examination.
Secondary Endpoints
Pre-, intra-, and post-operative complications.
Many demographic results including the age, sex, site and size of the aneurysm(s), and
the presence of pre-existing hypertension are reported in the results. In 51% of patients,
surgery was performed on day 0–3. About 75–80% of patients were considered in ‘good
condition’ at the time of admission but at 6 months, only 58% had recovered to their
premorbid state without neurological deficit. Nine per cent were moderately disabled,
5% severely disabled, 2% vegetative, and 26% died. Leading causes of death or disability,
in descending order, were vasospasm (13.5%), direct effect of the bleed on brain parenchyma (10.6%), re-bleeding (7.5%), operative complications (4%), intracerebral haemorrhage (2%), hydrocephalus (1.7%), and other less common causes.
The most important results are probably the prognostic factors, as determined by a
univariate analysis. These included:
Level of consciousness (p <0.001): 75% who were alert on admission had a good recovery, compared to 11% who were comatose.
Age inversely related to outcome (26% between 70 and 87 years had a good outcome).
No significant sex differences.
Smaller aneurysms (<12 mm) had more favourable results.
Outcome better if middle cerebral or internal carotid aneurysm (compared to vertebrobasilar or anterior circulation).
Other good prognostic indicators included lower admission blood pressure, clot distribution on CT, absence of pre-existing medical conditions, absence of vasospasm,
admission motor response, and orientation.
Timing of Aneurysm Surgery
In addition to these results, a number of medical conditions such as pneumonia, cardiac
disturbances, gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, etc. were identified to commonly occur after
admission. There was a considerable difference in outcome and mortality (death ranged
from 0% to 66%) between centres—use of the Chi squared test determined that this was
not related to activity of the individual centres.
Surgical Results
At 6 months, 69% who had surgery had a good result, versus 14% dead. Compare this
to the 58% good recovery overall. This effect was strongly related to age (90% good
result in the 18–29 years age group versus 56% in the 60–69 years age group). Factors
associated with good surgical outcome were similar to the overall prognostic factors.
Patients who were alert pre-operatively had a more favourable prognosis (overall) if
their operation occurred between days 0–3 or after day 10. Operatively mortality, however, only reduced after day 10.
Patients who were drowsy pre-operatively had better outcomes when operated after
day 10.
The main conclusions are that 75% of those admitted within 3 days are in good condition,
with a 58% good recovery at 6 months, and 25% death rate. Vasospasm and re-bleeding
were the major causes of death or disability, aside from the initial effects of the bleed.
There were a number of prognostic factors including admission Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) and age. The study concluded that there is considerable room for improvement.
This study was performed at a time when most neurosurgeons opted to wait several days
after a SAH before operating. At this point, there was little doubt that operative results
were better—the patient was medically stable, and the brain was less swollen and friable. The study was really a response to the question of whether the overall management
results were better, i.e. by delaying surgery, some patients would suffer re-bleeds and
others may suffer vasospasm that could not be adequately treated in the presence of an
unsecured aneurysm. The study also sought to look at the epidemiological and prognostic factors in these patients, and was the largest study of its time. In this sense, the
study was a well-designed epidemiological study and served as a preliminary to RCTs
(although these came over 20 years later). Perhaps one of the criticisms of the study is the
length of follow-up which was limited to 6 months. Patients with neurological deficits can
still show improvement after this time, although the differences from a longer follow-up
would probably be small.
This study had a very large impact on the management of patients with suspected aneurysmal SAH. It confirmed that patients with poor grade and older age, with pre-existing
medical conditions have a very poor prognosis, and that these patients should not be
operated on before day 10. It also had a profound effect on the timing of surgery of good
Neurovascular neurosurgery
grade patients, prompting an international change in practice to early surgery by day
3. The main difference today is that we now have the option of endovascular treatment.
This is often performed on poorer grade patients within the vasospastic period, largely
because it is less risky to do so. However, as a large number of aneurysms are still treated
surgically, this study still has great relevance.
The timing of intervention for aneurysmal SAH remains controversial. Of particular
note is a series of 391 patients from the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne who underwent
surgery within 24 h following their initial bleed (Laidlaw and Siu, 2002). In this series,
83% of patients with good clinical grades had good outcomes with early surgery. In addition, in this case series, only 15% of patients with poor clinical grades had a poor outcome.
Laidlaw JD, Siu KH. Ultra-early surgery for aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage: outcomes for a
consecutive series of 391 patients not selected by grade or age. J Neurosurg 2002; 97: 250–258.
Radiological Predictors of Vasospasm
1.2 Radiological Predictors of Vasospasm
Details of Study
The Fisher Scale is commonly quoted in cases of aneurysmal SAH. The original paper is
a landmark as it was an attempt to identify which patients would be higher risk for the
development of vasospasm and delayed neurological deficits based purely on radiological
factors. This was an observational study of 47 patients using presenting CT scan features
to predict vasospasm measured by cerebral angiography.
Study References
Main Study
Fisher CM, Kistler JP, Davis JM. Relation of cerebral vasospasm to subarachnoid haemorrhage
visualized by computerized tomographic scanning. Neurosurgery 1980; 6(1): 1–8; discussion 8–9.
Related References
Frontera JA, Claassen J, Schmidt JM, Wartenberg KE, Temes R, Sander Connolly E, Loch Macdonald
R, Mayer SA. Prediction of symptomatic vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage: the modified
Fisher scale. Neurosurgery 2006; 58(7): 21–27.
Reilly C, Amidei C, Tolentino J, Jahromi BS, MacDonald RL. Clot volume and clearance rate as
independent predictors of vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurgery
2004; 101: 255–261.
Smith ML, Abrahams JM, Chandela S, Smith MJ, Hurst RW, Le Roux PD. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
on computed tomography scanning and the development of cerebral vasospasm: the Fisher grade
revisited. Surg Neurol 2005; 63: 229–234; discussion 234–225.
Study Design
Class of evidence
None. Observational
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
Angiographic evidence of vasospasm
Secondary outcome:
Clinical signs of vasospasm
Number of centres
47 cases were analysed retrospectively at Massachusetts General Hospital, United
Inclusion criteria:
• SAH with at least one aneurysm demonstrated on angiography.
• CT head performed within first 5 days after SAH.
• Angiography had been performed between days 7 to 17 after SAH.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Incidence of vasospasm on cerebral angiography (none, slight–moderate, severe,
particular to each vessel, e.g. <2 mm for intradural internal carotid artery).
Secondary Endpoint
Incidence of clinical signs of vasospasm, correlated to the relevant arterial territory,
e.g. hemiparesis, aphasia with middle cerebral artery (MCA); abulia, incontinence,
drowsiness with anterior cerebral artery (ACA).
SAH distribution
Severe angiographic
Diffuse only
Clot or thick layer
Diffuse/none with cerebral or ventricular blood
Although two patients with no SAH (Group I) on CT did develop angiographic severe
vasospasm, none developed clinical vasospasm.
Patients in Groups II and IV had no incidence of angiographic or clinical vasospasm;
however, their numbers were small (n = 7 and n = 5, respectively).
Twenty-three of 24 patients with localized clot and/or vertical thick layers of
subarachnoid blood >1mm thickness (Group III) had angiographic and clinical signs
of vasospasm.
Correspondence between location of thick subarachnoid blood and site of severe
vasospasm was almost exact.
No statistical analysis was performed between groups.
Localized clot and/or vertical thick layers of subarachnoid blood >1 mm thickness
(Group III) was highly predictive of development of angiographic and clinical vasospasm
after aneurysmal SAH.
This is a small, retrospective, observational, single-centre study without statistical analyses, and therefore is limited by multiple potential sources of bias. However, it provided
important progress at the time in the understanding of what determines outcomes in
SAH patients and correlation of radiological and clinical features. Quantification of
objective data to predict outcomes in neurosurgical disease was advancing around the
Radiological Predictors of Vasospasm
time of this paper and followed closely behind the development of the Glasgow Coma
Scale. Further, CT was a relatively new diagnostic tool in 1980 so this paper represents the
period of advancement in the modern science and practice of mainstream neurosurgery.
In Lyndsay Simon’s critique of the paper, he describes as ‘remarkable’ their ‘indication
of a high degree of association between vasospasm and opacification of the basal cisterns’ (Fisher et al., 1980, Discussion). This is now something that clinicians treating these
patients take for granted.
The radiological evaluation was thorough. Radiological vasospasm was judged on cerebral angiography, still the gold-standard test of vascular arterial architecture. Further, they
also considered clinical symptoms of vasospasm which is ultimately the most important
outcome for patients. The paper itself is also instructive with careful listing and descriptions of the cisternal anatomy and rigorous disclosure of the luminal measurements they
considered as mild, moderate, or severe radiological vasospasm.
The authors suggested that the subjective differences between each group made the
results of this paper merely ‘preliminary’. Accordingly, the Fisher grading has been
revisited since in a much larger number of patients. Two studies found that the Fisher
scale did not significantly correlate with development of symptomatic vasospasm
(Reilly et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2005). Frontera et al. developed a Modified Fisher
Scale using 1355 SAH patients from the placebo arm of the tirilazad trial, 451 (33%)
of which developed clinical vasospasm (Frontera et al., 2006). They reassigned the
groups according to whether the SAH was thin or thick and whether it was associated
with intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH): (I) focal or diffuse thin SAH, no IVH; (II)
focal or diffuse thin SAH, with IVH; (III) thick SAH, no IVH; (IV) thick SAH, with
IVH. These groups had increasing odds ratios (ORs) for clinical vasospasm from 1.6
in Grade II, 1.6 for Grade III, to 2.2 for Grade IV. Other risk factors they identified
were history of hypertension, early angiographic vasospasm, neurological grade, and
elevated admission mean arterial blood pressure.
Understandably, with larger studies and more common CT usage it has been possible to
refine the radiological predictors of vasospasm. To its credit, the grades describing thick
SAH still conferred a higher OR, as predicted by the original Fisher study. Fisher’s paper
is a landmark from which our understanding of the relationship between radiological and
clinical features in aneurysmal SAH has guided modern practice.
Frontera JA, Claassen J, Schmidt JM, Wartenberg KE, Temes R, Sander Connolly E, Loch Macdonald
R, Mayer SA. Prediction of symptomatic vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage: the modified
Fisher scale. Neurosurgery 2006; 58(7): 21–27.
Reilly C, Amidei C, Tolentino J, Jahromi BS, MacDonald RL. Clot volume and clearance rate as
independent predictors of vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurgery
2004; 101: 255–261.
Smith ML, Abrahams JM, Chandela S, Smith MJ, Hurst RW, Le Roux PD. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
on computed tomography scanning and the development of cerebral vasospasm: the Fisher grade
revisited. Surg Neurol 2005; 63: 229–234; discussion 234–225.
Endovascular Coiling versus Aneurysm Clipping in Ruptured Aneurysms
1.3 Endovascular Coiling versus Aneurysm Clipping in
Ruptured Aneurysms
Details of Study
The International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) is the most comprehensive study
comparing endovascular to surgical treatment in ruptured aneurysms. It has had a greater
impact on treatment of ruptured aneurysms than any other study to date.
Study References
There is an initial study with 1-year follow-up looking at primary endpoints and several
‘spin-offs’ looking at secondary outcome measures.
Main Study
Molyneux A, Kerr R, Stratton I, Sandercock P, Clarke M, Shrimpton J, Holman R, for the
International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) Collaborative Group. International
Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping versus endovascular coiling
in 2143 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms: a randomised trial. Lancet 2002;
360: 1267–1274.
Related References
Clinical Effectiveness Unit. National Study of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. London: The Royal College
of Surgeons of England, 2006.
Molyneux A, Kerr R; International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) Collaborative Group,
Stratton I, Sandercock P, Clarke M, Shrimpton J, Holman R. International Subarachnoid
Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping versus endovascular coiling in 2143 patients
with ruptured intracranial aneurysms: a randomized trial. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2002;
11: 304–314.
Molyneux AJ, Kerr RS, Yu LM, Clarke M, Sneade M, Yarnold JA, Sandercock P, for the International
Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) Collaborative Group. International subarachnoid aneurysm
trial (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping versus endovascular coiling in 2143 patients with ruptured
intracranial aneurysms: a randomised comparison of effects on survival, dependency, seizures,
rebleeding, subgroups, and aneurysm occlusion. Lancet 2005; 366: 809–817.
Molyneux AJ, Kerr RSC, Birks J, Ramzi N, Yarnold J, Sneade M, Rischmiller J, for the ISAT
collaborators. Risk of recurrent subarachnoid hemorrhage, death, or dependence and standardized
mortality ratios after clipping or coiling of an intracranial aneurysm in the International
Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT): long-term follow-up. Lancet Neurol 2009; 8(5): 427–433.
Scott RB, Eccles F, Molyneux AJ, Kerr RSC, Rothwell PM, Carpenter K. Improved cognitive outcomes
with endovascular coiling of ruptured intracranial aneurysms: Neuropsychological outcomes from
the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT). Stroke 2010; 41: 1743–1747.
Wolstenholme J, Rivero-Arias O, Gray A, Molyneux AJ, Kerr RS, Yarnold JA, Sneade M, for the
International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) Collaborative Group. Treatment pathways,
resource use, and costs of endovascular coiling versus surgical clipping after aSAH. Stroke 2008;
39: 111–119.
Study Design
Placebo-controlled randomized trial (PRCT).
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Class of evidence
Non-blinded coiling versus clipping
Number of patients
2143 (1073 coiled, 1070 clipped)
Length of follow-up
Primary outcomes:
1 year
Secondary outcomes:
Number of centres
43 (centres treating 60–200 cases per year)
World Federation of Neurosurgeons (WFNS) grade
Aneurysm size and location
Extent of blood on CT scan
Patients were randomized after admission to a neurosurgical unit and after initial
angiography. Out of 9559 patients assessed for eligibility, 2143 were deemed suitable
for randomization.
Inclusion criteria: SAH within 28 days (CT or LP proven); presence of aneurysm
(proven by computed tomography angiogram (CTA) or formal angiogram); good
enough clinical state to justify treatment; aneurysms judged to be suitable for either
technique (opinion of both surgeon and neuroradiologist) with equipoise regarding
which method would be best; consent.
Exclusion criteria: >28 days since SAH; clinical condition considered unsuitable for
either or both treatments; lack of consent; participation in another SAH trial.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Incidence of death or dependency; modified Rankin Scale (mRS).
Secondary Endpoints
Subgroups—WFNS grade at randomization, age, Fischer grade, lumen size of
aneurysm, aneurysm site.
Incidence of re-bleeding from the treated aneurysm.
Quality of life at 1 year.
Frequency of epilepsy.
Neuropsychological outcomes.
Results of follow-up angiography.
Of patients who underwent endovascular coiling, 23.7% were dependent or dead at 1 year
compared to 30.6% who had their aneurysm surgically clipped (p <0.002). This led to a
Endovascular Coiling versus Aneurysm Clipping in Ruptured Aneurysms
relative/absolute risk reduction of dependency or death at 1 year of 22.6%/6.9% respectively. Re-bleeding risk at 1 year was 2 per 1276 patient-years in the endovascular group
versus 0 per 1081 patient-years in the surgical group (not significant).
Incidence of death or dependence (mRS 3–6)
Mortality at 1 year
Before treatment
Re-bleed <1year
Re-bleed >1 year
<1 year
>1 year
Complete occlusion at first follow-up angiography
Incidence of seizures
Incidence of re-bleeding
(fatality in brackets)
Re-treatment rate
The outcome, in terms of survival-free disability, is significantly better with endovascular
treatment than with surgical clipping of a ruptured aneurysm.
There is no doubt that the ISAT trial has generated a large amount of controversy amongst
neurosurgeons and interventional radiologists alike. Whatever the criticism, it is one of the
few multi-centred, randomized trials in neurosurgery and most would admit that it is of considerable importance. However, some have argued that the results have been over-interpreted.
One of the major criticisms is that it compares good interventional neuroradiologists to ‘average’ neurosurgeons rather than those who ‘concentrate’ on neurovascular surgery. In other
words, there is an inherent bias in the recruiting centres as being those that have a strong
interventional radiology interest. The ISAT group have countered this by stating that the trial
is a ‘pragmatic’ trial. That is, it tries to determine the best outcome for a patient, in a real-life
situation who would be transferred to their regional unit for diagnosis and treatment. It is not
a trial of ‘the best possible surgery versus the best possible endovascular treatment’ but a trial
of what is the best option for an ‘average patient’.
A second criticism of the trial is the randomization process. The trial is biased towards small
anterior circulation aneurysms (97.5%). To be fair, the ISAT investigators have never claimed
that the trial indicates that all ruptured aneurysms should be coiled in preference to clipping.
But some people have perhaps interpreted it thus. Also concerned with the randomization
process is that the average time to randomization was slightly longer in the surgical group
(1.7 versus 1.1 days) and this may have led to slightly worse outcomes in this group. Since the
numbers of re-bleeds takes into account those that happen after randomization but before
treatment, this may have led to a worsening of results in the surgical group.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Since the analysis is based on an intention-to-treat paradigm, some patients allocated
endovascular treatment received clipping (for a variety of reasons including patient
choice) and 38 allocated clipping crossed over to the endovascular group. However, the
analysis is based on the original randomization choice and this has received some criticism in the literature.
Probably the most important criticism of the ISAT trial is that the primary endpoints
were measured at 1 year and not subsequently. Therefore, the trial shows that in the initial
phase, endovascular coiling may be better than surgical treatment. But does this necessarily translate into the long term? There is some evidence from early analysis of the secondary data that, in fact, the surgical group may just be slower to recover and that there is
some improvement in mRS with time. Also, there is the issue of long-term re-bleed rates.
The late re-bleed rate in the endovascular group is 0.21% per patient-year compared to
0.063% in the surgical group. This, coupled with the fact that the poor outcome at 1 year
is much less than in the surgical group of patients <40 years of age, has led some ISAT
investigators to suggest that surgery may be better in this age group.
This issue has been revisited by the original investigators using longer follow-up (range
6–14 years, mean 9 years) of the ISAT cohort (Molyneux et al., 2009). Thirteen re-bleeds
occurred overall after the first year from treated aneurysms: ten after coiling and three
after clipping (p = 0.06 in the intention-to-treat analysis but significant when analysed
according to actual treatment received, p = 0.02). This is an important result for several
reasons. Firstly, it does confirm suspicions that aneurysms are more likely to re-bleed after
coiling compared to clipping. However, the overall risk of death 5 years after treatment
was still significantly lower in the coiling group (11% versus 14%, p = 0.03). Secondly, this
re-bleed result also shows that clipped aneurysms do not confer a subsequent re-bleed
rate the same as the general population, which has been assumed by many surgeons.
Whether this statistic improves with the increased specialization among neurovascular
surgeons can be speculated upon.
The neuropsychological outcomes from ISAT were published in 2010 (Scott et al., 2010).
612 patients from the eight participating UK centres were followed up at 12 months with
neuropsychological testing if there was no major physical disability (mRS 0–2). Cognitive
impairment was lower in the endovascular coiling group compared to clipping (27% versus 39%, p = 0.0055), as was incidence of epilepsy. Again, many of the limitations of the
trial are relevant to the interpretation of this result. In particular, as the vast majority
of aneurysms were at anterior cerebral/anterior communicating arteries, clipping would
entail some frontal lobe retraction and potentially gyrus rectus dissection, increasing the
likelihood of cognitive deficits due to the aneurysm location-specific factors. Whether
this is the case for aneurysms on other arteries is not answered by these results.
The authors have acknowledged the caution that should be taken in extrapolating the
ISAT findings beyond the lesions studied. There is concern that the positive ISAT results
have resulted in endovascular treatment being given the right to first refusal for all aneurysms and all patients (Darsaut et al., 2013). Although advances in endovascular techniques and technology have occurred since the interruption of ISAT in 2002, whether this
Endovascular Coiling versus Aneurysm Clipping in Ruptured Aneurysms
translates into better outcomes for all ruptured aneurysm patients has not been proven.
Accordingly, the ISAT investigators have initiated ISAT Part II. This is another pragmatic
RCT involving at least 50 international centres over 10–12 years aiming to address these
Whatever the criticisms, ISAT has provided a wealth of useful data that will continue to
be analysed for years to come. The trial has led to a huge shift from surgery to endovascular treatment in some centres, particularly in the United Kingdom and France. Time will
tell whether this shift has been appropriate.
Darsaut TE, Jack AS, Kerr RS, Raymond J. International subarachnoid aneurysm trial—ISAT Part
II: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013; 14: 156.
Molyneux AJ, Kerr RSC, Birks J, Ramzi N, Yarnold J, Sneade M, Rischmiller J, for the ISAT
collaborators. Risk of recurrent subarachnoid hemorrhage, death, or dependence and standardized
mortality ratios after clipping or coiling of an intracranial aneurysm in the International
Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT): long-term follow-up. Lancet Neurol 2009; 8(5): 427–433.
Scott RB, Eccles F, Molyneux AJ, Kerr RSC, Rothwell PM, Carpenter K. Improved cognitive outcomes
with endovascular coiling of ruptured intracranial aneurysms: Neuropsychological outcomes from
the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT). Stroke 2010; 41: 1743–1747.
Long-Term Natural History of Unruptured Aneurysms
1.4 Long-Term Natural History of Unruptured Aneurysms
Details of Study
The International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators (ISUIA)
was the first large-scale, prospective study looking at the natural history of unruptured
aneurysms as well as the risks of treatment of unruptured aneurysms. Factors related to
prognosis are elucidated.
Study References
Main Study
Wiebers DO, Whisnant JP, Huston J 3rd, Meissner I, Brown RD Jr, Piepgras DG, Forbes GS, Thielen
K, Nichols D, O’Fallon WM, Peacock J, Jaeger L, Kassell NF, Kongable-Beckman GL, Torner JC,
for the International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators. Unruptured
intracranial aneurysms: natural history, clinical outcome, and risks of surgical and endovascular
treatment. Lancet 2003; 362: 103–110.
Related Reference
‘ISUIA 1’ (a retrospective study):
International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators. Unruptured intracranial
aneurysms—risk of rupture and risks of surgical intervention. N Engl J Med 1998; 339: 1725–1733.
Study Design
This is a natural history study including 4060 patients from 61 centres worldwide. Eligible
patients were prospectively identified by study investigators. Patients were assigned to
either an unoperated or operated cohort, depending on whether operative treatment
(open or endovascular) was intended. Unoperated patients were then divided into two
groups. The study looked at unruptured aneurysms that were either associated with no
previous SAH from a separate aneurysm (Group 1) or previous SAH from a separate
aneurysm (Group 2). A second objective was to look at factors that increased risk. In
the operated cohort, the objective was to look at treatment morbidity and mortality. All
patients underwent angiography.
Inclusion criteria: one or more unruptured intracranial saccular aneurysms (regardless
of symptoms other than rupture, e.g. cranial nerve palsy); Rankin 1 or 2 (self-caring)
after previous rupture (patients may not have had previous rupture).
Exclusion criteria: fusiform, mycotic, or traumatic aneurysms; aneurysm <2 mm;
SAH from single ruptured aneurysm or unknown source; unruptured aneurysm that
was manipulated prior to study; previous intracranial haemorrhage of unknown cause
or untreated structural abnormality; malignant brain tumour; bedridden or unable to
communicate when aneurysm identified.
Outcome Measures
SAH and size of aneurysm were the most important factors in the unoperated cohort.
Death and disability were the most important factors in the operated cohort.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Five-year cumulative rupture rates (5YRR)
< 7 mm aneurysms:
Cumulative 5YRR
Group 1
Group 2
Cavernous carotid artery aneurysms
A.comm or ACA aneurysms
Vertebrobasilar, PCA, or P.comm aneurysms
7–12 mm aneurysms:
Cumulative 5YRR
Cavernous carotid artery aneurysms
A.comm or ACA aneurysms
Vertebrobasilar, PCA, or P.comm aneurysms
>12 mm aneurysms:
Cumulative 5YRR
13–24 mm
>25 mm
Cavernous carotid artery aneurysms
A.comm or ACA aneurysms
Vertebrobasilar, PCA, or P.comm aneurysms
Conditions that led to diagnosis did not differ significantly between cohorts. Fifty-one
patients (3%) in the unoperated cohort had a rupture, of which 49 occurred within
5 years. For patients with aneurysms <7 mm, groups 1 and 2 were significantly different (p
<0.0001). In summary, Group 1 (no previous SAH from a separate aneurysm) had a lower
risk of rupture than Group 2. Rupture rate was dependent on location; the greatest risk
being associated with posterior circulation aneurysms. For larger aneurysms, there was
no significant difference between groups, but rupture was also related to size and location
and reached 50% over 5 years for vertebrobasilar, PCA, or P.comm aneurysms >25mm.
Multivariate analysis showed that age was not a factor.
In the craniotomy part of the surgical cohort, risks associated with treatment included
age >50 years, diameter >12mm, location in posterior circulation, previous ischaemic
cerebrovascular disease, and aneurysmal symptoms other than rupture. In the endovascular group, diameter >12 mm and posterior circulation only were associated with poor
Long-Term Natural History of Unruptured Aneurysms
outcome. Overall mortality and morbidity was between 7.1% and 12.6% depending on
group and cohort.
Aneurysmal rupture rate is related to size and location of aneurysm and for aneurysms
<7 mm, risk is increased with previous SAH from a separate aneurysm. These factors, coupled with the morbidity/mortality data allow neurosurgeons to make an informed choice
on whether to operate or not. In general, the risk of rupture for a particular aneurysm
over the patient’s remaining lifetime can be compared to the mortality/morbidity risk.
The ISUIA study was a prospective study of >4000 patients and as such is the best
natural history study to date. The main limitations (as cited in the study) include the
non-randomized nature of the surgical versus non-surgical cohorts, the variable follow-up
that was <5 years in >50% of the patients, and the relatively low numbers in the endovascular cohort. Furthermore, the low numbers recruited from each centre have led some
critics to suggest that the total numbers represent <10% of patients (on average) from
each centre. This implies an inherent selection bias. Another criticism is that there were
substantial differences between the patients in the untreated versus the treated groups.
For example, the untreated group had a higher incidence of prior SAH, cerebrovascular
disease, intracranial haemorrhage, transient ischaemic attack, hypertension and its treatment, myocardial infarction, and alcohol and tobacco abuse. The same group had lower
rates of cranial nerve deficit, mass effect, seizures, headaches, CT or MRI diagnosis, family
history, and use of oral contraceptives or stimulants. In the no treatment group, 36 cases
of SAH due to another (undetermined) potential source of haemorrhage were excluded.
No analysis of aneurysm shape or the presence of daughter sacs was included in the study.
Despite criticisms regarding selection bias, ISUIA has had a profound impact on the
decision to treat unruptured aneurysms. Whilst some have relied on its interpretation
more than others, it has provided an invaluable additional tool to neurosurgeons and
interventionalists alike.
Nimodipine for Prophylaxis of Cerebral Vasospasm
1.5 Nimodipine for Prophylaxis of Cerebral Vasospasm
in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Details of Study
The ‘British Aneurysm Nimodipine Trial’ was one of the first properly randomized trials
involving neurosurgical patients. It showed reduced cerebral infarction and better outcome in patients given nimodipine.
Study Reference
Main Study
Pickard JD, Murray GD, Illingworth R, Shaw MDM, Teasdale GM, Foy PM, Humphrey PRD,
Lang DA, Nelson R, Richards P, Sinar J, Bailey S, Skene A. Effect of oral nimodipine on cerebral
infarction and outcome after subarachnoid haemorrhage: British aneurysm nimodipine trial. BMJ
1989; 298: 636–642.
Related References
Allen GS, Ahn HS, Preziosi TJ, Battye R, Boone SC, Boone SC, Chou SN, Kelly DL, Weir BK, Crabbe
RA, Lavik PJ, Rosenbloom SB, Dorsey FC, Ingram CR, Mellits DE, Bertsch LA, Boisvert DP,
Hundley MB, Johnson RK, Strom JA, Transou CR. Cerebral arterial spasm—a controlled trial of
nimodipine in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. N Engl J Med 1983; 308: 619–624.
Barker FG, Ogilvy CS. Efficacy of prophylactic nimodipine for delayed ischaemic deficit after
subarachnoid hemorrhage: a meta-analysis. J Neurosurg 1996; 84: 405–414.
Dorhout Mees SM, Rinkel GJE, Feigin VL, Algra A, van den Bergh WM, Vermeulen M, van Gijn N.
Calcium antagonists for subarachnoid haemorrhage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007; 3: CD000277.
Study Design
Double blind, placebo RCT.
Class of evidence
Nimodipine versus placebo
Number of patients
554 total
Length of follow-up
3 months
Number of centres
A subgroup stratification compared prognostic factors in the two groups,
including age, sex, loss of consciousness at ictus, time from haemorrhage
to entry, GCS, limb weakness, neck stiffness, hypertension, angiographic
and CT findings
Aim was to determine if 60 mg oral nimodipine 4-hourly reduces the incidence of
cerebral ischaemia and infarction arising de novo after spontaneous aneurysmal SAH.
The main distinction in outcome was between moderate or good outcome and poor
outcome, i.e. death or severe disability.
Treatment started within 96 h of haemorrhage and continued for 21 days.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Demographic data and clinical data including past medical history and status on
admission (including WFNS grade) were also recorded.
Inclusion criteria: ≤96 h since bleed (SAH proven by CT or LP); >18 years of age.
Exclusion criteria: ≥96 h since bleed; major comorbidities (renal, hepatic, pulmonary,
cardiac disease); coma due to SAH within the week prior to latest SAH; lack of consent.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Rate of cerebral infarction, re-bleed, or poor outcome between the two groups.
Secondary Endpoints
Glasgow Outcome Score (scale of 1 to 5) at least 3 months after haemorrhage.
Other secondary outcomes were causes of disability or death, including initial bleed,
ischaemia, re-bleed, intracranial haematoma, hydrocephalus, operative complications,
and other/unknown causes.
Follow-up at 3 months showed that 21 days of nimodipine treatment was effective in
reducing the incidence of cerebral infarction by one-third (22% with nimodipine compared to 33% with placebo). This constitutes a reduction of 34% or 37% of definite infarcts
(p = 0.014). Poor outcomes reduced significantly by 40% with nimodipine compared to
placebo (20% versus 33% respectively, p <0.001). Certain factors were individually, but
not independently, associated with better outcome but there was no evidence that benefit
from treatment was confined to any particular subgroup. There was no significant effect
on mortality between the groups.
Oral nimodipine 60 mg 4-hourly is well tolerated and reduces cerebral infarction and
improves outcome after SAH.
The first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nimodipine was reported
in 1983 (Allen et al., 1983). The authors evaluated the prophylactic use of nimodipine for
21 days following aneurysmal SAH in 125 patients of good grade and found that nimodipine was effective in reducing neurological deficits. This study by Pickard et al. reported
in 1989 is the largest RCT that evaluated a calcium antagonist and included 554 SAH
patients. The demographic and clinical data between the treated and placebo groups
are not significantly different. However, there was an increased prevalence of hypertension, neck stiffness, and non-reactive pupils in the nimodipine group. These factors are
generally associated with poor prognosis and therefore the fact that the nimodipine
group did better would suggest that, if anything, the results are under-representative
Nimodipine for Prophylaxis of Cerebral Vasospasm
of any difference. In contrast, the placebo group had a larger number of patients with
pre-existing cardiovascular disease and smokers. A second criticism relates to the age
of the study. In the late 1980s, the usual treatment for aneurysm rupture was surgical
clipping. In this trial, 187 and 181 patients in each group had proven aneurysms on angiography. Therefore, this trial is not confined to treated aneurysmal SAH but nor does
it include endovascular treatment. It does, however, suggest that nimodipine is important in the early stages after SAH though the 21-day limit is somewhat arbitrary. This
landmark trial has led to virtually every SAH patient being given nimodipine, worldwide. At least five other RCTs of prophylactic nimodipine have been carried out and
a meta-analysis concluded that the effectiveness of nimodipine had been well demonstrated and supported routine prophylactic nimodipine administration (Barker et al.,
1996). Although other calcium antagonists, such as nicardipine, have been investigated,
a systematic review of 27 RCTs concluded that there was only evidence to support the
prophylactic use of nimodipine (Dorhout Mees et al., 2007).
Barker FG, Ogilvy CS. Efficacy of prophylactic nimodipine for delayed ischaemic deficit after
subarachnoid hemorrhage: a meta-analysis. J Neurosurg 1996; 84: 405–414.
Dorhout Mees SM, Rinkel GJE, Feigin VL, Algra A, van den Bergh WM, Vermeulen M, van
Gijn N. Calcium antagonists for subarachnoid haemorrhage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007;
3: CD000277.
‘HHH’ Therapy for Vasospasm
1.6 ‘HHH’ Therapy for Vasospasm
Details of Study
Kassell et al. carried out a large study in 1982 to evaluate the effects of hypertensive therapy and intravascular volume expansion in a series of 58 patients with delayed ischaemic
neurological deficits following aneurysmal SAH. This was the first large series to examine
the role of hypertension and hypervolaemia to treat neurological deficits due to vasospasm following SAH.
Study Reference
Main Study
Kassell NF, Peerless SJ, Durwood QJ, Beck DW, Drake CG, Adams HP. Treatment of ischaemic
deficits from vasospasm with intravascular volume expansion and induced arterial hypertension.
Neurosurgery 1982; 11: 337–343.
Related Reference
Kosnik EJ, Hunt WE. Postoperative hypertension in the management of patients with intracranial
arterial aneurysms. J Neurosurg 1976; 45: 148–154.
Study Design
This study was a retrospective series analysis of 58 patients with neurological deficits
and proven angiographic vasospasm in whom arterial hypertension was induced in an
attempt to reverse the neurological deficits.
Treatment Protocol
The protocol for inducing hypertension and volume expansion evolved throughout the
series but included the use of transfusion of blood and blood products, the use of colloids,
and administration of vasopressors if necessary. Fludrocortisone was also administered
to help maintain hypervolaemia. Target parameters included a central venous pressure
(CVP) of 10 mmHg and pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) of 18–20 mmHg.
Estimates were made on an individual patient basis as to the systolic pressure that would
likely be required to reverse the neurological deficits. Once deficit reversal was achieved
the systolic pressure was kept at the minimum level required to sustain deficit reversal.
Maximal systolic parameters were set at 240 mmHg systolic in patients with secured
aneurysms and at 160 mmHg in unsecured aneurysms.
Mean age of patients was 51 years.
Twenty-two patients had unsecured aneurysms at the time of induced hypertension.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Clinical Outcomes
Kassell et al. reported that reversal of deficits was seen within 1 h in 81% and that the
period of induced-hypertension varied between 12 h and 8 days.
Other complications included dilutional hyponatraemia, coagulopathy, haemothorax,
and myocardial infarction.
Permanent improvement in neurological deficit
No change in deficits
Most common complications
Aneurysmal re-bleed (19%)
Pulmonary oedema (17%)
Most common cause of treatment failure
Established infarction (17%)
Hypertension and hypervolaemia is relatively safe and effective in reversing neurological deficits due to vasospasm in patients with SAH.
Hypertension/hypervolaemia is most effective for patients with mild deficits.
Delayed ischaemic neurological deficit (DIND) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality following aneurysmal SAH. Kosnik and Hunt were the first to report the effects of
raising arterial pressure in cerebral vasospasm (Kosnik and Hunt, 1974). They reported
a series of seven patients in whom the neurological deficit was reversed promptly by the
elevation of systemic blood pressure and found that infarction was prevented in some of
these patients. Kassell et al. carried out the larger study considered here which showed
that hypertensive therapy and intravascular volume expansion resulted in sustained neurological benefits in the majority of patients. One of the most significant observations
of Kassell et al.’s study was that hypertension and hypervolaemia were most effective in
patients with mild deficits and that these could be anticipated in patients between days 5
and 12 post-bleed who had large blood loads on their CT scans. Although they recommended angiography to confirm the presence of spasm they also maintained that if angiography was not accessible then a diagnosis of vasospasm could be made presumptively
by excluding other causes of neurological deterioration such as re-bleed or hydrocephalus.
Since these early studies, hypertension, hypervolaemia, and haemodilution (HHH)
therapy has evolved to include haemodilution to augment rheological properties of
blood flow. Although HHH therapy has not been examined with a RCT, it has become
the mainstay of medical therapy for the treatment of vasospasm. Recent investigations
using cerebral monitoring support its continued use on the basis of improved physiological parameters at least (Raabe et al., 2005). There is no consensus as to how HHH
therapy should be achieved although high-dependency care with invasive cardiovascular
‘HHH’ Therapy for Vasospasm
monitoring is commonly employed. HHH therapy is not without risks and is associated
with significant complications including pulmonary oedema, myocardial ischaemia, and
electrolyte abnormalities including dilutional hyponatraemia. The prophylactic use of
HHH therapy has not been widely supported and preliminary trials have not shown any
benefits (Solenski et al., 1995; Solomon et al., 1998). It is to be expected that in the coming
years functional imaging modalities and invasive cerebral tissue monitoring may lead to
refinements in the optimization of cerebral perfusion augmentation therapy.
Kosnik EJ, Hunt WE. Postoperative hypertension in the management of patients with intracranial
arterial aneurysms. J Neurosurg 1976; 45: 148–154.
Raabe A, Beck J, Keller M, Vatter H, Zimmermann M, Seifert V. Relative importance of hypertension
compared with hypervolemia for increasing cerebral oxygenation in patients with cerebral
vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 2005; 103: 974–981.
Solenski NJ, Haley EC Jr, Kassell NF, Kongable G, Germanson T, Truslowski L et al. Medical
complications of subarachnoid haemorrhage: a report of the multicentre, cooperative aneurysm
study. Participants of the Multicentre Cooperative Aneurysm Study. Crit Care Med 1995;
23: 1007–1017.
Solomon RA, Fink ME, Lennihan L. Prophylactic volume expansion therapy for the prevention of
delayed cerebral ischaemia after early aneurysm surgery. Results of a preliminary trial. Arch Neurol
1988; 45: 325–332.
Statins in the Prevention of Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
1.7 Statins in the Prevention of Vasospasm in Aneurysmal
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Details of Study
Whilst there has been evidence of the beneficial effects of statins in SAH prior to 2005,
this study is the first randomized, phase II trial and looks specifically at the effect of
pravastatin on patient outcome in SAH.
Study Reference
There is an initial study with immediate follow-up looking at primary endpoints, followed
by a number of other papers looking at extended (6-month) follow-up and other effects of
pravastatin. The outcome of this trial has led to a much larger phase III trial of simvastatin
that is underway at the time of writing (the ‘STASH’ trial).
Main Study
Tseng MY, Czosnyka M, Richards H, Pickard JD, Kirkpatrick PJ. Effects of acute treatment with
pravastatin on cerebral vasospasm, autoregulation, and delayed ischemic deficits after aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage: a phase II randomized placebo-controlled trial. Stroke 2005; 36: 1627–1632.
Related References
Lynch JR, Wang H, McGirt MJ, Floyd J, Friedman AH, Coon AL, Blessing R, Alexander MJ,
Graffagnino C, Warner DS, Laskowitz DT. Simvastatin reduces vasospasm after aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage: results of a pilot randomized clinical trial. Stroke 2005; 36: 2024–2026.
Tseng MY, Hutchinson PJ, Czosnyka M, Richards H, Pickard JD, Kirkpatrick PJ. Effects of acute
pravastatin treatment on intensity of rescue therapy, length of inpatient stay, and 6-month outcome
in patients after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 2007; 38: 1545–1550.
Tseng MY, Hutchinson PJ, Turner CL, Czosnyka M, Richards H, Pickard JD, Kirkpatrick PJ.
Biological effects of acute pravastatin treatment in patients after aneurysmal subarachnoid
hemorrhage: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Neurosurg 2007; 107: 1092–1100.
Study Design
Double-blind placebo RCT.
Class of evidence
Pravastatin versus placebo
Number of patients
80 (equally distributed)
Length of follow-up
Not relevant as this is a phase II trial looking at safety and immediate clinical and physiological effects (however, 6-month data is the subject of a
related publication)
Number of centres
None, but baseline characteristics similar in the two groups
This is a phase II trial looking at safety and therefore only has small numbers of
patients from a single centre. Its main purpose is as a pilot study to assess whether a
Neurovascular neurosurgery
larger phase III trial is needed to evaluate whether pravastatin reduces vasospasm or
its consequences including delayed ischaemic deficit.
As well as primary and secondary endpoints, baseline clinical data were measured.
These included age, gender, medical history, WFNS grade, and also radiological characteristics including Fisher grade on CT, presence of hydrocephalus or intraventricular
blood, location of aneurysm on angiography.
Trial medication (pravastatin sodium 40mg once daily) was started within 72 h of ictus
and continued up to 14 days or until discharge.
The main aim was to see if pravastatin reduces vasospasm or its consequences including delayed ischaemic deficit.
Inclusion criteria: aneurysmal SAH; age 18–84 years.
Exclusion criteria: non-aneurysmal SAH; pregnancy; pre-ictal statin therapy; contraindication to statins (liver or renal dysfunction, or alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
>50 U/L).
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Incidence, severity, and duration of vasospasm on transcranial Doppler (TCD) indices.
Duration of impaired cerebral autoregulation.
Secondary Endpoints
Evidence of vasospasm-related delayed ischaemic deficits (DIDs).
Disability at discharge.
Baseline characteristics of age, sex, WFNS grade, Fisher grade, hydrocephalus, IVH, or
aneurysm location did not differ significantly between the two groups. Similarly, postoperative characteristics including need for extraventricular drain (EVD), ventriculitis,
numbers clipped versus coiled, sepsis, or reason for end of trial (e.g. discharge or death
etc.) did not differ between the groups. There was a trend for more post-operative deficits
in the pravastatin group (p = 0.115) but a trend for more deaths in the placebo group
(again, not significant).
Degree of
Vasospasm on TCD
p = 0.006
Severe vasospasm
p = 0.044
Duration of severe vasospasm 1.2 days
0.5 days
−0.8 days
p = 0.068
Period of impaired ipsilateral
cerebral autoregulation
3 days
−2.4 days
p = 0.011
5.3 days
Statins in the Prevention of Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
In the placebo group, there was a reduction in both primary endpoints with a 32%
reduction in vasospasm on TCD in the pravastatin group (p = 0.006) and a 42% reduction
in severe vasospasm (p = 0.044). The duration of vasospasm was shortened by 0.8 days
in the pravastatin group (p = 0.068). The period of impaired cerebral autoregulation was
shorter with pravastatin (ipsilateral side by 2.4 days, p = 0.011). With regard to the secondary endpoints, the incidence of vasospasm- related DIDs was 83% reduced in the
pravastatin group (p <0.001). Pravastatin was associated with a reduction in disability at
discharge and a reduction in mortality of 75% (p = 0.037). Subsequent follow-up show
that these beneficial effects were still present at 6 months (Tseng et al., 2007).
Immediate statin therapy reduces potentially adverse physiological and clinical events
after an acute cerebrovascular illness.
Previous studies evaluating the role of statins in the prevention of cerebral vasospasm were
retrospective, observational studies. Earlier studies had reported differences in outcome
between patients already taking statins and those not on anti-cholesterol medications. This
small randomized study by Tseng et al. with pravastatin reported in 2005 demonstrated a
reduced incidence of vasospasm in patients treated with pravastatin. The pravastatin incidence of TCD-detected vasospasm was reduced by 32% with a reduced incidence of DIND
and mortality. At 6 months, beneficial effects on physical and psychological aspects of functioning have subsequently been reported. Lynch et al. also reported the results of a smaller
trial randomized clinical trial of simvastatin (Lynch et al., 2005). Their study included simvastatin versus placebo randomly allocated to 39 patients within 48 h of the SAH ictus and
they reported a reduction in vasospasm in those receiving simvastatin (p <0.05). Vasospasm
was defined by clinical impression in the presence of at least one confirmatory radiological
test (TCD or angiography). The study was not powered to answer the definitive question
as to whether simvastatin was effective in reducing vasospasm, but the authors were able
to conclude that simvastatin was safe and well tolerated in subarachnoid patients. Both the
simvastatin study by Lynch et al. and the pravastatin study by Tseng et al. were randomized,
placebo-controlled trials making them valuable contributors to the question of whether
statins are beneficial in aneurysmal SAH. They are examples of how even small, simple
studies can provide essential evidence that can lead to larger, multi-centre trials to answer
a simple clinical question. The authors do not purport to show improved clinical outcome
but rather look at short-term delayed ischaemic deficits and, by measuring TCD blood flows
between the two groups, attempts to provide a pathophysiological reason for the improvement. In this sense, both studies make the assumption that TCDs are a good indicator of
cerebral blood flow and that improvements in TCDs are the reasons for the improved outcome. Like any good ‘pilot’ studies, certain questions are left unanswered.
Another restriction of the pravastatin trial is the relatively small number of aneurysms
treated with coil embolization, as compared to clipping. Although pravastatin had the
Neurovascular neurosurgery
same effect on both groups, the coil embolization group was small and this is essentially a
trial of pravastatin in aneurysms that were surgically clipped. This will be resolved by the
larger multi-centre study. Another question raised in the literature is the increased rate
of sepsis, including ventriculitis, in the pravastatin group. Although this did not reach
significance, and did not appear to contribute to a worse mortality, it will need to be
addressed in a larger trial. The pravastatin trial has led to a multi-centre RCT looking at
the potential benefit of simvastatin (40 mg for 21 days) in aneurysmal SAH (STASH) that
is underway. Some centres have already routinely started using statins in SAH.
Lynch JR, Wang H, McGirt MJ, Floyd J, Friedman AH, Coon AL, Blessing R, Alexanderander MJ,
Graffagnino C, Warner DS, Laskowitz DT. Simvastatin reduces vasospasm after aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage: results of a pilot randomized clinical trial. Stroke 2005; 36: 2024–2026.
Treatment of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations
1.8 Treatment of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations
Details of Studies
Predicting the risks of treatment is difficult due to the heterogeneity of AVMs which vary
from ‘simple’ to ‘complex’. Spetzler and Martin reported a six-tier grading system which
they retrospectively applied to a series of 100 AVMs (Spetzler and Martin, 1986). Hamilton
and Spetzler subsequently validated this grading system prospectively in a series of 120
consecutive patients (Hamilton and Spetzler, 1994). The main findings of these landmarks
studies have been summarized and considered here.
Main Studies
Spetzler RF, Martin NA. A proposed grading system for arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg
1986; 65: 476–483.
Hamilton MG, Spetzler RF. The prospective application of a grading system for arteriovenous
malformations. Neurosurgery 1994; 34: 2–6.
Related Reference
Luessenhop AJ. Gennarelli TA. Anatomical grading of supratentorial arteriovenous malformations for
determining operability. Neurosurgery 1977; 1: 30–35.
Study Design
Spetzler and Martin, 1986: retrospective analysis of 100 patients with AVMs.
Hamilton and Spetzler, 1994: prospective analysis of 120 patients with AVMs.
The grading system proposed by Spetzler and Martin is a six-tier system awarding points
as follows:
Feature of AVM
Size of AVM
Eloquence of adjacent brain
Pattern of venous drainage
>6 cm (large)
3–6 cm (medium)
<3 cm (small)
Superficial only
Grade I lesions: small, superficial, and located in non-eloquent cortex.
Grade V lesions: large, deep, and located in critical neurological areas.
Grade VI lesions are considered inoperable lesions.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
% No Deficits
% Major Deficits
Spetzler–Martin Grade
Spetzler–Martin Grade
Fig 1.1 Correlation of surgical results with Spetzler–Martin AVM grading.
Retrospective Series (Spetzler and Martin, 1986)
Grading of AVM correlated with results of surgery (Figure 1.1).
Prospective Series (Hamilton and Spetzler, 1994)
Outcomes were assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Score.
Follow-up was 77.4% at 1 year.
Grading of AVMs was correlated with the development of both temporary (p <0.0001)
and permanent (p = 0.008) neurological deficits.
Correlation was greatest when all three components of the grading system were applied.
Grading of AVMs was correlated with outcome (Figure 1.2)
The Spetzler, Martin, and Hamilton grading system is a robust and accurate method of
predicting risk of intervention in patients with AVMs.
% Good Recovery
% Severe Disability
Spetzler–Martin Grade
Spetzler–Martin Grade
Fig 1.2 One-year outcomes for patients with Spetzler–Martin Grades I–VI AVMs.
Treatment of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations
Determination of the natural history of AVMs is essential in order to assess whether the
risks of surgical intervention are less than the long-term risks of conservative management. Epidemiological studies have been difficult due to heterogeneous patient populations and variation in treatment practices. Numerous studies have been carried out to
address this question. Perhaps the longest prospective study to date was begun in Finland
in 1965 with a 24-year follow-up of 160 patients being reported in 1990 (Troupp et al.,
1970; Ondra et al., 1990). Two large, prospective, population-based studies are currently
ongoing. One is the New York Islands AVM Study (NYIAVMS) (Stapf et al., 2003). The
other is the Scottish Intracranial Vascular Malformation Study (SIVMS) (Al-Shahi et al.,
2003). However, from the literature to date it appears that the risk of intracranial haemorrhage from AVMs is 1–4% per year with an annual mortality of 1–1.5%, and that the risk
of bleeding of unruptured AVMs appears to be approximately 2% per year with re-bleed
risk of 18% within the first year (Al-Shahi and Warlow, 2001). Surgery for AVMs is indicated only when the risk of operation is less than the risk of a conservative course of management as determined by the natural history of the AVM. The results of the NYIAVMS
and SIVMS studies will be invaluable in helping determine the natural history of AVMs.
The grading system of Spetzler and Martin aimed to provide a simplified objective
method of predicting the risks of surgical intervention in individual cases of AVM.
Although previous grading systems had been reported they were primarily based on the
AVM anatomy (Luessenhop and Gennarelli, 1977). The grading system of Spetzler and
Martin takes into account the variables of vascular steal, eloquence of adjacent brain, and
venous drainage patterns. Their retrospective and prospective data strongly support the
predictive validity of their grading scale as a robust mechanism to objectively predict outcome in individual AVMs. The greatest weakness of the study is that it was a single-centre
study. However, the authors cited two other published series that had used their grading
system as independent validation (Steinmeier et al., 1989; Heros et al., 1990). In addition,
this grading system has been criticized for being oversimplified. Samson and Batjer proposed that Grade IV and V AVMs might be considered as a separate entity as it is these
grades that are associated with a post-operative morbidity and that a narrative description
of the complexities of these AVMs might be more useful to those considering surgical
intervention (Samson and Batjer, 1994). Nonetheless, the grading system developed by
Spetzler, Martin, and Hamilton remains a landmark in neurovascular neurosurgery and is
a useful tool for the comparison of different treatment modalities and regimens. Spetzler’s
group has continued to use this classification system to establish the risks and benefits of
treatment of AVMs (Han et al., 2003).
In addition to surgical resection, several other modalities are now available for the
treatment of AVMs including endovascular techniques and stereotactic radiosurgery
(Friedman et al., 1995; Martin et al., 2000). However a Cochrane Review by Al-Shahi
and Warlow revealed that there are no randomized trials with clear outcomes comparing
modalities (Al-Shahi and Warlow, 2006).
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Al-Shahi R, Warlow C. A systematic review of the frequency and prognosis of arteriovenous
malformations of the brain in adults. Brain 2001; 124: 1900–1926.
Al-Shahi R, Bhattacharya JJ, Currie DG, Papanastassiou V, Ritchie V, Roberts RC, Sellar RJ, Warlow
CP, for the Scottish Intracranial Vascular Malformation Study Collaborators. Prospective,
population-based detection of intracranial vascular malformations in adults: the Scottish
Intracranial Vascular Malformation Study (SIVMS). Stroke 2003; 34: 1163–1169.
Al-Shahi R, Warlow CP. Interventions for treating brain arteriovenous malformations in adults
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; 1: CD003436.
Friedman WA, Bova FJ, Mendenhall WM. Linear accelerator radiosurgery for arteriovenous
malformations: the relationship of size to outcome. J Neurosurg 1995; 82: 180–189.
Han PP, Ponce FA, Spetzler RF. Intention-to-treat analysis of Spetzler-Martin grades IV and V
arteriovenous malformations: natural history and treatment paradigm. J Neurosurg 2003; 98: 3–7.
Heros RC, Korosue K, Diebold PM. Surgical excision of cerebral arteriovenous malformations: late
results. Neurosurgery 1990; 26: 570–577
Luessenhop AJ, Gennarelli TA. Anatomical grading of supratentorial arteriovenous malformations for
determining operability. Neurosurgery 1977; 1: 30–35.
Martin NA, Khanna R, Doberstein C, Bentson J. Therapeutic embolisation of arteriovenous
malformations: the case for and against. Clin Neurosurg 2000; 46: 295–318.
Ondra S, Troupp H, George ED, Schwab K. The natural history of symptomatic arteriovenous
malformations if the brain: a 24-year follow-up assessment. J Neurosurg 1990; 73: 387–391.
Samson DS, Batjer HH. Grading systems for AVMs: comments. Neurosurgery 1994; 34: 6–7.
Stapf C, Mast H, Sciacca RR, Berenstein A, Nelson PK, Gobin YP, Pile-Spellman J, Mohr JP, for the
New York Islands AVM Study Collaborators. The New York Islands AVM Study: design, study
progress, and initial results. Stroke 2003; 34: 29–33.
Steinmeier R, Schramm J, Müller HG, Fahlbusch R. Evaluation of prognostic factors in cerebral
arteriovenous malformations. Neurosurgery 1989; 24:193–200.
Troupp J, Martilla I, Halonen V. Arteriovenous malformations of the brain. Prognosis without
operation. Acta Neurochir 1970; 22: 125–128.
Surgery for Spontaneous Intracerebral Haematomas
1.9 Surgery for Spontaneous Intracerebral Haematomas
Details of Studies
The International Surgical Trial in Intracerebral Haematoma (STICH) and its successor,
STICH II, are the largest RCTs to date looking at the role of early surgery in the management of intracerebral haematomas. These studies were headed by Professor Mendelow
from Newcastle General Hospital and were funded by the Medical Research Council
(UK). The subsequent trial, STICH II, was designed to prospectively study the subset of
patients in the first trial who appeared to benefit from early surgery.
The STICH Trial
Study Reference
Main Study
Mendelow AD, Gregson BA, Fernandes HN, Murray GD, Teasdale GM, Hope DH, Karimi A, Shaw
M, Barer DH, for the STICH investigators. Early surgery versus initial conservative treatment in
patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral haematomas in the International Surgical
Trial in Intracerebral Haemorrhage (STICH): a randomised trial. Lancet 2005; 365: 387–397.
Related References
Broderick JP. The STICH trial: what does it tell us and where do we go from here? Stroke 2005;
36: 1619–1620.
Mendelow AD, Unterberg A. Surgical treatment of intracerebral haemorrhage. Curr Opin Crit Care
2007; 13: 169–174.
Study Design
International multi-centre PRCT.
Class of evidence
Early surgery versus best medical management
Number of patients
1033 patients
Primary outcomes:
GOS at 6 months
Secondary outcomes:
Mortality at 6 months
Prognosis at 6 months
93% completed follow-up
Number of centres
83 centres in 27 countries
According to predicted ‘good’ or ‘poor’ prognosis
using a prognostic score at randomization
Patients randomized and analysed on an intention-to-treat basis.
Surgery was carried out within 24 h of randomization.
Surgery included craniotomy and CT-guided aspiration of the clot and the method
chosen was left to the discretion of the operating surgeon.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
The option of delayed surgery remained open to those who were randomized to the
medical arm.
503 patients underwent early surgery and 530 patients received best medical therapy.
Primary outcome was assessed using the 8-point GOS at 6 months.
Inclusion criteria: CT evidence of intracerebral haematoma within 72 h; clinical uncertainty regarding the benefits of either treatment arm of the trial; haematoma diameter
>2 cm; GCS ≥5.
Exclusion criteria: aneurysmal bleed; infratentorial bleed; extension of bleed into
brainstem; any co-morbid factor that might interfere with outcome assessment.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
◆ GOS, Barthel Index, and Rankin Scale assessed by postal questionnaire at 6 months.
Patients with a poor prognosis at randomization were deemed to have a favourable
outcome if there was a severe disability or better on the GOS.
Patients with good prognosis were deemed to have a favourable outcome if they had a
moderate disability or better on the GOS.
Secondary Endpoint
◆ Mortality at 6 months.
Early surgery
Best medical
management group
Favourable outcome
Unfavourable outcome
Prognosis-based analyses did not reveal any statistically significant differences between
the two arms of the trial.
Subgroup analysis showed that a favourable outcome was more likely with early surgery for superficially based lesions (≤1 cm from cortical surface) with a 29% relative
benefit but this difference was not statistically significant.
There is no overall benefit from early surgery versus initial conservative treatment for
spontaneous supratentorial haematomas.
Patients suffering from spontaneous intracerebral haematomas represent a significant
proportion of neurosurgical emergencies. Nine previous clinical trials looking at the role
of surgery produced conflicting results regarding the role of surgery in the management
Surgery for Spontaneous Intracerebral Haematomas
of patients with non-aneurysmal spontaneous supratentorial haematomas. The STICH
trial is the largest trial to date addressing this question. Unfortunately, STICH has been
overinterpreted by some to mean that there is no benefit from surgery for all supratentorial haematomas. However, STICH only looked at haematomas for which the responsible
surgeon was uncertain regarding the benefits of surgery versus conservative management.
The results of STICH confirm that surgeons are correct to be uncertain for these patients
but the results cannot be extrapolated to all intracerebral haematomas. In STICH, the timing of surgery was relatively long after presentation (median time to surgery 30 h). There
may, therefore, be a role for much earlier surgery, e.g. within 12 h of the initial bleed. In
addition, most patients underwent craniotomy (77%) and so the question remains as to
whether there is a role for more minimally invasive methods for evacuating haematomas.
The subgroup analysis suggesting benefit from early surgery in patients with superficial
lobar haemorrhage was the basis for the subsequent STICH II trial, described in the following section.
Mendelow AD, Unterberg A. Surgical treatment of intracerebral haemorrhage. Curr Opin Crit Care
2007; 13: 169–174.
The STICH II Trial
Study Reference
Main Study
Mendelow AD, Gregson BA, Rowan EN, Murray GD, Gholkar A, Mitchell PM, for the STICH
investigators. Early surgery versus initial conservative treatment in patients with spontaneous
supratentorial lobar intracerebral haematomas (STICH II): a randomised trial. Lancet 2013;
382: 397–408.
Study Design
International multi-centre PRCT.
Class of evidence
Early surgery (12 h from randomization) versus best medical management
Number of patients
601 patients randomized
Primary outcomes:
Extended GOS at 6 months
Secondary outcomes:
Mortality, time to death, Rankin and EuroQoL score at 6 months
21% cross-over from medical group
Number of centres
78 centres in 27 countries
According to predicted ‘good’ or ‘poor’ prognosis using a prognostic score
at randomization
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Patients randomized and analysed on an intention-to-treat basis.
No blinding of patients/relatives or clinical staff.
Surgery was carried out within 12 h of randomization (in contrast to 24 h in STICH).
Surgery included craniotomy and CT-guided aspiration of the clot and the method
chosen was left to the discretion of the operating surgeon.
The option of delayed surgery remained open to those who were randomized to the
medical arm.
297 patients underwent early surgery and 286 patients received best medical therapy.
Primary outcome was assessed using the 8-point extended Glasgow Outcome Scale
(GOSE) at 6 months.
Inclusion criteria:
• CT evidence of intracerebral haematoma within 48 h.
• Clinical uncertainty regarding the benefits of either treatment arm of the trial.
• Lobar haematoma.
• Superficial haematoma (up to 1 cm from surface of cortex, volume 10–100 mL).
• Motor score 5 or 6; eye opening score 2 or more (i.e. conscious at randomization).
Exclusion criteria: aneurysmal/tumour/traumatic bleed; AVM on angiography; basal
ganglia, thalamic, cerebellar, brainstem location; intraventricular bleed; any co-morbid factor that might interfere with outcome assessment.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
◆ GOSE, Barthel Index, and Rankin Scale assessed by postal questionnaire at 6 months.
Patients with a poor prognosis at randomization were deemed to have a favourable
outcome if there was a severe disability or better on the GOS.
Patients with good prognosis were deemed to have a favourable outcome if they had a
moderate disability or better on the GOS.
Secondary Endpoints
◆ 6 months: mortality, time to death, Rankin and EuroQoL.
Prognosis-based analyses did not reveal any statistically significant differences between
the two arms of the trial.
Survival advantage with no vegetative survivors at 6 months in the surgery group by
this was not statistically significant.
Surgery for Spontaneous Intracerebral Haematomas
Early surgery group
Best medical
management group
Statistical significance
Favourable outcome
Unfavourable outcome
There is no overall benefit from early surgery versus initial conservative treatment for
spontaneous superficial lobar supratentorial haematomas.
STICH II was a well-designed study and executed study with excellent follow-up which
offers Level I evidence informing the management of lobar superficial spontaneous
supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). Crossover from the medical arm to surgery was 21%. Therefore the trial was effectively a comparison of early surgery versus initial
conservative management followed by delayed surgery if there was clinical deterioration.
STICH II suffers from the same limitation as the first STICH trial in that patients were
only eligible if the responsible surgeon was uncertain regarding the benefits of surgery
versus initial conservative management.
Half of the trial population were either fully alert or confused. Early surgery for these
patients may indeed have not been superior to initial conservative management and this
may have contributed to the lack of significant difference overall in primary outcome
variables. Further, the trial was powered to detect a 12% difference in primary outcome
variables so perhaps a larger study population may have shown a significant difference
between the two groups.
There is a view held by some that there is a fundamental problem that needs to be
addressed regarding the role of surgery in the evacuation of intracerebral haematomas—
the concept of a penumbra around the clot. The rationale of clot evacuation is to control intracranial pressure (ICP) and to prevent further damage to surrounding brain.
However, there is no firm evidence that there is a surrounding penumbra of brain that
is at risk from the clot and more basic science needs to be done to elucidate this problem further. Certainly, the toxic effects of the clot to the surrounding brain remain to be
ascertained. An alternative view to this is that preclinical animal studies may support clot
evacuation and so it is reasonable to hypothesize that similar evacuation in people may
have benefit. It would appear that further studies, perhaps with imaging modalities such
as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or single-photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT) in patients with ICH may shed more light on the natural history of
intracerebral haematomas. Further trials to evaluate surgical intracerebral haemorrhage
management issues are ongoing. CLEAR IVH is looking at whether there is a benefit for
surgery to remove intraventricular clots <30 mL. MISTIE is looking at minimal invasive
surgery to remove deep ICH.
Decompressive Surgery for Malignant Cerebral Artery Infarction
1.10 Decompressive Surgery for Malignant Cerebral
Artery Infarction
Details of Studies
Malignant MCA infarction (MMI) is associated with a mortality rate of 80%. Since
2000, three European trials have addressed the role of decompressive surgery in these
patients: the DECIMAL trial (decompressive craniectomy in malignant MCA infraction) performed in France; the DESTINY trial (decompressive surgery for the treatment of malignant Infarction of the MCA); performed in Germany; and the HAMLET
trial (hemicraniectomy after MCA infarction with life-treatening (o)edema trial) performed in the Netherlands. Although HAMLET was still ongoing, a pooled analysis
of these three trials was published in 2007. The final results of HAMLET have recently
been published in 2009. In addition, a North American trial, the HeADDFIRST trial
(hemicraniectomy and durotomy on deterioration from infarction-related swelling
trial), was carried out between 2000 and 2003, although this was only ever published in
abstract form.
Study References
Main Studies
Vahedi K, Vicaut E, Mateo J, Kurtz A, Orabi M, Guichard JP, Boutron C, Couvreur G, Rouanet F,
Touzé E, Guillon B, Carpentier A, Yelnik A, George B, Payen D, Bousser MG, for the DECIMAL
Investigators. Sequential-design, multicenter, randomised, controlled trial of early decompressive
craniectomy in malignant middle cerebral artery infarction (DECIMAL trial). Stroke 2007;
38: 2506–2517.
Decompressive surgery for the treatment of malignant infarction of the middle cerebral artery
(DESTINY): a randomised controlled trial. Stroke 2007; 38: 2518–2525.
Hofmeijer J, Amelink GJ, Algra A, van Gijn J, Macleod MR, Kappelle LJ, van der Worp HB;
HAMLET investigators. Hemicraniectomy after middle cerebral artery infarction with lifethreatening edema trial (HAMLET). Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of decompressive
surgery in space-occupying hemispheric infarction. Trials 2006; 7: 29.
Pooled Analysis of DECIMAL, DESTINY, and HAMLET Trials
Vahedi, K, Hofmeijer J, Juettler E, Vicaut E, George B, Algra A, Amelink GJ, Schmiedeck P, Schwab
S, Rothwell PM, Bousser MG, van der Worp HB, Hacke W, for the DECIMAL, DESTINY and
HAMLET investigators. Early decompressive surgery in malignant infarction of the middle cerebral
artery: a pooled analysis of three randomised trials. Lancet Neurol 2007; 6: 215–222.
Frank JI. Hemicraniectomy and durotomy upon deterioration from infarction related swelling
trial (HeADDFIRST): first public presentation of the primary study findings. Neurology 2003;
60(Suppl 1): A426.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Related References
Carandang RA, Krieger DW. Decompressive hemicraniectomy and durotomy for malignant middle
cerebral artery infarction. Neurocrit Care 2008; 8: 286–289.
Gupta R, Conolly ES, Mayer S, Elkind MS. Hemicraniectomy for massive middle cerebral artery
territory infarction: a systematic review. Stroke 2004; 35: 539–543.
Hacke W, Schwab S, Horn M, Spranger M, DeGeorgia M, von Kummer R. ‘Malignant’ middle cerebral
artery infarction: clinical course and prognostic signs. Arch Neurol 1996; 53: 309–315.
Study Designs
European Trials
Class of evidence
Surgery versus
medical care
Surgery versus
medical care
Surgery versus
medical care
Number of patients
1 year
1 year
1 year
Primary endpoint:
Functional outcome at
6 months in survivors
Primary endpoint:
Mortality at 1 month
Primary endpoint:
Functional outcome
(mRS score)
Secondary endpoints:
Survival at 6 and
12 months
Functional outcome
at 12 months
Secondary endpoints:
Functional outcome
at 6 and 12 months
Secondary endpoints:
Case fatality
Quality of life
Symptoms of
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria very similar in all trials apart from age and time allowed from onset
of symptoms:
• Age: decimal 18–55 years; DESTINY 18–60 years; pooled analysis of DESTINY/
DECIMAL/HAMLET 18–60 years.
• Time from onset of symptoms: DECIMAL <24 h; DESTINY <36 h; HAMLET <45 h.
Exclusion criteria also similar: significant pre-stroke disability; significant haemorrhagic infarction; coagulopathy; poor neurological state (e.g. fixed pupils).
MMI criteria varied slightly between trials but was defined on the basis of the following criteria: clinical signs of infarction on National Institutes of Health Stroke Score
(NIHSS) including a score of ≥1 for the level of consciousness; radiological (CT or
MRI) documentation of unilateral MCA infarction of a predetermined percentage.
Functional outcome defined using the modified Rankin scores and dichotomized into
‘favourable’ or ‘good’ (mRS ≤3) or ‘unfavourable’ or ‘poor’ (mRS ≥4).
Decompressive Surgery for Malignant Cerebral Artery Infarction
Analyses on an intention-to-treat basis in DESTINY and HAMLET.
A sequential method of analysis applied in DECIMAL.
North American Trial (HeADDFIRST)
Class of evidence
Surgery versus medical care
Number of patients
180 days
Primary endpoint:
Secondary endpoint:
Functional outcome
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: ages 18–75; NIHSS >18; premorbid mRS <2 with complete MCA ±
ACA or PCA infarction; infarct volume >50% MCA territory or >90 cm3 on early CT,
or > 180 cm3 on late CT.
Randomization to surgery or medical care was triggered by development of midline
shift (≥7 mm septal or >4 mm pineal gland displacement).
Pooled Analysis of DECIMAL, DESTINY, and HAMLET
Primary endpoint: mRS ≤4.
DECIMAL was discontinued early because of recruitment problems and an interim
analysis indicating a significant benefit of surgery on mortality.
Recruitment to DESTINY was discontinued early because a predetermined analysis at
6 months showed a significant benefit of surgery on mortality.
Medical Statistical
Medical Statistical
‘Favourable’ functional outcome (mRS ≤3, 6 months)
mRS ≤4 (6 months)
p = 0.01
mRS 4 (6 months)
p = 0.01
p = 0.02
p = 0.03
Survival at 30 days
Survival at 6 months
p < 0.0001
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Absolute reduction in death of 52.8% with surgery in DECIMAL trial.
There were no bedridden patients in the DECIMAL trial at the end of 12 months
(mRS 5) who had undergone surgery.
Pooled Analysis of DECIMAL, DESTINY, and HAMLET
Outcomes at 12 months
Medical care
Statistical significance
p <0.0001
mRS 4
p <0.0001
mRS <4
p <0.0001
There were no significant differences in the outcome measures between the three trials
at the time of the pooled analysis.
The absolute risk reduction (ARR) for mortality at 12 months was 51.2%.
Seventy-five per cent of survivors receiving medical care had a ‘favourable’ outcome
(mRS <4) versus 55% of survivors who received surgery.
Forty per cent of survivors who had surgery had a moderately severe disability and
were unable to walk without assistance or attend to their own bodily needs without
assistance (mRS of 4) versus 8% of those who received medical care.
ARR in case fatality was 38%.
Outcomes at 1 year
Medical care
Statistical significance
Good functional outcome (mRS ≤3)
Poor functional outcome (mRS ≥4).
p <0.002
A non-significant reduction in mortality was reported.
Functional outcomes not reported.
Medical care
Statistical significance
Mortality at 21 days
p <0.05
Mortality at 180 days
DECIMAL: decompressive surgery improves survival in young patients with MMI but
with an increased number of patients with moderately severe disability.
DESTINY: pooled analysis—early decompressive surgery for MMI reduces mortality
and increases the number of patients with a favourable functional outcome.
Decompressive Surgery for Malignant Cerebral Artery Infarction
HAMLET: surgical decompression within 48 h of onset of symptomatic MCA infarction did not improve functional outcomes compared to medical treatment.
HeADDFIRST: there was no difference in mortality at 180 days between surgical or
medical management.
The pooled analysis of three ongoing trials is almost unique in the literature and the results
of this pooled analysis are in keeping with reported findings from uncontrolled case
series. However, one of the most fundamental dilemmas facing neurosurgeons is highlighted by the results of these studies and that is the question of what constitutes a ‘favourable’ outcome. A mRS ≤3 is generally accepted as ‘favourable’ but the pooled analysis used
mRS ≤4, thereby including patients who were left with moderately severe disability. In
fact, although surgery reduced mortality, a greater number of survivors (tenfold) are left
with moderately severe disability. The authors of the pooled analysis have been careful to
emphasize, therefore, that patients and clinicians need to be willing to accept the possibility of this survival outcome. From one perspective, therefore, hemicraniectomy for MMI
is a life-saving procedure. An alternative view is that hemicraniectomy saves lives at the
cost of producing unacceptable levels of disability in the survivors. Indeed, the validity
of trial designs that dichotomize outcomes into ‘favourable’ and ‘unfavourable’ has been
widely criticized in the literature and it has been pointed out by numerous people that
‘favourable’ is not necessarily synonymous with ‘acceptable’ or ‘desirable’ outcomes.
Various criticisms have been raised against these trials, including the issue of whether
non-blinding of treatment arms had any effect on patient management, and in particular
the use of intensive care resources in the two groups. For example, in the DECIMAL
trial all patients undergoing surgery received mechanical ventilation as compared to just
over only two-thirds of patients managed medically. Whether this was an effect of nonblinding remains open to question (Mayer, 2007).
Various other concerns regarding the results have been raised and the way in which
physicians and surgeons will use the information. For example, there is a tendency to
avoid hemicraniectomy in patients with dominant hemisphere MMI due to the perception that global aphasia is a cruel outcome that should be avoided at all costs. Mayer has
pointed out that the benefit of hemicraniectomy in the pooled analysis was independent
of the presence or absence of aphasia and that dominant hemisphere involvement may
not necessarily be an acceptable reason for withholding hemicraniectomy (Mayer, 2007).
One of the greatest criticisms of these trials is whether the criteria for patient selection
can really reflect any degree of understanding of the natural history of MMI. The processes which determine which patients develop fatal brain oedema are not understood
and there is clearly a need for larger imaging studies to evaluate the natural history of
these lesions before we can fully elucidate the role of surgical or other interventions.
The decision to perform hemicraniectomy for MMI is still a matter for consideration
on an individual case-by-case basis. Issues regarding the optimal timing of surgery still
Neurovascular neurosurgery
need to be resolved. The authors of the HAMLET trial updated the pooled analysis of the
DESTINY/DECIMAL/HAMLET trials and reported a benefit of surgery for those operated on with 48 h of onset of stroke symptoms. However, no conclusions can be drawn
about those patients operated on after this time period. Age is certainly an important factor with regard to outcome as it appears that the mortality even with surgery for patients
with MMI aged >50 years is more than twice that of patients aged <50 (Gupta et al., 2004).
Surgical decompression for MMI remains a complex dilemma for both physicians, surgeons, and their patients.
Gupta R, Conolly ES, Mayer S, Elkind MS. Hemicraniectomy for massive middle cerebral artery
territory infarction: a systematic review. Stroke 2004; 35: 539–543.
Mayer SA. Hemicraniectomy: a second chance on life for patients with space-occupying MCA
infarction. Stroke 2007; 38: 2410–2412.
Carotid Endarterectomy for Carotid Stenosis
1.11 Carotid Endarterectomy for Carotid Stenosis
Details of Study
Carotid surgery for patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis has been performed for
>50 years but until 1991, no large, comprehensive trial had been conducted. The North
American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) started recruiting in
1987 and initial reports were published in 1991. NASCET was a pivotal trial as it demonstrated that symptomatic patients with 70–99% stenosis benefited from surgery as compared to conservative management. Indeed, a clinical alert in 1991 stated that for 70–99%
stenosis, surgery was clearly beneficial and recruitment of this group was stopped. Other
trials in the 1990s include the European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST) and the Veterans
Affairs Cooperative Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis Trial. These were followed by the
Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS) in 1995 that suggested that asymptomatic patients with >60% stenosis would benefit from surgery. More recently, with the
advent of carotid stenting, trials have compared surgery to interventional radiological
procedures. These are discussed in a separate section. In this section, we focus on the
NASCET trial.
Study References
Main Studies
Barnett HJ, Taylor DW, Eliasziw M, Fox AJ, Ferguson GG, Haynes RB, Rankin RN, Clagett GP,
Hachinski VC, Sackett DL, Thorpe KE, Meldrum HE, Spence JD, for the North American
Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. Benefit of carotid endarterectomy in
patients with symptomatic moderate or severe stenosis. N Engl J Med 1998; 339: 1415–1425.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Stroke and Trauma Division. North
American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) investigators. Clinical
alert: benefit of carotid endarterectomy for patients with high-grade stenosis of the internal carotid
artery. Stroke 1991; 22: 816–817.
The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. Beneficial effect of
carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with high-grade carotid stenosis. N Engl J Med
1991; 325: 445–453.
Related References
European Carotid Surgery Trialists’ Group. Randomized trial of endarterectomy for recently
symptomatic carotid stenosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST).
Lancet 1998; 351: 1379–1387.
Executive Committee for the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study. Endarterectomy for
asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. JAMA 1995; 273: 1421–1428.
Mayberg MR, Wilson SE, Yatsu F, Weiss DG, Messina L, Hershey LA, Colling C, Eskridge J,
Deykin D, Winn HR. Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program 309 Trialist Group. Carotid
endarterectomy and prevention of cerebral ischaemia in symptomatic carotid stenosis. JAMA 1991;
266: 3289–3294.
Paciaroni M, Eliasziw M, Sharpe BL, Kappelle J, Chaturvedi S, Meldrum H, Barnett HJM. Longterm clinical and angiographic outcomes in symptomatic patients with 70% to 90% carotid artery
stenosis. Stroke 2000; 31: 2037–2042.
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Study Design
Non-blinded multi-centre RCT.
Class of evidence
Carotid endarterectomy versus medical management
Number of patients
(After 1991, 131, i.e. not 70–99% stenosis)
Mean = 3.6 years for medical group
Mean = 7.0 years for surgical group
Primary endpoint:
Ipsilateral stroke
Secondary endpoints:
Any stroke
Number of centres
By degree of stenosis, i.e. <70% or 70–99%. A subsequent analysis
divided the latter into 70–84% and 85–99%
Patients were randomized within 120 days of diagnosis of severe carotid bifurcation
stenosis and ipsilateral transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or stroke.
This was the first randomized study to show that surgery is beneficial for 70–99% stenosis.
Multiplanar anteroposterior, oblique, and lateral selective ICA angiogram was required.
Before 1991, 4-monthly clinic visits. After 1991, annual visits, bi-annual telephone
assessments. If a stroke occurred, the patient had an extra clinic visit.
All patients underwent annual carotid ultrasound scan.
All patients had enteric-coated aspirin as well as antihypertensive, antilipidaemic and
antidiabetic therapies, if required.
Several later studies including those in Europe showed similar results.
Inclusion criteria: TIA or disabling stroke + severe carotid bifurcation stenosis within
120 days; age ≤80 years; consent.
Exclusion criteria: cardiac source of potential embolism; angiographic evidence of
intracranial lesion > extracranial lesion; other life-threatening or disabling conditions.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Fatal or non-fatal stroke ipsilateral to the randomized carotid artery.
Secondary Endpoints
Strokes in any territory.
Carotid Endarterectomy for Carotid Stenosis
Baseline characteristics were similar in the two groups. In February 1991, an interim
report (cited earlier) demonstrated that, in 659 patients with severe stenosis (70–99%),
endarterectomy was associated with an absolute reduction of 17% in the risk of ipsilateral
stroke at 2 years. Therefore, patients with severe stenosis were not enrolled after 1991 but
were continued to be followed up until 1997. Enrolment of patients with <70% stenosis
continued until 1996. The overall results showed that in the 50–69% stenosis group, the
5-year ipsilateral stroke rate was 15.7% in the surgical group compared to 22.2% in the
medical group (p = 0.045). In the <50% stenosis group there was no significant difference
between surgical and medical treatments (p = 0.16). In the severe stenosis group (70–
99%), the 30-day rate of disabling ipsilateral stroke or death was 2.1% and this increased
to 6.7% at 8 years. Benefits were greatest for men, those with hemispheric symptoms, and
recent stroke.
Patients with severe carotid bifurcation stenosis (70–99%) have a clear benefit from
endarterectomy that is long-lasting. Those with 50–69% have a moderate benefit, and
other risk factors as well as surgeon skill should be taken into account. Surgery for stenosis <50% does not yield any benefit.
The results of the NASCET trial were further corroborated by the European Carotid
Surgery Trial (ECST) that showed a 11.6% risk reduction of stroke at 3 years following
surgery, in patients with >60% stenosis. Also similar to NASCET, the trial demonstrated
that symptomatic patients with <40% stenosis had a worse outcome if treated surgically.
The benefit of endarterectomy for asymptomatic patients is somewhat more controversial. The Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS) demonstrated a significant
5.9% reduction in perioperative stroke or death and stroke at 5 years following surgery.
However, in this trial, the investigators had an extremely low 30-day complication rate of
only 2.3% (stroke or death). Similarly, the surgical complication rate was only 6% in the
NASCET trial. These results imply that in order to get a 17% absolute reduction in stroke
or death, a surgeon needs to have a complication rate of 6% or less. For the symptomatic,
severe stenosis group, there is clear benefit from endarterectomy but in the moderate
group, a surgeon has to be near the NASCET investigators’ rate or better to see a benefit.
Timing of surgery is an important factor. The cumulative risk results in this study show
that the greatest risk of stroke is in the first 6 months of symptoms with a decrease continuing until approximately 2 years. After this, the difference between surgery and conservative treatment is less clear. Therefore, when interpreting the trial results, surgeons
should consider whether the patients still have symptoms as well as the degree of stenosis.
Another important factor to consider is the how the degree of stenosis has been measured. In the NASCET trial, all patients underwent angiography. The trial investigators
state that the narrowest portion of the stenosis should not be compared to the area of
Neurovascular neurosurgery
post-stenotic dilatation as this would yield false results. As the trial used angiography, it
says nothing about the degree of stenosis as measured by ultrasonography, a technique
commonly used by some centres. This question has been the subject of other subsequent
studies and is beyond the scope of this section.
This large, randomized, multi-centre trial unequivocally demonstrated that surgery for
70–99% carotid stenosis reduces the rate of stroke or death and that this is a long-lasting
effect. The publication of the 1991 Clinical Alert as well as the 1998 paper had a profound
effect on the rates of carotid endarterectomy. Prior to this, rates of carotid endarterectomy
fell as studies questioned the use of the procedure. After the NASCET trial, indications for
surgery were clearly defined, and provided operations were performed by skilled surgeons
in high-volume centres, benefit was clear. Therefore, rates increased in the 1990s but in
selected patients. These results were subsequently confirmed.
Carotid Endarterectomy versus Carotid Stenting for Carotid Stenosis
1.12 Carotid Endarterectomy versus Carotid Stenting
for Carotid Stenosis
Details of Study
Following the results of the NASCET trial (see section 1.11), treatment protocols for
patients with symptomatic, severe carotid stenosis became better defined. With the
advancement of endovascular stenting techniques, it became inevitable that stenting of
carotid arteries would become a viable alternative to surgery. But which technique is better and which has the lowest complication rate? There are a number of studies in the
10-year period from 1998 to 2008 that have looked at this. These include two large, multicentre European trials (SPACE and EVA-3S) that recruited 1200 and 527 patients respectively, and CAVATAS that recruited 504 patients (Coward et al., 2007; Eckstein et al., 2008;
Mas et al., 2008). There have also been a number of smaller randomized trials including
SAPPHIRE, WALLSTENT, Leicester, Kentucky A and Kentucky B. Two other large multicentre trials (ICSS and CREST) are ongoing. On the basis of these studies, there are only
minor differences between treatments in the immediate (30-day) period after surgery but
longer-term follow-up may show differences. Here we concentrate on the SPACE study as
it is the largest and one of the earlier trials.
Study References
Main Study
Eckstein HH, Ringleb P, Allenberg JR, Berger J, Fraedrich G, Hacke W, Hennerici M, Stingele
R, Fiehler J, Zeumer H, Jansen O. Results of the Stent-Protected Angioplasty versus Carotid
Endarterectomy (SPACE) study to treat symptomatic stenoses at 2 years: a multinational,
prospective, randomised trial. Lancet Neurol 2008; 7: 893–902.
Related References
Coward LJ, McCabe DJ, Ederle J, Featherstone RL, Clifton A, Brown MM, for the CAVATAS
Investigators. Long-term outcome after angioplasty and stenting for symptomatic vertebral artery
stenosis compared with medical treatment in the Carotid And Vertebral Artery Transluminal
Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS): a randomized trial. Stroke 2007; 38: 1526–1530.
Gurm HS, Yadav JS, Fayad P, Katzen BT, Mishkel GJ, Bajwa TK, Ansel G, Strickman NE, Wang H,
Cohen SA, Massaro JM, Cutlip DE, for the SAPPHIRE Investigators. Long-term results of carotid
stenting versus endarterectomy in high-risk patients. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 1572–1579.
Mas JL, Trinquart L, Leys D, Albucher JF, Rousseau H, Viguier A, Bossavy JP, Denis B, Piquet P,
Garnier P, Viader F, Touzé E, Julia P, Giroud M, Krause D, Hosseini H, Becquemin JP, Hinzelin
G, Houdart E, Hénon H, Neau JP, Bracard S, Onnient Y, Padovani R, Chatellier G, for the EVA-3S
investigators. Endarterectomy Versus Angioplasty in Patients with Symptomatic Severe Carotid
Stenosis (EVA-3S) trial: results up to 4 years from a randomised, multicentre trial. Lancet Neurol
2008; 7: 885–892.
Study Design
Neurovascular neurosurgery
Class of evidence
Non-blinded carotid endarterectomy versus carotid stenting
Number of patients
613 assigned to stenting versus 601 assigned to surgery
Length of follow-up
2 years
Number of centres
All patients have at least 70% stenosis according to ECST or
50% according to NASCET
SPACE is one of the largest early trials looking at stent versus surgery for carotid
It is the equivalent of NASCET except that the two conditions are surgery and stenting
rather than surgery and conservative treatment.
Essentially, the study showed that there is little difference in outcome between the two
groups. However, the degree of re-stenosis is higher in the stent group.
The results of this study are similar to other stent versus surgery trials.
Each centre had to demonstrate, in advance, their expertise in dealing with carotid artery
stenosis, and quality committees were set up to define guidelines. Multidisciplinary
teams comprising interventionalists, vascular surgeons, and neurologists decided on
each case.
Inclusion criteria: symptomatic stenosis (TIA or stroke) of carotid bifurcation or internal carotid artery within 180 days (proven by Duplex sonography or angiography);
mRS ≤2; >50 years of age; informed consent.
Exclusion criteria: intracranial haemorrhage within last 90 days; uncontrolled arterial
hypertension; known intracranial angioma; <2 years life expectancy; aspirin, clopidogrel or ASS contraindicated; contrast media contraindicated; planned simultaneous
surgery; stenosis due to other reasons—external compression, dissection, recurrent
after surgery, fibromuscular dysplasia, floating thrombus, intracranial stenosis and
100% stenosis.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Ipsilateral stroke (cerebral infarction and/or bleeding with >24 h functional impairment)
or death (any cause) from randomization up to 30th day (± 3 days) from treatment.
Secondary Endpoints
Ipsilateral stroke or death from vascular causes within 24 months ± 14 days from
Re-stenosis of at least 70% on duplex sonography at 6, 12, 24 months ± 14 days from
Carotid Endarterectomy versus Carotid Stenting for Carotid Stenosis
Procedural technical failure, including re-stenosis on 6th ± 1 day or 30th ± 3 days from
Ipsilateral stroke with Rankin score of 3 or more from randomization up to 30 ± 3 days.
Incidence of any strokes within 30 ± 3 days.
Incidence of any strokes within 24 months ± 14 days.
There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the two groups; 601 were
randomized to endarterectomy and 613 to stenting. The 30-day rates of primary endpoint
events in the intention-to-treat analysis was 6.45% in the surgery group versus 6.92% in
the angioplasty group (p = 0.09). With adjustment for major protocol violations, this was
5.51% in the surgery versus 6.81% in the angioplasty group. Indeed, carotid endarterectomy patients tended to have better outcomes in most of the 30-day endpoints. More
patients in the angioplasty group received double antiplatelet treatment (e.g. aspirin and
clopidogrel) than in the surgery group. With regard to 2-year outcomes, there were no
significant differences but the trend was for fewer complications in the surgery group.
With regard to mortality, there were 32 deaths in the angioplasty group, compared to 28 in
the carotid endarterectomy group (Kaplan–Meier estimates of 6.2% and 4.9% respectively
(p = 0.63)). The Kaplan–Meier estimates of ipsilateral strokes or death within 2 years plus
any periprocedural strokes or death was 9.5% in the stenting group versus 8.8% in the
surgery group (p = 0.62). Recurrent stenosis of 70% or more were significantly more common in the stenting group (10.7%) compared to the surgery group (4.6%, p = 0.0009).
Subgroup analyses revealed that there was an age-related increase in primary outcome
events in patients with carotid angioplasty with stenting compared to no change across
age groups in the surgical group. This means that patients <68 years of age had a lower
peri-procedural risk in the angioplasty group and carotid endarterectomy had a lower
peri-procedural risk in those patients aged >68 years.
This study failed to show a non-inferiority of carotid angioplasty and stenting versus
carotid endarterectomy for the 30-day complication rates. Indeed, overall, surgery was
the favourable option. However, there was no difference between the two treatments and
risk of cerebrovascular events at 2 years.
The SPACE trial is a large, randomized trial that failed to show that carotid artery stenting is better than carotid endarterectomy. However, as commented on by Wiesmann
et al. the trial was based on a frequency of 5% to reach the primary endpoint in each
treatment arm (Wiesmann et al., 2008). As the frequency was much higher in each arm,
it was underpowered to establish non-inferiority of stenting versus surgery and would
require a further 1200–1800 patients. However, the results agree broadly with most of
Neurovascular neurosurgery
the other similar trials that are listed earlier in this section. The main difference with the
SAPPHIRE trial is that the latter looks at patients at high risk for carotid endarterectomy
and as a consequence has higher complication rates for both treatments. One of the main
criticisms of these trials is that the follow-up (usually limited to 2 years) is aimed at complications related to the procedures rather than long-term re-stenosis rates. If long-term
re-stenosis is due to progression of atherosclerosis, one might expect re-stenosis to take
>2 years. There is some evidence that most of the re-stenoses in the trial were related to
intimal hyperplasia and this may have overestimated the incidence, though this has not
been proven. A further criticism, stated by the SPACE investigators themselves, is that
the trial did not look at secondary prevention strategies such as lipid-lowering drugs or
smoking status.
In summary, of all of the studies, carotid angioplasty plus stenting has been shown to
have a slightly higher periprocedural (up to 30 days) stroke risk but surgery has a higher
rate of cranial nerve palsy or myocardial infarction. There is no difference between the
periprocedural disabling stroke and death risks between the two groups. Also, there is no
evidence that an embolic protection device influences outcome. Therefore, surgery is still
the standard treatment for this condition but two further trials—ICSS and CREST with
large patient numbers—are awaited.
Impact on Field
This study has shown that there is little advantage of stenting over surgery for carotid
stenosis, but at the same time there are only minor differences in complication rates. The
main question now is whether the long-term re-stenosis rates will be any different and
this will necessitate the outcomes of the CREST and ICSS trials.
Wiesmann M, Schöpf V, Jansen O, Brückmann H. Stent-protected angioplasty versus carotid
endarterectomy in patients with carotid artery stenosis: meta-analysis of randomized trial data. Eur
Radiol 2008; 18(12): 2956–2966.
Chapter 2
RD Johnson, AJ Gogos, KJ Drummond,
A Taha, KJO Khu, M Bernstein
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Steroids for the management of cerebral oedema
associated with brain tumours
2.2 Surgery for single brain metastases
2.3 Adjuvant radiotherapy for single brain metastases
2.4 Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases
2.5 Extent of resection of malignant glioma
2.6 Early concomitant systemic chemotherapy
with radiotherapy for glioblastoma
2.7 Adjuvant localized chemotherapy (carmustine
wafers) for malignant gliomas
2.8 Brachytherapy for malignant gliomas
2.9 Extent of resection of low-grade gliomas
2.10 Radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas
2.11 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour
2.12 Meningioma resection grading
2.0 Introduction
Controversies and debate in neuro-oncology are relevant to the practice of every neurosurgeon. There is a wealth of published literature in this area that continues to expand,
seemingly exponentially. We have included, therefore, in this chapter a selection of
studies that address certain key issues that we feel are directly relevant to the practising
neuro-oncological surgeon today.
We open this chapter by considering a randomized trial of the role of steroids in the
management of cerebral oedema associated with brain tumours. The use of dexamethasone for this purpose was the result of work by Joseph Galicich, Lyle French, and James
Melby from the University of Minnesota in the 1960s (Galicich et al., 1961). Their work
has been described as ‘one of the greatest contributions in the history of neurosurgery’
and we would recommend that the interested reader consult a recent legacy review of
the original work by McLelland and Long (McLelland and Long, 2008). The study chosen for inclusion in this chapter is the randomized trial carried out by Vecht et al. in
the Netherlands to establish the efficacy and optimal dosing regimen for dexamethasone
(Vecht et al., 1994).
The next two sections address two important areas of neuro-oncology: the role of surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy for single brain metastases. Brain metastases occur in
approximately 25% of patients with cancer and constitute the most common type of brain
tumour. In those patients without a known primary lesion, neurosurgical intervention
may be necessary in order to obtain a tissue diagnosis. In those with multiple cerebral
metastases, radiotherapy is the accepted treatment option. However, the situation is more
complex in patients with a single brain metastasis and known extracranial disease and
we have included the three largest and most widely referenced trials that have addressed
the role of surgery in addition to radiotherapy in this situation (Patchell et al., 1990;
Vecht et al., 1993; Mintz et al., 1996). We have also included the only randomized trial
to consider the role of radiotherapy as an adjunct to surgery for a single brain metastasis (Patchell et al., 1998). There is considerable controversy regarding the role of surgery
for multiple cerebral metastases, and a survey of the literature reveals several conflicting
views from published case series. Perhaps in a future edition we will be able to critique
the results of a randomized controlled trial in this area. Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain
metastases has also been evaluated by two prospective randomized trials and we have
included these here (Andrews et al., 2004; Aoyama et al., 2006).
The next sections of the chapter deal with the management of high-grade gliomas.
Numerous studies have attempted to address the role of surgical resection in malignant
gliomas and particularly whether ‘total’ resection is really beneficial. We have included
four of the larger and well-designed studies addressing this issue (Keles et al., 1999;
Lacroix et al., 2001; Vuorinen et al., 2003; Stummer et al., 2006). Following on from this
we have looked at key studies evaluating the role of chemotherapy in high-grade glioma.
The benefits of chemotherapy in glioblastoma have been controversial and this has been
reflected by different approaches to the treatment of glioblastoma in Europe and the
United States over the last 25 years. The role of early concomitant systemic temozolomide chemotherapy for glioblastoma was evaluated by the European Organisation for
Research and Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumour and Radiotherapy Groups (EORTC)
and the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group (NCIC) and is familiarly known as the ‘temozolomide trial’ (Stupp et al., 2005). This trial showed the greatest
improvement in mortality since the Brain Tumour Study Group established the benefits of
radiotherapy in 1978 (Walker et al., 1978). This temozolomide trial has led to the routine
use of temozolomide chemotherapy in patients with glioblastomas. There is also a growing body of evidence to support the role of localized chemotherapy by way of carmustine
wafers and we have included the two largest trials conducted on this issue (Brem et al.,
1995; Valtonen et al., 1997; Westphal et al., 2003; Westphal et al., 2006).
The next section considers brachytherapy for high-grade gliomas. This modality
received quite a bit of attention in the 1980s. Several large randomized controlled trials, however, found that it was of no benefit. These are landmark studies as the findings
resulted in the discontinuation of this therapy. We have considered two of these landmark
trials in this section (Laperriere et al., 1998; Selker et al., 2002).
The following sections deal with low-grade gliomas (LGGs)—two retrospective studies which evaluate the extent of resection on outcome for LGGs (McGirt et al., 2008;
Smith et al., 2008). The role of radiotherapy in the management of LGGs presents a difficult dilemma for the neurosurgical oncologist. Several trials have been carried out to
address this issue: EORTC I (‘Believers trial’); EORTC II (‘Non-believers trial’); and
NCCTG-RTOG-ECOG trial (‘US trial’). We have, therefore, included a section that looks
at these trials together (Karim et al., 1996; Karim et al., 2002; Shaw et al., 2002; van den
Bent et al., 2005).
In this second edition we have included two further sections relevant to neurosurgeons,
which we feel were overlooked in the first edition. The first is a clinicopathological study
describing dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours (DNTs) (Daumas-Duport et al.,
1988). This landmark study is pertinent to all neurosurgeons because of its description of
a new surgically curable entity which if properly identified allows this subgroup of young
patients to avoid unnecessary adjuvant therapy. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the
limitations of our histopathological grading systems for brain tumours. The second study
is Donald Simpson’s classic grading of meningioma resection and correlation with prognosis in terms of tumour recurrence (Simpson, 1957).
Andrews DW, Scott CB, Sperduto PW, Flanders AE, Gaspar LE, Schell MC, Werner-Wasik M, Demas
W, Ryu J, Bahary JP, Souhami L, Rotman M, Mehta MP, Curran WJ Jr. Whole brain radiation
therapy with or without stereotactic radiosurgery boost for patients with one to three brain
metastases: phase III results of the RTOG 9508 randomised trial. Lancet 2004; 363: 1655–1672.
Aoyama H, Shirato H, Tago T, Nakagawa K, Toyoda T, Hatano K, Kenjyo M, Oya N, Hirota S,
Shioura H, Kunieda E, Inomata T, Hayakawa K, Katoh N, Kobashi G. Stereotactic radiosurgery
plus whole-brain radiation therapy vs stereotactic radiosurgery alone for the treatment of brain
metastases—a randomised controlled trial. JAMA 2006; 21: 2483–2491.
Brem H, Piantadosi S, Burger PC, Walker M, Selker R, Vick NA, Black K, Sisti M, Brem S,
Mohr G, Muller P, Morawetz R, Schold SC, for the Polymer-Brain Tumor Treatment Group.
Placebo-controlled trial of safety and efficacy of intraoperative controlled delivery by biodegradable
polymers of chemotherapy for recurrent gliomas. Lancet 1995; 345: 1008–1012.
Daumas-Duport C, Scheithauer BW, Chodkiewicz JP, Laws ED Jr, Vedrenne C. Dysembryoplastic
neuroepithelial tumor: a surgically curable tumor of young patients with intractable partial seizures.
Report of thirty-nine cases. Neurosurgery 1988; 23: 545–556.
Galicich JH, French LA, Melby JC. Use of dexamethasone in treatment of cerebral oedema associated
with brain tumours. Lancet 1961; 81: 46–53.
Karim AB, Maat B, Hatlevoll R, Menten J, Rutten EH, Thomas DG, Mascarenhas F, Horiot JC,
Parvinen LM, van Reijn M, Jager JJ, Fabrini MG, van Alphen AM, Hamers HP, Gaspar L,
Noordman E, Pierart M, van Glabbeke M. A randomized trial on dose-response in radiation
therapy of low-grade cerebral glioma. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
(EORTC) Study 22844. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 1996; 36: 549–556.
Karim AB, Afra D, Cornu P, Bleehen N, Schraub S, De Witte O, Darcel F, Stenning S, Pierart M, Van
Glabbeke M. Randomised trial on the efficacy of radiotherapy for cerebral low-grade glioma in the
adult: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Study 22844 with the Medical
Research Council study BRO4: an interim analysis. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 2002; 52: 316–324.
Keles GE, Anderson B, Berger MS. The effect of extent of resection on time to tumor progression
and survival in patients with glioblastoma mulitforme of the cerebral hemisphere. Cancer 1999;
74: 1784–1791.
Lacroix M, Abi-Said D, Fourney DR, Gokaslan ZL, Shi W, DeMonte F, Lang FF, McCutcheon IE,
Hassenbusch SJ, Holland E, Hess K, Michael C, Miller D, Sawaya R. A multivariate analysis of
416 patients with glioblastoma multiforme: prognosis, extent of resection, and survival. J Neurosurg
2001; 95: 190–198.
Laperriere NJ, Leung PM, McKenzie S, Milosevic M, Wong S, Glen J, Pintilie M, Bernstein M.
Randomized study of brachytherapy in the initial management of patients with malignant
astrocytoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1998; 41: 1005–1011.
McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Attenello FJ, Weingart JD, Than K, Burger PC, Olivi A, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa A. Extent of surgical resection is independently associated with survival in
patients with hemispheric infiltrating low-grade gliomas. Neurosurgery 2008; 63: 700–708.
McLelland S, Long DM. Genesis of the use of corticosteroids in the treatment and prevention of brain
oedema. Neurosurgery 2008; 62: 965–968.
Mintz AH, Kestle J, Rathbone MP, Gaspar L, Hugenholtz H, Fisher B, Duncan G, Skingley P, Foster
G, Levine M. A randomized trial to assess the efficacy of surgery in addition to radiotherapy in
patients with a single cerebral metastasis. Cancer 1996; 78: 1470–1476.
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Walsh JW, Dempsey RJ, Maruyama Y, Kryscio RJ, Markesbery WR,
Macdonald JS, Young B. A randomized trial of surgery in the treatment of single metastases to the
brain. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 494–500.
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, Dempsey RJ, Mohiuddin M, Kryscio RJ, Markesbery WR, Foon
KA, Young B. Postoperative radiotherapy in the treatment of single metastases to the brain: a
randomized trial. JAMA 1998; 280: 1485–1489.
Selker RG, Shapiro WR, Burger P, Blackwood MS, Deutsch M, Arena VA, Van Gilder JC, Wu J,
Malkin MG, Mealey J, Neal JH, Olson J, Robertson JT, Barnett GH, Bloomfield S, Albright R,
Hochberg FH, Hiesiger E, Green S. The Brain Tumor Cooperative Group NIH Trial 87–01: a
randomized comparison of surgery, external radiotherapy, and carmustine versus surgery,
interstitial radiotherapy boost, external radiation therapy, and carmustine. Neurosurgery 2002;
51: 343–357.
Shaw E, Arusell R, Scheithauer B, O’Fallon J, O’Neill B, Dinapoli R, Nelson D, Earle J, Jones C,
Cascino T, Nichols D, Ivnik R, Hellman R, Curran W, Abrams R. Prospective randomized trial
of low- versus high-dose radiation therapy in adults with supratentorial low-grade glioma: initial
report of a North Central Cancer Treatment Group/Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20: 2267–2276.
Simpson D. The recurrence of intracranial meningiomas after surgical treatment. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1957; 20: 22–39.
Smith JS, Chang EF, Lamborn KR, Chang SM, Prados MD, Cha S, Tihan T, Vandenberg S. Role of
extent of resection in the long-term outcome of low-grade hemispheric gliomas. J Clin Oncol 2008;
10: 1338–1345.
Stummer W, Pichlmeier U, Meinel T, Wiestler OD, Zanella F, Reulen HJ; ALA-Glioma Study Group.
Fluorescence-guided surgery with 5-aminolevulinic acid for resection of malignant glioma: a
randomised controlled mulitcentre phase III trial. Lancet Oncol 2006; 7: 392–401.
Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, Weller M, Fisher B, Taphoorn MJB, Belander K, Brande AA,
Marosi C, Bogdahn U, Curschmann K, Janzer RC, Ludwin SK, Gorlia T, Allgeier A, Lacombe D,
Cairncross G, Eisenhauer E, Mirimanoff RO, for the European Organisation for Research and
Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumour and Radiotherapy Groups and the National Cancer Institute
of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for
glioblastoma. N Engl J Med 2005; 352: 987–996.
Valtonen S, Timonen U, Toivanen P, Kalimo H, Kivipetto L, Heiskanen O, Unsgaard G, Kuurne
T. Interstitial chemotherapy with carmustine with carmustine-loaded polymers for high-grade
gliomas: a randomised double-blind study. Neurosurgery 1997; 41: 44–48.
Van den Bent MJ, Afra D, de Witte O, Ben Hassel M, Schraub S, Hoang-Xuan K, Malmström PO,
Collette L, Piérart M, Mirimanoff R, Karim AB. EORTC Radiotherapy and Brain Tumor Groups
and the UK Medical Research Council. Long-term efficacy of early versus delayed radiotherapy
for low-grade astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma in adults: the EORTC 22845 randomised trial.
Lancet 2005; 366: 985–990.
Vecht CJ, Haaxma-Reiche H, Noordijk EM, Padberg GW, Voormenolen JH, Hoekstra FM, Tans
JT, Lambooij N, Metsaars JA, Wattendorf AR, Brand R, Hermans J. Treatment of single brain
metastasis: radiotherapy alone or combined with neurosurgery? Ann Neurol 1993; 33: 583–590.
Vecht CJ, Hovestadt A, Verbiest HB, Verbiest HB, van Vliet JJ, van Putten WL. Dose-effect
relationship of dexamethasone on Karnofsky performance in metastatic brain tumors: a randomized
controlled study of doses 4, 8 and 16 mg per day. Neurology 1994; 44: 675–680.
Vuorinen V, Hinkka S, Farkilla M, Jasskelainen J. Debulking or biopsy of malignant glioma in elderly
people—a randomized study. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 2003; 145: 5–10.
Walker MD, Alexanderander E Jr, Hunt WE, MacCarty CS, Mahaley MS Jr, Mealey J Jr, Norrell
HA, Owens G, Ransohoff J, Wilson CB, Gehan EA, Strike TA. Evaluation of BCNU and/or
radiotherapy in the treatment of anaplastic gliomas. A cooperative clinical trial. J Neurosurg
1978; 49: 333–343.
Westphal M, Hilt DC, Bortey E, Delavault P, Olivares R, Wamke PC, Whittle IR, Jääskeäinen J, Ram
Z. A phase 3 trial of local chemotherapy with biodegradable carmustine (BCNU) wafers (Gliadel
wafers) in patients with primary malignant glioma. Neuro-Oncology 2003; 5: 79–88.
Westphal M, Ram Z, Riddle V, Hilt D, Bortey E. Gliadel wafer in initial surgery for malignant
glioma: long-term follow-up of a multi-center controlled trial. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 2006;
148: 269–275.
Steroids for the Management of Cerebral Oedema Associated with Brain Tumours
2.1 Steroids for the Management of Cerebral Oedema
Associated with Brain Tumours
Details of Study
This is the only randomized study addressing the therapeutic efficacy of steroids to manage cerebral oedema in patients with brain tumours. The trial was carried out in the
Netherlands in the early 1990s.
Study References
Main Study
Vecht CJ, Hovestadt A, Verbiest HB, Verbiest HB, van Vliet JJ, van Putten WL. Dose-effect
relationship of dexamethasone on Karnofsky performance in metastatic brain tumors: a randomized
controlled study of doses 4, 8 and 16 mg per day. Neurology 1994; 44: 675–680.
Related Reference
Galicich JH, French LA, Melby JC. Use of dexamethasone in treatment of cerebral oedema associated
with brain tumours. J Lancet 1961; 81: 46–53.
Study Design
Double-blind RCT.
Class of evidence
Low-dose versus high-dose dexamethasone
Number of patients
8 weeks
Primary endpoints:
Neurological status
Functional status
Quality of life
Secondary endpoint:
Side effects
Number of centres
Included patients: metastatic brain tumours on CT; Karnofsky score ≤80.
Patients randomized between 4, 8, and 16 mg/day of dexamethasone but in two
series: Series 1 (8 mg versus 16 mg); Series 2 (4 mg versus 16 mg).
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Neurological status.
Functional status (Karnofsky score).
Quality of life.
Side effects: standardized questionnaire and clinical examination.
Assessment at 1, 4, and 8 weeks.
Improvement in
Karnofsky score
Series 1
Series 2
8 mg
16 mg
4 mg
16 mg
1 week
4 weeks
Ninety-two per cent follow-up at 4 weeks.
Although patients receiving 16 mg/day had approximately 25% improvement on proximal muscle weakness in the first month there was no significant improvement in the
subsequent month.
Patients receiving 4 mg/day experienced <50% the number of cushingoid facies as
those receiving 16 mg/day (p = 0.03).
There were no significant differences in the improvement of Karnofsky scores between
dosing regimens at 1 week or any other time point.
After 1 week, 4 mg is as effective as 16 mg of dexamethasone in patients with no
impending signs of brain herniation.
Toxic effects of dexamethasone are dose dependent and are much more frequent if 16
mg is administered for prolonged periods (1 month or more).
Brain oedema is one of the greatest factors contributing to neurological decline and
impairment of quality of life in patients with brain tumours. The use of steroids in the
management of brain tumours was established in the 1950s and 1960s after a number of
observations by several clinicians. In 1957, Kofman et al. had noted the relief of neurological symptoms in a patient with metastatic breast cancer who received prednisolone for
adrenal suppression (Kofman et al., 1957). They reported benefits from the administration of prednisolone to a series of 20 patients with brain tumours (Kofman et al., 1957).
Following this, Joseph Galicich, at the University of Minnesota, noted a circadian periodicity in the permeability of the blood–brain barrier in mice that was directly reciprocal
to the endogenous corticosteroid circadian rhythms. This observation led to a trial showing that dexamethasone was beneficial in treating patients with neurological deficits from
Steroids for the Management of Cerebral Oedema Associated with Brain Tumours
brain tumours (Galicich et al., 1961). This study by Galicich et al. led to the widespread
use of dexamethasone in the treatment of cerebral oedema associated with brain tumours
and has been referred to as arguably the ‘greatest translational research contribution in
the history of neurosurgery’ (McLelland and Long, 2008). The use of dexamethasone is
associated with the risk of adverse effects including cushingoid facies, psychosis, diabetes,
and peptic ulceration. The later trial by Vecht et al. addresses the question of how the
dose of dexamethasone affects efficacy and incidence of side effects. The follow-up period
and outcome assessments used by Vecht and colleagues were appropriate to answer these
questions. The trial design included two series because interim analysis revealed that the
effect of a dose difference of 8 mg may be too small. The trial established the efficacy and
dosing of dexamethasone for cerebral oedema in patients with brain tumours. Prior to
this trial the standard dose of dexamethasone was 16 mg/day. On the basis of their results,
Vecht and colleagues recommended the following dosing regimens:
Neurological status of patient
Dosing regimen
↓ GCS or signs of ↑ ICP/impending herniation
10 mg IV stat + 4 × 4 mg/day orally
GCS 15/15 + no signs of ↑ ICP
4 mg/day orally
Galicich JH, French LA, Melby JC. Use of dexamethasone in treatment of cerebral oedema associated
with brain tumours. J Lancet 1961; 81: 46–53.
Kofman S, Garvin JS, Nagamani D, Taylor SG. Treatment of cerebral metastases from breast carcinoma
with prednisolone. JAMA 1957; 163: 1473–1476.
McLelland S, Long DM. Genesis of the use of corticosteroids in the treatment and prevention of brain
oedema. Neurosurgery 2008; 62: 965–968.
Surgery for Single Brain Metastases
2.2 Surgery for Single Brain Metastases
Details of Studies
There have been three randomized trials evaluating the role of surgical resection in the
treatment of solitary brain metastasis. All three trials compared surgical resection plus
radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone. The first study was carried out in the University
of Kentucky in the United States between 1985 and 1989 (Patchell et al., 1990). The second
study was carried out in the Netherlands between 1985 and 1991 (Vecht et al., 1993), and
the third study was carried out in Canada (Mintz et al., 1996).
Study References
Main Studies
Mintz AH, Kestle J, Rathbone MP, Gaspar L, Hugenholtz H, Fisher B, Duncan G, Skingley P, Foster
G, Levine M. A randomized trial to assess the efficacy of surgery in addition to radiotherapy in
patients with a single cerebral metastasis. Cancer 1996; 78: 1470–1476.
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Walsh JW, Dempsey RJ, Maruyama Y, Kryscio RJ, Markesbery WR,
Macdonald JS, Young B. A randomized trial of surgery in the treatment of single metastases to the
brain. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 494–500.
Vecht CJ, Haaxma-Reiche H, Noordijk EM, Padberg GW, Voormenolen JH, Hoekstra FH, Tans
JT, Lambooij N, Metsaars JA, Wattendorf AR, Brand R, Hermans J. Treatment of single brain
metastasis: radiotherapy alone or combined with neurosurgery? Ann Neurol 1993; 33: 583–590.
Related References
Gaspar L, Scott C, Ratman M, Asbell S, Phillips T, Wasserman T, McKenna WG, Byhardt R.
Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) of prognostic factors in three radiation therapy oncology
group (RTOG) brain metastases trials. In J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997; 37: 745–751.
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, Dempsey RJ, Mohiuddin M, Kryscio RJ, Markesbery WR, Foon
KA, Young B. Postoperative radiotherapy in the treatment of single metastases to the brain: a
randomized trial. JAMA 1998; 280: 1485–1489.
Study Designs
All RCTs.
Goal of surgery in all three trials was total removal of the brain metastasis.
Biopsy was undertaken to confirm the diagnosis in the radiotherapy arms in the studies by Patchell et al. and Mintz et al. but not in the study by Vecht et al.
Stratification by location consisted of dividing lesions into supratentorial and infratentorial groups.
All trials carried out an intention-to-treat analysis.
Patchell et al. (1990)
Vecht et al. (1993)
Mintz et al. (1996)
Class of evidence
Surgery + deep X-ray
Surgery + DXT versus
therapy (DXT) versus DXT DXT alone
Surgery + DXT versus
DXT alone
Number of patients
Primary endpoints:
Recurrence of brain
Primary endpoint:
Primary endpoint:
Secondary endpoints:
Functional independent
survival (FIS)
Secondary endpoint:
Secondary endpoints:
Functional status
Quality of life
Number of centres
Site of primary tumour
Type of primary tumour
◆ Extent of extracranial
activity of tumour
Site of
primary tumour
◆ Extent of extracranial activity of
Extent of extracranial
activity of tumour
◆ Type of cancer (lung
versus others)
◆ Size of metastasis
(<3 cm versus ≥3 cm)
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Patchell et al. (1990)
Vecht et al. (1993)
Mintz et al. (1996)
Age ≥18
Radiological confirmation
of single brain metastasis
◆ Histological confirmation
of systemic cancer within
last 5 years
◆ Karnofsky Performance
Score (KPS) ≥70
Age ≥18
Histological confirmation
of extracranial primary
◆ Radiological confirmation of single brain
◆ Good quality of life and
neurological function
◆ Life expectancy of
>6 months from extracranial disease
Brain lesions deemed
◆ Leptomeningeal disease
◆ Previous cranial
◆ Acute neurological deterioration requiring emergency surgery
◆ Certain tumours: small cell
lung CA; lymphoma; multiple myeloma; germ-cell
tumours; leukaemia
S mall cell lung CA
Malignant lymphoma
◆ Leptomeningeal/other
intracranial deposits
Age <80
Radiological confirmation of
single brain metastasis
◆ Pathologic confirmation of
cancer within last 5 years (if
not then biopsy performed to
◆ KPS >50
KPS <50
Leukaemia, lymphoma,
small cell lung CA,
non-melanomatous skin CA
◆ Previous cranial irradiation
◆ Meningeal carcinomatosis
◆ Previous cranial irradiation
◆ Brainstem or basal
ganglia lesion
◆ Previous brain metastases
◆ Medical condition/
co-morbidities preventing
adequate follow-up
Surgery for Single Brain Metastases
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Survival was the primary outcome in all three trials.
In addition, the recurrence of intracerebral metastasis was a primary outcome in the
Patchell et al. trial.
Secondary Endpoints
Patchell et al. (1990)
Vecht et al. (1993)
Mintz et al. (1996)
Recurrence at the site of the original metastasis was confirmed with CT or
MRI scan
◆ Quality of life defined as KPS of ≥70 (self-caring, but unable to work or
maintain normal activity)
FIS defined as ≤1 on the 5-point WHO performance scale (0 = independent;
1 = symptoms but almost completely independent) and ≤1 on a 4-point
­neurological scale (0 = normal; 1 = minor symptoms)
Functional status: independence defined as proportion of time that patient
had KPS of ≥70
◆ Quality of life: measured using the Spitzer QOL 5-domain index
Follow-up for primary outcome was 100% in all the three trials.
Median Survival
Patchell et al. (1990)
Vecht et al. (1993)
Treatment Surgery WBRT Statistical Surgery WBRT
+ WBRT alone signifi+ WBRT alone
p < 0.01
Mintz et al. (1996)
Statistical Surgery WBRT
signifi+ WBRT alone
p = 0.04
months months
WBRT = whole brain radiotherapy.
Other Significant Findings
Patchell et al. (1990)
With death from neurological causes used as an endpoint, median survival was greater
in the surgery group compared to the whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) group (62
weeks versus 26 weeks, p < 0.0009).
Rate of recurrence of the original metastasis was much lower in the surgically treated
group compared with those treated with radiotherapy alone and this was statistically
significant (20% versus 52%, p < 0.02).
Median length of time to recurrence was much lower in the surgery group compared
to the WBRT group and this was statistically significant (21 weeks versus 59 weeks,
p < 0.0001).
Patients maintained quality of life (KPS ≥70) for much longer in the surgery group
compared to the WBRT group and this was statistically significant (38 weeks versus 8
weeks, p < 0.005).
Vecht et al. (1993)
◆ Patients with stable extracranial disease had a better FIS with combined treatment
(p = 0.01).
Mintz et al. (1996)
◆ There were no differences in the functional status or quality of life of patients in either
treatment arm.
Two out of the three trials found that surgery plus radiotherapy is superior to radiotherapy alone for single cerebral metastasis.
Patchell et al. (1990) concluded that surgery plus WBRT results in longer life, fewer
recurrences of brain metastasis, and a better quality of life for patients with brain
Vecht et al. (1993) concluded that surgery is beneficial for patients with single brain
metastases and stable extracranial disease but WBRT is sufficient for patients with progressive extracranial disease within the previous 3 months.
Mintz et al. (1996) concluded that the addition of surgery to radiation therapy did not
improve the outcome of patients with a single brain metastasis.
Prior to 1990 the only evidence supporting the role of surgery for single cerebral metastases in patients with known systemic disease came from published case series that may have
been biased by selecting only patients in good clinical condition for surgery. Uncontrolled
case series looking at the effectiveness of surgery in brain metastases provided conflicting
results and, therefore, the role of surgery in these patients remained to be determined.
Previous studies had revealed that the median survival for untreated brain metastases is
approximately 1 month but this could be improved to 3 months in the majority of patients
with steroids and WBRT (Cairncross et al., 1980). It is important to note that only half of
patients with brain metastases have a single metastasis. Of these, another half will not be
eligible for surgery for reasons of extracranial disease. Therefore, only a small portion of
patients with solitary brain metastasis are really candidates for surgery.
Patchell et al. (1990) analysed deaths according to whether they were from neurological dysfunction or due to systemic disease. They found that the reason for the overall
Surgery for Single Brain Metastases
longer survival in the surgery group was a large reduction in deaths from neurological
dysfunction, there being no effect on deaths from systemic disease. Overall survival was
still <10% at 3 months in the Patchell et al. study. Thus, although there was no difference
in long-term survival, their results clearly favour a benefit of surgery in terms of survival
and quality of life in patients with single metastases and limited, well-controlled extracranial disease. Patchell et al. found that the only two factors reducing the risk of recurrence
of the original metastasis were surgical treatment and the absence of disseminated disease (multivariate analysis). However, surgery had no effect on the development of other
brain metastases. In terms of quality of life they reported a significant benefit of surgery.
However, older patients and those with disseminated disease were associated with poor
quality of life.
A potential weakness of Patchell et al.’s 1990 study is that it is a small study and could,
therefore, be affected by inadequate randomization and it reduces the probability of
including long-term survivors of surgery (Posner, 1990). Nonetheless, their study represents a landmark in neurosurgery for being the first published RCT evaluating the role of
surgery in the management of single brain metastases. Indeed, all three trials considered
here are relatively small in size.
The study by Vecht et al. (1993) has been criticized for using a non-standard radiation
dose (up to 40 Gy/day). In addition, in their study no MRI was used to confirm whether
metastases were indeed solitary. Although 50% of patients with extracranial cancer will
have a single brain metastasis detected on CT scan, this figure is reduced to 30% with
MRI. It is possible, therefore, that in the study by Vecht et al. the patient population contained patients with more than one intracranial metastasis.
The study by Mintz et al. (1996) has been criticized by for including a large proportion
of patients with active systemic disease and for differences in the distribution of histological diagnoses between the two groups (Wronski and Lederman, 1997). The surgical
group containing tumours with poorer prognoses on the basis of histology (more colorectal primaries) compared to the radiation group (more breast tumours). However, the
authors have refuted this as a potential source of bias arguing that the most important
factor influencing survival was the extent of extracranial disease, not individual histology
(Levine, 1997).
All three studies have been criticized for containing a variety of pathologies with different radiosensitivities. Ideally, a trial would include only radiosensitive tumours.
Nevertheless, the trials reflect realistic clinical practice. Furthermore, there has at least
one other trial attempting to address the role of radiotherapy for solitary brain metastases,
but this was closed prematurely (Roos et al., 2006).
Further controlled studies are required to evaluate the role of surgery in different
tumour types. In addition, there is a need for controlled studies evaluating the role of surgery in multiple cerebral metastases. However, these three trials have established the role
of surgical resection as a treatment option in the management of patients with a single
brain metastasis. It is significant that the trial by Mintz et al. (1996) appears to contradict
the findings of the previous two trials. As has been mentioned already, the results of this
third trial may have been influenced by the inclusion of patients with factors associated
with a poor outcome with surgery. This led to a number of studies to assess the prognostic factors in patients with cerebral metastasis in order to facilitate the selection of good
surgical candidates. The most important of these studies was carried out by the Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), which developed the recursive partitioning analysis
(RPA) classification on the basis of a retrospective study of 1200 patients. The RPA classification is a statistical method of classifying patients on the basis of several factors: KPS
score; age; and extent of extracranial disease (Gaspar et al., 1997). The RPA classification
is as follows:
Class I
KPS ≥70
Age <65 years
Controlled primary tumour
Brain is only site of metastasis
Class II
KPS ≥70
Age >65 years
Uncontrolled systemic disease/other symptomatic metastases
Class III
KPS <70
In their study of 1200 patients treated with radiotherapy, the authors found that the
median survival for the different classes was as follows: Class I (7.1 months); Class II
(4.2 months); and Class III (2.3 months). The RPA classification has also been shown to
have prognostic value in patients treated surgically (Agboola et al., 1998). Class I patients
are the group most likely to benefit from craniotomy, although it is important to consider
the histology of the primary tumour as well, e.g. patients with metastasis from renal cell
carcinoma or melanoma may have poorer survival rates than breast cancer metastasis
(Sills, 2005). If RPA classification had been used in the three trials reviewed in this section
it is possible that all three may have shown a beneficial effect of surgery. It is likely that
RPA classification will be used in the design and analysis of future trials.
Agboola O, Benott B, Cross P, Da Silva V, Esche B, Lesuik H, Gonsalves C. Prognositc factors
derived from recursive partition analysis (RPA) of radiation therapy oncology group (RTOG) brain
metastasis trials applied to surgically resected and irradiated brain metastatic cases. Int J Radiation
Oncology Biol Phys 1998; 42: 155–159.
Cairncross JG, Jim JH, Posner JB. Radiation therapy for brain metastases. Ann Neurol 1980; 7: 175–224.
Gaspar L, Scott C, Rotman M, Asbell S, Phillips T, Wasserman T, McKenna WG, Byhardt. Recursive
partitioning analysis (RPA) of prognostic factors in three radiation therapy oncology group (RTOG)
brain metastases trials. In J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997; 37: 745–751.
Levine M. Correspondence: a randomised trial to assess the efficacy of surgery in addition
to radiotherapy in patients with a single cerebral metastasis—author reply. Cancer 1997;
80: 1003–1004.
Surgery for Single Brain Metastases
Posner JB. Surgery for metastases to the brain. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 544–545.
Roos DE, Wirth A, Burmeister BH, Spry NA, Drummond KJ, Beresford JA, McClure BE. Whole
brain irradiation following surgery or radiosurgery for solitary brain metastases: mature results of
a prematurely closed randomized Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group trial (TROG 98.05).
Radiother Oncol 2006; 80: 318–322.
Sills AK. Current treatment approaches to surgery for brain metastases. Neurosurgery 2005; 57: S4–S24.
Wronski M, Lederman G. Correspondence: a randomised trial to assess the efficacy of surgery in
addition to radiotherapy in patients with a single cerebral metastasis. Cancer 1997; 80: 1002–1003.
Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Single Brain Metastases
2.3 Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Single Brain Metastases
Details of Study
This study is the only RCT looking at WBRT as an adjunct to surgery. The study was carried out in Kentucky, United States, in the 1990s.
Study References
Main Study
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, Dempsey RJ, Mohiuddin M, Kryscio RJ, Markesbery WR, Foon
KA, Young B. Postoperative radiotherapy in the treatment of single metastases to the brain: a
randomized trial. JAMA 1998; 280: 1485–1489.
Related Reference
Patchell RA, Regine WF. The rationale for adjuvant whole brain radiation therapy with radiosurgery in
the treatment of single brain metastases. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2003; 2: 111–115.
Study Design
Multi-centre, parallel group RCT.
Class of evidence
Surgery versus surgery + WBRT
Number of patients
Lifespan of patients
Primary endpoint:
Recurrence of tumour
Secondary endpoints:
Cause of death
Functional independence
Number of centres
>1 (unspecified)
Extent of disease
Primary tumour type
Inclusion criteria: patients >18 years with single metastasis completely resected.
Exclusion criteria: incomplete resection; leptomeningeal metastases; previous radiotherapy; other malignancy; KPS <70; need for emergency surgery; highly radiosensitive primary tumours (e.g. small cell lung cancer).
MRIs were carried out to establish the presence of single metastases.
DXT started within 28 days of surgery.
Intention-to-treat analysis.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Recurrence of metastases: 3-monthly MRIs for the first year and then 6-monthly;
recurrence divided into original (site of resection) or distant (other site in brain).
Secondary Endpoints
Length of survival.
Cause of death.
Functional independence: defined as period of time with KPS >70.
Surgery +
p < 0.001
Time to recurrence
27 weeks
52 weeks
p < 0.001
Overall recurrence
p < 0.001
Median survival
43 weeks
46 weeks
p = 0.03
p < 0.001
35 weeks
37 weeks
Original recurrence
Cause of death
Length of functional independence
Routine post-operative WBRT reduces recurrence of brain metastases and reduces death
from neurological causes.
This trial is unique as WBRT is an established treatment for brain metastases. Indeed, the
trial has been criticized for looking at a somewhat unconventional approach for the management of brain metastases. However, the use of WBRT as an adjuvant therapy had been
looked at in clinical series but no clinical trial had previously been carried out. Following
their study reported in 1990 looking at surgery plus WBRT versus WBRT alone, the question as to whether WBRT after surgery has any benefit remained to be addressed by way
of a RCT.
The primary endpoint of this trial was recurrence of metastasis in the brain and the
trial size was based on answering this question. The trial was not powered to make
conclusions regarding survival. The results need to be interpreted, therefore, with
this in mind. Certainly, the results showed that the recurrence of the brain metastasis
was significantly lower in those receiving post-operative WBRT. There was no difference in overall mortality in patients receiving surgery alone versus those receiving
Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Single Brain Metastases
post-operative DXT. However, patients in the surgery plus DXT group were much
more likely to die from systemic causes, while those in the DXT group were much
likely to die from neurological causes. Although the trial was not large enough to
extrapolate these findings to the wider population, the findings are in keeping with
the previous trial by Patchell et al. which looked at WBRT with or without surgery in
these patients (Patchell et al., 1990). It appears, therefore, that treatment focused on
the single brain metastasis may well reduce the incidence of death from brain disease.
This finding suggests that the treatment arms alter the mode of, but not the time of,
death and begs the question as to whether one cause of death is more acceptable by
another to patients and their families.
Patchell et al. concluded that their results supported the routine use of WBRT in
patients with single brain metastases. However, it has been pointed out that a subset of
patients in the surgery group who died of systemic causes had the longest median survival
of 88 weeks and this would suggest that DXT may be detrimental in this subgroup of
patients (Carol and Rosa, 1999). Nonetheless, this criticism is based on a post hoc analysis
of a small number of patients only and Patchell et al. have emphasized that the primary
endpoint of their study was recurrence of the original brain metastasis and not survival
(Patchell et al., 1999).
This study by Patchell et al. is the only randomized prospective study evaluating the
role of WBRT as an adjuvant treatment to surgical resection and as such is a landmark study in neuro-oncology. There is another randomized phase III trial underway for melanoma metastases and the results of this are keenly anticipated (Fogarty
et al., 2011).
Carol W, Rosa S. Letters to the editor. JAMA 1999; 281: 1695.
Fogarty G, Morton RL, Vardy J, Nowak AK, Mandel C, Forder PM, Hong A, Hruby G, Burmeister B,
Shivalingam B, Dhillon H, Thompson JF. Whole brain radiotherapy after local treatment of brain
metastases—a randomised phase III trial. BMC Cancer 2013; 11: 142.
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, Mohiuddin M, Kryscia RH, Markesbery WR, Foon KA, Young B,
Dempsey RJ. Author reply. JAMA 1999; 281: 1696.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases
2.4 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases
Details of Studies
Two multi-centre randomized trials have been carried out to evaluate the role of stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of cerebral metastases. The first trial, carried out
by RTOG in North America between 1996 and 2001, compared WBRT with or without stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in patients with one to three metastases. The second
trial, carried out by the Japanese Radiation Oncology Study Group (JROSG) in Japan
between 1999 and 2004, compared SRS with or without WBRT in patients with one to
four metastases.
Study References
Main Studies
Andrews DW, Scott CB, Sperduto PW, Flanders AE, Gaspar LE, Schell MC, Werner-Wasik M, Demas
W, Ryu J, Bahary JP, Souhami L, Rotman M, Mehta MP, Curran WJ Jr. Whole brain radiation
therapy with or without stereotactic radiosurgery boost for patients with one to three brain
metastases: phase III results of the RTOG 9508 randomised trial. Lancet 2004; 363: 1655–1672.
Aoyama H, Shirato H, Tago T, Nakagawa K, Toyoda T, Hatano K, Kenjyo M, Oya N, Hirota S,
Shioura H, Kunieda E, Inomata T, Hayakawa K, Katoh N, Kobashi G. Stereotactic radiosurgery
plus whole-brain radiation therapy vs stereotactic radiosurgery alone for the treatment of brain
metastases—a randomised controlled trial. JAMA 2006; 21: 2483–2491.
Related Reference
Raizer J. Radiosurgery and whole-brain radiation therapy for brain metastases either both or as the
optimal treatment. JAMA 2006; 295: 2535–2536.
Study Design
RTOG trial
JRSOG trial
Class of evidence
WBRT versus WBRT + SRS
SRS versus SRS +WBRT
Number of patients
Primary endpoint:
Primary endpoint:
Overall survival
Secondary endpoints:
Tumour response
Brain tumour recurrence
Functional performance
Cause of death
Secondary endpoints:
Brain tumour recurrence
Salvage brain treatment
Functional preservation
Toxic effects of radiation
Cause of death
Number of centres
Number of brain metastases
◆ Extent of extracranial disease
Number of brain metastases
Extent of extracranial disease
◆ Primary tumour site (lung versus other sites)
Intention-to-treat analyses used in both trials.
RTOG eligibility:
• Inclusion criteria: age ≥18 years; one to three brain metastases confirmed with contrast MRI; metastasis diameter ≤4 cm; KPS ≥70; consent.
• Exclusion criteria: brainstem metastases; active systemic disease; deranged haematology (e.g. low haemoglobin, platelets, or neutrophil count); RPA class III.
JRSOG eligibility:
• Inclusion criteria: age ≥18 years; one to four brain metastases confirmed with contrast MRI; metastasis diameter ≤3 cm; histological confirmation of systemic disease;
KPS ≥70; consent.
• Exclusion criteria: small cell lung carcinoma; lymphoma; germinoma; multiple
Patients in the RTOG study all received WBRT in daily 2.5 Gy fractions to a total of
37.5 Gy with SRS doses varying according to the size of the metastases.
Patients in the JRSOG study who received WBRT were given 10 fractions to a total of
30 Gy and SRS doses varied according to size of the metastases.
Overall Survival
RTOG trial
Mean survival time
JRSOG trial
Statistical SRS
SRS + WBRT Statistical
6.5 months
5.7 months
7.5 months
8 months
In the RTOG trial, a survival benefit was found with the addition of SRS to WBRT in
those patients with a single brain metastasis: mean survival time in the WBRT plus SRS
group was 6.5 months compared to 4.9 months in the WBRT-alone group (p < 0.04).
Brain Tumour Recurrence
RTOG trial: radiological evaluation at 1 year revealed better control in the WBRT plus
SRS group (82%) than in the WBRT-alone group (71%, p = 0.01). However, this evaluation was carried out in < 23% of the enrolled patients.
JRSOG trial: recurrence rate at 12 months was much greater in the SRS-alone group
(76.4%) than in the SRS plus WBRT group (46.8%; p < 0.001).
Functional Performance
RTOG trial: KPS scores were more likely to have improved at 6-month follow-up in the
WBRT plus SRS group (43%) than in the WBRT-alone group (27%, p = 0.03).
Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases
JRSOG trial: although no significant differences in KPS scores were found between
groups it is noteworthy that significantly more patients in the SRS-alone group (86%)
showed neurological deterioration attributable to progression of brain metastases than
those in the SRS plus WBRT group (59%, p = 0.05).
Cause of Death
No significant differences in the causes of death (neurological versus non-neurological)
were found between the groups in either study.
RTOG Trial
An SRS boost following WBRT is better than WBRT alone for single brain metastasis
and should be a standard treatment for all patients with a single brain metastasis.
An SRS boost following WBRT improves performance in all patients with up to three
brain metastases and should be considered for all patients with two to three brain
The addition of WBRT to SRS does not improve survival in patients with brain
Intracranial relapse was more likely with SRS alone, but without increased risk of
neurological death.
Intracranial metastases occur in approximately one-third of patients with cancer.
WBRT has been the mainstay of treatment for brain metastases with surgery. The
rationale for WBRT is based on the assumption that haematogenous spread of the
primary tumour has seeded the whole brain and that, in addition to macroscopic
metastases, there will be microscopic metastases that will remain occult on conventional neuroimaging modalities such as CT and MRI. However, an alternative view
is that intracranial disease may be actually locally limited. Certainly, surgery appears
to be beneficial in patients with single metastases who are good surgical candidates.
However, the majority of patients will have multiple metastases and SRS has several
potential advantages that may be beneficial in this situation. SRS allows for the focal
administration of high-dose radiation to multiple lesions including some that may be
otherwise surgically inaccessible. In addition, SRS may potentially reduce the neurotoxic effects of WBRT if it is effective. The two trials considered here have taken different approaches to evaluate the effects of SRS in the management of cerebral metastases.
The RTOG study evaluated the addition of SRS to conventional WBRT, whereas the
JRSOG study took the alternative approach of evaluating the addition of WBRT to
SRS therapy. In this way, the JRSOG study has some philosophical similarities with
the study by Patchell et al. which considered the addition of WBRT to surgery for
single brain metastasis (Patchell et al., 1998). However, Patchell and colleagues have
published one of the more unforgiving critical appraisals of the JRSOG study in which
they raise several points of contention (Patchell et al., 2006). They argue that as it was
unlikely that any survival difference would be seen between the two groups, it was
incorrect to conduct power calculations on the basis of a potential survival benefit.
They propose that the study should have been powered to calculate non-inferiority of
SRS alone and that this would have required the recruitment of 17-fold more patients
than are actually included in the study, indicating that the JRSOG study is grossly
underpowered. The view of Patchell et al. is that the only statistically supported finding in the JRSOG trial is that the addition of WBRT to SRS reduces recurrence of brain
metastases. They express the view, therefore, that the JRSOG supports the upfront use
of WBRT, a conclusion that would be supported by the finding that fewer patients in
the SRS plus WBRT suffered neurological deterioration from tumour progression.
The RTOG trial may have been hindered by several factors, not the least of which was
the inclusion of patients who had undergone surgical resection of brain metastases without any stratification. In addition, there was limited complete radiological follow-up of
patients (less than half the patient population). Notwithstanding the limitations of these
studies they are both landmark studies. The RTOG study is the first completed large
multi-centre randomized trial evaluating the role of a SRS boost following WBRT for
brain metastases. The JRSOG study, although subject to much criticism, has also added
significantly to the debate regarding the role of SRS in the management of brain metastases. A phase III trial evaluating microsurgery plus WBRT versus SRS alone for single brain metastases was recently published but unfortunately due to patient accrual the
study was discontinued early and so no conclusions could be drawn (Muacevic et al.,
2008). The role of SRS will be further elucidated with large, well-designed, multi-centre
randomized trials.
Muacevic A, Wowra B, Siefert A, Tonn JG, Steiger HJ, Kreth FW. Microsurgery plus whole brain
irradiation versus gamma knife surgery for treatment of single metastases to the brain: a randomised
controlled multicentre phase III trial. J Neurooncol 2008; 87: 299–307.
Patchell RA, Regine WF, Renschler M, Loeffler JS, Sawaya R, Chin LS, Andrews DW.
Editorial: comments about the prospective randomised trial by Aoyama et al. Surg Neurol 2006;
66: 459–460.
Extent of Resection of Malignant Glioma
2.5 Extent of Resection of Malignant Glioma
Details of Studies
Numerous clinical series have evaluated the relationship between the extent of resection
(EOR) and survival in patients with malignant glioma. Although ‘total’ resection appears
to prolong life more than subtotal resection, this may represent a selection bias towards
younger, fitter patients with tumours in non-eloquent regions for more aggressive surgery. The advent of CT and MRI has allowed for the more accurate assessment of the
extent of tumour resection. Further, surgical adjuncts such as fluorescent compounds and
intraoperative MRI have attempted to improve assessment of EOR in theatre. Four studies have been selected for inclusion here. The first two are the better and larger of the
earlier retrospective analyses of patients undergoing surgery for malignant glioma. These
were carried out at the Washington Medical Center in Seattle, Washington (Keles et al.,
1999), and the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas (Lacroix et al., 2001), in
the United States. The third is the only RCT that compares biopsy with resection and was
carried out in Finland (Vuorinen et al., 2003). The final paper is the first multi-centre RCT
comparing two different methods of surgical resection (fluorescence-assisted versus conventional surgery) for malignant glioma and was co-ordinated from Germany (Stummer
et al., 2006).
Study References
Main Studies
Keles GE, Anderson B, Berger MS. The effect of extent of resection on time to tumor progression
and survival in patients with glioblastoma mulitforme of the cerebral hemisphere. Cancer 1999;
74: 1784–1791.
Lacroix M, Abi-Said D, Fourney DR, Gokaslan ZL, Shi W, DeMonte F, Lang FF, McCutcheon IE,
Hassenbusch SJ, Holland E, Hess K, Michael C, Miller D, Sawaya R. A multivariate analysis of
416 patients with glioblastoma multiforme: prognosis, extent of resection, and survival. J Neurosurg
2001; 95: 190–198.
Stummer W, Pichlmeier U, Meinel T, Wiestler OD, Zanella F, Reulen HJ; ALA-Glioma Study Group.
Fluorescence-guided surgery with 5-alaminovulinic acid for resection of malignant glioma: a
randomised controlled multicentre phase III trial. Lancet Oncol 2006; 7: 392–401.
Vuorinen V, Hinkka S, Farkilla M, Jasskelainen J. Debulking or biopsy of malignant glioma in elderly
people—a randomized study. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 2003; 145: 5–10.
Related Reference
Stummer W, Reulen HJ, Meinel T, Pichlmeier U, Schumacher W, Tonn JC, Rohde V, Oppel F,
Turowski B, Woiciechowsky C, Franz K, Pietsch T, for the ALA-Glioma Study Group. Extent of
resection and survival in glioblastoma multiforme: identification of and adjustment for bias. Lancet
Oncol 2008; 7: 392–401.
Study Designs
Keles et al. (1999)
Lacroix et al.
Vuorinen et al.
Stummer et al. (2006)
Retrospective series Retrospective
Class of
Biopsy versus
Fluorescence-assisted surgery versus conventional
Number of
322 (270 in analysis)
Lifespan of
Lifespan of
Lifespan of
6 months
Time to
progression (TTP)
Progression free
survival (PFS)
Degree of resection
Clinical status
Volume of
residual tumour
Overall survival
Neurological deficit
Number of
* Stummer et al.’s paper may be considered class I evidence for the role of 5-ALA in patients with high-grade gliomas.
However, it should only be considered class II evidence for the question under consideration in this chapter, as maximal safe resection was attempted in both treatment arms.
Keles et al. (1999)
Inclusion criteria: KPS >70 and a pathological diagnosis of GBM.
Radiological extent of resection was assessed by volumetric measurements of
pre-operative and post-operative CTs and/or MRI.
Lacroix et al. (2001)
Included 416 consecutive patients with a histological diagnosis of GBM.
EOR calculations were based on pre- and post-surgical enhancing tumour volumes, or
high T2 signal for non-enhancing lesions.
Multivariate analyses were performed, including other known predictors of survival,
such as age and KPS.
Vuorinen et al. (2003)
Inclusion criteria: radiological diagnosis of supratentorial malignant glioma; KPS >60
and age >65.
Extent of Resection of Malignant Glioma
All patients received radiotherapy unless their clinical state deteriorated too far.
Intention-to-treat analysis.
Stummer et al. (2006)
Total resection was defined as the absence of contrast enhancement of MRI at 72 h.
Fluorescence was achieved by the pre-operative administration of 5-aminolevulinic
acid (5-ALA) and performance of surgery under blue (400–410 nm wavelength) light.
Conventional surgery was performed under white light.
PFS at 6 months was assessed with MRI.
The study was terminated early and 270 patients were included in the analysis.
Keles et al. (1999)
EOR also showed a significant correlations with post-operative KPS (p < 0.05).
Median TTP (weeks)
Median survival (weeks)
Lacroix et al. (2001)
>98% resection
<98% resection
Statistical significance
Median survival
p < 0.001
PFS (6 month)
p = 0.0003
Vuorinen et al. (2003)
Median survival (days)
Craniotomy and resection
Statistical significance
p = 0.03
Stummer et al. (2006)
Percentage of complete
p < 0.0001
PFS (6 month)
p = 0.0003
Keles et al. (1999)
The extent of tumour resection in glioblastoma multiforme affects overall survival and
time to progression.
Lacroix et al. (2001)
Greater than 98% tumour debulking is associated with improved survival.
Vuorinen et al. (2003)
Craniotomy and debulking offers a modest survival advantage over biopsy in elderly
patients with GBM.
Stummer et al. (2006)
Fluorescence-assisted surgery with 5-ALA enables more complete resection of malignant
glioma with improved PFS.
Although the study by Keles and colleagues is only a retrospective series, it is to be commended because it attempts to reduce the effect of selection bias by using strict inclusion
criteria. In addition, the authors used radiological assessments of the extent of tumour
resection rather than estimates by the operating surgeon. The study was restricted to glioblastoma multiforme, not all high-grade glioma. The results of this study are informative
and may be generally representative of the effect of the extent of resection in high-grade
glioma. Lacroix and colleagues’ sample is larger than Keles et al.’s and they performed
multivariate analyses, demonstrating that extent of resection was still associated with
improved survival when known confounders are included. Both papers are landmark
because they used radiological measures of tumour resection and attempted to reduce
bias from other prognostic variables. Their findings were supported by Sanai and colleagues’ study of 500 patients (Sanai et al., 2011), validating the retrospective association
in the modern era. Further, they showed that lower percentage resections were still associated with improved survival.
The study by Vuorinen and colleagues is limited by the small number of patients and the
restriction to elderly. However, this inclusion criterion was felt necessary by the authors
to provide equipoise in randomizing patients to biopsy only. The results may only be
generalized to younger patients with caution. The study did show a statistically significant benefit of resection in patients >65 years. It is landmark because it is the only study
to provided randomized evidence for extent of resection. There were, however, significant methodological short-comings in this study, including the small number of patients
included and the fact that, on final analysis, not all had malignant glioma.
Stummer and colleagues’ RCT of a surgical adjunct provides high-level evidence for
extent of resection in glioblastoma multiforme. The study was a well-designed, international, multi-centre trial. In a subsequent analysis, the authors have been able to compare
Extent of Resection of Malignant Glioma
survival rates in patients with and without ‘complete’ resection (‘complete’ according to
their radiological definition). They report that survival is greater in patients with ‘complete’ resection (16.7 versus 11.8 months, p < 0.0001). The authors acknowledge that
their trial is level II evidence for the effect of extent of resection on survival. It is, however, unlikely that we will ever have level I evidence for this question and papers such as
Stummer et al.’s are likely to be the best evidence available.
Sanai N, Polley MY, McDermott MW, Parsa AT, Berger MS. An extent of resection threshold for
newly diagnosed glioblastomas. J Neurosurg 2011; 115: 3–8.
Stummer W, Reulen HJ, Meinel T, Pichlmeier U, Schumacher W, Tonn JC, Rohde V, Oppel F,
Turowski B, Woiciechowsky C, Franz K, Pietsch T, for the ALA-Glioma Study Group. Extent of
resection and survival in glioblastoma multiforme: identification of and adjustment for bias. Lancet
Oncol 2006; 7: 392–401.
Early Concomitant Systemic Chemotherapy with Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma
2.6 Early Concomitant Systemic Chemotherapy with
Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma
Details of study
The role of systemic temozolomide chemotherapy for glioblastoma was evaluated by the
EORTC and the NCIC and is familiarly known as the ‘temozolomide trial’ or the ‘Stupp
protocol’ (Stupp et al., 2005). This trial was carried out in Europe and North America
between 2000 and 2002 and has led to the routine use of temozolomide chemotherapy in
patients with glioblastomas.
Study References
Main Study
Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, Weller M, Fisher B, Taphoorn MJB, Belander K, Brande AA,
Marosi C, Bogdahn U, Curschmann K, janzer RC, Ludwin SK, Gorlia T, Allgeier A, Lacombe
D, Cairncross G, Eisenhauer E, Mirimanoff RO, for the European Organisation for Research
and Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumour and Radiotherapy Groups and the National Institute
of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for
glioblastoma. N Engl J Med 2005; 352: 987–996.
Related Reference
Hegi R, Diserens AC, Gorlia T, Hamou MF, de Tribolet N, Weller M, Kros JM, Hainfellner JA, Mason
W, Mariani L, Bromberg JEC, Hau P, Mirimanoff RO, Cairncross G, Janzer RC, Stupp R. MGMT
gene silencing and benefit from temozolomide in glioblastoma. N Engl J Med 2005; 352: 997–1003.
Study Design
A prospective multi-institutional RCT.
Class of evidence
DXT alone versus DXT + temozolomide
Number of patients
Lifespan of patients
Primary endpoint:
Overall survival
Secondary endpoints:
Quality of life
Number of centres
85 centres in 15 countries
WHO performance status
Inclusion criteria: newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM); age 18–70; ‘good
clinical state’; consent.
A total of 60 Gy radiotherapy was administered in daily 2 Gy fractions over 6 weeks
(5 days per week).
Patients in the temozolomide arm were also given continuous daily temozolomide (75
mg/m2 of body surface area per day) for the duration of the radiotherapy and this was
followed by six adjuvant cycles of temozolomide (150–200 mg/m2 for 5 days during
every 28-day cycle).
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Overall survival was analysed using the Kaplan–Meier method.
Secondary Endpoints
Safety: patients were evaluated regularly for adverse events including haematological
Quality of life questionnaires were also used during regular follow-up.
PFS was also analysed using the Kaplan–Meier method.
The median age of patients was 56 years and 86% underwent debulking surgery.
Ninety-three per cent of patients had a histological confirmation of glioblastoma.
DXT + temozolomide
DXT alone
Statistical significance
Median survival
14.6 months
12.1 months
p < 0.001
Median PFS
6.9 months
5 months
p < 0.001
The relative reduction in risk of death in patients receiving temozolomide was 37%
(hazard ratio of 0.63 compared to the DXT-alone group).
The hazard ratio for death or disease progression in the temozolomide group compared to the DXT-alone group was 0.54.
Two-year survival rates were greater in the temozolomide group (26.5%) compared to
the DXT-alone group (10.4%).
A translational study found that O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT)
promoter methylation is associated with a survival benefit for temozolomide + DXT
(21 months versus 15 months, p < 0.05).
There were no significant differences in the safety profiles of each treatment arm.
There was no adverse effect on quality of life by the addition of temozolomide therapy.
Subgroup analysis did not reveal any difference in survival advantage between
Early Concomitant Systemic Chemotherapy with Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma
The early addition of temozolomide chemotherapy to radiotherapy has a significant survival advantage in patients with glioblastoma.
Chemotherapy given before, or as an adjuvant to radiotherapy has been evaluated in multiple clinical trials and found to have minimal impact on survival in patients with glioblastoma (Fine et al., 1993; Stewart, 2002). This temozolomide trial addressed the question
as to whether early addition of temozolomide chemotherapy to radiotherapy would have
any advantage over radiotherapy alone. The concomitant use of a chemotherapeutic agent
with radiotherapy was an unconventional approach and this is a landmark study as it
reports the greatest improvement in survival (>50%) in patients with glioblastoma since
the trial of radiotherapy versus chemotherapy with an alkylating agent over a quarter of a
century earlier (Walker et al., 1978). This may reflect the selection of patients with good
prognostic indicators (tumour resection, young age, good functional status) and the less
toxic effects of temozolomide compared to other nitrosourea-based chemotherapeutic
agents. The beneficial effects of temozolomide have more recently been reported to last
up to 5 years (Stupp et al., 2009).
The translational study by Hegi et al. found that methylation of the MGMT promoter
was associated with an even greater survival advantage (Hegi et al., 2005). However, the
clear survival advantage seen for all patients receiving temozolomide would appear to
negate the value of reserving temozolomide for patients in this subgroup alone and so
this study does not necessarily have the same impact as molecular genetic classification of
oligodendrogliomas has had (Cairncross et al., 1998).
The temozolomide trial demonstrates a survival benefit with low toxicity and has led to
a new standard of care in patients with malignant glioma (Mason and Cairncross, 2005).
The question remains as to whether the concomitant or the adjuvant phase of temozolomide is the more important contributor to survival, or if, indeed both are necessary. This
question is being addressed in the CATNON phase III multi-centre trial for anaplastic
astrocytoma, which has four treatment arms, examining each of the components of the
‘Stupp protocol’.
Cairncross JG, Ueki K, Zlatescu MC, Lisle DK, Finkelstein DM, Hammond RR, Silver JS, Stark PC,
Macdonald DR, Ino Y, Ramsay DA, Louis DN. Specific genetic predictors of chemotherapeutic
response and survival in patients with anaplastic oligodendrogliomas. J Natl Cancer Inst 1998;
90: 1473–1479.
Fine HA, Dear KB, Loeffer JS, Black PM, Canellos GP. Meta-analysis of radiation therapy with and
without adjuvant chemotherapy for malignant gliomas in adults. Cancer 1993; 71: 2585–2597.
Hegi R, Diserens AC, Gorlia T, Hamou MF, de Tribolet N, Weller M, Kros JM, Hainfellner JA,
Mason W, Mariani L, Bromberg JEC, Hau P, Mirimanoff RO, Cairncross G, Janzer RC, Stupp
R. MGMT gene silencing and benefit from temozolomide in glioblastoma. N Engl J Med 2005;
352: 997–1003.
Mason WP, Cairncross JG. Drug insight: temozolomide as a treatment for malignant glioma—impact
of a recent trial. Nat Clin Pract Neurol 2005; 1: 88–95.
Stewart LA. Chemotherapy in adult high-grade glioma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of
individual patient data from 12 randomised trials. Lancet 2002; 359: 1011–1018.
Stupp R, Hegi ME, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, Taphoorn MJ, Janzer RC, Ludwin SK, Allgeier
A, Fisher B, Belanger K, Hau P, Brandes AA, Gijtenbeek J, Marosi C, Vecht CJ, Mokhtari K,
Wesseling P, Villa S, Eisenhauer E, Gorila T, Weller M, Lacombe D, Cairncross JG, Mirimanoff
RO, for the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumour and
Radiation Oncology Groups; National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Effects of
radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide versus radiotherapy alone on survival
in glioblastoma in a randomised phase III study: 5-year analysis of the EORTC-NCIC trail. Lancet
Oncol 2009; 10: 459–466.
Walker MD, Alexander E Jr, Hunt WE, MacCarty CS, Mahaley MS Jr, Mealey J Jr, Norrell
HA, Owens G, Ransohoff J, Wilson CB, Gehan EA, Strike TA. Evaluation of BCNU and/or
radiotherapy in the treatment of anaplastic gliomas. A cooperative clinical trial. J Neurosurg
1978; 49: 333–343.
Adjuvant Localized Chemotherapy (Carmustine Wafers) for Malignant Gliomas
2.7 Adjuvant Localized Chemotherapy (Carmustine
Wafers) for Malignant Gliomas
Details of Studies
Three randomized controlled trials have been carried out to evaluate the effect of local
administration of carmustine wafers to the tumour site in patients with malignant gliomas. The first was performed in the United States between 1989 and 1993 by the Polymer
Brain Tumor Treatment Group (PBTTG) and evaluated their efficacy against placebo in
the treatment of recurrent glioblastomas requiring reoperation (Brem et al., 1995). The
second trial, which was carried out in Finland between 1992 and 1993, was designed
to evaluate the efficacy of carmustine wafers applied at the time of the first operation
(Valtonen et al., 1997). Unfortunately, this trial included only a small number of patients
and was discontinued early because of difficulties in availability of carmustine wafers.
However, a third much larger trial, carried out by the Gliadel Study Group (GSG) in both
North America and Europe between 1997 and 2000, also evaluated the efficacy of carmustine wafers applied to the resection cavity (Westphal et al., 2003). A further long-term
follow-up of this trial has also been published (Westphal et al., 2006). The PBTTG and
GSG trials are summarized here.
Study References
Main Studies
Brem H, Piantadosi S, Burger PC, Walker M, Selker R, Vick NA, Black K, Sisti M, Brem S,
Mohr G, Muller P, Morawetz R, Schold SC, for the Polymer-Brain Tumor Treatment Group.
Placebo-controlled trial of safety and efficacy of intraoperative controlled delivery by biodegradable
polymers of chemotherapy for recurrent gliomas. Lancet 1995; 345: 1008–1012.
Westphal M, Hilt DC, Bortey E, Delavault P, Olivaras R, Warnke PC, Whittle IR, Jääskeläinen J, Ram
Z. A phase 3 trial of local chemotherapy with biodegradable carmustine (BCNU) wafers (Gliadel
wafers) in patients with primary malignant glioma. Neuro-Oncology 2003; 5: 79–88.
Westphal M, Ram Z, Riddle V, Hilt D, Bortey E. Gliadel wafer in initial surgery for malignant
glioma: long-term follow-up of a multi-center controlled trial. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 2006;
148: 269–275.
Related Reference
Valtonen S, Timonen U, Toivanen P, Kalimo H, Kivipelto L, Heiskanen O, Unsgaard G, Kuume
T. Interstitial chemotherapy with carmustine with carmustine-loaded polymers for high-grade
gliomas: a randomised double-blind study. Neurosurgery 1997; 41: 44–48.
Study Designs
Both multi-centre, double-blind prospective RCTs.
PBTTG trial (recurrent
high-grade gliomas)
GSG trial (primary high-grade
Class of evidence
Carmustine versus placebo
Carmustine versus placebo
Number of patients
30 months
(extended to 56 months on
long-term follow-up)
At least 6 months and lifetime
of patients
Primary endpoint:
Primary endpoint:
Overall survival at 12 months
Secondary endpoints:
Quality of life
Secondary endpoints:
Disease progression
Quality of life
Number of centres
38 (in 14 countries)
Study centre
Inclusion criteria: unilateral tumour (size ≥1 cm on contrast-CT); KPS ≥ 60; completion of DXT; no nitrosoureas in previous 6 weeks; independent surgical decision on
need for recurrent surgery.
A proportional hazards regression model was used for statistical analysis in order to
control for chance imbalances and differences in strong prognostic factors between
Intention-to-treat analysis.
GSG Trial
Inclusion criteria: age 18–65; intra-operative frozen section confirming diagnosis of
malignant glioma; KPS ≥ 60; radiological evidence of a single unilateral supratentorial
The sample size of the trial was calculated to detect an 18% difference in 1-year survival between Gliadel® and placebo (α level 0.05, power 0.90).
A multiple regression analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model was used to
account for effects of prognostic factors on survival.
A secondary analysis was carried out for the glioblastoma subgroup although the trial
was not designed to detect differences between histological subgroups.
Adjuvant Localized Chemotherapy (Carmustine Wafers) for Malignant Gliomas
Outcome Measures
Kaplan–Meier curves were employed in both studies for the primary endpoints of
PBTTG trial
GSG trial
Carmustine Placebo
(at 6
(at 6
(at 1 year)
(at 1 year)
p < 0.05
31 weeks
23 weeks
p = 0.006*
13.8 months 11.6 months p = 0.017
*After adjusting for prognostic factors.
No statistically significant effect of carmustine wafers was found in the primary
A treatment effect was seen for carmustine wafers only once adjustment had been
made for the effects of prognostic factors: >75% resection; KPS >70; young age.
Subgroup analysis of patients with GBM showed an apparent 6-month survival advantage for patients with carmustine over placebo (carmustine group 56%, placebo 36%,
p = 0.02).
There was no significant difference in adverse events between the two groups.
GSG Trial
Survival benefits remained significant at 3-year follow-up (carmustine group 9.2%,
placebo group 1.7%, p = 0.01).
Hazard ratio was 0.73 (p = 0.018) representing a 27% risk reduction.
A subgroup analysis of patients with GBM did not reveal a statistically significant
median survival benefit for carmustine (carmustine group 13.1 months, placebo group
11.4 months, p = 0.08).
There was no significant difference in adverse events between the two groups.
PBTTG trial: biodegradable polymers can assist delivery of carmustine directly to
the brain.
GSG trial: newly diagnosed malignant glioma patients benefit from carmustine wafers
applied to the resection cavity at first operation.
The rationale for local delivery of a chemotherapeutic agent to glioblastomas is to combat
local recurrence, avoid systemic side effects, and to circumvent the blood–brain barrier.
Primary analysis in the PBTG trial by Brem et al. did not reveal a benefit for the carmustine wafers over placebo in patients with recurrent malignant gliomas. However, a
statistically significant survival advantage was apparent in a subgroup analysis of patients
with GBM and in the overall patient population once strong prognostic indicators were
taken into account. However, conclusions from these post hoc analyses have been interpreted with caution as the study was not stratified for prognostic indicators or histological
subgroups. Nevertheless, the work by Brem et al. stands out as a landmark by demonstrating the potential benefits of a new treatment strategy without significantly more adverse
effects than conventional treatment regimens.
The GSG trial by Westphal et al. showed a 2-month survival advantage for patients
with newly diagnosed malignant gliomas receiving carmustine wafers to the resection
cavity at primary resection. No statistically significant survival benefit was seen in a
subgroup analysis for patients with GBM. However, as with similar analyses in the
trial by Brem et al. this was a post hoc analysis and the trial had not been stratified for
histological subgroups. The GSG trial has defined the potential benefits of carmustine
wafers in patients with primary malignant glioma (Perry et al., 2007). Further experience and future studies will help determine the patients most likely to benefit from this
treatment and whether it is effective when combined with concomitant temozolomide
and radiotherapy.
Perry J, Chambers A, Spithoff K, Laperriere N. Gliadel wafers in the treatment of malignant glioma: a
systematic review. Curr Oncol 2007; 14: 189–194.
Brachytherapy for Malignant Gliomas
2.8 Brachytherapy for Malignant Gliomas
Details of Studies
There have been a number of series reporting the efficacy of brachytherapy or interstitial
radiotherapy in the treatment of newly diagnosed and recurrent malignant gliomas. To
date, however, there have been only two randomized trials. The first study was by the
University of Toronto group (Laperriere et al., 1998) while the second one was by the
Brain Tumor Cooperative Group in the United States (Selker et al., 2002).
Study References
Main Studies
Laperriere NJ, Leung PM, McKenzie S, Milosevic M, Wong S, Glen J, Pintilie M, Bernstein M.
Randomized study of brachytherapy in the initial management of patients with malignant
astrocytoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1998; 41: 1005–1011.
Selker RG, Shapiro WR, Burger P, Blackwood MS, Deutsch M, Arena VA, Van Gilder JC, Wu J,
Malkin MG, Mealey J, Neal JH, Olson J, Robertson JT, Barnett GH, Bloomfield S, Albright
R, Hochberg FH, Hiesiger E, Green S. The Brain Tumor Cooperative Group NIH Trial 87-01: a
randomized comparison of surgery, external radiotherapy, and carmustine versus surgery,
interstitial radiotherapy boost, external radiation therapy, and carmustine. Neurosurgery 2002;
51: 343–357.
Study Designs
All RCTs.
Laperriere et al. (1998)
Selker et al. (2002)
Class of evidence
EBRT* versus EBRT + brachytherapy
with I125 implants
Brachytherapy with I125 implants
versus EBRT + BCNU
Number of patients
Lifespan of patient
3 years
Primary endpoint:
Overall survival from the date of
initial surgery
Primary endpoint:
Survival time from date of
Secondary endpoints:
Quality of life
Steroid usage
Tumour recurrence
Secondary endpoints:
Tumour recurrence
Number of centres
Extent of surgery
*EBRT = external beam radiation therapy.
Histopathological diagnosis was obtained through surgery, either biopsy or subtotal
resection of the tumour.
Both studies utilized stereotactically implanted high-activity I125 seeds to deliver
brachytherapy. The total radiation dose delivered was 60 Gy to the tumour perimeter.
Laperriere’s group utilized conventional external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) on
all enhancing tumour plus a 2.5 cm margin of surrounding brain. The prescribed dose
was 50 Gy to the midplane in 25 fractions in 5 weeks.
Selker’s group utilized WBRT 43 Gy in 25 fractions plus a coned-down boost to the
tumour volume for the first 64 patients. Subsequent patients received 60.2 Gy in 35
fractions to the tumour border plus a 3 cm margin.
The chemotherapeutic agent used by Selker’s group was 1, 3-bis (2-chloroethy
1)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU). It was administered intravenously at 200 mg/m2 and given
every 8 weeks until the course was completed or if the patient developed adverse
Extent of resection and tumour recurrence were determined by contrast-enhanced
CT scan.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Laperriere et al. (1998)
Selker et al. (2002)
Inclusion criteria
• Biopsy-proven supratentorial malig- • Age >15
nant astrocytoma of the brain
ood KPS
• Maximum tumour diameter ≤6 cm • Biopsy-proven supratentorial malig• No involvement of the corpus
nant glioma
• Age 18–70
• KPS ≥70
Exclusion criteria
• Tumour diameter >6 cm
• Corpus callosum involved
• Poor KPS
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
• Midline cross-over in the corpus callosum or other midline structures
• Multi-centric tumours
• Absence of a contrast-enhancing ‘target’ after surgery
• Age <15
• Other known primary malignancies
• KPS <50 in the immediate 3-week
post-operative period
• Inability to effect a surgical resection,
if indicated
Brachytherapy for Malignant Gliomas
Secondary Endpoints
Laperriere et al. (1998)
Quality of life determined by linear analogue self-report scales.
Steroid usage.
Tumour recurrence.
Selker et al. (2002)
Tumour recurrence.
Median Survival
Laperiere et al. (1998)
Selker et al. (2002)
I125 + EBRT +
(p = 0.49)
16 months
13.7 months None
(p = 0.10)
Other Significant Findings
Laperriere et al. (1998)
There is a statistically significant increase in median dexamethasone dosage for
patients on the implant arm of the study, although the KPS does not differ between the
two arms of the study.
Recurrence patterns vary between the two treatment groups. The non-implant arm
shows a higher recurrence rate at the original site of the tumour, whereas the implant
arm exhibits a higher incidence of multifocal recurrence.
Prognostic factors that are associated with improved survival include age, performance
status, chemotherapy at recurrence, and reoperation at recurrence.
Selker et al. (2002)
◆ Prognostic factors associated with improved survival include KPS, pathology (GBM
versus non-GBM), sex, and age.
Both trials concluded that stereotactic radiation implants do not confer a survival advantage in patients with newly diagnosed malignant gliomas.
Brachytherapy is a form of radiotherapy delivered by implanting radioactive sources
directly into the tumour. It delivers high doses of radiation to the tumour while sparing
normal surrounding brain. Pathologic studies confirm that I125 brachytherapy decreases
the proliferative capacity of the tumour (Siddiqi et al., 1997). However, this does not necessarily translate into clinical outcome such as improved survival.
Numerous series have been reported on the efficacy of brachytherapy (Davis, 1987;
Kumar et al., 1989; Gutin et al., 1991; Hitchon et al., 1992; Prados et al., 1992), but these
were all non-randomized studies with a high degree of patient selection. Brachytherapy
has also been used for recurrent malignant gliomas (Bernstein et al., 1994) and recurrent
brain metastases (Bernstein et al., 1995), but because of the small study populations, the
results were inconclusive.
The main argument challenging the encouraging outcomes in the earlier brachytherapy
studies is the significant selection bias with patients who were eligible for brachytherapy
being younger and with a better performance status. In addition, their tumours were
smaller, more peripherally located, and more circumscribed. The inherent characteristics
of this subgroup may already be associated with a better prognosis despite the type of
treatment given. The second argument is that patients who undergo brachytherapy may
develop more significant radiation necrosis and thus, have a higher rate of reoperation
to reduce the mass effect of the necrotic lesion and/or the tumour load. The additional
survival may have been partly related to the beneficial effects of reoperation. Both arguments were put to rest by the RCTs discussed in this section. Both studies eliminated the
effect of favourable patient and tumour characteristics by randomization, and both studies showed an equivalent number of reoperations in each group, which was not statistically significant.
Laperriere et al. can be criticized for using a dosage of 50 Gy during EBRT. At the time
of the study, the optimal dose of EBRT for malignant gliomas had not been established,
but the present recommendation is 60 Gy (Bleehen et al., 1991). However, this did not
affect the design of the study because both treatment arms received the same dose of
Selker et al. implemented their study across 14 centres in the United States. This
implies a wide variability in surgeon technical expertise and experience, and could
affect the results of the study. The group also had a change in protocol with regard
to EBRT: they utilized WBRT for the first 64 patients then modified their protocol
afterwards to EBRT to the tumour plus a 3 cm margin. Although the group took into
account this protocol change, with statistical analyses revealing that there is no difference in outcome between the patients who received the original versus the revised
protocols, the actual effect in terms of amount of radiation necrosis and performance
status may be unaccounted for.
Both studies utilized contrast-enhanced CT scans to plan dosimetry, measure the extent
of resection, and detect tumour recurrence. During the active years of the study, MRI was
Brachytherapy for Malignant Gliomas
still widely unavailable. It is not known whether using a better imaging modality such
as MRI would affect the results of the study, but certainly it would give a more accurate
estimate of the extent of resection and detect recurrent disease earlier.
Despite minor flaws, both studies are well designed and well executed. From the results,
it is quite conclusive that brachytherapy has no role in the initial management of malignant glioma patients.
Bernstein M, Laperriere N, Glen J, Leung P, Thomason C, Landon AE. Brachytherapy for recurrent
malignant astrocytoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1994; 30; 1213–1217.
Bernstein M, Cabantog A, Laperriere N, Leung P, Thomason C. Brachytherapy for recurrent single
brain metastasis. Can J Neurol Sci 1995; 22: 13–16.
Davis RL. Recurrent malignant gliomas: survival following interstitial brachytherapy with high-activity
iodine-125 sources. J Neurosurg 1987; 67: 864–873.
Gutin PH, Prados MD, Phillips TL, Wara WM, Larson DA, Leibel SA, Sneed PK, Levine VA, Weaver
KA, Silver P, Lamborn K, Lamb S, Ham RN. External irradiation followed by an interstitial high
activity iodine-125 implant ‘boost’ in the initial treatment of malignant gliomas: NCOG Study
6G-82-2. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1991; 21; 601–606.
Hitchon PW, VanGilger JC, Wen BC, Jani S. Brachytherapy for malignant recurrent and untreated
gliomas. Stereo Funct Neurosurg 1992; 59: 174–178.
Kumar PP, Good RR, Jones EO, Patil AA, Leibrock LG, McComb RD. Survival of patients with
glioblastoma multiforme treated by intraoperative high-activity cobalt 60 endocurietherapy. Cancer
1989; 64: 1409–1413.
Prados MD, Gutin PH, Phillips TL, Wara WM, Sneed PK, Larson DA, Lamb SA, Ham B, Malec MK,
Wilson CB. Interstitial brachytherapy for newly diagnosed patients with malignant gliomas: The
UCSF experience. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1992; 24: 593–597.
Siddiqi SN, Provias J, Laperriere N, Bernstein M. Effects of iodine-125 brachytherapy on the
proliferative capacity and histopathological features of glioblastoma recurring after initial therapy.
Neurosurgery 1997; 40: 910–917.
Extent of Resection of Low-Grade Gliomas
2.9 Extent of Resection of Low-Grade Gliomas
Details of studies
Two retrospective studies are included here which address the question of whether
the extent of resection (EOR) of low-grade gliomas (LGGs) affects outcome. The first
study was carried out in San Francisco, California, USA, with the analysis of patients
who underwent resection of LGG at the University of California between 1989 and 2005
(Smith et al., 2008). The second was carried out in Baltimore, Maryland, USA with the
analysis of patients who underwent resection LGG at the Johns Hopkins Department of
Neurosurgery between 1996 and 2007 (McGirt et al., 2008).
Study References
Main Studies
McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Attenello FJ, Weingart JD, Than K, Burger P, Olivi AO, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa A. Extent of surgical resection is independently associated with survival in
patients with hemispheric low-grade glioma. Neurosurgery 2008; 63: 700–708.
Smith JS, Chang EF, Lamborn KR, Chang SM, Prados MD, Cha S, Tihan T, Vandenberg S. Role of
extent of resection in the long-term outcome of low-grade hemispheric gliomas. J Clin Oncol 2008;
10: 1338–1345.
Related References
Englot DJ, Berger MS, Barbaro NM, Chang EF. Predictors of seizure freedom after resection of
supratentorial low-grade gliomas. A review. J Neurosurg 2011; 115: 240–244.
Laws ER Jr, Taylor WF, Clifton MB, Okazaki H. Neurosurgical management of low-grade astrocytoma
of the cerebral hemispheres. J Neurosurg 1984; 61: 665–673.
Study Designs
Both retrospective cohort studies.
Baltimore group
(McGirt et al.)
San Francisco group
(Smith et al.)
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Lifetime of patients
Lifetime of patients
Primary endpoint:
Primary endpoint:
Tumour histological subtype
Tumour size
Primary versus revision surgery
Tumour histological subtype
Tumour size
Tumour location
Both studies used MRI to assess the extent of resection.
The Baltimore group classified extent of resection according to the extent of
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signal abnormality on MRI carried out
<48 h post-operatively and classified EOR as follow: gross total resection (GTR); near
total resection (NTR); and sub-total resection (STR).
The San Francisco group calculated the percentage EOR using volumetric analysis of
immediate post-operative MRI FLAIR signal on axial slices.
Outcome Measures
Survival was assessed by both groups and both groups used overall survival (OS) and
progression-free survival (PFS) as outcome measures. Both studies also analysed survival
without malignant progression of the tumour, with progression being defined as either
radiological evidence (gadolinium enhancement) or histological evidence of higher-grade
tumour. Although slightly different terms were used by the two groups for malignant
progression, for the sake of clarity this outcome will be defined here as malignant-free
survival (MFS).
Baltimore Group (McGirt et al., 2008)
Gross total resection
Sub-total resection
Statistical significance
15 years
9.9 years
p = 0.017
12.5 years
7.0 years
p > 0.05
7.0 years
3.5 years
p = 0.043
GTR versus STR was associated with OS and PFS as shown in the table.
There was no significant difference in survival rates between STR and NTR.
San Francisco Group (Smith et al., 2008)
5-year survival
8-year survival
> 90% resection
< 90% resection
> 90% resection
< 90% resection
Prognostic significance of EOR as a h
­ azard ratio
Statistical significance
p < 0.001
p = 0.005
p > 0.05
Extent of Resection of Low-Grade Gliomas
Baltimore Group (McGirt et al., 2008)
Greater EOR improves outcome for patients with LGG and should be safely attempted
when not limited by eloquent cortex.
San Francisco Group (Smith et al., 2008)
Greater EOR improves outcome for adult patients with LGG.
LGGs pose a particularly difficult management dilemma for neurosurgeons. The prognosis of LGGs can be up to tenfold better than for high-grade gliomas. Although little
is known about prognostic factors in these patients, the EOR has long been suspected to
affect survival and early retrospective surgical series have been extremely influential in
supporting this view (Laws et al., 1984). There are no clinical trials specifically examining this question and meta-analysis of the literature would simply be a pooling of retrospective studies with widely varying statistical methodologies applied. Also, many earlier
case series include histological grades that have now been better differentiated with more
known about the influence of histological subtype on survival.
The question of whether extent of resection affects survival in LGG patients remains of
utmost importance. LGGs are often in or near eloquent cortical regions and the risk of
incurring neurological defects needs to be balanced against the need for total resection.
With the more widespread application of neuronavigation and intra-operative MRI there
is the possibility to perform more aggressive resections safely.
The two studies carried out here have their limitations, which are acknowledged by the
authors. Both studies are retrospective and do not include any comparisons with patients
undergoing biopsy. Furthermore, there is the possibility that patients who underwent less
than total resection may reflect those in whom the tumour had infiltrated so as to prevent
safe resection and, therefore, were already likely to have a worse prognosis. Furthermore,
there are potential methodological difficulties in using contrast enhancement as a measure of resection and of tumour progression. Notwithstanding these criticisms, these studies are perhaps the best studies to date that address the role of the extent of resection of
LGGs on patient outcome.
A clinical trial addressing the role of EOR for LGG is unlikely to be forthcoming
because of a lack of equipoise amongst neurosurgeons and potential difficulties recruiting enough patients due to the unwillingness of many patients to be randomized to
the ‘no resection’ or ‘biopsy only’ arms (Smith et al., 2008). The two retrospective
series included here are landmark in that they are, and will continue to be, influential in guiding neurosurgical decision-making regarding the EOR for LGG. It is likely
that prospective studies evaluating the role of modalities such as intra-operative MRI
will also be influential in guiding decision-making regarding the EOR. Indeed, there
are already studies that suggest that using intra-operative MRI to help achieve total
resection of LGG may improve survival when compared to known survival rates from
national databases (Claus et al., 2005).
Englot et al. published a systematic review looking specifically at the effect of the EOR
of LGG on seizure control (Englot et al., 2011). They included 773 patients from 18 studies and addressed seizure freedom being the primary endpoint. They found that the odds
ratio for seizure freedom after gross total resection was 3.41 (p < 0.001) and that this was
the single strongest predictor of seizure outcome.
Claus EB, Horlacher A, Hsu L, Schwartz RB, Dello-lacono D, Talos F, Jolesz FA, Black PM. Survival
rate in patients with low-grade glioma after intraoperative magnetic resonance image guidance.
Cancer 2005; 103: 1227–1233.
Englot DJ, Berger MS, Barbaro NM, Chang EF. Predictors of seizure freedom after resection of
supratentorial low-grade gliomas. A review. J Neurosurg. 2011; 115: 240–244.
Laws ER Jr, Taylor WF, Clifton MB, Okazaki H. Neurosurgical management of low-grade astrocytoma
of the cerebral hemispheres. J Neurosurg 1984; 61: 66–673.
Smith JS, Chang EF, Lamborn KR, Chang SM, Prados MD, Cha S, Tihan T, Vandenberg S. Role of
extent of resection in the long-term outcome of low-grade hemispheric gliomas. J Clin Oncol 2008;
10: 1338–1345.
Radiotherapy for Low-Grade Gliomas
2.10 Radiotherapy for Low-Grade Gliomas
Details of Studies
There have been several trials evaluating the role of radiotherapy in the management
of LGGs. These trials have been carried out in Europe by the European Organisation
for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and in North America by the North
Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) in conjunction with the RTOG and the
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). The question of a dose–response relation
for LGGs treated with radiotherapy was addressed by the first European Trial (EORTC
I, or the ‘Believers trial’) and the NCCTG-RTOG-ECOG trial (the ‘US trial’). The second European trial addressed the question of early versus delayed radiotherapy (at the
time of disease progression) in LGG. These studies are, therefore, outlined here according to these two questions: low-dose versus high-dose radiotherapy; early versus delayed
Study References
Main Studies
EORTC I: ‘Believers trial’
Karim AB, Maat B, Hatlevoll R, Menten J, Rutten EH, Thomas DG, Mascarenhas F, Horiot JC,
Parvinen LM, van Reijn M, Jager JJ, Fabrini MG, van Alphen AM, Hamers HP, Gaspar L,
Noordman E, Pierart M, van Glabbeke M. A randomized trial on dose-response in radiation
therapy of low-grade cerebral glioma. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
(EORTC) Study 22844. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 1996; 36: 549–556.
EORTC II: ‘Non-believers trial’
Karim AB, Afra D, Cornu P, Bleehen N, Schraub S, De Witte O, Darcel F, Stenning S, Pierart M, Van
Glabbeke M. Randomised trial on the efficacy of radiotherapy for cerebral low-grade glioma in the
adult: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Study 22844 with the Medical
Research Council study BRO4: an interim analysis. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 2002; 52: 316–324.
Van den Bent MJ, Afra D, de Witte O, Ben Hassel M, Schraub S, Hoang-Xuan K, Malmström PO,
Collette L, Piérart M, Mirimanoff R, Karim AB. EORTC Radiotherapy and Brain Tumor Groups
and the UK Medical Research Council. Long-term efficacy of early versus delayed radiotherapy
for low-grade astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma in adults: the EORTC 22845 randomised trial.
Lancet 2005; 366: 985–990.
Shaw E, Arusell R, Scheithauer B, O’Fallon J, O’Neill B, Dinapoli R, Nelson D, Earle J, Jones C,
Cascino T, Nichols D, Ivnik R, Hellman R, Curran W, Abrams R. Prospective randomized trial
of low- versus high-dose radiation therapy in adults with supratentorial low-grade glioma: initial
report of a North Central Cancer Treatment Group/Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20: 2267–2276.
Related Reference
Brown PD, Buckner JC, O’Fallon JR, Iturria NL, Brown CA, O’Neill BP, Scheithauer BW,
Dinapoli RP, Arussel RM, Abrams RA, Curran WJ, Shaw EG. Adult patients with supratentorial
pilocytic astrocytomas: a prospective multicenter clinical trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004;
58: 1153–1160.
Study Designs
All multi-centre PRCT.
Low-dose versus high-dose DXT
Early versus delayed
EORTC I‘Believers trial’
believers trial’
Class of evidence
Low-dose versus highdose DXT
Low-dose versus highdose DXT
Early versus delayed
Number of patients
≥50 months
15 years
Lifespan of patients
(minimum 60 months)
Primary endpoints:
Overall survival
Progression of tumour
Primary endpoints:
Overall survival
Progression of tumour
Primary endpoints:
Overall survival
Progression of tumour
Other endpoints:
Other endpoints:
Neurological status
Cognitive function
Other endpoints:
Neurological status
Cognitive function
91% follow-up
100% follow-up
93% follow-up
Number of centres
27 centres in 10
Unknown, but multiple 24
Tumour grade
Histological type
Extent of resection
Tumour grade
Histological type
Extent of resection
Tumour grade
Histological type
Extent of resection
EORTC I (‘Believers trial’)
Inclusion criteria: adults (16–65 years); histological diagnosis of GI or GII supratentorial glioma (astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, mixed oligodendroglioma).
Exclusion criteria: poor neurological status; totally excised GI astrocytomas; pregnant
patients; other ‘incurable’ malignancy.
DXT doses: low (45 Gy); high (59.4 Gy).
Inclusion criteria: Adults (>18 years); histological diagnosis of supratentorial glioma
(astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, mixed oligoastrocytoma).
DXT doses: Low (50.4 Gy); high (64.8 Gy).
Radiotherapy for Low-Grade Gliomas
EORTC II: ‘Non-believers trial’
Inclusion criteria: histological diagnosis of supratentorial LGG (GI/II astrocytoma;
oligodendroglioma); KPS ≥60; adults (16–65 years).
Exclusion criteria: completely resected GI pilocytic astrocytoma; significant other
malignancy; pregnancy.
Dose of DXT: 54 Gy.
Timing of DXT: early (<8 weeks from surgery); delayed (at time of progression).
Intention-to-treat analysis.
Outcome Measures
‘Believers trial’
‘US trial’
‘Non-believers trial’
Overall survival (OS)
Progression-free survival (PFS)
at 5 years
Time to progression (TTP)
Cognitive function: Mini-Mental
State Examination (MMSE)
Cognitive function: MMSE
Low-Dose versus High-Dose DXT
EORTC I‘Believers trial’
5-year survival
(5-year PFS)
In the ‘Believers trial’, the following factors were significantly associated with better
overall survival: histology and grade (Grade I astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, mixed
oligodendroglioma); younger age.
In the ‘US trial’, the following three factors were significantly associated with better
overall survival: histology (oligodendroglioma or oligo-dominant mixed tumours);
young patients (<40 years); and smaller tumours (<5 cm).
In the ‘US trial’, the combination of histology and age together was the most powerful
prognostic indicator of 5-year survival: patients with oligodendroglioma and <40 years
(82%) versus patients with astrocytoma ≥40 years (32%).
Early versus Delayed DXT
There was no significant difference in the median survival for the early-DXT group
(7.2 years) compared to the delayed-DXT group (7.4 years).
Early DXT
Delayed DXT
5-year survival
5-year PFS
p = 0.02
However, patients in the delayed-DXT group survived significantly longer after progression than those in the early-DXT group (3.4 years versus 1.0 years, p < 0.0001).
Post hoc analysis revealed that significantly less patients in the early-DXT group suffered seizures in the first year (25% versus 41%).
There is no improvement in survival with higher-dose radiotherapy (‘Believers trial’
and ‘US trial’).
Early radiotherapy does not improve overall survival, but it does lengthen
progression-free survival (‘Non-believers trial’).
LGGs constitute approximately 10% of primary CNS malignancy, affect predominantly
young adults, and are associated with a survival rates of <35% at 10 years. These trials
have addressed two important questions regarding the role of radiotherapy to control this
Is the effect of radiotherapy dose-dependent?
Is it better to administer radiotherapy early on or to delay administration until the
disease progresses?
The EORTC I and NCCTG-RTOG-ECOG trials appear to support the use of lower-dose
radiotherapy regimens. However, some feel that these trials cannot be interpreted clearly
due to the histological heterogeneity of the gliomas included (Wessels et al., 2003). One
of the major weaknesses of the EORTC II study (‘Non-believers’) is that the cohort
includes both low- and high-grade gliomas as 26% of the tumours were reclassified as
high-grade astrocytomas on histological review. In addition, over one-third of patients
in the delayed-DXT group did not receive radiotherapy. It is felt by some that the fact
that median survival was much greater following progression in the delayed-DXT group
(2.4 years longer) could influence the decision when to give delayed-DXT (Knisely, 2006).
The authors of the EORTC II study acknowledged that there was a lack of quality of life
data, which would have allowed more considered discussion of their results.
The issues of dose–response and timing of radiotherapy in the management of LGGs
remain controversial despite the results of these trials. Indeed, Papagikos et al. have
warned against an overly dogmatic approach to therapeutic options of LGGs in light of
the conclusions from these trials (Papagikos et al., 2005). There is considerable interest
Radiotherapy for Low-Grade Gliomas
regarding the role of radiosurgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. A trial of radiotherapy versus radiotherapy plus chemotherapy was completed in the early 1990s, which
did not show any benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy (Eyre et al., 1993). However, new
chemotherapeutic regimens are now being explored, which are tailored to specific histological types (Stege et al., 2005; Wen and DeAngelis, 2007). The management of
LGGs remains still predominantly in the domain of the specialist neuro-oncological
surgeon and neuro-oncologist.
Eyre HJ, Crowley JJ, Townsend JJ, Eltringham JR, Morantz RA, Schulman SF, Quagliana
JM, al-Samaf M. A randomised trial of radiotherapy versus radiotherapy plus CCNU for
incompletely resected low-grade gliomas: a Southwest Oncology Group study. J Neurosurg 1993;
78: 909–914.
Knisely J. Early or delayed radiotherapy for low-grade glioma? Lancet Oncol 2006; 6: 921.
Papagikos MA, Shaw EG, Stieber VW. Lessons learned from randomised clinical trials in adult
low-grade glioma. Lancet Oncol 2005; 6: 240–244.
Stege EM, Kros JM, de Bruin HG, Enting RH, van Heuvel I, Looijenga LH, van der Rijt CD, Smitt PA,
van den Bent MJ. Successful treatment of low-grade oligodendroglial tumors with a chemotherapy
regimen of procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine. Cancer 2005; 103: 802–809.
Wen PY, DeAngelis LM. Chemotherapy for low-grade gliomas: emerging consensus on its benefits.
Neurology 2007; 68: 1762–1733.
Wessels PH, Weber WEJ, Raven G, Ramaekers FCS, Hopman AHN, Twinjnstra A. Supratentorial
grade II astroctyoma: biological features and clinical course. Lancet Neurol 2003; 2: 395–402.
Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumour
2.11 Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumour
Details of Study
The limitations of histopathological classification for intrinsic brain tumours are well recognized. Although classification systems such as that of the World Health Organization
(WHO) provide a common language for clinical practice and help guide treatment regimens, there are tumours, particularly in the paediatric population, which do not seem
to correlate with current research findings. Furthermore, predominantly morphological classification systems do not take into consideration our evolving understanding of
tumour genetics and biology. This landmark paper described a subset of patients with
tumours which, whilst superficially resembling oligodendromas, demonstrated a distinct
clinical and radiological presentation and were associated with a much better prognosis
(Daumas-Duport et al., 1988). The group was initially defined at the Hôpital Sainte Anne,
Paris, France (n = 20) followed by a further 19 patients at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, USA, after re-examination of previously collected LGG specimens. The
tumours all occurred in children or young adults who presented with complex partial
Study Reference
Main Study
Daumas-Duport C, Scheithauer BW, Chodkiewicz JP, Laws ER Jr, Vedrenne C. Dysembryoplastic
neuroepithelial tumor: a surgically curable tumor of young patients with intractable partial seizures.
Report of thirty-nine cases. Neurosurgery 23; 5: 545–556.
Study Design
Retrospective clinicopathological review of patient series.
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
Mean 9 years (range 1–18 years)
Number of centres
2, Sainte Anne Hospital, Paris, France (n = 20) and the Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, USA (n = 19)
In this two-centre study, all tumours were intracortical and supratentorial and most were
located within the temporal lobe. Microscopically, the tumours exhibited multi-nodular
architecture and were composed of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. Cell lines
demonstrated a high degree of heterogeneity. Sixty per cent of cases were reported to
exhibit a ‘specific glioneuronal element’ with columns of axons and oligodendroglia-like
cells orientated perpendicular to the cortical surface and interposed by normal appearing
neurons. A nodular component and adjacent areas of cortical dysplasia were present in
the majority of tumours.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Seizure freedom.
Clinical or radiological progression.
Gross total resection was achieved in 56% of patients. Despite this, there were no clinical
or radiological recurrences. Thirty out of 39 patients were rendered seizure free and all
patients had a reduction in seizure frequency post-operatively.
DNETs are a clinically and pathologically distinct form of primary brain neoplasm. They
are benign and potentially surgically curable with no demonstrated risk of progression or
Although similar pathological findings had been described previously, these cases were
identified in epilepsy specimens and were not associated with a radiological or operative mass lesion (Cavanagh, 1958). Daumas-Duport et al. identified a distinct pathological subgroup of epileptogenic tumours with an excellent prognosis with surgery alone.
Since Daumas-Duport et al.’s initial series, >700 cases have been reported in the literature.
Although the basic pathological description has not altered (Louis et al., 2007), several
histological subtypes have been identified. However, these are not of clinical or prognostic
significance (Louis et al., 2007). The lineage, pathogenesis, and genetics of DNETs are yet
to be elucidated.
Although a retrospective series, most of the clinical and prognostic findings of this landmark study have been borne out in subsequent literature. Extracortical and infratentorial
cases have been now described, as have recurrent and more aggressive tumours. These,
however, are rare. Grade progression has only been described twice, both times in patients
with atypical presentations (Rushing et al., 2003). However, for most patients with DNETs
this paper changed neurosurgeons’ understanding of the underlying pathology and
spared them from unnecessary re-operations or adjuvant treatments. Furthermore, this
landmark paper was one of the first studies to demonstrate the inadequacies of accepted
histopathological classification systems. Subsequent papers have further subcategorized
brain tumours, more recently based on genetic and molecular markers. Better classification allows for more accurate prediction of prognosis and greater likelihood of generating
targeted therapies.
Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumour
Cavanagh J. On certain small tumours encountered in the temporal lobe. Brain 1958; 81: 389–405.
Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Cavenne WK (eds). WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central
Nervous System, 4th edition. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2007.
Rushing EJ, Thompson LD, Mena H. Malignant transformation of a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial
tumor after radiation and chemotherapy. Ann Diagn Pathol 2003; 7: 240–244.
Meningioma Resection Grading
2.12 Meningioma Resection Grading
Details of Study
In the 1950s, improved surgical technique and longevity meant that meningioma recurrence became increasingly problematic. Previous attempts to grade the risk of recurrence
had been based on tumour histology, location, or ‘completeness of resection’ as a binary,
ill-defined variable. In 1957, Donald Simpson, an Australian surgeon studying in Oxford,
United Kingdom, published a single-author case series of meningiomas treated between
1928 and 1954 in London or the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford (Simpson, 1957).
Study References
Main Study
Simpson D. The recurrence of intracranial meningiomas after surgical treatment. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1957; 20: 22–39.
Related Reference
Heros RC. Simpson grades. J Neurosurg 2012; 117: 997–998.
Study Design
Retrospective review of patient records
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
6 months to >20 years.
Number of centres
2, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford (n = 235), London (n = 97)
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Clinical recurrence: symptoms directly referable to the tumour or death, either confirmed to be from meningioma at autopsy or thought likely to be so.
Simpson’s Meningioma Resection Grading Scale
Intradural tumour
Dural attachment
Macroscopically complete resection
Excised, abnormal bone removed
Macroscopically complete resection
In situ, diathermied
Macroscopically complete resection
In situ
Partial removal
Decompression, with or without biopsy
Overall, 55/265 (21%) of tumours recurred.
The extent of tumour and dural resection can be used to stratify the risk of recurrence.
Simpson’s paper provided a clearly defined grading scale for extent of meningioma resection. He designed the grading system relying on operative notes. The duration of follow-up
was excellent and relatively few patients were lost. Although Simpson did not perform any
statistical analyses, the Chi-squared test can be applied to the results table giving a p value
of <0.001. Aside from demonstrating an association between extent of resection and the
probability of recurrence, the scale provided a standardized language for discussion of
the degree of resection and re-defined what constitutes a ‘total resection’. Simpson’s study
was performed in the pre CT/MRI era, thus recurrence is refined clinically rather than
radiologically—a more relevant outcome measure.
Most subsequent studies have replicated Simpson’s findings, although with lower overall recurrence rates. However, in 2010 Sughrue et al. from UCSF in California, USA published their series of 879 patients (Sughrue et al., 2010). Although they found a trend
towards lower recurrence rates with Grade I resections, their results were not statically
significant. They have, therefore, questioned the need for such aggressive dural and bone
resection. However, it must be noted that their sample included 189 (22%) base of skull
tumours, a much larger proportion than most other series. Additionally, these included
radiological progression as their definition of recurrence, rather than symptomatic recurrence as in Simpson’s paper.
A subsequent paper by Hasseleid et al. from Oslo, Sweden, recapitulated Simpson’s findings in 391 patients with convexity meningiomas (Hasseleid et al., 2012). Importantly,
they defined recurrence as the need for retreatment and had almost double the duration
of follow-up as Sughrue et al.’s sample. These findings suggest a Simpson Grade I resection
should remain the goal of meningioma surgery.
Hasseleid BF, Meling TR, Rønning P, Scheie D, Helseth E. Surgery for convexity
meningioma: Simpson Grade I resection as the goal. J Neuosurg 2012; 117: 999–1006.
Heros RC. Editorial: Simpson grades. J Neurosurg 2012; 117: 997–998.
Sughrue ME, Rutkowski MJ, Chen CJ, Shangari G, Kane AJ, Parsa AT, Berger MS, McDermott MW.
The relevance of Simpson Grade I and II resection in modern neurosurgical treatment of World
Health Organization Grade I meningiomas. J Neurosurg 2010; 113: 1029–1035.
Chapter 3
Head injury
RD Johnson, F Zhou, T Santarius, JE Wilberger,
JV Rosenfeld
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Glasgow coma scale and glasgow outcome scale
3.2 Timing of surgery for acute traumatic extra-axial
3.3 Surgery for chronic subdural haematomas
3.4 Decompressive craniectomy for severe traumatic
brain injury
3.5 Intracranial pressure monitoring in head injury
3.6 Steroids in head injury
3.7 Barbiturates in head injury
3.8 Hyperosmolar therapy for control of raised intracranial
pressure in head injury
3.9 Hypothermia in head injury
3.10 Hyperventilation in head injury
3.11 Magnesium for neuroprotection in head injury
3.12 Epidemiology of post-traumatic seizures
3.13 Phenytoin for prevention of post-traumatic seizures
3.14 Pre-hospital intubation for traumatic brain injury
3.0 Introduction
Head injuries are common, and moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects
young and old alike with potentially high morbidity and mortality. Surgical treatment of
head injury may represent the oldest neurosurgical procedures. Indeed, surgical options
for head injuries are mentioned in the Edwin Smith papyrus, which refers to a period before
2500 bc (Breasted, 1930). In the modern era, neurosurgeons and neuro-intensivists are
the main carers for this group of patients. Several advances have been influential in shaping current methods of management of head-injured patients. The pathological nature of
head injury has been further elucidated (Graham and Adams, 1971). As it appears that
there is nothing that can be done to reverse the primary brain injury, the focus of our
efforts is primarily targeted at the cascade of events leading to secondary brain injury.
Efforts are directed at controlling intracranial pressure (ICP) and maintaining adequate
brain oxygenation and perfusion. This has required an increased cooperation between
neurosurgeons and neuro-intensivists. Another advance that has had a seismic impact
in the early diagnosis of traumatic pathology in head-injured patients is the advent of
cross-sectional computed tomography (CT) scanning (Hounsfield, 1973; French and
Dublin, 1977): an advance that was recognized by the award of the 1979 Nobel Prize in
medicine to Cormack and Hounsfield.
Mortality from civilian head injuries has been significantly reduced over the last 35 years
(Seelig et al., 1981). Nonetheless, many patients are left with extreme disabilities if they
survive. The organization of head injury pharmacological trials to improve outcome has
been extremely difficult for logistical reasons and because of technical difficulties with
their design (Narayan et al., 2002). Dickinson et al. carried out a broad-range analysis
of head injury trials, and in their analysis they reported several significant and dramatic
findings (Dickinson et al., 2000). First, they found that in the period up until 1998 there
were a total of 208 discrete published randomized trials of interventions in head injury,
but only 4% of these trials were of sufficient power to detect a 10% difference in outcome
among the cohorts (power level set at 80%, β = 0.2). Second, they found that there were
problems with blinding, not only in terms of patients and surgeons/doctors, but also of
those evaluating outcome, with just over 20% of published trials with any blinding of
outcome assessment. Dickinson et al. highlighted the small size of head injury trials, and
calculated that the total number of patients enrolled in all head injury trials together up
until 1998 was less than some of the larger individual trials in stroke and heart disease.
A further consideration is that head injury is a heterogeneous group of entities and current classification systems, including those based on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), do
not necessarily reflect this. It may be difficult, therefore, to derive useful information from
head injury studies unless a large number of subjects have been included, and negative
results from small studies should be treated with caution (Saatman et al., 2008).
Several topics have been chosen for inclusion in this chapter that we feel are particularly
relevant to the practising neurosurgeon and have addressed areas where there was significant equipoise. The opening section considers the landmark papers describing the GCS and
Head injury
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) that have had such a profound impact on the development
and practice of neurosurgery (Teasdale and Jennett, 1974; Jennett and Bond, 1975). The next
section deals with three seminal case studies regarding the timing of operative management
of acute extradural and subdural haematomas (Mendelow et al., 1979; Seelig et al., 1981;
Wilberger et al., 1991). This is followed by a section that contains two studies addressing
surgical technique for the management of chronic subdural haematomas (Svien and Gelety,
1964; Santarius et al., 2009). We are pleased to be able to include a section on decompressive
craniectomy by including the results of the Early Decompressive Craniectomy in Patients
with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (DECRA) study (Cooper et al., 2011). Studies addressing the role of pharmacological interventions including steroids, barbiturates, hyperosmolar therapies, and magnesium have been included. In the next section we consider two
multi-centre randomized trials addressing the efficacy of hypothermia for severe traumatic
head injury and consider a post hoc subgroup meta-analysis (Clifton et al., 2001; Clifton
et al., 2011; Clifton et al., 2012). The next section looks at a seminal study that addressed the
role of hyperventilation on outcome in head injury (Muizelaar et al., 1991). The next section
reviews the role of magnesium in severe traumatic brain injury (Temkin et al., 2007). The
following two sections of this chapter address landmark studies in post-traumatic seizures
(PTS) following head injury. The first of these sections considers a population-based study
of PTS by Annegers et al. (1998), which is the largest of its kind taking in 4541 patients over
a period of 50 years and has produced the most accurate data regarding the epidemiology
of PTS. The study emphasizes the importance of this problem and provided valuable data
regarding the risk of PTS. The other study included here is a Danisk population based study
of a different design including over 1.6 million people (Christensen et al., 2009). The penultimate section addresses a randomized, double-blind trial of phenytoin for the prophylaxis
of PTS (Temkin et al., 1990). Although many studies had already been published on seizure
prophylaxis for post-traumatic epilepsy, Temkin’s study stands out as being the largest study
with sufficient power to be able to analyse the efficacy of phenytoin. The results of Temkin’s
study have been confirmed by several meta-analyses of all published trials. The final section
summarizes the first prospective randomized trial on the role of pre-hospital intubation in
severe TBI (Bernard et al., 2012).
This chapter refers almost exclusively to the adult population. Two further studies looking
at the issues of decompressive craniectomy and hypothermia in paediatric head injury have
been included in the paediatric neurosurgery chapter. Furthermore, the head injury guidelines drawn up by the United States Brain Trauma Foundation are based on their Task Force
review of the available evidence (Bullock et al., 2006; Brain Trauma Foundation, 2007). These
guidelines are a landmark in neurosurgery and are recommended reading for all those with
an interest in head injury. Similarly, the 2012 consensus statement on concussion in sport is
a landmark in neurosurgery which we would recommend reviewing (McCrory et al., 2013).
Since the first edition of this volume there have been developments in the field of TBI
research which are likely to lead to more landmark studies. There is an increasing interest in
the role of biomarkers and MRI for prognostication in (Chew et al., 2012; Mondello et al.,
2013). Data from battlefield and sports concussion studies are also revealing new insights
into the pathophysiology of TBI (Petraglia et al., 2012; DeKosky et al., 2013; Duckworth
et al., 2013; Kontos et al., 2013). New avenues of research and areas in which advances
are likely to be seen are eloquently discussed in a recent review (Rosenfeld et al., 2012).
Annegers JF, Hauser WA, Coan SP, Rocca WA. A population-based study of seizures after traumatic
brain injuries. N Engl J Med 1998; 338: 20–24.
Bernard S, Nguyen V, Cameron P, Masci K, Fitzgerald M, Cooper DJ, Walker T, Myles P, Murray
L, Taylor D, Smith K, Patrick I, Edington J, Bacon A, Rosenfeld JV, Judson R. Prehospital rapid
sequence induction improves functional outcome for patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
A randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 2012; 252: 959–965.
Brain Trauma Foundation. Guidelines for the management of severe traumatic brain injury.
J Neurotrauma 2007; 24: S1–S106.
Breasted JH. The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1930.
Bullock MR, Chestnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R, Newell DW, Servadei F, Walters BC,
Wilberger JE. Surgical management of TBI author group. Neurosurgery 2006; 58: S2-1–S2-3.
Chew BG, Spearman CM, Quigley MR, Wilber JE. The prognostic significance of traumatic brainstem
injury detected on T2-weighted MRI. J Neurosurg 2012; 117: 722–728.
Clifton GL, Miller ER, Choi SC, Levin HS, McCauley S, Smith K, Muizelaar JP, Wagner FC, Marion
DW, Luerssen TG, Chestnut RM, Schwartz M. Lack of effect of induction of hypothermia after
acute brain injury. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 556–563.
Clifton GL, Valadka, Zygun D, Coffey CS, Drever P, Fourwinds S, Janis LS, Wilde E, Taylor P, Harshman
K, Conley A, Puccio A, Levin HS, McCauley SR, Bucholz RD, Smith KR, Schmidy JH, Scott JN,
Yonas H, Okonkwo DO. Very early hypothermia induction in patients with severe brain injury (the
National Acute Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia II): a randomised trial. Lancet 2011; 10: 131–139.
Clifton GL, Coffey CS, Fourwinds S, Zygun D, Valadka A, Smith KR Jr, Frisby ML, Bucholz RD,
Wilde EA, Levin HS, Okonkwo DO. Early induction of hypothermia for evacuated intracranial
hematomas: a post hoc analysis of two clinical trials. J Neurosurg 2012; 117: 714–720.
Cooper DJ, Rosenfeld JV, Murray L, Arabi YM, Davies AR, D’Urso P, Kossmann T, Ponsford J,
Seppelt I, Reilly P, Wolfe R. Decompressive craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J
Med 2011; 364:1493–1502.
DeKosky ST, Blennow K, Ikonomovic MD, Gandy S. Acute and chronic traumatic
encephalopathies: pathogenesis and biomarkers. Nat Rev Neurol 2013; 9: 192–200
Dickinson K, Bunn F, Wentz R, Edwards P, Roberts I. Size and quality of randomised controlled trials
in head injury: review of published studies. BMJ 2000; 320: 1308–1311.
Duckworth JL, Grimes J, Ling GS. Pathophysiology of battlefield associated traumatic brain injury.
Pathophysiology 2013; 20(1): 23–30.
French BN, Dublin AB. The value of computerized tomography in the management of 1000 consecutive
head injuries. Surg Neurol 1977; 7: 171–183.
Hounsfield GN. Computerized transverse axial scanning (tomography). 1. Description of system. Br J
Radiol 1973; 46: 1016–1022.
Hutchinson PJ, Corteen E, Czosnyka M, Mendelow AD, Menon DK, Mitchell P, Murray G, Pickard
JD, Rickels E, Sahuquillo J, Servadei F, Teasdale GM, Timofeev I, Unterberg A, Kirkpatrick PJ.
Decompressive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury: the randomized multicenter RESCUEicp
study (www.RESCUEicp.com). Acta Neurochir Suppl 2006; 96: 17–20.
Jennett B, Bond M. Assessment of outcome after severe brain damage: a practical scale. Lancet 1975;
1: 480–484.
Head injury
Kontos AP, Kotwai RS, Elbin RJ, Lutz RH, Forsten RD, Benson PJ, Guskiewicz KM. Residual effects
of combat-related mild traumatic brain injury. J Neuortrauma 2013; 30: 680–686.
McCrory P, Meeuwisse WH, Aubry M, Cantu B, Dvorak J, Echemendia RJ, Engebretsen L, Johnston
K, Kutcher JS, Raftery M, Sills A, Benson BW, Davis GA, Ellenbogen RG, Guskiewicz K, Herring
SA, Iversen GL, Jordan BD, Kissick J, McCrew M, McINtosh AS, Maddocks D, Makdissi M,
Purcell L, Putukian M, Schneider K, Tator CH, Turner M. Consensus statement on concussion in
sport: the 4th international conference on concussion in sport held in Zurich, November 2012. Br J
Sports Med 2013; 47: 250–258.
Mendelow AD, Karmi MZ, Paul KS, Fuller GAG, Gillingham FJ. Extradural haematomas: effect of
delayed treatment. BMJ 1979; 1: 1240–1249.
Mondello S, Buki A, Italiano D, Jeromin A. α-synuclein in CSF of patients with severe traumatic brain
injury. Neurology 2013; 80(18): 1662–1668.
Muizelaar JP, Marmarou A, Ward JD, Kontos HA, Choi SC, Becker DP, Gruemer H, Young HF.
Adverse effects of prolonged hyperventilation in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
J Neurosurg 1991; 75: 731–739.
Narayan RK, Michel ME, Ansell B, Baethmann A, Biegon A, Bracken MB, Bullock MR, Choi SC,
Clifton GL, Contant CF, Coplin WM, Dietrich WD, Ghajar J, Grady SM, Grossman RG, Hall
ED, Heetderks W, Hovda DA, Jallo J, Katz RL, Knoller N, Kochanek PM, Maas AI, Majde J,
Marion DW, Marmarou A, Marshall LF, McIntosh TK, Miller E, Mohberg N, Muizelaar JP, Pitts
LH, Quinn P, Riesenfeld G, Robertson CS, Strauss KI, Teasdale G, Temkin N, Tuma R, Wade C,
Walker MD, Weinrich M, Whyte J, Wilberger JE, Young AB, Yurkewicz L. Clinical trials in head
injury. J Neurotrauma 2002; 19: 503–557.
Petraglia AL, Maroon JC, Bailes JE. From the field of play to the field of combat: a review of the
pharmacological management of concussion. Neurosurgery 2012; 70: 1520–1533.
Rosenfeld JV, Maas AI, Bragge P, Morgant-Kossman MC, Manley GT, Gruen RL. Early management
of severe traumatic brain injury. Lancet 2012; 380: 1088–1098.
Saatman KE, Duhaime AC, Bullock R, Maas AI, Valadka A, Manley GT; Workshop Scientific Team
and Advisory Panel Members. Classification of traumatic brain injury for targeted therapies. J
Neurotrauma 2008; 25: 719–738.
Santarius T, Kirkpatrick PJ, Ganesan D, Chia HL, Jallah I, Smielewski P, Richards HK, Marcus H,
Parker RA, Price SH, Kirollos RW, Pickard JD, Hutchinson PJ. Use of drains versus no drains after
burr-hole evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009;
374: 1067–1073.
Seelig JM, Becker DP, Miller JD, Greenberg RP, Ward JD, Choi SC. Traumatic acute subdural
hematoma: major mortality reduction in comatose patients treated within four hours. JAMA 1981;
304: 1511–1518.
Svien HJ, Gelety JE. On the surgical management of encapsulated subdural hematoma. J Neurosurgery
1964; 21: 172–177.
Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness: a practical scale. Lancet 1974;
2: 81–84.
Temkin NR, Dikmen SS, Wilensky AJ, Keihm J, Chabal S, Winn HR. A randomised, double-blind
study of phenytoin for the prevention of post-traumatic seizures. N Engl J Med 1990;
323: 497–502.
Wilberger JE, Harris M, Diamond DL. Acute sudbural haematoma: morbidity, mortality and operative
timing. J Neurosurg 1991; 74: 212–218.
Glasgow Coma Scale and Glasgow Outcome Scale
3.1 Glasgow Coma Scale and Glasgow Outcome Scale
Details of Studies
Teasdale and Jennett first described the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in 1974 (Teasdale and
Jennett, 1974). The GCS has become the most widely used scoring system for describing
the neurological status in head-injured patients worldwide. The Glasgow Outcome Scale
(GOS) was first reported by Jennett and Bond in 1975 (Jennett and Bond, 1975). The GCS
and GOS have become a widely accepted method of reporting outcomes not only in studies of head injuries, but also in other neurosurgical conditions.
Study References
Main Studies
Jennett B, Bond M. Assessment of outcome after severe brain damage. Lancet 1975; 1: 480–484.
Jennett B, Snoek J, Bond MR, Brooks N. Disability after severe head injury: observations on the use of
the Glasgow Outcome Scale. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1981; 44: 285–293.
Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness. A practical scale. Lancet 1974;
2: 81–84.
Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment and prognosis of coma after head injury. Acta Neurochir 1976;
34: 45–55.
Related References
Jennett B, Teasdale G. Aspects of coma after severe head injury. Lancet 1977; 878–881.
Jennett B, Teasdale G, Galbraith S, Pickard J, Grant H, Braakman R, Avezaat C, Mass A, Minderhoud
J, Vecht C, Heiden J, Small R, Caten W, Kurze T. Severe head injuries in three countries. J Neurol
Neurosurg Psychiatry 1977; 40: 291–298.
Glasgow Coma Scale
The original GCS was described as follows:
A clinical scale has been evolved for assessing the depth and duration of impaired consciousness
and coma. Three aspects of behaviour are independently measured—motor responsiveness, verbal
performance, and eye opening.
(Jennett and Teasdale, 1974, p 81)
The first description in 1974 consisted of a 14-point scale as follows:
Eye opening
Best verbal response
Best motor response
To speech
To pain
Head injury
However, numerical values were not added until it was modified to a 15-point scale in 1976:
Eye opening
Best verbal response
Best motor response
To speech
To pain
The assessment of motor response was described in detail with ‘obeying commands’
being defined as the best response possible. Jennett and Teasdale emphasized that this
response should be interpreted carefully:
The observer must take care not to interpret a grasp reflex or a postural adjustment as a response to
command. The terms ‘purposeful’ and ‘voluntary’ are avoided as we believe they cannot be judged
(Jennett and Teasdale, 1974, p 82)
The authors also described in detail the method by which noxious stimuli were to be
applied, starting with pressure on the nail bed with a pencil to test for flexion and then to the
head, neck, or trunk to test for localization. Motor responses are described in detail: localizing is defined as a limb moving to remove a noxious stimulus at more than one site (e.g.
the opposite limb moving to site of nail bed pressure); withdrawing is normal flexion of the
elbow or knee to local painful stimulus; abnormal flexion is slow withdrawal with pronation
of the wrist and adduction of the shoulder; extensor response is defined as adduction and
internal rotation of the shoulder with pronation of the forearm. They also indicate the importance of recording the best motor response if there is a discrepancy between limbs as the
lesser response may reflect localized brain damage rather than overall conscious level. They
indicate that eye opening in response to pain should be assessed from stimulus to the limbs to
avoid the grimacing reflex causing eye closure. Verbal responses are described as follows: orientated (in time, place, person); confused conversation (attends and responds to questions
but with incorrect or muddled answers); inappropriate words (intelligible words but random
and unrelated to questions asked); incomprehensible speech (moans and groans only).
Glasgow Outcome Scale
The original GOS described in 1975 had included four categories of survivors and one
category for death as follows:
Vegetative state
No evidence of meaningful response
Severe disability
Conscious but needs the assistance of another person for either physical or
mental reasons
Moderate disability
Independent but disabled
Good recovery
Resumption of normal occupation and social activities
Glasgow Coma Scale and Glasgow Outcome Scale
Patients in a vegetative state were said to be able to breathe spontaneously and may even
eye open, swallow, or show reflex responses in the limbs. However, a vegetative state was
said to indicate a lack of function of the cerebral cortex. The three categories of disability
described a range of physical and mental dependencies. However, as it was felt that these
categories were so compressed as to be insensitive to degrees of improvement within each
category the scale was extended in 1981 to further subdivide each disability category into
two subcategories (upper and lower) so that, including death as an outcome, an 8-point
scale was produced.
The GCS is the most widely utilized scale for the measurement of level of consciousness worldwide. The GCS has been incorporated into other scores of ill health and
trauma including the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II
score and the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS). Indeed, the only country that
has ever rejected the GCS in favour of another scoring system is Sweden (Starmark
et al., 1988; Marion and Carlier, 1994). Despite its widespread acceptance and use,
the GCS has not been without its critics. Although the GCS was developed primarily
as a research tool in order to predict outcome and to allow for bedside assessments of
fluctuations of conscious level, it has been widely utilized as an indicator for clinical
decision-making. This is demonstrated by the adage ‘If the GCS is less than 8, then you
need to intubate’. The GCS score has become utilized to alert practitioners to the need
to protect the airway with formal intubation (Chestnut, 1997). Likewise, a GCS of 8
is a threshold for consideration of ICP monitoring. However, using the GCS in these
ways implies that it is summarized as a single numerical score. Jennett and Teasdale
assigned a numerical score to the GCS and in their assessment of 700 head-injured
patients concluded that all combinations that resulted in a GCS of <8 were definitive
of coma (Jennett and Teasdale, 1977). However, they have always emphasized that the
conscious level of a patient should always be described fully in terms of the three separate responses (Teasdale et al., 1983). Indeed, the summation of the score to a single
figure has been criticized for weighting the motor score over the other components
(Bhatty and Kapoor, 1993). However, this weighting towards the motor score may be
desirable as it is possible that the motor response is the best predictor of neurological outcome (Jagger et al., 1983). The other main criticism of the GCS is the fact that
it does not incorporate any measure of brainstem reflexes (Segatore and Way, 1992).
However, the original aim of the GCS was to produce a scale that provided interobserver reliability so that frequent and repeated assessments could be made by the
bedside. Scoring systems that have incorporated brainstem reflexes have been more
complicated and, therefore, less inter-rater reliability. Jennett and Teasdale made it
clear in their original description that the GCS was not developed to replace a full
neurological examination:
It is no part of our case to deny the value of a detailed appraisal of the patient as a whole, and of
neurological function in particular
(Jennett and Teasdale, 1974, p 83)
Head injury
Another area of criticism of the GCS is its application to intubated patients: a problem that is generally circumvented by recording the verbal score with a ‘T’ (Meredith
et al., 1988). Furthermore, there have been concerns regarding the use of the GCS in the
pre-hospital setting as it appears that such scores may not correlate with either severity
of head injury or serve as prognostic indicators of outcome (Marion and Carlier, 1994).
Notwithstanding these weaknesses and criticisms, the description of the GGS was a
true landmark in neurosurgery as it brought consistency to scoring conscious levels in
head-injured patients and all the evidence indicates that it is likely to remain in widespread use for a long time to come.
The aim of the GOS was to describe overall social outcome in patients in terms of a limited set of outcomes, which were ‘sufficiently clearly defined to be used reliably by observers in several centres, some of whom were in different countries’ (Jennett et al., 1981).
Almost immediately after the GOS was described, it was proposed by others that it should
be adopted worldwide for the follow-up of series of head-injured patients (Langfitt, 1978).
The original GOS was, however, relatively insensitive to subtle changes and for weighting physical disability relative to cognitive dysfunction (Kaye and Andrews, 2000). It
appears that most patients will reach their final point on the 5-point scale by 6 months: an
interval at which it is also usually possible to successfully follow-up patients (Jennett,
2005). Indeed, it appears that early GOS at 3 months correlates well with long-term GOS
(King et al., 2005). Modification of the GOS to the Glasgow Outcome Scale—Extended
(GOSE) has addressed this and the GOSE has been found to be more sensitive for detecting changes in mild to moderate head-injured patients, particularly when assessed on the
basis of a structured interview, and thus more useful for longer-term follow-up (Wilson
et al., 1998; Levin et al., 2001). In many research papers, outcomes are dichotomized
into ‘poor’ (severe disability or vegetative state) or ‘good’ (moderate disability or good
The GCS and GOS have been widely adopted for the management and study of traumatic and non-traumatic patients. Jennett has emphasized that training in their proper
use is necessary to ensure that they are not misleading (Jennett, 2005).
Bhatty GB, Kapoor N. The Glasgow Coma Scale: a mathematical critique. Acta Neurochir 1993;
120: 132–135.
Chestnut RM. The management of severe traumatic brain injury. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1997;
15: 581–604.
Jagger J, Jane JA, Rimet R. The Glasgow Coma Scale: to sum or not to sum? [letter] Lancet 1983; 2: 97.
Jennett B. Development of the Glasgow Coma and Outcome Scales. Nepal J Neurosci 2005; 2: 24–28.
Kaye AH, Andrews D. Glasgow Outcome Scale: research scale or blunt instrument? Lancet 2000;
356: 1540–1541.
King JT, Jr., Carlier PM, Marion DW. Early Glasgow Outcome Scale scores predict long-term
functional outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2005;
22: 947–954.
Langfitt TW. Measuring the outcome from head injuries. J Neurosurg 1978; 48: 673–678.
Glasgow Coma Scale and Glasgow Outcome Scale
Levin HS, Boake C, Song J, McCauley S, Contant C, Diaz-Marchan P, Brundage S, Goodman H,
Kotrla KJ. Validity and sensitivity to change of the extended Glasgow Outcome Scale in mild to
moderate traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2001; 18: 575–584.
Marion DW, Carlier PM. Problems with initial Glasgow Coma Scale assessment caused by
prehospital treatment of patients with head injuries: results of a national survey. J Trauma 1994;
36: 89–95.
Meredith W, Rutledge R, Fakhry SM, Emery S, Kromhout-Schiro S. The conundrum of the Glasgow
Coma Scale in intubated patients: a linear regression prediction of the Glasgow verbal score from
the Glasgow eye and motor scores. J Trauma 1988; 44: 839–845.
Segatore M, Way C. The Glasgow Coma Scale: time for a change. Heart Lung 1992; 21: 548–557.
Starmark JE, Stålhammar D, Holmgren E, Rosander B. A comparison of the Glasgow Coma Scale and
the Reaction Level Scale (RLS85). J Neurosurg 1988; 69: 699–706.
Teasdale G, Jennett B, Murray L, Murray G. Glasgow Coma Scale: to sum or not to sum? [letter] Lancet
1983; 2: 678.
Wilson JT, Pettigrew LE, Teasdale GM. Structured interviews for the Glasgow Outcome Scale
and the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale: guidelines for their use. J Neurotrauma 1998;
15: 573–585.
Timing of Surgery for Acute Traumatic Extra-axial Haematomas
3.2 Timing of Surgery for Acute Traumatic Extra-axial
Details of Studies
Three seminal case series concerned with the timing of surgery to evacuate extra-axial
haematomas are included in this section. The first is a series of 83 patients treated for
traumatic extradural haematomas (EDHs) in the Edinburgh area in Scotland in the periods 1951–1960 and 1968–1977 (Mendelow et al., 1979). This series compared the effects
on outcome of delayed treatment following neurological deterioration and emphasized
the need for immediate operation in patients deteriorating from extradural haematomas.
The second study from Richmond, Virginia, USA, is a series of 82 patients with traumatic
acute subdural haematomas (ASDH) admitted to the Division of Neurological Surgery,
Medical College of Virginia, between 1972 and 1980 (Seelig et al., 1981). This paper established the principle of time to definitive surgical treatment as the most significant factor in
the management of traumatic ASDH. The third study is a series of 101 patients with traumatic ASDH admitted to Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,
between 1982 and 1987. This paper, while confirming the general trend regarding the
effect of timing of surgery on outcome, highlighted the importance of control of ICP and
the effect of primary brain injury.
Study References
Main Studies
Mendelow AD, Karmi MZ, Paul KS, Fuller GAG, Gillingham FJ. Extradural haematomas: effect of
delayed treatment. BMJ 1979; 1: 1240–1249.
Seelig JM, Becker DP, Miller JD, Greenberg RP, Ward JD, Choi SC. Traumatic acute subdural
hematoma: major mortality reduction in comatose patients treated within four hours. JAMA 1981;
304: 1511–1518.
Wilberger JE, Harris M, Diamond DL. Acute subdural haematoma: morbidity, mortality and operative
timing. J Neurosurg 1991; 74: 212–218.
Related Reference
Bullock MR, Chestnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R, Newell DW, Servadi F, Walters BC, Wilberger
JE, for the Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury Author Group. Surgical management
of acute subdural haematomas. Neurosurgery 2006; 58: S16–S24.
Head injury
Study Designs
All retrospective case series.
Mendelow et al.
Seelig et al. (1981)
Wilberger et al. (1991)
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Number of centres
1 (Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK)
1 (Richmond, Virginia, USA)
1 (Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA)
Functional status
Extradural haematoma >1.5 cm thick
◆ No depressed skull
fracture present
Surgical evacuation
of clot
Functional status (GOS)
ASDH causing >5 mm
midline shift
◆ Neurological status: impaired verbal
response (unable to speak
in response to noxious
stimuli); unresponsive to
verbal command
◆ Negative drug/
alcohol screen
◆ Spontaneous respiration
Comprehensive resuscitation including the use of
◆ Rapid temporal craniectomy + partial clot
evacuation followed by
immediate temperofrontoparietal craniotomy.
◆ Contused/necrotic
temporal and frontal
brain removed where
Functional status (GOS)
GCS <8 after
◆ Absence of brain death
◆ No hypotensive episodes (<90 mmHg for
>30 min)
◆ No other life threatening injuries
◆ Negative drug/alcohol
Comprehensive resuscitation including the use
of mannitol
◆ Rapid craniotomy
and removal of clot
plus resection of any
necrotic brain tissue
and placement of intraventricular catheter
In the study by Mendelow et al. delay was defined as the time between neurological
deterioration and surgery.
In the studies by Seelig et al. and Wilberger et al. delay was defined as time from injury
to surgery.
Mendelow et al. (1979)
In the study by Mendelow et al. the two time periods compared reflected a change in the
management of head-injured patients: in the second time period, patients were routinely
Timing of Surgery for Acute Traumatic Extra-axial Haematomas
admitted directly to the neurosurgical unit within 24 h. This resulted in a fourfold reduction in delay to surgery (p = 0.06) (see Figure 3.1).
Delay to surgery in survivors
Delay to surgery in
Statistical significance
1.9 h
15.7 h
p <0.05
Seelig et al. (1981)
Surgery <4 h from injury
Surgery >4 h from injury
Statistical significance
p <0.0001
Post-operative control of ICP <20 mmHg was associated with a functional recovery in
79% of patients (p < 0.001).
Poor pre-operative neurological status was associated with an increased mortality
(p < 0.05).
Wilberger et al. (1991)
Although there was a trend for earlier surgery to improve mortality rates and functional recovery this was only statistically significant in patients who underwent surgery >12 h following injury (p < 0.05) (see Figure 3.2).
Poor pre-operative neurological status (GCS <5) was significantly associated with high
mortality (>75%, p < 0.05).
Control of ICP was significantly associated with mortality and functional recovery: mortality with ICP <20 mmHg was 40% compared to a mortality of >95% with ICP > 45 mmHg
(p < 0.05); no patients with ICP > 45 mmHg had a functional recovery (p < 0.05).
% Patients
<2 h
2–4 h
4–6 h
>6 h
Timing of Surgery From Injury
Fig. 3.1 Relationship between mortality, functional outcome and timing of surgery post injury in
the study by Mendelow et al.
Head injury
% Patients
<2 h
≤4 h
>4 h
>12 h
Timing of Surgery From Injury
Fig. 3.2 Relationship between mortality, functional recovery and timing of surgery post injury in
the study by Wilberger et al.
Mendelow et al. (1979)
Delay in surgical evacuation of EDH leads to increased morbidity and mortality, with
delays of >2 h being unacceptable.
Seelig et al. (1981)
The diagnosis and surgical evacuation of ASDH within 4 h of injury considerably
reduces mortality.
Wilberger et al. (1991)
Although timely evacuation of ASDH is warranted, effective control of intracranial
pressure appears to be more critical to outcome.
Extra-axial haematomas have long been considered surgically curable pathological entities and it has long been recognized that evacuation at the earliest opportunity may be
beneficial (Putnam and Cushing, 1925; Chambers, 1951). The study by Mendelow et al.
supported this view in the case of extradural haematomas with their finding that the mean
delay to surgery was more than eight times longer in non-survivors (15.7 h) than survivors (1.9 h). The aim of the study by Mendelow and collegues was primarily to evaluate
the effect of a change in head injury services in Edinburgh between two time periods. In
the second time period, head-injured patients were admitted to a neurosurgical unit for
24 h routinely. This practice certainly reduced delays to surgery to a degree that almost
reached statistical significance (p = 0.06). There have been other studies that have supported the immediate surgical intervention for EDH (Bricolo and Pasut, 1984). However,
Timing of Surgery for Acute Traumatic Extra-axial Haematomas
the series by Mendelow et al. is often cited as providing clear evidence that delay in evacuation following clinical deterioration is associated with worsening of outcome.
The series by Seelig et al. is a landmark in the field of head injury as it established the
earliest possible evacuation of ASDH, and preferably within 4 h, as a benchmark of neurosurgical care. The later series by Wilberger et al. although broadly supporting this finding,
also revealed that the extent of the underlying primary brain injury and appropriate strategies to prevent secondary brain injury may be more important than the timing of surgery
in determining outcome. This study is also a landmark, particularly because it has led to
an increased focus on how to manage ICP during the interval between injury and surgery.
These landmark studies that have been highly influential in establishing the general
acceptance of timely intervention for traumatic extra-axial haematomas are the benchmark. Nonetheless, it should be recognized that there are studies that suggest there
may be a role for a conservative approach in selected patients: in particular those with
small-volume haematomas that do not cause compression or midline shift (Hamilton and
Wallace, 1992; Croce et al., 1994; Servadi et al., 1998). Nonetheless, there is little contention regarding the role of emergency surgery in patients deteriorating from traumatic
extra-axial lesions. Indeed, discussions regarding the evidence to support surgery in this
situation have been likened to discussions about the evidence for the benefits for parachutes in determining outcome for sky-divers. However, there is an area of traumatic head
injury that remains more controversial and that is the role of surgery in patients with traumatic contusions or traumatic intraparenchymal haematomas. In this setting, it appears
that neurosurgeons are much more conservative in their approach and there appears to
be enough equipoise to facilitate a large multi-centre randomized trial (Compagne et al.,
2005). Indeed, the STITCH (trauma) trial started recruiting patients in 2009 (<http://
Further developments have been made with regard to optimizing other variables such
as pre-hospital resuscitation and control of cerebral perfusion and intracranial pressure.
However, traumatic EDH and ASDH represent a diverse population of patients and comprehensive guidelines have been developed by leading expert groups on how to best manage these lesions (Bullock et al., 2006a; Bullock et al., 2006b).
Bricolo AP, Pasut LM. Extradural hematoma: toward zero mortality. A prospective study. Neurosurgery
1984; 14: 8–12.
Bullock MR, Chestnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R, Newell DW, Servadi F, Walters BC, Wilberger
JE, for the Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury Author Group. Surgical management
of acute subdural haematomas. Neurosurgery 2006a; 58: S7–S15.
Bullock MR, Chestnut R, Ghajar J, Gordon D, Hartl R, Newell DW, Servadi F, Walters BC, Wilberger
JE, for the Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury Author Group. Surgical management
of acute subdural haematomas. Neurosurgery 2006b; 58: S16–S24.
Chambers JW. Acute subdural hematoma. J Neurosurg 1951; 8: 263–268.
Compagne C, Murray GD, Teasdale GM, Maas AIR, Esposito D, Princi P, D’Avella D, Servadi F.
The management of patients with intradural post-traumatic mass lesions: a multi-centre survey
Head injury
of current approaches to surgical management in 729 patients coordinated by the European Brain
Injury Consortium. Neurosurgery 2005; 57: 1183–1191.
Croce MA, Dent DL, Menke PG, Robertson JT, Hinson MS, Young BH, Donovan TB, Pritchard FE,
Minard G, Kudsk KA. Acute subdural haematoma: nonsurgical management of selected patients. J
Trauma 1994; 36: 820–826.
Hamilton M, Wallace C. Non-operative management of acute epidural hematoma diagnosed by CT: the
neuroradiologist’s role. AJNR 1992; 13: 853–859.
Putnam TJ, Cushing H. Chronic subdural hematoma: its pathology, its relation to pachymeningitis
hemorrhagia and its surgical treatment. Arch Surg 1925; 11: 329–393.
Servadi F, Nasi MT, Cremoni AM, Giuliani G, Cenni P, Nanni A. Importance of a reliable admission
Glasgow Coma Scale score for determining the need for evacuation of posttraumatic subdural
hematomas: a prospective study of 65 patients. J Trauma 1998; 44: 868–873.
Surgery for chronic subdural haematomas
3.3 Surgery for Chronic Subdural Haematomas
Details of Studies
Two studies are included in this section. First is a series of 69 patients with chronic subdural haematoma (CSDH) treated between 1955 and 1960 either with craniotomy or burr
hole evacuation (Svien and Gelety, 1964). This was the first study to demonstrate that
burr hole evacuation is an overall better operation than craniotomy for the treatment
of primary CSDH. Second is a RCT addressing one of the key questions regarding the
surgical management of CSDH, namely the role of drains following burr hole evacuation
(Santarius et al., 2009). The trial was carried out at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge,
United Kingdom, between 2004 and 2007.
Study References
Main Studies
Santarius T, Kirkpatrick PJ, Ganesan D, Chia HL, Jallah I, Smielewski P, Richards HK, Marcus H,
Parker RA, Price SH, Kirollos RW, Pickard JD, Hutchinson PJ. Use of drains versus no drains after
burr-hole evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009;
374: 1067–1073.
Svien HJ, Gelety JE. On the surgical management of encapsulated subdural hematoma. J Neurosurgery
1964; 21: 172–177.
Related References
Lega BC, Danish SF, Malhotra NR, Sonnad SS, Stein SC. Choosing the best operation for chronic
subdural hematoma: a decision analysis. J Neurosurg 2010; 113(3): 615–621.
Weigel R, Schmiedek P, Krauss JK. Outcome of contemporary surgery for chronic subdural
haematoma: evidence based review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003; 74: 937–943.
Study Design
Svien and Gelety (1964)
Case series.
Class of evidence
Craniotomy versus burr hole evacuation
Number of patients
Recurrence requiring re-drainage
Functional outcome at discharge
Functional outcome at follow-up (3 months to 8 years)
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: age >18 years; symptomatic CSDH confirmed on CT scan, presence
of CSDH membranes confirmed pre-operatively.
Head injury
Exclusion criteria: patients with radiological evidence of skull fracture, severe associated injuries or history of unconsciousness of >5 min.
Santarius et al. (2009)
Class of evidence
Drain versus no drain
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
Recurrence requiring re-drainage
Secondary outcomes:
Mortality at 30 days and 6 months
100% follow-up for primary outcome and 98% for secondary outcomes
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: age >18 years; symptomatic CSDH confirmed on CT scan.
Exclusion criteria: indication for surgery other than burr hole evacuation; insertion of
CSF shunt ipsilateral to CSDH within preceding 6 months; use of drain deemed unsafe
by surgeon.
Analysis was carried out on an intention-to-treat basis.
Svien and Gelety (1964)
Santarius et al. (2009)
Good functional status at discharge (%)
Burr hole drainage
10/50 (20%)
7/19 (37%)
p = 0.15%
p = 0.065%
* Not done in the paper.
Data on the functional status at follow-up are too complex for presentation in a table.
The trial was stopped early because of the significant benefit in reduction of recurrence
with the use of a drain.
At discharge, patients with drains were reported to have fewer neurological deficits, a
better functional status, and more favourable modified Rankin scores.
There were no significant differences in complication rates between the two groups.
Surgery for chronic subdural haematomas
No drain
Statistical significance
p = 0.003%
Mortality at 6 months
p = 0.042%
Svien and Gelety (1964)
Burr hole evacuation is a preferred technique to craniotomy in the treatment of CSDH.
Santarius et al. (2009)
Use of a drain following burr hole drainage of chronic subdural haematoma is safe and
associated with reduced recurrence and mortality at 6 months.
CSDH is a common clinical problem associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. There are numerous surgical options available to address this problem and an equally
large number of opinions in the neurosurgical field as to which is the best technique. In
this section we discuss two papers. The first has initiated a change in practice from that of
craniotomy to burr hole drainage being the treatment of choice for primary CSDH. The
second has provided randomized trial level of evidence for the use of drains with burr
hole drainage and is likely to change practice from not using to using drains.
Until the paper by Svien and Gelety, the prevailing method of treatment of CSDH,
including primary CSDH, was craniotomy (Markwalder, 1981; Markwalder and Seiler,
1985; Hamilton et al., 1993). The authors showed, for the first time, that it is not necessary to perform craniotomy and membranectomy for CSDH. In fact, the outcome
was better and the recurrence rate lower, although the latter not reaching statistical
significance. The standard of the evidence presented in this paper is barely of Class III,
and a lot of criticism can be made about the rigorousness of the definition of clinical
status of patents at discharge and follow-up. However, following this study, numerous
prospective and retrospective case series as well as two meta-analyses have confirmed
the findings of the paper by Svien and Gelety (Weigel et al., 2003; Mondorf et al., 2009;
Lega et al., 2010).
As many surgeons prefer minicraniotomies as the method of choice for evacuation of
CSDH, believing that these are associated with a lower recurrence rate, it would be beneficial to compare these two techniques in a clinical trial (Hamilton et al., 1993; Lee et al.,
2009; Mondorf et al., 2009).
In addition to the discussion of craniotomy versus burr hole craniostomy, there has
been an ongoing debate about the merits of drains with burr hole craniostomy. Therefore,
in their trial, Santarius et al. have chosen to examine a single question: Does the use of a
drain when carrying out burr hole craniostomy for CSDH affect outcome? The authors
concede that their trial has the weakness of being a single-centre study. However, the trial
Head injury
has certainly been successful in answering the question it addressed and the results are
consistent with previous prospective studies (Wakai et al., 1990; Tsutsumi et al., 1997).
There has also been reluctance among some neurosurgeons to use drains because of
concerns about potential complications of drain insertion. However, this trial by Santarius
et al., similarly to other studies, did not find any significant difference in complication
rates with the use of a drain (Mori and Maeda, 2001; Lind et al., 2003).
This trial stands out as a landmark study by showing that a simple additional intervention can have a significant beneficial effect on patient outcome. This finding was in
marked contrast to the widely held beliefs regarding the use of drains (Santarius et al.,
2008). This trial has also opened the way for further trials to evaluate important questions
in the management of chronic subdural haematomas. Is there a role for steroids to prevent
recurrence, for example? Undoubtedly, there will be further trials comparing operative
techniques and perhaps even larger multi-centre trials.
Hamilton MG, Frizzell JB, Tranmer BI. Chronic subdural hematoma: the role for craniotomy
reevaluated. Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 67–72.
Lee JK, Choi JH, Kim CH, Lee HK, Moon JG. Chronic subdural hematomas: a comparative study of
three types of operative procedures. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2009; 46: 210–214.
Lega BC, Danish SF, Malhotra NR, Sonnad SS, Stein SC. Choosing the best operation for chronic
subdural hematoma: a decision analysis. J Neurosurg 2010; 113(3): 615–621.
Lind CR, Lind CJ, Mee EW. Reduction in the number of repeated operations for the treatment of
subacute and chronic subdural hematomas by placement of subdural drains. J Neurosurg 2003;
99: 44–46.
Markwalder TM. Chronic subdural hematomas: a review. J Neurosurg 1981; 54: 637–645.
Markwalder TM, Seiler RW. Chronic subdural hematomas: to drain or not to drain? Neurosurgery 1985;
16: 185–188.
Mondorf Y, Abu-Owaimer M, Gaab MR, Oertel JM. Chronic subdural hematoma—craniotomy versus
burr hole trepanation. Br J Neurosurg 2009; 23: 612–616.
Mori K, Maeda M. Surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma in 500 consecutive cases: clinical
characteristics, surgical outcome, complications, and recurrence rate. Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica
2001; 41: 371–381.
Santarius T, Lawton R, Kirkpatrick PJ, Hutchinson PJ. The management of primary chronic subdural
haematoma: a questionnaire survey of practice in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
Br J Neurosurg 2008; 22: 529–534.
Tsutsumi K, Maeda K, Iijima A, Usui M, Okada Y, Kirino T. The relationship of preoperative magnetic
resonance imaging findings and closed system drainage in the recurrence of chronic subdural
hematoma. J Neurosurgery 1997; 87: 870–875.
Wakai S, Hashimoto K, Watanabe N, Inoh S, Ochiai C, Nagai M. Efficacy of closed-system drainage
in treating chronic subdural hematoma: a prospective comparative study. Neurosurgery 1990;
26: 771–773.
Weigel R, Schmiedek P, Krauss JK. Outcome of contemporary surgery for chronic subdural
haematoma: evidence based review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003; 74: 937–943.
Decompressive craniectomy for severe traumatic brain injury
3.4 Decompressive Craniectomy for Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury
Details of Study
Decompressive craniectomy is widely used as a surgical method of treating medically
refractory intracranial hypertension following severe TBI. Despite a suggestion from
non-randomized trials and controlled trials with historical controls that such surgery may
be beneficial if maximal medical treatment fails to control ICP, there has been a paucity of
well-designed studies to evaluate its efficacy. The Decompressive Craniectomy (DECRA)
trial is, therefore, a landmark study in being the first well-designed, multi-centre RCT
published to address this issue. The DECRA trial was carried out between 2002 and 2010
in Australia, New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia.
Study References
Main Study
Cooper DJ, Rosenfeld JV, Murray L, Arabi YM, Davies AR, D’Urso P, Kossmann T, Ponsford J,
Seppelt I, Reilly P, Wolfe R. Decompressive craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J
Med 2011; 364: 1493–1502.
Related Studies
Hutchinson PJ, Corteen E, Czosnyka M, Mendelow AD, Menon DK, Mitchell P, Murray G, Pickard
JD, Rickels E, Sahuquillo J, Servadei F, Teasdale GM, Timofeev I, Unterberg A, Kirkpatrick PJ.
Decompressive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury: the randomized multicenter RESCUEicp
study (www.RESCUEicp.com). Acta Neurochir Suppl 2006; 96: 17–20.
Sahuquillo J, Arikan F. Decompressive craniectomy for the treatment of refractory high intracranial
pressure in traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; 1: CD003983.
Study Design
Multi-centre RCT.
Class of evidence
Craniectomy plus standard care versus standard care alone
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
GOSE at 6 months
Secondary outcomes:
ICP measurements
Intracranial hypertension index
Unfavourable GOSE score
ICU stay
Number of centres
ICP monitoring technique (EVD versus intraparenchymal monitor)
Head injury
Inclusion criteria: age 15–59 years; severe, non-penetrating head injury (GCS 3–8);
informed consent from next of kin.
Exclusion criteria: fixed dilated pupils; spinal cord injury; pre-hospital cardiac arrest.
All patients were cared for in advance neuro-intensive facilities with ICP monitoring.
Refractory ICP was defined as >20 mmHg for >15 min within a 1 h period.
Patients were randomized within 72 h of injury to decompressive craniectomy plus
standard care versus standard care alone.
Standard care consisted of all accepted methods recommended by the Brain Trauma
Foundation of controlling ICP: sedation, normalization of arterial PCO2, hyper-osmolar
therapy, neuromuscular paralysis, and external ventricular drainage.
Decompressive craniectomy consisted of a bifrontal craniectomy with bilateral dural
opening but preservation of the falx and sagittal sinus.
Assessors of GOSE were blinded to the treatment arm.
Analysis was carried out on an intention-to-treat basis.
Primary Outcome
The original primary outcome was an unfavourable outcome on the GOSE and power
calculations required a sample size of 210 patients. However, at interim analysis it was
determined that by changing the primary outcome to the GOSE score that the trial could
be terminated at 150 participants.
Craniectomy and
standard care
Standard care alone
Statistical significance
Mean GOSE score
(lower severe disability)
(upper severe disability)
p = 0.03
Unfavourable outcome
(GOSE 1–4)
p = 0.02
The craniectomy group had a worse GOSE score than those receiving standard care alone
(odds ratio1.84, p = 0.03) and a greater risk of unfavourable outcome (odds ratio 2.21,
p = 0.02).
Secondary Outcomes
Hydrocephalus was tenfold more common in the craniectomy group (10%) compared to
the standard-care group (1%)
Decompressive craniectomy for severe traumatic brain injury
Craniectomy and
standard care
care alone
p < 0.001
p < 0.001
Intracranial hypertension index
p < 0.001
Median ICU days
p < 0.001
Mean ICP
Median number of hours with ICP >20 mmHg
Early decompressive craniectomy was effective in reducing ICP and length of ICU stay
but it was associated with more unfavourable outcomes for adult patients with severe TBI.
This is a significant landmark study as it is the first well-designed, large, multi-centre
trial of a neurosurgical procedure versus standard care in the management of severe TBI.
Although decompressive craniectomy is widely used to manage refractory increased ICP,
the results of the DECRA trial highlight the need to conduct clinical trials to evaluate these
methods. The finding that craniectomy was found to be associated with more unfavourable outcomes at 6 months calls into question the validity of decompressive craniectomy
in severe TBI. The authors acknowledge that the change in the primary outcome during
the course of the trial is not optimal. Nonetheless, the same results were observed for both
the original and revised primary outcomes and no beneficial effect of craniectomy was
found, contrary to the study hypothesis. The authors speculated that the harmful effect of
craniectomy may have been due to axonal stretch injury when the brain expands outside
the skull vault.
Various reservations have been expressed about the DECRA trial. It has been suggested that bicoronal craniectomy may be too aggressive, and that results would be perhaps differ in unilateral craniectomy for asymmetric intracranial hypertension (Chi,
2011). The DECRA trial results were discussed in correspondence to the New England
Journal of Medicine (Cramer and Slooter, 2011; Hautefeuille et al., 2011; Hutchinson and
Kirkpatrick, 2011; Romero, 2011; Simard et al., 2011; Timmons et al., 2011). Timmons
et al. expressed several concerns: the criteria for refractory ICP were not stringent enough
(>20 mmHg for >15 min in any single hour) and did not allow for an escalated optimization of ICP; the inclusion criteria of patients was too narrow and no patients with
mass lesions were included; the decision not to divide the falx and sagittal sinus limits
the efficacy of decompression; there were more patients with bilaterally unreactive pupils
in the surgical group which may skew results; there may have been a change in practice
due to the long accrual time of the study (Timmons et al., 2011). These concerns have
Head injury
been firmly rejected by the authors of DECRA (Cooper et al., 2011). The definition of
a refractory ICP used in the DECRA trial was in accordance with accepted guidelines.
Mass lesions were excluded because outcomes are known to be different in these patients
and further heterogeneity of the study population would be misleading. There are various surgical techniques that can be employed to perform a decompressive craniectomy
and the method used in the DECRA trial achieved the goal of lowering ICP. The baseline
characteristics of the two groups in the trial were balanced and even adjusting for fixed
pupils the outcome data were not affected. The authors also emphasized that there was no
reason to suspect a change in practice throughout the course of the study as all centres
adhered to practice guidelines.
One of the key issues following the DECRA trial is whether the result should lead to
a practice change. At present the results of the Randomised Evaluation of Surgery of
Intracranial Pressure (RESCUEicp) is still underway. RECSCUEicp results are eagerly
awaited as they will complement the results of DECRA. RESCUEicp differs in two main
ways from DECRA: the threshold for refractory ICP is higher (25 mmHg) and it does
not exclude patients with previously evacuated haematomas. Indeed, the point has been
emphasized that unilateral decompressive surgery at the time of mass lesion evacuation
needs to be evaluated in a separate trial (Servadei, 2011). Nonetheless, there has been support for the view that the DECRA trial should be used to implement a practice change and
prevent a harmful procedure in a specific subgroup of patients (Ray, 2011).
Chi JH. Craniectomy for traumatic brain injury: results from the DECRA trial. Neurosurgery 2011;
68: N19–N20.
Cooper DJ, Rosenfeld JV, Davies AR. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med
2011; 365: 376.
Cramer OL, Slooter AJ. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med 2011; 365: 375.
Hautefeuille S, Francony G, Payen JF. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med
2011; 365: 374–375.
Hutchinson PH, Kirkpatrick PJ. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med 2011;
365: 375.
Randomised Evaluation of Surgery with Craniectomy for Uncontrollable Elevation of Intra-Cranial
Pressure (RESCUEicp) home page: <http://www.rescueicp.com>.
Ray K. Traumatic brain injury: poor outcome after decompressive craniectomy. Nat Rev Neurol 2011;
7: 242.
Romero CM. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med 2011; 365: 373–374.
Servadei F. Clinical value of decompressive craniectomy. N Engl J Med 2011; 364: 1558–1559.
Simard JM, Kahle KY, Walcott BP. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med 2011;
365: 374.
Timmons SD, Ullman JS, Eisenberg HM. Craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med
2011; 365: 373.
Intracranial pressure monitoring in head injury
3.5 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Head Injury
Details of Studies
Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring was introduced into neurosurgical practice in
the second half of the twentieth century (Guillaume and Hanny, 1951; Lundberg, 1960).
However, two studies carried out in the 1970s and early 1980s at the Medical College of
Virginia in Richmond, Virginia, USA, firmly established the role of ICP monitoring in
head-injured patients (Miller et al., 1977; Miller et al., 1981). The influence of these studies has meant that over the years ICP monitoring has become the standard of care for
severe TBI even though trial data was lacking. However, in 2012, a landmark trial of ICP
monitoring in TBI was reported from centres in Bolivia and Ecuador (Chestnut et al.,
2012). The trial was called Benchmark Evidence from South American Trials: Treatment
of Intracranial Pressure (BEST:TRIP). Although it was widely believed that such a trial
would not be possible due to the accepted value of ICP monitoring, the investigators overcame this problem by instituting a trial in intensive care units where the ICP monitoring
was not routinely used due to local doubts about its efficacy. Notwithstanding that this
landmark study is unlikely to change current ICP practice, it is included here as it is the
first such randomized study to evaluate the efficacy of ICP monitoring.
Study References
Main Studies
Chestnut RM, Temkin N, Carney N, Dikmen S, Rondina C, Videtta W, Petroni G, Pridgeon
J, Barber J, Machamer J, Chaddock K, Celix K, Cherner M, Hendrix T. A trial of
intracranial-pressure monitoring in traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med 2012; 367: 2471–2481.
Miller JD, Becker DP, Ward JD, Sullivan HG, Adams WE, Rosner MJ. Significance of intracranial
hypertension in severe head injury. J Neurosurg 1977; 47: 503–516.
Miller JD, Butterworth JF, Gudeman SK, Faulkner JE, Choi SC, Selhorst JB, Harbison JW, Lutz HA,
Young HF, Becker DP. Further experience in the management of severe head injury. J Neurosurg
1981; 54: 289–299.
Related References
Farahvar A, Gerber LM, Chiu YL, Carney N, Hartl R, Ghajar J. Increased mortality in patients with
severe traumatic brain injury treated without intracranial pressure monitoring. J Neurosurg 2012;
117: 729–734.
Guillaume J, Hanny P. Manométrie intracranienne continué; intérêt de la méthode et prémiers
résultats. [Continuous intracranial manometry; importance of the method and first results]. Rev
Neurol 1951; 84: 131–142.
Lundberg N. Continuous recording and control of in neurosurgical practice. Acta Psychiatr Neurol
Scand 1960; 3: 190–193.
Narayan RK, Kishore PRS, Becker DP, Ward JD, Enas GG, Greenberg RP, Da Silva AD, Lipper MH,
Choi SC, Mayhall CG, Lutz HA, Young HF. Intracranial pressure: to monitor or not to monitor?
A review of our experience with severe head injury. J Neurosurg 1982; 56: 650–659.
Head injury
Study Designs
Miller et al. (1977) and were retrospective case series analyses.
Miller et al. (1981) was a prospective consecutive series analysis.
Chestnut et al. (2012) was a multicentre RCT.
Miller et al. (1977)
Miller et al. (1981)
Chestnut et al. (1981)
Class of evidence
ICP monitoring versus
imaging and clinical
Number of patients 160
Retrospective analysis 1 year
6 months (92%)
Death and disability
Death and disability
Composite outcome
of 21 components
based on survival time,
impaired consciousness, functional status,
and neuropsychological
Blunt head injury
Motor score
<6 on GCS
No evidence of brain
Severe head injury
V2, M3 or less on the GCS
No evidence of brain death
Gunshot wounds and
patients without spontaneous respiration were
GCS 3–8 (M ≤ 5 if
intubated) within 48 h
of injury
Age >13 years
Patients with bilateral
fixed dilated pupils were
Number of centres
Severity of injury
ICP recordings in the studies by Miller et al. were made by transducing from a ventricular catheter placed in the frontal horn of one of the lateral ventricles.
In the first study by Miller et al. the initial threshold for treating raised ICP was a sustained
rise over 40 mmHg. However, by the end of the study this was reduced to 30 mmHg and
in the later studies the threshold was set at an ICP of 25 mmHg for over 15 min.
Outcomes in the studies by Miller et al. were assessed using the 5-point GOS with a
good outcome being defined as moderate disability or good recovery and a poor outcome being defined as a significant disability, vegetative state, or death.
In the BEST:TRIP trial by Chestnut et al. an intraparenchymal ICP monitor was placed
and ICP was maintained <20 mmHg in accordance with the Brain Trauma Foundation/
American Association of Neurological Surgeons guidelines.
Intracranial pressure monitoring in head injury
The composite primary outcome in the BEST:TRIP trial was a composite of 21 components including measures of survival time, impaired consciousness, and functional and
neuropsychological measures. The primary outcome was a composite score of 0–100.
Miller et al. (1977)
ICP >40 mmHg on admission was associated with a poor outcome: 69% mortality and
only 25% good outcome (p < 0.01).
Low ICP on admission (<10 mmHg) was associated with much better outcomes: 14%
mortality and 78% survived to a good outcome (p < 0.05).
These findings of early ICP recording were even more significant when applied to
patients with diffuse brain injury. In patients with mass lesions, only very high ICP
(>40 mmHg) was associated with a poor outcome.
Patients with diffuse injuries who experienced delayed elevations in ICP >20 mmHg
had a greater proportion of poor outcomes (46%) compared to those whose ICP
remained <20 mmHg (21%, p < 0.02).
50% of fatalities were associated with uncontrolled intracranial hypertension.
Miller et al. (1981)
The authors reported a significant correlation between ICP control and outcome
(p < 0.001: more patients with a well-controlled ICP (<20 mmHg) throughout had a
much better outcome (74% good outcome, 18% mortality) compared to patients with
raised but reducible ICPs (55% good outcome, 26% mortality) and those with uncontrolled ICP rises (only 3% good outcome, and 92% mortality).
Chestnut et al. (2012)
The study reached the planned samples size of 324 determined by a power calculation
and analysis was done on an intention-to-treat basis.
There was no significant difference between the two groups in the primary outcome: composite score of 56/100 in the ICP monitored group compared to 53 in the
imaging-clinical examination group (p = 0.49).
There were no differences in 6-month mortality between the two groups: 41% in the
ICP monitored group compared to 39% in the imaging-clinical examination group
(p = 0.60).
Miller et al. (1977)
Elevated ICP is related to poor outcome in severely head-injured patients.
Head injury
Miller et al. (1981)
Even moderate intracranial hypertension is associated with a poor outcome in patients
with severe head injuries.
Chestnut et al. (2012)
Care focused on ICP monitoring is no better than care based on imaging and clinical
examination in patients with severe TBI.
Lundberg et al. reported a preliminary assessment of continuous ICP monitoring in a
series of 30 patients in 1965 (Lundberg et al., 1965). In addition, Johnston and Jennett
emphasized that ICP monitoring in head-injured patients might be used to aid diagnosis, guide management, and predict outcomes (Johnston and Jennett, 1973). However,
until the studies from Virginia there was a poor correlation between ICP and outcome in severely head-injured patients as reported in the literature. These two studies
are landmark studies because they led to the widespread use of ICP monitoring in
head-injured patients. However, the value of managing patients with ICP monitoring
has been challenged, particularly as there appeared to be similar outcomes in patients
managed without (Stuart et al., 1983). The previous absence of a randomized trial was
often cited to suggest that there is no evidence for the value of ICP monitoring and
that its use may inappropriately prolong ventilation and intensive therapy in severely
injured patients (Cremer et al., 2005). In a survey of 67 centres from 12 European
countries, patients who were ICP monitored appeared to have more interventions and
poorer outcomes than those who were not (Stocchetti et al., 2001). In a review of the
available evidence, Stocchetti et al. outlined three potential conclusions regarding ICP
monitoring (Stocchetti et al., 2001). The pessimistic view that it is not of proven value
and the decision to monitor is a matter of personal opinion; the nihilistic view that it
is an invasive procedure without proven benefit and should not be used; and the optimistic view that benefits may be demonstrated in large trials. The trial by results of the
BEST:TRIP trial are a landmark addition to the literature on ICP monitoring in severe
TBI. In their discussion, the authors of the trial acknowledge that the fact that the trial
was conducted in Bolivia and Ecuador might limit the generalization of their findings to other patient populations. Furthermore, the fact that pre-hospital care in the
study countries may be inferior to that in more affluent countries may have resulted
in less severe brain injuries being included. Nonetheless, both the ICU care and the
criteria for severe TBI were consistent with those in wealthier countries. Chestnut
et al. were keen to emphasize, that whilst they do not challenge the value of recording ICP, they feel their data support a reassessment of treatments to manipulate ICP
recordings. The Cambridge head injury group have published their evaluation of the
BEST:TRIP trial and argue that there should be no fundamental change in the management of severe TBI (Hutchinson et al., 2013). Perhaps the most powerful objection by
Intracranial pressure monitoring in head injury
the Cambridge group was the non-conventional use of a composite outcome measure
and they observe that if the more conventional GOS was used then mortality and
favourable outcome favoured the ICP monitoring arm, although the difference was
small (5%) and non-significant. Furthermore, the Cambridge group raise concerns
regarding the power calculation as the study had only a 40% power to detect a 10%
difference in favourable outcome on the GOS, this raising the risk of a type II error.
They also highlight the inherent problems of focusing on the absolute value of ICP and
argue that waveform analysis is also an essential component. Furthermore, a recent
large prospective study of 1446 patients treated with ICP lowering measures in 20
trauma centres in New York State between 2000 and 2009 revealed that use of an ICP
monitor was significantly lower mortality compared to those treated without a monitor (Farahvar et al., 2012). Although this was not a randomized trial, it is the largest
prospective series to date and will add further support for the continued use of ICP
monitoring in the management of these patients.
Cremer OL, van Dijk GW, van Wensen E, Brekelmans GJ, Moons KG, Leenen LP, Kalkman CJ. Effect
of intracranial pressure monitoring and targeted intensive care on functional outcome after severe
head injury. Crit Care Med 2005; 33: 2207–2213.
Farahvar A, Gerber LM, Chiu YL, Carney N, Hartl R, Ghajar J. Increased mortality in patients with
severe traumatic brain injury treated without intracranial pressure monitoring. J Neurosurg 2012;
117: 729–734.
Hutchinson PJ, Kolias AG, Czosnyka M, Kirkpatrick PJ, Pickard JD, Menon K. Intracranial pressure
monitoring in severe traumatic brain injury. BMJ 2013; 346: f1000.
Johnston IH, Jennett B. The place of intracranial pressure monitoring in neurosurgical practice. Acta
Neurochir 1973; 29: 53–63.
Lundberg NL, Troupp H, Lorin H. Continuous recording of the ventricular-fluid pressure in patients
with severe acute traumatic brain injury. A preliminary report. J Neurosurg 1965; 22: 581–590.
Stocchetti N, Penny KI, Dearden M, Braakman R, Cohadon F, Iannotti F, Lapierre F, Karimi A, Maas
A Jr, Murray GD, Ohman J, Persson L, Servadei F, Teasdale GM, Trojanowski T, Unterberg A,
for the European Brain Injury Consortium. Intensive care management of head-injured patients in
Europe: a survey from the European brain injury consortium. Intensive Care Med 2001; 27: 400–406.
Stocchetti N, Lonhgi L, Zanier ER. Intracranial pressure monitoring for traumatic brain
injury: available evidence and clinical implications. Minerva Anestesiol 2008; 74: 197–203.
Stuart GG, Merry GS, Smith JA, Yelland JD. Severe head injury managed without intracranial pressure
monitoring. J Neurosurg 1983; 59(4): 601–605.
Steroids in head injury
3.6 Steroids in Head Injury
Details of Studies
The Corticosteroids Randomization After Significant Head Injury (CRASH) trial is the
largest multi-centre, international RCT looking at the effect of methyl prednisolone on
the risk of death and disability after head injury.
Study References
Main Studies
CRASH trial collaborators. Final results of MRC CRASH, a randomised placebo-controlled trial
of intravenous corticosteroid in adults with head injury—outcomes at 6 months. Lancet 2005;
365: 1957–1959.
CRASH trial collaborators. Lancet. Effects of intravenous corticosteroids on death within 14 days
in 10008 adults with clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH trial). Lancet 2004;
364: 1321–1328.
Related References
Alderson P, Roberts I. Corticosteroids for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2005; 1: CD000196.
Bracken MB. CRASH (Corticosteroids Randomisation after Significant Head Injury): landmark and
storm warning. Neurosurgery 2005; 57: 1300–1302.
Peto R. Possible explanations of the CRASH result. Lancet 2005; 364: 213.
Study Design
Placebo-controlled randomized trial (PRCT).
Class of evidence
Methyl prednisolone infusion versus placebo
Number of patients
Primary outcomes:
Death within 2 weeks of injury
Death and disability at 6 months
Secondary outcomes:
Percentage of patients followed up at each stage?
100% at 2 weeks
96.7% at 6 months
Number of centres
239 centres in 49 countries worldwide
Presence or absence of generalized motor seizures
CRASH set out to recruit 20,000 patients but was stopped after 10,008 were randomized.
There were more patients in CRASH than all previous trials looking at methyl prednisolone in head injury combined.
Head injury
Methyl prednisolone was administered within 8 h of injury with a loading dose of 2 g
(in 100 mL) over 1 h, followed by a 48 h maintenance dose.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Death within 2 weeks.
Death or disability (assessed with a questionnaire version of GOS) at 6 months.
Methyl prednisolone group
Placebo group
Death within 2 weeks
p = 0.001
Death at 6 months
p = 0.0001
Disability at 6 months Severe
Steroids should not be routinely used in the treatment of head injury.
The CRASH trial is the first large-scale RCT in severe head-injured patients. Although
many other previous trials had been carried out (>15), meta-analysis of previous trials
had shown that there might be a potential benefit in the use steroids to treat head injury.
However, once the CRASH trial is included in this meta-analysis the data support the
conclusions of the CRASH trial. The CRASH trial conclusion could perhaps be more
specific in that the results do not support the routine use of methyl prednisolone in the
treatment of head injury rather than all steroids per se.
The CRASH trial was criticized for testing only a small effect thus requiring such large
numbers to be recruited. The trial was planned to detect a 2% reduction in mortality from
15% to 13% and was planned for the randomization of 20,000 patients. The CRASH trial
is the largest trial in head injury to date and included more patients than all other trials
combined that had previously addressed the role of steroids in head injury. In addition,
CRASH is the largest trial of severe head injury as it included 3944 such patients. CRASH
has conclusively answered the question regarding methyl prednisolone in the treatment
of head injury. Furthermore, the massive population of head-injured patients included
in the CRASH trial has allowed for the development of prognostic models for predicting outcome. The MRC CRASH Trial Collaborators developed two web-based prognostic models that can be applied to individual patients in order to predict outcome (MRC
CRASH Trial Collaborators, 2008). This allows for the application of models based on
Steroids in head injury
population-based data to individual practice. In addition, this may be useful for prognostic stratification in future trials.
The CRASH trial has allowed investigators to move on to research in other therapeutic
modalities for head injury. A CRASH2 trial is now underway looking into the effects of
tranexamic acid on survival following head injury. The ProTECT study is now underway
to look at the effects of progesterone in head injury. The Phase II results of ProTECT have
been published and no significant adverse effects were seen with progesterone (Wright
et al., 2007). The ProTECT study has laid the foundations for a much larger multi-centre
study into the effect of progesterone in the treatment of head injury. There has also been a
trial investigating the neuroprotective effects of magnesium sulphate infusions after TBI.
Wright DW, Kellermann AL, Hertzberg VS, Clark PL, Frankel M, Goldstein FC, Salomone JP, Dent
LL, Harris OA, Ander DS, Lowery DW, Patel MM, Denson DD, Gordon AB, Wald MM, Gupta S,
Hoffman SW, Stein DG. ProTECT: a randomised clinical trial of progesterone for acute traumatic
brain injury. Ann Emerg Med 2007; 49: 391–402.
Barbiturates in head injury
3.7 Barbiturates in Head Injury
Details of Study
The study by Eisenberg et al. is the first RCT to assess the efficacy of pentobarbital to treat
elevated ICP in severely head-injured patients. Although two previous trials had been
carried out to assess pentobarbital to prevent rises in ICP in these patients, neither had
revealed a benefit (Schwartz et al., 1984; Ward et al., 1985). The trial by Eisenberg et al.
was carried out over a 5-year period between 1982 and 1987 in the United States.
Study References
Main Study
Eisenberg HM, Frankowski RF, Contant CF, Marshall LF, Walker MD. High-dose barbiturates control
elevated intracranial pressure in patients with severe head injury. J Neurosurg 1988; 69: 15–23.
Related References
Roberts I. Barbiturates for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000; 2: CD000033.
Schwartz ML, Tator CH, Rowed DW, Reif SR, Meguro K, Andrews DF. The University of Toronto
Head Injury Treatment Study: a prospective, randomised comparison of pentobarbital and
mannitol. Can J Neurol Sci 1984; 11: 434–440.
Ward JD, Becker DP, Miller JD, Choi SC, Marmarou A, Wood C, Newlon PG, Keenan R. Failure of
prophylactic barbiturate coma in the treatment of severe head injury. J Neurosurg 1985; 62: 383–388.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Best conventional therapy versus pentobarbital
Number of patients
6 months
Primary endpoint:
Response to treatment
Other endpoints:
Survival; GOS
Number of centres
Medical complications
Time to randomization
Initial GCS
Inclusion criteria: GCS 4–7 post-resuscitation; age 15–50 years; serum osmolality/≥315 mOsm/kg; mannitol given within 1 h prior to randomization.
Exclusion criteria: GCS 3; fixed pupils; pregnancy.
Conventional therapy standardized across all five centres.
Head injury
Intracranial mass lesions, haematomas, and accessible contusions resected.
Patients with uncontrolled ICP despite best conventional therapy (BCT) received
pentobarbital (titrated to serum concentration) plus continued BCT.
ICP randomization criteria based on ICP levels and length of time ICP raised, e.g. randomization for closed head injury if ICP >25 mmHg (30 min), >30 mmHg (15 min),
or 40 mmHg (1 min). Lower values used for open injuries.
Response to treatment in patients with closed head injury defined as successful if ICP
<20 mmHg for 48 h (lower value for open head injury).
Failed reductions in ICP or severe clinical deterioration (e.g. fixed pupil, or death)
were defined as unsuccessful treatment.
Patients whose ICP remained uncontrolled in the BCT arm were allowed to cross-over
to pentobarbital treatment.
Benefit ratio of
pentobarbital pentobarbital +
Control of ICP in all patients (% of patients)
Control of ICP in patients with cardiovascular complications prior to randomization (% of patients)
Multiple logistic model statistical analysis revealed a significant positive treatment
effect of pentobarbital (p = 0.04).
Significant effects of timing of randomization were also found: twice as many.
Uncontrolled ICP was robustly associated with death in both treatment arms (>90% of
patients with controlled ICP survived).
High-dose barbiturates are an appropriate adjunct in the control of raised ICP in severely
head-injured patients.
Severe head injury is associated with extremely high morbidity and mortality.
Although the primary insult is not treatable, prevention of secondary injury due to
the resultant cascade of insults may be feasible. The trial by Eisenberg et al. aimed
to evaluate the role of barbiturate therapy in this regard. Unfortunately, only 12% of
patients considered for randomization met the entry criteria and the total number
of patients in the trial is still quite low. Nonetheless, the trial was still a multi-centre
trial with standardized treatment regimens. Survival was not the primary outcome
measure, but rather control of ICP. This was primarily to avoid the ethical dilemma of
Barbiturates in head injury
not using barbiturates when ICP reached potentially lethal levels. The authors pointed
out that there is a possibility that raised ICP and outcome are both predetermined by
the pathology of severe head injury. However, ICP >20 mmHg had been consistently
found to be significantly associated with poor outcome in previous studies of severely
head-injured patients, which provided an acceptable rationale to design a trial with
ICP as primary outcome.
As stated earlier in this section, two previous studies on prophylactic efficacy of barbiturates to control ICP had been performed that did not suggest a benefit (Schwartz
et al., 1984; Ward et al., 1985). The trial by Eisenberg et al., therefore, has provided
the first evidence that barbiturates may be effective in controlling ICP in severely
head-injured patients. However, the debate regarding the relationship between ICP
and outcome is still ongoing. In a Cochrane Review of all published trials involving
barbiturates, Roberts concluded that although barbiturates controlled ICP in severely
head-injured patients, there was no evidence to support any beneficial effect on outcome (Roberts, 2000).
Roberts I. Barbiturates for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2000; 2: CD000033.
Schwartz ML, Tator CH, Rowed DW, Reif SR, Meguro K, Andrews DF. The University of Toronto
Head Injury Treatment Study: a prospective, randomised comparison of pentobarbital and
mannitol. Can J Neurol Sci 1984; 11: 434–440.
Ward JD, Becker DP, Miller JD, Choi SC, Marmarou A, Wood C, Newlon PG, Keenan R. Failure
of prophylactic barbiturate coma in the treatment of severe head injury. J Neurosurg 1985;
62: 383–388.
Hyperosmolar therapy for control of raised intracranial pressure in head injury
3.8 Hyperosmolar Therapy for Control of Raised
Intracranial Pressure in Head Injury
Details of Studies
Mannitol and saline are the two most widely used hyperosmolar therapies available to
control raised ICP in head injury. The efficacy of mannitol has been studied by a series of
reasonably sized randomized controlled clinical trials. The first of these was carried out
in Toronto, Canada, and compared mannitol with pentobarbital (Schwartz et al., 1984).
The second compared mannitol to saline, as opposed to hypertonic saline (Sayre et al.,
1996). The third trial, carried out in North Carolina, USA, included two regimens both
of which used mannitol but compared two different sets of parameters (physiological
measurements versus ICP) to guide administration (Smith et al., 1986). A further three
trials have been carried out by Cruz et al. in San Paolo, Brazil (Cruz et al., 2001; Cruz
et al., 2002; Cruz et al., 2004). These three trials assessed the effects of early high-dose
mannitol in three different groups of severely head-injured patients: patients with surgically treated acute subdural haematomas (Cruz et al., 2001); patients with acute temporal
intraparenchymal haemorrhages (Cruz et al., 2002); and patients with severe diffuse brain
injury (Cruz et al., 2004). These trials show a large variation in their design and in the
primary question they set out to evaluate. Notwithstanding this we have included them
all here as they are all randomized studies using mannitol in head-injured patients. The
efficacy of hypertonic saline has also been evaluated in comparison with Ringer’s lactate
in a large trial carried out in Melbourne, Australia (Cooper et al., 2004). In addition, one
small study from Marseille, France, has compared hypertonic saline with mannitol (Vialet
et al., 2003).
Study References
Main Studies
Cruz J, Minoja G, Okuchi K. Improving clinical outcomes from acute subdural hematomas with the
emergency preoperative administration of high doses of mannitol: a randomized trial. Neurosurgery
2001; 49: 864–871.
Cruz J, Minoja G, Okuchi K. Major clinical and physiological benefits of early high doses of mannitol
for intraparenchymal temporal lobe hemorrhages with abnormal pupillary widening: a randomised
trial. Neurosurgery 2002; 51: 628–637.
Cruz J, Minoja G, Okuchi K, Facco E. Successful use of the new high-dose mannitol treatment
in patients with Glasgow Coma Scale scores of 3 and bilateral abnormal pupillary widening: a
randomized trial. Neurosurgery 2004; 100: 376–383.
Sayre MR, Daily SW, Stern SA, Storer DL, van Loveren HR, Hurst JM. Out-of-hospital administration
of mannitol does not change systolic blood pressure. Acad Emerg Med 1996; 3: 840–848.
Schwartz M, Tator C, Rowed DW, Reid SR, Meguro K, Andrews DF. The University of Toronto Head
Injury Treatment Study: a prospective randomised comparison of pento-barbital and mannitol. Can
J Neurol Sci 1984; 11: 434–440.
Head injury
Smith HP, Kelly DL Jr, McWhorter JM, Armstrong D, Johnson RD, Transou C, Howard G.
Comparison of mannitol regimens in patients with severe head injury undergoing intracranial
pressure monitoring. J Neurosurg 1986; 65: 820–824.
Hypertonic Saline and Mannitol versus Hypertonic Saline
Cooper DJ, Myles PS, McDermott FT, Murray LJ, Laidlaw J, Cooper G, Tremayne AB, Bernard SS,
Ponsford J, for the HTS Study Investigators. Prehospital hypertonic saline resuscitation of patients
with hypotension and severe traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2004 17;
291: 1350–1357.
Vialet R, Albanese J, Thomachot L, Antonini R, Bourgouin A, Alliez B, Martin C. Isovolume
hypertonic solutes (sodium chloride or mannitol) in the treatment of refractory posttraumatic
intracranial hypertension: 2 mgL/kg 7.5% saline is more effective than 2 ml/kg 20% mannitol.
Crit Care Med 2003; 31: 1683–1687.
Related Reference
Wakai A, Roberts I, Schierhout G. Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2007; 24: CD001049.
Study Designs
All PRCTs but blinding varied between trials.
Hyperosmolar treatment regimen
Schwartz et al. (1984)
1 g/kg of 20% mannitol given initially (followed by incremental titration to achieve ICP control) and pentobarbital as an IV bolus of up to
10 mL/kg followed by a continuous infusion at 0.5–3 mg/kg/h
Smith et al. (1986)
Mannitol administration guided according to neurological signs and
physiological parameters or gave a 250 mL bolus of 20% mannitol
for ICP >25 mmHg followed by incremental boluses as required
Sayre et al. (1996)
Pre-hospital administration of 5 ml/kg of 20% mannitol compared
with administration of 5 mL/kg of 0.9% saline
Cruz et al. (2001, 2002,
Early high-dose mannitol (HDM) at 1.4 g/kg compared with
conventional-dose mannitol (CDM) at 0.7 g/kg
Cooper et al. (2004)
A 250 mL infusion of 7.5% hypertonic saline was compared with
250 mL of Ringer’s lactate (both through a peripheral line)
Vialet et al. (2003)
2 mL/kg body weight of 20% mannitol compared with 2 mL/kg
body weight of 7.5% hypertonic saline solution (HSS) given when
either ICP >25 mmHg, or CPP <70 mmHg for >5 min
The trial by Schwartz et al. contained two cohorts of patients: those without intracranial haematomas and those with elevated ICP following haematoma evacuation.
The three trials by Cruz et al. looked at three different cohorts of patients respectively: those with subdural haematomas (ASDH); those with temporal intraparenchymal haematomas (temporal IPH); and those with diffuse brain injury (DBI).
Hyperosmolar therapy for control of raised intracranial pressure in head injury
Vialet et al. defined treatment failure as an inability to reduce ICP below 25 mmHg
or to increase cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) to >70 mmHg after two sequential
boluses of hyperosmolar fluid.
Schwartz et al. (1984)
p <0.05
Mortality in patients with raised ICP after haematoma 43%
Mortality in patients with ICP elevation but no
Smith et al. (1986)
Mean ICP was 5.5 mmHg lower in the empirically treated group compared to the
ICP-guided group (p <0.05).
ICP-guided mannitol
Empirical mannitol therapy
Statistical significance
Sayre et al. (1996)
After 2 h, those patients receiving mannitol had a lower systolic blood pressure compared to placebo (116 ± 24 mmHg versus 142 ± 25 mmHg, p < 0.003).
However, there was no overall difference in blood pressure between mannitol and placebo groups over the whole 2 h observation period.
Cruz et al. (2001, 2002, 2004)
6-month clinical outcomes.
Cruz et al. (2001) (ASDH)
Cruz et al. (2002)
(Temporal IPH)
Statistical HDM
Cruz et al. (2004) (DBI)
Statistical HDM
69.2% 46.0%
recovery or
61.1% 33.3%
43.5% 9.5%
15.3% 24.6% p < 0.005
56.5% 90.5% p < 0.02
13.2% 24.1% p < 0.01
Vegetative 17.6% 29.9%
state or
23.6% 42%
39.1% 66.7%
14.3% 25.3%
19.4% 36.2%
Head injury
In their 2001 study of patients with ASDH, Cruz et al. reported a significant improvement in abnormal pre-operative pupillary widening in the HDM group (p < 0.0001).
In their 2002 study of patients with traumatic temporal IPH, Cruz et al. reported that
HDM resulted in significant improvements in pre-operative abnormal pupillary widening both bilaterally (p < 0.03) and unilaterally (p < 0.01).
In their 2004 study of patients with DBI, Cruz et al. reported a significant early
improvement of bilateral abnormal pupillary widening in the HDM group (p < 0.02).
Cooper et al. (2004)
6-month clinical outcomes.
Hypertonic saline
Ringer’s lactate
Good recovery or moderate disability
Severe disability
Survival to discharge
Vialet et al. (2003)
Mean daily outcomes.
There was no significant difference in mortality or GOS between the two treatment arms.
Hypertonic saline
Number of episodes ICP >25 mmHg
p < 0.02
Total duration of episodes
62 min
95 min
p < 0.04
Treatment failure
p < 0.01
Schwartz et al. (1984)
There is no difference between mannitol and pentobarbital in the treatment of intracranial hypertension following head injury.
Pentobarbital may be harmful in head-injured patients without intracranial
Smith et al. (1986)
Regular, frequent administration of mannitol may result in better overall control of
ICP than waiting until ICP rises above 25 mmHg.
Sayre et al. (1996)
Out-of-hospital administration of 1.0 g/kg of mannitol to multiple-trauma head-injured
patients is not associated with significant hypotension.
Hyperosmolar therapy for control of raised intracranial pressure in head injury
Cruz et al. (2001, 2002, 2004)
Early administration of HDM leads to significant improvements and better clinical
outcomes in patients with ASDH, traumatic temporal IPH, and DBI.
Cooper et al. (2004)
Hypertonic saline in the pre-hospital setting for severely head-injured patients is no
better than conventional fluids alone for resuscitating hypotensive patients or improving neurological outcomes at 6 months.
Vialet et al. (2003)
Hypertonic saline was more effective in controlling refractory intracranial hypertension than mannitol in patients with severe head injury.
The utility of mannitol in controlling ICP has been well established. Its effect on outcome
has been more variable. Early data on hypertonic saline are similar to that for mannitol.
The study by Schwartz et al. focused predominantly on the effect of mannitol on ICP
control. This study has been criticized because it allowed cross-over between groups if
there was subsequent raised ICP. Nonetheless, the finding that pentobarbital may have
been harmful in the patients in this study has contributed considerably to the widespread
use of mannitol to control ICP in head-injured patients. The trial by Smith et al. assessed
whether there was any benefit in the use of ICP monitoring to guide the use of mannitol
in severely head-injured patients. They found that there was no statistically significant difference in either mortality or neurological outcome using ICP monitoring. However, the
authors did suggest that their finding that mean ICP was lower in the empirically treated
group might indicate that better ICP control could be achieved with small regular doses
of mannitol rather than waiting until ICP rises above 25 mmHg.
In the study by Sayre et al., death was not the primary outcome as they powered their
study to detect a drop in systolic BP to <90 mmHg (83% power). The study was not,
therefore, powered to detect a difference in survival at 2 h. However, as hypotension is
associated with a doubling in mortality in patients with severe head injury their chosen
endpoint is a reasonable one (Gentleman and Jennett, 1981). Cooper et al.’s study was
powered to detect a single grade change in GOS, which represents a meaningful clinical difference in outcome. This trial is also, therefore, a landmark trial for being the first
resuscitation fluid trial to measure neurological outcome as a primary outcome. One of
the weaknesses of Cooper et al.’s study is that it included multiple-injured patients, which
raised concerns regarding whether conclusions could be extrapolated to patients, which
isolated head injuries. Although this is a concern, Cooper et al. reported that the outcomes
of patients were better than would have been predicted from trauma severity scores.
The trials by Sayre et al. and Cooper et al. are particularly noteworthy in that they are
examples of randomized blinded trials conducted for interventions in the pre-hospital
setting. Lewis has emphasized that trials conducted for therapies in this setting are
Head injury
particularly difficult because of difficulties with availability of personnel, equipment,
space, and lighting (Lewis, 2004). Lewis also highlights that such trials face ethical issues
regarding consent because of the need to show that patients are in a life-threatening situation and that available treatment options are unproven or are believed to be ineffective.
Only in these circumstances can prospective written informed consent be bypassed to
enrol patients into a trial.
The patients in the first HDM trial by Cruz et al. had acute traumatic subdural haematomas requiring emergency evacuation. In such circumstances, common practice
in most centres is to give mannitol to patients with pupillary abnormalities, and nothing to patients with normal pupillary responses, yet all these patients initially received
low-dose (0.6–0.7 g/kg) mannitol regardless. A recent Cochrane Review questioned the
integrity of Cruz’s data, in particular its randomization (Wakai et al., 2007). Wilberger
found it particularly noteworthy that the mortality rate reported for this study is the
lowest ever observed (Wilberger, 2001). Marion indicated that the management by
Cruz pays close attention to the standardization of care and the close monitoring of
physiological parameters and control of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation (Marion,
2001). However, Marion also raised concerns that statistical analysis did not take into
account confounding variables such as the initial GCS. Concerns have been raised
regarding the unusual lack of hypotensive episodes in patients included in the trials
reported by Cruz (Valadka, 2002). Perhaps the most intriguing question resulting from
Cruz’s work, however, is how a single early HDM bolus might lead to such long-term
beneficial effects. Notwithstanding this, Zygun has criticized the lack of any blinding
that would have been feasible seeing as the HDM was a single one-off bolus given early
in the management of the patient (Zygun, 2004). More serious concerns regarding the
integrity of Cruz’s work have been expressed in the literature (Roberts et al., 2007).
However, these studies have not been formally retracted from the literature and so they
have been included here. We leave it to the reader to determine for themselves whether
the data should be considered reliable.
Cooper’s study comparing mannitol with hypertonic saline has been criticized for being
powered to detect a 20% improvement in GOSE. At the lower end of the GOSE, this
could represent a change from death to persistent vegetative state (Zygun, 2004a; Zygun,
2004b). Zygun has expressed the view that the attainment of a functional neurological
status would be deemed a more meaningful outcome by most clinicians. It is possible that
a higher than normal serum sodium on arrival in hospital in the hypertonic saline group
could have affected blinding in this study.
Vialet’s trial had small numbers of patients, but was sufficiently powered as repeated
measures were taken from each patient. However, Vialet’s small numbers raise concerns
about case heterogeneity, and the extremely poor outcomes at 90 days (all patients in
the study were dead or severely disabled). This raises questions about whether the study
group was appropriately representative or managed optimally otherwise.
The evidence for hyperosmolar therapy is limited both in number of studies undertaken
and in delineating several aspects of its use. There remains little evidence about whether
Hyperosmolar therapy for control of raised intracranial pressure in head injury
hyperosmolar therapies should be given as boluses or continuous infusions, whether
there is an optimal dose, an optimal rate, whether losses from diuresis should be replaced,
whether clinical thresholds should be guided by ICP or according to fixed schedules (and
if so when they should be best timed), and whether serum osmolarity alterations alter
All these studies are landmark studies as they have greatly contributed to our knowledge
regarding the use of hypertonic osmotic therapies in head-injured patients. Nonetheless,
the mechanism of action of these agents remains to be fully elucidated. Although osmotic
tissue dehydration may still play some role in the action of hyperosmolar therapies, they
work primarily through immediate rheological effects, diluting the blood and increasing
the deformability of erythrocytes, thereby decreasing blood viscosity and promoting cerebral blood flow. Thus, mechanistic studies suggest that bolus administration and replacing urinary losses are best practice.
There is limited clinical evidence that successive mannitol boluses accumulate in cerebral tissue and exacerbate ICP and that cumulative hyperosmolar effects can have detrimental neurological sequelae (Wakai et al., 2007). Theoretical concerns with hypertonic
saline include the development of central pontine myelinolysis and rapid brain shrinkage
leading to tearing of bridging vessels. However, pontine myelinolysis is seen if chronic
hyponatraemia is rapidly corrected, and hyponatraemia is usually not an immediate
problem in acute severe head injury. There is no evidence that hypertonic saline is superior to mannitol and both are in widespread clinical use.
Gentleman D, Jennett B. Hazards of inter-hospital transfer of comatose head-injured patients. Lancet
1981; 2: 853–854.
Lewis RJ. Prehospital care of the multiply injured patient. The challenge of figuring out what works.
JAMA 2004; 291: 1382–1383.
Marion DW. Improved outcomes with high dose mannitol treatment: comments. Neurosurgery 2001;
49: 871.
Roberts I, Smith R, Evans S. Doubts over head injury studies. BMJ 2007; 334: 392–394.
Wakai A, Roberts I, Schierhout G. Mannitol for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2007; 24: CD001049.
Valadka AB. Emergency benefits of high-dose mannitol: comments. Neurosurgery 2002; 51: 637–638.
Wilberger JE. Improved outcomes with high dose mannitol treatment: comments. Neurosurgery 2001;
49: 871.
Zygun D. High-dose mannitol. J Neurosurg 2004a; 101: 567.
Zygun D. Hypertonic saline for prehospital treatment of traumatic brain injury. JAMA 2004b;
24: 2943.
Hypothermia in head injury
3.9 Hypothermia in Head Injury
Details of Study
There have been numerous small single-centre trials assessing the role of therapeutic
hypothermia in severe TBI. However, the first multi-centre randomized trial of treatment with hypothermia for patients with severe TBI was the National Acute Brain Injury
Study: Hypothermia (NABIS: H I) carried out by Clifton et al. (2001). NABIS: H I aimed
to determine the efficacy of therapeutic hypothermia within 8 h of injury and was carried
out in the United States between 1994 and 1998. The second multi-centre randomized
trial was the National Acute Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia (NABIS: H II), also by
Clifton et al. (2011). NABIS: H II aimed to assess the efficacy of very early therapeutic
hypothermia within 2.5 h of injury and was also carried out in the United States and
Canada between 2005 and 2009.
Study Reference
Main Studies
Clifton GL, Miller ER, Choi SC, Levin HS, McCauley S, Smith K, Muizelaar JP, Wagner FC, Marion
DW, Luerssen TG, Chestnut RM, Schwartz M. Lack of effect of induction of hypothermia after
acute brain injury. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 556–563.
Clifton GL, Valadka, Zygun D, Coffey CS, Drever P, Fourwinds S, Janis LS, Wilde E, Taylor P,
Harshman K, Conley A, Puccio A, Levin HS, McCauley SR, Bucholz RD, Smith KR, Schmidy JH,
Scott JN, Yonas H, Okonkwo DO. Very early hypothermia induction in patients with severe brain
injury (the National Acute Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia II): a randomised trial. Lancet 2011;
10: 131–139.
Related References
Clifton GL, Coffey CS, Fourwinds S, Zygun D, Valadka A, Smith KR Jr, Frisby ML, Bucholz RD,
Wilde EA, Levin HS, Okonkwo DO. Early induction of hypothermia for evacuated intracranial
hematomas: a post hoc analysis of two clinical trials. J Neurosurg 2012; 117: 714–720.
Harris OA, Colford JM, Good MC, Matx PG. The role of hypothermia in the management of severe
brain injury. A meta-analysis. Arch Neurol 2002; 59: 1077–1083.
Henderson WR, Dhingra VK, Chittock DR, Fenwick JC, Ronco JJ. Hypothermia in the management
of traumatic brain injury. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive Care Med 2003;
29: 1637–1644.
Hutchison JS, Ward RE, Lacroix JL, Hebert PC, Barnes MA, Bohn DJ, Dirks PB, Douchette S,
Fergusson D. Gottesman R, Joffe AR, Kirkpalani HM, Meyer PG, Morris KP, Moher D, Singh RN,
Skippen PW for the Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial Investigators and the Canadian
Critical Care Trials Group. Hypothermia therapy after traumatic brain injury in children. N Engl J
Med 2008; 358: 2447–2456.
McIntyre LA, Fergusson DA, Hérbert PC, Moher D, Hutchison JS. Prolonged therapeutic hypothermia
after traumatic brain injury in adults. JAMA 2003; 289: 2992–2999.
Shiozaki T, Hayakata T, Taneda T Nakajima Y, Hashiguchi N, Fujimi S, Nakamori Y, Tanaka H,
Shimazu T, Sugimoto H. A multicenter prospective randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of
mild hypothermia for severely head injured patients with low intracranial pressure. J Neurosurg
2001; 94: 50–54.
Head injury
Sydenham E, Roberts I, Alderson P. Hypothermia for traumatic head injury. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2009; 2: CD001048.
Study Design
Both multi-centre RCTs.
Class of evidence
Hypothermia versus normothermia
Early hypothermia versus normothermia
Number of patients
392 patients
6 months
6 months
Primary outcome:
Functional status
Primary outcome:
Functional status
Secondary outcome:
Secondary outcome:
Number of centres
GCS score
By centre
Inclusion criteria: age 16–65 years; non-penetrating head injury; GCS 3–8
Patients were excluded in the following circumstances: fixed pupils; poor resuscitation
(low systolic BP, or poor oxygenation); non-neurological life-threatening injury; persistent medical condition; bleeding; pregnancy; delay in initiation of cooling.
Target cooling temperature was 33°C (bladder) and was achieved with a combination
of surface cooling, cold fluids, gastric lavage, and room air ventilation.
Target temperature was aimed to be achieved within 8 h following injury.
All patients had ICP monitoring.
Analysis on an intention-to-treat basis.
Inclusion criteria: age 16–45; non-penetrating head injury; reduced conscious level
with motor score of 5 or less on the GCS.
There were two sets stringent of exclusion criteria: acute exclusion criteria in the at
randomization field or on arrival in the emergency department—pregnancy, significant cardiovascular compromise (hypotension or tachycardia), or not reachable by study personnel within 2.5 h; and exclusion criteria after resuscitation—fixed
pupils, poor resuscitation (low systolic blood pressure (BP), or poor oxygenation);
non-neurological life-threatening injury, confirmed pregnancy, or normal CT brain
despite coma.
Hypothermia in head injury
Patients randomized to cooling were kept at 35°C until resuscitation was completed
and then the target cooling temperature of 33°C was achieved with a combination of
surface cooling, cold fluids, gastric lavage and room air ventilation.
Patients assigned to hypothermia were cooled for 48 h.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
In both trials the GOS was assessed at 6 months: favourable outcome defined as good
recovery or moderate disability; poor outcome defined as severe disability or worse.
Other Endpoints
In NABIS: H I neurobehavioural and neuropsychological tests at 6 months.
Deaths and complications were also recorded in both trials.
The trial was stopped after 392 patients enrolled (199 to hypothermia arm, 193 to normothermia arm). Interim analysis had shown a probability of <0.01 of detecting a treatment
effect if the trial was continued to target numbers of 500 patients.
Statistical significance
Poor outcome
In patients over the age of 45 there was a slightly higher percentage with poor outcome
in the hypothermia group (88%) compared to the normothermia group (69%) but the
difference was not statistically significant.
No differences found in the two groups on neurobehavioural or neuropsychological
Patients who were hypothermic on admission who were randomized to the hypothermic arm had 17% less poor outcomes than hypothermic patients randomized to the
normothermia arm (not statistically significant).
Although mean ICP was not affected by hypothermia there were statistically fewer
patients with ICPs over 30 in the first 4 days.
Of 232 patients randomized, 135 were excluded after resuscitation. The trial was stopped
for futility after an interim analysis of 97 patients (67 hypothermia, 68 normothermia).
Patients in the hypothermia group received significantly more interventions for raised
ICP (p = 0.002).
Head injury
Statistical significance
Poor outcome
There were no significant differences in complications between the two groups.
Subgroup analyses suggested that there might be differences between the two groups
depending on whether there was diffuse brain injury or removal of intracranial haematoma, and this trend reached significance for intracranial haematomas.
Surgically removed
Poor outcome
p = 0.02
Diffuse brain injury
Poor outcome
Hypothermic treatment within 8 h following severe TBI does not improve functional
Early hypothermic treatment within 2.5 h following severe TBI did not improve outcome.
However, there role of early hypothermia in patients with evacuated haematomas needs
further evaluation.
There are two hypothetical mechanisms by which hypothermia has been postulated to
be beneficial in severe TBI: control of ICP rises; and a neuroprotective effect preventing
secondary brain injury. This study by Clifton et al. is by far the largest study to date looking at the clinical effects of therapeutic hypothermia in severe TBI and has been called a
landmark achievement for proving that it is ineffective (Narajan, 2001). It is of note that
the NABIS: H I trial was discontinued early due to lack of treatment effect. The authors
also raised the possibility that there may even have been a detrimental effect of hypothermia in patients over the age of 45, although this was not statistically significant.
It has been suggested that there is a possibility that the results of the NABIS: H I trial
were affected by differences in fluid therapy and medication therapies between centres
participating in the trial (Polderman et al., 2001). Indeed, there was a statistically significant difference between the two treatment arms in terms of fluid balance, vasopressor therapy, and use of muscle relaxants. However, four separate meta-analyses of the
Hypothermia in head injury
available published trials support the conclusion that hypothermia is not beneficial in
severe TBI (Harris et al., 2002; Henderson et al., 2003; McIntyre et al., 2003, Sydenham
et al., 2009).
Despite the negative result of the NABIS: H I trial, several points were highlighted by
the authors that warranted further investigation. They observed that patients who were
hypothermic on admission appeared to have a slightly better outcome (Clifton et al.,
2002). This significant observation was the impetus to carry out the NABIS: H II trial
(Clifton, 2004).
The NABIS: H II trial was limited mainly by its size and the fact that it was terminated
early. Nonetheless, the trial did not show any effect of very early hypothermic treatment
and is a significant landmark study. The authors emphasized that their subgroup analysis
suggested that there may be some benefit for patients undergoing evacuation of intracranial haematomas. In order to assess this further they undertook a post hoc analysis of
both trials (Clifton et al., 2012). Patients in NABIS: H I were selected who reached early
hypothermia following craniotomy at the same time points as those in NABIS: H II, i.e.
35° C within 1.5 h of craniotomy. A meta-analysis of the two trials was then carried out
comparing patients who reached early hypothermia following craniotomy (within 1.5 h)
compared to those who did not (late hypothermia), or were treated with normothermia.
The authors found a significantly reduced poor outcome in those successfully cooled to
35° C within 1.5 h of craniotomy (41%) compared to the late hypothermia/normothermia group (62%, p = 0.009). The authors acknowledge that this finding has the weakness
of being a post hoc analysis, but hypothesized that this effect may be due to a protective
effect of hypothermia on cerebral reperfusion injury following the evacuation of haematomas. It is envisaged that these findings will form the basis of further clinical trial evaluation of hypothermia in severe TBI.
Clifton GL. Is keeping cool still hot? An update on hypothermia in brain injury. Curr Opin Crit Care
2004; 10: 116–119.
Clifton GL, Miller E, Choi SC, Levin HS, McCauley S, Smith KRJ, Muizelaar JP, Marion DW,
Luerssen TG. Hypothermia on admission in patients with severe brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2002;
19: 293–301.
Clifton GL, Coffey CS, Fourwinds S, Zygun D, Valadka A, Smith KR Jr, Frisby ML, Bucholz RD,
Wilde EA, Levin HS, Okonkwo DO. Early induction of hypothermia for evacuated intracranial
hematomas: a post hoc analysis of two clinical trials. J Neurosurg 2012; 117: 714–720.
Harris OA, Colford JM, Good MC, Matx PG. The role of hypothermia in the management of severe
brain injury. A meta-analysis. Arch Neurol 2002; 59: 1077–1083.
Henderson WR, Dhingra VK, Chittock DR, Fenwick JC, Ronco JJ. Hypothermia in the management
of traumatic brain injury. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive Care Med 2003;
29: 1637–1644.
McIntire LA, Fergusson DA, Herbert PC et al. Prolonged therapeutic hypothermia after traumatic
brain injury in adults. JAMA 2003; 289: 2992–2999.
Head injury
Narajan RK. Hypothermia for traumatic brain injury—a good idea proved ineffective. [editorial] N Engl
J Med 2001; 344: 602–603.
Polderman KH, Girbes ARJ, Peerdeman SM, Vandertop WP. Hypothermia. [review/comment]
J Neurosurg 2001; 94: 853–855.
Sydenham E, Roberts I, Alderson P. Hypothermia for traumatic head injury. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2009; 2: CD001048.
Hyperventilation in head injury
3.10 Hyperventilation in Head Injury
Details of Study
The only randomized trial evaluating the role of hyperventilation on outcome in severe
TBI was (Muizelaar et al., 1991) carried out at the Medical College of Virginia and was
published in 1991. This trial has been the most influential study to date in indicating that
prolonged hyperventilation should be avoided in severe TBI. The trial compared normoventilation, hyperventilation, and hyperventilation plus tromomethamine (THAM).
THAM was introduced to examine whether there was any effect of loss of CSF buffer
during hyperventilation.
Study References
Main Study
Muizelaar JP, Marmarou A, Ward JD, Kontos HA, Choi SC, Becker DP, Gruemer H, Young HF.
Adverse effects of prolonged hyperventilation in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
J Neurosurg 1991; 75: 731–739.
Related Reference
Schierhout G, Roberts I. Hyperventilation therapy for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2000; 2: CD000566.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Normoventilation versus hyperventilation versus THAM
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
GOS at 3, 6, and 12 months
Secondary outcome:
100% follow-up
Number of centres
On severity of head injury based on motor score of GCS (1–3 and 4–5)
Inclusion criteria: age >3; GCS <9 following resuscitation and treatment of mass lesion.
In the normoventilation group, PaCO2 was kept in the range 30–35 mmHg for a period
of 5 days.
In the hyperventilation groups, PaCO2 was kept in the 24–28 mmHg range for a period
of 5 days.
Head injury
THAM was administered as a bolus followed by a sustained intravenous infusion for
5 days.
GOS scores were used and a favourable outcome was defined as a good outcome/moderate disability.
The authors classified patients as having a favourable outcome if they were good or moderately disabled according to the GOS. Outcome results at 3 and 6 months for patients
presenting with a GCS motor score 4–5.
Favourable outcome
Statistical significance
3 months
p < 0.05
6 months
p < 0.05
There were no differences at 12-month follow-up.
No differences were seen in the group with lower motor scores.
Prophylactic hyperventilation is deleterious in head-injured patients who presented
with a motor score of 4–5.
The authors also concluded that the deleterious effect of sustained hyperventilation
could be overcome by THAM.
Hyperventilation results in vasoconstriction induced by hypocarbia and effectively lowers
ICP by reducing cerebral blood flow. Hyperventilation to rapidly reduce ICP has, therefore, long been employed in the management of TBI. However, there has always been
concern that the reduction of cerebral blood flow itself could be deleterious due to resultant cerebral ischaemia. The authors of this study concluded that prolonged prophylactic
hyperventilation is deleterious in head-injured patients. This study has been extremely
influential as it has prompted recommendations that prolonged hyperventilation in
TBI patients should be avoided because of potentially deleterious effects on outcome.
However, this study has several weaknesses. Firstly, there was no blinding of the evaluator
to the treatment received. Secondly, the majority of patients (86%) in this study did not
have raised ICP on admission to hospital. Hyperventilation was, therefore, used prophylactically in this study, and it remains to be elucidated as to whether such measures to
reduce ICP once it is elevated could be effective. Thirdly, there was no power calculation
Hyperventilation in head injury
employed to determine the sample size required. Schierhout and Roberts concluded that
the data from this trial were insufficient to determine whether hyperventilation is harmful or beneficial in TBI (Schierhout and Roberts, 2000). Nonetheless, this study is the
best study available to date examining the effects of hyperventilation. Further studies are
required to examine what levels of PaCO2 are optimal for the severe TBI patient and
whether there is any role for either prolonged or transient hyperventilation to reduce
elevated ICP in these patients.
Schierhout G, Roberts I. Hyperventilation therapy for acute traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2000; 2: CD000566.
Magnesium for neuroprotection in head injury
3.11 Magnesium for Neuroprotection in Head injury
Details of Study
The study by Temkin et al. (2007) set out to determine whether there is any benefit from
magnesium sulphate infusions in preventing secondary brain injury in patients with TBI.
The study was carried out at the Haborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington, USA,
over a 6-year period between 1998 and 2004.
Study References
Main Study
Temkin NR, Anderson GD, Winn HR, Ellenbagen RG, Schuster J, Lucas T, Newell DW, Mansfield
PN, Machamer JE, Barber J, Dikmen SS. Magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection after traumatic
brain injury: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurol 2007; 6: 29–38.
Related Reference
Muir KW, Lees KR, Ford I, Davis S. Magnesium for acute stroke (Intravenous Magnesium Efficacy in
Stroke trial): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004; 363: 439–445.
Study Design
Double-blind, parallel group, randomized trial.
A phase III trial.
Class of evidence
Magnesium versus placebo
Number of patients
6 months
Primary outcomes:
Functional status, seizures, neuropsychological tests
Secondary outcome:
Number of centres
Severity of injury
Age of patient
IV MgSO4 (or saline placebo) given within 8 h of injury and continued for 5 days.
Target plasma concentration was initially high 1.25–2.5 mmol/L but this was adjusted
later to a lower level of 1.0–1.8 mmol/L.
Patients with hypomagnesia had their magnesium levels corrected.
Moderate TBI defined as: GCS 9–12 (or motor score 4–5).
Severe TBI defined as: 3–8 (or motor score 1–3), or need for intracranial surgery.
Head injury
Patients excluded if <14 years of age, pregnant, or delay in receiving infusion.
Analysis on intention-to-treat basis.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Survival time.
Functional outcome at 6 months: GOSE.
Seizures—time to early (<1 week post injury) or late (>1 week post injury).
Neuropsychological tests of attention, information processing, memory, and intellectual function.
All endpoints analysed at 6 months although some, e.g. GOSE, assessed at 1 and
3 months also.
Secondary Endpoint
93% follow-up at 6 months.
Primary outcomes were analysed as a composite and no positive effect for MgSO4 found.
Blood pressure was lower in the MgSO4 treated group for the higher serum levels but
not for the lower target levels.
High MgSO4
Low MgSO4
Late seizures
p = 0.05
p = 0.05
GOSE of >5 (moderate disability or better) was 49% for high-dose MgSO4 versus 40%
for placebo and 38% for low-dose MgSO4 versus 42% for placebo.
Intravenous MgSO4 given within 8 h of moderate to severe TBI does not improve outcome and may even have a detrimental effect.
Magnesium for neuroprotection in head injury
Although the study was carried out at a single centre, the authors have argued that it
was a regional level I trauma unit for a whole state and so it is appropriate to generalize
from their results. However, the power of the trial would undoubtedly be increased by the
inclusion of more than one study centre.
The use of a composite primary outcome is an interesting method to increase power
of trial and the authors have been commended for this novel approach. It has been
standard practice to dichotomize patient outcome into favourable or unfavourable on
the basis of the GOSE score. Proponents of composite analysis argue that dichotomizing outcome may be insensitive. However, the authors of this trial have been criticized for using 39 outcome measures to be included in their composite analysis, which
may be too many (Maas and Murray, 2007). Freemantle et al. have reviewed the arguments for and against the use of composite outcomes in clinical trials (Freemantle
et al., 2005).
One of the most crucial points that needs to be emphasized when interpreting the
results of this trial is that it was restarted with a lower target MgSO4 concentration and
that analysis of the two target levels was carried out separately. It has been questioned
as to whether an analysis of the two groups together would have given rise to more
drug-specific conclusions (Maas and Murray, 2007). As things stand, conclusions can
only be made regarding specific dosing regimens. Nonetheless, the timing and target
ranges used in the trial are consistent with those that have been widely used in the
management of head injury. It is legitimate for the authors, therefore, to draw the conclusion that there is no evidence for a beneficial effect of standard methods of MgSO4
infusions in head injury.
Following this trial there is currently no evidence to support the use of magnesium
sulphate infusions as a neuroprotective measure in head injury. In addition, the novel
use of a composite analysis may influence the design and outcome assessment of future
head-injury trials.
Freemantle N, Calvert M, Wood J, Eastaugh J, Griffin C. Composite outcomes in randomised
trials: greater precision but with greater uncertainty. JAMA 2005; 289: 2554–2559.
Maas AIR, Murray GD. Magnesium for neuroprotection after traumatic brain injury. Lancet Neurol
2007; 6: 20–21.
Epidemiology of post-traumatic seizures
3.12 Epidemiology of Post-traumatic Seizures
Details of Studies
Two large population-based studies looking at the epidemiology of PTS stand out as landmarks in elucidating the epidemiology of post-traumatic seizures in TBI. The first study
included 4541 people who suffered traumatic brain injuries over a 50-year period (1935–
1984) in Olmsted County, Minnesota, USA (Annegers et al., 1998). The second study
followed 78,572 people with TBI born over a 25-year period (1977–2002) in Denmark
(Christensen et al., 2009).
Study References
Main Studies
Annegers JF, Hauser WA, Coan SP, Rocca WA. A population-based study of seizures after traumatic
brain injuries. N Engl J Med 1998; 338: 20–24.
Christensen J, Pedersen MG, Pedersen CB, Sidenius P, Olsen J, Vestergaard M. Long-term risk of
epilepsy after traumatic brain injury in children and young adults: a population-based cohort study.
Lancet 2009; 373: 1105–1110.
Related References
Englander J, Bushnik T, Duong TT, Cifu DX, Zafonte R, Wright J, Hughes R, Bergman W. Analyzing
risk factors for late posttraumatic seizures: a prospective, multicenter investigation. Arch Phys Med
Rehabil 2003; 83: 365–373.
Salazar AM, Jabbari B, Vance SC, Grafman J, Amin D, Dillon JD. Epilepsy after penetrating
head injury. I. Clinical correlates: a report of the Vietnam Head Injury Study. Neurology 1985;
35: 1406–1414.
Temkin NR. Risk factors for posttraumatic seizures in adults. Epilepsia 2003; 44: 18–20.
Study Design
Annegers et al. (1998)
This was a population-based study that used an epidemiology database to identify diagnoses of TBI over a 50-year period and then followed up the patients to identify occurrence of seizures. Patients were excluded if the TBI was fatal, if they had pre-existing
epilepsy, or if they suffered subsequent TBI. TBI was divided into three categories:
Mild TBI
No skull fracture
Loss of consciousness or post-traumatic amnesia <30 min
Moderate TBI
≥1 of the following:
◆ Loss of consciousness or post-traumatic amnesia >30 min but <24 h
◆ Skull fracture
Severe TBI
≥1 of the following:
◆ Contusion
◆ Intracranial haematoma
◆ Loss of consciousness or post-traumatic amnesia >24 h
Head injury
Christensen et al. (2009)
This was a population-based study that used the Civil Registration System in Denmark
to identify 1,605,216 people born between 1977 and 2002, which amounted to a total
of 19,527,337 person-years. Relative risk (RR) of epilepsy was calculated for mild brain
injury, severe brain injury, and skull fracture. Time since injury and variables of age, sex,
and family history of epilepsy were considered. Definition of mild and severe brain injury
were according to the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine: mild brain injury is
manifest by altered brain function (loss of consciousness <30 min, GCS not <13, amnesia
<24 h, confusion); severe brain injury includes contusion and intracranial haemorrhage.
Annegers et al. (1998)
Severity of TBI
Cumulative 5-year ­probability of seizure
Standardized i­ncidence ratio
There was no increased risk of seizures for mild TBI after 5 years.
Patients with moderate TBI retain a significantly increased risk of seizures for over
10 years.
Patients with severe TBI retained a significantly increased risk of seizures for over
20 years.
Strongest risk factors for PTS: brain contusions and subdural haematomas.
Other risk factors for PTS: skull fracture and prolonged loss of consciousness.
Christensen et al. (2009)
Relative risk of epilepsy after
head injury
Relative risk of epilepsy >10 years
after head injury
Mild head injury
Moderate head injury
Skull fracture
RR of epilepsy increased with age, and in patients >15 years of age at time of injury RR
was 3.51 for mild and 12.24 for severe head injury.
RR of epilepsy was higher in women (2.49) compared to men (2.01).
RR of epilepsy was also increased in those with a family history of epilepsy (5.75 mild
and 10.09 severe head injury).
Epidemiology of post-traumatic seizures
Annegers et al. (1998)
The risk of PTS increases with the severity of the TBI and varies according to the time
since the injury.
Christensen et al. (2009)
Traumatic head injury is a long-lasting risk factor for epilepsy and there is a window for
prevention of post-traumatic epilepsy.
These two studies are the largest and best population-based studies concerning the epidemiology of post-traumatic epilepsy available. The study by Annegers et al. gave valuable
data regarding the duration of risk of PTS and the relation of severity of injury to this
increased risk. The authors also identified several factors, such as subdural haematoma
and brain contusions, which increase the risk of PTS. However, the study by Christensen
et al. found that the risk of epilepsy following TBI remains high for far longer than 5 years,
and in their study was still present at >10 years following injury. However, this difference
may reflect the wider inclusion criteria of the Danish study or the smaller sample size of
the US study. The Danish study has been criticized for not evaluating the type of seizures
or the timing of the seizures, e.g. early or late (Shorvon and Neligan, 2009). Furthermore,
there were no details regarding whether the dura was breached nor in those patients with
skull fractures. Another criticism is that the data collection only included outpatient
follow-up since 1995 and it is possible that many seizures will have been diagnosed in this
setting. Nonetheless, both studies included here provide the best epidemiological data
available for elucidating the risk of post-traumatic epilepsy.
Shorvon S, Neligan A. Risk of epilepsy after head trauma. Lancet 2009; 373: 1060–1061.
Phenytoin for prevention of post-traumatic seizures
3.13 Phenytoin for Prevention of Post-traumatic Seizures
Details of Study
This study (Temkin et al., 1990) was the first PRCT deemed to have sufficient power
to evaluate the efficacy of phenytoin for the prophylaxis of PTS following serious head
injury. The study was carried out in the mid-1980s at the Harborview Medical Center,
Seattle, Washington, USA.
Study References
Main Study
Temkin NR, Dikmen SS, Wilensky AJ, Keihm J, Chabal S, Winn HR. A randomised, double-blind
study of phenytoin for the prevention of post-traumatic seizures. N Engl J Med 1990; 323: 497–502.
Related References
Annegers JF, Hauser WA, Coan SP, Rocca WA. A population-based study of seizures after traumatic
brain injuries. N Engl J Med 1998; 338: 20–24.
Schierhout G, Roberts I. Anti-epileptic drugs for preventing seizures following acute traumatic brain
injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001; 4: CD000173.
Study Design
Double-blind PRCT.
Class of evidence
Phenytoin versus placebo
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
Early seizures (1st week)
Secondary outcomes:
Late seizures (1 week to 24 months)
Percentage of patients followed up at each stage? (> 80%?)
Number of centres
Patients were included if: presence of a severe head injury defined as one or more
of: cortical contusion (visible on CT scan); subdural haematoma (SDH); EDH; ICH;
depressed skull fracture; penetrating head injury; seizure <24 h from injury; GCS ≤10).
Patients were excluded if they were <16 years old or there was a delay of >24 h before
loading of drug.
Patients were also excluded if there were other predisposing risk factors for seizures,
e.g. previous severe head injury, history of severe alcoholism, or previous neurological
conditions with risk of seizures.
Initial loading dose of phenytoin was 20 mg/kg with maintenance dose adjusted
according to serum levels.
Head injury
Phenytoin/placebo continued for 12 months and was then tapered off fully.
Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
The occurrence of seizures: early (<1 week); or late (>1 week).
Diagnosis of seizures by experienced clinician with the use of EEG recording if
Other Endpoint Analysed
Possible adverse effects of phenytoin.
Phenytoin treatment reduced risk of seizures by 73% in the first week.
Additional secondary analysis revealed no difference in the cumulative probability of
all seizures (early or late) in both groups.
Phenytoin group
Placebo group
Early seizure rate (cumulative)
3.6 ± 1.3%
14.2 ± 2.6%
p < 0.001
Late seizure rate (2 years)
27.5 ± 4.0%
21.1 ± 3.7%
Phenytoin has a beneficial effect in reducing the incidence of post-traumatic seizures only
in the first week following severe head injury.
Although previous RCTs had been carried out, this study may be regarded as the first
PRCT with sufficient numbers of patients recruited to analyse the efficacy of phenytoin
for the prophylaxis of post-traumatic seizures. Meta-analysis of all published trials supports the findings of this study. A Cochrane Review in 2001 identified six published RCTs
looking at seizure prophylaxis for post-traumatic epilepsy and concluded that the use of
anticonvulsants would keep one in ten patients seizure free in the first week following
head injury but that there was no evidence for efficacy against late seizures (Schierhout
and Roberts, 2001).
Schierhout G, Roberts I. Anti-epileptic drugs for preventing seizures following acute traumatic brain
injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001; 4: CD000173.
Pre-hospital intubation for traumatic brain injury
3.14 Pre-hospital Intubation for Traumatic Brain Injury
Details of Study
Pre-hospital intubation (PHI) of TBI patients is controversial. Although the main objective of PHI is to prevent secondary brain damage there have been concerns that complications of PHI in the field can exacerbate secondary brain injury. This landmark study by
Bernard et al. (2012) is the first prospective RCT to evaluate rapid sequence intubation
(RSI) by paramedics in the pre-hospital setting of adult patients with severe TBI. The trial
was carried out in Victoria, Australia between 2004 and 2008.
Study References
Main Study
Bernard S, Nguyen V, Cameron P, Masci K, Fitzgerald M, Cooper DJ, Walker T, Myles P, Murray L,
Taylor D, Smith K, Patrick I, Edington J, Bacon A, Rosenfeld JV, Judson R. Prehospital rapid
sequence induction improves functional outcome for patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
A randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 2012; 252: 959–965.
Related Reference
Bernard S. Paramedic intubation of patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a review of current
Australian practice and recommendations for change. Emerg Med Australas 2006; 18: 221–228.
Study Design
Prospective RCT.
Class of evidence
Pre-hospital intubation by paramedics versus in-hospital intubation by physicians
Number of patients 312
6 months
Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
Favourable versus unfavourable outcome
Length of ICU stay
Survival to hospital discharge
Number of centres 4
Inclusion criteria: evidence of severe head trauma at scene; GCS <10; age ≥15 years;
intact airway reflexes.
Exclusion criteria: trauma hospital accessible <10 min from scene; no intravenous
access; allergy to relevant anaesthetic agents.
Anaesthetic agents used for RSI included fentanyl, midazolam, and succinylcholine
and capnograph waveforms were used to assess endotracheal tube placement.
Head injury
Patients randomized to in-hospital intubation, high-flow supplemental oxygen, and
bag/mask ventilation if required.
Assessor of the GOSE at 6 months were blinded to the treatment allocation.
Favourable outcome was defined as a GOSE of 1–4 and unfavourable outcome was
defined as a GOSE of 5–8.
Analysis was done on an intention-to-treat basis.
One hundred and sixty patients were randomized to the paramedic RSI (98% follow-up
at 6 months) and 152 to hospital intubation (93% follow-up at 6 months).
There were no differences found between the two treatments in any of the other secondary outcomes.
Paramedic RSI
In-hospital intubation
Statistical significance
Median GOSE
Favourable outcome
p = 0.046
Pre-hospital RSI by paramedics increases the favourable neurological outcome at 6 months.
The prevention of secondary brain injury in patients with severe TBI can result from
hypoxia, hypocapnia, and cardiovascular compromise. Although early endotracheal intubation in the hospital setting is standard practice, the role of intubation in the pre-hospital
setting is more controversial. This is because of questions regarding the success rate of RSI
in the field compared to in-hospital settings. Failure to intubate may exacerbate hypoxia
and the use of sedative agents may result in cardiovascular compromise in inadequately
resuscitated patients. The study by Bernard et al. is, therefore, a landmark study as it is the
first prospective RCT to address this question. The authors acknowledged several limitations of their study including the difference in follow-up rates between the two groups,
and even the addition of one more patient to either group may have negated the statistical
significance of the findings.
Nonetheless, this was a well-designed study which did not show any increase in mortality from pre-hospital intubation. However, because patients within 10 min reach of a
trauma hospital were excluded, it has been suggested that the conclusions may not be
applicable to urban settings (Yeh and Velmahos, 2012).
Yeh DD, Velmahos GC. Prehospital intubation for traumatic brain injury: do it correctly or not at all.
ANZ J Surg 2012; 82: 484–488.
Chapter 4
Spinal surgery
RD Johnson, WA Liebenberg, N Maartens,
G Barbagallo, M Balsano
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Steroid use in acute spinal cord injury
4.2 Steroid use in metastatic spinal cord compression
4.3 Timing of surgery for acute spinal cord injury
4.4 Decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis
4.5 Surgery for lumbar disc herniation
4.6 Microscopic sequestrectomy for lumbar disc herniation
4.7 Surgery for cauda equina syndrome
4.8 Surgery for lumbar stenosis
4.9 Spinal stabilization for chronic back pain
4.10 Surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy
4.11 Surgery for cervical radiculopathy
4.0 Introduction
The field of spinal surgery is shared by both neurosurgeons and spinal orthopaedic surgeons. Over the last few decades improved spinal imaging modalities have become widely
available in the form of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
and radio-isotope scans (RI). This has allowed for better correlation of clinical, radiological, and surgical findings. The classic dilemmas and controversies that have faced spinal
surgery in the past are, therefore, being revisited in this era of neuroimaging. Searching an
online database with the terms ‘spinal surgery’ and ‘clinical trial’ will bring up hundreds, if
not thousands, of results. This also reflects the advent of a myriad of new spinal adjuncts
and prostheses that are making their way into the spinal surgeon’s tool box. In this chapter, we have endeavoured to steer away from studies that compare spinal prosthetics or
fusion devices and concentrate rather on the core aspects of spinal practice that is relevant to most neurosurgeons. We have, therefore, included studies that address the role
of decompressive surgery in the management of spine or nerve root compression whether
this may be from trauma, degenerative disease, or tumours. This approach has allowed
us to include trials looking at the role of steroids in the management of spinal cord compression secondary to trauma and metastatic disease (Bracken et al., 1984; Bracken et al.,
1985; Vecht et al., 1989; Bracken et al., 1990; Bracken et al., 1997). In addition, we have
included studies on the role of surgical decompression in the management of cord compression secondary to trauma and metastatic disease (Vaccaro et al., 1997; Patchell et al.,
2005). Several studies have been included that address the role of surgery in lumbar disc
prolapse including the results of the recently reported Spine Patient Outcomes Research
Trial (SPORT) in the United States (Weber, 1983; Weinstein, et al., 2006; Barth et al.,
2008a; Barth et al., 2008b; Peul et al., 2008). Included here is a section on the timing of
surgery for cauda equina syndrome (CES) (O’Laoire et al., 1981). This is a highly contentious area and although there is no randomized trial there are two meta-analyses that have
provoked considerable discussion and debate in the literature (Ahn et al., 2000; Todd,
2005). The role of surgery in the management of lumbar stenosis was also examined as
part of the SPORT trial and so we have included it here for completion (Weinstein et al.,
2008). This large trial demonstrates many of the difficulties in conducting trials in spinal
patients. The Medical Research Council (MRC) trial on the role of spinal stabilization
surgery in chronic back pain has also been included in this chapter (Fairbank et al., 2005).
There are numerous case series and evidence-based reviews of different aspects of cervical spine surgery including randomized studies evaluating the efficacy of different spinal
implants. However, we have chosen to include here two prospective randomized studies
that compare surgery with conservative measures for the treatment of cervical myelopathy and cervical radiculopathy.
Global assessment of sagittal balance is becoming an integral part of the assessment
of patients undergoing surgery for degenerate spinal conditions. The introduction of the
concept of pelvic parameters of sagittal balance has been a paradigm shift in the field of
Spinal surgery
spinal surgery (Johnson et al., 2013). It has not been possible to select one paper, or indeed
only a few papers, for inclusion in this volume as the concept of sagittal balance has developed over a number of years. However, for the neurosurgeon interested in the spine, these
papers form a series of landmark papers that are essential reading. We would, therefore,
point the interested reader to two papers by Gelb and Van Royen, respectively, describing
studies of the normal spine that indicate that sagittal balance is achieved when the C7
plumb line (a line passing vertically from the centre of the C7 vertebral body) lies posterior to the gravity line, i.e. posterior to the centre of the femoral heads (Gelb et al., 1995;
Van Royen et al., 1998). The landmark studies that have been so influential in establishing pelvic parameters as a concept in spinal surgery span a period of more than 20 years
(During et al., 1985; Jackson et al., 1998; Legaye and Duval-Beaupère, 2005). There is now
an increasing body of evidence to suggest pelvic indices may affect the natural history and
outcomes from surgical intervention. It would appear, therefore, that planning surgery
to maintain pelvic parameters within as normal limits as possible is likely to improve
Ahn UM, Ahn NU, Buchowski MS, Garrett ES, Sieber AN, Kostuik JP. Cauda equina syndrome
secondary to lumbar disc herniation. A meta-analysis of surgical outcomes. Spine 2000;
25: 1515–1522.
Barth M, Diepers M, Weiss C, Thomé C. Two-year outcome after lumbar microdiscectomy versus
microscopic sequestrectomy: part1: evaluation of clinical outcome. Spine 2008a; 33: 265–272.
Barth M, Diepers M, Weiss C, Thomé C. Two-year outcome after lumbar microdiscectomy versus
microscopic sequestrectomy: part 2: radiographic evaluation and correlation with clinical outcome.
Spine 2008b; 33: 273–279.
Bracken MB, Collings WF, Freeman DF, Shepard MJ, Wagner FW, Silten RM, Hellenbrand KG,
Ransohoff J, Hunt WE, Perot PL Jr, Grossman RG, Green BA, Eisenberg HM, Rifkinson
N, Goodman JH, Meagher JN, Fischer B, Clifton GL, Flamm ES, Rawe SE. Efficacy of
methylprednisolone in acute spinal cord injury. JAMA 1984; 251: 45–52.
Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Hellenbrand KG, Collins WF, Leo LS, Freeman DF, Wagner FC, Flamm
ES, Eisenberg HM, Goodman JH, Perot PL Jr, Green BA, Grossman RG, Meagher JN, Young W,
Fischer B, Clifton GL, Hunt WE, Rifkinson N. Methylprednisolone and neurological function
1 year after spinal cord injury. Results of the National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. J Neurosurg
1985; 63: 704–713.
Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Collins WF, Holford TR, Young W, Baskin DS, Eisenberg HM, Flamm
E, Leo-Summers L, Maroon J, Marshall LF, Perot PL Jr, Piepmeier J, Sonntag VKH, Wagner FC,
Wilberger JE, Winn HR. A randomized, controlled trial of methylprednisolone or naloxone in
the treatment of acute spinal-cord injury. Results of the Second National Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Study. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 1405–1411.
Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Holford TR, Leo-Summers L, Aldrich EF, Fazl M, Fehlings M, Herr DL,
Hitchon PW, Marshall LF, Nockels RP, Pascale V, Perot PL Jr, Piepmeier J, Sonntag VK, Wagner
F, Wilberger JE, Winn HR, Young W. Administration of methylprednisolone for 24 or 48 hours
or tirilazad mesylate for 48 hours in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury. Results of the Third
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Randomized Controlled Trial. National Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Study. JAMA 1997; 277: 1597–1604.
During J, Goudfrooij H, Keessen W, Beeker TW, Crowe A. Toward standards for posture. Postural
characteristics of the lower back system in normal and pathologic conditions. Spine (Phila Pa
1976) 1985; 10: 83–87.
Fairbank J, Frost H, Wilson-MacDonald J, Yu LM, Barker K, Collins R for the Spine Stabilisation
Trial Group. Randomised controlled trial to compare surgical stabilisation of the lumbar spine
with an intensive rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic low back pain: the MRC spine
stabilisation trial. BMJ 2005; 330: 1233–1240.
Gelb DE, Lenke LG, Bridwell KH, Blanke K, McEnery KW. An analysis of sagittal spinal alignment in
100 asymptomatic middle and older aged volunteers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1995; 20:1351–1358.
Jackson RP, Peterson MD, McManus AC, Hales C. Compensatory spinopelvic balance over the hip axis
and better reliability in measuring lordosis to the pelvic radius on standing lateral radiographs of
adult volunteers and patients. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1998; 23:1750–1767.
Johnson RD, Valore A, Villaminar A, Comisso M, Balsano M. Sagittal balance and pelvic parameters –
a paradigm shift in spinal surgery. J Clin Neurosci 2013; 20: 191–196.
Legaye J, Duval-Beaupère G. Sagittal plane alignment of the spine and gravity: a radiological and
clinical evaluation. Acta Orthop Belg 2005; 71: 213–220.
O’Laoire SA, Crockard HA, Thomas DG. Prognosis for sphincter recovery after operation for cauda
equina compression owing to lumbar disc prolapse. BMJ 1981; 282: 1852–1854.
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, Saris S, Kryscio RJ, Mohiuddin M, Young B. Direct decompressive
surgical resection in the treatment of spinal cord compression caused by metastatic cancer. Lancet
2005; 366: 643–648.
Peul WC, van den Hout WB, Brand R, Thomeer RTWM, Koes BW, for the Leiden–The Hague Spine
Intervention Prognostic Study Group. Prolonged conservative care versus early surgery in patients
with sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation: two year results of a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ 2008; 336: 1355–1358.
SPORT trial—several things looked at but reported separately, so covered here in its separate entities.
Todd NV. Cauda equina syndrome: the timing of surgery probably does influence outcome. Br J
Neurosurg 2005; 19: 301–306.
Vaccaro AR, Daugherty RJ, Sheehan J, Sheehan TP, Dante SJ, Cotle JM, Baderston RA, Herbison GJ,
Northup BE. Neurologic outcome of early versus later surgery for cervical cord injury. Spine 1997;
22: 2609–2613.
Van Royen BJ, Toussaint HM, Kingma I, Bot SD, Caspers M, Harlaar J, Wuisman PI. Accuracy of
the sagittal vertical axis in a standing lateral radiograph as a measurement of balance in spinal
deformities. Eur Spine J 1998; 7: 408–412.
Vecht CJ, Haaxma-Reiche H, van Putten WL, de Visser M, Vries EP, Twiijnstra A. Initial bolus of
conventional versus high-dose dexamethasone in metastatic spinal cord compression. Neurology
1989; 39: 1255–1257.
Weber H. Lumbar disc herniation. A controlled, prospective study with ten years of observation. Spine
1983; 8: 131–140.
Weinstein JN, Tosteson TD, Lurie JD, Tosteson ANA, Hnascom B, Skinner JS, Abdu WA, Hilibrand
AS, Boden SD, Deyo RA. Surgical vs nonoperative treatment of lumbar disk herniation: the spine
patient outcomes research trial (SPORT): a randomised trial. JAMA 2006; 296: 2441–2450.
Weinstein JN, Lurie JD, Tosteson TD, Hanscom B, Tosteson ANA, Blood EA, Birkmeyer NJO,
Hilibrand AS, Herkowitz H, Cammisa FP, Todd JA, Emery SE, Lenke LG, Abdu WA, Longley M,
Spinal surgery
Errico TJ, Hu SS. Surgery versus nonsurgical treatment for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis.
N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 2257–2270.
Weinstein JN, Tosteson TD, Lurie JD, Tosteson ANA, Blood E, Hanscom B, Herkwoitz H,
Cammisa F, Albert T, Boden SD, Hilibrand A, Goldberg H, Berven S, An H for the
SPORT Investigators. Surgical versus nonsurgical therapy for lumbar spinal stenosis.
N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 794–810.
Steroid use in acute spinal cord injury
4.1 Steroid Use in Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Details of Study
The National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS) is the largest study investigating the effects of the steroid methyl prednisolone (MePred) in acute spinal cord injury.
There have been three parts to the study that are referred to as NASCIS I, NASCIS II, and
NASCIS III. These studies were carried out in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s.
Study References
Main Study
There are four main references for the NASCIS study:
Bracken MB, Collings WF, Freeman DF, Shepard MJ, Wagner FW, Silten RM, Hellenbrand KG,
Ransohoff J, Hunt WE, Perot PL Jr, Grossman RG, Green BA, Eisenberg HM, Rifkinson
N, Goodman JH, Meagher JN, Fischer B, Clifton GL, Flamm ES, Rawe SE. Efficacy of
methylprednisolone in acute spinal cord injury. JAMA 1984; 251: 45–52.
Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Hellenbrand KG, Collins WF, Leo LS, Freeman DF, Wagner FC, Flamm
ES, Eisenberg HM, Goodman JH, Perot PL Jr, Green BA, Grossman RG, Meagher JN, Young W,
Fischer B, Clifton GL, Hunt WE, Rifkinson N. Methylprednisolone and neurological function
1 year after spinal cord injury. Results of the National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. J Neurosurg
1985; 63: 704–713.
Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Collins WF, Holford TR, Young W, Baskin DS, Eisenberg HM, Flamm
E, Leo-Summers L, Maroon J, Marshall LF, Perot PL Jr, Piepmeier J, Sonntag VKH, Wagner FC,
Wilberger JE, Winn HR. A randomized, controlled trial of methylprednisolone or naloxone in
the treatment of acute spinal-cord injury. Results of the Second National Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Study. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 1405–1411.
Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Holford TR, Leo-Summers L, Aldrich EF, Fazl M, Fehlings M, Herr DL,
Hitchon PW, Marshall LF, Nockels RP, Pascale V, Perot PL Jr, Piepmeier J, Sonntag VK, Wagner
F, Wilberger JE, Winn HR, Young W. Administration of methylprednisolone for 24 or 48 hours
or tirilazad mesylate for 48 hours in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury. Results of the Third
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Randomized Controlled Trial. National Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Study. JAMA 1997; 277: 1597–1604.
Related References
Bracken MB. Steroids for acute spinal cord injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002; 3: CD001046.
Otani K, Abe H, Kadoya K, Nagakawa H, Ikata T, Tominagu S. Beneficial effect of methylprednisolone
sodium citrate in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury. Sekitui Skeizui J 1994; 7: 633–647.
Petijean ME, Pontillart V, Dixmarias F, Wiart K, Sztark F, Lassie P, Thicoipe M, Dabadie P.
Traitement medicamenteux de la lesion medullaire traumatique au stade aigu. Ann Fr Aneth Reanim
1998; 17: 115–122.
Spinal surgery
Study Design
Multi-centre, blinded, PRCTs.
Class of evidence
Moderate-dose versus
low-dose MePred
MePred naloxone versus 24 h MePred versus
48 h MePred versus
48 h tirilazad mesylate
Number of patients
6 weeks, 6 months, 1 year
6 weeks, 6 months,
1 year
6 weeks, 6 months,
1 year
Primary outcomes:
Neurological status, morbidity, and mortality
Primary outcomes:
Neurological status,
morbidity, and mortality
Primary outcomes:
Neurological status,
morbidity, and mortality
Secondary outcomes:
Secondary outcomes:
Secondary outcomes:
Number of centres
Neurological status at time
of injury
1 Early versus late treatment with steroid
2 Complete or incomplete cord injury
Ultra-early versus early
treatment with steroid
NASCIS I: low-dose regimen—loading dose of MePred was 100 mg followed by 25 mg
every 6 h for 10 days; moderate-dose regimen—1000 mg bolus followed by 250 mg
every 6 h for 10 days.
NASCIS II: MePred was given as an intravenous bolus of 30 mg/kg followed by 5.4 mg/
kg for 23 h.
NASCIS III: MePred bolus and maintenance infusions given as per NASCIS II except
continued for further 23 or 47 h.
Timing of Bolus
NASCIS II looked at early (<8 h from injury) versus late (>8 h) administration of MePred.
NASCIS III also looked at ultra-early (<3 h) versus early (3–8 h) administration of MePred.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Neurological status was measured on continuous numerical scales in a blinded manner, e.g. muscle function was measured in 14 muscle segments on a 6-point scale
between 0 and 5 (total score 70).
Steroid use in acute spinal cord injury
There was no difference between moderate-dose and low-dose MePred.
There was a trend towards better outcome for moderate-dose MePred if given within 8 h.
Patients who received MePred within 8 h of injury had a statistically significant
improvement in motor and sensory function.
There was no effect of naloxone.
No statistically significant benefit was seen for continuing MePred treatment for 48 h.
No statistically significant benefit was seen for ultra-early administration of MePred.
MePred improves outcome of acute spinal cord injury (ASCI) if given within 8 h of injury.
The positive results of the NASCIS trials pertain only to post hoc subgroup analyses. For
example, NASCIS II only showed a benefit with MePred for the subgroup of patients who
received it within 8 h of injury. It is imperative, therefore, to re-emphasize that the conclusions from this subgroup analysis cannot be extended to all patients within the trial. The
large range of the neurological scores used has meant that it is questionable whether small
improvements are clinically relevant (Spencer and Bazarian, 2003).
Spinal cord injury is a devastating disorder with approximately 10% mortality and high
rates of severe disability. NASCIS I is probably the first clinical trial of a therapeutic intervention in ASCI. Together the three NASCIS trials form the largest study to date looking
at the effects of steroids in ASCI. However, the results remain controversial and there is
as yet no guideline or recommendations regarding the use of steroids in ASCI (Coleman
et al., 2000; Hubert, 2000). The use of MePred is, therefore, still a treatment choice available to the managing surgeon.
Coleman WP, Benzel D, Cahill DW, Ducker T, Geisler F, Green B, Gropper MR, Goffin J, Madsen
PW 3rd, Maiman DJ, Ondra SL, Rosner M, Sasso RC, Trost GR, Zeidman S. A critical appraisal of
the reporting of the National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Studies (II and III) of methylprednisolone in
acute spinal cord injury. J Spinal Disord 2000; 13: 185–199.
Hubert RJ. Methylprednisolone for acute spinal cord injury: an inappropriate standard of care. J
Neurosurg 2000; 93: S1–S7.
Spencer MT, Bazarian JJ. Are corticosteroids effective in traumatic spinal cord injury? Ann Emerg Med
2003; 41: 410–413.
Steroid use in metastatic spinal cord compression
4.2 Steroid Use in Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression
Details of Study
A blinded randomized controlled trial of high-dose dexamethasone as an adjunct to
radiotherapy in patients with metastatic spinal cord compression (MESCC) from solid
tumours was carried out between 1987 and 1989 in Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Sorensen et al., 1994).
Study References
Main Study
Sorensen PS, Helwig-Larson S, Mouridesen H, Hansen HH. Effect of high-dose dexamethasone in
carcinomatous metastatic spinal cord compression treated with radiotherapy: a randomized trial.
Eur J Cancer 1994; 30A: 22–27.
Related Reference
Sciubba DM, Gokaslan ZL. Diagnosis and management of metastatic spine disease. Surgical Oncology
2006; 15: 141–151.
Study Design
A single-blind PRCT.
Class of evidence
High-dose dexamethasone versus no steroids
Number of patients
6 months
Primary outcomes:
Preservation or return of gait function
Secondary outcomes:
Side effects
Number of centres
Primary tumour
Gait function
Dexamethasone was administered as a bolus of 96 mg IV followed by 96 mg PO for
3 days.
Inclusion criteria: clinical and radiological evidence of MESCC.
Exclusion criteria: lymphoma patients; surgical decompression; previous epidural
metastases; meningeal carcinomatosis; peptic ulcers.
Analysis was done on an intention-to-treat basis.
Spinal surgery
Primary Outcomes
Gait function.
Successful treatment was defined as walking ability retained (ambulatory patients) or
walking ability regained (non-ambulatory patients).
The same neurologist assessed all patients at 3 weeks after treatment and then
3-monthly until 2 years, or until patient deceased.
Follow-up 2 years (or until death).
No steroids
Return of gait function at 3 months
Percentage ambulatory at 6 months
p = 0.05
There was no difference in survival between the two groups.
Eleven per cent of those receiving steroids experienced side effects.
A subgroup analysis was carried out in patients with breast cancer, which showed that
94% of patients receiving dexamethasone achieved a successful result compared to
69% receiving no steroids. This result was not statistically significant.
Steroids should be administered routinely to all patients with MESCC.
MESCC is one of the most devastating and dreaded complications of cancer. Rapid neurological deterioration can result in paralysis and loss of sphincter function. The early
diagnosis and treatment of this condition involves close cooperation between oncologists
and neurosurgeons. Steroids are part of the treatment armamentarium available to try
and reduce the incidence of severe neurological deficits in this condition.
This study by Sorensen et al. was the first randomized trial to examine the efficacy of
steroids for MESCC. Prior to 1993 there was only a plethora of anecdotal reports regarding the benefits of steroids in this condition. The first report published in the late 1960s
was of two patients with disseminated pelvic malignancies whose paraparesis improved
following the administration of MePred (Cantu, 1968). Clarke and Saunders reported
improvement in limb neurology in two children who were given steroids for a presumptive diagnosis of Guillain–Barré syndrome: both patients were subsequently found to have
malignant cord compression (Clarke and Saunders, 1975). These observations of a beneficial effect of steroids were confirmed in animal models of malignant cord compression
Steroid use in metastatic spinal cord compression
(Ushio et al., 1977). This led to the development of dosing regimens and protocols for the
use in patients (Gilbert et al., 1978; Greenberg et al., 1980). The study by Sorenson et al.
followed on from this work. Although the benefit reached only borderline statistical significance the authors concluded that steroids should be used as an adjunct in malignant
cord compression. This study established the role of steroids in this devastating condition.
Cantu RC. Corticosteroids for spinal metastases. Lancet 1968; 2: 912.
Clarke PR, Saunders M. Steroid-induced remission in spinal canal reticulum cell sarcoma. Report of
two cases. J Neurosurg 1975; 42: 346–413.
Gilbert RW, Kim JH, Posner JB. Epidural spinal cord compression from metastatic tumor: diagnosis
and treatment. Ann Neurol 1978; 3: 40–51.
Greenberg HS, Kim JH, Posner JB. Epidural spinal cord compression from metastatic tumor: results
with a new treatment protocol. Ann Neurol 1980; 8: 361–366.
Ushio Y, Posner R, Posner JB, Shapiro WR. Experimental spinal cord compression by epidural
neoplasm. Neurology 1977; 27: 422–429.
Timing of surgery for acute spinal cord injury
4.3 Timing of Surgery for Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Details of Study
Most studies on the timing of surgery in ASCI are either retrospective or prospective
case series. This study undertaken at the Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center of Delaware
Valley between 1992 and 1995 is the only attempt at a RCT of surgery for ASCI.
Study References
Main Study
Vaccaro AR, Daugherty RJ, Sheehan J, Sheehan TP, Dante SJ, Cotle JM, Balsderston, RA, Herbison
GJ, Northup BE. Neurologic outcome of early versus later surgery for cervical cord injury. Spine
1997; 22: 2609–2613.
Related References
Bagnall AM, Jones L, Duffy S, Riemsma RP. Spinal fixation surgery for acute traumatic spinal cord
injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008; 1: CD004725.
Fehlings MG, Perrin RG. The role and timing of early decompression for cervical spinal cord
injury: update with a review of recent clinical evidence. Injury 2005; 36: SB13–SB26.
Fehlings MG, Perrin RG. The timing of surgical intervention in the treatment of spinal cord injury:
a systematic review of recent clinical evidence. Spine 2006; 31: 528–535.
Tator CH, Fehlings MG, Thorpe K, Taylor W. Current use and timing of spinal surgery for
management of acute spinal cord injury in North America: results of a retrospective multicenter
study. J Neurosurg 1999; 91: 12–18.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Early surgery versus late surgery for cervical spinal cord
Number of patients
64 randomized
<1 year
Primary outcomes:
Neurological outcome
Functional outcome
Secondary outcomes:
Length of hospital stay
Number of centres
Age and sex
Inclusion criteria: age 15–75 years; neurological impairment A–D on American Spinal
Injury Association (ASIA) scale; neurological level C3–T1; admission within 48 h of
injury; radiological evidence of cord compression.
Spinal surgery
Exclusion criteria: other injuries preventing neurological evaluation or surgery; coexisting spinal cord disease; worsening neurology due to blood, disc, or bony fragments
within the canal.
Early surgery was <72 h from injury.
Late surgery was >5 days from injury.
Surgery included decompression ± stabilization procedures.
Neurological outcome was assessed by comparing standard neurological examination
before (on admission) and after surgery (mean 300 days).
Mean time to surgery was 1.8 days in the early group and 16.8 days in the late group.
There were no significant differences in the neurological or functional outcomes
between the two groups, or in the length of hospital stay.
There is no benefit between surgery within 72 h of injury and delayed surgery in cervical
spinal cord injury.
The study by Vaccaro et al. includes only cases of cervical cord injury and the length of
time to early surgery (mean 1.8 days) may not be early enough. It is still possible that there
may be a benefit of earlier surgery within 8 or 12 h of injury. Tator et al. reported one of the
largest case series in the literature looking at the effect of timing of surgery on outcome in
ASCI at all spinal levels (Tator et al., 1999). They conducted a retrospective analysis of over
500 cases of ASCI admitted to 36 centres in North America over a period of 9 months. The
results suggested that there is no agreement on the timing of surgery for ASCI and that
further RCTs are needed. To date, the study by Vaccaro et al. remains the only attempt at a
randomized trial. Fehlings and Perrin have published several comprehensive reviews of the
literature on the timing of surgery in ASCI (Fehlings and Perrin, 2005, 2006). On the basis
of the published data, they have made recommendations regarding the timing of surgery in
ASCI. However, they emphasize that with the lack of definitive evidence urgent decompression remains only a reasonable practice option that can be carried out safely.
Fehlings MG, Perrin RG. The role and timing of early decompression for cervical spinal cord
injury: update with a review of recent clinical evidence. Injury 2005; 36: SB13–SB26.
Fehlings MG, Perrin RG. The timing of surgical intervention in the treatment of spinal cord injury: a
systematic review of recent clinical evidence. Spine 2006; 31: 528–535.
Tator CH, Fehlings MG, Thorpe K, Taylor W. Current use and timing of spinal surgery for
management of acute spinal cord injury in North America: results of a retrospective multicenter
study. J Neurosurg 1999; 91: 12–18.
Decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis
4.4 Decompressive Surgery for Spinal Metastasis
Details of Study
This multi-institutional study is the largest randomized study looking at the role of decompressive surgery in the management of metastatic spinal cord compression (MESCC). The
study was carried out by the Bluegrass Neuro-Oncology Consortium in the United States.
Study References
Main Study
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, Payne R, Saris S, Kryscio RJ, Mohiuddin M, Young B. Direct
decompressive surgical resection in the treatment of spinal cord compression caused by metastatic
cancer: a randomised trial. Lancet 2005; 366: 643–648.
Related Reference
Ibrahim A, Crockard A, Antonietti P, Boriani S, Bunger C, Gasbarrini A, Grejes A, Harms J,
Kawahara N, Mazel C, Melcher R, Tomita K. Does spinal surgery improve quality of life for those
with extradural (spinal) osseus metastases? An international multicenter prospective observational
study. J Neurosurg Spine 2008; 8: 271–278.
Study Design
Multi-institutional, randomized trial.
Class of evidence
Surgery plus radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone
Number of patients
101 randomized
Period of time not specified, but monthly assessment of all patients
Primary outcomes:
Ability to walk
Secondary outcomes:
Urinary continence, muscle strength and functional status, need for
steroids and opiates, survival time
Number of centres
Tumour type
Spinal stability
Ambulatory status
MESCC was defined radiologically as displacement of the spinal cord by an
epidural mass.
Inclusion criteria: age >18 years; at least one neurological sign; tissue diagnosis of
non-CNS tumour; prognosis >3 months.
Exclusion criteria: paraplegia >48 h; radiosensitive tumour (lymphomas, leukaemia,
multiple myeloma, germ cell tumour); previous MESCC.
Spinal surgery
Patients received treatment within 24 h of randomization.
Radiation dose was 3.0 Gy × 10 fractions.
Surgery was to decompress the spinal cord but no constraints were placed on technique or methods of fixation.
Surgical patients received radiotherapy within 14 days of surgery.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Ambulatory status: ‘ambulant’ was defined as taking two steps with each foot unassisted (cane or walker allowed).
Secondary Endpoints
Urinary continence.
Functional status: Frankel functional scale score.
Muscle strength: ASIA motor score.
Steroid use: calculation of mean daily doses.
The trial was stopped early as interim analysis suggested that surgical therapy was
Surgery + DXT
DXT alone
Statistical significance
Patients with ability to walk after
p = 0.001
Patients recovering ability to walk
p = 0.01
Patients retaining ability to walk
p = 0.02
Median time patients able to walk after
122 days
13 days
p = 0.003
Patients in the surgery group also did significantly better in all secondary outcomes
(continence, functional scores, muscle strength, and less steroid use).
Surgical decompression with radiotherapy is superior to radiotherapy alone in MESCC.
MESCC is a significant problem and approximately 30% of cancer patients will develop
symptomatic MESCC (Sciubba and Gokaslan, 2006). Although this disorder does not
alter life expectancy, resultant neurological deficit significantly affects quality of life.
Decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis
This study does appear to show a benefit for surgery, although no direct comparison of
radiotherapy alone.
Several criticisms have been made regarding this study (Ibrahim et al., 2008). Firstly,
there may have been selection bias in this study as the inclusion criteria were quite narrow. Patients with a prognosis of <3 months or who had been paraplegic for >48 h were
excluded. Secondly, recruitment rates to the study were also low (approximately 1 patient
per year over 10 years). Thirdly, the definition of ‘ambulant’ as ‘2 steps with each foot’ is
highly questionable.
Early studies looking at the role of laminectomy in MESCC had suggested that surgery
may be associated with a poor outcome (Findlay, 1984). Radiotherapy alone has, therefore, become an accepted treatment regimen for MESCC. However, methods of spinal
fixation have significantly improved over recent years and it is now possible to undertake
decompressive surgery in cases that were previously not deemed to be surgical candidates.
This study by Patchell and colleagues has been highly significant in re-establishing the
role of surgery in MESCC. Further studies are already beginning to follow to look at this
complex clinical problem. One particularly good multi-centre observational study suggests that surgical decompression for MESCC is associated with an improved quality of
life (Ibrahim et al., 2008).
Findlay GF. Adverse effects of the management of malignant spinal cord compression. J Neurol
Neurosurg Psychiatry 1984; 47: 761–768.
Ibrahim A, Crockard A, Antonietti P, Boriani S, Bunger C, Gasbarrini A, Grejes A, Harms J,
Kawahara N, Mazel C, Melcher R, Tomita K. Does spinal surgery improve quality of life for those
with extradural (spinal) osseus metastases? An international mutlicenter prospective observational
study. J Neurosurg Spine 2008; 8: 271–278.
Sciubba DM, Gokaslan ZL. Diagnosis and management of metastatic spine disease. Surgical Oncology
2006; 15: 141–151.
Surgery for lumbar disc herniation
4.5 Surgery for Lumbar Disc Herniation
Details of Studies
There are three landmark trials that address the issue of surgical intervention for lumbar
disc herniation. The first trial influenced practice for over 30 years (Weber, 1983). This
was a single-centre study that followed up a randomized cohort of patients in which there
was equipoise regarding surgical intervention and an observational cohort of patients in
which it was felt there was no equipoise. The study took place in the Ullevall Hospital,
Oslo, Norway, over a 10-year period between the 1970s and 1980s. The second study
was the SPORT (Weinstein et al., 2006). SPORT was conducted in the United States
between 2000 and 2004 and examined surgery versus conservative management for lumbar disc prolapse. The third was carried out by the Leiden–The Hague Spine Intervention
Prognostic Study Group (Peul et al., 2007; Peul et al., 2008). This study looked at early
surgery versus prolonged conservative management in the management of sciatica due to
lumbar disc herniation and was carried out in the Netherlands between 2002 and 2005.
Study References
Main Studies
Norwegian Study (Weber, 1983)
Weber H. Lumbar disc herniation. A controlled, prospective study with ten years of observation. Spine
1983; 8: 131–140.
US Study: SPORT (Weinstein et al., 2006)
Weinstein JN, Tosteson TD, Lurie JD, Tosteson ANA, Hnascom B, Skinner JS, Abdu WA, Hilibrand
AS, Boden SD, Deyo RA. Surgical vs nonoperative treatment of lumbar disk herniation: the spine
patient outcomes research trial (SPORT): a randomised trial. JAMA 2006; 296: 2441–2450.
Netherlands Study (Peul et al., 2007; Peul et al., 2008)
Peul WC, van Houwelingen HC, van den Hout WB, Brand R, Eekof JA,Tans JT, Thomeer RTWM,
Koes BW for the Leiden—The Hague Spine Intervention Prognostic Study Group. Surgery versus
prolonged conservative treatment for sciatica. N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 2245–2256.
Peul WC, van den Hout WB, Brand R, Thomeer RTWM, Koes BW, for the Leiden–The Hague Spine
Intervention Prognostic Study Group. Prolonged conservative care versus early surgery in patients
with sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation: two year results of a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ 2008; 336: 1355–1358.
Related References
Fairbank J. Prolapsed intervertebral disc. BMJ 2008; 336: 1317–1318.
Gibson J, Grant I, Waddell G. The Cochrane review of surgery for lumbar disc prolapse and
degenerative lumbar spondylosis. Spine 1999; 24: 1820–1832.
Gibson JN, Waddell G. Surgical interventions for lumbar disc prolapse: updated Cochrane Review.
Spine 2007; 32: 1735–1747.
Van den Hout WB, Peul WC, Koes BVW, Brand R, Klevit J, Thomeer RTWM for the Leiden–The
Hague Spine Intervention Prognostic Study Group. Prolonged conservative care versus early
Spinal surgery
surgery in patients with sciatica from lumbar disc herniation: cost utility analysis alongside a
randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2008; 336: 1351–1354.
Weinstein JN, Lurie JD, Tosteson TD, Hanscom B, Tosteson ANA, Blood EA, Birkmeyer NJO,
Hilibrand AS, Herkowitz H, Cammisa FP, Todd JA, Emery SE, Lenke LG, Abdu WA, Longley M,
Errico TJ, Hu SS. Surgery versus nonsurgical treatment for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis.
N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 2257–2270.
Weinstein JN, Tosteson TD, Lurie JD, Tosteson ANA, Blood E, Hanscom B, Herkwoitz H, Cammisa
F, Albert T, Boden SD, Hilibrand A, Goldberg H, Berven S, An H for the SPORT Investigators.
Surgical versus nonsurgical therapy for lumbar spinal stenosis. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 794–810.
Study Designs
All three studies involved randomization, but only the US and Netherlands studies
were PRCT.
Norwegian study
US study (SPORT)
Netherlands study
Class of evidence
Surgery versus conservative management
Surgery versus conservative management
Early surgery versus conservative
Number of patients
1, 4, and 10 years
2 years
2 years
Primary outcomes:
Neurological function
Pain relief
Primary outcomes:
Physical function
Primary outcomes:
Relief of sciatica
Perceived recovery
Secondary outcomes:
Functional status
Quality of life
Secondary outcomes:
Sciatica severity
Patient satisfaction
and self-reported
Employment status
Secondary outcomes:
Quality of life
Functionaleconomic status
Back pain
Number of centres
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Norwegian study
US study (SPORT)
Netherlands study
Adult patients; sciatica (L5 and/or S1
root lesion)
Age ≥18 years, ≥6 weeks of
radicular pain and signs of nerve
root irritation (or neurological
deficit); radiological evidence of
lumbar disc herniation (mostly
MRI confirmation)
Age18–65 years, radiculopathy of 6–12 weeks’ duration;
radiologically confirmed disc
herniation at a level consistent
with radiculopathy
previous back
Previous back surgery; CES;
other serious back pathology;
patients not wishing to contemplate surgery
Cauda equina syndrome or
severe paresis; history of spinal
surgery; spinal stenosis; severe
Surgery for lumbar disc herniation
In the Norwegian study, uncertainty regarding the indication for surgery triggered
Surgery was standard open discectomy in all three studies.
Surgery was performed within 2 weeks of randomization in the Netherlands study and
was therefore early surgery.
Analysis on an intention-to-treat basis for the US and Netherlands studies.
Outcome Measures
Norwegian study
US study (SPORT)
Netherlands study
Clinical evaluation: outcomes
categorized as good,
fair, poor, or bad
Pain measured using the Medical
Outcomes Study 36-Item Short
Form Survey (SF-36) which scores
0–100 with reducing severity
Physical function also measured
with the SF-36 and also the
Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)
which scores 0–100 with increasing severity
Disability: Roland
Leg pain: visual
analogue scale
Perceived recovery:
Likert self-rating scale
Quality of life: patient Sciatica severity: Sciatica
Botherness Index (SBI) which
scores 0–24 with increasing
Patient satisfaction and reported
improvement: percentage scale
Quality of
life: QOL scales
Functional-economic status: observational scores
Back pain: visual analogue scale
In the Norwegian study the categorization of outcomes into four groups (good, fair,
poor, bad) was based on an appraisal by the examining doctors at follow-up.
Norwegian Study
1-year outcomes
Statistical significance
p = 0.0015
There was a statistically significant benefit of surgery at 1 year (p = 0.0015).
Twenty-six per cent of patients in the conservatively managed group were operated on
during the first year. The results of surgery were statistically better whether or not these
26% of patients were included in the analysis.
Spinal surgery
Beyond 4 years, although there was a trend towards benefit, the difference was not
statistically significant.
US Study (SPORT)
Outcomes (12 months)
Statistical significance
Pain (SF-36)
Physical function (SF-36)
Ninety-four per cent follow-up at 1 year, but follow-up at 2 years was <80%.
There was a statistically significant improvement of Sciatica Botherness Index (SBI) in
the surgery group at 1 year compared to the conservatively managed group (p = 0.003).
Self-rated progress favoured surgery (p = 0.4).
There was significant cross-over between groups with: 40% of the surgical group; 45%
of the conservatively managed group.
An as-treated analysis indicated a benefit of surgery.
Netherlands Study
Median time to recovery
Conservative management
4.0 weeks (95% CI, 3.7–4.3)
12.11 weeks (95% CI, 9.5–14.8)
Follow-up was 99% at 1 year and 77% at 2 years.
Early surgery produced a 17.7% better relief of leg pain compared to conservative
treatment at 8 weeks.
Inverse Kaplan–Meier curves were used to estimate the cumulative incidence of recovery: the hazard ratio was 1.97% in favour of early surgery (95% CI, 1.72–2.22).
The short-term benefit of early surgery ceased to be statistically significant by 6 months.
Norwegian Study
Surgical treatment was better than conservative management at 1-year follow-up, but this
difference became less pronounced over a 10-year period.
US Study (SPORT)
Patients received benefit from both surgery and conservative management but no conclusions regarding the superiority of either can be made on an intention-to-treat analysis.
Surgery for lumbar disc herniation
Netherlands Study
Early surgery for sciatica due to lumbar disc prolapse leads to faster recovery and relief of
leg pain. However, there are no long-term benefits.
The natural history of sciatica due to lumbar disc herniation is such that the majority of
patients will improve significantly within 8 weeks. Surgery is generally reserved for those
patients who do not experience improvement within this time period. The Norwegian
study by Weber appeared to demonstrate a benefit of surgery 1 year following surgery.
Although this benefit was not seen at 4-year follow-up, this study influenced practice over
the next two decades. This study would perhaps be criticized today for the methodology
by which outcomes were assessed, which, on the whole, appears to be largely subjective
The US study (SPORT trial) did not show any differences between surgery and conservative management in the intention-to-treat analysis. However, this study is hampered
by a number of weaknesses including the large number of cross-overs between treatment
groups. Nonetheless, supporters of the trial argue that this reflects the reality of spinal
practice and is the only way in which a trial for this condition can be carried out. The same
arguments are made to support the use of an as-treated analysis. However, this methodology does not allow the exclusion of the placebo effect and the possibility of false-positive
outcomes. Fairbank has made the point that the fact that 44% of the conservative arm
switched to surgery reflects the impact of this condition on the patient (Fairbank, 2008).
The Netherlands study by Peul et al. differs from previous studies in that it evaluated
the role of early surgery (within 2 weeks of randomization). In addition, Peul et al. specifically looked at the speed of recovery between conservative and surgical groups. Their
study shows that although surgery results in faster recovery compared to conservative
management, there is no overall difference in the longer-term outcomes. The findings of
this study are upheld in an updated Cochrane review of published studies on lumbar disc
surgery, which concluded that, for carefully selected patients with sciatica due to lumbar
disc herniation, surgery provides a faster relief from the acute attack than conservative
management (Gibson and Waddell, 2007).
The lack of any long-term benefit following surgery means that the risks of surgery need to be balanced against the risks of conservative management. Surgical risks
include a 1% risk of neurological damage. However, the risks of conservative management have not been quantified in sciatica and may include further neurological
deterioration and the development of cauda equina syndrome (Fairbank, 2008). There
are, therefore, insufficient data to justify surgical intervention in lumbar disc herniation on the balancing of risks. However, there may be a rationale for early surgical
intervention based on a cost–benefit analysis. The cost of surgical intervention can
be weighed against the cost of lost productivity for the longer period of recovery in
Spinal surgery
patients managed conservatively. The authors of the Netherlands study went on to
examine this cost–benefit analysis and found that there appears to be a strong economic argument supporting continued surgery for lumbar disc herniations producing
sciatica (van den Hout et al., 2008).
In summary, sciatica due to lumbar disc herniation is a common problem. However,
there is still controversy regarding the natural history of this disorder. The trials reviewed here are landmarks in the field of neurosurgery as they have provided
valuable information regarding the natural history of this disorder and its treatment
specifically the treatment in the surgical group by discectomy without fusion. This in
fact supports the notion that frequently in patients with disc herniation, the motion
segment is damaged in totality. Sequestrectomy and discectomy does not address the
pathology of the motion segment, but purely mechanical nerve compression. It is
therefore usually effective for the treatment of radiculopathy more so than the treatment of mechanical lumbar back pain.
Fairbank J. Prolapsed intervertebral disc. BMJ 2008; 336: 1317–1318.
Gibson JNA, Waddell G. Surgical interventions for lumbar disc prolapse: updated Cochrane Review.
Spine 2007; 32: 1735–1747.
Van den Hout WB, Peul WC, Koes BVW, Brand R, Klevit J, Thomeer RTWM for the Leiden–The
Hague Spine Intervention Prognostic Study Group. Prolonged conservative care versus early
surgery in patients with sciatica from lumbar disc herniation: cost utility analysis alongside a
randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2008; 336: 1351–1354.
Microscopic sequestrectomy for lumbar disc herniation
4.6 Microscopic Sequestrectomy for Lumbar Disc
Details of Study
This prospective randomized study aimed to evaluate whether there was any difference
in outcomes in patients undergoing standard microdiscectomy or microscopic sequestration of disc fragments. The study was carried out in a single centre in Heidelberg in
Study References
Main Study
Barth M, Diepers M, Weiss C, Thomé C. Two-year outcome after lumbar microdiscectomy versus
microscopic sequestrectomy: part 1: evaluation of clinical outcome. Spine 2008; 33: 265–272.
Related References
Barth M, Diepers M, Weiss C, Thomé C. Two-year outcome after lumbar microdiscectomy versus
microscopic sequestrectomy: part 2: radiographic evaluation and correlation with clinical outcome.
Spine 2008; 33: 273–279.
Caspar W. A new surgical procedure for lumbar disc herniation causing less tissue damage through a
microsurgical approach. Adv Neurosurg 1977; 4: 74–77.
Thomé C, Barth M, Schard J, Schmiedek P. Outcome after lumbar sequestrectomy compared with
microdiscectomy: a prospective randomised study. J Neurosurg Spine 2005; 2: 271–278.
Williams RW. Microlumbar discectomy: a conservative surgical approach to the virgin herniated
lumbar disc. Spine 1978; 3: 175–182.
Yasargil MG. Microsurgical operation of herniated disc. Adv Neurosurg 1977; 4: 81–82.
Study Design
Single-centre PRCT.
Class of evidence
Standard microdiscectomy versus sequestrectomy
Number of patients
2 years
Primary outcomes:
Neurological status
Clinical symptoms
Quality of life
Secondary outcomes:
Reherniation rates
Functional and economic status
Number of centres
Spinal surgery
Inclusion criteria: age 18–60 years; no previous lumbar surgery; MRI confirmation of
lumbar disc prolapse; no concomitant spinal disease.
Standard discectomy involved removal of herniated disc matter and clearance of the
disc space.
Sequestrectomy involved removal of loose disc material and the disc space was not
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Neurological status was established by clinical neurological examination.
Quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire.
Secondary Endpoints
Functional and economic status were assessed using Prolo scores from questionnaires.
Follow-up was 93% at 2 years.
There was no statistical difference in the reherniation rates: 12.5% sequestrectomy;
10% discectomy.
There was no difference in neurological status or clinical symptomatology between the
two groups.
An analysis of overall outcome suggested that there was a statistically significant better
overall outcome with sequestrectomy at 2 years (p = 0.004) and a significantly greater
improvement of overall outcome over time with sequestrectomy (p = 0.029).
There appeared to be a statistically significant benefit of surgery in terms of parameters
assessed by questionnaires including quality of life.
Sequestrectomy may be advantageous compared to standard microdiscectomy and
reherniation rates are similar with both techniques.
In their earlier publication, the same authors had shown that there was no difference in
outcome between the two techniques at 6-month follow-up (Thomé et al., 2005). This
study extends these findings from that study to 2-year follow-up. However, the study
includes two operating surgeons only at a single institution and is hindered by problems
of blinding.
The authors of the study attack what they refer to as ‘discectomy dogma’ which holds
that unless the disc space is cleared there remains a risk of reherniation, subsequent
Microscopic sequestrectomy for lumbar disc herniation
nerve root compression, and clinical deterioration. In order to support their view
that there is no scientific basis for this, the authors also carried out a radiological
follow-up study by way of MRI on their cohort of patients (Barth et al., 2008). They
report that sequestrectomy was associated with less post-operative disc degeneration
and end-plate changes.
Although this trial is a single-centre, unblinded study, it provokes substantial questions
regarding the accepted rationale behind standard microdiscectomy and certainly paves
the way for larger multi-centre trials.
Barth M, Diepers M, Weiss C, Thomé C. Two-year outcome after lumbar microdiscectomy versus
microscopic sequestrectomy: part 2: radiographic evaluation and correlation with clinical outcome.
Spine 2008; 33: 273–279.
Thomé C, Barth M, Schard J, Schmiedek P. Outcome after lumbar sequestrectomy compared with
microdiscectomy: a prospective randomised study. J Neurosurg Spine 2005; 2: 271–278.
Surgery for cauda equina syndrome
4.7 Surgery for Cauda Equina Syndrome
Details of Studies
There is no prospective randomized trial evaluating the timing of surgery for CES.
However, case series reported in the literature have strongly supported the view that CES
is a diagnostic and surgical emergency and that early surgery results in a better outcome
than delayed surgery (O’Laoire et al., 1981; Hellström et al., 1986; Dinning and Schaefer,
1993; Shapiro, 1993; Kennedy et al., 1999; Chang et al., 2000; Shapiro, 2000). In this section, we have summarized the findings from these case series regarding the timing of
surgery and sphincter function. Two meta-analyses of published case series have been
carried out, one by Ahn et al. and one by Todd (Ahn et al., 2000; Todd, 2005; Jerwood and
Todd, 2006). The meta-analysis carried out by Todd included all the case series listed here.
Study References
Main Studies
Case Series
Chang HS, Nakaagawa H, Mizuno J. Lumbar herniated disc presenting with cauda equine syndrome.
Long-term follow-up of four cases. Surg Neurol 2000; 53: 100–105.
Dinning TAR, Schaefer HR. Discogenic compression of the cauda equina: a surgical emergency. Aust
NZ J Surg 1993; 63: 927–934.
Hellström P, Kortelainen P, Kontturi M. Late urodynamic findings after surgery for cauda equine
syndrome caused by a prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disk. J Urol 1986; 135: 308–312.
Kennedy JG, Soffe KE, McGrath A, Stephens MM, Walsh MG, McManus F. Predictors of outcome in
cauda equina syndrome. Eur J Spine 1999; 8: 317–322.
O’Laoire SA, Crockard HA, Thomas DG. Prognosis for sphincter recovery after operation for cauda
equina compression owing to lumbar disc prolapse. BMJ 1981; 282: 1852–1854.
Shapiro S. Cauda equina syndrome secondary to lumbar disc herniation. Neurosurgery 1993;
32: 743–747.
Shapiro S. Medical realities of cauda equina syndrome secondary to lumbar disc herniation. Spine 2000;
25: 348–351.
Ahn UM, Ahn NU, Buchowski MS, Garrett ES, Sieber AN, Kostuik JP. Cauda equina syndrome
secondary to lumbar disc herniation. A meta-analysis of surgical outcomes. Spine 2000;
25: 1515–1522.
Jerwood D, Todd NV. Reanalysis of the timing of cauda equina surgery. Br J Neurosurg 2006;
20: 178–179.
Todd NV. Cauda equina syndrome: the timing of surgery probably does influence outcome. Br J
Neurosurg 2005; 19: 301–306.
Related References
Findlay G. Meta-analysis and the timing of cauda equina surgery. Br J Neurosurg 2008; 22: 137–138.
Gleave JR, Macfarlane R. Cauda equina syndrome: what is the relationship between timing of surgery
and outcome? Br J Neurosurg 2002; 16: 325–328.
Macfarlane R. Meta-analysis and the timing of cauda equina surgery. Br J Neurosurg 2007; 21: 635.
Spinal surgery
Case Series
Study Designs
All retrospective analysis of case series.
Number of
O’Laoire et al.
Hellström et al. 17
6% of patients operated on within
48 h recovered sphincter function
◆ 50% of patients operated on after 48
h recovered sphincter function
Bladder dysfunction
can occur in CES without symptoms and
emergency surgery can
reduce later bladder
Dinning and
8% operated on within 24 h showed
recovery of sphincter dysfunction
◆ Only 20% of patients operated on
after 24 h showed recovery of sphincter dysfunction
CES is a surgical emergency with bladder dysfunction being the most
important indication for
Shapiro (1993) 14
00% of patients operated on within
48 h regained continence and unassisted ambulation
◆ 100% of patients with persistent
incontinence underwent surgery after
>48 h
CES is a surgical emergency and every effort
should be made to
operate within 24–48 h
of onset
Kennedy et al.
ean time to decompression with a
satisfactory outcome was 14 h
◆ Mean time to decompression with a
poor outcome was 30 h
◆ Delayed surgery was significantly associated with poor outcome (p = 0.023)
Early diagnosis and early
decompression are associated with a favourable
Chang et al.
lthough sphincter function was poor
in the early post-operative period this
improved over the long term
Long-term sphincter
function may be better than the short-term
results of surgery
elayed surgery (>48 h) is associated
with significant sphincter dysfunction
(p = 0.008)
CES is a diagnostic and
surgical emergency
Shapiro (2000) 44
o correlation between the length
Emergency operation is
of the history and the outcome from
mandatory for CES
◆ Preservation of sphincter function was
better than expected
Surgery for cauda equina syndrome
Study Designs
Ahn et al. (2000)
Logistic regression analysis was carried out to determine correlation between timing of
surgery and clinical outcomes.
The authors compartmentalized timing of surgery into five groups: <24 h; 24–48 h;
2–10 days; 11 days to 1 month; >1 month.
Todd (2005)
Todd looked at patients in the literature who had been operated on within 24 or 48 h
from onset of CES and developed two null hypotheses:
1 There is no benefit to early decompression within 24 h.
2 There is no benefit to early decompression within 48 h.
Todd, therefore, analysed the literature with only one input variable—the timing of
The only output variable analysed was recovery of sphincter function defined as
‘socially normal bladder function’.
Statistical significance of odds ratios were calculated for the benefits of decompression
on sphincter function in early versus late surgery.
Ahn et al. (2000) There was no significant benefit of surgery within 24 h There is a benefit to suror after 48 h
gery performed within
There was a significant beneficial effect of surgery
48 h
between 24 and 48 h
Todd (2005)
The probability of benefit from surgery within 24 h is
p = 0.03
The probability of benefit from surgery within 48 h is
p = 0.005
The timing of surgery
following CES probably
influences outcome
The first description of neurological compromise from a ruptured lumbar intervertebral
disc was published in 1934 (Mixter and Barr, 1934). In 1959, Shephard published a review of
CES cases presenting to Maida Vale Hospital, London, and concluded that early surgery was
necessary to minimize permanent neurological damage (Shephard, 1959). O’Laoire et al.
followed on from Shepard in their report of a series of patients with CES presenting to the
National Hospitals for Nervous Diseases at Queen Square and Maida Vale, and University
Spinal surgery
College London, between 1960 and 1980 (O’Laoire et al., 1981). O’Laoire et al. expressed
their opinion regarding the management of this condition in no uncertain terms:
The urgency of the diagnosis and treatment may be compared to that for extradural haematoma
in head injury.
O’Laoire et al. (1981, p 1852)
This is representative of the prevailing view regarding the timing of surgery for CES.
The summary of conclusions from the case series included here reflects this view also.
The meta-analysis carried out by Ahn et al. has received strong criticism for methodology
and design. Indeed, it has been maintained that the logistic regression analysis performed
by Ahn et al. is not a meta-analysis at all as it includes widely diverse patient populations with incomparable input and output variables (Kohles et al., 2004; Todd, 2005). The
meta-analysis performed by Todd is certainly more rigorous in the application of the rules
of meta-analysis and they demonstrated a statistically significant disproval of both their
null hypotheses. Furthermore, in a re-analysis of Todd’s meta-analysis, Jerwood and Todd
concluded that there is ‘overwhelming statistical evidence’ for the benefit of surgery to be
performed as soon as is practically possible (Jerwood and Todd, 2006). Macfarlane has criticized the conclusions drawn from the meta-analysis of on several grounds (Macfarlane,
2007). Firstly, Macfarlane argues that it does not make physiological sense that patients
with a complete CES should show signs of recovery up to 24 h after compression: larger
peripheral nerves suffer irreversible injury after only a few hours. Secondly, Macfarlane
expresses the view that emergency surgery can be associated with increased morbidity
as it may be carried out in suboptimal conditions out of hours. Furthermore, Gleave and
Macfarlane have indicated that in many of the reported series catheter placement may
have been erroneously equated with loss of sphincter function (Gleave and Macfarlane,
2002). Findlay has also objected that re-analysis by Jerwood and Todd places too much
emphasis on the later series from Shapiro et al. which may have included smaller discs
than are typical of CES (Findlay, 2008). Findlay’s critique concluded that whilst the benefit
of surgery for CES within 24 h remains unanswered it appears clear that an evolving case
of CES will likely prevent further neurological deterioration. The answers to these questions have implications for resource management, consent, and medicolegal causality of
neurological disability. It is possible that further studies will have to include some form
of dynamic bladder function measurements in order to determine more accurately the
extent of the CES perioperatively.
Kohles SS, Kohles DA, Kar AP, Erlich VM, Polissar NL. Time-dependent surgical outcomes following
cauda equina syndrome diagnosis: comments on a meta-analysis. Spine 2004; 29: 1281–1287.
Mixter JM, Barr JS. Rupture of the intervertebral disc with involvement of the spinal canal. N Eng J Med
1934; 211: 210–215.
Shephard RH. Diagnosis and prognosis of cauda equine syndrome produced by protrusion of lumbar
disc. BMJ 1959; ii: 1434–1439.
Surgery for lumbar stenosis
4.8 Surgery for Lumbar Stenosis
Details of Study
As part of the SPORT trial carried out in the United States, the investigators assessed the
role of decompressive laminectomy versus conservative management in the treatment of
lumbar stenosis.
Study References
Main Study
Weinstein JN, Tosteson TD, Lurie JD, Tosteson ANA, Blood E, Hanscom B, Herkwoitz H, Cammisa
F, Albert T, Boden SD, Hilibrand A, Goldberg H, Berven S, An H for the SPORT Investigators.
Surgical versus nonsurgical therapy for lumbar spinal stenosis. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 794–810.
Related Reference
Weinstein JN, Lurie JD, Tosteson TD, Hanscom B, Tosteson ANA, Blood EA, Birkmeyer NJO,
Hilibrand AS, Herkowitz H, Cammisa FP, Todd JA, Emery SE, Lenke LG, Abdu WA, Longley M,
Errico TJ, Hu SS. Surgery versus nonsurgical treatment for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis.
N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 2257–2270.
Study Design
RCT plus concomitant observational cohort.
Class of evidence
Decompressive laminectomy versus conservative care
Number of patients
2 years
Primary outcomes:
Bodily pain
Physical function
Secondary outcomes:
Patient-reported improvement
Number of centres
There was also a concurrent observational cohort of 365 patients who refused
Inclusion criteria: ≥12 weeks of neurogenic claudication and radiological evidence of
lumbar stenosis.
Exclusion criteria: lumbar spondylolisthesis; lumbar instability (defined radiologically
on lateral lumbar films).
Spinal surgery
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Pain measured using the SF-36 which scores 0–100 with reducing severity.
Physical function also measured with the SF-36 and also the Oswestry Disability Index
(ODI) which scores 0–100 with increasing severity.
Outcomes were measured as changes from baseline scores.
Secondary Endpoint
Patient-reported improvement.
Randomized cohort: 85% follow-up at 1 year; 76% follow-up at 2 years.
Observational cohort: 92% follow-up at 1 year; 88% follow-up at 2 years.
Cross-over: 42% of those randomized to conservative management had undergone
surgery at 1 year compared to 63% of those randomized to surgery.
Primary outcomes of randomized cohort at 1 and 2 years (intention-to-treat analysis):
Primary outcomes
Bodily pain (change in SF-36)
Physical function(change in SF-36)
Disability (change in ODI)
1 year
2 years
Yes (p < 0.05?)
1 year
2 years
1 year
2 years
In an as-treated analysis there appeared to be a benefit of surgery on primary outcomes
in both randomized and observational cohorts.
Surgery is better than conservative care in the management of lumbar stenosis.
Follow-up in the randomized cohort was <80% at 2 years and so there is doubt regarding the validity of the observed benefit of surgery on bodily pain at 2 years. At 1 year
where there was >80% follow-up there were no differences in the primary outcomes in
the intention-to-treat analysis. Differences were reported using an as-treated analysis that
Surgery for lumbar stenosis
combined both randomized and observational cohorts. There were difficulties with high
cross-over rates in the randomized cohort and it appeared that patients crossing over to
surgery had different demographics.
The SPORT trial also included a similarly designed study that looked at a randomized
cohort and a non-randomized cohort of patients undergoing surgery or non-operative
care for lumbar spine degenerative spondylolisthesis (Weinstein et al., 2007). This study
also had the same problems due to the high rates of cross-over between treatment groups
and only an as-treated analysis showed a favourable effect of surgery.
The SPORT studies are important because they show the inherent difficulties in carrying out RCTs in spinal patients. However, the studies may reflect the realities of spinal practice and any criticism of their inherent weakness needs to be weighed with this
in mind.
Weinstein JN, Lurie JD, Tosteson TD, Hanscom B, Tosteson ANA, Blood EA, Birkmeyer NJO,
Hillibrand AS, Herkowitz H, Cammisa FP, Albert TJ, Emery SE, Lenke LG, Abdu WA,
Longley M, Errico TJ, Hu SS. Surgical versus nonsurgical treatment for lumbar degenerative
spondylolisthesis. N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 2257–2270.
Spinal stabilization for chronic back pain
4.9 Spinal Stabilization for Chronic Back Pain
Details of Study
The MRC spine stabilization trial was carried out in response to the NHS standing group
on health technology in 1994 concluding that there was weak evidence for surgery in
chronic low back pain. The trial was carried out in 15 secondary care orthopaedic and
rehabilitation centres across the United Kingdom.
Study References
Main Study
Fairbank J, Frost H, Wilson-MacDonald J, Yu LM, Barker K, Collins R for the Spine Stabilisation
Trial Group. Randomised controlled trial to compare surgical stabilisation of the lumbar spine
with an intensive rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic low back pain: the MRC spine
stabilisation trial. BMJ 2005; 330: 1233–1240.
Related Reference
Fritzell P, Hagg O, Wessburg P, Nordwall A, Group SLSS. Chronic back pain and fusion: a comparison
of three surgical techniques: a prospective randomised controlled trial from the Swedish Lumbar
Spine Study Group. Spine 2002; 27: 1131–1141.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Lumbar spine fusion versus intensive rehabilitation
Number of patients
2 years
Primary outcomes:
Back pain
Secondary outcomes:
General health assessment
Psychological assessment
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: clinician and patient uncertainty regarding which treatment option
is best; ≥12 months of chronic lower back pain; age 18–55 years.
Exclusion criteria: previous stabilization surgery; significant co-morbidities; pregnancy; psychiatric disease.
Choice of surgical method of stabilization was left to the discretion of the operating
Spinal surgery
Rehabilitation programmes were outpatient based with similar intensity regimens
employed between study centres.
Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Back pain: ODI; 0 = no disability, 100 = severe disability.
Mobility: shuttle-walking test (SWT) which measures maximal walking distance in
Secondary Endpoints
General health assessment: the SF-36.
Psychological assessment: distress and risk assessment method (modified Zung
depression index and sensory perception questionnaire)
Eighty-one per cent follow-up at 2 years.
Cross-over: 28% of patients randomized to rehabilitation had undergone surgery by
2 years; 7% of patients randomized to surgery had rehabilitation instead of surgery.
There was a small but statistically significant effect of surgery in improving ODI
scores: –4.1 (p = 0.045).
There was no difference in any of the other outcome measures.
There is no clear evidence for the benefit of surgery over rehabilitation in the treatment of
chronic low back pain patients.
Although there were cross-overs and the follow-up was just over the 80% level this study
represents one of the best designed and carried-out spinal studies. Problems included
slow recruitment due to eligibility on uncertainty of outcome principle. It is possible,
therefore, that ‘certainty’ may have excluded the best surgical candidates. Nonetheless this
is an important study and the authors point out that the benefit of surgery is small compared to the cost and risks of surgery. The requirement for comprehensive rehabilitation
services is emphasized by their results.
Surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy
4.10 Surgery for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
Details of Study
The largest trial comparing surgery with conservative measures for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy was a 3-year prospective randomized study carried out
between 1993 and 2000 in the Czech Republic.
Study References
Main Study
Kadaňka Z, Mareš M, Bednaník J, Smrcka V, Krbec M, Stejskal L, Chaloupka R, Surelová D, Novotný
O, Urbánek I, Dušek L. Approaches to spondylotic cervical myelopathy: conservative versus
surgical results in a 3-year follow-up study. Spine 2002; 27: 2205–2211.
Related References
Kadaňka Z, Bednaník J, Vohanka S, Vlach O, Stejskal L, Chaloupka R, Filipovicova D, Surelová D,
Adamova B, Novotný O, Nemex M, Smrcka V, Urbánek I. Conservative treatment versus surgery
in spondylotic cervical myelopathy: a prospective randomized study. Eur Spine J 2000; 9: 538–544.
Kadaňka Z, Mareš M, Bednaník J, Smrcka V, Krbec M, Chaloupka R, Dušek L. Predictive factors for
spondylotic cervical myelopathy treated conservatively or surgically. Eur J Neurol 2005; 12: 55–63.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Surgery versus conservative management
Number of patients
3 years
Primary endpoint:
Clinical improvement
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: clinical cervical cord dysfunction; radiological evidence of cord
compression on MRI; age <75 years; a modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association
scale (mJOA) score of ≥12.
Exclusion criteria: contraindications to surgery; pervious surgery; other significant
neurological disease.
The majority of patients undergoing surgery underwent anterior decompression.
Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis.
Spinal surgery
Outcomes Assessment
Primary Endpoints
Cervical cord function was graded clinically using the mJOA, which gives a total score
out of 18.
Mobility was assessed using a timed 10 m walk.
Video-monitoring and patient self-evaluation of daily activities were also employed.
No significant difference was detected in the mJOA scores over the 3-year period.
There was a small but significant improvement in the 10 m walk favouring those
treated conservatively.
There were no significant differences found between the two groups in evaluation of
daily activities.
The authors concluded that, on average, their study did not show that surgery is superior
to conservative therapy for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
One of the greatest weaknesses of this study was the small sample size. There is a possibility of a Type 2 error as power calculations indicate that a 42% difference in mJOA
score would need to be seen in order to detect a significant difference with the number
of patients included in this study (Matz et al., 2009). Nonetheless, the results of this study
are in keeping with a similar study that also included electrophysiological data (Bednarík
et al., 1999).
In a further analysis of their data, the authors found that older patients appeared to do
better with conservative treatment (Kadaňka et al., 2005).
Bednarik J, Kadaňka Z, Vohanka S, Stejskal L, Vlach O, Schroder R. The value of somatosensory- and
motor-evoked potentials in predicting and monitoring the effect of therapy in spondylotic cervical
myelopathy. Prospective randomized study. Spine 1999; 24: 1593–1598.
Kadaňka Z, Mareš M, Bednarík J, Smrcka V, Krbec M, Chaloupka R, Dušek L. Predictive factors for
spondylotic cervical myelopathy treated conservatively or surgically. Eur J Neurol 2005; 12: 55–63.
Matz PG, Holly LT, Mummaneni PV, Anderson PA, Groff MW, Heary RF, Kaiser MG, Ryken TC,
Choudhri TF, Vresilovic EJ, Resnick DK. Anterior cervical surgery for the treatment of cervical
degenerative myelopathy. J Neurosurg Spine 2009; 11: 170–173.
Surgery for cervical radiculopathy
4.11 Surgery for Cervical Radiculopathy
Details of Study
There is only one prospective randomized trial that has compared surgery with conservative management for cervical radiculopathy. This study was carried out in Lund, Sweden,
and compared surgery, physiotherapy, and immobilization with a cervical collar.
Study References
Main Study
Persson LCG, Moritz U, Brandt L, Carlsson CA. Cervical radiculopathy: pain, muscle weakness and
sensory loss in patients with cervical radiculopathy treated with surgery, physiotherapy or cervical
collar. A prospective controlled study. Eur Spine J 1997; 6: 256–266.
Related Reference
Fouyas IP, Statham FX, Sandercock PAG. Cochrane review on the role of surgery in cervical
spondylotic radiculomyelopathy. Spine 2002; 27: 736–747.
Study Design
Single-centre PRT.
Class of evidence
Surgery versus physiotherapy versus immobilization with rigid cervical collar
Number of patients
16 months
Primary endpoints:
Relief of radicular pain
Relief of sensory loss/paraesthesia
Muscle strength
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: clinical and radiological evidence of cervical radiculopathy without
spinal cord compression.
Exclusion criteria: cervical cord compression; whiplash; psychiatric co-morbidities.
Surgery was primarily anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with a Cloward
Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis.
Follow-up was 98% at 16 months.
Spinal surgery
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Pain was measured with a visual analogue scale: current pain and worst pain in the
preceding week were scored.
Sensory loss and paraesthesias were assessed by clinical examination by a
Muscle strength was measured using several dynamic devices.
At 3 months, patients undergoing surgery had statistically significantly less pain compared to those who received physiotherapy and those who underwent treatment in a
rigid collar.
Reduction in visual analogue
score for pain at 3-month
Rigid collar
p < 0.05
At 1 year, there was no difference in the relief of pain between any of the groups.
Although there was a significant relief of sensory loss/paraesthesia in the surgical group
at 4 months, there was no difference between any of the three groups at 16-month
Muscle strength was slightly better in the surgery group at 4 months but there were no
differences at 16 months.
Surgery results in a more rapid relief of radicular pain, sensory loss, and muscle weakness compared to conservative measures although the longer-term outcomes appear to
be similar.
Previous prospective studies comparing pain relief of surgery versus conservative treatment suggested a benefit of surgery (De Palma and Subin, 1965). However, the study by
Persson et al. was the first randomized study that evaluated surgery to conservative measures that included an assessment of motor and sensory function. The main criticisms of
this trial are the non-blinding of physiotherapist assessor and the small sample size that
could result in a Type 2 error (Fouyas et al., 2002). However, the results of this study are
in concordance with the results of previously published series and it remains the best level
of evidence regarding surgery for cervical radiculopathy.
Surgery for cervical radiculopathy
De Palma AF, Subin DK. Study of the cervical syndrome. Clin Orthop 1965; 38: 135–141.
Fouyas IP, Statham FX, Sandercock PAG. Cochrane review on the role of surgery in cervical
spondylotic radiculomyelopathy. Spine 2002; 27: 736–747.
Chapter 5
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
EAC Pereira, AL Green, RD Johnson, KJ Bulluss,
A Astradsson, JA Hyam, TZ Aziz
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy
5.2 Neuromodulation for epilepsy
5.3 Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: efficacy
of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
5.4 Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: efficacy
of subthalamic versus pallidal deep brain stimulation
in Parkinson’s disease
5.5 Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: early
subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
5.6 Pallidal stimulation for dystonia: generalized and
segmental dystonia
5.7 Spinal cord stimulation for failed back surgery syndrome
5.8 Neuromodulation for cluster headache and migraine:
occipital nerve stimulation for cluster headache
5.9 Neuromodulation for cluster headache and migraine:
deep brain stimulation for cluster headache
5.10 Neuromodulation for cluster headache and migraine:
occipital nerve stimulation for migraine
5.11 Neurosurgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia:
microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia
5.12 Neurosurgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: ablative
techniques for trigeminal neuralgia
5.13 Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression
5.14 Molecular and cellular therapies for Parkinson’s disease
5.0 Introduction
For this chapter we have selected some landmark studies in the field of epilepsy and functional neurosurgery. These two subspecialty areas have become closer over recent years
due to the wider use of neuromodulation procedures to control epilepsy, including vagal
nerve stimulation (VNS) and, more recently, deep brain stimulation (DBS).
The first epilepsy surgery study discussed is the trial by Wiebe et al. evaluating the
efficacy of surgery in temporal lobe epilepsy refractory to medical management, which
was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2001 (Wiebe et al., 2001). This
study was the first RCT assessing the efficacy of surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy. This
trial has received widespread acclaim for confirming the efficacy of surgical intervention in epilepsy. Engel has pointed out that the results of this trial have laid open the
question as to whether surgery should be considered earlier rather than as a last resort
in medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (Engel, 2001). It is worth noting the circumstances in which it was possible to conduct this trial as surgical intervention is such a
well-established method of treating temporal lobe epilepsy. The waiting list for temporal
lobe surgery was 12 months and so this allowed Wiebe et al. to fast track patients randomized to surgery to almost immediate pre-operative evaluation. This allowed for the
ethical randomization of patients with a 12-month window in which to compare the two
treatment arms. In the second section we continue with the theme of epilepsy surgery and
consider the two largest double-blind randomized trials evaluating VNS for the treatment
of epilepsy (Ben-Menachem et al., 1994; Handforth et al., 1998) and the SANTE trial of
DBS (Fisher et al., 2010).
The next sections of this chapter deal with functional neurosurgery by way of DBS and
its indications. Functional neurosurgery encompasses brain lesioning and DBS in order
to alter brain function. DBS was made possible by combining stereotactic methods with
advances in implanted electrical stimulators and an increased understanding of the functional anatomy of the deep nuclei of the brain. Stereotactic apparatus were introduced by
Horsley and Clarke and further developed for surgical use by Spiegel and Wycis (Horsley
and Clarke, 1908; Spiegal et al., 1947). The advent of stereotactic methods has facilitated
the development of two related fields of neurosurgery: functional neurosurgery and stereotactic radiosurgery.
DBS was first used clinically in the management of cancer pain and was then applied to
a myriad of pain syndromes over the next half century. DBS for pain has predominantly
been evaluated by case series rather than larger multi-centre controlled trials. However, a
meta-analysis of DBS for pain relief concluded that it is effective in well-selected patients
(Bittar et al., 2005). Many of the developments in DBS for movement disorders have been
the result of pre-clinical, primate-based research and these in many ways are the real
landmark studies in the history of this field of DBS. For example, the identification of
the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as a target for DBS in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) was the direct result of findings in primate models (Bergman et al., 1990; Aziz
et al., 1991). However, as the aim of this volume is to highlight landmark clinical studies
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
we have chosen to include studies of DBS for movement disorders which we feel meet
this criteria. We have considered five studies evaluating DBS for PD. The first of these
is a long-term follow-up study evaluating the efficacy of STN stimulation (Krack et al.,
2003). The second is a randomized trial comparing STN DBS to medical management
(Handforth et al., 1998). The third is the first randomized trial of best medical therapy
versus STN DBS for advanced PD (Weaver et al., 2009). We then critique a trial comparing STN to GPi DBS for PD (Follett et al., 2010) and finally review a trial of STN DBS for
early PD (Schuepbach et al., 2013). We then consider a clinical trial of neurostimulation
versus sham-stimulation of the globus pallidus internus (GPi) for generalized and cervical dystonia (Kupsch et al., 2006) and a multi-centre trial focusing upon cervical dystonia
(Kiss et al., 2007). DBS for essential tremor is reasonably well established as an effective
therapy that is not reviewed further here as no significant large clinical trials have been
required to establish its efficacy.
Chronic pain historically forms an important aspect of neurosurgery that has become
more the realm of anaesthetists in recent times. Nevertheless, percutaneous neuromodulation interventions have led to suboptimal placement and lead migration causing neurosurgeons to become increasingly involved in spinal cord stimulation, which we discuss
(Kumar et al., 2007). New devices have generated a resurgence of interest in peripheral
nerve stimulation. Alongside these therapies, DBS and motor cortex stimulation (MCS)
remain for refractory syndromes in selected patients. While recent case series of DBS and
MCS exist, some using on-off randomized paradigms (Boccard et al., 2013; Pereira et al.,
2013; Lefaucheur et al., 2009), these treatments have been applied for several decades
and new RCT evidence versus best medical therapies remains lacking, and the cohorts of
patients described are usually quite heterogeneous in aetiology, therefore landmark studies have not been included here. DBS and occipital nerve stimulation for cluster headache
and migraine are then discussed because of their novel neurosurgical indications despite
a lack of randomized trial evidence (Burns et al., 2007; Leone et al., 2006; Saper et al.,
2011). Trigeminal neuralgia is given its own section as it remains very much a part of
neurosurgery with a variety of interventions from microvascular decompression to ablative techniques reviewed (Barker et al., 1996; Lopez et al., 2004).
Another area in which DBS is gaining an interested following is functional neurosurgery for
psychiatric disorders. This area was formerly referred to as ‘psychosurgery’ and has, regrettably, a rather notorious history which has held back development in this field. It is worth, therefore, considering this history briefly here. It is likely that ‘psychosurgery’ may have an ancient
pedigree with literature on trephination for psychosis dating back to 1500 bc (Mashour et al.,
2005). The first modern psychosurgical procedure was performed by Gottlieb Burckhardt
when he carried out ‘topectomy’ (the removal of multiple foci of cerebral cortex) for psychosis in the late nineteenth century (Burckhardt, 1891). However, it was in the first half of the
twentieth century that the Europeans Egas Moniz and Almeida Lima developed the prefrontal
leucotomy for psychosis (Moniz, 1937). Although Moniz coined the term ‘psychosurgery’ and
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1949, the field took a downturn
following the work of Walter Freeman who developed the transorbital frontal leucotomy with
fellow American James Watts (Freeman, 1948). Although developed with the best of intentions, it is unfortunate that this procedure entered widespread, and often indiscriminate, use
in the hands of non-surgically trained psychiatrists and physicians with such widespread complications that it was eventually rejected by most neurosurgeons, and indeed made illegal in
some countries. This, combined with the introduction of an effective antipsychotic, chlorpromazine, into the pharmacopoeia, resulted in the effective death of ‘psychosurgery’. There is,
perhaps, some irony in the fact that the use of chlorpromazine as an antipsychotic stemmed
from the observations of the French neurosurgeon Henri Laborit. Despite the decline of
frontal lobectomy, other lesioning procedures have survived the test of time including cingulotomy for obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) which was made popular by Ballantyne
(Ballantyne, 1967). With the advent of DBS the field of functional neurosurgery is making
inroads again into the realms of psychiatric disorders. We have included in this chapter the
study by Mayberg et al. in Toronto that evaluates subgenual cingulated white matter as a target
for DBS in treatment-resistant depression (Mayberg et al., 2005). Although this is a pilot study
it represents a landmark in functional neurosurgery for extrapolating observations from functional imaging studies to develop a testable hypothesis regarding new efficacious targets for
DBS in a major debilitating disorder. Subsequent efficacy has proved less impressive (Lozano
et al., 2012), but intriguingly the research has spawned novel psychiatric indications for DBS
such as anorexia nervosa (Lipsman et al., 2013).
Stereotactic radiosurgery was conceived by Lars Leksell of the Karolinska Institute
in Stockholm (Leksell, 1951). Leksell combined stereotactic localization with radiation physics and together with Börge Larsson developed the Leksell gamma knife
(Leksell, 1983). Stereotactic radiosurgery, therefore, allows the delivery of focal ablative lesions to a closed cranium and has been deployed successfully in the management
of vascular malformations (AVMs), benign tumours (vestibular schwannomas and
meningiomas), and pain syndromes (trigeminal neuralgia). Pollock, in a review of the
clinical evidence for the efficacy of stereotactic radiosurgery, found that the majority
of studies provided only Level III evidence (Pollock, 2006). This in part reflects the
widespread establishment of this technique over the last 30 years. However, there are
two RCTs evaluating the role of stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of brain
metastases and these have been included in the neuro-oncology chapter (Andrews
et al., 2004; Aoyama et al., 2006).
Finally, we look to the future reviewing important studies in the development of molecular and cellular therapies for PD. Such therapies may one day replace DBS as the current
neurosurgical therapy of choice and their translation to the clinic in terms of safety and
efficacy is discussed (Kordower et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008; Mendez et al., 2008).
Andrews DW, Scott CB, Sperduto PW, Flanders AE, Gaspar LE, Schell MC, Werner-Wasik M, Demas
W, Ryu J, Bahary JP, Souhami L, Rotman M, Mehta MP, Curran WJ Jr. Whole brain radiation
therapy with or without stereotactic radiosurgery boost for patients with one to three brain
metastases: phase III results of the RTOG 9508 randomised trial. Lancet 2004; 363: 1655–1672.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Aoyama H, Shirato H, Tago T, Nakagawa K, Toyoda T, Hatano K, Kenjyo M, Oya N, Hirota S,
Shioura H, Kunieda E, Inomata T, Hayakawa K, Katoh N, Kobashi G. Stereotactic radiosurgery
plus whole-brain radiation therapy vs stereotactic radiosurgery alone for the treatment of brain
metastases—a randomised controlled trial. JAMA 2006; 21: 2483–2491.
Aziz TZ, Peggs D, Sambrook MA, Crossman AR. Lesion of the subthalamic nucleus for the alleviation
of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced parkinsonism in the primate.
Mov Disord 1991; 6: 288–292.
Ballantyne HT Jr, Cassidy WL, Flanagan NB, Marino R Jr. Stereotaxic anterior cingulotomy for
neuropsychiatric illness and intractable pain. J Neurosurg 1967; 26: 488–495.
Ben-Menachem E, Mañon-Espaillat R, Ristanovic R, Wilder BJ, Stefan H, Mirza W, Tarver WB,
Wernicke JF. Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of partial seizures: 1. A controlled study of effect
on seizures. First International Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study Group. Epilepsia 1994; 35: 616–626.
Bergman H, Wichmann T, DeLong MR. Reversal of experimental parkinsonism by lesion of the
subthalamic nucleus. Science 1990; 249: 1436–1438.
Bittar RG, Kar-Purkayastha I, Owen SL, Bear RE, Green A, Wang SY, Aziz TZ. Deep brain stimulation
for pain relief: a meta-analysis. J Clin Neurosci 2005; 12: 515–519.
Boccard SG, Pereira EA, Moir L, Aziz TZ, Green AL. Long-term outcomes of deep brain stimulation
for neuropathic pain. Neurosurgery 2013; 72(2): 221–230.
Burckhardt G. Über Rindenexcisionen, als Beitrag zur operativen Therapie der Psychosen. Allg Z
Psychiatr Med 1891; 47: 463–548.
Burns B, Watkins L, Goadsby PJ. Successful treatment of medically intractable cluster headache using
occipital nerve stimulation (ONS). Lancet 2007; 369: 1099–1106.
Engel J. Finally, a randomised, controlled trial of epilepsy surgery. N Engl J Med 2001; 345: 365–366.
Fisher R, Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry T, Gross R, Oommen K, Osorio I, Nazzaro J, Labar
D, Kaplitt M, Sperling M, Sandok E, Neal J, Handforth A, Stern J, DeSalles A, Chung S, Shetter
A, Bergen D, Bakay R, Henderson J, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld W, Youkilis A, Marks W,
Garcia P, Barbaro N, Fountain N, Bazil C, Goodman R, McKhann G, Babu Krishnamurthy K,
Papavassiliou S, Epstein C, Pollard J, Tonder L, Grebin J, Coffey R, Graves N, for the SANTE
Study Group. Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamus for treatment of refractory
epilepsy. Epilepsia 2010; 51(5): 899–908.
Follett KA, Weaver FM, Stern M, Hur K, Harris CL, Luo P, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Moy
C, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein
JM, Stoner G, Starr PA, Simpson R, Baltuch G, De Salles A, Huang GD, Reda DJ, for the CSP
(Veteran Affairs Cooperative Studies Program) 468 Study Group. Pallidal versus subthalamic
deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2010; 362: 2077–2091.
Freeman W. Transorbital leucotomy. Lancet 1948; 2: 371–373.
Handforth A, DeGiorgio CM, Schachter SC, Uthman BM, Naritoku DK, Tecoma ES, Henry TR,
Collins SD, Vaughn BV, Gilmartin RC, Labar DR, Morris GL 3rd, Salinsky MC, Osorio I,
Ristanovic RK, Labiner DM, Jones JC, Murphy JV, Ney GC, Wheless JW. Vagus nerve stimulation
therapy for partial-onset seizures: a randomized active-control trial. Neurology 1998; 51: 48–55.
Horsley V, Clarke RH. The structure and functions of the cerebellum examined by a new method. Brain
1908; 31: 45–124.
Kiss ZH, Doig-Beyaert K, Eliasziw M, Tsui J, Haffenden A, Suchowersky O; Functional and
Stereotactic Section of the Canadian Neurosurgical Society; Canadian Movement Disorders Group.
The Canadian multicentre study of deep brain stimulation for cervical dystonia. Brain 2007; 130(Pt
11): 2879–2886.
Kordower JH, Chu Y, Hauser RA, Freeman TB, Olanow CW. Lewy body-like pathology in long-term
embryonic nigral transplants in Parkinson’s disease. Nat Med 2008; 14: 504–506.
Kupsch A, Benecke R, Müller J, Trottenberg T, Schneider GH, Poewe W, Eisner W, Wolters A, Müller
JU, Deuschl G, Pinsker MO, Skogseid IM, Roeste GK, Vollmer-Haase J, Brentrup A, Krause
M, Tronnier V, Schnitzler A, Voges J, Nikkhah G, Vesper J, Naumann M, Volkmann J, for the
Deep-Brain Stimulation for Dystonia Study Group. Pallidal deep-brain stimulation in primary
generalized or segmental dystonia. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 1978–1990.
Lefaucheur JP, Drouot X, Cunin P, Bruckert R, Lepetit H, Créange A, Wolkenstein P, Maison
P, Keravel Y, Nguyen JP. Motor cortex stimulation for the treatment of refractory peripheral
neuropathic pain. Brain 2009; 132(Pt 6): 1463–1471.
Leksell L. The stereotactic method and radiosurgery of the brain. Acta Chir Scand 1951; 107: 316–319.
Leksell L. Stereotactic radiosurgery. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1983; 46: 797–803.
Leone M, Franzini A, Broggi G, Bussone G. Hypothalamic stimulation for intractable cluster
headache: long-term experience. Neurology 2006; 67: 150–152.
Li JY, Englund E, Holton JL, Soulet D, Hagell P, Lees AJ, Lashley T, Quinn NP, Rehncrona S,
Bjorklund A, Widner H, Revesz T, Lindvall O, Brundin P. Lewy bodies in grafted neurons
in subjects with Parkinson’s disease suggest host-to-graft disease propagation. Nat Med 2008;
14: 501–503.
Lipsman N, Woodside DB, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Carter JC, Norwood SJ, Sutandar K, Staab R,
Elias G, Lyman CH, Smith GS, Lozano AM. Subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for
treatment-refractory anorexia nervosa: a phase 1 pilot trial. Lancet 2013; 381(9875): 1361–1370.
Lozano AM, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Rizvi SJ, Kennedy SH, Kolivakis TT, Debonnel G, Sadikot AF,
Lam RW, Howard AK, Ilcewicz-Klimek M, Honey CR,Mayberg HS. A multicenter pilot study of
subcallosal cingulate area deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression. J Neurosurg
2012; 116(2): 315–322.
Mashour GA, Walker EE, Martuza RL. Psychosurgery: past, present, and future. Brain Res Rev 2005;
48: 409–419.
Mendez I, Vinuela A, Astradsson A, Mukhida K, Hallett P, Robertson H, Tierney T, Holness R,
Dagher A, Trojanowski JQ, Isacson O. Dopamine neurons implanted into people with Parkinson’s
disease survive without pathology for 14 years. Nat Med 2008; 14: 507–509.
Moniz E. Essai d’in traitement chirurgical de certaine psychoses. Bull Acad Med 1937; 93: 1379–1385.
Pereira EA, Boccard SG, Linhares P, Chamadoira C, Rosas MJ, Abreu P, Rebelo V, Vaz R, Aziz TZ.
Thalamic deep brain stimulation for neuropathic pain after amputation or brachial plexus avulsion.
Neurosurg Focus 2013; 35(3): E7.
Pollock BE. An evidence-based medicine review of stereotactic radiosurgery. Prog Neurol Surg 2006;
19: 152–170.
Saper JR, Dodick DW, Silberstein SD, McCarville D, Sun M, Goadsby PJ. Occipital nerve stimulation
for the treatment of intractable chronic migraine headache: ONSTIM feasibility study. Cephalalgia
2011; 31(3): 271–285.
Schuepbach WMM, Rau J, Knudsen K, Volkmann J, Krack P, Timmerman L, Hälbig TD, Hesekamp
H, Navarro SM, Meier N, Falk D, Mehdorn M, et al. for the EARLYSTIM Study Group.
Neurostimulation for Parkinson’s disease with early motor complications. N Engl J Med 2013;
368: 610–622.
Spiegel EA, Wycis HT, Marks M, Lee AJ. Stereotaxic apparatus for operations on human brain. Science
1947; 106: 349–350.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Weaver FM, Follett K, Stern M, Hur K, Harris C, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Reda D, Moy
CS, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein J,
Stoner G, Heemskerk J, Huang GD; CSP 468 Study Group. Bilateral deep brain stimulation vs best
medical therapy for patients with advanced Parkinson disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA
2009; 301: 63–73.
Wiebe S, Blume WT, Girvin JP, Eliasziw M. Effectiveness and Efficiency of Surgery for Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy Study Group. A randomized, controlled trial of surgery for temporal-lobe epilepsy. N Engl J
Med 2001; 345: 311–318.
Surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy
5.1 Surgery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Details of Study
This study by the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Surgery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Group is the first PRCT to assess the efficacy and safety of surgical treatment for temporal
lobe epilepsy. The study was carried out at the London Health Sciences Center, University
of Western Ontario, Canada.
Study References
Main Study
Wiebe S, Blume WT, Girvin JP, Eliasziw M. Effectiveness and Efficiency of Surgery for Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy Study Group. A randomized, controlled trial of surgery for temporal-lobe epilepsy. N Engl J
Med 2001; 345: 311–318.
Related Reference
Engel J Jr. The timing of surgical intervention for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: a plan for a randomised
controlled clinical trial. Arch Neurol 1999; 56: 1338–1341.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Medical treatment versus surgery
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
1 year
Secondary outcome:
Number of centres
Presence or absence of generalized motor seizures
Patients randomized to medical treatment were put on a 1-year waiting list for surgery
(the standard practice in the study centre).
Patients randomized to surgery were admitted for pre-operative evaluation within 48
h of randomization.
Of the 86 eligible patients, 80 agreed to participate with 40 randomized to each arm of
the trial.
Analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat basis.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Freedom from seizures impairing awareness (i.e. disabling seizures) at 1 year.
Other Endpoints Analysed
Freedom from all seizures, including auras.
Frequency of seizures in those that were not seizure free was analysed by calculating
percentage change in monthly average.
Mean severity of all seizures assessed at 3-monthly intervals using the Liverpool
Seizure Severity Scale which scores the severity from 10–48 with higher scores reflecting increased severity.
Quality of life was assessed using a standard epilepsy quality of life inventory
(QOLIE-89) which score quality of life from 0–100 with higher score reflecting superior quality of life.
Number of patients employed or attending school was recorded at 3-monthly intervals.
There was 100% follow-up with no crossovers.
Surgery group
Medical group
Statistical significance
Freedom from disabling seizures
58% free
8% free
p < 0.001
Freedom from all seizures
38% free
3% free
p < 0.001
Change in frequency of disabling
p < 0.001
Mean severity of residual seizures
(scale = 10–48)
No significant
Mean quality of life from
3–12 months
(scale 0–100)
p < 0.001
Percentage employed or attending
school at 1 year
No significant
Four patients in surgical group did not undergo surgery; of those that did undergo
surgery 64% were free from disabling seizures and 42% were free from all seizures.
One patient in the medical group died from sudden unexplained causes.
Four patients had adverse effects from surgery: one patient with wound infection; one
with sensory disturbance in one lower limb secondary to a focal thalamic infarct; and
two with verbal memory disturbance affecting occupation.
Depression occurred in 18% of patients in the surgical group and in 20% of patients in
the medical group.
Surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy
Surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy is not only safe but superior to prolonged medical
The study by Weibe et al. showed that RCTs of surgery for epilepsy are feasible. In addition, the trial showed that surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy is safe and effective. The
follow-up time of the trial had to be limited to 1 year as all patients entered into the trial
would ultimately undergo surgery, although those randomized to the medical arm would
go on the 1-year waiting list. Indeed, it was this 1-year waiting list that allowed the ethical
randomization of patients and allowed the trial to be undertaken. Even with this short
period of follow-up the authors were able to show a statistically significant difference
between the two treatment arms.
Several criticisms have been levied against the trial including the outcome assessments used. For example, the questionnaires used to assess outcome may not have picked
up on subtle personality changes following the resection of amygdala and hippocampus. However, the authors of the trial have indicated that patients undergoing surgery
rated themselves better than the medically treated patients on functions that would be
affected by the loss of the amygdala and hippocampus, including memory and emotional
well-being. Although questions have been raised regarding the antiepileptic medication
used to try and control seizures in patients in the medical arm of the trial, Wiebe et al.
have emphasized that all patients were given optimal doses and medication combinations
by experienced epilepsy specialists. This trial has confirmed that there is a role of surgery
for medically refractory epilepsy. It has estimated that, at least in the United States, that
only approximately 1.5% of eligible patients undergo surgery for epilepsy control (Engel
and Shewmon, 1993). Interest has now moved to investigate whether seizure relief is influenced by the degree of temporal lobe resection. A recent review has noted that standard
anterior temporal lobectomy when compared with selective amygdalohippocampectomy,
has an improved chance of seizure freedom from disabling seizures in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (Josephson et al., 2013).
Engel J Jr, Shewmon DA. Overview: who should be considered a surgical candidate?, in Engel J Jr (ed),
Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1993, pp 23–24.
Josephson CD, Dykeman J, Fiest KM, Liu X, Salder RM, Jette N, Weibe S. Systematic review
and meta-analysis of standard vs selective temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Neurology 2013;
80(18): 1669–1676.
Neuromodulation for epilepsy
5.2 Neuromodulation for Epilepsy
Vagal Nerve Stimulation Studies
Details of Studies
VNS is now a well-established treatment for refractory epilepsy and a number of efficacy
trials have been performed. The trials described in this section are landmarks because
they represent the early prospective, randomized studies that changed efficacy studies
from a number of case series to Level I evidence and led to the much more widespread
use of VNS.
Study References
Main Studies
Ben-Menachem E, Mañon-Espaillat R, Ristanovic R, Wilder BJ, Stefan H, Mirza W, Tarver WB,
Wernicke JF. Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of partial seizures: 1. A controlled study of effect
on seizures. First International Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study Group. Epilepsia 1994; 35: 616–626
Handforth A, DeGiorgio CM, Schachter SC, Uthman BM, Naritoku DK, Tecoma ES, Henry TR,
Collins SD, Vaughn BV, Gilmartin RC, Labar DR, Morris GL 3rd, Salinsky MC, Osorio I,
Ristanovic RK, Labiner DM, Jones JC, Murphy JV, Ney GC, Wheless JW. Vagus nerve stimulation
therapy for partial-onset seizures: a randomized active-control trial. Neurology 1998; 51: 48–55.
Related References
George R, Salinsky M, Kuzniecky R, Rosenfeld W, Bergen D, Tarver WB, Wernicke JF. Vagus nerve
stimulation for treatment of partial seizures: 3. Long-term follow-up on first 67 patients exiting
a controlled study. First International Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study Group. Epilepsia 1994;
35: 637–643.
Ramsay RE, Uthman BM, Augustinsson LE, Upton AR, Naritoku D, Willis J, Treig T, Barolat G,
Wernicke JF. Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of partial seizures: 2. Safety, side effects, and
tolerability. First International Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study Group. Epilepsia 1994; 35: 627–633.
Study Designs
Ben-Menachem et al. (1994)
Handforth et al. (1998)
Class of evidence
‘High’ versus ‘low’ stimulation
parameters (see following list)
High versus low stimulation
Number of patients
83 (67 included in analysis)
254 (196 included in analysis)
14-week period of stimulation
(last 12 weeks included in efficacy
3 months after 2-week ‘ramp-up’
period where stimulation maximized
Number of centres
17 (12 in USA)
20 (all in USA)
Inclusion criteria:
• Ben-Menachem et al. (1994): medically refractory partial seizures (at least 6 per
month during a 12-week baseline period).
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
• Handforth et al. (1998): six or more partial-onset seizures involving alteration in
consciousness (complex partial or secondary generalized) over 30 days with no
more than 21 days between seizures; other seizure types; be able to submit accurate
seizure counts (or by a carer); 12–65 years; use contraception if female and fertile;
be on one to three marketed antiepileptic drugs on a stable regimen.
Exclusion criteria:
• Ben-Menachem at al. (1994): a concomitant unstable medical condition; seizure
aetiology best treated by another means, e.g. resective surgery; pregnancy.
• Handforth et al. (1998): deteriorating neurological or medical conditions; pregnancy; cardiac or pulmonary disease; active peptic ulcer; history of non-epileptic
seizures; 1 one or more episodes of status epilepticus in past 12 months; prior cervical vagotomy; inability to consent; prior VNS; prior DBS; resective epilepsy surgery;
inability to perform pulmonary function tests or to attend clinic.
Demographics in the two trials are very similar with mean age around 32–35 years
with a range of 13–60 years.
The Ben-Menachem et al. (1994) study was a smaller, preliminary RCT that showed
VNS is safe and potentially effective in seizure reduction. Handforth et al. (1998) went
on to confirm these results in a larger cohort with a high (99%) completion rate.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Ben-Menachem et al. (1994)
Overall change in seizure frequency for high- and low-frequency groups.
Handforth et al. (1998)
Percentage change in total seizure frequency during treatment period compared to
Secondary Endpoints
Ben-Menachem et al. (1994)
Changes in seizure intensity and duration.
Patient reported ability to ‘abort’ or ‘decrease’ a seizure as a result of magnet use.
Global ratings by patients, companions, and investigators (reported by Ramsey et al., 1994).
Handforth et al. (1998)
Between-group comparisons of seizures involving alteration of awareness.
Within-group changes in seizure frequency during treatment compared to baseline.
Number of patients with 50% or 75% seizure frequency reductions.
Global evaluation scores.
Adverse events.
Neuromodulation for epilepsy
Reduction in seizure frequency was similar in both trials and both trials showed that
high-frequency VNS significantly reduces seizures compared to baseline, whereas
low-frequency VNS does not. Seizure reduction occurred for both total seizures as
well as partial-onset seizures with alteration of awareness. These reductions occurred
whether or not the patient had auras. Seizure intensity or duration was not significantly
changed. However, regarding all of these results, there was considerable individual variation in response, and although there was a mean reduction in frequency, some patients
suffered an increase in seizure frequency with VNS. Global ratings of change indicated
significant improvement reported by interviewers but not by the patients or companions. Interestingly, global ratings improved with both high and low stimulation but were
significantly higher with the former. Side effects of stimulation included voice change,
throat paraesthesiae, dyspnoea, and cough. Infection occurred in approximately 11–12%
of patients and there were no reported device-related deaths.
Seizure reduction %
Statistical significance
(between groups)
Ben-Menachem et al. (1994)
p = 0.029
Handforth et al. (1998)
p = 0.02
High-frequency VNS significantly reduces the frequency of seizures in patients with
refractory epilepsy.
Deep Brain Stimulation Study
Details of Study
This study, Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus for Epilepsy (SANTE
trial) is a multi-centre, double-blinded randomized trial to assess the efficacy and safety
of basal ganglia stimulation to control medical refractory partial seizures. The study was
carried out at 17 neurosurgical centres within the United States.
Study Reference
Main Study
Fisher R, Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry T, Gross R, Oommen K, Osorio I, Nazzaro J, Labar
D, Kaplitt M, Sperling M, Sandok E, Neal J, Handforth A, Stern J, DeSalles A, Chung S, Shetter
A, Bergen D, Bakay R, Henderson J, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld W, Youkilis A, Marks W,
Garcia P, Barbaro N, Fountain N, Bazil C, Goodman R, McKhann G, Babu Krishnamurthy K,
Papavassiliou S, Epstein C, Pollard J, Tonder L, Grebin J, Coffey R, Graves N; SANTE Study
Group. Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamus for treatment of refractory
epilepsy. Epilepsia 2010; 51(5): 899–908.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Study Design
Class of evidence
Stimulation versus no stimulation within the first 3 months
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
3 months
Secondary outcome:
2 years
Number of centres
Percentage difference in frequency partial seizures
Of the 157 eligible patients, 110 underwent bilateral electrode implantation; 54 patients
were randomized to stimulation and 55 to control group.
Analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat basis.
Generalized estimating equations (GEE) model-adjusted mean per cent difference in
seizure frequency
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
◆ Comparison of seizure reductions in blinded phase (first 3 months).
Other Endpoints Analysed
Mean severity of all seizures assessed using the Liverpool Seizure Severity Scale.
Quality of life was assessed using a standard epilepsy quality of life inventory (QOLIE-31).
Percentage reduction in seizures
Month 1–2
Month 2–3
Month 3–4
All participants—primary analysis
20% (p < 0.50)
−10% (p < 0.40)
−29% (p < 0.0017)
With outlier excluded
−10% (p < 0.37)
−11% (p < 0.34)
−29% (p < 0.0017)
Intention to treat
19% (p < 0.52)
−10% (p < 0.40)
−29% (p < 0.0016)
Intention to treat with outlier
−11% (p < 0.34)
−11% (p < 0.34)
−29% (p < 0.0022)
Fourteen patients (13%) were seizure free for at least 6 months.
There was a reduction in epilepsy-related injuries (7% active versus 25% control).
Neuromodulation for epilepsy
Other Findings
12.7% of patients became seizure free for at least 6 months.
Among 110 implanted patients with mean follow-up of 3 years there were five deaths.
One patient died in the baseline phase before surgery from sudden unexpected death
in epilepsy (SUDEP). In long-term phase one patient drowned and another committed suicide. One patient in the unblinded phase and long-term follow-up phase died
from SUDEP.
There were five asymptomatic haemorrhages (4.5%).
Fourteen patients (12.7%) developed infections in either the stimulator pocket (7.3%),
extension lead (5.5%), or the burr hole (1.8%).
While neuropsychological scores for cognition and mood did not differ between the
two groups, stimulation-related complications compared to control group included
depression (eight versus one) and memory impairment (seven versus one). The depression in 50% of the patient and all of the memory impairments resolved over the length
of the trial.
Bilateral stimulation of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus reduces seizure frequency.
Cooper et al. were the first to trial brain stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy (Cooper
et al., 1973; Cooper et al., 1977a; Cooper et al., 1977b; Cooper et al., 1978). Unfortunately,
controlled trials failed to confirm these results (Van Buren et al., 1978, Wright et al.,
1984). Several DBS targets have been used to treat epilepsy including the hippocampus
(Velasco et al., 2000), the caudate nucleus (Chkhenkeli and Chkhenkeli, 1997), the centromedian thalamic nucleus (Fischer et al., 1992; Velasco et al., 1995), and the posterior
hypothalamus (Mirski and Fisher, 1994). More recently the subthalamic nucleus has been
selected as a target for DBS in epilepsy (Benabid et al., 2002). The recent publication of
the SANTE study has provided further evidence that DBS can be used to control medical
refractory epilepsy.
It may be expected that DBS will be more efficacious in seizure reduction than VNS
as the stimulation is directly affecting the brain rather than relying on some method of
anterograde stimulation. However, there is no doubt that VNS is safer as it does not have
a risk of stroke. The landmark VNS studies described here are impressive in that they
applied the principles of prospective, randomized drug trials to a surgical treatment and
were well executed. They are, however, far from perfect. One of the main problems is the
use of a low-frequency stimulation group as a ‘placebo’. This was a necessary compromise
in order to ensure adequate ‘blinding’ as those with no stimulation would be aware that
they were not receiving it. But it is not as good as a ‘true’ placebo group. The fact that there
was a seizure reduction in this ‘placebo’ group illustrates this point. A second flaw is that
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
seizure reduction in the first 3 months may underestimate the long-term improvement, as
evidence suggests that efficacy improves even up to 18 months after the onset of therapy
(Uthman et al., 1993; Salinsky et al., 1996). Despite these criticisms concerning efficacy,
both trials established VNS as a safe therapy with beneficial effects, in some patients more
than others.
The study by Fisher et al. demonstrates that anterior nucleus stimulation for medically
refractory focal epilepsy does reduce seizure frequency. One patient outlier had a significant impact on the results. In this patient, stimulation induces >200 seizures in 3 days that
ceased when the stimulation was switched off and this phenomenon did not recur when a
lower voltage was used. For this reason, the results of this trial are given with this outlier
included as well as excluded from the analysis. It is important to highlight that within the
patient population a significant proportion have undergone previous surgical intervention with 45% having received previous vagal nerve stimulation and 25% another form of
epilepsy surgery. During the blinded phase there was a significant increase in depression
events (mild or moderate with half resolving spontaneously) and memory impairment
(all resolving spontaneously). As with DBS for movement disorders the mechanism of
action is unclear but concurrent thalamic and scalp EEG after implantation suggest a
recruiting rhythm within the limbic system that is elicited with low stimulation that leads
to the reduction in seizure frequency (Zumsteg et al., 2006). This trial has established that
DBS is efficacious in a selected group of patients with medically refractory epilepsy.
Benabid AL, Minotti L, Koudsié A, de Saint Martin A, Hirsch E. Antiepileptic effect of high-frequency
stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (corpus luysi) in a case of medically intractable epilepsy
caused by focal dysplasia: a 30-month follow-up: technical case report. Neurosurgery 2002;
50: 1385–1391.
Chkhenkeli SA, Chkhenkeli IS. Effects of therapeutic stimulation of nucleus caudatus on epileptic
electrical activity of brain patients with intractable epilepsy. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 1997;
69: 221–224.
Cooper IS, Amin I, Gilman S. The effect of chronic cerebellar stimulation upon epilepsy in man. Trans
Am Neurol Assoc 1973; 98: 192–196.
Cooper IS, Amin I, Riklan M, Waltz JM, Poon TP. Chronic cerebellar stimulation in epilepsy. Clinical
and anatomical studies. Arch Neurol 1976; 33: 559–570.
Cooper IS, Amin I, Upton A, Riklan M, Watkins S, McLellan L. Safety and efficacy of chronic
cerebellar stimulation. Appl Neurophysiol 1977; 40: 124–134.
Cooper IS, Upton AR. Use of chronic cerebellar stimulation for disorders of inhibition. Lancet 1978;
1: 595–560.
Fischer RS, Uematsu S, Krauss GL, Cysyk BJ, McPherson R, Lesser RP, Gordon B, Schwerdt P, Rise
M. Placebo-controlled pilot study of centromedian thalamic stimulation in treatment of intractable
seizures. Epilepsia 1992; 33: 841–851.
Mirski MA, Fisher RS. Electrical stimulation of the mammillary nuclei increases seizure threshold to
pentylenetetrazol in rats. Epilepsia 1994; 35: 1309–1316.
Ramsay RE, Uthman BM, Augustinsson LE, Upton AR, Naritoku D, Willis J, Treig T, Barolat G,
Wernicke JF. Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of partial seizures: 2. Safety, side effects,
Neuromodulation for epilepsy
and tolerability. First International Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study Group. Epilepsia 1994;
35: 627–636.
Salinsky MC, Uthman BM, Ristanovic RK, Wernicke JF, Tarver WB. Vagus nerve stimulation for the
treatment of medically intractable seizures. Results of a 1-year open-extension trial. Vagus Nerve
Stimulation Study Group. Arch Neurol 1996; 53: 1176–1180.
Uthman BM, Wilder BJ, Penry JK, Dean C, Ramsay RE, Reid SA, Hammond EJ, Tarver WB,
Wernicke JF. Treatment of epilepsy by stimulation of the vagus nerve. Neurology 1993;
43: 1338–1345.
Van Buren JM, Wood JH, Oakley J, Hambrecht F. Preliminary evaluation of cerebellar stimulation
by double-blind stimulation and biological criteria in the treatment of epilepsy. J Neurosurg 1978;
48: 407–16.
Velasco M, Velasco F, Velasco AL, Boleaga B, Jimenez F, Brito F, Marquez I. Subacute electrical
stimulation of the hippocampus blocks intractable temporal lobe seizures and paroxysmal EEG
activities. Epilepsia 2000; 41: 158–169.
Velasco F, Velasco M, Velasco AL, Jiminez F, Marquez J, Rise M. Electrical stimulation of the
centromedian thalamic nucleus in the control of the seizures: long-term studies. Epilepsia 1995;
36: 63–71.
Wright GD, McLellan DL, Brice JG. A double-blind trial of chronic cerebellar stimulation in twelve
patients with severe epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1984; 47: 769–74.
Zumsteg D, Lozano AM, Wennberg RA. Rhythmic cortical EEG synchronization with low
frequency stimulation of the anterior and medial thalamus for epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 2006;
117: 2272–2278.
Efficacy of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
5.3 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease:
Efficacy of Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Details of Studies
The STN was identified as a surgical target for the control of symptoms of PD as the result
of findings in pre-clinical primate research. Three studies are considered here. The first is
a landmark as it was the first large follow-up study evaluating the efficacy of STN DBS in
PD after 5 years and was carried out between 1993 and 1997 in Grenoble, France (Krack
et al., 2003). The second is a randomized-pairs trial carried out between 2001 and 2004 in
Germany and Austria comparing STN DBS plus medical management with best medical
management (Deuschl et al., 2006). The third is the first published RCT of DBS versus
best medical therapy for advanced PD (Weaver et al., 2009).
Study References
Main Studies
Deuschl G, Schade-Brittinger C, Krack P, Volkmann J, Schäfer H, Bötzel K, Daniels C, Deutschländer
A, Dillmann U, Eisner W, Gruber D, Hamel W, Herzog J, Hilker R, Klebe S, Kloss M, Koy J,
Krause M, Kupsch A, Lorenz D, Lorenzl S, Mehdorn HM, Moringlane JR, Oertel W, Pinsker
MO, Reichmann H, Reuss A, Schneider GH, Schnitzler A, Steude U, Sturm V, Timmermann L,
Tronnier V, Trottenberg T, Wojtecki L, Wolf E, Poewe W, Voges J, for the German Parkinson
Study Group, Neurostimulation Section. A randomized trial of deep-brain stimulation for
Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 896–908.
Krack P, Batir A, Van Blercom N, Chabardes S, Fraix V, Ardouin C, Koudsie A, Limousin PD,
Benazzouz A, LeBas JF, Benabid AL, Pollak P. Five-year follow-up of bilateral stimulation of the
subthalamic nucleus in advanced Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2003; 349: 1925–1934.
Weaver FM, Follett K, Stern M, Hur K, Harris C, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Reda D, Moy
CS, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein J,
Stoner G, Heemskerk J, Huang GD; CSP 468 Study Group. Bilateral deep brain stimulation vs best
medical therapy for patients with advanced Parkinson disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA
2009; 301: 63–73.
Related References
Aziz TZ, Peggs D, Sambrook MA, Crossman AR. Lesion of the subthalamic nucleus for the alleviation
of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced parkinsonism in the primate.
Mov Disord 1991; 6: 288–292.
Ballantyne HT Jr, Cassidy WL, Flanagan NB, Marino R Jr. Stereotaxic anterior cingulotomy for
neuropsychiatric illness and intractable pain. J Neurosurg 1967; 26: 488–495.
Bergman H, Wichmann T, DeLong MR. Reversal of experimental parkinsonism by lesion of the
subthalamic nucleus. Science 1990; 249: 1436–1438.
Witt K, Daniels C, Reiff J, Krack P, Volkmann J, Pinsker MO, Krause M, Tronnier V, Kloss M,
Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Bötzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Sturm V, Kupsch A, Karner E, Deuschl G.
Neuropsychological and psychiatric changes after deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: a
randomised, multicentre study. Lancet Neurol 2008; 7: 605–614.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Grenoble 5-Year Follow-up Study
Study Design
Follow-up study of a surgical series.
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
5 years
Primary endpoints:
Activities of daily living (ADL)
Motor examination
Secondary endpoints:
Tremor, rigidity, limb akinesia, speech, postural stability, gait, dyskinesia
Neuropsychological testing
Depression and dementia assessments
Dopaminergic medication dosage
Stimulation settings
Number of centres
This was the first major paper looking at outcome of STN stimulation in PD with
long-term follow-up.
Forty-nine consecutive patients were assessed (there is no control group).
It is important to look at results both ‘on’ and ‘off ’ medication. Good results ‘off ’ medication can lead to reduction in levodopa and, therefore improvements, in levodopa
side effects such as dyskinesias.
This study documents the adverse effects of STN stimulation, in particular the adverse
neuropsychological effects that have led some clinicians to prefer globus pallidus DBS.
Inclusion criteria: clinical diagnosis of PD; severe levodopa-related complications
despite optimal medication; age <70 years; bilateral STN stimulation intended.
Exclusion criteria: surgical contraindications to DBS (e.g. pacemaker); dementia or
psychiatric illness.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
◆ Scores on part II (ADL) and part III (motor scores) on the Unified Parkinson’s Disease
Rating Scale (UPDRS) at 1, 3, and 5 years.
Efficacy of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
Secondary Endpoints
Subscores on part III (limb tremor, limb rigidity and limb akinesia, speech, postural
stability and gait) and part IV (dyskinesias) on the UPDRS.
Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale.
Neuropsychological tests.
Mattis dementia rating scale.
Beck Depression Inventory.
Dose of dopaminergic treatment.
Stimulation settings.
On average, patients had a disease duration of 14.6 years. With stimulation in the off medication state, the total part III (motor) UPDRS score improved by 66% at 1 year, 59% at
3 years, and 54% at 5 years. At 5 years, tremor improved by 75%, rigidity by 71%, and akinesia by 49%. Speech initially improved but returned to baseline at 5 years. Postural stability and gait also improved. ADL (part II UPDRS) improved by 66% at 1 year, 51% and
49% at 3 and 5 years respectively (this reduction at 5 years being significant). Five years
after surgery, the Schwab and England score showed that most patients were independent
(73%) compared to most being dependent on a carer pre-operatively (33% independent).
The incidence of painful dystonia off medication also dramatically reduced after surgery.
There was generally worsening in the ‘on’ medication scores with stimulation, as expected.
There was no change in the depression scores, but dementia scores worsened over the
5 years. The authors put this down to deterioration due to the degenerative nature of the
disease. Probably the most significant results are that levodopa requirement reduced from
a mean of 1409 mg at baseline to 518 mg at 5 years (p <0.001). Eleven patients were able to
stop levodopa altogether. Adverse events included three deaths (one intracranial haemorrhage, one myocardial infarction 11 months after surgery, and one suicide 6 months after
surgery). Other adverse events included dementia and weight gain.
Bilateral STN DBS in PD results in marked improvement in motor function whilst
patients are off medication and in dyskinesia whilst on medication.
Germany/Austria randomized-pairs trial (Deuschl et al., 2006)
Study Design
Multi-centre unblinded randomized-pairs trial
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Class of evidence
Bilateral STN-DBS + medical therapy versus best medical treatment
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
6 months
Primary endpoints:
Quality of life
Severity of symptoms
Secondary endpoints:
Neuropsychiatric function
Health-related quality of life
Adverse events
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: PD for at least 5 years; <75 years of age; ADL impaired by motor
symptoms or dyskinesias despite optimal medical therapy; informed consent.
Exclusion criteria: dementia; psychiatric symptoms; contraindications to surgery.
Patients enrolled in pairs with randomization to each arm of the trial within 6 weeks.
Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis.
Primary Endpoints
All primary endpoints were calculated as changes from baseline to 6 months.
Quality of life assessed by Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39).
Severity in symptoms assessed by Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Part III
(UPDRS-III) whilst the patients were not on medication.
Secondary Endpoints
◆ Dyskinesia and ADL assessed using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Part
Neuropsychiatric function: Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale and the
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale.
Health-related quality of life assessed using Medical Outcomes Study 36-item
Short-Form General Health Survey (SF-36).
Outcome favoured Outcome favoured No difference in Statistical
best medical Rx
the pairs
Quality of life
p = 0.02
Severity of symptoms 71%
p <0.001
Efficacy of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
An additional analysis on a per-protocol basis gave a favoured outcome in terms of
quality of life to 75% of the STN DBS patients versus 25% for the best medical management group (p <0.001).
STN DBS was associated with a 25% improvement in the PDQ-39 summary index and
a 22% improvement in the SF-36 score.
ADL were improved by 39% in the STN DBS group but only by 5% in the best medical
management group.
Dyskinesia improved in the STN DBS group but not in the best medical management
Adverse events were significantly greater in the DBS STN group (12.8%) compared to
the best medical management group (3.8%, p = 0.04).
There were three deaths in the DBS STN group: one due to an intracerebral haematoma; one from pneumonia; and one suicide.
There was one death in the best medical group from a motor vehicle accident whilst
driving during a psychotic episode.
DBS STN resulted in a significant and meaningful improvement in quality of life compared to best medical management.
Veterans Affairs and University Hospitals US Trial (Weaver
et al., 2009)
Study Design
PRCT of DBS versus best medical therapy
Class of evidence
Non-blinded DBS versus medical. DBS further randomized into GPi or STN
(patients blinded to stimulation site)
Number of patients
255 (134 medical, 60 STN, 61 GPi)
Length of follow-up
6 months
Primary endpoint:
Time spent in ‘on’ state without disabling dyskinesias
Secondary endpoints:
Motor function
Quality of life
Neurocognitive function
Adverse events
Number of centres
Study site
Patient age (<70 versus ≥70 years)
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
This was the first large, multi-centre, randomized controlled, blinded trial comparing
risks and benefits of DBS versus best medical therapy.
Comparison of GPi versus STN targets expected after 2-year follow-up.
DBS significantly improved duration of ‘on’ time without troubling dyskinesias (4.6
h/day) although there were a significant number of adverse events, greater in the
DBS group.
Inclusion criteria: idiopathic PD; Hoehn and Yahr ≥stage 2 off medication; responsive
to levodopa; persistent disabling symptoms despite medication (e.g. motor fluctuations, dyskinesia); ≥3/24 h poor symptom control; stable medical therapy ≥1 month;
≥ 21 years of age.
Exclusion criteria: atypical syndromes; previous surgery for PD; contraindications to
surgery; active alcohol or drug abuse; dementia; pregnancy.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
◆ Baseline to 6-month change in time spent in the ‘on’ state without troubling dyskinesia.
Secondary Endpoints
Hoehn and Yahr and Schwab and England scales.
Stand-walk-sit test.
Medication usage.
Neurocognitive battery including: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, standardized tests of
attention, memory, verbal, executive functioning, language.
‘On’ and ‘off ’ time assessed by self-report motor diaries.
Adverse events.
The baseline characteristics did not differ between groups except the best medical therapy
patients were treated with PD medications for longer (12.6 versus 10.8 years, p = 0.01)
and had a lower working memory index (97.3 versus 101.2, p = 0.02). DBS patients gained
4.6 h/day of ‘on’ time without troubling dyskinesia compared to 0 h/day in the medical
arm (p <0.001). ‘Off ’ time decreased by 2.4 h/day in the DBS group compared to 0 h in
the medical arm (p <0.001). Similar changes were experienced by patients over 70 years
of age. Motor function improved by 12.3 points in the DBS group (in the off medication
state) compared to 1.7 in the medical arm (p <0.001). ADL and complications of therapy
were also significantly better in the DBS group. Stand–walk–sit test improved by 9.0 s in
the DBS group compared to a 0.2 s worsening at 6 months in the medical arm (p = 0.046).
Efficacy of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
Medications decreased by 296 mg levodopa equivalent in the DBS group and increased
in the medical arm. Quality of life improved in seven of eight sections of the PDQ-39
subscales in the DBS group whereas there was little change in the medical arm. Some of
the neurocognitive measures showed slight but significant worsening in the DBS group
(working memory, processing speed, phonemic fluency, and delayed recall on the Brief
Visuospatial Memory Test). However, there were no significant differences on the scales
of depression, dementia, and most of the measures assessing language, executive functioning and learning, and memory functioning. Regarding adverse events, the DBS group
received a significantly greater number of falls, gait disturbance, depression, and dystonia. In the DBS group, surgical site infection was 9.9% and surgical site pain 9.0%. One
DBS patient died as a result of cerebral haemorrhage related to the procedure. The overall
incidence risk of a serious adverse event was 3.8 times higher in the DBS group and these
included psychiatric disorders. However, 99% of these were resolved at 6 months.
DBS is more effective than best medical therapy in alleviating disability in moderate to
severe PD patients with levodopa-responsive motor complications and no significant cognitive impairment.
PD is a degenerative condition and available medications are aimed at symptomatic control with none being available to reverse the on-going neuronal loss. DBS is intended to
improve the symptoms of the disease and therefore improve quality of life. The identification of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as a target for DBS in the treatment of PD was
the direct result of findings in primate models (Aziz et al., 1990; Bergman et al., 1990).
Pollak et al. were the first to report STN DBS for the treatment of a patient with PD (Pollak
et al., 1993). Although there are many studies looking at STN stimulation in PD, the study
by Krack et al. is the longest proof-of-principle follow-up study carried out. The trial by
Deuschl et al. was the first study comparing DBS + medication to medical therapy alone,
and the Weaver et al. study is the largest to date and the first to randomize to patients to
DBS versus best medical therapy. This latter study also stands out amongst the literature
because the clinical outcome was measured by blinded neurologists and because of the
extensive quality of life and neuropsychological data measured. The UK ‘PDSurg’ trial is
currently underway with patients being randomized over the first 12 months as to whether
the neurostimulators are activated or not. The results of this trial are also eagerly awaited.
Krack et al. showed that bilateral STN stimulation is an effective treatment for all of the
motor parts of the UPDRS score off medication, except speech. It allows patients to significantly reduce their dopaminergic medication and therefore reduces the incidence and
severity of dyskinesias. There are few adverse effects, but significantly, dementia appears
to be increased, irreversibly in two patients. There is also an increase in other neuropsychiatric symptoms with stimulation, including hypomania and depression. In the Weaver
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
et al. study, there was an increase in depression, confusion, and anxiety in the DBS group
but it should be noted that these neuropsychiatric complications also occur in the medical
group and that the increases were small.
STN stimulation is generally used in the situation where the patient already responds
to levodopa (as it has a similar effect) and is not effective if the patient is levodopa unresponsive. Therefore the aim of stimulation is to allow a reduction in medication and an
improvement in the side effects—mainly the disabling dyskinesias that occur in the ‘on’
state. The study by Krack et al. showed that STN stimulation significantly improves the
motor symptoms of PD, leads to medication reduction, and improvements in ADL. The
main limitation of the study is the lack of any randomization and so it is not possible to
say whether STN stimulation is better than medication, as there is no official control arm.
The rationale for proposing that STN stimulation represents an improvement over medication is that the investigators are able to study the patients off all treatment (drugs and
medication). Another criticism is that the assessments were unblinded. In a single group,
this could lead to recorder bias. Nevertheless, this study represents the best long-term
outcome data available to date. Another important factor that should be borne in mind
when considering the results of this study is that when it was started there was a tendency
to operate on younger patients with severe disease.
The trial by Deuschl et al. stands out as a landmark in neurostimulation studies for
being the first ‘large’ randomized trial in this area. Although the trial may be criticized for
being unblinded, the authors indicate that the need to adjust medication regimens in DBS
patients makes it impossible to carry out a blinded study with placebo stimulation. The
use of sham surgery was deemed unethical because of the potential complications. The
use of a paired-analysis allowed relatively small numbers of patients in order to obtain
adequate power and it is nonetheless a well-designed and well-executed study. It is of
note that the authors chose not to use motor function as a primary outcome and instead
used quality of life. The efficacy of DBS needs to account for not only motor function, but
neurobehavioural effects, adverse effects, and surgical complications, all of which affect
quality of life. The authors of the trial went on to evaluate the neurobehavioural effects
at 6 months in 60 patients receiving STN DBS and 63 patients receiving best medical
management (Witt et al., 2008). A wide range of neuropsychiatric tests were used and
the primary outcome chosen was cognitive functioning. Secondary outcomes included
effects on neurobehavioural variables (executive functioning, depression, anxiety, manic
symptoms) and quality of life. Although there appeared to be a selective decrease in frontal executive functioning and verbal fluency, the authors concluded that these did not
affect quality of life.
The study by Weaver et al. stands out for the reasons given earlier—i.e. the size of the
study, rigorous randomization, blinded assessments, and detailed neuropsychological
outcomes. This study has conclusively demonstrated that DBS improves motor outcome
without disabling dyskinesias at a small cost of minor dysexecutive functions but as these
are limited to certain categories such as working memory and phonemic fluency, they do
not affect quality of life. Probably the most useful aspect of this study is the reporting of
Efficacy of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
adverse events which were much higher in the DBS group. Although the majority of these
were resolved at 6 months, there was one death related to cerebral haemorrhage. Despite
this, it is difficult to comment on death rates in series <1000 as the reported death rates in
DBS are around 0.5–1% in previous studies. An important aspect of this trial is the inclusion of GPi patients in a randomized fashion and the results of GPi versus STN as a target
in PD will be very interesting.
The potential neuropsychological and psychiatric sequelae of DBS of the STN have
been a source of controversy and concern. However, early series of patients undergoing STN DBS revealed inconsistent effects on cognition and neuropsychological sequelae.
A comprehensive review of the literature by Woods et al. found that the most common
findings were increased verbal fluency and improvements in self-reported symptoms of
depression: approximately 69% of studies including scores of verbal fluency reported a
significant post-operative reduction (Woods et al., 2002). There was no consistency in
reports on post-operative changes in frontal/executive function, cognition, memory, or
attention and it appears that changes in these modalities occur in 1–2% of patients only
(Woods et al., 2002). However, cognitive deficits and mood disturbance appear to be more
frequently reported in patients receiving DBS of the STN than in patients undergoing pallidal DBS, a trend which has also been reflected in direct comparisons of these two targets
(Volkmann et al., 2001; Walter and Vitek, 2004; Rodriguez-Oroz et al., 2005). Deuschl’s
group have reported the results of a randomized trial of STN DBS versus best medical
management in advanced PD to assess the neuropsychological and psychiatric effects of
DBS for PD (Witt et al., 2008). They found that there was no decline in cognition but there
was a selective decrease in frontal cognitive functions.
As DBS has become more widespread, more and older patients are receiving the
treatment. The initial anxieties regarding the ‘limbic’ side effects of stimulation including cognitive decline, behavioural changes, and psychosis (as suggested in the Krack
et al. study with the increased incidence of dementia) are becoming more pronounced
as later studies have longer follow-up and include older patients. The pendulum that
had largely swung towards STN stimulation in favour of globus pallidus stimulation
is perhaps starting to swing back, particularly in older patients or those with a hint
of psychotic or dementia-related issues. Nonetheless there are still many unanswered
questions regarding STN DBS. For example, although DBS has been used when medical therapy has failed, it is possible that the earlier use of neurosurgery may prevent
deterioration. Schüpbach et al. carried out a pilot RCT of 20 patients in which ten
were randomized to early bilateral STN DBS and ten to optimal medical management
(Schüpbach et al., 2006). The authors found a statistically significant benefit for DBS
in terms of quality of life (p <0.05) and severity of symptoms (p <0.001) over a period
of 18 months, thus supporting the idea that there may be potential benefits of STN
stimulation as a therapeutic option earlier in PD.
STN stimulation has become a popular treatment with >40,000 implants worldwide.
These studies have helped to confirm that it is a useful treatment with lasting effects,
but importantly have also identified the negative effects of stimulation. Thus, there are a
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
number of ongoing studies comparing STN to GPi stimulation (including Weaver et al.
part two) and other large, randomized trials of DBS such as the ‘PDSurg’ trial.
Aziz TZ, Peggs D, Sambrook MA, Crossman AR. Lesion of the subthalamic nucleus for the alleviation
of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced parkinsonism in the primate.
Mov Disord 1991; 6: 288–292.
Bergman H, Wichmann T, DeLong MR. Reversal of experimental parkinsonism by lesion of the
subthalamic nucleus. Science 1990; 249: 1436–1438.
Pollack P, Benabid AL, Gross C, Gao DM, Laurent A, Benazzouz A, Hoffman D, Gentil M, Perret J.
Effects of the stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson disease. Revue Neurologique 1993;
149: 175–176.
Rodriguez-Oroz MC, Obeso JA, Lang AE, Houeto JL, Pollak P, Rehncrona S, Kulisevsky J, Albanese
A, Volkmann J, Hariz MI, Quinn NP, Speelman JD, Guridi J, Zamarbide I, Gironell A, Molet J,
Pascual-Sedano B, Pidoux B, Bonnet AM, Agid Y, Xie J, Benabid AL, Lozano AM, Saint-Cyr J,
Romito L, Contarino MF, Scerrati M, Fraix V, Van Blercom N. Bilateral deep brain stimulation in
Parkinson’s disease: a multicentre study with 4 years follow-up. Brain 2005; 128: 2240–2249.
Schüpbach WMM, Maltête, D, Houeto JL, Tezenas du Montcel S, Mallet L, Welter ML, Gargiulo
M, Béhar C, Bonnet AM, Czernecki V, Pidoux B, Navarro S, Dormont D, Cornu P, Agid Y.
Neurosurgery at an earlier stage of Parkinson disease. Neurology 2007; 68: 267–271.
Volkmann J, Allert N, Voges J, Weiss PH, Freund HJ, Sturm V. Safety and efficacy of pallidal or
subthalamic nucleus stimulation in advance PD. Neurology 2001; 56: 548–551.
Walter BL, Vitek JL. Surgical treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Lancet Neurol 2004; 3: 719–728.
Witt K, Daniels C, Reiff J, Krack P, Volkmann J, Pinsker MO, Krause M, Tronnier V, Kloss M,
Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Bötzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Sturm V, Kupsch A, Karner E, Deuschl G.
Neuropsychological and psychiatric changes after deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: a
randomised, multicentre study. Lancet Neurol 2008; 7: 605–614.
Woods SP, Fields JA, Tröster AI. Neuropsychological sequelae of subthalamic nucleus deep brain
stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: a critical review. Neuropsychology Rev 2002; 12: 111–126.
Efficacy of subthalamic versus pallidal deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
5.4 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease:
Efficacy of Subthalamic versus Pallidal Deep Brain
Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Details of Study
Deep brain stimulation of the Globus pallidus interna (GPi) has always been a viable
alternative to subthalamic nucleus stimulation in the treatment of PD. Indeed, some proponents of GPi stimulation have claimed (and still do) that it is a better target than STN
for a variety of reasons, but particularly because it is not associated with the limbic or
neuropsychiatric complications that can occur with the latter. Whilst many centres have
tended to prefer STN as a target, the debate over which is better has now re-emerged. In
a randomized, prospective study of 23 PD patients by Anderson et al. (2005), itself an
extension of an earlier study by the same group (Burchiel et al., 1999), outcomes were
similar after subthalamic and pallidal stimulation. We herein discuss the landmark study
by Follett et al., for the Veteran Affairs Cooperative Studies Program, who undertook a
double-blinded, randomized, prospective, multi-centre trial in the US of 299 PD patients
who received either bilateral GPi or STN stimulation (Follett et al., 2010) to address this
Study References
Main Study
Follett KA, Weaver FM, Stern M, Hur K, Harris CL, Luo P, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Moy
C, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein
JM, Stoner G, Starr PA, Simpson R, Baltuch G, De Salles A, Huang GD, Reda DJ, for the CSP
(Veteran Affairs Cooperative Studies Program) 468 Study Group. Pallidal versus subthalamic
deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2010; 362: 2077–2091.
Related References
Anderson VC, Burchiel KJ, Hogarth P, Favre J, Hammerstad JP. Pallidal vs subthalamic nucleus deep
brain stimulation in Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol 2005; 62: 554–560
Burchiel K, Anderson VC, Favre J, Hammerstad JP. Comparison of pallidal and subthalamic nucleus
deep brain stimulation for advanced Parkinson’s disease: results of a randomized, blinded pilot
study. Neurosurgery 1999; 45(6): 1375–1382
Study Design
Double-blind (assessing neurologist and patient), prospective, randomized trial.
Class of evidence
Bilateral GPi or STN stimulation
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
24 months
Number of centres
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Inclusion criteria: age >21 years old; severity > Stage 2 (Hoehn & Yahr scale) off medication; responsive to levodopa; persistent disabling motor symptoms; >3 h per day of
poor motor function or symptom control.
Major exclusion criteria: atypical syndromes; active substance abuse; dementia; pregnancy; surgical contraindications.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Change in motor function (UPDRS Pt III motor score) off medications at 24 months
compared to baseline
Secondary Endpoints
Neurocognitive outcomes including depression.
Levodopa requirement.
Quality of life—PDQ-39 scores.
Outcome measure
GPi stimulation
STN stimulation
P value
Processing speed index
Beck Depression Inventory −0.6
STN and pallidal stimulation produced equivalent motor improvements.
Levodopa requirement was reduced most by STN stimulation compared to the GPi
group (165 mg difference, p = 0.02).
There was no significant difference in PDQ-39 scores between groups.
Adverse events occurred in 56% of STN cases versus 51% of pallidal stimulation cases.
There are minimal differences to suggest superiority between GPi and STN as targets for
DBS in PD, in terms of motor function. These results do suggest a greater reduction in
levodopa requirements with STN stimulation although this was offset by an increase in
depression scores and decrease in an index of cognitive functioning.
Efficacy of subthalamic versus pallidal deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease
Achieving double blinding is notoriously difficult in surgical trials. The authors have
achieved a highly satisfactory blinding in this study of both patients and assessors.
Although it is very obvious to patients or assessors whether a surgical intervention has
been performed, in this case all patients underwent deep brain stimulation surgery.
Only intracranial location of the electrodes differed which would not be evident externally. This is an important strength of this paper. Another strength is the recognition
of the non-motor outcomes of stimulation. Although there was no significant difference
in motor outcome between stimulation locations, the trial provides important data on
neurocognitive and quality of life measures. PDQ-39 scores did not differ significantly
between groups. The study did show, however, that STN stimulation was associated with
a worsening in depression score. It also found a worsening in a single index of cognition, the processing speed index, after STN stimulation. Inadvertent effects on the limbic
and cognitive divisions of the STN have blamed previously for mood and neurocognitive
changes after subthalamic stimulation and this study helps to confirm that this is a likely
property of this target.
There is concern over the long-term efficacy of pallidal stimulation in PD. Pallidal stimulation efficacy has been reported to decrease with time, with successful salvage by changing to STN stimulation. The follow-up period of two years in this study is insufficient to
fully reassure clinicians over this issue. Further follow-up of this cohort may yet answer
this issue in the long term.
Early subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson's disease
5.5 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: Early
Subthalamic Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Details of Study
DBS is employed late in PD, typically after more than a decade of disease duration, when
there are significant limitations in quality of life, social function, and/or professional
function. At this late stage, other symptoms emerge that are unresponsive to medical
therapy. PD confers a significant cost on patients and society, in terms of healthcare costs,
reduced productivity, and quality of life. There is an argument for institution of DBS earlier in the disease natural history when patients are optimally responsive to dopamine
to maximize the benefits in motor symptoms and quality of life from neurostimulation,
rather than later when cognitive or other symptoms counteract motor improvements.
Judging how early to initiate neurostimulation is critical as the surgery itself has small but
important risks, and follow-up is more intense and costly. The EARLYSTIM Study Group
undertook a single-blinded, prospective, multi-centre, RCT of early STN stimulation
compared to medical therapy alone in France and Germany in adults with PD <60 years
old. This study follows a pilot study by Schuepbach et al. in which a 24% improvement in
PDQ-39 questionnaire score was found in patients with early and mild motor complications (Schuepbach et al., 2007).
Study References
Main Study
Schuepbach WMM, Rau J, Knudsen K, Volkmann J, Krack P, Timmerman L, Hälbig TD,
Hesekamp H, Navarro SM, Meier N, Falk D, Mehdorn M, Paschen S, Maarouf M, Barbe MT,
Fink GR, Kupsch A, Gruber D, Schneider GH, Seigneuret E, Kistner A, Chaynes P, OryMagne F, Brefel Courbon C, Vesper J, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Houeto JL, Bataille B, Maltête
D, Damier P, Raoul S, Sixel-Doering F, Hellwig D, Gharabaghi A, Krüger R, Pinsker MO,
Amtage F, Régis JM, Witjas T, Thobois S, Mertens P, Kloss M, Hartmann A, Oertel WH, Post
B, Speelman H, Agid Y, Schade-Brittinger C, Deuschl G, for the EARLYSTIM Study Group.
Neurostimulation for Parkinson’s disease with early motor complications. N Engl J Med 2013;
368: 610–622.
Related Reference
Schuepbach WM, Maltete D, Houeto JL, du Montcel ST, Mallet L, Welter ML, Gargiulo M, Béhar C,
Bonnet AM, Czernecki V, Pidoux B, Navarro S, Dormont D, Cornu P, Agid Y. Neurosurgery at an
earlier stage of Parkinson’s disease: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurology 2007; 68: 267–271.
Study Design
Single-blinded (outcome-rating neurologist, not patient), prospective, multi-centre,
randomized trial.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Class of evidence
Bilateral STN stimulation plus medical therapy versus medical therapy alone
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
24 months
Multi-centre (17) within France and Germany
Assessing neurologist blinded (not patients)
Outcome assessment
Patient-reported questionnaire; neurologist review of standardized patient
video recordings
Inclusion Criteria
Age 18–60 years.
Disease duration 4 years or more.
Disease severity <Stage 3 (Hoehn and Yahr scale) on medication.
Dopamine response of motor signs >50% (as per UPDRS-III).
Motor fluctuations or dyskinesia duration <3 years.
UPDRS-II ADL score >6 at worst despite medication
Social and occupational mild-to-moderate function (51–80% on Social & Occupational
Functioning Assessment Scale)
Major Exclusion Criteria
Major depression with suicidal ideation.
Acute psychosis.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
PDQ-39 summary index score at 0 versus 24 months.
Secondary Endpoints
Motor disability.
UPDRS-II, -III, -IV levodopa-induced motor complications.
Time with good mobility.
Time with no dyskinesia.
Early subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson's disease
Outcome measure
STN stimulation
Medical alone
Statistical significance
PDQ-39 improvement
p = 0.002
Motor disability
p < 0.001
p < 0.001
Levodopa-induced motor
p < 0.001
Adverse events
Mean disease duration was 7.5 years before surgery.
Results of stimulation with medication versus medication alone were superior.
Primary endpoint: PDQ-39 between group difference was 8 points in favour of
Secondary endpoints: motor disability, ADLs, levodopa-induced motor complications,
time with good mobility and no dyskinesia all improved in favour of stimulation.
STN stimulation with medical therapy is superior to medical therapy alone at an earlier
stage of PD, with respect to motor signs and quality of life.
This is an important trial which is needed to address the difficult but critical question of
when to subject patients to neurosurgery during a progressive neurodegenerative disease.
This is especially pertinent when the period in question is whilst medical therapy is still
The trial has several strengths and weaknesses. The primary outcome measure was a
patient-reported questionnaire; however, the patients were not blinded to the intervention. This is an important potential source of bias. Other studies have overcome this limitation using implantation in both experimental and control groups with sham stimulation
used in the latter group until the end of the trial period. The improvements in PDQ-39
were, however, corroborated with assessment of standardized videos by blinded neurologists, whereby significant improvements in secondary outcome measures of motor function were verified in the stimulation group.
Two patients in the stimulation and one in the medical group committed suicide. Given
the relatively small numbers in the trial compared to number of suicides, it is not possible
to draw conclusions regarding suicide risk between the two groups.
Clinical application of the results of this trial may be limited. PD patients fitting the
criteria for the study are in the minority with only 11% of PD patients being diagnosed
before 60 years of age (Kleiner-Fisman et al., 2006) and 30% having dementia (Deuschl
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
et al., 2006). Balancing the costs and availability of surgery, hardware, and medical
follow-up versus years of lost productivity plus healthcare costs of motor symptoms is
another factor.
For patients with high function, no dementia, and good response to levodopa, this study
provides important data on which to base decisions regarding early STN stimulation.
Deuschl G, Schade-Brittinger C, Krack P, Volkmann J, Schäfer H, Bötzel K, Daniels C, Deutschländer
A, Dillmann U, Eisner W, Gruber D, Hamel W, Herzog J, Hilker R, Klebe S, Kloss M, Koy J,
Krause M, Kupsch A, Lorenz D, Lorenzl S, Mehdorn HM, Moringlane JR, Oertel W, Pinsker
MO, Reichmann H, Reuss A, Schneider GH, Schnitzler A, Steude U, Sturm V, Timmermann L,
Tronnier V, Trottenberg T, Wojtecki L, Wolf E, Poewe W, Voges J, for the German Parkinson
Study Group, Neurostimulation Section. A randomized trial of deep-brain stimulation for
Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 896–908.
Kleiner-Fisman G, Herzog J, Fisman DN, Tamma F, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Lang AE, Deuschl G.
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: summary and meta-analysis of outcomes. Mov Disord
2006; 21(Suppl 14): S290–S304.
Pallidal stimulation for dystonia: generalized and segmental dystonia
5.6 Pallidal Stimulation for Dystonia: Generalized and
Segmental Dystonia
Details of Study
The first and most important study of DBS for dystonia was carried out by the Deep-Brain
Stimulation for Dystonia Study Group in Germany, Austria, and Norway between 2002
and 2004. This study evaluated patients with primary generalized or segmental dystonia
with bilateral stimulation of the ventral border of the globus pallidus internus (GPi) being
compared to sham stimulation for the first 3 months after surgery. The study concludes
that stimulation leads to a significant clinical improvement.
Study References
Main Study
Kupsch A, Benecke R, Müller J, Trottenberg T, Schneider GH, Poewe W, Eisner W, Wolters A, Müller
JU, Deuschl G, Pinsker MO, Skogseid IM, Roeste GK, Vollmer-Haase J, Brentrup A, Krause M,
Tronnier V, Schnitzler A, Voges J, Nikkhah G, Vesper J, Naumann M, Volkmann J; Deep-Brain
Stimulation for Dystonia Study Group. Pallidal deep-brain stimulation in primary generalized or
segmental dystonia. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 1978–1990.
Related References
Mueller J, Skogseid IM, Benecke R, Kupsch A, Trottenberg T, Poewe W, Schneider GH, Eisner W,
Wolters A, Müller JU, Deuschl G, Pinsker MO, Roeste GK, Vollmer-Haase J, Brentrup A, Krause
M, Tronnier V, Schnitzler A, Voges J, Nikkhah G, Vesper J, Naumann M, Volkmann J, for the
Deep-Brain Stimulation for Dystonia Study Group. Pallidal deep brain stimulation improves
quality of life in segmental and generalized dystonia: results from a prospective, randomized
sham-controlled trial. Mov Disord 2008; 23: 131–134.
Volkmann J, Wolters A, Kupsch A, Müller J, Kühn AA, Schneider GH, Poewe W, Hering S, Eisner W,
Müller JU, Deuschl G, Pinsker MO, Skogseid IM, Roeste GK, Krause M, Tronnier V, Schnitzler
A, Voges J, Nikkhah G, Vesper J, Classen J, Naumann M, Benecke R, for the DBS study group
for dystonia. Pallidal deep brain stimulation in patients with primary generalised or segmental
dystonia: 5-year follow-up of a randomised trial. Lancet Neurol 2012; 11(12): 1029–1038.
Study Design
This study looks at patients with primary generalized or segmental dystonia.
Class of evidence
Double-blind, sham controlled
Followed by 6 months of open-label treatment leading to a total of
6 months of stimulation
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
3 months
Comparisons were also made after 6 months of stimulation, i.e. at
6 months in the stimulation group, 9 months in the sham group
Number of centres
10 (all European)
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Previous studies are limited to case reports or case series but they universally show
improvement in dystonia with bilateral stimulation.
The Burke–Fahn–Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) was significantly lower
in the stimulation group.
Drug use and depression also decreased in the stimulation group.
The most important adverse event was implant infection.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
‘Marked disability’ owing to primary generalized
or segmental dystonia
Surgical contraindications
Age 14–75 years
Previous brain surgery
Cognitive impairment (<120 on the Mattis
Dementia Rating Scale)
Moderate to severe depression (>25 on the Beck
Depression Inventory)
Marked brain atrophy on CT or MRI
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Motor score of the BFMDRS at 3 months and after 6 months of continuous stimulation. The primary endpoint of the 5-year follow-up study was the change in dystonia severity at 3 and 5 years on the BFMDRS motor score compared to baseline and
6-month follow-up, as analysed on an intention-to-treat basis.
Secondary Endpoints
Quality of life assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire.
ADL and Disability Score on the BFMDRS.
Described as ‘exploratory endpoints’;
Severity of dystonia and pain using a visual analogue score.
Chronometric measurements of walking and finger tapping.
Cognitive and mental status using the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, the Brief
Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Beck Anxiety
Sixteen patients had segmental dystonia and 24 had primary generalized dystonia. At
3 months, the severity scores were significantly lower in the neurostimulated group compared to the sham group (p <0.001). Specifically, the movement score reduced by 39.3%
in the neurostimulated group, compared to 4.9% in the sham group. Fifteen patients in
Pallidal stimulation for dystonia: generalized and segmental dystonia
the stimulated group fulfilled the authors’ criterion for a ‘positive response to stimulation’
(>25% improvement in movement score) compared to three in the sham group. Similarly,
disability scores in the stimulated group improved by 37.5% compared to 8.3% in the
sham group. Neurostimulation was significantly better in all symptom subscores of the
BFMDRS and most of the disability scores. Quality of life, as assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire, improved by 29.8% in the stimulated group compared to 11.4% in the sham
group. With the open-label extension and stimulation in all patients, further improvements occurred, although the extra 3 months in the stimulated group did not produce
significant changes. Overall, the severity of the dystonia, as assessed by the movement
score, improved by 75% in five patients, >50% in 18 patients, and >25% in 30 patients.
The presence of the DYT1 mutation in the Torsin A gene did not influence the degree of
improvement in the movement score with stimulation. There was no significant difference between the segmental and generalized dystonia patients.
Other results include a reduction in medication of 32.1% at 6 months, a significant
reduction in depression but no changes on the other cognitive/psychiatric scores. There
were six adverse events in the stimulated group compared to three in the sham group
during the randomized phase of the study. Most were related to hardware complication
such as infection. All adverse events resolved without permanent sequelae. There were 13
adverse events in the open-label phase, mostly related to stimulation. Some of these (such
as dysarthria) were accepted as tolerable side effects.
In the extension study, the 47.9% 6-month improvement seen in the first study was
increased to a 61.1% improvement at 3 years and 57.8% at 5 years (n = 32 out of the
original 40). These were significant improvements and the 3- and 5-year improvements
were significantly better than the 6-month improvements. There were, however, 21 serious adverse events in the follow-up study and many of these were related to device breakage, malfunction, or infection.
Neurostimulation of the GPi is an effective treatment for both primary generalized and
segmental dystonia sustained and increased efficacy at 5 years. It is a safe procedure and
should be considered as a first-line treatment.
Sham-controlled surgical trials are relatively rare but neurostimulation lends itself to
these types of trials as the sham group can still crossover to stimulation after the comparison period is over. This was one of the first trials of this nature in functional neurosurgery. Dystonia is a rare condition that is generally not very responsive to medical
treatment. Initial case series of neurostimulation for dystonia looked encouraging.
There are two factors that make a randomized trial more difficult. Firstly, the numbers
are small. Therefore, the benefit has to be great to show that the treatment is statistically
significantly different to controls. This trial was powered on the basis that 40 patients
would be needed to show a 25% difference (90% power) with a 10% drop out rate and a
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
5% error. The other problem is that the effects of neurostimulation on the GPi are slow
to act. It is very rare to get an instantaneous response (other than side effects) and in
some patients, it can take months to get full benefit from stimulation. One criticism of
the original study therefore, was that the study period may have been too short and an
even greater difference may have been demonstrated with a longer study. However, this
question was very well answered by the open-label follow-up study. Another criticism
is that there were positive responses in the sham (control) group (three patients). If the
improvement is due to stimulation, why should this be the case? One possibility is the
‘stun’ or lesional effect of electrode implantation that is certainly seen in subthalamic
stimulation for PD. However, placebo probably plays a part also. A final criticism is
that this trial involved both segmental and generalized dystonia rather than a single
entity. The pathophysiology of dystonia is poorly understood and therefore this may
or may not be a valid criticism.
Impact on Field
This was the first major randomized trial in functional neurosurgery. Although many centres practised neurostimulation for dystonia before this study, it has provided adequate
justification for the continuing use of this technique.
Cervical Dystonia
Details of Study
Prior to 2007 there were numerous case reports of DBS for cervical dystonia and studies
of pallidotomy and thalamotomy. This study was the first prospective multi-centre and
single-blinded DBS study in cervical dystonia and therefore represents an improvement
on previous reports.
Study References
Main Study
Kiss ZH, Doig-Beyaert K, Eliasziw M, Tsui J, Haffenden A, Suchowersky O; Functional and
Stereotactic Section of the Canadian Neurosurgical Society; Canadian Movement Disorders
Group. The Canadian multicentre study of deep brain stimulation for cervical dystonia. Brain 2007;
130(Pt 11): 2879–2886.
Related References
Krauss JK, Pohle T, Weber S, Ozdoba C, Burgunder JM. Bilateral stimulation of globus pallidus
internus for treatment of cervical dystonia. Lancet 1999; 354: 837–838.
Yianni J, Bain PG, Giladi N, Auca M, Gregory R, Joint C, Nandi D, Stein J, Scott R, Aziz T. Globus
pallidus internus deep brain stimulation for dystonic conditions: a prospective audit. Mov Disord
2003; 18: 436–42
Pallidal stimulation for dystonia: generalized and segmental dystonia
Study Design
Class of evidence
Single blinded, non-randomized.
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
12 months
Outcome measures were made at baseline, 6 months and 12 months
Number of centres
5 (all Canadian)
This study looks at patients with primary medication-resistant, chronic cervical dystonia. All patients had DBS of the GPi and there were five males, five females.
Previous studies are limited to case reports or case series but as with those in generalized dystonia, they universally show improvement in dystonia with bilateral
The Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale (TWSTRS) was significantly
lower following DBS.
Quality of life measures and depression scores also improved.
Adverse events included stimulation-related dysphagia and dysarthria in two patients
which resolved with stimulator adjustment. Significant decline in phonemic fluency
and verbal memory were seen in two patients but these did not impact on daily living.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Cervical dystonia of at least 5 years’ duration
Secondary causes
Initial response to botulinum A and/or B injection with subsequent
Psychiatric disturbances
Normal neurological examination (except dystonia)
Generalized dystonia
Normal MRI
Normal cognitive function
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
The severity subscale of the TWSTRS (assessed by two blinded neurologists).
Secondary Endpoints
Disability and pain subscores of the TWSTRS.
Beck Depression Inventory.
Global assessment of change.
Adverse events.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Median age was 57.5 years (range 47–64). Median disease duration was 16.5 years (range
5–28). Eight patients had associated tremor and one had a history of head injury (see
‘Critique’). The primary outcome measure (severity on the TWSTRS scale) improved
from a mean (SD) of 14.7 (4.2) pre-operatively to 10.6 (4.8) at 6 months and 8.4 (4.4)
at 12 months (p = 0.003). Similar improvements were demonstrated in the secondary
outcome measures; disability scores improved from 14.9 (3.8) to 5.4 (7.0) and pain from
26.6 (3.6) to 9.2 (13.1). Both were significant (p <0.001). Beck depression scores improved
from 14.2 (7.2) to 6 (3.5) (p <0.001). Quality of life (SF-36) improved from 90.9 (11.9)
to 112.9 (18) (p = 0.003). Nine out of ten patients and neurologists scored the global
assessment of change as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ but one patient suffered significant depression after surgery. In this patient, the dystonia worsened, despite stimulation after her
depression was treated. The time course of improvements varied from almost immediate
to weeks or up to 6 months in one patient.
Overall, medication usage was reduced post-operatively. Adverse events included dysphagia (one patient) that subsided with reduction of stimulation but was detectable on
barium swallow at 1 year; dysarthria (one patient) that resolved with stimulator adjustment; transient facial weakness (resolved spontaneously by 3 months); shingles in the
V1 distribution of the trigeminal nerve (one patient) that delayed the second side. In this
patient, a small subdural collection was seen during the second surgery and drained during
that procedure (this caused a mild hemiparesis that resolved by 12 months). Two patients
had mild swallowing difficulties. Neuropsychology outcomes showed that two patients had
significant declines (>2 SD); phonemic fluency in one and verbal memory in the other.
Neither of these were thought to negatively impact on daily life or working ability.
Bilateral GPi DBS led to a sustained and significant improvement in head and neck postures over a 1-year period. Other secondary measures such as pain, disability, quality of
life, and depression also improved. There were a few side effects including dysphagia and
reduction on some cognitive tests.
In terms of the modern standards of evidence-based medicine, this trial does not compare with the large, randomized, blinded trials that we have come to expect, and in fact it
represents only Class III evidence. However, it is considered a landmark here because it
is the first attempt to assess DBS for cervical dystonia in a prospective series with blinded
assessments. The main limitations of the study are that there is no randomization and
the numbers are extremely small. The lack of randomization may be related to the small
numbers in that one can only randomize to two groups if there are enough subjects to
compare. Therefore, this study shows a promising trend to improvement but does not
‘clinch the deal’. We have to remember that cervical dystonia requiring DBS is even rarer
Pallidal stimulation for dystonia: generalized and segmental dystonia
than generalized dystonia and so a prospective RCT would have to involve many centres
and would take several years.
Another criticism of this study is the purity of the dystonia that the subjects were suffering. Five had prominent associated tremor and three had ‘minimal’ tremor. One had
writer’s cramp and one had had a head injury that the authors reported had ‘initiated’
the dystonia but was not the cause of it. How do they know this? The presence of tremor
would imply that these patients may have an element of ‘dystonic tremor’ and therefore
a dystonic condition that goes beyond a torticollis and is more like a segmental dystonia.
Some experts would say that it is almost impossible to find a ‘pure’ cervical dystonia but
the prominence of tremor in this group is striking. Again, this may represent the problem
with recruitment.
A further criticism is that the patients in this study were aged between 47 and 64 and
therefore this represents a single age group. What about younger patients? There is some
evidence that younger patients or those with a shorter disease duration may do better
(possibly due to less fixed postures) and therefore this study may underplay the improvements that might be achieved in a younger age group.
There were a significant number of adverse events—these were mainly, but not all, transient. Depression was not mentioned as an adverse event but described in association
with the poor response in one patient. Could this have been a reaction to the poor result
or a direct result of stimulation? This is unknown—greater numbers would be needed to
demonstrate an association. This complication was not listed in the adverse events but
should have been.
Impact on Field
This study added to the evidence needed to persuade reimbursement authorities and
healthcare agencies to fund such procedures. It was also the first step on the ladder to
gaining more robust evidence that DBS is efficacious and safe when used for cervical dystonia, as compared to reports of one or two patients with unblinded outcomes. Therefore,
despite its many shortcomings, it was an important part of a process that has not progressed much further in the subsequent years.
Spinal cord stimulation for failed back surgery syndrome
5.7 Spinal Cord Stimulation for Failed Back
Surgery Syndrome
Details of Study
Between 10% and 40% of patients who undergo lumbosacral surgery end up with persistent or recurrent chronic neuropathic pain, usually in the legs, known as ‘failed back
surgery syndrome’ (FBSS). Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has been used to treat FBSS
for a number of years and around 35,000 systems are implanted worldwide each year.
This is the reason, therefore, that the PROCESS study reported here is a landmark in the
field of neuromodulation. It was the first study to report greater pain relief, quality of
life, and functional capacity in this patient group. Since the PROCESS study, a 24-month
follow-up has also been published that demonstrates long-lasting pain relief.
Study References
Main Study
Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O’Callaghan J, Eisenberg
E, Milbouw G, Buchser E, Fortini G, Richardson J, North RB. Spinal cord stimulation versus
conventional medical management for neuropathic pain: a multicentre randomised controlled trial
in patients with failed back surgery syndrome. Pain 2007; 132(1–2): 179–188.
Related Reference
Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J, Thomson S, O’Callaghan J, Eisenberg E,
Milbouw G, Buchser E, Fortini G, Richardson J, North RB. The effects of spinal cord stimulation
in neuropathic pain are sustained: a 24-month follow-up of the prospective randomized controlled
multicenter trial of the effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation. Neurosurgery 2008; 63(4): 762–770.
Study Design
Non-blinded, prospective, randomized, multi-centre trial.
Class of evidence
Spinal cord stimulator versus conventional medical management
Number of patients
100 (88 completed 12-month follow-up)
Length of follow-up
12 months
Number of centres
This was the first prospective randomized trial comparing SCS + conventional medical
therapy (CMM) to CMM alone.
The study conclusively demonstrated that SCS improves pain relief and quality of life
for FBSS.
The trial also highlighted the large number of device-related problems that occur in
these patients.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Twelve-month follow-up study shows that the improvements persist at 2 years.
Inclusion criteria: ≥18 years of age; neuropathic radicular pain (L4 and/or L5 and/or
S1) predominantly in legs; intensity ≥50/100 mm on VAS; at least 6 months’ duration;
at least one anatomically successful surgery for a herniated disc.
Exclusion criteria: another significant or disabling chronic pain condition; perceived
inability to receive or operate SCS system; history of coagulation disorder, lupus erythematosus, diabetic neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, active
psychiatric disorder or condition known to affect pain perception; inability to evaluate
treatment outcome; life expectancy <1 year; actual or planned pregnancy.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Proportion of patients achieving at least 50% leg pain relief at 6 months.
Secondary Endpoints
Four-day pain diary leg pain (VAS).
Four-day pain diary back pain (VAS).
SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire.
Oswestry Disability Index.
Morphine and other drug use.
Use of non-drug therapies (e.g. acupuncture or massage).
Patient satisfaction (satisfied with pain relief, would agree to operation again and
return to work).
Adverse events.
Primary outcome: 48% of patients in the SCS arm achieved at least 50% pain relief
compared to 9% in the medical arm (p <0.001).
Regarding secondary outcomes, in general, SCS patients improved significantly on
most pain and quality of life scores.
Opioid use was not significantly different between the two groups at 6 months but
tended to be less in the SCS group.
Spinal cord stimulation for failed back surgery syndrome
Outcome measure
Medical arm
SCS arm
Statistical significance
Leg pain relief (≥30%)
p < 0.0001
Leg pain relief (≥80%)
p = 0.05
Physical function
p <0.001
p = 0.12
Bodily pain
p <0.001
General health
p <0.001
p = 0.01
Social functioning
p = 0.002
p = 0.02
Mental health
p = 0.002
Oswestry Disability
p <0.001
p = 0.20
p = 0.14
p = 0.06
p = 0.02
Satisfied with pain relief
p <0.001
Agree with treatment
p <0.001
Return to work
p = 0.36
Drug therapy
Patient satisfaction
Crossover: 28/44 medical patients crossed to SCS at 6 months (+ a further four who
failed screening) compared to only five SCS patients who agreed to cross to medical
Complications; 27/84 patients (32%) who received an electrode (either trial or
implanted system) experienced 40 device-related complications over 12 months;
20/27, i.e. 24% of the total, required surgery to rectify the problem. Events included
electrode migration (10%), infection or wound complications (8%), loss of paraesthesiae (7%). Non-device complications were higher in the medical arm (52% versus 35%)
and consisted largely of drug-related events.
Compared with conventional medical therapy alone, SCS improves pain relief, quality
of life, functional capacity, and patient satisfaction in selected patients with neuropathic
pain related to FBSS.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
The PROCESS study was a well-designed and well-executed trial that represents a landmark because, despite the tens of thousands of SCS systems implanted prior to the trial,
efficacy of SCS had not been demonstrated. The main limitation of the trial is that it demonstrates efficacy at 6 months but not in the long term. This can be likened to some of the
studies that show lumbar discectomy to be efficacious for short-term (i.e. 6–12 months)
pain relief but not over longer periods. However, as a result of the trial there is no doubt
that pain is alleviated and that patients are satisfied with the result. Furthermore, the
follow-up study looks at 2-year outcomes and goes a long way in answering this question.
The trial stands out from many other pain trials in that these measures of patient satisfaction and questions such as whether the patient would have the procedure again are practical questions rather than abstract measures of pain severity.
There have been other RCTs in SCS. For example, Kemler et al. compared SCS plus
physical therapy to physical therapy alone and showed that SCS was efficacious (Kemler
et al., 2000; Kemler et al., 2004; Kemler et al., 2006). However, it is notable that all of the
patients had previously failed physical therapy and therefore SCS was being compared to
a failed treatment. Also, the long-term outcomes showed that the effects of SCS diminished with time. This may be important when analysing the results of the PROCESS study,
as outcomes have only been published to 2 years. This ‘tolerance’ to stimulation has been
seen before in studies of DBS for pain (Romanelli et al., 2004).
A second RCT and one that is directly relevant to PROCESS was performed by North
et al. comparing re-operation versus SCS in patients with FBSS (North et al., 2005). This
trial had a few problems. For example, there was a high rate of unintended crossover in both
groups (54% re-operation to SCS and 21% the opposite way) and patients receiving worker’s
compensation were less likely to enter the trial due to lack of insurance authorization.
In summary, the PROCESS study is the first to show that short-term analgesia is better
with SCS than medical management in FBSS, although as pointed out by Turner et al. in
their editorial (Turner et al., 2007), as there was no sham stimulation, whether the effects
were due to ‘active’ effects of SCS or placebo is difficult to determine.
Kemler MA, Barendse GA, van Kleef M, de Vet HC, Rijks CP, Furnée CA, van den Wildenberg FA.
Spinal cord stimulation in patients with chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy. N Engl J Med 2000;
343: 618–624.
Kemler MA, De Vet HC, Barendse GA, Van Den Wildenberg FA, Van Kleef M. The effect of spinal
cord stimulation in patients with chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy: two years’ follow-up of the
randomized controlled trial. Ann Neurol 2004; 55: 13–18.
Kemler MA, de Vet HC, Barendse GA, van den Wildenberg FA, van Kleef M. Spinal cord
stimulation for chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy—five-year follow-up. N Engl J Med 2006;
354: 2394–2396.
Spinal cord stimulation for failed back surgery syndrome
North RB, Kidd DH, Farrokhi F, Piantadosi SA. Spinal cord stimulation versus repeated lumbosacral
spine surgery for chronic pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurosurgery 2005; 56: 98–106;
discussion 106–107.
Romanelli P, Heit G. Patient-controlled deep brain stimulation can overcome analgesic tolerance.
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2004; 82: 77–79.
Turner JA, Deyo RA, Loeser JD. Spinal cord stimulation: stimulating questions. Pain 2007;
132: 10–11.
Occipital nerve stimulation for cluster headache
5.8 Neuromodulation for Cluster Headache and
Migraine: Occipital Nerve Stimulation for Cluster
Details of Study
Cluster headache (CH) is a disabling headache syndrome that is characterized by bouts
of severe headaches that are extremely severe and has been labelled the ‘suicide headache’.
Attacks are unilateral and associated with autonomic symptoms and occur in ‘clusters’. In
the episodic form, there may be many weeks or months between clusters, but when they
occur, patients may experience several attacks per day. Chronic cluster headache (CCH)
is said to occur when a patient has no more than 1 month headache free in 12 months and
may occur de novo (primary CCH) or after episodic CH (secondary). There have been a
number of small case series of occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) for CH but numbers are
too few for a RCT.
Study References
Main Study
Burns B, Watkins L and Goadsby PJ. Successful treatment of medically intractable cluster headache
using occipital nerve stimulation (ONS). Lancet 2007; 369: 1099–1106.
Related References
Burns B, Watkins L, Goadsby PJ. Treatment of intractable chronic cluster headache by occipital nerve
stimulation in 14 patients. Neurology 2009; 72(4): 341–345.
Magis D, Allena M, Bolla M, De Pasqua V, Remacle JM, Schoenen J. Occipital nerve stimulation
for drug-resistant chronic cluster headache: a prospective pilot study. Lancet Neurol 2007;
6(4): 314–321.
Schwedt TJ, Dodick DW, Hentz J, Trentman TL, Zimmerman RS. Occipital nerve stimulation for
chronic headache—long-term safety and efficacy. Cephalalgia 2007; 27(2): 153–157.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
Median 20 months
Range 6–27 months
Number of centres
This is a case series of eight patients who chose ONS over DBS or an ablative trigeminal
procedure. It is an audit of outcome rather than a trial.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of cch, as defined by the Headache Classification
Committee of the International Headache Society.
Trial stimulation or successful occipital nerve block was not used as a selection
Outcome Measures
Patients were asked: ‘Would you recommend the procedure to a fellow cluster headache sufferer?’
Use of triptans.
Frequency, duration, and severity of headaches (retrospective case note review).
Eight patients (seven male, one female) were implanted and had a median duration of disease of 6 years. Five had secondary CCH, i.e. they had progressed from the episodic form
to the chronic form and three had primary CCH. At a median of 20 months (range 8–27),
six of the eight patients reported an improvement in their condition and said that they
would recommend an ONS to other patients with CCH in similar circumstances. Two
were described as ‘marked improvement’ (≥90% reduction in attacks), three as ‘moderate’ (≥40%), and one as ‘mild’ (≥25%). ‘Improvement’ mainly pertained to frequency or
severity rather than duration of attacks. Regarding medication, one patient stopped using
triptans, three reduced their use, and in four patients triptan use remained unchanged.
The benefit from the ONS was not immediate and was found to take weeks or months.
In contrast, when the ONS became faulty (in one patient with >90% relief), the attacks
recurred almost immediately. Interestingly, the first patient had a unilateral electrode
because 95% of the attacks were left-sided. Gradually, a greater proportion started on
the right side and therefore a second electrode (on the other side) was implanted. After
implantation of the second electrode, 70% were left-sided and 30% right-sided (with an
overall 40% reduction). Subsequently, all patients were implanted bilaterally. Regarding
adverse events, there were eight serious adverse events requiring surgical intervention.
These included three due to electrode migration (all in the same patient), one due to electrode failure, and five relating to battery malfunction or depletion. Minor complications
included neck stiffness and pain related to the extension leads. All patients experienced
paraesthesiae in the occipital region but generally considered this a reassuring sensation.
ONS shows promise for CCH and persists for a long time. The effect is not predicted by
occipital nerve block. The procedure is straightforward and safe, although not without
Occipital nerve stimulation for cluster headache
If this study was looking at a common disease such as migraine, it would be heavily
criticized for its wide range of follow-up times, miniscule numbers, different disease
subtypes (primary and secondary CCH), single centre, and high rate of adverse events.
However, in the context of CCH, we are dealing with a very rare problem and in this
subgroup, an extremely refractory group of patients. In addition, since the treatment
is expensive, each case required individual funding. For these reasons, the numbers
available for study are extremely small and this study is considered a landmark paper
for the fact that it was one of the first such series to attempt to document the efficacy
of ONS in CCH in a quasi-controlled manner, and was published in a high-impact
The outcome measures chosen are interesting. One could be positive or negative
about ‘whether a patient would recommend the procedure to a fellow sufferer’. Most
commonly, such studies would tend to use validated outcomes such as headache severity/number of attacks or quality of life measures such as SF-36 or Euroqol 5D as the
primary outcome and this study may be criticized for not using a validated outcome
measure. However, one could also look at this outcome positively in that this single
question asks about the most important aspect of treatment to the patient. The fact
that the answers were positive shows that the study has had the desired result. Another
criticism is the vagueness of the patient ‘estimate’ of percentage change in their CHs.
In a prospective trial, one would expect this to be appropriately validated with the use
of patient diaries. Such an approach, relying on a patient’s memory, may be subject to
bias and there is much evidence in the scientific literature of biased outcome reporting
in pain patients, due to psychological factors etc.
Despite the criticisms and the fact that it is difficult to understand the significance of the
results of this study, it was one of a few small studies that provided important early information as to the efficacy of ONS in CCH and paved the way for future studies. It leaves
many questions unanswered such as ‘What are the effective stimulation parameters?’ and
‘What is the long-term outcome?’. It also showed that complications related to the device
are common, mainly comprising migration of leads. However, overall, this study provided
a good initial exploration.
Deep brain stimulation for cluster headache
5.9 Neuromodulation for Cluster Headache and
Migraine: Deep Brain Stimulation for Cluster Headache
Details of Study
DBS for CCH gained prominence amongst neurosurgeons just before ONS and was
largely pioneered by the Milan group led by Leone. One of the important aspects of this
study is that the idea and targeting of the posterior hypothalamus was based mainly on
PET imaging studies by May and colleagues (May et al., 1998). Most DBS targets have
been based on either animal studies (e.g. the STN or PPN in PD) or historical lesions in
humans. Interestingly, the example of CCH was the first of many, including subgenual
cingulate stimulation for depression.
Study References
Main Study
Leone M, Franzini A, Broggi G, Bussone G. Hypothalamic stimulation for intractable cluster
headache: long-term experience. Neurology 2006; 67: 150–152.
Related References
Fontaine D, Lazorthes Y, Mertens P, Blond S, Géraud G, Fabre N, Navez M, Lucas C, Dubois F,
Gonfrier S, Paquis P, Lantéri-Minet M. Safety and efficacy of deep brain stimulation in refractory
cluster headache: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial followed by a 1-year open
extension. J Headache Pain 2010; 11(1): 23–31.
Leone M, Franzini A, Bussone G. Stereotactic stimulation of posterior hypothalamic gray matter in a
patient with intractable cluster headache. N Engl J Med 2001; 345(19): 1428–1429.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
Mean 23 months
Range 1–52 months
Number of centres
This is a case series of 16 patients treated with DBS.
There were no formal inclusion or exclusion criteria as such, as this was not a
formal trial.
Twelve stimulators (nine patients) were turned off in a blinded fashion after at least
3 months of being pain-free. There does not appear to be a formal protocol as such.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Outcome Measures
‘Headache response’ (described as ‘pain free’ or ‘sporadic attacks’ etc.); time to response
after stimulator inserted; percentage of pain-free days.
Use of prophylactic medications.
The effect of turning the stimulation off in nine patients (12 electrodes).
Major improvements in pain were described for 15/18 implants (13 patients). A persistent
pain-free state was achieved in ten patients, almost pain-free but with sporadic attacks
in three patients. The remaining three patients still continued to have CH attacks but
had markedly reduced pain intensity, frequency, and duration. Four patients continued to
require prophylactic medications to reduce the attacks but the rest were free from medication post-operatively. The mean time to ‘stable benefit’, i.e. pain free or reduced attacks,
was 42 days.
Regarding the uncontrolled, single-blind switching off, this was performed in nine
patients (12 electrodes) with a range of 2–8 months of off time (mean 5 months). In one
patient, the stimulators were turned off numerous times with a consistent return of attacks
each time. In four patients, the attacks returned only sporadically and so the system was
left off. The remaining five patients experienced full-blown attacks at a mean of 2 months
after switching off. In patients with bilateral attacks and bilateral electrodes, only the ipsilateral electrode controlled the attacks.
With respect to side effects and adverse events, a small asymptomatic intraventricular
haemorrhage was seen in one patient on post-operative imaging and resolved spontaneously. Diplopia was a common side effect observed when increasing the voltage too
rapidly but subsided spontaneously. There were no effects observed relating to hormonal
changes, weight (other than small amounts associated with steroids), autonomic changes,
sleep–wake cycle, or electrolyte balance.
DBS is an efficacious and safe treatment for drug-refractory cluster headache. The procedure is well tolerated, needs to be ipsilateral, but is subject to the known risks of DBS of
other areas.
This case series can be criticized in the same way as ONS (see section 5.8). It is neither
case-controlled, randomized, nor double blinded. The numbers are small, and it is inherently subject to the bias of such series. However, in a similar way to the paper described
for ONS, it is a landmark paper simply because it represents a first serious exploration
and innovation of DBS for CH. Whilst there was much spontaneity in the design of the
study (no fixed protocols etc.), no-one can argue that the results are extremely impressive
Deep brain stimulation for cluster headache
and indeed more impressive than ONS in terms of the proportion of patients who were
headache free and those who had a significant reduction in severity and frequency of
attacks. However, for the clinician and patient deciding on treatment options, the small
haemorrhage in one patient, whilst asymptomatic, is a reminder that DBS has serious
risks and these need to be balanced against benefit and other options. At the time of this
study, ONS was not established for CH and therefore, DBS may have been considered as
first-line treatment. Now that the sensible pathway may be considered to start with ONS
(which has fewer risks) and proceed to DBS if unsuccessful, this study reminds us that
here is an option that may work if ONS fails, or for the risk takers, may even be considered
first as the results are better.
The study, whilst statistically not a test of efficacy, clearly demonstrates it. It is elegant
in that many other factors that could potentially be altered with manipulation of the posterior hypothalamus were investigated, such as autonomic parameters, sleep–wake cycle,
and hormonal changes. However, these findings may be rather surprising and one wonders whether the investigation of some of these factors were rigorous. For example, the
results are not shown in the supplementary data and presumably sleep–wake cycle was
not measured formally. Overall, however, this represents a significant first large case series
of a very rare condition and has influenced the treatment of CCH to the benefit of many
severely affected, medically-refractory patients.
May A, Bahra A, Buchel C, Frackowiak RS, Goadsby PJ. Hypothalamic activation in cluster headache
attacks. Lancet 1998; 352(9124): 275–278.
Occipital nerve stimulation for migraine
5.10 Neuromodulation for Cluster Headache and
Migraine: Occipital Nerve Stimulation for Migraine
Details of Study
Peripheral nerve stimulation is a rapidly expanding field in the treatment of chronic pain.
ONS is one such treatment that involves placement of an electrode in the vicinity of the greater
occipital nerve (and the lesser occipital nerve may also be stimulated, depending on electrode
length). There have now been a number of studies and this treatment is currently being considered by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (NICE, 2013).
Study References
Main Study
Saper JR, Dodick DW, Silberstein SD, McCarville S, Sun M, Goadsby PJ. Occipital nerve stimulation
for the treatment of intractable chronic migraine headache: ONSTIM feasibility study. Cephalalgia
2011; 31(3): 271–285.
Related References
Dodick DW, Trentman T, Zimmerman R, Eross EJ. Occipital nerve stimulation for intractable chronic
primary headache disorders. Cephalalgia 2003; 23: 701.
Silberstein SD, Dodick DW, Saper J, Huh B, Slavin KV, Sharan A, Reed K, Narouze S, Mogilner
A, Goldstein J, Trentman T, Vaisma J, Ordia J, Weber P, Deer T, Levy R, Diaz RL, Washburn
SN, Mekhail N. Safety and efficacy of peripheral nerve stimulation of the occipital nerves for
the management of chronic migraine: results from a randomized, multicenter, double-blinded,
controlled study. Cephalalgia 2012; 32(16): 1165–1179.
Weiner RL, Reed KL. Peripheral neurostimulation for control of intractable occipital neuralgia.
Neuromodulation 1999; 2: 217–222.
Study Design
A prospective, randomized, multi-centre study comparing ONS to medical management for intractable chronic migraine.
Class of evidence
Subjects randomized to active stimulation (AS), pre-set stimulation (PS),
i.e. sham stimulation, and medical management (MM) in a 2:1:1 ratio
Number of patients
110 (75 continued in treatment group; 33 AS, 17 (PS), 17 (MM),
8 ‘ancillary’
Length of follow-up
3 months (up to 36 months open label)
Primary endpoint:*
Safety and adverse events
Secondary endpoints:*
Number of headache days
Pain intensity
Headache duration
Number of centres
* As this was a feasibility study, these are technically not ‘endpoints’ as such.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
The main aim of this study was to collect safety and primary efficacy data.
Intractable chronic migraine defined as headache ≥15 days per month.
Eligible subjects received an occipital nerve block and responders were randomized to
AS, PS, or MM.
‘Responder’ to ONS defined as ≥50% reduction in headache days per month or
≥3-point reduction in intensity compared to baseline.
Key inclusion criteria: ≥15 headache days per month for 3 months in the absence of
medication overuse; pain involving occipital/suboccipital region; refractory to medication; onset before 50 years; ≥18 years.
Key exclusion criteria: other health conditions likely to affect the study; previous nerve
ablation procedure likely to affect the C2/3 area; rebound headaches; other electrical
stimulation device; MRI may be required.
Outcome Measures
Safety (adverse events); changes in headache days; change in overall pain intensity; percentage change in number of days with severe, prolonged headache; change in hours per
headache day; quality of life scores; Profile of Mood States (POMS); SF-36; MIDAS; functional disability; and subject satisfaction.
Seventy-five subjects were enrolled out of 110 screened. At 3 months, percentage reduction
in headache days per month was 27.0 ± 44.8% in the active stimulation (AS) group, 8.8 ±
28.6% in the pre-set stimulation (PS) group, and 4.4 ± 19.1% in the medical management
(MM) group. A separate ‘ancillary’ group were a non-randomized group of eight patients
who had ‘failed’ occipital nerve block and the response rate was 39.9 ± 51.0%. These results
equated to a reduction in headache days of 6.7 ± 10 in the AS group and a reduction of
intensity of 1.5 ± 1.6. For the majority of outcome measures (including change in headache
days, pain intensity, prolonged severe headache, and headache duration), improvement
compared to baseline in the AS group was not statistically different compared to the control groups (PS and MM) although there was a trend towards improvement.
% change in number of headache days
27 ± 44.8
8.8 ± 28.6
4.4 ± 19.1
39.9 ± 51.0
Actual change in headache days
per month
6.7 ± 10.0
1.5 ± 4.6
1.0 ± 4.2
39.9 ± 51.0
Reduction in pain intensity
1.5 ± 1.6
0.5 ± 1.3
0.6 ± 1.0
1.9 ± 3.5
% reduction in days with severe
prolonged headache
24.4 ± 43.6
10.3 ± 34.0
−1.2 ± 38.9
33.5 ± 43.2
Responder rate (see earlier in
Occipital nerve stimulation for migraine
Regarding the disability and quality of life scores, there were again, trends to improvement in the POMS (8.7 versus 1.6 in AS versus MM), disability scale (0.3 for AS versus 0.0
in MM) but comparison of the groups did not reach statistical significance.
Adverse events were divided into device related and non-device related. In the
device-related category, 56 ‘adverse device events’ (ADEs) occurred in 36 of the 51 subjects. Three serious adverse effects requiring hospitalization were implant infection, lead
migration, and post-operative nausea. The most frequent ADE was lead migration that
occurred in 24%. The main non-device related adverse effect was worsening of migraine
that occurred in 9% of the AS group, 41% of the PS group, and 24% of the MM group.
Adverse effects related to medication were similar across treatment groups.
Further investigation of ONS for medically intractable chronic migraine is justified by
this study. Although this study cannot establish efficacy, the results are promising.
This study was the first ‘large’ study comparing ONS to medical treatment in a randomized
fashion. As it is a feasibility study, it was not powered to evaluate efficacy but rather to look
at safety and the feasibility of conducting a more robust trial within a focused patient population and with longer follow-up times and better blinding and endpoints. The authors
in fact make these conclusions themselves. As such, the trial was successful in providing
good, randomized pilot data to inform power calculations and to give an indication of
safety using one particular stimulator system. There are a number of possible criticisms.
Firstly, the follow-up duration of 3 months was short. Given that migraine can have a complex temporal course, a longer duration in a larger trial would be useful. This would help to
rule out ‘insertional’ effects of electrode implantation as well as helping to provide justification for what happens to be a very expensive procedure. Secondly, the 39% responder rate
is not particularly impressive. However, the authors point out that this group of patients
are medically refractory and represent a group of patients who ‘lead lives that are painful
and compromised’ and that for them, there is little other hope. On an individual level, the
responder rate alone is not as important as the comparison between the responder rate, the
risk of the procedure, and the financial cost. If the risk of serious adverse events is very low,
a patient with refractory migraine may well be prepared to put up with a 39% chance of
being a ‘responder’. Also, as the authors point out, the AS response rate of 39% is comparable to drugs such as topiramate for preventive migraine treatment.
Other criticisms might include the degree of blinding which is difficult in trials involving
neuromodulation. Whilst the medical arm cannot be blinded, the PS group may have had
some sensation and indeed it is possible the settings could have had an effect. However,
these hurdles are almost impossible to jump and the trial design was as pragmatic as possible in this regard. Again, the authors make this point. A final criticism might be that the
trial was sponsored by the manufacturer of the stimulator system, although there appears
to be no bias in even the methodology or the reporting of the results.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
This study as well as a number of others (mainly smaller studies) were reviewed by
NICE (NICE, 2013). The summary concluded that ONS carries a surgical risk and the
follow-up from the studies is short, but that ONS holds promise and is worthy of further
investigation. In this study, most of the surgical complications are related to the implant
itself and it is possible that further advancement of the technology may reduce these problems. In summary, this study has provided good initial data that ONS is a treatment worth
considering and needs further investigation. At the time of writing, the PRISM study is
pursuing such a course and the results are eagerly awaited.
NICE. Occipital Nerve Stimulation for Intractable Chronic Migraine (IPG 452). <http:www.guidance.nice.
Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia
5.11 Neurosurgical Treatment of Trigeminal
Neuralgia: Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal
The long-term outcome of microvascular decompression (MVD) for trigeminal neuralgia
(TN) was established by Janetta’s group in 1996 with the publication of results of a series
of 1185 patients from the Presbyterian-University Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
USA, undergoing MVD between 1972 and 1991 (Barker et al., 1996).
Study References
Main Study
Barker FG, Janetta PJ, Bissonette DJ, PAC, Larkins MV, Jho HD. The long-term outcome of
microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 1077–1083.
Related Reference
Janetta PJ. Arterial compression of the trigeminal nerve at the pons in patients with trigeminal
neuralgia. J Neurosurgery 1976; 26: 159–162.
Study Design
Class of evidence
None (see following text)
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
>1 year
Median 6.2 years
91% at 5 years
Number of centres
At surgery compressing arteries were separated from the nerve and compressing veins
were cauterized and cut.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoint
Relief of pain: complete relief (excellent outcome) defined as ≥98% pain relief without
need for medication; partial relief (good outcome) defined as 75% reduction in pain;
failure (poor outcome) defined as recurrence of >25% of pre-operative pain or need for
a further surgical procedure.
Secondary Endpoints
Operative findings.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Immediately post-op
1 year
10 years
When repeat surgery was included excellent outcomes were achieved in 80% of patients
at 1 year and 70% of patients at 10 years.
The commonest vessel causing compression was the superior cerebellar artery (75%).
Venous compression was seen in 68%.
Complications were uncommon with CSF leak, hearing loss, and facial numbness
being the most frequent.
Recurrence rates were <2% at 5 years and <1% at 10 years.
Risk factors for recurrence included lack of immediate post-operative relief, female
sex, venous compression, and pre-operative symptoms of >8 years’ duration.
MVD for TN is safe and has a high rate of long-term success rate.
MVD of the trigeminal nerve for TN was popularized by Gardner and Janetta (Gardner,
1962; Gardner, 1968; Gardner and Miklos, 1959; Janetta, 1967). Janetta’s series considered here is a landmark in the neurosurgical literature as it established the favourable
long-term results of MVD. MVD is firmly established as the most successful treatment
option for TN refractory to medical therapy. However, there has been substantial debate
in the literature regarding the mechanism by which this operation is effective. Walter
Dandy is credited in the 1940s with proposing that TN may be caused by compression of
the trigeminal nerve by the superior cerebellar artery at its point of entry into the pons.
Janetta is credited subsequently with elaborating the concept of pulsatile compression at
the root entry zone (REZ), which was defined as a junctional area between central and
peripheral myelin (Janetta, 1977, 1980). It was postulated that relief of this compression
explains the efficacy of MVD. However, Gardner and Miklos had previously stated that
the critical component of MVD is manipulation of the nerve itself (Gardner and Miklos,
1959). This observation led to the hypothesis that MVD is effective because of trauma to
the nerve itself, a theory that would appear to be supported by the efficacy of partial section
of the trigeminal nerve. The most vociferous opponent of Janetta’s theory of microvascular
compression at the REZ was Adams in Oxford who presented anatomical, clinical, neuropathological, and neurophysiological findings that he proposed supported the hypothesis
that trauma to the nerve during dissection and subsequent ‘decompensation’ of the nerve
Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia
were more likely to explain the efficacy of MVD (Adams, 1989). The mechanism of MVD
efficacy remains to be elucidated. However, more recently Sindou has reported the results
of large series for which clear-cut marked vascular compression at surgery is associated
with higher success rates of >90% (Sindou, 2007).
Adams CBT. Microvascular decompression: an alternative view and hypothesis. J Neurosurg 1989;
57: 1–12.
Gardner WJ. Concerning the mechanism of trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm. J Neurosurg
1962; 19: 947–958.
Gardner WJ. Trigeminal neuralgia. Clin Neursurg 1968; 15: 1–56.
Gardner WJ, Miklos MV. Response of trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm. JAMA 1959;
170: 1773–1776.
Janetta PJ. Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia by suboccipital and transtentorial cranial operations. Clin
Neurosurg 1977; 24: 538–549.
Janetta PJ. Neurovascular compression in cranial and systemic disease. Ann Surg 1980; 192: 518–525.
Sindou M, Leston J, Decullier E, Chapus F. Microvascular decompression for primary trigeminal
neuralgia: long-term effectiveness and prognostic factors in a series of 362 consecutive patients
with clear-cut neurovascular conflicts who underwent pure decompression. J Neurosurg 2007;
107: 1144–1153.
Ablative techniques for trigeminal neuralgia
5.12 Neurosurgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia:
Ablative Techniques for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Details of Study
A summary of the best observation analysis of ablative techniques for TN was performed
by a meta-analysis of the techniques of ablative therapy for TN including radiofrequency
ablation (RFA), glycerol rhizolysis (GR), balloon compression (BC), and stereotactic
radiosurgery (SRS) (Lopez et al., 2004).
Study Reference
Main Study
Lopez BC, Hamlyn PJ, Zakrzewska JM, PAC, Larkins MV, Jho HD. Systematic review of ablative
neurosurgical techniques for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Neurosurgery 2004; 54: 973–983.
Study design
Class of evidence
None (see following text)
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
>1 year
Median 6.2 years
91% at 5 years
Number of studies
At least ten or more of data/quality criteria present.
Kaplan–Meier actuarial analysis for single procedure.
Not >20% of patients lost to follow-up monitoring.
In series of patients, patients treated more than once were excluded.
Minimum of 12-month median/mean follow-up period.
Minimum of 30 patients treated in the whole series.
Study not dealing exclusively or mainly with recurrences or secondary TN.
For stereotactic radiosurgery studies, separate reporting of rates of complete pain relief
with/without medication, with a minimal treatment dose of 70 Gy.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Duration of complete pain relief with or without medications.
Outcome data beyond mean/median discarded and data only analysed when two or
more studies were available.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Number of
Radiofrequency ablation
Glycerol rhizolysis
Percentage of patients pain free
6 months
1 year
3 years
5 years
Balloon compression
Stereotactic radiosurgery
RFA provided the best early and late complete pain relief.
Sensory loss was experienced by all patients that underwent RFA or GR if the procedure was done correctly (permanent sensory loss occurred in 30% of RFA patients,
50% GR patients, and 20% SRS patients).
Of patients that underwent RFA, 29.2% experienced a complication but most complications were transient.
Corneal numbness occurred in 10% of percutaneous patients and 7% of SRS patients.
Anaesthesia dolorosa was more likely after RFA or GC.
There is insufficient data to compare BC with other techniques.
RFA provides the better rates of complete pain control for the treatment of TN by ablative
techniques compared with SRS and GR. SRS had the fewest side effects.
As compared there are various surgical strategies that are available to treat TN including MVD, partial rhizotomy of the sensory root, percutaneous compression (balloon
compression), glycerol rhizotomy, radiofrequency thermorhizotomy, and stereotactic
radiosurgery. Within the meta-analysis of the observational studies, it has been demonstrated that the benefit of long-term effectiveness is proportional to the degree of sensory loss and risk of trigeminal side effects (Lopez et al., 2004). Problems with this paper
include the heterogeneity of the patient population and lack of methodological uniformity. Furthermore, this analysis suggests that stereotactic radiosurgery may promise high
efficacy with a low complication rate. Although there has been no study comparing the
long-term effectiveness between surgical and percutaneous ablative procedures, a review
of the literature of those studies which had at least a 5-year mean follow-up found that
MVD has the best reported long-term results (Tatli et al., 2008).
Lopez BC, Hamlyn PJ, Zakrzewska JM, PAC, Larkins MV, Jho HD. Systematic review of ablative
neurosurgical techniques for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Neurosurgery 2004; 54: 973–983.
Tatli M, Satici O, Kanpolat Y, Sindou M. Various surgical modalities for trigeminal neuralgia: literature
study of respective long-term outcomes. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 2008; 150: 234–255.
Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression
5.13 Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant
Details of Study
This study by Mayberg et al. tested the hypothesis that DBS to modulate activity of the grey
matter in area 25 of the cingulate gyrus (Cg25) would produce clinical benefits in patients
with treatment-resistant depression. The study was carried out in Toronto, Canada using
subgenual cingulate white mater (Cg25WM) as a target in six patients.
Study References
Main Study
Mayberg HS, Lozano AM, Voon V, McNeely HE, Seminowicz D, Hamani C, Schwalb JM, Kennedy
SH. Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression. Neuron 2005; 45: 651–660.
Related References
Greenberg BD, Friehs G, Carpenter L, Tyrka A, Malone A, Rezai A, Shapira N, Foote K, Okun
M, Goodman W, Rasmussen S, Price L. Deep brain stimulation: clinical findings in intractable
depression and OCD. Neuropsychopharmacology 2005; 29: S32
Lozano AM, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Rizvi SJ, Kennedy SH, Kolivakis TT, Debonnel G, Sadikot AF,
Lam RW, Howard AK, Ilcewicz-Klimek M, Honey CR,Mayberg HS. A multicenter pilot study of
subcallosal cingulate area deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression. J Neurosurg
2012; 116(2): 315–322.
Mayberg HS, Liotti M, Brannan SK, McGunnis S, Mahurin RK, Jerabek PA, Silva JA, Tekell JL,
Martin CC, Fox PT. Reciprocal limbic-cortical function and negative mood: converging PET
findings in depression and normal sadness. Am J Psychiatry 1999; 156: 675–682.
Study Design
A pilot study to evaluate Cg25WM as a target for DBS in treatment-resistant depression.
Class of evidence
Number of patients
6 months
Primary endpoints:
Clinical depression
Regional cerebral blood flow measurements
Secondary endpoints:
Neuropsychological testing
Adverse events
Number of centres
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Inclusion criteria: treatment-resistant depression; DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive episode of >1 year’s duration; minimum score of 20 on the Hamilton Depression
Rating Scale (HDRS); age <60 years.
Exclusion criteria: previous stroke; significant cerebrovascular risk factors; other Axis
I psychiatric disorder (e.g. schizophrenia, OCD); psychotic symptoms; active suicidal
intent; recent substance abuse; >60 years of age; inability to comply with follow-up;
contraindications to DBS (e.g. cardiac pacemaker).
Treatment-resistant depression was defined as failure to respond to at least four different classes of antidepressant medication in maximal doses.
In addition, five out of six patients had failed to respond to ECT.
Surgical Technique
Microelectrodes were inserted using a Leksell stereotactic frame.
Medtronic 3387 quadripolar DBS electrodes were implanted bilaterally.
Electrode positioning was achieved by MRI mapping: the GM/WM transition area 25
was located at the mid-point between the genu of corpus callosum and the anterior
Microelectrode recordings were used to guide insertion into the transitional area
between Cg25 (neuronal active area) and Cg25WM (cell sparse area).
Final electrode positioning was confirmed by post-operative MRI.
Stimulation parameters were reassessed and adjusted at weekly intervals with increments of 1.0 V.
The mean parameters uses were 4.0 V with a 60 µs pulse width at a frequency of 130 Hz.
Primary Endpoints
Clinical depression: improvements in depression were monitored using the 17-item
HDRS with a clinical response being defined as a reduction of ≥50%.
Regional blood flow: measured using PET.
Secondary Endpoints
Neuropsychological testing of cognitive, intellectual, and frontal functioning.
Monitoring of adverse events.
Clinical Response
Five out of six patients showed a clinical response (≥50% reduction in HDRS) at 2 months.
Clinical response was maintained in four out of these five patients at 6 months.
Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression
Regional Blood Flow Measurements
Reduced Cg25WM activity was seen in all patients: both responders and non-responders
In addition, responders showed an area of hyperactivity in the medial frontal cortex
Other Findings
Improvement in early morning sleep disturbance was the earliest sign of a clinical
response and was seen in four out of the six patients.
Improvements were seen in neuropsychological tests.
Adverse Effects
There were no adverse effects on orbitofrontal functioning (such events would be
indicative of local DBS adverse effects).
There were no adverse affective or autonomic effects of increments in stimulator
All patients experienced psychomotor slowing at higher voltage settings >7 V).
Two patients received antibiotics for superficial infections related to the connector
Cg25WM is an effective target for DBS in treatment-resistant depression.
Major depression is the most common psychiatric disorder and depression that is resistant
to medication and ECT is an extremely severe and debilitating condition. In addition to
DBS, vagal nerve stimulation has also been assessed in the treatment of treatment-resistant
depression, and although no randomized trial has been carried out, preliminary studies
show some promise (Rush et al., 2000). DBS is still in the exploratory phases for the treatment of this disorder. Greenberg et al. noticed improvement in co-morbid depression
symptomatology in patients undergoing DBS of the ventral portion of the anterior limb
of the internal capsule and the adjacent dorsal ventral striatum for treatment of OCD
(Greenberg et al., 2003). The authors then evaluated DBS in the ventral internal capsule
in a series of five patients with depression and reported an improvement on the HDRS in
all five patients with a mean improvement from 31.4 to 15.8 over 3 months (Greenberg
et al., 2005).
The study summarized here by Mayberg et al. arose from their previous observations that there was elevated activity of Cg25 in neuroimaging studies of patients with
severe treatment-resistant depression (Mayberg et al., 1999). This observation was
in concordance with reports of suppression of activity in this same region by antidepressive treatments including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
electroconvulsive therapy. Mayberg et al., therefore, hypothesized that chronic stimulation to modulate Cg25 grey matter may ameliorate symptoms in treatment-resistant
depression. The results of their study showed that four out of six patients showed a
sustained clinical benefit from DBS of the Cg25WM at 6 months. It should be emphasized that this is a pilot study and Mayberg et al. pointed out that, although encouraging, their results are limited by the small sample size, limited follow-up, and the lack of
sham surgery or a placebo-control arm. However, Mayberg et al. did undertake a trial
of blinded DBS discontinuation in one patient and their findings appeared to support
Cg25WM stimulation to effect symptom relief. A subsequent three-centre trial by the
same group in 21 patients showed that 48% of patients at 6 months and only 29% at
1 year had a 50% or greater reduction in HDRS (Lozano et al., 2012). Notwithstanding
these difficulties and the reduced efficacy shown by the larger multi-centre case series,
this study represents a significant landmark in identifying the Cg25WM as a target
for DBS in treatment-resistant depression. Also, it is an example of how findings from
functional imaging studies have been translated into a novel surgical intervention for
a major debilitating disorder.
Greenberg BD, Price LH, Rauch SL, Friehs G, Noren G, Malone D, Carpenter LL, Rezai AR,
Rasmussen SA. Neurosurgery for intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression: critical
issues. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2003; 14: 199–212.
Lozano AM, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Rizvi SJ, Kennedy SH, Kolivakis TT, Debonnel G, Sadikot AF,
Lam RW, Howard AK, Ilcewicz-Klimek M, Honey CR,Mayberg HS. A multicenter pilot study of
subcallosal cingulate area deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression. J Neurosurg
2012; 116(2): 315–322.
Rush AJ, George MS, Sackeim HA, Marangell LB, Husain MM, Giller C, Nahas Z, Haines S,
Simpsn RK Jr, Goodman R. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) for treatment resistant depression: a
multicenter study. Biol Psychiatry 2000; 47: 276–286.
Molecular and cellular therapies for Parkinson's disease
5.14 Molecular and Cellular Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease
Details of Studies
Neural transplantation for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders has long been
a holy grail for neurosurgeons. The three first studies discussed, by Li et al., Kordower
et al., and Mendez et al., all published in 2008, are the first post-mortem demonstrations
that fetal neural cells grafted into patients with PD can survive and function for over a
decade in the host’s brain. They are also to date the most detailed and most cited landmark
studies demonstrating very long-term survival of grafted neural cells. Furthermore, these
studies demonstrated for the first time that in long-term surviving grafts, a fraction of
grafted cells can develop Lewy body pathology-like inclusions, characteristic for the host
parkinsonian pathology. These studies provided for the first time a proof of principle that
grafted neural cells can survive long term and at the same time provide clinical benefits
in the diseased parkinsonian brain. They thus lay the foundation for further work in this
field, including the development of alternative cell sources for transplantation.
Study References
Main Studies
Kordower JH, Chu Y, Hauser RA, Freeman TB, Olanow CW. Lewy body-like pathology in long-term
embryonic nigral transplants in Parkinson’s disease. Nat Med 2008; 14: 504–506.
Li JY, Englund E, Holton JL, Soulet D, Hagell P, Lees AJ, Lashley T, Quinn NP, Rehncrona S,
Bjorklund A, Widner H, Revesz T, Lindvall O, Brundin P. Lewy bodies in grafted neurons
in subjects with Parkinson’s disease suggest host-to-graft disease propagation. Nat Med 2008;
14: 501–503.
Mendez I, Vinuela A, Astradsson A, Mukhida K, Hallett P, Robertson H, Tierney T, Holness R,
Dagher A, Trojanowski JQ, Isacson O. Dopamine neurons implanted into people with Parkinson’s
disease survive without pathology for 14 years. Nat Med 2008; 14: 507–509.
Related References
Astradsson A, Cooper O, Vinuela A, Isacson O. Recent advances in cell-based therapy for Parkinson
disease. Neurosurg Focus 2008; 24(3–4): E6.
Cooper O, Astradsson A, Hallett P, Robertson H, Mendez I, Isacson O. Lack of functional relevance
of isolated cell damage in transplants of Parkinson’s disease patients. J Neurol 2009; 256(Suppl
3): 310–316.
Hargus G, Cooper O, Deleidi M, Levy A, Lee K, Marlow E, Yow A, Soldner F, Hockemeyer D, Hallett
PJ, Osborn T, Jaenisch R, Isacson O. Differentiated Parkinson patient-derived induced pluripotent
stem cells grow in the adult rodent brain and reduce motor asymmetry in Parkinsonian rats. Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010; 107(36): 15921–15926.
Kordower JH, Chu Y, Hauser RA, Olanow CW, Freeman TB. Transplanted dopaminergic neurons
develop PD pathologic changes: a second case report. Mov Disord 2008; 23: 2303–2306.
Mendez I, Sanchez-Pernaute R, Cooper O, Viñuela A, Ferrari D, Björklund L, Dagher A, Isacson
O. Cell type analysis of functional fetal dopamine cell suspension transplants in the striatum and
substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Brain 2005; 128(Pt 7): 1498–1510.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
Study Designs
Case studies to evaluate long-term survival and related pathology and function of transplanted fetal dopamine neurons in patients with PD.
Class of evidence
Number of patients
Up to 16 years
Primary endpoints:
Graft survival at post-mortem
Pathology at post-mortem
Secondary endpoints:
Clinical benefits
Adverse events
Number of centres
Inclusion criteria: idiopathic PD and pre-operative PET imaging consistent with PD.
Good response to levodopa from the onset of the disease, but maximum tolerated
medication not providing adequate relief of symptoms and causing unacceptable side
Exclusion criteria: atypical parkinsonism, pronounced dementia, epilepsy, previous
brain surgery, severe depression, cerebrovascular disease and medical contraindications to surgery.
Surgical Technique
Fetal ventral midbrain tissue was collected with maternal consent from women undergoing elective abortion between 6 and 9 weeks after conception.
Fetal ventral midbrains were dissected under sterile conditions and either single-cell
suspensions or solid blocks of tissue were prepared for transplantation.
Patients were fitted with a stereotactic head frame and the stereotactic coordinates
for targets in the post commissural putamen were calculated using MRI images and a
computerized stereotactic planning workstation.
Transplantation cannulas were inserted into the different targets in the post-commissural
putamen and either a cell suspension (Li et al., 2008; Mendez et al., 2005) or solid graft
(Kordower et al., 2008) delivered along the predetermined tracts.
Immunosuppression with cyclosporine alone (Mendez et al., 2008; Kordower et al.,
2008) or corticosteroids, azathioprine, and cyclosporine (Li et al., 2008) was given
post-operatively for at least 6 months.
Molecular and cellular therapies for Parkinson's disease
Post-mortem Analysis
Fixed brain blocks of grafted striatum and the substantia nigra were serially cut in
40 μm thick sections on a cryostat.
Immunohistochemistry using standard techniques was performed on free-floating
sections, including staining for tyrosine hydroxylase, the microglial marker, CD45,
alpha-synuclein, phosphorylated alpha-synuclein, and ubiquitin.
Immunofluorescence staining was examined using a confocal microscope and design
based stereology was performed to assess cell numbers and graft volumes.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Long-term graft survival was demonstrated in all seven patients at post-mortem, ranging from 9–16 years after transplantation.
Grafts contained numerous tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive dopamine neurons, in
the order of 10,000–100,000 per graft.
Grafts were well integrated, reinnervating the host striatum.
Dopamine grafts in four of the seven patients reported were found to have Lewy
body-like inclusions, characteristic of PD. However only an estimated 1–5% of grafted
neurons in these patients contained Lewy body-like inclusions.
Solid grafts elicited a stronger host immune reaction than cell suspension grafts, demonstrated by the increased presence of activated microglia.
Secondary Endpoints
Clinical outcome was highly variable, ranging from little if any demonstrable benefits
to marked improvements in measures of PD function, including UPDRS motor off
medication scores, off time, and dyskinesias, and substantially reduced antiparkinsonian medication requirements, with benefits lasting for over a decade. The variable
clinical benefits were probably a reflection of the variation in the number of surviving
grafted cells.
No adverse events, such as graft-induced dyskinesias, were encountered.
Transplanted fetal dopamine neurons in PD patients can survive for over a decade and
provide marked and prolonged clinical benefits in a subset of patients.
A fraction of grafted neurons can develop Lewy body-like inclusions over time.
However, this is unlikely to affect graft function.
Functional and epilepsy neurosurgery
One of the first neural transplantation studies in PD utilized dissociated fetal ventral midbrain (VM) tissue transplanted into the striatum of patients that had developed PD after
accidental exposure of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. These patients
exhibited marked motor improvement correlating with an increase of fluorodopa uptake
in the striatum on PET scans. Furthermore, fluorodopa uptake and postsynaptic dopamine receptor occupancy PET studies have indicated that fetal grafts in the striatum can
survive for up to a decade and provide sustained motor benefits in PD.
Two double-blind, randomized controlled, clinical trials of neural transplantation
for PD in the United States have been reported. Freed et al. randomized 40 patients to
receive either bilateral putaminal transplants of fetal ventral midbrain tissue from two
embryos per side or sham surgery (Freed et al., 2001). Solid tissue was transplanted and
no immunosuppression was given. The study failed to meet its primary endpoint of clinical improvement on a self-reporting scale. However, a treatment effect was observed in
younger patients. Also the trial was concluded after only a year, a time which is insufficient for the growth and integration of human fetal dopamine neurons and the development of functional effects. Indeed several more patients showed clinical improvement
after the conclusion of the trial, 2–3 years after transplantation surgery. Unfortunately,
off-period dyskinesias were observed in 15% of the patients. Olanow et al. randomized 34
patients to receive bilateral putaminal fetal VM tissue from one or four donors per side or
undergo a placebo procedure (Olanow et al., 2003). Solid tissue pieces were transplanted.
A 6-month course of immunosuppression was given. The trial failed to meet its primary
endpoint of improvement in the motor component of the UPDRS, although a treatment
effect was observed in milder disease. Concerning off-period dyskinesias were observed
in 56% of the patients.
Few post-mortem studies of the survival of grafted cells have been reported. The
studies by Li et al., Kordower et al., and Mendez et al. are the first in-depth, long-term
post-mortem studies of the fate of grafted fetal dopamine neurons in PD. These studies
have demonstrated that fetal cells can survive and integrate for over a decade in the host
brain and provide long-term functional benefits. However Li et al. and Kordower et al.
also demonstrated that a fraction of grafted dopamine neurons developed Lewy body-like
inclusion pathology, the hallmark of PD, in their four long-term surviving patients, while
Mendez et al. reported no such pathology in their three long-term surviving patients,
although subsequent analysis revealed that in one of their patients, with the youngest
graft, one or two grafted neurons appeared to contain neuromelanin and Lewy body-like
Despite the occurrence of Lewy body-like pathology in grafted neurons of four of the
seven patients reported, it should be stressed that only 1–5% of grafted neurons of these
contained any pathology, whereas the vast majority of them were healthy looking. The
occasional appearance of Lewy body-like inclusions is therefore unlikely to affect graft
function and indeed long-term benefits were observed beyond a decade in some these
patients. Furthermore, the occurrence of Lewy body-like pathology in grafted cells seems
Molecular and cellular therapies for Parkinson's disease
to be related to transplantation techniques and host–graft reaction, as patients with the
most inclusions had solid tissue grafts, and more activated microglia.
In conclusion, transplanted fetal dopamine neurons can survive for up to 16 years
despite ongoing neurodegeneration of the host brain. Furthermore, these and several
other case studies have demonstrated that grafted fetal dopamine neurons can provide
substantial long-term clinical benefits in PD. These findings are encouraging for the
future development of fetal and stem cell-derived therapy for PD.
Astradsson A, Cooper O, Vinuela A, Isacson O. Recent advances in cell-based therapy for Parkinson
disease. Neurosurg Focus 2008; 24: E6.
Cooper O, Astradsson A, Hallett P, Robertson H, Mendez I, Isacson O. Lack of functional relevance
of isolated cell damage in transplants of Parkinson’s disease patients. J Neurol 2009; 256(Suppl
3): 310–316.
Freed CR, Greene PE, Breeze RE, Tsai WY, DuMouchel W, Kao R, Dillon S, Winfield H, Culver S,
Trojanowski JQ, Eidelberg D, Fahn S. Transplantation of embryonic dopamine neurons for severe
Parkinson’s disease. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 710–719.
Kordower JH, Chu Y, Hauser RA, Freeman TB, Olanow CW. Lewy body-like pathology in long-term
embryonic nigral transplants in Parkinson’s disease. Nat Med 2008; 14: 504–506.
Kordower JH, Chu Y, Hauser RA, Olanow CW, Freeman TB. Transplanted dopaminergic neurons
develop PD pathologic changes: a second case report. Mov Disord 2008; 23: 2303–2306.
Li JY, Englund E, Holton JL, Soulet D, Hagell P, Lees AJ, Lashley T, Quinn NP, Rehncrona S,
Bjorklund A, Widner H, Revesz T, Lindvall O, Brundin P. Lewy bodies in grafted neurons
in subjects with Parkinson’s disease suggest host-to-graft disease propagation. Nat Med 2008;
14: 501–503.
Mendez I, Sanchez-Pernaute R, Cooper O, Vinuela A, Ferrari D, Bjorklund L, Dagher A, Isacson
O. Cell type analysis of functional fetal dopamine cell suspension transplants in the striatum and
substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Brain 2005; 128: 1498–1510.
Mendez I, Vinuela A, Astradsson A, Mukhida K, Hallett P, Robertson H, Tierney T, Holness R,
Dagher A, Trojanowski JQ, Isacson O. Dopamine neurons implanted into people with Parkinson’s
disease survive without pathology for 14 years. Nat Med 2008; 14: 507–509.
Olanow CW, Goetz CG, Kordower JH, Stoessl AJ, Sossi V, Brin MF, Shannon KM, Nauert GM, Perl
DP, Godbold J, Freeman TB A double-blind controlled trial of bilateral fetal nigral transplantation
in Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol 2003; 54: 403–414.
Chapter 6
Paediatric neurosurgery
RD Johnson, P Richards, J Jayamohan, S Sinha
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Diuretic therapy in post-haemorrhagic ventricular
6.2 Shunt design trial
6.3 Decompressive craniectomy in paediatric head injury
6.4 Hypothermia in paediatric head injury
6.0 Introduction
Paediatric neurosurgery is a complex subspecialty that does not lend itself easily to large
clinical trials. Outcomes may be more complex and multidimensional in paediatric neurosurgery than they are in adult neurosurgery (Kan and Kestle, 2007). In addition, there
may be fewer areas where true clinical equipoise exists regarding treatment options.
Nonetheless, there is likely to be an increasing number of larger clinical studies undertaken in paediatric neurosurgery over the next few years. In this chapter, four studies that
highlight different aspects of the kinds of problems faced by the paediatric neurosurgical
discipline have been chosen for inclusion.
Firstly, a trial of diuretic therapy for post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PHVD)
in premature infants is considered (Kennedy et al., 2001). This trial is important because
it addresses the efficacy of a medical treatment that became widespread before any proper
assessment of its clinical efficacy. The trial demonstrated that this treatment regimen may
not only be ineffective but potentially increases the risk of death or disability. The second
study considered is the Shunt Design Trial, which is one of very few randomized trials that
examines neurosurgical devices (Drake et al., 1998). The third study is a single-centre randomized trial addressing the role of decompressive craniectomy in paediatric head injury
(Taylor et al., 2001). Although this is only a pilot study it remains the only published
randomized study to date that suggests there may be a beneficial role for decompressive
craniectomy in head injury. The fourth, and final, study included in this chapter is one
of the largest multi-centre trials carried out in paediatric neurosurgical patients, which
examines the role of hypothermia in managing severe paediatric head injury (Hutchison
et al., 2008).
Drake JM, Kestle JRW, Milner R, Cinalli G, Boop F, Piatt J, Haines S, Schiff S, Cochrane DD,
Steinbolc P, MacNeil N for the collaborators. Randomised trial of cerebrospinal fluid shunt valve
design in pediatric hydrocephalus. Neurosurgery 1998; 43: 294–303.
Hutchison JS, Ward RE, Lacroix JL, Hebert PC, Barnes MA, Bohn DJ, Dirks PB, Douchette S,
Fergusson D, Gottesman R, Joffe AR, Kirkpalani HM, Meyer PG, Morris KP, Moher D, Singh
RN, Skippen PW for the Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial Investigators and the Canadian
Critical Care Trials Group. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 2447–2456.
Kan P, Kestle JRW. Designing randomised clinical trials in pediatric neurosurgery. Childs Nerv Syst
2007; 23: 385–390.
Kennedy CR, Ayers S, Campbell MJ, Elbourne D, Hope P, Johnson A, on behalf of the International
PHVD drug trial group. Randomised, controlled trial of acetazolamide and furosemide in
post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation in infancy: follow-up at 1 year. Paediatrics 2001;
108: 597–607.
Taylor A, Butt W, Rosenfeld J, Shann F, Ditchfield M, Lewis E, Klug G, Wallace D, Henning R,
Tibballs J. A randomised trial of very early decompressive craniectomy in children with traumatic
brain injury and sustained intracranial hypertension. Childs Nerv Syst 2001; 17: 154–162.
Diuretic therapy in post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation
6.1 Diuretic Therapy in Post-haemorrhagic Ventricular
Details of Study
This multi-centre randomized controlled trial addressed the question of whether the
widespread use of drug treatment (furosemide and acetazolamide) in the treatment of
PHVD in preterm infants has any effect on reducing the need for surgery by way of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion. The trial was carried out between 1992 and 1996 in 55
centres worldwide.
Study References
Main Study
International PHVD drug trial group. International randomised controlled trial of acetazolamide and
furosemide in posthaemorrhagic ventricular dilatation in infancy. Lancet 1998; 352: 433–440.
Related References
Libenson MH, Kaye EM, Rosman NP, Gilmore HE. Acetazolamide and furosemide for
posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus of the newborn. Pediatr Neurol 1999; 20: 185–191.
Ventriculomegaly Trial Group. Randomised trial of early tapping in neonatal posthaemorrhagic
ventricular dilatation. Arch Dis Child 1990; 65: 3–10.
Study Design
A multi-centre PRCT.
Class of evidence
Drug treatment versus standard treatment
Number of patients
177 (129 with 1-year data)
Primary outcomes:
Death or shunt placement or both at 1 year
Secondary outcome:
Neurodevelopmental status at 1 year
Number of centres
55 centres worldwide
Presence of cerebral parenchymal lesions on ultrasonography
Inclusion criteria: age <3 months past term; ultrasound evidence of germinal or intraventricular haemorrhage; progressive ventricular dilatation with ventricular index
>4 mm above 97th percentile.
Drug treatment consisted of acetazolamide 100 mg/day (initiated at 25 mg/day and
increased in 25 mg/day increments over 4 days) and furosemide 1 mg/day.
Standard treatment included removal of CSF if head growth was double normal rate
over 2 weeks or there were signs of raised intracranial pressure.
Paediatric neurosurgery
Shunt insertion was recommended if: head circumference was ≥1.5 cm above 97th
percentile; or head growth was ≥1.5 cm/week for 2 weeks; and presence of signs of
raised intracranial pressure.
Follow-up was 93% at 1 year for the primary outcome.
Follow-up was 83% at 1 year for the secondary outcome.
Infants in the drug therapy group had a significantly increased risk (p = 0.012) of
death, impairment, or disability at 1 year. Risk ratio of 1.40 (1.12–1.76).
Primary outcomes at 1 year
Drug therapy
Standard therapy alone
Death, shunt placement, or both
p = 0.026
Drug therapy (acetazolamide and furosemide) in infants with PHVD does not reduce
the rate of shunt placement and is associated with an increased risk of death, shunt placement, and neurological disability.
Post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation is a condition that affects 17 in 1000 infants
born at <32 weeks of gestation. With the increase in survival of neonates born at 28 weeks
of gestation, this condition continues to be a significant source of infant morbidity and
At present the best long-term solution is insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
However, the risks of surgery and the subsequent complications of shunt surgery cannot
be discounted. Several methodologies have been tried to reduce the requirement of surgical treatment, including the use of diuretics.
Diuretic drugs such as acetazolamide and furosemide can lead to a reduction in CSF
production. Studies dating back to 1958 have been reported using such drugs to medically
manage hydrocephalus and negate the need for shunt insertion (Birzis, 1958; Chaplin,
1980; Donat, 1980; Shinnar, 1985). Despite the lack of Level I or II evidence to show their
efficacy, these drugs have found widespread usage in the treatment of hydrocephalus.
Given the potential complications of diuretic therapy, the International PHVD Drug Trial
Group undertook this study to address this particular issue.
The study was well designed with simple outcomes (death or shunt insertion before
1 year of age) that minimized any potential bias. In conceiving an international
multi-centre trial, it was possible to recruit a large number of patients to allow a meaningful conclusion. Randomization was performed to allow a balance between the groups and
within the respective participating centres.
Diuretic therapy in post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation
Although it was not possible to conceal treatment allocation from the parents or doctors (in order to monitor electrolyte and acid–base status), this was not revealed to the
paediatricians who carried out the neurodevelopmental assessment. It may be argued that
all infants should have had their acid–base and electrolyte status assessed, which would
allow blinding of the parents and treating physicians but it seems unlikely that this would
have altered the outcome. Infants in either group who proceeded to shunt placement were
found to have similar ventricular indices and head size, suggesting that the criteria for
surgery were met equally in both groups.
The trial has been criticized for using both acetazolamide and furosemide together.
However, the trial authors have argued that the risk of adverse effects from using two
drugs in combination does not necessarily equate with a lack of efficacy. The mechanism
of action for diuretics is the same in all types of hydrocephalus. The usage of either a single drug or differing doses is therefore unlikely to be of additional benefit. There was no
evidence in the trial that any of the deaths were related to a specific biological mechanism
that would implicate side effects of the diuretics. While there was an expected rise in
alveolar partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) there was no increase in the number of
infants requiring ventilation.
The results show a significantly increased risk of death and shunt placement as well as
neurodevelopmental disability in the diuretic therapy group. There was no delay to the
requirement for shunt placement with diuretic therapy. This effect was still significant
after multiple logistic regression was used to negate the potential confounding effects of
birth weight, gestational age at birth, post-natal age, and head circumference. The fact that
the trial was stopped early due to the significant advantage of standard treatment emphasizes the deleterious effects of diuretic therapy in the treatment of PHVD.
Overall, the study was well constructed and obtained an important and significant conclusion. The authors reach a valid conclusion in stating that diuretic therapy cannot be
recommended in the treatment of PHVD.
While the results of this trial were in progress, a further smaller trial was carried out at
a single institute (Libenson et al., 1999) in which 16 patients were recruited. The results
of this trial did not show a deleterious effect of diuretic therapy. However, the trial does
not mention the method of randomization and there are unequal numbers in the study
and control groups. Power calculations are not provided and neither the intervention nor
the outcome was blinded. Subsequent meta-analysis of the two studies also reaches the
conclusion that diuretic therapy cannot be recommended.
Birzis L, Carter CH, Maren TH. Effects of acetazolamide on CSF pressure and electrolytes in
hydrocephalus. Neurology 1958; 8: 522–528.
Chaplin ER, Goldstein GW, Myerberg DZ, Hunt JV, Tooley WH. Posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus in
the preterm infant. Pediatrics 1980; 65: 901–909.
Donat JF. Acetazolamide-induced improvement in hydrocephalus. Arch Neurol 1980; 37: 376.
Paediatric neurosurgery
Libenson MH, Carter CH, Kaye EM, Rosman NP, Gilmore HE. Acetazolamide and furosemide for
posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus of the newborn. Pediatr Neurol 1999; 20: 185–191.
Shinnar S, Gammon E, Bergman EW Jr, Epstein M, Freeman JM. Management of hydrocephalus in
infancy: use of acetazolamide and furosemide to avoid cerebrospinal fluid shunts. J Pediatr 1985;
107: 31–37.
Shunt design trial
6.2 Shunt Design Trial
Details of Study
The Shunt Design Trial assessed whether two new shunt valves could decrease the 1-year
shunt failure rate compared to differential pressure valves. The study was carried out at
12 centres in North America and Europe between 1993 and 1996. The two new valves
studied were the Delta valve (Medtronic PS Medical) and the Orbis-Sigma valve (NMT
Study References
Main Study
Drake JM, Kestle JRW, Milner R, Cinalli G, Boop F, Piatt J, Haines S, Schiff S, Cochrane DD,
Steinbok P, MacNeil N for the collaborators. Randomised trial of cerebrospinal fluid shunt valve
design in pediatric hydrocephalus. Neurosurgery 1998; 43: 294–303.
Related References
Drake JM, Kestle J. Rationale and methodology of the multicenter pediatric cerebrospinal fluid shunt
design trial. Childs Nerv Syst 1996; 12: 434–447.
Kestle J, Drake J, Milner R, Sainte-Rose C, Cinalli G, Boop F, Piatt J, Haines S, Schiff S, Cochrane D,
Steinbok P, MacNeil N for the collaborators. Long-term follow-up data from the shunt design trial.
Pediatr Neurosurg 2000; 33: 230–236.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Standard differential pressure valve versus Delta valve versus Orbis-Sigma valve
Number of patients
Primary outcomes:
Shunt failures at 1 year
Time to shunt failure
Secondary outcomes:
Death, surgical complications
Type of shunt malfunction
Length of hospital stay
Number of centres
12 centres in North America and Europe
Age (<6 months, ≥6 months)
Study centre
Inclusion criteria: age 0–18 years; newly diagnosed hydrocephalus; radiological evidence of ventriculomegaly; requirement for first shunt insertion.
Exclusion criteria: previous shunt; active infection; spread of tumour to subarachnoid space; loculations requiring more than one shunt; Dandy–Walker malformation;
arachnoid cyst causing hydrocephalus; systemic contraindication to shunting.
Paediatric neurosurgery
Shunt failure defined as: obstruction; overdrainage; loculation of ventricles; infection.
Sample size calculations were based on establishing a reduction in shunt failure rates
from 40% to 20%.
Overall shunt failure at 1 year was 39% with all three valves.
There were no significant differences in causes of shunt failure between the three
There was no significant advantage with any of the three valves.
There were no deaths related to shunt failure.
There was no benefit of one valve design over another in terms of shunt failure at 1 year.
CSF shunts in the paediatric population are hampered by a shunt failure rate of approximately 40%. Shunt valve design has changed over the decades since the introduction of
the first valves, but the only evidence of improved efficacy has been drawn from uncontrolled case series. The Shunt Design Trial is the first randomized trial to address the question of whether novel valve designs would have any effect on shunt failure rates.
The three valves involved in the trial were the standard differential pressure, the
Orbis-Sigma, and Delta valves. The latter two were designed to limit overdrainage in the
upright position.
The study was well designed to attempt to answer the hypothesis. Previously published
reports have shown a 40% shunt failure rate and the trial organizers felt that a reduction to
20% would show a good clinical effect. As such, the sample size was calculated to ensure
the trial had sufficient power to account for such a reduction. The study was multi-centric
with randomization and stratified by centre and age (above and below 6 months) to optimize the trial.
The primary and secondary outcome measures used are easily defined and are
non-biased. A blinded independent analysis of these outcomes was carried out, strengthening the nature of the study.
The results of the study clearly show no difference between the three shunt valve designs.
The overall shunt failure rate at 1 year was 39%. Log rank analysis and Cox regression
model to account for potential causes of bias failed to show any difference between the
valves (log rank = 2.90, p = 0.24). While the sample sizes do not produce sufficient power
to allow analysis for specific age groups, secondary analysis suggests that the result is
valid for older children as well. The study was not sufficiently powered to assess the differences in the valve function in children with tumours in whom third ventriculostomy
is the favoured option. Similarly, the nature of hydrocephalus in adults is predominantly
Shunt design trial
different to that of children and it is not therefore appropriate to extrapolate these results
to the adult population.
The authors rightly conclude that there is no difference between the standard differential pressure valve, the newer Orbis-Sigma valve, and the Delta valve in reducing the rates
of shunt failure in children.
Overall the study is very well designed and represents a major landmark in being not
only the first randomized trial of different shunt valve designs but also one of the very few
trials of a neurosurgical device.
Decompressive craniectomy in paediatric head injury
6.3 Decompressive Craniectomy in Paediatric Head Injury
Details of Study
Taylor et al. carried out a single-centre study of early decompressive craniectomy in paediatric head-injured patients admitted to the intensive care unit at the Royal Children’s
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, between 1991 and 1998.
Study References
Main Study
Taylor A, Butt W, Rosenfeld J, Shann F, Ditchfield M, Lewis E, Klug G, Wallace D, Henning R,
Tibballs J. A randomised trial of very early decompressive craniectomy in children with traumatic
brain injury and sustained intracranial hypertension. Childs Nerv Syst 2001; 17: 154–162.
Related Reference
Sahuquillo J, Arikan F. Decompressive craniectomy for the treatment of refractory high intracranial
pressure in traumatic brain injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; 1: CD003983.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Decompressive craniectomy versus medical management
Number of patients
Primary outcome:
Functional outcome at 6 months
Secondary outcome:
Physiological parameters including ICP control
Number of centres
Severity of brain injury
Inclusion criteria: age 1–16 years; severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) with functioning
intraventricular catheter.
Functional outcome was assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and the
Health State Utility (HSU) Index.
Both groups received conventional medical management to control cerebral perfusion
pressure (CPP) and intracranial pressure (ICP).
Children who had uncontrolled ICP (20–24 mmHg for >30 min, 25–29 mmHg for
>10 min, >30 mmHg for >1 min) were randomized.
Those randomized to surgery underwent a bi-temporal craniotomy within 6 h of
Favourable outcome was defined as those who were functionally normal or who had
mild disability.
Unfavourable outcome was defined as moderate disability or worse.
Paediatric neurosurgery
Follow-up was 100% at 6 months.
craniectomy group
Conventional medical
management group
Favourable outcome at
6 months
p = 0.046
(p < 0.0221 required)
Mean reduction in ICP
post randomization
8.98 mmHg
3.69 mmHg
p = 0.057
There was a non-significant trend towards a shorter time in intensive care in the
decompressive craniectomy group.
There may be an advantage in early decompressive craniectomy in the paediatric patients
with severe traumatic head injury in terms of control of ICP and favourable outcomes.
However, a larger multi-centre trial is required to assess this further.
Decompressive craniectomy remains a rather controversial area. There is often a strength
of opinion among clinicians either for or against it without any significant evidence to
back either view. To date, there is no Level I or II evidence in the adult population that
addresses this issue. Two studies are in progress (RescueICP and DECRA) that hope to
provide evidence in the near future for the adult population. Given this background, the
study by Taylor et al. tries to address this aspect in the paediatric population.
The study was well performed with attempts to remove any bias. It struggled, however,
in a number of ways. The study took 7 years to perform and despite this only 27 patients
were recruited. The authors mention that clinical management policies changed during
this period but one would expect that these changes would affect both arms in a similar
Patients were selected if they had a traumatic brain injury and had a functioning intraventricular catheter. Diffuse brain injury often leads to cerebral swelling without increase
of ventricular size and often significant compression of the ventricular system, contraindicating the placement of such a catheter. The majority of patients with diffuse injury are
usually managed with an intracranial pressure monitor and may not have been included
in this study.
The surgical treatment can also expect some criticism. Craniectomy was performed by
removal of 3–4 cm discs of bone bi-temporally with no attempt to open the dura. Studies
looking at expansion have showed that a large craniectomy with dural opening is required
in order to maximize the benefit of craniectomy. Perhaps with a more definitive decompression more significant results may have been seen.
Decompressive craniectomy in paediatric head injury
The outcome analysis was described as being carried out by telephone interview, chart
review, and/or discussion with the treating physician. While the unit has significant experience of follow-up in this fashion, outcome measures are more accurately achieved by
both clinical and neuropsychological review. Functional outcome measures in children
were carried out at 6 months only, with no further evaluation. It has been shown that
outcome status in children changes over time and it would have been useful to have reassessed outcome at 1, 2, and 5 years to give a more long-term picture.
Due to the changes in management protocol over the study period, statistical analysis
was performed on two separate occasions. The results showed a favourable outcome in
54% of patients in the decompressive group compared with 14% in the control (medical)
group. Using the two-tailed Fisher’s test, p = 0.046, but owing to the repeated analysis the
p value for statistical significance is reduced further to p <0.0221, leading to the conclusion that early decompressive craniectomy may have a beneficial effect.
Despite some of the earlier-mentioned shortcomings, the study by Taylor et al. was
well designed and performed. The results, while not statistically significant, do suggest
that there is likely to be a benefit from early decompressive surgery. Given the difficulty
of recruitment in a single centre and the limitations of studies with small numbers, the
authors rightly conclude that a larger multi-centre trial is required to further address this
important question.
Hypothermia in paediatric head injury
6.4 Hypothermia in Paediatric Head Injury
Details of Study
The efficacy of hypothermia in the management of paediatric head injury was examined
in a multi-centre international trial by the Hypothermia Paediatric Head Injury Trial
Investigators and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group between 1999 and 2004 in
North America.
Study References
Main Study
Hutchison JS, Ward RE, Lacroix JL, Hebert PC, Barnes MA, Bohn DJ, Dirks PB, Douchette S,
Fergusson D, Gottesman R, Joffe AR, Kirkpalani HM, Meyer PG, Morris KP, Moher D, Singh
RN, Skippen PW for the Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial Investigators and the Canadian
Critical Care Trials Group. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 2447–2456.
Related Reference
Clifton GL, Miller ER, Choi SC, Levin HS, McCauley S, Smith K, Muizelaar JP, Wagner FC, Marion
DW, Luerssen TG, Chestnut RM, Schwartz M. Lack of effect of induction of hypothermia after
acute brain injury. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 556–563.
Study Design
Class of evidence
Hypothermia versus normothermia
Number of patients
Primary outcomes:
Morbidity and mortality at 6 months
Secondary outcomes:
Overall mortality
Co-intervention requirements
Physiological variables
Functional psychological outcomes
Adverse events
Number of centres
17 centres in three countries
Age <7 and ≥7 years
Inclusion criteria: age 1–17 years; GCS <8; CT evidence of brain injury; need for
Exclusion criteria: >8 h post injury; brain death; cervical cord injury; prolonged cardiac arrest; non-accidental injury.
Patients in the hypothermia group were cooled to 32.5°C within 8 h of injury and
therapy was continued for 24 h.
Patients in the normothermia group were kept at 37°C.
Paediatric neurosurgery
Paediatric Cerebral Performance Category scale (PCPC) was used to assess outcome.
This is a 6-point scale: (1) normal performance; (2) mild disability; (3) moderate disability; (4) severe disability; (5) persistent vegetative state; (6) death.
Unfavourable outcome was defined as a PCPC score of ≥4.
Favourable outcome was defined as a PCPC score of ≤3.
Analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat basis.
Follow-up was 91% for primary outcome data.
Unfavourable outcome at 6 months
p = 0.14
Overall mortality
p = 0.06
The degree of hypotension and requirement for vasoactive agents in the hypothermia group during the re-warming period was significantly greater than in the
normothermia group.
Significantly more interventions were required to control ICP in the normothermia
group within the first 24 h compared to the hypothermia group.
Hypothermia initiated within 8 h from injury and continued for 24 h is not associated with
improved neurological outcome and may increase mortality in the paediatric population.
While animal models suggest that hypothermia improves survival in traumatic brain
injury, the evidence for a similar response in children has remained lacking. Hutchinson
et al. therefore designed this trial in order to explore the outcome following hypothermia
therapy after traumatic brain injury.
This was a prospective multi-centre randomized study encompassing 17 centres in
three countries. The study was well designed with a simple primary outcome, which was
assessed by persons blinded to the original assigned arm of treatment. A secondary outcome to assess neuropsychological changes was carried out by telephone by a trained
psychologist, as well as interviews with parents at several time-points following injury.
In order to reduce any potential bias, the management protocol for both arms was
decided by consensus prior to the study, allowing for comparison across all the centres.
Randomization and stratification was carried out according to each centre and by age
(grouped into <7 or ≥7 years). The latter was fashioned as children sustaining significant
injuries at a younger age have poorer neuropsychological recovery than older children.
The criteria for cooling were based on best-published evidence at the time of the trial.
Hypothermia in paediatric head injury
Statistical analysis incorporated adequate power calculations and took into account
potential losses to follow-up. An interim analysis at two separate points was used to
ensure that the trial should not be stopped. Results were analysed on an intention-to-treat
basis and logistic regression used to account for factors that could adversely influence the
The follow-up at 6 months was 91%, which was in keeping with the predicted power
calculations. There was no significant benefit from the use of hypothermia when the primary and secondary outcomes were analysed.
Sensitivity analysis used to account for the patients lost to follow-up when biased
against hypothermic treatment suggest a significant risk of an unfavourable outcome in
the hypothermia group (p = 0.001). However, when biased towards normothermic treatment, the results showed no increased risk in the hypothermia group (p = 0.82).
Subgroup analysis for primary outcome showed no significant difference between the
two treatment arms except in patients in whom the ICP remained <20 mmHg. In this
particular subgroup, hypothermia treatment had an increased risk of an unfavourable
outcome (RR 2.12, p = 0.03).
In a subgroup analysis of secondary outcome, there was a significant trend to poorer
visual memory in the hypothermia group when assessed at 12 months (p = 0.05).
The mean time taken to achieve hypothermia in these patients was approximately 6 h. It
may be argued that perhaps earlier institution of cooling may have a better outcome as is
seen in animal models (15 min to cooling); however, the practicalities of assessment and
treatment in children with severe head injury make faster treatment highly unlikely. The
authors mention that unpublished results looking at a subgroup of children who were able
to be treated early showed no benefit either.
Hypothermic treatment was only used for 24 h in this study, which may not be long
enough to optimize its beneficial aspects. There is some evidence that treatment for >48 h
may reduce the risk of death and an unfavourable outcome in adults (systematic review—
McIntyre et al., 2003).
Although the study ran over 5 years, the number of children recruited was only 225.
Small treatment effects are unlikely to be detectable with such a small sample and leaves
room for a larger trial to explore other potential benefits.
While there are some aspects that could be improved upon, the trial was well designed.
The two treatment arms were well matched for management with no significant
co-interventions that would bias the results. It would be of benefit to reassess the children
at further intervals, as outcome status in children changes over time. This would provide
a more long-term picture.
A more recent systematic review and meta-analysis by the Cochrane Collaboration
(Alderson et al., 2004) showed no overall benefit from either immediate or deferred
hypothermia treatment in adults with severe brain injury. This meta-analysis included
the McIntyre review (mentioned earlier) in which the suggested beneficial results were
obtained by pooling results from both deferred and immediate hypothermia studies.
Paediatric neurosurgery
The outcome of the trial reaches a valid conclusion that hypothermia for 24 h is not
beneficial in the management of severe head injury in children but still leaves questions
about potential benefit of earlier or a more prolonged treatment in certain subgroups of
patients. Further larger trials would be required to assess these more specific aspects.
Alderson P, Gadkray C, Signorini DF. Therapeutic hypothermia for head injury. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2004; 4: CD001048.
McIntyre LA, Fergusson DA, Hébert PC, Moher D, Hutchison JS. Prolonged therapeutic hypothermia
after traumatic brain injury in adults: a systematic review. JAMA 2003; 289: 2992–2999.
Chapter 7
Pituitary surgery
RD Johnson, PJ Weir, N Maartens, SA Cudlip,
AH Kaye, ER Laws Jr
7.0 Introduction
7.1 Timing of surgical intervention for pituitary apoplexy
7.2 Classification of cavernous sinus invasion by pituitary adenomas
7.3 Biological correlates of invasive adenomas
7.4 Complications of pituitary surgery
7.5 Surgical treatment of prolactinomas
7.6 Extended transsphenoidal approaches to anterior cranial
base lesions
7.7 Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery
7.0 Introduction
Pituitary surgery is a unique subspecialty within neurosurgery which has been shaped,
and continues to be influenced, by the way in which surgical techniques developed. In
many ways, the true landmarks in pituitary surgery were the work of the bold pioneers
who developed these techniques and undertook the early operations. The courage of the
surgeons in this story is matched only by the bravery of their patients who subjected
themselves to the unknown in the hope of a cure. It is not the aim of this chapter to cover
in detail the historical development of pituitary surgery. Nonetheless, it is not possible to
do this area justice without a brief mention of some of the highlights of this story.
The great physician of Marcus Aurelius, Galen of Pergamon, made the first speculation
about the function of the pituitary c.150 ad and referred to it as the phlegm gland which
drained waste from the ventricles of the brain to the nose. It is perhaps not too difficult
to see why such a hypothesis would be formulated, as Galen’s dissections of this area
may have resulted in the release of CSF from the pituitary fossa and through the nose.
Furthermore, he may well have dissected some Rathke’s cysts which would have been
very similar to ‘phlegm’. In 1543, the great anatomist Vesalius included a plate of the hypothalamic pituitary unit in the seventh book of his De Humani Corporis Fabrica in 1543,
which is almost certainly the oldest image of the hypothalamic pituitary unit in Western
literature. In this depiction, Vesalius depicts four ducts draining the ‘phlegm’ away from
the pituitary gland in accordance with the Galenic view. Again, it is conceivable that the
ducts depicted by Vesalius were draining veins to or between the cavernous sinuses.
It was not until several hundred years later that there was any appreciation of a relationship between pathology in the pituitary region and disease. In the eighteenth century,
Antonii De Haan, in Vienna, described a case of amenorrhoea associated with a pituitary
tumour. In the late nineteenth century, Pierre Marie, in Paris, described the association
of acromegaly with pituitary enlargement. There were other developments in our understanding of the development of the pituitary gland in the nineteenth century, when Rathke
undertook his great embryological work in Germany, leading to the discovery of the origins of what we now know as Rathke’s cleft cysts. The developments of endocrine physiology are the territory of a separate volume altogether. However, the pituitary gland is now
known to be the ‘master endocrine gland’, coordinating a complex neurohormonal system, and clinical endocrinology is a highly subspecialized academic area of internal medicine. The neurosurgeon, however, is primarily interested in pituitary pathology that can
be treated surgically. In essence, this consists of symptomatic space-occupying lesions of
the sella turcica which cause either endocrine or neurological compromise (macroadenomas, meningiomas, Rathke’s cysts, and craniopharyngiomas), but also hormone-secreting
lesions (prolactinomas, Cushing’s disease, acromegaly) or haemorrhage (pituitary tumour
apoplexy). When assessing the success of surgery in treating these lesions it is necessary
to define what constitutes a satisfactory outcome following pituitary surgery. If the intent
of surgery is to decompress a space-occupying lesion, then success may be measured by
preservation of pituitary function, improvement of vision, or prevention of recurrence
Pituitary surgery
or progression of the tumour. However, if the intent of surgery is restoration of normal
pituitary function, then long-term remission rates may best be defined by biochemical
success rather than by extent of resection.
The history of the development of surgical approaches to the pituitary region is a story
of master and apprentice, of neurosurgical ego, and stubborn defiance, which crosses back
and forth across the Atlantic from the old world to the new and back again several times.
The first attempt at resection of a pituitary tumour was undertaken by Victor Horsely in
the UK in 1889 by a subtemporal transcranial route. Horsley treated ten patients with a
20% mortality rate, and did not report his results until 1906. The first frontal transcranial
operations were undertaken by Krause in Berlin in 1904 (in 1902 he exposed the chiasm
transfrontally for a bullet wound!) and had a higher mortality rate of 50%. The transnasal
route to the pituitary region was well known to the ancient Egyptians who used this avenue
to clear the skull of its cerebral contents during the process of mummification. However,
it was Schoffler in Innsbruck, in 1907 who carried out the first successful transsphenoidal
approach (TSA) in a living patient. Although his first patient died soon after, Schoffler
was responsible for bringing the TSA into conventional surgical practice. Various famous
surgeons modified Schoffler’s operation: Anton von Eiselsberg and Theodor Kocher both
modified the incision; Julius von Hochenegg made more aggressive frontal sinus resections; and Albert Halstead developed infranasal and gingival approaches. Perhaps the
most intriguing episode, however, were the simultaneous operations carried out by Oskar
Hirsch in Vienna and Harvey Cushing in Baltimore, on opposite sides of the Atlantic on
the same day, 4th June 1910. Hirsch introduced the endonasal procedure, and Cushing
undertook a modified Schoffler approach. Cushing eventually performed 360 sublabial
transsphenoidal procedures for pituitary tumours reporting a 5.6% mortality but abandoned it in in 1927 in favour of a subfrontal approach which, in his hands, had a mortality
of 4.5%. Such a difference in mortality is certainly within the margin of error, and this
abandonment of the TSA is perhaps more a testament to Cushing’s meticulous nature.
Hirsch carried out the endonasal TSA in >600 patients. His mortality was 5.4% initially,
but following the introduction of antibiotics the mortality fell to 1.5%. Hirsch emigrated
to Boston in 1938 following expulsion from Austria by the Nazis. He was never recognized
as an independent surgeon in his own right and was almost certainly over-shadowed by
Cushing. Hirsch has been called ‘the obscure voice in the wilderness’ that kept the TSA
alive. A similarly intriguing part of the saga was how the TSA became resurrected following Cushing’s abandonment. Norman Dott from Edinburgh undertook a Fellowship with
Cushing in 1923–1924 and carried on using the TSA in Scotland on >100 patients without any mortality. It is likely that the antibiotic era and a greater appreciation of the role
of perioperative steroids were responsible for this low complication rate. Furthermore,
Dott had a low recurrence rate, and this was almost certainly due to the availability and
use of adjunctive radiotherapy. Dott never published his clinical results and it is has been
hypothesized that this was an example of the apprentice showing deference to the master,
Cushing. Gerard Guiot from Paris travelled to Edinburgh to learn the technique from
Dott, and back in France he operated on >1000 patients, and introduced X-ray image
intensification to facilitate his surgery. Jules Hardy travelled from Canada to learn the
TSA from Guiot and returned back across the Atlantic to Montreal; he introduced the
operating microscope to the procedure. Further technical advances in pituitary surgery
have come with the developments in extended TSAs by Laws in Charlottesville, and in
endoscopic techniques by Cappabianca in Naples, and Kassam and Jho in Pittsburgh.
The principles provided in the studies included here are of value to the entire
neuro-endocrine team. This team must assess the patient, anticipate the effect of each
intervention, and closely follow the result that this intervention has on the patient. As
treatment modalities continue to improve, the neuro-endocrine team’s knowledge of how
to use these modalities effectively in managing patients must expand as well. Only with
this knowledge and experience, will an improved remission rate from the treatment of
pituitary adenomas be a reality.
The first section looks at the first study to evaluate the effect of timing of surgical intervention for pituitary apoplexy (Bills et al., 1993). The second section considers a landmark
classification scheme developed to describe the degree of cavernous sinus invasion by
pituitary tumours on MRI (Knosp et al., 1993). The next section looks at one of the early
papers assessing biological correlates of pituitary tumours in order to aid prognostication
by the pituitary multidisciplinary team (Thapar et al., 1996).
The following section deals with a large study looking at the complications of pituitary
surgery (Ciric et al., 1997). Recently there has been much discussion in the literature, and
at conferences, about the need for pituitary centres of excellence. It will be very interesting to see how this discussion influences practice. Although the centralization of pituitary
surgery into fewer centres may be beneficial, this is far from certain. From the surgical
perspective, a greater case volume might be expected to lead to improved outcomes due
to increased surgical expertise. From the endocrinologist’s perspective, it would appear
that the best surgeons will be those with the greatest caseloads in specialized centres.
Furthermore, better surgical results may save money because of less need for adjuvant
therapy. However, there is controversy as to what the ‘magic number’ of surgical cases per
year is in order to significantly improve outcomes. This paper by Ciric et al. considers this
question with respect to complication rates for pituitary surgery.
The next section looks at a study which evaluated the role of surgery in prolactinomas
and emphasized the role of surgery as a legitimate option instead of medical therapy alone
in these lesions (Tyrrell et al., 1999). The following two sections deal with developments
in surgical technique: the extended TSA (Kaptain et al., 2001) and endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (Tabaee et al., 2009).
There are, of course, many other studies which could be included in this chapter. For
example, a key question once it is determined that surgical intervention is indicated for
a pituitary lesion, is which is the appropriate surgical approach? The surgeon must first
decide if a transcranial or transsphenoidal approach is warranted for a particular lesion.
Dr Vinko Dolenc analysed his series of 210 patients with tumours extending beyond the
sella turcica. In this study, Dr Dolenc compared the results using a classical approach to
the sellar and parasellar regions as compared to an approach utilizing the anatomical
Pituitary surgery
triangles of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. Patients who were operated on using
the latter approach were found to have both an increased rate of compete resection (92.5%
versus 66.5%) and improved visual function (52% versus 26%). The extent of resection
was estimated based on follow-up CT or MR imaging performed 3 months after surgical
As intra-operative MRI improves and becomes more widely available as a surgical
adjunct it is likely to prove a valuable tool in improving the extent of resection. Nimsky
et al. analysed the role of intra-operative MRI in resecting pituitary macroadenomas
via the TSA (Nimsky et al., 2006). They reported 85 patients in whom complete tumour
removal was intended, and 21 patients in whom partial tumour removal was intended.
Intra-operative MRI led to an extensive resection in 34% of the former group and in
38% of the latter group. In addition, complete tumour removal rates increased from
58% to 82%, attributed to MRI in the former group. Further landmark studies with
intra-operative MRI are envisaged to continue the development of this neurosurgical
Focused radiation therapy has also been a landmark in the treatment of pituitary
tumours. In managing patients with pituitary adenomas, the neuro-endocrine team must
accurately assess whether the patient would benefit from adjuvant therapy. This assessment requires an evaluation of postoperative hormone levels, MRI for residual tumour,
and physical examination findings for improvement or resolution of signs and symptoms secondary to the lesion. For those patients requiring adjuvant therapy, radiosurgery
serves as a valuable tool for treating residual tumour. Understanding the radiation tolerance of functioning pituitary tissue is important in maximizing post-treatment pituitary
function. Vladyka et al. performed a review of 63 patients who had received gamma knife
radiosurgery for pituitary lesions to determine the sensitivity of hypophyseal function to
focal radiation (Vladyka et al., 2003). In this study, the authors compared patients who
experienced worsening pituitary function after radiosurgery to those patients whose pituitary function was unchanged. The data revealed a safe radiation dose to the hypophysis
of 15 Gy for thyrotropic and gonadotropic tumours and 18 Gy for adrenocorticotropic
tumours. An association was also found between the level of radiation to the infundibulum and decreased pituitary function. Although we have not included this study in a
separate section within this chapter, we would consider it a landmark study.
Bills DC, Meyer FB, Laws ER Jr, Ebersold MJ, Scheithauer BW, Ilstrup DM, Abboud CF. A
retrospective analysis of pituitary apoplexy. Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 608–609.
Ciric I, Ragin A, Baumgartner C, Pierce D. Complications of transsphenoidal surgery: results of a
national survey, review of the literature, and personal experience. Neurosurgery 1997; 40: 225–237.
Dolenc VV. Transcranial epidural approach to pituitary tumours extending beyond the sella.
Neurosurgery 1997; 41: 542–552.
Kaptain GJ, Vincent DA, Sheehan JP, Laws ER Jr. Transsphenoidal approaches for the extracapsular
resection of midline suprasellar and anterior cranial base lesions. Neurosurgery 2001; 49: 94–100.
Knosp E, Steiner E, Matula K, Kitz K, Matula C. Pituitary adenomas with invasion of the cavernous
sinus space: a magnetic resonance imaging classification compared with surgical findings.
Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 610–618.
Nimsky C, Keller BV, Ganslandt O, Fahlbusch R. Intraoperative high-filed magnetic resonance
imaging in transsphenoidal surgery of hormonally inactive pituitary macroadenomas. Neurosurgery
2006; 58: 105–113.
Tabaee A, Anand VK, Barrón Y, Hiltzik DH, Brown SM, Kacker A, Mazumdar M, Schwartz
TH. Endoscopic pituitary surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Neurosurg 2009;
111: 545–554.
Thapar K, Kovacs K, Scheithauer BW, Stefanbeanu L, Horvarth E, Pernicone P, Murray D, Laws ER.
Proliferation and invasiveness among pituitary adenomas and carcinomas: an analysis using the
MIB-1 antibody. Neurosurgery 1996; 38: 99–107.
Tyrrell JB, Lamborn KR, Hannogan LT, Applebury CB, Wilson CB. Transsphenoidal microsurgical
therapy of prolactinomas: initial outcomes and long-term results. Neurosurgery 1999;
44: 254–261.
Vladyka V, Liscák R, Novotný J Jr, Marek J, Jezková J. Radiation tolerance of functioning pituitary
tissue in gamma knife surgery for pituitary adenomas. Neurosurgery 2003; 52(2): 309–316.
Timing of surgical intervention for pituitary apoplexy
7.1 Timing of Surgical Intervention for Pituitary Apoplexy
Details of Study
Visual deficits as a result of pituitary apoplexy are an uncommon but serious complication of spontaneous pituitary haemorrhage. The accepted management strategy is urgent
surgical decompression of the sellar contents. In order to evaluate the improvement of
visual defects as a function of timing of surgery, a retrospective analysis of case histories
of patients presenting with pituitary apoplexy to the Department of Neurological Surgery
at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, between 1975 and 1991 was performed.
Study Reference
Main Study
Bills DC, Meyer FB, Laws ER Jr, Ebersold MJ, Scheithauer BW, Ilstrup DM, Abboud CF. A
retrospective analysis of pituitary apoplexy. Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 608–609.
Study Design
Class of evidence
None (see following list)
Number of patients
Length of follow-up
2.8 years (average)
Number of centres
The aim of the study was to assess the recovery of visual deficits from pituitary apoplexy as a function of surgical timing.
It was a retrospective analysis of patient case histories presenting to a single institution
(Mayo Clinic, USA).
Only patients who presented with abrupt headache or visual disturbance and evidence
of bleeding into a pituitary adenoma were included.
The patients were subdivided into those who received surgery within 3 days of presentation, between days 4–7 post-presentation, and >1 week following presentation.
Outcome Measures
Primary Endpoints
Improvement in visual deficits: ocular paresis, visual field defects, or reduction in visual acuity.
Complete resolution of visual acuity was defined as at least 20/25 vision in both eyes or
a return to baseline prior to apoplexy.
Pituitary surgery
Secondary Endpoints
Data regarding the incidence of pituitary apoplexy and the clinical features of the syndrome were also collected.
The endocrinological outcome of patients was also reviewed.
In this analysis, 2034 pituitary adenomas were managed surgically and included 37
patients with apoplexy. The study revealed an annual incidence of pituitary apoplexy of
1.9% in patients with pituitary adenomas undergoing surgery. The most common presenting feature was headache. At presentation the most common visual defects were: ocular paresis (78%); visual field defects (64%); and reduction in visual acuity (52%). The
most commonly affected cranial nerve in ocular paresis was the oculomotor nerve (58%),
followed by abducens (30%) and trochlear (12%). The improvements in visual defects following surgery are summarized here:
Improvement following
Visual acuity defect
Visual field defect
Ocular paresis
Improvement in visual acuity was significantly better for those undergoing surgery
within 1 week (complete resolution in all patients) compared to those undergoing surgery >1 week from onset (complete resolution in less than half of patients).
There was no significant difference between those undergoing surgery within 3 days
and those undergoing surgery between 4–7 days.
Long-term steroid therapy for pituitary insufficiency was necessary in 82% of patients.
In pituitary apoplexy patients with a stable conscious level and stable but impaired visual
function, decompressive surgery within 1 week is recommended to optimize visual outcome. More urgent surgery is not necessary but delays beyond 1 week may impair visual
The pituitary apoplectic syndrome is an uncommon but serious complication of pituitary adenoma. There is, of course, a spectrum of apoplexy from incidental radiological
findings to patients who are critically ill with deteriorating visual function. The main differential diagnoses are SAH and bacterial meningitis. The most sensitive imaging modality is MRI although the diagnosis may be made on CT. The immediate management of
the apoplectic patient is supportive, with close monitoring of vital signs and visual function. Administration of corticosteroids is critical to avoid cardiovascular collapse due
to adrenocorticotropic hormone insufficiency. Expert endocrinology advice should be
Timing of surgical intervention for pituitary apoplexy
sought, and intravenous hydrocortisone is, therefore, the mainstay of immediate medical
management (Kearney et al., 2006). In addition, correction of significant hyponatraemia
is advised prior to surgery.
The role of surgery in pituitary apoplexy has been controversial. In performing an
appropriate assessment of a pituitary lesion, the surgeon must determine the urgency
by which critical neural structures must be decompressed. One of the most important of
these structures is the optic apparatus. Of the various pituitary lesions, pituitary apoplexy
is the most critical to diagnose, as early decompression is associated with improvement
in visual deficits. Bills et al. analysed 37 patients with symptomatic pituitary apoplexy and
found ocular paresis, a reduction in visual fields, and a reduction in visual acuity in the
majority of patients. Surgery resulted in improvement in 100%, 95%, and 88% of these
symptoms, respectively. The degree of visual improvement was found to be significantly
improved in those patients who underwent surgery within 1 week of the onset of symptoms. The timing of surgical intervention is especially important in conscious patients
with residual vision in each eye.
Kearney T, Dang C. Diabetic and endocrine emergencies. Postgrad Med J. 2007; 83(976): 79–86.
Classification of cavernous sinus invasion by pituitary adenomas
7.2 Classification of Cavernous Sinus Invasion by Pituitary
Details of Study
MRI scanning significantly improved upon CT imaging to delineate pituitary lesions and
define the degree of invasiveness. This study, carried out in Mainz, Germany, and Vienna,
Austria, established a radiological classification scheme in order to determine when critical invasion of the cavernous sinus can be determined on MRI.
Study Reference
Main Study
Knosp E, Steiner E, Matula K, Kitz K, Matula C. Pituitary adenomas with invasion of the cavernous
sinus space: a magnetic resonance imaging classification compared with surgical findings.
Neurosurgery 1993; 33: 610–618.
Study Design
Clinical study comparing surgical and radiological findings.
Case series of 25 patients.
A midsellar coronal MRI scan with gadolinium enhancement was chosen as the reference plain in order to visualize the intracavernous and supracavernous ICA.
Three intercarotid lines are used in this plane to determine invasion of the carotid
sinus (Figure 7.1).
Fig. 7.1 A coronal MRI scan (T1 + gadolinium) of a pituitary macroadenoma (arrow) showing the
three intercarotid lines: the medial tangent (A) which runs between the medial aspects of the
intra- and supracavernous ICA, the ‘intercarotid line’ (B) passing through the centre of the intraand supracavernous ICA, and the lateral tangent (C) which runs between the lateral intra- and
supracavernous ICA.
Pituitary surgery
Grade 0
Normal findings within the cavernous space
The adenoma does not pass beyond the medial intercarotid line
Grade 1
The medial tangent is passed but with no extension beyond the intercarotid line
Grade 2
The tumour extends beyond the intercarotid line but not beyond the lateral tangent
Grade 3
Tumour extends beyond the lateral tangent
Grade 4
The tumour totally encases the intracavernous carotid artery
Grades of invasion were defined depending on how far there was extension beyond the
respective lines.
Radiological grade
Percentage of sides in which cavernous sinus invasion was seen
at surgery
Grade 0
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
All patients underwent surgery and cavernous sinus invasion was seen in at least one side.
Pituitary adenomas which are radiologically Grade 2 or more are highly likely to have
cavernous sinus invasion confirmed at surgery.
The surgical treatment of pituitary lesions requires the surgeon to understand the degree
of regional dural invasion by the adenoma in order to assess the most appropriate treatment options. Pituitary adenomas may invade the cavernous sinus in 6–10% of cases
(Ahmadi et al., 1985; Fahlbusch and Buchfelder, 1988). The degree of invasion can impact
the surgeon’s ability to achieve gross total resection and may necessitate adjuvant treatment. In an effort to better classify invasion, Knosp et al. compared surgical results to
pre-operative MRI in 25 patients with suspected invasive lesions. They defined five grades
of invasion, ranging from 0–4, based on the level of encroachment on a tangential line
between the intra- and supracavernous internal carotid artery in coronal MR images. The
data showed that invasion past this intracarotid line, defined as Grade 2, suggested that
the adenoma invaded into the cavernous sinus space. In Grade 2 patients, seven of eight
patients showed invasion of the medial wall of the cavernous sinus during surgery. On
the other hand, the Grade 0 or Grade 1 patients displayed no definitive cavernous sinus
Classification of cavernous sinus invasion by pituitary adenomas
invasion. In addition, a major degree of invasion correlated with a statistically significant
increase in tumour size.
There have been several classification schemes for pituitary adenomas. The first was by
Hardy and this was further modified by Wilson (Hardy, 1976; Hardy, 1983; Wilson, 1984).
Other classification schemes include those of Fahlbusch and Buchfelder (Fahlbusch and
Buchfelder, 1988). The impetus to classify the tumours radiologically was to validate a
system that was relevant both in terms of tumour biology and surgical planning. This
classification scheme by Knosp et al. specifically takes into account parasellar extension,
and correlated well with surgical findings.
Ahmadi J, North CM, Segall HD, Zee CS, Weiss MH. Cavernous sinus invasion by pituitary adenomas.
AJNR 1985; 6: 893–898.
Fahlbusch R, Buchfelder M. Transsphenoidal surgery of parasellar pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochir
(Wien) 1988; 92: 93–99.
Hardy J, Vezina JL. Transsphenoidal neurosurgery of intracranial neoplasm, in Tompson RA, Green JR
(eds), Advances in Neurology. New York: Raven Press, 1976, vol 15, pp 261–275.
Hardy J. Transsphenoidal microsurgery of prolactinomas: report on 355 cases, in Tolis G, Stefanis C,
Mountokalakis T (eds), Prolactin and Prolactinomas. New York: Raven Press, 1983, pp 431–440.
Wilson CB. A decade of pituitary microsurgery. J Neurosurg 1984; 61: 814–833.
Biological correlates of invasive adenomas
7.3 Biological Correlates of Invasive Adenomas
Details of Study
Although pituitary adenomas are histologically benign lesions, they can exhibit aggressive local growth with invasion of the surrounding structures in approximately one-third
of cases. This local invasion poses a difficult challenge to neurosurgeons as it impacts
adversely on disease-free survival and surgical cure. Previous studies had described the
nature of invasion by pituitary adenomas. This clinicopathological study was carried out
by four centres in North America: Toronto, Ontario (Canada); Rochester, Minnesota
(USA); Orlando, Florida (USA), and Charlottesville, Virginia (USA).
Study References
Main Study
Thapar K, Kovacs K, Scheithauer BW, Stefabeanu L, Horvath E, Pernicone P, Murray D, Laws ER.
Proliferation and invasiveness among pituitary adenomas and carcinomas: an analysis using the
MIB-1 antibody. Neurosurgery 1996; 38: 99–107.
Related References
Matsuyama J. Ki-67 expression for predicting progression of postoperative residual pituitary
adenomas: correlations with clinical variables. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2012; 52: 563–569.
Scheithauer BW, Kovacs KT, Laws ER Jr, Randall RV. Pathology of invasive pituitary tumours with
specific reference to functional classification. J Neurosurg 1986; 65: 733–744.
Study Design
Clinicopathological study of 70 patients undergoing surgical resection of a pituitary
The degree of invasiveness of the tumours studied was defined on the basis of
intra-operative and MRI findings.
The monoclonal antibody MIB-1 was used to determine growth fractions based on
expression of the Ki-67 cell cycle-specific nuclear antigen which has been shown to be
associated with proliferative activity.
Control specimens (positive and negative) were obtained from post-mortem
The study also included seven cases of pituitary carcinoma.
The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the MIB-1 antibody as a practical tool to
evaluate the proliferative activity of pituitary tumours.
The secondary aim of the study was to evaluate the value of this marker in discriminating aggressive and locally invasive tumours from more indolent tumours.
Pituitary surgery
Thirty-seven non-invasive adenomas, 33 invasive adenomas, and seven pituitary carcinomas were analysed.
Mean KI-67
labelling index
Autopsy normal
pituitary (n = 10)
Non-invasive ade- Invasive adenoma Pituitary carcinoma
noma (n = 37)
(n = 33)
(n = 7)
KI-67 labelling index was statistically different between non-invasive and invasive
adenomas (p = 0.0029).
A threshold labelling index of >3% with MIB-1 was established to distinguish invasive from non-invasive adenomas and determine specificity, sensitivity and predictive
Positive predictive value
Negative predictive value
MIB-1 antibody is an effective method of inferring that a tumour may be biologically
The KI-67 labelling index is a useful piece of biological information about pituitary
tumours and it can guide the clinical team in determining the potential for more rapid
symptomatic regrowth following incomplete excision.
Various biological factors are thought to influence the invasive potential of pituitary
adenomas. With one-third of pituitary adenomas invading surrounding structures, an
understanding of these biological factors can influence postoperative patient management. The MIB-1 antibody is an effective measure of the Ki-67 labelling index, a measure
of growth fraction: Ki-67 is a nuclear antigen expressed in late phases of the cell cycle. This
landmark study by Thapar et al. analysed this labelling index and found that a Ki-67 >3%
correlated with a more biologically aggressive tumour, and consequently, a tumour capable of more invasive growth. Such a tumour would not only be more difficult to resect
completely but would also theoretically be subject to faster re-growth. The management
team can use such information to determine the role of adjuvant therapy.
Since this early study by Thapar et al. there have been several studies confirming the
finding that high Ki-67 values predict more aggressive tumour progression. A study from
Fukushima in Japan has found that a Ki-67 index of 2.0 or more predicts tumour progression with high specificity (Matsuyama, 2012).
Biological correlates of invasive adenomas
The role of biological correlates predictive of tumour aggression in daily clinical practice remains controversial. However, if confirmed in larger studies, then patients with a
higher Ki-67 index could be considered for earlier adjuvant therapy, and certainly for
shorter follow-up imaging intervals. This study by Thapar et al. is a landmark in establishing the principle.
Matsuyama J. Ki-67 expression for predicting progression of postoperative residual pituitary
adenomas: correlations with clinical variables. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2012; 52: 563–569.
Complications of pituitary surgery
7.4 Complications of Pituitary Surgery
Details of Study
This questionnaire study constitutes the largest national survey of the complications of
pituitary surgery. It was carried out by a group at the Northwestern University Medical
School, Evanston, Illinois, USA. A total of 3172 neurosurgeons were included in the study.
Study Reference
Main Study
Ciric I, Ragin A, Baumgartner C, Pierce D. Complications of transsphenoidal surgery: results of a
national survey, review of the literature, and personal experience. Neurosurgery 1997; 40: 225–237.
Study Design
National questionnaire survey.
The primary objective of the study was to determine the incidence of complications of
transsphenoidal surgery.
Secondary objectives included assessment of how surgical experience with the procedure influenced complications and to review causation, treatment, and prevention of
Fourteen specific complications were included in the questionnaire.
Neurosurgeons were divided into three groups related to extent of surgical experience: those who had performed < 200 operations; those who had performed 200–500
operations; and those who had performed > 500 operations.
The most common operative complications were anterior pituitary dysfunction (19.4%),
diabetes insipidus (17.8%), and sinusitis (8.5%). Neurological complications were seen in
<2% of operations: central nervous system injury (1.3%); ophthalmoplegia (1.4%); loss of
vision (1.8%). CSF leak was seen in 3.9% of operations and meningitis in 1.5%. Carotid
injury was seen in 1.1% and death occurred in 0.9% of operations.
The complication rate was inversely correlated with surgical experience and this finding was statistically significant for all complications (p < 0.001 for 13 out of 14 of the
Transsphenoidal surgery is a reasonably safe procedure with a mortality rate of <1%.
However, the incidence of complications is higher in the hands of less experienced
Pituitary surgery
The treatment of pituitary adenoma requires the neuro-endocrine team to accurately
assess each individual patient. The complications in the management of the pituitary
lesion are a direct reflection of the experience of this team in choosing the appropriate combination of medical, surgical, and adjuvant therapies. Ciric et al. meticulously analysed the complications encountered by 958 neurosurgeons who performed
transsphenoidal surgery, using questionnaires regarding 14 specific complications of
this operation. Of the respondents, 3% reported having performed >500 operations,
9.7% reported having performed between 200 and 500 operations, and 87.3% reported
having performed <200 operations. The data indicated that the incidence of complications is significantly lower in surgeons having performed >200 transsphenoidal
operations, and even lower in those with >500 operations. This decrease in complications is hypothesized to be a direct result of an improved understanding of the surgical
anatomy and, perhaps more importantly, a better understanding of the indications
for surgical intervention. The logical conclusion is that pituitary surgery should be
undertaken in centres with a high caseload to ensure that experienced surgeons are
undertaking the procedures to minimize complications. Indeed, there has been discussion about pituitary centres of excellence being established (McLaughlin et al., 2012).
Despite convincing arguments in favour of establishing such centres, this may not be
practical in certain parts of the world where case volume is much lower. Furthermore,
there may be factors other than caseload that could be altered to reduce complications.
The neurosurgical unit in Wellington, New Zealand, published the results of their preliminary experience with endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery, and found
that their complication rates were minimal (Yang et al., 2012). This study by Yang et al.
demonstrated that it is possible for smaller units performing <200 cases per year to
be able to achieve comparable results to larger units, although it should be recognized
that it is difficult to make comparison between studies carried out 15 years apart.
McLaughlin N, Laws ER, Oyesiku NM, Katznelson L, Kelly DF. Pituitary centres of excellence.
Neurosurgery 2012; 71: 916–923.
Yang JY, De Ruiter I, Parker A, Wormald PJ, Robinson S, Wickremesekera A. Endoscopic endonasal
transsphenoidal surgery: a mentoring surgical model. ANZ J Surg 2012; 82: 452–456.
Surgical treatment of prolactinomas
7.5 Surgical Treatment of Prolactinomas
Details of Study
This study analysed the efficacy of surgery to control pituitary prolactinomas as an alternative to long-term medical treatment. The study was carried out in the Department of
Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco, California, USA.
Study Reference
Main Study
Tyrrell JB, Lamborn KR, Hannogan LT, Applebury CB, Wilson CB. Transsphenoidal microsurgical
therapy of prolactinomas: initial outcomes and long-term results. Neurosurgery 1999; 44: 254–261.
Study Design
A retrospective review of 219 patients treated in a single institution over two time
periods: 1976–1979 (Group 1, 121 patients) and 1988–1999 (Group 2, 98 patients).
Endocrinological follow-up (84%) was a mean of 15.6 years (Group 1) and 3.2 years
(Group 2). Clinical information was available for 91% of patients.
Exclusion criteria: age <18 years; previous pituitary surgery or radiation therapy.
All patients in the study were female.
Outcome Measures
Remission was defined as a prolactin level remaining in the normal range for the laboratory they were tested in pre-operatively.
Initial surgical remission
Intrasellar microprolactinomas with pre-operative prolactin
levels <100 ng/mL
Intrasellar microadenomas
Larger invasive macroadenomas and patients with
pre-operative prolactin levels >200 ng/mL
Eighty-five per cent of patients experiencing initial endocrinological remission remained
in remission at the latest follow-up.
Surgery is a safe and effective alternative to medical treatment for the long-term control
of prolactinomas in selected patients.
Pituitary surgery
Endocrinological evaluation of pituitary lesions by the neuro-endocrine team is critical in
fully diagnosing the nature of the lesion. A pre-operative endocrinological assessment is
particularly important in managing lesions that have effective medical treatment options.
Prolactinomas serve as the prime example of pituitary adenoma subtypes conducive to
non-invasive treatment options. Bromocriptine, a long-acting dopamine agonist, was
shown in the 1970s to control prolactin hypersecretion, control prolactinoma growth,
and normalize prolactin values in >80% of patients. A newer, longer-acting dopamine
agonist, cabergoline, has helped to reduce side effects and displays a similar response rate
to bromocriptine.
Despite the advantages of dopamine agonists, medical treatment commonly requires
lifelong therapy. Some patients may develop intolerance or resistance to the medication.
In an effort to assess the role of surgery as an alternative treatment option, Tyrrell et al.
retrospectively reviewed the records of 219 patients with prolactinomas who had undergone transsphenoidal microsurgery. The authors reported that women with pre-operative
prolactin levels of >200 ng/mL and those with larger and more invasive tumours experienced an initial remission rate between 37% and 41%. In comparison, women with
pre-operative prolactin levels of <100 ng/mL and smaller and less invasive tumours experienced an initial remission rate between 83% and 92%. Of the women who experienced
initial remission, 89% continued to have remission of clinical symptoms and 85% continued to have normal prolactin levels. Consequently, the authors concluded that a high
initial post-operative remission rate could be anticipated in patients with microadenomas
or non-invasive macroadenomas, as well as in patients with relatively low pre-operative
prolactin levels. They stressed the importance of considering surgical resection as a legitimate treatment option in certain patients with prolactinomas and in patients unresponsive to or intolerant of medical management.
Extended transsphenoidal approaches to anterior cranial base lesions
7.6 Extended Transsphenoidal Approaches to Anterior
Cranial Base Lesions
Details of Study
This paper describes experience with 14 patients undergoing an extended TSA to resect
midline suprasellar and anterior cranial base lesions. The surgery was carried out by
Edward Laws Jr at the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Virginia, USA, between 1999 and 2000.
Study Reference
Main Study
Kaptain GJ, Vincent DA, Sheehan HP, Laws ER Jr. Transsphenoidal approaches for the extracapsular
resection of midline suprasellar and anterior cranial base lesions. Neurosurgery 2001; 49: 94–100.
Study Design
A prospective surgical series of patients all undergoing transsphenoidal procedures by
Edward Laws Jr.
Outcome Measures
Extent of resection was confirmed on follow-up MRI at 3 and 6 months post-operatively.
Endocrinological assessment was made during the hospital stay.
All complications were recorded.
The majority of tumours were resected using a transsphenoidal/transtubercular
approach (71%) and the others were resected using a transsellar/transdiaphragmatic
approach (29%).
In all cases the tumour capsule was dissected away from the optic nerves.
Tumour types
Pituitary adenomas
Tuberculum meningiomas (14%)
Gross total
New-onset Chemical
CSF leak
In patients with pre-existing visual field defects there was visual improvement in 33%.
Pituitary surgery
Gross total extracapsular resection of suprasellar tumours is possible via the TSA.
Over the past 40 years, the TSA to sellar and parasellar lesions has become a mainstay
of the neurosurgical practice in treating pituitary lesions. The standard approach to the
sella via the sphenoid sinus has been expanded to resect lesions that extend to a suprasellar location as well as along the anterior cranial base. Kaptain et al. analysed patients
with various lesions in these locations utilizing either a transsellar/transdiaphragmatic
approach or a transsphenoidal/transtubercular approach. An extracapsular tumour resection was performed followed by placement of abdominal fat for repair of the dural defect
as well as reconstruction of the sellar floor and planum sphenoidale. Gross total resection
was achieved in all patients with pituitary adenomas and the majority of these patients
displayed improved visual function. Adjunctive endonasal endoscopy was used to assist
with the microscopic resection of the tumour.
Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery
7.7 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery
Details of Study
Endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery has developed over the last 15 years based
on various theoretical advantages including improved visualization, reduced sinonasal
trauma, potentially better resection rates, and reduced complications. In order to describe
the complication rates and short-term outcomes of this technique a group at the New York
Presbyterian-Weil Medical College of Cornell University in New York, USA, carried out a
systematic review and meta-analysis of published endoscopic results prior to 2006.
Study References
Main Study
Tabaee A, Anand VK, Barrón Y, Hiltzik DH, Brown SM, Kacker A, Mazumdar M, Schwartz
TH. Endoscopic pituitary surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Neurosurg 2009;
111: 545–554.
Related Reference
Cappabianca P, de Divitiis E. Endoscopy and transsphenoidal surgery. Neurosurgery 2004;
54: 1043–1048.
Study Design
Systematic review and meta-analysis.
A random effects model was used to assess heterogeneity.
Outcome Measures
Complications of endoscopic surgery.
Short-term outcomes including extent of resection and improvement in visual
Nine studies met the inclusion criteria with a total of 821 patients.
Reporting discrepancies between studies made it difficult to assess post-operative outcomes and complication rates.
Mean operating time was 102–255 minutes.
Average hospital stay was 1.4–4.4 days.
Improvement in pre-operative visual defects ranged from 62–100%.
Pooled gross total tumour removal rate was 78%.
Complication rates were compared to published ‘open’ TSA operations.
Pituitary surgery
Endoscopic TSA
‘Open’ TSA
CSF leak
Permanent diabetes insipidus
Death (vascular injury)
Endoscopic pituitary surgery is safe and effective in the short term.
The difficulties of performing a randomized trial of endoscopic techniques versus open
surgery mean that the impact of endoscopic techniques remains to be determined.
Nonetheless, as with all innovations in surgical techniques key protagonists will continue
to push the boundaries until it becomes a necessity of other surgeons to follow suit in
order to remain on the same playing field. Although systematic review and meta-analysis
are limited as a means of assessing the validity of surgical techniques, this study by Tabaee
et al. has been included as it is the best attempt at describing the complications and
short-term outcomes of endoscopic pituitary surgery. The authors point out that, inevitably, early publications on endoscopic techniques have focused on technical aspects of the
procedure which makes assessment problematic. Furthermore, the lack of control groups
in case series means that comparison needs to be made with published historical data.
Notwithstanding these limitations, this is the first assessment of this modality that was
not a single institution series.
A minimally invasive TSA using the endoscope as a primary means of visualization
has become a valuable alternative to the microscope over the past decade. Cappabianca
and de Divitiis have provided a thorough description of this technique as well as the
advantages as compared to the traditional approach (Cappabianca and de Divitiis, 2004).
These advantages include an improved view of the anatomy permitted by the endoscope
as well as the possibility of shorter hospitalization stays for the patient. Furthermore, the
advancement of the endoscope into the tumour cavity at the end of the case may allow for
identification and removal of residual tumour and result in more complete resection. As
surgeons continue to use the endoscope for a variety of pituitary lesions, the indications
and outcomes for the use of the microscope versus the endoscope will become better
Cappabianca P, de Divitiis E. Endoscopy and transsphenoidal surgery. Neurosurgery 2004;
54: 1043–1048.
Abboud, CF 345–7
Abdu, WA 211–16
Abi-Said, D 85–9
ablative therapy, trigeminal neuralgia 305–6
Abrams, R 109–13
acetazolamide, post-haemorrhagic ventricular
dilatation 321–3
acute spinal cord injury (ASCI)
methyl prednisolone (NASCIS) 197–9
timing of surgery 205–6
acute subdural haematomas, timing of
surgery 133–7
Adams, CBT 302–3
Adams, HP 5–8, 27–9
Adams, WE 147–51
adjuvant radiotherapy, solitary brain metastases 77–9
Afra, D 109–13
Agid, Y 271–4
Ahn, NU 221–4
Ahn, UM 221–4
Albanese, J 161–7
Albert, T 225–7
Albright, R 99–103
Alderson, P 335
Aldrich, EF 197–9
Algra, A 45–50
Allenberg, JR 55–8
Allgeier, A 91–3
Alliez, B 161–7
Al-Shahi, R 37
Amelink, GJ 45–50
Amtage, F 271–4
An, H 225–7
Anand, VK 363–4
Anderson, B 85–9
Anderson, GD 179–81
Anderson, VC 267
Andrews, DF 161–7
Andrews, DW 81–4
aneurysm clipping, ISAT 13–17
Annegers, JF 183–5
anorexia nervosa, deep brain stimulation 241
anterior communicating aneurysms, comparison of
treatments 3
antipsychotics 241
Antonini, R 161–7
Aoyama, H 81–4
Applebury, CB 359–60
Arabi, YM 143–6
Ardouin, C 258–9
Arena, VA 99–103
Armstrong, D 161–7
arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) 4
natural history 37
Spetzler–Martin grading system 35–7
Arusell, R 109–13
Astradsson, A 311–15
astrocytoma, anaplastic
CATNON trial 93
see also high-grade gliomas
Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study
(ACAS) 51, 53
Attenello, FJ 105–8
Ayers, S 321–3
Babu Krishnamurthy, K 251–4
back pain, chronic
failed back surgery syndrome, spinal cord
stimulation 283–6
spinal stabilization 229–30
Bacon, A 189–90
Bahary, JP 81–4
Bailey, S 23–5
Bakay, R 251–4
Ballantyne, HT 241
balloon compression, trigeminal neuralgia 306
Balsderston, RA 205–6
Baltuch, G
pallidal versus subthalamic DBS 267–9
SANTE trial 251–4
Barbaro, N 251–4
Barbe, MT 271–4
Barber, J
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
magnesium sulphate therapy in head injury 179–81
barbiturates, use in head injury 157–9, 164, 165
Barer, DH 39–41
Barker, FG 301–3
Barker, K 229–30
Barnes, MA 333–6
Barnett, GH 99–103
Barnett, HJ 51–4
Barr, JS 223
Barrón, Y 363–4
Barth, M 217–19
Baskin, DS 197–9
Bataille, B 271–4
Batir, A 258–9
Batjer, HH 37
Baumgartner, C 357–8
Bazil, C 251–4
Beck, DW 27–9
Becker, DP
extra-axial haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
hyperventilation in head injury 175–7
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
Bednanik, J 231–2
Belander, K 91–3
‘Believers trial’, radiotherapy for low-grade
gliomas 109–13
Benabid, AL 253, 258–9
Benazzouz, A 258–9
Benchmark Evidence from South American
Trials: Treatment of Intracranial Pressure
(BEST:TRIP) 147–51
Benecke, R 275–8
Ben Hassel, M 109–13
Ben-Menachem, E 249–51
Bergen, D 251–4
Berger, J 55–8
Berger, MS 85–9
Bernard, SS
hyperosmolar therapy for raised ICP 161–7
pre-hospital intubation in head injury 189–90
Bernstein, M 99–103
Berven, S 225–7
Bills, DC 345–7
Bissonette, DJ 301–3
Bittar, RG 239
Bjorklund, A 311–15
Black, K 95–8
Blackwood, MS 99–103
Bleehen, N 109–13
Blood, E 225–7
Bloomfield, S 99–103
Blume, WT 245–7
Boden, SD
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Bogdahn, U 91–3
Bohn, DJ 333–6
Bond, M 127–30
Boop, F 325–7
Bortey, E 95–8
Bötzel, K 259–61
Bourgouin, A 161–7
Bousser, MG 45–50
Boutron, C 45–50
brachytherapy, high-grade gliomas 62
Bracken, MB 197–9
brain metastases 61
recursive partitioning analysis (RPA)
classification 74
adjuvant radiotherapy 77–9
surgical resection 69–74
stereotactic radiosurgery 81–4
Brain Tumour Cooperative Group, trial of
brachytherapy 99–103
brain tumours
classification 115
see also brain metastases; dysembryoplastic
neuroepithelial tumours; high-grade gliomas;
low-grade gliomas; meningiomas
Brand, R
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Brande, AA 91–3
Brandt, L 233–4
Brefel Courbon, C 271–4
Brem, H
extent of resection of low-grade gliomas 105–8
localized chemotherapy for malignant
gliomas 95–8
Brem, S 95–8
Brentrup, A 275–8
Bricolo, AP 136
British Aneurysm Nimodipine Trial 23–5
Broggi, G 293–5
bromocriptine therapy, prolactinoma 360
Bronstein, J, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal DBS 267–9
Brook, N 127–30
Brown, RD Jr 19–21
Brown, SM 363–4
Brundin, P 311–15
Bucholz, RD 169–73
Buchowski, MS 221–4
Buchser, E 283–6
Bullock, MR 137
Burchiel, K 261–3, 267–9
Burckhardt, G. 240
Burger, PC
brachytherapy for malignant gliomas 99–103
carmustine wafer therapy 95–8
extent of resection of low-grade gliomas 105–8
Burns, B 289–91
burr hole evacuation, chronic subdural
haematomas 139–42
Bussone, G 293–5
Butt, W 329–31
Butterworth, JF 147–51
cabergoline therapy, prolactinoma 360
Cairncross, JG 72, 91–3
Cameron, P 189–90
Cammisa, F 225–7
Campbell, MJ 321–3
Cantu, RC 202
Cappabianca, P 364
Carlsson, CA 233–4
carmustine wafer therapy 62, 95–8
Carney, N 147–51
Carol, W 79
carotid endarterectomy
versus carotid stenting (SPACE study) 55–8
versus conservative treatment (NASCET) 51–4
Carpentier, A 45–50
Cascino, T 109–13
CATNON trial 93
cauda equina syndrome, surgical intervention 221–4
Cavanagh, J 116
cavernous sinus invasion, pituitary adenomas 349–51
Celix, K 147–51
cerebral oedema, tumour-associated, dexamethasone
therapy 61, 65–7
cervical dystonia, deep brain stimulation 278–81
cervical radiculopathy, surgical intervention 233–4
cervical spondylotic myelopathy, surgical
intervention 231–2
Cha, S 105–8
Chabal, S 187–8
Chabardes, S 258–9
Chaddock, K 147–51
Chaichana, KL 105–8
Chaloupka, R 231–2
Chang, EF 105–8
Chang, HS 221–4
Chang, SM 105–8
Chaynes, P 271–4
for low-grade gliomas 113
temozolomide trial 91–3
Cherner, M 147–51
Chestnut, RM
hypothermia in head injury 169–73
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
Chia, HL 139–42
Chkhenkeli, IS 253
Chkhenkeli, SA 253
chlorpromazine 241
Chodkeiwicz, JP 115–16
Choi, SC
extra-axial haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
hyperventilation in head injury 175–7
hypothermia in head injury 169–73
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
Christensen, J 183–5
chronic back pain, spinal stabilization 229–30
chronic subdural haematomas (CSDHs), surgical
management 139–42
Chu, Y 311–15
Chung, S 251–4
Cinalli, G 325–7
cingulate gyrus stimulation, for treatment-resistant
depression 307–10
cingulotomy 241
Ciric, I 357–8
Clagett, GP 51–4
Clarke, M 13–17
Clarke, PR 202
Claus, EB 107–8
Clifton, GL
hypothermia in head injury 169–73
NASCIS 197–9
cluster headache (CH)
deep brain stimulation 293–5
occipital nerve stimulation 289–91
Coan, SP 183–5
Cochrane, DD 325–7
Coffey, CS, hypothermia in head injury 169–73
Coffey, R 251–4
Collette, L 109–13
Collings, WF 197–9
Collins, R 229–30
Collins, SD 249–51
Compagne, C 137
composite analysis 181
computed tomography, predictors of vasospasm 9–11
Conly, A 169–73
conscious level assessment, Glasgow Outcome
Scale 127–30
Contant, CF 157–9
Cooper, DJ
DECRA trial 143–6
hyperosmolar therapy for raised ICP 161–7
pre-hospital intubation in head injury 189–90
Cooper, G 161–7
Cooper, IS 253
Cornu, P 109–13
corticosteroids see steroids
Corticosteroids Randomization After Significant
Head Injury (CRASH) trial 153–5
Cotle, JM 205–6
Couvreur, G 45–50
cranial base lesions, extended transsphenoidal
approaches 361–2
craniectomy, decompressive
in head injury
DECRA trial 143–6
in paediatric patients 329–31
in malignant MCA infarction (DECIMAL
trial) 45–50
Cremer, OL 150
CREST trial 58
Crockard, HA 221–4
Cruz, J 161–7
Curran, W
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
stereotactic radiosurgery for brain
metastases 81–4
Curschmann, K 91–3
Cushing, H 340
Czosnyka, M 31–4
Dagher, A 311–15
Daily, SW 161–7
Damier, P 271–4
Dandy, W. 302
Daniels, C 259–61
Dante, SJ 205–6
Darcel, F 109–13
Daugherty, RJ 205–6
Daumas-Duport, C 115–16
Davies, AR 143–6
Davis, JM 9–11
decompressive craniectomy
in head injury
DECRA trial 143–6
paediatric patients 329–31
in malignant MCA infarction (DECIMAL
trial) 45–50
decompressive spinal surgery
for cervical spondylotic myelopathy 231–2
for lumbar stenosis 225–7
for metastatic spinal cord compression 207–9
de Divitiis, E 364
deep brain stimulation (DBS) 239–41
for cluster headache 293–5
for dystonia
cervical 278–81
generalized and segmental 275–8
for epilepsy 251–3
for obsessive-compulsive disorder 309
for Parkinson’s disease 257–66
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
subthalamic versus pallidal 267–9
for treatment-resistant depression 307–10
Deep-Brain Stimulation for Dystonia Study
Group 275–8
deep X-ray therapy (DXT), solitary brain
metastases 79
DeGiorgio, CM 249–51
De Haan, A 339
Delevault, P 95–8
Delta valve, Shunt Design Trial 325–7
Demas, W 81–4
DeMonte, F 85–9
Dempsey, RJ
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
De Palma, AF 234
depression, deep brain stimulation 307–10
DeSalles, A
SANTE trial 251–4
subthalamic versus pallidal DBS 267–9
DESTINY (decompressive surgery for the treatment
of malignant infarction of the MCA)
trial 45–50
Deuschl, G 264
deep brain stimulation for dystonia 275–8
deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Deutsch, M 99–103
Deutschländer, A 259–61
De Witte, O 109–13
in metastatic spinal cord compression 201–3
for tumour-associated cerebral oedema 61, 65–7
Deyo, RA 211–16
Diamond, DL 133–7
Dickinson, K 123
Diepers, M 217–19
Dikmen, S
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
magnesium sulphate therapy in head
injury 179–81
phenytoin prophylaxis of post-traumatic
seizures 187–8
Dillmann, U 259–61
Dinapoli, R 109–13
Dinning, TAR 221–4
Dirks, PB 333–6
‘discectomy dogma’ 218–19
disc herniation, lumbar, surgical
intervention 211–16
microscopic sequestrectomy 217–19
Ditchfield, M 329–31
diuretic therapy, in post-haemorrhagic ventricular
dilatation 321–3
Dodick, DW 297–300
Doig-Beyaert, K 278–81
Dolenc, V 341–2
dopamine agonists, for prolactinoma 360
Dott, N 340
Douchette, S 333–6
drains, use after evacuation of chronic subdural
haematoma 139–42
Drake, CG 27–9
Drake, JM 325–7
Drever, P 169–73
Duda, JE, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal DBS 267–9
Duncan, G 69–74
D’Urso, P 143–6
Durwood, QJ 27–9
Dušek, L 231–2
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours
(DNTs) 62, 115–16
dystonia, pallidal deep brain stimulation
cervical dystonia 278–81
generalized and segmental dystonia 275–8
Earle, J 109–13
EARLYSTIM Study Group 271–4
Ebersold, MJ 345–7
Eckstein, HH 55–8
Edington, J 189–90
Eekof, JA 211–16
Eiliasziw, M 51–4
Eisenberg, E 283–6
Eisenberg, HM
barbiturates in head injury 157–9
NASCIS 197–9
Eisenhauer, E 91–3
Eisner, W, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
Parkinson’s disease 259–61
Elbourne, D 321–3
Eldabe, S 283–6
Eliasziw, M
deep brain stimulation for cervical dystonia 278–81
surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy 245–7
Ellenbagen, RG 179–81
endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery 363–4
endovascular coiling, ISAT 13–17
Engel, J 239
Englot, DJ 108
Englund, E 311–15
epilepsy 239
deep brain stimulation 251–3
vagal nerve stimulation 249–51, 253–4
post-traumatic seizures
epidemiology 183–5
phenytoin prophylaxis 187–8
surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy 245–7
Epstein, C 251–4
European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST) 53
European Organisation for Research and Treatment
of Cancer (EORTC)
temozolomide trial 62, 91-3
trials of radiotherapy for gliomas 62, 109–13
evidence, classification of xxi–xxii
extent of resection
high-grade gliomas 85–9
low-grade gliomas 105–8
extra-axial haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
extradural haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
Eyre, HJ 113
Fabrini, MG 109–13
Facco, E 161–7
failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), spinal cord
stimulation 283–6
Fairbank, J 215, 229–30
Falk, D 271–4
Farahvar, A 151
Farkilla, M 85–9
Faulkner, JE 147–51
Fazl, M 197–9
Fehlings, MG 197–9, 206
Ferguson, GG 51–4
Fergusson, D 333–6
Fernandes, HN 39–41
fetal neural transplants 311–15
Fiehler, J 55–8
Findlay, GF 209, 223
Fink, GR 271–4
Fink, ME 29
Fischer, B 197–9
Fischer, RS 253
Fisher, B
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
temozolomide trial 91–3
Fisher, CM 9–11
Fisher, R 251–4
Fitzgerald, M 189–90
Flamm, ES 197–9
Flanders, AE 81–4
Fogarty, G 79
Follett, K, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal DBS 267–9
Foon, KA 77–9
Forbes, GS 19–21
Fortini, G 283–6
Foster, G 69–74
Fountain, N 251–4
Fourney, DR 85–9
Fourwinds, S 169–73
Fouyas, IP 234
Fox, AJ 51–4
Foy, PM 23–5
Fraedrich, G 55–8
Fraix, V 258–9
Frank, JI 45–50
Frankowski, RF 157–9
Franzini, A 293–5
Freed, CR 314
Freeman, DF 197–9
Freeman, TB 311–15
Freeman, W. 240–1
Freemantle, N 181
French, J 251–4
Friedman, WA 37
Frost, H 229–30
Fuller, GAG 133–7
functional neurosurgery 239–41
see also deep brain stimulation; occipital nerve
stimulation; vagal nerve stimulation
furosemide 321–3
Galen of Pergamon 339
Galicich, J 66–7
Ganesan, D 139–42
Garcia, P 251–4
Gardner, WJ 302
Garrett, ES 221–4
Gaspar, L
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases 81–4
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Gelb, DE 194
Gelety, JE 139–42
generalized dystonia, deep brain stimulation 275–8
Gennarelli, TA 37
George, B 45–50
German Parkinson Study Group 259–61
Gharabaghi, A 271–4
Gholkar, A 41–3
Gibson, JNA 215
Gilbert, RW 203
Gillingham, FJ 133–7
Gilmartin, RC 249–51
Girvin, JP 245–7
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 127–8, 129–30
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) 128–9, 130
Gleave, JR 223
Glen, J 99–103
Gliadel Study Group (GSG) trial 95–8
glioblastoma multiforme
carmustine wafer therapy 95–8
extent of resection 85–9
temozolomide chemotherapy 91–3
gliomas, low grade see low-grade gliomas
globus pallidus interna (GPi), deep brain stimulation
for dystonia
cervical 278–81
generalized and segmental 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 267–9
glycerol rhizolysis, for trigeminal neuralgia 306
Goadsby, PJ, occipital nerve stimulation
for cluster headache 289–91
for migraine 297–300
Gokaslan, ZL 85–9, 208
Goldberg, H 225–7
Goodman, JH 197–9
Goodman, R 251–4
Gorlia, T 91–3
Gottesman, R 333–6
Graves, N 251–4
Grebin, J 251–4
Green, BA 197–9
Green, S 99–103
Greenberg, BD 309
Greenberg, HS 203
Greenberg, RP 133–7
Gregson, BA 39–43
Gross, R 251–4
Grossman, RG 197–9
Gruber, D, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Gruemer, H 175–7
Gudeman, SK 147–51
Guichard, JP 45–50
Guillon, B 45–50
Guiot, G 340–1
Gupta, R 49
Haaxma-Reiche, H 69–74
Hachinski, VC 51–4
Hacke, W
decompressive surgery 45–50
SPACE study 55–8
acute extra-axial, timing of surgery 133–7
chronic subdural, surgical management 139–42
penumbra 43
STICH Trial 39–41
STICH II Trial 41–3
haemodilution, HHH therapy 27–9
Haffenden, A 278–81
Hagell, P 311–15
Haines, S 325–7
Hälbig, TD 271–4
Haley, EC 5–8
Hallett, P 311–15
Halstead, A 340
Hamani, C 307–10
Hamel,,W 259–61
Hamers, HP 109–13
Hamilton, MG 35–7
Hamlyn, PJ 305–6
Han, PP 37
Handforth, A
deep brain stimulation for epilepsy 251–4
vagal nerve stimulation for epilepsy 249–51
Hannogan, LT 359–60
Hanscom, B
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Hansen, HH 201–3
Harbison, JW 147–51
Hardy, J 341, 350
Harris, C, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Harris, M 133–7
Harshman, K 169–73
Hartmann, A 271–4
Hasseleid, BF 120
Hassenbusch, SJ 85–9
Hatano, K 81–4
Hatlevoll, R 109–13
Hauser, RA 311–15
Hauser, WA 183–5
Hayakawa, K 81–4
Haynes, RB 51–4
cluster headache
deep brain stimulation 293–5
occipital nerve stimulation 289–91
migraine, occipital nerve stimulation 297–300
HeADDFIRST (hemicraniectomy and durotomy on
deterioration from infarction-related swelling
trial) 45–50
head injuries 123–5
barbiturate therapy 157–9
decompressive craniectomy 143–6
paediatric patients 329–31
GCS and GOS 127–30
hyperosmolar therapy 161–7
hyperventilation therapy 175–7
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
magnesium sulphate therapy 179–81
post-traumatic seizures
epidemiology 183–5
phenytoin prophylaxis 187–8
pre-hospital intubation 189–90
steroid therapy 153–5
therapeutic hypothermia 169–73
Hypothermia Paediatric Head Injury
Trial 333–6
see also acute subdural haematomas; chronic
subdural haematomas; extradural
Heemskerk, J 261–3
Hegi, R 93
Heit, G 286
Hellenbrand, KG 197–9
Hellman, R 109–13
Hellström, P 221–4
Hellwig, D 271–4
Helwig-Larson, S 201–3
hemicraniectomy, in malignant MCA infarction 45–50
Henderson, J 251–4
Hendrix, T 147–51
Hennerici, M 55–8
Henning, R 329–31
Henry, TR
deep brain stimulation for epilepsy 251–4
vagal nerve stimulation for epilepsy 249–51
Herbison, GJ 205–6
Herkwoitz, H 225–7
Hermans, J 69–74
Heros, RC 37
Herr, DL 197–9
Herzog, J 259–61
Hesekamp, H 271–4
Hess, K 85–9
‘HHH’ therapy 27–9
Hiesiger, E 99–103
high-grade gliomas 61–2
brachytherapy 99–103
carmustine wafer therapy 95–8
extent of resection 85–9
temozolomide trial 91–3
Hilibrand, AS
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Hilker, R 259–61
Hilt, DC 95–8
Hiltzik, DH 363–4
Hinkka, S 85–9
Hirota, S 81–4
Hirsch, O 340
Hitchon, PW 197–9
Hoang-Xuan, K 109–13
Hochberg, FH 99–103
Hoekstra, FH 69–74
Hofmeijer, J 45–50
Hogarth, P, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Holford, TR 197–9
Holland, E 85–9
Holloway, K, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Holman, R 13–17
Holness, R 311–15
Holton, JL 311–15
Hope, DH 39–41
Hope, P 321–3
Horiot, JC 109–13
Horn, S, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Horsely, V 340
Houeto, JL 271–4
Hovarth, E 353–5
Hovestadt, A 65–7
Howard, G 161–7
Huang, GD, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Hugenholtz, H 69–74
Humphrey, PRD 23–5
Hunt, WE 28, 197–9
Hur, K, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Hurst, JM 161–7
Huston, J 3rd 19–21
Hutchinson, PJ
chronic subdural haematomas 139–42
intracranial pressure monitoring 150–1
Hutchison, JS 333–6
post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation, diuretic
therapy 321–3
Shunt Design Trial 325–7
hyperosmolar therapy, for raised intracranial
pressure in head injury 161–7
hypertension, HHH therapy 27–9
hyperventilation therapy, head injuries 175–7
hypervolaemia, HHH therapy 27–9
hypothalamic stimulation, for cluster headache 293–5
hypothermia, therapeutic 169–73
Hypothermia Paediatric Head Injury Trial 333–6
Ibrahim, A 209
ICSS trial 58
Illingworth, R 23–5
Ilstrup, DM 345–7
Inomata, T 81–4
intercarotid lines, in grading of cavernous sinus
invasion 349–50
International Cooperative Study on the Timing of
Aneurysm Surgery 3, 5–8
International PHVD drug trial group 321–3
International Study of Unruptured Intracranial
Aneurysms (ISUIA) 3, 19–21
International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial
(ISAT) 3, 13–17
intracerebral haematomas
penumbra 43
STICH Trial 39–41
STICH II Trial 41–3
intracranial aneurysms
unruptured, natural history (ISUIA) 19–21
see also subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)
intracranial hypertension
hyperventilation therapy 176
DECRA trial 143–6
hyperosmolar therapy 161–7
pentobarbital therapy 157–9
intracranial pressure monitoring, after head
injury 147–51
intubation, pre-hospital, in head injury 189–90
Isacson, O 311–15
Ivnik, R 109–13
Jääkeläinen, J 95–8
Jacques, L 283–6
Jaeger, L 19–21
Jager, JJ 109–13
Jallah, I 139–42
Jane, JA 5–8
Janetta, PJ 301–3
Janis, LS 169–73
Jansen, O 55–8
Janzer, RC 91–3
Japanese Radiation Oncology Study Group
(JROSG), stereotactic radiosurgery for brain
metastases 81–4
Jasselainen, J 85–9
Jennett, B 127–30, 150
Jerwood, D 221–4
Jho, HD
ablative techniques for trigeminal neuralgia 305–6
microvascular decompression for trigeminal
neuralgia 301–3
Joffe, AR 333–6
Johnson, A 321–3
Johnson, RD 161–7
Johnston, IHS 150
Jones, C 109–13
Jones, JC 249–51
Josephson, CD 247
Judson, R 189–90
Juettler, E 45–50
Kacker, A 363–4
Kadañka, Z 231–2
Kaplitt, M 251–4
Kappelle, LJ 45–50
Kaptain, GJ 361–2
Karim, AB 109–13
Karimi, A 39–41
Karmi, MZ 133–7
Kassell, NF 3
HHH therapy 27–9
ISUIA 19–21
timing of aneurysm surgery 5–8
Katoh, N 81–4
Kearney, T 347
Keihm, J 187–8
Keles, GE 85–9
Kelly, DL Jr. 161–7
Kemler, MA 286
Kenjyo, M 81–4
Kennedy, CR 321–3
Kennedy, JG 221–4
Kennedy, SH 307–10
Kerr, R 13–17
Kestle, JRW
Shunt Design Trial 325–7
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Ki-67 labelling index, pituitary adenomas 353–5
Kirkpalani, HM 333–6
Kirkpatrick, PJ
chronic subdural haematomas 139–42
vasospasm prophylaxis, statins 31–4
Kirollos, RW 139–42
Kiss, ZH 278–81
Kistler, JP 9–11
Kistner, A 271–4
Kitz, K 349–51
Klebe, S 259–61
Kloss, M, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Klug, G 329–31
Knosp, E 349–51
Knudsen, K 271–4
Kobashi, G 81–4
Kocher, T 340
Koes, BW 211–16
Kofman, S 66
Kongable-Beckman GL
ISUIA 19–21
timing of aneurysm surgery 5–8
Kontos, HA 175–7
Kontturi, M 221–4
Kordower, JH 311–15
Kortelainen, P 221–4
Kosnik, EJ 28
Kossmann, T 143–6
Kostuik, JP 221–4
Koudsie, A 258–9
Kovacs, K 353–5
Koy, J 259–61
Krack, P, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 258–61, 263–4
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Krause, F 340
Krause, M, deep brain stimulation
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
for dystonia 275–8
Krbec, M 231–2
Krüger, R 271–4
Kryscio, RJ
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis 207–9
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Kumar, K 283–6
Kunieda, E 81–4
Kupsch, A, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Kurtz, A 45–50
Labar, DR
deep brain stimulation for epilepsy 251–4
vagal nerve stimulation for epilepsy 249–51
Labiner, DM 249–51
Laborit, H 241
Lacombe, D 91–3
Lacroix, JL 333–6
Lacroix, M 85–9
Lai, EC, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Laidlaw, JD 8, 161–7
Lambooij, N 69–74
Lamborn, KR
extent of resection of low-grade gliomas 105–8
surgical treatment of prolactinomas 359–60
Lang, DA 23–5
Lang, FF 85–9
Laperriere, NJ 99–103
Larkins, MV
ablative techniques for trigeminal
neuralgia 305–6
microvascular decompression for trigeminal
neuralgia 301–3
Larsson, B 241
Lashley, T 311–15
Laws, ER Jr. 107
biological correlates on invasive pituitary
adenomas 353–5
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours
(DNTs) 115–16
extended transsphenoidal approaches 361–2
pituitary apoplexy, timing of
surgery 345–7
LeBas, JF 258–9
Leden–The Hague Spine Intervention Prognostic
Study Group 211–16
Lees, AJ 311–15
Leone, M 293–5
Leo-summers, L 197–9
Leskell, L 241
Leung, PM 99–103
Levin, HS 169–73
Levine, M 69–74
Lewis, E 329–31
Lewis, RJ 165–6
Lewy bodies, development in grafted
neurons 311, 313, 314–15
Li, JY 311–15
Libenson, MH 323
Lima, A. 240
Limousin, PD 258–9
Lindvall, O 311–15
Lipsman, N 241
Long, DM 67
Lopez, BC 305–6
Lorenz, D 259–61
Lorenzl, S 259–61
Louis, DN 116
low-grade gliomas (LGGs) 62
chemotherapy 113
extent of resection 105–8
radiotherapy 109–13
seizure outcome 108
Lozano, AM 307–10
Lucas, T 179–81
Ludwin, SK 91–3
Luerssen, TG 169–73
Luessenhop, AJ 37
lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis, surgical
intervention 227
lumbar disc herniation, surgical intervention 211–16
microscopic sequestrectomy 217–19
lumbar stenosis, surgical intervention 225–7
Lundberg, NL 150
Luo, P 267–9
Lurie, JD
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Lutz, HA 147–51
Lynch, JR 33
Maarouf, M 271–4
Maas, AIR 181
Maat, B 109–13
Macdonald, JS 69–74
Machamer, J
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
magnesium sulphate therapy in head
injury 179–81
Macleod, MR 45–50
MacNeil, N 325–7
magnesium sulphate, in head injury 155, 179–81
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
classification of cavernous sinus invasion 349–51
in pituitary microadenoma resection 342
in resection of low-grade gliomas 107–8
malignant glioma
brachytherapy 99–103
carmustine wafer therapy 95–8
extent of resection 85–9
temozolomide trial 91–3
malignant MCA infarction (MMI), decompressive
surgery 45–50
Malkin, MG 99–103
Malmström, PO 109–13
Maltête, D 271–4
mannitol, hyperosmolar therapy for raised
ICP 161–7
Mañon-Espaillat, R 249–51
Mansfield, PN 179–81
Marcus, H 139–42
Mareš, M 231–2
Marie, P 339
Marion, DW 166, 169–73
Markesbery, WR
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Marks, W 251–4
Marks, WJ Jr, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Marmarou, A 175–7
Maroon, J 197–9
Marosi, C 91–3
Marshall, LF
barbiturates in head injury 157–9
NASCIS 197–9
Martin, C 161–7
Martin, NA 35–7
Maruyama, Y 69–74
Mascarenhas, F 109–13
Masci, K 189–90
Mason, WP 91–3
Mateo, J 45–50
Matsuyama, J 354
Matula, C 349–51
Matula, K 349–51
Matz, PG 225–7
May, A 293
Mayberg, HS 307–10
Mayer, SA 49
Mazumdar, M 363–4
McCarville, S 297–300
McCauley, S 169–73
McCutcheon, IE 85–9
McDermott, FT 161–7
McFarlane, R 223
McGirt, MJ 105–8
McGrath, A 221–4
McIntyre, LA 335
McKenzie, S 99–103
McKhann, G 251–4
McKissock, W. 3
McLaughlin, N 358
McLelland, S 67
McManus, F 221–4
McNeely, HE 307–10
McWhorter, JM 161–7
Meagher, JN 197–9
Mealey, J 99–103
Meglio, M 283–6
Meguro, K 161–7
Mehdorn, HM, deep brain stimulation for
Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Mehta, MP 81–4
Meier, N 271–4
Meinel, T 85–9
Meissner, I 19–21
Meldrum, HE 51–4
Mendelow, AD
extradural haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
intracerebral haematomas, STICH trial 39–43
Mendez, I 311–15
meningiomas, resection grading 119–20
Menten, J 109–13
Mertens, P 271–4
metastases, intracranial see brain metastases
metastatic spinal cord compression (MESCC)
decompressive surgery 207–9
dexamethasone 201–3
O-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT)
promoter methylation, and temozolomide
therapy 92, 93
methyl prednisolone
in acute spinal cord injury 197–9
in head injury (CRASH trial) 153–5
in metastatic spinal cord compression 202
Metsaars, JA 69–74
Meyer, FB 345–7
Meyer, PG 333–6
MIB-1 antibody, in evaluation of pituitary
adenomas 353–5
Michael, C 85–9
microscopic sequestrectomy, for lumbar disc
herniation 217–19
microvascular decompression (MVD), for trigeminal
neuralgia 301–3
migraine, occipital nerve stimulation 297–300
Miklos, MV 302
Milbouw, G 283–6
Miller, D 85–9
Miller, ER 169–73
Miller, JD
extra-axial haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
Milner, R 325–7
Milosevic, M 99–103
minicraniotomy, evacuation of chronic subdural
haematoma 141
Minoja, G 161–7
Mintz, AH 69–74
Mirimanoff, RO
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
temozolomide trial 91–3
Mirski, MA 253
Mirza, W 249–51
Mitchell, PM 41–3
Mixter, JM 223
Mizuno, J 221–4
Moher, D 333–6
Mohiuddin, M
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis
Mohr, G 95–8
Molet, J 283–6
Molyneux, A 13–17
Moniz, E. 240
Morawetz, R 95–8
Moringlane, JR 259–61
Moritz, U 233–4
Morris, GL 3rd 249–51
Morris, KP 333–6
motor cortex stimulation (MCS) 240
Mouridesen, H 201–3
Moy, CS, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation
Muacevic, A 84
Muizelaar, JP
hyperventilation in head injury 175–7
hypothermia in head injury 169–73
Mukhida, K 311–15
Müller, JU 275–8
Muller, P 95–8
Murphy, JV 249–51
Murray, D 353–5
Murray, GD 181
nimodipine prophylaxis of cerebral
vasospasm 23–5
surgery for spontaneous intracerebral
haematomas 39–43
Murray, LJ
decompressive craniectomy for head injury 143–6
hyperosmolar therapy for raised ICP 161–7
pre-hospital intubation in head injury 189–90
Myles, PS
hyperosmolar therapy for raised ICP 161–7
pre-hospital intubation in head injury 189–90
Nakaagawa, H 221–4
Nakagawa, K 81–4
Naritoku, DK 249–51
National Acute Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia
(NABIS: H I, NABIS: H II) 169–73
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study
(NASCIS) 197–9
Naumann, M 275–8
Navarro, SM 271–4
Nazzaro, J 251–4
Neal, JH
brachytherapy for malignant gliomas 99–103
deep brain stimulation for epilepsy 251–4
Neligan, A 183–5
Nelson, D 109–13
Nelson, R 23–5
neural cell transplants, for Parkinson’s
disease 311–15
neuromodulation for epilepsy
deep brain stimulation 251–3
vagal nerve stimulation 249–51, 253–4
neuropathic pain, failed back surgery syndrome,
spinal cord stimulation 283–6
neuroprotection in head injury
magnesium sulphate 179–81
therapeutic hypothermia 169–73
Newell, DW 179–81
New York Islands AVM Study (NYIAVMS) 37
Ney, GC 249–51
Nguyen, V 189–90
Nichols, D
natural history of unruptured aneurysms 19–21
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
Nikkhah, G 275–8
nimodipine, vasospasm prophylaxis 23–5
Nimsky, C 342
Nockels, RP 197–9
‘Non-believers trial’, radiotherapy for low-grade
gliomas 109–13
Noordijk, EM 69–74
Noordman, E 109–13
North, RB 283–6
North American Symptomatic Carotid
Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) 51–4
Northup, BE 205–6
Novotný, O 231–2
obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), deep brain
stimulation 309
O’Callaghan J 283–6
occipital nerve stimulation (ONS)
for cluster headache 289–91
for migraine 297–300
Oertel, W, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
O’Fallon, J 109–13
O’Fallon, WM 19–21
Okonkwo, DO 169–73
Okuchi, K 161–7
Olanow, CW 311–15
O’Laoire, SA 221–4
Olivaras, R 95–8
Olivi, AO 105–8
Olsen, J 183–5
Olson, J 99–103
Ondra, S 37
O’Neill, B 109–13
Oommen, K 251–4
Orabi, M 45–50
Orbis-Sigma valve, Shunt Design Trial 325–7
Ory-Magne, F 271–4
Osorio, I
deep brain stimulation for epilepsy 251–4
vagal nerve stimulation for epilepsy 249–51
Oya, N 81–4
Padberg, GW 69–74
paediatric neurosurgery 319
decompressive craniectomy in head injury 329–31
Hypothermia Paediatric Head Injury Trial 333–6
post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation, diuretic
therapy 321–3
Shunt Design Trial 325–7
Pahwa, R, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
pain management, deep brain stimulation 239, 240
pallidal deep brain stimulation
for dystonia
cervical 278–81
generalized and segmental 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 267–9
Papagikos, MA 112
Papavassiliou, S 251–4
Parker, RA 139–42
Parkinson’s disease
deep brain stimulation 257–66
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
subthalamic versus pallidal 267–9
neural transplantation 311–15
Parvinen, LM 109–13
Pascale, V 197–9
Paschen, S 271–4
Pasut, LM 136
Patchell, RA 84
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis 207–9
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Patrick, I 189–90
Paul, KS 133–7
Payen, D 45–50
Payne, R 207–9
Peacock, J 19–21
Pedersen, CB 183–5
Pedersen, MG 183–5
Peerless, SJ 27–9
pentobarbital, in head injury 157–9, 164, 165
penumbra, intracerebral haematomas 43
Pernicone, P 353–5
Perot, PL Jr 197–9
Perrin, RG 206
Perry, J 98
Persson, LCG 233–4
Petroni, G 147–51
Peul, WC 211–16
phenytoin, prevention of post-traumatic seizures 187–8
Piantadosi, S 95–8
Piatt, J 325–7
Pichlmeier, U 85–9
Pickard, JD
chronic subdural haematomas, surgical
management 139–42
vasospasm prophylaxis
nimodipine 23–5
statins 31–4
Piepgras, DG 19–21
Piepmeier, J 197–9
Piérart, M 109–13
Pierce, D 357–8
Pinsker, MO, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Pintilie, M 99–103
historical background 339
space-occupying lesions 339
pituitary adenomas
biological correlates of invasion 353–5
classification of cavernous sinus invasion 349–51
intra-operative MRI 342
radiosurgery 342
pituitary apoplexy, timing of surgery 345–7
pituitary centres of excellence 358
pituitary surgery 341–2
choice of surgical approach 341–2
complications 357–8
development 340
endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery 363–4
extended transsphenoidal approaches 361–2
outcome evaluation 339–40
for prolactinoma 359–60
Poewe, W, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
Polderman, KH 172
Pollak, P 258–9, 263
Pollard, J 251–4
Pollock, BE 241
Polymer Brain Tumour Treatment Group (PBTTG)
trial 95–8
Ponsford, J
DECRA trial 143–6
hyperosmolar therapy for raised ICP 161–7
Posner, JB 73
Post, B 271–4
post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PVHD),
diuretic therapy 321–3
post-traumatic seizures
epidemiology 183–5
phenytoin prophylaxis 187–8
Prados, MD 105–8
pravastatin, vasospasm prophylaxis 31–4
prefrontal leucotomy 240
pre-hospital intubation, in head injury 189–90
premature infants, post-haemorrhagic ventricular
dilatation, diuretic therapy 321–3
Price, SH 139–42
Pridgeon, J 147–51
PROCESS study 283–6
progesterone, in head injury (ProTECT study) 155
prolactinomas, surgical treatment 359–60
‘psychosurgery’ 240–1
Puccio, A 169–73
Quinn, NP 311–15
Quinones-Hinojosa, A 105–8
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)
recursive partitioning analysis (RPA)
classification 74
stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases 81–4
radiofrequency ablation, for trigeminal neuralgia 306
for pituitary adenoma 342
stereotactic 241
for brain metastases 81–4
for trigeminal neuralgia 306
brachytherapy for malignant gliomas 99–103
for brain metastases 61
adjuvant therapy 77–9
RPA classification 74
solitary tumours 72, 73
for low-grade gliomas 109–13
Ragin, A 357–8
Ram, Z 95–8
Randomised Evaluation of Surgery of Intracranial
Pressure (ReSCUEicp) 146
Rankin, RN 51–4
Ransohoff, J 197–9
Raoul, S 271–4
rapid sequence intubation (RSI), in head
injury 189–90
Rathbone, MP 69–74
Rau, J 271–4
Rawe, SE 197–9
re-bleeding, endovascular coiling versus aneurysm
clipping 16
recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) classification of
brain metastases 74
Reda, D, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Regine, WF
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis 207–9
Régis, JM 271–4
Rehncrona, S 311–15
Reichmann, H 259–61
Reid, SR 161–7
Reilly, P 143–6
Reulen, HJ 85–9
Reuss, A 259–61
Revesz, T 311–15
Richards, HK
chronic subdural haematomas, surgical
management 139–42
vasospasm prevention 31–4
Richards, P 23–5
Richardson, A. 3
Richardson, J 283–6
Riddle, V 95–8
Rifkinson, N 197–9
Ringleb, P 55–8
Ristanovic, R 249–51
Roberts, I 159, 166, 177, 188
Robertson, H 311–15
Robertson, JT 99–103
Rocca, WA 183–5
Roeste, GK 275–8
Romanelli, P 286
Rondina, C 147–51
Roos, DE 73
Rosa, S 79
Rosenfeld, JV
decompressive craniectomy in paediatric head
injury 329–31
DECRA trial 143–6
pre-hospital intubation in head injury 189–90
Rosenfeld, W 251–4
Rosner, MJ 147–51
Rothlind, J, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Rothwell, PM 45–50
Rotman, M 81–4
Rouanet, F 45–50
Rowan, EN 41–3
Rowed, DW 161–7
Rush, AJ 309
Rushing, EJ 116
Rutten, EH 109–13
Ryu, J 81–4
Saatman, KE 123
Sackett, DI 51–4
Sagher, O, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
sagittal balance 193–4
Salanova, V 251–4
saline, hypertonic, for raised intracranial
pressure 161–7
Salinsky, MC 249–51
Samii, A, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Samson, DS 37
Sanai, N 88
Sandercock, P 13–17
Sandok, E 251–4
Santarius, T 139–42
Saper, JR 297–300
SAPPHIRE trial 58
Saris, S 207–9
Saunders, M 202
Sawaya, R 85–9
Sayre, MR 161–7
Schachter, SC 249–51
Schade-Brittinger, C, deep brain stimulation for
Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Schaefer, HR 221–4
Schäfer, H 259–61
Scheithauer, B
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours
(DNTs) 115–16
MIB-1 antibody 353–5
pituitary apoplexy, timing of
surgery 345–7
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
Schell, MC 81–4
Schierhout, G 177, 188
Schiff, S 325–7
Schmidy, JH 169–73
Schmiedeck, P 45–50
Schneider, GH, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Schnitzler, A, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Schoffler, H 340
Schold, SC 95–8
Schraub, S 109–13
Schuepbach, WMM 271–4
Schüpbach, WMM 265
Schuster, J 179–81
Schwab, S 45–50
Schwalb, JM 307–10
Schwartz, ML 157, 159
hyperosmolar therapy for raised ICP 161–7
hypothermia in head injury 169–73
Schwartz, TH 363–4
sciatica see lumbar disc herniation
Sciubba, DM 208
Scott, CB 81–4
Scott, JN 169–73
Scottish Intracranial Vascular Malformations Study
(SIVMS) 37
Seelig, JM 133–7
segmental dystonia, deep brain stimulation 275–8
Seigneuret, E 271–4
seizure outcome, low-grade gliomas 108
seizures, post-traumatic
epidemiology 183–5
phenytoin prophylaxis 187–8
Selhorst, JB 147–51
Selker, R
brachytherapy for malignant gliomas 99–103
carmustine wafer therapy 95–8
Seminiwicz, D 307–10
Seppelt, I 143–6
sequestrectomy, for lumbar disc herniation 217–19
Shann, F 329–31
Shapiro, S 221–4
Shapiro, WR 99–103
Shaw, E 109–13
Shaw, MDM 23–5
STICH Trial 39–41
Sheehan, HP 361–2
Sheehan, J 205–6
Sheehan, TP 205–6
Shepard, MJ 197–9
Shephard, RH 223
Shetter, A 251–4
Shi, W 85–9
Shioura, H 81–4
Shirato, H 81–4
Shorvon, S 183–5
Shrimpton, J 13–17
Shunt Design Trial 325–7
Siddiqi, SN 102
Sidenius, P 183–5
Sieber, AN 221–4
Silberstein, SD 297–300
Simons, L 11
Simpson, D 119–20
Simpson, R 267–9
simvastatin, vasospasm prophylaxis 31, 33, 34
Sinar, J 23–5
Sindou, M 302–3
Singh, RN 333–6
Sisti, M 95–8
Siu, KH 8
Sixel-Doering, F 271–4
Skene, A 23–5
Skingley, P 69–74
Skinner, JS 211–16
Skippen, PW 333–6
Skogseid, IM 275–8
Smielewski, P 139–42
Smith, HP 161–7
Smith, JS 105–8
Smith, K
hypothermia in head injury 169–73
pre-hospital intubation in head injury 189–90
Smrcka, V 231–2
Snoek, J 127–30
Soffe, KE 221–4
Solenski, NJ 29
solitary brain metastases
adjuvant radiotherapy 77–9
surgical resection 69–74
Solomon, RA 29
Sonntag, VKH 197–9
Sorensen, PS 201–3
Souhami, L 81–4
Soulet, D 311–15
Speelman, H 271–4
Spence, JD 51–4
Sperduto, PW 81–4
Sperling, M 251–4
Spetzler, RF 35–7
Spetzler–Martin grading system 4, 35
spinal cord compression, metastatic
decompressive surgery 207–9
dexamethasone 201–3
spinal cord injury, acute
methyl prednisolone (NASCIS) 197–9
timing of surgery 205–6
spinal cord stimulation (SCS), for failed back surgery
syndrome 283–6
spinal stabilization, for chronic back pain 229–30
spinal surgery 193–4
spine patient outcomes research (SPORT)
trial 211–16
surgery for lumbar degenerative
spondylolisthesis 227
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Spine Stabilization Trial Group 229–30
spondylolisthesis, surgical intervention 227
Stapf, C 37
Starr, PA 267–9
STASH trial 31, 34
statins, vasospasm prophylaxis 31–4
Stefabeanu, L 353–5
Stefan, H 249–51
Steinbok, P 325–7
Steiner, E 349–51
Steinmeier, R 37
Stejskal, L 231–2
Stenning, S 109–13
Stent-Protected Angioplasty versus Carotid
Endarterectomy (SPACE) study 55–8
Stephens, MM 221–4
stereotactic radiosurgery 241
for brain metastases 81–4
for trigeminal neuralgia 306
Stern, J 251–4
Stern, M, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Stern, SA 161–7
in acute spinal cord injury 197–9
in head injury 153–5
in metastatic spinal cord compression 201–3
in pituitary apoplexy 346–7
for tumour-associated cerebral oedema 65–7
Steude, U 259–61
STICH (trauma) trial 137
Stilten, RM 197–9
Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus
for Epilepsy (SANTE) study 251–4
Stingele, R 55–8
Stochetti, N 150
Stoner, G, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Storer, DL 161–7
Stratton, I 13–17
Stuart, GG 150
Stummer, W 85–9
Sturm, V 259–61
Stuup, R 91–3
subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) 3
endovascular coiling versus aneurysm clipping,
ISAT 13–17
prognostic factors 6–7
timing of aneurysm surgery 5–8
HHH therapy 27–9
radiological predictors 9–11
vasospasm prophylaxis
nimodipine 23–5
statins 31–4
subdural haematomas see acute subdural
haematomas; chronic subdural haematomas
Subin, DK 234
subthalamic nucleus (STN), DBS for Parkinson’s
disease 257–66
adverse effects 263–4, 265
comparison with pallidal DBS 267–9
early stimulation 271–4
in older patients 265
Suchowersky, O 278–81
Sughrue, ME 120
Sullivan, HG 147–51
Sun, M 297–300
suprasellar lesions, extended transsphenoidal
approaches 361–2
Surelová, D 231–2
surgical technique xxii
Surgical Trial in Intracerebral Haematoma
(STICH) 39–41
STICH II Trial 41–3
Svien, HJ 139–42
Tabaee, A 363–4
Tago, T 81–4
Tans, JT
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Taphoorn, MJB 91–3
Tarver, WB 249–51
Tatli, M 306
Tator, C 161–7, 206
Taylor, A 329–31
Taylor, D 189–90
Taylor, DW 51–4
Taylor, P 169–73
Taylor, RS 283–6
Teasdale, GM
Glasgow Coma Scale 127–30
STICH Trial 39–41
vasospasm, nimodipine prophylaxis 23–5
Tecoma, ES 249–51
Temkin, N
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
magnesium sulphate therapy in head injury 179–81
phenytoin prophylaxis of post-traumatic
seizures 187–8
temozolomide trial 62, 91–3
temporal lobe epilepsy, surgical intervention 245–7
thalamus, anterior nucleus stimulation (SANTE
study) 251–4
Than, K 105–8
Thapar, K 353–5
Thielen, K 19–21
Thobois, S 271–4
Thomachot, L 161–7
Thomas, DG
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
surgery for cauda equina syndrome 221–4
Thomé, C 217–19
Thomeer, RTWM 211–16
Thomson, S 283–6
Thorpe, KE 51–4
Tibballs, J 329–31
Tibbs, PA
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis 207–9
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Tierney, T 311–15
Tihan, T 105–8
Timmermann, L, deep brain stimulation for
Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Timmons, SD 145
Todd, NV 221–4
Tonder, L 251–4
‘topectomy’ 240
Torner, JC
ISUIA 19–21
timing of aneurysm surgery 5–8
Tosteson, ANA
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Tosteson, TD
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Touzé, E 45–50
Toyoda, T 81–4
tranexamic acid, in head injury (CRASH2
trial) 155
transorbital frontal leucotomy 240–1
Transou, C 161–7
transsphenoidal surgery
complications 357–8
endoscopic 363–4
extended approaches 361–2
historical background 340–1
see also pituitary surgery
trauma see head injuries; spinal cord injury, acute
Tremayne, AB 161–7
trigeminal neuralgia 240
ablative therapy 305–6
microvascular decompression 301–3
Trojanowski, IQ 311–15
tromomethamine (THAM), use in hyperventilation
therapy 175–6
Tronnier, V, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
Trottenberg, T, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
Troupp, J 37
Tseng, MY 31–4
Tsui, J 278–81
Turner, JA 286
Tyrrell, JB 359–60
unruptured aneurysms, natural history,
ISUIA 19–21
Urbánek, I 231–2
Ushio, Y 202–3
‘US trial’, radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
Uthman, BM 249–51
Vaccaro, AR 205–6
vagal nerve stimulation (VNS)
for epilepsy 249–51, 253–4
for treatment-resistant depression 309
Vahedi, K 45–50
Valadka, AB 166, 169–73
van Alpen, AM 109–13
Van Blercom, N 258–9
van den Bent, MJ
radiotherapy for low-grade gliomas 109–13
temozolomide trial 91–3
Vandenberg, S 105–8
van den Hout, WB 211–16
van der Worp, HB 45–50
van Gijn, J 45–50
Van Gilder, JC 99–103
van Glabbeke, M 109–13
van Houwelingen, HC 211–16
van Loveren, HR 161–7
van Putten, WL 65–7
van Reijn, M 109–13
Van Royen, BJ 194
van Vliet, JJ 65–7
vasospasm 3
HHH therapy 27–9
radiological predictors 9–11
vasospasm prophylaxis
HHH therapy 29
nimodipine 23–5
statins 31–4
Vaughn, BV 249–51
Vecht, CJ
dexamethasone for cerebral oedema 65–7
surgery for single brain metastases 69–74
Vedrenne, C. 115–16
vegetative state 129
Velasco, M 253
Velmahos, GC 190
Verbiest, HB 65–7
Vesalius, Anatomica Fabrica 339
Vesper, J, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 271–4
Vestergaard, M 183–5
Vialet, R 161–7
Vicaut, E 45–50
Vick, NA 95–8
Videtta, W 147–51
Vincent, DA 361–2
Vinuela, A 311–15
Vladyka, V 342
Voges, J, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
Volkmann, J, deep brain stimulation
for dystonia 275–8
for Parkinson’s disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Vollmer-Haase, J 275–8
Von Eiselberg, A 340
von Hochenegg, J 340
Voon, V 307–10
Voormenolen, JH 69–74
Vuorinen, V 85–9
Waddell, G 215
Wagner, FC 169–73
Wagner, FW 197–9
Wakai, A 166, 167
Walker, M 95–8
Walker, MD 157–9
Walker, T 189–90
Wallace, D 329–31
Walsh, JW 69–74
Walsh, L. 3
Walsh, MG 221–4
Ward, JD
barbiturates in head injury 157, 159
extra-axial haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
hyperventilation in head injury 175–7
intracranial pressure monitoring 147–51
Ward, RE 333–6
Warlow, C 37
Warnke, PC 95–8
Watkins, L 289–91
Wattendorf, AR 69–74
Watts, J. 240–1
Weaver, FM, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 261–3, 264–5
subthalamic versus pallidal stimulation 267–9
Weber, H 211–16
Weingart, JD 105–8
Weinstein, JN
surgery for lumbar disc herniation 211–16
surgery for lumbar stenosis 225–7
Weiss, C 217–19
Weller, M 91–3
Werner-Wasik, M 81–4
Wernicke, JF 249–51
Westphal, M 95–8
Wheless, JW 249–51
Whisnant, JP 19–21
Whittle, IR 95–8
whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT), adjuvant therapy
for solitary brain metastases 77–9
Widner, H 311–15
Wiebe, S 239, 245–7
Wiebers, DO 19–21
Wiestler, OD 85–9
Wilberger, JE 166
extra-axial haematomas, timing of surgery 133–7
NASCIS 197–9
Wilde, E 169–73
Wilder, BJ 249–51
Wilensky, AJ 187–8
Wilson, CB 350, 359–60
Wilson-McDonald, J 229–30
Winn, HR
magnesium sulphate therapy in head injury 179–81
NASCIS 197–9
phenytoin prophylaxis of post-traumatic
seizures 187–8
Witjas, T 271–4
Witt, T 251–4
Wojtecki, L, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s
disease 259–61
early subthalamic stimulation 271–4
Wolf, E 259–61
Wolfe, R 143–6
Wolters, A 275–8
Wong, S 99–103
Woods, SP 265
Worth, R 251–4
Wright, DW 155
Wu, J 99–103
Yang, JY 358
Yeh, DD 190
Yelnik, A 45–50
Yonas, H 169–73
Youkilis, A 251–4
Young, B
adjuvant radiotherapy for solitary brain
metastases 77–9
decompressive surgery for spinal metastasis
surgery for solitary brain metastases 69–74
Young, HF 147–51, 175–7
Young, W 197–9
Yu, LM 229–30
Zakrzewska, JM 305–6
Zanella, F 85–9
Zeumer, H 55–8
Zumsteg, D 254
Zygun, D 166, 169–73