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ASME BPVC-2013 Key Changes: Publisher Briefing

Publisher Briefing
ASME BPVC-2013 – "Information about the Key Changes"
The following information has been supplied by ASME to help understand the changes to the new BPVC
2013 due to be released in July 2013.
Section I: Umberto D'Urso, ext. 8535, dursou@asme.org
Part PR, Requirements for Boilers Fabricated by Rivets; Mandatory Appendix V, Additional Rules
for Boilers Fabricated by Riveting; including Nonmandatory Appendices A-1 through A-6,
Efficiency of Riveted Joints; and Nonmandatory Appendix A-75, Computations of Typical Nozzle
Fittings Attached by Rivets.
Publisher Briefing
Mandatory appendix added to address establishing governing Code edition and addenda for new
construction and for parts. Manufacturer's Data Reports are revised to provide for reporting the
governing edition and addenda.
Par. PEB-8.3 allowing the use of the rules in the new Section VIII Appendix 41 to be used in the
design of Electric Immersion Heater Element Support Plates for Section I applications.
Addition of 1-1/4 NPS, 1-1/2 NPS, 2-1/2 NPS values to the table in PG-39.5.2.
Revision to PW-39, P-No. 3 to impose the carbon content limitation on pressure parts.
Addition of SA/GB 713 Grade Q345R material for Section I application up to 800°F(427°C).
Addition of SA-350 to PG-9.1.
New paragraph PG- on requirements for independent remote water level indicators.
Section II, Parts A, B, D, E: Noel Lobo, ext. 8540, lobon@asme.org
Section II, Part A:
o Over 30 specifications have been updated.
Section II, Part B:
o Over 30 specifications have been updated.
Section II, Part D:
o Incorporation of Code Cases, addition of new materials, and revisions to stress lines,
external pressure charts, physical properties tables and appendices.
o Major revisions include the following:
 Rewrite of Mandatory Appendix 5 Guideline on the Approval of New Materials.
 Revisions to the allowable and design stress lines in Tables 3 and 4 for bolting
materials based on a complete review of the tables.
 Addition of aluminum alloys to the yield and tensile strength Tables U and Y-1
and revisions to the allowable stress lines in the nonferrous Table 1B.
Section II, Part C: Steve Rossi, ext. 7522, rossisj@asme.org
Adoption of AWS A5.23/A5.23M:2011 as SFA-5.23/SFA-5.23M.
Adoption of AWS A5.14/A5.14M:2011 as SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M.
Adoption of AWS A5.21/A5.21M:2011 as SFA-5.21/SFA-5.21M.
Section III: Allyson Byk, ext. 8539, byka@asme.org
Section III, Division 1:
o Revisions to include requirements for control of electronic Quality Assurance Manuals
and documents.
o New requirements for auditing and renewal of Owner's Certificates.
o New requirements for Owner's Quality Assurance Program.
o Revisions to Mandatory Appendix II, Article II-1000 "Experimental Stress Analysis".
o Updated standards and specifications referenced in Table NCA-7100.
o Updates to Material Specifications and Grades Permitted for Class MC Construction.
o New paragraph in Subsection NH for special considerations for Class 1 components in
elevated temperature service.
Section III, Division 2:
o Revision to requirements for examination techniques and Mandatory Appendix VI, Non
Destructive Examination Techniques.
o Revision to Mandatory Appendix VIII Qualifications for Arc Welding Reinforcing Bars.
Section III, Division 3:
o Clarification of non- destructive examination requirements applicable to weld build ups
(Sections NB, WB, WC).
Section III, Division 5
o Reorganization of Subpart HCB to give specific construction rules its own subsubarticle.
Publisher Briefing
Section III, Appendices
o Revision to Non Mandatory Appendix D -- Recommended preheat temperatures for
o New non mandatory appendix, Subsection NF – E, to address dampers, energy
absorbers and snubbers.
o New non mandatory appendix DD, Polyethylene Material Organization Responsibilities
Section IV: Gerardo Moino, ext. 8534, moinog@asme.org
Manufacturer's Data Report forms are being revised in order to simplify the requirements for the
Authorized Inspector to complete the "Certificate of Shop Inspection" and the "Certificate of Field
Assembly Inspection" portions of the Manufacturers data report form by requiring only the
Inspector's signature, National Board commission number and endorsement to be recorded.
A new paragraph covering tolerances is being added under Part HG, as HG-103, titled
"Tolerances". This revision was recommended, since forewords are not officially considered part
of the Code and any language perceived as mandatory and enforceable needed to be moved to
the body of the Code.
A new Appendix containing rules for the governing BPVC Edition and Addenda is being added to
Section IV as well as revisions needed throughout the Code to clarify the requirements. It had
been suggested that the BPVC be revised to clarify the requirements rather than relying on
interpretations. During work on this item, it became apparent that clarification was needed for
establishing the governing BPVC Edition and Addenda for new construction and field assembly
as well as for parts. Also, as a result of initiating this item, CSP-9 was revised to establish a policy
for establishing the effective BPVC Edition and Addenda to be used to construct an item that is to
be stamped with an ASME Product Certification Mark (e.g. Code Symbol Stamp).
Section V: Joseph Brzuszkiewicz, ext. 8533, brzuszkiewiczj@asme.org
T-120(f) was revised to permit ISO 9712 and the ASNT Central Certification Program to fulfill
requirements for training, experience, and examination.
The T-430, T-460, and T-470 series of paragraphs and related figures were revised to clarify
"weld metal overlay cladding" terminology.
T-463.1. and T-472.2 were revised for straight beam examination calibration block guidance and
restricted access weld applicability.
T-462.7 and Article 4 Nonmandatory P were added to provide rules on when a split distance
amplitude correction (DAC) curve is required and provide an example of how the curve is
Section VI: Gerardo Moino, ext. 8534, moinog@asme.org
(No major revisions for the 2013 Edition, although major revisions are expected for the 2015
Section VII: Umberto D'Urso, ext. 8535, dursou@asme.org
(No major revisions for the 2013 Edition, although major revisions are expected for the 2015
Section VIII, Division 1: Steve Rossi, ext. 7522, rossisj@asme.org
New Nonmandatory Appendix on Guidance to the Responsibilities of the User and the
Designated Agent.
Publisher Briefing
New Mandatory Appendix on Establishing Governing BPVC Editions and Case for Pressure
Vessels and Parts.
New Mandatory Appendix on Cold-Stretching of Austenitic Stainless Steel Pressure Vessels.
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) added as an acceptable welding process for VIII-1 construction.
Permits marking by electro-chemical etching.
Section VIII, Division 2: Steve Rossi, ext. 7522, rossisj@asme.org
New Mandatory Appendix on Establishing Governing BPVC Editions and Case for Pressure
Vessels and Parts.
Permits certification of fully identified materials by the ASME Product Certificate Holder.
Permits marking by electro-chemical etching.
Section VIII, Division 3: Adam Maslowski, ext. 8017, maslowskia@asme.org
New Mandatory Appendix on Establishing Governing BPVC Editions and Case for Pressure
Vessels and Parts.
KD-1, KD-2, KD-3, to include the simplified elastic-plastic analysis, thermal stress ratcheting
assessment and a fatigue penalty factor for linear elastic fatigue analysis.
New Nonmandatory Appendix B, which includes the requirements of withdrawn standard High
Pressure Systems Nonmandatory Appendix A and Section 3000.
To permit electroslag welding for weld overlay in KF-2 Supplemental Welding Fabrication
Section VIII, Interpretations: Thomas Schellens, ext. 8077, schellenst@asme.org
(No major revisions to the 2013 Edition).
Section IX: Steve Rossi, ext. 7522, rossisj@asme.org
New Part QF, "Plastic Fusing Requirements".
New Part QG, "General Requirements".
Addition of Hybrid Plasma GMAW.
Addition of Hybrid Laser GMAW.
Incorporation of Friction Stir Welding (FSW).
Section X: Paul Stumpf, ext. 8536, stumpfpa@asme.org
A new mandatory appendix is added to address establishing governing Code edition and
addenda for new construction and field assembly as well as for parts.
Inclusion of construction of stationary fiber-reinforced pressure vessels with load sharing liners in
hydrogen service for Section X application..
Allow the use of Method A (Design Rules) for the design of the small diameter vessels at higher
Section XI: Ryan Crane, ext. 7004, craner@asme.org
Defines requirements to address operational leakage.
Clarifies additional examination requirements for components accepted by analytical evaluation
or repair/replacement activity.
Clarifies examination requirements for pressure retaining nozzle welds in pressure vessels.
Revises Appendix O to augment RV head penetration flaw evaluation guidance.
Publisher Briefing
Revised Nonmandatory Appendix T: (a.) clarifies that the appendix is a guidance document; (b.)
deletes the test pressure and test temperature entries on Form RRA-1; (c.) revises the wording in
the certificate of compliance section of Form RRA-1.
Examination volume requirements of reactor vessel set-on type nozzles joined by full penetration
butt welds.
Section XII: Thomas Schellens, ext. 8077, schellenst@asme.org
Revision of Foreword, Part TG-100.1, and creation of a new mandatory appendix ZZ regarding
clarification for establishing a governing Code Edition and Addenda for new construction and field
assembly as well as for parts.
Revision of TM-110.10 to include language addressing standard welded parts
Incorporation of Code Case 2596
Addition of Grade A designation to SA-645
Revision of TM-250 to reflect changes to Section VIII, Division 1, UHA-51 on impact test
Paragraph on tolerances added to TG-1.
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