CONTENTS Chapter Resources Leveled Lesson Resources Technology Resources Assessment Resources All Answers Included Digitized by the Internet Archive In 2023 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation APPLE ENE HCH AM REALS AN Glenco Graw-H wd e ‘ 2, Stns StudentWorks Plus™ includes the entire Student Edition text along with the worksheets in this booklet. TeacherWorks Plus™ includes all of the materials found in this booklet for viewing, printing, and editing. Cover: Jason Reed/Photodisc/Getty Images The McGraw-Hill companies ‘ raw Glencoe Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such materials be reproduced only for classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely in conjunction with the Glencoe Precalculus program. Any other reproduction, for sale or other use, is expressly prohibited. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN: 978-0-07-893808-5 MHID: 0-07-893808-2 Printed in the United States of America. T2ZSZ456:7 8 S1O%0798 1S 7A tottor 4rhoarz er ionoy < Contents Teacher’s Guide to Using the Chapter 7 FRESOUNCOTMASLOTS £755. 025)5 connpisasiseascpdnevoacuiei noises iv Lesson 7-5 Anticipation Guide (English) ..............0..ccceeeee 3 Anticipation Guide (Spanish).................ccccceee 4 Parametric Equations Study Guide and Intervention................. 26 PRACTICE Fitacucd Sit a hes eheccaet Oech ae eeapaie. a 28 Word: Broblem Practices... teste tates ene 29 ENIgOminentccc cecte sectcac ee ee een eens heen 30 Spreadsheet Activity ......c2..4s1@ise8t--uebes 31 Lesson 7-1 Assessment ' Chapter Resources Student-Built Glossary..............:cscccssessessssetes 1 Parabolas Study Guide and Intervention...............ccccccce 5 Practi@o oe: Retiesseresaisavitttese tistsfone teie eee 7 Word'Probleny Practices. 20. eee Tea 8 EATICIIDON es PME cath conssae choomastloy tae9 Chapter. 7-Test-Forn Wisco 37 eat eck ssn. Chapter 7 Test, Form 2C ............cccceceeeeeeeeeneeee 43 10 12 Chapter 7, Fest; Form:2Dicet. 2) ances anos Chapter: 7. TeSty FOP tSicnepet a Patan ereancngscaseaee, Chapter 7 Extended-Response Test............... Standardized Test Practice ..............eeees 13 14 15 ANSWEYNS 6..cicte decries Lesson 7-3 Hyperbolas Study Guide and Intervention............... ee PV ACIOCO eee istrict, cee eteec een enoatetteeaseecnetons Word Problem, Practice). jicctncn.nda.30a> onecnetech OTCO iar css tack Mee onan Sak chet an she vqexds odearthaae 33 34 35 36 Chapter:7 ‘Test;*Form 2Ali ccc. Aenea ee 39 Chapter 7 Test, Form 2B................cccceceeeeeeeeees 41 Lesson 7-2 Ellipses and Circles Study Guide and Intervention....................008 PT OGHCG ees iet ere cata: ut ne titr ae tieccuatnsdae the ee Word: Proplem, PlaChCe 23255 oy cco eds taser noreees PNR IDI re corte te EON hace aac Graphing Calculator Activity ..............cceeeeeeee Chapter 7 Quizzes 1 and 2..............cceeeeee Chapter 7 Quizzes 3 and 4 0... eeeeeeeeeeeees Chapter 7 Mid-Chapter Test.............eeeeeee VOCEDUAIV OSU arcerccen ters ee eee eee: 45 47 49 50 A1-A23 16 18 19 20 Lesson 7-4 Rotations of Conic Sections Study Guide and Intervention............... eee 21 PRACHCO Redes tree, Aeteestoreadane etsdet aacedesaston 23 Word Probiem Practice Gaiva7Aeneik. sas 24 RECA TOD Get ie cepeer ere an care eo ieccscsvvzssnkenceh access 25 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a Chapter 7 iii Glencoe Precalculus Teacher's Guide to Using the Chapter 7 Resource Masters The Chapter 7 Resource Masters includes the core materials needed for Chapter 7. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options. The answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet. Chapter Resources Student-Built Glossary (pages 1—2) These masters are a student study tool that presents up to twenty of the key vocabulary terms from the chapter. Students are to record definitions and/or examples for each term. You may suggest that students highlight or star the terms with which they are not familiar. Give this to students before beginning Lesson 7-1. Encourage them to add these pages to their mathematics study notebooks. Remind them to complete the appropriate words as they study each lesson. Anticipation Guide (pages 3—4) This master, presented in both English and Spanish, is a survey used before beginning the chapter to pinpoint what students may or may not know about the concepts in the chapter. Students will revisit this survey after they complete the chapter to see if their perceptions have changed. Lesson Resources Study Guide and Intervention These masters provide vocabulary, key concepts, additional worked-out examples and Guided Practice exercises to use as a reteaching activity. It can also be used in conjunction with the Student Edition as an instructional tool for students who have been absent. Practice This master closely follows the types of problems found in the Exercises section of the Student Edition and includes word problems. Use as an additional practice option or as homework for second-day teaching of the lesson. Word Problem Practice This master includes additional practice in solving word problems that apply to the concepts of the lesson. Use as an additional practice or as homework for second-day teaching of the lesson. Enrichment These activities may extend the concepts of the lesson, offer an historical or multicultural look at the concepts, or widen students’ perspectives on the mathematics they are learning. They are written for use with all levels of students. Graphing Calculator, TI-Nspire, or Spreadsheet Activities These activities present ways in which technology can be used with the concepts in some lessons of this chapter. Use as an alternative approach to some concepts or as an integral part of your lesson presentation. JuBuAdOD ‘SalUedWO ‘IIIH-MeID &|IIH-MeID © UOISIAIP JO SUL “Qu Chapter 7 Glencoe Precalculus Assessment Options Leveled Chapter Tests The assessment masters in the Chapter 7 Resource Masters offer a wide range of assessment tools for formative (monitoring) assessment and summative (final) e Form 1 contains multiple-choice questions and is intended for use with below grade level students. assessment. Quizzes Four free-response quizzes offer assessment at appropriate intervals in the chapter. Mid-Chapter Test This one-page test provides an option to assess the first half of the chapter. It parallels the timing of the Mid-Chapter Quiz in the Student Edition and includes both multiple-choice and free-response questions. Vocabulary Test This test is suitable for all students. It includes a list of vocabulary words and questions to assess students’ knowledge of those words. This can also be used in conjunction with one of the leveled chapter tests. e Forms 2A and 2B contain multiple-choice questions aimed at on grade level students. These tests are similar in format to offer comparable testing situations. e Forms 2C and 2D contain free-response questions aimed at on grade level students. These tests are similar in format to offer comparable testing situations. e Form 3 is a free-response test for use with above grade level students. All of the above mentioned tests include a free-response Bonus question. Extended-Response Test Performance assessment tasks are suitable for all students. Sample answers are included for evaluation. Standardized Test Practice These three pages are cumulative in nature. It includes two parts: multiple-choice questions with bubble-in answer format and shortanswer free-response questions. Answers e The answers for the Anticipation Guide and Lesson Resources are provided as reduced pages. e Full-size answer keys are provided for the assessment masters. Glencoe/McGraw-Hiil, © Copyright Inc. Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division a Chapter 7 Glencoe Precalculus nea Karhlunaat | at Trade: StErv tes etalenpes of The Teseun, chiens - ww Nance Wat be Kaa ths rosinegite, co aa atedTete yb pangs: Tras on hee “Se 4 a minttte snite Hey ae teLest ‘Ther ang wititienSor nse Wiith at tely at nde. . Graphing Gals ulater, FP. Wiping or! Swremiehwel Artiuitieg Thee udev | | co j panies te chapter ne Bae a ‘; Seay arupenk tae in wie ticksaclogioeyh fae: awed wiht neaheap ha ip ae dase Ghod kK odd att Brawls “dt * ehin.ctegior, Dee ag set Albena! aay ‘ces nog plat ; . ~ erewanA. FT e sae versseonnged, ri af Bae “Sor rH oy EP.. ay intenara Taare oF,~ a: ‘sat i boats ca on: thnee seers es mh Tie. Shasiens es fion oe I etn —_ 4 os ; & at 3 ‘ ne 3 =n +f x! hic i= - en y - : oa ar se ~ : Saad F F ; : = =i f or =onat 2 aSeriial Wi have hatin gent , | > (= a eats any gan te ued 1s ledinidite x - \ \ ' . ‘ . 7 to i Ue , P Sse ap ee owes e v - a | tal ag r ae, a2 af , a) , : NAME DATE... PERIOD Student-Built Glossary LEO TT This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in _, Chapter 7. As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description. Remember to add the page number where you found the term. Add these pages to your Precalculus Study Notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter. axis of symmetry eeplige:-ysesmmaamias anne fe ee Geers beara al =e =e rs inh directrix —— eccentricity —— — es > ae Copyright ©Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, McGraw-Hill The of division Companies, Inc. a Chapter 7 (continued on the next page) 1 Glencoe Precalculus NAME? A ie ee eee Prat Glossary major axis parameter parametric equation parametric form rectangular form transverse axis JyHuAdoD, ‘SEIUBAWOD ‘|]IH-MeIDO/\\/A &|IIH-MEIDO/\\ © UOISIAIP JO BY “OU vertex (vertices) Chapter 7 2 _ Glencoe Precalculus NAME DAT Eterm PERIOD Anticipation Guide tibiae Conic Sections and Parametric Equations 4) Before you begin Chapter7 ced) o) bh =) fe) M4] ¢ Read each statement. J) ce ¢ Decide whether you Agree (A) or Disagree (D) with the statement. ~ h i) a © Lew e Write A or D in the first column OR if you are not sure whether you agree or disagree, write NS (Not Sure). 1. The graph of y? = 4x is a parabola. 2. The eccentricity of an ellipse is greater than 1. 3. The general form of the equation of a conic section is y=mx + b. There are formulas to find the coordinates of a point on the graph of a rotated conic section. A conic section could be a triangle or a square. The graph of a degenerate conic is a line or a point. The transverse axis of a hyperbola is longer than the conjugate axis. A circle is a special type of ellipse. " After you complete Chapter 7 yesentoransennennanasnahannmnannronsinetn ee e Reread each statement and complete the last column by entering an A or a D. e Did any of your opinions about the statements change from the first column? e For those statements that you mark with a D, use a piece of paper to write an example of why you disagree. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Copyright division McGraw-Hill The of Inc. Companies, a Chapter 7 3 Glencoe Precalculus U NOMBRE) fru a 9 er LALLA RCH Ae ee one AE ‘Ejercicios preparatorios Secciones conicas auecuaciones parametricas “Antes de. que ccomiences el Capitulo 7 e Lee cada enunciado. e Decide si estas de acuerdo (A) 0 en desacuerdo (D) con el enunciado. e Escribe A o D en la primera columna O si no estas seguro(a), escribe NS (no estoy seguro(a)). 1. La grafica de y? = 4x es una parabola. he La forma general de la ecuacién de una secci6n cénica es y=mx t+ b. Existen formulas para calcular las coordenadas de un punto en la grafica de una seccion cénica rotada. Una seccion conica puede ser triangular o cuadrada. La grafica de una conica degenerada es una recta o un punto. El eje transversal de una hipérbola es mas largo que su eje conjugado. Un circulo es un tipo especial de elipse. "Después de que termines el Capitulo 7 e Relee cada enunciado y escribe A o D en la ultima columna. e Compara la ultima columna con la primera. {Cambiaste de opinion sobre alguno de los enunciados? e En los casos en que hayas estado en desacuerdo con el enunciado, escribe en una hoja aparte un ejemplo de por qué no estas de acuerdo. JyBuAdoo ‘SaluedWwod ‘|JIH-MeINd\\/ © &“Quy UOISIAIP JO @UL jIIH-MeIOO/\J Capitulo 7 4 Precdlculo de Glencoe Dey Oe ee eee a a DATE PERIOD 7 Study Guide and Intervention Parabolas Analyze and Graph Parabolas A parabola is the locus of all points in a plane _ equidistant from a point called the focus and a line called the directrix. The standard ’ form of the equation of a parabola that opens vertically is (x — h)? = 4p(y— k). When p is negative, the parabola opens downward. When p is positive, it opens upward. The standard form of the equation of a parabola that opens horizontally is (y — k)? = 4p(x — h). When Pp is negative, the parabola opens to the left. When p is positive, it opens to the right. Example | For 6!_3)? ==_ 12(y ++4), identity the vertex, focus, axis of symmetry, aol directrix. Then graph the parabola. The ce is in standard form and the squared term is x, which means that the parabola opens vertically. Because 4p = 12, p = 3 and the graph opens upward. vr N S oO VW) Vv) The equation is in the form (x — h)? = 4p(y — k), soh = 3 andk = —4. Use the values of h, k, and p to determine the characteristics of the parabola. vertex: (3, —4) (h, k) directrix: y=-T7 y=k-p focus: (3, -1) (h, k + p) axis of symmetry: x bed Xe=uh Graph the vertex, focus, axis, and directrix of the parabola. Then make a table of values to graph the general shape of the curve. Exercises For each equation, identify the vertex, focus, axis of symmetry, and directrix. Then graph the parabola. 1. (y + 1)? = 8(@ — 3) 2. (x + 2)? = 4(y — 1) 8. (y — 3)? = 2(x — 6) 4. +(x - 3) =(y + 2) Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a Chapter 7 5 Glencoe Precalculus oF al | | a is eae nrnme. cS. sAre PERIOD meme 1 1 1 ‘Study Guide and Intervention | (continued) Parabolas Equations of Parabolas Specific characteristics can be used to determine the equation of a parabola. _ Example Arc equation for and graph a parabola with . focus (—4, —3) and vertex (1, —3). Because the focus and vertex share the same y-coordinate, the graph is horizontal. The focus is (h + p, k), so the value of p is —4 — 1 or —5. Because p is negative, the graph opens to the left. Write the equation for the parabola in standard form using the values of h, p, and k. ye ly _ (—8)>| 4 4(—5)(x — 1) (y + 3)? = —20(« — 1) Standard form p=-5,h=1,andk=-3 Simplify. The standard form of the equation is (y + 3)? = —20(x — 1). Graph the vertex, focus, and parabola. Exercises Write an equation for and graph a parabola with the given characteristics. 1. focus (—1, 5) and vertex (2, 5) 2. focus (1, 4); opens down; contains (—3, 1) 3. directrix y = 6; opens down; vertex (5,3) 4. focus (1.5, 1); opens right; directrix x = 0.5 JuBuAdoD ‘SAIURWOD ‘IIIH-MeIDO\\/ ©||IH-MeIDO|\ B“Qu] UOISIAIP JO PUL Chapter 7 6 Glencoe Precalculus NAME ice t c a r P CY Parabolas DATE . PERIOD Identify the vertex, focus, axis of symmetry, and directrix for each equation. Then graph the parabola. s 1. (x — 1)? = 8(y — 2) 2. y2+ 6y+9=12— 12x af ~ e: ie) Wi Wi ® axl Write an equation for and graph a parabola with the given characteristics. 3. vertex (—2, 4), focus (—2, 3) 4. focus (2, 1); opens right; contains (8, —7) 5. Write x? + 8x = —4y — 8 in standard form. Identify the vertex, focus, axis of symmetry, and directrix. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a 6. SATELLITE DISH Suppose the receiver in a parabolic dish antenna is 2 feet from the vertex and is located at the focus. Assume that the vertex is at the origin and that the dish is pointed upward. Find an equation that models a cross section of the dish. Chapter 7 7 Glencoe Precalculus DATE 2. NAME BE ERIOD ’ Word Problem Practice Parabolas 1. REFLECTOR The figure shows a parabolic reflecting mirror. A cross section of the mirror can be modeled by 4. ARCHWAYS The entrance to a college campus has a parabolic arch above two columns as shown in the figure. x” = 16y, where the values of x and y are measured in inches. Find the distance from the vertex to the focus of this mirror. —_ — Thee a. Write an equation that models the parabola. ~ » b. Graph the equation. . T-SHIRTS The cheerleaders at the high school basketball game launch T-shirts into the stands after a victory. The launching device propels the shirts into the air at an initial velocity of 32 feet per second. A shirt’s distance y in feet above the ground after x seconds can be modeled by y = —16x? + 32x + 5. a. Write the equation in standard form. . BRIDGES b. What is the maximum height that a T-shirt reaches? . FLASHLIGHT A flashlight contains a parabolic mirror with a bulb in the center as a light source and focus. If the width of the mirror is 4 inches at the top and the height to the focus is 0.5 inch, find an equation of the parabolic cross section. The cable for a suspension bridge is in the shape of a parabola. The vertical supports are shown in the figure. dilert | ee 10 400 a. Write an equation for the parabolic cable. b. Find the length of a supporting wire that is 100 feet from the center. Chapter 7 Glencoe Precalculus WYyHuAdoD ‘SAIUBAWOD ‘IIH-MeIDO\J/ UOISIAIP © JO SUL &|IIH-MEIDNOW “Quy NAME DATE ____——r—s»q PERIOD Enrichment | Tilted Parabolas , ‘The diagram at the right shows a fixed point F'(1, 1) and a line d that has an equation y = —x — 2. If P(x, y) satisfies the condition that PD = PF, then P is ona parabola. Our objective is to find an equation for the tilted parabola, which is the locus of all points that are the same distance from (1, 1) and the line y = —x — 2. First find an equation for the line m through P(x, y) and perpendicular to line d at D(a, b). Using this equation and the equation for line d, find the coordinates (a, b) of point D in terms of x and y. Then use (PD)? = (PF)? to find an equation for the parabola. Sy Ss c oO ma %) e] —l Refer to the discussion above. 1. Find an equation for line m. 2. Use the equations for lines m and d to show that the coordinates pO of point D are D(a, pepe hy ay AS 2 et 3. Use the coordinates of F, P, and D, along with (PD)? = (PF)? to find an equation of the parabola with focus F and directrix d. 4. a. Every parabola has an axis of symmetry. Find an equation for the axis of symmetry of the parabola described above. Justify your answer. Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a b. Use your answer from part a to find the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola. Justify your answer. Chapter 7 9 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE: -PenioD Study Guide and Intervention Ellipses and Circles Analyze and Graph Ellipses and Circles An ellipse is the locus of points in a plane such that the sum of the distances from two fixed points, called foci, is constant. The standard form of the equation of an ellipse is (x—a)? , (y—)? = 1 when the major axis is horizontal. In this case, a? is in the denominator of the x term. The standard form is (y—k)? | («—h) a 2 2 = 1 when the major axis is vertical. In this case, a’ is in the denominator of the y term. In both cases, c? = a? — 6’. Graph the ellipse given by the equation Ca), "d (x'+ oy 2)? » The equation is in standard form. Use the values of h, k, a, and 6 to determine the vertices and axes of the ellipse. Since a? > b?, a? = 25 and b? = 9, ora = 5 and b = 3B. Since a? is the denominator of the y-term, the major axis is parallel to the y-axis. orientation: vertical center: (—2, 1) (h, k) vertices: (—2, 6), (—2, —4) (h, k + a) co-vertices: (—5, 1), (4; 1) (h + b, k) major axis: minor axis: x=-—2 Vien x=h y=k Exercises Graph the ellipse given by each equation. (x +5)? | (y +2)? t 64 25 ih 2. yBuAdoD ‘SAlUedWOD ‘IIIH-MeIDI\| ©|IIH-MeIDO &“Ou UOISIAIP JO SUL Chapter 7 10 Glencoe Precalculus NAME BY5 Ssfop oe mca Study Guide and Intervention os1) (continued) Ellipses and Circles Determine Types of Conic Sections If you are given the equation for a conic section, you can determine what type of conic is represented using ‘ the characteristics of the equation. The standard form of an equation for a circle with center (h, k) and radius r is (x —h)? + (y —k)? =r’. Write each equation in standard form. Identify the ated conic. a. 4x? + Dy? + 24x — 36y + 36 = 0 4x? + Oy? + 24x — 36y + 86 = 0 A(x? + 6x +?) + 9(y? Ae Original equation Complete the square. st: ?) = -36+?+? (8) =9,(-4)°= A(x? + 6x + 9) + 9(y? — 4y + 4) = -36 + 36+ 36 Factor. A(x + 3)? + Iv bee 2)? = 36 (x+ 3), (ve2ye 9 eee Divide each side by 36. (x adil 7 (y —k)? = 1, the graph is Because the equation is of the form an ellipse with center (—3, 2). ay Bs Ss c 2] vi %) cD) b. x? — 16x — 8y + 80=0 x? — 16x — 8y + 80 =0 Original equation (x? — 16x + ?) — 8y + 80 =0 Complete the square. (x2 — 16x + 64) — 8y + 80 - 64 =0 (x = 8)? = 8(y = 2) = a (48)" =64 (0) Factor. (x — 8)? = 8(y — 2) Standard form Because only one term is squared, the graph is a parabola with vertex (8, 2). Exercises Write each equation in standard form. Identify the related conic. 1. y? + 2y + 6x? — 24x = 5 2.y? + Qy + x? — 24x = 14 3. 4x —-8 + y?+ 4y = 0 4.x? + 4x + y? — 2y —-49 =0 Giencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Copyright Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a 5. 4x? + 8x + 5y? — 30y — 11 =0 Chapter 7 6. 6x? + 24x + 2y — 10 = 0 11 Glencoe Precalculus | ss Lele Sener en) ))0) cere see ae iS) Ellipses and Circles Graph the ellipse given by each equation. 1. 4x? + 9y? — 8x — 36y +4 = 0 2. 25x? + Oy? — 50x — 90y + 25 = 0 Write an equation for the ellipse with each set of characteristics. » } 3. vertices (—12, 6), (4, 6); foci (—10, 6), (2, 6) 4. foci (—2, 1), (—2, 7); length of major axis 10 units Write each equation in standard form. Identify the related conic. 5. y? — 4y = 4x + 16 6. 4x? — 32x + 3y? — 18y = —55 7. x7 + y? — 8x — 24y = 9 8. x? + y? + 20x — 10y + 4=0 Determine the eccentricity of the ellipse given by each equation. (x+1)? | Geely: i 25 16a 10. yeas = 64 rb 9 a, 1 &JyBUAdOD ‘SAIURDWOD ‘IIIH-MeIDOW\ ©UOISIAIP JO SUL |IIH-MeIDO\| ‘OU] 11. CONSTRUCTION A semi-elliptical arch is used to design a headboard for a bed frame. The headboard will have a height of 2 feet at the center and a width of 5 feet at the base. Where should the craftsman place the foci in order to sketch the arch? Chapter 7 12 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE _. PERIOD Word Problem Practice Ellipses and Circles 1. WHISPERING GALLERY A whispering _ 4. RETENTION POND A circular retention gallery at a museum is in the shape of an ellipse. The room is 84 feet long and pond is getting larger by overflowing and flooding the nearby land at a rate of 46 feet wide. 100 yards per day, as shown below. a. Write an equation modeling the shape of the room. Assume that it is centered at the origin and that the major axis is horizontal. b. Find the location of the foci. 2. SIGNS A sign is in the shape of an ellipse. The eccentricity is 0.60 and the length is 48 inches. a. Graph the circle that represents the water, and find the distance from the center of the pond to the house. a. Write an equation for the ellipse if the center of the sign is at the origin. ty Ss a oO W %) cd) =al b. What is the maximum height of the sign? 3. TUNNEL The entrance to a tunnel is in the shape of half an ellipse as shown in the figure. b. If the pond continues to overflow at the same rate, how many days will it take for the water to reach the house? a. Write an equation that models c. Write an equation for the circle of the ellipse. water at the current time and an equation for the circle when the water reaches the house. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Copyright Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a b. Find the height of the tunnel 10 feet from the center. Chapter 7 13 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE asco ee me Superellipses The circle and the ellipse are members of an interesting family of curves that were first studied by the French physicist and mathematician Gabriel Lamé (1795-1870). The general equation for the family is |=" + || = 1, witha 40,640, andn>0. For even values of n greater than 2, the curves are called superellipses. 1. Consider two curves that are not superellipses. Graph each equation on the grid at the right. State the type of curve produced each time. x [2 eat a. |5| +|3[=1 2. In each of the following cases, you are given values of a, b, and n to use in the general equation. Write the resulting equation. Then graph. Sketch each graph on the grid at the right. adie 20 = ohn = 4 Dade 0 23, = 6: CH SOS or S38 3. What shape will the graph of ||"+Fal af approximate for greater and greater even, whole-number values of n? &JUBUAdOD ‘SalUedWOD ‘IIIH-MeIDOW\ ©JO UOISIAIP SUL |IIH-MeIDOW\ “Qu Chapter 7 14 Glencoe Precalculus OR ee _) Graphing Calculator Activity Pep ht 2A Translations of Ellipses t & To graph an ellipse, such as (x 18— 3? "6(yTp + 2) ae 1l,ona graphing calculator, you must first solve for y. _ oy 3)2 2)? ai os i | Original equation 32(x — 3)? + 18(y + 2)? = 576 Multiply each side by 576. 18(y + 2)? = 576 — 32(x — 3)? be si (y + 2)? = Ras = yor athe 2 nae ae Subtract 32(x — 3)? from each side. Divide each side by 18. 2 a) —2 Take the square root of each side. The result is two equations. To graph both equations in Y1, replace + with {1, —1}. Be careful to include the proper parentheses or you will get an error message. Gad) (1 2 ©) Gee 0) Ge 6 S30 20 @ 18H B 2 eaea) Coon) «. o N c BS 82 eee ie) Vv) o ad VW Like other graphs, there are families of ellipses. Changing certain values in the equation of an ellipse creates a new member of that family. Exercises Graph each equation on a graphing calculator. Gea 0 2) | Lhergeostcrgy =. b 3. (Geass pea lceee kn ele 1 (eet)? Ses 2) (pea) TRS aT ee oie sige tte 4, et Ca 1 5. Describe the effects of replacing x — 3 in Exercises 3 and 4 with (x + c) forc > 0. Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © of division Companies, McGraw-Hill The Inc. a 6. Describe the effects of replacing y + 2 in Exercises 1 and 2 with (y + c) forc > 0. Chapter 7 15 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE sence PERIOD Hyperbolas Analyze and Graph Hyperbolas A hyperbola is the locus of all points in a plane such that the difference of their distances from two foci is constant. The standard form of the equation of a hyperbola is =h)? dae j ; Bisel) — Wiehe = 1 when the transverse axis is horizontal, and a? b? —k)? —h? Y s ) _ a Tes = 1 when the transverse axis is vertical. In both cases, a? + b? =’. 2 Graph the hyperbola given by the equation PRG = ent be 16 The equation is in standard form. Both h and & are 0, so the center is at the origin. Because the x-term is subtracted, the transverse axis is vertical. Use, the values of a, b, and c to determine the vertices and foci of the hyperbola. Because a? = 16 and b? = 4,a = 4 and b = 2. Use the values ofa and 6b to find the value of c. ce=a’+ Ca b? Equation relating a, b, andc Ae a=4andb=2 c = V20 or about 4.47 Simplify. Determine the characteristics of the hyperbola. center: (0, 0) vertices: (0, 4), (0, —4) (h, k) foci: (0, V20), (0, -V20) ke) (h, k + a) asymptotes: y = 2x,y = —2x y—k=+2(—h) Make a table of values to sketch the hyperbola. —5.65, 5.65 aaa Exercises Graph the hyperbola given by each equation. i i ah Leming 2 lox Oa ap Cegt 2)? oS &JYyBuAdoD ‘SalUedWOD ‘I|IH-MeIDOY\/ ©UOISIAIP JO SUL |IIH-MeINO] ‘Ouy Chapter 7 16 ‘ Glencoe Precalculus Date. oe 6RERIOD Study Guide and Intervention — coninued Hyperbolas Identify Conic Sections You can determine the type of conic when the equation for the conic is in general form, Ax? + Bxy + Cy? + Dx + Ey + F = 0. ‘The discriminant, or B? — 4AC, can be used to identify a conic when the equation is in general form. : tion " Use the discriminant to identify each conic section. a. 2x? + Gy? — 8x + 12y —-2=0 A is 2, B is 0, and C is 6. Find the discriminant. B’ — 4AC = 0? — 4(2)(6) or —48 The discriminant is less than 0, so the conic must be either a circle or an ellipse. Because A # C, the conic is an ellipse. b. 5x? + 8xy — 2y? + 4x — 3y +10 =0 A is 5, B is 8, and C is —2. Find the discriminant. B? — 4AC = 8? — 4(5)(—2) or 104. The discriminant is greater than 0, so the conic is a hyperbola. c. 12x? + 12xy + 3y? — 7x + 2y —6=0 A is 12, B is 12, and C is 3. Find the discriminant. B? — 4AC = 12? — 4(12)(8) or 0 The discriminant is 0, so the conic is a parabola. Exercises Use the discriminant to identify each conic section. 1. 4x? + 4y? — 2x —-9y +1=0 2. 10x? + 6y? -x+ 8V+1=0 3. —2x? + 6xy + y? — 4x —- By + 2=0 4. x7 + 6xy + y? — 2x +1=0 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a 5. 5x? + Qny + 4y? +44 2y+17=0 7. 25x? + 100x — 54y = —200 Chapter 7 6.x? + 2xny+y?+x+10=0 — 54y? = —100 8. 16x? + 100x 17 Glencoe Precalculus NAME 0).| enemas ree comowree RAL DNASE SANT Practice f=) (312) AARNE Hyperbolas Graph the hyperbola given by each equation. 1. x? — 4y? — dx + 24y — 36 = 0 2 fi Bagh soe S| Write an equation for the hyperbola with the given characteristics. 3. vertices (—10, 6), (4, 6); 4. foci (0, 6), (0, —4); length of transverse foci (—12, 6), (6, 6) axis 8 units 5. Determine the eccentricity of the hyperbola given by the equation 7)? (ital Olle l 36 lea os 6. ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE Two neighbors who live one mile apart hear an explosion while they are talking on the telephone. One neighbor hears the explosion two seconds before the other. If sound travels at 1100 feet per second, determine the equation of the hyperbola on which the explosion was located. Use the discriminant to identify each conic section. 7. 5x? + xy + 2y? — 5x + BV +9=0 8. 16x? — 4y? — 8x — By +1=0 9. 4x? + 8xy + 4y? +x+1ly+10=0 10. 2x? + 4y? — 8x —-6v +2 =0 Chapter 7 18 Glencoe Precalculus WYBUAdOD, ‘SaiUedWIOD ‘IIIH-MeINOI\ ©JO &|IIH-MeINO| LOISIAIP SUL ‘Quy NAME DATE ELSIE DELO OEE LEG PERIOD NESE: ‘Word Problem Practice Hyperbolas 1. EARTHQUAKES The epicenter of an earthquake lies on a branch of the . hyperbola represented by (x-—50)? — (y — 35)? 1600 as 2500. 2 1¢ where 3. PARKS A grassy play area is in the shape of a hyperbola, as shown. the seismographs are located at the foci. a. Graph the hyperbola. a. Write an equation that models the curved sides of the play area. b. If each unit on the coordinate plane represents 3 feet, what is the narrowest width of the play area? b. Find the locations of the seismographs. 2. SHADOWS A lamp projects light onto a wall in the shape of a hyperbola. The edge of the light can be modeled We hey 4, SHADOWS The path of the shadow cost by the tip of a sundial is usually a hyperbola. . ie ise alate a. Write two equations of the hyperbola in standard form if the center is at the origin, given that the path that a. Graph the hyperbola. contains a transverse axis of 24 millimeters with one focus 14 millimeters from the center. b. Graph one hyperbola. b. Write the equations of the asymptotes. Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a c. Find the eccentricity. Chapter 7 19 Glencoe Precalculus 7-3 Less NAME DATE SSE NNER ESE LAG LT SANTA Enrichment PERIOD AEE Moving Foci Recall that the equation of a hyperbola with center at the origin and horizontal transverse axis has the 2 2 equation = - = = 1. The foci are at (—c, 0) and (c, 0), where c? = a? + Db’, the vertices are at (—a, 0) and (a, 0), and the asymptotes have equations Siete Lex. Such a hyperbola is shown at the right. What happens to the shape of the graph as c grows very large or very small? Refer to the hyperbola described above. 1. Write a convincing argument to show that as c approaches 0, the foci, the vertices, and the center of the hyperbola become the same point. 2. Use a graphing calculator or computer to graph x? — y? = 1, x” — y?=0.1, and x? — y? = 0.01. (Such hyperbolas correspond to smaller and smaller values of c.) Describe the changes in the graphs. What shape do the graphs approach as c approaches 0? 3. Suppose a is held fixed and c approaches infinity. How does the graph of the hyperbola change? 4, Suppose b is held fixed and c approaches infinity. How does the graph of the hyperbola change? Chapter 7 20 JyBuAdoo ‘SAIUBGWOD ‘IIIH-Me1DI\\ ©UOISIAIP B|IIH-MeIDOW JO YL “Qu Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE ______——«wPERIOD Study Guide and Intervention LGD LOSE LAIDBHii Rotations of Conic Sections Rotation of Conic Sections An equation Ax? + Bxy + Cy? + Dx + Ey +F =0 _im the xy-plane can be rewritten as A(x’)? + C(y’)? + Dx’ + Ey’ + F = 0 in the x’y’-plane “ by rotating the coordinate axes through an angle 0. The equation in the x’y’-plane can be found using x = x’ cos 6 — y’sin @and y = x’ sin 0 + y’ cos 6. ote ton Use 0 = 45° to write the standard form of x? — 2xy — Ay? + $ = 0 in the x’y’-plane. Then identify the conic. The conic is a hyperbola because B?— 4AC > 0. Find the equations for x and y. x =x’ cos 0—y’sin 0 2a Peas Bee» oun) Rotation equations forxand y See y =x’ sin 0+ y¥’ cos 6 eae 2h ety BgOhoene he sin 7 =—5- and'€os = ae Substitute into the original equation. xe (V2 5 — Qxy — 4y? +5 =) A/D4’ i 2 V 2x! = V2y' \V2x' + V2y' |= | V2x' + V2y’ 5 9 2 |+3 = 0 Replace x and y. Kael)? = x'y’ + 309)? — (2'P + (9)? — 2(e'? — 4x'y’ — 20)? + 4 = 0 expand the binomials. em 5 INO 5 (x’)? — 5x'yVN, x 9 (y’)?\2 + thy 9 = 0 . 5 Simplify. The equation of the hyperbola after the 45° rotation is 5(x’)? + 10x’y’+ (y’)? = 1. Exercises a a Write the standard form of each equation in the x’y’-plane for the given value of 0. Then identify the conic. 1.x? - 4x +y?=2,0=7 \e) a 2. 8x2 — By? = 40, 6 = 30° al Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Copyright Inc. Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division a Chapter 7 21 Glencoe Precalculus NAN 2) or 8 ee ee Study Guide and Intervention ee (coninuea) Rotations of Conic Sections Graph Rotated Conics When the equations of rotated conics are given for the x’y’-plane, they can be graphed by finding points on the graph of the conic and then converting these points to the xy-plane. Graph ph = +HOES) = 1 if it has been rotated 30° from its position in the epee The equation represents an ellipse, and it is in standard form. Use the center (0, 0); the vertices (0, 8), (0, —8); and the co-vertices (6, 0), (—6, 0) to determine the center and vertices for the ellipse in the xy-plane. Find the equations for x and y for 0 = 30°. x =x’ cos 6— y’ sin 0 V3, erred: ~sy' a Rotation equations forx and y : { y= V3 x’ sin 0+ yy’ cos 0 EY, sin 30° = = and cos 30° = —>- V3 way? LEGS / Use the equations to convert the x’y’-coordinates of the center mo? xy-coordinates. x = 3 ¥3.(0) - +(0) =.) x’=Oandy’=0 y = Multiply. V3 (0) arte OY, =) Likewise, convert the coordinates of the vertices and co-vertices into xy-coordinates. (Ops Wwas( 449/38) 4(0,.8) =>. (4,543) 2(670)s—> (8:35.83) (26, 0) > (—3'V3, —3) The new center, vertices, and co-vertices can be used to sketch the graph of the ellipse in the xy-plane. Exercises Graph each equation at the indicated angle. we _ OF 4 60: N\2 1. (x’ + 6)? = 12(y’ + 2); a 2. N2 9 }yYBuAdoD ‘SAIUBCWOD ‘I[IH-MeINI\ &J|IIH-MEINOY\\ © UOISIAIP JO SUL “OU Chapter 7 22 Glencoe Precalculus Oi ree A. eee ere DATE... _. PERIOD | Practice ent Rotations of Conic Sections Write the standard form of each equation in the x’y’-plane for the given value of 6. Then identify the conic. 1. xy =1,0=7 2. 5x? + 6y? = 30; 6 = 30° Write an equation for each conic in the xy-plane for the given equation in x’y’ form and the given value of 0. 8. (x’)? = 16(y’); 6 = 45° Ne A4 Eg 7St 7 Nee 25 (se) Determine the angle 0 through which the conic with each equation should be rotated. Then write the equation in standard form. 5.2 + xy +y?=2 6. 18x? — 8xy + Ty? — 45 = 0 7. 16x? — 24xy + Dy? — 30x — 40y = 0 8. 18x? + 12xy + 13y? — 198 = 0 9. COMMUNICATIONS Suppose the orientation of a satellite dish that monitors radio waves is modeled by the equation Ax? + Ixy + 4y? + V2x — V2y = 0. What is the angle of rotation of the satellite dish about the origin? 10. Graph (x’ + 1)? = —16(y’ + 3) if it has been rotated 45° from its position 7-4 Less in the xy-plane. ly Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a Chapter 7 23 Glencoe Precalculus NAMB: ey ee DA ee ee ‘Word Problem Practice Rotations of Conic Sections 1. COMMUNICATIONS A satellite dish is 3. ART Mimi is drawing a picture with rotated parabolas. She wants to graph (x’ — 3)? = 12(y’ — 4) if it has been rotated 45° from the xy-plane. modeled by the equation y = ax when it is directly overhead. Later in the day, the dish has rotated 60°. a. Find the vertex in the xy-plane. a. Write an equation that models the new orientation of the satellite dish. b. Find the equation for the axis of symmetry in the xy-plane. . b. Draw the graph. s : c. Draw the graph in the xy-plane. 2. GEARS Suppose the equation of an elliptical gear rotated 60° in the as, pur (&.)4 ‘3 4, LOGIC A hyperbola has been rotated 40° clockwise. Through what angle sg SMR: F 164120 anak must it be rotated to return it to its a. Write an equation for the ellipse formed by the gear in the xy-plane. original position? b. Draw the graph. 5. SHAPES The shape of a reflecting mirror in a telescope can be modeled by 25x? + 13xy + 2y? = 100. Determine whether the reflector is elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic. JyBUAdOD ‘SA1UeGWOD ‘IIIH-MeIDO\ ©JO BJIIH-MeINOW\ LOISIAIP SUL ‘Ou Chapter 7 24 Glencoe Precalculus DATE: sax Enrichment PERIOD Graphing with Addition of y-Coordinates . Equations of parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas that are “tipped” with respect to the x- and y-axes are more difficult to graph than the equations you have been studying. y | [14 i" | | |B Often, however, you can use the graphs of two simpler equations to graph a more complicated equation. For example, the graph of the ellipse in the diagram at the right is obtained by adding the y-coordinate of each point on the circle and the y-coordinate of the corresponding point of the line. ¢ + ; eA ++ ne 7 Were Graph each equation. State the type of curve for each graph. ly=6-x+4+V4-27 2 = a HELA iy 7-4 Less Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a Use a separate sheet of graph paper to graph these equations. State the type of curve for each graph. Bi y= 2% tW.7 + 6x — x” Chapter 7 4,.y=—2x+ 25 V-2x Glencoe Precalculus NAME. a re DA ee ee Study Guide and Intervention Parametric Equations Graph Parametric Equations Parametric equations are used to describe the horizontal and vertical components of an equation. Parameters are arbitrary values, usually time or angle measurement. » Example 1 ' Sketch the curve given by the parametric equations x=-3+ 4tand y=? + 3 over the interval —4 <t <4. Make a table of values for —4 <¢t < 4. Plot the (x, y) coordinates for each t-value and connect the points to form a smooth curve. y T Write x = 4t — 2and y = # + 1 in rectangular form. Parametric equation for x Ss; Z =A — Solve for t. x+2 | ri : |— __ x7+4x4+4 ic 2 Substitute X42 for t in the equation for y. x42 Square “7. 2 BHM ar Mors IG 4 4 impli Simplify. miss xe The rectangular equation is y = eta pas Foal a Exercises Sketch the curve given by each pair of parametric equations over the given interval. l.x=#+4andy=4-3,-4<¢<4 2.x=Landy at oo =Vi+2;0<t<8 IYBuAdoD ‘SAlIUeCWIOD ‘IIIH-MeINOW\ © B“Qu UOISIAIP JO PUL IIIH-MeINO\ Chapter 7 26 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE -_ Study Gu ide and - RE Interventio n 4 37 )P) (continued) Parametric Equations Projectile Motion . Parametric equations are often used to simulate projectile motion. For an object launched at an angle @ with the horizontal at an initial velocity v,, where g is the gravitational constant, t is time, and h, is the initial height, the horizontal distance x can be found by x = tu, cos 8 ; anh : 1 and the vertical position y by y = tu, sin 6 — 3 yen i > Tigi isAraceae sa soccer ball: He kicks the ball with an aatial velocity of 35 feet per second at an angle of 48° with the horizontal. The ball is 2 feet above the ground when he kicks it. How far will the ball travel horizontally before it hits the ground? Step 1 Make a diagram of the situation. Q” aa ~ Step 2 Write a parametric equation for the vertical position of the ball. y= tv, sin 6 — Sgt? = h, = t(35) sin (48) — $(82)¢ +2 Step 3 Parametric equation for vertical position v, = 35, 6 = 48°, g = 32, andh, = 2 Graph the equation for the vertical position and the line y = 0. Use 5: INTERSECT on the CALC menu of a calculator to find the point of intersection of the curve with y = 0. The value is about 1.7 seconds. You could also use 2: ZERO and not graph y = 0. Step 4 Determine the horizontal position of the ball at 1.7 seconds. x= tv, cos 8 Parametric equation for horizontal position = 1.7(85) cos 48 ~—-v, = 85, 0 = 48°, andt = 1.7 =~ 39.8 Use a calculator. The ball will travel about 39.8 feet before it hits the ground. Exercises 1. Julie is throwing a ball at an initial velocity of 28 feet per second and an angle of 56° with the horizontal from a height of 4 feet. How far away will the ball land? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, McGraw-Hill The of division Companies, Inc. a 2. Jerome hits a tennis ball at an initial velocity of 38 feet per second and an 7-5 Less angle of 42° with the horizontal from a height of 1.5 feet. How far away will the ball land if it is not hit by his opponent? Chapter 7 27 Glencoe Precalculus UAE ca a LALLA ’ Practice ciety AT rs eee RLS Parametric Equations Sketch the curve given by each pair of parametric equations over the given interval. l.x=f+landy=5—6,-Sistz5 2.0=2+6andy=—4;-5<t<5 Write each pair of parametric equations in rectangular form. SB. =i 2b-+-38) y= t 4 4.x=t+5,y = —3?? oo = 3 sill o, y = 2 cos'@ 6. y = 4sin 0,x = 5 cos 0 eu Use each parameter to write the parametric equations that can represent each equation. Then graph the equation, indicating the speed and orientation. 7.t =2=* fory 3 — x =2=* 9. MODEL ROCKETRY 8.¢=4«¢ —1lfory =x?+2 Manuel launches a toy rocket from ground level with an initial velocity of 80 feet per second at an angle of 80° with the horizontal. ByyBuAdoo, ‘SAIUEdWOD ‘IjIH-MeINO\V ©JO UOISIAIP OUL |IIH-MeINOYW ‘Quy a. Write parametric equations to represent the path of the rocket. b. How long will it take the rocket to travel 10 feet horizontally from its starting point? What will be its vertical distance at that point? Chapter 7 28 Glencoe Precalculus Dna ee Ta LC DATE.. —— ~PPERIOD Word Problem Practice Parametric Equations 1. PHYSICS A rock is thrown at an initial 5. GOLF Julio hit a golf ball with an velocity of 5 meters per second at an initial velocity of 100 feet per second at angle of 8° with the ground. After | an angle of 39° with the horizontal. 0.4 second, how far has the rock traveled horizontally? a. Write parametric equations for the flight of the ball. 2. PLAYING CATCH Tom and Sarah are b. Find the maximum height the ball playing catch. Tom tosses a ball to Sarah rearhon, at an initial velocity of 38 feet per second at an angle of 28° from a height of 4 feet. Sarah is 40 feet away from Tom. a. How high above the ground will the 6. BASEBALL ball be when it gets to Sarah? Micah hit a baseball at an initial velocity of 120 feet per second from a height of 3 feet at an angle of 34°. b. What is the maximum height of the ball? 3. TENNIS Melinda hits a tennis ball with an initial velocity of 42 feet per second at an angle of 16° with the horizontal from a height of 2 feet. She is 20 feet from the net and the net is 3 feet high. Will the a. How far will the ball travel ball go over the net? horizontally before it hits the ground? b. What is the maximum height the ball will reach? 4. BASKETBALL Mandy throws a basketball with an initial velocity of 28 feet per second at an angle of 60° with the horizontal. If Mandy releases the ball from a height of 5 feet, write a pair of equations to determine the vertical and horizontal positions of the ball. c. If the fence is 8 feet tall and 400 feet from home plate, will the ball clear the fence to be a home run? Explain. fh N = Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a 2) Ww vi rf a | Chapter 7 29 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE 2a ‘Enrichment ene AAAS Coordinate Equations of Projectiles The path of a projectile after it is launched is a parabola when graphed on a coordinate plane. The path assumes that gravity is the only force acting on the projectile. The equation of the path of a projectile on the coordinate plane is given by y 2 + (tan Bs? &GO }x iy) | eee t a)x, where g is the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m/s? or 32 ft/s”, U, 1s the initial velocity, and a is the angle at which the projectile is fired. Write the eaetan neea prjccuie fired at an angle of 10° to ce horizontal with an initial velocity of 120 m/s. Pore 9.8 eZ” oo tan eT 10° y = —0.00035x? + 0.18x Find the equation of the path of each projectile. 1. a projectile fired at 80° to the 2. a projectile fired at 40° to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 200 ft/s Chapter 7 horizontal with an initial velocity of 150 m/s 30 Glencoe Precalculus yyBuAdoo, ‘IjIH-MeIDNI\W/ ‘SaluedWOD ©JO B|IIH-MEIDO| UOISIAIP OUL ‘Ou] NAME om Sera ac hect Activ ity DILLER DATE — PERIOD TS Parametric Equations : You have learned that the motion of orbiting planets can be modeled using parametric equations. A spreadsheet can be used to evaluate parametric equations and to provide a graph of a planet’s orbit. Use the parametric equations for Saturn’s position in its orbit in a spreadsheet. To calculate the x position, enter the following formula in B2: = 9.5*COS(PI()15*A2). To Ds | 2sds661 |o.0te0i6 Ta |-o9ecce |9.426000 calculate the y position, enter the formula = 9.48*SIN(PI()15*A2) in C2. Use the fill handle to paste these formulas into the remaining cells in columns B and C. In the spreadsheet, the values in column A represent t, and the values in columns B and C represent the calculated x and y values of Saturn’s position at time ¢. Exercises 1. Complete the spreadsheet to find the position of Saturn every 2 years from t = 2 to t = 32. Use the spreadsheet to make an X-Y graph of Saturn’s position. 2. Find the coordinates representing Saturn’s position after 23 years. 3. Given the parametric equations x = 6 sin 3t and y = —4 cos f¢, write the formulas to put into your spreadsheet if time is found in cell A2. Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division McGraw-Hill The of Companies, Inc. a 7-5 Less Chapter 7 31 Glencoe Precalculus er= eam nd es y a tem M0) t hment aaa Poric 7 . C sae a <7 —— —P Sth rete ats " cs Coordinete Equations of promeine 2 : Pie peid of gu praisctily _ Hitehormadtmoledddelg § cach ; iva ardlste pune lag alates Otbaau-otk Mid te ; : A= adictyo-Renunley 2% onewh ‘rte wihdhoidaups siitocaea i ae) é ot ‘ga didio ai n.aoklisey— af - ariel. oti tetas .moldipedsx.seit eieliotas = ot faa [RAGoNLE = Sd ttt‘pleco © a ib rstes cothiead ‘cad: anhalt OFoi (SANAL (TDRAD 2 a afiutenit seers sieaq of elbaan | "ah meA asuttisloo aieiles gaidiente sf eR 7 Me, ary atl) Ber 5) tooaenyor-. é sunrians talysles 3 dnseaigar A aes te Ts fot le ae bast | otistho gravity | id the qth SENS marti dete oP, | : e + eg ey ee, eke ay er > yet Glee a ip ake path of4 prreett te om thie etxenelizerite pliinete! iret = ae i A se ye , 2 Bes, naa ses.bctiatet 4o nistied ault bai of ¢ ‘beues ott aenrae oy Pai Wigs ila at dosdabaeiye of? all LE = hor S = 3 mort . ale the. sitllsew ion Get 3 giv ityss 8 avy! or Qa de® ‘ = . ar wer Lm ‘atheiecenstal oe sige - ited "i 7 1) e ae Lou Rass _ " an & aciths pity ee 3 7 rihthet na * ee to { ae : : as Soe) | . eee ik ic ' 2 F SG a my i: x ee = 7 j ' part F) Libed a ; ‘ 3 Ss Pa RIKSY ses ¥ my : Mix r a - pegucisie fret atsaR atime ¢ a veep + a8 : 2 Cab ape? J - ee { Bate iy? 2 thea) Tees nobiang Fryrin® anitaved ngaaeianitriis sas have ne hia” - Ur > 7 sa os ae Writs |ae Gayvasionul ; : ate a * Zz Sti FieTea Peart do Ge tie ig ab weidich dhe 1! = te Sig cae i ey = _ ~ gortinde 2°‘rutae 40 oe VG - Tetet enoisanpn9 sinonusiag odsnh " be oe sheon cabot‘oRhae FIRS Be. Xe tf90 fi hiro) af orett Ti sesriaimgorga ABD, olal tug nd anton . ewe Sha) : horxenial , ¥ ve. ih bh 3 nes” an 3 Pretiel Bis" : A , veloc 3. Ta pide Aveienuiel, > af et ee Fy r o [tes | ios st AY a9 Wits + : wrth. eur initha + weloeiéy Mai = y : ns Be NAME ae a's 6) — PERIOD SCORE (Lessons 7-1 and 7-2) 1. Write 16x? + 4y? — 96x + 8y + 84 = 0 in standard form. Identify the related conic. ; 2. Graph the ellipse given by ee + Es Ls ail 64 100 1. 2 ‘ : ~ 3. Identify the vertex, focus, axis of symmetry, and directrix for x? — 4x + 8y + 12 =0. .) eVv Ab %) cd) mA %) 4. Write an equation for the ellipse with vertices (—8, 5), (4, 5) and foci (—7, 5), (3, 5). 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE Write an equation for the parabola with vertex (0, 0) and directrix x = —8. Asy2=.—32x,. -Buy? = —16x.. .C. y? =1S8x we w we me mem MP we em ee ew ee ee we MP ee ew ee ee ee ew ee ee < 4, ee ee ee ee ew ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Duy? =.320" ee ee ee ew em ee ee ee ee 55: ee ee ee DALE SS ew ee ee ee ee ee ee em ee ee ee eee Pero SCORE G S 5 (Lesson 7-3) Soe 1. Graph the hyperbola given by pee. _ oe 2 = I 1. cs & = CG) F 2 q = G 2 : : & 8 2. Write an equation for the hyperbola with vertices (—4, —1), (2, —1) and foci (—5, —1), (3, —1). 3. Find the ee (x + 3)? ogee V8) aot of the ellipse given by ls 3. 4, Use the discriminant to identify the conic given by 24x? — 4y? — 150x — 16y = —109. 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE 2. 4. Write an equation for the hyperbola with vertices (0, —6), (0, 6) and foci (0, —9), (0, 9). y Men a a6 46 Cane B Ne pa D iy? ree Chapter 7 tees a5 Via eae 36 rule 33 5. Glencoe Precalculus wee eee NY||=) nn i 55 |) rn Oe moenemmone BM: 7 OMe PERIOD 48 7.12 hapter 7 Quiz 3 ELLE TNO EE ONES SCORE (Lesson 7-4) 1. Identify the conic x? + xy — y? = 6. Write the standard form of the equation in the x’y’-plane for the given value of d=. 4 2. Identify the conic 9x? + 4y? = 36. Write the standard form of the equation in the x’y’-plane for the given value of 6. =:30:. 3. Determine the angle @ through which the conic given by 8x? + 8xy — Ty? = 15 should be rotated. 4, Write an equation in the xy-plane for the conic given by N\2 a = we = 1 in «2 form and for @= 60; 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE A Identify the conic xy = —8. circle C ellipse B_ parabola ee ee ee ee ew ee ee ee ee ee D ew ee ee ee ee ew ee ee eB ee ew ee ee hyperbola Be em ee ee ee Be ee ee ee ee ee ee wee ee ee Reem em em ee ee em em em em ee em ee ee ee ee ee eK PERIOD Chapter 7Quiz 4 SCORE (Lesson 7-5) 1. Sketch the curve given by x = —3t? and y = 2t, -2 <t < 2. 2. Write x = 5 cos 0 and y = 7 sin @ in rectangular form. 3. MULTIPLE CHOICE rectangular form. A y=(x+5)? oo Rewrite y = #? + 4 and x = 2t — 5in C y= 4x? — 20x + 29 2 D aca) 2 While positioned 25 yards directly in front of the goalposts, Bill kicks the football with an initial velocity of 65 feet per second at an angle of 35° with the ground. yYyBuAdog ‘SAIURGWOD ‘IJIH-MeINO\V © &|IIH-MeINOW UOISIAIP JO BY “OuU] 4, Write the position of the football as a pair of parametric equations. If the crossbar is 10 feet above the ground, does Bill’s team score? 5. What is the elapsed time from the moment the football is kicked to the time the ball hits the ground? Chapter 7 34 Glencoe Precalculus Chap 7Mitd-eChaprter Test NAME DATE PERIOD ow (Lessons 7-1 through 7-3) | Part I| Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question. , 1. Which is the graph of (y — 6)? = 4(% — 2)? A B y i 8 4 O 4 | 8 | 12x ‘4 = 2. Which is the equation for an ellipse with vertices (—3, 4), (11, 4) and foci (—i, 4), (9, 4)? F (x — Fi 4)? Ce oes AR ( — ALE 4)’ aes 1 H Cee eet < sqit ey =e toe y? (e- 4)? a. 25may n7) oY vn = 4)’ Say ancmpareay Tsse ines 2 3. Which are the equations of the asymptotes of “+ — a = beg 4jpo6.5 Arye CyAsh sous Byaree D 86: 95 & 425 ¥>= eae 3. 4, Use the discriminant to identify the conic given by Ax? ++ 10x + 2v+8=0. F ellipse G hyperbola H_ parabola J circle 5. Write an equation for the hyperbola with vertices (2, 5), (2, —3) and conjugate axis of length 10. eS 6. The entrance to a zoo is in the shape of a parabola. Write ~ an equation for the parabola if the point of origin is the center of the figure. 6. 4. Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a = 6) 1)? 7. Graph the hyperbola given by sean ~e Chapter 7 35 = bP ce Glencoe Precalculus ‘Cha7pVtocaebulrary Test NAME) ae ach axis of symmetry conic section conjugate axis co-vertices degenerate conic directrix eccentricity ellipse focus (foci) hyperbola locus major axis minor axis parabola eo parameter parametric equation parametric form rectangular form transverse axis vertex (vertices) State whether each statement is true or false. If false, replace the underlined term or expression to make a true sentence. 1. A parabola is the set of all points in a plane equidistant from a point and a line in the same plane. 1. 2. In an ellipse, the relationship between the values a, b, and c is given by the equation a? + b? = c’?. = Z, 3. The length of the major axis of an ellipse is greater than the length of the minor axis. 3. 4, The eccentricity of a hyperbola is less than one. 4, 5. The foci of a hyperbola are on the conjugate axis. 5. 6. An equation for a graph written in rectangular form uses the variable t or the angle 0. 6. 7. The intersection of a double-napped right cone and a plane is a conic section. 7. 8. The axis of symmetry of a parabola is a line through the focus, parallel to the directrix. 8. 9. The equation of a line tangent to a parabola can be found using an isosceles triangle. 3: 10. ae slopes of the asymptotes of a vertical hyperbola are Ing 10. Define each term in your own words. 11. hyperbola &JyBuAdoD ‘SIUBMWOD ‘IJIH-MeIQ9\\/ ©|IIH-MEINOW UOISIAIP JO SUL ‘Ou 12. degenerate conic Chapter 7 36 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE : PERIOD LLOYD RASPY SORORITIES Chapter 7 Test, Form 1 SCORE Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question. For Questions 1-3, refer to the ellipse represented 2 by ———— Cra Ay a = 1, “1. Find the coordinates of the center. As (1,.2) B (1, —2) C (-1, 2) D (-2, 1) Loess 2. Find the coordinates of the foci. Be (tet, 7, —2) H (5, —2), (-3, —2) Ga (4, oP ly Ayes) 2/7) 2. 3. Find the coordinates of the vertices and co-vertices. 5 A (1, 2), (1, -6), (4, -2), (—2, —2) C (5, —2), (—3, —2), (1, 1), (1, —5) B (4, 2), (—2, 2), (1, 1), (1, -5) D (5, —2), (—3, —2), (1, 2), (1, -6) So 4, Determine the angle of rotation 0 through which the conic given by 4x? — Axy + y? = 4 should be rotated. Ke. G 63° Ha 7 J 153° Ay ee 5. Write the pair of parametric equations x = 5 cos 0 and y = —sin 0 in rectangular form. ke ee LeNorcnd gene B=ame teak C L+y'=1 D Lae = by a lb On J circle Ghee 6. Use the discriminant to identify the conic section Oy? + 4x? — 108y + 24x = —144. F parabola G hyperbola H ellipse 7. Write the standard form of the equation y? — x? = 5 in the x’y’-plane after a rotation of 45”. A x'y’ = —2.5 C) iy’) B xy’=—-5 D Oa) a2 (x)? = 2.5y’ yfd geestapeuees 8. Marcy hit a golf ball with initial velocity of 130 feet per second at an angle of 28° with the ground. Write parametric equations to represent this situation. Bevel 30r cos 265 y = 130¢ sin 28° — 16¢? H x = 28 cos 130° y = 28t sin 130° — 16¢? G x = 130t cos 28° — 16¢? J x = 28 cos 130¢° y = 130¢ cos 28° y = 28 cos 1308” 8, ues Be Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Copyright Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a 9. A cross section of the reflector shown is in the shape of a parabola. Which of the following is an equation for the cross section? A y?= 4x B y? = 8x Chapter 7 C x2 =4y D x7 = 8y 37 - tia: <--> Sasa 2 in. beppdaceca Glencoe Precalculus 2 7% an NAME DATE ee Oe l Chapter | 7 Test, Form 1 (continued) 2 For Questions 10 and 11, refer to the hyperbola represented by = ~ 10. Write the equations of the asymptotes. Poy 3 + 2x 1 Gy=+5% —s.) ks y=4+v2x dhad tSendCoy mer 105,77" > C (+Vv2, 0) D (+V6, 0) ihease! H 11. Find the coordinates of the foci. A (0, +V2) B (0, + V6) 12. Write the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola for which the transverse axis is 4 units long and vertical and the conjugate axis is 3 units long. Cee ee Vt G@So a a ee ~2—=1 Ges) a1 - Se H CsA = enn ee Leoa 1 OS J G1Soe a1 ig 12. ; 13. Darius serves a volleyball with an initial velocity of 34 feet per second 4 feet above the ground at an angle of 35°. What is the maximum height, reached after about 0.61 second? A 2.14 ft B 9.94 ft C 5.94 ft D 6.14 ft 13a 14. Write the standard form of the equation of the parabola with directrix at x = —1 and with focus at (5, —2). F (y +2)? = 12(x + 2) H x+2=4(y +2)? G y—2=12(x +2)? J x-2=4 (y+ 2)? iyBee 15. Identify the graph of the equation 16x? — 24xy + 9y? — 30x — 40y = 0. A hyperbola B ellipse C parabola D circle 15. D parabola ue 16. Which graph represents a curve with parametric equations x=t-—4andy =?’ over the interval -3 < t < 3? F 7G x H O 17. Identify the conic that may have an eccentricity of 2. A circle B ellipse C hyperbola 18. Write the standard form of the equation of the circle with center at (2, —7) and radius 5. F (x —2)?+(y +7)’ = 25 H («—2)’+(y+7)’=16 G («@-2)? + (y+7)?=5 Bonus’ J (x +2)? + (y —7)? = 25 18. —__— Write the equation of the line tangent to y = x” through (2, 4). Chapter 7 JUHiUAdOD, ‘SAIUBAWOD ‘||IH-MeIDO/\y © &JIIH-MEIDI\) UOISIAIP JO OY “QU B: 38 Glencoe Precalculus NAME Chapter 7 Test, Form 2A . DATE LLL DEE ERR PERIOD so MEE LLEE Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question. . _-‘For Questions 1-3, refer to the ellipse represented by the equation (x — 3)? ae oe +(y — 2)? =1. 1. Find the coordinates of the center. A (2, 3) B (3, 2) C (-38, —2) D (-2, —3) |Pl, ee 2. Find the coordinates of the foci. F @,2+2V6) “G@*(—2) 2)p(8)2)° Hh (ae ever2)? a" (@ Paves) ~ — cD) 2 & Vv) Vv 3. Find the coordinates of the vertices and co-vertices. eS; 225 2) as 3), (3, 1) VY C (4,2), (2, 2)s(3.5),.co5L) D (4, 2), (2, 2), (3, NG (3, —3) Vi 7) <x B (8, 2), (—2, 2), (3, a); (3 ? —3) SIGS es 4. Determine the angle of rotation @ through which the conic given by equation 2x? + 3xy + y? = 1 should be rotated. F -9° G 36° H —36° J 324° 5. Write the pair of parametric equations x = 3 cos 8 and y = sin 0 in rectangular form. Re) yal Bie9 erat CO aka 1 3 4, ses Dy Ree 3 ees J circle 6. 6. Use the discriminant to identify the conic section By? — ox F 12y + 18x ="42: parabola G hyperbola H ellipse 7. Write the standard form of the equation y? — x? = 2 in the x’y’ plane after a rotation of 45°. A x'y’=-1 B x’y’=—-2 Cy) er 2 Dr (a) aay rp 8. Randall hit a golf ball with initial velocity of 120 feet per second at an angle of 38° with the ground. Write parametric equations to represent this situation. F x = 120¢ cos 38° — 16?? 4 = 120% sin’38" G H x = 38¢ cos 120° y = 38t sin 120° — 16¢? J x = 38 cos 120¢ x = 120¢ cos 38° y = 120¢ sin 38° — 16?? 8. y = 38 cos 120¢° Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, ©division Companies, McGraw-Hill The of Inc. a 9. A cross section of the reflector shown is in the shape of a parabola. Write an equation for the cross section. A y?=4%x Cx" = 4y By? = 8x D x’ = 8y Chapter 7 . oo 2 om 3. —— 39 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DA TE tect AALS ee PR RIOD AANA : ‘Chapter 7 Test, Form 2A (continued) 2 For Questions 10 and 11, refer to the hyperbola represented by oa 2 —x=1. 10. Write the equations of the asymptotes. F y-1= Gavi +6(« — 2) H y+2= +6 — 1) 6x J yt+2= +6x LOSces5 11. Find the coordinates of the foci. Ap len) 3702 | eBoy 97? a OR Gee OT? eke) 37 ee 12. Write the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola for which a = 2, the transverse axis is vertical, and the equations of the asymptotes are y = + 2x. Ne F pe ae Oe G ee Bie o H ery? ae y* J rey Sel PA ee 2ome 13. Aaron kicked a soccer ball with an initial velocity of 39 feet per second at an angle of 44° with the horizontal. After 0.9 second, how far has the ball traveled horizontally? A 24.4 ft B 12.3 ft C 11.4 ft D 25.2 ft |Rs yoraed Ca 14. Write the standard form of the equation of the parabola with directrix at y = —4 and focus at (2, 2). Fi (y=2)? = 124.2) G y+1=12(x — 2)’ H (& + 2)°= 12(y — 2) J (x — 2)? = 12(y + 1) oa 15. Identify the graph of the equation 4x? — 5xy + 16y? — 32 = 0. A circle B ellipse C parabola D hyperbola 15. 16. Which graph represents a curve given by x = 4¢ + 5 and y = 2?” over the interval —3 <t < 3? 17 Identify the conic that has an eccentricity of = A circle B ellipse C hyperbola D parabola ioe 18. Write the standard form of the equation of the circle with center at (—3, 5) that is tangent to the y-axis. F (x + 3)?+(y—5)?=9 G (x +3)? +(y —5)? = 25 Bonus’ 1Sqicec Write the equation of the line tangent to (y — 2)” = 8x through (8, —6). Chapter 7 & WyHuAdoD ‘S@IUBdWOD ‘IIIH-MeIHO\\/ © UOISIAIP JO OY IIIH-MEIDO\| “OU] H (x +3)?+(y—5)?=8 J (x—3)?+(y+5)*=9 B: 40 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE ae PERIOD Chapter 7 Test, Form 2B SCORE Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question. _ . 1/2 .'For Questions 1-3, refer to the ellipse represented by = + wea srk, 1. Find the coordinates of the center. A (-1, 0) B (0, —-1) G10) D (0,1) | oe 2. Find the coordinates of the foci. F (0,1+ V5) H (V5, 3), (—V5, 3) G (V5, 1), (= V5, 1) Tolle Ba lee) 2. 3. Find the coordinates of the vertices and co-vertices. A (2, 1), (—2, 1), (0, 4), (0, -2) B, (3-1), (—2,. 1),.(0, 8)eeOr-=0) C Ww ® (8, 1), (—3, 1), (0, 4), (0, —2) D> (2/2) (2); (0, 8)(0) 21) 3. 4. Determine the angle of rotation 6 through which the conic given by 2x? + xy + 2y? = 1 should be rotated. Foi” G 150° H 45° J —30° 4s5 se 5. Write the pair of parametric equations x = — cos 6 and y = sin 0 in rectangular form. Ay? =x? =1 B x’+y’=-1 Cig y=.) D Aye pee ee 6. Use the discriminant to identify the conic section x? — y? + 12y + 18x = 42. F parabola G hyperbola H ellipse J circle i Sena 7. Write the standard form of the equation x? + y? = 16 in the x’y’-plane after a rotation of 45°. Ai (x')? 4.~)? = 16 C(x’)? — 2x’y’ + (y’)? = 16 B D (x)? — (y’)? = 16 (x)? + 2x'y’ + (y’)? = 16 i Re 8. Rusty hit a baseball with initial velocity of 125 feet per second at an angle of 32° with the ground from a height of 3 feet. Write parametric equations to represent this situation. F x = 125t cos 32° — 16¢? H y = 125t sin 32° + 3 G x = 32 cos 125¢° + 3 Nee x = 32h cosi25: y = 82t sin 125° — 162? ei 25? C08 ce y = 125t sin 32° — 16¢? + 3 COS 1 2Dt ie Pee Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © of division McGraw-Hill The Companies, Inc. a 9. A cross section of the reflector shown is in acon the shape of a parabola. Write an equation for the cross section. A y= 4x B y’? = & Chapter 7 i C x? =4y Dix = oy (ee eee 41 = Glencoe Precalculus DAT Bige Chapter 7 Test, Form 2B a e -PERIOD (continued) — 3/2 For Questions 10 and 11, refer to the hyperbola represented by LP ai 16 2 lsre > =f) 10. Write the equations of the asymptotes. F y-8=45x G y-8=43x H y = 4+4(@ - 3) J y=+3(¢-3) 10huvt1 C filha s 11. Find the coordinates of the foci. A (5, 0), (=9; 0) B (0, 5), (0, =3) (3, 5), (3, =) D (8, 0), (2) 0) 12. Write the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola for which a = 5, b = 6, the transverse axis is vertical, and the center is at the origin. Veptlh & 25 36. = ae 36.0) : 25 Fl i pe Meo = Rg Jee te Se ynKesid a 13. Jana hit a golf ball with an initial velocity of 102 feet per second at an angle of 67° with the horizontal. After 2 seconds, how far has the ball traveled horizontally? A 27.9 ft B 123.8 ft C 79.7 ft DOT it To. 14. Write the standard form of the equation of the parabola with directrix at x = —2 and focus at (2, 0). F (y — 2)? = 8(x« — 2) Hoge = 8x G (y — 2)? = 4(x — 2) oy x = Sy. 145s 15. Identify the graph of 6x? — 8xy — 2y?+6=0. A circle B ellipse C hyperbola D parabola 16 16. Which graph represents a curve given by x=t—2andy =? — 2 over theinterval —3 < t < 3? PG oe 17. Identify the conic with an eccentricity of 1. A circle B ellipse C hyperbola D parabola Lig 18. Write the standard form of the equation of the circle with center at (—4, 8) that is tangent to the x-axis. F x?+y? = 64 G @w+4) + vy -— 8) =16 Bonus H (x —4)?+ (vy +8)? = 16 J (x + 4)? + (y — 8)? = 64 18. Write the equation of the line tangent to (x — 2)? = 20y through (8, 5). Chapter 7 YBUAdOD ‘SalUedWOD ‘I[IH-MeIDO\W/a B|IIH-MeINOW| UOISIAIP © JO OUL ‘Ou B: 42 Glencoe Precalculus NAME ‘Chapt 7eTerst, Form 2C DATE PERIOD SCORE For Questions 1-3, use the ellipse represented by 3x? + 2y? + 24x — 4y + 26 = 0. 1. Find the center. 2. Find the foci. 3. Find the vertices and co-vertices. ~ | ce) 4. Determine the angle of rotation @ through which the conic given by 4x? + 12xy — 5y? = —3 should be rotated, to the nearest degree. = VW vw) co) Wi Va) = 5. Write the pair of parametric equations x = 8 cos 0 and y = —2 sin @ in rectangular form. 6. Use the parameter t = 2x — 3 to determine the parametric equations that can represent y = x? + 1. 7. Write the standard form of x? — xy + y? = a in the x’y-plane after a rotation of 45° about the origin. 8. Tomas hit a 100 feet per ground from equations to baseball with an initial velocity of second at an angle of 35° with the a height of 4 feet. Write parametric represent this situation. 9. The figure shows a parabolic archway. Write an equation for the parabola. For Questions 10 and 11, use the hyperbola given © Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a (y — 6)? (~¥-—9)? _ ry eas ey 10. Find the foci. 10. 11. Find the equations of the asymptotes. 11. Chapter 7 43 Glencoe Precalculus NE en en ee PERIOD ee Chapter 7Test, Form 2C NSS (continued) 12. Write the standard form equation of the hyperbola with foci at (—2, —3 + 2/3) and conjugate axis of length 6 units. 12. 13. Find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola represented by x = y? — 2y — 5. 13. 14. Write the standard form equation of the parabola with a vertex at (—2, 1), and focus at (—2, —4). 14. 15. Use the discriminant to identify the conic given by xy + 3y + 4x = 0. 15. 16. Graph the curve given by the parametric equations x = 2¢ + 3 andy = ¢? — 1 over the interval —3 <¢t < 3. For Questions 17 and 18, Lisset throws a softball from a height of 4 feet with an initial velocity of 60 feet per second at an angle of 45° with respect to the horizontal. 17. When will the ball be a horizontal distance of 30 feet from Lisset? 17. 18. What is the maximum height the ball will reach? 18. 19. Identify the conic section with eccentricity 2. 19. 20. Write the equation of a circle with center (2, 7) and diameter 30. 20. Bonus’ BWYyGuAdoo, ‘SAIURGWOD ‘IJIH-MeINI\V/Ee ©|IIH-MEINOW| UOISIAIP JO OUL ‘OU] Write a rectangular equation for the curve given by x = 3 cos (40) + 2 and y = 2 sin (46) — 5. Chapter 7 44 Glencoe Precalculus NAME Chapter 7Test, Form 2D DATE PERIOD SCORE For Questions 1-3, use the ellipse represented by 4x? + 9y? — 24x + 18y + 9 = 0. ‘LL Find the center. 1: 2. Find the foci. 2. . Find the vertices and co-vertices. ~ . Determine the angle of rotation 6 through which the conic given by 3x? — 8xy — 3y? = 3 should be rotated, to the nearest degree. Cc ) & wv 7) cd) rv, Vv) . Write the parametric equations x = 10 cos 8 and y = 3 sin 0 in rectangular form. ~ . Use the parameter t = 2x + 4 to determine the parametric equations that can represent y = x? + 2. . Write the standard form of 5x2 + 3V3xy + 2y? = 13 in the x’y-plane after a rotation of 30° about the origin. . Lucinda hit a softball with an initial velocity of 110 feet per second at an angle of 32° with the ground from a height of 3 feet. Write parametric equations to represent this situation. . The figure shows a parabolic archway. Write an equation for the parabola. For Questions 10 and 11, use the hyperbola given by 4x? — y? + 24x + 4y + 28 = 0. © Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division inc. a 10. Find the foci. 10. 11. Find the equations of the asymptotes. 11. Chapter 7 45 Glencoe Precalculus PERIOD DATE NAME Chapter 7 Test, Form 2D SLA ARAN (continued) 12. Write the standard form equation of the hyperbola with foci at (—1, -2 + 2\/5) and conjugate axis of length 8 units. 12. 13. Find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola represented 13. by —2x +y?—- 2y+5=0. 14. Write the equations in standard form of the parabola with vertex (2, —5), directrix y = —1, and opens to the left. 14. 15. Use the discriminant to identify the conic given by 4x? + 8xy — 2y? = 17. 15. de 16. Graph the curve given by the parametric equations x= 2t+5andy =? — 2 over the interval —3 <t < 3. For Questions 17 and 18, Alfie throws a softball from a height of 5 feet with an initial velocity of 65 feet per second at an angle of 42° with respect to the horizontal. 17. When will the ball be a horizontal distance of 30 feet from Alfie? 17. 18. What is the maximum height the ball will reach? 18. 19. Identify the conic section with eccentricity 2 19. 20. Write the equation of a circle with center (—6, —9) and diameter 22. 20. Bonus JYSuAdoo ‘IIIH-MeIDI\\/ ‘SAIUBGWOD ©JO &|IIH-MEINOY| UOISIAIP SUL “Qu| Write a rectangular equation for the curve given by x = 5 cos (30) — 4 andy = 2 sin (36) + 1. Chapter 7 46 Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE PERIOD at est, Form 3 SCORE For Questions 1-3, use the ellipse represented by 9x? + 4y? + 54x — 16y + 61 = 0. ¢ e 1. Find the center. 1 2. Find the foci. 2. 3. Find the vertices and co-vertices. 3. 4. Identify the graph of 14x? — 7xy — 10y? = 5. Find 6, the angle of rotation about the origin, to the nearest degree. 7) 5 = 4. vi vd) 5. Write the parametric equations x = 2 cos 30 and y = —3 sin 36 in rectangular form. v < 5. 6. Use the parameter ¢t = 3x — 2 to determine the parametric equations that can represent y = —x? + 4. 7. Write the standard form of 5x? — V/3xy + 4y? = 20 in the x’y-plane after a rotation of 60° about the origin. 6. 7. 8. Jim threw a ball with an initial velocity of 38 feet per second at an angle of 29° from a height of 4 feet to Jennifer, who was standing 42 feet away. Jim’s dog Rex was between them, 4 feet in front of Jennifer. If Rex can jump 5 feet into the air, can Rex intercept the ball? Write the parametric equations for the flight of the ball and explain your answer. 8. 9. The figure shows the entrance to a tunnel in the shape of a parabola. Write an equation for the parabola. 9. Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division McGraw-Hill The of Companies, Inc. a For Questions 10 and 11, use the hyperbola represented by y? + 4y — 4x? —- 84 + 16 = 0. 10. Find the foci. 10. 11. Find the equations of the asymptotes. iA Chapter 7 47 Glencoe Precalculus Chapt7eTerst, Form 3 onnui PERIOD DATE ERA 12. Write the equation in standard form of the hyperbola with a horizontal transverse axis of length 10, center at (—2, 4), and asymptotes y — 4 = +5(x + 2). 12. 13. Find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola represented by y? + 4y — 4x + 12 = 0. 13. 14. Write the equation in standard form equation of the parabola that passes through the point (—8, 15), with 14. a vertex at (2, —5), and opens to the left. 15. Use the discriminant to identify the conic given by xy = 36. 15. i 16. Graph the curve given by parametric equations x = —=?? andy = yeas 3 over the interval —4 <t < 4. 2 16. For Questions 17 and 18, Shannon kicks a soccer ball with an initial velocity of 45 feet per second at an angle of 12° with respect to the horizontal. 17. After 0.5 second, what is the height of the ball? 17. 18. The goal is 4 feet high and 20 feet in front of Shannon. Will the ball go into the goal before it hits the ground, assuming she kicks it straight ahead of her and the goalkeeper does not stop it? Explain. 18. 19. Find the eccentricity of the conic represented by Cee nC 4 8 a 19. ch 20. Write the equation of a circle with a diameter whose endpoints are (—4, 6) and (30, 18). 20. BJYybuAdog ‘SaluedWOD ‘I[IH-MeIDNO\\ ©JO UOISIAIP SUL JIIH-MeJNO| ‘ouy Bonus _ Find the equation of the ellipse with a center at (—1, 3), a vertical minor axis of length 40 units, and eccentricity of e Chapter 7 48 Glencoe Precalculus DA ieeee et ert is ee AD DATE Extended-Response Test _ PERIOD — Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise _ solution to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than one way or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem. 1. Consider the equation of a conic section written in the form Ax?+ By?+Cx+Dy+E=0. ~ = co) a. Explain how you can tell if the equation is that of a circle. Write an equation of a circle with a center not at the origin. Graph the equation. =Vv) WV co) Va) VW =g b. Explain how you can tell if the equation is that of an ellipse. Write an equation of an ellipse with a center not at the origin. _ Graph the equation. c. Explain how you can tell if the equation is that of a parabola. Write an equation of a parabola with its vertex at (—1, 2). Graph the equation. d. Explain how you can tell if the equation is that of a hyperbola. Write an equation of a hyperbola with a vertical transverse axis. e. Identify the graph of 3x? — xy + 2y? — 3 = 0. Then find the angle of rotation 6 to the nearest degree. 2. a. Describe the graph of x? — 4y? = 0. b. Graph the relation to verify your conjecture. ce. What conic section does this graph represent? Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Companies, McGraw-Hill The of division Inc. a 3. Give a real-world example of a conic section. Discuss how you know the object is a conic section and analyze the conic section if possible. Chapter 7 49 Glencoe Precalculus Smamacanvaiteaeals NAME DAW Ee Semen (Chapters 1-7) Part 1: Multiple Choice Instructions: Fill in the appropriate circle for the best answer. 1. Find the remainder when 5x? + 8x — 2 is divided by x — 3. A -161 B 19 C 67 D’ 157 1.@®@OoO 2. Find the period and phase shift of the graph of f(x) = —4 cos 2(x + 7). F 2,4 right G 1, 27 left H 7, 7 left J 27, 7 right 2,.00@0O \ * 3. Solve 2 cos? x + 5 cos x — 3 = 0 where 0 <x < 27. 4. Find cos In ee F eV 2. gti 2 H V2 -V6 4 J V2 +V6 4 4.®©@O 4 5. Write the expression for the numerator of x for this system of equations using Cramer’s Rule. 2x —-5By+z=6 —38x + 4y — 2z = -9 x+2y+4z=5 ZnO A|-3 4-9| TS 2-5 1 B|-3 4 -2 12. 4 6-5 1 C{l-9 4-2)" ppm pee! PA celSi _D-—3--9 —2 145 4 5.®®©® 6. Find sin oe V3 Le sere G5 1 1 V3 H => Or V24 Camonget D 6.©®©@O 7. Find sin (arcos -3). 2 1 25 Baa 2/6 7 7 FOR ORCMO) yyBuAdoo ‘SaIUedWOD ‘I]IH-MeIDI\\/e ©JO BjIIH-MeIDOY| UOISIAIP SUL ‘Ouy 8. Find f-\(x) if f(x) = 2x — 6. a aee H f(x) =51, G f-\(x) = 2x +6 J f(x) =jx +6 cay | Chapter 7 me x aie 6 =i] 50 6X il 8.©©@O Glencoe Precalculus NAME DATE PERIOD Standardized Test Practice (Chapters 1-7) LBB oninuea 9. Find the equation of the horizontal asymptote of g(x) = ae. A y=5 B y=-3 C y=2 Dy=-> 9.©@®@O©O 10. The graph of g(x) = (x — 2)? + 3 can be obtained from the graph of f(x) = x? by doing which transformation? F move right 2 and up 3 G move right 2 and down 3 H move left 2 and up 3 J move left 2 and down 3 11. If f(x) = —2x°, where is f(x) decreasing? 10.00@90O y A (—00, 00) C (0, 00) B_ (—oco, 0) D (—10, 10) O x 11..0®0® Ass 12. Find the eccentricity of the conic represented by te See 100 5 144 Teri 6 Nil 23 13. Find the value of }—1 A —49 V1l1 12.0 ©@® O 4 —2J. 5 0-3 B —63 C —67 D -79 13.@ ®O®@ 14. Change 105° to radians. bn Beco: OG;Tn 15sif cosix = -— and 1 <x ie3m dies5m 14.0 ©@O = find sin 2x. 336 336 ae p _527 625 625 25 625 15.@ © ©© 16. Find the domain of f(x) = ae F {x |x € R} H {x |x #-2,x € R} G J {x|x#-2,3,xeR} {e(x4pxeR} 16.0 © ®@O 17. If f(x) = 2x + 7 and g(x) = x? — 3, find fig(«)). A 2x? + 7x?=— 6x — 21 C 4x? + 28x + 46 B x7+2x+4 D Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © division McGraw-Hill The of Inc. Companies, a ; 17.© ®OO 2x7+1 : 2-6 jhe ee| 18. Find the element in row 2, column 1 of the product f i° 5 | F —24 G 19 H 36 J 41 18.0 ©®@O B 5 C 16 D 64 19.© 19. Find log, 32. AL Chapter 7 51 ®© © Glencoe Precalculus AMIE se te en AIAN AREER | rir PERIOD SA RF ‘Standardized Test Practice = (continued) (Chapters 1-7) Part 2: Short Response Instructions: Write your answers in the space provided. 20. Find a rectangular form of an equation given by x = 10cos Oandy = 4sin 0. 20. 21. Graph y = log, x. 21. 22. Write an equation of a parabola with vertex (4, 9) and focus (4, 11). 22. 23. Determine the angle 6 through which the conic given by 4x? + 4xy + y? = 18 should be rotated. Then write the equation in standard form. 23. 24. Find the coordinates of the center of the conic represented by 4x? — 8x + 5y? + 40y = 16. 24. 25. Roads from town C to town A and town B form an angle of 100° as shown in the figure. Find the distance from A to B to the nearest tenth of a mile. Town C 15 mi 18 mi Tan Toe 26. Write In 6 in terms of base 4 logarithms. 26. 27. Solve (x — 3)(x + 4)(x — 1) >.0. 27. 28. Ned hit a baseball with an initial velocity of 85 feet per second at a height of 3 feet and an angle of 34° with the horizontal. a. Write parametric equations to represent the flight of the baseball. 28a. b. Find the maximum height the ball reaches. 28b. c. Find thehorizontal distance the ball travels before it hits the ground. 28c. Chapter 7 52 JyBuAdoD ‘SalUedWOD ‘IIIH-MeIDNO\W/ ©JO BJIIH-MEIDO UOISIAIP SUL ‘Quj Glencoe Precalculus : snjngjedald a0nue|5 | asojag nok uisaq 4ajdnyp L ‘IIIH-MeIDO\\/e00uUE|5 B UOISIAIP JO OU sadsnosay saideyD IIIH-MeINO/\| ‘SelUedWOd “ou| Lsea\deup JUBUAdOD © snjngjedald 80oua/5 e © LJeydeyo ‘garsesip nod AyM jo ojdurexe ue 941M 0} Jaded jo avard & asn ‘q & YIM YEU NO LY} SJUIUIOZLYS BSOY} 1OJ {UNIO 4SIY ay} WO. aueYO sjusuIE}eys ey} Inoge suoturdo MoA Jo Aue pIg L 4ajdny) 242]dw09 nok sayy Oq P[NOD UOT}DeS DIUOD YW °G “UOTJaS IIUOD pozeyoI v Jo ydeisd ay} UO yutOd v Jo SayVUTPI009 dy} PUY 0} SP[NULIOJ ore BIOYT, “P ccnarananesseseescscebce so JO UOISIAIP & ‘IIJH-MEIDIWW/S09U9|5 @ WyGuAdoo II}H-MEIDOW OL DU] 'SOURDWOD ‘qe 10 y ue ZULIA}Ua Aq UUNIOO ys] OY} OJe[dUIOD pue JUSUIO}L4S YOR peolay IO da188 ‘(L- S) *(t- ‘€) $9S1D19XJ ‘asda Jo addy [eweds v st opOIID Y “8 “stxe aqesn{u0o ay} UBYY 1asuUOT SI ejoqredAy v JO SIxe aSIOASULI} OU, * ‘arenbs & 10 a]sURLI} OY, OLiL JO UOISIAIP B‘III H-MEIDIW/e0DUa|D @ iyGuAdoD IIIH-MEIDOW “DU ‘SE1UEDWOD (¢-xg=-(1+4) ‘1 ri ‘ejoqeaed oy} ydeas ueyy, *xLqooaIp pue ‘AajourarAs Jo stxe ‘snooj ‘xa}.10A 04} AjUOpt ‘uoTyeNnbe yore 10,5 ‘dAIND dy} Jo edeys [esroues oy} Ydesd [e1OUES ‘T uey) Jayeers st asdijja ue Jo AzI9113U990 OU], * ITUOD stxeJo :Arjoururds C=” ks d-—y=f 0} SonyeA Jo o[qeq e eyeU Ua], “efoqered oy} Jo xLayeITp pue ‘stxe ‘snooj ‘xoy10A oy} Ydety B Jo Ydeis IsIY ssno0j :XOLIOA JO WLIO} UUINTOS (1- ‘g) (p- ‘g) oyeIOUESep NOA (d+ 4 ‘y) (4 ‘y) ayy JI YO :xLIeIIp are =a & 10 oul] INS L- JOU “Bjoqered ay} JO SostiopeIeYD ayy ouTULIEyep 0} d pue “y ‘y Jo son[eA ay} asf) “p— = ¥ pue g = y os ‘(y — A)dp = ,(y — X) WLAOJ YY UL SI UONeNbea ayy, ‘premdn suodo ydess ayy pue ¢ = d ‘ZI = dp asnedeg ‘Alpeo1j.10 suedo vjoqered oy} yey} SuBEUE Yorym “x st UII} perenbs oy} pue Wo} prepue}ys UT st UoeNba oy, Apis opingpue separa JOYJOYM OY, oY] “yUaTUA}eYS ‘ejoqeaed oy} ydeis Usyy, *Xi1jo01Ip pue si ‘£ayauuiss Jo stxe ‘snd0j ‘xo}10A 04} AyQUapt “(fp + 4)ZT = 2(E — *) 104 ‘qySuI oy} 03 suado 71 ‘aarytsod st d wey, “Yoy oy} 0} suedo vjoqezed oy ‘oatyesou st d uoym (Y — x)dp = ,(¥ — 4) st Ayyeyuoztzoy suado yey ejoqezed e Jo uoryenba ayy Jo WAI0y prepueys oy, ‘premdn suado yr ‘aarytsod st d udy, ‘premumop suodo ejoqe.zed ay} ‘oayesou std uaym “(4 — 4)dp = (Y — X) St ATTeoyA0a suado yeyy vjoqeazed e Jo uoryenbe ayy Jo WI0y aivd Uo}waAs0}4] aueyd e ur syutod [je Jo snoo] oy} st efoqered y sejoqeseg ydesd pue azAjeuy gol¥ad L ,4 ‘ejoqered st ydeis Jo xp “T oy, &= YOR suonenbzZ 21U0D SUOI}IaS pue d4jaweseg apiny vonedpnuy SN ON) ‘(ING ‘versestp 4LIM OU} VoIseSIC (({) YILM earsy (VY) eplaqd JOYJoyM “JUOUIE}LYS eNOK 10 e & SI DTU0D B JO UOTJeNba *9 “gE ‘qt¢xm=f Ul | 10 Y SILI Peoy ‘quiod ST WOT}IAS NOK gol¥ad Glencoe Precalculus Al Chapter 7 prepueys oy], *XL1}09ATp ayy paleo eur] & pue SNdOJ ay} par[vo yutod ew wo yueystprnba sejoqeled ) Gui de and Lesson 7 3 (Ant icipa tion Answers L-Z uossey sninojeoeld 909ue/5, Lsa\dey9 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. i Zsa\deu9 =(§ - *) (¢ — A)ei- (g ‘%) xeqz0a pue (g ‘T—) snooj *T (2 — X)2b- = (S$ — A) —(¢ ‘“G) xeq10A ‘uMop Suedo ‘g = A XLIWOIIp *g “Ayidusig €- =ypue'} =y'g-=d (I — *)0- = -(¢ + 4) (I - *)(G-)b= [-(€-) - 4] —= (4 4) (y x)dp “y pue ‘d ‘y Jo sontea ay} SUISN WIOJ prepueys Ur vfoqered oy} 10J UoTZeNbe ayy 97LI\\ “YeT ey} 07 suedo ydeis ayy ‘eatyesou st d asneoag “G— 10 [ — p— st d Jo anyea ay} os ‘(y ‘d + ¥/) st snooy ayy, ‘TeyUOZLI0Y st ydeis oy} ‘oyeurps00d-¢ aures oY} eLeYS Xez10A pUe SNdOJ ayy esnedeg *(g— ‘1) xo}404 pue (g— ‘F—) snoojz jim ejoqeied ev ydeas pue 10jJ uorenbs ue 911M Glencoe Precalculus Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Sninojedeld 80DUE/5) Woo Ab —A)Z=(b-%) G0 = ¥ xtuooarp {qysut suedo {(T ‘GT) snoog *p (¢ —A)p— = (1 —*) 8 oyLIM (I ‘g—) surequoo Sumop suedo *(F ‘T) snooy *% ue ‘ejoqered pue ‘snooj ‘xoq.10 ay) ydeiy uolyenbo ‘(I — x)0g— = -(¢ + 4) st uoryenba 04} Jo w10} prepueys oy], Bfoqesed A— b-4(z (e -) xi= ty =Ag “YSIP 8} JO UOIJDES SOI B S[EpOUT yey} uoryenbo ue puly ‘premdn pezutod st Ystp oy} Jey} PUL ULSLIO ayy 4e SI XOPIA OY} FEY} OUINSSY “SNI0} VY} JC PoyeOO| SI PUL X0}.10A OY} WO JO] Z SI BuUSyUe YsSIp o1joqered eB ul Jeateder oy} asoddng YSiqg ALITISLWS ‘9 A “OU ‘SEIUEAWOD JIIH-MEJNIW SUL JO LOISIAIP B ‘IIIH-MEIDIW/E0IUE|D @ jYyBuAdoH — xg (p—A)p=2(1 +X) 2(% = A) (g ‘g—) snooy ‘(7 ‘Z—) xez10A *g 0 =A :xiyoaup ITM “XLIQeIIp pue ‘AryouruTAS Jo SIXe ‘SNdOJ *X9}.10A 94} AJUEP] “WLIOJ prepueys ul g — Ap— = XQ + ,X OLIM “GC A (1— ‘g) sutequoo ‘yy 811 suedo ‘(T ‘Z) snooy *F fp =x :AujyawuAs jo sixe S9SIDIOXA ‘soIySI10j0VIeYD sejOqeied JO suoijenby aq pasn oytoadg sotystIejVIeYD 0} uedJo “ejoqeaed ouTUIe}ep ay} uoyenbea e ‘sorjslioqoesreyo W9ATS 04} YIM vjfoqeaed ev ydeis pue 10J uorjenba ue 3411 f = X :xlu}oeJIp ‘(p ‘L) :Snd0} ‘(Z ‘}) :xeYOA (2-48 =(1-*)'T ‘e— = A :AyyowiuAs jo sixe MI -ZI=6+ 49+. % 10J sejogeled LO OE SUC 220 CRSA IE NN ‘(@— ‘Z—) :sn90y ‘(e— ‘1) :xeyan sejoqgesed ve ydeas prepueys WO} A2 Chapter 7 pue 8 |A 94} UOHUaAJa}U] pue apiny Apnys dGOlW¥ad diva ‘ejoqeaed oy} ydeas usyy, ‘uoenbe youe 10J XLIJOeIIp pue ‘Aryaururds Jo stxe ‘snooj ‘Kez10A 9y} AJIVUOPT gOlyad UALS xAg = 991}98ld u2jquod) pan ( +X) ol= Answers (Lesson 7-1) L-Z uossey sejogesed arom ayy sonyea Jox pue & SLMIHS-L OU], stopea|t99y9 7B ay} Ysry pansveul UI ‘SOYOUTPULY9Y} BOULYSTP WOLF94} XO}IOA 0} BY} SNIOJ StYy JOLIN ‘AQT YO1DIeyT, 14IY amnsy smoys B SuIyeTYer“IOLILUL Y Sso1d UOT}I—s JO ay} JOLITUI wed aq pojepow Aq A3 UoTyeNnba ut PIepueys ‘ULIOJ (12-4) ‘S x = SADAING eu, Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, uoisuedsns ‘ejoqered UMOYsS ul sejoqesed suoTyenba 10f Sout] w puep 0} a) 0} ppy ayy ‘amnsy JITYS{Seyoeal YL? 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Glencoe Precalculus x = 0} uoMenbe ayy, ok as—, aq} 07 SUOTyeNba *S9}BUTp1000-AX A10 Inc. Sg UoTyenba 3e 9y} pasn 0} Companies, McGraw-Hill Theof aV % e= pezeorpur ‘9[3ue $9019.10A-00 wed aq ‘aueld-Ax (0'9-) — division a YDJOYS dU} ‘eA8) (¢ S$801}.10A-09 a0oue|5) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. $9SI219Xq Glencoe Precalculus Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, © Copyright XZAQL + Ax— 2x + 2x12— + Ags Axe— Zsaydeyo Aon= 0 ‘aueld-Ax °8 -AeL= 00r JNogE9Y} 6 2(X) AxZI + OFTT[EFBS ad 2(A) MET— poyezor Ch Wosqt ZUISLIO UorIsod 861= 0 809ue/5) sninojedald haan = € ts oL'€E L=——_+—— 2X8T+ 6 GF = 0 AL — pojepoul Aq ay} uorenba yey st oy} a[sue jo A)QT— + (g Ft yt sey uaaq ojiTJayVs YsIp SL0}TUOUT OIPeA SoAvmM st hy+ XA— MBN = “0 UoeJo eyy ayy x08— Axg+ *o8L— “9 XRT— SNOILWDINNININOD asoddng oy} IUELIOWore JO B £.6'9¢—2A)= X@ ydeary+x),(T= SV IOI v MxHZ + 246— YSTp 4eY} .xp+ AxZ+ -XOT— v FSET +——_,= A+ G= Teey ET ut A@N91 UaATs asdijia ouTULIA}0q 94} o[8ue g YSnosyyYOTYM 8Y} ofu0d 47M youve uorjenbe pmnoys oq ‘payej01 Udy], 9}11M3yj UOKENbs Ul piepueys “ULIOJ O=A+t+ ‘(4)9T 6 = Gb 2(2)= XG+ MK “OT ‘6 *L *8 oz= 0 O12 + Az AXE + (Nez — v-Z uossey snjngjedald Soo@ oO Cis +@/& ‘eAgs-) (g- ONS uls ouvd-4x 103 24} 9411, Ue UOTZENbe 10y Yo" OTU0D UI ay} ouRld-<x 10J oY} UOleNbe ul x ULIOJ pue OY} UIATS oN[eA JO ‘9 ejoquadAy (x2 SUOI}98S UONeNba UI ay} ‘oTU0d 0=1-2(A)=- 2711494} pxepueys UL10} Jo Yyove UaAIs anTVa JO ‘9 Udy], AJIQUSpPI 94} suoNejoYy Jo IIUOD 921)Pld 4 L1a\deyo =9+2) Met4+ yderyyove OUI, MOU “19}U99 ‘SadTyA9A pue ydess Jo oyy esdija ut ayy (GAP ‘9) (0 — S9I1}.19A PUL E x “OU| ‘SOIUEDWUOD jI|H-MEIDIW 1 *soyeUIp1000-Ax 4.9AUOD F-) (GAP‘0) (8-— ‘b) af = BY} S9}LUIP100D JO BY} JO SoyeUIp.1009-,A,x 0) (8 — pue soo .0¢ ‘ourld-¢x OFUT ‘asIMayTTWOAUOD OY “Adninw asdi[je Ul ay} suonenbe 10;x pure A WOT seorjt0a-o9 ‘9) “(0 ‘9—)(0 Pe7e}01 OF plepueys “WIO} aS() aU} UdEq ‘ouerd-¢x 107199 OFUL 0= uls og = uoHe}OYy "008 Seoyj10A Joy 24} suoyenba Joyx pue & Joy6 = UIs6 sBY searzaa ‘0) ‘(g ‘Q) ‘(g— pur ayy sjuaseide.1 ue ‘asdija pue41 SI UT BY} OT-Ogq=* sa eeei 800%—.9/& pulyayy = [| JI 41 sqzutod 0} 94} ‘oueld-x sUTUIIE,ap oY} 10yU90pue 10y7U00 ‘9) “(9 oy} UOT}ISOd UI 94} S71 Sury1aAU0d asay} suoTyenba Jo pozej0I SOTUOD a1 W9AIS Surpuy syutod uo ay} ydess Jo ey} SUOI}DES ¥ Bethe dTUOD puke UeYY ydein pa}e}oy S21U0DVoy,ay} 10} ay} ‘ourld-x Aoyy uvo aq poydess Aq suo/ejoY JO DIUOD UONUIAJI}U(panu1uod) ] T=&'T Chapter 7 THO Apnys apinypue dOldsd OE = 6 08 = 249 + 2XG Golyad Answers (Lesson 7-4) 2 OU] JO UOISIAIP & "II}H-MEIDIW\/Ee09UE|5 @ juBuAdop Lseydeyo (x), | ; syyqd jo esoddng ey uonenbs *Z ‘T jeondijje 4) dU} UL 09 peyej01 eas [eoydrje ue ‘oueld-dx ayy ul reed ayy Aq poulsoy asdi[o oy} 10y UoTyeNba ue oyLI\\ *B SE aueyd- Cx Te 03 merg OV 809Ua/5) ‘otjoqaodAy 0 ‘oroqered ‘Teoydy[a st 10j}.a Jer ayy JOyJOyA IUIUTIO}A(Y “OOT = -AZ + Axel + 2xGz *o Meiqey} sUONe}OY JO IIUOD SUON}DaS SNOLLVDINNININOD ¥ eNTTI01esStYSIP| yyy“ st WI}qold 92199€Ad ‘aueld-<x Butmegp e omjordyy | Inc. 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Pues ne VF > Was itl SOT ie GYR? puepyt+ | | LTA 7 “Audis Z4x asenbs > wi Goldad X JO} uoNeNbe sujowReg salva 7 e 5 Z Jaydeud S9SIIIOXA & aSSe = a = «st uoryenba Iepnsueyet ay], om ee UOUSAII}U] pue spiny Apnys suonenbz dujawesed 0} pasn are suoenbe o.jourereg SuOIeNby Isjewesed YdesD “quaWeINsvel o[sue Io aut} ATTENSN ‘senyea AreI}IGIe ore sasjowmereg ‘uoenba ue jo syueUodUIOD [edT}1eA pue [BJUOZLIOY OY} oqLOSep fp + E— = © “pS 75 p— [eAsaqur oy} 10A0 § + ,f = 4 pur suonenbe o1yourered 34} Aq WeATs 9AIND 9Y} YO}OHS ‘p S175 p— Ao sonyeaJo a[qey & oye aes € “ULIOJ Je[NSuezooI Ul [ + 7 = 4 pue Z — FH =X FIM + ‘[BAIOJUL WAALS 9Y} JQA0 suoTENbe o1jouRred Jo red Yous Aq WATS 9A.INd 94} YO}OAS 14 Inc. 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Ai4 10,809 YOIyM aU} Jo a[sue s/t OST JO AYIOTOA TEITUT Ue ILA Te}UOZLIOY ST AjLARIS ‘APIAR.LS Q'G ,S/W10 BE S9SIDIOXF -XEL0'0— + X19°S ATUO yoayspeards 07 puy ay} G =A Bd10J apsue 3e ayy oy} uo ZurTjOe UCTZeIa[OOIN ONp0) “yIqio sjoue|d ydeis Jo oiyeuresed suonenbea pue 0} e eq pefepour Jo SurZIq10 syoue|d NOX aAvYy pouree] ey} ayy UOT}OU ued apraoid ayy suisn ayy [eTUT ‘Ay1D0TAA pure70 St epyoeford st “pory GEIS 70}= ‘Ze asc ayy suinjzeg ‘uorytsod ‘ooyspeosds OL 4IqIO UOTZISOd Ut UT Sy &, a10yM F ST (ZVsST)1d)SO0+9'6 ‘Bq e[NULLEY OL= Ut ayopduroyg ayy EOL sivak WOY 7 = Z X-x ydeis jo uy oy) suumjoo oy} sanyea gur Qpue yueseidar ‘7 eT} UoOTyIsod 4B "7 Pa st Z dujeuesed B[NULIO = ()Id)NIS.8P'6 (VST Ul ZO 81) ayy [Ty e[puey 07 aysed eset seNUIO} oyUL OYy SuTUTeUTeL s[[a0 Ur suUINjoo g pue‘¢) yeoyspeoids oj Suinyeg ayy diyeurered suotyenbe as) *T azeTNoTeO ayeB[NoTeo ayy4 x ayy +a wey) ‘x(10 oq ued 3 y ‘suoenbe giogio06 89082r'6 126608 S10SP0'Z 0} pesn ayeuUrIp1009 oued St t99s¢e6'z | 20866'0| SZ'b-| 1pl9Se°9 ‘UoTyISOd aftydefo1d UO oy} ebesres dujawesed suonenbz JoyUe yyed Joe peydeis ajen[eae UoTyeNbe Jo ayy vjoqeied ueym sajj2alold OY} ay, uaats Aq paypuney st & ajeulpsoog SuoNenby Jo dolyad x(.0T wey) + ,x = Chapter 7 ou, yjed Jov e[yoolo1d Jaye 41 st uO & ayeUIp1009 ‘aueyd ~sonseranonenasnsoange SUTMOT[OJ (2v)SO9+b— , Pue (£ZV)NIS+9 = uaUYDI — AMANDY 328 gOluad Answers (Lesson 7-5) “OU| 'SO[UBGWOD jIIH-MEIDOW SUL JO UOISIAIP B ‘Ij|}H-MEIDIW/B0dUE|DH @ jyGuAdoD Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Quiz 1 (Lessons 7-1 and 7-2) Page 33 Quiz 3 (Lesson 7-4) Page 34 (y + 1)’ jolie ae 1. . 16 Sparoe 4 Mid-Chapter Test Page 35 * | hyperbola; x’? — ; y4—y? xV —12= '0 ellipse; 1,_B 31(x’)?— 10V/3x’y’ + 21(y’)? —- 144 =0 ee See (2, —1); (2,—3); 3. X=2;y=1 wat yewt_reas NOT TL Be eke 14° v 3. | Met t0VBy+ mime ede 2 S 2 J/3: wn Se Deets 5 A 5 D Quiz 2 (Lesson 7-3) Quiz 4 (Lesson 7-5) Page 33 Page 34 y 1. Pty 4 ~12 [8 |-4 Be 4nethlay Aorx 7 6V2 a ie | a —8 ee? B WV . pora ee l ED), 3 5, (v= 1); ait 16 2)? 25 ESS 2. 25° 3. 49 D 11 6g Aare OV as hyperbola x = 65t cos 35°, y Na y = 65t sin 35°— 168; ei 4, Yes (—1, 6)! sai_ 7A (1,3) 2 Chapter 7 D 5, about 2.33 s A15 UN “3% as UT 8 ‘ Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Vocabulary Test Page 36 Form1 Page 38 Page 37 10. ont. Pee 11. A 9 1. true 9. false; a* — b* = Cc’ 3. F 19+ -G" 3.© _ true 4.talse; greater than More 13. 5,false; transverse axis g, false; parametric Benin 14. 7. true g, false; perpendicular Gye 15. 16. “Tl | 7, A_ 11, the set of all points in a plane such that the difference of their distances from two foci is constant 17. Malle2 12. aconic formed by the intersection of a double-napped right cone and a plane through the vertex of the cone Chapter 7 18. g, D_ B: A16 y=nL aX +5 Glencoe Precalculus % Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Form 2A Page 39 Form 2B Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 10. .= 10, Jv teas. 1,7, Be. 11. 2D hee oR > _H 2, G_ 12.ctnFy. : 12, J 3, B_ ge AS 13646 {3,202 a. uh aJ 5, eames 14¢ ne B 15,2 AuaG imooGH A. Peat h pr 2G CG 1G, me, 16: 7, _A_ : vtrrteed A yk 17, De J gee Gin oe 1n.80 18 = B Chapter 7 B: y 3 ——x —3 =-— a” 9. ae A17 B: y 1 2 ay Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Form 2C Page 43 Page 44 (y¥+3)? - (—4, 1) 9. (—4, 3), (—4, —1) aoe ae 2V2, (34 12. 13 1), (x+2)? 3 ci Ee (—6, 1), y = 1 (—4, 1 + 2V3) i hyperbola; 27° Q 64 + Ths 1 ER a: (x — 1)? = —20(y + 2) EV a ellipse 15... CHIpse, seeps Gtelse: are2e? tian i f+ Zo 6t+as 13 (x’)? 5= 1 16. 7 lag pb! 16 | 12 x = 100t cos 35°, 8. iG y = 100t sin 35° + 4 — 16?’ 4 9. Hi Sa toeex 17. about 0.7 s 18. about 32.1 ft hyperbola 19, —__* 5 x? = —48y 20. ie [oO Oe 2) ao (y — 7)? = 225 (9,6 + V145) =. 6. +—(y8 Chapter 7 emo — ae B: A18 (x— 2)? . (y +5)? fy fccamd aa Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Form 2D Page 45 Page 46 (y + 2)? 12, 16 ibe (3, =) 5 (85, —1) 3, (6, —1), (0, —1), (3, 1), (3, —3) “ ig (Stade ie sea ee hyperbola; 27° x? 5. @ 14, oe S (x — 2)? = -8(y + 5) c2 < 100 paola, _t-4 iat Pat 6424 15. hyperbola 17. about 0.62 s 18. about 34.5 ft 19. ellipse Ge era: cae AL OOF MY ae a er Was X = 110t cos 32°, y = 110t sin 32° 8. +3 — 16¢ 9 x? = —60y (x + 6)? + a0, 10, ard (¥+9)? = 121 (34 5, 2) 1 —-2=+-(x+3 > (x + Chapter 7 Cee a Us ee 4)2 3) B: A19 25 ==)2 4 Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Form 3 Page 48 Page 47 (52) 12. 25 UV Ea ae, 16 14, Y +5)? = —40(x — 2) —_——_ 15. hyperbola —t — 4t + 32 a 7, 7x? ore 40 40 16. X = 38t cos 29°, y = 38t sin 29° + 4 — 167; Sample answer: Yes, because at 38 feet the 17. about 0.68 ft Sample answer: Yes, when the ball is 20 feet in front of her it is ata ball is only 4.1 ft above the ground is height of 0.94 feet. v2 19. 2 (x — 13)? + on, (¥ — 12)? = 325 10. 11. (—1 +25, —2) y+2=+4(x — 1) Chapter 7 (x + 1)? B: 625 + (y= 3): 400 a | Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Page 49, Extended-Response Test Sample Answers la. The equation is a circle if A = B. le. The graph is an ellipse since eels answer: (—1)?— 4(8)(2) < 0. p . — | ee Des 2) 2)? = 4 — a Z tan 20 =——1_ = ~ 1, 20 = —45", Giptt elg? OF ~*~PAPAS) © y (1.2) 2a. The graph of x”—4y?= 0 is two lines I) x of slope 5 and slope -$ that intersect at the origin. ae x? — dy? = 0 x2 = Bee og at ee eens =1 1 c ich corre hl Sample answer: 4 s Ix] = 2\y| 1b. The equation is an ellipse if A + B andA and B have the same sign. (+2) |(—1)? ns = Ay? 2b. y V=5 y 1 Oo | Xx x PtH y = —x Pe 2c. degenerate hyperbola 1c. The equation is a parabola when A or B is zero, but not both. 3. Sample answer: Most lamps with Sample answer: y — 2 = 4(x + 1)’ circular shades shine a cone of light. When this light cone strikes a nearby wall, the resulting shape is a hyperbola. The hyperbola is formed by the cone of light intersecting the plane of the wall. y (reflected light) 1d. The equation is a hyperbola if A and B have opposite signs. Sample answer: Se ve SSO See 4 Chapter 7 1 (reflected light) | A21 Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Standardized Test Practice Page 51 Page 50 9. ®®@O 1.®@@®O® 10. . ROROMO) 2.00800 11. @®OO 3.@® OO 12. ©O@O 4.©©@0 13. ®@O0O 14. ©@@OO 5.®@ © @© 6.© 15. ®@O0O® ®@@O 16. ©@@O 7.09008 17. ®@®O® 18. ©O@O®@ 8.@®O@O Chapter 7 19. ®@OO A22 Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 7 Assessment Answer Key Standardized Test Practice Page 52 2 X PAL (continued) 2 + Ae = 1 a [@) < Answ i a2, (X — 4)? = By — 9) 23. Din 19.3°, (x)? = 2 ae 8oi 9ee 95, __29-4 mi log, 6 BG 27. a (—4, OGG Ee) . We (3, oo) x = 85t cos 34°, y = 85t sin 34° + 28a. Aa zap, About 38.3ft 28c, about 213.5 ft Chapter 7 A23 Glencoe Precalculus i Peeutiavelyraes!"hist Pent he SS J U ih ee re ~2 a | r > : a , a - 4 ©. ees -) 7 ; . 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