Descriptives All economies included Conclusion and Info: Mean (Average): The mean is the average value of a dataset. It is calculated by adding up all the values and then dividing by the number of values. In your data, the mean gives the average score or level for each variable across your observations (such as countries or regions). Variance: Variance measures how spread out the values in your dataset are. A high variance indicates that the numbers are more spread out from the mean and from each other, while a low variance indicates that the values are closer to the mean and to each other. For example, a high variance in "ICT skills in the education system" suggests that the levels of these skills vary significantly across different observations. Skewness: Skewness measures the degree of asymmetry of the distribution of values. A skewness close to zero indicates a symmetrical distribution. A positive skewness means the tail on the right side of the distribution is longer or fatter, suggesting a concentration of values at the lower end.Conversely, a negative skewness means the tail on the left side is longer or fatter, indicating a concentration of values at the higher end. Kurtosis: Kurtosis measures the 'tailedness' of the distribution. A normal distribution has a kurtosis of about 0. Positive kurtosis (leptokurtic) indicates a distribution with heavier tails and possibly a sharper peak, suggesting outliers are more likely. Negative kurtosis (platykurtic) indicates a distribution with lighter tails and a flatter peak, suggesting outliers are less likely. Standard Error (for Skewness and Kurtosis): This is a measure of the uncertainty or variability of the skewness and kurtosis estimates. A larger standard error Detailed Info: ICT Regulatory Environment (Mean: 91.36, Variance: 24.83. Skewness (-0.758): Left-skewed distribution. This suggests that most countries have a favorable ICT regulatory environment, with a few having significantly lower scores. Kurtosis (1.655): Leptokurtic distribution. The distribution has more outliers than a normal distribution, indicating some extreme values in the data. Regulatory Quality (Mean: 69.55, Variance: 203.01). Skewness (-0.023): Near symmetrical distribution. Most countries have similar levels of regulatory quality. Kurtosis (-1.012): Platykurtic distribution. The distribution is flatter than a normal distribution, with fewer outliers. AI Scientific Publications (Mean: 11.05, Variance: 118.41). Skewness (1.155): Right-skewed distribution. Most countries have a low number of AI publications, with a few countries having significantly higher numbers. Kurtosis (0.421): Slightly leptokurtic. The distribution has a few more outliers than a normal distribution. Robot Density (Mean: 13.92, Variance: 248.61). Skewness (1.006): Right-skewed. Indicates that robot density is generally low, but some countries have very high densities. Kurtosis (0.101): Close to mesokurtic. The distribution is similar to a normal distribution in terms of outliers. ICT Skills in the Education System (Mean: 51.05, Variance: 674.60). Skewness (-0.817): Left-skewed. Suggests that most countries have relatively higher levels of ICT skills in education. Kurtosis (0.061): Near mesokurtic. The distribution is similar to a normal distribution in terms of outliers. Tertiary Enrollment (Mean: 48.05, Variance: 233.58). Skewness (0.785): Right-skewed. Most countries have lower tertiary enrollment rates, with a few having very high rates. Kurtosis (3.409): Leptokurtic. The distribution has more outliers, indicating some countries with exceptionally high or low enrollment rates. AI Talent Concentration (Mean: 15.78, Variance: 204.75). Skewness (0.921): Right-skewed. Indicates that AI talent is concentrated in a few countries. Kurtosis (1.264): Leptokurtic. There are more outliers than in a normal distribution, pointing to countries with extremely high or low AI talent concentration. Mobile Apps Development (Mean: 72.94, Variance: 73.65). Skewness (-0.086): Near symmetrical distribution. Kurtosis (3.805): Highly leptokurtic. The distribution has a significant number of outliers, suggesting a few countries are far ahead in mobile app development. Descriptive Statistics N Statistic Mean Statistic Std. Deviation Statistic Variance Statistic Skewness Statistic Std. Error ICT regulatory environment Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Tertiary enrollment AI talent concentration Mobile apps development Adoption of emerging technologies Regulation of emerging technologies Government promotion of investment in emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech and mediumhigh-tech manufacturing High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports Valid N (listwise) 36 91.3631 4.98337 24.834 -.758 .393 36 36 36 36 69.5528 11.0517 13.9208 51.0508 14.24815 10.88150 15.76732 25.97301 203.010 118.407 248.608 674.597 -.023 1.155 1.006 -.817 .393 .393 .393 .393 36 36 36 48.0542 15.7783 72.9419 15.28317 14.30923 8.58179 233.575 204.754 73.647 .785 .921 -.086 .393 .393 .393 36 58.1358 24.44564 597.589 -.446 .393 36 59.0053 21.98380 483.288 -.458 .393 36 43.1997 22.98584 528.349 -.033 .393 36 48.6944 22.22982 494.165 .428 .393 36 33.9233 23.54880 554.546 .121 .393 36 53.2222 21.99193 483.645 -1.054 .393 36 77.9242 14.68832 215.747 -4.406 .393 36 22.7681 18.41139 338.979 .784 .393 36 25.2661 17.57265 308.798 .604 .393 36 59.7994 17.03941 290.342 -.128 .393 36 41.5817 21.51191 462.762 -.059 .393 36 36 36 36 20.6031 27.3758 35.0803 13.66158 25.14645 25.16845 186.639 632.344 633.451 .750 1.024 1.469 .393 .393 .393 Descriptive Statistics Kurtosis ICT regulatory environment Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Tertiary enrollment AI talent concentration Mobile apps development Adoption of emerging technologies Regulation of emerging technologies Government promotion of investment in emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech and mediumhigh-tech manufacturing High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports Valid N (listwise) Statistic Std. Error 1.655 .768 -1.012 .421 .101 .061 .768 .768 .768 .768 3.409 1.264 3.805 .768 .768 .768 .243 .768 .155 .768 .005 .768 -.896 .768 -1.690 .768 .511 .768 23.719 .768 -.406 .768 -.631 .768 .007 .768 -1.000 .768 .559 -.016 1.711 .768 .768 .768 Factor Analysis Correlation Matrix Correlation Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Regulation of emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports Regulatory quality 1.000 .044 .558 .595 AI scientific publications .044 1.000 .543 .311 Robot density .558 .543 1.000 .429 .344 -.022 .077 .830 .192 .528 .877 .243 .682 .289 .716 .556 .507 .434 .574 .124 .520 .427 .641 .418 .866 .685 .424 .858 .827 .105 .502 .549 .778 .175 .052 .265 -.206 .283 .689 -.150 Correlation Matrix Correlation Regulatory quality AI scientific publications ICT skills in Regulation of the education Mobile apps emerging system development technologies .595 .344 .830 .311 -.022 .192 Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Regulation of emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports .429 1.000 .077 .375 .528 .664 .375 1.000 .249 .664 .249 1.000 .694 .326 .851 .518 -.013 .444 .508 .232 .630 .156 -.064 .019 .575 .149 .661 .577 .189 .682 .633 .381 .820 .425 .603 .360 .302 .310 .538 .547 .756 -.003 Investment in emerging technologies .877 .243 .682 .694 Computer software spending .289 .716 .556 .518 GERD financed by business enterprise .507 .434 .574 .508 .326 -.013 .232 .851 .444 .630 1.000 .506 .635 .506 1.000 .633 Correlation Matrix Correlation Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Regulation of emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports .635 .633 1.000 .153 .336 .113 .750 .612 .672 .755 .588 .649 .855 .356 .660 .524 .876 .196 .287 .539 .048 .598 .628 .020 Annual GERD investment in performed by telecommunic business ation services enterprise .124 .641 .520 .418 .427 .866 .156 .575 R&D expenditure by governments and higher education .685 .424 .858 .577 Correlation Matrix Correlation Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Regulation of emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by -.064 .149 .189 .019 .661 .682 .153 .750 .755 .336 .612 .588 .113 .672 .649 1.000 .372 .391 .372 1.000 .986 .391 .986 1.000 governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports .035 .619 .639 -.327 .101 .104 .387 .776 .032 .372 .780 .012 Knowledge intensive employment .827 .105 .502 .633 High-tech exports .549 .052 .283 .425 PCT patent applications .778 .265 .689 .603 .381 .302 .310 .820 .547 .756 .855 .524 .876 .356 .287 .539 .660 .598 .628 .035 -.327 .101 .619 .387 .776 .639 .372 .780 1.000 .580 .761 .580 .761 .129 1.000 .427 .132 .427 1.000 .182 Correlation Matrix Correlation Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Regulation of emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports Correlation Matrix ICT services Correlation Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Regulation of emerging technologies Investment in emerging technologies Computer software spending GERD financed by business enterprise Annual investment in telecommunication services GERD performed by business enterprise R&D expenditure by governments and higher education Knowledge intensive employment High-tech exports PCT patent applications ICT services exports exports .175 -.206 -.150 .360 .538 -.003 .196 .048 .020 .104 .032 .012 .129 .132 .182 1.000 Info On the Correlation matrix and exlploratory analysis: Regulatory Quality: Highly correlated with "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.877) and "Regulation of emerging technologies" (0.830). This suggests that better regulatory quality is often associated with higher investment and regulation in emerging technologies. Moderate positive correlation with "ICT skills in the education system" (0.595) and "Robot density" (0.558). AI Scientific Publications: Strongly correlated with "Computer software spending" (0.716). This could indicate that regions with higher computer software spending also contribute more to AI scientific publications. Moderate positive correlation with "Annual investment in telecommunication services" (0.520) and "GERD financed by business enterprise" (0.434). Robot Density: Very strong positive correlation with "GERD performed by business enterprise" (0.866) and "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education" (0.858). High correlation with "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.682). Mobile Apps Development: Shows a moderate positive correlation with "ICT skills in the education system" (0.375) and "ICT services exports" (0.538). Investment in Emerging Technologies: Highly correlated with "Regulatory quality" (0.877), "Regulation of emerging technologies" (0.851), and "Knowledge intensive employment" (0.855). Indicates that investment in emerging technologies is closely linked with regulatory aspects and knowledge-intensive employment. GERD performed by Business Enterprise: Shows an almost perfect positive correlation with "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education" (0.986), suggesting these two variables move almost in tandem. High-Tech Exports: Displays a weak to moderate correlation with most variables, the strongest being with "Knowledge intensive employment" (0.580). PCT Patent Applications: Strongly correlated with "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.876) and "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education" (0.780). Negative Correlations: Few variables, such as "ICT services exports", show negative correlations with others, but these correlations are generally weak. For example, it's slightly negatively correlated with "AI scientific publications" (-0.206) and "Robot density" (0.150). ICT Skills in the Education System: Shows a strong positive correlation with "Regulation of emerging technologies" (0.664) and "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.694). This implies that regions with better ICT skills in the education system tend to have more robust regulation and higher investment in emerging technologies. Also, it has a moderate correlation with "GERD performed by business enterprise" (0.575) and "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education" (0.577), suggesting a link between ICT education and research and development activities. Regulation of Emerging Technologies: Highly correlated with "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.851) and "Knowledge intensive employment" (0.820). This indicates a strong association between the regulation of emerging technologies, investment in these areas, and employment in knowledge-intensive sectors. Also shows a very strong correlation with "Regulatory quality" (0.830), suggesting that high-quality regulation is often accompanied by specific regulations for emerging technologies. Computer Software Spending: Exhibits a strong correlation with "AI scientific publications" (0.716) and a moderate correlation with "GERD performed by business enterprise" (0.612) and "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education" (0.588). This suggests that areas with higher computer software spending also have higher activity in scientific research and R&D. Annual Investment in Telecommunication Services: Shows moderate positive correlation with "AI scientific publications" (0.520) but a relatively weak correlation with most other variables, indicating that while there is some relationship with scientific publications, investment in telecommunications does not strongly correlate with other areas like regulatory quality or robot density. Knowledge Intensive Employment: Strongly correlated with "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.855) and "Regulation of emerging technologies" (0.820). This implies that regions with higher employment in knowledgeintensive sectors are also more likely to invest in and regulate emerging technologies. Also shows a very strong correlation with "Regulatory quality" (0.827), indicating that higher regulatory quality is often associated with more knowledge-intensive employment. High-Tech Exports: Shows a moderate positive correlation with "Knowledge intensive employment" (0.580). This suggests that regions with more high-tech exports also tend to have higher employment in knowledge-intensive sectors. Relatively weak correlations with other variables like "AI scientificpublications" (0.052) and "Robot density" (0.283). ICT Services Exports: Shows a moderate positive correlation with "Mobile apps development" (0.538). This could indicate that regions with a higher level of mobile app development also have higher exports in ICT services. Generally, shows weak correlations with other variables, including slightly negative correlations with a few, though none are strongly negative KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square Sphericity df Sig. .778 581.855 120 <.001 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy: The KMO statistic is a measure of how well the variables in your dataset are related. It ranges from 0 to 1, with values closer to 1 indicating that the variables have more in common, making your dataset more suitable for factor analysis. A KMO value of 0.778 suggests that your dataset is adequately suitable for factor analysis. Generally, a KMO value greater than 0.6 is considered acceptable. A value closer to 0.8 or above is considered good, indicating that the patterns of correlations are relatively compact and so factor analysis should yield distinct and reliable factors. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity: This test checks the null hypothesis that the correlation matrix is an identity matrix, which would indicate that the variables are unrelated and therefore unsuitable for factor analysis. The test yields an approximate Chi-Square value of 581.855 with 120 degrees of freedom and a significance level of less than 0.001. This very low significance level (Sig. < .001) leads to rejecting the null hypothesis, meaning that the correlation matrix is not an identity matrix. The rejection of the null hypothesis in Bartlett's Test suggests that there are significant relationships among the variables, and thus factor analysis is appropriate. Communalities Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development Initial 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Extractio n .884 .856 .831 .685 1.000 .668 Regulation of emerging 1.000 technologies Investment in emerging 1.000 technologies Computer software 1.000 spending GERD financed by 1.000 business enterprise Annual investment in 1.000 telecommunication services GERD performed by 1.000 business enterprise R&D expenditure by 1.000 governments and higher education Knowledge intensive 1.000 employment High-tech exports 1.000 PCT patent applications 1.000 ICT services exports 1.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. .827 .907 .835 .777 .838 .873 .892 .832 .783 .815 .856 Communalities in Factor Analysis: Communalities indicate the proportion of each variable's variance that can be explained by the factors extracted in the factor analysis. They are a measure of the common variance in the data set, i.e., the variance that is shared among the variables and can be accounted for by the underlying factors.nIn PCA, initially, the communalities are all set to 1, which means it is assumed that all variance is common variance. This is represented in the "Initial" column. Extraction Communalities:nThe "Extraction" communalities show how much of the variance in each variable is explained by the extracted components after performing PCA These values range from 0 to 1, where a higher value indicates that more of the variance in the variable is explained by the extracted factors. Analysis of Your Communalities:nVariables like "Investment in emerging technologies" (0.907), "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education" (0.892), and "GERD performed by business enterprise" (0.873) have high communalities. This suggests that a significant portion of their variances is explained by the factors extracted in the PCA. These variables are well represented in the factor solution.nOn the other hand, "Mobile apps development" (0.668) and "ICT skills in the education system" (0.685) have relatively lower communalities. While still significant, this indicates that these variables have some unique variance that is not captured by the extracted factors. Overall, most of your variables have high communalities, suggesting that the extracted components do a good job in explaining a large proportion of the variance in these variables. Explanation of Variance: Communalities show how much of the variance in each variable is captured by the entire set of extracted factors. High communalities indicate that the factors explain a large proportion of a variable's variance, while lower communalities suggest that some unique variance in the variable is not accounted for by the factors. Quality of Factor Solution: High communalities across variables can imply a good quality factor solution. This means that the extracted factors are effectively capturing the underlying structure or patterns in the data. Conversely, if many variables have low communalities, it might suggest that the factor solution is not adequately capturing the data's complexity, or perhaps additional factors need to be extracted. Implications for Data Reduction: One of the goals of PCA is data reduction – summarizing a large set of variables with a smaller set of factors or components. High communalities suggest that this goal is being met, as most of the variance in the original variables is being summarized by the factors. In practical terms, this can lead to more efficient and interpretable models, especially in contexts where too many variables can lead to complexity or overfitting. Selection of Variables: Communalities can also guide the selection of variables for further analysis. Variables with very low communalities might be considered for removal since they do not correlate well with other variables and hence do not fit well with the underlying factor structure. Interpreting Factors: High communalities contribute to the interpretability of the factors. If a variable has a high communality, it means that the factors explain much of its variance, and thus, its role in the factor structure is clearer. In interpreting the factors, you would focus more on variables with higher communalities as they are better represented in the factor model. Domain-Specific Insights: In your specific dataset, the communalities can provide insights into the nature of the variables in relation to the underlying factors. For example, if variables related to technology investment have high communalities, it could indicate that these investment activities share common underlying dimensions or influences. Limitations: It's important to note that high communalities do not necessarily mean that the factor model is the 'true' model or that it perfectly represents the data. Factors are constructs, and while they can offer useful summaries and insights, they are one of many possible ways to understand the data. Additionally, communalities do not provide information about the specific nature of the underlying factors; for this, you would need to examine the factor loadings and interpret the factors based on these loadings and your understanding of the variables. Total Variance Explained Component 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Total Total Variance % Variance % 8.298 51.863 51.863 8.298 51.863 51.863 2.396 14.972 66.835 2.396 14.972 66.835 1.426 8.915 75.751 1.426 8.915 75.751 1.041 6.503 82.254 1.041 6.503 82.254 .613 3.831 86.085 6 .521 3.259 89.344 7 .424 2.650 91.994 8 .357 2.232 94.226 9 .296 1.853 96.079 10 .186 1.160 97.239 11 .135 .841 98.080 12 .108 .676 98.756 13 .091 .571 99.327 14 .057 .355 99.682 15 .044 .277 99.959 16 .007 .041 100.000 Total Variance Explained Component 1 2 3 4 5 Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative Total Variance % 4.875 30.467 30.467 3.499 21.866 52.333 2.622 16.388 68.720 2.165 13.533 82.254 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Initial Eigenvalues: Eigenvalues represent the total variance explained by each principal component. The first column under "Initial Eigenvalues" shows the eigenvalue for each component, which is a measure of how much of the total variance the component captures. The "% of Variance" column shows the proportion of the datasets total variance that each component accounts for. "Cumulative %" represents the cumulative variance explained by the components up to that point. Analysis of Components: Component 1: Explains a very high portion of the variance (51.863%). This is typical in PCA, where the first few components explain the majority of the variance. Component 2: Adds another 14.972% to the variance explained, bringing the cumulative variance explained to 66.835%. Component 3: Adds 8.915%, reaching a cumulative 75.751%. Component 4: Contributes 6.503%, for a total of 82.254% variance explained cumulatively. Components 5 to 16: Each of these contributes progressively less to the total variance explained. Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings: This is similar to the "Initial Eigenvalues" but focused on the components that are retained after the extraction. In your case, it seems that 4 components have been retained, as indicated by the non-zero values in the "Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings" section. The variance explained by these four components is the same as in the "Initial Eigenvalues" section, as these are the components extracted. Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings: After rotation (which is often done to make the interpretation of components easier), the variance explained by each component can change. The rotation often spreads the variance more evenly across the components, which seems to be the case here: the first component now explains 30.467%, and the cumulative variance explained by the first four components is still 82.254%. Key Takeaways: The first few components explain a significant portion of the total variance. This is a common outcome in PCA, where the technique aims to reduce the dimensionality while retaining as much variance as possible. The decision on how many components to retain depends on the cumulative percentage of variance you aim to explain. Often, a cut-off is set (like 70%, 80%, etc.), or a scree plot is used to identify the point of diminishing returns. The four components retained in your analysis explain a total of 82.254% of the variance, which is quite substantial. This suggests that these components capture most of the underlying structure of your data. It's important to interpret these components in the context of your variables to understand what each component represents. This involves examining the factor loadings and understanding how each variable contributes to each component. Component Matrixa 1 .831 .424 .789 .749 Component 2 3 -.312 -.074 .708 .146 .409 -.074 -.156 .273 4 -.300 .392 -.187 .158 .507 .124 -.232 -.071 -.021 -.141 .100 .436 -.136 .375 .517 -.307 -.012 -.156 -.005 -.196 -.121 -.084 -.291 -.018 .783 .425 -.129 .071 Component 2 3 .035 .353 .921 -.035 .576 .044 .392 .321 4 .286 -.083 -.079 .520 Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps .334 -.532 development Regulation of emerging .852 -.206 technologies Investment in emerging .926 -.167 technologies Computer software .660 .447 spending GERD financed by .784 .057 business enterprise Annual investment in .253 .643 telecommunication services GERD performed by .887 .248 business enterprise R&D expenditure by .893 .235 governments and higher education Knowledge intensive .840 -.324 employment High-tech exports .577 -.431 PCT patent applications .888 -.096 ICT services exports .141 -.468 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a a. 4 components extracted. Rotated Component Matrixa Regulatory quality AI scientific publications Robot density ICT skills in the education system Mobile apps development 1 .822 .008 .701 .399 .092 -.045 .199 .786 Regulation of emerging .706 .194 .522 technologies Investment in emerging .774 .270 .381 technologies Computer software .162 .864 .236 spending GERD financed by .338 .572 .567 business enterprise Annual investment in .296 .545 -.662 telecommunication services GERD performed by .745 .538 .147 business enterprise R&D expenditure by .776 .515 .130 governments and higher education Knowledge intensive .691 .122 .510 employment High-tech exports .188 .117 .836 PCT patent applications .736 .308 .336 ICT services exports -.057 -.061 -.084 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Equamax with Kaiser Normalization. .137 .300 .082 .116 .122 .083 .092 .282 .188 .257 .918 a a. Rotation converged in 8 iterations. Understanding the Matrix: Each row represents a variable, and each column represents a component (factor). The numbers in the matrix are the factor loadings, which indicate the degree to which each variable correlates with each factor. Higher absolute values of the factor loadings (close to 1 or -1) suggest that the variable strongly correlates with the factor. Values closer to 0 suggest a weaker correlation. Analysis of Factors: Component 1: Strongly correlated with "Regulatory quality" (.822), "Robot density" (.701), "Investment in emerging technologies" (.774), and other similar variables. This factor might represent a general theme of technological advancement or regulatory environment. Component 2: Shows strong correlation with "AI scientific publications" (.921) and "Computer software spending" (.864). It seems to capture aspects related to scientific research and development. Component 3: Notably correlated with "High-tech exports" (.836) and "GERD financed by business enterprise" (.567). This factor might represent international trade and business investment in research. Component 4: Strongly correlates with "ICT services exports" (.918) and "Mobile apps development" (786), suggesting a focus on digital services and technology development. Interpretation: The rotated component matrix helps to clarify which variables are most strongly associated with each component. This can provide insight into potential underlying themes or factors in the data. For example, if Component 1 is heavily loaded with variables related to regulatory quality and investment, it might be interpreted as a factor representing the 'Regulatory and Investment Environment' in technology. Considerations: The interpretation of the components requires domain knowledge and understanding of the context of the variables. The labels or themes assigned to each component are not generated by the PCA; they are based on the analyst's interpretation of the pattern of loadings. Rotation, like Equamax in this case, helps in achieving a simpler and more interpretable structure by trying to maximize the variance among the loadings for each factor. Next Steps: The next step in your analysis would be to use these components for further analysis, such as clustering, regression, or other forms of modeling, depending on your research objectives. It's also useful to consider these components in light of the original objectives of your analysis to determine how they might provide insights or answers to your research questions. Identification of Underlying Factors: Each component (factor) in the matrix represents an underlying dimension within your data. The variables that have high loadings (both positive and negative) on the same component are considered to be measuring the same underlying factor. Component 1: Technological Advancement & Regulatory Environment. This component is strongly associated with variables like "Regulatory quality," "Robot density," "Investment in emerging technologies," and "R&D expenditure by governments and higher education." The high loadings suggest that this factor represents elements of technological advancement and a supportive regulatory environment. Component 2: Scientific Research and Development. With high loadings on "AI scientific publications" and "Computer software spending," this factor seems to capture the research and development aspect, particularly in the fields of AI and software. It indicates a focus on scientific innovation and technological research. Component 3: International Trade and Business Investment. This component is characterized by high loadings on "High-tech exports" and "GERD financed by business enterprise," indicating a focus on international technology trade and business investment in research and development. Component 4: Digital Services and Technology Development. Strongly correlated with "ICT services exports" and "Mobile apps development," this factor likely represents the digital services sector and the development of mobile technologies. Interrelationships among Variables: The matrix helps understand how different variables are interrelated. For instance, if two variables load highly on the same factor, it suggests they share a common underlying theme or construct. Simplification for Further Analysis: The components provide a simplified structure of the data. Instead of dealing with numerous individual variables, you can now work with a smaller number of factors that represent combinations of these variables. Guidance for Strategic Decisions: For policy makers, business strategists, or researchers, understanding these factors can guide strategic decisions. For example, if a factor representing technological advancement is important, focusing on variables that load highly on this factor could be beneficial. Limitations - Interpretation Subjectivity: The interpretation of factors is subjective and depends on the context and domain knowledge. Different analysts might interpret the same factor loadings in different ways. Rotation Effectiveness: The rotation method (Equamax in your case) has successfully simplified the factor structure, making it easier to interpret the components. This is evident from the distinct groupings of variables on different components. Component Transformation Matrix 1 2 3 4 Component 1 .726 .494 .397 .268 2 -.021 .704 -.494 -.509 3 -.155 .212 -.526 .809 4 -.670 .464 .568 .119 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Equamax with Kaiser Normalization. Means Case Processing Summary REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group 1 for Included N Percent 36 100.0% Cases Excluded N Percent 0 0.0% Total N Percent 36 100.0% 2 for 36 100.0% 0 0.0% 36 100.0% 3 for 36 100.0% 0 0.0% 36 100.0% 4 for 36 100.0% 0 0.0% 36 100.0% Report Group Candidate Mean N Std. Deviation Variance Kurtosis Skewness Emerging Mean N Std. Deviation Variance Kurtosis Skewness Innovator Mean s N Std. Deviation REGR factor REGR factor REGR factor REGR factor score 1 for score 2 for score 3 for score 4 for analysis 1 analysis 1 analysis 1 analysis 1 -.7827035 -.4453512 -.8253943 -.3131225 9 9 9 9 .62597466 1.00725859 .55912889 1.03855649 .392 .320 -.664 -.2004172 16 .69061839 1.015 .333 1.338 -.0255513 16 .97932620 .313 -.851 -.204 .2732813 16 1.22564017 1.079 -.144 .395 -.2048532 16 .62801664 .477 .314 .161 .9319098 11 .94876914 .959 -.810 .503 .4015437 11 .94488876 1.502 13.429 3.549 .2778226 11 .42316044 .394 -.205 .454 .5541594 11 1.24592383 Total Variance Kurtosis Skewness Mean N Std. Deviation Variance Kurtosis Skewness .900 .129 -1.110 .0000000 36 1.00000000 .893 1.010 -.649 .0000000 36 1.00000000 .179 -1.296 .485 .0000000 36 1.00000000 1.552 -.362 .912 .0000000 36 1.00000000 1.000 -.680 .299 1.000 -1.101 .271 1.000 14.034 2.878 1.000 1.417 1.034 ANOVA Tablea REGR factor score 1 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups Total REGR factor score 2 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups Total REGR factor score 3 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups Total REGR factor score 4 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups Total (Combined) Sum of Squares 15.709 (Combined) 19.291 35.000 3.569 33 35 2 (Combined) 31.431 35.000 8.175 33 35 2 (Combined) 26.825 35.000 4.932 33 35 2 30.068 35.000 33 35 df 2 ANOVA Tablea REGR factor score 1 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups (Combined) Mean Square 7.855 F 13.437 Sig. <.001 1.874 .170 .585 Total REGR factor score 2 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups (Combined) 1.785 .952 Total REGR factor score 3 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups (Combined) 4.088 5.029 .012 2.706 .082 .813 Total REGR factor score 4 for Between analysis 1 * Group Groups Within Groups (Combined) 2.466 .911 Total a. The grouping variable Group is a string, so the test for linearity cannot be computed. Measures of Association REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group REGR factor score analysis 1 * Group 1 for Eta .670 Eta Squared .449 2 for .319 .102 3 for .483 .234 4 for .375 .141 Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects Factors N Group Candidate Emerging Innovator s 9 16 11 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 1 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Levene Statistic 1.150 .313 .313 df1 df2 2 2 2 33 33 24.182 .927 2 33 F 13.437 Sig. <.001 .017 13.437 .897 <.001 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 1 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Sig. .329 .734 .734 .406 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.a,b a. Dependent variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 b. Design: Intercept + Group Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 Type III Sum Mean of Squares df Square Source a Corrected 15.709 2 7.855 Model Intercept .010 1 .010 Group 15.709 2 7.855 Error 19.291 33 .585 Total 35.000 36 Corrected Total 35.000 35 a. R Squared = .449 (Adjusted R Squared = .415) Post Hoc Tests Group Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (ILower Upper J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Bound (I) Group (J) Group Candidate Emerging -.5822863 .31857058 .176 -1.3639930 .1994205 * Innovator -1.7146133 .34364838 <.001 -2.5578558 -.8713708 s Emerging Candidate .5822863 .31857058 .176 -.1994205 1.3639930 * Innovator -1.1323270 .29946251 .002 -1.8671465 -.3975076 s Innovator Candidate 1.7146133* .34364838 <.001 .8713708 2.5578558 * s Emerging 1.1323270 .29946251 .002 .3975076 1.8671465 Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .585. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Homogeneous Subsets REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1 Tukey HSDa,b,c Subset Group Candidate Emerging N 1 9 -.7827035 16 -.2004172 2 Innovator s Sig. 11 .9319098 .181 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .585. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 11.341. b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed. c. Alpha = .05. Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects Factors N Group Candidate Emerging Innovator s 9 16 11 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 2 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Levene Statistic .268 .322 .322 .266 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b Sig. df1 df2 2 2 2 33 33 29.425 2 33 REGR factor score 2 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean .767 .727 .727 .768 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.a,b a. Dependent variable: REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1 b. Design: Intercept + Group Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1 Type III Sum Mean df of Squares Square Source a Corrected 3.569 2 1.785 Model Intercept .018 1 .018 Group 3.569 2 1.785 Error 31.431 33 .952 Total 35.000 36 Corrected Total 35.000 35 a. R Squared = .102 (Adjusted R Squared = .048) Post Hoc Tests Group Multiple Comparisons F 1.874 Sig. .170 .019 1.874 .891 .170 Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1 Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (ILower Upper Std. Error Sig. J) Bound Bound (I) Group (J) Group Candidate Emerging -.4197999 .40664012 .562 -1.4176112 .5780114 Innovator -.8468949 .43865074 .146 -1.9232537 .2294638 s Emerging Candidate .4197999 .40664012 .562 -.5780114 1.4176112 Innovator -.4270950 .38224958 .510 -1.3650569 .5108669 s Innovator Candidate .8468949 .43865074 .146 -.2294638 1.9232537 s Emerging .4270950 .38224958 .510 -.5108669 1.3650569 Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .952. Homogeneous Subsets REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1 Tukey HSDa,b,c Group Candidate Emerging Innovator s Sig. Subset N 1 9 -.4453512 16 -.0255513 11 .4015437 .113 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .952. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 11.341. b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed. c. Alpha = .05. Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects Factors N Group Candidate Emerging Innovator s 9 16 11 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 3 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Levene Statistic .403 .209 .209 .199 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 3 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.a,b Sig. .671 .813 .814 .820 df1 df2 2 2 2 33 33 17.785 2 33 a. Dependent variable: REGR factor score 3 for analysis 1 b. Design: Intercept + Group Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 3 for analysis 1 Type III Sum Mean of Squares df Square Source a Corrected 8.175 2 4.088 Model Intercept .284 1 .284 Group 8.175 2 4.088 Error 26.825 33 .813 Total 35.000 36 Corrected Total 35.000 35 F 5.029 Sig. .012 .350 5.029 .558 .012 a. R Squared = .234 (Adjusted R Squared = .187) Post Hoc Tests Group Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 3 for analysis 1 Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (ILower Upper J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Bound (I) Group (J) Group Candidate Emerging -1.0986756* .37566268 .017 -2.0204746 -.1768766 * Innovator -1.1032170 .40523477 .027 -2.0975798 -.1088541 s Emerging Candidate 1.0986756* .37566268 .017 .1768766 2.0204746 Innovator -.0045414 .35313019 1.000 -.8710503 .8619676 s Innovator Candidate 1.1032170* .40523477 .027 .1088541 2.0975798 s Emerging .0045414 .35313019 Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .813. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Homogeneous Subsets REGR factor score 3 for analysis 1 Tukey HSDa,b,c Subset Group Candidate N 1 9 -.8253943 2 Emerging 16 .2732813 Innovator s Sig. 11 .2778226 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .813. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 11.341. b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed. c. Alpha = .05. Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects 1.000 -.8619676 .8710503 Factors N Group Candidate Emerging Innovator s 9 16 11 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 4 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Levene Statistic 2.861 1.082 1.082 2.524 df1 df2 2 2 2 33 33 21.672 2 33 Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b REGR factor score 4 for Based on Mean analysis 1 Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df Based on trimmed mean Sig. .071 .351 .356 .095 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.a,b a. Dependent variable: REGR factor score 4 for analysis 1 b. Design: Intercept + Group Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 4 for analysis 1 Type III Sum Mean df of Squares Square Source a Corrected 4.932 2 2.466 Model Intercept .005 1 .005 F 2.706 Sig. .082 .005 .942 Group Error 4.932 30.068 2 33 Total 35.000 36 Corrected Total 35.000 35 2.466 .911 2.706 .082 a. R Squared = .141 (Adjusted R Squared = .089) Post Hoc Tests Group Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 4 for analysis 1 Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (ILower Upper J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Bound (I) Group (J) Group Candidate Emerging -.1082693 .39772694 .960 -1.0842095 .8676709 Innovator -.8672819 .42903592 .123 -1.9200479 .1854841 s Emerging Candidate .1082693 .39772694 .960 -.8676709 1.0842095 Innovator -.7590126 .37387102 .121 -1.6764153 .1583900 s Innovator Candidate .8672819 .42903592 .123 -.1854841 1.9200479 s Emerging .7590126 .37387102 .121 -.1583900 1.6764153 Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .911. Homogeneous Subsets REGR factor score 4 for analysis 1 Tukey HSDa,b,c Group Candidate Emerging Innovator s Sig. Subset N 1 9 -.3131225 16 -.2048532 11 .5541594 .093 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .911. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 11.341. b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed. c. Alpha = .05.